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File metadata and controls

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What is docker?

Docker is a program that carves up a Linux computer into sealed containers that run your code. Each has its own programs and file systems. All are isolated from anything else.

Docker containers are portable. They can be shipped from one place to another. Focker also builds these containers for you. It is a kind of social platform that you can share your containers with others and use others' containers.

Docker is NOT a virtual machine. There is only one operating system underneath. That operating system is carved up into little isolated spaces. These spaces are called containers, a self-contained sealed unit of software. It contains everything needed to run that code. It has

  • code
  • configs
  • processes in the containers
  • networking that is only necessary to talk to other containers
  • dependencies
  • operating system(just enough to run the container)

It takes all the services that make up a Linux server(networking, storage, code, interprocess communication) and makes a copy of that in the Linux kernel. Each container has its own little world that it can not see out of and other containers can' t see in.

For example; you might have Red Hat Linux container running database, Ubuntu container hosting web server and a SUSE Linux container that has caching server. All of them communicate via virtual network. It does not matter what version of Linux containers runs on, it just has to be Linux. Docker manages all of this, monitor and tears it down when they are not needed.

About Docker;

  • A client program named Docker, it is a command you type at terminal
  • A server program that manages Linux system
  • Has a program that builds containers from the code
  • A service that distributes containers

Docker's main job is to manage a Linux server and start containers on it. If you are on a Windows or Mac, you can use Linux virtual machine installed on your computer to use Docker on top of it.

Images to Containers

A Docker image is every file that makes up just enough of operating systemto do what you need to do. Unlike virtual machines, you can reduce operating system to a minimal set of functionailities just enough to do what you gonna do. It is efficient.

To see docker images on your computer, type docker images on terminal. Example output is below;

REPOSITORY       TAG              IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
debian           latest           874e27b628fd        2 weeks ago         100MB
hello-world      latest           05a3bd381fc2        6 weeks ago         1.84kB
  • Repository: Where the image came from
  • Tag: Tag is a version number.
  • Image Id: Given by Docker, internal representation.

You can refer to an image by its repository-tag combo or image id.

docker run command takes an image and turns it into a running container.

docker run -ti debian:latest bash
#ti : Stands for terminal interactive

To exit, type exit or ctrl-d. To see running docker images, type docker ps.

ID	50bc9ae1f5cd
IMAGE	debian:latest
COMMAND	"bash"
CREATED	3 minutes ago
STATUS	Up 3 minutes
NAMES	pedantic_joliot

Container IDs and image IDs are different. When you change the container, you do not change the originating image. For example; if you create a file or change some environment variable in a container, next time you run a container from the same image, you won' t see the changes you made in first container.

Containers to Images

When you create multiple containers from the same image, you get the same thing all the times. This is the point of images, they are fixed save points that you know everything is good.

When we exit a container, it enters into stopped container state.Wwe can see all containers currently running or exited ones with a modificaton to docker ps command.

docker ps -a

Command above will list all of the containers. Then we can use the information to create an image of one of the earlier exited containers. Example will use the container above.

docker commit pedantic_joliot my_image_2

pedantic_joliot here is a human readable name generated by Docker to ease referring containers. my_image_2 is given by user to new image. If we run this new image as a container, we can see whatever changes we made to that pedantic_joliot container(original one)

Running Processes in Containers

Docker containers have a main process in their name which we give with run command as argument;

docker run <image_name> <process_name>:

Whenever the main process stops, Docker container that owns the process stops too. Docker containers also have Docker generated human-readable name.

  • docker --rm ubuntu sleep 5: Main process is sleep. Container lives for the duration of this sleep command and when process exits, container exits too. Then, thanks to --rm option, your container is deleted. --rm option is used when we need a container to run a specific thing but do not need it later.
  • docker run bash -c "sleep 3; echo all done": In this format, you can give multiple commands to container.
  • docker run -d -ti ubuntu bash: It starts the container and detaches it. Container runs in the background. This command returns SHA-256 identifier of that container, but you can also use docker ps command to see far simpler name of it.
  • docker attach quirky_pasteur: Reattaches to the detached container.
  • ctrl q: This key combination detaches from the container.
  • docker exec quirky_pasteur bash: Starts another process in an existing container. Can not add ports, volumes etc. This process is a secondary process, if it exits, container continues to run.

