diff --git a/test/LibSSHTests.jl b/test/LibSSHTests.jl index 0e8b17e..124a09b 100644 --- a/test/LibSSHTests.jl +++ b/test/LibSSHTests.jl @@ -286,6 +286,9 @@ end end @testset "Keyboard-interactive authentication" begin + if !Sys.islinux() + return + end @show readchomp(`which ssh`) @show readchomp(`which expect`) @@ -318,19 +321,19 @@ end sftp_cmd(cmd::Cmd) = ignorestatus(`$(sshpass()) -p bar sftp -F none -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -P 2222 $cmd`) - # @testset "SFTP" begin - # DemoServer(2222; verbose=false, log_verbosity=ssh.SSH_LOG_NOLOG, password="bar") do - # mktempdir() do tmpdir - # src = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") - # dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "bar") - # touch(src) + @testset "SFTP" begin + DemoServer(2222; verbose=false, log_verbosity=ssh.SSH_LOG_NOLOG, password="bar") do + mktempdir() do tmpdir + src = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") + dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "bar") + touch(src) - # proc = run(sftp_cmd(`localhost:$(src) $(dest)`)) - # @test success(proc) - # @test isfile(dest) - # end - # end - # end + proc = run(sftp_cmd(`localhost:$(src) $(dest)`)) + @test success(proc) + @test isfile(dest) + end + end + end # Test that the DemoServer cleans up lingering sessions server_task = Threads.@spawn DemoServer(2222; password="foo") do @@ -342,717 +345,717 @@ end close(session) end -# @testset "Session" begin -# # Connecting to a nonexistent ssh server should fail -# @test_throws ssh.LibSSHException ssh.Session("localhost", 42) - -# session = ssh.Session("localhost"; auto_connect=false, log_verbosity=lib.SSH_LOG_NOLOG) -# @test !ssh.isconnected(session) -# @test ssh.get_error(session) == "" - -# # Authenticating on an unconnected session should error -# @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.userauth_none(session) - -# # We shouldn't be able to close a non-owning session -# non_owning_session = ssh.Session(session.ptr; own=false) -# @test_throws ArgumentError close(non_owning_session) - -# @testset "Setting options" begin -# # Test initial settings -# @test session.user == username() -# @test session.port == 22 -# @test session.host == "localhost" -# @test session.log_verbosity == lib.SSH_LOG_NOLOG - -# # Test explicitly setting options with getproperty()/setproperty!() -# session.port = 10 -# @test session.port == 10 -# session.user = "foo" -# @test session.user == "foo" -# session.host = "quux" -# @test session.host == "quux" -# @test_throws ErrorException session.foo -# session.ssh_dir = "/tmp" -# @test session.ssh_dir == "/tmp" -# session.known_hosts = "/tmp/foo" -# @test session.known_hosts == "/tmp/foo" -# session.gssapi_server_identity = "foo.com" -# @test session.gssapi_server_identity == "foo.com" -# @test session.fd == RawFD(-1) -# session.process_config = false -# @test !session.process_config - -# # Test setting an initial user -# ssh.Session("localhost"; user="foo", auto_connect=false) do session2 -# @test session2.user == "foo" -# end -# end - -# # Test close() and wait() -# waiter = Threads.@spawn wait(session) -# close(session) -# @test isnothing(session.ptr) -# @test !isassigned(session) -# @test !isopen(session) - -# # wait() should throw when the session is closed -# @test timedwait(() -> istaskdone(waiter), 5) == :ok -# @test current_exceptions(waiter)[1][1] isa InvalidStateException - -# # And we shouldn't be able to wait on a closed session -# @test_throws InvalidStateException wait(session) - -# # Test initializing with a socket instead of a port. We do this by setting -# # up two dummy servers, the one on port 2222 is what we want to connect to -# # and the one on port 2223 is the simulated jump host we have to go -# # through. It has to be done this way because we only know whether setting -# # the socket worked after connecting. -# demo_server_with_session(2222) do server_session -# demo_server_with_session(2223; verbose=false) do jump_session -# # Make the jump session forward the desired server port and connect -# # to it directly by its socket. -# ssh.Forwarder(jump_session, "localhost", 2222) do forwarder -# client_session = ssh.Session("localhost"; socket=forwarder.out) -# @test ssh.isconnected(client_session) -# @test client_session.fd == Base._fd(forwarder.out) -# close(client_session) -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "Password authentication" begin -# # Test connecting to a server and doing password authentication -# DemoServer(2222; password="foo") do -# session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) - -# # The server uses a fake key so it should definitely fail verification -# @test_throws ssh.HostVerificationException ssh.is_known_server(session) - -# # We should be able to get the public key -# pubkey = ssh.get_server_publickey(session) -# @test isassigned(pubkey) - -# @test ssh.isconnected(session) -# @test ssh.userauth_password(session, "foo") == ssh.AuthStatus_Success - -# ssh.disconnect(session) -# close(session) -# end -# end - -# @testset "Keyboard-interactive authentication" begin -# DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_Interactive]) do -# session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) -# @test ssh.isconnected(session) - -# @test ssh.userauth_kbdint(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Info -# @test ssh.userauth_kbdint_getprompts(session) == [KbdintPrompt("Password: ", true), -# KbdintPrompt("Token: ", true)] - -# # This should throw because we're passing the wrong number of answers -# @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.userauth_kbdint_setanswers(session, ["foo"]) - -# # Test