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67 lines (53 loc) · 5.64 KB

MERN Stack Product App 🍃

This project is using MERN stack [ Mongo DB, ExpressJs, ReactJs, NodeJs] and created for learning purposes.

Steps to follow:

  • Initialize npm with npm init -y
  • Install packages for backend npm install express mongoose dotenv
  • Expressjs for build an API easily and for routing system
  • Mongoose for the interact with the database which is Mongo DB
  • Dotenv for the create and access environment variables
  • After all create a file named server.js inside backend folder. Import express inside this file, call as app and then listen for port.
  • Next, run node ./backend/server.js command in terminal to run backend on that port. Instead of that create a script inside package.json "dev": "node backend/server.js"
  • Next, run npm i nodemon -D. After installed nodemon update dev script with "dev": "nodemon backend/server.js". Nodemon instantly watching changes and reflecting
  • Create a config folder inside backend folder and db.js file inside config folder. import mongoose and create an async function called connectDB() to connect MongoDB to project.
  • Create a .env file and inside that file create MONGO_URI environment variable which contains the string we copied from mongoDB. Then use this environment variable inside db.js file in connectDB function.
  • Next, create a models folder inside backend. Then inside models create product.model.js file which contains and exporting the product schema.
  • Next, create New Workspace in postman. Within that workspace create a request which request you want to test. Move to Body tab, select raw and JSON. Under that body, create an example body with the type of your model.
  • Next, app.use(express.json()) add this code to your server.js for allow to accept JSON data in the body. Otherwise app is crashing
  • After created your endpoints for Create, Update, Delete and Read products, create a routes folder inside backend. Then create product.route.js inside routes folder. Then import express from "express" & const router = express.Router(); & export default router. And then change all the endpoints name with router.get() & router.put() etc.
  • After everything is end about backend, start building frontend. Move in to the frontend folder by terminal and run npm create vite@latest . command to create vite project in current path.
  • On frontend, start installing our library which is ChakraUI with the command npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion and also npm i react-router-dom for routing system.
  • Next create pages & components folders for Home, Create pages and the Navbar component.
  • Complete the Navbar & Create page UI and move into the create a store using zustand with the following command of npm i zustand.
  • Next, in this store create fetch() requests to our API endpoints to update database with the requested action like createProduct(), getProduct(), updateProduct() and deleteProduct(). And this functions also should contain the set() function which allow us to update UI instantly with the requested action.
  • After the store setup is completed use this hook inside our components as required.


  • Now on deploy section we have a server on localhost:5000 and we have a client on localhost:5173. One thing we have to do use same domain both server and client.
  • Next, move into the server.js and import path from "path"; and then create a variable like const __dirname = path.resolve(). With this variable we have to check if we are on the production or development.
  • Next, move into the frontend folder and run npm run build to ready up vite for production.
  • After the build completed, in server.js file under the productRoutes usage, write this code
  • if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
     app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "frontend/dist")));
     // Express will serve up production assets
     app.get("*", (req, res) =>
        res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, "frontend", "dist", "index.html"))
  • Next, create build script for production like "build": "npm install && npm install --prefix frontend && npm run build --prefix frontend". This handles installing & building both backend & frontend node_modules folders.
  • Next, we also need to create a start script like "start": "NODE_ENV=production node backend/server.js" but this time we using node instead of nodemon because of this is just run once in the production. Also update dev script with "dev": "NODE_ENV=development nodemon backend/server.js",.

About Mongo DB

  • Mongo DB using NoSQL as default.
  • NoSQL means we have Collections in MongoDB and each Collection contains documents as like Firebase. MySQL and SQL creates Tables instead of collections.

Postman 🕴

  • Postman is a tool that simplifies API development, testing and documentation. It is very widely used, especially for working with web APIs such as RESTful and GraphQL.

Terminal commands

  • New-Item fileName is creates new file with fileName.
  • mkdir folderName is creates new folder with folderName.
  • Ctrl + K + 0 closing all ranges.

Notes to pay attention to

  • To use import syntax instead of require we must change the type: "module" in package.json
  • If app.use(express.json()) is not provided in server.js requests can not accept JSON as body.
  • If updating whole object in database use put. But if only updating some of fields that object use patch method
  • If a function written like create(set => ({})); this, it means the function returns an object.