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Time Hybrids a new Generic Theory of Reality

This document is about the Time Hybrids book of Fred Van Oystaeyen.

Fred is an outstanding mathematician in such fields as noncommutative algebraic geometry, virtual topology and functor geometry.

I dedicate this document to Fred.

Fred told me about an old Chinese legend about a poet who chiselled a small poem on a small stone with a small chisel and threw that stone into the sea, hoping that, one day, someone would read the poem.

Fred compared his book with that stone.

I hope that this document will, somehow, increase the number of people that read his book.

The goal of this document is to illustrate the book programmatically.

How to read this document

This document does not present its content in a linear way.

Sections contain hyperlinks to sections that can be read by need.



This document, especially its introduction, is a highly opinionated one.

Many sentences start with "I think of", emphasizing the fact that I may be wrong.

I hope that my opinion about the content of the book is more or less compatible with the opinion of Fred.

Specification and Implementations

A specification consists of declarations of features.

Declarations come with laws.

Together, features and laws are called requirements.

A specification may also consist of definitions that are defined in terms of declarations and definitions.

Implementations of a specification consist of definitions of declared features.

Definitions come with proofs of laws.

Note that a specification with less requirements allows for more implementations, so it is important to keep requirements as minimal as possible.

In a way you can think of a specification as a description.

I think of a description as an implementation that is an informal specification.

For example, the picture on The Treachery of Images is a description (pun intended!) of a well known description of a pipe.

Frankly, if you would never have seen a pipe before, would you be able to make a pipe only from this description?

Generic Theory

I think of a generic theory as a theory consisting of a specification of theories, where theories are implementations of, a framework theory of theories or template theory of theories, where theories fit into as implementations.

Generic Theory of Reality

The Time Hybrids book describes a Generic Theory of Reality. Hence I think of a generic theory of reality as a theory consisting of a specification of theories of reality, where theories of reality are implementations of, a framework theory of theories of reality or template theory of theories of reality, where theories of reality fit into as implementations.

Quantum Theory and Relativity Theory

It is generally agreed upon that quantum theory and relativity theory are two fundamental theories of reality.

A unifying theory for quantum theory and relativity theory is yet to be agreed upon.

I think of the generic theory of reality of the book as a partially unifying theory for quantum theory and relativity theory, concentrating on common requirements.

The book states that various phenomena of quantum theory and relativity theory, which, until now, have been considered counter-intuitive, can, within its generic theory of reality, be viewed in a more intuitive way.

The book also provides some basic insight in how to fit quantum theory and relativity theory into its partially unifying generic theory of reality.

Future Research

I think that, providing all details on how to fit quantum theory and relativity theory into the partially unifying generic theory of reality, and comparing it with observed reality, is a challenging topic for future research.

For example, would it not be nice to be able to show that, somehow, the theory of Stephen Wolfram and Co, explained in how to think computationally about ai the universe and everything can be seen as an implementation of the specification of Fred Van Oystaeyen?

If, one day, all those details would be provided, and if they all correspond to observed reality so far, then that would be an important scientific achievement.

If it is not possible to provide all those details, or if they do not all correspond to observed reality so far, then that would be useful as well.

The reason why may provide valuable insight into the generic theory of Fred and/or the theory of Stephen and/or quantum theory and/or relativity theory.

Reality and Compositionality

I think of compositionality as an important aspect of reality.

Compositionality is about components.

Components can, starting from various atomic components, be composed to composed components in various ways.

Compositionality comes in different flavors.

  • functionality-like
  • information-like

Category Theory

I think of category theory as a generic theory of mathematics, a theory consisting of a specification of theories of mathematics, a framework theory of theories of mathematics or template theory of theories of mathematics.

Of course, a far as the book is concerned, the theories of mathematics involved are theories that are relevant for modeling reality.

Why Category Theory

Category theory is an abstract theory.

You could argue that using an abstract theory results in a steep learning curve.

But here is the thing: abstraction is about simplification and simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

When I was a first year mathematics student, professor Gevers, my professor Analytic Mechanics, said

  • I am going to proceed slower in order to have covered more material at the end of the year.

Those were wise words.

Once you have built a solid foundation, agreed, first slowing down learning, you can, gradually, start accelerating, eventually speeding up learning.

Compositionality and Category Theory

Category theory is about collections of objects and sets of morphisms.

Every morphism is one from a source object to a target object.

Category theory is compositional.

More precisely, compositionality of category theory is sequential compositionality of morphisms.

As is done in most documents about category theory, this document focuses on morphisms instead of on objects.

In general, it focusses on pointfree concepts rather than focussing on pointful concepts.

More precisely, it focusses on pointfree, closed components rather than on pointful, open components.

Programmatic notation

In this document I explain the content of the book using programmatic notation.

The programmatic notation defines a domain specific language, a.k.a. as DSL, that is a library that is written in the Scala programming language.

The DSL is a concise formal language that is syntactically verified by Scala's powerful type system.

Both the DSL library and the Scala language are briefly explained by need.

The Scala code is not really idiomatic code.

It is code that, i.m.h.o, is very suitable for learning purposes.

The DSL is both one the domain of the book, reality, being part of physisc, and one for the its foundations, being part of mathematics.

For the domain of the book, it uses notation that, more or less, corresponds to the one used in physics.

For its foundations, it uses notation that, more or less, corresponds to the one used in mathematics.

In what follows Scala is not explicitly mentioned any more.

Programmatic notation for specifications

Specifications are, programmatically, denoted as

  • value classes,


  • type classes,
  • unary type constructor classes,
  • binary type constructor classes,
  • ... .

More precisely, they are denoted as

  • traits without corresponding parameter for value classes,


  • traits with corresponding parameter for all other classes.

