Reading and stepping through games is handled almost entirely by the chess library. No special considerations need to be made here. The minium working example below demonstrates all that is necessary to step through an entire game.
import chess
with open(filename) as pgn:
game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) # Parses pgn file
board = game.board()
for move in game.mainline_moves():
board.push(move) # Pushs the move to the move stack, this "makes" the move
During a game of chess there is nothing in between moves, simply one discrete board state after another. This is also how the chess library makes moves, by computing differences and tracking board states, while this is reliable and simple it does not play nice when games become continuous (animated).
Initially this script also tracked the board state using a dictionary, with the square as the key, and corresponding blender object as the value, pushing and pop at each move. However, this presented difficulties when implementing animations and special moves and animations. The code was generally cluttered and not up to an acceptable quality.
To remedy the mentioned problems a custom class was devised, and aptly name
. This class acts as a generalised representation of a piece which
is able to act upon itself and the Blender model it puppets. Stored within an
unrolled 2d array with the index representing its position on the chess board
(See Python implementation - Array Index to world space) the object is able to
move itself within the array while handling move and capture animations. Special
move handling is generalised into the main loop, (See Python implementation -
Special moves).
This design approach has clear advantages such as
- Adheres to the
design philosophy. - Array and object manipulation is not handled at any higher level than required.
- Translation between the chess library interface and Blenders API is seamless.
- Creates a unique object that pairs a Blender model to a
However, the self-referential nature of objects manipulating the array their are stored in adds significantly to the complexity. Luckily the implementation is simple.
An initial sketch of this class can be seen here ref:class-sketch.
Implementation can be see here ref:class-src.
provides great functionality to retrieve what square a move is
coming from, and going to. Internally this is stored as a int
each square in 1d array notation.
Square = int
A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1,
A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2,
A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3,
A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4,
A5, B5, C5, D5, E5, F5, G5, H5,
A6, B6, C6, D6, E6, F6, G6, H6,
A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, H7,
A8, B8, C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8,
] = range(64)
To convert form array indexing two simple expressions were used. \[x = (\text{INDEX mod } 8) + 0.5\] \[y = (\text{INDEX div } 8) + 0.5\][fn:4] Note the addition of \(0.5\) is to centre the pieces on the board squares in world space and will be excluded from further examples.
While modulo will always produce a positive integer between \(0 → 7\), integer division can result negative numbers and is not bounded. Using this the mapping can be extended past the board it was designed for.
This provides an easy method to place captured piece after their animation. By storing each pieces initial position, and adding or subtracting \(16\) depending on the colour, pieces can be placed \(2\) rows behind their initial position.
Two rows behind was preferable to the respective position on the other side of the board to avoid the inversion required so that the pawns would be in front of the back rank pieces.
Figure ref:flowchart shows the main loop logic, used to move the correct pieces.
Within standard chess there are only four castling possibilities, these are easy
enough to check naively. This is the only section that limits this script to
standard chess. To extend support to chess960
, a bit-board mask of all the
rooks with castling rights could be filtered to obtain the index of the rook
that will be castled. See the documentation.
if board.is_castling(move):
if board.turn: # White
if board.is_kingside_castling(move):
else: # queen side
else: # Black
if board.is_kingside_castling(move):
else: # queen side
The python-chess
library makes handling en passant a breeze. The move is
checked if it is an en passant first, then as only one square is possible of an
en passant on any move that position is retrieved.
else: # standard case
if board.is_capture(move):# is en passant, great...
if board.is_en_passant(move):
array[board.ep_square].die() # NOTE, object is gc'ed
else: # its a normal capture
array[locTo].die() # NOTE, object is gc'ed
Contained within a separate conditional is the promotion logic. This is handled separately from the rest of the logic as a move can be both a capture and a promotion.
array[locFrom].move(locTo) # NOTE, piece moves always
if move.promotion is not None:
array[locTo].keyframe_insert(data_path="location", index=-1)
array[locTo].hide_now() # hide_now unlinks within blender
pieceType = move.promotion # piece type promoting to
array[locTo] = CustomPiece(chess.Piece(pieceType, board.turn),\
array, locTo) # shiny new object
A new key-frame is inserted initially as the piece that will promote has already been moved and that animation needs to finish before it can be hidden.
Within the Blender view port the pieces that will be promoted too already exist at the right position, they are just not rendered until needed.
To animate an object within blender two key-frames must be inserted with different values for some property at varying times. Blender will then interpolate between them (See Python implementation - Interpolation for interpolation methods)
Key-frames for all pieces are inserted every move. This is done to ensure stationary pieces stay stationary. Every move the piece has \(10\) frames to complete its moving animation. Between each move there a \(3\) buffer to provide some separation between moves.
In addition to piece animations, the camera also rotates at a rate of \(2ˆ\) per \(13\) frames.
keyframes(array) # intial pos
for move in game.mainline_moves():
make_move(board, move, array)
keyframes(array) # update blender
camera_parent.rotation_euler[2] += radians(2) #XYZ
camera_parent.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_euler", index=-1)
board.push(move) # update python-chess
keyframes(array) # update blender
While the camera’s rotation is tired to the length of the game, in order to continue spinning while the remaining animations (confetti and captures) finish additional key frames are added. Confetti is conditionally added to the winning king. No confetti for a draw.
confetti =["Board"].objects['Confetti source']
if board.outcome() is not None:
winner = board.outcome().winner
king_square = board.king(winner)
xTo, yTo = square_to_world_space(king_square)
confetti.location = Vector((xTo, yTo, 3))["Confetti"].frame_start = FRAME_COUNT["Confetti"].frame_end = FRAME_COUNT + 12
for _ in range(5):
camera_parent.rotation_euler[2] += radians(2) #XYZ
camera_parent.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_euler", index=-1)
In order to move the camera with a fixed rotation and radius from the centre of
the board the camera was made a child of a Empty Plain Axis
. Rotations and
translations applied to the camera parent are also applied to the camera. This
allows for ease fixed distance rotations.
Blender offers 3 curves for interpolation between key-frames.
- Constant
Object value only objects on the last possible frame. - Linear
Object value has a changes linear between the key-frames to form piecewise continuous curve. - Bézier
The object value is interpolated using a Bézier curve. Bézier curves are parametric curves used in computer graphics to create smooth surfaces, or in this case, a smooth function between two points.Blender implements a forward differencing method for a cubic Bézier curve evident from the source code cite:blender-source.
By default Blender uses Bézier curve interpolation for all motions. This is the preferred option for piece movement. However, linear was opted for the camera motion although a cubic Bézier curve would produce the same outcome as it made debugging slightly easier.
This project was created used
- Blender
2.92 - Python
[fn:2] - python-chess
Blender is distributed with its own python installation for consistency, however
this means that installed python modules are not present
cite:blender-python-env. To mitigate this the --target
flag for pip install
can be used to install directly to the blender python environment
pip install -t ~/.config/blender/2.92/scripts/modules chess
This ensures Blenders Python
will has access to the required libraries for this
script to function.