- Fix json schema verification type checking not working
- Remove single quote around variable name for variable definition
- JSON verification has size
- Fix intellij run configuration complains transactiondefinition classnodeferror
- Add banner
- Passing along response to next reqeust
- Faker locale
- Use Faker to generate fake data
- Initialize from properties file
- Definition by evaluate javascript code
- Usage in javascript code evaluation
- Verify javascript code
- Suppress http compliance validation
- Insert
- Clear
- Find all
- Find
- Execute sql not repeatable
- Variable cannot verify josn schema
- Global request headers
- wait and retry multiple actions
- verify json schema
- Custom content-type
- Cookie
- Ignore SSL host verification
- SSL configuration
- Upload file
- Verify null
- Verify variable
- Verify JSON
- same json
- contains json
- Random UUID
- Methods
- request header
- request body
- response header
- response status
- response body
- Queries
- Execute SQL
- Defintion
- Literal string
- String
- Integer
- Extract from response body
- Use Variables
- In URI
- In File
- In Text
- Verify http response
- response status
- response header
- response body
- Verify database tables
- String
- BigDecimal
- Boolean
- Integer
- Long
- Float
- Double
- Datetime
- Verify String
- Equals
- Contains
- Starts With
- Ends With
- Length
- Regex Match
- Verify numbers
- Greater than
- Less than
- Other types
- Verify datetime
- Equals
- Before
- After
- Write your own
- Simple Wait
- Wait Until