In this exercise, you are going to help high school sweethearts profess their love on social media.
Please implement the static HighSchoolSweetheart.DisplaySingleLine()
method to take 2 names and display them separated by a heart centered in a 61 character line.
All names are guaranteed to fit well within the width of the line.
HighSchoolSweetheart.DisplaySingleLine("Lance Green", "Pat Riley");
// => " Lance Green ♡ Pat Riley "
Implement the static HighSchoolSweetheart.DisplayBanner()
method which displays the two sets of initials separated with a plus sign.
HighSchoolSweetheart.DisplayBanner("L. G.", "P. R.");
// see the ascii art below
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Implement the static HighSchoolSweetheart.DisplayGermanExchangeStudents()
method to show date of start of relationship and length of time for our german exchange students.
HighSchoolSweetheart.DisplayGermanExchangeStudents("Norbert", "Heidi", new DateTime(2019, 1, 22), 1535.22f);
// => "Norbert and Heidi have been dating since 22.01.2019 - that's 1.535,22 hours"