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File metadata and controls

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Pandaria just abstracts DSL for API testing, after all it's still just cucumber steps

This page demonstrates the usage of the DSLs

Table of Contents

Feature Configuration

You must configure some basics to make the framework work properly.


In order to be able to use files locates relate to the feature file, you must use dir to specify the directory of the current feature file, best practice is put it in the Background section.

If you have below directory structure.

└── features
    └── http
         ├── http.feature
         └── requests
            └── user.json

You can use the json file as request body as below

Feature: Http feature
  Basic http operations with verifications

    * dir: features/http

  Scenario: simple post with jsn
    * uri: http://localhost:10080/users
    * request body: requests/user.json
    * send: POST
    * status: 200
    * verify: '$.id'='auto-generated'
    * verify: '$.username'='jakim'
    * verify: '$.age'=18

dir supports relative path and absolute path(relative to classpath)


* dir: features/http

Scenario: simple post with jsn
* uri: http://localhost:10080/users
* request body: requests/user.json

absolute, add classpath: as prefix

* request body: classpath:user.json

base uri

In order to shorten the uri and reduce the duplication, you can configure a base uri and then use relative uri when sending requests.

Feature: Http feature
  Basic http operations with verifications

    * dir: features/http
    * base uri: http://localhost:10080

  Scenario: simple get
    * uri: /users/me
    * send: GET
    * status: 200
    * verify: '$.username'='jakim'
    * verify: '$.age'=18

You can use absolute uri with uri: http://host:port, best practice is to make it short

faker locale

Java faker is used in pandaria to generate fake testing data, by default the locale is "en", you can set the default locale in, you can override the locale use faker locale like below.

Scenario: faker locale
  * faker locale: zh-CN
  * var: name=faker: #{name.full_name}
  * verify: ${name} matches: '\p{sc=Han}*'




* uri: http://localhost:10080/users/me
* send: GET
* status: 200
* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.age'=18


* uri: http://localhost:10080/users
* request body:
{"username": "jakim", "age": 18}
* send: POST
* status: 200
* verify: '$.id'='auto-generated'
* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.age'=18

Custom Header

Scenario: get with http header
  * uri: /custom_header
  * header: 'Accept'='text.plain'
  * send: GET
  * status: 200

verify response as plain text

* response body:


Scenario: simple put
  * uri: /users/me
  * request body:
  {"username": "lj"}
  * send: PUT
  * status: 200
  * verify: '$.username'='lj'


Scenario: simple delete
  * uri: /users/20
  * send: DELETE
  * status: 200


Scenario: simple patch
  * uri: /users/20
  * request body:
  {"username": "lj"}
  * send: PATCH


Scenario: simple head
  * uri: /users
  * send: HEAD
  * status: 200
  * response header: 'test'='first,second,third'
  * response header: 'Date'='Thur, 2018 12'


Scenario: simple options
  * uri: /users
  * send: OPTIONS
  * status: 200
  * response header: 'Allow'='OPTIONS, GET, HEAD'


Scenario: simple trace
  * uri: /users
  * send: TRACE
  * status: 200
  * response header: 'Content-Type'='message/http'

Query Parameter

* uri: /users?name=jakim&age=18

* uri: /users
* query parameter: 'name'="${name}"
* query parameter: 'age'='18'

* uri: /users?name=jakim
* query parameter: 'age'='18'

If your query parameter has special charaters which need to be encoded, please use query parameter

* uri: /users
* query parameter: 'name'='jakim li'
* send: GET

Request Header

* uri: /custom_header
* header: 'Accept'='text.plain'
* header: 'Content-Type'='text/plain'
* send: GET
* status: 200

The default content type is application/json, you can override it by setting a Content-Type header

global request header

It's useful to have a http header that can be applied to every http request, for testing account authentication. global header can be used in this way. Put below in your

http.headers.Authorization=Bear Token


Every http request will automatically apply these headers.

Global headers can be overrided use header keyword.


