- Go Reference
go list -m -versions <module path>
go install <module path>@<version || tag>
go get -u=patch <module path>
v, ok := m[key] // map lookup
v, ok := x.(T) // type assertion
v, ok := <-ch // channel receive
for {
// things to do in the loop
Don’t use iota for defining constants where its values are explicitly defined (elsewhere). For example, when implementing parts of a specification and the specification says which values are assigned to which constants, you should explicitly write the constant values. Use iota for “internal” purposes only. That is, where the constants are referred to by name rather than by value. That way you can optimally enjoy iota by inserting new constants at any moment in time / location in the list without the risk of breaking everything.
- Dependencies
- Package level variables, if the package has multiple
files, they are initialized in the order in which the files are given to the compiler; thego
tool sorts.go
files by name before invoking the compiler - Each variable declared at package level starts life with the value of its initializer expression if any.
function - Any file can contain any number ofinit
functions, they are executed in the order in which they are declared.- One package is initialized at a time, in the order of imports in the program, dependencies first.
package is the last to be initialized. All packages are fully initialized before the application'smain
function begins.
conversion applied to a UTF-8 encoded string returns the sequence of Unicode code points that the string encodes.
Variable indexing
o := 0666
fmt.Printf("%d %[1]o %#[1]o\n", o) // 438 666 0666
x := int64(0xdeadbeef)
fmt.Printf("%d %[1]x %#[1]x %#[1]X\n", x)
// Output:
// 3735928559 deadbeef 0xdeadbeef 0XDEADBEEF
- Unsigned Types
(usually based on CPU arch)uint8
(usually based on CPU arch)
- Signed Types
(usually based on CPU arch)int8
Regardless of their size,
, anduintptr
are different types from their explicitly sized siblings. Thusint
is not the same type asint32
, even if the natural size of integers is 32 bits, and an explicit conversion is required to sue anint
value where anint32
is needed, and vice versa.
- Slice -
- Channel -
chan type
- Pointer -
- Map -
- Function -
- Interface -
- Invalid -
To create an alias, we use the type keyword, the name of the alias, an equals sign, and the name of the original type. The alias has the same fields and methods as the original type.
The alias can even be assigned to a variable of the original type without a type conversion.
You can alias a type that’s defined in the same package as the original type or in a different package. You can even alias a type from another module.
There is one drawback to an alias in another package: you cannot use an alias to refer to the unexported methods and fields of the original type.
There are two kinds of exported identifiers that can’t have alternate names. The first is a package-level variable. The second is a field in a struct. Once you choose a name for an exported struct field, there’s no way to create an alternate name.
type Foo struct {
atr string
type Bar = Foo
func FooBar(f Foo) {
// can take both Foo and Bar
One important point to remember: an alias is just another name for a type. If you want to add new methods or change the fields in an aliased struct, you must add them to the original type.
bool byte complex64 complex128 error float32 float64
int int8 int16 int32 int64 rune string
uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
true false iota
Zero value:
append cap close complex copy delete imag len
make new panic print println real recover
If a struct is large enough, there are performance improvements from using a pointer to the struct as either an input parameter or a return value. The time to pass a pointer into a function is constant for all data sizes, roughly one nanosecond. This makes sense, as the size of a pointer is the same for all data types. Passing a value into a function takes longer as the data gets larger. It takes about a millisecond once the value gets to be around 10 megabytes of data.
The behavior for returning a pointer versus returning a value is more interesting. For data structures that are smaller than a megabyte, it is actually slower to return a pointer type than a value type. For example, a 100-byte data structure takes around 10 nanoseconds to be returned, but a pointer to that data structure takes about 30 nanoseconds. Once your data structures are larger than a megabyte, the performance advantage flips. It takes nearly 2 milliseconds to return 10 megabytes of data, but a little more than half a millisecond to return a pointer to it.
You should be aware that these are very short times. For the vast majority of cases, the difference between using a pointer and a value won’t affect your program’s performance. But if you are passing megabytes of data between functions, consider using a pointer even if the data is meant to be immutable.
To store something on the stack, you have to know exactly how big it is at compile time. When you look at the value types in Go (primitive values, arrays, and structs), they all have one thing in common: we know exactly how much memory they take at compile time. This is why the size is considered part of the type for an array. Because their sizes are known, they can be allocated on the stack instead of the heap. The size of a pointer type is also known, and it is also stored on the stack.
The rules are more complicated when it comes to the data that the pointer points to. In order for Go to allocate the data the pointer points to on the stack, several conditions must be true. It must be a local variable whose data size is known at compile time. The pointer cannot be returned from the function. If the pointer is passed into a function, the compiler must be able to ensure that these conditions still hold. If the size isn’t known, you can’t make space for it by simply moving the stack pointer. If the pointer variable is returned, the memory that the pointer points to will no longer be valid when the function exits. When the compiler determines that the data can’t be stored on the stack, we say that the data the pointer points to escapes the stack and the compiler stores the data on the heap.
The heap is the memory that’s managed by the garbage collector (or by hand in languages like C and C++). Any data that’s stored on the heap is valid as long as it can be tracked back to a pointer type variable on a stack. Once there are no more pointers pointing to that data (or to data that points to that data), the data becomes garbage and it’s the job of the garbage collector to clear it out.