passing incorrect answers -# ssh.userauth_kbdint_setanswers(session, ["foo", "quux"]) -# @test ssh.userauth_kbdint(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Denied - -# # And then correct answers -# @test ssh.userauth_kbdint(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Info -# ssh.userauth_kbdint_setanswers(session, ["foo", "bar"]) -# @test ssh.userauth_kbdint(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Success - -# ssh.disconnect(session) -# close(session) -# end -# end - -# @testset "GSSAPI authentication" begin -# DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_GSSAPI_MIC]) do -# session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) -# @test ssh.isconnected(session) - -# # TODO: figure out how to write proper tests for this. It's a little -# # tricky since we'd need to have Kerberos running and configured -# # correctly. In the meantime, this has been tested manually. -# @test_broken ssh.userauth_gssapi(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Success - -# close(session) -# end -# end - -# session_helper = (f::Function) -> begin -# session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) -# @test ssh.isconnected(session) - -# mktemp() do path, io -# session.known_hosts = path -# ssh.update_known_hosts(session) - -# try -# f(session) -# finally -# close(session) -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "authenticate()" begin -# # Test with password auth -# DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_Password], password="foo") do -# session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) -# @test ssh.isconnected(session) - -# mktemp() do path, io -# # Use a new hosts file so we don't mess up the users known_hosts file -# session.known_hosts = path - -# # Initially the host will be unknown -# @test ssh.authenticate(session) == ssh.KnownHosts_Unknown -# ssh.update_known_hosts(session) - -# # Now there should be an entry in the known_hosts file -# @test startswith(read(io, String), "[]:2222") - -# @test ssh.authenticate(session) == ssh.AuthMethod_Password -# @test ssh.authenticate(session; password="bar") == ssh.AuthStatus_Denied -# @test ssh.authenticate(session; password="foo") == ssh.AuthStatus_Success -# end - -# close(session) -# end - -# # Test with keyboard-interactive auth -# DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_Interactive]) do -# session_helper() do session -# @test ssh.authenticate(session) == ssh.AuthMethod_Interactive -# @test ssh.authenticate(session; kbdint_answers=["bar", "foo"]) == ssh.AuthStatus_Denied -# @test ssh.authenticate(session; kbdint_answers=["foo", "bar"]) == ssh.AuthStatus_Success -# end -# end - -# DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_PublicKey]) do -# session_helper() do session -# # We don't support public key auth yet so this should just throw -# @test_throws ErrorException ssh.authenticate(session) -# end -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "SshChannel" begin -# ssh.Session("localhost"; auto_connect=false) do session -# # We shouldn't be able to create a channel on an unconnected session -# @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.SshChannel(session) -# end - -# @testset "Creating/closing channels" begin -# # Test creating and closing channels -# demo_server_with_session(2222) do session -# # Create a channel -# sshchan = ssh.SshChannel(session) - -# # Create a non-owning channel and make sure that we can't close it -# non_owning_sshchan = ssh.SshChannel(sshchan.ptr; own=false) -# @test_throws ArgumentError close(non_owning_sshchan) - -# # We shouldn't be able to create a channel from a non-owning session -# non_owning_session = ssh.Session(session.ptr; own=false) -# @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.SshChannel(non_owning_session) - -# close(sshchan) -# @test isnothing(sshchan.ptr) -# @test isempty(session.closeables) -# end -# end - -# @testset "Command execution" begin -# demo_server_with_session(2222) do session -# # Smoke test -# process = run(`whoami`, session; print_out=false) -# @test success(process) -# @test chomp(String(process.out)) == username() - -# # Check that we read stderr as well as stdout -# process = run(ignorestatus(`thisdoesntexist`), session; print_out=false) -# @test process.exitcode == 127 -# @test !isempty(String(process.out)) - -# # Test Base methods -# @test readchomp(`echo foo`, session) == "foo" -# @test success(`whoami`, session) - -# # Check that commands with quotes are properly escaped -# @test readchomp(`echo 'foo bar'`, session) == "foo bar" - -# # Test setting environment variables -# cmd = setenv(`echo \$foo`, "foo" => "bar") -# @test readchomp(cmd, session) == "bar" - -# # Test command failure -# @test_throws ssh.SshProcessFailedException run(`foo`, session) - -# # Test passing a String instead of a Cmd -# mktempdir() do tmpdir -# @test readchomp("cd $(tmpdir) && pwd", session) == tmpdir -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "Direct port forwarding" begin -# # Smoke test -# demo_server_with_session(2222) do session -# forwarder = ssh.Forwarder(session, 8080, "localhost", 9090) -# close(forwarder) -# end - -# # Test forwarding to a port -# demo_server_with_session(2222) do session -# ssh.Forwarder(session, 8080, "localhost", 9090) do forwarder -# # Smoke test -# show(IOBuffer(), forwarder) - -# http_server(9090) do -# curl_proc = run(ignorestatus(`$(curl_cmd) localhost:8080`); wait=false) -# try -# wait(curl_proc) -# finally -# kill(curl_proc) -# end - -# @test curl_proc.exitcode == 0 -# end -# end -# end - -# # Test forwarding to a socket -# demo_server_with_session(2222) do session -# ssh.Forwarder(session, "localhost", 