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Exposes functions of the PBXIS library as a RESTful web service and can provide the event stream directly to a web browser over HTTP long polling, Server-Sent Events, and WebSocket. The project also includes a ready-to-test HTML page which displays the status of an arbitrary number of agents and queues. The relative URL of the page is /client/<tech>/<agents>/<queues>, where <tech> is one of long-poll, sse, or websocket, <agents> is a comma-separated list of agents' extensions, and <queues> is a comma-separated list of queue names. For example,


will open a page that tracks agents 147, 149 (these are their extension numbers) and queues q1, q2, using WebSocket to receive the event stream.

Also there are two additional example pages:

  • Wallboard available at wallboard/<tech>/<queues>. This page is an example how to build wallboard application based on pbxis-ws.
  • Agen page available at agentpage. Page will ask for user login and local number. After login user will be automatically sign in to queues configured in agent-queues.clj.


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API -- some general notes

Request parameters

Any string-typed request parameter may be specified either as a query parameter in the URL or as a JSON parameter in the request body. For example, the following two requests would be equivalent:

POST /originate/148/1562830?callerId=7012888

POST /originate/148/1562830


JSON representation of an event

An event is represented as a JSON object, such as {"type":"queueCount", "queue":"q1", "count":1}. See the documentation of events reported by PBXIS and note that property names such as :agent occur in JSON as simple strings, such as "agent".


Stop the service

POST /stop

Fetch queue status

GET /queue/status

Parameter: queue (optional) the queue for which to fetch status. If missing, returns the status of all queues.

JSON response:

 "members": [{"location":"<agent_location", <more_member_properties>}, ...],

See the AsteriskJava documentation for the explanation of queue and member properties.

Execute an action against a queue

POST /queue/<action>

These are some of the available actions:

  • add: add the agent to the queue (log him on). Parameters: queue, agent (required); memberName, paused (optional);

  • remove: remove the agent from the queue (log him off). Parameters: queue, agent (required);

  • pause: set the paused status of a logged-on agent. Parameters: queue, agent, paused (required);

  • reset: reset queue statistics. Parameter: queue (optional).

Explanation of parameters:

  • queue: the queue against which the action is executed;

  • agent: the agent on whose behalf the action is executed;

  • memberName: the name of the agent that will be used by Asterisk;

  • paused: a boolean, the paused status of the agent.

Place a call

POST /originate/<src>/<dest>

Parameters: callerId, variables

Place a call to the dest phone number, patching it through to src, a local extension number. Optionally use the provided callerId to present the call to the remote party. If the variables parameter is provided, its value must be a JSON object with string-typed keys and values. The object will be used as the value of the variables property on the underlying Originate action.

JSON response: action ID, a simple string. This ID may occur in a later originateFailed event. If originating succeeds, it won't be needed.

Transfer a call

POST /redirect-to/<dest>

Parameter: agent-or-channel

Redirect (transfer) a call to another extension, denoted by dest. agent-or-channel is either the raw name of the channel which to redirect to the new destination, or an agent's extension number. In the latter case a channel belonging to the agent will be looked up and its bridged channel will be the one that gets redirected. If there are several channels belonging to the agent, the response will look like {"candidates": [{"agentChannel":x,"bridgedChannel":y,"callerId":z}, ...]}, listing all the agent's channels, their bridged channels, and the associated caller IDs of the remote parties. This can then be used to issue this request again with the chosen channel name.

Park a call

POST /park-and-announce

Parameter: agent-or-channel

Parks a call so it can be retrieved by calling another extension number. The number is announced in voice on the channel that was bridged to the parked channel. If the call is not retrieved within a timeout, it is returned to the owner of the bridged channel. The semantics of the agent-or-channel parameter are identical to the /redirect-to call above. This includes the response described there in the case of several candidate channels.

Acquire a ticket

POST /ticket

Request body: {"agents":[agents],"queues":[queues]}

Acquires a unique string (ticket) needed to receive events. Configures the event filter with a list of agents and queues (both are arrays of strings).

JSON response: the ticket, a simple string.

Long-polling request

GET /<ticket>/long-poll

Places a long-polling request. The response will be received once an event is available in the channel, or after a configured timeout.

JSON response: [event1, event2, ...].

See pbxis-long-poll.js in this project for a complete example of usage in JavaScript.

WebSocket request

GET /<ticket>/websocket
Upgrade: websocket

In JavaScript, use e.g.

new WebSocket("ws://" + ticket + "/websocket");

Requests a Websocket connection. Each message received contains one JSON object corresponding to one PBXIS event. See pbxis-websocket.js in this project for a complete example of usage in JavaScript.

Server-Sent Events request

GET /<ticket>/sse

Requests a Server-Sent Events stream. The events will look like this:

event: queueCount
data: {"queue":"q1", "count":1}

A special event type is close, which means that there will be no further events and the connection will be closed. Since SSE specifies automatic reconnection, it is important that the client reacts to this event by closing the EventSource at its side.

See pbxis-sse.js in this project for a complete example of usage in JavaScript.

Example usage scenario

The PBXIS web service can be used to implement a scenario like the following:

  • there is a web application that agents use at their workstation;
  • the web application subscribes an agent to the PBXIS web service and passes the event-stream URL to the agent's browser;
  • the browser contacts the PBXIS web service directly to receive the event stream.

Another use case is a supervisor application that monitors the activities of all the agents in the call center. The HTML client provided with this package is a very simple example of such an application.


Copyright © 2018 Ingemark d.o.o.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.