Manage Containers

You can name docker containers easily by;

docker run --name example ubuntu bash

docker logs <container_name>: Keeps the outputs of the containers until containers are removed. You can use logs to diagnose if there is a problem but be careful: if your commands write too many output to terminal, it can make the docker non-responsive if the output is huge. So you better save your output in the files.

You can kill a running container, it gets into stopped state. Then you can remove the container. Stopped containers exist, you need to remove them explicitly.

docker kill <container_name>
docker rm <container_name>

When you remove a container, it is gone for good. You won' t see it in the output of docker ps command anymore.

You can enforce limits on how much resource containers will use.

docker run --memory 256[b,k,m,g] 
docker run --cpu-shares <relative_to_others>
docker run --cpu-quota <hard_limit>

Some good practices are;

  • Do not configure containers to fetch their dependencies after they start to run. That dependency might be removed from the repository in future. Use containers as they are meant to be, pack dependencies into the images.
  • Give good names to important containers. This way you won' t think they are not needed when you clean up some of your containers.

Network Between Containers

Docker provides private network for use by the containers on your system. In fact, you can have several private networks to group containers nicely. Docker containers are isolated from the Internet by default. So containers does not have to worry about other things interfering with their work.

You explicitly set, when you run Docker who can talk to whom and on what ports. This is done by explicitly exposing ports and linking containers.

docker run --rm -ti -p 45678:45679 ubuntu bash

We exposed port 45678 inside container to the port 45679 outside the container., So anyone outside the container can access port 45679 and it will be directed to the port 45678 inside the container.

You can expose ports explicitly and need to do the configuration so which one talks to which one. You can also expose ports dynamically so you do not have to worry about port availability in future. You fix the port inside the container but outside port can be choosen dynamically.

$ docker run --rm -ti -p 45678 -p 45679 --name echo3_server ubuntu:14.04 bash
$ docker port echo3_server 
45679/tcp ->
45678/tcp ->

As you can see, Docker automatically assigned outside port from the available ones. means receive connections from anywhere in the world.

You can also create UDP port. TCP is default when you does not state explicitly. Example for creating UDP port is docker run -p 1234:1234/udp.

Linking Containers

There is to way to link containers. First is the classic way, through host network and the other is directly connecting through virtual network provided by Docker.

# Run first container and expose 1234 port
docker run --rm -ti -p 1234:1234 ubuntu:14.04 bash
# Run second container and connect host's 1234 port with host's ip
docker run --rm -ti ubuntu:14.04 bash
root@d5b6d22ba997:/# nc 1234

Now with second container has connection to first one over host network. Second way is configuring containers through virtual network, when running them.

docker run --rm -ti --name server ubuntu:14.04 bash
docker run --rm -ti --link server --name client ubuntu:14.04 bash

Above we create a server container and client container then link client to the server with run command. How does client know how to access server? When Docker runs second client, it adds entry for server into /etc/hosts. This is a bit risky if your containers are not run and cleaned up together. Note: This is a one-way connection, from client to server.

Dynamic and Legacy Linking

We mentioned that links may be broken when services stop or restart. Docker has private networks that you can set up, put containers in and Docker will keep track of names of them in network level. These have built-in nameservers that fix the links. You must create networks in advance.

docker network create example
docker run --rm -ti --name server --net=example ubuntu:14.04 bash
docker run --rm -ti --link server --net=example --name client ubuntu:14.04 bash


You can list the images you have downloaded with docker images command.

