Script for making a mapkg file from a yEd-graphml file, for use with the CHS map site.
In a venv or otherwise, install the packages listed in requirements.txt
as follows
pip install -r requirements.txt [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [-w] graphml image
Create a mapkg file from a graphml from yEd.
positional arguments:
graphml The graphml file to use for creating map data
image The background image to use for the map
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
The output mapkg file to use (default map.mapkg).
-v, --verbose Log extra informational messages.
-w, --overwrite Overwrite the output file if it already exists.
For instance, to create a mapkg file from the graphml file info.graphml
, with the background image image.png
, and to output into info.mapkg
, overwriting if necessary, do the following: info.graphml image.png -o info.mapkg -w
GPL-3.0; see LICENSE file.