You can use this tool to comunicate and work with nipo
Syntax : nipocli -t TOKEN -s SERVER -p PORT
nipocli -t admin -s -p 2323
You can be sure that your server is working or not whit ping. If you get the "PONG" everything is fine.
Syntax : ping
nipo > ping
With this command you can get the slaves status from master
Syntax : status
nipo > status
{ { id : 1 , ip : , status : unhealthy , checkedat : 2021-03-20 19:57:01.614 },{ id : 2 , ip : , status : unhealthy , checkedat : 2021-03-20 19:57:01.614 } }
Which provides you defining your key & value
Syntax : set KEY VALUE
Notes :
- The key could be any string without space or tab
- The value could be any string even spaces and tabs, but for reducing the size and increasing the performance, Several spaces or tabs will be concatenated to one space
- The output is set of data with key and value which is the correct amount of stored in memory
nipo > set name My Name Is Morteza Bashsiz MB
{"name":"My Name Is Morteza Bashsiz MB"}
nipo > set age 30
nipo > set sex male
which provides you get the value of specific key
Syntax : get KEY [KEY1 KEY2 KEY3 ... KEYn]
Notes :
- The key could be any single or multiple string separated with space
nipo > get name
{"name":"My Name Is Morteza Bashsiz MB"}
nipo > get name age sex
{"name":"My Name Is Morteza Bashsiz MB","sex":"male","age":"30"}
which provides you get bulk of specified regex as value
Syntax : select reg.*
Notes :
- The key could be any string with standard regex format
nipo > nipo > set my_name Morteza Bashsiz
{"my_name":"Morteza Bashsiz"}
nipo > set my_age 30
nipo > set my_sex male
nipo > set your_name Behi Rah
{"your_name":"Behi Rah"}
nipo > set your_age 34
nipo > set your_sex female
nipo > get my.*
nipo > select my.*
{"my_name":"Morteza Bashsiz","my_age":"30","my_sex":"male"}
nipo > select your.*
{"your_name":"Behi Rah","your_age":"34"}
nipo > select *.age
nipo > select .*age.*
nipo >
which provides you get the sum of values which matches with regex format
Syntax : sum reg.*
Notes :
- The key could be any string with standard regex format
- The sum is in float64 format
- If the value of some keys are not numerical it will replace with 0 (zero)
nipo > set f 1.5
nipo > set fi 2.3
nipo > set fir 5
nipo > set firs 6.7
nipo > set first first
nipo > sum f.*
nipo > sum fi.*
nipo > sum fir.*
nipo > sum firs.*
nipo > sum first.*
nipo >
which provides you get the average of values which matches with regex format
Syntax : avg reg.*
Notes :
- The key could be any string with standard regex format
- The sum is in float64 format
- If the value of some keys are not numerical it will replace with 0 (zero)
nipo > set my_age 35.5
nipo > set your_age 30
nipo > set his_age 23.7
nipo > set her_age 15.2
nipo > avg .*age.*
nipo >
which provides you get the count of keys which matches with regex format
Syntax : count reg.*
Notes :
- The key could be any string with standard regex format
nipo > count a.*