Programmatic notation for implementations

Implementations are, programmatically, denoted as

  • vals for value classes,


  • givens for all other classes.

Implicitly denoting homogeneous sets

Types Z implicitly denote homogeneous sets and values z of a type Z implicitly denote elements of homogeneous sets.

Explicitly denoting homogeneous sets

The unary type constructor Set, constructs types Set[Z] for every type Z.

Types Set[Z] explicitly denote homogeneous sets and values zs of a type Set[Z] explicitly denote elements of homogeneous sets.

Programmatic naming conventions

The programmatic notation uses names with letters of the Greek alphabet corresponding to first letters of words, according to the Romanization of Greek alphabet.

Analogy between Physics and Computer Science

Lets consider, for a moment, the analogy between physics and computer science, in as far as the goal of physics is to understand what reality is all about, and the goal of computer science is to understand what software is all about.

Agreed, understanding reality is more difficult than understanding software: software is something we invented ourselves, while reality is, afaik, still one great mystery.

It is now generally agreed upon that computer science benefits from category theory as a partially unifying theory of software theories into which both effectfree software theory and effectful software theory fit as implementations.

Maybe, one day, it will be generally agreed upon that physics benefits from category theory as a partially unifying theory of physics theories into which quantum theory and relativity theory fit as implementations.

By the way, in a previous life, I was one of the researchers working on category theory as a partially unifying theory of effectfree software theory and effectful software theory using monads. I did most of my work as a "late at night hobby". I also worked two years at the University of Utrecht together with Erik Meijer, Graham Hutton and Doaitse Swierstra. I mainly wrote and teached courses, but I also did some research. Our team studied monads as computations that are computed. Computations are generalizations of expression that are evaluated. Computations and expressions are operational components. Moreover, monads and expressions are open, pointful components.

Nowadays I study morphism as programs that are run. Morphisms are generalizations of functions that are applied. Morphism and functions are denotational components. Moreover, morphism and functions are closed, pointfree components. You can look at my talk about Program Description based Programming on flatMap, 8-9 May 2019, Oslo Norway. I am refactoring the work presented in Olso, upgrading from Scala 2 to Scala 3, and changing the paradigm name to Program Specification based Programming for reasons explained above.

In other words, I have been doing and I still am doing foundational work on software theories that is similar to the foundational work Fred is doing on physics theories.

Time Hybrids Domain

In what follows I will quote some sentences of a paper of Fred related to a presentation he gave in Almeria on his book.

We introduce a generic model for space-time where time is just a totally ordered set ordering the states of the universe at moments where over (not in) each state we define potentials, or pre-things, which are going to evolve via correspondences between momentary potentials to existing things. Existing takes time and observing takes more time.

We will look at time as a totally ordered set T.

The universe U is constructed as a set of states at moments, where moments are the elements of T, say U(t) at t in T.

Over a state U(t) at moment t, we consider a set S(t) of pre-things or t-potentials and we look at the set PS(t) of all subsets of S(t), including the empty subset and S(t) itself.

For the geometry we will use a very general pre-geometry based upon non-commutative topologies in the states of the universe, made dynamic via morphisms between states forming strings over time intervals.

We made the U(t) sets but a geometry on it need not be a geometry given by sets of points. The non-commutative topology X(t) is given by a non-commutative lattice structure L(t) on the set U(t) where there is a partial order < on the set and two operations, ∧ and ∨, being meet and join, generalizing the intersection and union of topological sets of points.

We can define a “place map”, p(t): PS(t) --> U(t) where some A(t) of PS(t) is taken to an element pA(t) of the non-commutative lattice L(t) giving the topology of U(t) such that p(t) respects the partial orders on PS(t) and U(t).

This document is work in progress.

For now, let's concentrate on the following concepts:

  • time moments,
  • universe places,
  • pre-things.

Let's explain some notation:

  • Time moments are denoted as t.
  • Universe places at time moments t are denoted as U(t).
  • The collections of all sets of pre-things at time moments t are denoted as PS(t).
    • mathematically this collection is not a set
    • programmatically this collection is a constructive set
  • Sets of pre-things at time moments t are denoted as A(t).
  • The place map p(t) maps sets of pre-things A(t) to places pA(t).
  • The non-commutative lattice on U(t) is denoted as L(t).
  • The non-commutative topology defined by L(t) is denoted as X(t).

In what follows we gradually denote the concepts involved using programmatic notation.

Time Hybrids Domain: Specification


Back to Universe

trait Time[Moment]:

  given momentOrdered: Ordered[Moment]
  val momentOrderedVal = momentOrdered

  type MomentInterval = momentOrderedVal.Interval

  type MomentIntervalUtilities = momentOrderedVal.IntervalUtilities

  val momentIntervalUtilities: MomentIntervalUtilities

Time is a type class for parameter Moment.

The requirements for Moment to be a Time type are

  • Moment is an Ordered type (cfr. given momentOrdered).

Ordered is explained in Ordered.

Time moments are also simply called moments.