A common source of bugs in C programs is returning a pointer to a local variable. In C, this results in a pointer pointing to invalid memory. The Go compiler is smarter. When it sees that a pointer to a local variable is returned, the local variable’s value is stored on the heap.
The escape analysis done by the Go compiler isn’t perfect. There are some cases where data that could be stored on the stack escapes to the heap. However, the compiler has to be conservative; it can’t take the chance of leaving a value on the stack when it might need to be on the heap because leaving a reference to invalid data causes memory corruption.
RAM might mean “random access memory,” but the fastest way to read from memory is to read it sequentially. A slice of structs in Go has all of the data laid out sequentially in memory. This makes it fast to load and fast to process. A slice of pointers to structs (or structs whose fields are pointers) has its data scattered across RAM, making it far slower to read and process.
While embedding one concrete type inside another won’t allow you to treat the outer type as the inner type, the methods on an embedded field do count toward the method set of the containing struct. This means they can make the containing struct implement an interface.
type Metadata struct {
// ...
type BaseError struct {
msg string
metadata Metadata
func (be *BaseError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%#v", be.msg, be.metadata)
// HTTPError implicitly implements error interface via embedding BaseError
type HTTPError struct {
code int
func NewHTTPError(msg, metadata Metadata, code int) *HTTPError {
return &HTTPError{
BaseError: &BaseError{
msg: msg,
metadata: metadata,
code: code,
Methods can be declared only on named types and pointers to them, but thanks to embedding, it's possible and sometimes useful for unnamed struct types to have methods too. Because the
field is embedded within it, itsLock
methods are promoted to the unnamed struct type, allowing us to lock thecache
with a self-explanatory syntax.
var cache = struct {
mapping map[string]string
} {
mapping: make(map[string]string),
func Lookup(key string) string {
v := cache.mapping[key]
return v
Just like you can embed a type in a struct, you can also embed an interface in an interface via an anonymous field. For example, the io.ReadCloser interface is built out of an io.Reader and an io.Closer:
type Reader interface {
Read(p[]byte) (n int, err error)
type Closer interface {
Close() error
type ReadCloser interface {
Just like you can embed a concrete type in a struct, you can also embed an interface in a struct via an anonymous field.
package main
import (
type BaseError struct {
func main() {
var err error
// Type *BaseError which embeds error which allows this struct to implement error interface
baseError = &BaseError{
error: errors.New("error"),
// err can be assigned baseError because *BaseError implicitly implements the error interface
err = baseError
// because error is embedded, the Error() method can be implicitly used
// explicitly invoked via the error field instead
// err interface type uses underlying concrete *BaseError's Error() method
Usually we select and call a method in the same expression, as in
, but it's possible to separate these two operations. The selector
yields a method value, a function that binds a method
) to a specific receiver value p
. This function can then be
invoked without a receiver value; it needs only the non-receiver arguments.
p := Point{1, 2}
q := Point{4, 6}
distanceFromP := p.Distance // Method value
fmt.Println(distanceFromP(q)) // "5"
scaleP := p.ScaleBy // Method value
scaleP(2) // p becomes (2, 4)
scaleP(3) // then (6, 12)
scaleP(10) // then (60, 120)
Related to the method value is the method expression. When calling a method,
as opposed to an ordinary function, we must supply the receiver in a special way
using the selector syntax. A method expression, written T.f
or (*T).f
is a type, yields a function value with a regular first parameter taking the
place of the receiver, so it can be called in the usual way.
p := Point{1, 2}
q := Point{4, 6}
distance := Point.Distance // method expression
fmt.Println(distance(p, q)) // "5"
fmt.Printf("%T\n", distance) // func(Point, Point) float64
scale := (*Point).ScaleBy
scale(&p, 2)
fmt.Println(p) // "{2, 4}"
fmt.Printf("%T\n", scale) // func(*Point, float64)
- If you need a data structure beyond a slice, array, or map, and you don’t want
it to only work with a single type, you need to use a field of type
to hold its value. - An empty interface type simply states that the variable can store any value whose type implements zero or more methods.
- Rather than writing a single factory function that returns different instances behind an interface based on input parameters, try to write separate factory functions for each concrete type.
- When invoking a function with parameters of interface types, a heap allocation
occurs for each of the interface parameters.
- Figuring out the trade-off between better abstraction and better performance is something that should be done over the life of your program. Write your code so that it is readable and maintainable. If you find that your program is too slow and you have profiled it and you have determined that the performance problems are due to a heap allocation caused by an interface parameter, then you should rewrite the function to use a concrete type parameter.
- In order for an interface to be considered nil both the type and the value must be nil.
- In the Go runtime, interfaces are implemented as a pair of pointers, one to
the underlying type and one to the underlying value. As long as the type is
non-nil, the interface is non-nil. (Since you cannot have a variable without a
type, if the value pointer is non-nil, the type pointer is always non-nil.)
- What nil indicates for an interface is whether or not you can invoke methods on it.
- If an interface is nil, invoking any methods on it triggers a panic
val, ok := i.(int)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type for %v", i)
// continue logic...
The boolean ok is set to true if the type conversion was successful.
If it was not, ok is set to false and the other variable is set to its zero value.