REPOSITORY          TAG             IMAGE ID          CREATED           SIZE
my_image_2          latest          86452a06722b      12 hours ago      100MB
ubuntu              16.04           747cb2d60bbe      2 weeks ago       122MB
ubuntu              latest          747cb2d60bbe      2 weeks ago       122MB
debian              latest          874e27b628fd      2 weeks ago       100MB
ubuntu              14.04           dea1945146b9      6 weeks ago       188MB
hello-world         latest          05a3bd381fc2      6 weeks ago       1.84kB

Docker is space efficient, total storage used by Docker is not the sum of all image sizes you see on the output of docker images. For example, ubuntu images use same 122 MB storage.

You can give Docker images a name when committing them. You can also tag the images during this operation

docker commit 86452a06722b my_image_3
docker commit 86452a06722b my_image_3:v2.0.1
REPOSITORY          TAG             IMAGE ID          CREATED           SIZE
my_image_3          latest          86452a06722b      12 hours ago      100MB
my_image_3          v2.0.1          86452a06722b      12 hours ago      100MB

Default tag is latest. When you are tagging images, usually organization_name/image_name is enough.

You can download Docker images with docker pull but this command is explicitly run by docker run. Pulling beforehand is useful for online work. Opposite of pulling is done with docker push.

If you are not careful, images can accumulate quickly. docker rmi image_name:tag. You can use Docker ID of that image instead of name:tag.


Docker provides two different sharing mechanisms through volumes. First one is persistent volumes and second one ephemereal volumes. None of these volumes are part of the images. They are just local data.

Persistent Volumes

Persistent volumes is used to share data between host and containers in a permanent manner. You choose a single file or a directory on your host machine for it first. Then use the command below to configure your container to use that file or directory in a shared manner;

docker run -ti -v ~/SharedFolderHost:/SharedFolderCont

Above we have choosen SharedFolderHost directory in the host machine and configured container to use SharedFolderCont directory for sharing data. This SharedFolderHost can be used for sharing data with another container also. The data in the SharedFolderHost will not be deleted automatically if all containers using that are killed. For example, you can create another container later and configure it to use SharedFolderHost for sharing data, you still see the content.

Ephemereal Volumes

These are shared discs that exist only as long as they are being used. When all of the containers using these are killed, ephemereal volume is destroyed also. These can be shared by many containers.

docker run -ti -v /SharedFolder --name first_share ubuntu bash
docker run -ti --volumes-from first_share --name second_share ubuntu bash

Above we created a directory in first_share for sharing data between containers. With second command, we run another container that uses first container's shared directory. At this point, if we kill first_share while second_share is running, shared directory will not be destroyed. It will be destroyed when a shared directory is not used by any containers.


Companies(including Docker) use registries to manage and distribute images. Docker makes it free but many companies use private registries. You can search registries for images, pull certain image from them or publish your image. You need an account for doing these.

What are Dockerfiles?

Dockerfiles are small programs designed to describe how to build a Docker image. Create Docker images from Dockerfile with docker build <name_of_image> <path_to_Dockerfile>. When it finishes, resulting image will be in the local Docker registry.

When Docker builds from Dockerfile, after each line, a new image is produced. For each line, a container is created from the image of previous line. Some changes are made and when that line is done, a new image is created. State is not carried to next line.

Each newly created image is an input to the next line. Image created from the previous line is unchanged, not edited during next run. You also do not want to let temporary changes stay more than one line, like downloading a big file. If you do not delete the file after downloading and using, resulting image will be unnecessarily huge.

Each step of building image from Dockerfile is cached. So the next time you build the same Dockerfile, if nothing is changed for a step, cached version will be used instead of executing step again. Check using cache for build output. Docker can skip lines that have not changed since the last build and it is efficient. You should put the parts that change the most at the end of Dockerfile. So you can use caching mechanism cleverly.

Dockerfiles look like shell scripts but they are not. Processes you start on one line will only live when that line's container is running, then it will stop. If you want to have two program start on the same container, put them on same line.

Use ENV command persists across lines(thus across images)

Building the Dockerfiles

Let's see how to build Dockerfile from simple examples

FROM busybox
RUN echo "building simple docker image"
CMD echo "hello container"
  • FROM: What image to start with.
  • RUN: Create a container and that run something in that container, then commit that container into an image.
  • CMD: When this image is start, run something.

