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FORTE 2021 - 41st International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems

FORTE 2021 is one of the three conferences of DisCoTec 2021, the 16th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques.

Keynote Speakers

Accepted Papers

  • On Bidirectional Runtime Enforcement, Luca Aceto, Ian Cassar, Adrian Francalanza and Anna Ingolfsdottir
  • A Multi-Agent Model for Polarization under Confirmation Bias in Social Networks, Mário S. Alvim, Bernardo Amorim, Sophia Knight, Santiago Quintero and Frank Valencia
  • A Formalisation of SysML State Machines in mCRL2 Mark Bouwman, Bas Luttik and Djurre van der Wal
  • How Adaptive and Reliable is your Program?, Valentina Castiglioni, Michele Loreti and Simone Tini
  • Branching Place Bisimilarity: A Decidable Behavioral Equivalence for Finite Petri Nets with Silent Moves, Roberto Gorrieri
  • Prioritise the Best Variation, Wen Kokke and Ornela Dardha
  • Introduction and preservation analysis of refinement relations in CCSL, Mathieu Montin and Marc Pantel
  • A case study on parametric verification of failure detectors, Thanh-Hai Tran, Igor Konnov and Josef Widder
  • π with leftovers: a mechanisation in Agda, Uma Zalakain and Ornela Dardha
  • Supervisory Synthesis of Configurable Behavioural Contracts with Modalities, Davide Basile, Maurice H. ter Beek, Pierpaolo Degano, Axel Legay, Gianluigi Ferrari, Stefania Gnesi and Felicita Di Giandomenico
  • Off-the-shelf Automated Analysis of Liveness Properties for Just Paths, Mark Bouwman, Bas Luttik and Tim Willemse
  • Towards a spatial model checker on GPU, Laura Bussi, Vincenzo Ciancia and Fabio Gadducci
  • Formal verification of HotStuff, Leander Jehl

Quick Links:


FORTE 2021 is a forum for fundamental research on theory, models, tools, and applications for distributed systems.

The conference solicits original contributions that advance the science and technology for distributed systems, with special interest in:

  • Software quality, reliability, availability, and safety
  • Security, privacy, and trust in distributed and/or communicating systems
  • Service-oriented, ubiquitous, and cloud computing systems
  • Component- and model-based design
  • Object technology, modularity, software adaptation
  • Self-stabilization and self-healing/organizing
  • Verification, validation, formal analysis, and testing of the above.

Aligned with the above, FORTE covers models and formal specification, testing and verification methods for distributed computing. Application domains are multiple, and include all kinds of application-level distributed systems, telecommunication services, Internet, embedded and real-time systems, as well as networking and communication security and reliability.

Contributions that combine theory and practice and that exploit formal methods and theoretical foundations to present novel solutions to problems arising from the development of distributed systems are very much encouraged.

Main Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Languages and semantic foundations

    New modeling and language concepts for distribution and concurrency; semantics for different types of languages, including programming languages, modeling languages, and domain-specific languages; real-time and probability aspects

  • Formal methods and techniques

    Design, specification, analysis, verification, validation, testing and runtime verification of various types of distributed systems, including communications and network protocols, service-oriented systems, adaptive distributed systems, cyber-physical systems and sensor networks

  • Foundations of security

    New principles for qualitative and quantitative security analysis of distributed systems, including formal models based on probabilistic concepts

  • Applications of formal methods

    Applying formal methods and techniques for studying quality, reliability, availability, and safety of distributed systems

  • Practical experience with formal methods

    Industrial applications, case studies and software tools for applying formal methods and description techniques to the development and analysis of real distributed systems.

  • Emerging challenges and hot topics in distributed systems (broadly construed)

    Formal specification, verification and analysis of emerging systems and applications, such as, for instance, software-defined networks, distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and blockchain technologies.

Submission, Publication, and Special Issue

Submission dates

See the DisCoTec submission dates.

Submission Guidelines

Contributions must be written in English according to one of the three categories described below. They should report on original, unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere (cf. IFIP codes of conduct, under Links).

Submissions must be prepared as a PDF using Springer’s LNCS style. Submissions not adhering to the specified constraints of their respective category may be rejected without review.