A type switch looks a lot like the switch statement, but instead of specifying a
boolean operation, you specify a variable of an interface type and follow it
with .(type)
Note: If you list more than one type on a case, the new variable is of
type interface{}
switch j := i.(type) {
case nil:
// i is nil, type of j is interface{}
case int:
// j is of type int
case MyInt:
// j is of type MyInt
case io.Reader:
// j is of type io.Reader
case string:
// j is a string
case bool, rune:
// i is either a bool or rune, so j is of type interface{}
// no idea what i is, so j is of type interface{}
Since the purpose of a type switch is to derive a new variable from an existing
one, it is idiomatic to assign the variable being switched on to a variable of
the same name (i := i.(type))
, making this one of the few places where
shadowing is a good idea. To make the comments more readable, our example
doesn’t use shadowing.
The type of the new variable depends on which case matches. You can use nil
for one case to see if the interface has no associated type. If you list more
than one type on a case, the new variable is of type interface{}
While it might seem handy to be able to extract the concrete implementation from an interface variable, you should use these techniques infrequently. For the most part, treat a parameter or return value as the type that was supplied and not what else it could be. Otherwise, your function’s API isn’t accurately declaring what types it needs to perform its task. If you needed a different type, then it should be specified.
One common use of a type assertion is to see if the concrete type behind the interface also implements another interface.
// copyBuffer is the actual implementation of Copy and CopyBuffer.
// if buf is nil, one is allocated.
func copyBuffer(dst Writer, src Reader, buf []byte) (written int64, err error) {
// If the reader has a WriteTo method, use it to do the copy.
// Avoids an allocation and a copy.
if wt, ok := src.(WriterTo); ok {
return wt.WriteTo(dst)
// Similarly, if the writer has a ReadFrom method, use it to do the copy.
if rt, ok := dst.(ReaderFrom); ok {
return rt.ReadFrom(src)
// function continues...
package main
import (
type Dog interface {
Bark() string
type Person struct {
Name string
func (p Person) String() string {
return p.Name
func (p Person) Bark() string {
return "Bark!"
func main() {
var blah fmt.Stringer
blah = Person{
Name: "Jack",
if t, ok := blah.(Dog); ok {
fmt.Println("blah also implements Animal", t)
Go allows methods on any user-defined type, including user-defined function types.
They allow functions to implement interfaces. The most common usage is for HTTP handlers.
By using a type conversion to http.HandlerFunc, any function that has the
signature func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request)
can be used as an
type HandlerFunc func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
func (f HandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
f(writer, reader)
This lets you implement HTTP handlers using functions, methods, or closures
using the exact same code path as the one used for other types that meet the
The question becomes: when should your function or method specify an input parameter of a function type and when should you use an interface?
If your single function is likely to depend on many other functions or other state that’s not specified in its input parameters, use an interface parameter and define a function type to bridge a function to the interface.
Go handles errors by returning a value of type error as the last return value for a function. This is entirely by convention, but it is such a strong convention that it should never be breached.
When a function executes as expected, nil is returned for the error parameter. If something goes wrong, an error value is returned instead.
Error messages should not be capitalized nor should they end with punctuation or a newline.
In most cases, you should set the other return values to their zero values when a non-nil error is returned.
is a built-in interface that defines a single method:
type error interface {
Error() string
Anything that implements this interface is considered an error.
The name descends from the practice in computer programming of using a specific value to signify that no further processing is possible. So to with Go, we use specific values to signify an error.
Sentinel errors are one of the few variables that are declared at the package level.
By convention, their names start with Err (with the notable exception of io.EOF).
They should be treated as read-only; there’s no way for the Go compiler to enforce this, but it is a programming error to change their value. Sentinel errors are usually used to indicate that you cannot start or continue processing.
Be sure you need a sentinel error before you define one. Once you define one, it is part of your public API and you have committed to it being available in all future backward-compatible releases.
It’s far better to reuse one of the existing ones in the standard library or to define an error type that includes information about the condition that caused the error to be returned
func main() {
data := []byte("This is not a zip file")
notAZipFile := bytes.NewReader(data)
_, err := zip.NewReader(notAZipFile, int64(len(data)))
if err == zip.ErrFormat {
fmt.Println("Told you so")
If you have an error condition that indicates a specific state has been reached in your application where no further processing is possible and no contextual information needs to be used to explain the error state, a sentinel error is the correct choice.
When using custom errors, never define a variable to be of the type of your custom error. Either explicitly return nil when no error occurs or define the variable to be of type error.
WARNING: Don’t use a type assertion or a type switch to access the fields and
methods of a custom error. Instead, use errors.As
When an error is passed back through your code, you often want to add additional context to it. This context can be the name of the function that received the error or the operation it was trying to perform. When you preserve an error while adding additional information, it is called wrapping the error. When you have a series of wrapped errors, it is called an error chain.
There’s a function in the Go standard library that wraps errors, and we’ve
already seen it. The fmt.Errorf
function has a special verb, %w. Use this to
create an error whose formatted string includes the formatted string of another
error and which contains the original error as well. The convention is to write
: %w
at the end of the error format string and make the error to be wrapped
the last parameter passed to fmt.Errorf
The standard library also provides a function for unwrapping errors, the
function in the errors package. You pass it an error and it returns the
wrapped error, if there is one. If there isn’t, it returns nil
func fileChecker(name string) error {
f, err := os.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("in fileChecker: %w", err)
return nil
func main() {
err := fileChecker("not_here.txt")
if err != nil {
if wrappedErr := errors.Unwrap(err); wrappedErr != nil {
You don’t usually call errors.Unwrap
directly. Instead, you use errors.Is
and errors.As
to find a specific wrapped error.
