Player's Guide === A (probably) quick guide of how to play (and troll) with PocketFactions. > _Note: This guide is written assuming that you are joining a pure factions servers. Each server has its different system, and you might be unable to use some of the features specified here. Some may even modify the source of this plugin, so this is a disclaimer to remind you of the fact that this guide is only an assumption of what a server is expected of with this plugin._ ## Prologue Factions ## When you first join the server When you first join a factions server, you have three choices: * [Join a faction](#Joining%20a%20faction) * [Create a faction](#Creating%20a%20faction) * [Don't join a faction (obviously the only choice if you do neither of the above)](#Staying%20in%20the%20wilderness) Click the points above to see how you do that, and why you should/shouldn't do that. ## Joining a faction There are three methods to join an existing faction. They are: * Receiving an invitation from that faction to join * Sending a request to join that faction * Join an open faction When you first join the server, if you want to join a faction, use `/f list` to show all active factions. ## Creating a faction You can create ## Staying in the wilderness Not joining any factions is an unwise action. While you can easily claim chunks for your faction, not creating a faction and claim nearlyby chunks to protect your constructions is dangerous because your constructions can be easily griefed.