Building the Dockerfile above will give these outputs below;

docker build -t hello3 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
Step 1/3 : FROM busybox # Prints the step
 ---> 54511612f1c4 # Creates an image, prints its ID
Step 2/3 : RUN echo "building simple docker image now" # Prints the step
 ---> Running in 46219ab67964 # Runs a container comprised of image 54511612f1c4
building simple docker image now # Does what step tells to do
 ---> e4a20cc7b589 # Creates an image 
Removing intermediate container 46219ab67964 # Removes the intermediate container
Step 3/3 : CMD echo "hello, container" # Prints the step
 ---> Running in d420ff5e8d18 # Runs a container from the image e4a20cc7b589
 ---> 1c443dbd555b # Creates an image
Removing intermediate container d420ff5e8d18 # Removes the intermediate container
Successfully built 1c443dbd555b # Prints the success output of whole process
Successfully tagged hello3:latest # Tagging is done at last step

Let's see another example Dockerfile;

FROM debian:sid
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install nano
CMD ["/bin/nano","/tmp/notes"]

This version starts with debian:sid. Then it updates package lists. In the next step it installs Nano. At last step, when the container is run, creates a file and starts to edit with Nano.

You can also use the images you created and put into local registry. Let's say the name of image created with the build above is called nanoer.

FROM nanoer
ADD notes.txt /notes.txt
CMD "nano" "notes.txt"

In this Dockerfile, it is instructed that start with nanoer image, put notes.txt(ensure file exists) in, then when container is run, start to edit notes.txt with nano.

Let's revisit some of the important statements in Dockerfile

  • FROM: This sets the starting image of the image we want to build. The very first line in a Dockerfile should be this. If you put more than one FROM statements, it meant you want to create more than one image with same Dockerfile.
  • MAINTAINER: Defines the author of this Dockerfile(pure documentation). The general format is <Firstname Lastname E-MailAddress>.
  • ADD: Generally adds files into images. It is not just limited to moving files but includes also adding contents of .tar file or downloading from a link to given location.
  • ENV: Sets environment variables that persist during build and running the output image.
  • CMD: Specifies the whole command to run. These command can be in two forms. ** Shell form: nano notes.txt ** Exec form : "/bin/nano" "notes.txt"
  • EXPOSE: Maps port into the container
  • VOLUME: Like -v option we used when we ran docker containers, two argument means permanent volumes and single argument means ephemereal volumes. You should generally avoid defining shared folders with the host since it means those sharing will only work at your own computer.
  • WORKDIR: Sets the directory for the rest of the build and in resulting image.
  • USER: Sets which user will the container run as.

Golden Images

To prevent golden image problem;

  • Include the installers in your project. Those setup files might not be available couple years later and you don't want to get caught unprepared.
  • Have a canonical build that builds everything completely from scratch.
  • Use small base images like Alpine. If you start with a large operating system it will take more maintenance.
  • Build your images always from Dockerfiles. It is easy to maintain and understand possible future bugs.
  • Do not leave passwords in images.

The Program Docker


Kernel runs directly on hardware. It has a lot of jobs;

  • Responds to messages from hardware
  • Starts and schedules programs
  • Controls and organizes the storage
  • Passes messages between programs(the programs might be on same or different computer)
  • Allocates resources, memory, CPU, network and so on

Docker is a program that manages kernel. It is written in Go, a new system language. Docker manages several features of the kernel and use these features to build the concept of containers and images. Docker uses control groups or cgroups to create illusion of living in their little isolated world. It uses namespaces to contain networks. It also uses "copy-on-write" filesystem to build the idea images. Images are read only, you can not change it but run containers from them and do things.

Docker made all of the things above easy, approachable and popular. It makes scripting distributed systems easy.

Docker is divived into two programs: client and the server. These communicate through networks sockets(different computers) or a file(same computer). Clients connect to the socket, send commands to server so that creates or deletes containers and all of the rest. Clients can even be in another Docker container as long as they can communicate to the Docker server.