Note: If you want to wrap an error with your custom error type, your error type needs to implement the method Unwrap. This method takes in no parameters and returns an error.
type StatusErr struct {
Status Status
Message string
err error
func (se StatusErr) Error() string {
return se.Message
func (se StatusError) Unwrap() error {
return se.err
// Wrap underlying errors with StatusErr
func LoginAndGetData(uid, pwd, file string) ([]byte, error) {
err := login(uid,pwd)
if err != nil {
return nil, StatusErr {
Status: InvalidLogin,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("invalid credentials for user %s",uid),
Err: err,
data, err := getData(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, StatusErr {
Status: NotFound,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("file %s not found",file),
Err: err,
return data, nil
If you want to create a new error that contains the message from another error,
but don’t want to wrap it, use fmt.Errorf
to create an error, but use the %v
verb instead of %w
err := internalFunction()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("internal failure: %v", err)
Use errors.Is
when you are looking for a specific instance or specific values.
Use errors.As
when you are looking for a specific type.
The errors.Is
function returns true
if there is an error in the error chain
that matches the provided sentinel error.
By default, errors.Is
uses ==
to compare each wrapped error with the
specified error. If this does not work for an error type that you define (for
example, if your error is a noncomparable type), implement the Is
method on
your error:
type MyErr struct {
Codes []int
func (me MyErr) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("codes: %v", me.Codes)
func (me MyErr) Is(target error) bool {
if me2, ok := target.(MyErr); ok {
return reflect.DeepEqual(me, me2)
return false
The errors.As
function allows you to check if a returned error (or any error
it wraps) matches a specific type.
You don’t have to pass a pointer to a variable of an error type as the second
parameter to errors.As
. You can pass a pointer to an interface to find an
error that meets the interface.
err := AFunctionThatReturnsAnError()
var coder interface {
Code() int
if errors.As(err, &coder) {
As soon as a panic happens, the current function exits immediately and any defers attached to the current function start running.
When those defers complete, the defers attached to the calling function run, and so on, until main is reached. The program then exits with a message and a stack trace.
The built-in recover function is called from within a defer to check if a panic happened. If there was a panic, the value assigned to the panic is returned. Once a recover happens, execution continues normally.
func div60(i int) {
defer func() {
if v := recover(); v != nil {
fmt.Println(60 / i)
There’s a specific pattern for using recover. We register a function with defer to handle a potential panic. We call recover within an if statement and check to see if a non-nil value was found. You must call recover from within a defer because once a panic happens, only deferred functions are run.
There is one situation where recover is recommended. If you are creating a library for third parties, do not let panics escape the boundaries of your public API. If a panic is possible, a public function should use a recover to convert the panic into an error, return it, and let the calling code decide what to do with them.
The package name . places all the exported identifiers in the imported package into the current package’s namespace; you don’t need a prefix to refer to them.
Package names can be shadowed.
Whenever you run any go command that requires dependencies (such as go run, go build, go test, or even go list), any imports that aren’t already in go.mod are downloaded to a cache.
The go.mod file is automatically updated to include the module path that contains the package and the version of the module.
The go.sum file is updated with two entries: one with the module, its version, and a hash of the module, the other with the hash of the go.mod file for the module.
The rules/conventions are:
Place the comment directly before the item being documented with no blank lines between the comment and the declaration of the item.
Start the comment with two forward slashes (//) followed by the name of the item.
Use a blank comment to break your comment into multiple paragraphs.
Insert preformatted comments by indenting the lines.
Comments before the package declaration create package-level comments. If you
have lengthy comments for the package (such as the extensive formatting
documentation in the fmt package), the convention is to put the comments in a
file in your package called doc.go
Sometimes you want to share a function, type, or constant between packages in your module, but you don’t want to make it part of your API. Go supports this via the special internal package name.
When you create a package called internal, the exported identifiers in that package and its subpackages are only accessible to the direct parent package of internal and the sibling packages of internal.
When you declare a function named init that takes no parameters and returns no values, it runs the first time the package is referenced by another package.
Since init functions do not have any inputs or outputs, they can only work by side effect, interacting with package-level functions and variables.
Go allows you to declare multiple init functions in a single package, or even in a single file in a package.
The primary use of init functions today is to initialize package-level variables that can’t be configured in a single assignment.
You should only declare a single init function per package, even though Go allows you to define multiple.
Go supports two ways for creating the different import paths:
Create a subdirectory within your module named vN, where N is the major version of your module. For example, if you are creating version 2 of your module, call this directory v2. Copy your code into this subdirectory, including the README and LICENSE files.
Create a branch in your version control system. You can either put the old code on the branch or the new code. Name the branch vN if you are putting the new code on the branch, or vN-1 if you are putting the old code there. For example, if you are creating version 2 of your module and want to put version 1 code on the branch, name the branch v1.
When upgrading a major version you can use mod to automate the renaming process of packages.
