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Post Install Guide

Zach Toogood edited this page Nov 11, 2024 · 8 revisions

Post-Install Guide

Changing Game Settings

Various details about the game can be changed via editing the settings files. Settings are located in settings/ and require a server reboot to apply. If you edit the settings files in settings/default nothing will happen. These are used as default values for the settings if you don't copy any files from settings/default to settings/.

Making a Game Master Character

After creating your first character you'll want to make it a GM by typing gm TheirName 4 into your xi_map exe's console (this applies instantly and is accompanied by an in-game message). You can also do this by executing the following MySQL query, replacing Name with your character name (this will require your character to zone to take effect):

UPDATE chars SET gmlevel = 4 WHERE charname = "Name";

Available GM commands are found in the scripts/commands/ folder, and a description of each command can be found at the top of the script. Commands can be used in-game using the script name with a preceding !, and removing .lua. For example, promote.lua is ran in game using !promote. This is the command you would use to make additional GMs.

Useful starter GM commands

  • !godmode: Toggles god mode on the player, granting them several special abilities, including invincibility.
  • !givegil: Gives the specified amount of gil to GM or target player.
  • !giveexp: Gives the GM or target player experience points.
  • !togglegm: Toggles a GMs nameflags/icon.
  • !speed: Sets the players movement speed.
  • !zone: Teleports a player to the given zone (can be used with autotranslate, ie. !zone {Port Bastok})

Make sure you look in scripts/commands for more commands!

Making the Server Available to the Internet

To make the server accessible over a network, the zoneip field for all zones must be changed in the zone_settings table. You can do this with a simple MySQL query.

UPDATE zone_settings SET zoneip = 'IP';

Replace IP with the desired IP. To access the game only on the same machine, this should be If you're accessing the server from another machine on the network, it should be the local IP address of the host, e.g. If you want to access it over the internet, it needs to be your public IP which can be gathered from various websites such as


zone_settings is not a protected table, so this change can be overwritten during an update. It is recommended to save this query in a .sql file in server/sql/backups/ then import it after an update. This could also be a module.

Port Forwarding

Make sure you have the following ports forwarded by your router and open in any firewall software if accessing the server over a network:

TCP ports: 54230, 54231, 54001, 54002
UDP port: 54230

Database Management

By default, dbtool will offer to backup your whole database into server/sql/backups/ whenever it performs an update. You can turn this off and do manual backups either with the TUI, or by running python3 backup (Windows: py -3 backup). You can create a backup of only sensitive player data by using python3 backup lite (Windows: py -3 backup lite). The tables it backs up with the lite argument are defined in server/tools/config.yaml (created automatically by dbtool the first time you run it). The backups can be imported using the Restore/Import command in dbtool.

Executing a MySQL Query

Linux and Windows users with MySQL in their PATH can execute a query from the terminal using the following format:

mysql -u xi -ppassword xidb -e "QUERY"

Where xi, password, xidb, and QUERY are changed to your needs. Windows users can also use the query tab in HeidiSQL (default keybind is CTRL+T).

See Also

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