Back to Universe


Back to PreThings

package timehybrids.specification

import specification.{

trait Universe[Moment, Place, Morphism[_, _]]:

  given morphismCategory: Category[Morphism]

  val morphismCategoryVal = morphismCategory

  import morphismCategoryVal.{Transition}

  given morphismFunctionAction: Action[Morphism, Function]

  given momentTime: Time[Moment]

  val momentTimeVal = momentTime

  import momentTimeVal.{MomentInterval, momentIntervalUtilities}

  import momentIntervalUtilities.{initialIntervals, subIntervals}

  given placeVirtualTopology: VirtualTopology[Place]

  given placeTransitionToMomentIntervalOneToOne
      : OneToOne[

  val momentIntervalToPlaceTransitionFunction
      : Function[MomentInterval, Transition[Place]] =

  val momentIntervalFromPlaceTransitionFunction
      : Function[Transition[Place], MomentInterval] =

  val placeTransitionToInitialPlaceTransitionSetFunction
      : Function[Transition[Place], Set[Transition[Place]]] =
    placeTransition =>
      for {
        momentInterval <- initialIntervals(
      } yield {

  val placeTransitionToSubPlaceTransitionSetFunction
      : Function[Transition[Place], Set[Transition[Place]]] =
    placeTransition =>
      for {
        momentInterval <- subIntervals(
      } yield {

  // not used

  given placeTransitionCategory: Category[[_, _] =>> Transition[Place]] =
      extension [Z, Y, X](leftPlaceTransition: Transition[Place])
        def o(rightPlaceTransition: Transition[Place]): Transition[Place] =
      def ι[Z]: Transition[Place] = morphismCategory.ι

  given momentIntervalCategory: Category[[_, _] =>> MomentInterval] =
      extension [Z, Y, X](leftMomentInterval: MomentInterval)
        def o(rightMomentInterval: MomentInterval): MomentInterval =
            ) o momentIntervalToPlaceTransitionFunction(rightMomentInterval)

      def ι[Z]: MomentInterval =

  given placeTransitionFunctor: Functor[
    [_, _] =>> MomentInterval,
    [_, _] =>> Transition[Place],
    [_] =>> Transition[Place]
  ] =
      def φ[Z, Y]: MomentInterval => Transition[Place] =

  given momentIntervalFunctor: Functor[
    [_, _] =>> Transition[Place],
    [_, _] =>> MomentInterval,
    [_] =>> MomentInterval
  ] =
      def φ[Z, Y]: Transition[Place] => MomentInterval =

Universe is a type class for parameter Place.

Universe has a foundational parameter Morphism that is required to be a Category binary type constructor (cfr. given morphismCategory).

Category is explained in Category.

Universe requires morphisms to act upon functions (cfr. given morphismFunctionAction).

Action is explained in Action.

Universe has a domain parameter Moment that is required to be a Time type (cfr. given momentTime).

Time is explained in Time.

The requirements for Place to be a Universe type are

  • Place is a VirtualTopology type (cfr. given placeVirtualTopology),
  • place transitions are one to one with moment intervals (cfr given placeTransitionToMomentIntervalOneToOne).

The places of the virtual topology of the universe are dymanic.

On the one hand, their transitions are driven by moment intervals.

On the other hand, it even makes sense to even go one step further by considering moment intervals as being implicitly defined by place transitions, hence the one to one.

VirtualTopology is explained in VirtualTopology.

OneToOne is explained in OneToOne.

Back to PreThings


package timehybrids.specification

import types.{Composition}

import utilities.set.{emptySet, singleton, choices, U, all}

import utilities.composition.{compose, composeAll, decomposeAll}

import specification.{

import implementation.{setOrdered, functionCategory}

trait PreThings[Moment, Place, PreObject, Morphism[_, _]]:

  given placeUniverse: Universe[Moment, Place, Morphism]

  val placeUniverseVal = placeUniverse

  import placeUniverseVal.{morphismCategory}

  import placeUniverseVal.morphismCategoryVal.{Transition}

  import placeUniverseVal.{morphismFunctionAction}

  import placeUniverseVal.momentTimeVal.{MomentInterval}

  import placeUniverseVal.{

  import placeUniverseVal.{placeVirtualTopology}

  val placeVirtualTopologyVal = placeVirtualTopology

  import placeVirtualTopologyVal.{V}

  type PreThing = Composition[PreObject]

  type PreInteraction = Set[PreThing]

  val preThingSetToPlaceActorTransformation: ActorTransformation[
    [_] =>> Set[PreThing],
    [_] =>> Place

  import preThingSetToPlaceActorTransformation.{ατ, isNaturalFor}

  given preThingSetFunctor: Functor[Morphism, Function, [_] =>> Set[PreThing]]

  val preThingSetFunctorVal = preThingSetFunctor

  import preThingSetFunctorVal.{φ}

  val preThingSetSetToPreInteractionSetFunctorTransformation:
    [_] =>> Set[Set[PreThing]],
    [_] =>> Set[PreInteraction]

  import preThingSetSetToPreInteractionSetFunctorTransformation.{φτ}

  given preInteractionSetFunctor: Functor[
    [_] =>> Set[PreInteraction]
  ] = new:
    def φ[Z, Y]: Function[
      Morphism[Z, Y],
      Function[Set[PreInteraction], Set[PreInteraction]]
    ] = pt =>
      val preInteractionToPreThingSetFunction
          : Function[Set[PreInteraction], Set[PreThing]] = composeAll
      val preThingSetToPreInteractionFunction
          : Function[Set[PreThing], Set[PreInteraction]] = decomposeAll
      preThingSetToPreInteractionFunction o
        preThingSetFunctor.φ(pt) o

  val preThingSetSetFunctor: Functor[
    [_] =>> Set[Set[PreThing]]
  ] =
      def φ[Z, Y]: Function[
        Morphism[Z, Y],
        Function[Set[Set[PreThing]], Set[Set[PreThing]]]
      ] =
        zμy =>
          ptss =>
            for {
              pts <- ptss
            } yield {

  extension (placeTransitionFunctor: Functor[Morphism, Morphism, [_] =>> Place])
    def isMovementAfterPlaceTransition[Z, Y](
        placeTransition: Transition[Place]
    ): Boolean =