You can add cookie(s) to request

Feature: Http feature
  Basic http operations with verifications

    * dir: features/http
    * base uri: http://localhost:10080

  Scenario: add cookie
    * uri: /cookie
    * cookie: 'key'='value'
    * send: get
    * response body:
    cookie added

    * uri: /cookie
    * var: val="value"
    * cookie: 'key'="${val}"
    * send: get
    * response body:
    cookie added

Request Body

The request body can either come from a file or you write it directly as docstring in feature file.

From file

* uri: http://localhost:10080/users
* request body: requests/user.json
* send: POST
* status: 200
* verify: '$.id'='auto-generated'
* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.age'=18

As docstring

Scenario: simple put
  * uri: /users/me
  * request body:
  {"username": "lj"}
  * send: PUT
  * status: 200
  * verify: '$.username'='lj'

The convention is the string right after * request body: is path to the file, docstring is directly the request body

* request body: path_to_file
* request body:
request body from docstring

Upload file

You can upload file as attachment

Feature: file upload
  be able to upload file

    * dir: features/http
    * base uri: http://localhost:10080

  Scenario: upload file
    * uri: /files
    * attachment: attachments/abc.txt
    * send: POST
    * status: 200
    * response body:

If you have attachment, request body(if have) will be ignored

Multiple attachments are allowed.


In most test environment, self-signed certificates are used for HTTPS, pandaria DOES NOT do host verification by default. But you can enable it by put below configuration in your


If you enable the host verification, you MUST specify the certificates information based on standardized system properties for SSL configuration.



Java system properties are used for HTTP(S) proxy. e.g, below is how to add it using gradle

./gradlew -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8088 build

Database Operations

You can directly use sql to operate on database, pandaria use spring jdbc, you need to configure your datasource in like below



You can write sql with select statements to query database and verify the results using the json path.

The results of select will always be array, keep it in mind when using json path

Feature: database
  database related operations

    * dir: features/database

  Scenario: execute sql and query
    * execute sql:



    * query:
    * verify: '$[0].name'='jakim'
    * verify: '$[0].age'=18

  Scenario: sql from file
    * execute sql: drop_table.sql
    * execute sql: setup.sql
    * query: select.sql
    * verify: '$[0].name'='jakim'
    * verify: '$[0].age'=18

Execute SQL

* execute sql:


* execute sql: drop_table.sql
* execute sql: setup.sql

MongoDB Operations

@since 0.2.0


@since 0.2.0

Insert one document into a collection

* collection: 'users' insert:
{"user": "jakim"}

or put document in file

* collection: 'users' insert: document/alice.json


@since 0.2.0

Delete all documents in collection

* collection: 'users' clear

Find All

@since 0.2.0

Find all documents from collection, you can verify like verify in database, it's always an JSON array.

* collection: 'users' find all
* verify: '$[0].user'="alice"


@since 0.2.0

Instead of find all documents, you can filter the results.

* collection: 'users' clear

* collection: 'users' insert:
{"user": "jakim", "age": 18}

* collection: 'users' insert:
{"user": "alice", "age": 16}

* collection: 'users' find:
{"age": {$gt: 17}}

* verify: '$[0].user'="jakim"

* collection: 'users' find:
{"age": {$lt: 17}}

* verify: '$[0].user'="alice"

* collection: 'users' find: filter/greater_than_17.json
* verify: '$[0].user'="jakim"



@since 0.2.1

You can put initial value in

Scenario: initial value from configuration file
  * verify: ${environment}="test"
  * var: environment="production"
  * verify: ${environment}="production"



If your version <= 0.2.4, you need to define variable with single quote around the name. such as var: 'three'=3

Literal string

If you define variable use single quote, '${name}', variable will NOT be replaced.

Scenario: const string
  * var: name='panda'
  * verify: ${name}='panda'


If you define variable use double quote, "${name}", variable will be replaced.

