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Releases: JasonLautzenheiser/trizbort

v1.5.9.7 - Minor bug fix release.

16 Feb 02:18
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Minor release to fix two bugs.

#317 was an issue with the EXITS command added in v1.5.9.6 that broke the automapper. This has been rolled back until I can take a look into it.
#319 fixed to allow exporting to I7 on older maps.

v1.5.9.6 - Minor updates

07 Jan 15:53
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Just some minor updates to catch up since long hiatus since last release. This also is compiled with vs2017 RC, so if you see any issues running or have issues with the code yourself, please let me know.

Biggest new feature is probably the find, it is still somewhat limited, but I've found it useful for large maps.

  • Beginning to refactor code to take advantage of C#7
  • Removed the "fill" color in app settings. It wasn't being used anymore (#310)
  • Fixed issue with room properties window opening in the upper left corner of the screen (#309)
  • Automap will now detect when a room is being connected in the same direction as another room. The user will be prompted to keep one or other or both. (#300)
  • Automap now supports the EXITS command (#297)
  • Can now specify an end room. (#171)
  • Issue in Automapper when restarting, it would sometimes get confused and not display any rooms. (#195)
  • Added new option in Automapper, to assume two-way directions (on by default). (#296)
  • Add a FIND (Ctrl-F), currently only on Rooms (name, subtitle, objects and description). Found elements are selected. (#57)
  • F3 / Shift-F3 will cycle through found matches

v1.5.9.5 Release

06 Aug 03:56
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Minor release with some minor features.

ENH: #196 - "tb dotted" in transcript now forces next connection to be dotted.
ENH: #11 - "tb exit [direction]" in transcript will add a connection stub in that direction and "tb noexit [direction]" will remove a connection stub.
ENH: #270 - refactored the command line handling. Commands are now:
-a, --loadlastproject
-m, --automap --> give it a text file transcript. ex) trizbort --automap zork1.txt
-q, --quicksave --> quicksave the file to the given filename, useful in conjunction with other commands like --automap
-s, --smartsave --> silently do smartsave based on current smartsave settings.
-x, --exit --> close trizbort, again useful in conjunction with other arguments. ex) trizbort --automap zork1.txt --quicksave zork1.trizbort --exit

ENH: #267 - added command line parameters for exporting maps to source files --inform7, --inform6, --alan, --hugo, --tads, --zil
ENH: #186 - Added region support to Hugo export.
ENH: #279 - Added Ctrl-K to Force Darkness on selected rooms; Added Ctrl-Shift-K to force lighted on rooms.
ENH: #56 - Added support for doors. It can be setup in the connection properties. Export to I7 only at this point.
ENH: #285 - Add descriptions to connections. Used only for doors at the moment.
ENH: #283 - Allow for fine control of object text positioning.
COS: #294 - Fix wording on context menu for hand-drawn room.
ENH: - Tooltips will now show on items with out a title. This will help with being able to put different attributes or descriptions on items (connections, rooms).
ENH: #295 - Added option to app settings to show / not-show tooltips on objects.
REF: #214 - Refactored font code name.
REF: #213 - changed labels in app settings font settings.

April 2016 Release

09 Apr 17:02
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We made a lot of improvements to exporting to your favorite IF language and cleaning up our own code. We are also trying to add features that make sense to simplify building of maps while still giving you plenty of shortcuts and power tools.

We are also in the process of improving the export to different languages. We've added ALAN support and improved support for I7, I6, TADS and ZIL. As always if you find ways to improve, have suggestions or find bugs, please let us know or submit an issue
on github. Documentation is a little outdated so apologies on that. Hopefully we'll be updating that soon.

Future enhancements I hope to make: Continue to improve and expand language export, improve the object language to handle more errors and give more flexibility

ENH: - beginning of object definition language in the objects list. Still in beta (so use at own risk as things may change, but feedback is appreciated) and really focused on I7 at the moment. We will continue to improve, fix and tweak.
ENH: #23 - Command line option to start automapping of file. -m transcriptfile [trizbort map name]
ENH: #27 - Saves app window dimensions on close.
ENH: #40 - Also #192, Now we can adjust margins on exported images. We allow for default margins that can be adjusted and document specific margins.
ENH: #81 - Annotations can be now be saved to PDFs (the annotation will be the room description)
ENH: #170 - The short cut key '0' will select the starting room.
ENH: #184 - Ctrl-B backs up your current project file.
ENH: #185 - TADS/Adv3Lite export now supports regions.
ENH: #188 - \ (backslash) on room will attempt to reorganize the connections. Be careful with this as it tries to be smart about room location in relevence to each other. It can make mistakes so we are looking at ways to improve and make trizbort a bit smarter.
ENH: #189 - '[' and ']' as well as Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] will move the selected connector around to available ports on the connected rooms.
ENH: #197 - Automap improvements: Mark start room.
ENH: #202 - Option to auto-load the last saved map when opening trizbort.
ENH: #203 - More command line options added (just beginning this, -? for current ones)
ENH: #205 - Ctrl-D deletes all connectors from selected room.
ENH: #233 - I6 export now implements regions as classes.
ENH: #255 - ALAN Export - (Beta)
ENH: #258 - Added popup for language definition in the description area.
ENH: #264 - Hand-drawn is now a room property. Global setting for new rooms, can be changed on a room level.
COS: #182 - Wording change on the duplicate room dialog in automapper.
COS: #200 - File dialog for choosing transcript in automapper now filters by *.txt and *.log -- Any other extensions in common use for transcripts?
FIX: #172 - Disallow room names to be just numbers as it creates bad I7 code.
FIX: #173 - Like #172, Blank room names are not allowed as it will create bad exported code.
FIX: #180 - When running a test command in the I7 IDE, command numbers in brackets are created at the front of each prompt line, like '>[7] n', this confused the automapper.
FIX: #234 - Trying to improve the export to code with some special characters from non-english languages. (Further improvement suggestions welcome)
FIX: #246 - Fixed some areas that were causing Trizbort to think the map was "dirty" and needed saved when it really wasn't.