        ατ o preThingSetFunctor.φ(placeTransition)
      } == {
        placeTransitionFunctor.φ(placeTransition) a ατ

      placeTransitionFunctor isNaturalFor placeTransition

  val isImmobileAfterPlaceTransition: Transition[Place] => Boolean =
    val identityPlaceTransition: Transition[Place] = morphismCategory.ι
    val constantIdentityPlaceTransitionFunctor =
      new Functor[Morphism, Morphism, [_] =>> Place]:
        def φ[Z, Y] = _ => identityPlaceTransition
    constantIdentityPlaceTransitionFunctor isMovementAfterPlaceTransition _

  val isImmobileAtPlaceTransitionInitialPlaceTransitionBased
      : Transition[Place] => Boolean =
    placeTransition =>
      all {
        for {
          initialPlaceTransition <-
        } yield {

  val isImmobileAtPlaceTransitionSubPlaceTransitionBased
      : Transition[Place] => Boolean =
    placeTransition =>
      all {
        for {
          subPlaceTransition <- placeTransitionToSubPlaceTransitionSetFunction(
        } yield {

  val immobileAfterTimeInterval: MomentInterval => Boolean =
    isImmobileAfterPlaceTransition o momentIntervalToPlaceTransitionFunction

  val immobileAtTimeIntervalInitialPlaceTransitionBased
      : MomentInterval => Boolean =
    isImmobileAtPlaceTransitionInitialPlaceTransitionBased o

  val immobileAtTimeIntervalSubPlaceTransitionBased: MomentInterval => Boolean =
    isImmobileAtPlaceTransitionSubPlaceTransitionBased o

  // laws

  import specification.{Law}

  trait PreThingsLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    val selfPreInteraction: PreInteraction => L[Set[PreThing]] =
      preInteraction =>
        require(preInteraction.size == 1)
        val preThingSet: Set[PreThing] = preInteraction
        val preThing = compose(preThingSet)
        preInteraction `=` singleton(preThing)

    val noPreThingsFromNoPreThingsPlaceTransitionBased: Transition[Place] => L[Set[PreThing]] =
      placeTransition =>
        } `=` {

    val noPreThingsFromNoPreThingsMomentIntervalBased: MomentInterval => L[Set[PreThing]] =
      noPreThingsFromNoPreThingsPlaceTransitionBased `o` momentIntervalToPlaceTransitionFunction

    val unionOfSingletonPreInteractions
        : Set[Set[PreThing]] => L[Set[PreInteraction]] =
      preThingSetSet =>
          U {
            for {
              preThingSet <- choices(preThingSetSet)
            } yield {
              φτ {
                for {
                  preThing <- preThingSet
                } yield {
        } `=` {

    import specification.{FunctorTransformationLawsFor}

    val transformationLaws =

    import transformationLaws.{orderedNatural}

    val preInteractionNaturePreservingPlaceTransitionBased
        : Set[PreInteraction] => Transition[Place] => L[Boolean] =
      preInteractionSet =>

        given Ordered[Function[Set[PreInteraction], Set[PreInteraction]]] with
          extension (
              leftPreInteractionSetFunction: Function[
            def <(
                rightPreInteractionSetFunction: Function[
            ): Boolean =
                < rightPreInteractionSetFunction(preInteractionSet)

        placeTransition =>
          import preThingSetSetFunctor.φ
              φτ o φ(placeTransition)
            } <= {
              φ(placeTransition) o φτ
          } `=` {

        orderedNatural apply placeTransition

    val preInteractionNaturePreservingMomentIntervalBased
        : Set[PreInteraction] => MomentInterval => L[Boolean] =
      preInteractionSet =>
        momentInterval =>

    val orderPreserving: Set[PreThing] => Set[PreThing] => L[Boolean] =
      leftPreThingSet =>
        rightPreThingSet =>
            leftPreThingSet <= rightPreThingSet `=` true
          } `=>` {
            ατ(leftPreThingSet) <= ατ(rightPreThingSet) `=` true

    val supremumOfAllSingletonPlaces: Set[PreThing] => L[Place] =
      preThingSet =>
          V {
            for {
              preThing <- preThingSet
            } yield ατ(singleton(preThing))
        } `=` {

PreThings is a type class for parameter PreObject.

functionCategory is explained in functionCategory

PreThings has a foundational parameter Morphism.

PreThings has a domain parameter Moment.

PreThings has a domain parameter Place that is required to be a Universe[Moment, Place, Morphism] type (cfr. given placeUniverse).

Universe is explained in Universe.

PreThings uses type Composition to define type PreThing and type PreInteraction in terms of PreObject.

type Composition is explained in type Composition.

compose, composeAll and decomposeAl are explained in CompositionUtilities.

The requirements for PreObject to be a PreThings type are

  • PreObject is a Functor[Morphism, Function, [_] =>> Set[PreThing]] type (cfr. given preThingSetFunctor),
  • PreObject has a FunctorTransformation[Morphism, Function, [_] =>> Set[Set[PreThing]], [_] =>> Set[PreInteraction]] type instance (cfr. preThingSetSetToPreInteractionSetFunctorTransformation),
  • PreObject has an ActorTransformation[Morphism, Function, [_] =>> Set[PreThing], [_] =>> Place] type instance (cfr. preThingSetToPlaceActorTransformation).

Functor is explained in Functor.

FunctorTransformation is explained in FunctorTransformation.

