File template shamelessly stolen from
- Add Conda environment description to
- Add Conda
- Add testing information (eg Stampede2, Ubuntu VM, Linux, Unix, etc) to
- Refer to Jupyter notebook in
- Include Tim Whiteaker write-up about cross-UTM, attribute him, "not definitive, but guiding"
- Include Alec Carruthers write-up about Manning's values, attribute him, attribute him for original workflow design
- Reference presentation to inaugural annual TACC Institute PT2050 Cyberecosystem Tools: make recording presenting the Jupyter notebook
- Make section referring to downstream projects such as HAND-TauDEM and Flooded_lots ("where you can go from here")
- Reference outgoing president AAAI's address of downstream Flooded_lots work (at time 39:18)
- Change catchment images to HUC12 images
- Combine confirmed and available HUC12 images when they are they same
- Change name from "GeoFlood-preprocessing" to "DEM preprocessing" or "source to basin DEM preprocessing"
- Provide basic description or abstract of this tool, dataset. Include resolution
- Sample citation
- Add sponsor info (TACC, CWE, NOAA (and award number), Planet Texas (and Paola's project name), etc)
- For available preprocessed DEMs, refer to exact LIDAR availability date (2020/02/19)
- Unify name of Jupyter notebook and scripts
- Provide ancillary scripts which do the same thing for the US (10m) and for the World (90m)
- Prepare paper outline ("data paper" about "data collection"): here's a template
- Prepare for submission to TDR, OpenTopography, or other digital repositories
- Produce a choropleth of missing or present HUC12s with each color corresponding to reason why missing
- Specify output format, maybe give option to select formats
- Possibly include each detail used by OpenTopography for its datasets
- Include AAAI slides (they are draft) (slides 13-15 in this draft)
- Replace AAAI draft slides with final from Yolanda Gil
- Include video and slides from Dr Pierce's keynote speech at CSDMS
- Check for slivers of nodata in HUC12 DEMs outside of UTM 14N -- report back results to the CWE
- For buffered HUC12s entirely outside of UTM 14N, replace the UTM 14N HUC12 DEMs with HUC12 DEMs in their respective UTMs (13N & 15N)
- Regroup this repository into CWE group's
- Link against existing CWE repositories where appropriate
- In QAQC error-file generation: distinguish nodata from >1m data instances
- Produce visualization of where I will not be providing preprocessed HUC12s because of known errors or constraints imposed on this project
- Dividing and distributing GeoDataFrames across subsequent runs for initial data set-up
- Modify routine to tolerate lower resolution DEM where necessary
- DOI & example citation in
- Add image of outputs to
- Add image of preprocessed HUC12 DEM availability for all of Texas to