- A process is an instance of a program that’s being run by a computer’s operating system.
- The operating system associates some resources, such as memory, with the process and makes sure that other processes can’t access them.
- A process is composed of one or more threads.
- A thread is a unit of execution that is given some time to run by the operating system.
- Threads within a process share access to resources.
- A CPU can execute instructions from one or more threads at the same time, depending on the number of cores.
- One of the jobs of an operating system is to schedule threads on the CPU to make sure that every process (and every thread within a process) gets a chance to run.
Goroutines are lightweight processes managed by the Go runtime. When a Go program starts, the Go runtime creates a number of threads and launches a single goroutine to run your program. All of the goroutines created by your program, including the initial one, are assigned to these threads automatically by the Go runtime scheduler, just as the operating system schedules threads across CPU cores. This might seem like extra work, since the underlying operating system already includes a scheduler that manages threads and processes, but it has several benefits:
- Goroutine creation is faster than thread creation, because you aren’t creating an operating system–level resource.
- Goroutine initial stack sizes are smaller than thread stack sizes and can grow as needed. This makes goroutines more memory efficient.
- Switching between goroutines is faster than switching between threads because it happens entirely within the process, avoiding operating system calls that are (relatively) slow.
- The scheduler is able to optimize its decisions because it is part of the Go process. The scheduler works with the network poller, detecting when a goroutine can be unscheduled because it is blocking on I/O. It also integrates with the garbage collector, making sure that work is properly balanced across all of the operating system threads assigned to your Go process.
Goroutines communicate using channels. Like slices and maps, channels are a built-in type created using the make
ch := make(chan int)
Like maps, channels are reference types. When you pass a channel to a function, you are really passing a pointer to the channel. Also like maps and slices, the zero value for a channel is nil
Use the <-
operator to interact with a channel. You read from a channel by placing the <-
operator to the left of the channel variable, and you write to a channel by placing it to the right:
a := <-ch // reads a value from ch and assigns it to a
ch <- b // write the value in b to ch
Each value written to a channel can only be read once. If multiple goroutines are reading from the same channel, a value written to the channel will only be read by one of them.
Concurrency is an implementation detail, and good API design should hide implementation details as much as possible. This allows you to change how your code works without changing how your code is invoked.
Practically, this means that you should never expose channels or mutexes in your API’s types, functions, and methods. If you expose a channel, you put the responsibility of channel management on the users of your API. This means that the users now have to worry about concerns like whether or not a channel is buffered or closed or nil
. They can also trigger deadlocks by accessing channels or mutexes in an unexpected order.
This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t ever have channels as function parameters or struct fields. It means that they shouldn’t be exported.
There are some exceptions to this rule. If your API is a library with a concurrency helper function, channels are going to be part of its API.
The done channel pattern provides a way to signal a goroutine that it’s time to stop processing. It uses a channel to signal that it’s time to exit. Let’s look at an example where we pass the same data to multiple functions, but only want the result from the fastest function:
func searchData(s string, searchers []func(string) []string) []string {
done := make(chan struct{})
result := make(chan []string)
for _, searcher := range searchers {
go func(searcher func(string) []string) {
select {
case result <- searcher(s):
case <-done:
r := <-result
return r
In our function, we declare a channel named done
that contains data of type struct{}
. We use an empty struct for the type because the value is unimportant; we never write to this channel, only close it. We launch a goroutine for each searcher passed in. The select
statements in the worker goroutines wait for either a write on the result
channel (when the searcher
function returns) or a read on the done
channel. Remember that a read on an open channel pauses until there is data available and that a read on a closed channel always returns the zero value for the channel. This means that the case that reads from done
will stay paused until done
is closed. In searchData
, we read the first value written to result
, and then we close done
. This signals to the goroutines that they should exit, preventing them from leaking.
func countTo(max int) (<-chan int, func()) {
ch := make(chan int)
done := make(chan struct{})
cancel := func() {
go func() {
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
select {
case <-done:
case ch<-i:
return ch, cancel
func main() {
ch, cancel := countTo(10)
for i := range ch {
if i > 5 {
When you need to combine data from multiple concurrent sources, the select
keyword is great. However, you need to properly handle closed channels. If one of the cases in a select
is reading a closed channel, it will always be successful, returning the zero value. Every time that case is selected, you need to check to make sure that the value is valid and skip the case. If reads are spaced out, your program is going to waste a lot of time reading junk values.
When that happens, we rely on something that looks like an error: reading a nil
channel. As we saw earlier, reading from or writing to a nil
channel causes your code to hang forever. While that is bad if it is triggered by a bug, you can use a nil
channel to disable a case
in a select
. When you detect that a channel has been closed, set the channel’s variable to nil
. The associated case will no longer run, because the read from the nil
channel never returns a value:
// in and in2 are channels, done is a done channel.
for {
select {
case v, ok := <-in:
if !ok {
in = nil // the case will never succeed again!
// process the v that was read from in
case v, ok := <-in2:
if !ok {
in2 = nil // the case will never succeed again!
// process the v that was read from in2
case <-done:
Declaring a sync.Once
instance inside a function is usually the wrong thing to do, as a new instance will be created on every function call and there will be no memory of previous invocations.
