From 81233d54265efe19693584143b980fb3c5384c5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: realmarcin <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 16:08:50 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 01/16] adding owl ontology files for lexmatch use case
external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl | 1734 +++++
external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl | 8926 ++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 10660 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl
create mode 100644 external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl
diff --git a/external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl b/external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc2b17057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl
@@ -0,0 +1,1734 @@
+ None
+ Deep Learning Ontology
+ 2021-07-07
+ OBO Foundry
+ Please note that, as stated on one of the RO documentation pages (, some of the relations RO makes use are either uncontroversial (non-temporalized) parts of BFO2, or will be incorporated in the future. In the case of BFO_0000063, it is not currently in BFO2, but may be in the future. The RO ontologists assume this is the transitive form. For a full definition, refer to the inverse of this property, BFO_0000060. (Allyson Lister)
+ preceded by
+ The assertion P 'followed by' P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened later, given what we know about what happened earlier. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be preceded by some instance of P. Note that assertions using this property only are rather weak. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation 'directly followed by'.
+ Modified by Allyson Lister from the preceded_by (which is the inverse of precedes / 'followed by') definition within RO:
+ OBO Foundry
+ Please note that, as stated on one of the RO documentation pages (, some of the relations RO makes use are either uncontroversial (non-temporalized) parts of BFO2, or will be incorporated in the future. In the case of BFO_0000060, it is not currently in BFO2, but may be in the future. The RO ontologists assume this is the transitive form. (Allyson Lister)
+ followed by
+ has_role
+ Microsoft version 2007 is directly preceded by Microsoft version 2003.
+ Entity A is 'directly preceded by' entity B if there are no intermediate entities temporally between the two entities. WIthin SWO this property is mainly used to describe versions of entities such as software.
+ Allyson Lister
+ OBO Foundry
+ directly preceded by
+ 'directly followed by' is an object property which further specializes the parent 'followed by' property. In the assertion 'C directly followed by C1', says that Cs generally are immediately followed by C1s.
+ Allyson Lister
+ directly followed by
+ entity
+ Entity
+ Julius Caesar
+ Verdi’s Requiem
+ the Second World War
+ your body mass index
+ BFO 2 Reference: In all areas of empirical inquiry we encounter general terms of two sorts. First are general terms which refer to universals or types:animaltuberculosissurgical procedurediseaseSecond, are general terms used to refer to groups of entities which instantiate a given universal but do not correspond to the extension of any subuniversal of that universal because there is nothing intrinsic to the entities in question by virtue of which they – and only they – are counted as belonging to the given group. Examples are: animal purchased by the Emperortuberculosis diagnosed on a Wednesdaysurgical procedure performed on a patient from Stockholmperson identified as candidate for clinical trial #2056-555person who is signatory of Form 656-PPVpainting by Leonardo da VinciSuch terms, which represent what are called ‘specializations’ in [81
+ Entity doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example Werner Ceusters 'portions of reality' include 4 sorts, entities (as BFO construes them), universals, configurations, and relations. It is an open question as to whether entities as construed in BFO will at some point also include these other portions of reality. See, for example, 'How to track absolutely everything' at
+ An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [001-001])
+ entity
+ continuant
+ Continuant
+ An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts.
+ BFO 2 Reference: Continuant entities are entities which can be sliced to yield parts only along the spatial dimension, yielding for example the parts of your table which we call its legs, its top, its nails. ‘My desk stretches from the window to the door. It has spatial parts, and can be sliced (in space) in two. With respect to time, however, a thing is a continuant.’ [60, p. 240
+ Continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example, in an expansion involving bringing in some of Ceuster's other portions of reality, questions are raised as to whether universals are continuants
+ A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [008-002])
+ if b is a continuant and if, for some t, c has_continuant_part b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [126-001])
+ if b is a continuant and if, for some t, cis continuant_part of b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [009-002])
+ if b is a material entity, then there is some temporal interval (referred to below as a one-dimensional temporal region) during which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [011-002])
+ (forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (continuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [009-002]
+ (forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (hasContinuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [126-001]
+ (forall (x) (if (Continuant x) (Entity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [008-002]
+ (forall (x) (if (Material Entity x) (exists (t) (and (TemporalRegion t) (existsAt x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [011-002]
+ continuant
+ ic
+ IndependentContinuant
+ a chair
+ a heart
+ a leg
+ a molecule
+ a spatial region
+ an atom
+ an orchestra.
+ an organism
+ the bottom right portion of a human torso
+ the interior of your mouth
+ A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything.
+ b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002])
+ For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [134-001])
+ For every independent continuant b and time t during the region of time spanned by its life, there are entities which s-depends_on b during t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [018-002])
+ (forall (x t) (if (IndependentContinuant x) (exists (r) (and (SpatialRegion r) (locatedInAt x r t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [134-001]
+ (forall (x t) (if (and (IndependentContinuant x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (Entity y) (specificallyDependsOnAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [018-002]
+ (iff (IndependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (not (exists (b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [017-002]
+ independent continuant
+ realizable
+ RealizableEntity
+ the disposition of this piece of metal to conduct electricity.
+ the disposition of your blood to coagulate
+ the function of your reproductive organs
+ the role of being a doctor
+ the role of this boundary to delineate where Utah and Colorado meet
+ To say that b is a realizable entity is to say that b is a specifically dependent continuant that inheres in some independent continuant which is not a spatial region and is of a type instances of which are realized in processes of a correlated type. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [058-002])
+ All realizable dependent continuants have independent continuants that are not spatial regions as their bearers. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [060-002])
+ (forall (x t) (if (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (bearerOfAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [060-002]
+ (forall (x) (if (RealizableEntity x) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (inheresIn x y)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [058-002]
+ realizable entity
+ sdc
+ SpecificallyDependentContinuant
+ Reciprocal specifically dependent continuants: the function of this key to open this lock and the mutually dependent disposition of this lock: to be opened by this key
+ of one-sided specifically dependent continuants: the mass of this tomato
+ of relational dependent continuants (multiple bearers): John’s love for Mary, the ownership relation between John and this statue, the relation of authority between John and his subordinates.
+ the disposition of this fish to decay
+ the function of this heart: to pump blood
+ the mutual dependence of proton donors and acceptors in chemical reactions [79
+ the mutual dependence of the role predator and the role prey as played by two organisms in a given interaction
+ the pink color of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its center
+ the role of being a doctor
+ the shape of this hole.
+ the smell of this portion of mozzarella
+ b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003])
+ Specifically dependent continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. We're not sure what else will develop here, but for example there are questions such as what are promises, obligation, etc.
+ (iff (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (forall (t) (if (existsAt a t) (exists (b) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (not (SpatialRegion b)) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [050-003]
+ specifically dependent continuant
+ role
+ Role
+ John’s role of husband to Mary is dependent on Mary’s role of wife to John, and both are dependent on the object aggregate comprising John and Mary as member parts joined together through the relational quality of being married.
+ the priest role
+ the role of a boundary to demarcate two neighboring administrative territories
+ the role of a building in serving as a military target
+ the role of a stone in marking a property boundary
+ the role of subject in a clinical trial
+ the student role
+ BFO 2 Reference: One major family of examples of non-rigid universals involves roles, and ontologies developed for corresponding administrative purposes may consist entirely of representatives of entities of this sort. Thus ‘professor’, defined as follows,b instance_of professor at t =Def. there is some c, c instance_of professor role & c inheres_in b at t.denotes a non-rigid universal and so also do ‘nurse’, ‘student’, ‘colonel’, ‘taxpayer’, and so forth. (These terms are all, in the jargon of philosophy, phase sortals.) By using role terms in definitions, we can create a BFO conformant treatment of such entities drawing on the fact that, while an instance of professor may be simultaneously an instance of trade union member, no instance of the type professor role is also (at any time) an instance of the type trade union member role (any more than any instance of the type color is at any time an instance of the type length).If an ontology of employment positions should be defined in terms of roles following the above pattern, this enables the ontology to do justice to the fact that individuals instantiate the corresponding universals – professor, sergeant, nurse – only during certain phases in their lives.
+ b is a role means: b is a realizable entity & b exists because there is some single bearer that is in some special physical, social, or institutional set of circumstances in which this bearer does not have to be& b is not such that, if it ceases to exist, then the physical make-up of the bearer is thereby changed. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [061-001])
+ (forall (x) (if (Role x) (RealizableEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [061-001]
+ role
+ gdc
+ GenericallyDependentContinuant
+ The entries in your database are patterns instantiated as quality instances in your hard drive. The database itself is an aggregate of such patterns. When you create the database you create a particular instance of the generically dependent continuant type database. Each entry in the database is an instance of the generically dependent continuant type IAO: information content entity.
+ the pdf file on your laptop, the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop
+ the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule.
+ A continuant that is dependent on one or other independent continuant bearers. For every instance of A requires some instance of (an independent continuant type) B but which instance of B serves can change from time to time.
+ b is a generically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant that g-depends_on one or more other entities. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [074-001])
+ (iff (GenericallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (exists (b t) (genericallyDependsOnAt a b t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [074-001]
+ generically dependent continuant
+ material
+ MaterialEntity
+ Collection of random bacteria, a chair, dorsal surface of the body.
+ a flame
+ a forest fire
+ a human being
+ a hurricane
+ a photon
+ a puff of smoke
+ a sea wave
+ a tornado
+ an aggregate of human beings.
+ an energy wave
+ an epidemic
+ the undetached arm of a human being
+ An independent continuant [snap:IndependentContinuant] that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time. Note: Material entity [snap:MaterialEntity] subsumes object [snap:Object], fiat object part [snap:FiatObjectPart], and object aggregate [snap:ObjectAggregate], which assume a three level theory of granularity, which is inadequate for some domains, such as biology.
+ An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time.
+ BFO 2 Reference: Material entities (continuants) can preserve their identity even while gaining and losing material parts. Continuants are contrasted with occurrents, which unfold themselves in successive temporal parts or phases [60
+ BFO 2 Reference: Object, Fiat Object Part and Object Aggregate are not intended to be exhaustive of Material Entity. Users are invited to propose new subcategories of Material Entity.
+ BFO 2 Reference: ‘Matter’ is intended to encompass both mass and energy (we will address the ontological treatment of portions of energy in a later version of BFO). A portion of matter is anything that includes elementary particles among its proper or improper parts: quarks and leptons, including electrons, as the smallest particles thus far discovered; baryons (including protons and neutrons) at a higher level of granularity; atoms and molecules at still higher levels, forming the cells, organs, organisms and other material entities studied by biologists, the portions of rock studied by geologists, the fossils studied by paleontologists, and so on.Material entities are three-dimensional entities (entities extended in three spatial dimensions), as contrasted with the processes in which they participate, which are four-dimensional entities (entities extended also along the dimension of time).According to the FMA, material entities may have immaterial entities as parts – including the entities identified below as sites; for example the interior (or ‘lumen’) of your small intestine is a part of your body. BFO 2.0 embodies a decision to follow the FMA here.
+ A material entity is an independent continuant that has some portion of matter as proper or improper continuant part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [019-002])
+ Every entity which has a material entity as continuant part is a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [020-002])
+ every entity of which a material entity is continuant part is also a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [021-002])
+ (forall (x) (if (MaterialEntity x) (IndependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [019-002]
+ (forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt x y t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [021-002]
+ (forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [020-002]
+ material entity
+ material entity
+ root node
+ symbol
+ a serial number such as "12324X"
+ a stop sign
+ a written proper name such as "OBI"
+ An information content entity that is a mark(s) or character(s) used as a conventional representation of another entity.
+ 20091104, MC: this needs work and will most probably change
+ 2014-03-31: We would like to have a deeper analysis of 'mark' and 'sign' in the future (see
+ PERSON: James A. Overton
+ PERSON: Jonathan Rees
+ based on Oxford English Dictionary
+ symbol
+ information content entity
+ Examples of information content entites include journal articles, data, graphical layouts, and graphs.
+ Examples of information content entites include journal articles, data, graphical layouts, and graphs.
+ A generically dependent continuant that is about some thing.
+ An information content entity is an entity that is generically dependent on some artifact and stands in relation of aboutness to some entity.
+ 2014-03-10: The use of "thing" is intended to be general enough to include universals and configurations (see
+ information_content_entity 'is_encoded_in' some digital_entity in obi before split (040907). information_content_entity 'is_encoded_in' some physical_document in obi before split (040907).
+Previous. An information content entity is a non-realizable information entity that 'is encoded in' some digital or physical entity.
+ PERSON: Chris Stoeckert
+ OBI_0000142
+ information content entity
+ information content entity
+ version number
+ A version number is an information content entity which is a sequence of characters borne by part of each of a class of manufactured products or its packaging and indicates its order within a set of other products having the same name.
+ Note: we feel that at the moment we are happy with a general version number, and that we will subclass as needed in the future. For example, see 7. genome sequence version
+ version name
+ version number
+ organization
+ PMID: 16353909.AAPS J. 2005 Sep 22;7(2):E274-80. Review. The joint food and agriculture organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives and its role in the evaluation of the safety of veterinary drug residues in foods.
+ An entity that can bear roles, has members, and has a set of organization rules. Members of organizations are either organizations themselves or individual people. Members can bear specific organization member roles that are determined in the organization rules. The organization rules also determine how decisions are made on behalf of the organization by the organization members.
+ BP: The definition summarizes long email discussions on the OBI developer, roles, biomaterial and denrie branches. It leaves open if an organization is a material entity or a dependent continuant, as no consensus was reached on that. The current placement as material is therefore temporary, in order to move forward with development. Here is the entire email summary, on which the definition is based:
+1) there are organization_member_roles (president, treasurer, branch
+editor), with individual persons as bearers
+2) there are organization_roles (employer, owner, vendor, patent holder)
+3) an organization has a charter / rules / bylaws, which specify what roles
+there are, how they should be realized, and how to modify the
+charter/rules/bylaws themselves.
+It is debatable what the organization itself is (some kind of dependent
+continuant or an aggregate of people). This also determines who/what the
+bearer of organization_roles' are. My personal favorite is still to define
+organization as a kind of 'legal entity', but thinking it through leads to
+all kinds of questions that are clearly outside the scope of OBI.
+Interestingly enough, it does not seem to matter much where we place
+organization itself, as long as we can subclass it (University, Corporation,
+Government Agency, Hospital), instantiate it (Affymetrix, NCBI, NIH, ISO,
+W3C, University of Oklahoma), and have it play roles.
+This leads to my proposal: We define organization through the statements 1 -
+3 above, but without an 'is a' statement for now. We can leave it in its
+current place in the is_a hierarchy (material entity) or move it up to
+'continuant'. We leave further clarifications to BFO, and close this issue
+for now.
+ PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
+ PERSON: Bjoern Peters
+ PERSON: Philippe Rocca-Serra
+ PERSON: Susanna Sansone
+ organization
+ organization
+ A publisher role is a role borne by an organization or individual in which they are responsible for making software available to a particular consumer group. Such organizations or individuals do need to be involved in the development of the software.
+ James Malone
+ publisher role
+ Software developer role is a role borne by an organization or individual in which they are responsible for authoring software.
+ James Malone
+ software developer role
+ An organization or legal entity (including single person) that is responsible for developing software. Developing includes aspects of design, coding and testing.
+ software developer organization
+ An organization or legal entity (including single person) that is responsible for publishing software. Publishing here includes tasks such as designing and producing physical products, technical customer support, licensing arrangements and marketing.
+ software publisher organization
+ obsolete SWO class
+ Affymetrix
+ Agilent Technologies
+ Applied Biosystems
+ Applied Precision Life Science
+ Bahler Lab
+ Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
+ Bio Discovery
+ Bioconductor
+ Biometric Research Branch
+ COSE, France
+ Clontech Laboratories, Inc
+ Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard School of Public Health
+ European Molecular Biology Laboratory
+ Fujifilm
+ GE Healthcare Life Sciences
+ Genedata
+ Genicon Sciences
+ Grid grinder
+ Havard School of Public Health
+ Illumina
+ Incyte Genomics
+ Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics Graz University of Technology
+ J. Craig Venter Institute
+ MWG Biotech
+ Matforsk
+ Marked as obsolete by Allyson Lister.
+ 0.3
+ MathWorks (SWO_0000291 and SWO_9000002), SWO_9000002 was retained, whileSWO_0000291 became an instance of obsolete class. Please use SWO_9000002 instead.
+ obsolete_MathWorks
+ Molecular Devices
+ Molecular Neuroscience Core, Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Atlanta
+ Molecular Dynamics
+ Motorola Life Sciences
+ PerkinElmer
+ Raytest
+ Research Genetics
+ Rosetta Biosoftware
+ SAS Institute Inc.
+ Speed Berkeley Research Group
+ Marked as obsolete by Allyson Lister.
+ 0.3
+ Stanford University (SWO_0000431 and SWO_9000003). SWO_9000003 was retained, while SWO_0000431 became an instance of obsolete class. Please use SWO_9000003 instead.
+ obsolete_Stanford University
+ TIBCO Software Inc
+ Technological Advances for Genomics and Clinics, France
+ UC Irvine
+ University Of California, Berkeley
+ Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
+ Cambridge Bluegnome
+ Strand Life Sciences
+ FCS Data Standard Version 3.0
+ Microsoft
+ MathWorks
+ Stanford University
+ Omni
+ PLT Scheme Inc
+ MicroPro International
+ JetBrains
+ Free Software Foundation
+ Adobe Systems
+ Andy Brown
+ An undefined, or ill-defined, group of people. May be used, for example, to denote software development as being done by 'the community', with contributions by many individuals, but no over-arching organisation.
+ The Community
+ University of New Hampshire
+ The National Archives
+ Eclipse Foundation
+ Dropbox
+ Thompson Reuters
+ Apple Inc.
+ The University of Manchester
+ European Bioinformatics Institute
+ The National Archives, Tessella
+ Spotify Ltd.
+ Mozilla Foundation
+ Altova
+ The GIMP Development Team
+ Canonical Ltd
+ Apache Software Foundation
+ European Patent Office
+ National Cancer Institute
+ Drive5
+ Conway Institute UCD Dublin
+ Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) of Barcelona
+ Allyson Lister
+ AL 8.10.2019: References
+ Uppsala Molekylmekaniska HB
+ UC Santa Cruz Computational Biology Group
+ beta
+ alpha
+ Microsoft 98 version
+ Microsoft 2002 version
+ Microsoft 2003 version
+ Microsoft 95 version
+ Microsoft 2007 version
+ Microsoft 2010 version
+ version 3
+ version 4
+ Matlab R14
+ Matlab R12
+ R2011a
+ Microsoft XP
+ Excel 14
+ Windows 5.1
+ 3.5.1
+ Adobe Acrobat 10.1
+ 1
+ 3.0.1
+ 1.6.9
+ 6.02
+ Helios Service Release 2
+ 6.3.0
+ 2.0.0
+ Allyson Lister
+ BLAST+ version 2.2.26
+ Allyson Lister
+ ClustalW version 2.1
+ Allyson Lister
+ ClustalX version 2.1
+ Allyson Lister
+ Clustal Omega version 1.1
+ Allyson Lister
+ MUSCLE version 3.8.31
+ CRG TCoffee version 9.02.r1228
+ 4.2.2
+ 7.2.0
+ Windows 6.0
diff --git a/external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl b/external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b5484cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl
@@ -0,0 +1,8926 @@
+ Francisco Regateiro, Instituto Superior Técnico, ULisboa, Portugal
+ Julião Braga, UMackenzie, SP Brazil
+ Copyright (C) by Francisco Regateiro, Joaquim Ramos Dias and Juliao Braga. Except where otherwise noted, content on this ontology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence (BY-NC).
+ Any information can be forwarded to info
+ 7.0 (March 2020)
+ Has similar functions or methods in.
+ Is algorihm to solve this techinique
+ An illustration of various linkage option for agglomerative clustering on a 2D embedding of the digits dataset.
+The goal of this example is to show intuitively how the metrics behave, and not to find good clusters for the digits. This is why the example works on a 2D embedding.
+What this example shows us is the behavior “rich getting richer” of agglomerative clustering that tends to create uneven cluster sizes. This behavior is pronounced for the average linkage strategy, that ends up with a couple of singleton clusters, while in the case of single linkage we get a single central cluster with all other clusters being drawn from noise points around the fringes.
+ Demonstrates the effect of different metrics on the hierarchical clustering.
+ 2020
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+ 2020
+ This example presents how to chain KNeighborsTransformer and TSNE in a pipeline. It also shows how to wrap the packages annoy and nmslib to replace KNeighborsTransformer and perform approximate nearest neighbors. These packages can be installed with pip install annoy nmslib.
+ Described Machine Learning on a paper in IBM Research and Development Journal (1959)
+ Auto-Sklearn is an automated machine learning toolkit to automatically determine a well-performing machine learning pipeline. It is a drop-in replacement for a scikit-learn estimator
+ 1.
+ Automated Machine Learning provides methods and processes to make Machine Learning available for non-Machine Learning experts, to improve efficiency of Machine Learning and to accelerate research on Machine Learning.
+ In ensemble algorithms, bagging methods form a class of algorithms which build several instances of a black-box estimator on random subsets of the original training set and then aggregate their individual predictions to form a final prediction.
+ Compare BIRCH and MiniBatchKMeans
+ 1960
+ An estimator that has built-in cross-validation capabilities to automatically select the best hyper-parameters (see the User Guide). Some example of cross-validation estimators are ElasticNetCV and LogisticRegressionCV. Cross-validation estimators are named EstimatorCV and tend to be roughly equivalent to GridSearchCV(Estimator(), ...). The advantage of using a cross-validation estimator over the canonical Estimator class along with grid search is that they can take advantage of warm-starting by reusing precomputed results in the previous steps of the cross-validation process. This generally leads to speed improvements. An exception is the RidgeCV class, which can instead perform efficient Leave-One-Out CV.
+ A non-estimator family of classes used to split a dataset into a sequence of train and test portions (see Cross-validation: evaluating estimator performance), by providing split and get_n_splits methods. Note that unlike estimators, these do not have fit methods and do not provide set_params or get_params. Parameter validation may be performed in __init__.
+ Czech Technical University of Prague, Czechia
+ 2014
+ When performing classification you often want to predict not only the class label, but also the associated probability. This probability gives you some kind of confidence on the prediction. However, not all classifiers provide well-calibrated probabilities, some being over-confident while others being under-confident. Thus, a separate calibration of predicted probabilities is often desirable as a postprocessing. This example illustrates two different methods for this calibration and evaluates the quality of the returned probabilities using Brier’s score (see
+ Clustering algorithms are useful in information theory, target detection, communications, compression, and other areas. (
+ Datasets can often contain components of that require different feature extraction and processing pipelines. This scenario might occur when:
+Your dataset consists of heterogeneous data types (e.g. raster images and text captions)
+Your dataset is stored in a Pandas DataFrame and different columns require different processing pipelines.
+This example demonstrates how to use sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer on a dataset containing different types of features. We use the 20-newsgroups dataset and compute standard bag-of-words features for the subject line and body in separate pipelines as well as ad hoc features on the body. We combine them (with weights) using a ColumnTransformer and finally train a classifier on the combined set of features.
+ Well calibrated classifiers are probabilistic classifiers for which the output of the predict_proba method can be directly interpreted as a confidence level. For instance a well calibrated (binary) classifier should classify the samples such that among the samples to which it gave a predict_proba value close to 0.8, approx. 80% actually belong to the positive class.
+ When performing classification one often wants to predict not only the class label, but also the associated probability. This probability gives some kind of confidence on the prediction.
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+ Helps systemsremove data tht`s not useful for analysis. This group of algorithms is used to remove reduntante data, outliers, and other non-useful data.
+ 2014
+ 1930
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+ 2014
+ 2008
+ GloVe is an unsupervised learning algorithm for obtaining sector representation for words,. Training is performed on agregated global word-word co-ocurrence statistics from a corpus and the resulting respresantation interesting linear substructures of the word vector space.
+ Gradient Tree Boosting or Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT) is a generalization of boosting to arbitrary differentiable loss functions. GBDT is an accurate and effective off-the-shelf procedure that can be used for both regression and classification problems in a variety of areas including Web search ranking and ecology.
+ 2020
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+ A hidden Markov model is a Markov chain for which the state is only partially observable. In other words, observations are related to the state of the system, but they are typically insufficient to precisely determine the state.
+ Hierarchical Markov models can be applied to categorize human behavior at various levels of abstraction. For example, a series of simple observations, such as a person's location in a room, can be interpreted to determine more complex information, such as in what task or activity the person is performing.
+ 2014
+ 2014
+ Clustering can be expensive, especially when our dataset contains millions of datapoints. Many clustering algorithms are not inductive and so cannot be directly applied to new data samples without recomputing the clustering, which may be intractable. Instead, we can use clustering to then learn an inductive model with a classifier, which has several benefits:
+. it allows the clusters to scale and apply to new data
+. unlike re-fitting the clusters to new samples, it makes sure the labelling procedure is consistent over time
+. it allows us to use the inferential capabilities of the classifier to describe or explain the clusters
+ Are used when you want to categorize new data points based on similities to training data.can be very useful in pattern recognition.
+ Originally, spline was a term for elastic rulers that were bent to pass through a number of predefined points ("knots"). These were used to make technical drawings for shipbuilding and construction by hand.
+ 1.
+ JAX is a Machine Learning library which I would describe (very vaguely) as Numpy with auto differentiation that you can execute on GPUs (and TPUs too!). Additionally, it has XLA compilation and built-in vectorization and parallelization capabilities.
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+ 2014
+ 1930
+ Czech Technical University of Prague, Czechia
+ 2014
+ 2008
+ (t-SNE website)
+ A simple graphical frontend for Libsvm mainly intended for didactic purposes. You can create data points by point and click and visualize the decision region induced by different kernels and parameter settings.
+To create positive examples click the left mouse button; to create negative examples click the right button.
+If all examples are from the same class, it uses a one-class SVM.
+ A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
+ Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
+ 1960
+ Markov-chains have been used as a forecasting methods for several topics, for example price trends[9], wind power and solar irradiance. The Markov-chain forecasting models utilize a variety of different settings, from discretizing the time-series to hidden Markov-models combined with wavelets[9] and the Markov-chain mixture distribution model (MCM)
+ The simplest Markov model is the Markov chain. It models the state of a system with a random variable that changes through time.
+ A Markov decision process is a Markov chain in which state transitions depend on the current state and an action vector that is applied to the system.
+ n the domain of physics and probability, a Markov random field (often abbreviated as MRF), Markov network or undirected graphical model is a set of random variables having a Markov property described by an undirected graph. In other words, a random field is said to be a Markov random field if it satisfies Markov properties.
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+ We unify the current dominant approaches for semi-supervised learning to produce a new algorithm, MixMatch, that works by guessing low-entropy labels for data-augmented unlabeled examples and mixing labeled and unlabeled data using MixUp. We show that MixMatch obtains state-of-the-art results by a large margin across many datasets and labeled data amounts.
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+ Compare BIRCH and MiniBatchKMeans
+ 2020
+ Monte Carlo method is to approximate the expectations of outcomes given various inputs, uncertainty, and system dynamics. This video walks through some high-level mathematics for those who are interested.
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+ Naive Bayes methods are a set of supervised learning algorithms based on applying Bayes’ theorem with the “naive” assumption of conditional independence between every pair of features given the value of the class variable.
+ A methodology to build automatic evaluation metrics for text generation using only machine learning models as core components.
+ Has supported mehods
+ 2014
+ Partial dependence plots show the dependence between the target function and a set of ‘target’ features, marginalizing over the values of all other features (the complement features). Due to the limits of human perception, the size of the target feature set must be small (usually, one or two) thus the target features are usually chosen among the most important features.
+ A partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) is a generalization of a Markov decision process (MDP). A POMDP models an agent decision process in which it is assumed that the system dynamics are determined by an MDP, but the agent cannot directly observe the underlying state. Instead, it must maintain a probability distribution over the set of possible states, based on a set of observations and observation probabilities, and the underlying MDP.
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+ Is a linear dimension reduction technique that seeks to maximize variance and preserves large pairwise distances. In other words, things that are differente end up far apart. This can lead to poor visualization especiaally when dealing with no-linear manifold structures. Think of a manifold structure as any geometric shape like: cylinder, ball, curve, etc.
+ Probabilistic PCA and Factor Analysis are probabilistic models. The consequence is that the likelihood of new data can be used for model selection and covariance estimation. Here we compare PCA and FA with cross-validation on low rank data corrupted with homoscedastic noise (noise variance is the same for each feature) or heteroscedastic noise (noise variance is the different for each feature). In a second step we compare the model likelihood to the likelihoods obtained from shrinkage covariance estimators.
+One can observe that with homoscedastic noise both FA and PCA succeed in recovering the size of the low rank subspace. The likelihood with PCA is higher than FA in this case. However PCA fails and overestimates the rank when heteroscedastic noise is present. Under appropriate circumstances the low rank models are more likely than shrinkage models.
+The automatic estimation from Automatic Choice of Dimensionality for PCA. NIPS 2000: 598-604 by Thomas P. Minka is also compared.
+ We present a reinforcement learning toolkit for experiments with guiding automated theorem proving in the connection calculus. The core of the toolkit is a compact and easy to extend Prolog-based automated theorem prover called plCoP. plCoP builds on the leanCoP Prolog implementation and adds learning-guided Monte-Carlo Tree Search as done in the rlCoP system. Other components include a Python interface to plCoP and machine learners, and an external proof checker that verifies the validity of plCoP proofs. The toolkit is evaluated on two benchmarks and we demonstrate its extendability by two additions: (1) guidance is extended to reduction steps and (2) the standard leanCoP calculus is extended with rewrite steps and their learned guidance. We argue that the Prolog setting is suitable for combining statistical and symbolic learning methods. The complete toolkit is publicly released.
+ We are excited to announce PyCaret, an open source machine learning library in Python to train and deploy supervised and unsupervised machine learning models in a low-code environment. PyCaret allows you to go from preparing data to deploying models within seconds from your choice of notebook environment.
+In comparison with the other open source machine learning libraries, PyCaret is an alternate low-code library that can be used to replace hundreds of lines of code with few words only. This makes experiments exponentially fast and efficient. PyCaret is essentially a Python wrapper around several machine learning libraries and frameworks such as scikit-learn, XGBoost, Microsoft LightGBM, spaCy, and many more.
+PyCaret is simple and easy to use. All the operations performed in PyCaret are sequentially stored in a Pipeline that is fully orchestrated for deployment. Whether its imputing missing values, transforming categorical data, feature engineering or even hyperparameter tuning, PyCaret automates all of it. To learn more about PyCaret, watch this 1-minute video.
+ 2014
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+ Is a technique to modify models to avoid the problem of overfitting. OVERFITTING occurs when a model is created for a specific data set but will have poor predictive capabilities for a generalize data sete.
+ Reinforcement learning is like many topics with names ending in -ing, such as machine learning, planning, and mountaineering, in that it is simultane-ously a problem, a class of solution methods that work well on the class ofproblems, and the field that studies these problems and their solution methods. Reinforcement learning problems involve learning what to do — how tomap situations to actions — so as to maximize a numerical reward signal. Inan essential way they areclosed-loop problems because the learning system sactions influence its later inputs. Moreover, the learner is not told which ac-tions to take, as in many forms of machine learning, but instead must discover which actions yield the most reward by trying them out. In the most interest-ing and challenging cases, actions may affect not only the immediate rewardbut also the next situation and, through that, all subsequent rewards. These three characteristics — being closed-loop in an essential way, not having direct instructions as to what actions to take, and where the consequences of actions, including reward signals, play out over extended time periods — are the threemost important distinguishing features of reinforcement learning problems.
+ 2014
+ SciPy is an open-source scientific computing library for the Python programming language. Since its initial release in 2001, SciPy has become a de facto standard for leveraging scientific algorithms in Python, with over 600 unique code contributors, thousands of dependent packages, over 100,000 dependent repositories and millions of downloads per year. In this work, we provide an overview of the capabilities and development practices of SciPy 1.0 and highlight some recent technical developments.
+© Copyright 2008-2019, The SciPy community.
+ 1.
+ © Copyright 2008-2019, The SciPy community.
+ A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional), discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map, and is therefore a method to do dimensionality reduction. Self-organizing maps differ from other artificial neural networks as they apply competitive learning as opposed to error-correction learning (such as backpropagation with gradient descent), and in the sense that they use a neighborhood function to preserve the topological properties of the input space.
+ Semi-supervised learning is a paradigm for leveraging unlabeled data to mitigate the reliance on large labeled datasets.
+ Sequence-to-sequence models are deep learning models that have achieved a lot of success in tasks like machine translation, text summarization, and image captioning. Google Translate started using such a model in production in late 2016.
+Defined by:
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+ See Spectral Co-Clustering
+ 1930
+ Compute the segmentation of a 2D image with Ward hierarchical clustering. The clustering is spatially constrained in order for each segmented region to be in one piece.
+ 2015
+ TensorFlow, open sourced to the public by Google in 2015, is the result of years of lessons learned from a dilemma: should we attempt to do research with inflexible libraries so that we don’t have to reimplement code, or should we use one library for research and a completely different library for production?
+ We introduce TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ), an open source library for the rapid prototyping of hybrid quantum-classical models for classical or quantum data. This framework offers high-level abstractions for the design and training of both discriminative and generative quantum models under TensorFlow and supports high-performance quantum circuit simulators. We provide an overview of the software architecture and building blocks through several examples and review the theory of hybrid quantum-classical neural networks. We illustrate TFQ functionalities via several basic applications including supervised learning for quantum classification, quantum control, and quantum approximate optimization. Moreover, we demonstrate how one can apply TFQ to tackle advanced quantum learning tasks including meta-learning, Hamiltonian learning, and sampling thermal states.
+We hope this framework provides the necessary tools for the quantum computing and machine learning research communities to explore models of both natural and artificial quantum systems, and ultimately discover new quantum algorithms which could potentially yield a quantum advantage.
+ The Transformer – a model that uses attention to boost the speed with which these models can be trained. The Transformers outperforms the Google Neural Machine Translation model in specific tasks. The biggest benefit, however, comes from how The Transformer lends itself to parallelization. It is in fact Google Cloud’s recommendation to use The Transformer as a reference model to use their Cloud TPU offering. So let’s try to break the model apart and look at how it functions.
+ A Tolerant Markov model (TMM) is a probabilistic-algorithmic Markov chain model. It assigns the probabilities according to a conditioning context that considers the last symbol, from the sequence to occur, as the most probable instead of the true occurring symbol. A TMM can model three different natures: substitutions, additions or deletions. Successful applications have been efficiently implemented in DNA sequences compression.
+ This example shows characteristics of different clustering algorithms on datasets that are “interesting” but still in 2D. With the exception of the last dataset, the parameters of each of these dataset-algorithm pairs has been tuned to produce good clustering results. Some algorithms are more sensitive to parameter values than others.
+The last dataset is an example of a ‘null’ situation for clustering: the data is homogeneous, and there is no good clustering. For this example, the null dataset uses the same parameters as the dataset in the row above it, which represents a mismatch in the parameter values and the data structure.
+While these examples give some intuition about the algorithms, this intuition might not apply to very high dimensional data.
+ Comparing different clustering algorithms on toy datasets
+ Comparing different hierarchical linkage methods on toy datasets
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+ Input data is not labeled and does not have a known result (refazer)
+ XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable. It implements machine learning algorithms under the Gradient Boosting framework. XGBoost provides a parallel tree boosting (also known as GBDT, GBM) that solve many data science problems in a fast and accurate way. The same code runs on major distributed environment (Hadoop, SGE, MPI) and can solve problems beyond billions of examples.
+ 2014
+ Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics and Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
+ This project was started in 2007 as a Google Summer of Code project by David Cournapeau. Later that year, Matthieu Brucher started work on this project as part of his thesis.
+In 2010 Fabian Pedregosa, Gael Varoquaux, Alexandre Gramfort and Vincent Michel of INRIA took leadership of the project and made the first public release, February the 1st 2010. Since then, several releases have appeared following a ~3 month cycle, and a thriving international community has been leading the development.
+ 0.22.2
+ A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional), discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map, and is therefore a method to do dimensionality reduction. Self-organizing maps differ from other artificial neural networks as they apply competitive learning as opposed to error-correction learning (such as backpropagation with gradient descent), and in the sense that they use a neighborhood function to preserve the topological properties of the input space.
+ spaCy is designed to help you do real work — to build real products, or gather real insights. The library respects your time, and tries to avoid wasting it. It's easy to install, and its API is simple and productive. We like to think of spaCy as the Ruby on Rails of Natural Language Processing.
+ It is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique well-suited for embedding high-dimensional data for visualization in a low-dimensional space of two or three dimensions. Specifically, it models each high-dimensional object by a two- or three-dimensional point in such a way that similar objects are modeled by nearby points and dissimilar objects are modeled by distant points with high probability.
+ Hierarchical clustering is a general family of clustering algorithms that build nested clusters by merging or splitting them successively. This hierarchy of clusters is represented as a tree (or dendrogram). The root of the tree is the unique cluster that gathers all the samples, the leaves being the clusters with only one sample. See the Wikipedia page for more details.
+The AgglomerativeClustering object performs a hierarchical clustering using a bottom up approach: each observation starts in its own cluster, and clusters are successively merged together. The linkage criteria determines the metric used for the merge strategy:
+Ward minimizes the sum of squared differences within all clusters. It is a variance-minimizing approach and in this sense is similar to the k-means objective function but tackled with an agglomerative hierarchical approach.
+Maximum or complete linkage minimizes the maximum distance between observations of pairs of clusters.
+Average linkage minimizes the average of the distances between all observations of pairs of clusters.
+Single linkage minimizes the distance between the closest observations of pairs of clusters.
+AgglomerativeClustering can also scale to large number of samples when it is used jointly with a connectivity matrix, but is computationally expensive when no connectivity constraints are added between samples: it considers at each step all the possible merges.
From d79161ad4a927fe31e305af1be0abc0acca7a7cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: realmarcin <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 17:46:12 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 02/16] removing external files
external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl | 1734 -----
external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl | 8926 ----------------------
2 files changed, 10660 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl
delete mode 100644 external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl
diff --git a/external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl b/external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl
deleted file mode 100644
index fc2b17057..000000000
--- a/external/deep-learning-ontology-full.owl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1734 +0,0 @@
- None
- Deep Learning Ontology
- 2021-07-07
- OBO Foundry
- Please note that, as stated on one of the RO documentation pages (, some of the relations RO makes use are either uncontroversial (non-temporalized) parts of BFO2, or will be incorporated in the future. In the case of BFO_0000063, it is not currently in BFO2, but may be in the future. The RO ontologists assume this is the transitive form. For a full definition, refer to the inverse of this property, BFO_0000060. (Allyson Lister)
- preceded by
- The assertion P 'followed by' P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened later, given what we know about what happened earlier. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be preceded by some instance of P. Note that assertions using this property only are rather weak. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation 'directly followed by'.
- Modified by Allyson Lister from the preceded_by (which is the inverse of precedes / 'followed by') definition within RO:
- OBO Foundry
- Please note that, as stated on one of the RO documentation pages (, some of the relations RO makes use are either uncontroversial (non-temporalized) parts of BFO2, or will be incorporated in the future. In the case of BFO_0000060, it is not currently in BFO2, but may be in the future. The RO ontologists assume this is the transitive form. (Allyson Lister)
- followed by
- has_role
- Microsoft version 2007 is directly preceded by Microsoft version 2003.
- Entity A is 'directly preceded by' entity B if there are no intermediate entities temporally between the two entities. WIthin SWO this property is mainly used to describe versions of entities such as software.
- Allyson Lister
- OBO Foundry
- directly preceded by
- 'directly followed by' is an object property which further specializes the parent 'followed by' property. In the assertion 'C directly followed by C1', says that Cs generally are immediately followed by C1s.
- Allyson Lister
- directly followed by
- entity
- Entity
- Julius Caesar
- Verdi’s Requiem
- the Second World War
- your body mass index
- BFO 2 Reference: In all areas of empirical inquiry we encounter general terms of two sorts. First are general terms which refer to universals or types:animaltuberculosissurgical procedurediseaseSecond, are general terms used to refer to groups of entities which instantiate a given universal but do not correspond to the extension of any subuniversal of that universal because there is nothing intrinsic to the entities in question by virtue of which they – and only they – are counted as belonging to the given group. Examples are: animal purchased by the Emperortuberculosis diagnosed on a Wednesdaysurgical procedure performed on a patient from Stockholmperson identified as candidate for clinical trial #2056-555person who is signatory of Form 656-PPVpainting by Leonardo da VinciSuch terms, which represent what are called ‘specializations’ in [81
- Entity doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example Werner Ceusters 'portions of reality' include 4 sorts, entities (as BFO construes them), universals, configurations, and relations. It is an open question as to whether entities as construed in BFO will at some point also include these other portions of reality. See, for example, 'How to track absolutely everything' at
- An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [001-001])
- entity
- continuant
- Continuant
- An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts.
- BFO 2 Reference: Continuant entities are entities which can be sliced to yield parts only along the spatial dimension, yielding for example the parts of your table which we call its legs, its top, its nails. ‘My desk stretches from the window to the door. It has spatial parts, and can be sliced (in space) in two. With respect to time, however, a thing is a continuant.’ [60, p. 240
- Continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example, in an expansion involving bringing in some of Ceuster's other portions of reality, questions are raised as to whether universals are continuants
- A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [008-002])
- if b is a continuant and if, for some t, c has_continuant_part b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [126-001])
- if b is a continuant and if, for some t, cis continuant_part of b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [009-002])
- if b is a material entity, then there is some temporal interval (referred to below as a one-dimensional temporal region) during which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [011-002])
- (forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (continuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [009-002]
- (forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (hasContinuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [126-001]
- (forall (x) (if (Continuant x) (Entity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [008-002]
- (forall (x) (if (Material Entity x) (exists (t) (and (TemporalRegion t) (existsAt x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [011-002]
- continuant
- ic
- IndependentContinuant
- a chair
- a heart
- a leg
- a molecule
- a spatial region
- an atom
- an orchestra.
- an organism
- the bottom right portion of a human torso
- the interior of your mouth
- A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything.
- b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002])
- For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [134-001])
- For every independent continuant b and time t during the region of time spanned by its life, there are entities which s-depends_on b during t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [018-002])
- (forall (x t) (if (IndependentContinuant x) (exists (r) (and (SpatialRegion r) (locatedInAt x r t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [134-001]
- (forall (x t) (if (and (IndependentContinuant x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (Entity y) (specificallyDependsOnAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [018-002]
- (iff (IndependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (not (exists (b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [017-002]
- independent continuant
- realizable
- RealizableEntity
- the disposition of this piece of metal to conduct electricity.
- the disposition of your blood to coagulate
- the function of your reproductive organs
- the role of being a doctor
- the role of this boundary to delineate where Utah and Colorado meet
- To say that b is a realizable entity is to say that b is a specifically dependent continuant that inheres in some independent continuant which is not a spatial region and is of a type instances of which are realized in processes of a correlated type. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [058-002])
- All realizable dependent continuants have independent continuants that are not spatial regions as their bearers. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [060-002])
- (forall (x t) (if (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (bearerOfAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [060-002]
- (forall (x) (if (RealizableEntity x) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (inheresIn x y)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [058-002]
- realizable entity
- sdc
- SpecificallyDependentContinuant
- Reciprocal specifically dependent continuants: the function of this key to open this lock and the mutually dependent disposition of this lock: to be opened by this key
- of one-sided specifically dependent continuants: the mass of this tomato
- of relational dependent continuants (multiple bearers): John’s love for Mary, the ownership relation between John and this statue, the relation of authority between John and his subordinates.
- the disposition of this fish to decay
- the function of this heart: to pump blood
- the mutual dependence of proton donors and acceptors in chemical reactions [79
- the mutual dependence of the role predator and the role prey as played by two organisms in a given interaction
- the pink color of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its center
- the role of being a doctor
- the shape of this hole.
- the smell of this portion of mozzarella
- b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003])
- Specifically dependent continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. We're not sure what else will develop here, but for example there are questions such as what are promises, obligation, etc.
- (iff (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (forall (t) (if (existsAt a t) (exists (b) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (not (SpatialRegion b)) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [050-003]
- specifically dependent continuant
- role
- Role
- John’s role of husband to Mary is dependent on Mary’s role of wife to John, and both are dependent on the object aggregate comprising John and Mary as member parts joined together through the relational quality of being married.
- the priest role
- the role of a boundary to demarcate two neighboring administrative territories
- the role of a building in serving as a military target
- the role of a stone in marking a property boundary
- the role of subject in a clinical trial
- the student role
- BFO 2 Reference: One major family of examples of non-rigid universals involves roles, and ontologies developed for corresponding administrative purposes may consist entirely of representatives of entities of this sort. Thus ‘professor’, defined as follows,b instance_of professor at t =Def. there is some c, c instance_of professor role & c inheres_in b at t.denotes a non-rigid universal and so also do ‘nurse’, ‘student’, ‘colonel’, ‘taxpayer’, and so forth. (These terms are all, in the jargon of philosophy, phase sortals.) By using role terms in definitions, we can create a BFO conformant treatment of such entities drawing on the fact that, while an instance of professor may be simultaneously an instance of trade union member, no instance of the type professor role is also (at any time) an instance of the type trade union member role (any more than any instance of the type color is at any time an instance of the type length).If an ontology of employment positions should be defined in terms of roles following the above pattern, this enables the ontology to do justice to the fact that individuals instantiate the corresponding universals – professor, sergeant, nurse – only during certain phases in their lives.
- b is a role means: b is a realizable entity & b exists because there is some single bearer that is in some special physical, social, or institutional set of circumstances in which this bearer does not have to be& b is not such that, if it ceases to exist, then the physical make-up of the bearer is thereby changed. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [061-001])
- (forall (x) (if (Role x) (RealizableEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [061-001]
- role
- gdc
- GenericallyDependentContinuant
- The entries in your database are patterns instantiated as quality instances in your hard drive. The database itself is an aggregate of such patterns. When you create the database you create a particular instance of the generically dependent continuant type database. Each entry in the database is an instance of the generically dependent continuant type IAO: information content entity.
- the pdf file on your laptop, the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop
- the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule.
- A continuant that is dependent on one or other independent continuant bearers. For every instance of A requires some instance of (an independent continuant type) B but which instance of B serves can change from time to time.
- b is a generically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant that g-depends_on one or more other entities. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [074-001])
- (iff (GenericallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (exists (b t) (genericallyDependsOnAt a b t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [074-001]
- generically dependent continuant
- material
- MaterialEntity
- Collection of random bacteria, a chair, dorsal surface of the body.
- a flame
- a forest fire
- a human being
- a hurricane
- a photon
- a puff of smoke
- a sea wave
- a tornado
- an aggregate of human beings.
- an energy wave
- an epidemic
- the undetached arm of a human being
- An independent continuant [snap:IndependentContinuant] that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time. Note: Material entity [snap:MaterialEntity] subsumes object [snap:Object], fiat object part [snap:FiatObjectPart], and object aggregate [snap:ObjectAggregate], which assume a three level theory of granularity, which is inadequate for some domains, such as biology.
- An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time.
- BFO 2 Reference: Material entities (continuants) can preserve their identity even while gaining and losing material parts. Continuants are contrasted with occurrents, which unfold themselves in successive temporal parts or phases [60
- BFO 2 Reference: Object, Fiat Object Part and Object Aggregate are not intended to be exhaustive of Material Entity. Users are invited to propose new subcategories of Material Entity.
- BFO 2 Reference: ‘Matter’ is intended to encompass both mass and energy (we will address the ontological treatment of portions of energy in a later version of BFO). A portion of matter is anything that includes elementary particles among its proper or improper parts: quarks and leptons, including electrons, as the smallest particles thus far discovered; baryons (including protons and neutrons) at a higher level of granularity; atoms and molecules at still higher levels, forming the cells, organs, organisms and other material entities studied by biologists, the portions of rock studied by geologists, the fossils studied by paleontologists, and so on.Material entities are three-dimensional entities (entities extended in three spatial dimensions), as contrasted with the processes in which they participate, which are four-dimensional entities (entities extended also along the dimension of time).According to the FMA, material entities may have immaterial entities as parts – including the entities identified below as sites; for example the interior (or ‘lumen’) of your small intestine is a part of your body. BFO 2.0 embodies a decision to follow the FMA here.
- A material entity is an independent continuant that has some portion of matter as proper or improper continuant part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [019-002])
- Every entity which has a material entity as continuant part is a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [020-002])
- every entity of which a material entity is continuant part is also a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [021-002])
- (forall (x) (if (MaterialEntity x) (IndependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [019-002]
- (forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt x y t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [021-002]
- (forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [020-002]
- material entity
- material entity
- root node
- symbol
- a serial number such as "12324X"
- a stop sign
- a written proper name such as "OBI"
- An information content entity that is a mark(s) or character(s) used as a conventional representation of another entity.
- 20091104, MC: this needs work and will most probably change
- 2014-03-31: We would like to have a deeper analysis of 'mark' and 'sign' in the future (see
- PERSON: James A. Overton
- PERSON: Jonathan Rees
- based on Oxford English Dictionary
- symbol
- information content entity
- Examples of information content entites include journal articles, data, graphical layouts, and graphs.
- Examples of information content entites include journal articles, data, graphical layouts, and graphs.
- A generically dependent continuant that is about some thing.
- An information content entity is an entity that is generically dependent on some artifact and stands in relation of aboutness to some entity.
- 2014-03-10: The use of "thing" is intended to be general enough to include universals and configurations (see
- information_content_entity 'is_encoded_in' some digital_entity in obi before split (040907). information_content_entity 'is_encoded_in' some physical_document in obi before split (040907).
-Previous. An information content entity is a non-realizable information entity that 'is encoded in' some digital or physical entity.
- PERSON: Chris Stoeckert
- OBI_0000142
- information content entity
- information content entity
- version number
- A version number is an information content entity which is a sequence of characters borne by part of each of a class of manufactured products or its packaging and indicates its order within a set of other products having the same name.
- Note: we feel that at the moment we are happy with a general version number, and that we will subclass as needed in the future. For example, see 7. genome sequence version
- version name
- version number
- organization
- PMID: 16353909.AAPS J. 2005 Sep 22;7(2):E274-80. Review. The joint food and agriculture organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives and its role in the evaluation of the safety of veterinary drug residues in foods.
- An entity that can bear roles, has members, and has a set of organization rules. Members of organizations are either organizations themselves or individual people. Members can bear specific organization member roles that are determined in the organization rules. The organization rules also determine how decisions are made on behalf of the organization by the organization members.
- BP: The definition summarizes long email discussions on the OBI developer, roles, biomaterial and denrie branches. It leaves open if an organization is a material entity or a dependent continuant, as no consensus was reached on that. The current placement as material is therefore temporary, in order to move forward with development. Here is the entire email summary, on which the definition is based:
-1) there are organization_member_roles (president, treasurer, branch
-editor), with individual persons as bearers
-2) there are organization_roles (employer, owner, vendor, patent holder)
-3) an organization has a charter / rules / bylaws, which specify what roles
-there are, how they should be realized, and how to modify the
-charter/rules/bylaws themselves.
-It is debatable what the organization itself is (some kind of dependent
-continuant or an aggregate of people). This also determines who/what the
-bearer of organization_roles' are. My personal favorite is still to define
-organization as a kind of 'legal entity', but thinking it through leads to
-all kinds of questions that are clearly outside the scope of OBI.
-Interestingly enough, it does not seem to matter much where we place
-organization itself, as long as we can subclass it (University, Corporation,
-Government Agency, Hospital), instantiate it (Affymetrix, NCBI, NIH, ISO,
-W3C, University of Oklahoma), and have it play roles.
-This leads to my proposal: We define organization through the statements 1 -
-3 above, but without an 'is a' statement for now. We can leave it in its
-current place in the is_a hierarchy (material entity) or move it up to
-'continuant'. We leave further clarifications to BFO, and close this issue
-for now.
- PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
- PERSON: Bjoern Peters
- PERSON: Philippe Rocca-Serra
- PERSON: Susanna Sansone
- organization
- organization
- A publisher role is a role borne by an organization or individual in which they are responsible for making software available to a particular consumer group. Such organizations or individuals do need to be involved in the development of the software.
- James Malone
- publisher role
- Software developer role is a role borne by an organization or individual in which they are responsible for authoring software.
- James Malone
- software developer role
- An organization or legal entity (including single person) that is responsible for developing software. Developing includes aspects of design, coding and testing.
- software developer organization
- An organization or legal entity (including single person) that is responsible for publishing software. Publishing here includes tasks such as designing and producing physical products, technical customer support, licensing arrangements and marketing.
- software publisher organization
- obsolete SWO class
- Affymetrix
- Agilent Technologies
- Applied Biosystems
- Applied Precision Life Science
- Bahler Lab
- Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
- Bio Discovery
- Bioconductor
- Biometric Research Branch
- COSE, France
- Clontech Laboratories, Inc
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard School of Public Health
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory
- Fujifilm
- GE Healthcare Life Sciences
- Genedata
- Genicon Sciences
- Grid grinder
- Havard School of Public Health
- Illumina
- Incyte Genomics
- Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics Graz University of Technology
- J. Craig Venter Institute
- MWG Biotech
- Matforsk
- Marked as obsolete by Allyson Lister.
- 0.3
- MathWorks (SWO_0000291 and SWO_9000002), SWO_9000002 was retained, whileSWO_0000291 became an instance of obsolete class. Please use SWO_9000002 instead.
- obsolete_MathWorks
- Molecular Devices
- Molecular Neuroscience Core, Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Atlanta
- Molecular Dynamics
- Motorola Life Sciences
- PerkinElmer
- Raytest
- Research Genetics
- Rosetta Biosoftware
- SAS Institute Inc.
- Speed Berkeley Research Group
- Marked as obsolete by Allyson Lister.
- 0.3
- Stanford University (SWO_0000431 and SWO_9000003). SWO_9000003 was retained, while SWO_0000431 became an instance of obsolete class. Please use SWO_9000003 instead.
- obsolete_Stanford University
- TIBCO Software Inc
- Technological Advances for Genomics and Clinics, France
- UC Irvine
- University Of California, Berkeley
- Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
- Cambridge Bluegnome
- Strand Life Sciences
- FCS Data Standard Version 3.0
- Microsoft
- MathWorks
- Stanford University
- Omni
- PLT Scheme Inc
- MicroPro International
- JetBrains
- Free Software Foundation
- Adobe Systems
- Andy Brown
- An undefined, or ill-defined, group of people. May be used, for example, to denote software development as being done by 'the community', with contributions by many individuals, but no over-arching organisation.
- The Community
- University of New Hampshire
- The National Archives
- Eclipse Foundation
- Dropbox
- Thompson Reuters
- Apple Inc.
- The University of Manchester
- European Bioinformatics Institute
- The National Archives, Tessella
- Spotify Ltd.
- Mozilla Foundation
- Altova
- The GIMP Development Team
- Canonical Ltd
- Apache Software Foundation
- European Patent Office
- National Cancer Institute
- Drive5
- Conway Institute UCD Dublin
- Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) of Barcelona
- Allyson Lister
- AL 8.10.2019: References
- Uppsala Molekylmekaniska HB
- UC Santa Cruz Computational Biology Group
- beta
- alpha
- Microsoft 98 version
- Microsoft 2002 version
- Microsoft 2003 version
- Microsoft 95 version
- Microsoft 2007 version
- Microsoft 2010 version
- version 3
- version 4
- Matlab R14
- Matlab R12
- R2011a
- Microsoft XP
- Excel 14
- Windows 5.1
- 3.5.1
- Adobe Acrobat 10.1
- 1
- 3.0.1
- 1.6.9
- 6.02
- Helios Service Release 2
- 6.3.0
- 2.0.0
- Allyson Lister
- BLAST+ version 2.2.26
- Allyson Lister
- ClustalW version 2.1
- Allyson Lister
- ClustalX version 2.1
- Allyson Lister
- Clustal Omega version 1.1
- Allyson Lister
- MUSCLE version 3.8.31
- CRG TCoffee version 9.02.r1228
- 4.2.2
- 7.2.0
- Windows 6.0
diff --git a/external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl b/external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b5484cd4..000000000
--- a/external/ml-ontology-202010021305.owl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8926 +0,0 @@
- Francisco Regateiro, Instituto Superior Técnico, ULisboa, Portugal
- Julião Braga, UMackenzie, SP Brazil
- Copyright (C) by Francisco Regateiro, Joaquim Ramos Dias and Juliao Braga. Except where otherwise noted, content on this ontology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence (BY-NC).
- Any information can be forwarded to info
- 7.0 (March 2020)
- Has similar functions or methods in.
- Is algorihm to solve this techinique
- An illustration of various linkage option for agglomerative clustering on a 2D embedding of the digits dataset.
-The goal of this example is to show intuitively how the metrics behave, and not to find good clusters for the digits. This is why the example works on a 2D embedding.
-What this example shows us is the behavior “rich getting richer” of agglomerative clustering that tends to create uneven cluster sizes. This behavior is pronounced for the average linkage strategy, that ends up with a couple of singleton clusters, while in the case of single linkage we get a single central cluster with all other clusters being drawn from noise points around the fringes.
- Demonstrates the effect of different metrics on the hierarchical clustering.
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- This example presents how to chain KNeighborsTransformer and TSNE in a pipeline. It also shows how to wrap the packages annoy and nmslib to replace KNeighborsTransformer and perform approximate nearest neighbors. These packages can be installed with pip install annoy nmslib.
- Described Machine Learning on a paper in IBM Research and Development Journal (1959)
- Auto-Sklearn is an automated machine learning toolkit to automatically determine a well-performing machine learning pipeline. It is a drop-in replacement for a scikit-learn estimator
- 1.
- Automated Machine Learning provides methods and processes to make Machine Learning available for non-Machine Learning experts, to improve efficiency of Machine Learning and to accelerate research on Machine Learning.
- In ensemble algorithms, bagging methods form a class of algorithms which build several instances of a black-box estimator on random subsets of the original training set and then aggregate their individual predictions to form a final prediction.
- Compare BIRCH and MiniBatchKMeans
- 1960
- An estimator that has built-in cross-validation capabilities to automatically select the best hyper-parameters (see the User Guide). Some example of cross-validation estimators are ElasticNetCV and LogisticRegressionCV. Cross-validation estimators are named EstimatorCV and tend to be roughly equivalent to GridSearchCV(Estimator(), ...). The advantage of using a cross-validation estimator over the canonical Estimator class along with grid search is that they can take advantage of warm-starting by reusing precomputed results in the previous steps of the cross-validation process. This generally leads to speed improvements. An exception is the RidgeCV class, which can instead perform efficient Leave-One-Out CV.
- A non-estimator family of classes used to split a dataset into a sequence of train and test portions (see Cross-validation: evaluating estimator performance), by providing split and get_n_splits methods. Note that unlike estimators, these do not have fit methods and do not provide set_params or get_params. Parameter validation may be performed in __init__.
- Czech Technical University of Prague, Czechia
- 2014
- When performing classification you often want to predict not only the class label, but also the associated probability. This probability gives you some kind of confidence on the prediction. However, not all classifiers provide well-calibrated probabilities, some being over-confident while others being under-confident. Thus, a separate calibration of predicted probabilities is often desirable as a postprocessing. This example illustrates two different methods for this calibration and evaluates the quality of the returned probabilities using Brier’s score (see
- Clustering algorithms are useful in information theory, target detection, communications, compression, and other areas. (
- Datasets can often contain components of that require different feature extraction and processing pipelines. This scenario might occur when:
-Your dataset consists of heterogeneous data types (e.g. raster images and text captions)
-Your dataset is stored in a Pandas DataFrame and different columns require different processing pipelines.
-This example demonstrates how to use sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer on a dataset containing different types of features. We use the 20-newsgroups dataset and compute standard bag-of-words features for the subject line and body in separate pipelines as well as ad hoc features on the body. We combine them (with weights) using a ColumnTransformer and finally train a classifier on the combined set of features.
- Well calibrated classifiers are probabilistic classifiers for which the output of the predict_proba method can be directly interpreted as a confidence level. For instance a well calibrated (binary) classifier should classify the samples such that among the samples to which it gave a predict_proba value close to 0.8, approx. 80% actually belong to the positive class.
- When performing classification one often wants to predict not only the class label, but also the associated probability. This probability gives some kind of confidence on the prediction.
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- Helps systemsremove data tht`s not useful for analysis. This group of algorithms is used to remove reduntante data, outliers, and other non-useful data.
- 2014
- 1930
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- 2014
- 2008
- GloVe is an unsupervised learning algorithm for obtaining sector representation for words,. Training is performed on agregated global word-word co-ocurrence statistics from a corpus and the resulting respresantation interesting linear substructures of the word vector space.
- Gradient Tree Boosting or Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT) is a generalization of boosting to arbitrary differentiable loss functions. GBDT is an accurate and effective off-the-shelf procedure that can be used for both regression and classification problems in a variety of areas including Web search ranking and ecology.
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- A hidden Markov model is a Markov chain for which the state is only partially observable. In other words, observations are related to the state of the system, but they are typically insufficient to precisely determine the state.
- Hierarchical Markov models can be applied to categorize human behavior at various levels of abstraction. For example, a series of simple observations, such as a person's location in a room, can be interpreted to determine more complex information, such as in what task or activity the person is performing.
- 2014
- 2014
- Clustering can be expensive, especially when our dataset contains millions of datapoints. Many clustering algorithms are not inductive and so cannot be directly applied to new data samples without recomputing the clustering, which may be intractable. Instead, we can use clustering to then learn an inductive model with a classifier, which has several benefits:
-. it allows the clusters to scale and apply to new data
-. unlike re-fitting the clusters to new samples, it makes sure the labelling procedure is consistent over time
-. it allows us to use the inferential capabilities of the classifier to describe or explain the clusters
- Are used when you want to categorize new data points based on similities to training data.can be very useful in pattern recognition.
- Originally, spline was a term for elastic rulers that were bent to pass through a number of predefined points ("knots"). These were used to make technical drawings for shipbuilding and construction by hand.
- 1.
- JAX is a Machine Learning library which I would describe (very vaguely) as Numpy with auto differentiation that you can execute on GPUs (and TPUs too!). Additionally, it has XLA compilation and built-in vectorization and parallelization capabilities.
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- 2014
- 1930
- Czech Technical University of Prague, Czechia
- 2014
- 2008
- (t-SNE website)
- A simple graphical frontend for Libsvm mainly intended for didactic purposes. You can create data points by point and click and visualize the decision region induced by different kernels and parameter settings.
-To create positive examples click the left mouse button; to create negative examples click the right button.
-If all examples are from the same class, it uses a one-class SVM.
- A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
- Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
- 1960
- Markov-chains have been used as a forecasting methods for several topics, for example price trends[9], wind power and solar irradiance. The Markov-chain forecasting models utilize a variety of different settings, from discretizing the time-series to hidden Markov-models combined with wavelets[9] and the Markov-chain mixture distribution model (MCM)
- The simplest Markov model is the Markov chain. It models the state of a system with a random variable that changes through time.
- A Markov decision process is a Markov chain in which state transitions depend on the current state and an action vector that is applied to the system.
- n the domain of physics and probability, a Markov random field (often abbreviated as MRF), Markov network or undirected graphical model is a set of random variables having a Markov property described by an undirected graph. In other words, a random field is said to be a Markov random field if it satisfies Markov properties.
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- We unify the current dominant approaches for semi-supervised learning to produce a new algorithm, MixMatch, that works by guessing low-entropy labels for data-augmented unlabeled examples and mixing labeled and unlabeled data using MixUp. We show that MixMatch obtains state-of-the-art results by a large margin across many datasets and labeled data amounts.
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- Compare BIRCH and MiniBatchKMeans
- 2020
- Monte Carlo method is to approximate the expectations of outcomes given various inputs, uncertainty, and system dynamics. This video walks through some high-level mathematics for those who are interested.
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- Naive Bayes methods are a set of supervised learning algorithms based on applying Bayes’ theorem with the “naive” assumption of conditional independence between every pair of features given the value of the class variable.
- A methodology to build automatic evaluation metrics for text generation using only machine learning models as core components.
- Has supported mehods
- 2014
- Partial dependence plots show the dependence between the target function and a set of ‘target’ features, marginalizing over the values of all other features (the complement features). Due to the limits of human perception, the size of the target feature set must be small (usually, one or two) thus the target features are usually chosen among the most important features.
- A partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) is a generalization of a Markov decision process (MDP). A POMDP models an agent decision process in which it is assumed that the system dynamics are determined by an MDP, but the agent cannot directly observe the underlying state. Instead, it must maintain a probability distribution over the set of possible states, based on a set of observations and observation probabilities, and the underlying MDP.
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- Is a linear dimension reduction technique that seeks to maximize variance and preserves large pairwise distances. In other words, things that are differente end up far apart. This can lead to poor visualization especiaally when dealing with no-linear manifold structures. Think of a manifold structure as any geometric shape like: cylinder, ball, curve, etc.
- Probabilistic PCA and Factor Analysis are probabilistic models. The consequence is that the likelihood of new data can be used for model selection and covariance estimation. Here we compare PCA and FA with cross-validation on low rank data corrupted with homoscedastic noise (noise variance is the same for each feature) or heteroscedastic noise (noise variance is the different for each feature). In a second step we compare the model likelihood to the likelihoods obtained from shrinkage covariance estimators.
-One can observe that with homoscedastic noise both FA and PCA succeed in recovering the size of the low rank subspace. The likelihood with PCA is higher than FA in this case. However PCA fails and overestimates the rank when heteroscedastic noise is present. Under appropriate circumstances the low rank models are more likely than shrinkage models.
-The automatic estimation from Automatic Choice of Dimensionality for PCA. NIPS 2000: 598-604 by Thomas P. Minka is also compared.
- We present a reinforcement learning toolkit for experiments with guiding automated theorem proving in the connection calculus. The core of the toolkit is a compact and easy to extend Prolog-based automated theorem prover called plCoP. plCoP builds on the leanCoP Prolog implementation and adds learning-guided Monte-Carlo Tree Search as done in the rlCoP system. Other components include a Python interface to plCoP and machine learners, and an external proof checker that verifies the validity of plCoP proofs. The toolkit is evaluated on two benchmarks and we demonstrate its extendability by two additions: (1) guidance is extended to reduction steps and (2) the standard leanCoP calculus is extended with rewrite steps and their learned guidance. We argue that the Prolog setting is suitable for combining statistical and symbolic learning methods. The complete toolkit is publicly released.
- We are excited to announce PyCaret, an open source machine learning library in Python to train and deploy supervised and unsupervised machine learning models in a low-code environment. PyCaret allows you to go from preparing data to deploying models within seconds from your choice of notebook environment.
-In comparison with the other open source machine learning libraries, PyCaret is an alternate low-code library that can be used to replace hundreds of lines of code with few words only. This makes experiments exponentially fast and efficient. PyCaret is essentially a Python wrapper around several machine learning libraries and frameworks such as scikit-learn, XGBoost, Microsoft LightGBM, spaCy, and many more.
-PyCaret is simple and easy to use. All the operations performed in PyCaret are sequentially stored in a Pipeline that is fully orchestrated for deployment. Whether its imputing missing values, transforming categorical data, feature engineering or even hyperparameter tuning, PyCaret automates all of it. To learn more about PyCaret, watch this 1-minute video.
- 2014
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- Is a technique to modify models to avoid the problem of overfitting. OVERFITTING occurs when a model is created for a specific data set but will have poor predictive capabilities for a generalize data sete.
- Reinforcement learning is like many topics with names ending in -ing, such as machine learning, planning, and mountaineering, in that it is simultane-ously a problem, a class of solution methods that work well on the class ofproblems, and the field that studies these problems and their solution methods. Reinforcement learning problems involve learning what to do — how tomap situations to actions — so as to maximize a numerical reward signal. Inan essential way they areclosed-loop problems because the learning system sactions influence its later inputs. Moreover, the learner is not told which ac-tions to take, as in many forms of machine learning, but instead must discover which actions yield the most reward by trying them out. In the most interest-ing and challenging cases, actions may affect not only the immediate rewardbut also the next situation and, through that, all subsequent rewards. These three characteristics — being closed-loop in an essential way, not having direct instructions as to what actions to take, and where the consequences of actions, including reward signals, play out over extended time periods — are the threemost important distinguishing features of reinforcement learning problems.
- 2014
- SciPy is an open-source scientific computing library for the Python programming language. Since its initial release in 2001, SciPy has become a de facto standard for leveraging scientific algorithms in Python, with over 600 unique code contributors, thousands of dependent packages, over 100,000 dependent repositories and millions of downloads per year. In this work, we provide an overview of the capabilities and development practices of SciPy 1.0 and highlight some recent technical developments.
-© Copyright 2008-2019, The SciPy community.
- 1.
- © Copyright 2008-2019, The SciPy community.
- A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional), discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map, and is therefore a method to do dimensionality reduction. Self-organizing maps differ from other artificial neural networks as they apply competitive learning as opposed to error-correction learning (such as backpropagation with gradient descent), and in the sense that they use a neighborhood function to preserve the topological properties of the input space.
- Semi-supervised learning is a paradigm for leveraging unlabeled data to mitigate the reliance on large labeled datasets.
- Sequence-to-sequence models are deep learning models that have achieved a lot of success in tasks like machine translation, text summarization, and image captioning. Google Translate started using such a model in production in late 2016.
-Defined by:
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- See Spectral Co-Clustering
- 1930
- Compute the segmentation of a 2D image with Ward hierarchical clustering. The clustering is spatially constrained in order for each segmented region to be in one piece.
- 2015
- TensorFlow, open sourced to the public by Google in 2015, is the result of years of lessons learned from a dilemma: should we attempt to do research with inflexible libraries so that we don’t have to reimplement code, or should we use one library for research and a completely different library for production?
- We introduce TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ), an open source library for the rapid prototyping of hybrid quantum-classical models for classical or quantum data. This framework offers high-level abstractions for the design and training of both discriminative and generative quantum models under TensorFlow and supports high-performance quantum circuit simulators. We provide an overview of the software architecture and building blocks through several examples and review the theory of hybrid quantum-classical neural networks. We illustrate TFQ functionalities via several basic applications including supervised learning for quantum classification, quantum control, and quantum approximate optimization. Moreover, we demonstrate how one can apply TFQ to tackle advanced quantum learning tasks including meta-learning, Hamiltonian learning, and sampling thermal states.
-We hope this framework provides the necessary tools for the quantum computing and machine learning research communities to explore models of both natural and artificial quantum systems, and ultimately discover new quantum algorithms which could potentially yield a quantum advantage.
- The Transformer – a model that uses attention to boost the speed with which these models can be trained. The Transformers outperforms the Google Neural Machine Translation model in specific tasks. The biggest benefit, however, comes from how The Transformer lends itself to parallelization. It is in fact Google Cloud’s recommendation to use The Transformer as a reference model to use their Cloud TPU offering. So let’s try to break the model apart and look at how it functions.
- A Tolerant Markov model (TMM) is a probabilistic-algorithmic Markov chain model. It assigns the probabilities according to a conditioning context that considers the last symbol, from the sequence to occur, as the most probable instead of the true occurring symbol. A TMM can model three different natures: substitutions, additions or deletions. Successful applications have been efficiently implemented in DNA sequences compression.
- This example shows characteristics of different clustering algorithms on datasets that are “interesting” but still in 2D. With the exception of the last dataset, the parameters of each of these dataset-algorithm pairs has been tuned to produce good clustering results. Some algorithms are more sensitive to parameter values than others.
-The last dataset is an example of a ‘null’ situation for clustering: the data is homogeneous, and there is no good clustering. For this example, the null dataset uses the same parameters as the dataset in the row above it, which represents a mismatch in the parameter values and the data structure.
-While these examples give some intuition about the algorithms, this intuition might not apply to very high dimensional data.
- Comparing different clustering algorithms on toy datasets
- Comparing different hierarchical linkage methods on toy datasets
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- Input data is not labeled and does not have a known result (refazer)
- XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable. It implements machine learning algorithms under the Gradient Boosting framework. XGBoost provides a parallel tree boosting (also known as GBDT, GBM) that solve many data science problems in a fast and accurate way. The same code runs on major distributed environment (Hadoop, SGE, MPI) and can solve problems beyond billions of examples.
- 2014
- Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics and Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
- This project was started in 2007 as a Google Summer of Code project by David Cournapeau. Later that year, Matthieu Brucher started work on this project as part of his thesis.
-In 2010 Fabian Pedregosa, Gael Varoquaux, Alexandre Gramfort and Vincent Michel of INRIA took leadership of the project and made the first public release, February the 1st 2010. Since then, several releases have appeared following a ~3 month cycle, and a thriving international community has been leading the development.
- 0.22.2
- A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional), discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map, and is therefore a method to do dimensionality reduction. Self-organizing maps differ from other artificial neural networks as they apply competitive learning as opposed to error-correction learning (such as backpropagation with gradient descent), and in the sense that they use a neighborhood function to preserve the topological properties of the input space.
- spaCy is designed to help you do real work — to build real products, or gather real insights. The library respects your time, and tries to avoid wasting it. It's easy to install, and its API is simple and productive. We like to think of spaCy as the Ruby on Rails of Natural Language Processing.
- It is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique well-suited for embedding high-dimensional data for visualization in a low-dimensional space of two or three dimensions. Specifically, it models each high-dimensional object by a two- or three-dimensional point in such a way that similar objects are modeled by nearby points and dissimilar objects are modeled by distant points with high probability.
- Hierarchical clustering is a general family of clustering algorithms that build nested clusters by merging or splitting them successively. This hierarchy of clusters is represented as a tree (or dendrogram). The root of the tree is the unique cluster that gathers all the samples, the leaves being the clusters with only one sample. See the Wikipedia page for more details.
-The AgglomerativeClustering object performs a hierarchical clustering using a bottom up approach: each observation starts in its own cluster, and clusters are successively merged together. The linkage criteria determines the metric used for the merge strategy:
-Ward minimizes the sum of squared differences within all clusters. It is a variance-minimizing approach and in this sense is similar to the k-means objective function but tackled with an agglomerative hierarchical approach.
-Maximum or complete linkage minimizes the maximum distance between observations of pairs of clusters.
-Average linkage minimizes the average of the distances between all observations of pairs of clusters.
-Single linkage minimizes the distance between the closest observations of pairs of clusters.
-AgglomerativeClustering can also scale to large number of samples when it is used jointly with a connectivity matrix, but is computationally expensive when no connectivity constraints are added between samples: it considers at each step all the possible merges.
From 6981a24e82996323c55e1a7cee7b743611145f3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: realmarcin <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 17:47:01 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 03/16] - now loads annotations - example GO term - hacked the
ontobio enrichment code to harshly remove dependencies (eg no ancestors
inferred) - currently getting an empty result
notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb | 392 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 343 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
diff --git a/notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb b/notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb
index 3831444b6..6fdbb338c 100644
--- a/notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb
@@ -2,37 +2,287 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 14,
+ "execution_count": 25,
"id": "5f6b6b9a",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from oaklib.implementations.pronto.pronto_implementation import ProntoImplementation\n",
- "from oaklib.resource import OntologyResource"
+ "from oaklib.resource import OntologyResource\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "#from pandasql import sqldf\n",
+ "import duckdb\n",
+ "from scipy import stats"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 15,
- "id": "dbe9e522",
+ "execution_count": 26,
+ "id": "075c8914",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "gene_ids = ['NCBIGene:6295',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:1258',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:3614',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:26121',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:7275',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:55857',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:79797',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:10594',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:64218',\n",
- " 'NCBIGene:7401']"
+ "yeast_annot = pd.read_csv(\"../\",sep=\"\\t\",header=0)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 27,
+ "id": "1b37c5e2",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " locusId | \n",
+ " accession | \n",
+ " GI | \n",
+ " scaffoldId | \n",
+ " start | \n",
+ " stop | \n",
+ " strand | \n",
+ " sysName | \n",
+ " name | \n",
+ " desc | \n",
+ " COG | \n",
+ " COGFun | \n",
+ " COGDesc | \n",
+ " TIGRFam | \n",
+ " TIGRRoles | \n",
+ " GO | \n",
+ " EC | \n",
+ " ECDesc | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 6580634 | \n",
+ " NP_009332.1 | \n",
+ " 6319249.0 | \n",
+ " 223723 | \n",
+ " 2169 | \n",
+ " 1807 | \n",
+ " - | \n",
+ " YAL068C | \n",
+ " PAU8 | \n",
+ " Pau8p (RefSeq) | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " GO:0006950 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 6580635 | \n",
+ " NP_878038.1 | \n",
+ " 33438754.0 | \n",
+ " 223723 | \n",
+ " 2480 | \n",
+ " 2707 | \n",
+ " + | \n",
+ " YAL067W-A | \n",
+ " YAL067W-A | \n",
+ " Putative protein of unknown function; identifi... | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 6580636 | \n",
+ " NP_009333.1 | \n",
+ " 6319250.0 | \n",
+ " 223723 | \n",
+ " 9017 | \n",
+ " 7236 | \n",
+ " - | \n",
+ " YAL067C | \n",
+ " SEO1 | \n",
+ " Putative permease, member of the allantoate tr... | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 6580637 | \n",
+ " NP_009335.1 | \n",
+ " 6319252.0 | \n",
+ " 223723 | \n",
+ " 11952 | \n",
+ " 11566 | \n",
+ " - | \n",
+ " YAL065C | \n",
+ " YAL065C | \n",
+ " Putative protein of unknown function; has homo... | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 6580638 | \n",
+ " NP_009336.1 | \n",
+ " 6319253.0 | \n",
+ " 223723 | \n",
+ " 12047 | \n",
+ " 12427 | \n",
+ " + | \n",
+ " YAL064W-B | \n",
+ " YAL064W-B | \n",
+ " Fungal-specific protein of unknown function (R... | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " locusId accession GI scaffoldId start stop strand \\\n",
+ "0 6580634 NP_009332.1 6319249.0 223723 2169 1807 - \n",
+ "1 6580635 NP_878038.1 33438754.0 223723 2480 2707 + \n",
+ "2 6580636 NP_009333.1 6319250.0 223723 9017 7236 - \n",
+ "3 6580637 NP_009335.1 6319252.0 223723 11952 11566 - \n",
+ "4 6580638 NP_009336.1 6319253.0 223723 12047 12427 + \n",
+ "\n",
+ " sysName name desc \\\n",
+ "0 YAL068C PAU8 Pau8p (RefSeq) \n",
+ "1 YAL067W-A YAL067W-A Putative protein of unknown function; identifi... \n",
+ "2 YAL067C SEO1 Putative permease, member of the allantoate tr... \n",
+ "3 YAL065C YAL065C Putative protein of unknown function; has homo... \n",
+ "4 YAL064W-B YAL064W-B Fungal-specific protein of unknown function (R... \n",
+ "\n",
+ " COG COGFun COGDesc TIGRFam TIGRRoles GO EC ECDesc \n",
+ "0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN GO:0006950 NaN NaN \n",
+ "1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n",
+ "2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n",
+ "3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n",
+ "4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 27,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "yeast_annot.head()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 28,
+ "id": "7c7fbfc9",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#yeast_annot.query(\"GO like %GO:0006950%\")\n",
+ "genes_stress_response_data = duckdb.query(\"SELECT * FROM yeast_annot WHERE GO LIKE '%GO:0006950%'\").df()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 29,
+ "id": "dbe9e522",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0 YAL068C\n",
+ "1 YAR020C\n",
+ "2 YBL108C-A\n",
+ "3 YBR067C\n",
+ "4 YBR301W\n",
+ "5 YCR104W\n",
+ "6 YDR542W\n",
+ "7 YEL049W\n",
+ "8 YER011W\n",
+ "9 YFL020C\n",
+ "10 YFL014W\n",
+ "11 YGL261C\n",
+ "12 YGR294W\n",
+ "13 YHL046C\n",
+ "14 YIL176C\n",
+ "15 YIL011W\n",
+ "16 YIR041W\n",
+ "17 YJL223C\n",
+ "18 YJR150C\n",
+ "19 YJR151C\n",
+ "20 YKL224C\n",
+ "21 YLL064C\n",
+ "22 YLL025W\n",
+ "23 YLR037C\n",
+ "24 YLR040C\n",
+ "25 YLR461W\n",
+ "26 YMR325W\n",
+ "27 YNR076W\n",
+ "28 YOL161C\n",
+ "29 YOR009W\n",
+ "30 YOR010C\n",
+ "31 YOR394W\n",
+ "32 YPL282C\n",
+ "Name: sysName, dtype: object"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 29,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "gene_ids = genes_stress_response_data['sysName']\n",
+ "gene_ids"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 20,
+ "execution_count": 30,
"id": "0d07d788",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -42,7 +292,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 21,
+ "execution_count": 31,
"id": "d6eacf80",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -67,22 +317,36 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 32,
"id": "27c908fb",
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "['GO:0006950']"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 32,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
- "labels = "
+ "labels = gene_ids\n",
+ "hypotheses = [\"GO:0006950\"]\n",
+ "hypotheses"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 17,
+ "execution_count": 33,
"id": "d8ee5144",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "def enrichment_test(subjects=None, background=None, hypotheses=None, inferred_types=None, ontology_labels=None, threshold=0.05, labels=False, direction='greater'):\n",
+ "#removed: inferred_types=None,\n",
+ "def enrichment_test(subjects=None, background=None, hypotheses=None, ontology_labels=None, threshold=0.05, labels=False, direction='greater'):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Performs term enrichment analysis.\n",
@@ -118,13 +382,13 @@
" sample_count = {}\n",
" potential_hypotheses = set()\n",
" sample_size = len(subjects)\n",
- " for s in subjects:\n",
- " potential_hypotheses.update(inferred_types(s))\n",
- " if hypotheses is None:\n",
- " hypotheses = potential_hypotheses\n",
- " else:\n",
- " hypotheses = potential_hypotheses.intersection(hypotheses)\n",
- "\"Hypotheses: {}\".format(hypotheses))\n",
+ " #for s in subjects:\n",
+ " # potential_hypotheses.update(inferred_types(s))\n",
+ " #if hypotheses is None:\n",
+ " # hypotheses = potential_hypotheses\n",
+ " #else:\n",
+ " # hypotheses = potential_hypotheses.intersection(hypotheses)\n",
+ " print(\"Hypotheses: {}\".format(hypotheses))\n",
" # get background counts\n",
" # TODO: consider doing this ahead of time\n",
@@ -141,17 +405,22 @@
" for c in hypotheses:\n",
" bg_count[c] = 0\n",
" sample_count[c] = 0\n",
- " for s in background:\n",
- " ancs = inferred_types(s)\n",
- " for a in ancs.intersection(hypotheses):\n",
- " bg_count[a] = bg_count[a]+1\n",
- " for s in subjects:\n",
- " for a in inferred_types(s):\n",
- " if a in hypotheses:\n",
- " sample_count[a] = sample_count[a]+1\n",
+ " \n",
+ " #hard-coded\n",
+ " bg_count[\"GO:0006950\"] = len(gene_ids)\n",
+ " sample_count[\"GO:0006950\"] = len(gene_ids)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " #for s in background:\n",
+ " # ancs = inferred_types(s)\n",
+ " # for a in ancs.intersection(hypotheses):\n",
+ " # bg_count[a] = bg_count[a]+1\n",
+ " #for s in subjects:\n",
+ " # for a in inferred_types(s):\n",
+ " # if a in hypotheses:\n",
+ " # sample_count[a] = sample_count[a]+1\n",
" hypotheses = [x for x in hypotheses if bg_count[x] > 1]\n",
- "\"Filtered hypotheses: {}\".format(hypotheses))\n",
+ " print(\"Filtered hypotheses: {}\".format(hypotheses))\n",
" num_hypotheses = len(hypotheses)\n",
" results = []\n",
" for cls in hypotheses:\n",
@@ -170,7 +439,7 @@
" c = bg_count[cls] - a\n",
" d = (bg_size - bg_count[cls]) - b\n",
" #logger.debug(\"ABCD=\"+str((cls,a,b,c,d,sample_size)))\n",
- " _, p_uncorrected = sp.stats.fisher_exact( [[a, b], [c, d]], direction)\n",
+ " _, p_uncorrected = stats.fisher_exact( [[a, b], [c, d]], direction)\n",
" p = p_uncorrected * num_hypotheses\n",
" if p>1.0:\n",
" p=1.0\n",
@@ -187,31 +456,56 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 19,
+ "execution_count": 34,
"id": "5dd830c9",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
- "ename": "TypeError",
- "evalue": "'NoneType' object is not callable",
- "output_type": "error",
- "traceback": [
- "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m",
- "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
- "Input \u001b[0;32mIn [19]\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m## Run enrichment tests using all classes in ontology\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 2\u001b[0m enr \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[43menrichment_test\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43msubjects\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mgene_ids\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mthreshold\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m0.00005\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mlabels\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;28;43;01mTrue\u001b[39;49;00m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n",
- "Input \u001b[0;32mIn [17]\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36menrichment_test\u001b[0;34m(subjects, background, hypotheses, inferred_types, ontology_labels, threshold, labels, direction)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 36\u001b[0m sample_size \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28mlen\u001b[39m(subjects)\n\u001b[1;32m 37\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mfor\u001b[39;00m s \u001b[38;5;129;01min\u001b[39;00m subjects:\n\u001b[0;32m---> 38\u001b[0m potential_hypotheses\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mupdate(\u001b[43minferred_types\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43ms\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m)\n\u001b[1;32m 39\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m hypotheses \u001b[38;5;129;01mis\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m 40\u001b[0m hypotheses \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m potential_hypotheses\n",
- "\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m: 'NoneType' object is not callable"
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Hypotheses: ['GO:0006950']\n",
+ "Filtered hypotheses: ['GO:0006950']\n"
"source": [
"## Run enrichment tests using all classes in ontology\n",
- "enr = enrichment_test(subjects=gene_ids, threshold=0.00005, labels=True)"
+ "enr = enrichment_test(subjects=gene_ids, background = None, hypotheses=hypotheses, threshold=0.00005, labels=True)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 37,
+ "id": "6fcbcc89",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "[]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 37,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "enr"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
+ "id": "2af000f3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 36,
"id": "00b3ee47",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
From e4021d57bdab3a82feee366c60c1cfb037abd7cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: realmarcin <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 17:49:51 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 04/16] more comments
notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb | 31 ++++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb b/notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb
index 6fdbb338c..f8cc006b9 100644
--- a/notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/enrichment_with_OAK.ipynb
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 31,
+ "execution_count": 38,
"id": "d6eacf80",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -301,14 +301,12 @@
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" rdfs:subClassOf ! subClassOf\n",
- " GO:0043231 ! intracellular membrane-bounded organelle\n",
- " BFO:0000050 ! part of\n",
- " GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm\n"
+ " GO:0050896 ! response to stimulus\n"
"source": [
- "rels = oi.get_outgoing_relationships_by_curie('GO:0005773')\n",
+ "rels = oi.get_outgoing_relationships_by_curie('GO:0006950')\n",
"for rel, parents in rels.items():\n",
" print(f' {rel} ! {oi.get_label_by_curie(rel)}')\n",
" for parent in parents:\n",
@@ -317,7 +315,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 32,
+ "execution_count": 39,
"id": "27c908fb",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -327,7 +325,7 @@
- "execution_count": 32,
+ "execution_count": 39,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
@@ -410,6 +408,7 @@
" bg_count[\"GO:0006950\"] = len(gene_ids)\n",
" sample_count[\"GO:0006950\"] = len(gene_ids)\n",
" \n",
" #for s in background:\n",
" # ancs = inferred_types(s)\n",
" # for a in ancs.intersection(hypotheses):\n",
@@ -456,7 +455,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 34,
+ "execution_count": 40,
"id": "5dd830c9",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -471,13 +470,13 @@
"source": [
"## Run enrichment tests using all classes in ontology\n",
- "enr = enrichment_test(subjects=gene_ids, background = None, hypotheses=hypotheses, threshold=0.00005, labels=True)"
+ "enr = enrichment_test(subjects=gene_ids, background = None, hypotheses=hypotheses, threshold=0.1, labels=True)"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 37,
- "id": "6fcbcc89",
+ "execution_count": 41,
+ "id": "a088e7ba",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -486,7 +485,7 @@
- "execution_count": 37,
+ "execution_count": 41,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
@@ -495,14 +494,6 @@
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "2af000f3",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
- },
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 36,
From 4865ec3aab96b68cfe5588b138b997890c81f893 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Kalita
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 11:26:50 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 05/16] Allow BioPortal search to be limited to one ontology
.../bioportal/ | 12 +++++++++++-
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/oaklib/implementations/bioportal/ b/src/oaklib/implementations/bioportal/
index 5ed5b30bb..c48454aa7 100644
--- a/src/oaklib/implementations/bioportal/
+++ b/src/oaklib/implementations/bioportal/
@@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ class BioportalImplementation(TextAnnotatorInterface, SearchInterface, MappingPr
bioportal_api_key: str = None
label_cache: Dict[CURIE, str] = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
ontology_cache: Dict[URI, str] = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
+ focus_ontology: str = None
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ if self.focus_ontology is None:
+ if self.resource:
+ self.focus_ontology = self.resource.slug
def get_prefix_map(self) -> PREFIX_MAP:
@@ -110,7 +116,11 @@ def json_to_results(self, json_list: List[Any], text: str) -> Iterator[TextAnnot
def basic_search(self, search_term: str, config: SearchConfiguration = SearchConfiguration()) -> Iterable[CURIE]:
- r = self._bioportal_get(REST_URL + '/search', params={'q': search_term, 'include': ['prefLabel']})
+ params={'q': search_term, 'include': ['prefLabel']}
+ if self.focus_ontology:
+ # Ontology acronyms in BioPortal are always uppercase
+ params['ontologies'] = self.focus_ontology.upper()
+ r = self._bioportal_get(REST_URL + '/search', params)
obj = r.json()
collection = obj['collection']
while len(collection) > 0:
From cb98cd5c3cec12bd48a6658f4739ab78616a46bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 17:52:04 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 06/16] api key needs to be local
.gitignore | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 789df8adf..17cb00b1f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ notebooks/output/*tsv
From 2e3b310110caae9834abe47dd694f37de40a5b90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 17:52:18 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 07/16] small ontologies
notebooks/input/xao.obo | 19696 +++++++++++++++++++
notebooks/input/zfa.obo | 39780 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 59476 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 notebooks/input/xao.obo
create mode 100644 notebooks/input/zfa.obo
diff --git a/notebooks/input/xao.obo b/notebooks/input/xao.obo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4865f512c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/input/xao.obo
@@ -0,0 +1,19696 @@
+format-version: 1.2
+data-version: releases/2021-03-04
+date: 04:03:2021 16:30
+saved-by: eriksegerdell
+subsetdef: anatomical_site_slim "Anatomical Site slim"
+subsetdef: frequent_anatomy_items "Frequently Used Anatomy slim"
+subsetdef: organism_views "Organism View slim"
+subsetdef: sectional_anatomy_items "Sectional Anatomy Item slim"
+synonymtypedef: PLURAL "PLURAL"
+default-namespace: xenopus_anatomy
+namespace-id-rule: * XAO:$sequence(7,5000,9999999)$
+treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CARO part_of NCBITaxon:8353
+treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CL part_of NCBITaxon:8353
+treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: GO part_of NCBITaxon:8353
+treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: UBERON part_of NCBITaxon:8353
+remark: Citation for XAO v1 by Xenbase: Segerdell E, Bowes JB, Pollet N, Vize PD; BMC Dev Biol 2008 8:92; PMID:18817563.
+remark: Citation for XAO v3 by Xenbase: Segerdell E, Ponferrada VG, James-Zorn C, Burns KA, Fortriede JD, Dahdul WM, Vize PD, Zorn AM; J Biomed Semantics 2013 4(1):31; PMID:24139024.
+remark: Supported by NIH R01 HD045776 and NICHD P41 HD064556.
+remark: Version: 9.1
+ontology: xao
+property_value: "XAO represents the anatomy and development of the African frogs Xenopus laevis and tropicalis." xsd:string
+property_value: "Xenopus Anatomy Ontology" xsd:string
+property_value: xsd:string
+id: XAO:0000000
+name: Xenopus anatomical entity
+def: "An entity that is either an individual member of Xenopus or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of Xenopus." [CARO:0000000, XAO:EJS]
+xref: CARO:0000000
+id: XAO:0000001
+name: ectoderm
+def: "Primary germ layer that is the outer of the embryo's germ layers and gives rise to epidermis and neural tissue." []
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0000924
+is_a: XAO:0003011 ! primary germ layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000002
+name: fin
+def: "Surface structure that has an important role in tadpole locomotion. It starts to develop along the trunk and tail of the embryo at the tail bud stage and continues to grow until the start of metamorphosis when it begins to regress. It consists of flattened epidermal cells elevated into a keel-like structure by a supporting core of mesenchyme and extracellular matrix." [PMID:15188431]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0008897
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000003
+name: outer fin
+def: "Part of the fin consisting of flattened epidermal cells elevated into a keel-like structure." [PMID:15188431]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000004
+name: inner fin
+def: "Part of the fin consisting of a supporting core of mesenchyme and extracellular matrix." [PMID:15188431]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000005
+name: olfactory placode
+def: "A thick plate of cells derived from the neural ectoderm in the head region of the embryo that develops into the olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity." []
+synonym: "nasal placode" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003050
+is_a: XAO:0004620 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000041 ! epidermis inner layer
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004206 ! anterior placodal area
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004209 ! anterior neural ridge
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000006
+name: otic vesicle
+alt_id: XAO:0000184
+def: "The saccular invagination of ectoderm from which the vertebrate inner ear develops." [UBERON:0003051]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "ear" BROAD []
+synonym: "ear vesicle" RELATED []
+synonym: "otocyst" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003051
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000223 ! otic placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003195 ! vestibuloauditory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000007
+name: lower eyelid
+def: "A surface structure consisting of a set of membranes that cover and protect the eye." []
+synonym: "ventral eyelid" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001713
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+id: XAO:0000008
+name: lens
+def: "Transparent, biconvex structure in the eye that, along with the cornea, helps to refract light to be focused on the retina." []
+xref: UBERON:0000965
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000240 ! lens placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000009
+name: retina
+def: "Sensory membrane that lines the posterior chamber of the eye and functions as the immediate instrument of vision by receiving the image formed by the lens and converting it into chemical and nervous signals which reach the brain by way of the optic nerve." []
+xref: UBERON:0000966
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000010
+name: brain
+def: "Organ that is a component of the central nervous system and is responsible for the coordination and control of bodily activities and the interpretation of information from the senses. It appears when the neural tube segregates in forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain at NF stage 22. The general pattern of the brain has been mainly established at NF stage 28. Yolky material is consumed and the fibre tracts and later the commissures develop. In general all of its parts are well developed at NF stage 53 and later development consists mainly of growth and some further cytological differentiation. In the period of metamorphosis only topographical changes take place." [, ISBN:0815318960]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0000955
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003204 ! neural tube
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000011
+name: forebrain
+def: "The part of the brain that is the anterior of its three primary divisions and that includes the telencephalon and diencephalon." []
+synonym: "prosencephalon" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001890
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000307 ! anterior neural tube
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000012
+name: telencephalon
+def: "Part of the forebrain consisting of paired olfactory bulbs and cerebral hemispheres." [AAO:0010479]
+xref: UBERON:0001893
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000013
+name: diencephalon
+def: "The more posterior and ventral of two forebrain neuromeres, the other being the telencephalon; major derivatives are the eye vescile, the brain pretectal region, the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus (including the habenula and epiphysis)." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0001894
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000014
+name: midbrain
+def: "Middle part of the brain composed of the optic tectum and penducular region." [AAO:0010149]
+synonym: "mesencephalon" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001891
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000307 ! anterior neural tube
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000015
+name: hindbrain
+def: "The part of the brain that is the posterior of its three primary divisions." []
+synonym: "rhombencephalon" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002028
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000250 ! posterior neural tube
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000016
+name: midbrain-hindbrain boundary
+def: "The part of the brain that is the morphological boundary between the midbrain and hindbrain and that is the location of an organizing center which patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate." [UBERON:0003052]
+synonym: "isthmic organizer territory" RELATED []
+synonym: "isthmus" RELATED []
+synonym: "MHB" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003052
+is_a: XAO:0004003 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004086 ! presumptive midbrain-hindbrain boundary
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000017
+name: hypophysis
+alt_id: XAO:0000161
+def: "An endocrine gland, located ventral to the diencephalon, that secretes hormones that regulate many other glands." [UBERON:0000007]
+synonym: "Hyp" EXACT []
+synonym: "pituitary" RELATED []
+synonym: "pituitary gland" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000007
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000267 ! hypophyseal primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004208 ! adenohypophyseal placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000018
+name: genital ridge
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the precursor to the gonads." []
+xref: UBERON:0005294
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000140 ! urogenital system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000020
+name: spinal cord
+def: "Elongated, approximately cylindrical part of the central nervous system that lies in the vertebral canal and from which the spinal nerves emerge." []
+xref: UBERON:0002240
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000250 ! posterior neural tube
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000021
+name: ventricular zone
+def: "Proliferative region that is part of the ventricular system of the brain." [VHOG:0001224]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+xref: UBERON:0003053
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000022
+name: roof plate
+def: "Organizing center located at the dorsal midline of the neural tube that influences the development of the nervous system, controlling the specification and differentiation of dorsal neuronal cell types." [PMID:15378040]
+synonym: "roofplate" EXACT []
+synonym: "spinal cord roof" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005724
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005241 ! superficial layer of neurectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000023
+name: skin
+def: "Surface structure that consists of the external membranous integument of the animal." []
+synonym: "integument" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002097
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000176 ! dermal system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0000024
+name: mandibular crest
+def: "The most anterior of the migrating cranial neural crest streams, running along the posterior edge of the eye primordium, and in later stages, below the eye and to the border of the cement gland. The mandibular stream is the first to initiate CNC cell migration." [PMID:21490068]
+xref: UBERON:0007098
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001001 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001001 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0000025
+name: hyoid crest
+def: "The second most anterior of the migrating cranial neural crests streams, it lays between the mandibular and anterior branchial crest streams." [PMID:21490068]
+synonym: "hyoid neural crest" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007099
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001001 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001001 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0000026
+name: branchial crest
+def: "The most posterior segments of the population of migratory cells of the cranial neural crest, contributing to the branchial arches 3 and 4. Branchial crest cells migrate in two distinct streams referred to as the anterior and posterior branchial crest." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001001 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0000027
+name: cranial ganglion
+def: "Ganglion that is located in the head." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000013]
+synonym: "cranial ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001714
+is_a: XAO:0000209 ! ganglion
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000270 ! sensorial layer of neurectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000028
+name: epidermis
+def: "The outer epithelial layer of the external integument of the body that is derived from the primative or embryonic ectoderm." [AAO:0000143]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "skin" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0001003
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004091 ! non-neural ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000023 ! skin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000029
+name: epidermis outer layer
+def: "The outermost layer of the epidermis, the multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "epidermis epithelial layer" RELATED []
+synonym: "periderm" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003055
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000030
+name: vitelline membrane
+def: "The membrane enveloping the egg or oocyte, lying immediately outside the plasmalemma. It is formed while the oocyte is in the ovary and it separates from the egg to form the fertilization membrane." [AAO:0010332, XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0003125
+is_a: XAO:0004005 ! extraembryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000035 ! zygote
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+id: XAO:0000031
+name: ciliated epidermal cell
+def: "Cell type that has motile cilia and populates the skin of the embryo, arranged in the surface layer of the non-neural ectoderm in an ordered distribution." [PMID:10518489]
+synonym: "ciliated cell" BROAD []
+synonym: "epidermal ciliary cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0007018
+is_a: XAO:0004621 ! epidermal cell
+is_a: XAO:0005017 ! ciliated cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0000032
+name: stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium
+def: "An anterior thickening of the sensorial layer of ectoderm, just above the cement gland. The hypophyseal layer separates from the stomodeal layer at NF stage 29 and 30, and when contacted by a protrusion of the foregut, the stomodeal layer will rupture to form the mouth opening at NF stage 39 and 40." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000270 ! sensorial layer of neurectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000033
+name: cement gland
+def: "A simple mucus-secreting structure that is positioned at the front of the embryo, attaches the newly hatched embryo to a support before the hatchling can swim well or feed, and marks the anterior-most dorsal ectoderm." [PMID:8787748]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0005093
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000049 ! cement gland primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000062 ! NF stage 50
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000034
+name: hatching gland
+def: "A Y-shaped array of unicelluar glands on the top of the head, the open end of which faces anteriorly, that secrete an enzyme that dissolves or weakens the egg jelly and facilitates hatching. Presumptive cells of the hatching gland are present by the end of gastrualtion (NF stage 12.5) and differentiated cells start to form after neurulation is complete (NF stage 21)." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "frontal gland" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002538
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004394 ! hatching gland primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0000035
+name: zygote
+def: "Cell resulting from the fusion of male and female gametes at fertilization." []
+synonym: "fertilized egg" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000365
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000036
+name: animal cap
+def: "Ectodermal roof of the blastocoel." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "animal ectoderm" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+id: XAO:0000037
+name: animal cap inner layer
+def: "Sensorial layer of blastocoel roof ectoderm." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000036 ! animal cap
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:0000038
+name: animal cap outer layer
+def: "Superficial layer of blastocoel roof ectoderm." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000036 ! animal cap
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:0000039
+name: obsolete anatomical site
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0003186
+id: XAO:0000040
+name: head region
+def: "The anterior-most third of the embryo, formed from the development of the head outgrowth at NF stage 21." [XAO:curators]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+xref: UBERON:0001444
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000041
+name: epidermis inner layer
+def: "A distinct layer of the epidermal cells beneath the outermost layer of epidermis, the multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "epidermis sensorial layer" RELATED []
+synonym: "stratum germinativum" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002025
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000042
+name: neuroectoderm
+def: "Embryonic ectoderm that gives rise to nervous tissue." []
+synonym: "neural ectoderm" RELATED []
+synonym: "neurectoderm" EXACT []
+synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002346
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000043
+name: neuroectoderm outer layer
+def: "Superficial neuroectoderm layer consisting of horizontally flattened, pigmented cells." [PMID:2642003]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000044
+name: neuroectoderm inner layer
+def: "Deep neuroectoderm layer consisting of densely packed, cylindrical, unpigmented cells." [PMID:2642003]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000045
+name: pre-chordal neural plate
+def: "The portion of neural plate anterior to the mid-hindbrain junction." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "anterior neural plate" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003056
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000046
+name: chordal neural plate
+def: "The portion of neural plate posterior to the mid-hindbrain junction." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "posterior neural plate" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003057
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000047
+name: notoplate
+def: "Region of the neural plate overlying the notochord." []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+id: XAO:0000048
+name: neural crest
+def: "A group of ectoderm cells that delaminate from the area between the neuroectoderm/non-neural ectoderm domains. They undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal tranformation (EMT) and migrate to give several different lineages of adult cells. Originating from different positions along the anterior-posterior axis, they develop into various tissues. These regions of neural crest can be divided into five main functional domains, which include the cranial, trunk, vagal and sacral neural crest, and cardiac neural crest. Neural crest cells are considered multipotent, and as they have the limited capacity for self renewal, they are regarded as stem cell-like." [AAO:0010578, XAO:CJZ]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "NC" EXACT []
+synonym: "neural crest material" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002342
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000270 ! sensorial layer of neurectoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004103 ! chordal neural plate border
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004104 ! neural plate border
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000049
+name: cement gland primordium
+def: "The thickening of the epithelial layer of the ectoderm, with corresponding dark pigmentation, on the anterior dorso-ventral surface of the embryo." [ISBN:0070179778]
+synonym: "adhesive organ primordium" EXACT []
+synonym: "cement gland" BROAD []
+synonym: "cement gland anlage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000050
+name: mesoderm
+def: "Primary germ layer that is the middle of the embryo's germ layers." []
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "mesodermal mantle" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000926
+is_a: XAO:0003011 ! primary germ layer
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000051
+name: dorsal aorta
+def: "Principal unpaired, median artery of the trunk, extending into the tail as the caudal artery." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "aorta dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005805
+is_a: XAO:0003010 ! aorta
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005019 ! paired dorsal aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000052
+name: cardinal vein
+def: "The paired main vein, departing from the sinus venous, the fused heart primordium, it runs posteriorly down length of the embryo." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0004344
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000053
+name: head mesoderm
+def: "The mesoderm of the head." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0006904
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000079 ! prechordal plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0000054
+name: trunk region
+def: "The anatomical region of the body posterior to the head and anterior to the tail." [XAO:EJS]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+xref: UBERON:0002100
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0000055
+name: notochord
+def: "A longitudinal flexible rod of cells that in the embryo forms the supporting axis of the body. It degenerates, beginning anteriorly, at NF stage 46. Its posterior portion is greatly reduced by NF stage 55 and the entire structure is gone by NF stage 65." [, ISBN:0815318960]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0002328
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000205 ! axial mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+id: XAO:0000056
+name: hypochord
+def: "Transient structure that lies immediately ventral to the notochord in the embryo, likely required for the formation of the dorsal aorta. A slight depression marks the future hypochord at NF stage 20 and its segregation from the dorsal endoderm begins at NF stage 24. It progresses from anterior to posterior and is complete by NF stage 28. At NF stage 32 it is present as a dorso-laterally flattened ribbon of yolk-laden cells. It degenerates by apoptosis and by NF stage 43 is no longer detectable as a distinct structure in the trunk region of the tadpole. The most posterior hypochord persists and begins to ossify, fusing with the coccyx to form the urostyle in the pelvic girdle around NF stage 63." [ISBN:0815318960, PMID:10648245]
+synonym: "ipochord" EXACT []
+synonym: "subnotochordal rod" RELATED [PMID:10648245]
+xref: UBERON:0003058
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000075 ! NF stage 63
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000057
+name: presomitic mesoderm
+def: "Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form." [UBERON:0003059]
+synonym: "somitogenic mesoderm" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003059
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000259 ! paraxial mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000259 ! paraxial mesoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004042 ! muscular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+id: XAO:0000058
+name: somite
+def: "Any of the approximately 45 bilaterally paired blocks of mesoderm cells, lying on either side of the notochord and neural tube, and forming sequentially starting at the head during development of the embryo. Together they give rise to the axial skeleton (from the sclerotome), associated musculature (from the myotome), and dermis (from the dermatome)." [, XAO:curators]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "somites" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "somitic mesoderm" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002329
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000057 ! presomitic mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004042 ! muscular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000059
+name: obsolete pronephros
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0002000
+id: XAO:0000061
+name: obsolete pronephric capsule
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000318
+id: XAO:0000062
+name: pronephric nephrostome
+def: "Any of the ciliated tubules that collect the glomeral filtrate, passing it through to the pronephric tubules." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "nephrostome" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005308
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000264 ! pronephric mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000071 ! NF stage 59
+relationship: part_of XAO:0002000 ! pronephric kidney
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000063
+name: pronephric duct
+def: "Duct that drains urine from the pronephros and connects it to the cloaca. It is thought that the pronephric duct may play a key role in the induction of the mesonephric (adult) kidney. The most anterior part of the pronephric duct shows distinct gene expression patterns and is sometimes referred to as DT2." [PMID:8365571, XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "common tubule" RELATED []
+synonym: "connecting tubule" RELATED []
+synonym: "distal tubule segment 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "DT2" EXACT []
+synonym: "nephric duct" EXACT []
+synonym: "Wolffian duct" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003060
+is_a: XAO:0004000 ! duct
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000264 ! pronephric mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0002000 ! pronephric kidney
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000064
+name: heart
+def: "A myogenic muscular organ found in the cardiovascular system. It is responsible for pumping blood throughout the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. It is composed of cardiac muscle, which is an involuntary striated muscle tissue found only in this organ, and connective tissue. It is ultimately composed of three chambers (two atria and one ventricle), occupying a ventral position within the chest of the mature tadpole/frog." [PMID:17194606, UBERON:0000948]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0000948
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000336 ! heart primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000065
+name: myocardium
+def: "Cardiac muscle constituting the middle layer of the heart." [AAO:0010410]
+synonym: "cardiac muscle" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002349
+is_a: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000336 ! heart primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000066
+name: endocardium
+def: "Part of the heart composed of thin serous membrane and endothelial tissue, that lines the interior of the heart." [AAO:0010408]
+xref: UBERON:0002165
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000336 ! heart primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000067
+name: ventral blood island
+def: "Region located on the ventral surface of the developing embryo that is a site of hematopoiesis and that is analogous to the yolk sac blood islands of higher vertebrates." [PMID:9618755]
+synonym: "blood island" BROAD []
+synonym: "VBI" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral lateral plate mesoderm" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0003061
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004473 ! ventral mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000122 ! hematological system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+id: XAO:0000068
+name: marginal zone
+def: "Region of intermediate pigmentation between the pigmented animal hemisphere and the unpigmented vegetal hemisphere of the egg." []
+xref: UBERON:0004879
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000069
+name: ventral marginal zone
+def: "Embryonic tissue region that will make the ventral mesoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "VMZ" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000068 ! marginal zone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000070
+name: ventro-lateral marginal zone
+def: "Region of the marginal zone extending from the ventral to lateral surface." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000068 ! marginal zone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000071
+name: dorso-lateral marginal zone
+def: "Region of the marginal zone extending from the dorsal to lateral surface." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000068 ! marginal zone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000072
+name: dorsal marginal zone
+def: "Marginal zone that is a key embryonic tissue region of the early gastrula stage embryo and that houses the Spemann-Mangold organizer." [PMID:17368611]
+synonym: "DMZ" EXACT [PMID:17368611]
+synonym: "organizer" RELATED []
+synonym: "Spemann organizer" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003062
+is_a: XAO:0000068 ! marginal zone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000073
+name: obsolete deep (mesenchymal) layer
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0000074
+name: involuting marginal zone
+def: "Portion of the marginal zone of the embryo that turns inside the embryo during involution." []
+synonym: "IMZ" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000068 ! marginal zone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000075
+name: involuting marginal zone mesenchymal layer
+def: "Deep layers of the IMZ consisting of prospective migrating mesodermal cells (which will migrate into the interior and form the leading edge of the mesodermal mantle) and prospective converging and extending mesoderm." [ISBN:0123646200]
+synonym: "deep involuting marginal zone" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000074 ! involuting marginal zone
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000076
+name: involuting marginal zone epithelial layer
+def: "Layer of prospective mesoderm in the IMZ that will form the roof of the archenteron." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "involuting superfical mesdoderm" RELATED []
+synonym: "SM" RELATED []
+synonym: "superficial involuting marginal zone" RELATED []
+synonym: "superficial mesoderm" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000074 ! involuting marginal zone
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000077
+name: bottle cell
+def: "Cell type that is first to migrate inwards at the blastopore during gastrulation." []
+is_a: XAO:0003244 ! gastrula cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000078
+name: blastopore lip
+def: "The edge of the blastopore. Local invagination is caused by narrowing of bottle cells at the exterior edge of the blastula." [ISBN:0387537406]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000208 ! blastopore
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000030 ! NF stage 10.25
+id: XAO:0000079
+name: prechordal plate
+def: "Mesodermal structure that lies anterior to the notochord and gives rise to head mesoderm." [VHOG:0000086]
+xref: UBERON:0003063
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000205 ! axial mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+id: XAO:0000080
+name: forelimb region
+def: "The region from which the forelimb develops, first recognizable at NF stage 48, and distinct by NF stage 49." [XAO:curators]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+synonym: "fore limb region" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+id: XAO:0000081
+name: hindlimb region
+def: "The region from which the hindlimb develops, first recognizable as a slight concentration of mesenchymal cells dorsal and lateral to the anal tube at NF stage 43. The epidermal layers thicken dramatically through to NF stage 48, and become vascularised by NF stage 49." [XAO:curators]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+synonym: "hind limb region" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000082
+name: circumblastoporal collar
+def: "Embryonic structure that develops around the closed blastopore." [PMID:22138030]
+synonym: "circumblastoporal region" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000088 ! upper blastopore lip
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000089 ! lower blastopore lip
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+id: XAO:0000083
+name: involuted dorsal mesoderm
+def: "Dorsal mesoderm that has grown and curled inward during gastrulation." []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000082 ! circumblastoporal collar
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000084
+name: involuted ventral mesoderm
+def: "Ventral mesoderm that has grown and curled inward during gastrulation." []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000082 ! circumblastoporal collar
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000031 ! NF stage 10.5
+id: XAO:0000085
+name: intermediate mesoderm
+def: "Mesoderm layer between somite and lateral plate. All components of the pronephric kidney arise from this." [AAO:0010575, XAO:CJZ]
+xref: UBERON:0003064
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000086
+name: ciliary marginal zone
+def: "The region at the periphery of the retina where retinal stem cells are located. It is spatially ordered with respect to cellular development and differentiation, with the youngest and least-determined stem cells closest to the periphery, the proliferative retinoblasts in the middle, and postmitotic cells at the central edge." [PMID:15844194]
+xref: UBERON:0003065
+is_a: XAO:0004122 ! proliferative region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000009 ! retina
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000087
+name: tail region
+def: "The anatomical region of the body posterior to the tail." [XAO:EJS]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+xref: UBERON:0006071
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0000088
+name: upper blastopore lip
+def: "Dorsal part of the blastopore lip, which forms as a result of the contraction of bottle cells." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "dorsal blastopore lip" RELATED []
+synonym: "organizer" BROAD []
+synonym: "Spemann organizer" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000078 ! blastopore lip
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000030 ! NF stage 10.25
+id: XAO:0000089
+name: lower blastopore lip
+def: "Ventral part of the blastopore lip, which forms as a result of the contraction of bottle cells." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "ventral blastopore groove" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventral blastopore lip" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000078 ! blastopore lip
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000030 ! NF stage 10.25
+id: XAO:0000090
+name: endoderm
+def: "Primary germ layer that lies remote from the surface of the embryo and gives rise to internal tissues such as gut." []
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "entoderm" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000925
+is_a: XAO:0003011 ! primary germ layer
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000091
+name: head endoderm
+def: "The endoderm of the head." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000092
+name: archenteron
+def: "The cavity of the gastrula forming a primitive gut. At NF stage 20-21 its wide canal becomes dorso-ventrally compressed and narrowed in the future trunk region so that a subdivision into a foregut, a midgut and a hindgut with protruding endodermal mass becomes manifest." [, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "gastrocoel" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004735
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000093
+name: archenteron floor
+def: "The layer of cells forming the ventral surface of the archenteron space of the embryo." [PMID:17540356]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000281 ! vegetal yolk mass
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000092 ! archenteron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000094
+name: gastrocoel roof plate
+def: "A transient ciliated epithelium that arises from the involuting superficial mesoderm, forming the dorsal surface of the archenteron space of the embryo." [PMID:17540356, XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "archenteron roof" EXACT []
+synonym: "archenteron roof plate" EXACT []
+synonym: "gastrocoel roof" EXACT []
+synonym: "GRP" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000076 ! involuting marginal zone epithelial layer
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000077 ! bottle cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000083 ! involuted dorsal mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000092 ! archenteron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000095
+name: lateral line system
+def: "Sensory system that has as it parts the sense organs that detect vibrations carried through water, develops during late tailbud stage, and persists in the adult bearing elaborate dorsal and ventral components. It develops from a specialized series of dorsolateral ectodermal placodes named lateral line placodes." [AAO:0000975, ISBN:0471209627, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "lateral line stitches" RELATED []
+synonym: "lateral-line organs" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002540
+is_a: XAO:0003194 ! sensory system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000096
+name: pharyngeal arch
+def: "One of a series of bony or cartilaginous arches that develop in the walls of the mouth cavity and pharynx of the embryo." []
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "pharyngeal arches" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "visceral arch" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002539
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004261 ! pharyngeal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000097
+name: mandibular arch
+def: "The first of the series of bony or cartilaginous arches that develop in the walls of the mouth cavity and pharynx of the embryo." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "first visceral arch" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004362
+is_a: XAO:0000096 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000102 ! visceral pouch 1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003176 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000098
+name: hyoid arch
+def: "The second of the series of bony or cartilaginous arches that develop in the walls of the mouth cavity and pharynx of the embryo." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "second visceral arch" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003066
+is_a: XAO:0000096 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000247 ! visceral pouch 2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000099
+name: branchial arch
+def: "Structures that develop from the pharyngeal arches. Pharyngeal arches are anlage for a multitude of structures. Each pharyngeal arch has a cartilaginous stick, a muscle component which differentiates from the cartilaginous tissue, an artery, and a cranial nerve. Each of these is surrounded by mesenchyme. Arches do not develop simultaneously, but instead possess a staggered development." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "branchial arches" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0008896
+is_a: XAO:0000096 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000100
+name: cardiovascular system
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the heart and blood vessels." [BTO:0000088]
+xref: UBERON:0004535
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0000101
+name: liver diverticulum
+def: "An out-pocket of thickened ventral foregut epithelium adjacent to the developing heart. Its anterior portion gives rise to the liver and intrahepatic biliary tree, while the posterior portion forms the gall bladder, hepato-pancreatic duct, hepato-pancreatic progenitor cells and the bile duct." [UBERON:0008835]
+xref: UBERON:0008835
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000092 ! archenteron
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004513 ! foregut endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+id: XAO:0000102
+name: visceral pouch 1
+def: "First of the pharyngeal (endodermal) evaginations between the visceral arches from which the Eustachian tube is derived; pouches 2-4 open as gill slits." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "first visceral pouch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007122
+is_a: XAO:0000282 ! visceral pouch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000103
+name: midgut
+def: "Middle subdivision of the digestive tract. The midgut is the portion of the embryo from which most of the intestines develop. After it bends around the superior mesenteric artery, it is often referred to as the \"midgut loop\". It comprises the portion of the alimentary canal from the end of the foregut at the opening of the bile duct to the hindgut, about two-thirds of the way through the transverse colon." [UBERON:0001045, XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0001045
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000092 ! archenteron
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004512 ! midgut primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000104
+name: hindgut
+def: "Posterior subdivision of the digestive tract. The posterior part of the alimentary canal, including the large intestine and cloaca." [UBERON:0001046, XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0001046
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000092 ! archenteron
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004511 ! hindgut primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000105
+name: pharyngeal cavity
+def: "The space enclosed by the walls of the pharynx." [BTO:0002097]
+xref: UBERON:0001731
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000106
+name: post-anal gut
+def: "Tissue that is a temporary extension of the embryonic gut caudal to the cloaca." []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000092 ! archenteron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000107
+name: tail bud
+def: "Rapidly proliferating mass of cells at the caudal extremity of the embryo. Its formation is reflected in a caudal carving of the posterior portion of the archenteric canal at NF stage 22. With its further outgrowth, the postanal gut primordium becomes stretched. Its lumen is in broad communication with the hindgut at NF stage 25." [, ISBN:0815318960]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "tailbud" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002533
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000087 ! tail region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000108
+name: chordoneural hinge
+def: "The anterior limit of the neurenteric canal, which connects the post-anal gut with the central canal of the spinal chord. It is formed from a population of cells derived from the dorsal lip of the late gastrula, and has been shown to be important in tail development." [ISBN:0762302852, PMID:11404094, PMID:7916680]
+synonym: "chordo neural hinge" EXACT []
+synonym: "CNH" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007097
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000107 ! tail bud
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003204 ! neural tube
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004057 ! tail tip
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000109
+name: posterior wall of neurenteric canal
+def: "Structure formed by the ventral movement of the proctodeum anlage, which results in the shifting of the circumblastoral collar lateral walls to the posterior end of the embryo." [PMID:7916680]
+synonym: "posterior wall of NEC" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005245 ! neurenteric canal
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000110
+name: glomeral mesenchyme
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of the precursors of the pronephric glomus or glomerulus; derived from the medial portion of the pronephric intermediate mesoderm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "corpuscle" RELATED []
+synonym: "glomerulus" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0007128
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000140 ! urogenital system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0000111
+name: germ cell
+def: "A cell that is within the developmental lineage of gametes and is able to pass along its genetic material to offspring." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "germ cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "germ line cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "germ line cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000586
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000113
+name: embryo
+def: "Anatomical entity that comprises the animal in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems." [BTO:0000379]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0000922
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000035 ! zygote
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000114
+name: artery
+def: "Any of the tubular branching vessels that carry blood from the heart through the body." []
+xref: UBERON:0001637
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000115
+name: vein
+def: "Any of the tubular branching vessels that carry blood from the capillaries toward the heart." []
+xref: UBERON:0001638
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000116
+name: capillary
+def: "Any of the smallest blood vessels connecting arterioles with venules." []
+xref: UBERON:0001982
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000117
+name: respiratory system
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs involved in breathing in respiration (breathing)." []
+xref: UBERON:0001004
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000118
+name: trachea
+def: "An elongated tube that carries air to and from the lungs." [AAO:0010140]
+xref: UBERON:0003126
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005127 ! anterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000119
+name: lung
+def: "Either of two organs that allow gas exchange absorbing oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide with exhaled air." [AAO:0010567]
+xref: UBERON:0002048
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005140 ! lung bud
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0000120
+name: external gill
+def: "The primary respiration organ in some species of tadpoles, whose function is the extraction of oxygen from water and the excretion of carbon dioxide. The microscopic structure of a gill is such that it presents a very large surface area to the external environment. Gills usually consist of thin filaments of tissue, branches, or slender tufted processes which have a highly folded surface to increase surface area. A high surface area is crucial for effective gas exchange." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "gill" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0008891
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000448 ! gill primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+id: XAO:0000121
+name: bronchus
+def: "A passage of airway in the respiratory tract that conducts air into the lungs." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "bronchial tube" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002185
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000062 ! NF stage 50
+id: XAO:0000122
+name: hematological system
+def: "Anatomical system that consists of the blood and blood forming tissues." []
+synonym: "haematological system" EXACT []
+synonym: "haematopoietic system" EXACT []
+synonym: "hematopoietic system" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002390
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000123
+name: bone marrow
+def: "Flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones. In adults, marrow in large bones produces new blood cells." [UBERON:0002371]
+xref: UBERON:0002371
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000122 ! hematological system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000010 ! juvenile frog stage
+id: XAO:0000124
+name: blood
+def: "The fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins carrying nourishment and oxygen to and bringing away waste products from all parts of the animal." []
+xref: UBERON:0000178
+is_a: XAO:0004001 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004144 ! anterior ventral blood island
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000122 ! hematological system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000125
+name: alimentary system
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs devoted to the ingestion, digestion, and assimilation of food and the discharge of residual wastes." []
+synonym: "digestive system" RELATED []
+synonym: "gut" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001007
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000126
+name: oral cavity
+def: "The cavity of the mouth, bounded by the jaw bones and associated structures." [VHOG:0000188, XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0000167
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003029 ! mouth
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000127
+name: esophagus
+def: "Tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. At NF stage 57 it is a straight tube, round in cross section, and starting from the pharynx runs backward along the dorsal side of the abdominal cavity. Its lining consists of a columnar glandular epithelium with mucus secreting cells. It is thrown into longitudinal folds." [, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "oesophagus" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001043
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005127 ! anterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0000128
+name: stomach
+def: "Internal organ that is the dilated portion of the alimentary tract situated between the esophagus and the beginning of the duodenum. It produces gastric juices involved in the breakdown of food." []
+xref: UBERON:0000945
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004513 ! foregut endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000129
+name: intestine
+def: "Portion of the alimentary canal bounded anteriorly by the pyloric sphincter and posteriorly by the cloacal sphincter." [AAO:0000246]
+xref: UBERON:0000160
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000130
+name: small intestine
+def: "A part of the alimentary system and principal organ of digestion, comprising the duodenum and ileum and characterized by longitudinal folds. In the tadpole it is a long simple tube with a single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells." [PMID:15738398]
+xref: UBERON:0002108
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000103 ! midgut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000129 ! intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000131
+name: large intestine
+def: "A short, wide tube that is part of the alimentary system and comprises the colon and rectum and empties into the cloaca. It lacks longitudinal folds characteristic of the small intestine. It absorbs water and salts from the gut lumen." [PMID:21471667]
+xref: UBERON:0000059
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000104 ! hindgut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000129 ! intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000132
+name: liver and biliary system
+def: "Anatomical system comprising the liver, gall bladder, and associated ducts." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0002423
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000133
+name: liver
+def: "Organ that secretes bile and participates in formation of certain blood proteins. The liver is the largest internal organ, primarily consisting of hepatocytes, and has a wider variety of functions than any other organs in the body. The hepatocyte is a polarized epithelial cell that exhibits both endocrine and exocrine properties. The biliary epithelial cells (cholangiocytes), sinusoidal endothelial cells, hepatic stellate cells (Ito cells), Kupffer cells, and pit cells (liver-specific natural killer cells) represent the majority of non-hepatocyte cell types in the liver. During embryogenesis, the liver is generated in the ventral foregut endoderm." [AAO:0010111, PMID:17474120]
+xref: UBERON:0002107
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003164 ! solid compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003266 ! liver primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000132 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000134
+name: bile duct
+def: "Duct that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001100]
+synonym: "hepatic duct" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002394
+is_a: XAO:0004000 ! duct
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000101 ! liver diverticulum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000132 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000135
+name: gall bladder
+def: "A small organ of the alimentary system that aids mainly in fat digestion, and concentrates bile that is produced by the liver." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000208]
+synonym: "gallbladder" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002110
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003041 ! compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000101 ! liver diverticulum
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004205 ! gall bladder primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000132 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000136
+name: pancreas
+def: "Internal gland organ with distinct tissues with different endocrine and exocrine functions. Its rudiment has three parts, one dorsal and two ventral primordia. The ventral can be first detected at NF stage 37/38. The dorsal is clearly segregated from the duodenal wall by NF stage 39. At NF stage 40 the right and left primordia have fused just above the gastro-duodenal vein. At NF stage 42 blood vessels penetrate into the crevices between the pancreatic acini making them more conspicuous." [ISBN:0815318960, ISBN:0881679860]
+xref: UBERON:0001264
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003041 ! compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000467 ! dorsal pancreatic bud
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001103 ! ventral pancreatic bud
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+id: XAO:0000137
+name: exocrine pancreas
+def: "Pancreatic tissue composed of acinar epithelial cells and ductal epithelium that manufacture the proteolytic enzymes and bicarbonate required for digestion." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001249]
+xref: UBERON:0000017
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000136 ! pancreas
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+id: XAO:0000138
+name: mesentery
+def: "A double layer of tissue composed of peritoneum that attaches the visceral organs to the body wall." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0005129]
+synonym: "mesenterium" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0007826
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000139
+name: peritoneum
+def: "Serous membrane that forms the lining of the abdominal cavity or the coelom. It covers most of the intra-abdominal organs, supports the abdominal organs, and serves as a conduit for their blood and lymph vessels and nerves. It is composed of a layer of mesothelium." [AAO:0010814]
+xref: UBERON:0002358
+is_a: XAO:0004466 ! serous membrane
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000140
+name: urogenital system
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with the production and excretion of urine and those concerned with reproduction." []
+xref: UBERON:0004122
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000141
+name: mesonephric kidney
+def: "A visceral organ which provides osmoregulation and waste excretion for tadpoles through adult stages in Xenopus. The mesonephros starts to develop at NF stage 39, then during feeding stage tadpoles through metamorphosis replaces the embryonic pronephros as it degenerates." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "adult kidney" RELATED []
+synonym: "mesonephros" RELATED []
+synonym: "opisthonephros" RELATED []
+synonym: "urniere" RELATED []
+synonym: "Wolffian body" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000080
+is_a: XAO:0005244 ! adult kidney
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+id: XAO:0000142
+name: genital system
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with reproduction." []
+synonym: "reproductive system" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000990
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000018 ! genital ridge
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000140 ! urogenital system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:0000143
+name: urinary system
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with the production and excretion of urine." []
+xref: UBERON:0001008
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000140 ! urogenital system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000144
+name: ureter
+def: "Anatomical structure consisting of a long narrow duct that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder." [AAO:0010254]
+xref: UBERON:0000056
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000143 ! urinary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000146
+name: glomerulus
+def: "A tuft of capillaries found in a Bowman's capsule in which waste products are filtered from the blood and urine formation is initiated." [AAO:0010388, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "renal corpuscle" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005325
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000292 ! mesonephric nephron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000147
+name: obsolete glomerus
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0000148
+name: mesonephric tubule
+def: "Any of the excretory units of the mesonephros, which connect to the mesonephric collecting duct." []
+synonym: "renal tubule" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000083
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000292 ! mesonephric nephron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000149
+name: obsolete renal proximal convoluted tubule
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000331
+id: XAO:0000150
+name: obsolete loop of Henle
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0000151
+name: mesonephric collecting duct
+def: "Duct that connects to the mesonephric nephrons and collects filtrate." []
+synonym: "collecting duct" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005319
+is_a: XAO:0004000 ! duct
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000148 ! mesonephric tubule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000152
+name: obsolete renal distal convoluted tubule
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000334
+id: XAO:0000153
+name: urethra
+def: "Anatomical structure consisting of a tube carries urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0000057
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000143 ! urinary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000154
+name: bladder
+def: "The organ that collects urine excreted by the kidneys before disposal by urination." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "urinary bladder" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001255
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000143 ! urinary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0000155
+name: male genitalia
+def: "Anatomical system comprising the organs of the male reproductive system." []
+synonym: "male genitals" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0000079
+is_a: XAO:0000142 ! genital system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003006 ! male organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:0000156
+name: female genitalia
+def: "Anatomical system comprising the organs of the female reproductive system." []
+synonym: "female genitals" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0000474
+is_a: XAO:0000142 ! genital system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003005 ! female organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:0000157
+name: testis
+def: "Reproductive organ that produces and releases sperm." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "testes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0000473
+is_a: XAO:0003146 ! gonad
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000155 ! male genitalia
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:0000158
+name: endocrine system
+def: "Anatomical system that consists of the glands and parts of glands that produce endocrine secretions and help to integrate and control bodily metabolic activity." []
+xref: UBERON:0000949
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0000159
+name: islets of Langerhans
+def: "Structure that is made up of islet cells that produce insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin." [UBERON:0000016]
+synonym: "endocrine pancreas" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000006
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001103 ! ventral pancreatic bud
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000136 ! pancreas
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000160
+name: pineal gland
+def: "An unpaired glandular organ subdivision attached on the midline near the posterior and habenular commissures of the epithalamus." [UBERON:0001905]
+synonym: "epiphysis" RELATED []
+synonym: "pineal organ" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001905
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003198 ! visual system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000162
+name: thyroid
+def: "A two-lobed endocrine gland, located next to the trachea, and producing various hormones, such as triiodothyronine and calcitonin." [UBERON:0002046]
+synonym: "thyroid gland" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002046
+is_a: XAO:0003041 ! compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000444 ! thyroid primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000163
+name: thymus
+def: "Anatomical structure of largely lymphoid tissue that functions in cell-mediated immunity by being the site where T cells develop." []
+xref: UBERON:0002370
+is_a: XAO:0003041 ! compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000164
+name: adrenal gland
+def: "Either of a pair of complex endocrine organs near the anterior medial border of the kidney consisting of a mesodermal cortex that produces glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and androgenic hormones and an ectodermal medulla that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine." [UBERON:0002369]
+xref: UBERON:0002369
+is_a: XAO:0003164 ! solid compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+id: XAO:0000165
+name: adrenal cortex
+def: "Situated along the perimeter of the adrenal gland, the adrenal cortex mediates the stress response through the production of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids, including aldosterone and cortisol respectively. It is also a secondary site of androgen synthesis. The perimeter region of the adrenal gland, the site of steroid synthesis." [PMID:14061885, UBERON:0001235]
+synonym: "interrenal tissue" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001235
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000164 ! adrenal gland
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+id: XAO:0000166
+name: adrenal medulla
+def: "Part of the adrenal gland, located at the center of the gland and surrounded by the adrenal cortex. It is the innermost part of the adrenal gland, consisting of cells that secrete epinephrine, norepinephrine, and a small amount of dopamine in response to stimulation by sympathetic preganglionic neurons. Composed mainly of hormone-producing chromaffin cells, it is the principal site of the conversion of the amino acid tyrosine into the catecholamines adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine), and dopamine." [UBERON:0001236]
+synonym: "chromaffin cells" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001236
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000319 ! trunk neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000164 ! adrenal gland
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000167
+name: parathyroid
+alt_id: XAO:0000450
+def: "An organ specialized for secretion of parathyroid hormone. It controls the amount of calcium in the blood and within the bones." [UBERON:0001132]
+synonym: "epithelial body" RELATED []
+synonym: "parathyroid gland" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001132
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000247 ! visceral pouch 2
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000447 ! branchial arch 1
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000452 ! ultimobranchial body
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000168
+name: musculoskeletal system
+def: "Anatomical system that provides locomotion and physical support to the organism." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0002204
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000169
+name: bone tissue
+def: "The hard form of connective tissue that constitutes the majority of the skeleton." [BTO:0000140]
+synonym: "bone" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002481
+is_a: XAO:0004038 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000170
+name: cartilage tissue
+def: "A type of dense connective tissue that is composed of specialized cells, chondrocytes, that produce a large amount of extracellular matrix." []
+synonym: "cartilage" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002418
+is_a: XAO:0004038 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004026 ! endoskeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000171
+name: joint
+def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of two or more adjacent bones or cartilages, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001596]
+synonym: "articulation" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000982
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004274 ! articular system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004313 ! joint region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000172
+name: muscle
+def: "A body tissue consisting of long cells that contract when stimulated and produce motion." [BTO:0000887]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0001630
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004042 ! muscular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000173
+name: tendon
+alt_id: XAO:0000400
+def: "A fibrous, strong, connective tissue that connects muscle to bone." []
+xref: UBERON:0000043
+is_a: XAO:0004030 ! dense regular connective tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000399 ! tendon fibroblast
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005325 ! syndetome
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000174
+name: skeletal muscle
+def: "A type of muscle used to create movement, by applying force to bones and joints. Usually attached to bones by tendons." []
+xref: UBERON:0001134
+is_a: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000175
+name: smooth muscle
+def: "Involuntary muscle tissue consisting of uninucleate spindle-shaped fibers. Found within the walls of blood vessels, the alimentary tract, bladder, and reproductive tract." [AAO:0010244, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "visceral muscle" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001135
+is_a: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000176
+name: dermal system
+def: "Anatomical system that consists of the skin and its appendages." []
+xref: UBERON:0002416
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000177
+name: nervous system
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the brain and spinal cord, nerves, ganglia, and parts of the receptor organs and that receives and interprets stimuli and transmits impulses to the effector organs." [AAO:0000324]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+xref: UBERON:0001016
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000178
+name: peripheral nervous system
+def: "One of the two major divisions of the nervous system. Its nerves connect the central nervous system with sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands." []
+synonym: "PNS" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000010
+is_a: XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000179
+name: eye
+def: "The organ of sight (visual apparatus), almost spherical in shape. At the end of development (NF stage 66) the eyes bulge out of their orbital capsules near the lateral edge of the dorsal side of the head." [ISBN:0815318960, XAO:curators]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "eyes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0000019
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000228 ! optic vesicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003198 ! visual system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000180
+name: cornea
+def: "The transparent front part of the eye that, together with the lens, refracts light." []
+xref: UBERON:0000964
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004091 ! non-neural ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000181
+name: globe
+def: "A general term for the whole eye, or eye ball, of an organism." [AAO:0010346]
+synonym: "eye ball" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000182
+name: conjunctiva
+def: "A clear mucous membrane consisting of cells and underlying basement membrane that covers the sclera and lines the inside of the eyelids. It is made of epithelial tissue." [UBERON:0001811]
+synonym: "conjunctivae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "conjunctivas" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001811
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+id: XAO:0000183
+name: sclera
+def: "The opaque, fibrous, protective, outer layer of the eye containing collagen and elastic fiber." [UBERON:0001773]
+xref: UBERON:0001773
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+id: XAO:0000185
+name: iris
+def: "A membrane in the eye, responsible for controlling the amount of light reaching the retina." [UBERON:0001769]
+xref: UBERON:0001769
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000228 ! optic vesicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004529 ! uveal tract
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000186
+name: ciliary body
+def: "Circumferential tissue inside the eye composed of the ciliary muscle and ciliary processes." [UBERON:0001775]
+xref: UBERON:0001775
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004529 ! uveal tract
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+id: XAO:0000187
+name: dorsolateral placode region
+def: "Lateral neurogenic placode region positioned dorsally to the epibranchial placodes, and that includes the lateral line placodes, the otic placode and the trigeminal placode." [ISBN:0878933840, ZFA:0001310]
+xref: UBERON:0003067
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0000188
+name: optic nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that is continuous with the layer of nerve cells on the inner surface of the eye. It exits the neurocranium via the large optic foramen and is covered by a fibrous connective tissue sheath. It transmits visual information from the retina to the brain." [ISBN:080184780X, UBERON:0000941]
+synonym: "cranial nerve II" EXACT []
+synonym: "ON" EXACT []
+synonym: "opticus" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000941
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000475 ! optic stalk
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000189
+name: auditory apparatus
+def: "The combination of structures that form the ear and function to transmit vibrations and permit hearing." [ISBN:0070179778]
+synonym: "ear" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0001690
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000006 ! otic vesicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003195 ! vestibuloauditory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000190
+name: tympanic disk
+alt_id: XAO:0000212
+def: "A flattened, roughly circular cartilage derived from the extrastapes. This thin membrane or integument is stretched over the cartilaginous tympanic annulus in a drum-like manner, and forms the outer ear, receiving airborne vibrations and functioning in hearing." [ISBN:0070179778, PMID:20953303]
+synonym: "external ear" RELATED []
+synonym: "tympanic disc" EXACT []
+synonym: "tympanic membrane" RELATED []
+synonym: "tympanum" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001691
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005141 ! pars externa of the stapes
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000189 ! auditory apparatus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000191
+name: middle ear
+def: "The air-filled cavity within the skull that lies between the outer ear and the inner ear." [UBERON:0001756]
+synonym: "tympanic cavity" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001756
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000189 ! auditory apparatus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000192
+name: inner ear
+alt_id: XAO:0000194
+def: "Labyrinthine anatomical cluster that comprises sensory endorgans specialized for vestibular, auditory, and acoustico-vestibular sensation." [PMID:16217737]
+synonym: "membranous labyrinth" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001846
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000189 ! auditory apparatus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000193
+name: osseous labyrinth
+def: "Structure consisting of the vestibule, lagena, and semicircular canal, cavities that are hollowed out of the substance of the bone, and lined by periosteum. They contain a clear fluid, the perilymph, in which the membranous labyrinth is situated." []
+synonym: "bony labyrinth" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001839
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000195
+name: utricle
+def: "Inner ear structure into which the semicircular ducts find their outlet. Along with the saccule, it is part of the balancing apparatus (membranous labyrinth) located within the vestibule of the osseous labyrinth." []
+synonym: "utricular otolith" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001853
+is_a: XAO:0000214 ! auditory ossicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000196
+name: sacculus
+def: "A major structure of the inner ear, ventral to the utriculus. Two small pouches extend from it: the papilla basilaris, and the papilla amphibiorum. The sacculus functions in the detection of sound." [ISBN:0070179778]
+synonym: "saccule" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001854
+is_a: XAO:0000214 ! auditory ossicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000197
+name: lagena
+def: "A vestibular structure of the inner ear consisting of a ventral diverticulum off of the sacculus." [ISBN:1402073755]
+synonym: "cochlea" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001844
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000193 ! osseous labyrinth
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000198
+name: semicircular canal
+def: "Any of the three fluid-filled ducts that loop from the utriculus in the inner ear, and help detect movement and maintain balance." [ISBN:0070179778]
+synonym: "semicircular canals" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "semicircular ducts" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001840
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000193 ! osseous labyrinth
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000199
+name: vestibule
+def: "The small, oval, bony chamber of the labyrinth. The vestibule contains the utricle and saccule, organs which are part of the balancing apparatus of the ear." [UBERON:0005236]
+xref: UBERON:0005236
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000193 ! osseous labyrinth
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000200
+name: animal blastomere
+def: "Pigmented, smaller blastomere of the animal (upper) hemisphere of the cleaving embryo." [ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "animal hemisphere blastomere" EXACT []
+synonym: "micromere" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000202 ! animal hemisphere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000202 ! animal hemisphere
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+id: XAO:0000201
+name: obsolete olfactory apparatus
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000273
+id: XAO:0000202
+name: animal hemisphere
+def: "Anatomical region that is pigmented (dark brown) and tends to have the uppermost orientation, as it contains the blastocoel and cells that contain only small amounts of yolk. The Xenopus egg is divided into two roughly equal halves: the animal and vegetal hemispheres." [XAO:curator]
+xref: UBERON:0012284
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000203
+name: obsolete archencephalic region
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0000204
+name: peripheral nerve
+def: "Any nerve outside the brain or spinal cord that connects with peripheral receptors or effectors." [NCIt:Peripheral_Nerve]
+xref: UBERON:0002003
+is_a: XAO:0003047 ! nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005199 ! peripheral ganglion
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000205
+name: axial mesoderm
+def: "A type of mesoderm that lies along the central axis, under the neural tube, and gives rise to the notochord." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "chordamesoderm" RELATED []
+synonym: "chordomesoderm" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003068
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004406 ! presumptive axial mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+id: XAO:0000206
+name: blastocoel anlage
+def: "The first appearance of the anatomical space that will become the blastocoel." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000018 ! NF stage 8
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:0000207
+name: blastocoel roof
+def: "The dorsal surface of the blastocoel, the cavity of the blastula." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000294 ! blastocoel
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:0000208
+name: blastopore
+def: "The opening of the archenteron to the exterior, marking the point of origin of the archenteron and the caudal end of the embryo." [ISBN:0023771100]
+xref: UBERON:0000100
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000281 ! vegetal yolk mass
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000068 ! marginal zone
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000281 ! vegetal yolk mass
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000209
+name: ganglion
+def: "A cluster of nervous tissue principally composed of neuronal cell bodies external to the central nervous system (CNS)." [UBERON:0000045]
+synonym: "ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0000045
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0000210
+name: spinal ganglion
+def: "Type of ganglion that is a condensation of sensory neurons on the dorsal root of each spinal nerve. There is one pair of spinal ganglia per myotome, with the spinal ganglia of the trunk region larger and more distinct from each other than those of the tail region." [PMID:17521450, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "dorsal root ganglion" RELATED []
+synonym: "spinal ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0000044
+is_a: XAO:0000209 ! ganglion
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000211
+name: sympathetic chain
+def: "Either of the pair of ganglionated longitudinal cords of the sympathetic nervous system of which one is situated on each side of the spinal column." []
+synonym: "sympathetic trunk" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000407
+is_a: XAO:0003047 ! nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000213
+name: auditory tube
+def: "The narrow tube connecting the middle ear with the pharynx, through which air flows to equalize pressure on either side of the tympanic membrane." [ISBN:0070179778]
+synonym: "eustachian tube" EXACT []
+synonym: "pharyngotympanic tube" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002393
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000189 ! auditory apparatus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000214
+name: auditory ossicle
+def: "Any of the three tiny bones of the inner ear (columella or stapes, the sacculus and the utriculus) suspended in the otic capsule." [ISBN:0070179778]
+xref: UBERON:0001686
+is_a: XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000189 ! auditory apparatus
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000215
+name: central nervous system
+def: "The part of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord, to which sensory impulses are transmitted and from which motor impulses pass out, and that supervises and coordinates the activity of the entire nervous system." []
+synonym: "CNS" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001017
+is_a: XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000216
+name: obsolete cortex
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0004467
+consider: XAO:0004468
+id: XAO:0000217
+name: dermis
+def: "A layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the skin) and subcutaneous tissues, composed of two layers, the papillary and reticular dermis." [UBERON:0002067]
+xref: UBERON:0002067
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000220 ! dermatome
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000023 ! skin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0000218
+name: appendage
+def: "An internal or external body part or prolongation that projects from, and is attached to, an organ or the main body of an organism." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "appendages" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0000026
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0000219
+name: obsolete superficial (epithelial) layer
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0000220
+name: dermatome
+def: "Somitic compartment that is a precursor of dermis, the cells of which become arranged in a single layer that blankets the myotome, possibly continuously (unsegmented) across somites." [PMID:17313522]
+xref: UBERON:0004016
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000396 ! head somite 1
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000403 ! head somite 2
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000404 ! head somite 3
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000405 ! head somite 4
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000406 ! trunk somite 1
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000407 ! trunk somite 2
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000408 ! trunk somite 3
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000409 ! trunk somite 4
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000410 ! trunk somite 5
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000411 ! trunk somite 6
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000412 ! trunk somite 7
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000416 ! trunk somite 8
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000417 ! trunk somite 9
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000418 ! trunk somite 10
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000419 ! trunk somite 11
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000420 ! trunk somite 12
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000421 ! trunk somite 13
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000422 ! tail somite 14
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000423 ! tail somite 15
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000424 ! tail somite 16
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000425 ! tail somite 17
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004528 ! tail somite 18
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005080 ! dermomyotome
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000221
+name: obsolete deuterencephalic region
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0000222
+name: obsolete ear placode
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0000223
+id: XAO:0000223
+name: otic placode
+def: "Invagination of thickened epithelium near the hindbrain that gives rise to a spherically shaped ear vesicle, including precursors of the sensory epithelia of the inner ear and neurons of cranial nerve VIII." [PMID:16217737]
+synonym: "auditory placode" RELATED []
+synonym: "ear" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0003069
+is_a: XAO:0004620 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004207 ! posterior placodal area
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003195 ! vestibuloauditory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000224
+name: vegetal part, early involuting
+def: "Vegetal portion of the marginal zone of the embryo that turns inside the embryo during involution." []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000074 ! involuting marginal zone
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000225
+name: trigeminal placode
+def: "The ectodermal precursor of the trigeminal ganglion. The profundal and the trigeminal ganglia are separate distally but fused at their proximal end as they condense around NF stage 24. The trigeminal placode gives rise to the sensory neurons of the ophthalmic and maxillomandibular lobes of cranial nerve V." [PMID:21452441, UBERON:0003070]
+xref: UBERON:0003070
+is_a: XAO:0004620 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000187 ! dorsolateral placode region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004206 ! anterior placodal area
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000226
+name: equatorial belt
+def: "Equatorial zone of the zygote with which the plane of first cleavage aligns." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000035 ! zygote
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000227
+name: eye primordium
+def: "First trace of the future visual apparatus. The eye primordia forming antero-lateral evaginations of the closing neural tube are originally massive formations into which only a slit-shaped extension of the neural groove penetrates at NF stage 18. At NF stage 19 they clearly segregate from the anterior portion of the neural tube." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "eye" BROAD []
+synonym: "eye anlage" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003071
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004090 ! optic field
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003198 ! visual system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0000228
+name: optic vesicle
+def: "The evagination of neurectoderm, which has pinched off from the anterior neural keel, that precedes formation of the optic cup." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "eye" BROAD []
+synonym: "eye vesicle" RELATED []
+synonym: "optic cup" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004128
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000227 ! eye primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005316 ! periocular mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003198 ! visual system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000229
+name: fasciculated network of fibrils
+def: "Randomly dispersed fibrils organized into criss-crossing fascicles or bundles in the coelomic envelope of oocytes." [PMID:2909400]
+synonym: "coelomic envelope" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+is_a: XAO:0004005 ! extraembryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0000230
+name: follicle cell
+def: "Cell type that forms a layer within an ovarian follicle that surrounds the oocyte." []
+xref: CL:0000477
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000258 ! ovary
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0000231
+name: follicle layer
+def: "A monolayer of follicle cells surrounding the developing oocyte and forming adhesive contacts with the surrounding follicular epithelium." [PMID:619165]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000258 ! ovary
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0000232
+name: foregut
+def: "The anterior part of the alimentary system, from the mouth and esophagus to the duodenum at the entrance of the bile duct. Structures of the foregut are: esophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. The spleen is located in the foregut region, but is not a gut organ." [UBERON:0001041, XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0001041
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000092 ! archenteron
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004513 ! foregut endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000233
+name: germ plasm
+def: "A zone found in the cytoplasm of the egg cells that contains determinants that will give rise to the primordial germ cells. As the zygote undergoes mitotic divisions the germ plasm is ultimately restricted to a few cells of the embryo." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000280 ! vegetal hemisphere
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0000234
+name: germinal vesicle
+def: "The nucleus of the oocyte, it is enclosed in a nuclear envelope and contains neucleoplasm, in which the chromosomes and extranucleoli are embedded. It breaks down as the oocyte matures, being no longer visible by the first meiotic metaphase." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "GV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005038 ! nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000088 ! oocyte stage VI
+id: XAO:0000235
+name: cardiac mesoderm
+def: "Two migratory heart primordia that move ventrally during the course of neurulation, and whose fusion begins at the ventral midline at NF stage 16." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "heart" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0007005
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005062 ! proepicardium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000236
+name: duodenum
+def: "The first part of the small intestine. At the junction of the stomach and the duodenum the alimentary canal is inflected. The duodenum first goes anteriorly for a short distance, turns dorsally, and eventually caudally, thus it is a U-shaped structure with two horizontal sections (a ventral and a dorsal one)." [ISBN:0815318960]
+xref: UBERON:0002114
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000130 ! small intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000237
+name: ileum
+def: "The final section of the small intestine." [UBERON:0002116]
+xref: UBERON:0002116
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000130 ! small intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000238
+name: rectum
+def: "The terminal portion of the large intestine." [VHOG:0001751]
+xref: UBERON:0001052
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000131 ! large intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000239
+name: hepato-pancreatic duct
+def: "The pancreatic duct and common bile duct together, which enter the descending duodenum." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0004000 ! duct
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000101 ! liver diverticulum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000132 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000240
+name: lens placode
+def: "A thickened portion of ectoderm that serves as the precursor to the lens." [UBERON:0003073]
+synonym: "lens primordium" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003073
+is_a: XAO:0005283 ! non-neurogenic ectodermal placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004206 ! anterior placodal area
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000241
+name: posterior cardinal vein
+def: "Vein that returns blood from the trunk and drains into the duct of Cuvier via the pronephric sinus." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "PCV" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002065
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000052 ! cardinal vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000242
+name: mesonephric duct
+def: "Duct that drains the mesonephros and connects it to the ureter." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "Wolffian duct" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003074
+is_a: XAO:0004000 ! duct
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000063 ! pronephric duct
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000141 ! mesonephric kidney
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000243
+name: colon
+def: "The last portion of the digestive system, it extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body." [UBERON:0001155]
+synonym: "hindgut" BROAD []
+synonym: "posterior intestine" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001155
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000131 ! large intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000244
+name: cloaca
+def: "The posterior opening that serves as the common opening for the intestinal, reproductive, and urinary tracts, closed by the cloacal sphincter." [XAO:curators]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "cloacal chamber" RELATED []
+synonym: "vent" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000162
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000107 ! tail bud
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000245
+name: mitochondrial cloud
+def: "A prominent mass in the cytoplasm of previtellogenic oocytes. The cloud contains both mitochondria and electron-dense granulofibrillar material (GFM) and is the source of germinal granule material." [GO:0032019]
+synonym: "Balbiani body" EXACT []
+synonym: "MC" RELATED []
+synonym: "mitochondrial aggregate" EXACT []
+xref: GO:0032019
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0000246
+name: myocoelic slit
+def: "Space that separates the thicker inner sheet of splanchnic mesoderm from the thinner outer somatic mesoderm." [PMID:5449482]
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+id: XAO:0000247
+name: visceral pouch 2
+def: "Second of the pharyngeal (endodermal) evaginations between the visceral arches from which the Eustachian tube is derived; pouches 2-4 open as gill slits." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "second visceral pouch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007123
+is_a: XAO:0000282 ! visceral pouch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000248
+name: neural groove
+def: "The median dorsal longitudinal groove in the neural plate, directly above the notochord, which appears after neural fold formation." [, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "median groove" RELATED []
+synonym: "neural midline" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005061
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000249
+name: neural plate
+def: "A region of embryonic ectodermal cells that lie directly above the notochord. During neurulation, they change shape and produce an infolding of the neural plate (the neural fold) that then seals to form the neural tube. At NF stage 11.5 is the first indication of neural plate within the sensorial layer of ectoderm. It extends to near the animal pole by NF stage 12.5 and the entire plate is faintly delimited by NF stage 13." [, ISBN:0815318960]
+xref: UBERON:0003075
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0000250
+name: posterior neural tube
+def: "Posterior segment of the neural tube, which develops into the hindbrain and spinal cord." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0003076
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000046 ! chordal neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003204 ! neural tube
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000251
+name: visceral pouch 3
+def: "Third of the pharyngeal (endodermal) evaginations between the visceral arches from which the Eustachian tube is derived; pouches 2-4 open as gill slits." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "third visceral pouch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007124
+is_a: XAO:0000282 ! visceral pouch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0000252
+name: neurocoel
+def: "An anatomical space that is surrounded by a neural tube." [UBERON:0003842]
+synonym: "neural tube lumen" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003842
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000253
+name: non-involuting marginal zone
+def: "Animal portion of the marginal zone of the embryo that spreads in front of the animal cap but does not involute during gastrulation." []
+synonym: "NIMZ" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000068 ! marginal zone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000254
+name: visceral pouch 4
+def: "Fourth of the pharyngeal (endodermal) evaginations between the visceral arches from which the Eustachian tube is derived; pouches 2-4 open as gill slits." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "fourth visceral pouch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007125
+is_a: XAO:0000282 ! visceral pouch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000255
+name: visceral pouch 5
+def: "Fifth of the pharyngeal (endodermal) evaginations between the visceral arches." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "fifth visceral pouch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007126
+is_a: XAO:0000282 ! visceral pouch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000256
+name: oocyte
+def: "The developing female gamete, the differentiation of which is classified into six stages: I (pre-vitellogenic), II (early vitellogenic), III (mid-vitellogenic, formation of pigment), IV (polarization along animal-vegetal axis), V (late vitellogenic), and VI (post-vitellogenic, appearance of equatorial band)." [PMID:4109871]
+xref: CL:0000023
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000268 ! secondary oogonium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0000257
+name: oral evagination
+def: "An outpocketing of the foregut ventral to the infundibulum and the hypophysis. The walls surrounding this cavity are composed of endoderm." []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000258
+name: ovary
+def: "Either of paired female reproductive organs involved in production of ova and female sex hormones." [AAO:0000371]
+xref: UBERON:0000992
+is_a: XAO:0003146 ! gonad
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000156 ! female genitalia
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:0000259
+name: paraxial mesoderm
+def: "Area of mesoderm at either side of the midline embryonic notochord that, on segmentation, forms the paired somites." []
+xref: UBERON:0003077
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004134 ! presumptive paraxial mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+id: XAO:0000260
+name: perivitelline space
+def: "The space between the zona pellucida and the cell membrane of an oocyte or fertilized ovum." []
+is_a: XAO:0004005 ! extraembryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000035 ! zygote
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+id: XAO:0000261
+name: pigment layer
+def: "Outer layer of the developing optic vesicle, which contains pigmented epithelium." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000228 ! optic vesicle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000262
+name: polar body
+def: "A small cell formed by the meiotic division of an oocyte." [CL:0002090]
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000088 ! oocyte stage VI
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0000263
+name: primary oogonium
+def: "A germ cell that is a primordial oocyte in a female and that develops into secondary oogonia by mitotic division." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "primary oogonia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003149 ! primordial germ cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000258 ! ovary
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0000264
+name: pronephric mesenchyme
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of the mesenchymal precursor to the pronephric kidney and that begins to separate from the intermediate mesoderm at NF stage 21 and epithelializes by NF stage 30." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "pronephric anlage" RELATED []
+synonym: "pronephric bulge" RELATED []
+synonym: "pronephric primordium" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005721
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0000265
+name: visceral pouch 6
+def: "Sixth of the pharyngeal (endodermal) evaginations between the visceral arches." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "sixth visceral pouch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007127
+is_a: XAO:0000282 ! visceral pouch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000266
+name: retinal layer
+def: "Inner layer of the developing optic vesicle, which contains retinal nerve cells." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0001781
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000228 ! optic vesicle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000267
+name: hypophyseal primordium
+def: "The hypophyseal layer that separates from the stomodeal layer of the stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium at NF stage 29 and 30." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000032 ! stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000268
+name: secondary oogonium
+def: "A type of germ cell that results from the mitotic division of a primary oogonium." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "secondary oogonia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000263 ! primary oogonium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0000269
+name: mouth primordium
+def: "Anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal that is formed as an invagination of the ectoderm and is the future mouth." [UBERON:0000930]
+synonym: "mouth" BROAD []
+synonym: "stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0000930
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000032 ! stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000270
+name: sensorial layer of neurectoderm
+def: "Deep layer of the neural ectoderm, which undergoes early neuronal differentiation." [PMID:11832243]
+synonym: "deep layer of neurectoderm" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0000271
+name: somatic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
+def: "Layer of lateral plate mesoderm that forms the future body wall; it underlies the ectoderm." [UBERON:0004871]
+xref: UBERON:0004871
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+id: XAO:0000272
+name: Jacobson's organ
+def: "An auxiliary olfactory sense organ involved in the detection of pheromones." []
+synonym: "organon vomeronasale" EXACT []
+synonym: "VNO" EXACT []
+synonym: "vomeronasal organ" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002255
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000273 ! olfactory organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0000273
+name: olfactory organ
+def: "Organ comprising the specialized structures subserving the function of the sense of smell." [BTO:0001772]
+xref: UBERON:0002268
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000005 ! olfactory placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0000274
+name: sperm entry point
+def: "The point on the surface of the egg at which the sperm enters the egg." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000035 ! zygote
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000275
+name: olfactory pit
+alt_id: XAO:0004073
+def: "A depression on the head of the embryo that becomes converted into a nasal passage." []
+synonym: "nasal pit" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005870
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000005 ! olfactory placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000062 ! NF stage 50
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000276
+name: splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
+alt_id: XAO:0004273
+def: "Layer of lateral plate mesoderm that forms the circulatory system and future gut wall; it overlies endoderm." [UBERON:0004872]
+synonym: "splanchnic mesoderm" RELATED []
+synonym: "visceral mesoderm" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004872
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+id: XAO:0000277
+name: choana
+def: "The internal nasal passages, aperture or cavity in the roof of the buccopharynx." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "choanae" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "internal nares" RELATED []
+synonym: "posterior nasal apperture" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0004771
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000005 ! olfactory placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000278
+name: animal part, late involuting
+def: "When the marginal zone mesoderm undergoes involution, where the marginal zone contacts the vegetal base." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000074 ! involuting marginal zone
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000279
+name: vegetal blastomere
+def: "Unpigmented, larger blastomere of the vegetal (lower) hemisphere of the cleaving embryo." [ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "macromere" RELATED []
+synonym: "vegetal hemisphere blastomere" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000280 ! vegetal hemisphere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000280 ! vegetal hemisphere
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+id: XAO:0000280
+name: vegetal hemisphere
+def: "Anatomical region that is the lower, light-colored hemisphere of the egg, as its cells contain large amounts of dense yolk proteins. The Xenopus egg is divided into two roughly equal halves: the animal and vegetal hemispheres." [XAO:curator]
+xref: UBERON:0012285
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000281
+name: vegetal yolk mass
+def: "Cell mass in the vegetal region of the embryo that will contribute to endoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "vegetal cell mass" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0000282
+name: visceral pouch
+def: "Pharyngeal (endodermal) evaginations between the visceral arches from which the Eustachian tube is derived; pouches 2-4 open as gill slits." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "visceral pouches" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0004117
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004261 ! pharyngeal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000283
+name: pupil
+def: "A hole located in the center of the iris of the eye that allows light to enter the retina." []
+xref: UBERON:0001771
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000284
+name: epibranchial placode
+def: "The three distinct placodal areas which develop from the posterior placodal area and lie ventral to the otic placode and dorsocaudal to the pharyngeal clefts, and contribute to the sensory ganglia for the distal portion of cranial nerves VII IX and X. The proximal neurons are derived from the neural crest." [ISBN:0878933840]
+xref: UBERON:0003078
+is_a: XAO:0004620 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000187 ! dorsolateral placode region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000285
+name: pronephric nephron
+def: "The structure that is the basic functional unit of the pronephros." [UBERON:0005309]
+synonym: "pronephric tubule" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005309
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0002000 ! pronephric kidney
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000286
+name: late proximal tubule
+def: "Portion of the pronephric tubule that is immediately posterior to the early proximal tubule and anterior to the early distal tubule." [PMID:15223337]
+synonym: "late proximal segment" EXACT []
+synonym: "proximal tubule 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "proximal tubule segment 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "PT3" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004518 ! proximal tubule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000287
+name: early distal tubule
+def: "Portion of the pronephric tubule that is immediately posterior to the late proximal tubule and anterior to the late distal segment." [PMID:15223337]
+synonym: "distal early tubule" EXACT []
+synonym: "intermediate tubule" EXACT []
+synonym: "intermediate tubule segment 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "IT1" EXACT []
+synonym: "pronephric distal early tubule" EXACT []
+synonym: "pronephric early distal tubule" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0006337
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004519 ! distal tubule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000288
+name: early proximal tubule
+def: "Portion of the pronephric tubule that is immediately anterior to the late proximal tubule." [PMID:15223337]
+synonym: "proximal tubule 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "proximal tubule segment 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "PT2" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004518 ! proximal tubule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000289
+name: late distal tubule
+def: "Pronephric segment immediately posterior to the early distal tubule and anterior to the pronephric duct." [PMID:15223337]
+synonym: "distal tubule segment 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "DT1" EXACT []
+synonym: "late distal segment" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004519 ! distal tubule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000290
+name: obsolete pronephric nephron segment S1
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0000291
+name: mesonephric mesenchyme
+def: "The tissue made up of loosely connected mesenchymal cells in the mesonephros." [UBERON:0005323]
+xref: UBERON:0005323
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000292
+name: mesonephric nephron
+alt_id: XAO:0000145
+def: "The structure that is the basic functional unit of the adult or mesonephric kidney, consisting of the vascular loop of the glomerulus, the capsule, the nephrocoel, the nephric duct, the nephrostome and the nephric tubule." [ISBN:0521301521]
+synonym: "nephron" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005322
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000291 ! mesonephric mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000141 ! mesonephric kidney
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000293
+name: obsolete neural fold
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0004087
+id: XAO:0000294
+name: blastocoel
+def: "The cavity of the blastula, a closed space that is invaded by early mesenchyme and later obliterated by the enlarging archenteron. It forms during embryogenesis when a zygote (a fertilized ovum) divides into many cells through mitosis." [ISBN:0023771100, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "blastocele" EXACT []
+synonym: "blastocyst cavity" RELATED []
+synonym: "cleavage cavity" RELATED []
+synonym: "segmentation cavity" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000090
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000206 ! blastocoel anlage
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:0000295
+name: central endoderm
+def: "The portion of endoderm between dorsal and ventral blastopore lips, and extending towards to the blastocoel." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "endodermal yolk mass" RELATED []
+synonym: "vegetal endodermal core" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0000296
+name: vegetal
+def: "Anatomical direction relating to the vegetal pole or hemisphere." [XAO:EJS]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000297
+name: animal
+def: "Anatomical direction relating to the animal pole or hemisphere." [XAO:curators]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+synonym: "animal hemisphere" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000298
+name: dorsal
+def: "Spatial concept denoting the back or upper surface of the body." [NCIt:Dorsal]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000299
+name: ventral
+def: "Spatial concept denoting the underside or lower surface of the body." [NCIt:Ventral]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000300
+name: superficial
+def: "Spatial concept denoting only the surface of the body." [XAO:EJS]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000301
+name: deep
+def: "Spatial concept denoting extension relatively far inward." [NCIt:Deep]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000302
+name: dorso-lateral
+def: "Spatial concept pertaining to the back of the body and to the side." []
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000303
+name: ventro-lateral
+def: "Spatial concept pertaining to the part of the body opposite the back and away from the midline." []
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000304
+name: lateral
+def: "Spatial concept pertaining to being situated at or extending to the side." [NCIt:Lateral]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0000305
+name: cranial placode
+def: "A localized ectodermal thickening that develops by apicobasal elongation of cuboidal cells in the inner layer of the ectoderm in the head of the embryos, and is involved in formation of sense organs." [UBERON:0002546]
+synonym: "cranial placodes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0002546
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000037 ! animal cap inner layer
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004104 ! neural plate border
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000306
+name: floor plate
+def: "Organizing center consisting of a small group of cells located at the ventral midline of the neural tube that influences the development of the nervous system, governing the specification of neuronal cell types and directing axonal trajectories." [PMID:15738958]
+synonym: "floorplate" EXACT []
+synonym: "spinal cord floor" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000047 ! notoplate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000307
+name: anterior neural tube
+def: "Anterior segment of the neural tube, which develops into the forebrain and midbrain." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0003080
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000045 ! pre-chordal neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003204 ! neural tube
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000309
+name: marginal zone (sensu neural)
+def: "Region of the neural tube that will become the white matter of the nervous system." [ISBN:0393974308]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000310
+name: anterior neural fold
+def: "The anterior U-shaped portion of the neural folds, the two longitudinal dorsal ridges, caused by a folding up of the ectoderm, that make their appearance on either side of the middle line of the early neural embryo." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000045 ! pre-chordal neural plate
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004087 ! neural fold
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000311
+name: lateral plate mesoderm
+def: "Portion of the middle of the three primary germ layers of the embryo that resides on the periphery of the embryo, splits into two layers enclosing the intra-embryonic coelom, and gives rise to body wall structures." [UBERON:0003081]
+synonym: "LPM" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003081
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+id: XAO:0000313
+name: head somite
+def: "Any of the transient, degenerating somites that form in the occipital region of the animal." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "cranial somite" RELATED []
+synonym: "occipital somite" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005594
+is_a: XAO:0000058 ! somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000040 ! head region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000314
+name: trunk somite
+def: "Any of the somites that are posterior to the head and anterior to the tail." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0005598
+is_a: XAO:0000058 ! somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0000315
+name: myotome
+def: "Somitic compartment that is a precursor of muscle." [PMID:17313522]
+synonym: "myotomes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0003082
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005080 ! dermomyotome
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000316
+name: epicardium
+def: "The inner layer of the pericardium that is in contact with the surface of the heart. During cardiac development, it is the source of multipotent mesenchymal cells, which give rise to endothelial and smooth muscle cells in coronary vessels and also, possibly, to cardiomyocytes." [AAO:0010409, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "heart epicardium" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002348
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000336 ! heart primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004482 ! epicardial precursor cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000318
+name: glomus
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the filtration unit of the pronephric kidney. A glomus is a glomerulus that spans more than one body segment. It is the vascularized filter of the pronephric kidney. Blood is filtered through the glomus and the filtrate deposited into the coelom early in development, or the nephrocoel later in development. The glomus contains podocytes with well developed foot processes that are anatomically indistinguishable from the podocytes of adult glomeruli. The two glomera are linked via a narrow bridge called the glomeral nexus." [PMID:9268568, XAO:curators]
+comment: Properly called a glomus as it extends over multiple body segments.
+synonym: "corpuscle" RELATED []
+synonym: "glomera" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "glomerulus" RELATED []
+synonym: "renal corpuscle" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004739
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000110 ! glomeral mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0002000 ! pronephric kidney
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000319
+name: trunk neural crest
+def: "Neural crest cells that migrate along two major pathways: through the somites, to populate the skin where they give rise to pigment cells; cells migrating along the lateral pathway generate sensory and sympathetic ganglia and adrenal chromaffin cells, among others." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "TNC" EXACT []
+synonym: "trunk crest" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003083
+is_a: XAO:0005327 ! chordal neural crest
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0000320
+name: sensorial layer
+def: "The inner layer of ectoderm." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0000323
+name: profundus ganglion
+def: "Type of ganglion that is separate distally from the trigeminal ganglia; they become fused at their proximal end as they condense." [PMID:21452441]
+synonym: "cranial ganglion" RELATED []
+synonym: "profundus ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0000209 ! ganglion
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004093 ! profundal placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000324
+name: hypobranchial placode
+def: "A unique type of neurogenic placode, located ventral and caudal to the 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal pouches, which gives rise to small hypobranchial ganglia of yet unknown function." [PMID:12712315]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000187 ! dorsolateral placode region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000326
+name: left spleen primordium
+def: "Primordium of the spleen, which goes on to form the spleen proper, while the right splenic promordium degenerates." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "spleen" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0006293
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000276 ! splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000327
+name: right spleen primordium
+def: "Transient splenic primordia that degenerates by NF stage 40." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "spleen" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000276 ! splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0000328
+name: spleen
+def: "Internal lymphoid organ the primary function of which is to filter blood." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0002106
+is_a: XAO:0003034 ! viscus
+is_a: XAO:0003041 ! compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000326 ! left spleen primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000327 ! right spleen primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000329
+name: coelomic epithelium
+def: "The epithelial lining of the coelom." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0005891
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000271 ! somatic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000276 ! splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000330
+name: Mullerian duct
+def: "Transient developmental organ that gives rise to oviducts in females (and is documented to persist in some male frogs)." [AAO:0010141]
+xref: UBERON:0003890
+is_a: XAO:0004000 ! duct
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000140 ! urogenital system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+id: XAO:0000331
+name: mesonephric early proximal tubule
+def: "Structure that is equivalent to the convoluted proximal tubule of metanephric nephrons." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000148 ! mesonephric tubule
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000292 ! mesonephric nephron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000332
+name: mesonephric late proximal tubule
+def: "Structure that is the mesonephros nephron's equivalent to the straight proximal segment of a metanephric nephron." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "opisthonephros" RELATED []
+synonym: "proximal straight segment" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000148 ! mesonephric tubule
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000292 ! mesonephric nephron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000333
+name: mesonephric early distal tubule
+def: "The mesonephric equivalent of the ascending limb, or straight distal segment, of metanephric nephrons." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "ascending limb" RELATED []
+synonym: "straight distal segment" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005892
+is_a: XAO:0000148 ! mesonephric tubule
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000292 ! mesonephric nephron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000334
+name: mesonephric late distal tubule
+def: "The site of bicarbonate resorption in the adult kidney. It is equivalent to the convoluted distal segment of metanephric nephrons." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "mesonephric late distal segment" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000148 ! mesonephric tubule
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000292 ! mesonephric nephron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000336
+name: heart primordium
+def: "The fused aspects of ventral mesoderm, which have migrated from either side of the prechordal plate, and fused ventrally, just behind the cement gland. They give rise to the endocardium at NF stage 27/28." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "fused heart primordium" RELATED []
+synonym: "heart" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0003084
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004185 ! primary heart field
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004186 ! secondary heart field
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0000337
+name: endocardial tube
+def: "Region in the embryo that consists of precursor cells for the development of the embryonic heart." []
+synonym: "heart tube" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004141
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000066 ! endocardium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000338
+name: ventral aorta
+def: "The outlet of the embryonic heart; lies in the floor of the pharynx and conducts blood from the bulbus arteriosis to the aortic arches (1-6)." [ISBN:0023771100]
+xref: UBERON:0003085
+is_a: XAO:0003010 ! aorta
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000337 ! endocardial tube
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000339
+name: left channel of ventral aorta
+def: "Of the paired ventral aortas in the tadpole, the one that branches into the left aortic arches." [PMID:8928932]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000338 ! ventral aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000340
+name: right channel of ventral aorta
+def: "Of the paired ventral aortas in the tadpole, the one that branches into the right aortic arches." [PMID:8928932]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000338 ! ventral aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000341
+name: aortic arch
+def: "One of a series of six paired embryological vascular structures that give rise to several major arteries." [UBERON:0004363]
+synonym: "aortic arches" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0004363
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000339 ! left channel of ventral aorta
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000340 ! right channel of ventral aorta
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004190 ! cardiac neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000342
+name: aortic arch 1
+def: "The anterior member of a series of six paired arterial connections between the dorsal and ventral aortae. Aortic arch that is part of mandibular arch." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "first aortic arch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003118
+is_a: XAO:0000341 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000343
+name: aortic arch 2
+def: "The second in a series paired arterial connections between the dorsal and ventral aortae. Aortic arch that is part of hyoid arch." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "second aortic arch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003119
+is_a: XAO:0000341 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000344
+name: aortic arch 3
+def: "The third in a series paired arterial connections between the dorsal and ventral aortae. Aortic arch 3 lies within the 3rd branchial arch and branches directly from the ventral aorta to the lateral dorsal aorta, and are retained as the branchial arteries providing circulation through the gills in the adult." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "third aortic arch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003120
+is_a: XAO:0000341 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000345
+name: external carotid artery
+def: "Artery that arises from the ventral aorta and delivers blood to the filter apparatus. It is visible as a bilateral pair of vessels on the ventral surface of the head, running between the heart and the tip of the jaw." [ISBN:0073524239, PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "ECA" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001070
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000338 ! ventral aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000439 ! filter chamber
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000349
+name: larval aorta
+def: "The aorta of a postembryonic, hatched or immature tadpole, prior to metamorphosis." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000051 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000344 ! aortic arch 3
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0000351
+name: obsolete secondary vessel
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0000352
+name: aortic arch 5
+def: "The fifth in a series paired arterial connections between the dorsal and ventral aortae. Aortic arch 5 artery is paired and has a common trunk with aortic arch 6 from the ventral aorta, and drains via a separate branch of the lateral dorsal aorta. Aortic arches 5 and 6 supply the trunk and tail with oxygenated blood." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "fifth aortic arch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003122
+is_a: XAO:0000341 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000353
+name: aortic arch 6
+def: "The sixth in a series paired arterial connections between the dorsal and ventral aortae. Aortic arch 6 artery is paired and has a common trunk with aortic arch 5 from the ventral aorta, and drains via a separate branch of the lateral dorsal aorta. It forms part of the pulmonary arteries, and in the later embryo, the ductus arteriosis. Aortic arches 5 and 6 together supply the trunk and tail with oxygenated blood." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "sixth aortic arch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003123
+is_a: XAO:0000341 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000354
+name: posterior palatine artery
+def: "One of three branches of the internal carotid artery, the palatine artery supplies the mouth region." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000342 ! aortic arch 1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000366 ! internal carotid artery
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000355
+name: aortic arch 4
+def: "The fourth in a series of paired arterial connections between the dorsal and ventral aortae, it lies within the 4th branchial arch. The paired aortic arch 4 arteries branch directly from the ventral aorta to the lateral dorsal aorta, and are retained as the branchial arteries providing circulation through the gills in the adult." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "fourth aortic arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "systemic arch" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003121
+is_a: XAO:0000341 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000356
+name: vascular endothelium
+def: "Simple squamous epithelium that lines blood and lymphatic vessels and the heart." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001639]
+synonym: "vascular endothelia" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0004852
+is_a: XAO:0004010 ! simple squamous epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000357
+name: arterial endothelium
+def: "The thin layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood vessels, forming an interface between circulating blood in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "endothelium of artery" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001917
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000356 ! vascular endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000358
+name: venous endothelium
+def: "Simple squamous epithelium that lines the veins." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0001919
+is_a: XAO:0004010 ! simple squamous epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000356 ! vascular endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000361
+name: arteria iliaca communis
+def: "The blood vessel that bifurcates from the aorta, and supplies the abdominal and pelvic regions." [ISBN:0070179778]
+synonym: "common iliac artery" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005609
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000051 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000061 ! NF stage 49
+id: XAO:0000362
+name: coeliaco-mesenteric artery
+def: "Artery consisting of many branches which supply blood to various organs in the viscus. One of the major blood vessels, branching off the dorsal aorta and supplying the embryonic foregut organs: liver, stomach, intestine, spleen and pancreas." [AAO:0010499, ISBN:0070179778]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000051 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000363
+name: occipitovertebral artery
+def: "One of paired arteries that extends dorsally from the systemic arch to supply the muscles of the jaw and back." [ISBN:0801836018]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000051 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000364
+name: caudal artery
+def: "The posterior extension of the dorsal aorta to the tail region, which degenerates at metamorphosis." [ISBN:0226557634]
+synonym: "CA" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003086
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000051 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004151 ! tail vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000365
+name: arteria subclavia
+def: "Artery that branches from either side of the dorsal aorta and delivers blood to the musculature of the shoulder region." [ISBN:0070179778]
+synonym: "subclavian artery" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001533
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000363 ! occipitovertebral artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:0000366
+name: internal carotid artery
+def: "One of the major arteries of the head, it is the cranial continuation of the aortic arches and the dorsal aorta. It curves ventrally before resuming a dorsal course as it enters the head proper, and it lies ventral to the internal jugular vein. The internal carotid artery gives off palatine, ophthalmic, and cerebral branches by NF stage 41." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "ICA" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001532
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000051 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0000367
+name: cerebral artery
+def: "The anterior continuation of the internal carotid artery, which gives off the nasociliary artery anterior to the eye." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0004449
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000366 ! internal carotid artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000366 ! internal carotid artery
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000368
+name: ophthalmic artery
+def: "A branch of the internal carotid artery that delivers blood to the eye. Together with the opthalmic vein, it forms a double ring encircling the eye and retina. It enters the eye obliquely by crossing over the ophthalmic vein and the internal jugular vein." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0001619
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000366 ! internal carotid artery
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000369
+name: anterior palatine artery
+def: "One of three branches of the internal carotid artery, it supplies the mouth region." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000366 ! internal carotid artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000366 ! internal carotid artery
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000370
+name: arteria mesenterica posterior
+def: "The artery that supplies the network of blood vessels (the mesentry) to the large intestine." [ISBN:0070179778]
+synonym: "posterior mesenteric artery" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005616
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000361 ! arteria iliaca communis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000062 ! NF stage 50
+id: XAO:0000371
+name: right lymph heart
+def: "The rightmost of the two bilaterally symmetrical lymph hearts that can be seen adjacent to somites 3 and 4 by NF stage 40, and can be seen beating by NF stage 43. Lymph hearts are pulsatile organs, present in lower vertebrates, that function to propel lymph into the venous system." [PMID:12606281, PMID:20067786]
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003199 ! lymphatic system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000372
+name: left lymph heart
+def: "The leftmost of the two lymph hearts, pulsatile organs that are present in lower vertebrates and function to propel lymph into the venous system. Two bilaterally symmetrical lymph hearts can be seen adjacent to the somites 3 and 4 by NF stage 40, and can be seen beating by NF stage 43." [PMID:12606281, PMID:20067786]
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003199 ! lymphatic system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000373
+name: duct of Cuvier
+def: "Bilaterally paired longitudinal vein; the anterior cardinal returns blood from the head, and the posterior cardinal returns it from the trunk; these two vessels join together on each side as the common cardinal vein, also known as the duct of Cuvier that leads to the heart's sinus venosus." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000186]
+synonym: "common cardinal vein" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002064
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000374
+name: dorsal lymph space
+def: "Large subdermal lymph-containing space located dorsally near the last vertebrae." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000371 ! right lymph heart
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003199 ! lymphatic system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000375
+name: lymph vessel
+def: "A vessel that contains or conveys lymph." [AAO:0011005]
+synonym: "lymphatic vessel" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001473
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000372 ! left lymph heart
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000374 ! dorsal lymph space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001010 ! circulatory system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003199 ! lymphatic system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000376
+name: omphalomesenteric vein
+def: "Any of the veins in the embryo that return blood from the yolk sac to the heart or later to the portal vein." []
+xref: UBERON:0005487
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000377
+name: capillary system of liver
+def: "The smallest of the blood vessels, parts of the microcirculation, of the liver." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "liver capillary" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000116 ! capillary
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000376 ! omphalomesenteric vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000133 ! liver
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000378
+name: musculoabdominal vein
+def: "Ventrolateral component of the external jugular vein." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000379
+name: external jugular vein
+def: "One of the bilateral pairs of vessels clearly seen on the ventral surface of the head, running between the heart and the tip of the jaw, and draining the filter apparatus. This vein is more developed by NF stage 45, when it crosses the head dorsolaterally to drain into the Duct of Cuvier and pronephric sinus." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "external jugular" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001101
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000380
+name: lateral postcardinal vein
+def: "Vein that first appears as disconnected portions lateral to the Wolffian ducts at NF stage 44, gradually becoming continuous. They come into communication with the medial postcardinals at the kidney sinus." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+id: XAO:0000381
+name: mesonephric sinus
+def: "Sinus that surrounds the mesonephric tubules and puts lateral and medial postcardinal veins into communication with each other." [ISBN:0815318960]
+xref: UBERON:0006196
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000380 ! lateral postcardinal vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000140 ! urogenital system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+id: XAO:0000382
+name: internal jugular vein
+def: "The main dorsal head vein, it drains into the Duct of Cuvier, and collects blood from the dorsal jaw region, cerebral veins, the ophthalmic vein and the short pharyngeal vein. It forms loop around the olfactory bulb by NF stage 43." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0001586
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000383
+name: anterior cardinal vein
+def: "Vein that returns blood from the dorsal head and drains into the duct of Cuvier via the pronephric sinus." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "ACV" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003087
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000052 ! cardinal vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000384
+name: medial cardinal vein
+def: "Vein that gives rise to the interrenal vein and pronephric sinus." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000052 ! cardinal vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000385
+name: pronephric sinus
+def: "A system of vessels that initially swell from where the anterior and posterior cardinal veins meet before draining into the heart via the duct of Cuvier at NF stage 33 and 34, and then continue to narrow and fold into a characteristic S-shape by NF stage 37 and 38. It continues to loop on itself, at first a loose, then a dense knot of many vessels by NF stage 45." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0006174
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000373 ! duct of Cuvier
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000383 ! anterior cardinal vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000384 ! medial cardinal vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0002000 ! pronephric kidney
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0000386
+name: interrenal vein
+def: "Vein formed from fusion of the posterior cardinal veins and that extends caudally." [ISBN:0226557626]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000384 ! medial cardinal vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000387
+name: hepatic vein
+def: "Vein that carries blood away from the liver." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000670]
+xref: UBERON:0001143
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000388
+name: posterior vena cava
+def: "Vein that carries de-oxygenated blood from the posterior part of the body to the sinus venosus." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0001072
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000386 ! interrenal vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000387 ! hepatic vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+id: XAO:0000389
+name: gastric vein
+def: "One of the veins of the alimentary system. The subintestinal vein is on the right side of the gut and drains the gastric vein on its right side by NF stage 43. The gastric veins carry blood low in oxygen from the surface of the stomach, draining into the left omphalomesenteric vein." [ISBN:0226557634, PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0004450
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000390
+name: caudal vein
+def: "Vein in the tail returning blood from the trunk and tail to the heart, leading directly into the posterior cardinal vein in the posterior trunk." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "CV" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003088
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000386 ! interrenal vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004151 ! tail vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000391
+name: subinterstitial vein
+def: "Vein that carries away fluid in the interstitial spaces." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0000392
+name: hepatic portal vein
+def: "Vein that starts in capillaries of the alimentary canal and ends in capillaries of the liver." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "portal vein" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002017
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000393
+name: tail vein
+def: "Vein in the tail returning blood from the tail to the heart." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000180]
+xref: UBERON:0003481
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004151 ! tail vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000394
+name: pulmonary vein
+def: "Any of the veins that collect blood from the lungs and some small vesicles received from the esophagus." [AAO:0010521]
+xref: UBERON:0002016
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000395
+name: medial abdominal vein
+def: "Vein in the posterior region that drains the ventral abdominal wall." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+id: XAO:0000396
+name: head somite 1
+def: "Transient occipital somite that exists from NF stages 17 to 26 only." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "somite W" EXACT [PMID:2769206]
+is_a: XAO:0000313 ! head somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000397
+name: sclerotome
+def: "Somitic compartment that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "sclerotomes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0003089
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000058 ! somite
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000399
+name: tendon fibroblast
+def: "An elongated fibroblast type cell, the cytoplasm of which is stretched between the collagen fibres of the tendon." []
+is_a: XAO:0003017 ! fibroblast
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000401
+name: sclerotomal cartilage
+def: "Sclerotome cells of the cartilage fate." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000403
+name: head somite 2
+def: "Transient occipital somite that exists from NF stages 18 to 29 only." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "somite X" EXACT [PMID:2769206]
+is_a: XAO:0000313 ! head somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000404
+name: head somite 3
+def: "Transient occipital somite that exists from NF stages 18 to 29/30 only." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "somite Y" EXACT [PMID:2769206]
+is_a: XAO:0000313 ! head somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000405
+name: head somite 4
+def: "Transient occipital somite that exists from NF stages 19 to late 30's." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "somite Z" EXACT [PMID:2769206]
+is_a: XAO:0000313 ! head somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0000406
+name: trunk somite 1
+def: "Trunk somite that is initially the fifth somite, first forming around NF stage 19 and becoming more anteriorly positioned as the head somites degenerate. It is the most anterior somite by NF stage 45 and is adjacent to the otic vesicle." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "fifth somite" RELATED []
+synonym: "somite 1" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0000407
+name: trunk somite 2
+def: "Trunk somite that is initially the sixth somite and later becomes the secondmost anterior somite." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "sixth somite" RELATED []
+synonym: "somite 2" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0000408
+name: trunk somite 3
+def: "The 1st somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 3" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0000409
+name: trunk somite 4
+def: "The 2nd somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 4" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0000410
+name: trunk somite 5
+def: "The 3rd somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 5" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000411
+name: trunk somite 6
+def: "The 4th somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 6" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0000412
+name: trunk somite 7
+def: "The 5th somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 7" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0000414
+name: sclerotomal mesenchyme
+def: "Mesenchymal cells that break from the sclerotome. Such cells migrate from the somite to surround the notochord." [ISBN:0123190606]
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0000415
+name: notochordal sheath
+def: "Mesenchymal covering surrounding the notochord, derived from sclerotomal mesenchyme." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000414 ! sclerotomal mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000416
+name: trunk somite 8
+def: "The 6th somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 8" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0000417
+name: trunk somite 9
+def: "The 7th somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 9" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0000418
+name: trunk somite 10
+def: "The 8th somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 10" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000419
+name: trunk somite 11
+def: "The 9th somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 11" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000420
+name: trunk somite 12
+def: "The 10th somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 12" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0000421
+name: trunk somite 13
+def: "The 11th somite located posterior to the head." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 13" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0000422
+name: tail somite 14
+def: "The 12th somite located posterior to the head. This somite is resorbed at metamorphosis." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 14" EXACT []
+synonym: "trunk somite 14" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003143 ! tail somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0000423
+name: tail somite 15
+def: "The 13th somite located posterior to the head. This somite is resorbed at metamorphosis." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 15" EXACT []
+synonym: "trunk somite 15" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003143 ! tail somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000424
+name: tail somite 16
+def: "The 14th somite located posterior to the head. This somite forms at NF stage 28, by which time head somite 1 has degenerated, and it is resorbed at metamorphosis." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "somite 16" EXACT []
+synonym: "trunk somite 16" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003143 ! tail somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000425
+name: tail somite 17
+def: "The 15th somite located posterior to the head. This somite is resorbed at metamorphosis." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 17" EXACT []
+synonym: "trunk somite 17" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003143 ! tail somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000426
+name: olfactory nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that supplies the nasal organ. It leaves the olfactory lobe, passes through the fenestra olfactoria into the nasal capsule, and there divides into the ramus profundus and ramus dorsalis." [ISBN:0471209627, ISBN:080184780X]
+synonym: "cranial nerve I" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001579
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000005 ! olfactory placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000427
+name: gasserian ganglion
+def: "Sensory ganglion of the trigeminal nerve." []
+synonym: "gasserian ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001675
+is_a: XAO:0000209 ! ganglion
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000225 ! trigeminal placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000428
+name: trigeminal ganglion
+def: "A prominent collection of touch-sensory neurons of the trigeminal or fifth cranial nerve, positioned beside the brain between the eye and the ear." [UBERON:0001675]
+synonym: "trigeminal ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "trigeminus ganglion" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001675
+is_a: XAO:0000209 ! ganglion
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000225 ! trigeminal placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0000429
+name: cranial nerve
+alt_id: XAO:0003089
+def: "Any of the major paired nerves of the head or cephalic region. Twelve pairs of cranial nerves exit/enter the cranium through openings in the skull. The nerves contain efferent axons with motor and glandular functions, as well as afferent axons from cranial ganglia with sensory functions. They are numbered in a rostral to caudal sequence, with the exception of the lateral line nerves." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "cephalic nerve" RELATED []
+synonym: "cranial nerves" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001785
+is_a: XAO:0005309 ! cephalic nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000430
+name: Rathke's pouch
+def: "A depression in the roof of the developing mouth in front of the buccopharyngeal membrane. It gives rise to the anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis), a part of the endocrine system." [UBERON:0005356]
+xref: UBERON:0005356
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000269 ! mouth primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000269 ! mouth primordium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000431
+name: tooth
+def: "Each of a set of hard, bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws, used for biting." [AEO:0000220]
+synonym: "dentition" BROAD []
+synonym: "teeth" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001091
+is_a: XAO:0004012 ! skeletal element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000269 ! mouth primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+id: XAO:0000437
+name: death
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Xenopus developmental stage that corresponds to the end of the animal's life." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0000071
+is_a: XAO:1000000 ! Xenopus developmental stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000095 ! post-embryonic stage
+id: XAO:0000439
+name: filter chamber
+def: "The structure that enables tadpoles, which are suspension feeders, to trap food particles. The palatoquadrate, ceratohyal and the connecting muscles are responsible for the irrigation and ventilation of the filter apparatus." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "coelom" RELATED []
+synonym: "coelomic filter chamber" RELATED []
+synonym: "filter apparatus" EXACT []
+synonym: "peribranchial chamber" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000440
+name: lateral line placode
+def: "Thickened placodal areas located anterior and posterior to the otic vesicle. There are 5 distinct lateral line placodes, each giving rise to a single lateral line nerve that will innervate lateral line hair cells and convey information on motion to the adjacent hindbrain." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "lateral line" BROAD []
+synonym: "lateral line placodes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0009128
+is_a: XAO:0004620 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004207 ! posterior placodal area
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000095 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0000441
+name: infraorbital lateral line primordium
+def: "Lateral line primordium that migrates ventrad along the posterior and ventral margin of the eye." [PMID:2652193]
+is_a: XAO:0004411 ! lateral line primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000442
+name: supraorbital lateral line
+def: "Lateral line situated along the dorsal margin of the eye." [PMID:2652193]
+xref: UBERON:0003090
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000443
+name: trunk lateral line
+def: "A lateral line that is present on the trunk of the organism." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000444
+name: thyroid primordium
+def: "The initial thyroid precursor, which arises from the ventral aspect of the second pharyngeal pouch." [UBERON:0003091]
+synonym: "thyroid" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0003091
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000105 ! pharyngeal cavity
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000445
+name: taste bud
+def: "The organ used for chemoreception." [AAO:0010573]
+xref: UBERON:0001727
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000105 ! pharyngeal cavity
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000446 ! tongue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003197 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000063 ! NF stage 51
+id: XAO:0000446
+name: tongue
+def: "The movable, muscular organ on the floor of the mouth." [UBERON:0001723]
+xref: UBERON:0001723
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000097 ! mandibular arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000447
+name: branchial arch 1
+def: "The most anterior, or first, pharygeal/branchial arch, composed of the mandibular process, forming the posterior border of the stomodeum, and the maxillary process anterior to the stomodeum, containing the first aortic arch." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "first branchial arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "third visceral arch" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003114
+is_a: XAO:0000099 ! branchial arch
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000251 ! visceral pouch 3
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000448
+name: gill primordium
+def: "A swelling from the 3rd visceral arch at NF stage 35 and 36, which co-occurs with a depression between the 3rd and 6th, forming the external gills by NF stage 39." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "external gill anlage" RELATED []
+synonym: "gill" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0008894
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000447 ! branchial arch 1
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000449 ! branchial arch 2
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004524 ! pharyngeal mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004261 ! pharyngeal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000449
+name: branchial arch 2
+def: "The second pharyngeal/branchial arch; it arises as a thickening of the pharygeal wall between the first and second branchial clefts; contains the second aortic arch; forms part of the hyoid bone, tongue and facial musculature." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "fourth visceral arch" RELATED []
+synonym: "second branchial arch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003115
+is_a: XAO:0000099 ! branchial arch
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000254 ! visceral pouch 4
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0000451
+name: branchial arch 3
+def: "The third in a series of paired bars in the wall of the pharynx, within which are formed the third aortic arch and the cartilage bar of the visceral skeleton, and forms and supports the gills." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "fifth visceral arch" RELATED []
+synonym: "third branchial arch" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003116
+is_a: XAO:0000099 ! branchial arch
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000255 ! visceral pouch 5
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000452
+name: ultimobranchial body
+def: "Anatomical structure that includes small, calcitonin producing glands originating as epithelial growths from the sixth pharyngeal pouch." [AAO:0010547]
+xref: UBERON:0003092
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000453 ! branchial arch 4
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000453
+name: branchial arch 4
+def: "The fourth in a series of paired bars in the wall of the pharynx, within which are formed the fourth aortic arch and the cartilage bar of the visceral skeleton; forms and supports the gills." [ISBN:0023771100]
+synonym: "fourth branchial arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "sixth visceral arch" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003117
+is_a: XAO:0000099 ! branchial arch
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000265 ! visceral pouch 6
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000454
+name: liver parenchyme
+def: "The functional units of the liver including the lobules." [UBERON:0001280]
+xref: UBERON:0001280
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000101 ! liver diverticulum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000133 ! liver
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000455
+name: biliary tree
+def: "Hollow tree organ, the organ parts of which consist of the bile ducts." [UBERON:0001173]
+synonym: "biliary tract" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001173
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000101 ! liver diverticulum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000132 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0000457
+name: pyloric sphincter
+def: "Sphincter muscle that is part of the pyloric region of the stomach." [UBERON:0001202]
+xref: UBERON:0001202
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005130 ! distal stomach
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005158 ! pylorus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0000458
+name: occipital lateral line
+def: "A short lateral line that extends from the ear in a posterior-dorsal direction." [PMID:2652193]
+xref: UBERON:0003093
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0000459
+name: infraorbital lateral line
+def: "Lateral line situated along the posterior and ventral margin of the eye." [PMID:2652193]
+xref: UBERON:0003094
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000441 ! infraorbital lateral line primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000460
+name: hyomandibular lateral line
+def: "Lateral line complex that radiates on the ventral side of the head from a point between the eye and the base of the larval tentacle." [PMID:2652193]
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000441 ! infraorbital lateral line primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0000461
+name: trunk placode
+def: "Thickened plate of ectoderm that contributes to the formation of the dorsal, middle, or ventral lateral line." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0000462
+name: dorsal lateral line
+def: "The dorsal-most part of the sensory system on the surface of the tadpole consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the tadpole through the water, as well as facilitating schooling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0003095
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000461 ! trunk placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000463
+name: middle lateral line
+def: "A lateral line that extends from the ear in a posterior direction between the upper and lower lateral lines." [PMID:2652193]
+xref: UBERON:0003096
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000461 ! trunk placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000464
+name: ventral lateral line
+def: "Ventrally located lateral line that runs over the abdomen." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000461 ! trunk placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0000465
+name: caudal lateral line
+def: "Cranial nerve of the caudal lateral line that enters the brain between cranial nerves VIII and IX; contains afferents and sensory efferents to the posterior lateral line ganglion and middle ganglion. Fibers from the posterior lateral line ganglion innervate the occipital dorsal lateral line and trunk lateral lines." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0006334
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000464 ! ventral lateral line
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+id: XAO:0000467
+name: dorsal pancreatic bud
+def: "The pancreatic bud that gives rise to the accessory pancreatic duct." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "pancreas" BROAD []
+synonym: "primary pancreatic bud" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003923
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004270 ! hepato-pancreatic progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000469
+name: dorsal tail fin
+def: "The dorsal part of the tail fin." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0003097
+is_a: XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000319 ! trunk neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004062 ! tail fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0000470
+name: unicellular gland
+def: "Any of the large number of glands of the larval skin, particularly common in the fins and adjacent skin of the trunk; also formed in the former frontal gland area on the upper jaw." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000320 ! sensorial layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000010 ! juvenile frog stage
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000062 ! NF stage 50
+id: XAO:0000471
+name: xanthophore
+def: "A type of colored melanophore (mobile pigment cells of the dermis and epidermis) that contain fat-soluble carotenoids (obtained from the diet) and pteridines (synthesized from the cell) which are stored in pterinosomes. Their color depends on the pattern of carotenoids and pteridines. They are rarely found in pre-metamorphic larvae." [CL:0000430, ISBN:0226557634]
+xref: CL:0000430
+is_a: XAO:0003014 ! pigment cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+id: XAO:0000472
+name: iridophore
+def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. The cell contains flat light-reflecting platelets, probably of guanine, in stacks called reflecting platets or iridisomes. The color-generating components produce a silver, gold, or iridescent color." [AAO:0010318]
+synonym: "guanophore" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000431
+is_a: XAO:0003014 ! pigment cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000071 ! NF stage 59
+id: XAO:0000474
+name: choroid fissure
+def: "Part of the eye that forms during the transition from optic vesicle to optic cup as a groove at the lateroventral edge of the optic vesicle, which expands medially. The ventral edges of the optic vesicle then wrap around the fissure and fuse with one another, ultimately leading to a channel through which blood vessels and optic nerve fibres pass." [PMID:24478172]
+synonym: "optic fissure" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventral choroidal fissure" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005412
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000228 ! optic vesicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0000475
+name: optic stalk
+def: "Neural tissue comprising the proximal part of either of the optic vesicles as they project towards the sides of the head; it remains narrow and constitutes the optic stalk (the peripheral part of each expands to form a hollow bulb)." [UBERON:0003098, XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0003098
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000228 ! optic vesicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0001001
+name: cranial neural crest
+def: "The most anterior of 5 distinct and partially overlapping functional domains of the premigratory neural crest, which are intially part of the neural epithelium. CNC cells migrate through the extracelluar matrix in 4 highly conserved streams: the mandibular crest, hyoid crest, anterior branchial crest and the posterior branchial crest." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "cephalic neural crest" RELATED []
+synonym: "CNC" EXACT []
+synonym: "head crest" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003099
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000270 ! sensorial layer of neurectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0001002
+name: lung primordium
+def: "Anterior endoderm that develops into the lung buds, and in turn, the lungs. A pair of lateral diverticula just over the liver rudiment is formed by the floor of the foregut just anterior to the liver diverticulum." [ISBN:0815318960, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "lateral diverticula" RELATED []
+synonym: "lung" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0005597
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0001010
+name: circulatory system
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the blood and lymph vessels." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "vascular system" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0004535
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0001011
+name: blood vessel
+def: "Any of the vessels through which blood circulates in the body." [BTO:0001102]
+synonym: "blood vessels" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "vasculature" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001981
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001010 ! circulatory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0001012
+name: Stirnorgan
+def: "Structure that is part of the pineal system, is located in the skin on the dorsal surface of the head, and is exposed continuously to ambient illumination." [DOI:10.1007/BF00663609]
+synonym: "frontal organ" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000160 ! pineal gland
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003198 ! visual system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+id: XAO:0001013
+name: musculature of face
+def: "Muscle tissue forming the facial muscles, a group of striated muscles innervated by the facial nerves." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "facial muscle" EXACT []
+synonym: "facial muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001577
+is_a: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0001014
+name: melanophore
+def: "A pigment cell that contains melanin (a brownish-black pigment), is derived from the neural crest, and is patchily distributed in the epidermis of the tadpole." [XAO:CJZ]
+comment: General convention refers to "melanophores" in lower vertebrates and "melonocytes" in amniotes but there is little if any difference between cell types.
+synonym: "melanocyte" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000148
+is_a: XAO:0003014 ! pigment cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004510 ! melanoblast
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0001015
+name: rectal diverticulum
+def: "Paired outgrowths of the cloaca that link the pronephric ducts to the exterior of the organism." [UBERON:0006172, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "rectal diverticula" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0006172
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000244 ! cloaca
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000143 ! urinary system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000244 ! cloaca
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0001016
+name: abdominal myoblast
+def: "The myoblast that forms the muscles of the anterior abdominal walls." [AAO:0010314]
+synonym: "abdominal musculature" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003015 ! myoblast
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003230 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0001017
+name: connective tissue
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of mesodermally derived cells and intercellular matrix composed of protein fibers and carbohydrates, which supports, ensheathes and binds together other tissues." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001632]
+synonym: "portion of connective tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002384
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0001018
+name: anterior lymph sac
+def: "The protrusion of mesenchymal tissue of the anterior cardinal vein which forms lymph sacs." [PMID:17062017]
+synonym: "rostral lymph sac" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000358 ! venous endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003199 ! lymphatic system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000071 ! NF stage 59
+id: XAO:0001019
+name: proctodeum
+def: "Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into the common cloacal passage. The most posterior section of the larval alimentary system." [XAO:curators, ZFA:0000066]
+synonym: "anus" RELATED []
+synonym: "anus porus" RELATED []
+synonym: "proctodaeum" EXACT []
+synonym: "vent" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000931
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000082 ! circumblastoporal collar
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000208 ! blastopore
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004091 ! non-neural ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005230 ! larval alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0001020
+name: elastica externa
+def: "Notochordal membrane covering derived from notochordal epithelium. Its first indication is at NF stage 24, and it is a distinct membrane by NF stage 28." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "notochordal sheath" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0013655
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000055 ! notochord
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0001021
+name: notochordal epithelium
+def: "Outer layer of cells of the differentiating notochord, which give rise to the elastica externa and interna." []
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000055 ! notochord
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0001101
+name: first pancreatic bud
+def: "One of two pancreatic primordia that give rise to a ventral pancreatic bud." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "pancreas" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0003921
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0001102
+name: second pancreatic bud
+def: "Second of two pancreatic primordia that give rise to a ventral pancreatic bud." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "pancreas" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0001103
+name: ventral pancreatic bud
+def: "Either of the two ventral pancreas rudiments that join and fuse with the right end of the dorsal pancreatic rudiment." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "pancreas" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0003924
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001101 ! first pancreatic bud
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001102 ! second pancreatic bud
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004270 ! hepato-pancreatic progenitor cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0002000
+name: pronephric kidney
+def: "Transient embryonic organ that serves as a kidney, providing osmoregulation during early developmental stages, and then degenerates during metamorphosis (starting at NF stage 53) as the mesonephric kidney develops and becomes functional." [XAO:curators]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+synonym: "head kidney" RELATED []
+synonym: "pronephros" RELATED []
+synonym: "vorniere" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002120
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+is_a: XAO:0005243 ! embryonic kidney
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000264 ! pronephric mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004521 ! coelom
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003000
+name: anatomical structure
+def: "Material anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome." [CARO:0000003]
+xref: CARO:0000003
+xref: UBERON:0000061
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0003001
+name: anatomical group
+def: "Anatomical structure consisting of at least two non-overlapping organs, multi-tissue aggregates or portion of tissues or cells of different types that does not constitute an organism, organ, multi-tissue aggregate, or portion of tissue." [CARO:0000054]
+xref: CARO:0000054
+xref: UBERON:0000480
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003002
+name: anatomical system
+def: "Anatomical group that has as its parts distinct anatomical structures interconnected by anatomical structures at a lower level of granularity." [CARO:0000011]
+xref: CARO:0000011
+xref: UBERON:0000467
+is_a: XAO:0003001 ! anatomical group
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003003
+name: unspecified
+def: "Unspecified Xenopus anatomical entity." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003004
+name: whole organism
+def: "Anatomical structure that is an individual member of Xenopus laevis." [CARO:0000012]
+subset: organism_views
+subset: sectional_anatomy_items
+synonym: "ubiquitous" BROAD []
+xref: CARO:0000012
+xref: UBERON:0000468
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003005
+name: female organism
+def: "Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes." [CARO:0000028]
+xref: CARO:0000028
+xref: UBERON:0003100
+is_a: XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003006
+name: male organism
+def: "Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes." [CARO:0000027]
+xref: CARO:0000027
+xref: UBERON:0003101
+is_a: XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003007
+name: anatomical entity in vitro
+namespace: xenopus_anatomy_in_vitro
+def: "An experimentally manipulated tissue or portion of the developing embryo, that can be culture alone (in vitro)." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+id: XAO:0003008
+name: activin-induced ectoderm
+namespace: xenopus_anatomy_in_vitro
+def: "Ectoderm section that has been dissected from the embryo, and treated with activin, and maintained in vitro." [PMID:14061885]
+is_a: XAO:0003007 ! anatomical entity in vitro
+id: XAO:0003009
+name: disaggregated/reaggregated ectoderm treated with activin
+namespace: xenopus_anatomy_in_vitro
+def: "NF stage 8 ectoderm of Xenopus laevis embryos that have been cut and disaggregated. The cells have been treated with activin at a concentration to induce endodermal tissue. Afterwards the reaggregated cells have been cultured until control sibling embryos reach stage 12/13." []
+is_a: XAO:0003007 ! anatomical entity in vitro
+id: XAO:0003010
+name: aorta
+def: "The main artery of the circulatory system which carries oxygenated blood from the heart to all the arteries of the body except those of the lungs." [AAO:0010213]
+xref: UBERON:0000947
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0003011
+name: primary germ layer
+def: "A layer of cells produced during the process of gastrulation during the early development of the embryo, which is distinct from other such layers of cells, as an early step of cell differentiation. The types of germ layers are the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm." [BTO:0000556]
+synonym: "embryonic germ layer" RELATED []
+synonym: "germ layer" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000923
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0003012
+name: cell
+def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane." [CARO:0000000]
+xref: CARO:0000013
+xref: CL:0000000
+xref: GO:0005623
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0003013
+name: organism subdivision
+def: "Anatomical structure that is a primary subdivision of the whole organism." [CARO:0000032]
+synonym: "body part" RELATED []
+xref: CARO:0000032
+xref: UBERON:0000475
+is_a: XAO:0005002 ! multicellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0003014
+name: pigment cell
+def: "Cell type that contains a deposition of coloring matter, the first of which differentiate during late tailbud stage, and that by NF stage 56 has produced a fully differentiated larval pigmentation pattern." [, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "chromatophore" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000147
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000319 ! trunk neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000023 ! skin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0003015
+name: myoblast
+def: "Embryonic (precursor) cell of the myogenic lineage that develops from the mesoderm." [CL:0000056]
+xref: CL:0000056
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0003016
+name: blastomere
+alt_id: XAO:0003243
+def: "An undifferentiated cell produced by early cleavages of the fertilized egg (zygote)." [CL:0000353]
+synonym: "blastoderm cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000353
+is_a: XAO:0003241 ! early embryonic cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000011 ! NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+id: XAO:0003017
+name: fibroblast
+def: "A connective tissue cell that secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules." [CL:0000057]
+synonym: "keratocyte" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000057
+is_a: XAO:0003255 ! mesodermal cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0003018
+name: primary spermatogonium
+def: "A germ cell that is a primordial spermatocyte in a male and that develops into secondary spermatogonia by mitotic division." [ISSN:0289-0003]
+synonym: "primary spermatogonia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003149 ! primordial germ cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000157 ! testis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000071 ! NF stage 59
+id: XAO:0003019
+name: spermatocyte
+def: "The developing male gamete." [XAO:curators]
+xref: CL:0000017
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003020 ! secondary spermatogonium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000071 ! NF stage 59
+id: XAO:0003020
+name: secondary spermatogonium
+def: "A type of germ cell that results from the mitotic division of a primary spermatogonium." [ISSN:0289-0003]
+synonym: "secondary spermatogonia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003018 ! primary spermatogonium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000071 ! NF stage 59
+id: XAO:0003021
+name: obsolete spinal cord neuron
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0005018
+id: XAO:0003022
+name: Rohon-Beard neuron
+def: "Type of neuron that is a primary mechanosensory cell, with peripheral neurites innervating the skin with free nerve endings. It first appears in trunk levels at NF stage 33/34, and at NF stage 35/36 has somas that are the largest in the spinal cord. It forms a nearly continuous double row of cells along the cord's medial dorsal surface and contributes ascending and descending axons to the dorsal tract. It appears well back in the tail by NF stage 39, begins to decline at NF stage 50 and is few in number, with pycnotic nuclei, at NF stage 55." [ISBN:0815318960, PMID:17506218]
+synonym: "Rohon Beard cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000247
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0003023
+name: neuron
+def: "Cell that is the basic unit of nervous tissue, each consisting of a body, an axon, and dendrites, and the purpose of which is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system." [CL:0000540]
+synonym: "nerve cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000540
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004272 ! migrating neuroblast
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0003024
+name: head
+def: "Organism subdivision that is the part of the body consisting of the cranial and pharyngeal regions." [AAO:0010335]
+subset: frequent_anatomy_items
+subset: organism_views
+xref: UBERON:0000033
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000040 ! head region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0003025
+name: trunk
+def: "Organism subdivision that is the part of the body posterior to the head and anterior to the tail." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001115]
+subset: organism_views
+xref: UBERON:0002100
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000054 ! trunk region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0003026
+name: tail
+def: "Organism subdivision that is the terminal, flexible posterior appendage of the larva. It is resorbed during metamorphosis beginning with degeneration of the notochord's distal tip at NF stage 61, followed by degeneration gradually extending to its more proximal regions and reaching its proximal end by NF stage 62. By NF stage 66 it exists only as a small dorsal swelling." [, ISBN:0471209627]
+subset: organism_views
+xref: UBERON:0007812
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000087 ! tail region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0003027
+name: limb
+def: "Organism subdivision that has as its parts the jointed appendages used for locomotion and manipulation." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0002101
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003028
+name: surface structure
+def: "Organism subdivision that is the collection of anatomical structures on the body surface." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000292]
+xref: UBERON:0003102
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0003029
+name: mouth
+def: "Cavity in which food is initially ingested and generally contains teeth, tongue and glands." [AAO:0010355]
+xref: UBERON:0000165
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000269 ! mouth primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0003030
+name: forelimb
+def: "One of the pair of limbs that are situated anteriorly, develop in sacs that separate them from the gill chamber, are well-defined buds by NF stage 48, are innervated by NF stage 51, and are ossified by NF stage 59." [BTO:0001729, ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "anterior limb" EXACT []
+synonym: "fore limb" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002102
+is_a: XAO:0003027 ! limb
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003065 ! forelimb bud
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004284 ! pectoral appendage
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003031
+name: hindlimb
+def: "One of the pair of limbs that are situated posteriorly, are evident as buds laterally by NF stage 47, and are innervated by NF stage 51." [ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "hind limb" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior limb" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002103
+is_a: XAO:0003027 ! limb
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003066 ! hindlimb bud
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004285 ! pelvic appendage
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003032
+name: digit
+def: "One of several most distal parts of a limb." [UBERON:0002544]
+xref: UBERON:0002544
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004265 ! autopod
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003033
+name: nostril
+def: "Surface structure that provides one of the small external openings of the head that give passage to air for breathing." []
+xref: UBERON:0005928
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+id: XAO:0003034
+name: viscus
+def: "An internal organ of the body; especially: one (as the heart, liver, or intestine) located in the great cavity of the trunk proper." [BTO:0001491]
+synonym: "viscera" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0002075
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003035
+name: hindlimb digit
+def: "Any of the 5 digits that are the most distal parts of a hindlimb, each digit consisting of a single metatarsal, 2-4 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "hind digit" EXACT []
+synonym: "pedal digit" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001466
+is_a: XAO:0003032 ! digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003062 ! hindlimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004300 ! foot
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003036
+name: forelimb digit
+def: "Any of the 4 digits that are the most distal part of a forelimb, each digit consisting of a single metatarsal and 2-3 phalanges. Xenopus forelimb digits are numbered 2-5, with no digit number 1." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "fore digit" EXACT []
+synonym: "manual digit" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002389
+is_a: XAO:0003032 ! digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003061 ! forelimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004299 ! hand
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+id: XAO:0003037
+name: multi-tissue structure
+def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more portions of tissue of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona-fide boundaries from other distinct structural units of different types." [CARO:0000055]
+xref: CARO:0000055
+xref: UBERON:0000481
+is_a: XAO:0005002 ! multicellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0003038
+name: simple organ
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is not part of a compound organ." [CARO:0000021]
+xref: CARO:0000021
+xref: UBERON:0000472
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0003039
+name: compound organ component
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of a compound organ." [CARO:0000019]
+xref: CARO:0000019
+xref: UBERON:0000471
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003041 ! compound organ
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0003040
+name: tissue
+def: "Multicellular anatomical structure that consists of many cells of one or a few types, arranged in an extracellular matrix such that their long-range organization is at least partly a repetition of their short-range organization." [CARO:0000043]
+synonym: "portion of tissue" EXACT []
+xref: CARO:0000043
+xref: UBERON:0000479
+is_a: XAO:0005002 ! multicellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:0003041
+name: compound organ
+def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more multi-tissue structures of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona fide boundaries from other distinct anatomical structures of different types." [CARO:0000024]
+xref: CARO:0000024
+xref: UBERON:0003103
+is_a: XAO:0005002 ! multicellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0003042
+name: embryonic structure
+def: "An anatomical structure that exists only before the organism is fully formed." [BTO:0000174]
+xref: UBERON:0002050
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003043
+name: primordium
+def: "An embryonic structure that is the rudiment or commencement of a part or organ." [UBERON:0001048]
+synonym: "primordia" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001048
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:0003044
+name: endomesoderm
+def: "Primary germ layer that can give rise to both mesoderm and endoderm." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "mesendoderm" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000089
+is_a: XAO:0003011 ! primary germ layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0003045
+name: epithelium
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and that is underlain by a basal lamina." [CARO:0000066]
+xref: CARO:0000066
+xref: UBERON:0000483
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0003046
+name: mesenchyme
+def: "Portion of embryonic tissue consisting of loosely organized, undifferentiated mesodermal or neural crest derived cells, that have specific properties (they are migratory, have no polarity). Mesenchyme cells are incorporated into a wide variety of structures including connective tissue, blood, bone and cartilage as development continues." [AAO:0010427, XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "mesenchymal tissue" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003104
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0003047
+name: nerve
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of a fasciculated group of axons." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0001021
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003048
+name: egg
+def: "A mature female germ cell that is capable of initiating formation of a new individual by fusion with a male gamete." []
+synonym: "ovum" RELATED []
+synonym: "unfertilized egg" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000025
+is_a: XAO:0003150 ! gamete
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000093 ! adult frog stage
+id: XAO:0003049
+name: adipose tissue
+def: "Connective tissue in which fat is stored." []
+xref: UBERON:0001013
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003050
+name: fat body
+def: "Anatomical structure associated with the gonads that vary in form among amphibians but are primarily composed of adipose tissue and are thought to be a source of nutrients for the gonads. A body of adipose tissue, in the form of finger-like projections, usually associated with the anterior end of the testis and ovaries. Fat bodies are suspended from the body wall by dorsal mesentry which is fused with the gonadal mesentry (the mesovarium or mesorchidium)." [AAO:0000157, ISBN:0070179778]
+xref: UBERON:0003428
+is_a: XAO:0003049 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:0003051
+name: anterior dorsal lateral plate region
+def: "Region located near the pronephros and pronephric ducts that is a site of hematopoiesis in the embryo." [PMID:9618755]
+synonym: "ADLPR" EXACT []
+synonym: "AGM region" RELATED []
+synonym: "aorta-gonads-mesonephros region" RELATED []
+synonym: "dorsal lateral plate region" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0003105
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000122 ! hematological system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0003052
+name: oviduct
+def: "A simple ciliated tube through which the ovum travels from the ovaries to the cloaca and the external environment. It is lined with mucus-secreting glands that produce the jelly that surrounds the ovum." []
+xref: UBERON:0000993
+is_a: XAO:0004000 ! duct
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000330 ! Mullerian duct
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000156 ! female genitalia
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+id: XAO:0003053
+name: Keller explant
+namespace: xenopus_anatomy_in_vitro
+def: "A rectangle of dorsal mesendoderm and ectoderm from an early-gastrula-stage Xenopus laevis embryo. It is approximately 60 deg to 90 deg wide, extending from the bottle cells to the animal pole." [ISBN:9780879695040]
+is_a: XAO:0003007 ! anatomical entity in vitro
+id: XAO:0003054
+name: stem cell
+def: "A relatively undifferentiated cell that retains the ability to divide and proliferate throughout life to provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells." [CL:0000034]
+xref: CL:0000034
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0003055
+name: hematopoietic stem cell
+def: "A stem cell from which all cells of the lymphoid and myeloid lineages develop, including blood cells and cells of the immune system." [CL:0000037, ZFA:0009014]
+synonym: "HSC" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000037
+is_a: XAO:0003054 ! stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000067 ! ventral blood island
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003051 ! anterior dorsal lateral plate region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0003056
+name: anterior
+def: "Spatial concept denoting the front surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another." [NCIt:Anterior]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+subset: sectional_anatomy_items
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0003057
+name: posterior
+def: "Spatial concept denoting the back surface of the body." [NCIt:Posterior]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+subset: sectional_anatomy_items
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0003058
+name: obsolete larval structure
+is_obsolete: true
+id: XAO:0003059
+name: chondrocranium
+def: "Anatomical cluster consisting of a cartilaginous skull that begins to form during early tadpole stage." [ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "cartilaginous skull" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004761
+is_a: XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003060
+name: skeletal system
+def: "Anatomical system that provides physical support to the organism." [AAO:0000566]
+xref: UBERON:0001434
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000168 ! musculoskeletal system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003061
+name: forelimb skeleton
+def: "The collection of all skeletal elements in a free forelimb region." [UBERON:0001440]
+xref: UBERON:0001440
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003030 ! forelimb
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003166 ! appendicular skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+id: XAO:0003062
+name: hindlimb skeleton
+def: "The collection of all skeletal elements in a free hindlimb region." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "hind limb skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001441
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003031 ! hindlimb
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003166 ! appendicular skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003063
+name: pectoral girdle
+def: "Arched skeletal structure that supports the forelimbs, the rudiments of which can be distinguished in mesenchyme at NF stage 51, and is complete by NF stage 60." [, ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "shoulder girdle" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0007831
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003166 ! appendicular skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000063 ! NF stage 51
+id: XAO:0003064
+name: pelvic girdle
+def: "Arched skeletal structure that supports the hindlimbs, begins to develop at NF stage 50, and is ossified by NF stage 66." [, ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "pelic skeleton" RELATED []
+synonym: "pelvis" RELATED []
+synonym: "pelvis skeleton" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0007832
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004493 ! pelvic girdle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003166 ! appendicular skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003065
+name: forelimb bud
+def: "The anterior limb bud that develops into the fore limb; oval shaped in dorsal aspect by NF stage 50, and paddle shaped by NF stage 53; all four fingers and melanophores apparent by NF stage 54." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0005417
+is_a: XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+id: XAO:0003066
+name: hindlimb bud
+def: "The posterior limb bud that develops into the hindlimb; a thickening of the ectoderm first noticeable at NF stage 47, innervated by NF stage 51. The hindlimb buds develop before the forelimb buds." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "hind limb bud" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005418
+is_a: XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+id: XAO:0003067
+name: obsolete fore epipodium
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0004297
+id: XAO:0003068
+name: obsolete fore mesopodium
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0003207
+id: XAO:0003069
+name: obsolete hind propodium
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0004296
+id: XAO:0003070
+name: obsolete hind metapodium
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0003212
+id: XAO:0003071
+name: obsolete fore propodium
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0004295
+id: XAO:0003072
+name: obsolete hind epipodium
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0004298
+id: XAO:0003073
+name: postcranial axial skeleton
+def: "Skeletal structure that has as its parts the vertebral column, located in the dorsal part of the trunk, and is formed by a series of vertebrae. It provides suspension for the appendicular skeleton and protection for the spinal nerve cord." [AAO:0000034]
+xref: UBERON:0002090
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000401 ! sclerotomal cartilage
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004011 ! axial skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003074
+name: vertebral column
+def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of all the vertebrae in the body." [VSAO:0000185]
+synonym: "spine" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001130
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003073 ! postcranial axial skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003075
+name: cranium
+def: "Skeletal system that is part of the head, including the splanchnocranium, chondrocranium, and dermatocranium." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "cranial skeleton" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0010323
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003060 ! skeletal system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003076
+name: cervical vertebra
+def: "The first vertebra, which arises from the trunk somites 1 and 2." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "atlas vertebra" EXACT []
+synonym: "first vertebra" EXACT []
+synonym: "first vertebrae" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0002413
+is_a: XAO:0004019 ! vertebra
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000406 ! trunk somite 1
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000407 ! trunk somite 2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003077
+name: presacral vertebra
+def: "The vertebra anterior to the sacral vetebra." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "presacral vertebrae" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0004451
+is_a: XAO:0004019 ! vertebra
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+id: XAO:0003078
+name: sacral vertebra
+def: "The 9th vertebra, which arises from the trunk somites 9 and 10. It joins the illia laterally at NF stage 60 and later coalesces with the urostyle in the midline of the pelvic girdle to form a single unit in the adult frog." [PMID:15679868, XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "ninth vertebra" EXACT []
+synonym: "ninth vertebrae" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "sacral vertebrae" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001094
+is_a: XAO:0004019 ! vertebra
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000417 ! trunk somite 9
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000418 ! trunk somite 10
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+id: XAO:0003079
+name: caudal vertebra
+def: "The bones that make up the tail region of the tadpole." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "caudal vertebrae" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "postsacral vertebra" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001095
+is_a: XAO:0004019 ! vertebra
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003064 ! pelvic girdle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003080
+name: urostyle
+def: "Skeletal element in the midline of the pelvic girdle that arises from somites 10-13. It is a rodlike caudal bony structure unique to anurans that lies within a compartment formed by the elongated, anteriorly oriented pelvic girdle. It is formed by the fusion of the neural arches of the 10th-13th vertebrae, and the posterior-most remnants of the hypochord. Timing of complete ossification varies between NF stages 62 and 66." [AAO:0000732, PMID:15679868, XAO:CJZ]
+xref: UBERON:0003106
+is_a: XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000056 ! hypochord
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000418 ! trunk somite 10
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000419 ! trunk somite 11
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000420 ! trunk somite 12
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000421 ! trunk somite 13
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003073 ! postcranial axial skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+id: XAO:0003081
+name: larynx
+def: "Anatomical structure consisting of a narrowly triangular chamber supported by a series of semicircular cartilages in which part of the sound-production system is located." [AAO:0000268]
+xref: UBERON:0001737
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0003082
+name: obsolete sucker
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000033
+id: XAO:0003083
+name: braincase and otic capsule skeleton
+def: "Skeleton encasing the brain and auditory apparatus." [ISBN:0070179778]
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0003084
+name: lower jaw
+def: "Anatomical cluster consisting of the ventral portion of the first pharyngeal arch." [TAO:0001273, XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "ventral mandibular arch" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003278
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003085
+name: Meckel's cartilage
+def: "Paired cartilaginous component of the lower jaw that fuses together through a median inferior labial cartilage, resulting in a single curved bar of cartilage by metamorphic climax. During metamorphosis it is surrounded by the developing dentale and goniale." [PMID:3693112]
+synonym: "cm" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003107
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000024 ! mandibular crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000097 ! mandibular arch
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003084 ! lower jaw
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0003086
+name: suspensorium
+def: "Anatomical cluster consisting of the mandibular structures which connect the base of the lower jaw with the skull." []
+xref: UBERON:0003108
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003176 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003087
+name: upper jaw
+def: "The dorsal portion of the first pharyngeal arch." [TAO:0001272, XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "palatoquadrate arch" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003277
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003088
+name: seminiferous tubule
+def: "Any of the coiled tubules located in the testes in which spermatozoa are produced." [AAO:0010399]
+xref: UBERON:0001343
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000157 ! testis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003090
+name: oculomotor nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that largely consists of somatic efferent fibers which innervate four eye muscles (m rectus superior, m obliquus inferior, and mm rectus inferior and anterior)." [ISBN:080184780X]
+synonym: "cranial nerve III" EXACT []
+synonym: "oculomotorius" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001643
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0003091
+name: trochlear nerve
+def: "Somatic efferent nerve that runs to the superior oblique muscle of the eye." [ISBN:080184780X]
+synonym: "cranial nerve IV" EXACT []
+synonym: "pathetic nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "trochlearis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001644
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0003092
+name: trigeminal nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that has three branches: the ophthalmic branch that supplies the skin of the nose and upper jaw, and the maxillary and mandibular branches that supply the lower jaw." [UBERON:0001645]
+synonym: "cranial nerve V" EXACT []
+synonym: "trigeminus" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001645
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004092 ! preplacodal ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003093
+name: abducens nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that runs to the eye muscles." [UBERON:0001646]
+synonym: "abducens" EXACT []
+synonym: "abducent nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "cranial nerve VI" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001646
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000061 ! NF stage 49
+id: XAO:0003094
+name: facial nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that branches into the supraorbital (supplying the skin of the eye region and the lateral line organs here), the palatine (to the roof of the buccal cavity), and the hyomandibular (dividing into the jugular and mental branches)." [ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "cranial nerve VII" EXACT []
+synonym: "facialis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001647
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003197 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0003095
+name: vestibulocochlear nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that runs to the ear. It has two branches, the cochlear nerve and the vestibular nerve, which receives positional information." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "auditory nerve" RELATED []
+synonym: "cranial nerve VIII" EXACT []
+synonym: "stato-acoustic nerve" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001648
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003195 ! vestibuloauditory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0003096
+name: glossopharyngeal nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that branches into the ramus communicans (to the skin), the pretrematic (to the walls of the pharynx and mouth, viscero-sensory fibers), and the larval post-trematic branch (lost in the adult)." [ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "cranial nerve IX" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001649
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003197 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003097
+name: vagus nerve
+def: "Cranial nerve that branches into the lateral (to body sense organs) and the intestino-accessorial (to the skin, muscles of shoulder, hyoid, larynx, gut, lungs, and heart)." [ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "cranial nerve X" EXACT []
+synonym: "vagal nerve" RELATED []
+synonym: "vagus afferents" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001759
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000284 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003197 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0003098
+name: cerebellum
+def: "A dorsally projecting part of the brain concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum." [UBERON:0002037]
+xref: UBERON:0002037
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0003099
+name: fourth ventricle
+def: "Irregularly shaped cavity in the rhombencephalon, between the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the isthmus in front, and the cerebellum behind. It is continuous with the central canal of the cord below and with the cerebral aqueduct above, and through its lateral and median apertures it communicates with the subarachnoid space." [UBERON:0002422]
+synonym: "4th ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "IVth ventricle" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002422
+is_a: XAO:0004602 ! brain ventricle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0003100
+name: medulla oblongata
+def: "Posterior portion of the hindbrain that controls respiration, heartbeat, digestion, and swallowing as well as some locomotor responses." [AAO:0010486]
+xref: UBERON:0001896
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0003101
+name: spinal nerve
+def: "A mixed nerve that carries motor, sensory, and autonomic signals between the spinal cord and the body." []
+xref: UBERON:0001780
+is_a: XAO:0003047 ! nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003102
+name: transverse process
+def: "Any of the projections on each side of the vertebra from the point where the neural arch lamina joins the pedicel for the articulation with the head of a single-headed rib or the upper head of a double-headed rib. Also called diapophyses. They provide surfaces for the attachment of muscles. In anurans, the term transverse process is used in reference to the processes associated with the presacral and postsacral vertebrae." [AAO:0000698]
+xref: UBERON:0001077
+is_a: XAO:0004020 ! process
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004019 ! vertebra
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000073 ! NF stage 61
+id: XAO:0003103
+name: claw
+def: "Anatomical structure consisting of a small, pointed keratinized appendage at the end of each of the three inner toes of the hindlimbs." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0001705
+is_a: XAO:0003162 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004416 ! claw primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003035 ! hindlimb digit
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+id: XAO:0003104
+name: myotome of head somite 1
+def: "Compartment of head somite 1 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000396 ! head somite 1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0003105
+name: myotome of head somite 2
+def: "Compartment of head somite 2 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000403 ! head somite 2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0003106
+name: myotome of head somite 3
+def: "Compartment of head somite 3 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000404 ! head somite 3
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0003107
+name: myotome of head somite 4
+def: "Compartment of head somite 4 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000405 ! head somite 4
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0003108
+name: myotome of trunk somite 1
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 1 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 1" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000406 ! trunk somite 1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0003109
+name: myotome of trunk somite 2
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 2 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 2" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000407 ! trunk somite 2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0003110
+name: myotome of trunk somite 3
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 3 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 3" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000408 ! trunk somite 3
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0003111
+name: myotome of trunk somite 4
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 4 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 4" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000409 ! trunk somite 4
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0003112
+name: sclerotome of head somite 4
+def: "Compartment of head somite 4 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000405 ! head somite 4
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0003113
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 1
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 1 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 1" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000406 ! trunk somite 1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0003114
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 2
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 2 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 2" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000407 ! trunk somite 2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0003115
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 3
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 3 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 3" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000408 ! trunk somite 3
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0003116
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 4
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 4 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 4" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000409 ! trunk somite 4
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0003117
+name: myotome of trunk somite 5
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 5 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 5" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000410 ! trunk somite 5
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0003118
+name: myotome of trunk somite 6
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 6 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 6" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000411 ! trunk somite 6
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0003119
+name: myotome of trunk somite 7
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 7 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 7" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000412 ! trunk somite 7
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0003120
+name: myotome of trunk somite 8
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 8 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 8" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000416 ! trunk somite 8
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0003121
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 5
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 5 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 5" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000410 ! trunk somite 5
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0003122
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 6
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 6 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 6" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000411 ! trunk somite 6
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0003123
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 7
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 7 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 7" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000412 ! trunk somite 7
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0003124
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 8
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 8 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 8" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000416 ! trunk somite 8
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0003125
+name: myotome of trunk somite 9
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 9 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 9" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000417 ! trunk somite 9
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0003126
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 9
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 9 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 9" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000417 ! trunk somite 9
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0003127
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 10
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 10 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 10" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000418 ! trunk somite 10
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003128
+name: myotome of trunk somite 10
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 10 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 10" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000418 ! trunk somite 10
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003129
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 11
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 11 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 11" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000419 ! trunk somite 11
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003130
+name: myotome of trunk somite 11
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 11 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 11" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000419 ! trunk somite 11
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003131
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 12
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 12 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 12" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000420 ! trunk somite 12
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0003132
+name: myotome of trunk somite 12
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 12 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 12" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000420 ! trunk somite 12
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0003133
+name: sclerotome of trunk somite 13
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 13 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 13" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000421 ! trunk somite 13
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0003134
+name: myotome of trunk somite 13
+def: "Compartment of trunk somite 13 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 13" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000421 ! trunk somite 13
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0003135
+name: sclerotome of tail somite 14
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 14 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 14" EXACT []
+synonym: "sclerotome of trunk somite 14" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000422 ! tail somite 14
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0003136
+name: myotome of tail somite 14
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 14 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 14" EXACT []
+synonym: "myotome of trunk somite 14" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000422 ! tail somite 14
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0003137
+name: sclerotome of tail somite 15
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 15 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 15" EXACT []
+synonym: "sclerotome of trunk somite 15" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000423 ! tail somite 15
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0003138
+name: myotome of tail somite 15
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 15 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 15" EXACT []
+synonym: "myotome of trunk somite 15" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000423 ! tail somite 15
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0003139
+name: sclerotome of tail somite 16
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 16 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 16" EXACT []
+synonym: "sclerotome of trunk somite 16" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000424 ! tail somite 16
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003140
+name: myotome of tail somite 16
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 16 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 16" EXACT []
+synonym: "myotome of trunk somite 16" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000424 ! tail somite 16
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003141
+name: sclerotome of tail somite 17
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 17 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 17" EXACT []
+synonym: "sclerotome of trunk somite 17" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000425 ! tail somite 17
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003142
+name: myotome of tail somite 17
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 17 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of somite 17" EXACT []
+synonym: "myotome of trunk somite 17" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000425 ! tail somite 17
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003143
+name: tail somite
+def: "Any of the somites that form posterior to the trunk and are resorbed at metamorphosis." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0009621
+is_a: XAO:0000058 ! somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003026 ! tail
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0003144
+name: amphibian papilla
+def: "The principal auditory organ of the frog, which utilizes both mechanical and electrical (hair cell-based) frequency tuning mechanisms for hearing, located near the junction of the utricle and the saccule bones of the inner ear." [PMID:10377339]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0003145
+name: basilar papilla
+def: "A sensory structure in the lagenar portion of an amphibian's membranous labyrinth between the oval and round windows." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "papilla basilaris" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002227
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:0003146
+name: gonad
+def: "Anatomical structure that produces gametes as well as certain sex hormones controlled by the pituitary gonadotropins. Reproductive organ that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis)." [AAO:0000213, ZFA:0000413]
+xref: UBERON:0000991
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:0003147
+name: spermatozoon
+def: "A mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid." [CL:0000019]
+synonym: "sperm" RELATED []
+synonym: "spermatozoa" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000019
+is_a: XAO:0003150 ! gamete
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003151 ! spermatid
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000093 ! adult frog stage
+id: XAO:0003148
+name: obsolete germ line cell
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0000111
+id: XAO:0003149
+name: primordial germ cell
+def: "Cell that arises from the endodermal germ plasm and can be detected by NF stage 28 in the endodermal mass. At NF stages 42-47, PGCs migrate to the two genital ridges, which are the first rudiments of the gonads. By NF stage 50, the PGCs begin to loose their yolky material. In males, starting at NF stage 52, PGCs migrate from the genital ridge cortical region into the medullary tissue, where they will form primary spermatogonia at sexual maturity. In females, the medullary tissue remains free of PGCs; they instead embed in the cortical region and multiply to form primary oogonia, which will mature into ova at sexual maturity." [ISBN:0815318960, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "PGC" EXACT []
+synonym: "primitive germ cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000670
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000233 ! germ plasm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0003150
+name: gamete
+def: "A mature male or female germ cell." []
+xref: CL:0000300
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000142 ! genital system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000093 ! adult frog stage
+id: XAO:0003151
+name: spermatid
+def: "Male germ cell that is derived from spermatocytes and develops into spermatozoa." [NCIt:Spermatid]
+xref: CL:0000018
+is_a: XAO:0000111 ! germ cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003019 ! spermatocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000071 ! NF stage 59
+id: XAO:0003152
+name: immune system
+def: "Anatomical system that protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune response and that includes especially the thymus, spleen, lymphoid tissue, lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies." []
+xref: UBERON:0002405
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003153
+name: larval immune system
+def: "The immune system of a postembryonic, hatched or immature tadpole, prior to metamorphosis." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003154
+name: adult immune system
+def: "The complete system of biological structures and processes within the adult organism that protects against disease by identifying and killing pathogens and tumor cells." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000093 ! adult frog stage
+id: XAO:0003155
+name: lymphocyte
+def: "A cell of the B cell, T cell, or natural killer cell lineage." [CL:0000542]
+xref: CL:0000542
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005323 ! lymphoblast
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003156
+name: natural killer cell
+def: "A lymphocyte that can spontaneously kill a variety of target cells without prior antigenic activation via germline encoded activation receptors and also regulate immune responses via cytokine release and direct contact with other cells." [CL:0000623]
+synonym: "natural killer T cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "NK cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000623
+is_a: XAO:0003157 ! T cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003157
+name: T cell
+def: "A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex." [AAO:0010311]
+xref: CL:0000084
+is_a: XAO:0003155 ! lymphocyte
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003159 ! thymocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003158
+name: B cell
+def: "One of the two types of lymphocytes (the others being T cells). All lymphocytes begin their development in the bone marrow. B cells are involved in so-called humoral immunity." [XAO:curators]
+xref: CL:0000236
+is_a: XAO:0003155 ! lymphocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003159
+name: thymocyte
+def: "An immature T cell located in the thymus." [AAO:0010312]
+is_a: XAO:0003155 ! lymphocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000163 ! thymus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003160
+name: anatomical cluster
+def: "Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another." [CARO:0000041]
+xref: CARO:0000041
+xref: UBERON:0000477
+is_a: XAO:0003001 ! anatomical group
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003161
+name: limb bud
+def: "Structure that is an early outgrowth of a presumptive limb." [AAO:0010375]
+xref: UBERON:0004347
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+id: XAO:0003162
+name: acellular anatomical structure
+def: "Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue." [CARO:0000040]
+synonym: "acellular structure" EXACT []
+xref: CARO:0000040
+xref: UBERON:0000476
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0003163
+name: basal lamina
+def: "Acellular anatomical structure that consists of a thin sheet of fibrous proteins that underlie and support the cells of an epithelium. It separates the cells of an epithelium from any underlying tissue." [CARO:0000065]
+synonym: "basement lamina" BROAD []
+xref: CARO:0000065
+xref: UBERON:0000482
+is_a: XAO:0003162 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0003164
+name: solid compound organ
+def: "Compound organ that does not contain macroscopic anatomical spaces." [CARO:0000074]
+xref: CARO:0000074
+xref: UBERON:0000491
+is_a: XAO:0003041 ! compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0003165
+name: cavitated compound organ
+def: "Compound organ that contains one or more macroscopic anatomical spaces." [CARO:0000072]
+xref: CARO:0000072
+xref: UBERON:0000489
+is_a: XAO:0003041 ! compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:0003166
+name: appendicular skeleton
+def: "Skeletal structure that has as its parts the pectoral and pelvic girdles, which articulate with the axial skeleton, together with their associated limbs, the forelimbs and hindlimbs." [AAO:0000747]
+xref: UBERON:0002091
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003167
+name: obsolete fore metapodium
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0003208
+id: XAO:0003168
+name: obsolete hind mesopodium
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0003211
+id: XAO:0003169
+name: dermatocranium
+def: "Subdivision of skeleton that includes all dermal bones in the cranial skeleton." [UBERON:0003113]
+xref: UBERON:0003113
+is_a: XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003170
+name: neurocranium
+def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of the cartilages and bones that surround the brain." [TAO:0001580, XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0001703
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003171
+name: orbital region
+def: "An anatomical cluster that is part of the cranium and structurally supports the eye." [AAO:0010220]
+xref: UBERON:0001697
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003172
+name: olfactory region
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is located in the anterior region of the neurocranium and provides structural support for the olfactory organs." [AAO:0010206]
+xref: UBERON:0003112
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003173
+name: occipital region
+def: "An anatomical cluster that is located in the posterior region of the neurocranium and forms the margin of the foramen margin and occipital condyles." [AAO:0010199]
+xref: UBERON:0005902
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003174
+name: sphenoid region
+def: "Anatomical cluster that forms the floor and side walls of the middle part of the cranium." [UBERON:0003111]
+xref: UBERON:0003111
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0003175
+name: otic region
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is a posterolateral part of the neurocranium and structurally supports the vestibuloauditory system." [AAO:0010208]
+xref: UBERON:0003110
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0003176
+name: splanchnocranium
+def: "Regional skeletal system of the jaws, hyoid and branchial arches." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001216]
+xref: UBERON:0008895
+is_a: XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0003177
+name: hyoid arch skeleton
+def: "Skeletal subdivision comprising the skeletal elements of the hyoid arch." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0005884
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000098 ! hyoid arch
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003176 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003178
+name: dorsal hyoid arch skeleton
+def: "Skeletal subdivision comprising the dorsal skeletal elements of the hyoid arch." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0011152
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003177 ! hyoid arch skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003179
+name: ventral hyoid arch skeleton
+def: "Skeletal subdivision comprising the ventral skeletal elements of the hyoid arch." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0011153
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003177 ! hyoid arch skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0003180
+name: branchial arch skeleton
+def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the branchial arches; the last five of the set of seven pharyngeal arches; generally branchial arch no. 1 is the first branchial arch, or the third pharyngeal arch, but some authors do not follow this convention." [PMID:8589427]
+synonym: "gill arch skeleton" RELATED []
+synonym: "pharyngeal arch skeleton 3-7" RELATED []
+synonym: "visceral arch skeleton" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005886
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000099 ! branchial arch
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003176 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0003181
+name: branchial arch skeleton 1
+def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the first branchial or pharyngeal arch." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003180 ! branchial arch skeleton
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000447 ! branchial arch 1
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0003182
+name: branchial arch skeleton 2
+def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the second branchial or pharyngeal arch." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003180 ! branchial arch skeleton
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000449 ! branchial arch 2
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0003183
+name: branchial arch skeleton 3
+def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the third branchial or pharyngeal arch." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003180 ! branchial arch skeleton
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000451 ! branchial arch 3
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0003184
+name: branchial arch skeleton 4
+def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the fourth branchial or pharyngeal arch." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003180 ! branchial arch skeleton
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000453 ! branchial arch 4
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0003185
+name: anatomical direction
+def: "Any spatial descriptor that describes the orientation of the anatomical features of an embryo." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+id: XAO:0003186
+name: anatomical region
+def: "A region of the whole organism that contains a recognizable set of structures or anatomical entities." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0003187
+name: medial
+def: "Spatial concept pertaining to being toward the middle or inside." [NCIt:Medial]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0003188
+name: proximal
+def: "Spatial concept denoting a part of the body that is closer to the center of the body than another part." [NCIt:Proximal]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0003189
+name: distal
+def: "Spatial concept denoting a part of the body that is farther away from the center of the body than another part." [NCIt:Distal]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+id: XAO:0003190
+name: anatomical space
+def: "Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures." [CARO:0000005]
+xref: CARO:0000005
+xref: UBERON:0000464
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:0003191
+name: left atrium
+def: "The chamber of the heart that receives blood from the lungs." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0002079
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005198 ! cardiac atrium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+id: XAO:0003192
+name: right atrium
+def: "The chamber of the heart that receives blood from the sinus venosus." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0002078
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005198 ! cardiac atrium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+id: XAO:0003193
+name: cardiac ventricle
+def: "Cardiac chamber that consists of a wall that surrounds the cavity of a ventricle. The amphibian heart has a single ventricle and an outflow tract with an incomplete spiral septum." [UBERON:0002082]
+xref: UBERON:0002082
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0003194
+name: sensory system
+def: "Part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information." []
+xref: UBERON:0001032
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0003195
+name: vestibuloauditory system
+def: "The sensory system used for balance and hearing." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0002105
+is_a: XAO:0003194 ! sensory system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0003196
+name: olfactory system
+def: "The sensory system used for olfaction (the sense of smell)." []
+xref: UBERON:0005725
+is_a: XAO:0003194 ! sensory system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0003197
+name: gustatory system
+def: "The sensory system used for the sense of taste." []
+xref: UBERON:0001033
+is_a: XAO:0003194 ! sensory system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0003198
+name: visual system
+def: "The sensory system used for sight." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0002104
+is_a: XAO:0003194 ! sensory system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0003199
+name: lymphatic system
+def: "Part of the circulatory system that consists of a series of vessels that collect blood (exclusive of erythrocytes) which seeps through capillary walls and return it to the veins. The lymphatic system of vasculature drains lymph fluid from the tissue spaces of most organs and returns it to the blood vasculature for recirculation. The lymphatic sytem functions in immune responses. Anurans generate a lot of lymphatic fluid, largely as a consequence of their very leaky vasculature and high interstitial compliance. Lymph is ultimately pumped into the venous system by paired, dorsally located lymph hearts. Hedrick et al (2007) showed that lung inflation and deflation assists lymph movement. Lymph is moved during lung deflation to the subvertebral sac from anterior and posterior lymph sacs. During lung inflation, increased lymph sac pressure moves lymph to axillary regions, where lymph hearts can return lymph to the vascular space." [AAO:0010522, PMID:17981861, XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0002465
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0003200
+name: gut epithelium
+def: "The epithelium of the gut." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0003929
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0003201
+name: oral epithelium
+def: "Epithelium that lines the oral cavity, with many short microvilli as well as mucous cells, rodlet cells and taste buds." [UBERON:0002424]
+xref: UBERON:0002424
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003029 ! mouth
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0003202
+name: pharyngeal epithelium
+def: "Epithelium lining the pharynx, consisting largely of simple columnar epithelium." [TAO:0001174, XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0003351
+is_a: XAO:0004007 ! unilaminar epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:0003203
+name: dental epithelium
+def: "Epithelium that is part of a developing tooth or dental organ." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0005134]
+xref: UBERON:0003843
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+id: XAO:0003204
+name: neural tube
+def: "Hollow epithelial tube on the dorsal side of the embryo that develops into the brain and spinal cord." [AAO:0010617]
+xref: UBERON:0001049
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000248 ! neural groove
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0003205
+name: chondrocyte
+def: "Polymorphic cell type that forms cartilage." [CL:0000138]
+synonym: "cartilage cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000138
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003238 ! chondroblast
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000170 ! cartilage tissue
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0003206
+name: podocyte
+def: "Cell type that is a component of the glomus." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "podocytes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000653
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000318 ! glomus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0003207
+name: carpus
+def: "The cluster of bones in the wrist between the radius, ulna and metacarpus, they do not belong to individual fingers, but allow the wrist to move and rotate." [ISBN:0070179778]
+xref: UBERON:0009880
+is_a: XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003061 ! forelimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004299 ! hand
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000069 ! NF stage 57
+id: XAO:0003208
+name: metacarpus
+def: "Each of the bones forming the part of the hand between the fingers and the wrist." []
+xref: UBERON:0010544
+is_a: XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003061 ! forelimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004299 ! hand
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000069 ! NF stage 57
+id: XAO:0003209
+name: radio-ulna
+def: "Either of the paired, long bones of endochondral origin formed by the fusion of the radius and ulna." [AAO:0000901]
+synonym: "radioulna" EXACT []
+synonym: "radius-ulna" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0006715
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003061 ! forelimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004297 ! forelimb zeugopod
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+id: XAO:0003210
+name: humerus
+def: "Either of the paired, elongate, cylindrical forelimb bones of endochondral origin that extend from the pectoral girdle (shoulders) to the elbows." [AAO:0000679, XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0000976
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003061 ! forelimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004295 ! forelimb stylopod
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+id: XAO:0003211
+name: tarsus
+def: "A bone of the wrist of the hindlimb, which remains cartilaginous until NF stage 66." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "tarsalia" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0009879
+is_a: XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003062 ! hindlimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004300 ! foot
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003212
+name: metatarsus
+def: "Each of the bones forming the part of the foot between the toes and the heel." []
+xref: UBERON:0010545
+is_a: XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003062 ! hindlimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004300 ! foot
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003213
+name: tibia-fibula
+def: "Bone of the lower hind leg, which undergoes ossification from NF stage 56 to stage 66." [ISBN:0471209627]
+synonym: "tibiofibula" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0006714
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003062 ! hindlimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004298 ! hindlimb zeugopod
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003214
+name: femur
+def: "Either of the paired, elongate, cylindrical bones of endochondral origin that form the thighs, extending from the pelvic girdles to the knees. Proximal bone of the hind leg, which begins to ossify at NF stage 55." [ISBN:0471209627]
+xref: UBERON:0000981
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004238 ! femur rudiment
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003062 ! hindlimb skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004296 ! hindlimb stylopod
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0003215
+name: photoreceptor layer
+def: "The layer within the retina where the photoreceptor cell receptor segments reside." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000143]
+synonym: "retinal photoreceptor layer" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001787
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:17Z
+id: XAO:0003216
+name: retinal neural layer
+def: "The layer of nerve cells in the retina." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "neural retina" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003902
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000266 ! retinal layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000009 ! retina
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:02:33Z
+id: XAO:0003217
+name: retinal pigmented epithelium
+def: "The monolayer of pigmented epithelium covering the neural retina." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000144]
+synonym: "pigmented epithelium" RELATED []
+synonym: "pigmented retinal epithelium" RELATED []
+synonym: "RPE" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001782
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000009 ! retina
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:05:18Z
+id: XAO:0003218
+name: retinal outer plexiform layer
+def: "The layer within the retina where the bipolar cells synapse with the photoreceptor cells." [UBERON:0001790]
+xref: UBERON:0001790
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:28Z
+id: XAO:0003219
+name: retinal outer nuclear layer
+def: "The layer within the retina where the photoreceptor cell bodies reside." [UBERON:0001789]
+xref: UBERON:0001789
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:30Z
+id: XAO:0003220
+name: optic fiber layer
+def: "Fiber layer adjacent the retinal ganglion cell layer that comprises its axons as they traverse to the optic nerve." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001619]
+xref: UBERON:0001793
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:32Z
+id: XAO:0003221
+name: retinal inner nuclear layer
+def: "The layer of the retina composed of the cell bodies of bipolar cells, horizontal cells, and some of the cell bodies of amacrine cells." [UBERON:0001791]
+xref: UBERON:0001791
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:34Z
+id: XAO:0003222
+name: inner limiting membrane
+def: "Retinal layer composed of the basal lamina of Muller cells." [NCIt:Inner_Limiting_Membrane]
+xref: UBERON:0001794
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:37Z
+id: XAO:0003223
+name: retinal ganglion cell layer
+def: "Innermost nuclear layer of the retina, consisting of retinal ganglion cells, containing neurons that project axons through the optic nerve to the brain." [UBERON:0001792]
+xref: UBERON:0001792
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:41Z
+id: XAO:0003224
+name: outer limiting membrane
+def: "A thin fenestrated layer of the pars nervosa retinae adjacent to the outer nuclear layer and through which extend the visual rods and cones." [NCIt:Outer_Limiting_Membrane]
+xref: UBERON:0001788
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:44Z
+id: XAO:0003225
+name: retinal inner plexiform layer
+def: "The plexiform layer of the retina positioned between the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer and containing the dendrites of retinal ganglion cells and processes of bipolar and amacrine cells." [UBERON:0001795]
+xref: UBERON:0001795
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T02:26:47Z
+id: XAO:0003226
+name: optic tectum
+def: "Structure that is the anterodorsal-most region of the midbrain and is responsible for auditory and visual reflexes." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "midbrain tectum" RELATED []
+synonym: "OT" EXACT []
+synonym: "tectum" RELATED []
+synonym: "tectum opticum" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001945
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-15T03:37:08Z
+id: XAO:0003227
+name: pharynx
+def: "Anatomical cavity bounded by the derivatives of the branchial arches." [AAO:0000967]
+xref: UBERON:0001042
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-16T02:04:46Z
+id: XAO:0003228
+name: hypaxial muscle
+def: "Type of trunk muscle that lies ventral to the horizontal septum of the vertebrae and is innervated by the ventral ramus of the spinal nerves. The arise from migratory somitic cells along the lower margin of the trunk somites." [UBERON:0008777, XAO:curator]
+synonym: "body wall muscle" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0008777
+is_a: XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001016 ! abdominal myoblast
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005226 ! migrating myoblast
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003230 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-16T02:14:05Z
+id: XAO:0003229
+name: epaxial muscle
+def: "Trunk muscle that lies dorsal to the horizontal septum of the vertebrae." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "epaxial muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0008778
+is_a: XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003230 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-16T02:17:32Z
+id: XAO:0003230
+name: trunk musculature
+def: "Muscle that is located posterior to the head and anterior to the tail and consists of epaxial and hypaxial muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0001774
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-16T02:18:03Z
+id: XAO:0003231
+name: absorptive cell
+def: "A cell that takes up stuff and metabolizes it." [CL:0000212]
+xref: CL:0000212
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:12:02Z
+id: XAO:0003232
+name: acid secreting cell
+def: "Any of the cell types of the digestive system that secrete amino acid peptides or polypeptides." [CL:0000161]
+xref: CL:0000161
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:15:23Z
+id: XAO:0003233
+name: acinar cell
+def: "Exocrine functioning cells of the pancreas." [CL:0000622]
+xref: CL:0000622
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000136 ! pancreas
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:16:38Z
+id: XAO:0003234
+name: alkali secreting cell
+def: "A cell that secretes alkaline substances." [XAO:curators]
+xref: CL:0000435
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:17:42Z
+id: XAO:0003235
+name: barrier cell
+def: "A cell whose primary function is to prevent the transport of stuff across compartments." [CL:0000215]
+xref: CL:0000215
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:18:52Z
+id: XAO:0003236
+name: barrier epithelial cell
+def: "A surface epithelial cell of stratified squamous epithelium of cornea, tongue, oral cavity, esophagus or cloaca." [XAO:curators]
+xref: CL:0000073
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:19:57Z
+id: XAO:0003237
+name: cementoblast
+def: "A cell of ectomesenchymal origin concerned with the formation of the layer of cementum on the roots of teeth." [ISBN:0781733901]
+xref: CL:0000061
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:23:10Z
+id: XAO:0003238
+name: chondroblast
+def: "A cell that originates from a mesenchymal stem cell and forms chondrocytes (cartilage cells). Chondroblasts that become embedded in the matrix are called chondrocytes." [XAO:curators]
+xref: CL:0000058
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004320 ! mesenchymal stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:24:55Z
+id: XAO:0003239
+name: circulating cell
+def: "A cell that moves among different tissues of the body, via blood, lymph, or other medium." [CL:0000080]
+xref: CL:0000080
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001010 ! circulatory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:26:48Z
+id: XAO:0003240
+name: digestive enzyme secreting cell
+def: "A type of cell, found in the digestive tract, that secrete enzymes that break down polymeric macromolecules into their smaller building blocks, in order to facilitate their absorption by the body." []
+synonym: "digestive enzyme secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000470
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:30:09Z
+id: XAO:0003241
+name: early embryonic cell
+def: "A cell found in the embryo before the formation of all the germ layers is complete." [CL:0000007]
+xref: CL:0000007
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:31:42Z
+id: XAO:0003242
+name: morula cell
+def: "A cell of the early embryo at the developmental stage in which the blastomeres, resulting from repeated mitotic divisions of the fertilized ovum (zygote), form a compact cell mass." [CL:0000360]
+xref: CL:0000360
+is_a: XAO:0003241 ! early embryonic cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000019 ! NF stage 9
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:32:43Z
+id: XAO:0003244
+name: gastrula cell
+def: "A cell of the embryo in the early stage following the blastula, characterized by morphogenetic cell movements, cell differentiation, and the formation of the three germ layers." [CL:0000361]
+xref: CL:0000361
+is_a: XAO:0003241 ! early embryonic cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:32:48Z
+id: XAO:0003245
+name: ectodermal cell
+def: "A cell of the outer of the three germ layers of the embryo." [CL:0000221]
+synonym: "ectoderm cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000221
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:35:11Z
+id: XAO:0003246
+name: electrically active cell
+def: "A cell whose function is determined by the generation or the reception of an electric signal." [CL:0000211]
+xref: CL:0000211
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:37:18Z
+id: XAO:0003247
+name: endocrine cell
+def: "A cell of an endocrine gland, ductless glands that secrete substances which are released directly into the circulation and which influence metabolism and other body functions." [CL:0000163]
+xref: CL:0000163
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004208 ! adenohypophyseal placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:38:59Z
+id: XAO:0003248
+name: endodermal cell
+def: "A cell of the inner of the three germ layers of the embryo." [CL:0000223]
+synonym: "endoderm cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000223
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:40:37Z
+id: XAO:0003249
+name: epithelial cell
+def: "A cell that is usually found in a two-dimensional sheet with a free surface." [CL:0000066]
+xref: CL:0000066
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:42:50Z
+id: XAO:0003250
+name: exocrine cell
+def: "A cell of an exocrine gland, i.e. a gland that discharges its secretion via a duct." [CL:0000152]
+xref: CL:0000152
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:44:46Z
+id: XAO:0003251
+name: hatching gland cell
+def: "Individual secretory cells of the hatching gland that secrete an enzyme that dissolves or weakens the egg jelly and facilitates hatching." [XAO:curators]
+xref: CL:0000249
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000034 ! hatching gland
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:48:20Z
+id: XAO:0003252
+name: keratin accumulating cell
+def: "A cell that is specialized to accumulate keratins, a family of fibrous structural proteins." []
+xref: CL:0000311
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:52:10Z
+id: XAO:0003253
+name: ligament cell
+def: "Type of cell that is capable of generating and maintaining the fibrous connective tissue of the ligament." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: CL:0000384
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004031 ! ligament
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:52:51Z
+id: XAO:0003254
+name: Merkel cell
+def: "A modified epidermal cell located in the stratum basale. They are found mostly in areas where sensory perception is acute." [CL:0000242]
+xref: CL:0000242
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T01:56:02Z
+id: XAO:0003255
+name: mesodermal cell
+def: "A cell of the middle germ layer of the embryo." [CL:0000222]
+synonym: "mesoderm cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000222
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:00:17Z
+id: XAO:0003256
+name: mucus secreting cell
+def: "A type of epithelial cell, found in the epidermis and digestive system, whose function is to secrete mucin, which dissolves in water to form protective mucus." []
+xref: CL:0000319
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:06:11Z
+id: XAO:0003257
+name: myelin accumulating cell
+def: "A cell that is specialized to accumulate myelin." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: CL:0000328
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:06:51Z
+id: XAO:0003258
+name: neuromast mantle cell
+def: "A non-sensory cell type surrounding the neuromast support cells and neuromast hair cells, separating the neuromast from the epidermis, and secreting cupula in which the ciliary bundles of all the hair cells are embedded." [CL:0000851]
+xref: CL:0000851
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000023 ! skin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:07:36Z
+id: XAO:0003259
+name: neuromast support cell
+def: "A non-sensory cell of the neuromast that extends between the sensory hair cells from the basement membrane to the apical surface; neuromast support cells are surrounded by neuromast mantle cells." [CL:0000852]
+xref: CL:0000852
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000023 ! skin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:09:08Z
+id: XAO:0003260
+name: nucleate erythrocyte
+def: "An erythrocyte having a nucleus." [CL:0000562]
+xref: CL:0000562
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:10:45Z
+id: XAO:0003261
+name: olfactory epithelial support cell
+def: "A non-ciliated columnar cell that extends from the epithelial free margin to the basement membrane of the olfactory epithelium." [CL:0000853]
+xref: CL:0000853
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:14:47Z
+id: XAO:0003262
+name: oxygen accumulating cell
+def: "A cell that is specialized to accumulate oxygen." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: CL:0000329
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:16:28Z
+id: XAO:0003263
+name: paracrine cell
+def: "A secretory cell that secretes an agonist into intercellular spaces in which it diffuses to a target cell other than that which produced it." [CL:0000512]
+xref: CL:0000512
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:17:10Z
+id: XAO:0003264
+name: pericyte
+def: "A slender, contractile, mesenchymal-like cell found in close association with capillary walls. They are relatively undifferentiated and may become fibroblasts, macrophages, or smooth muscle cells." [CL:0000669]
+xref: CL:0000669
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:21:51Z
+id: XAO:0003265
+name: somatic stem cell
+def: "A stem cell that can give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line." [CL:0000723]
+xref: CL:0000723
+is_a: XAO:0003054 ! stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T02:25:31Z
+id: XAO:0003266
+name: liver primordium
+def: "Embryonic primordium consisting of an endodermal thickening that develops into the liver." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000124]
+synonym: "liver" BROAD []
+synonym: "liver bud" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003894
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004270 ! hepato-pancreatic progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-07-20T04:05:12Z
+id: XAO:0003267
+name: kidney
+def: "Either of the pair of structures lying on either side of the dorsal aorta in which fluid balance is regulated and waste is excreted out in the form of urine. Amphibians (and fish) have a early kidney, the pronephros/pronephric kidney, which consitsts of a single nephron attached to a pronephric duct, which in turn is linked to the cloaca. The pronephros functions as primary filtration system for the embryo while the mesonephric kidney develops. The pronephros starts to degenerate at NF stage 53. The mesonephros starts to form at NF stage 39 and contuinues to grow into the adult kidney." [AAO:0000250, XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0002113
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000143 ! urinary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-08-25T11:34:29Z
+id: XAO:0003268
+name: cardiac progenitor cell
+def: "Type of presumptive precardiac cell that lie as paired primordia 30 to 45 degrees on either side of the dorsal midline of the embryo. As gastrulation proceeds, these migrate laterally, eventually fusing at the anterior ventral midline, where they differentiate into cardiac tissue. They give rise to the linear heart tube of the fused heart primordium and derive from the cardiac crescent." [PMID:17194606, PMID:2340810]
+synonym: "CPC" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005033 ! progenitor cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000336 ! heart primordium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-12-01T04:42:20Z
+id: XAO:0003269
+name: jaw muscle
+def: "Type of muscle that arises in the zygomatic arch and closes the jaw." [UBERON:0003681]
+xref: UBERON:0011648
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005287 ! jaw muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2009-12-01T04:45:17Z
+id: XAO:0004000
+name: duct
+def: "A tube shaped portion of tissue lined with epithelial cells that collects secretions and routes them to their destination." [UBERON:0000058]
+synonym: "ducts" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0000058
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-16T10:41:29Z
+id: XAO:0004001
+name: portion of organism substance
+def: "Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body." [CARO:0000004]
+xref: UBERON:0000463
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-16T10:56:39Z
+id: XAO:0004002
+name: lateral line
+def: "Any of the sense organs that detect vibrations carried through water. They develop from a specialized series of dorsolateral ectodermal placodes named lateral line placodes." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0010202
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000095 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-16T11:03:34Z
+id: XAO:0004003
+name: anatomical line
+def: "Non-material anatomical entity of one dimension, which forms a boundary of an anatomical surface or is a modulation of an anatomical surface." [CARO:0000008]
+xref: CARO:0000008
+xref: UBERON:0006800
+is_a: XAO:0000000 ! Xenopus anatomical entity
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-16T11:18:59Z
+id: XAO:0004004
+name: atypical epithelium
+def: "Epithelium that consists of epithelial cells not arranged in one ore more layers." [AAO:0010057]
+xref: CARO:0000071
+xref: UBERON:0000488
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-20T10:55:41Z
+id: XAO:0004005
+name: extraembryonic structure
+def: "Anatomical structure that is contiguous with the embryo and comprises portions of tissue or cells that will not contribute to the embryo." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000020]
+xref: CARO:0000042
+xref: UBERON:0000478
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-20T11:00:46Z
+id: XAO:0004006
+name: multilaminar epithelium
+def: "Epithelium that consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells." [CARO:0000069]
+xref: CARO:0000069
+xref: UBERON:0000486
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-20T11:10:18Z
+id: XAO:0004007
+name: unilaminar epithelium
+def: "Epithelium that consists of a single layer of epithelial cells." [CARO:MAH]
+xref: CARO:0000073
+xref: UBERON:0000490
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-20T11:18:11Z
+id: XAO:0004008
+name: simple columnar epithelium
+def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of columnar cells." [CARO:MAH]
+xref: CARO:0000068
+xref: UBERON:0000485
+is_a: XAO:0004007 ! unilaminar epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-20T11:19:24Z
+id: XAO:0004009
+name: simple cuboidal epithelium
+def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells." [CARO:MAH]
+xref: CARO:0000067
+xref: UBERON:0000484
+is_a: XAO:0004007 ! unilaminar epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-20T11:22:50Z
+id: XAO:0004010
+name: simple squamous epithelium
+def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of squamous cells." [CARO:MAH]
+xref: CARO:0000070
+xref: UBERON:0000487
+is_a: XAO:0004007 ! unilaminar epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-06-20T11:25:42Z
+id: XAO:0004011
+name: axial skeleton
+def: "Anatomical cluster of the central body axis including the cranium, vertebrae, notochord, ribs, and sternum." [VSAO:0000056]
+xref: UBERON:0005944
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000058 ! somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T02:37:32Z
+id: XAO:0004012
+name: skeletal element
+def: "Organ entity that is typically involved in mechanical support and may have different skeletal tissue compositions at different stages." [VSAO:0000128]
+xref: UBERON:0004765
+is_a: XAO:0003164 ! solid compound organ
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004053 ! skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:11:53Z
+id: XAO:0004013
+name: cartilage element
+def: "Skeletal element that is composed of cartilage tissue and may be permanent or transient." [UBERON:0007844]
+synonym: "cartilage" RELATED []
+synonym: "cartilaginous element" EXACT []
+synonym: "chondrogenic element" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007844
+is_a: XAO:0004012 ! skeletal element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004022 ! cartilaginous condensation
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:25:09Z
+id: XAO:0004014
+name: membrane bone
+def: "Bone element that arises as a result of intramembranous ossification." [UBERON:0007842]
+xref: UBERON:0007842
+is_a: XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:36:02Z
+id: XAO:0004015
+name: dermal bone
+def: "Skeletal element that forms superficially in the organism, usually in association with the ectoderm." [UBERON:0008907]
+xref: UBERON:0008907
+is_a: XAO:0004014 ! membrane bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004025 ! dermal skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:36:25Z
+id: XAO:0004016
+name: regenerating skeletal element
+def: "Skeletal element that forms as a replacement or substitution of another element or tissue." [UBERON:0010522]
+synonym: "replacement element" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0010522
+is_a: XAO:0004012 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004026 ! endoskeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:37:56Z
+id: XAO:0004017
+name: endochondral element
+def: "A skeletal element that has the potential to participate in endochondral ossification, and may participate in intramembranous ossification." [UBERON:0010363]
+synonym: "endochondral replacement element" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0010363
+is_a: XAO:0004016 ! regenerating skeletal element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:38:45Z
+id: XAO:0004018
+name: endochondral bone
+def: "Replacement bone that forms within cartilage." [UBERON:0002513]
+synonym: "ossified chondrogenic bone" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002513
+is_a: XAO:0004017 ! endochondral element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004022 ! cartilaginous condensation
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:39:53Z
+id: XAO:0004019
+name: vertebra
+def: "Main component of the vertebral column. It consists of two essential parts, a dorsal neural arch and a ventral centrum." [AAO:0000691]
+synonym: "vertebrae" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0002412
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003074 ! vertebral column
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:44:24Z
+id: XAO:0004020
+name: process
+def: "Anatomical structure that is a natural outgrowth, projection, or appendage. A process can be part of a bone, cartilage, tissue, or fin." [VSAO:0000180]
+synonym: "bony projection" RELATED []
+synonym: "flange" EXACT []
+synonym: "lamellae" EXACT []
+synonym: "laminae" EXACT []
+synonym: "projection" EXACT []
+synonym: "ridge" EXACT []
+synonym: "shelf" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0004529
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T03:58:55Z
+id: XAO:0004021
+name: cell condensation
+def: "Anatomical structure that is an aggregation of similar cells from which cartilages and bones form, and from which chondrogenesis and osteogenesis are initiated during repair and/or regeneration." [PMID:8901191, UBERON:0011585]
+xref: UBERON:0011585
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:26:10Z
+id: XAO:0004022
+name: cartilaginous condensation
+def: "Cell condensation that is an aggregation of mesenchymal cells that are committed to differentiate into chondroblasts and chondrocytes." [UBERON:0005863]
+synonym: "cartilage condensation" EXACT []
+synonym: "chondrogenic condensation" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005863
+is_a: XAO:0004021 ! cell condensation
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004053 ! skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:27:08Z
+id: XAO:0004023
+name: craniofacial skeleton
+def: "Cranial skeleton derived from neural crest cells." [VSAO:00000082]
+synonym: "cranio-facial skeleton" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004279 ! cranial skeleton
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001001 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:39:54Z
+id: XAO:0004024
+name: craniofacial region
+def: "Anatomical cluster that encompasses the cranium and facial structures." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:42:44Z
+id: XAO:0004025
+name: dermal skeleton
+def: "Skeletal subdivision that undergoes direct development and includes elements that either develop in association with the basement membrane of the ectoderm or are homologous with such elements; includes dermatocranium, components of the appendicular skeleton, teeth and tooth-like elements of the oropharynx, and integumentary elements." [UBERON:0010364]
+synonym: "dermal skeletal system" RELATED []
+synonym: "dermoskeleton" RELATED []
+synonym: "desmoskeleton" RELATED []
+synonym: "exoskeleton" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0010364
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:47:40Z
+id: XAO:0004026
+name: endoskeleton
+def: "Skeletal system that undergoes indirect development and includes elements that develop as a replacement or substitution of other elements or tissues." [UBERON:0010362]
+synonym: "replacement skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0010362
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:49:15Z
+id: XAO:0004027
+name: extracellular matrix
+def: "Anatomical structure composed of a combination of protein fibers, ground substance and tissue fluid; typically has embedded cells." [VSAO:0000022]
+synonym: "ECM" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003162 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:52:15Z
+id: XAO:0004028
+name: fibrocartilage
+def: "Cartilage tissue intermediate between hyaline cartilage and dense connective tissue; contains of abundant collagen fibers; chondrocytes often arranged in columns." [UBERON:0001995]
+synonym: "fibrocartilage tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001995
+is_a: XAO:0000170 ! cartilage tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:54:35Z
+id: XAO:0004029
+name: hyaline cartilage tissue
+def: "Cartilage tissue primarily composed of type II collagen (thin fibrils) and a glassy appearance." [UBERON:0001994]
+synonym: "hyaline cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001994
+is_a: XAO:0000170 ! cartilage tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T04:56:37Z
+id: XAO:0004030
+name: dense regular connective tissue
+def: "Connective tissue that is dominated by collagen fibers organized into a definitive pattern (e.g., parallel to one another), with comparatively fewer cells (mostly fibroblasts)." [UBERON:0007846]
+synonym: "dense fibrous connective tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "dense regular collagenous connective tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "dense regular collagenous tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "regular dense connective tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007846
+is_a: XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:06:10Z
+id: XAO:0004031
+name: ligament
+def: "Dense regular connective tissue connecting two or more adjacent skeletal elements or supporting an organ." [UBERON:0000211]
+xref: UBERON:0000211
+is_a: XAO:0004030 ! dense regular connective tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:06:59Z
+id: XAO:0004032
+name: proteinaceous extracellular matrix
+def: "A layer consisting mainly of proteins (especially collagen) and glycosaminoglycans (mostly as proteoglycans) that forms a sheet underlying or overlying cells such as endothelial and epithelial cells. The proteins are secreted by cells in the vicinity." [VSAO:0000021]
+is_a: XAO:0004027 ! extracellular matrix
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:12:13Z
+id: XAO:0004033
+name: avascular GAG-rich matrix
+def: "Proteinaceous extracellular matrix that is avascular and consists primarily of glycosaminoglycans." [VSAO:0000059]
+synonym: "avascular glycosaminoglycan-rich matrix" EXACT []
+synonym: "cartilage matrix" EXACT []
+synonym: "cartilage-like matrix" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004032 ! proteinaceous extracellular matrix
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:14:07Z
+id: XAO:0004034
+name: mineralized extracellular matrix
+def: "Extracellular matrix that is mineralized." [VSAO:0000020]
+is_a: XAO:0004032 ! proteinaceous extracellular matrix
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:16:11Z
+id: XAO:0004035
+name: osteoid
+def: "Bone tissue that is an unmineralized bone matrix deposited by osteoblasts prior to the mineralization of bone tissue." [UBERON:0008883]
+synonym: "osteoid tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "pre-bone" EXACT []
+synonym: "prebone" EXACT []
+synonym: "prebone tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0008883
+is_a: XAO:0000169 ! bone tissue
+is_a: XAO:0005000 ! matrix-based tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:17:00Z
+id: XAO:0004036
+name: mineralized avascular GAG-rich matrix
+def: "Avascular GAG-rich matrix that is mineralized." [VSAO:0000120]
+is_a: XAO:0004033 ! avascular GAG-rich matrix
+is_a: XAO:0004034 ! mineralized extracellular matrix
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004055 ! mineralized cartilage tissue
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:18:20Z
+id: XAO:0004037
+name: non-mineralized avascular GAG-rich matrix
+def: "Avascular GAG-rich matrix that is not mineralized." [VSAO:0000119]
+synonym: "non-mineralized cartilage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004033 ! avascular GAG-rich matrix
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004043 ! non-mineralized cartilage tissue
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:18:57Z
+id: XAO:0004038
+name: skeletal tissue
+def: "A specialized form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is firm, providing the tissue with resilience, and/or mineralized and that functions in mechanical and structural support." [UBERON:0004755]
+xref: UBERON:0004755
+is_a: XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004012 ! skeletal element
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:21:47Z
+id: XAO:0004039
+name: mineralized tissue
+def: "Skeletal tissue that is mineralized." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004038 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:22:34Z
+id: XAO:0004040
+name: mineralized bone tissue
+def: "Bone tissue mineralized with hydroxyapatite." [UBERON:4000115]
+xref: UBERON:4000115
+is_a: XAO:0000169 ! bone tissue
+is_a: XAO:0004039 ! mineralized tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004035 ! osteoid
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:23:02Z
+id: XAO:0004041
+name: mineralized hyaline cartilage tissue
+def: "Hyaline cartilage tissue that is mineralized." [VSAO:0000109]
+is_a: XAO:0004039 ! mineralized tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:25:19Z
+id: XAO:0004042
+name: muscular system
+def: "Anatomical system comprising the sum of all muscles in the body." [UBERON:0000383]
+xref: UBERON:0000383
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000168 ! musculoskeletal system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:28:16Z
+id: XAO:0004043
+name: non-mineralized cartilage tissue
+def: "Cartilage tissue that is not mineralized." [VSAO:0000089]
+is_a: XAO:0000170 ! cartilage tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:30:58Z
+id: XAO:0004044
+name: non-mineralized hyaline cartilage tissue
+def: "Hyaline cartilage tissue that is not mineralized." [VSAO:0000108]
+is_a: XAO:0004029 ! hyaline cartilage tissue
+is_a: XAO:0004043 ! non-mineralized cartilage tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-22T05:32:35Z
+id: XAO:0004045
+name: odontogenic papilla
+def: "Cell condensation that is a well-defined population of densely organized mesenchymal cells that aggregates adjacent to an epithelium." [VSAO:0000025]
+synonym: "dental papilla" RELATED []
+synonym: "odontogenic condensation" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001763
+is_a: XAO:0004021 ! cell condensation
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T08:43:35Z
+id: XAO:0004046
+name: odontoid tissue
+def: "Skeletal tissue that is part of the exoskeleton and derived from an odontogenic papilla." [UBERON:0010365]
+synonym: "dental tissue" RELATED []
+synonym: "odontogenic tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0010365
+is_a: XAO:0004038 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004045 ! odontogenic papilla
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004025 ! dermal skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T08:45:58Z
+id: XAO:0004047
+name: oropharyngeal papilla
+def: "Odontogenic papilla located along the jaws or pharyngeal skeleton." [VSAO:0000030]
+synonym: "oropharyngeal dental papilla" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004045 ! odontogenic papilla
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T08:47:31Z
+id: XAO:0004048
+name: oropharynx
+def: "Anatomical cluster that comprises the oral part of the pharynx." [UBERON:0001729]
+xref: UBERON:0001729
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003227 ! pharynx
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T08:50:17Z
+id: XAO:0004049
+name: perichondrium
+def: "A layer of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the cartilage of developing bone, consisting of two separate layers: an outer fibrous layer and inner chondrogenic layer. The fibrous layer contains fibroblasts, which produce collagenous fibers. The chondrogenic layer remains undifferentiated and can form chondroblasts or chondrocytes. Perichondrium is a type of connective tissue, and also functions in the growth and repair of cartilage. Once vascularized, the perichondrium becomes the periosteum." []
+xref: UBERON:0002222
+is_a: XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T08:52:43Z
+id: XAO:0004050
+name: perichordal tissue
+def: "Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the notochord; includes a layer of elastin." [UBERON:0007862]
+synonym: "notochord" RELATED []
+synonym: "perichordal connective tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "perichordal sheath" EXACT []
+synonym: "perichordal sheath tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007862
+is_a: XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T08:53:53Z
+id: XAO:0004051
+name: dentine
+def: "Collagen-rich odontogenic tissue characteristic of teeth and tooth-like skeletal elements (e.g., odontodes); mature dentine is mineralized and develops from predentine tissue; often (but not always) tubular and acellular." [UBERON:0001751]
+synonym: "dental tissue" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001751
+is_a: XAO:0004046 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004052 ! pre-dentine
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T08:56:47Z
+id: XAO:0004052
+name: pre-dentine
+def: "Odontogenic tissue that is collagen-rich and characteristic of vertebrate teeth and tooth-like structures (e.g., odontodes) deposited by preodontoblasts and odontoblasts that are typically excluded from the matrix." [UBERON:0011587]
+synonym: "pre-dentine tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "predentine tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0011587
+is_a: XAO:0004046 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T08:58:05Z
+id: XAO:0004053
+name: skeleton
+def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of all the skeletal elements (eg, bone, cartilage, and teeth) of the body." [UBERON:0004288]
+xref: UBERON:0004288
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003060 ! skeletal system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T09:00:02Z
+id: XAO:0004054
+name: vacuolated notochordal tissue
+def: "Connective tissue that is matrix-poor with large number of vacuolated cells." [VSAO:0000053]
+synonym: "notochord proper" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T09:02:51Z
+id: XAO:0004055
+name: mineralized cartilage tissue
+def: "Cartilage tissue that is mineralized." [VSAO:0000088]
+is_a: XAO:0000170 ! cartilage tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-23T09:31:53Z
+id: XAO:0004056
+name: distal mesenchyme
+def: "Mesenchyme cells that proliferate in the progress zone of developing limb buds." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T10:22:39Z
+id: XAO:0004057
+name: tail tip
+def: "Portion of tissue comprising the posterior end of the tail fin." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0010162
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004062 ! tail fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T10:30:32Z
+id: XAO:0004058
+name: ampullary nerve
+def: "Nerve that is a branch of cranial nerve VIII and innervates the cristae ampullaris." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0005144]
+synonym: "neural ampulla" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003047 ! nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003095 ! vestibulocochlear nerve
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T10:33:59Z
+id: XAO:0004059
+name: regenerating tissue
+def: "A portion of tissue that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0005147]
+xref: UBERON:0007567
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T10:40:19Z
+id: XAO:0004060
+name: blastema
+def: "A regenerating tissue composed of a proliferative mass of undifferentiated progenitor cells from which new differentiated structures arise." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001270]
+xref: UBERON:0005306
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000061 ! NF stage 49
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T10:42:35Z
+id: XAO:0004061
+name: dorsal fin margin
+def: "Fin margin which is part of the dorsal fin." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0005171 ! fin margin
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000469 ! dorsal tail fin
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004063 ! dorsal fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T10:45:04Z
+id: XAO:0004062
+name: tail fin
+def: "The fin at the posterior part of the body of the tadpole." [BTO:0001827]
+synonym: "caudal fin" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003026 ! tail
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T10:47:44Z
+id: XAO:0004063
+name: dorsal fin
+def: "The unsupported flaps of epidermis-covered, loose connective tissue extending the length of the dorsal tail muscle, originating at or near the tail-body junction, and extending posteriorly to slightly beyond the tip of the notochord and tail musculature." [ISBN:0226557634]
+is_a: XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T10:57:00Z
+id: XAO:0004064
+name: ventral tail fin
+def: "The ventral part of the tail fin." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004062 ! tail fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:06:36Z
+id: XAO:0004065
+name: ventral fin margin
+def: "Fin margin which is part of the ventral fin." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0005171 ! fin margin
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004064 ! ventral tail fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:08:17Z
+id: XAO:0004066
+name: vegetal endoderm
+def: "Portion of the cleavage-stage embryo below the equator and consisting of prospective endodermal cells." [ISBN:0123646200]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000011 ! NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:12:31Z
+id: XAO:0004067
+name: suprablastoporal endoderm
+def: "During gastrulation, the ring of endodermal cells that overlie the larger sub-blastoral endoderm cells." [ISBN:0123646200]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:14:55Z
+id: XAO:0004068
+name: sub-blastoporal endoderm
+def: "During gastrulation, the vegetal endodermal cells that lie just below the ring of smaller suprablastoral endoderm cells." [ISBN:0123646200]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:15:44Z
+id: XAO:0004069
+name: migratory neural crest cell
+def: "Neural crest that lose their connections to other neuroepithelial cells during the delamination process and begin to migrate. This involves either partial or complete epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Numerous molecules have been demonstrated to guide a neural crest cell's migration to its target tissue." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "migratory neural crest" RELATED []
+synonym: "migratory neural crest cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "NCMC" RELATED []
+synonym: "neural crest migrating cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000333
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:22:55Z
+id: XAO:0004070
+name: hypothalamus
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the diencephalon ventral to the thalamus consisting of connecting fibers and is a center for control of the autonomous nervous system." [AAO:0010484]
+xref: UBERON:0001898
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:29:04Z
+id: XAO:0004071
+name: optic chiasm
+def: "Decussation of cranial nerve II axons whereby some cross the midline and some remain ipsilateral." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000556]
+synonym: "OC" EXACT []
+synonym: "optic chiasma" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000959
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:35:57Z
+id: XAO:0004072
+name: suprachiasmatic nucleus
+def: "The ventral region of the alar hypothalamus. It is a diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is ventrolateral to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus." [PMID:24122702, XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000441]
+synonym: "SC" RELATED []
+synonym: "SCN" EXACT []
+synonym: "suprachiasmatic region" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002034
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004230 ! anterior hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T11:41:40Z
+id: XAO:0004074
+name: intersomitic region
+def: "Anatomical region between somites." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "intersomitic junction" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T12:21:44Z
+id: XAO:0004075
+name: intersomitic vessel
+def: "Primary blood vessel sprouts that originate from the aorta and grow dorsally between the somites." [PMID:17119151]
+synonym: "intersomitic blood vessel" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001010 ! circulatory system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004074 ! intersomitic region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T12:25:46Z
+id: XAO:0004076
+name: intersomitic tendon
+def: "A tendon located in the intersomitic region." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000173 ! tendon
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004074 ! intersomitic region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T12:28:10Z
+id: XAO:0004077
+name: intersomitic epithelium
+def: "Epithelium located in the intersomitic region." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "intersomitic membrane" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004074 ! intersomitic region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T12:31:19Z
+id: XAO:0004078
+name: intersomitic neuron
+def: "Neuron located in the intersomitic region." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004074 ! intersomitic region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T12:34:45Z
+id: XAO:0004079
+name: rhombomere
+def: "Any of the transient sequential subdivisions of the developing hindbrain, all posterior to the midbrain-hindbrain boundary." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "rhombomeres" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0001892
+is_a: XAO:0004597 ! neuromere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005026 ! presumptive rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T01:19:56Z
+id: XAO:0004080
+name: rhombomere R2
+def: "The 2nd most anterior segment of the developing hindbrain, which along with r3 is dorsal to brancial arch 1." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "r2" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombomere 2" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005569
+is_a: XAO:0004079 ! rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T02:00:45Z
+id: XAO:0004081
+name: rhombomere R3
+def: "The 3rd segment of the developing hindbrain, between rhombomeres r2 and r4, which along with r2 is dorsal to branchial arch 1." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "r3" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombomere 3" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005507
+is_a: XAO:0004079 ! rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T02:04:40Z
+id: XAO:0004082
+name: rhombomere R4
+def: "The 4th segment of the developing hindbrain, between rhombomeres r3 and r5 and dorsal to branchial arch 2." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "r4" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombomere 4" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005511
+is_a: XAO:0004079 ! rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T02:06:25Z
+id: XAO:0004083
+name: rhombomere R5
+def: "The 5th segment of the developing hindbrain, between rhombomeres r4 and r6, and dorsal to branchial arch 3." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "r5" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombomere 5" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005515
+is_a: XAO:0004079 ! rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T02:08:06Z
+id: XAO:0004084
+name: rhombomere R6
+def: "The 6th segment of the developing hindbrain, directly bordering the midbrain-hindbrain boundary, and dorsal to branchial arch 4." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "r6" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombomere 6" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005519
+is_a: XAO:0004079 ! rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T02:09:39Z
+id: XAO:0004085
+name: ionocyte
+def: "Specialized epithelial cells involved in the maintenance of osmotic homeostasis. They are characterized by abundant mitochondria and ion transporters. In Xenopus there are two distinct types of ionocytes, described as alpha- and beta- subtypes." [CL:0005006]
+synonym: "clear cell" BROAD []
+synonym: "FORE cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "IC" EXACT []
+synonym: "intercalated cell" BROAD []
+synonym: "mitochondria-rich cell" BROAD []
+synonym: "narrow cell" BROAD []
+synonym: "proton-secreting cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "PSC" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0005006
+is_a: XAO:0004225 ! non-ciliated epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004091 ! non-neural ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T02:12:18Z
+id: XAO:0004086
+name: presumptive midbrain-hindbrain boundary
+def: "Part of the neural ectoderm that will become the embryonic midbrain-hindbrain boundary." [UBERON:0007281]
+xref: UBERON:0007281
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T02:24:16Z
+id: XAO:0004087
+name: neural fold
+def: "One of the two edges of the neural groove." [UBERON:0005062]
+xref: UBERON:0005062
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T02:42:38Z
+id: XAO:0004088
+name: animal pole
+def: "The apical region of the animal hemisphere." [XAO:curator]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000202 ! animal hemisphere
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:18:10Z
+id: XAO:0004089
+name: periocular region
+def: "Anatomical region that surrounds the eye but is within the orbit." []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000040 ! head region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:20:21Z
+id: XAO:0004090
+name: optic field
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the anterior neural plate and will form the optic vesicle." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000570]
+synonym: "eye primordium" RELATED []
+synonym: "optic primordium" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0003071
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000045 ! pre-chordal neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:24:00Z
+id: XAO:0004091
+name: non-neural ectoderm
+def: "The portion of the embryonic ectoderm, including the preplacodal ectoderm, that does not give rise to nervous tissue." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "NNE" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005497
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004132 ! presumptive ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:28:19Z
+id: XAO:0004092
+name: preplacodal ectoderm
+def: "A thick, U-shaped primordium positioned at the border of the future epidermis and the neural plate/neural crest forming regions, in the neural stage embryo. This field of naive ectoderm is subdivided into 3 domains, each with distinct gene expression profiles: the anterior PPE (bottom of the U), the lateral PPE (the curves of the U), and the posterior PPE (arms of the U and adjacent to the neural crest/neural plate border). The PPE differentiates into the sensory placodes, which in turn form the adenohypophysis/anterior pituitary gland and sensory organs (such as the olfactory epithelium, lens, trigeminal nerves, epibranchial nerves, otic vesicles and lateral lines)." [PMID:30291163]
+synonym: "placodal area" RELATED []
+synonym: "PPE" EXACT []
+synonym: "pre-placodal ectoderm" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000270 ! sensorial layer of neurectoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004104 ! neural plate border
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000270 ! sensorial layer of neurectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:30:53Z
+id: XAO:0004093
+name: profundal placode
+def: "An embryonic structure positioned halfway between the prospective eye and ear, adjacent to the future midbrain-hindbrain boundary. The profundal and the trigeminal ganglia are separate distally but fused at their proximal end as they condense around NF stage 24." [PMID:21452441]
+synonym: "profundus placode" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004620 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:36:24Z
+id: XAO:0004094
+name: lens epithelium
+def: "Epithelium that borders the anterior and equitorial region of the lens. Lens growth occurs via the differentiation of additional fibre cells from lens epithelial cells." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001326]
+xref: UBERON:0001803
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000008 ! lens
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:40:12Z
+id: XAO:0004095
+name: lens transitional zone
+def: "The region of the lens of the eye where cells from the anterior epithelial capsule become transformed into the fibers that compose the lens substance." []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000008 ! lens
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:43:21Z
+id: XAO:0004096
+name: lens fiber cell mass
+def: "Portion of tissue comprising fibers that form the bulk of the lens. They are long, thin, transparent cells." [UBERON:0002444]
+synonym: "lens fiber" RELATED []
+synonym: "lens fiber cells" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002444
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000008 ! lens
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:45:09Z
+id: XAO:0004097
+name: horizontal cell
+def: "A neuron that laterally connects other neurons in the inner nuclear layer of the retina." [CL:0000745]
+synonym: "horizontal neuron" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000745
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T03:58:01Z
+id: XAO:0004098
+name: bipolar neuron
+def: "A type of interneuron that has two neurites, usually an axon and a dendrite, extending from opposite poles of an ovoid cell body." [CL:0000103]
+synonym: "bipolar cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000103
+is_a: XAO:0004267 ! interneuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T04:01:16Z
+id: XAO:0004099
+name: amacrine cell
+def: "Interneuron of the retina. They integrate, modulate, and interpose a temporal domain in the visual message presented to the retinal ganglion cells, with which they synapse in the inner plexiform layer. They lack large axons." [CL:0000561]
+synonym: "amacrine neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000561
+is_a: XAO:0004267 ! interneuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003216 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T04:06:40Z
+id: XAO:0004100
+name: retinal ganglion cell
+def: "Type of neuron that receives neural inputs via bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells. The axons of these cells make up the optic nerve." [CL:0000740]
+synonym: "RGC" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000740
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003223 ! retinal ganglion cell layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-24T04:08:45Z
+id: XAO:0004101
+name: optic tract
+def: "Diencephalic white matter (tract) that is composed of retinal ganglion cell axons after which they have passed through the optic chiasm." [UBERON:0001908]
+xref: UBERON:0001908
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T09:25:47Z
+id: XAO:0004102
+name: pre-chordal neural plate border
+def: "The portion of the neural plate border that is anterior to the mid-hindbrain junction." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "anterior neural plate border" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000045 ! pre-chordal neural plate
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004104 ! neural plate border
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T09:47:05Z
+id: XAO:0004103
+name: chordal neural plate border
+def: "The portion of the neural plate border that is posterior to the mid-hindbrain junction, and from which neural crest cells arise." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000046 ! chordal neural plate
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004104 ! neural plate border
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T09:47:56Z
+id: XAO:0004104
+name: neural plate border
+def: "The boundary between non-neural ectoderm and the neural plate of neurula stage embryos, giving rise to the neural crest and cranial placodes." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "NPB" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T09:49:21Z
+id: XAO:0004105
+name: pronephric tubule
+def: "Any of bilaterally paired tubes that perform the resorptive and excretory functions of the pronephros, and which connect the pronephric glomeruli to the pronephric ducts." [ISBN:0127224416, ZFA:0001558]