ActorTransformation is explained in ActorTransformation.

isMovementAfterPlaceTransition can be defined as a Functor[Morphism, Morphism, [_] =>> Place], together with

  • isImmobileAfterPlaceTransition
  • isImmobileAtPlaceTransitionInitialPlaceTransitionBased
  • isImmobileAtPlaceTransitionSubPlaceTransitionBased

and, corresponding TimeInterval related

  • isMovementAfterMomentInterval
  • immobileAfterTimeInterval
  • immobileAtTimeIntervalInitialPlaceTransitionBased
  • immobileAtTimeIntervalSubPlaceTransitionBased

setOrdered is explained in setOrdered

Let's concentrate on the laws.

selfPreInteraction refers to the following, slightly adapted, excerpt from the book (it is taken for granted in the paper).

In fact ,the difference between pre-things and pre-interactions is one of language only, we may just as well call a pre-thing A(t) a pre-interaction i(A(t),A(t)).

noPreThingsFromNoPreThingsPlaceTransitionBased refers to the following, slightly adapted, excerpt from the paper.

Moreover the correspondence acting on the empty set is always the empty set; thus no pre-things arise as the result of a correspondence of the empty set! No pre-thing comes from nothing!

unionOfSingletonPreInteractions refers to the following excerpt from the paper, where [1] refers to the book.

The pre-interaction between A(t) and B(t) in S(t) is written as I(A,B)(t), in [1] I put I(A,B)(t) equal to v{ i(a(t),b(t)) for a(t) in A(t),b(t) in B(t) }.

preInteractionNaturePreservingPlaceTransitionBased refers to the following excerpt from the paper (I changed < to <=).

However there is then a logical assumption, namely that s(t,t’)(I(A,B)(t)) <= I(A,B)(t’) for t<t’, meaning that the correspondences s(t,t') do not change the nature of the later realisation as an interaction. Hence the s(t,t’) respect the dichotomy between pre-interactions and other potentials we will call pre-objects, both together are pre-things.

This is. i.m.h.o., the most fundamental law of pre-things.

It does not only state that the s(t, t') respect the dichotomy, but also that, at t' there may be pre-interations that are not of the form s(t,t’)(I(A,B)(t)).

orderPreserving refers to the following excerpt from the paper (already mentioned in the introduction).

We can define a “place map”, p(t): PS(t)--->U(t) where some A(t) is taken to an element pA(t) of the nc-lattice L(t) giving the topology of U(t) such that p(t) respects the (inclusion) partial orders on PS(t) and U(t).

supremumOfAllSingletonPlaces refers to the following excerpt from the paper, where [2] refers to the "Virtual topology and functor geometry book" of Fred

In [2], I took pA(t)=V{ p({a(t)}), a(t) in A(t) } – we then say p is basic - which is harmless and seems logical for the notion of “place” yet we do not use that here.

Law is explained in Law.

Mathematical Foundations: Specifications


Back to Ordered

Back to NcMeet

Back to JoinComplete

Back to Join

Back to Category

Back to Composition

Back to Functor

Back to PreThings

package specification

trait Law[L[_]]:

  // declared

  extension [Z, Y](lly: L[Y]) def `=>`(rlz: L[Z]): L[Z]

  extension [Z](l: Z) def `=`(r: Z): L[Z]

  extension [Z](ll: L[Z]) def `&`(rl: L[Z]): L[Z]

  extension [Z](ll: L[Z]) def `|`(rl: L[Z]): L[Z]

  def all[Z]: Function[Set[L[Z]], L[Z]]

Law is a unary type constructor class for parameter L.

Laws are conditional equational laws with conjunction, disjunction, and universal quantification.

Back to PreThings

Back to Functor

Back to Composition

Back to Category

Back to Join

Back to JoinComplete

Back to NcMeet

Back to Ordered


Back to Universe

package specification

trait OneToOne[Z, Y] extends Isomorphism[Function, Z, Y]:

  val fromAll: Function[Set[Z], Set[Y]] =
    zs =>
      for {
        z <- zs
      } yield {

  val toAll: Function[Set[Y], Set[Z]] =
    ys =>
      for {
        y <- ys
      } yield {

Isomorphism is explained in Isomorphism.

Back to Universe


Back to JoinComplete

package utilities.set

def emptySet[Z]: Set[Z] = Set.empty

def singleton[Z]: Z => Set[Z] = z => emptySet + z

def tuple2ToSet[Z]: Tuple2[Z, Z] => Set[Z] =
  (z0, z1) => singleton(z0) union singleton(z1)

def choices[Z]: Set[Set[Z]] => Set[Set[Z]] =
  zss =>
    val zsl: List[Set[Z]] = zss.toList
    zsl match
      case Nil =>
      case zs :: zsl =>
        for {
          z <- zs
          zs <- choices(zsl.toSet).toList
        } yield {
          zs + z

def U[Z]: Set[Set[Z]] => Set[Z] =
  zss =>
    for {
      zs <- zss
      z <- zs
    } yield {

def all : Set[Boolean] => Boolean =
  _.foldRight(true)(_ && _)

Most utilities are straightforward.

Maybe choices may need some explanation.

Here is an example:

scala> choices(Set(Set(1, 2), Set(3, 4, 5), Set(6, 7))).foreach{println}
Set(7, 3, 2)
Set(7, 5, 1)
Set(6, 4, 2)
Set(7, 3, 1)
Set(6, 4, 1)
Set(7, 5, 2)
Set(6, 3, 2)
Set(6, 3, 1)
Set(7, 4, 1)
Set(6, 5, 1)
Set(7, 4, 2)
Set(6, 5, 2)

Back to JoinComplete


Back to PreThings

package types

import specification.{Limit}

type Composition[Z] = Limit[[O] =>> CompositionEnum[Z, O]]

Composition is a limit of CompositionEnum.

Limit is explained in Limit.

CompositionEnum is explained in CompositionEnum.

Limit is a fixed-point recursively fills the "hole" in CompositionEnum.


This is work in progress.