In our example, we want to make sure that parser is only initialized once, so we set the value of parser from within a closure that’s passed to the Do method on once. If Parse is called more than once, once.Do will not execute the closure again.
type SlowComplicatedParser interface {
Parse(string) string
var parser SlowComplicatedParser
var once sync.Once
func Parse(dataToParse string) string {
once.Do(func() {
parser = initParser()
return parser.Parse(dataToParse)
func initParser() SlowComplicatedParser {
// do all sorts of setup and loading here
- If you are coordinating goroutines or tracking a value as it is transformed by a series of goroutines, use channels.
- If you are sharing access to a field in a struct, use mutexes.
- If you discover a critical performance issue when using channels (via Benchmarking), and you cannot find any other way to fix the issue, modify your code to use a mutex.
Mutexes in Go aren’t reentrant. If a goroutine tries to acquire the same lock twice, it deadlocks, waiting for itself to release the lock. This is different from languages like Java, where locks are reentrant.
Nonreentrant locks make it tricky to acquire a lock in a function that calls itself recursively. You must release the lock before the recursive function call. In general, be careful when holding a lock while making a function call, because you don’t know what locks are going to be acquired in those calls. If your function calls another function that tries to acquire the same mutex lock, the goroutine deadlocks.
Like sync.WaitGroup
and sync.Once
, mutexes must never be copied. If they are passed to a function or accessed as a field on a struct, it must be via a pointer. If a mutex is copied, its lock won’t be shared.
When looking through the sync
package, you’ll find a type called Map
. It provides a concurrency-safe version of Go’s built-in map
. Due to trade-offs in its implementation, sync.Map
is only appropriate in very specific situations:
- When you have a shared
where key/value pairs are inserted once and read many times - When goroutines share the
, but don’t access each other’s keys and values
Furthermore, because of the current lack of generics in Go, sync.Map
uses interface{}
as the type for its keys and values; the compiler cannot help you ensure that the right data types are used.
Given these limitations, in the rare situations where you need to share a map across multiple goroutines, use a built-in map protected by a sync.RWMutex
func addNumbers(x, y int) int {
return x + y
func Test_addNumbers(t *testing.T) {
result := addNumbers(2, 3)
if result != 5 {
t.Error("incorrect result: expected 5, got", result)
Every test is written in a file whose name ends with _test.go. If you are writing tests against foo.go, place your tests in a file named foo_test.go.
- Test functions start with the word
and take in a single parameter of type*testing.T
. - When writing unit tests for individual functions, the convention is to name the unit test
followed by the name of the function. When testing unexported functions, some people use an underscore between the wordTest
and the name of the function.
The go test
command allows you to specify which packages to test. Using ./...
for the package name specifies that you want to run tests in the current directory and all of the subdirectories of the current directory. Include a -v
flag to get verbose testing output.
$ go test
ok test_examples/adder 0.006s
t.Errorf("incorrect result: expected %d, got %d", 5, result)
While Error()
and Errorf()
make a test as failed, the test function continues running. If you think a test function should stop processing as soon as a failure is found, use the Fatal()
and Fatalf
The Fatal
method works like Error
, and the Fatalf
method works like Errorf
. The difference is that the test function exits immediately after the test failure message is generated.
Note that this doesn't exit all tests; any remaining test functions will execute after the current test function exits.
When should you use Fatal
and when should you use Error
If the failure of a check in a test means that further checks in the same test function will always fail or cause the test to panic, use Fatal
or Fatalf
. If you are testing several independent items (such as validating fields in a struct
), then use Error
or Errorf
so you can report as many problems at once. This makes it easier to fix multiple problems without rerunning your tests over and over.
Sometimes you have some common state that you want to set up before any tests run and remove when testing is complete. Use a TestMain
function to manage this state and run your tests:
var testTime time.Time
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
fmt.Println("Set up stuff for tests here")
testTime = time.Now()
exitVal := m.Run()
fmt.Println("Clean up stuff after tests here")
func TestFirst(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Println("TestFirst uses stuff set up in TestMain", testTime)
func TestSecond(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Println("TestSecond also uses stuff set up in TestMain", testTime)
Both TestFirst
and TestSecond
refer to the package-level variable testTime
. We declare a function called TestMain
with a parameter of type *testing.M
. Running go test
on a package with a TestMain
function calls the function instead of invoking the tests directly. Once the state is configured, call the Run
method on *testing.M
to run the test functions. The Run
method returns the exit code; 0 indicates that all tests passed. Finally, you must call os.Exit
with the exit code returned from Run
Be aware that TestMain
is invoked once, not before and after each individual test. Also be aware that you can have only one TestMain
per package.
There are two common situations where TestMain
is useful:
- When you need to set up data in an external repository, such as a database
- When the code being tested depends on package-level variables that need to be initialized
The Cleanup
method on *testing.T
is used to clean up temporary resources created for a single test. This method has a single parameter, a function with no input parameters or return values. The function runs when the test completes. For simple tests, you can achieve the same result by using a defer
statement, but Cleanup
is useful when tests rely on helper functions to set up sample data.