9090) do forwarder -# # Smoke test -# show(IOBuffer(), forwarder) - -# http_server(9090) do -# socket = forwarder.out -# write(socket, "foo") -# @test read(socket, String) == HTTP_200 -# end -# end -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "SFTP" begin -# @testset "Initialization and finalizing" begin -# demo_server_with_session(2222; verbose=false) do session -# # session.log_verbosity = ssh.SSH_LOG_TRACE -# sftp = ssh.SftpSession(session) - -# # Test state after creation -# @test lib.ssh_is_blocking(session) == 0 -# @test sftp.ptr isa lib.sftp_session -# @test isassigned(sftp) -# @test ssh.get_error(sftp) == ssh.SftpError_Ok -# @test Base.unsafe_convert(lib.sftp_session, sftp) isa lib.sftp_session - -# # And after closing -# close(sftp) -# @test isnothing(sftp.ptr) -# @test !isassigned(sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.get_error(sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError Base.unsafe_convert(lib.sftp_session, sftp) - -# # Closing twice shouldn't cause an error -# close(sftp) - -# # Test the finalizer -# ssh.SftpSession(session) do sftp -# # We yield() to allow the spawned task from the finalizer to -# # print its message. -# @test_logs (:error, r".+memory leak.+") (finalize(sftp); yield()) -# end - -# # Test the do-constructor -# ssh.SftpSession(session) do sftp -# @test isopen(sftp) -# end - -# # We shouldn't be able to create an SftpSession from a closed Session -# close(session) -# @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.SftpSession(session) -# end -# end - -# @testset "SftpException" begin -# demo_server_with_sftp(2222) do sftp -# # Just smoke tests to make sure there's no obvious mistakes -# ex = ssh.SftpException("foo", sftp) -# show(IOBuffer(), ex) - -# mktemp() do path, io -# open(path, sftp) do file -# ex = ssh.SftpException("foo", file) -# show(IOBuffer(), ex) -# end -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "Opening" begin -# # Test opening -# demo_server_with_sftp(2222; verbose=false) do sftp -# mktempdir() do tmpdir -# # Opening a file that doesn't exist should throw -# bad_file = joinpath(tmpdir, "no") -# @test_throws ssh.SftpException open(bad_file, sftp) - -# # Create a dummy file -# good_file = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") -# write(good_file, "foo") - -# # Opening it should work -# file = open(good_file, sftp) - -# @test file.ptr isa lib.sftp_file -# @test isassigned(file) -# @test isopen(file) -# @test isreadable(file) -# @test isreadonly(file) -# @test !iswritable(file) - -# @test position(file) == 0 -# seek(file, 1) -# @test position(file) == 1 - -# # Finalizing shouldn't actually do anything other than print an -# # error because properly closing the file involves a task switch. -# @test_logs (:error,) (finalize(file); flush(stdout)) -# @test isopen(file) - -# close(file) -# @test !isassigned(file) -# @test !isopen(file) -# @test !isreadable(file) -# @test_throws ArgumentError position(file) -# @test_throws ArgumentError seek(file, 0) - -# # Test append mode, which doesn't have native support -# file = open(good_file, sftp; append=true) -# @test position(file) == 3 -# @test iswritable(file) - -# # Test the do-constructor -# ret = open(good_file, sftp) do file -# @test isopen(file) - -# 42 -# end -# @test ret == 42 - -# # We shouldn't be able to open a file with a closed SftpSession -# close(sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError open(good_file, sftp) -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "Reading" begin -# # Test reading -# demo_server_with_sftp(2222; verbose=false) do sftp -# # sftp.session.log_verbosity = ssh.SSH_LOG_TRACE -# mktemp() do path, io -# # Test reading an empty file -# file = open(path, sftp) -# @test read(file) == UInt8[] - -# # Read a file that's smaller than the server limit for a single -# # request. -# msg = "foo" -# limits = ssh.get_limits(sftp) -# @assert length(msg) < limits.max_read_length -# write(path, msg) - -# @test read(file) == collect(UInt8, msg) -# @test position(file) == 3 -# seekstart(file) -# @test read(file, String) == msg - -# # Test behaviour when we aren't at the beginning of the file -# data = rand(UInt8, 10) -# write(path, data) -# seek(file, 5) -# @test read(file) == data[6:end] - -# # Test reading a file larger than the server limit for a single -# # request. -# data = rand(UInt8, limits.max_read_length + 1) -# write(path, data) -# seekstart(file) -# @test read(file) == data - -# # Shouldn't be able to read from a closed file -# close(file) -# @test_throws ArgumentError read(file) - -# # Test reading by passing just a filename -# write(path, msg) -# @test read(path, sftp, String) == msg -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "Writing" begin -# # Test writing -# demo_server_with_sftp(2222) do sftp -# # sftp.session.log_verbosity = ssh.SSH_LOG_PROTOCOL - -# mktempdir() do tmpdir -# path = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") -# file = open(path, sftp; write=true, mode=0o600) - -# # When we open a file for writing Base.open_flags() defaults to -# # setting `create=true`, so the file should exist. -# @test file.flags.create -# @test isfile(path) -# # Also test that the mode is set correctly -# @test 0o777 & filemode(path) == 0o600 - -# # Simple test -# msg = "foo" -# @test write(file, collect(UInt8, msg)) == 3 -# @test read(path, String) == msg - -# # Test writing strings directly, which should work without -# # copying because we support writing DenseVector's and use -# # codeunits(). -# @test write(file, "foo") == 3 -# # Also tests writing from somewhere other than the beginning of the file -# @test read(path, String) == "foofoo" - -# # Test