Wheel (WHolly ElEgant Language) was created by User:PixelatedStarfish in 2021. The syntax of the language is designed to be terse, with single character operations.
Note that some operations take parameters as decimal values. C65
prints A
Op | Desc |
+ | Add to val |
- | Sub from val |
< | Rotate Anticlockwise |
> | Rotate Clockwise |
L | Label |
G | Goto |
Z | Goto if 0 |
Y | Goto if not 0 |
D | Decrease size of wheel (Removes value at pointer.) |
I | Increase size of wheel (Adds a value to wheel.) |
V | Print as Value |
C | Print as ASCII |
# | Set index to 0 |
***** | Take Input and Store at Cell |
% | Shuffle Wheel |
@ | Print Wheel |
^ | Print Wheel Index |
$ | Halt |
(Comment) | A comment |