Submission Categories

FORTE accepts contributions in three categories: full papers, short papers, and journal-first papers. These categories and their associated criteria are described in detail below.

Notice that short and journal-first papers must be explicitly marked as such in the submission's title.

  1. Full papers (page limit: up to 15 pages + 2 pages references)

    A full paper submission describes thorough and complete research results in the scope of the conference.

  2. Short papers (page limit: up to 6 pages + 2 pages references)

    A short paper submission can be one of the following:

    • Rough diamonds: Extended abstracts presenting innovative and promising ideas, possibly in an early form and without supporting evidence.
    • Tool (demonstration) papers: Extended abstracts describing (or demonstrating) new tools (or tool components) that implement (or build upon) theoretical foundations.
    • Position papers : Extended abstracts describing (i) calls to action, or (ii) substantiated reflections on current and/or future research perspectives related to FORTE.

    Short paper submissions must be marked as such in the submission's title.

  3. "Journal First" papers (page limit: up to 4 pages, including references)

    This category aims at including published journal papers in the FORTE 2021 program. The objective is to offer FORTE attendees a richer program and further opportunities for interaction.

    Authors of published papers in high-quality journals can submit a proposal to present their journal paper in FORTE. The journal paper must adhere to the following four criteria:

    • It should be clearly in the scope of the conference.
    • It should be recent: only journal papers available after January 1, 2019 (online or paper) can be presented.
    • It reports new research results that significantly extend prior work. As such, the journal paper does not simply extend prior work with material presented for completeness only (such as omitted proofs, algorithms, minor enhancements, or empirical results).
    • It has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, journal-first programs of other similar conferences or workshops.

    A journal-first submission is a concise but compelling summary of the published journal paper, which makes it clear why a related presentation would enrich the program of FORTE.

    Journal-first submissions must be marked as such in the submission's title, and must explicitly include pointers to the journal publication (such as a DOI) but also to related conference and workshop papers, as appropriate. They will be judged on the basis of the above criteria, but also considering relevance and the potential of enriching and complementing the conference program.


All accepted papers, including short papers and journal-first submissions, will be published in the FORTE 2021 formal proceedings, which will appear in Springer's LNCS-IFIP volume series.

Special Issue

Selected papers will be invited to a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science.

Submission Link

Program committee chairs

Program committee members

  • Luís Soares Barbosa (University of Minho, Portugal)
  • Jiri Barnat (Masaryk University,Czech Republic)
  • Maurice H. ter Beek (ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
  • Pedro R. D'Argenio (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
  • Wan Fokkink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Rob van Glabbeek (Data61 - CSIRO, Australia)
  • Daniele Gorla (University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy)
  • Artem Khyzha (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  • Barbara König (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
  • Bas Luttik (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
  • Stephan Merz (INRIA Nancy, France)
  • Roland Meyer (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
  • Thomas Neele (Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom)
  • Mohammadreza Mousavi (University of Leicester, United Kingdom)
  • Ana-Maria Oprescu (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA, France)
  • Jorge A. Pérez (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
  • Anna Philippou (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
  • Mila Dalla Preda (University of Verona, Italy)
  • Anne Remke (WWU Münster, Germany)
  • Kristin Yvonne Rozier (Iowa State University, USA)
  • Cristina Seceleanu (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
  • Simone Tini (University of Insubria, Italy)
  • Björn Victor (Uppsala University, Sweden)
  • Georg Weissenbacher (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Steering committee

  • Ahmed Bouajjani (University Paris Diderot, France)
  • Christel Baier (University Dresden, Germany)
  • Frank de Boer (CWI, Netherlands)
  • Luís Caires (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
  • Alexey Gotsman (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
  • Einar Broch Johnsen (University of Oslo, Norway)
  • Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna/INRIA, Italy -- Chair)
  • Jorge A. Pérez (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
  • Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK)
  • Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg, Austria)
  • Jean-Bernard Stefani (INRIA, France)
  • Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College London, UK)
  • Heike Wehrheim (Paderborn University, Germany)

More Information

For additional information, please contact the Program Committee Co-chairs: forte21 at easychair dot org

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