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MacND edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 4 revisions

The full list of commands for the bot is as follows:


(All) - Checks that the bot is online, should post a message with a link to the GitHub page.


(Owner) - Logs the bot out. You must update the ownerId field in config.json to your own Discord ID.

!raidinfo shortcode

shortcode: The shortcode of a Raid.
(All) - Get detailed information on the specified raid. Providing no parameters will list all available raid shortcodes.

!register bnet timezone

bnet: A Battle.Net username including # discriminator.
timezone: TZ database compliant string.
(All) - Register with the bot. Users must provide their Battle.Net tag (including # discriminator) - and a tz database formatted timezone.

!timezone | !tz timezone

timezone: TZ database compliant string.
(Registered Users) - Update your timezone. To view suitable timezones, click here.

!battlenet | !bnet bnet

bnet: A Battle.Net username including # discriminator.
(Registered Users) - Update your Battle.Net username.

!userinfo username

username: Discord username without discriminator.
(All) - Get detailed information on a user, or view your own information if no username is provided.


(Owner) - Pull the latest information from the database.

!make shortcode

shortcode: The shortcode of a Raid.
(Registered Users) - Create a new event. You will be provided with a raidID that you'll use to administer the event.

!schedule raidID day time

raidID: The raidID of the event.
day: The day of the week.
time: The time in 24 hour format.
(Admin) - Set the start time and date of an event. The time provided will be in your own timezone and converted to UTC automatically.

!fireteam raidID

raidID: The raidID of the event.
(All) - Show all fireteam members for an event.

!join raidID

raidID: The raidID of the event.
(Registered Users) - Join an event.

!leave raidID

raidID: The raidID of the event.
(Registered Users) - Remove yourself from an event.

!kick raidID username

raidID: The raidID of an event.
username: Discord username without discriminator.
(Admin) - Forcibly remove a user from an event.

!admin raidID username

raidID: The raidID of an event.
username: Discord username without discriminator.
(Admin) - Make another fireteam member the admin of the specified event.

!cancel raidID

raidID: The raidID of an event.
(Admin) - Cancel the specified event and disband the fireteam. You cannot cancel a completed event.

!finish raidID

raidID: The raidID of an event.
(Admin) - Mark the specified event as complete. Once complete an event can have a Raid Report link set by the event admin.

!report | !rr raidID url

raidID: The raidID of an event.
url: A URL.
(Admin) - Set the Raid Report URL of a completed event.


(All) - Show the next 3 scheduled events. Times are displayed in your local timezone if registered, or UTC if not.


(All) - Show the last 3 completed events. Times are displayed in your local timezone if registered, or UTC if not.