Composition an important part of the mathematical foundation of the book of Fred.

There is more to writesay about it than I do in this document.

I declare and define concepts programmatically "by need".

Back to PreThings


Back to PreThings

package utilities.composition

import types.{CompositionEnum, Composition}

import utilities.set.{U}

import specification.{OneToOne, Limit, limit}

import implementation.{functionCategory, compositionEnumFunctionFunctor}

def compose[Z]: Set[Composition[Z]] => Composition[Z] =
  zfcs => Limit apply CompositionEnum.Composed(zfcs)

def decompose[Z]: Composition[Z] => Set[Composition[Z]] =
  limit apply {
    case CompositionEnum.Atomic(_) =>
      sys.error("atomic component cannot be decomposed")
    case CompositionEnum.Composed(zcss) => U(zcss)

def compositionSetToCompositionOneToOne[Z]
    : OneToOne[Set[Composition[Z]], Composition[Z]] =
    val from: Set[types.Composition[Z]] => types.Composition[Z] = compose
    val to: types.Composition[Z] => Set[types.Composition[Z]] = decompose

def composeAll[Z]: Set[Set[Composition[Z]]] => Set[Composition[Z]] =

def decomposeAll[Z]: Set[Composition[Z]] => Set[Set[Composition[Z]]] =

compositionEnumFunctionFunctor is explained in compositionEnumFunctionFunctor.

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package specification

trait Ordered[Z]:

  // declared

  extension (lz: Z) def <(rz: Z): Boolean

  // defined

  extension (lz: Z) def <=(rz: Z): Boolean = lz < rz || lz == rz

  // nested `trait`s

  trait Interval extends Set[Z]

  trait IntervalUtilities:

    extension (b: Z) def to(e: Z): Interval

    def begin: Function[Interval, Z]

    def end: Function[Interval, Z]

    val initialIntervals: Function[Interval, Set[Interval]] =
      i =>
        val b = begin(i)
        for {
          e <- i
          if (b <= e && e <= end(i))
        } yield {
          b to e

    val subIntervals: Function[Interval, Set[Interval]] =
      i =>
        for {
          b <- i
          e <- i
          if (begin(i) <= b &&
            b <= e &&
            e <= end(i))
        } yield {
          b to e

    // laws

    trait IntervalUtilitiesLaws[L[_]: Law]:

      val beginToEnd: Interval => L[Interval] = i =>
        } `=` {
          begin(i) to end(i)

  // laws

  trait OrderedLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    val reflexive: Z => L[Boolean] = z =>
        z <= z
      } `=` {

    val antiSymmetric: Z => Z => L[Boolean] = lz =>
      rz =>
          lz <= rz `=` true `&` rz <= lz `=` true
        } `=>` {
          lz == rz `=` true

    val transitive: Z => Z => Z => L[Boolean] = lz =>
      mz =>
        rz =>
            lz <= mz `=` true `&` mz <= rz `=` true
          } `=>` {
            lz <= rz `=` true

  trait TotallyOrderedLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    val stronglyConnected: Z => Z => L[Boolean] = lz =>
      rz =>
          lz <= rz `|` rz <= lz
        } `=` {

Ordered is a type class for parameter Z.

See, for example, Partially ordered sets.

Law is explained in Law.

Interval is a type synonym for Set[Z].

IntervalUtilities comes with its own features and IntervalUtilitiesLaws.

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Back to VirtualTopology

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package specification

trait VirtualTopology[Z] extends Ordered[Z], JoinComplete[Z], NcMeet[Z]

Ordered is explained in Ordered

JoinComplete is explained in JoinComplete

NcMeet is explained in NcMeet


This is work in progress.

Virtual topology is the most important part of the mathematical foundation of the book of Fred.

I declare and define concepts programmatically "by need".

Until now, for the time moments, universe places, and pre-things concepts and their laws, I only need Ordered and JoinComplete.

Although I do not need NcMeet yet, I add it anyway to emphasize the relationship with traditional topologies.

There is even more: the non-idempotency of the NcMeet operator is the most important reason why virtual topology is more general, hence more capable from a modeling point of view, than traditional pointless topologies.

Expect this to change a lot.

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Back to VirtualTopology

package specification

trait JoinComplete[Z] extends Join[Z]:

  // declared

  val V: Function[Set[Z], Z]

  // defined

  import utilities.set.{tuple2ToSet}

  extension (lz: Z) def (rz: Z): Z = V(tuple2ToSet(lz, rz))

  trait SupremumLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    val law: Law[L] = summon[Law[L]]

    import law.{all}

    val smallestGreaterThanAll: Z => Set[Z] => L[Boolean] =
      az =>
        zs =>
            all {
              for {
                z <- zs
              } yield z <= V(zs) `=` true
          } `&` {
            all {
              for {
                z <- zs
              } yield z <= az `=` true
          } `=>` {
            V(zs) <= az `=` true

JoinComplete is a type class for parameter Z.

Join is explained in Join.

tuple2ToSet is explained in SetUtilities.

See, for example, Infimum and JoinComplete.

Law is explained in Law

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Back to VirtualTopology

package specification

trait NcMeet[Z] extends Ordered[Z]:

  // declared

  extension (lz: Z) def (rz: Z): Z

  trait NcMeetLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    val greatestSmallerThanBoth: Z => Z => Z => L[Boolean] =
      az =>
        lz =>
          rt =>
              ((lz  rt) <= lz) `=` true `&` ((lz  rt) <= rt) `=` true
            } `&` {
              (az <= lz) `=` true `&` (az <= rt) `=` true
            } `=>` {
              az <= (lz  rt) `=` true

Ordered is explained in Ordered.

See, for example, Join and Meet.

