Management are starting to apply Darwinian principles to the Remote Control Car project (TODO cross-ref-tba). The developers have been split into two teams, Red and Blue, and are tasked with improving the design independently of each other. They don't need to concern themselves with design decisions of the other team.
You have been asked to take a look at the code and see how you can best combine the two efforts for testing purposes.
Please use namespaces
to better express the intention of the code.
Currently, important types like Motor
and Telemetry
, not to mention RemoteControlCar
itself, are nested within an enclosing static class, <Color>RemoteControlCarTeam
. The only purpose of the enclosing class is to allow types with the same name to coexist in the program. That is better expressed by using a namespace. You will see in the next exercise that, for these purposes, a namespace
has advantages over a static class
Whilst management are adamant that the teams should be called RedRemoteControlCarTeam
and BlueRemoteControlCarTeam
in the definitions, the names are rather cumbersome when referencing the teams. Find a way to use the shorter identifiers Red
and Blue
when building the cars.