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Hello I am having problems running Kimera with RealSense camera. I have both the Kimera VIO and Semantics catkin workspaces installed and working for the Demos. The Demo bags run well for both and I cannot notice any particular issues. When I try to run with the RealSense camera though I am not receiving any output in the side window. I am assuming this is because of an issue with my Global State where world is not a selectable frame state for me. This is being run on Ubuntu 20.04 ROS1 Noetic.
I would love any help, thanks!
Images of Demo's Working
Screenshot of RealSense Not Working
It's important to note that when I switch the fixed frame from World it goes away as an option. Console input.
*Just using the testing for RealSense from Hardware Setup*
Console output:
**RealSense Launch**
User:~$ roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch unite_imu_method:=linear_interpolation
... logging to /home/adm-eng-cdp21e/.ros/log/d5ded108-4829-11ef-941a-25749661ab9a/roslaunch-ENG-L-31YQDX3-7170.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://eng-l-31yqdx3:44935/
* /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_fps: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_frame_id: camera_accel_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_optical_frame_id: camera_accel_opti...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/align_depth: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_color_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_fisheye1_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_fisheye2_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_fisheye_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_infra1_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_infra2_frame_id: camera_aligned_de...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/allow_no_texture_points: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/base_frame_id: camera_link
* /camera/realsense2_camera/calib_odom_file:
* /camera/realsense2_camera/clip_distance: -2.0
* /camera/realsense2_camera/color_fps: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/color_frame_id: camera_color_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/color_height: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/color_optical_frame_id: camera_color_opti...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/color_width: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/confidence_fps: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/confidence_height: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/confidence_width: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_fps: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_frame_id: camera_depth_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_height: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_optical_frame_id: camera_depth_opti...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_width: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/device_type:
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_accel: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_color: True
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_confidence: True
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_depth: True
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_fisheye1: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_fisheye2: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_fisheye: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_gyro: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_infra1: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_infra2: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_infra: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_pointcloud: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_pose: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_sync: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/filters:
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye1_frame_id: camera_fisheye1_f...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye1_optical_frame_id: camera_fisheye1_o...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye2_frame_id: camera_fisheye2_f...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye2_optical_frame_id: camera_fisheye2_o...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_fps: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_frame_id: camera_fisheye_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_height: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_optical_frame_id: camera_fisheye_op...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_width: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/gyro_fps: -1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/gyro_frame_id: camera_gyro_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/gyro_optical_frame_id: camera_gyro_optic...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/imu_optical_frame_id: camera_imu_optica...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_frame_id: camera_infra1_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_optical_frame_id: camera_infra1_opt...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_frame_id: camera_infra2_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_optical_frame_id: camera_infra2_opt...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/infra_fps: 30
* /camera/realsense2_camera/infra_height: 480
* /camera/realsense2_camera/infra_rgb: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/infra_width: 848
* /camera/realsense2_camera/initial_reset: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/json_file_path:
* /camera/realsense2_camera/linear_accel_cov: 0.01
* /camera/realsense2_camera/odoadm-eng-cdp21e@ENG-L-31YQDX3m_frame_id: camera_odom_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/ordered_pc: False
* /camera/realsense2_camera/pointcloud_texture_index: 0
* /camera/realsense2_camera/pointcloud_texture_stream: RS2_STREAM_COLOR
* /camera/realsense2_camera/pose_frame_id: camera_pose_frame
* /camera/realsense2_camera/pose_optical_frame_id: camera_pose_optic...