writing data larger than the server limit for a single request -# limits = ssh.get_limits(sftp) -# data = rand(UInt8, limits.max_write_length + 1) -# seekstart(file) -# @test write(file, data) == length(data) -# @test read(path) == data - -# # Shouldn't be able to write to a closed file -# close(file) -# @test_throws ArgumentError write(file, data) -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "Misc" begin -# demo_server_with_sftp(2222; verbose=false) do sftp -# # Extensions -# @test ssh.get_extensions(sftp) isa Dict -# @test !isempty(ssh.get_extensions(sftp)) - -# @test ssh.get_limits(sftp).max_read_length > 0 - -# # Unfortunately our demo server doesn't support the home-directory -# # extension. -# @test_throws ErrorException homedir(sftp) - -# # Test stat() -# mktemp() do path, io -# # stat()'ing a non-existent file should fail -# @test_throws ssh.SftpException stat(path * "_bad", sftp) - -# attrs = stat(path, sftp) -# @test isassigned(attrs) -# @test attrs.size == 0 - -# # Smoke test for Base.show() -# show(IOBuffer(), attrs) - -# write(io, "foo") -# flush(io) - -# attrs = stat(path, sftp) -# @test attrs.size == 3 - -# # Not entirely sure why, but the demo server won't return any strings -# @test attrs.name == "" -# @test attrs.extended_type == "" - -# # Test the finalizer -# finalize(attrs) -# @test !isassigned(attrs) -# end - -# # Test the different `is*()` functions -# mktemp() do path, io -# @test ispath(path, sftp) -# @test isfile(path, sftp) -# @test !isdir(path, sftp) -# @test !issocket(path, sftp) -# @test !islink(path, sftp) -# @test !isblockdev(path, sftp) -# @test !ischardev(path, sftp) -# @test !isfifo(path, sftp) -# end - -# mktempdir() do tmpdir -# @test ispath(tmpdir, sftp) -# @test !isfile(tmpdir, sftp) -# @test isdir(tmpdir, sftp) - -# # They should not throw an exception on non-existent files -# @test !isfile(joinpath(tmpdir, "foo"), sftp) -# @test !ispath(joinpath(tmpdir, "foo"), sftp) -# end - -# # Test readdir() -# mktempdir() do tmpdir -# # Test reading an empty directory -# @test isempty(readdir(tmpdir, sftp)) - -# # And a non-empty directory -# write(joinpath(tmpdir, "foo"), "foo") -# write(joinpath(tmpdir, "bar"), "bar") - -# @test readdir(tmpdir, sftp) == ["bar", "foo"] -# @test readdir(tmpdir, sftp; join=true) == [joinpath(tmpdir, "bar"), joinpath(tmpdir, "foo")] -# @test readdir(tmpdir, sftp; only_names=false) isa Vector{ssh.SftpAttributes} - -# # And a non-existent directory -# @test_throws ssh.SftpException readdir(tmpdir * "_bad", sftp) -# end - -# # Test rm() -# mktempdir() do tmpdir -# path = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") - -# # Deleting a non-existent file should fail by default -# @test_throws ssh.SftpException rm(path, sftp) -# # But not if we pass force=true -# rm(path, sftp; force=true) - -# # Test deleting a file -# write(path, "foo") -# rm(path, sftp) -# @test !ispath(path) - -# # And an empty directory -# mkdir(path) -# rm(path, sftp) -# @test !ispath(path) - -# # And a non-empty directory -# mkdir(path) -# touch(joinpath(path, "foo")) -# @test_throws Base.IOError rm(path, sftp) -# rm(path, sftp; recursive=true) -# @test !ispath(path) -# end - -# # Test mkdir() -# mktempdir() do tmpdir -# path = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") -# @test mkdir(path, sftp) == path -# @test isdir(path) - -# # Creating a directory that already exists should fail -# @test_throws ssh.SftpException mkdir(path, sftp) -# end - -# # Test mv() -# mktempdir() do tmpdir -# src = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") -# dst = joinpath(tmpdir, "bar") - -# # Trying to move a file that doesn't exist should fail -# @test_throws ssh.SftpException mv(src, dst, sftp) - -# # Sadly the demo server doesn't support sftp_rename() yet -# touch(src) -# @test_throws ssh.SftpException mv(src, dst, sftp) -# @test_broken !isfile(src) -# @test_broken isfile(dst) - -# # Even though it will fail when doing the rename, it should get -# # as far as deleting dst if it already exists. -# touch(dst) -# @test_throws ssh.SftpException mv(src, dst, sftp; force=true) -# @test !ispath(dst) -# end - -# close(sftp) - -# @test_throws ArgumentError stat("/tmp", sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.get_extensions(sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.get_limits(sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError homedir(sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError readdir("/tmp", sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError rm("/tmp", sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError mkdir("/tmp", sftp) -# @test_throws ArgumentError mv("foo", "bar", sftp) -# end -# end -# end - -# @testset "PKI" begin -# rsa = pki.generate(pki.KeyType_rsa) -# @test pki.key_type(rsa) == pki.KeyType_rsa - -# ed = pki.generate(pki.KeyType_ed25519) -# @test !pki.key_cmp(rsa, ed, pki.KeyCmp_Public) -# @test pki.key_cmp(rsa, rsa, pki.KeyCmp_Private) - -# # The default hash type should be SHA256 and it should not give any warnings -# sha256_hash = @test_nowarn pki.get_publickey_hash(ed) -# @test length(sha256_hash) == 32 - -# # But using SHA1 or MD5 should show a warning -# sha1_hash = @test_logs (:warn,) pki.get_publickey_hash(ed, pki.HashType_Sha1) -# @test length(sha1_hash) == 20 -# md5_hash = @test_logs (:warn,) pki.get_publickey_hash(ed, pki.HashType_Md5) -# @test length(md5_hash) == 16 - -# # We should be able to get fingerprints for all hashes without needing to -# # specify the hash type. -# @test startswith(pki.get_fingerprint_hash(sha256_hash), "SHA256:") -# @test startswith(pki.get_fingerprint_hash(sha1_hash), "SHA1:") -# @test