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Ruletest JSON Generation Guide

Ruletest JSON Overview and Workflow

This guide will present the process of testing the Test Case Descriptions (TCD) from the TCD spreadsheet against the Ruleset Checking Tool engine. This guide takes readers through the following pipeline for interpretting TCDs, generating their test case RMR JSON, and testing it against the rule test engine. This guide documents the following:

  1. Interpretting Test Case Description (TCD) Spreadsheets
  2. Understanding the Ruletest JSON Structure
  3. The Ruletest JSON Generation Spreadsheet
  4. Generating a Ruletest JSON
  5. Testing Ruletest JSON Against the ASHRE229.schema.json
  6. Testing a Ruletest JSON Against the RCT Engine

Interpretting Test Case Description (TCD) Spreadsheets

Test Case Description (TCD) spreadsheets describe scenarios used to test the implementation of Rules. These TCDs exercise the implementation of Rules to ensure they pass or fail as expected under various conditions. The fields required to implement a successful Ruletest JSON are as follows:

  • Appendix G Section ID
  • Rule ID
  • Test ID
  • Rule Description
  • Expected Test Outcome
  • All expected attributes for each User, Proposed, and Baseline RMRs

The next section will take a look at an easy example from the Transformer TCD 201030.xlsx excel file and describe how to enter these fields into a Rule Test JSON file. The Ruleset Checking Tool's (RCT) test engine ingests these JSON files to evaluate the implentation of various rules.

Understanding the Ruletest JSON Structure

Test case decription overview in the JSON

The first description in the Transformer TCD 201030.xlsx excel file is for Section 15, Rule 1, Test A. The spreadsheet provides a lot of information, but let's focus only a few of the fields to start:

App G Section ID Rule ID Test ID Rule Description Expected Test Outcome
15 1 a Number of transformers modeled in User RMR and Baseline RMR are the same Pass

These fields provide an overview of the Rule Test and get placed at the beginning of the Rule Test JSON. Here's how they would appear in a Rule Test JSON:

    "rule-15-1a": {
        "Section": 15,
        "Rule": 1,
        "Test": "a",
        "description": "Number of transformers modeled in User RMR and Baseline RMR are the same",
        "expected_rule_outcome": "pass"

These are the important things to note:

  • Rule Test JSONs are structured as a series of rule tests distinguished by their section, rule, and test ID combination. The format is rule-{APPENDIX_G_SECTION_ID}-{RULE_ID}{TEST_ID}. Our our example above this would be rule-15-1a
  • The top level of each rule test requires the Section, Rule, Test, description, and expected_rule_outcome.
    • NOTE: expected_rule_outcome - this field is limited to only 'pass' or 'fail'

ASHRAE 229 RMR JSONs in the Rule Test JSON

In the last section we established the overview of the rule test but next let's take a look at writing RMRs into the Rule Test JSON. These RMRs are what get ingested by the RCT test engine and evaluate the capability of the engine's Rules. Going back to the TCD spreadsheet, the fields that describe the User, Proposed, and Baseline RMRs are found in the following columns:

  • Attribute Names
  • User RMR Value(s)
  • Proposed RMR Value(s)
  • Baseline RMR Value(s)

Here are those fields for rule-15-1a.

Attribute Values User RMR Value(s) Proposed RMR Value(s) Baseline RMR Value(s)
xfrm:name Transformer 1 Transformer 1
xfrm:name Transformer 2 Transformer 2
xfrm:name Transformer 3 Transformer 3

This is where we need to do a bit of interpretation. Based on the rule description and looking through the ASHRAE229.schema.json file, we can infer the author is describing three transformers with unique names in both the User and Baseline RMR. Using the JSON schema, we can infer this is the JSON we want to write for both the baseline and user RMRs:

    "transformers": [
            "name": "Transformer_1"
            "name": "Transformer_2"
            "name": " Transformer_3"

The next step would be to place these into the Test JSON. The user, proposed, and baseline RMRs are all injected inside an element called rmr_transformations. This element has 3 keys-- user, proposed, and baseline. For the example above, the completed rule test JSON would appear as follows:

 "rule-15-1a": {
        "Section": 15,
        "Rule": 1,
        "Test": "a",
        "description": "Number of transformers modeled in User RMR and Baseline RMR are the same",
        "expected_rule_outcome": "pass",
        "rmr_transformations": {
            "user": {
                "transformers": [
                        "name": "Transformer_1"
                        "name": "Transformer_2"
                        "name": "Transformer_3"
            "baseline": {
                "transformers": [
                        "name": "Transformer_1"
                        "name": "Transformer_2"
                        "name": "Transformer_3"

Now the example Ruletest JSON we wrote early includes both the user and baseline elements inside the rmr_transformations element as required by the RCT.

