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274 lines (204 loc) · 8.54 KB

File metadata and controls

274 lines (204 loc) · 8.54 KB

class Zip


Zip archive creation

Create Zip Instance (class Zip)

Basically it looks like this.

var zip = new Zip("", File.READ|File.WRITE);

Specify the file name and mode.

Mode Meaning Operation overview
File.READ Read mode When specified alone and the file does not exist, throw ZipException.
File.WRITE Write mode Mode to create a new file even if it exists.
File.APPEND Append mode Appends to the file if it exists.

These are same as File.


The methods of the Zip instance are as follows.

Method Content Options
extract(name, [opts]) Extract and get it as a string. { password, overwrite, skip, }
extractTo(name, file [, opts]) Extract to file. (same as above)
find(name) Finds an entry and returns the entry object.
addFile(filename [, opts]) Adds an entry to the Zip file. { password, method, aes, level }
addString(text [, opts]) Adds an entry to the Zip file. (same as above)
setPassword(password) Sets the password that is used for all Zip entries.
setOverwrite(truefalse) Used to specify overwrite settings for all.

Add entry (addFile()/addString())

Use addFile() or addString(). The entry is added immediately.


If a directory name is given to the file, the files will be added as the files inside the directory. You can also pass an option as the second argument. The options are as follows.

  • password: Password for the Zip with password. No default.
  • method: Compression method. The default is deflate. In addition, you can specify "store", "bzip2", "lzma".
  • aes: Whether to enable WinZIP compatible AES encryption (true/false). Default false. It is ignored in the case of addString.
  • level: Compression level. 0-9.

An example of adding options is as below.

zip.addFile("", {
    method: "bzip2",
    password: "password",
    aes: true,
zip.addString("test/test1.txt", {
    content: "test/test\n",
    // aes: true, // ignored by addString.

The password can be set separately for each entry if it is specified individually during extracting.


It can be specified as an option at the time of addFile(), but if you want to set it all at the beginning, you can use setPassword().

var zip = new Zip("", File.READ|File.WRITE);

Display Zip file list

The zip instance already contains the entry objects as an array. A list can be displayed as follows. The number of entries is stored in zip.totalFiles.

var zip = new Zip("", File.READ);
System.println("totalFiles = ", zip.totalFiles);
zip.each(function(e) {
    System.println("%s:" % e.filename);
    e.keySet().each(&(key) => {
        if (e[key].isFunction || e[key].isObject || e[key].isUndefined) {
            return; // Skip a function, etc.
        if (key == "crc32") { // CRC is in hex.
            System.println("    %-14s = %10X" % key % e[key]);
        } else if (key != "time" && key != "filename") { // Display in another.
            System.println("    %-14s = %10d" % key % e[key]);
    // time is a structure of an object.
    e.time.keySet().each(&(k) => {
        System.println("      time.%-7d = %10d" % k % e.time[k]);
    // // Entry can be extracted for each.
    // if (e.filename == "") {
    //     e.extractTo("", { password: "text", overwrite: true });
    // }

It is displayed as below.

totalFiles = 4
    compsize       =       4413
    size           =      11621
    isDirectory    =          0
    crc32          =   EFD9A09C
    isEncrypted    =          1
    method         =    deflate
      time.month   =          3
      time.minute  =          1     =         19
      time.year    =       2020
      time.second  =          2
      time.hour    =         16


There are two ways to extract the Zip file.

  • Extract directly from a Zip instance.
  • Extract from Zip entry object.

Extracting from a Zip entry is to do for each entry. In that case, there are two methods as follows.

  • Iterating and selecting an entry.
  • Using the find method to get directly your target entry.

The find method returns a Zip entry object if there is an entry with the specified filename.

The meanings of the options when extracting are as follows.

  • password: Password to use for extraction. If not specified, the one set with setPassword() is used. If it is not set even with setPassword(), it tries to expand without a password.
  • overwrite: Specify true and overwrite if a file with the same name already exists.
  • skip: Specify true and skip if a file with the same name already exists.

If overwrite or skip is not specified and a file with the same name exists, a ZipException exception is thrown.

Extract all

To extract all, execute extractTo on the iterated entry. The necessary directories will be created automatically.

zip.each(&(e) => e.extractTo("examples/zip/dst" / e.filename, {password: "text", skip: true }));

The string becomes a string joined with / when the / operator is applied to a string.

Specify the file and extract

You can use the extract or extractTo methods directly to the Zip instance.

zip.extractTo("", "", {password: "text", skip: true });

If you use extract, it returns the extracted contents as a string.

var text = zip.extract("", {password: "text" });

For Zip entry objects, there are no arguments to specify the entry name.

Method Content Options
extract([opts]) Extract and acquire as a string { password, overwrite, skip, }
extractTo(file [, opts]) Extract to file (same as above)

Here is an example using find.

   .extractTo("", {password: "text", skip: true });
var text = zip.find("")
              .extract({ password: "text" });


Example 1. Archive a file


File.remove("") if (File.exists(""));
File.remove("") if (File.exists(""));

var zip = new Zip("", File.READ|File.WRITE);


System.println("totalFiles = ", zip.totalFiles);


totalFiles = 1

Example 2. Listing an archived file


var zip = new Zip("", File.READ);
System.println("totalFiles = ", zip.totalFiles);
zip.each(function(e) {
    System.println("%s" % e.filename);
   .extractTo("", { password: "password", skip: true });
if (File.exists("")) {


totalFiles = 1

Example 2. No password


var zip = new Zip("", File.READ);
System.println("totalFiles = ", zip.totalFiles);
zip.each(function(e) {
    System.println("%s" % e.filename);
if (File.exists("")) {


totalFiles = 1
Uncaught exception: No one catch the exception.
ZipException: Failed to extract the file( in zip file(
Stack Trace Information:
        at <main-block>(test.kx:7)