startswith(pki.get_fingerprint_hash(md5_hash), "MD5:") - -# # But not a fingerprint for a hash with an invalid length -# @test_throws ArgumentError pki.get_fingerprint_hash(rand(UInt8, 33)) - -# # Test converting the hash buffer to a hex string -# @test replace(ssh.get_hexa(sha256_hash), ":" => "") == bytes2hex(sha256_hash) -# end - -# @testset "GSSAPI" begin -# @test ssh.Gssapi.isavailable() isa Bool - -# # Sadly this is quite lightly tested since it's nontrivial to set up a -# # Kerberos instance and acquire a token etc. -# if ssh.Gssapi.isavailable() -# @test ssh.Gssapi.principal_name() isa Union{String, Nothing} -# else -# @test_throws ErrorException ssh.Gssapi.principal_name() -# end -# end - -# @testset "Examples" begin -# mktempdir() do tempdir -# # Test and generate the examples -# Literate.markdown(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../docs/src/examples.jl"), -# tempdir; -# execute=true, -# flavor=Literate.DocumenterFlavor()) -# end - -# # Dummy test -# @test true -# end - -# @testset "Utility functions" begin -# @test ssh.lib_version() isa VersionNumber -# end - -# @testset "Aqua.jl" begin -# Aqua.test_all(ssh) -# end +@testset "Session" begin + # Connecting to a nonexistent ssh server should fail + @test_throws ssh.LibSSHException ssh.Session("localhost", 42) + + session = ssh.Session("localhost"; auto_connect=false, log_verbosity=lib.SSH_LOG_NOLOG) + @test !ssh.isconnected(session) + @test ssh.get_error(session) == "" + + # Authenticating on an unconnected session should error + @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.userauth_none(session) + + # We shouldn't be able to close a non-owning session + non_owning_session = ssh.Session(session.ptr; own=false) + @test_throws ArgumentError close(non_owning_session) + + @testset "Setting options" begin + # Test initial settings + @test session.user == username() + @test session.port == 22 + @test session.host == "localhost" + @test session.log_verbosity == lib.SSH_LOG_NOLOG + + # Test explicitly setting options with getproperty()/setproperty!() + session.port = 10 + @test session.port == 10 + session.user = "foo" + @test session.user == "foo" + session.host = "quux" + @test session.host == "quux" + @test_throws ErrorException session.foo + session.ssh_dir = "/tmp" + @test session.ssh_dir == "/tmp" + session.known_hosts = "/tmp/foo" + @test session.known_hosts == "/tmp/foo" + session.gssapi_server_identity = "foo.com" + @test session.gssapi_server_identity == "foo.com" + @test session.fd == RawFD(-1) + session.process_config = false + @test !session.process_config + + # Test setting an initial user + ssh.Session("localhost"; user="foo", auto_connect=false) do session2 + @test session2.user == "foo" + end + end + + # Test close() and wait() + waiter = Threads.@spawn wait(session) + close(session) + @test isnothing(session.ptr) + @test !isassigned(session) + @test !isopen(session) + + # wait() should throw when the session is closed + @test timedwait(() -> istaskdone(waiter), 5) == :ok + @test current_exceptions(waiter)[1][1] isa InvalidStateException + + # And we shouldn't be able to wait on a closed session + @test_throws InvalidStateException wait(session) + + # Test initializing with a socket instead of a port. We do this by setting + # up two dummy servers, the one on port 2222 is what we want to connect to + # and the one on port 2223 is the simulated jump host we have to go + # through. It has to be done this way because we only know whether setting + # the socket worked after connecting. + demo_server_with_session(2222) do server_session + demo_server_with_session(2223; verbose=false) do jump_session + # Make the jump session forward the desired server port and connect + # to it directly by its socket. + ssh.Forwarder(jump_session, "localhost", 2222) do forwarder + client_session = ssh.Session("localhost"; socket=forwarder.out) + @test ssh.isconnected(client_session) + @test client_session.fd == Base._fd(forwarder.out) + close(client_session) + end + end + end + + @testset "Password authentication" begin + # Test connecting to a server and doing password authentication + DemoServer(2222; password="foo") do + session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) + + # The server uses a fake key so it should definitely fail verification + @test_throws ssh.HostVerificationException ssh.is_known_server(session) + + # We should be able to get the public key + pubkey = ssh.get_server_publickey(session) + @test isassigned(pubkey) + + @test ssh.isconnected(session) + @test ssh.userauth_password(session, "foo") == ssh.AuthStatus_Success + + ssh.disconnect(session) + close(session) + end + end + + @testset "Keyboard-interactive authentication" begin + DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_Interactive]) do + session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) + @test ssh.isconnected(session) + + @test ssh.userauth_kbdint(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Info + @test ssh.userauth_kbdint_getprompts(session) == [KbdintPrompt("Password: ", true), + KbdintPrompt("Token: ", true)] + + # This should throw because we're passing the wrong number of answers + @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.userauth_kbdint_setanswers(session, ["foo"]) + + # Test passing incorrect answers + ssh.userauth_kbdint_setanswers(session, ["foo", "quux"]) + @test ssh.userauth_kbdint(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Denied + + # And then correct answers + @test ssh.userauth_kbdint(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Info + ssh.userauth_kbdint_setanswers(session, ["foo", "bar"]) + @test ssh.userauth_kbdint(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Success + + ssh.disconnect(session) + close(session) + end + end + + @testset "GSSAPI authentication" begin + DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_GSSAPI_MIC]) do + session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) + @test ssh.isconnected(session) + + # TODO: figure out how to write proper tests for this. It's a little + # tricky since we'd need to have Kerberos running and configured + # correctly. In the meantime, this has been tested manually. + @test_broken ssh.userauth_gssapi(session) == ssh.AuthStatus_Success + + close(session) + end + end + + session_helper = (f::Function) -> begin + session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) + @test ssh.isconnected(session) + + mktemp() do path, io + session.known_hosts = path + ssh.update_known_hosts(session) + + try + f(session) + finally + close(session) + end + end + end + + @testset "authenticate()" begin + # Test with password auth + DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_Password], password="foo") do + session = ssh.Session(localhost, 2222) + @test ssh.isconnected(session) + + mktemp() do path, io + # Use a new hosts file so we don't mess up the users known_hosts file + session.known_hosts = path + + # Initially the host will be unknown + @test ssh.authenticate(session) == ssh.KnownHosts_Unknown + ssh.update_known_hosts(session) + + # Now there should be an entry in the known_hosts file + @test startswith(read(io, String), "[]:2222") + + @test ssh.authenticate(session) == ssh.AuthMethod_Password + @test ssh.authenticate(session; password="bar") == ssh.AuthStatus_Denied + @test ssh.authenticate(session; password="foo") == ssh.AuthStatus_Success + end + + close(session) + end + + # Test with keyboard-interactive auth + DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_Interactive]) do + session_helper() do session + @test ssh.authenticate(session) == ssh.AuthMethod_Interactive + @test ssh.authenticate(session; kbdint_answers=["bar", "foo"]) == ssh.AuthStatus_Denied + @test ssh.authenticate(session; kbdint_answers=["foo", "bar"]) == ssh.AuthStatus_Success + end + end + + DemoServer(2222; auth_methods=[ssh.AuthMethod_PublicKey]) do + session_helper() do session + # We don't support public key auth yet so this should just throw + @test_throws ErrorException ssh.authenticate(session) + end + end + end +end + +@testset "SshChannel" begin + ssh.Session("localhost"; auto_connect=false) do session + # We shouldn't be able to create a channel on an unconnected session + @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.SshChannel(session) + end + + @testset "Creating/closing channels" begin + # Test creating and closing channels + demo_server_with_session(2222) do session + # Create a channel + sshchan = ssh.SshChannel(session) + + # Create a non-owning channel and make sure that we can't close it + non_owning_sshchan = ssh.SshChannel(sshchan.ptr; own=false) + @test_throws ArgumentError close(non_owning_sshchan) + + # We shouldn't be able to create a channel from a non-owning session + non_owning_session = ssh.Session(session.ptr; own=false) + @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.SshChannel(non_owning_session) + + close(sshchan) + @test isnothing(sshchan.ptr) + @test isempty(session.closeables) + end + end + + @testset "Command execution" begin + demo_server_with_session(2222) do session + # Smoke test + process = run(`whoami`, session; print_out=false) + @test success(process) + @test chomp(String(process.out)) == username() + + # Check that we read stderr as well as stdout + process = run(ignorestatus(`thisdoesntexist`), session; print_out=false) + @test process.exitcode == 127 + @test !isempty(String(process.out)) + + # Test Base methods + @test readchomp(`echo foo`, session) == "foo" + @test success(`whoami`, session) + + # Check that commands with quotes are properly escaped + @test readchomp(`echo 'foo bar'`, session) == "foo bar" + + # Test setting environment variables + cmd = setenv(`echo \$foo`, "foo" => "bar") + @test readchomp(cmd, session) == "bar" + + # Test command failure + @test_throws ssh.SshProcessFailedException run(`foo`, session) + + # Test passing a String instead of a Cmd + mktempdir() do tmpdir + @test readchomp("cd $(tmpdir) && pwd", session) == tmpdir + end + end + end + + @testset "Direct port forwarding" begin + # Smoke test + demo_server_with_session(2222) do session + forwarder = ssh.Forwarder(session, 8080, "localhost", 9090) + close(forwarder) + end + + # Test forwarding to a port + demo_server_with_session(2222) do session + ssh.Forwarder(session, 8080, "localhost", 9090) do forwarder + # Smoke test + show(IOBuffer(), forwarder) + + http_server(9090) do + curl_proc = run(ignorestatus(`$(curl_cmd) localhost:8080`); wait=false) + try + wait(curl_proc) + finally + kill(curl_proc) + end + + @test curl_proc.exitcode == 0 + end + end + end + + # Test forwarding to a socket + demo_server_with_session(2222) do session + ssh.Forwarder(session, "localhost", 9090) do forwarder + # Smoke test + show(IOBuffer(), forwarder) + + http_server(9090) do + socket = forwarder.out + write(socket, "foo") + @test read(socket, String) == HTTP_200 + end + end + end + end +end + +@testset "SFTP" begin + @testset "Initialization and finalizing" begin + demo_server_with_session(2222; verbose=false) do session + # session.log_verbosity = ssh.SSH_LOG_TRACE + sftp = ssh.SftpSession(session) + + # Test state after creation + @test lib.ssh_is_blocking(session) == 0 + @test sftp.ptr isa lib.sftp_session + @test isassigned(sftp) + @test ssh.get_error(sftp) == ssh.SftpError_Ok + @test Base.unsafe_convert(lib.sftp_session, sftp) isa lib.sftp_session + + # And after closing + close(sftp) + @test isnothing(sftp.ptr) + @test !isassigned(sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.get_error(sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError Base.unsafe_convert(lib.sftp_session, sftp) + + # Closing twice shouldn't cause an error + close(sftp) + + # Test the finalizer + ssh.SftpSession(session) do sftp + # We yield() to allow the spawned task from the finalizer to + # print its message. + @test_logs (:error, r".