// createFile is a helper function called from multiple tests
func createFile(t *testing.T) (string, error) {
f, err := os.Create("tempFile")
if err != nil {
return "", err
// write some data to f
t.Cleanup(func() {
return f.Name(), nil
func TestFileProcessing(t *testing.T) {
fName, err := createFile(t)
if err != nil {
// do testing, don't worry about cleanup
As go test
walks your source code tree, it uses the current package directory as the current working directory. If you want to use sample data to test functions in a package, create a subdirectory named testdata
to hold your files. Go reserves this directory name as a place to hold test files. When reading from testdata
, always use a relative file reference. Since go test
changes the current working directory to the current package, each package accesses its own testdata
via a relative file path.
- testdata/
- sample1.txt
- text.go
- text_test.go
package text
import "testing"
func TestCountCharacters(t *testing.T) {
total, err := CountCharacters("testdata/sample1.txt")
if err != nil {
t.Error("Unexpected error:", err)
if total != 35 {
t.Error("Expected 35, got", total)
_, err = CountCharacters("testdata/no_file.txt")
if err == nil {
t.Error("Expected an error")
If you want to test just the public API of your package, Go has a convention for specifying this. You still keep your test source code in the same directory as the production source code, but you use packagename_test
for the package name. Let’s redo our initial test case, using an exported function instead. If we have the following function in the adder
func AddNumbers(x, y int) int {
return x + y
then we can test it as public API using the following code in a file in the adder
package named adder_public_test.go
package adder_test
import (
"<FQDN of module>/adder"
func TestAddNumbers(t *testing.T) {
result := adder.AddNumbers(2, 3)
if result != 5 {
t.Error("incorrect result: expected 5, got", result)
Notice that the package name for our test file is adder_test
. We have to import test_examples/adder
even though the files are in the same directory. To follow the convention for naming tests, the test function name matches the name of the AddNumbers
function. Also note that we use adder.AddNumbers
, since we are calling an exported function in a different package.
Just as you can call exported functions from within a package, you can test your public API from a test that is in the same package as your source code. The advantage of using the _test
package suffix is that it lets you treat your package as a “black box”; you are forced to interact with it only via its exported functions, methods, types, constants, and variables. Also be aware that you can have test source files with both package names intermixed in the same source directory.
It can be verbose to write a thorough comparison between two instances of a compound type. While you can use reflect.DeepEqual
to compare structs, maps, and slices, there’s a better way. Google released a third-party module called go-cmp
that does the comparison for you and returns a detailed description of what does not match.
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
DateAdded time.Time
func CreatePerson(name string, age int) Person {
return Person{
Name: name,
Age: age,
DateAdded: time.Now(),
In our test file, we need to import github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp
, and our test function looks like this:
func TestCreatePerson(t *testing.T) {
expected := Person{
Name: "Dennis",
Age: 37,
result := CreatePerson("Dennis", 37)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, result); diff != "" {
The cmp.Diff
function takes in the expected output and the output that was returned by the function that we’re testing. It returns a string that describes any mismatches between the two inputs. If the inputs match, it returns an empty string. We assign the output of the cmp.Diff
function to a variable called diff
and then check to see if diff
is an empty string. If it is not, an error occurred.
$ go test
--- FAIL: TestCreatePerson (0.00s)
ch13_cmp_test.go:16: ch13_cmp.Person{
Name: "Dennis",
Age: 37,
- DateAdded: s"0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
+ DateAdded: s"2020-03-01 22:53:58.087229 -0500 EST m=+0.001242842",
FAIL ch13_cmp 0.006s
The lines with a - and + indicate the fields whose values differ. Our test failed because our dates didn’t match. This is a problem because we can’t control what date is assigned by the CreatePerson
function. We have to ignore the DateAdded
field. You do that by specifying a comparator function. Declare the function as a local variable in your test:
comparer := cmp.Comparer(func(x, y Person) bool {
return x.Name == y.Name && x.Age == y.Age
Pass a function to the cmp.Comparer
function to create a customer comparator. The function that’s passed in must have two parameters of the same type and return a bool
. It also must be symmetric (the order of the parameters doesn’t matter), deterministic (it always returns the same value for the same inputs), and pure (it must not modify its parameters). In our implementation, we are comparing the Name
and Age
fields and ignoring the DateAdded
Then change your call to cmp.Diff
to include comparer:
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, result, comparer); diff != "" {
data := []struct {
name string
num1 int
num2 int
op string
expected int
errMsg string
{"addition", 2, 2, "+", 4, ""},
{"subtraction", 2, 2, "-", 0, ""},
{"multiplication", 2, 2, "*", 4, ""},
{"division", 2, 2, "/", 1, ""},
{"bad_division", 2, 0, "/", 0, `division by zero`},
We pass two parameters to Run
, a name for the subtest and a function with a single parameter of type *testing.T
. Inside the function, we call DoMath
using the fields of the current entry in data
, using the same logic over and over. When you run these tests, you’ll see that not only do they pass, but when you use the -v
flag, each subtest also now has a name:
for _, d := range data {
t.Run(d.name, func(t *testing.T) {
result, err := DoMath(d.num1, d.num2, d.op)
if result != d.expected {
t.Errorf("Expected %d, got %d", d.expected, result)
var errMsg string
if err != nil {
errMsg = err.Error()
if errMsg != d.errMsg {
t.Errorf("Expected error message `%s`, got `%s`",
d.errMsg, errMsg)
Adding the -cover
flag to the go test
command calculates coverage information and includes a summary in the test output. If you include a second flag -coverprofile
, you can save the coverage information to a file:
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=c.out
The cover
tool included with Go generates an HTML representation of your source code with that information:
go tool cover -html=c.out
The source code is in one of three colors. Gray is used for lines of code that aren’t testable, green is used for code that’s been covered by a test, and red is used for code that hasn’t been tested.
