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The new bytecode

We will reimplement the VM to use 8bit instruction code. By bytecode, we mean real byte code. The whole purpose is reducing the memory consumption of mruby VM.


Instructions are bytes. There can be 256 instructions. Currently, we have 106 instructions. Instructions can take 0 to 3 operands.


The size of operands can be either 8bits, 16bits or 24bits. In the table.1 below, the third field describes the size of operands.

  • B: 8bit
  • S: 16bit
  • W: 24bit

If the first and second operands are of type B (8bits), they may be extended to 16bits by the operand extension instruction immediately preceding them. See also OP_EXT1, OP_EXT2 and OP_EXT3.

table.1 Instruction Table

No. Instruction Name Operand type Semantics
0 OP_NOP - no operation
1 OP_MOVE BB R(a) = R(b)
2 OP_LOADL BB R(a) = Pool(b)
3 OP_LOADI BB R(a) = mrb_int(b)
4 OP_LOADINEG BB R(a) = mrb_int(-b)
5 OP_LOADI__1 B R(a) = mrb_int(-1)
6 OP_LOADI_0 B R(a) = mrb_int(0)
7 OP_LOADI_1 B R(a) = mrb_int(1)
8 OP_LOADI_2 B R(a) = mrb_int(2)
9 OP_LOADI_3 B R(a) = mrb_int(3)
10 OP_LOADI_4 B R(a) = mrb_int(4)
11 OP_LOADI_5 B R(a) = mrb_int(5)
12 OP_LOADI_6 B R(a) = mrb_int(6)
13 OP_LOADI_7 B R(a) = mrb_int(7)
14 OP_LOADI16 BS R(a) = mrb_int(b)
15 OP_LOADI32 BSS R(a) = mrb_int((b<<16)+c)
16 OP_LOADSYM BB R(a) = Syms(b)
17 OP_LOADNIL B R(a) = nil
18 OP_LOADSELF B R(a) = self
19 OP_LOADT B R(a) = true
20 OP_LOADF B R(a) = false
21 OP_GETGV BB R(a) = getglobal(Syms(b))
22 OP_SETGV BB setglobal(Syms(b), R(a))
23 OP_GETSV BB R(a) = Special[Syms(b)]
24 OP_SETSV BB Special[Syms(b)] = R(a)
25 OP_GETIV BB R(a) = ivget(Syms(b))
26 OP_SETIV BB ivset(Syms(b),R(a))
27 OP_GETCV BB R(a) = cvget(Syms(b))
28 OP_SETCV BB cvset(Syms(b),R(a))
29 OP_GETCONST BB R(a) = constget(Syms(b))
30 OP_SETCONST BB constset(Syms(b),R(a))
31 OP_GETMCNST BB R(a) = R(a)::Syms(b)
32 OP_SETMCNST BB R(a+1)::Syms(b) = R(a)
33 OP_GETUPVAR BBB R(a) = uvget(b,c)
34 OP_SETUPVAR BBB uvset(b,c,R(a))
35 OP_GETIDX B R(a) = R(a)[R(a+1)]
36 OP_SETIDX B R(a)[R(a+1)] = R(a+2)
37 OP_JMP S pc+=a
38 OP_JMPIF BS if R(a) pc+=b
39 OP_JMPNOT BS if !R(a) pc+=b
40 OP_JMPNIL BS if R(a)==nil pc+=b
41 OP_JMPUW S unwind_and_jump_to(a)
42 OP_EXCEPT B R(a) = exc
43 OP_RESCUE BB R(b) = R(a).isa?(R(b))
44 OP_RAISEIF B raise(R(a)) if R(a)
45 OP_SSEND BBB R(a) = self.send(Syms(b),R(a+1)..,R(a+n+1):R(a+n+2)..) (c=n|k<<4)
46 OP_SSENDB BBB R(a) = self.send(Syms(b),R(a+1)..,R(a+n+1):R(a+n+2)..,&R(a+n+2k+1))
47 OP_SEND BBB R(a) = R(a).send(Syms(b),R(a+1)..,R(a+n+1):R(a+n+2)..) (c=n|k<<4)
48 OP_SENDB BBB R(a) = R(a).send(Syms(b),R(a+1)..,R(a+n+1):R(a+n+2)..,&R(a+n+2k+1))
49 OP_CALL -*, **, &) (But overlay the current call frame; tailcall)
