This release mainly focused on upgrading to the OpenMRS 2.x platform which runs on Java 8 on which all Reference Application releases from 2.6.0 will be based. This upgrade provides a stable foundation for future upgrades
- New Data collection forms
- Antenatal, Maternity and Postnatal data collection forms based on the register
- Tuberculosis - matching the longitudinal register
- Outpatient Register from based on the register
- Exposed Infant Form
- Children are automatically linked to their mothers through the mother's ART number
- Patient Dashboard
- Sticky note (yellow) that allows you to enter notes on the patient
- New widgets to show Exposed Infant and ART status
- Links to family members
- Data quality violations shown
- Data Quality
- Ability to filter the rules by patient and rule type
- New validation rules for Exposed Infants - infants without mother's ART number, infants with mother ART number but not linked
- Reports
- ANC, Maternity and PNC registers
- Exposed Infant reports to aid facility tracking and planning
This release requires a re-installation of UgandaEMR due to an internal platform change that requires Java 8, instead of Java 7 that was used by previous versions. However separate files are provided for new installations and upgrades
For new machines with no UgandaEMR installed
*32 bit installer (469.6MB) -
- 64 bit installer (478.1 MB) -
For existing versions of UgandaEMR
- 32 bit upgrade installer (206.0 MB) -
- 64 bit upgrade installer (206.0 MB) -