1. Fork the course organization's weekly repo from https://github.com/MUSA611-CPLN692-spring2019/cpln692-weekX
Navigate to a location on your computer where you want to clone the repo locally, I'd recommend you create a folder in a location that will become standard for each week I.e /Users/rbernet/penn/cpln692
$ git clone https://github.com/rossbernet/cpln-weekX
Make sure you are cloning your personal fork and not the course organizations repo
If you have atom shell tool installed you can type:
$ cd cpln692-weekX
$ atom .
Save it.
Make sure you are in the weekly assignment's directory in the terminal. You can confirm this by viewing the pre-staged changes git is tracking by typing in: git status
You should see something like this.
This sequence of git commands will allow you to push the updates from your local copy to your remote personal repo:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE"
$ git push
(git may ask for your GitHub password after the git push
In Chrome, go to your forked copy on your GitHub repo. You should see something like:
- Click Pull Request
- Then it should show something like:
- Then click Create new pull request: