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Epsilon is a scanner generator.

It converts a sequence of regular expressions into a deterministic finite automaton . The DFA accepts input that matches any of these expressions. Each expression is associated with a token. The generated scanner applies the DFA repeatedly to input text to return a sequence of tokens.

This manual is currently a work in progress and incomplete. Contributions are welcome.

Quick Start

Here is a simple input file, example.epsilon:

# fragments
_letter = [_A-Za-z]
_digit = [0-9]

# tokens
identifier = {_letter}({_letter}|{_digit})*
number = {_digit}+
other = .

This defines a DFA called example, defining two fragments (_letter and _digit) and three tokens (identifier, number and other). Both fragments and tokens are specified as regular expressions. Fragments are distinguished from tokens because they always start with an underscore.

Generating a Python Scanner

We can generate a Python scanner with the command:

epsilon -o example.epsilon 

This creates a standalone python module defining:

  • an Automaton object named example
  • a generator function scan()

To tokenize a string, we can use the following code:

import example
example.scan(example, string)

This generates a sequence of (token, matching_text) tuples. Similarly, we can tokenize from a stream with:

import example
example.scan(example, (c for line in stream for c in line))

The module may also be executed directly from the command line, in which case it will read from the standard input, emtting tokens on the standard output.

Generating a Visualisation

We can generate a visualization of the DFA with the commands:

epsilon -t dot -o example.epsilon 
dot -Tpng -o example.png

The resulting image is example.png, which may be displayed with the tool of your choice. Note that dot is part of the GraphViz package, which may need to be installed separately.

Command Line

Basic usage is:

epsilon [options] [infile...]

The infiles are logically concatenated to form the input specification. If no input files are specified, the specification is taken from standard input.


Option Description
-h, --help show help message and exit
-t target, --target=target target language (default = python)
-o outfile, --output=outfile output file (default = standard output)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit

The currently supported targets are:

  • dot: generate a dot file
  • execute: interpret the first DFA defined, reading from standard input and writing to standard output
  • python: generate a python scanner

Input Format

The input specification format follows the INI file conventions. The precise format accepted is described in the configparser documentation . Note that epsilon defines its own interpolation syntax.

Each section, with the execption of DEFAULTS, defines exactly one scanner. Each name in a section specifies either a fragment or a token. Fragments always start with an underscore, and tokens never do.

Tokens define the regular expressions which are used to construct the scanner. Fragments also define regular expressions, but these are not directly used in scanner construction. Instead, thay may be interpolated into other regular expressions. This supports the reuse of common sub-expressions.

Interpolation Syntax

Interpolation is invoked by matched braces. For example "{_letter}" is replaced by the definition of _letter. Interpolation may be nested, and the order of fragment definitions is unimportant. Both fragments and tokens may be interpolated.

An open brace may be escaped by preceding it with a backslash, i.e. "\{". In addition, matched braces that can be interpreted as part of the regular expression are not interpolated. This includes repetition counts and backslash escapes that use braces.

Regular Expression Syntax

Regular expressions specify a pattern that matches input text. Epsilon interprets both expressions and input text as sequnces of Unicode codepoints.

Most characters match themselves. The metacharacter "." matches any codepoint.

Metacharacters may be escaped by preceding them with a backslash. This removes their special meaning. For instance the expression "\." only matches the "." character.

Character Classes

A character class is a sequence of characters enclosed by square brackets. This matches matches any character in the class. For instance, the expression "[abc]" matches "a" or "b" or "c".

Character classes also support ranges, denoted by a "-". For instance, the expression "[A-Za-z]" matches any ASCII alphabetical character.

If the first character of a class is "^", the class matches any character that is not a member.

The only metacharacters in a class are "\", "-" and "]". These may be escaped by a preceding backslash. As a special case, a "]" at the start of a class, or a "-" at the start or end of a class, is treated as escaped.

Backslash Escapes

Usually a character escaped by a backslash represents itself. However, some have a special meaning:

Escape Matches
\a alarm (\x07)
\b backspace (\x08)
\e escape (\x1b)
\f form feed (\x0c)
\n newline (\x0a)
\r carriage return (\x0d)
\t tab (\x09)
\d any digit character (\p{Nd})
\D any character not in \d
\h any horizontal whitespace character ([\x09\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000])
\H any character not in \h
\s any whitespace character ([\h\v\pZ])
\S any character not in \s
\v any vertical whitespace character ([\x0a-\x0d\x85\u2028-\u2029])
\V any character not in \v
\w any word character ([\pL\pN\x5f])
\W any character not in \w
\pX any character with the single character Unicode general property X
\p{X...} any character with the named Unicode property
\PX any character not in \pX
\p{X...} any character not in \p{X...}
\ddd 1, 2 or 3 octal digit codepoint
\o{d...} 1 or more octal digit codepoint
\xhh 2 hexadecimal digit codepoint
\x{h...} 1 or more hexadecimal digit codepoint
\uhhhh 4 hexadecimal digit codepoint
\Uhhhhhhhh 8 hexadecimal digit codepoint


An element may be followed by a quantifier:

Quantifier Meaning
? zero or one instances
* zero or more instances
+ one or more instances
{n} exactly n instances
{n,} n or more instances
{n,m} at least n, and no more than m, instances


Epsilon supports the following operators, highest precedence first:

Operator Meaning
() grouping
| logical or (alternation)
& logical and
! complement
(implied) concatenation

A sequence of elements implies concatenation.

Formal Grammar

expression = logical_or;
logical_or = logical_and, {'|', logical_and};
logical_and = complement, {'&', complement};
complement = ['!'], concatenation;
concatenation = {quantification};
quantification = atom, [quantifier];
quantifier = '?' | '*' | '+' | count;
count = '{', number, [',', [number]], '}';
element = '(', logical_or, ')'
    | '.'
    | class
    | quoted
    | CHARACTER - metachars;
metachars = '|' | '&' | '!' | '?' | '*' | '+' | '{'
    | '(' | ')' | '.' | '[' | '\';
class = '[', ['^'], [']' | '-'], {range}, ['-'] ']';
range = member, ['-', member]
member = quoted | class_char;
class_char = CHARACTER - class_metachars;
class_metachars = '\' | '-' | ']';
quoted = '\d' | '\D'
    | '\h' | '\H'
    | '\s' | '\S'
    | '\v' | '\V'
    | '\w' | '\W'
    | '\p', CHARACTER | '\P', CHARACTER
    | '\p{', property,  '}' | '\P{', property, '}'
    | '\a' | '\b' | '\e' | '\f' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'
    | octal_escape
    | hex_escape
    | unicode_escape
    | '\', CHARACTER;
property = {CHARACTER - '}'};
octal_escape: '\', octal_digit, [octal_digit, [octal_digit]]
    | '\o{', octal_digit, {octal_digit}, '}';
hex_escape: '\x', 2 * hex_digit
    | '\x{', hex_digit, {hex_digit}, '}';
unicode_escape = '\u', 4 * hex_digit
    | '\U', 8 * hex_digit;
octal_digit = '0'..'7';
decimal_digit = '0'..'9';
hex_digit = '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' | 'a'..'f';


Unless noted otherwise, this project (including this manual) is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.