Application which records attendance using RFID cards and Raspberry Pi Zero W. The device reads ISICs and send them to the Information System of the Masaryk University. The application is part of the Bachelor thesis written at Masaryk University.
$ git clone
Application can be configured using src/attendance/resources/config.ini
$ cd Attendance-Recorder
# make all
This command will build code, setup environment and install linux service which can be enabled
# systemctl enable attendance-recoreder.service
Application can be run using
$ attendance_recorder
To run tests of the connection the Flask will be installed.
Run tests with
$ make test
Part of the thesis is also a model which can be 3D printed. All the required files are located at model
For work with the display (SH1106) the luma and Pillow is used.
For work with the card reader (RDM6300) the pyserial is used.
Data are sent to the REST API using requests library.