50 OP_SUPER BB R(a) = super(R(a+1),... ,R(a+b+1))
51 OP_ARGARY BS R(a) = argument array (16=m5:r1:m5:d1:lv4)
52 OP_ENTER W arg setup according to flags (23=m5:o5:r1:m5:k5:d1:b1)
53 OP_KEY_P BB R(a) = kdict.key?(Syms(b))
54 OP_KEYEND - raise unless kdict.empty?
55 OP_KARG BB R(a) = kdict[Syms(b)]; kdict.delete(Syms(b))
56 OP_RETURN B return R(a) (normal)
57 OP_RETURN_BLK B return R(a) (in-block return)
58 OP_BREAK B break R(a)
59 OP_BLKPUSH BS R(a) = block (16=m5:r1:m5:d1:lv4)
60 OP_ADD B R(a) = R(a)+R(a+1)
61 OP_ADDI BB R(a) = R(a)+mrb_int(b)
62 OP_SUB B R(a) = R(a)-R(a+1)
63 OP_SUBI BB R(a) = R(a)-mrb_int(b)
64 OP_MUL B R(a) = R(a)*R(a+1)
65 OP_DIV B R(a) = R(a)/R(a+1)
66 OP_EQ B R(a) = R(a)==R(a+1)
67 OP_LT B R(a) = R(a)<R(a+1)
68 OP_LE B R(a) = R(a)<=R(a+1)
69 OP_GT B R(a) = R(a)>R(a+1)
70 OP_GE B R(a) = R(a)>=R(a+1)
71 OP_ARRAY BB R(a) = ary_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
72 OP_ARRAY2 BBB R(a) = ary_new(R(b),R(b+1)..R(b+c))
73 OP_ARYCAT B ary_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
74 OP_ARYPUSH BB ary_push(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
75 OP_ARYSPLAT B R(a) = ary_splat(R(a))
76 OP_AREF BBB R(a) = R(b)[c]
77 OP_ASET BBB R(b)[c] = R(a)
78 OP_APOST BBB *R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+c) = R(a)[b..]
79 OP_INTERN B R(a) = intern(R(a))
80 OP_SYMBOL BB R(a) = intern(Pool(b))
81 OP_STRING BB R(a) = str_dup(Pool(b))
82 OP_STRCAT B str_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
83 OP_HASH BB R(a) = hash_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b*2-1))
84 OP_HASHADD BB hash_push(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b*2))
85 OP_HASHCAT B R(a) = hash_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
86 OP_LAMBDA BB R(a) = lambda(Irep(b),OP_L_LAMBDA)
87 OP_BLOCK BB R(a) = lambda(Irep(b),OP_L_BLOCK)
88 OP_METHOD BB R(a) = lambda(Irep(b),OP_L_METHOD)
89 OP_RANGE_INC B R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),FALSE)
90 OP_RANGE_EXC B R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),TRUE)
91 OP_OCLASS B R(a) = ::Object
92 OP_CLASS BB R(a) = newclass(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1))
93 OP_MODULE BB R(a) = newmodule(R(a),Syms(b))
94 OP_EXEC BB R(a) = blockexec(R(a),Irep(b))
95 OP_DEF BB R(a).newmethod(Syms(b),R(a+1)); R(a) = Syms(b)
96 OP_ALIAS BB alias_method(target_class,Syms(a),Syms(b))
97 OP_UNDEF B undef_method(target_class,Syms(a))
98 OP_SCLASS B R(a) = R(a).singleton_class
99 OP_TCLASS B R(a) = target_class
100 OP_DEBUG BBB print a,b,c
101 OP_ERR B raise(LocalJumpError, Pool(a))
102 OP_EXT1 - make 1st operand (a) 16bit
103 OP_EXT2 - make 2nd operand (b) 16bit
104 OP_EXT3 - make 1st and 2nd operands 16bit
105 OP_STOP - stop VM