Download Debugging Exercises and solve them.
Improve the code formatting and layout of the following programs according to PEP 8:
# by Kami Bigdely
# docstrings for class
class fighter:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.health = 100
self.gas = 3
def set_position(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def render(self):
print("rendered the fighter")
def take_damage(self, damage):
self.health -= damage
if self.health <= 0:
print("the figher fell apart!")
def consume_gas(self):
if self.gas > 0:
self.gas -= 1
print('out of gas! ')
def take_gas(self, gas_amound):
self.gas += gas_amound
f = fighter()
f.set_position(10, 10)
# by Kami Bigdely
# Writing docstring for functions and classes.
# reference: https://math.ryerson.ca/~danziger/professor/MTH141/Handouts/projections.pdf
import numpy as np
def proj_u_onto_v(u,v):
return np.dot(u, v)/np.dot(v, v) * v
force = np.array([1,1])
displacement = np.array([1,0])
proj = proj_u_onto_v(force, displacement)
print(proj[0], proj[1])
# by Kami Bigdely
# Indentation
def write_to_db():
print('person info are written into db.')
def set_person_info(first_name, last_name, gender, date_of_birth, photo, nationality, place_of_birth):
if not first_name:
print('first name is empty.')
if not last_name:
print('last name is empty.')
# ...
photo_path = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Hunt#/media/File:Tim_Hunt_at_UCSF_05_2009_(4).jpg"
set_person_info('Tim', 'Hunt', 'male','19 February 1943', photo_path, 'Uited Kingdom', 'Neston, Cheshire, England')
# by Kami Bigdely
# PEP8 - whitespaces and variable names.
# This is a guess game. Guess what number the computer has chosen!
import random
UPPER_limit= 100
randomNumber = random.randint (lowerLimit ,UPPER_limit )
print ('The computer has selected a number between 0 and 100. Use your supernatural superpowers to guess what the number is.')
while True:
UserGuess = int (input("Enter a number between 0 and 100 (including): "))
if UserGuess> randomNumber:
print ("Guess a smaller number.")
elif UserGuess <randomNumber:
print ("Guess a larger number.")
else: #UserGuess == randomNumber:
print ("You Won!")
- Use Extract method refactoring technique to improve the following code:
# Adapted from a Java code in the "Refactoring" book by Martin Fowler.
# Code snippet. Not runnable.
def print_owing():
outstanding = 0.0
# print banner
print("***Customer owes***")
# calculate outstanding
for order in orders:
outstanding += order.get_amount()
# print details
print("name: " + name)
print("amount: " + outstanding)
- Use Replace Temp with Query refactoring technique to improve the following code:
# Adapted from a Java code in the "Refactoring" book by Martin Fowler.
# Replace temp with query
# Code snippet. Not runnable.
def getPrice():
base_price = quantity * item_price
discount_factor = 0
if (base_price > 1000):
discount_factor = 0.95
discount_factor = 0.98
return base_price * discount_factor
- Use Introduce Explaining Variable (Extract Variable) refactoring technique to improve the following code:
# Adapted from a Java code in the "Refactoring" book by Martin Fowler.
# Introduce Explaining variable (aka extract variable)
platform = "mac pro 2018"
browser = 'safari 8.0'
resize = True
def is_initialized():
return True
def render_banner():
if ('MAC' in platform.upper() and
"SAFARI" in browser.upper() and
# do something
- Use Split Temporary Variable refactoring technique to improve the following code:
# Adapted from a Java code in the "Refactoring" book by Martin Fowler.
# split temporary variable
width = 5
height = 10
temp = 2 * (height + width)
temp = height * width