Law is explained in Law

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Back to JoinComplete

package specification

trait Join[Z] extends Ordered[Z]:

  // declared

  extension (lz: Z) def (rz: Z): Z

  trait JoinLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    val smallestGreaterThanBoth: Z => Z => Z => L[Boolean] =
      az =>
        lz =>
          rz =>
              (lz <= (lz  rz)) `=` true `&` (rz <= (lz  rz)) `=` true
            } `&` {
              (lz <= az) `=` true `&` (rz <= az) `=` true
            } `=>` {
              (lz  rz) <= az `=` true

Ordered is explained in Ordered.

See, for example, Join and Meet.

Law is explained in Law

Back to JoinComplete


Back to type Composition

package types

enum CompositionEnum[Z, O]:
  case Atomic[Z, O](z: Z) extends CompositionEnum[Z, O]
  case Composed[Z, O](ls: Set[O]) extends CompositionEnum[Z, O]

CompositionEnum is an example of information-like compositionality.

Parameter O denotes a "hole" in the CompositionEnum information.

Back to type Composition


Back to Universe

package specification

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq

trait Category[Morphism[_, _]]
    extends Composition[Morphism],

  // defined

  def composeAll[Z]: Function[Seq[Transition[Z]], Transition[Z]] =
    zτs => zτs composeAllWith ι

  // laws

  trait CategoryLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    def leftIdentity[Z, Y]: Morphism[Z, Y] => L[Morphism[Z, Y]] = zμy =>
        ι o zμy
      } `=` {

    def rightIdentity[Z, Y]: Morphism[Z, Y] => L[Morphism[Z, Y]] =
      zμy =>
          zμy o ι
        } `=` {

Category is a binary type constructor class for parameter Morphism.

Sequences of transitions can all be composed.

Composition is explained in Composition

Identity is explained in Identity

See, for example, Category.

Law is explained in Law.

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Back to Universe

package specification

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq

trait Action[ActorMorphism[_, _]: Category, Morphism[_, _]: Category]:

  // declared

  def actionFunctor[Z]: Functor[ActorMorphism, Function, [Y] =>> Morphism[Z, Y]]

  // defined

  extension [Z, Y, X](yμx: ActorMorphism[Y, X])
    def a(zμy: Morphism[Z, Y]): Morphism[Z, X] =

  type ActorTransition = [Z] =>> ActorMorphism[Z, Z]

  extension [Z, Y, X](τys: Seq[ActorTransition[Y]])
    def allActUpon(zμy: Morphism[Z, Y]): Morphism[Z, Y] =
      τys.foldRight(zμy)(_ a _)

Action is a binary type constructor class for parameter ActorMorphism that is required to be a Category binary type constructor.

Action has a parameter Morphism that is required to be a Category binary type constructor.

Category is explained in Category.

actionFunctor[Z]s come with functions φ[Y, X] from actor morphisms of type ActorMorphism[Y, X] to morphism functions of type Function[Morphism[Z, X], Morphism[Z, Y]].

In particular they come with functions φ[Z, Z] from actor transitions of type ActorTransition[Y] to morphism functions of type Function[Morphism[Z, Y], Morphism[Z, Y]].

Sequences of actor transitions can act upon a morphism.

Functor is explained in Functor.

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Back to Category

trait Composition[Morphism[_, _]]:

  // declared

  extension [Z, Y, X](yμx: Morphism[Y, X])
    def o(zμy: Morphism[Z, Y]): Morphism[Z, X] 

  // defined

  type Transition = [Z] =>> Morphism[Z, Z]

  type Transition = [Z] =>> Morphism[Z, Z]

  extension [Z, Y, X](zτs: Seq[Transition[Z]])
    def composeAllWith(: Transition[Z]): Transition[Z] =
      zτs.foldRight(zτ)(_ o _)   

  // laws

  trait CompositionLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    def associativity[Z, Y, X, W]
        : Morphism[Z, Y] => Morphism[Y, X] => Morphism[X, W] => L[
          Morphism[Z, W]
        ] =
      zμy =>
        yμx =>
          xμw =>
              (xμw o yμx) o zμy
            } `=` {
              xμw o (yμx o zμy)

Composition is a binary type constructor class for parameter Morphism.

Morphisms of type Morphism[Z, Y] denote morphisms from homogeneous sets Z to homogeneous sets Y.

Morphisms of type Morphism[Z, Y] change the type of elements if Z and Y are different types.

Transitions of type Transition[Z], do not change the type of elements.

Sequences of transitions can all be composed with a transition.

Composition is an example of functionality-like compositionality.

Law is explained in Law.

Back to Category


Back to Category

package specification

trait Identity[Morphism[_, _]]:

  // declared

  def ι[Z]: Morphism[Z, Z]

Identity is a binary type constructor class for parameter Morphism.

Back to Category


Back to OneToOne

package specification

trait Isomorphism[Morphism[_, _]: Category, Z, Y]:

  val from: Morphism[Z, Y]

  val to: Morphism[Y, Z]

  // laws

  trait IsomorphismLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    val category = summon[Category[Morphism]]

    import category.{ι}

    val fromLaw: L[Morphism[Z, Z]] = {
      to o from
    } `=` {

    val toLaw: L[Morphism[Y, Y]] = {
      from o to
    } `=` {

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package specification

trait Functor[
    FromMorphism[_, _]: Category,
    ToMorphism[_, _]: Category,

  // declared

  def φ[Z, Y]: Function[
    FromMorphism[Z, Y],
    ToMorphism[Morphed[Z], Morphed[Y]]

  // defined

  type FromTransition = [Z] =>> FromMorphism[Z, Z]

  type ToTransition = [Z] =>> ToMorphism[Z, Z]

  // laws

  trait FunctorLaws[L[_]: Law]:

    def identity[Z]: L[ToMorphism[Morphed[Z], Morphed[Z]]] =
      val fm = summon[Category[FromMorphism]]
      val tm = summon[Category[ToMorphism]]
      φ(fm.ι) `=` tm.ι

    def composition[Z, Y, X]: FromMorphism[Z, Y] => FromMorphism[Y, X] => L[
      ToMorphism[Morphed[Z], Morphed[X]]
    ] =
      fzμy =>
        fyμx =>
            φ(fyμx o fzμy)
          } `=` {
            φ(fyμx) o φ(fzμy)

Functor is a unary type constructor class for parameter Morphed.