+memory leak.+") (finalize(sftp); yield()) + end + + # Test the do-constructor + ssh.SftpSession(session) do sftp + @test isopen(sftp) + end + + # We shouldn't be able to create an SftpSession from a closed Session + close(session) + @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.SftpSession(session) + end + end + + @testset "SftpException" begin + demo_server_with_sftp(2222) do sftp + # Just smoke tests to make sure there's no obvious mistakes + ex = ssh.SftpException("foo", sftp) + show(IOBuffer(), ex) + + mktemp() do path, io + open(path, sftp) do file + ex = ssh.SftpException("foo", file) + show(IOBuffer(), ex) + end + end + end + end + + @testset "Opening" begin + # Test opening + demo_server_with_sftp(2222; verbose=false) do sftp + mktempdir() do tmpdir + # Opening a file that doesn't exist should throw + bad_file = joinpath(tmpdir, "no") + @test_throws ssh.SftpException open(bad_file, sftp) + + # Create a dummy file + good_file = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") + write(good_file, "foo") + + # Opening it should work + file = open(good_file, sftp) + + @test file.ptr isa lib.sftp_file + @test isassigned(file) + @test isopen(file) + @test isreadable(file) + @test isreadonly(file) + @test !iswritable(file) + + @test position(file) == 0 + seek(file, 1) + @test position(file) == 1 + + # Finalizing shouldn't actually do anything other than print an + # error because properly closing the file involves a task switch. + @test_logs (:error,) (finalize(file); flush(stdout)) + @test isopen(file) + + close(file) + @test !isassigned(file) + @test !isopen(file) + @test !isreadable(file) + @test_throws ArgumentError position(file) + @test_throws ArgumentError seek(file, 0) + + # Test append mode, which doesn't have native support + file = open(good_file, sftp; append=true) + @test position(file) == 3 + @test iswritable(file) + + # Test the do-constructor + ret = open(good_file, sftp) do file + @test isopen(file) + + 42 + end + @test ret == 42 + + # We shouldn't be able to open a file with a closed SftpSession + close(sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError open(good_file, sftp) + end + end + end + + @testset "Reading" begin + # Test reading + demo_server_with_sftp(2222; verbose=false) do sftp + # sftp.session.log_verbosity = ssh.SSH_LOG_TRACE + mktemp() do path, io + # Test reading an empty file + file = open(path, sftp) + @test read(file) == UInt8[] + + # Read a file that's smaller than the server limit for a single + # request. + msg = "foo" + limits = ssh.get_limits(sftp) + @assert length(msg) < limits.max_read_length + write(path, msg) + + @test read(file) == collect(UInt8, msg) + @test position(file) == 3 + seekstart(file) + @test read(file, String) == msg + + # Test behaviour when we aren't at the beginning of the file + data = rand(UInt8, 10) + write(path, data) + seek(file, 5) + @test read(file) == data[6:end] + + # Test reading a file larger than the server limit for a single + # request. + data = rand(UInt8, limits.max_read_length + 1) + write(path, data) + seekstart(file) + @test read(file) == data + + # Shouldn't be able to read from a closed file + close(file) + @test_throws ArgumentError read(file) + + # Test reading by passing just a filename + write(path, msg) + @test read(path, sftp, String) == msg + end + end + end + + @testset "Writing" begin + # Test writing + demo_server_with_sftp(2222) do sftp + # sftp.session.log_verbosity = ssh.SSH_LOG_PROTOCOL + + mktempdir() do tmpdir + path = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") + file = open(path, sftp; write=true, mode=0o600) + + # When we open a file for writing Base.open_flags() defaults to + # setting `create=true`, so the file should exist. + @test file.flags.create + @test isfile(path) + # Also test that the mode is set correctly + @test 0o777 & filemode(path) == 0o600 + + # Simple test + msg = "foo" + @test write(file, collect(UInt8, msg)) == 3 + @test read(path, String) == msg + + # Test writing strings directly, which should work without + # copying because we support writing DenseVector's and use + # codeunits(). + @test write(file, "foo") == 3 + # Also tests writing from somewhere other than the beginning of the file + @test read(path, String) == "foofoo" + + # Test writing data larger than the server limit for a single request + limits = ssh.get_limits(sftp) + data = rand(UInt8, limits.max_write_length + 1) + seekstart(file) + @test write(file, data) == length(data) + @test read(path) == data + + # Shouldn't be able to write to a closed file + close(file) + @test_throws ArgumentError write(file, data) + end + end + end + + @testset "Misc" begin + demo_server_with_sftp(2222; verbose=false) do sftp + # Extensions + @test ssh.get_extensions(sftp) isa Dict + @test !isempty(ssh.get_extensions(sftp)) + + @test ssh.get_limits(sftp).max_read_length > 0 + + # Unfortunately our demo server doesn't support the home-directory + # extension. + @test_throws ErrorException homedir(sftp) + + # Test stat() + mktemp() do path, io + # stat()'ing a non-existent file should fail + @test_throws ssh.SftpException stat(path * "_bad", sftp) + + attrs = stat(path, sftp) + @test