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AV-HuBERT Data Preprocessing

This folder contains scripts for data preparation for LRS3 and VoxCeleb2 datasets, as well as audio noise preparation (for noisy environment simulation).


To preprocess, you need some additional packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

LRS3 Preprocessing

Download and decompress the data. Assume the data directory is ${lrs3}, which contains three folders (pretrain,trainval,test). Follow the steps below:

1. Data preparation

python --lrs3 ${lrs3} --ffmpeg /path/to/ffmpeg --rank ${rank} --nshard ${nshard} --step ${step}

This will generate a list of file-ids (${lrs3}/file.list) and corresponding text labels (${lrs3}/label.list). Specifically, it includes 4 steps, where ${step} ranges from 1,2,3,4. Step 1, split long utterances in LRS3 pretraining into shorter utterances, generate their time boundaries and labels. Step 2, trim videos and audios according to the new time boundary. Step 3, extracting audio for trainval and test split. Step 4, generate a list of file ids and corresponding text transcriptions. ${nshard} and ${rank} are only used in step 2 and 3. This would shard all videos into ${nshard} and processes ${rank}-th shard, where rank is an integer in [0,nshard-1].

2. Detect facial landmark and crop mouth ROIs:

python --root ${lrs3} --landmark ${lrs3}/landmark --manifest ${lrs3}/file.list \
 --cnn_detector /path/to/dlib_cnn_detector --face_detector /path/to/dlib_landmark_predictor --ffmpeg /path/to/ffmpeg \
 --rank ${rank} --nshard ${nshard}
python --video-direc ${lrs3} --landmark ${landmark_dir} --filename-path ${lrs3}/file.list \
 --save-direc ${lrs3}/video --mean-face /path/to/mean_face --ffmpeg /path/to/ffmpeg \
 --rank ${rank} --nshard ${nshard}

This generates mouth ROIs in ${lrs3}/video. It shards all videos in ${lrs3}/file.list into ${nshard} and generate mouth ROI for ${rank}-th shard , where rank is an integer in [0,nshard-1]. The face detection and landmark prediction are done using dlib. The links to download cnn_detector, face_detector, mean_face can be found in the help message

3. Count number of frames per clip

python --root ${lrs3} --manifest ${lrs3}/file.list --nshard ${nshard} --rank ${rank}

This counts number of audio/video frames for ${rank}-th shard and saves them in ${lrs3}/${rank} and ${lrs3}/${rank} respectively. Merge shards by running:

for rank in $(seq 0 $((nshard - 1)));do cat ${lrs3}/${rank}; done > ${lrs3}/
for rank in $(seq 0 $((nshard - 1)));do cat ${lrs3}/${rank}; done > ${lrs3}/

If you are on slurm, the above commands (counting per shard + merging) can be combined by:

python --root ${lrs3} --manifest ${lrs3}/file.list --nshard ${nshard} \
 --slurm_partition ${slurm_partition}

It has dependency on submitit and will directly generate ${lrs3}/ and ${lrs3}/

4. Set up data directory

python --lrs3 ${lrs3} --manifest ${lrs3}/file.list \
 --valid-ids /path/to/valid --vocab-size ${vocab_size}

This sets up data directory of trainval-only (~30h training data) and pretrain+trainval (~433h training data). It will first make a tokenizer based on sentencepiece model and set up target directory containing ${train|valid|test}.{tsv|wrd}. *.tsv are manifest files and *.wrd are text labels. /path/to/valid contains held-out clip ids used as validation set. The one used in our experiments can be found here.

VoxCeleb2 Preprocessing

Download and decompress the data. Assume the data directory is ${vox}, which contains two folders (dev,test). Follow the steps below:

1. Data preparation

python --root ${vox} --ffmpeg /path/to/ffmpeg --rank ${rank} --nshard ${nshard} --step ${step}

This will generate a list of file-ids (${vox}/file.list, by step 1) and extract audio wavform from original videos (by step 2). ${step} ranges from 1,2. ${nshard} and ${rank} are only used in step 2. This would shard all videos into ${nshard} and extract audio for ${rank}-th shard, where rank is an integer in [0,nshard-1].

2. Detect facial landmark and crop mouth ROIs:

python --root ${vox} --landmark ${vox}/landmark --manifest ${vox}/file.list \
 --cnn_detector /path/to/dlib_cnn_detector --face_detector /path/to/dlib_landmark_predictor --ffmpeg /path/to/ffmpeg \
 --rank ${rank} --nshard ${nshard}
python --video-direc ${vox} --landmark ${landmark_dir} --filename-path ${vox}/file.list \
 --save-direc ${vox}/video --mean-face /path/to/mean_face --ffmpeg /path/to/ffmpeg \
 --rank ${rank} --nshard ${nshard}

This generates mouth ROIs in ${vox}/video, similar to LRS3 data preparation.

3. Count number of frames per clip

python --root ${vox} --manifest ${vox}/file.list --nshard ${nshard} --rank ${rank}

This counts number of audio/video frames for ${rank}-th shard and saves them in ${vox}/${rank} and ${vox}/${rank} respectively, similar to LRS3 data preparation. Merge shards by running:

for rank in $(seq 0 $((nshard - 1)));do cat ${vox}/${rank}; done > ${vox}/
for rank in $(seq 0 $((nshard - 1)));do cat ${vox}/${rank}; done > ${vox}/

If you are on slurm, the above commands (counting per shard + merging) can be combined by:

python --root ${vox} --manifest ${vox}/file.list --nshard ${nshard} \
 --slurm_partition ${slurm_partition}

It has dependency on submitit and will directly generate ${vox}/ and ${vox}/, similar to LRS3 data preparation.

4. Set up data directory

python --vox ${vox} --manifest ${vox}/file.list \
 --en-ids /path/to/en

This sets up data directory of the whole VoxCeleb2 and its English-only subset. /path/to/en contains English-only clip ids. The one used in our experiments can be found here.

Audio Noise Preparation (Optional)

If you want to test your model under noisy setting, you should prepare audio noise data. First download and decompress the MUSAN corpus. Assume the data directory is ${musan}, which contains the following folders {music,speech,noise}.

1. MUSAN data preparation

python --musan ${musan} --nshard ${nshard}  --slurm_partition ${slurm_partition}

This will: (1) split raw audios into 10-second clips, (2) generate babble noise from MUSAN speech audio, (3) count number of frames per clip. The whole data will be sharded into ${nshard} parts and each job processes one part. It runs on Slurm and has dependency on submitit

2. LRS3 audio noise preparation

python --lrs3 ${lrs3}

It will generate LRS3 babble and speech noise including their manifest files, which are stored in ${lrs3}/noise/{babble,speech}. ${lrs3} is the LRS3 data directory. Make sure you already finished setting up LRS3 before running the command.

The following command generates babble noise from LRS3 training set.

python --lrs3 ${lrs3}

3. Set up noise directory

python --lrs3 ${lrs3}  --musan ${musan}

It will make manifest (tsv) files for MUSAN babble, music and noise in ${musan}/tsv/{babble,music,noise}, as well as a combined manifest in ${musan}/tsv/all including MUSAN babble, music, noise and LRS3 speech.