* /camera/realsense2_camera/publish_odom_tf: True
* /camera/realsense2_camera/publish_tf: True
* /camera/realsense2_camera/reconnect_timeout: 6.0
* /camera/realsense2_camera/rosbag_filename:
* /camera/realsense2_camera/serial_no:
* /camera/realsense2_camera/stereo_module/exposure/1: 7500
* /camera/realsense2_camera/stereo_module/exposure/2: 1
* /camera/realsense2_camera/stereo_module/gain/1: 16
* /camera/realsense2_camera/stereo_module/gain/2: 16
* /camera/realsense2_camera/tf_publish_rate: 0.0
* /camera/realsense2_camera/topic_odom_in: odom_in
* /camera/realsense2_camera/unite_imu_method: linear_interpolation
* /camera/realsense2_camera/usb_port_id:
* /camera/realsense2_camera/wait_for_device_timeout: -1.0
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.16.0
realsense2_camera (nodelet/nodelet)
realsense2_camera_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
process[camera/realsense2_camera_manager-1]: started with pid [7185]
process[camera/realsense2_camera-2]: started with pid [7186]
[ INFO] [1721653011.267194220]: Initializing nodelet with 20 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1721653011.447948845]: RealSense ROS v2.3.2
[ INFO] [1721653011.447969497]: Built with LibRealSense v2.50.0
[ INFO] [1721653011.447975660]: Running with LibRealSense v2.50.0
[ INFO] [1721653011.475495734]:
[ INFO] [1721653011.732169973]: Device with serial number 213622078367 was found.
[ INFO] [1721653011.732222774]: Device with physical ID 4-3-2 was found.
[ INFO] [1721653011.732241516]: Device with name Intel RealSense D435I was found.
[ INFO] [1721653011.732737316]: Device with port number 4-3 was found.
[ INFO] [1721653011.732764338]: Device USB type: 3.2
[ INFO] [1721653011.736299362]: getParameters...
[ INFO] [1721653011.767547681]: setupDevice...
[ INFO] [1721653011.767582214]: JSON file is not provided
[ INFO] [1721653011.767600642]: ROS Node Namespace: camera
[ INFO] [1721653011.767616642]: Device Name: Intel RealSense D435I
[ INFO] [1721653011.767629822]: Device Serial No: 213622078367
[ INFO] [1721653011.767645968]: Device physical port: 4-3-2
[ INFO] [1721653011.767659091]: Device FW version:
[ INFO] [1721653011.767685415]: Device Product ID: 0x0B3A
[ INFO] [1721653011.767700170]: Enable PointCloud: Off
[ INFO] [1721653011.767713704]: Align Depth: Off
[ INFO] [1721653011.767725339]: Sync Mode: Off
[ INFO] [1721653011.767768555]: Device Sensors:
[ INFO] [1721653011.840821284]: Stereo Module was found.
[ INFO] [1721653011.858594530]: RGB Camera was found.
[ INFO] [1721653011.858812294]: Motion Module was found.
[ INFO] [1721653011.858895453]: (Confidence, 0) sensor isn't supported by current device! -- Skipping...
[ INFO] [1721653011.858935255]: num_filters: 0
[ INFO] [1721653011.858959096]: Setting Dynamic reconfig parameters.
hwmon command 0x80( 5 0 0 0 ) failed (response -7= HW not ready)
hwmon command 0x80( 5 0 0 0 ) failed (response -7= HW not ready)
hwmon command 0x80( 5 0 0 0 ) failed (response -7= HW not ready)
hwmon command 0x80( 5 0 0 0 ) failed (response -7= HW not ready)
[ INFO] [1721653014.617918756]: Done Setting Dynamic reconfig parameters.
[ INFO] [1721653014.619426494]: depth stream is enabled - width: 848, height: 480, fps: 30, Format: Z16
[ INFO] [1721653014.620054715]: color stream is enabled - width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 30, Format: RGB8
[ INFO] [1721653014.620070234]: setupPublishers...
[ INFO] [1721653014.621705883]: Expected frequency for depth = 30.00000
[ INFO] [1721653014.634999384]: Expected frequency for color = 30.00000
[ INFO] [1721653014.643030758]: setupStreams...
22/07 08:56:54,850 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
[ INFO] [1721653014.900793118]: SELECTED BASE:Depth, 0
[ INFO] [1721653014.903931505]: RealSense Node Is Up!