isassigned(attrs) + @test attrs.size == 0 + + # Smoke test for Base.show() + show(IOBuffer(), attrs) + + write(io, "foo") + flush(io) + + attrs = stat(path, sftp) + @test attrs.size == 3 + + # Not entirely sure why, but the demo server won't return any strings + @test attrs.name == "" + @test attrs.extended_type == "" + + # Test the finalizer + finalize(attrs) + @test !isassigned(attrs) + end + + # Test the different `is*()` functions + mktemp() do path, io + @test ispath(path, sftp) + @test isfile(path, sftp) + @test !isdir(path, sftp) + @test !issocket(path, sftp) + @test !islink(path, sftp) + @test !isblockdev(path, sftp) + @test !ischardev(path, sftp) + @test !isfifo(path, sftp) + end + + mktempdir() do tmpdir + @test ispath(tmpdir, sftp) + @test !isfile(tmpdir, sftp) + @test isdir(tmpdir, sftp) + + # They should not throw an exception on non-existent files + @test !isfile(joinpath(tmpdir, "foo"), sftp) + @test !ispath(joinpath(tmpdir, "foo"), sftp) + end + + # Test readdir() + mktempdir() do tmpdir + # Test reading an empty directory + @test isempty(readdir(tmpdir, sftp)) + + # And a non-empty directory + write(joinpath(tmpdir, "foo"), "foo") + write(joinpath(tmpdir, "bar"), "bar") + + @test readdir(tmpdir, sftp) == ["bar", "foo"] + @test readdir(tmpdir, sftp; join=true) == [joinpath(tmpdir, "bar"), joinpath(tmpdir, "foo")] + @test readdir(tmpdir, sftp; only_names=false) isa Vector{ssh.SftpAttributes} + + # And a non-existent directory + @test_throws ssh.SftpException readdir(tmpdir * "_bad", sftp) + end + + # Test rm() + mktempdir() do tmpdir + path = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") + + # Deleting a non-existent file should fail by default + @test_throws ssh.SftpException rm(path, sftp) + # But not if we pass force=true + rm(path, sftp; force=true) + + # Test deleting a file + write(path, "foo") + rm(path, sftp) + @test !ispath(path) + + # And an empty directory + mkdir(path) + rm(path, sftp) + @test !ispath(path) + + # And a non-empty directory + mkdir(path) + touch(joinpath(path, "foo")) + @test_throws Base.IOError rm(path, sftp) + rm(path, sftp; recursive=true) + @test !ispath(path) + end + + # Test mkdir() + mktempdir() do tmpdir + path = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") + @test mkdir(path, sftp) == path + @test isdir(path) + + # Creating a directory that already exists should fail + @test_throws ssh.SftpException mkdir(path, sftp) + end + + # Test mv() + mktempdir() do tmpdir + src = joinpath(tmpdir, "foo") + dst = joinpath(tmpdir, "bar") + + # Trying to move a file that doesn't exist should fail + @test_throws ssh.SftpException mv(src, dst, sftp) + + # Sadly the demo server doesn't support sftp_rename() yet + touch(src) + @test_throws ssh.SftpException mv(src, dst, sftp) + @test_broken !isfile(src) + @test_broken isfile(dst) + + # Even though it will fail when doing the rename, it should get + # as far as deleting dst if it already exists. + touch(dst) + @test_throws ssh.SftpException mv(src, dst, sftp; force=true) + @test !ispath(dst) + end + + close(sftp) + + @test_throws ArgumentError stat("/tmp", sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.get_extensions(sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError ssh.get_limits(sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError homedir(sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError readdir("/tmp", sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError rm("/tmp", sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError mkdir("/tmp", sftp) + @test_throws ArgumentError mv("foo", "bar", sftp) + end + end +end + +@testset "PKI" begin + rsa = pki.generate(pki.KeyType_rsa) + @test pki.key_type(rsa) == pki.KeyType_rsa + + ed = pki.generate(pki.KeyType_ed25519) + @test !pki.key_cmp(rsa, ed, pki.KeyCmp_Public) + @test pki.key_cmp(rsa, rsa, pki.KeyCmp_Private) + + # The default hash type should be SHA256 and it should not give any warnings + sha256_hash = @test_nowarn pki.get_publickey_hash(ed) + @test length(sha256_hash) == 32 + + # But using SHA1 or MD5 should show a warning + sha1_hash = @test_logs (:warn,) pki.get_publickey_hash(ed, pki.HashType_Sha1) + @test length(sha1_hash) == 20 + md5_hash = @test_logs (:warn,) pki.get_publickey_hash(ed, pki.HashType_Md5) + @test length(md5_hash) == 16 + + # We should be able to get fingerprints for all hashes without needing to + # specify the hash type. + @test startswith(pki.get_fingerprint_hash(sha256_hash), "SHA256:") + @test startswith(pki.get_fingerprint_hash(sha1_hash), "SHA1:") + @test startswith(pki.get_fingerprint_hash(md5_hash), "MD5:") + + # But not a fingerprint for a hash with an invalid length + @test_throws ArgumentError pki.get_fingerprint_hash(rand(UInt8, 33)) + + # Test converting the hash buffer to a hex string + @test replace(ssh.get_hexa(sha256_hash), ":" => "") == bytes2hex(sha256_hash) +end + +@testset "GSSAPI" begin + @test ssh.Gssapi.isavailable() isa Bool + + # Sadly this is quite lightly tested since it's nontrivial to set up a + # Kerberos instance and acquire a token etc. + if ssh.Gssapi.isavailable() + @test ssh.Gssapi.principal_name() isa Union{String, Nothing} + else + @test_throws ErrorException ssh.Gssapi.principal_name() + end +end + +@testset "Examples" begin + mktempdir() do tempdir + # Test and generate the examples + Literate.markdown(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../docs/src/examples.jl"), + tempdir; + execute=true, + flavor=Literate.DocumenterFlavor()) + end + + # Dummy test + @test true +end + +@testset "Utility functions" begin + @test ssh.lib_version() isa VersionNumber +end + +@testset "Aqua.jl" begin + Aqua.test_all(ssh) +end end