Mid September Release

19 Sep 14:24
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We've done a lot of work on Trizbort in the first half of the month so I thought I'd get a new release out sooner rather than later.

COS: #112 - Disable "Rooms:Change Regions" if there are 0 regions
COS: #119 - Change language in the settings to change "lines" to "connections".
COS: #145 - There was a flicker in the 'Toggle Darkness' in the Rooms menu
ENH: #79 - Alpha of Hugo Exporter....not yet feature complete, please send feedback.
ENH: #89 - Added octagonal room shape. Great for Stop signs.
ENH: #97 - Added stat for rooms you can't get out of "Dead Ends".
ENH: #115 - Add graphic for straight edge room shape in room settings.
ENH: #116 - Added checkbox to link all corners together to same value for rounded corners room type.
ENH: #118 - Save the last tab on settings dialog to app settings.
ENH: #125 - Set a room as the starting room in room settings. Highlight it in a lime green. This will export to I7 and ZIL.
ENH: #131 - Added "About" to I6 exported code
ENH: #167 - Added count of dark rooms to stats.
CHG: #117 - Default name for new room should not be blank
CHG: #123 - Remove the default ("NoRegion") from the list of regions that get exported.
CHG: #126 - F1 opens up the online help.
CHG: #129 - Better message on SmartSave if it can't save the image file
FIX: #112 - Can no longer attempt to change regions if there are 0 regions.
FIX: #113 - Disable "Join rooms" in context menu/Rooms menu if rooms already joined
FIX: #120 - hand-drawn does not persist on Ctrl-Arrow to create new room
FIX: #121 - Error checking: request for warning box on unsuccessful smartsave
FIX: #122 - Some shortcut keys for new menus introduced were triggering other actions.
FIX: #127 - Failed PNG write gives successful smart-save message.
FIX: #128 - Failed EMF export does not generate error
FIX: #130 - darkness does not persist on Ctrl-Arrow to create new room
FIX: #132 - Deleting region wasn't reverting it's "ex-rooms" to NoRegion
FIX: #137 - Changing items in the Tools:Map Settings dialog wasn't marking the project as dirty.
FIX: #141 - Line styles context menu item could erronously appear on the menu for a room.
FIX: #143 - Realphabetize region listbox in settings after renaming inline.
FIX: #144 - disallow starting spaces in regions and room as it could cause issues with exporting to code.
FIX: #153 - Arrow keys moving canvas right / left were backwards.
FIX: #156 - Issue with copy / paste and connection color. Also issue with a colon in the name is fixed.

September Release

05 Sep 16:00
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  • BUG: Fix crash when adding a room when an unconnected connection is selected, now adds a connection onto the end.
  • BUG: Fix issue when changing default connection color and then reload map would change connections to light blue.
  • BUG: Properties menu was not available in context menu on connection.
  • ENH: Enhanced the port calc code so they are more evenly spaced on ellipse and rounded rooms.
  • ENH: Stats list # of rooms without a region.
  • ENH: Add ability to change the default room name from "Cave"
  • CHG: Minor formatting changes on stats.
  • ZIL exporter tweaks (Thanks to Jesse McGrew)
    • Update main loop so M-END doesn't run for meta verbs.
    • Escape contents of strings.
    • Export history (creating an ABOUT verb).
    • Don't write empty room descriptions.
    • Use a PER routine for conditional exits.
    • Set object SYNONYM and ADJECTIVE separately.
    • Fix spacing/style nits.

August Release - Room Shapes

08 Aug 17:38
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Release focused on new features and some UI cleanup.

ENH: Allow other room shapes. Ctrl-R for rounded edges, Ctrl-E for elliptical shape, Ctrl-H to toggle hand drawn and straight lines on an individual room.
ENH: Broke out the Rooms and Connections menu items from Edit into their own main level menus.
ENH: Enhanced the context menu for a room with much of the room editing items added in the last few versions.
ENH: Cleaned up context menu for connections
ENH: Cleaned up context menu for the map canvas.
BUG: Regions weren't respecting reserved words when exporting to I7
Some code refactoring - Room Shapes / Menu Cleanups

08 Aug 16:17
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Release focused on new features and some UI cleanup.

ENH: Allow other room shapes. Ctrl-R for rounded edges, Ctrl-E for elliptical shape, Ctrl-H to toggle hand drawn and straight lines on an individual room.
ENH: Broke out the Rooms and Connections menu items from Edit into their own main level menus.
ENH: Enhanced the context menu for a room with much of the room editing items added in the last few versions.
ENH: Cleaned up context menu for connections
ENH: Cleaned up context menu for the map canvas.
BUG: Regions weren't respecting reserved words when exporting to I7
Some code refactoring - ZIL Exporter Improvements

20 Jul 20:19
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The ZIL exporter now handles objects, containers and conditional and one-way exits. - Mid July Release

20 Jul 03:12
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CHANGE: Now use some C# 6.0 syntax features. Potentially breaking change in code.
ENH: text now wraps on dashes as well as spaces (example room names) #73
ENH: Add menu item to redact text (Ctrl-F4 already an option) - #71
COSMETIC: Change link to online help to point to new help text - #74
ENH: History text in map settings will generate an "about" command when exporting to code. (currently only in I7 and Tads3)
ENH: Start of ZIL Export.