Scenario: string
  * var: name='panda'
  * var: great="hello ${name}"
  * verify: ${great}='hello panda'
  * verify: ${great}="hello ${name}"


Scenario: integer
  * var: age=18
  * verify: ${age}=18

Extract from response body or results

It's useful if we can extract values from response body as variables. you can do it using <- like below.

var: name<-'json path' will extract value from the http response body json using the json path and assign it to the variable with specified name

Scenario: from json
  * uri: /not_important
  * send: GET
  * status: 200
  * var: name<-'$.name'
  * var: age<-'$.age'
  * var: iq<-'$.iq'
  * verify: ${name}='panda'
  * verify: ${age}=18
  * verify: ${iq}=double: 80.0

You can also extract from database query results

* query: select.sql
* var: age<-'$[0].age'

Result of code evaluation

@since 0.2.1

You can evaluate javascript code and assign the result as a variable.

* var: three=3

* var: six=code:
${three} + 3

* verify: ${six}=6

* var: zero=code: ${three} - 3
* verify: ${zero}=0

* var: ten=code file: six_add_four.js
* verify: ${ten}=10

Use Variables


Scenario: variable being replaced in uri
  * var: path="not_important"
  * uri: /${path}
  * send: GET
  * status: 200
  * verify: '$.name'='panda'
  * verify: '$.age'=18
  * verify: '$.iq'=double: 80.0

In file


  "name": "${name}"
Scenario: variable used in request file
  * var: name='someone'
  * uri: /users
  * request body: requests/someone.json
  * send: POST
  * status: 201

In text

* response body:

In code evaluation

@since 0.2.1

* var: three=3
* var: six=code:
${three} + 3


You can escape the variables by place an extra $

* var: six=code:
$${three} + 3

This gives error because ${three} is not understand by javascript engine.

Special variable with Faker

@since 0.2.2

Its useful to have random real-looking fake data for testing, Pandaria has integerated with java-faker for fake data generation.

Define it as variable

@since 0.2.2

You can generate fake data and assign it to a variable, #{expression} is used.

* var: name=faker: #{Name.firstName}
* verify code: "${name}".length > 0

* var: full_name=faker: #{Name.fullName}
* verify code: "${full_name}".length > 0

Use it immediately

@since 0.2.2

Or you can directly use it in request body, or sql, mongo json, works in file as well.

* uri: /faker/users
* request body:
{"name": "#{Name.fullName}", "city": "#{}"}
* send: POST
* response body:


@since 0.2.2

You can switch locale, default is en.

* faker locale: zh-CN
* var: name=faker: #{Name.fullName}
* verify: ${name} matches: '\p{sc=Han}*'

* verify: ${name} matches: '\p{sc=Han}*' ensure ${name} all chinese characters.

Change Default locale

@since 0.2.2

Default locale can be set in with faker.locale



@since 0.2.2

You can escape it:

* uri: /faker/users/escape
* request body:
{"name": "#{Name.fullName}", "city": "##{}"}
* send: POST
* response body:

In above example, name will be set to a fake name, but city will be set to #{Address.ctiy}

You are not allowed to escape when define varaible use faker with fake data, var: name=faker: ##{Name.fullName} will not work, use var: name='#{Name.fullName}' instead.

Special variable with last response

@since 0.2.3

It's useful that you can use part of or whole http response as next request body. you can use @{<json path>} in your next request body, Pandaria will replace it for you. Works in file as well.

Whole response for next request

* uri: /users/me
* send: get
* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.age'=18
* verify: '$.iq'=double: 80.0

* uri: /users
* request body:
* send: POST
* status: 200
* verify: '$.id'='auto-generated'
* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.age'=18

Part of the response for next request

* uri: /users/me
* send: get
* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.age'=18
* verify: '$.iq'=double: 80.0

* uri: /users
* request body:
{ "username": @{$.username}}
* send: POST
* status: 200
* verify: '$.id'='auto-generated'
* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.age'=18

Please be careful about the double quotes, because Pandaria assumes the value of json path expression is also a JSON, so it will automatically handle double quotes, with variables in ${} or faker expresson #{}, you will need to handle double quotes yourself


Verify http response

response status

* uri: /empty_request
* send: POST
* status: 201

response header

* uri: /users
* send: TRACE
* status: 200
* response header: 'Content-Type'='message/http'

response body

verify use json path

* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.age'=18

verify as text

* response body:

verify as text in file

* response body: responses/success.txt

Same with the request body, the convention is string right after * response body: is the path to file. the text in docstring in next line is dirctly the response body.