The Ruletest JSON Generation Spreadsheet

Writing out these test JSONs by hand would be tedious and require long refactoring for each schema update. The Ruletest JSON Spreadsheets found in this repository shorten the process of generating and re-generating JSONs.

Examples of these spreadsheets can be found here

Ruletest JSON Generation Guide


This guide will describe the process of generating test JSONs used to test Rules in the Ruleset Checking Tool (RCT). JSON files are generated by spreadsheets developed for each section of the Appendix G's test case descriptions (TCDS) (how should we refer to these?). Each RCT Rule has multiple test case descriptions to exercise different input conditions and tests against expected outcomes.

These spreadsheets can be found at the ruletest_engine\ruletest_jsons\ruletest_spreadsheets directory and generate JSONS using the ruletest_engine\ruletest_jsons\scripts\ Python script.

Spreadsheet Structure: Columns

Each ruletest spreadsheet is separated into three notable column sections--

  1. Keys: Keys dictate the hierarchy or nested strucutre of the resulting ruletest JSON
  2. Units: These columns define both the unit type (e.g., area, electric power) and TCD unit for a given row (e.g., ft2, Watts). These are important for translating between units required by the RMR schema and units used by the TCDs and 90.1.
  3. Rule Tests: The remainder of the columns are each dedicated to rule tests.

keys used to describe JSON paths and the values assigned to them. Both keys and their corresponding JSON path values have some intricacies described here.

Keys and Values

Each ruletest spreadsheet utilizes keys to describe the JSON path for a given value. This is best described through example. Let's take a look at an example from the envelope tests. Consider the following in the spreadsheet:

key1 key2 key3 key4 rule-5-7a
rmr_transformations user buildings is_new true

A key column is specified with the string "key" followed by a number. The four keys here describe the JSON path. These keys include the following:

  • rmr_transformations
  • user
  • building
  • is_new

Their corresponding value for the header rule-5-7a is true. When ran through the Python script (see the Generating a Ruletest JSON section for details), the resulting JSON would appear as follows:

    "rule-5-7a": {
            "rmr_transformations": {
                "user": {
                    "buildings": {
                        "is_new": "true"

Values in Ruletests often have associate with them. Users should specify the units for any quantity in a given ruletest. There are two unit columns (typically follow the key columns) in the RCT Ruletest Spreadsheets. NOTE: these columns can and should be left blank if the row does not specify a quantity.

  1. Unit types - Categorize the value being specify as a string. For instance, floor area could be specifed as area. This column is titled "unit_type". A full list of existing enumerations can be found here.
  2. Units - The dimensional units describing the value quantity for a given ruletest described in the TCD. Typically these are in IP units. For instance, floor area might be ft2. This column is titled "units"

Below are some examples:

unit_type units
transformer_capacity V-A
electric_power W
power_density W/ft2
area ft2

Spreadsheet Structure: Rows

Ruletest JSON Spreadsheets are split into a few distinct sections:

  • Unique Test ID -- these three rows specify the Section, Rule, and Test ID for a given ruletest. These are conventionally the top rows in the Ruletest JSON Spreadsheet
  • General Info -- These rows specify none RMR specific parameters for a given ruletest. This includes information like a description to the test and whether or not it's expected to pass or fail.
    • description - This row describes what's being tested in a given ruletest
    • expected_rule_outcome - This row specifies whether a given ruletest is expected to pass, fail, or manual_check
  • Template -- Many ruletest require multiple RMRs with nearly identical JSON structures. This section of rows serves to do define a "template"-- a set of values which are the same for all RMRs in a given ruletest. These rules have their first key (key1) equal to rmr_template
    • user, proposed, baseline - These three rows, if specified as true, will create a copy of the RMR template for the respective RMR (e.g., if the rmr_template/user row is set to true, a user RMR is generated with the values populated in the rmr_template/json_template rows)
    • rmr_template/json_template - These rows specify the RMR values used in the RMR template (e.g., rmr_template/json_template/buildings[0]/name would specify a building name name for an RMR template)
  • RMR Transformations -- These rows specify the differences between the three RMR triplets (i.e., user, proposed, and baseline). This is where a user introduces values not specified in the Template section. For instance, a user and baseline RMR might be identical in everything except their transformer's effiency. Their key values would be rmr_transformations/user/transformers[0]/efficiency and rmr_transformations/baseline/transformers[0]/efficiency.

