Idea is to create a generalized interface that simulation packages could all hook into, potentially with multiple "backends" that use e.g. ASE, rdkit, etc.
What is needed?
- atomic/particles positions
- atomic/particles kind (not only atomic number if you want to support coarse-grained simulations, or different ions, or different isotopes, …)
- periodic or not?
- support different cell shapes for periodic systems (orthorhombic, triclinic, truncated octahedra?)
- support partially periodic systems (e.g. periodic along x and y only)
- Array of structs versus struct of arrays
- Two representations and a dual interface?
existing packages: Molly.jl, JuLIP.jl, ... others ?
atoms, flexible AtomType
boundary conditions / periodicity
- multiple layers: bonds, residues, chains, groups, …
atomic properties (pseudos, basis set, velocities, extensible)
extensible for special cases (e.g. non-spherical particles/bodies, …)
associated visualization tools? yes please
Possible consumers
- visualisation
- IO
- follow-up simulations (e.g. MD)
- 'Periodic table data' - useful to have a canonical source of e.g. atom masses (there is: PeriodicTable.jl)
- DataBase of SMILES and Identifiers ChemicalIdentifiers.jl
Possible implementations
- chemfiles
- RDKit (RDKitMinimalLib.jl provides direct access to RKit without using PyCall)
Selling point / goals:
- Composability between existing packages
- Modularity rather than large and complicated packages
- Automatic differentiation / sensitivity analysis through the full pipeline
- Rapid development: Same code structure for simplified problems and full-fletched applications
- Easy and unified introspection
What Julia packages already implement (parts of) this functionality? Could we "pull out" that functionality to be the beginning of another, more universal package?
- ASE...
- pymatgen
- Atomsk