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Andras Zoltan edited this page Nov 21, 2013 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the PagerSlidingTabStrip.Net wiki!

Here I shall attempt to try and make using this control a bit easier... But will probably fail :)

This control matches the same tabs google introduced in version 4.4.22 of their play store app; and was originally built in Java by Andreas Stütz (

I needed something like this for the JobServe Android App and when I saw Andreas' code I just knew it needed to be ported to .Net, for use in a Xamarin.Android environment. Considering it was originally an open-source project, I decided to do the same with my port, and share the love.

Already within a day or two of porting it, I've started making modifications, and the example application here is, where time allows, being updated to reflect that.

...more to come...

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