This repository builds on the framework provided by NvChad, which utilizes lazy.nvim for plugin management.
- Flash.nvim: Enhances motion features in Vim.
- Telescope.nvim: A powerful fuzzy finder that integrates with Neovim to elevate your search capabilities.
- NvimTree: A file explorer plugin that provides a sidebar for easier file navigation and management.
- Noice: Provides customizable notifications to improve user interface feedback.
- arsync.nvim: A modified version of vim-arsync to include an update notification window and config history that suits my specific requirements. Now support sftp backend!
- Trouble: Aggregates and displays diagnostics, such as linting and compile-time errors, within a neat and navigable panel.
- workspace-diagnostic: Manages and displays workspace-related diagnostics in Neovim.
- resize-mode: Facilitates more intelligent window resizing and management in Neovim.