Verify database tables

You can verify database tables by writing sql with select statements, and then verify the result.

For table

name age
jakim 18
panda 28

in json array

    { "name": "jakim", "age": 18 },
    { "name": "panda", "age": 28 }

The query result will always be json array even if only one row in the result

Then just using the same as you verify json http response body

* query: select.sql
* verify: '$[0].name'='jakim'
* verify: '$[0].age'=18

Verify String

Although you can use string verificaton to non-string types, it will be converted to its string format.


= for equals, != for not equals

Scenario: equals
  * uri: /users/me
  * send: GET
  * status: 200
  * verify: '$.username'='jakim'

  * var: kim="kim"
  * var: user='jakim'
  * verify: ${user}="ja${kim}"

  * verify: '$.username'="jakim"
  * verify: '$.username'="ja${kim}"

  * var: age=18
  * var: iq=80.0
  * verify: ${user}!='notjakim'
  * verify: ${user}!="notja${kim}"

  * verify: ${age}!=19
  * verify: ${iq}!=double: 89.0
  * verify: ${age}!=${iq}

  * verify: '$.username'!="notjakim"
  * verify: '$.username'!="notja${kim}"

  * verify: '$.age'!=19
  * verify: '$.iq'!=double: 89.0


Scenario: contains
  * uri: /users/me
  * send: GET
  * status: 200
  * verify: '$.username'='jakim'
  * verify: '$.username' contains: 'kim'

  * var: username="panda"
  * verify: ${username} contains: 'anda'

Starts with

* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.username' starts with: 'jak'

* var: username="jakim"
* verify: ${username} starts with: 'jak'

* var: prefix='jak'
* verify: '$.username' starts with: "${prefix}i"
* verify: ${username} starts with: "${prefix}i"

Ends with

* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.username' ends with: 'kim'

* var: username="jakim"
* verify: ${username} ends with: 'kim'

* var: suffix='kim'
* verify: '$.username' ends with: "ja${suffix}"
* verify: ${username} ends with: "ja${suffix}"


* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.username' length: 5

* var: username="jakim"
* verify: ${username} length: 5

* var: abc=3
* verify: ${abc} length: 1

Regex match

* verify: '$.username'='jakim'
* verify: '$.username' matches: '.*'

* var: username="jakim"
* verify: ${username} matches: 'j.*im'

Verify numbers

Greater than

* verify: '$.age'>17
* verify: '$.iq'>double: 70.0
* verify: '$.age'>=18
* verify: '$.iq'>=double: 80.0

* var: age=18
* var: iq=80.0

* verify: ${age}>17
* verify: ${iq}>double: 79.0
* verify: ${age}>=17
* verify: ${iq}>=double: 80.0

Less Than

* verify: '$.age'<19
* verify: '$.iq'<double: 90.0
* verify: '$.age'<=18
* verify: '$.iq'<=double: 80.0

* var: age=18
* var: iq=80.0

* verify: ${age}<19
* verify: ${iq}<double: 99.0
* verify: ${age}<=18
* verify: ${iq}<=double: 80.0

Verify Datetime

datetime equals

Scenario: equals
  * query:
  select `date`, `datetime`, `timestamp`, `time` from all_data_types;
  * verify: '$[0].date'=datetime: '2008-10-10' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd'
  * verify: '$[0].date'=datetime: '10/10/2008+0800' pattern: 'dd/MM/yyyyZ'
  * verify: '$[0].datetime'=datetime: '2008-08-08 10:30:30' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'
  * verify: '$[0].timestamp'=datetime: '2008-01-01 00:00:01' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
  * verify: '$[0].time'=datetime: '10:30:10' pattern: 'hh:mm:ss'