The JSON_PATH Keyword

The example above works well when the JSON path one tries to set is not too long. As the RCT schema evolves, fields can become further and further buried down with very long JSON paths. For these cases, it's often helpful to utilize shorthand expressions using the JSON_PATH keyword. You can find JSON_PATH shorthand in keys throughout the test document. Let's take a look at an example in the envelope test sheet:

Consider the following-- you want to describe a space's floor area in the user RMR inside the rmr_transformations section of the test JSON. Using the conventional approach, this would require laying out a very long JSON path:

key1 key2 key3 key4 key5 key6 key7 key8 rule-5-7a
rmr_transformations user buildings building_segments thermal_blocks zones spaces floor area 1000

Note how the conventional approach requires a great deal of columns to express. By utilizing a JSON_PATH, things become substantially tidier. Consider the following:

key1 key2 key3 key4 rule-5-7a
rmr_transformations user JSON_PATH: spaces floor_area 1000

The JSON_PATH for spaces shortens this down substantially. These shorthand enumerations are described in the \ruletest_engine\ruletest_jsons\scripts\resources\json_pointer_enumerations.json JSON file. You'll note that the spaces path maps to 'buildings[0]/building_segments[0]/thermal_blocks[0]/zones[0]/spaces'. The square brackets are described in the following section.

Specifying Arrays/Lists: Using Square Brackets

Many elements in the ASHRAE229.schema.json require embedding many arrays of dictionaries into each other. The JSON definitions prior to this section work well for fairly "flat" dictionaries but not well for lists of them.

Let's consider how we'd set names for Zones within two distinct ThermalBlocks. The JSON we hope to achieve looks as follows:

    "rule-5-7a": {
    	"rmr_transformations": {
    		"user": {
    			"buildings": [
    					"building_segments": [
    							"thermal_blocks": [
    									"zones": [
    											"name": "Zone 1"
    									"zones": [
    											"name": "Zone 2"

Note how there are two separate thermal blocks, each containing their own zone. This is a good example of when you'd need to specify specific array indices. You do this using square brackets:

key1 key2 key3 key4 rule-5-7a
rmr_transformations user JSON_PATH: zones[0] name Zone 1
rmr_transformations user JSON_PATH: zones[1] name Zone 2

Breaking down the interesting parts--

  • JSON_PATH:zones - shorthand for "buildings[0]/building_segments[0]/thermal_blocks[0]/zones" Note how even the shorthand has many list indices appended. Those elements are type "array" according to ASHRAE229.schema.json
  • [0] and [1] appended after the JSON_PATH:zones specify the 1st and 2nd element in the zones array/list.
  • Lastly, name specifies the zone name for each Zone in zones.

Generating a Ruletest JSON

Users can generate Ruletest JSONs using the Python script located in the rct229/ruletest_engine/ruletest_jsons/scripts directory. Running the script requires setting three parameters:

  • spreadsheet_name = The name of the Ruletest JSON Generation Spreadsheet describing the Ruletest JSON
    • Example: 'envelope_tests_draft.xlsx'
  • json_name = The name of the resulting Ruletest JSON file.
    • Example: 'envelope_tests.json'
  • sheet_name = The name of the Excel sheet/tab containing key/value definitions
    • Example: 'TCDs'

These are all found at the very top of the script under the USER INPUTS section. Once defined, running the file will generate a Ruletest JSON.

Testing Ruletest JSON Against the ASHRAE229.schema.json

Ruletest JSONs are only valuable for testing if they following the ASHRAE229.schema.json schema definition. It's valuable to test any generated Ruletest JSON against this schema to ensure compatibility with the RCT engine.

The script to test a Ruletest JSON against the ASHRAE229.schema.json is located in the rct229/ruletest_engine/ruletest_jsons/scripts directory and is called Running this script is simple. Simply set the test_json_name input at the top of the script to match the ruletest JSON you want to test. That ruletest JSON should be located in the rct229\ruletest_engine\ruletest_jsons directory. Once set, simply run the script. The results of the test for validation against the schema will be printed in the console.

Testing a Ruletest JSON Against the RCT Engine

Testing a schema validated Ruletest JSON against the RCT is fairly simple. This is done by executing the run_section_tests function in the script. This script is found in the rct229/ruletest_engine directory. The run_section_tests script only requires one input-- the name of the Ruletest JSON to run. An example of using this script can be found in the run_transformer_tests function.