Functor has two parameters FromMorphism and ToMorphism that are required to be Category binary type constructors.

Category is explained in Category.

Types Morphed[Z], corresponding to types Z, come with functions φ[Z, Y] from morphisms of type FromMorphism[Z, Y] to morphisms of type ToMorphism[Morphed[Z], Morphed[Y]].

In particular they come with functions φ[Z, Z] from transitions of type FromTransition[Z] to transitions of type ToTransition[Morphed[Z].

See, for example, Functor.

Law is explained in Law.

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Back to Action


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package specification

trait FunctorTransformation[
    FromMorphism[_, _]: Category,
    ToMorphism[_, _]: Category,
    FromMorphed[_]: [_[_]] =>> Functor[
    ToMorphed[_]: [_[_]] =>> Functor[

  // declared

  def φτ[Z]: ToMorphism[FromMorphed[Z], ToMorphed[Z]]

// laws

class FunctorTransformationLawsFor[
    FromMorphism[_, _]: Category,
    ToMorphism[_, _]: Category,
    FromMorphed[_]: [_[_]] =>> Functor[
    ToMorphed[_]: [_[_]] =>> Functor[
    L[_]: Law
    t: FunctorTransformation[

  val f_fmΦtm = summon[Functor[FromMorphism, ToMorphism, FromMorphed]]

  val t_fmΦtm = summon[Functor[FromMorphism, ToMorphism, ToMorphed]]

  import t.{φτ}

  def orderedNatural[
      Y: [_] =>> Ordered[
        ToMorphism[FromMorphed[Z], ToMorphed[Y]]
  ]: FromMorphism[Z, Y] => L[Boolean] =
    fzμy =>
          φτ o f_fmΦtm.φ(fzμy)
        } <= {
          t_fmΦtm.φ(fzμy) o φτ
      } `=` {

FunctorTransformation is a value class.

orderedNatural is a kind of natural transformation law with == replaced by <=.

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package specification

trait ActorTransformation[
    ActorMorphism[_, _]: Category: [_[_, _]] =>> Action[
    UponMorphism[_, _]: Category,
    UponMorphed[_]: [_[_]] =>> Functor[
    ActorMorphed[_]: [_[_]] =>> Functor[

  // declared

  def ατ[Z]: UponMorphism[UponMorphed[Z], ActorMorphed[Z]]

  // defined

  val amΦum = summon[Functor[ActorMorphism, UponMorphism, UponMorphed]]

  extension [Z, Y](
      amΦam: Functor[ActorMorphism, ActorMorphism, ActorMorphed]
    def isNaturalFor(zμy: ActorMorphism[Z, Y]): Boolean = {
      ατ o amΦum.φ(zμy)
    } == {
      amΦam.φ(zμy) a ατ

ActorTransformation is a value class.

isNaturalFor is defined using a kind of natural transformation law with a composition o replaced by an action a.

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Back to type Composition

package specification

import implementation.{functionCategory}

case class Limit[
    Morphed[_]: [_[_]] =>> Functor[Function, Function, Morphed]
](clc: Morphed[Limit[Morphed]]) 

def limit[
    Morphed[_]: [_[_]] =>> Functor[Function, Function, Morphed],
]: (Morphed[Z] => Z) => (Limit[Morphed] => Z) =
  val fΦf = summon[Functor[Function, Function, Morphed]]
  zcφz => cl => (zcφz o fΦf.φ(limit apply zcφz))(cl.clc)

functionCategory is explained in

Limit denotes general information-like recursion.

limit denotes general functionality-like recursion.

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Mathematical Foundations Domain: Implementations


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Back to Limit

package implementation

import specification.{Category}

given functionCategory: Category[Function] with

  type Morphism = [Z, Y] =>> Function[Z, Y]

  extension [Z, Y, X](yμx: Morphism[Y, X])
    def o(zμy: Morphism[Z, Y]): Morphism[Z, X] = z => yμx(zμy(z))

  def ι[Z]: Morphism[Z, Z] = z => z

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package implementation

import specification.{Ordered}

given setOrdered[Z]: Ordered[Set[Z]] with

  extension (lzs: Set[Z]) def `=`(rzs: Set[Z]): Boolean = lzs == rzs

  extension (lzs: Set[Z]) def <(rzs: Set[Z]): Boolean = 
    (lzs subsetOf rzs) && (lzs != rzs)

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Back to CompositionUtilities

package implementation

import types.{CompositionEnum}

import specification.{Functor}

given compositionEnumFunctionFunctor[X]
    : Functor[Function, Function, [O] =>> CompositionEnum[X, O]] with
  def φ[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Function[
    CompositionEnum[X, Z],
    CompositionEnum[X, Y]
  ] = zφy =>
    case CompositionEnum.Atomic[X, Z](x) =>
      CompositionEnum.Atomic[X, Y](x)
    case CompositionEnum.Composed[X, Z](zs) =>
      CompositionEnum.Composed[X, Y](
        for {
          z <- zs
        } yield {

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