- Use ASYNC APIs and more clever font logic that avoids lockups
- Made the font selection a little more focused
- Updated Readme and Changelog !!
- Removed width hack due to issues on Atom 1.3 Beta
- Tweaked the delay to address rare problems
- Atom 1.0.13+ does not need workarounds for APM stability any more (removed)
- Correct minor issues with the docs
- Renamed roboto fonts due to conflict with some themes
- Rectified some ill fated experiments
- Made the code a bit more robust
- Fix to broken plugin
- Added a proxy server to work around atom/atom#7191
Basically drop a.apmrc
in your ATOM_HOME withproxy = http://localhost:33133
- Added the thinner variants of the Roboto font
- Fixed a bug in the font naming
- Hack replaces dejavu as it is fundamentally the same but better
- Tweaked the readme
- Removed Code New Romman due to alignment issues (I hope fixed in next version)
- Removed Fira as I don;t really use it at all :-)
- Added Cutive and Roboto as they look nice
- Removed some code
- Added a couple of extra flags
- Will be removed when fix makes it into Atom mainline
- Updated the package metadata to something more realistic
- A minor code tweak
- Added Code New Roman and removed Monofur and Anonymous Pro
- Minor tidy ups and tweaks
- Tweaked font hack
- Fixed/updated the crappy readme
- Added Camingo Code (my new fave), as a font
- Fixed to work on Atom 1.0
- General tidy up (Markdown, JS)
- Changed font width hack to deal reliably with more scenarios
- The super-hacky font alignment tweak was unreliable at 25ms, now 100ms
- Tidied up the JavaScript to be JS Lint compliant
- Automatic Atom config backup
- Plugin now in pure JavaScript
- Font install workaround (fonts always work)
- 8 fonts avalable : 'anonymous', 'dejavu', 'inconsolata', 'liberation', 'monofur', 'pt', 'srcpro light', 'srcpro', 'ubuntu'
- Tidied up plugin
- Workaround for spotty Javascript issue
- DejaVuSans and LiberationMono fonts bundled