Given a positive integer, find it's prime factorization. A number can have at most log n prime factors. However, we still must go through √n divisors.
We loop through all numbers x from [2, √n] and check if x divides n. If it does, we run a while loop to compute the factorization of n with x. The while loop will make sure we get the prime factorization.
Best Case: Ω(1)
Average Case: θ(√n)
Worst Case: O(√n)
where n is the integer we want to check.
Worst Case: O(log n)
Computes the prime factorization of a given integer. The function prime_factorization
has the following parameter:
: an integer of which we want to get the prime factorization
Return value: a vector where each element has two integers {prime, exponent} representing the prime factorization in sorted order.
A single integer n
The first line contains an integer m
representing the number of prime factors.
lines follow each consist of two space-separated integers where the first integer is the prime factor and the second integer is the exponent of the prime factor in the sorted order of the prime factorization of n
2 1
3 1
2 2
3 1
5 1
11 1