To create a new member files, first copy the text in the code formatted box below, including the three dashes at the top and bottom of the text. Next, go to the top of the page and click Create new file
which is located on the top right, second menu down. Paste the copied text into the large textbox and fill in the information as per the instructions below. Leave a space after the colon on each line. Enter the same id
in the small textfield at the top (the web link), which is your name with dashed instead of spaces (e.g., joshua-s-madin).
leave this as memberid:
enter your name with dashed instead of spaces (e.g., joshua-s-madin)name:
enter your name with spaces (e.g., Joshua S Madin)affiliation:
enter your affiliations (e.g., University of Hawaii)email:
(optional) enter your email addresswebsite:
(optional) enter full web address (i.e., include https://)lat:
if you want to appear on the map, enter thelat
of your institution in decimal degreeslong:
see above
Copy this:
layout: member
Please also build a small profile of yourself for other OTN members to get to know you a little. This may include your taxa of interest, descriptions of your open datasets and a brief collaboration statement that details your expertise, achievements and interests in trait science. You can do this by adding text below the second --- See or for some examples.