[ WARN] [1721653014.970294119]:
22/07 08:56:54,971 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
22/07 08:56:55,021 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
22/07 08:56:55,073 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
22/07 08:56:55,214 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
22/07 08:56:55,265 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
22/07 08:56:55,317 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
22/07 08:56:55,368 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
22/07 08:56:55,520 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
22/07 08:59:56,773 WARNING [140481693767424] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
**Kimera VIO Launch**
User:~$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
User:~$ roslaunch kimera_vio_ros kimera_vio_ros_realsense_IR.launch
... logging to /home/adm-eng-cdp21e/.ros/log/d5ded108-4829-11ef-941a-25749661ab9a/roslaunch-ENG-L-31YQDX3-8381.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://eng-l-31yqdx3:38653/
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/base_link_frame_id: base_link
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/bow_batch_size: 1
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/bow_skip_num: 1
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/force_same_image_timestamp: True
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/image_transport: raw
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/left_cam_frame_id: left_cam
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/log_gt_data: False
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/map_frame_id: map
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/mono_ransac_threshold: 30
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/odom_frame_id: odom
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/online_run: True
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/params_folder_path: /home/adm-eng-cdp...
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/position_det_threshold: 0.3
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/publish_vlc_frames: True
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/right_cam_frame_id: right_cam
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/robot_id: 0
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/sensor_params_folder_path: /home/adm-eng-cdp...
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/stereo_ransac_threshold: 20
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/use_external_odom: False
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/use_lcd: False
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/use_lcd_registration_server: False
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/use_rviz: True
* /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/velocity_det_threshold: 0.1
* /kimera_vio_ros/posegraph_viewer/frame_id: map
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.16.0
* /use_sim_time: False
velo_link_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher)
kimera_vio_ros_node (kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node)
posegraph_viewer (pose_graph_tools/visualizer_node)
process[kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node-1]: started with pid [8396]
process[kimera_vio_ros/posegraph_viewer-2]: started with pid [8397]
process[velo_link_broadcaster-3]: started with pid [8398]
[ INFO] [1721653104.507933766]: Initializing pose graph visualizer
[ INFO] [1721653104.634246168]: BoW vector batch size: 1
[ INFO] [1721653104.634502904]: BoW vector skip num: 1
[ INFO] [1721653104.634507701]: Publish VLC frames: 1
I0722 08:58:24.668408 8396 RegularVioBackend.cpp:115] Using Regular VIO Backend.
I0722 08:58:24.675411 8396 PipelineModule.h:451] MISO Pipeline Module: Display has no output queue registered.
I0722 08:58:24.675515 8396 Pipeline.cpp:352] Pipeline Modules launched (parallel_run set to 1).
W0722 08:58:24.675525 8396 Pipeline.h:183] Attempt to register LCD/PGO callback, but no LoopClosureDetector member is active in pipeline.
I0722 08:58:24.675705 8422 Pipeline.cpp:102] Spinning Kimera-VIO.```
**Additional files:**
Please attach all the files needed to reproduce the error.
Please give also the following information:
* KimeraVIO branch, tag or commit used
* GTSAM version used:
* OpenGV version used:
* OpenCV version used: type `opencv_version`
* Operating system and version (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 or Windows 10): Ubuntu 20.04
* Did you change the source code? (yes / no): yes
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Hello I am having problems running Kimera with RealSense camera. I have both the Kimera VIO and Semantics catkin workspaces installed and working for the Demos. The Demo bags run well for both and I cannot notice any particular issues. When I try to run with the RealSense camera though I am not receiving any output in the side window. I am assuming this is because of an issue with my Global State where world is not a selectable frame state for me. This is being run on Ubuntu 20.04 ROS1 Noetic.
I would love any help, thanks!
Images of Demo's Working
![Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 9 19 04 AM](
![Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 9 20 43 AM](
Screenshot of RealSense Not Working
![Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 9 21 41 AM](
It's important to note that when I switch the fixed frame from World it goes away as an option.
Console input.
Console output:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: