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Ho edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 4 revisions

I. Requirements

A. Custom media plans landing page

Design and develop custom media plans landing page

  1. Replaces

  2. Configure subscription products:

    1. Set up 3 subscription products in WooCommerce and build a pricing table to display them:

      • Design Only

      • Video Only

      • Design + Video

    2. WooCommerce automatically bills customer every month

  3. Configure retainer product:

    • Set up form for customer to enter annual quantity of each item and display total price and monthly rate

    • Customer must select whether they want 6 or 12 month term first

    • Request is emailed to project manager, who follows up and manages billing outside of the website

  4. Customers can continue using the Get A Quote page to request single projects

  5. Page displays samples of work using existing section

B. Basic Custom Media Customer Dashboard

  • Using existing customer account dashboard, add a navigation item called “Custom Media”

  • Create forms that request the specs/information needed based on type of media

  • For Design/Video/Design+Video plan subscribers, the page automatically displays what is included in their package

  • For Build Your Own retainer subscribers, an admin must enter what is included in the customer’s retainer

This option will not keep track of what a customer has already requested or how many they have remaining

C. Homepage tweaks

  • Change fonts across site

  • Activate Page Builder functionality on homepage

  • (B1) Create “Trusted By” Page Builder section to accommodate logos

  • (B1) Create “Scrolling Testimonials” Page Builder section to accommodate testimonials, featuring one at a time and automatically advancing to others

  • (B2) Create “Download App” Page Builder section to display devices, text and download button

  • (B3) Create “Custom Media Portfolio” Page Builder section to display custom media samples, a line of text and a button

  • (B4) Create “Worship Media Portfolio” Page Builder section to allow for a line of text and 2 buttons

  • (B5) Create “Training” Page Builder section to display training samples on devices, text and button

II. Tech stack

  • Wordpress
  • Mysql
  • WP plugins: Woocommerce, Woochimp, Stripe gateway, Woocommerce Subscription ....
  • Theme: A custom theme called Landslide Creative
  • Payment Gateway: Stripe (support subscription)
  • Email service: Mailchimp
  • Form builder: Gravity form
  • Some custom post types: Team, Work Samples, Training Videos, Resources, Podcast, Products...
  • Unknown factors such as source code or database structure.

III. Implementation

A. Building a custom media plans landing page

The page includes these sections

  1. The default navigation bar
  2. The default header image
  3. Subscription product section
  4. Retainer product section
  5. Get a quote section
  6. Samples of work section
  7. The default footer

a. Subscription products section:

  • Create 3 subscription products whose types are Simple Subscription (more details on Add recurring options to bill customers every month for each product.
  • Create these tags or categories: Design Only, Video Only and Design + Video and attach to the products above
  • Create a section and loop for 3 products based on the attached tags or categories
  • Render the subscription products as a pricing table section with 3 subscribe buttons. The subscription process is handled by Strip plugin.
  • Once a customer subscribes to a subscription product, it creates an order.

b. Retainer product section

  • Create some simple products and add a tag or a category called Retainer Product to them.
  • Build form as a section for customer to enter annual quantity of each item and display total price and monthly rate (using gravity form) and add a custom code to handle total price and monthly if needed
  • Able to select 6 or 12 month term first
  • Submit the form, the data is sent to a project manager
  • Create an order programmatically, and the order has only one retainer product. The billing processing is handled outside our system. So the project manager has to mark an order as COMPLETED if the process is successful.

c. Get a quote section

extracted from Get A Quote on page

d. Samples of work section

Design a section to display some samples of work. Ref:

B. Basic Custom Media Customer Dashboard

  • Add a navigation item called “Custom Media” on Remember to copy template files from Woocommerce to theme location instead of modifying directly on wocommerce templates.
  • Create a Gravity form to request the specs/information needed based on type of media
  • If a customer has an order of Design/Video/Design+Video subscription product, create a section to display what is included in their package. The package info comes from product description or other similar field.
  • If a customer has an order of retainer product, create a section to display retainer information. The retainer info comes from product description field or other similar field.

C. Homepage tweaks

  • sth here
  • sth here

IV. Questions

  • How many Samples of work to be displayed on a page section?
  • Could you please provide a visual design related to 2 pages: Custom media plans landing page and Basic Custom Media Customer Dashboard ?
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