Slack Channel API Methods (Go Back)
This PHP class provides methods to interact with the Slack Channel API. Below are instructions on how to use each method.
list(array $channels = ['public_channel', 'private_channel'])
List channels based on the provided channel types.
archive(string $channelId)
Archive a channel.
create(string $name, ?bool $isPrivate = null, ?string $teamId = null)
Create a new channel.
info(string $channelId, ?bool $includeLocale = null, ?bool $includeNumMembers = null)
Retrieve information about a channel.
members(string $channelId, ?string $cursor = null, ?int $limit = null)
List members of a channel.
invite(string $channelId, array $users)
Invite users to a channel.
rename(string $channelId, string $name)
Rename a channel.
setPurpose(string $channelId, string $purpose)
Set the purpose for a channel.
kick(string $channelId, string $userId)
Remove a user from a channel.