Scenario: before
  * query:
  select `date`, `datetime`, `timestamp`, `time` from all_data_types;
  * verify: '$[0].date' before: datetime: '2008-10-11' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd'
  * verify: '$[0].date' before: datetime: '11/10/2008+0800' pattern: 'dd/MM/yyyyZ'
  * verify: '$[0].datetime' before: datetime: '2008-08-08 10:30:31' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'
  * verify: '$[0].timestamp' before: datetime: '2008-01-01 00:00:02' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
  * verify: '$[0].time' before: datetime: '10:30:11' pattern: 'hh:mm:ss'


Scenario: after
  * query:
  select `date`, `datetime`, `timestamp`, `time` from all_data_types;
  * verify: '$[0].date' after: datetime: '2008-10-09' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd'
  * verify: '$[0].date' after: datetime: '09/10/2008+0800' pattern: 'dd/MM/yyyyZ'
  * verify: '$[0].datetime' after: datetime: '2008-08-08 10:30:29' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'
  * verify: '$[0].timestamp' after: datetime: '2008-01-01 00:00:00' pattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
  * verify: '$[0].time' after: datetime: '10:30:09' pattern: 'hh:mm:ss'

Verify JSON

same json

  • Allow different order in array
  • NOT allow extra items in array
  • NOT allow extra or missing object
* uri: /users/me
* send: get
* verify: '$' same json:
  "iq": 80.0,
  "username": "jakim",
  "age": 18
* verify: '$' same json: responses/jakim.json

contains json

  • Allow different order in array
  • Allow extra item(s) in array
  • Allow extra object(s)
  • NOT allow missing fields
Scenario: contains json, extra fields allowed
  * uri: /users/list
  * send: get
  * verify: '$' contains json:
      "name": "jakim"
      "name": "smart", friends: ["sue"]

  * var: response<-'$'
  * verify: '$' contains json:
      "name": "jakim"
      "name": "smart", friends: ["sue"]

has size

If the json is an array, you can verify the size, if the returning json is an object, then the size verify the key set size.

Scenario: has size for array
  * uri: /users/list
  * send: get
  * verify: '$' same json:
      "name": "jakim",
      "friends": [
        "james", "jack"
      "name": "smart",
      "friends": ["sue", "lucy"]
      "name": "haha"

  * verify: '$' has size: 3
  * verify: '$.size()'=3

Verify JSON Schema

JSON schema is useful to describe the API, and it's useful especially for contract testing. you can verify json document(instance) conforms to a given json schema or not.

Feature: verify json schema
  verify if json valid for json schema

    * dir: features/verification
    * base uri: http://localhost:10080

  Scenario: verify json schema
    * uri: /products/1
    * send: get
    * verify: '$' conform to:
    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "",
    "title": "Product",
    "description": "A product in the catalog",
    "type": "object"

    * verify: '$' conform to: schema/product.schema.json

    * verify: '$.tags' conform to:
      "$schema": "",
      "$id": "",
      "title": "product tags",
      "description": "Product tags",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string"

Verify null

Scenario: null check
  * uri: /users/me
  * send: GET
  * status: 200
  * verify: '$.username'='jakim'
  * verify: '$.username' is not null

  * var: username="jakim"
  * verify: ${username} is not null
  * verify: ${hello} is null

  * uri: /getnull
  * send: GET
  * status: 200
  * verify: '$.notexist' is null

Verify variable

You can verify is response/result/variable equals/not-equals to a variable.

* verify: '$.username'=${user}
* verify: '$.username'!=${kim}

* verify: ${user}=${user}
* verify: ${user}!=${kim}

Verify code evaluation

@since 0.2.1

You can write javascript code snippet for verification, there are two forms, verify against the evaluation result or verify the evaluation result is true.

