A chess library written in Rust!
You can add it to your Cargo.toml
file like this:
oscae-chess = { git = "https://github.com/INDA24PlusPlus/oscae-chess.git" }
extern crate oscae_chess;
use oscae_chess::*;
Create a new instance of Game to start a chess match:
let mut game = Game::new();
Use game.get_board_state()
to get piece information for displaying the chess board.
When a square is clicked, use game.get_moves_list()
or game.get_moves_bitmap()
to get legal moves for a square.
Use game.do_move()
to move pieces.
After a move, if game.promotion == true
it is VERY IMPORTANT to call game.pawn_promotion()
to specify what the pawn should be promoted to.
As long as game.result == ChessResult::Ongoing
the game is not finished. Use this for your game loop.
You may use game.last_moved_from
and game.last_moved_to
to highlight the squares of the last move.
and game.check
can be used for effects when a piece is captured or when the king is in check. Such as a different move sound.
can be used to display move count.
You can import and export game states using FEN with Game::from_fen()
and game.to_fen()
turn: PieceColor
Tells whoose turn it is
result: ChessResult
Tells the state of the game. (Ongoing, WhiteWon, BlackWon or Draw) You can have you game loop run whenever game.result == ChessResult::Ongoing
last_moved_from: Square
Represents the square that the last move was made from. Initialized as (-1, -1). Can be used for square highlighting.
last_moved_to: Square
Represents the square that the last move was made to. Initialized as (-1, -1). Can be used for square highlighting.
capture: bool
True if the last move was a capture.
check: bool
True if the current player's king is in check.
promotion: bool
True if the move lead to promotion and pawn_promotion()
has to be called. This is important!
white_captured_pieces : Vec<PieceType>
A list of white pieces that have been captured. In order of capture, first to last.
black_captured_pieces : Vec<PieceType>
A list of black pieces that have been captured. In order of capture, first to last.
An integer that starts at 1 and incremets every time black moves.
new() -> Self
Creates and returns a new instance of Game
from_fen(&String) -> Self
Creates and returns a new instance of Game
from a FEN string.
to_fen(&self) -> String
Returns the current game state as a FEN string.
get_board_state(&self) -> &HashMap<Square, Piece>
Returns an immutable reference to the HashMap of Squares and Pieces.
get_moves_list(&self, from : &Square) -> Vec<Square>
Returns a vec of Square, of all legal moves that can be made from the square "from", considering turn.
get_moves_bitmap(&self, from: &Square) -> u64
Returns a bitmap of all legal moves that can be made from the square "from", considering turn. Such that the least significant bit represents A1, the next B1 and the most signigicant bit represents H8.
do_move(&mut self, from: &Square, to: &Square) -> bool
Move a piece by specifying its square and where to move it, and returns true if it was successful.
pawn_promotion(&mut self, class: PieceType) -> bool
Run this function whenever game.promotion == true
after a move to select the kind of piece to promote a pawn to. Returns false if invalid PieceType was passed.
declare_draw(&mut self)
Ends the game in a draw, only works for ongoing games.
declare_win(&mut self, color: PieceColor)
Ends the game immediatly and declares a winner, only works for ongoing games.
This section explains the public structs that are used in the API.
piece_type: PieceType
Represents the type of the piece. (King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, Pawn)
color: PieceColor
Represents the color of the piece. (White, Black)
pos: Square
Represents tha piece's position on the board.
has_moved: bool
True if the piece has been moved once during the game.
Stores a position on the board.
x: i8
Represents the position on the x-axis 0-7
meaning A-H
in chess coordinates.
y: i8
Represents the position on the y-axis 0-7
meaning 1-8
in chess coordinates.
from(value: i8) -> Self
Creates a Square of from an index that starts at 0
for A1, 1
for B1, 63
for H8.
from(pos: (i8, i8)) -> Self
Creates a Square from a tuple (x: i8, y: i8)
, values from 0-7
are on the board.
from(pos: &str) -> Self
Creates a Square from a &str
that is a chess chess coordinate such as A1
, B1
or H8
Each contructor has a corresponding function that does the opposite.
to_index(&self) -> i8
Returns an index corresponding to the square where A1 returns 0
, B1 returns 1
and H8 returns 63
to_tuple(&self) -> (i8, i8)
Returns a tuple (x: i8, y: i8)
such that x and y ranges from 0-7
to_notation(&self) -> String
Returns a String that represents the square in chess coordinates such as A1
, B1
or H8
This section explains the public enums that are used in the API.
PieceType is copied by default and can have the following values:
, Queen
, Bishop
, Knight
, Rook
, Pawn
PieceColor is copied by default and can have the following values:
, Black
PieceColor also implemets Not such that !PieceColor::White == PieceColor::Black
and vice versa.
ChessResult is copied by default and can have the following values:
, WhiteWon
, BlackWon
, Draw