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ByzFL Documentation

Welcome to the official documentation of ByzFL, developed by DCL at EPFL and WIDE at INRIA Rennes!

What is ByzFL?

ByzFL is a Python library for Byzantine-resilient Federated Learning. It is fully compatible with both PyTorch tensors and NumPy arrays, making it versatile for a wide range of machine learning workflows.

Key Features

  1. Robust Aggregators and Pre-Aggregators:
    • Aggregate gradients robustly while mitigating the impact of Byzantine participants.
  2. Byzantine Attacks:
    • Simulate and evaluate different attack strategies to test resilience.
  3. Federated Learning Framework:
    • Provides an end-to-end simulation environment for federated learning, integrating clients (honest and Byzantine), a central server, and robust aggregation mechanisms. This framework supports testing and benchmarking the robustness of various aggregation strategies against adversarial attacks in a distributed learning setup.

The exact implementations of these modules (aggregators, attacks, and fed_framework) can be found in the byzfl/ directory.


Install the ByzFL library using pip:

pip install byzfl

After installation, the library is ready to use.

Federated Learning Simulation Example

Below is an example of how to simulate federated learning using this framework:

# Import necessary libraries
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from byzfl import Client, Server, ByzantineClient, DataDistributor
from byzfl.utils.misc import set_random_seed

# Set random seed for reproducibility
SEED = 42

# Configurations
nb_honest_clients = 3
nb_byz_clients = 1
nb_training_steps = 1000
batch_size = 25

# Data Preparation
transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,))])
train_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root="./data", train=True, download=True, transform=transform)
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, shuffle=True)

# Distribute data among clients using non-IID Dirichlet distribution
data_distributor = DataDistributor({
    "data_distribution_name": "dirichlet_niid",
    "distribution_parameter": 0.5,
    "nb_honest": nb_honest_clients,
    "data_loader": train_loader,
    "batch_size": batch_size,
client_dataloaders = data_distributor.split_data()

# Initialize Honest Clients
honest_clients = [
        "model_name": "cnn_mnist",
        "device": "cpu",
        "loss_name": "NLLLoss",
        "LabelFlipping": False,
        "training_dataloader": client_dataloaders[i],
        "momentum": 0.9,
        "nb_labels": 10,
    }) for i in range(nb_honest_clients)

# Prepare Test Dataset
test_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root="./data", train=False, download=True, transform=transform)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)

# Server Setup, Use SGD Optimizer
server = Server({
    "device": "cpu",
    "model_name": "cnn_mnist",
    "test_loader": test_loader,
    "optimizer_name": "SGD",
    "learning_rate": 0.1,
    "weight_decay": 0.0001,
    "milestones": [1000],
    "learning_rate_decay": 0.25,
    "aggregator_info": {"name": "TrMean", "parameters": {"f": nb_byz_clients}},
    "pre_agg_list": [
        {"name": "Clipping", "parameters": {"c": 2.0}},
        {"name": "NNM", "parameters": {"f": nb_byz_clients}},

# Byzantine Client Setup
attack = {
    "name": "InnerProductManipulation",
    "f": nb_byz_clients,
    "parameters": {"tau": 3.0},
byz_client = ByzantineClient(attack)

# Training Loop
for training_step in range(nb_training_steps+1):

    # Send (Updated) Server Model to Clients
    server_model = server.get_dict_parameters()
    for client in honest_clients:

    # Evaluate Global Model Every 100 Training Steps
    if training_step % 100 == 0:
        test_acc = server.compute_test_accuracy()
        print(f"--- Training Step {training_step}/{nb_training_steps} ---")
        print(f"Test Accuracy: {test_acc:.4f}")

    # Honest Clients Compute Gradients
    for client in honest_clients:

    # Aggregate Honest Gradients
    honest_gradients = [client.get_flat_gradients_with_momentum() for client in honest_clients]

    # Apply Byzantine Attack
    byz_vector = byz_client.apply_attack(honest_gradients)

    # Combine Honest and Byzantine Gradients
    gradients = honest_gradients + byz_vector

    # Update Global Model

print("Training Complete!")


--- Training Step 0/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.0600
--- Training Step 100/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.6375
--- Training Step 200/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.8148
--- Training Step 300/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.9318
--- Training Step 400/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.8588
--- Training Step 500/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.9537
--- Training Step 600/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.9185
--- Training Step 700/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.9511
--- Training Step 800/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.9400
--- Training Step 900/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.9781
--- Training Step 1000/1000 ---
Test Accuracy: 0.9733
Training Complete!

Here are quick examples of how to use the TrMean robust aggregator and the SignFlipping Byzantine attack:

Quick Start Example - Using PyTorch Tensors

import byzfl
import torch

# Number of Byzantine participants
f = 1

# Honest vectors
honest_vectors = torch.tensor([[1., 2., 3.],
                               [4., 5., 6.],
                               [7., 8., 9.]])

# Initialize and apply the attack
attack = byzfl.SignFlipping()
byz_vector = attack(honest_vectors)

# Create f identical attack vectors
byz_vectors = byz_vector.repeat(f, 1)

# Concatenate honest and Byzantine vectors
all_vectors =, byz_vectors), dim=0)

# Initialize and perform robust aggregation
aggregate = byzfl.TrMean(f=f)
result = aggregate(all_vectors)
print("Aggregated result:", result)


Aggregated result: tensor([2.5000, 3.5000, 4.5000])

Quick Start Example - Using Numpy Arrays

import byzfl
import numpy as np

# Number of Byzantine participants
f = 1

# Honest vectors
honest_vectors = np.array([[1., 2., 3.],
                           [4., 5., 6.],
                           [7., 8., 9.]])

# Initialize and apply the attack
attack = byzfl.SignFlipping()
byz_vector = attack(honest_vectors)

# Create f identical attack vectors
byz_vectors = np.tile(byz_vector, (f, 1))

# Concatenate honest and Byzantine vectors
all_vectors = np.concatenate((honest_vectors, byz_vectors), axis=0)

# Initialize and perform robust aggregation
aggregate = byzfl.TrMean(f=f)
result = aggregate(all_vectors)
print("Aggregated result:", result)


Aggregated result: [2.5 3.5 4.5]

Learn More

Explore the key components of ByzFL:


ByzFL is open-source and distributed under the MIT License.

Contributions are welcome!