You can write the code snippet in one line, in block as doc string, or in separate file.

Things to note

  • If you have multiple lines in the code snippet, only the result of the last line will be used as the result.
  • If you need to write complex code in the snippet, consider to put them in java with cucumber steps first.
  • Nashorn is used for script evaluation.
  • If your jdk version under java 8u40, you might encounter issue about 0 was returned as 0.0, you can either upgrade your jdk version or you need to use it as double.

verify response and variable equals the result of the evaluation

@since 0.2.1

* var: age=16
* var: iq=90.0

* uri: http://localhost:10080/not_important
* send: get
* verify: '$.age'=code: ${age} + 2
* verify: '$.iq'=code: ${iq} - 10

* verify: '$.age'!=code: ${age} + 3
* verify: '$.iq'!=code: ${iq} - 11

* verify: '$.age'=code:
${age} + 2
* verify: '$.iq'=code:
${iq} - 10

* verify: '$.age'=code file: 18.js
* verify: '$.iq'!=code file: 18.js

verify the evaluation to be true

@since 0.2.1

Be notice the double equals == are used for comparison in javascript instead of single equal = which was used in pandaria.

* verify code: ${name} == ${iq} / 3
* verify code:
${name} != ${iq} % 3
* verify code file: verification.js

Write your own

It's impossible for pandaria to provide all the verificaitons, you can always write your own verifications. Here is a tutorial on how


Wait is useful for automation testing and sometimes is necessary.

Simple wait

Only support milliseconds and seconds, we don't recomment to wait for very long time.

Scenario: wait
  * wait: 1000ms
  * wait: 1s

Wait until

Waiting is a time consuming step, sometimes make the tests slow, but it's necessary.

wait 1000ms times 3 specifies the framework to wait 3 times, each time wait 1000ms

Run this step DOSE NOT put the thread in sleep immediately. if the first coming verification failed, then it actually put the thread in sleep for 1000ms, and then retry once, and this process will repeat 3 times.

wait until API respond expected response

GET /sequence returns plain text in sequence

        .response(seq("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"));

Wait until:

Scenario: wait until
  * wait: 1000ms times: 3
  * uri: /sequence
  * send: GET
  * response body:

  * uri: /sequence
  * send: GET
  * response body:

  * wait: 1s times: 3
  * uri: /sequence
  * send: GET
  * response body:

  * uri: /sequence
  * send: GET
  * response body:

wait until database query results expected

* wait: 1000ms times: 3
* query:
* verify: '$[0].name'="jakim"
* verify: '$[0].age'=18

Although between wait and the first verificaiton, there can be multiple actions(http request or database queries), all actions between will be take as retry, but only the last action can be verified. For example:

* wait: 1000ms times: 3
* uri: /sequence
* send: GET
# no verifiction for this http request

* query:
* verify: '$[0].name'="jakim"
* verify: '$[0].age'=18

Both the database query and the http request will be repeated, but verification can only be applied to the database query


You use utitlities by assign them as variable and use it.

Random UUID

Scenario: generate random number
  * var: uuid=random uuid
  * verify: ${uuid} length: 36

Example uuid: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000

You can generate almost all kinds of random testing data by using faker expression

Data Driven

You can use cucumber senario outline for data driven scenarios

Feature: data driven
  data driven should work with scenario outline

    * dir: features/outline
    * base uri: http://localhost:10080

  Scenario Outline:
    * uri: /users
    * request body:
    { "username": "<username>" }
    * send: POST
    * status: 200
    * verify: '$.username'='<username>'

      | username |
      | jakim    |
      | alice    |
      | bob      |
      | steve    |

Use variable, so you can reference data in Examples section in external file.

  Scenario Outline:
    * var: username='<username>'

    * uri: /users
    * request body: requests/user.json
    * send: POST
    * status: 200
    * verify: '$.username'='<username>'

      | username |
      | jakim    |
      | alice    |
      | bob      |
      | steve    |


  "username": "${username}"