In Go, benchmarks are functions in your test files that start with the word Benchmark
and take in a single parameter of type *testing.B
. This type includes all of the functionality of a *testing.T
as well as additional support for benchmarking.
var blackhole int
func BenchmarkFileLen1(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
result, err := FileLen("testdata/data.txt", 1)
if err != nil {
blackhole = result
The blackhole
package-level variable is interesting. We write the results from FileLen
to this package-level variable to make sure that the compiler doesn’t get too clever and decide to optimize away the call to FileLen, ruining our benchmark.
Every Go benchmark must have a loop that iterates from 0 to b.N
. The testing framework calls our benchmark functions over and over with larger and larger values for N
until it is sure that the timing results are accurate.
We run a benchmark by passing the -bench
flag to go test. This flag expects a regular expression to describe the name of the benchmarks to run. Use -bench=.
to run all benchmarks. A second flag, -benchmem
, includes memory allocation information in the benchmark output. All tests are run before the benchmarks, so you can only benchmark code when tests pass.
Sample benchmark run
BenchmarkFileLen1-12 25 47201025 ns/op 65342 B/op 65208 allocs/op
Running a benchmark with memory allocation information produces output with five columns.
- BenchmarkFileLen1-12
- The name of the benchmark, a hyphen, and the value of
for the benchmark.
- The name of the benchmark, a hyphen, and the value of
- 12
- The number of times that the test ran to produce a stable result.
- 47201025 ns/op
- How long it took to run a single pass of this benchmark, in nanoseconds (there are 1,000,000,000 nanoseconds in a second).
- 65342 B/op
- The number of bytes allocated during a single pass of the benchmark.
- 65208 allocs/op
- The number of times bytes had to be allocated from the heap during a single pass of the benchmark. This will always be less than or equal to the number of bytes allocated.
Benchmark buffers of different sizes:
func BenchmarkFileLen(b *testing.B) {
for _, v := range []int{1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("FileLen-%d", v), func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
result, err := FileLen("testdata/data.txt", v)
if err != nil {
blackhole = result
BenchmarkFileLen/FileLen-1-12 25 47828842 ns/op 65342 B/op 65208 allocs/op
BenchmarkFileLen/FileLen-10-12 230 5136839 ns/op 104488 B/op 6525 allocs/op
BenchmarkFileLen/FileLen-100-12 2246 509619 ns/op 73384 B/op 657 allocs/op
BenchmarkFileLen/FileLen-1000-12 16491 71281 ns/op 68744 B/op 70 allocs/op
BenchmarkFileLen/FileLen-10000-12 42468 26600 ns/op 82056 B/op 11 allocs/op
BenchmarkFileLen/FileLen-100000-12 36700 30473 ns/op 213128 B/op 5 allocs/op
server := httptest.NewServer(
http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
expression := req.URL.Query().Get("expression")
if expression != io.expression {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "expected expression '%s', got '%s'",
io.expression, expression)
defer server.Close()
rs := RemoteSolver{
MathServerURL: server.URL,
Client: server.Client(),
The httptest.NewServer
function creates and starts an HTTP server on a random unused port. You need to provide an http.Handler
implementation to process the request. Since this is a server, you must close it when the test completes. The server instance has its URL specified in the URL
field of the server instance and a preconfigured http.Client
for communicating with the test server.
The Go compiler provides build tags to control when code is compiled. Build tags are specified on the first line of a file with a magic comment that starts with // +build
. The original intent for build tags was to allow different code to be compiled on different platforms, but they are also useful for splitting tests into groups. Tests in files without build tags run all the time. These are the unit tests that don’t have dependencies on external resources. Tests in files with a build tag are only run when the supporting resources are available.
To run our integration test alongside the other tests we’ve written, use:
$ go test -tags integration -v ./...
Using the -short flag
Another option is to use go test with the -short flag. If you want to skip over tests that take a long time, label your slow tests by placing the the following code at the start of the test function:
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
When you want to run only short tests, pass the -short
flag to go test.
There are a few problems with the -short flag. If you use it, there are only two levels of testing: short tests and all tests. By using build tags, you can group your integration tests, specifying which service they need in order to run. Another argument against using the -short flag to indicate integration tests is philosophical. Build tags indicate a dependency, while the -short flag is only meant to indicate that you don’t want to run tests that take a long time. Those are different concepts.
use the flag -race
with go test
to enable it:
$ go test -race
Read at 0x00c000128070 by goroutine 10:
test_examples/race/race.go:12 +0x45
Previous write at 0x00c000128070 by goroutine 8:
test_examples/race/race.go:12 +0x5b
You can also use the -race flag
when you build your programs. This creates a binary that includes the race checker and that reports any races it finds to the console. This allows you to find data races in code that doesn’t have tests.
A binary with -race
enabled runs approximately ten times slower than a normal binary. That isn’t a problem for test suites that take a second to run, but for large test suites that take several minutes, a 10x slowdown reduces productivity.