+xref: UBERON:0005310
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000285 ! pronephric nephron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T09:56:54Z
+id: XAO:0004106
+name: regenerating forelimb
+def: "A portion of forelimb tissue that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "forelimb" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0004311 ! regenerating limb
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:02:27Z
+id: XAO:0004107
+name: regenerating hindlimb
+def: "A portion of hind limb tissue that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "hind limb" BROAD []
+synonym: "hindlimb" BROAD []
+synonym: "regenerating hind limb" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004311 ! regenerating limb
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:02:56Z
+id: XAO:0004108
+name: regenerating tail
+def: "A portion of tail tissue that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "tail" BROAD []
+synonym: "tail blastema" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:03:11Z
+id: XAO:0004109
+name: regenerating eye
+def: "A portion of eye tissue that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "eye" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:03:22Z
+id: XAO:0004110
+name: eye photoreceptor cell
+def: "A cell found in the retina of the eye that is specialized to detect and transduce light." [CL:0000210]
+xref: CL:0000287
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003215 ! photoreceptor layer
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:17:43Z
+id: XAO:0004111
+name: retinal cone cell
+def: "One of the two photoreceptor cell types in the retina. In cones the photopigment is in invaginations of the cell membrane of the outer segment. Cones are less sensitive to light than rods, but they provide vision with higher spatial and temporal acuity, and the combination of signals from cones with different pigments allows color vision." [CL:0000573]
+synonym: "cone photoreceptor cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "eye photoreceptor cell (cone)" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000573
+is_a: XAO:0004110 ! eye photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:19:21Z
+id: XAO:0004112
+name: retinal rod cell
+def: "One of the two photoreceptor cell types of the retina. In rods the photopigment is in stacks of membranous disks separate from the outer cell membrane. Rods are more sensitive to light than cones, but rod mediated vision has less spatial and temporal resolution than cone vision." [CL:0000604]
+synonym: "eye photoreceptor cell (rod)" EXACT []
+synonym: "rod photoreceptor cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000604
+is_a: XAO:0004110 ! eye photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:22:13Z
+id: XAO:0004113
+name: vegetal pole
+def: "The apical region of the vegetal hemisphere." [XAO:curator]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000280 ! vegetal hemisphere
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:25:07Z
+id: XAO:0004114
+name: stage I oocyte
+def: "A developing female gamete that is at the pre-vitellogenic stage." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "pre-vitellogenic oocyte" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:27:57Z
+id: XAO:0004115
+name: stage II oocyte
+def: "A developing female gamete that is at the early vitellogenic stage." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "early vitellogenic oocyte" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000084 ! oocyte stage II
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000084 ! oocyte stage II
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:28:59Z
+id: XAO:0004116
+name: stage III oocyte
+def: "A developing female gamete that is at the mid-vitellogenic stage." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "mid-vitellogenic oocyte" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000085 ! oocyte stage III
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000085 ! oocyte stage III
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:30:01Z
+id: XAO:0004117
+name: stage IV oocyte
+def: "A developing female gamete that is at the stage in which polarization along the animal-vegetal axis is established." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000086 ! oocyte stage IV
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000086 ! oocyte stage IV
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:30:48Z
+id: XAO:0004118
+name: stage V oocyte
+def: "A developing female gamete that is at the late vitellogenic stage." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "late vitellogenic oocyte" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000087 ! oocyte stage V
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000087 ! oocyte stage V
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:31:45Z
+id: XAO:0004119
+name: stage VI oocyte
+def: "A female gamete that is at the fully grown stage." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "post-vitellogenic oocyte" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000088 ! oocyte stage VI
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000088 ! oocyte stage VI
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:32:29Z
+id: XAO:0004120
+name: cardiac jelly
+def: "A sheet of extracellular matrix that separates the outer myocardial cell layer from the inner endocardial tube in the early embryonic heart. As the heart is going through the looping stages, this extracellular matrix/cardiac jelly starts to thicken in two regions, the atrioventricular canal region and the ventricular outflow tract region. These two discrete swellings of cardiac jelly are known as cardiac cushions. The cardiac jelly plays a central role in the septation of the heart and comprises most of the thickness of the heart wall at early stages, but disappears as the heart differentiates." [PMID:19890915]
+xref: UBERON:0003906
+is_a: XAO:0004027 ! extracellular matrix
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:49:57Z
+id: XAO:0004121
+name: apical ectodermal ridge
+def: "A thickened layer of ectodermal cells at the distal tip of a developing limb bud. Along with the zone of polarizing activity, it is a crucial organizing region during limb development." []
+synonym: "AER" EXACT []
+synonym: "apical epidermal ridge" EXACT []
+synonym: "epidermal ridge" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0004356
+is_a: XAO:0004122 ! proliferative region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:53:20Z
+id: XAO:0004122
+name: proliferative region
+def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of rapidly dividing cells." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000098]
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000018 ! NF stage 8
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T10:57:21Z
+id: XAO:0004123
+name: atrioventricular canal
+def: "The part of the heart connecting the atrium to the cardiac ventricle." [PMID:10644411, ZFA:0001315]
+synonym: "AV canal" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002087
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:16:48Z
+id: XAO:0004124
+name: atrioventricular canal endocardium
+def: "Endocardium that is part of the atrioventricular canal." [PMID:10644411, ZFA:0001616]
+xref: UBERON:0003930
+is_a: XAO:0000066 ! endocardium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004123 ! atrioventricular canal
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:19:42Z
+id: XAO:0004125
+name: atrioventricular valve leaflet
+def: "A portion of tissue forming a cusp guarding the opening of the atrioventricular valve." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "atrioventricular valve leaflets" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005308 ! atrioventricular valve
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:20:57Z
+id: XAO:0004126
+name: cardiac valve
+def: "Portion of tissue that prevents regurgitation of blood from the ventricles to the atria or from the pulmonary arteries or aorta to the ventricles." [UBERON:0000946]
+synonym: "heart valve" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000946
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:22:41Z
+id: XAO:0004127
+name: m. geniohyoideus
+alt_id: XAO:0004347
+def: "Muscle that pulls the hyoid apparatus forward and depresses the lower jaw." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "geniohyoideus" EXACT []
+synonym: "mgh" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0011151
+is_a: XAO:0004326 ! hypobranchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004444 ! m. geniohyoideus primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:33:42Z
+id: XAO:0004128
+name: m. rectus abdominis
+def: "Muscle of the abdomen that continues anteriorly as the m. rectus cervicis." [ISBN:080184780X, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "rectus abdominis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002382
+is_a: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:34:32Z
+id: XAO:0004129
+name: m. rectus cervicus
+alt_id: XAO:0004348
+def: "Muscle that retracts the hyoid and, therefore, the tongue." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "mrc" EXACT []
+synonym: "rectus cervicis" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004326 ! hypobranchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004445 ! m. rectus cervicis primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:34:53Z
+id: XAO:0004130
+name: auditory hair cell
+def: "A mechanoreceptor cell located in the inner ear that is sensitive to auditory stimuli. The accessory sensory structures are arranged so that appropriate stimuli cause movement of the hair-like projections (stereocilia and kinocilia) which relay the information centrally in the nervous system." [CL:0000202]
+xref: CL:0000202
+is_a: XAO:0004138 ! sensory epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:41:17Z
+id: XAO:0004131
+name: lateral crista
+def: "Horizontal (lateral) patch of cristae/sensory epithelia cells of the inner ear." [PMID:20201105]
+synonym: "horizontal crista" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004138 ! sensory epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-25T11:44:54Z
+id: XAO:0004132
+name: presumptive ectoderm
+def: "Presumptive structure at the animal pole of the blastula that will develop into ectoderm." [UBERON:0006601]
+xref: UBERON:0006601
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000019 ! NF stage 9
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T08:59:00Z
+id: XAO:0004133
+name: posterior crista
+def: "Posterior patch of cristae/sensory epithelia cells of the inner ear." [PMID:20201105]
+xref: UBERON:0007275
+is_a: XAO:0004138 ! sensory epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T09:03:42Z
+id: XAO:0004134
+name: presumptive paraxial mesoderm
+def: "Presumptive structure that will develop into paraxial mesoderm." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0007285
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000083 ! involuted dorsal mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000031 ! NF stage 10.5
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T09:08:28Z
+id: XAO:0004135
+name: rhombic lip
+def: "The interface between the dorsal neuroepithelium and the roof plate of the fourth ventricle. The source of a number of migratory neuron populations of the hindbrain." [UBERON:0006215]
+xref: UBERON:0006215
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T09:25:54Z
+id: XAO:0004136
+name: saccular macula
+def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula saccule senses linear acceleration and gravity." [PMID:20201105]
+xref: UBERON:0002212
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T09:31:03Z
+id: XAO:0004137
+name: anterior crista
+def: "Anterior patch of cristae/sensory epithelia cells of the inner ear." [PMID:20201105]
+synonym: "anterior cristae" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0007274
+is_a: XAO:0004138 ! sensory epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T09:42:59Z
+id: XAO:0004138
+name: sensory epithelial cell
+def: "A specialized epithelial cell involved in sensory perception. Restricted to special sense organs of the olfactory, gustatory, and vestibuloauditory systems; they contain sensory cells surrounded by supportive, non-receptive cells." [CL:0000098]
+xref: CL:0000098
+is_a: XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T09:52:26Z
+id: XAO:0004139
+name: outflow tract
+def: "The portion of the heart through which blood flows into the pulmocutaneous and systemic arteries. It is derived from cardiac precusor cells of the secondary heart field, and septation is incomplete." [PMID:10644411, PMID:20671188, UBERON:0004145]
+xref: UBERON:0004145
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004190 ! cardiac neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T10:12:24Z
+id: XAO:0004140
+name: ventricular outflow tract
+def: "A portion of either the left ventricle or right ventricle of the heart through which blood passes in order to enter the great arteries. The right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) is an infundibular extension of the ventricular cavity which connects to the pulmonary artery. The left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT), which connects to the aorta, is nearly indistinguishable from the rest of the ventricle." [PMID:10644411, UBERON:0005337]
+xref: UBERON:0005337
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004139 ! outflow tract
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T10:17:59Z
+id: XAO:0004141
+name: spiral septum
+def: "The thin, spiral-shaped membranous structure within the ventricular outflow tract of the heart." [PMID:10644411]
+synonym: "spiral septa" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0002099
+is_a: XAO:0005422 ! septum
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004186 ! secondary heart field
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004140 ! ventricular outflow tract
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T10:22:27Z
+id: XAO:0004142
+name: vestibulocochlear ganglion
+def: "Ganglion that provides afferent innervation for hair cells associated with both the auditory and vestibular components of the inner ear. As the otic placode invaginates into a cup neuroblasts delaminate from the anterior ventral aspect of the otic epithelium to give rise to neurons of the vestibulocochlear (statoacoustic) ganglion of cranial nerve VIII." [PMID:21452441]
+synonym: "statoacoustic (VIII) ganglion" EXACT []
+synonym: "statoacoustic ganglion" EXACT []
+synonym: "vestibulocochlear ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002827
+is_a: XAO:0000209 ! ganglion
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000223 ! otic placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003095 ! vestibulocochlear nerve
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T10:41:25Z
+id: XAO:0004143
+name: vascular plexus
+def: "Any network of intercommunicating blood vessels." [XAO:curators]
+xref: UBERON:0005629
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T10:59:34Z
+id: XAO:0004144
+name: anterior ventral blood island
+def: "Region that is overlapping, anterior, and dorsal to the main body of the ventral blood island." [PMID:21069823]
+synonym: "aVBI" EXACT []
+synonym: "blood island" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004473 ! ventral mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000067 ! ventral blood island
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T11:20:29Z
+id: XAO:0004145
+name: vestibular apparatus
+def: "A small, oval, bony chamber of the labyrinth. The vestibule contains the utricle and saccule, organs which are part of the balancing apparatus of the ear." [UBERON:0005236]
+xref: UBERON:0001862
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: xenbase3
+creation_date: 2011-08-26T11:46:49Z
+id: XAO:0004146
+name: hemangioblast
+def: "A pluripotent cell in the ventral blood island that can give rise to mesenchymal cells including erythrocytes and endothelial cells." [PMID:11495698]
+xref: CL:0002418
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000122 ! hematological system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T10:27:52Z
+id: XAO:0004147
+name: vitelline vein
+def: "One of two veins that run upward at first in front, and subsequently on either side of the intestinal canal. They unite on the ventral aspect of the canal, and beyond this are connected to one another by two anastomotic branches, one on the dorsal, and the other on the ventral aspect of the duodenal portion of the intestine, which is thus encircled by two venous rings; into the middle or dorsal anastomosis the superior mesenteric vein opens. The portions of the veins above the upper ring become interrupted by the developing liver and broken up by it into a plexus of small capillary-like vessels termed sinusoids." [UBERON:0005487]
+synonym: "vascular vitelline network" EXACT []
+synonym: "vitelline veins" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0005487
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004144 ! anterior ventral blood island
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T10:36:35Z
+id: XAO:0004148
+name: myeloid cell
+def: "A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, mast cell, megakaryocyte, or erythroid lineage." [CL:0000763]
+xref: CL:0000763
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004144 ! anterior ventral blood island
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004628 ! posterior ventral blood island
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000122 ! hematological system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T10:44:28Z
+id: XAO:0004149
+name: endothelial cell
+def: "Cell that comprises the outermost layer or lining of anatomical structures and can be squamous or cuboidal." [CL:0000115]
+xref: CL:0000115
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000356 ! vascular endothelium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T10:48:16Z
+id: XAO:0004150
+name: erythroid cell
+def: "An immature or mature cell in the lineage leading to and including erythrocytes." [CL:0000764]
+synonym: "erythroid lineage cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000764
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004144 ! anterior ventral blood island
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004628 ! posterior ventral blood island
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000122 ! hematological system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T10:53:48Z
+id: XAO:0004151
+name: tail vasculature
+def: "Posterior vascular precursor cells of the tail region." [PMID:21069823]
+xref: UBERON:0010204
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003026 ! tail
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T11:01:48Z
+id: XAO:0004152
+name: head vasculature
+def: "The blood vessels of the head region." [PMID:21069823]
+xref: UBERON:0002200
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T11:05:38Z
+id: XAO:0004153
+name: retinal blood vessel
+def: "Blood vessels of the retina. May be visible in periocular stainings." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "retinal blood vessels" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0004864
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T11:39:54Z
+id: XAO:0004154
+name: hyaloid blood vessel
+def: "Vessels that are associated with the posterior region of the lens." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0005046]
+synonym: "hyaloid blood vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "hyaloid vessel" EXACT []
+synonym: "hyaloid vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0005492
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T11:43:24Z
+id: XAO:0004155
+name: hyaloid artery
+def: "The hyaloid artery is a branch of the ophthalmic artery, which is itself a branch of the internal carotid artery. It is contained within the optic stalk of the eye and extends from the optic disc through the vitreous humor to the lens. Its purpose is to supply nutrient to the developing lens." [UBERON:0002270]
+xref: UBERON:0002270
+is_a: XAO:0004154 ! hyaloid blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T11:47:17Z
+id: XAO:0004156
+name: hyaloid vein
+def: "Vein internal to the eye." [UBERON:006011]
+xref: UBERON:0006011
+is_a: XAO:0004154 ! hyaloid blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T11:51:28Z
+id: XAO:0004157
+name: hyaloid vascular plexus
+def: "Network of intersecting blood vessels associated with the posterior region of the lens." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0005607
+is_a: XAO:0004154 ! hyaloid blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T11:53:20Z
+id: XAO:0004158
+name: anterior cerebral vein
+def: "Vein that crosses the head dorsally at NF stage 37/38 and drains into the vena capitis medialis." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0001672
+is_a: XAO:0004160 ! cerebral vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T12:00:30Z
+id: XAO:0004159
+name: posterior cerebral vein
+def: "Vein that drains the dorsal longitudinal vessel and the caudal portions of the venous capillary network of the medulla oblongata. The cerebral veins cross the head dorsally at NF stage 37-38. It drains into the vena capitis lateralis." [PMID:12606281, ZFA:0005027]
+is_a: XAO:0004160 ! cerebral vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T12:13:01Z
+id: XAO:0004160
+name: cerebral vein
+def: "The cerebral veins are divisible into external and internal groups according to the outer surfaces or the inner parts of the hemispheres they drain into. The veins are the anterior cerebral veins, posterior cerebral veins, and middle cerebral vein which cross dorsally between the bilateral vena capitis lateralis." [UBERON:001663]
+xref: UBERON:0001663
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T12:16:59Z
+id: XAO:0004161
+name: middle cerebral vein
+def: "Type of vein that crosses the head dorsally at NF stage 37/38 and drains into the vena capitis lateralis." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "mid cerebral vein" EXACT []
+synonym: "mid-cerebral vein" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004160 ! cerebral vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T12:23:07Z
+id: XAO:0004162
+name: pulmonary artery
+def: "Type of artery that carries blood from the heart to the lungs. They are the only arteries that carry deoxygenated blood. Develops from aortic arch 6." [UBERON:0002012]
+xref: UBERON:0002012
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000353 ! aortic arch 6
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T01:59:48Z
+id: XAO:0004163
+name: angioblast
+def: "A mesenchymal stem cell capable of developing into blood vessel endothelium." [CL:0000566]
+synonym: "angioblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000566
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T02:11:31Z
+id: XAO:0004164
+name: intersomitic vein
+def: "Type of vein that sprouts from the posterior cardinal vein, growing dorsally between the somites, and then joining, and draining the dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0004075 ! intersomitic vessel
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000241 ! posterior cardinal vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T02:26:59Z
+id: XAO:0004165
+name: intersomitic artery
+def: "The small branching sprouts of the dorsal aorta that grow across the medial surface of the somite, turn right angles to grow over that surface and then fuse with other sprouts and form the vertebral arteries adjacent to the neural tube; the intersomitic arteries supply the body wall and persist in the adult as the posterior intercostal, subcostal and the lumbar arteries." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0006001
+is_a: XAO:0004075 ! intersomitic vessel
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000051 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-30T02:29:23Z
+id: XAO:0004166
+name: left omphalomesenteric vein
+def: "In the trunk region, one of the veins into which the subintestinal vein drains, and which breaks up to merge with the vitelline network at NF stage 40." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0000376 ! omphalomesenteric vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T10:32:04Z
+id: XAO:0004167
+name: metencephalic artery
+def: "The artery that crosses the brain dorsally, and meets the metencephalic vein." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T10:38:54Z
+id: XAO:0004168
+name: metencephalic vein
+def: "The vein that crosses the brain dorsally, parallel with the mid-cerebral vein, and meets the metencephalic artery." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T10:43:06Z
+id: XAO:0004169
+name: ophthalmic vein
+def: "The dorsal branch/remnant of the vena capitis medialis, that drains blood from the eye. Together with the opthalmic artery, form a double ring encircling the eye and retina." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0011191
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004170 ! vena capitis medialis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T11:03:57Z
+id: XAO:0004170
+name: vena capitis medialis
+def: "One of the major dorsal head veins that drains into the anterior cardinal vein, the other being the vena capitis lateralis." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "VCM" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T11:14:19Z
+id: XAO:0004171
+name: vena capitis lateralis
+def: "One of the major dorsal head veins that drains into the anterior cardinal vein, the other being the vena capitis medialis." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T11:22:11Z
+id: XAO:0004172
+name: subintestinal vein
+def: "Vein that is formed from and drains into the left omphalomesentric vein, and by NF stage 40, it is on the left side of the gut. It moves to the most ventral aspect of the gut during stage 41, and is on the right side of the gut by stage 43." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0011944
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004151 ! tail vasculature
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T11:24:56Z
+id: XAO:0004173
+name: mesencephalic artery
+def: "The major artery of the midbrain, which crosses the midbrain medially to meet its partner the mesencephalic vein." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0001634
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T12:02:13Z
+id: XAO:0004174
+name: mesencephalic vein
+def: "The major vein of the midbrain, which crosses the midbrain medially to meet its partner the mesencephalic artery." [PMID:12606281]
+xref: UBERON:0010205
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T12:04:02Z
+id: XAO:0004175
+name: nasociliary artery
+def: "The main artery of the olfactory region which arises from the cerebral artery at NF stage 41." [PMID:12606281]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T12:13:11Z
+id: XAO:0004176
+name: optic choroid vascular plexus
+def: "A plexus of capillaries that is located anteromedial to the eye. It is a capillary layer in the choroid. It is in contact with the basal surface of the retinal pigmented epithelium and supplies the photoreceptors with oxygen and nutrients. The fused basement membrane of this capillary layer and the pigmented epithelium is called Bruch's membrane." [ISBN:1402073755]
+synonym: "capillary lamina of choroid" EXACT []
+synonym: "choriocapillaris" EXACT []
+synonym: "choroidal vascular plexus" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0010078
+is_a: XAO:0004143 ! vascular plexus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T12:26:08Z
+id: XAO:0004177
+name: dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel
+def: "Vessel into which intersomitic vessels enter in a regular pattern at each intersomitic junction. Posterior to the gut, the DLAV drains into the fused posterior cardinal vein by a minor right branch and a major left branch. By NF stage 36 the DLAV extends fully to the tip of the tail." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "DLAV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T01:27:30Z
+id: XAO:0004178
+name: dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel - left branch
+def: "The major (left) branch of the dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel (dlav); it remains as the sole branch after the right branch breaks up at NF stage 44." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "DLAV - left branch" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004177 ! dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T01:33:06Z
+id: XAO:0004179
+name: dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel - right branch
+def: "The minor (right) branch of the dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel (dlav); the right branch disappears during NF stage 44." [PMID:12606281]
+synonym: "DLAV - right branch" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004177 ! dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T01:38:24Z
+id: XAO:0004180
+name: olfactory bulb
+def: "Part of the telencephalon, comprising paired anterior outgrowths of either of the cerebral hemispheres in which the olfactory nerve exits. The olfactory bulbs begin to fuse at NF stage 50, and fusion is complete around NF stage 58. The cerebral vein loops around the olfactory bulb by NF stage 43." [AAO:0010165, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "bulbus olfactorius" EXACT []
+synonym: "OB" EXACT []
+synonym: "olfactory lobe" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002264
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-08-31T02:08:00Z
+id: XAO:0004181
+name: cardiac myocyte
+def: "Type of myocyte that is responsible for heart contraction." [CL:0000746]
+synonym: "cardiac muscle cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "cardiac muscle cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "cardiac myocytes" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "cardiomyocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "cardiomyocytes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000746
+is_a: XAO:0004475 ! myocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000065 ! myocardium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T09:18:06Z
+id: XAO:0004182
+name: pericardium
+def: "The outer membrane/wall of the developing heart, surrounding the myocardium. Peritoneum that surrounds the heart." [AAO:0010817]
+xref: UBERON:0002407
+is_a: XAO:0000139 ! peritoneum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T09:40:58Z
+id: XAO:0004183
+name: pericardial muscle
+def: "Muscle that is paired and runs anterio-posteriorly along the heart and is covered with epicardium." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001653]
+is_a: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T09:46:21Z
+id: XAO:0004184
+name: pericardial roof
+def: "The dorsal region of the pericardium." [PMID:18598690]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004182 ! pericardium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T10:01:41Z
+id: XAO:0004185
+name: primary heart field
+def: "The field of cardiac progenitor cells that form the heart tube in the embryonic heart." [PMID:18598690, PMID:20671188]
+synonym: "FHF" RELATED []
+synonym: "first heart field" EXACT []
+synonym: "PHF" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004140
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000235 ! cardiac mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T10:49:26Z
+id: XAO:0004186
+name: secondary heart field
+def: "The population of cells located in the splanchnic mesoderm that contribute to the formation of the spiral septum of the outflow tract of the embryonic heart; it is located anterior to the primary heart field." [PMID:18598690, PMID:20671188]
+synonym: "second heart field" EXACT []
+synonym: "SHF" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0009889
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000235 ! cardiac mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T10:56:21Z
+id: XAO:0004187
+name: anterior branchial crest
+def: "Branchial crest that is the 3rd neural crest stream and lays between hyoid crest and posterior branchial crest." [PMID:21490068]
+synonym: "ABC" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000026 ! branchial crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000026 ! branchial crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T11:14:48Z
+id: XAO:0004188
+name: posterior branchial crest
+def: "Branchial crest that is the most posterior of the five neural crest streams." [PMID:21490068]
+synonym: "PBC" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000026 ! branchial crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000026 ! branchial crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T11:18:11Z
+id: XAO:0004189
+name: endocardial cushion
+def: "The discrete swellings of cardiac jelly in the outflow tract and ventricular walls of the developing embryonic heart." [PMID:21490068]
+synonym: "cardiac cushion" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002062
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000066 ! endocardium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T02:17:35Z
+id: XAO:0004190
+name: cardiac neural crest
+def: "Neural crest that develops from the dorsal neural tube. It overlaps the vagal neural crest and migrates to contribute to the pharyngeal arches 3, 4 and 6 (producing structures in the head) and to the heart where it contributes to connective tissue (septa) that separates the vessels of the heart. Cardiac neural crest develops into melanocytes, cartilage, connective tissue and neurons of some pharyngeal arches." []
+xref: UBERON:0000095
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T02:35:20Z
+id: XAO:0004191
+name: vagal neural crest
+def: "One of the 5 distinct and partially overlapping functional domains of the premigratory neural crest. Together with the sacral neural crest cells, they develop into the ganglia of the enteric nervous system, also known as the parasympathetic ganglia. These cells, between the head and trunk, contribute post-cranially to the heart and gut, the chromatophores (pigment cells) of the epidermis, and the majority of the neurons and glial cells of the enteric nervous system. Both vagal and sacral neural crest cells contribute to the enteric nervous system in the hindgut." [PMID:9753687, XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "VNC" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0005428
+is_a: XAO:0005327 ! chordal neural crest
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T02:50:42Z
+id: XAO:0004192
+name: sacral neural crest
+def: "One of the 5 distinct and partially overlapping functional domains of the premigratory neural crest. Together with the vagal neural crest cells, they develop into the ganglia of the enteric nervous system, also known as the parasympathetic ganglia. Sacral crest cells are associated with extrinsic nerve fibers of the hindgut and colon." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "SNC" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0010075
+is_a: XAO:0005327 ! chordal neural crest
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-02T02:53:34Z
+id: XAO:0004193
+name: ossicle
+def: "Skeletal element that is often isolated, small, and variable in composition." [UBERON:0010911]
+xref: UBERON:0010911
+is_a: XAO:0004012 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T09:36:09Z
+id: XAO:0004194
+name: appendicular ossicle
+def: "Ossicle that is part of the appendicular skeleton." [UBERON:0011141]
+xref: UBERON:0011141
+is_a: XAO:0004193 ! ossicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003166 ! appendicular skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T09:38:19Z
+id: XAO:0004195
+name: cellular bone tissue
+def: "Mineralized bone tissue that always includes non-terminally differentiated osteoblasts and osteocytes." [UBERON:4000118]
+xref: UBERON:4000118
+is_a: XAO:0004040 ! mineralized bone tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T09:43:56Z
+id: XAO:0004196
+name: cementum
+def: "Odontoid tissue that is deposited by cementoblasts onto dentine tissue and functions to attach teeth, odontodes and other odontogenic derivatives to bone tissue and the integument." [UBERON:0001753]
+synonym: "bone of attachment" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001753
+is_a: XAO:0004046 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T09:46:43Z
+id: XAO:0004197
+name: elastic cartilage tissue
+def: "Cartilage tissue that is flexible and contains abundant elastic fibers." [UBERON:0001996]
+synonym: "elastic cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001996
+is_a: XAO:0004044 ! non-mineralized hyaline cartilage tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004022 ! cartilaginous condensation
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T09:48:42Z
+id: XAO:0004198
+name: enamel
+def: "Skeletal tissue that consists of an avascular, noncollagenous, hypermineralized matrix that is deposited by ameloblasts that are excluded from the matrix. It develops from organic pre-enamel tissue that is replaced by a largely inorganic matrix." [VSAO:0000065]
+synonym: "enamel tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "tooth enamel" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001752
+is_a: XAO:0004046 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004202 ! pre-enamel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T09:51:23Z
+id: XAO:0004199
+name: enameloid
+def: "Skeletal tissue that is hypermineralized and aprismatic and deposited by a combination of ameloblasts and odontoblasts that are excluded from the matrix. It develops from pre-enameloid tissue." [UBERON:0011692]
+synonym: "bitypic enamel" EXACT []
+synonym: "durodentine" EXACT []
+synonym: "enameloid tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "vitrodentine" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0011692
+is_a: XAO:0004046 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004203 ! pre-enameloid
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T09:56:25Z
+id: XAO:0004200
+name: non-mineralized chondroid tissue
+def: "Chondroid tissue that is not mineralized." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004038 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T09:59:02Z
+id: XAO:0004201
+name: odontode tissue
+def: "Skeletal tissue that is avascular tubular mineralized matrix, primarily made of dentine that is deposited by odontoblasts that are excluded from the matrix; develops from pre-dentine tissue." [VSAO:0000123]
+synonym: "dental tissue" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004046 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004052 ! pre-dentine
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T10:00:35Z
+id: XAO:0004202
+name: pre-enamel
+def: "Odontogenic tissue that is avascular non-mineralized matrix that is deposited by preameloblast and ameloblasts that are excluded from the matrix." [UBERON:0011588]
+synonym: "pre-enamel tissue" EXACT []
+synonym: "preenamel tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0011588
+is_a: XAO:0004046 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T10:08:54Z
+id: XAO:0004203
+name: pre-enameloid
+def: "Odontoid tissue that is avascular non-mineralized matrix that is deposited by odontoblasts and ameloblasts that are excluded from the matrix." [UBERON:0011688]
+synonym: "non-mineralized enameloid tissue" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0011688
+is_a: XAO:0004046 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T10:15:16Z
+id: XAO:0004204
+name: sesamoid
+def: "Replacement element; an ossicle; often an endochondral replacement element that has cartilage and bone states that develops in dense regular connective tissue (e.g., tendons and ligaments)." [VSAO:0000137]
+xref: UBERON:0013631
+is_a: XAO:0004193 ! ossicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T10:23:39Z
+id: XAO:0004205
+name: gall bladder primordium
+def: "A sac-like cavity ventral to the liver, lying in the sub-mesodermal space and closed by a thin sheet of ectodermal cells, from which the future gall bladder develops." [ISBN:0815318960]
+xref: UBERON:0006242
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T01:15:58Z
+id: XAO:0004206
+name: anterior placodal area
+def: "One of the 3 domains of the U-shaped preplacodal ectoderm (PPE), which lies abutting and anterior to the neural plate." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "anterior preplacodal ectoderm" RELATED []
+synonym: "APA" EXACT []
+synonym: "APPE" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004092 ! preplacodal ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T01:29:48Z
+id: XAO:0004207
+name: posterior placodal area
+def: "One of the 3 domains of the U-shaped preplacodal ectoderm (PPE), which lies abutting and lateral to the chordal neural plate border and neural crest." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "posterior preplacodal ectoderm" RELATED []
+synonym: "PPA" EXACT []
+synonym: "PPPE" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004092 ! preplacodal ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T01:40:58Z
+id: XAO:0004208
+name: adenohypophyseal placode
+def: "The small pre-placodal ectoderm area that develops at the midline of the anterior neural ridge, abutting the anterior neural plate, and invaginates to form Rathke's pouch, which in turn forms the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and gives rise to the endocrine secretory cells of the pituitary." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "pituitary placode" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0009122
+is_a: XAO:0005283 ! non-neurogenic ectodermal placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004091 ! non-neural ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T01:47:17Z
+id: XAO:0004209
+name: anterior neural ridge
+def: "The region that delineates the rostral boundary of the neural plate in the neural stage embryo, and is devoid of neural crest cells. It gives rise to the pre-placodal region, some elements of the forebrain, and the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "ANR" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T02:26:18Z
+id: XAO:0004210
+name: infundibulum
+def: "The region of the diencephalon above Rathke's pouch, and forms the posterior lobe of the pituitary." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "hypophysial stalk" EXACT []
+synonym: "infundibulum of hypothalamus" EXACT []
+synonym: "pituitary stalk" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002434
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-13T02:33:45Z
+id: XAO:0004211
+name: facial epibranchial placode
+def: "The most anterior of the epibranchial placodes, associated with the 1st pharyngeal cleft and contributing to the distal ganglia of cranial nerve VII (facial nerve)." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "epVII" EXACT []
+synonym: "geniculate placode" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0009124
+is_a: XAO:0000284 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-14T09:21:23Z
+id: XAO:0004212
+name: glossopharyngeal epibranchial placode
+def: "The central of the three epibranchial placodes, associated with the 2nd pharyngeal cleft and contributing to the distal ganglia of cranial nerve IX (glossopharyngeal nerve)." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "epIX" EXACT []
+synonym: "petrosal placode" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0009125
+is_a: XAO:0000284 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-14T09:25:28Z
+id: XAO:0004213
+name: vagal epibranchial placode
+def: "The most posterior of the epibranchial placodes, in 3 distinct zones, associated with the 3rd to 6th pharyngeal clefts, and contributing to the facial, lateral line and glossopharyngeal ganglion." [ISBN:0878933840]
+synonym: "nodose placode" EXACT []
+synonym: "nodose placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "vagal epibranchial placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0009126
+is_a: XAO:0000284 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-14T09:36:07Z
+id: XAO:0004214
+name: accessory nerve
+def: "Small motor nerve that emerges from the lateral wall of the medulla with the roots of the vagus nerve, and innervates a single pectoral suspensory muscle, the m. cucullaris." [ISBN:080184780X]
+synonym: "accessorius" EXACT []
+synonym: "cranial nerve XI" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002019
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-14T10:03:25Z
+id: XAO:0004215
+name: hypoglossal nerve
+def: "Nerve that leads to the muscles of the tongue (mm geniohyoideus, genioglossus, hyoglossus, and rectus cervicis) and has both sensory and motor functions." [ISBN:080184780X]
+comment: Duellman and Trueb (pg. 395) note that although the primordia of this nerve are in the 1st and 2nd spinal nerves, this nerve contains fibers representing the hypoglossal nerve in amniotes and is thus considered one of the cranial nerves.
+synonym: "cranial nerve XII" EXACT []
+synonym: "hypoglossus" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001650
+is_a: XAO:0000429 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-14T10:07:12Z
+id: XAO:0004216
+name: glomeral nexus
+def: "The narrow bridge that links the two glomera of the pronephric kidney." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000318 ! glomus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000318 ! glomus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-14T10:38:02Z
+id: XAO:0004217
+name: motor neuron
+def: "An efferent neuron that passes from the central nervous system or a ganglion toward or to a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement." [CL:0000100]
+synonym: "motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000100
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T09:25:00Z
+id: XAO:0004218
+name: palatoquadrate
+def: "The dorsal component of the mandibular arch, the ventral one being Meckel's cartilage. Together with the ceratohyal and connecting musculature, it is responsible for the ventilation and irrigation of the filter apparatus." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000024 ! mandibular crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000097 ! mandibular arch
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004219
+name: ceratohyal
+def: "Cartilaginous element that, together with the palatoquadrate and connecting musculature, is responsible for the ventilation and irrigation of the of the filter apparatus." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "ch" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000025 ! hyoid crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000098 ! hyoid arch
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004220
+name: anteroventral lateral line placode
+def: "Lateral line placode that gives rise to the anteroventral lateral line nerve." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "anterior ventral lateral line placode" EXACT []
+synonym: "pAV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T09:32:47Z
+id: XAO:0004221
+name: anterior lateral line placode
+def: "Lateral line placode that gives rise to the anterior lateral line nerve." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "pre-auditory lateral line placode" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004222
+name: middle lateral line placode
+def: "Lateral line placode that gives rise to the middle lateral line nerve." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "intermediate lateral line placode" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004223
+name: posterior lateral line placode
+def: "Lateral line placode that gives rise to the posterior lateral line nerve." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "pP" EXACT []
+synonym: "vagus lateral line placode" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004224
+name: transporting epithelium
+def: "Type of epithelium that facilitates the transcellular transport of solutes. This transport can either be absorption, transport from lumen (apical membrane surface) to blood; or secretion, transport from blood (basolateral membrane surface) to lumen." []
+synonym: "transporting epithelia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004225
+name: non-ciliated epithelial cell
+def: "Type of cell of the epidermis lacking cilia, which separate and space the ciliated epidermal cells." [PMID:16728476]
+synonym: "intercalating non-ciliated cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "non-ciliated epithelial cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004226
+name: ventral tegmentum
+def: "Region of the mesencephalon that arises from a small area of the neural plate, spanning the midline immediately adjacent, and being slightly posterior to the dorsal tegmentum area." [PMID:2351962]
+synonym: "tegmentum ventrale" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral brain stem" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventral tegmental area" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004271 ! midbrain tegmentum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004227
+name: dorsal tegmentum
+def: "Region of the mesencephalon that arises from a small area of the neural plate immediately adjacent and slightly anterior to the ventral tegmentum area." [PMID:2351962]
+synonym: "dorsal brain stem" RELATED []
+synonym: "tegmentum dorsale" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004271 ! midbrain tegmentum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004228
+name: lateral abdominal vein
+def: "Laterally located vein that drains the ventral abdominal wall." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T09:37:16Z
+id: XAO:0004229
+name: fin crest
+def: "The thin epidermis extension of the inner fin visible in the mid trunk region of the inner fin at NF stage 27, and extending posteriorly and then ventrally, ending just before the proctodeum. The fin is more homogeneous in NF stage 46 tadpoles, and the inner fin and fin crest are no longer discrete." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000004 ! inner fin
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003026 ! tail
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004230
+name: anterior hypothalamus
+def: "Anterior part of the hypothalamus, given rise by the midanterior neural ridge along with the chiasmatic ridge during forebrain morphogenesis." [PMID:8537821]
+synonym: "alar hypothalamus" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004070 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T09:51:09Z
+id: XAO:0004231
+name: barbel
+def: "A single long structure at each corner of the mouth that has muscle fibers attached to an internal cartilaginous support and that is mobile." [ISBN:0226557626]
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000073 ! NF stage 61
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004232
+name: spiracle
+def: "The exit for respiratory water in the tadpole." [ISBN:0226557626]
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004233
+name: truncus arteriosus
+def: "A cranial continuation of the bulbis cordis that contains two lateral branches and divides into the carotid arch, systemic arch, and pulmocutaneous arch." [ISBN:0801836018]
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004234
+name: bulbous arteriosis
+def: "Multi-tissue structure through which the blood exits the heart. It is a chamber that functions as a capacitor, maintaining continuous blood flow into the gill arches." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000173]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004235
+name: manicotto glandulare
+def: "The larval stomach." [ISBN:0226893340]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004236
+name: posterior hypothalamus
+def: "Posterior part of the hypothalamus, given rise by the midanterior neural plate during forebrain morphogenesis." [PMID:8537821]
+synonym: "basal hypothalamus" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004070 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T09:51:49Z
+id: XAO:0004237
+name: lateral ganglionic eminence
+def: "A distinct elevation of a transient proliferating cell mass of the subventricular zone; this mass contributes most of its cells to the striatum; however, neocortex, thalamus, septum and olfactory bulb neurons are also partly derived from the LGE." [UBERON:0004025]
+synonym: "LGE" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004025
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004258 ! subpallium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T09:59:19Z
+id: XAO:0004238
+name: femur rudiment
+def: "A cartilaginous element that is the primordium or commencement of a femur." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000063 ! NF stage 51
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004239
+name: hindlimb digit 1
+def: "The most posterior of the hind digits, consisting of a single metatarsal, 2 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "hallux" RELATED []
+synonym: "hind digit 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "pedal digit 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe I" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003035 ! hindlimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004240
+name: branchial vein
+def: "Type of vein that drains the gill region and which passes backwards lateral to the gill chambers and opens into the pronephric sinus." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004241
+name: ischiadic vein
+def: "A vein of the hind limb, first visible in the developing hind limb bud at c. NF stage 50 when it enters the ventral commissural vessel." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000062 ! NF stage 50
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004242
+name: ischiadic artery
+def: "The accompanying artery of the ischiadic nerve." []
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004243
+name: femoral vein
+def: "Either of the primary veins in the hindlimbs that collect blood from the hindlimb region." [AAO:0010237]
+synonym: "vena femoralis" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004296 ! hindlimb stylopod
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000063 ! NF stage 51
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004244
+name: mandibular artery
+def: "Part of the lateral pretrosal artery that supplies blood to the roof of the mouth." [AAO:0010496]
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004245
+name: maxillary artery
+def: "A type of artery that supplies the deep structures of the facial region. It branches from the external carotid artery." []
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004246
+name: rhombomere R7
+def: "The 7th segment of the developing hindbrain." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "r7" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombomere 7" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004079 ! rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T10:01:06Z
+id: XAO:0004247
+name: vertebral artery
+def: "A major artery of the neck that branches from the subclavian arteries and merge to form the single midline basilar artery." []
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004248
+name: epigastric artery
+def: "Artery that supplies the anterior wall of the abdomen." []
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004249
+name: renal artery
+def: "Artery that supplies blood via branches to the gonads, oviducts, and kidneys." [AAO:0010223]
+synonym: "interrenal artery" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000114 ! artery
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000140 ! urogenital system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004250
+name: facial vein
+def: "Vein that collects blood from muscles of the head and drains into the external jugular vein." [AAO:0010513]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004152 ! head vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004251
+name: cutaneous magnus
+def: "Vein that comes from the skin of the trunk." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004252
+name: cutaneous femoral vein
+def: "Vein that comes from the subcutaneous tissue of the hindlimb stylopod." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004296 ! hindlimb stylopod
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004253
+name: postcaval vein
+def: "One of three major veins that enter the sinus venosus." [AAO:0010506]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004254
+name: subclavian vein
+def: "Vein that collects blood from the forelimb via the branchial veins and from the muscles and skin of the trunk via the anterior epigastric and lateral veins." [AAO:0010510]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-28T05:08:21Z
+id: XAO:0004255
+name: lateral vein
+def: "Either of the veins that collect blood from the trunk and skin and drain into the subclavian vein." [AAO:0010515]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004256
+name: ventral abdominal vein
+def: "A vein formed by the combination of veins in the pelvic region that collects blood from the liver, stomach, intestines, and gall bladder." [AAO:0010517]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004423 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004257
+name: Jacobson's vein
+def: "Vein that drains Jacobson's organ." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004258
+name: subpallium
+def: "Structure that comprises the base region of the telencephalon." [UBERON:0000204]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004259
+name: medial ganglionic eminence
+def: "A distinct elevation of a transient proliferating cell mass of the subventricular zone; this mass contributes most of its cells to the neocortex; however, hippocampal neurons, thalamus, septum and olfactory bulb neurons are also partly derived from the MGE." [UBERON:0004024]
+synonym: "MGE" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0004024
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004258 ! subpallium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004260
+name: pharyngeal pouch
+def: "Any of the outpocketings of pharyngeal endoderm that interdigitate with the neural crest derived pharyngeal arches. The pouches later fuse with the surface ectoderm to form the gill slits." [TAO:0001106, XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "pharyngeal pouches" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0004117
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004463 ! pharyngeal endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004261 ! pharyngeal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004261
+name: pharyngeal region
+def: "Region encompassing the oral end of the alimentary canal." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004262
+name: ventral caudal lymphatic vessel
+def: "Lymphatic vessel located in the posterior ventral region of the trunk, ventral to the posterior cardinal vein." [PMID:9048122465]
+synonym: "VCLV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000375 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004263
+name: stylopod
+def: "Limb segment that is the proximal part of the limb (i.e. the humerus of the forelimb, and the femur of the hindlimb, and surrounding tissues)." [UBERON:0002472]
+synonym: "mesopodium" EXACT []
+synonym: "stylopodium" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002472
+is_a: XAO:0004294 ! limb segment
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004264
+name: zeugopod
+def: "Limb segment that is the middle part of the limb (i.e. the radio-ulna of the forelimb, and the tarsus and tibia-fibula of the hindlimb, and surrounding tissues)." [UBERON:0002471]
+synonym: "metapodium" EXACT []
+synonym: "zeugopodium" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002471
+is_a: XAO:0004294 ! limb segment
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004265
+name: autopod
+def: "Limb segment that is the terminal part of the limb (i.e. the metacarpels and phalanges of the forelimb, and the metatarsals and phalanges of the hindlimb, and surrounding tissues)." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "acropodium" EXACT []
+synonym: "autopodium" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004294 ! limb segment
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004266
+name: rhombomere R8
+def: "The 8th and most posterior segment of the developing hindbrain." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "r8" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombomere 8" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004079 ! rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T10:01:21Z
+id: XAO:0004267
+name: interneuron
+def: "A multipolar neuron that connects afferent neurons and efferent neurons in neural pathways. They are found within the central nervous system and enteric nervous system." []
+xref: CL:0000099
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005195 ! enteric nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-27T10:24:56Z
+id: XAO:0004268
+name: posterior lateral line
+def: "A lateral line that extends from the ear in a posterior-ventral direction." [PMID:2652193]
+is_a: XAO:0004002 ! lateral line
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004269
+name: anterodorsal lateral line placode
+def: "Lateral line placode that gives rise to the anterodorsal lateral line nerve." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "anterior dorsal lateral line placode" EXACT []
+synonym: "antero-dorsal lateral line placode" EXACT []
+synonym: "pAD" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000440 ! lateral line placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004206 ! anterior placodal area
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004270
+name: hepato-pancreatic progenitor cell
+def: "Any of a field of cells in the posterior section of the foregut that will give rise to the liver bud and dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "hepato-pancreatic progenitor cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0005033 ! progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000101 ! liver diverticulum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+id: XAO:0004271
+name: midbrain tegmentum
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral part of the midbrain." [UBERON:0001943]
+synonym: "Tegm" EXACT []
+synonym: "tegmentum" RELATED []
+synonym: "tegmentum mesencephali" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral midbrain" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001943
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-01-28T06:06:15Z
+id: XAO:0004272
+name: migrating neuroblast
+def: "Any of the neuronal precursor cells that are isolated and scattered throughout the anterior ventro-lateral region of the embryo, generally in a punctate pattern, immediately below the ectoderm." [PMID:17554687, XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-02-08T12:22:41Z
+id: XAO:0004274
+name: articular system
+def: "Anatomical system that consists of all the joints of the body." [UBERON:0004770]
+synonym: "joint system" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0004770
+is_a: XAO:0003002 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003060 ! skeletal system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0004275
+name: axial ossicle
+def: "Ossicle that is part of the axial skeleton." [UBERON:0011142]
+synonym: "vertebral ossicle" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0011142
+is_a: XAO:0004193 ! ossicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003073 ! postcranial axial skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0004276
+name: bone element
+def: "Skeletal element that is composed of bone tissue." [UBERON:0001474]
+synonym: "bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "bone organ" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001474
+is_a: XAO:0004012 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0004277
+name: caudal fin skeleton
+def: "Median fin skeleton supporting the caudal fin." [VSAO:0000167]
+is_a: XAO:0004282 ! median fin skeleton
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004062 ! tail fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0004278
+name: coracoid bone
+def: "Paired bone that is part of the shoulder assembly, joining the scapula to the front end of the sternum." []
+synonym: "coracoid" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004743
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003063 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+id: XAO:0004279
+name: cranial skeleton
+def: "Skeletal subdivision of the head that includes the skull (cranium plus mandible), pharyngeal and/or hyoid apparatus." [VSAO:0000049]
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004011 ! axial skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0004280
+name: dorsal fin skeleton
+def: "Median fin skeleton located on the dorsal surface of the organism." [VSAO:0000168]
+is_a: XAO:0004282 ! median fin skeleton
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004063 ! dorsal fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0004281
+name: median fin
+def: "Fin that is an unpaired fin located in the sagittal plane of the organism." [VSAO:0000162]
+is_a: XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0004282
+name: median fin skeleton
+def: "Postcranial axial skeleton that is unpaired and located on the sagittal plane of the organism." [VSAO:0000170]
+synonym: "axial fin skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "unpaired fin skeleton" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004281 ! median fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0004283
+name: paired appendage
+def: "Appendage that is one of the anterior or posterior paired appendages (i.e. the forelimbs and hindlimbs)." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000218 ! appendage
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0004284
+name: pectoral appendage
+def: "Appendage that is one of the anterior paired appendages (i.e. the forelimbs)." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "anterior paired appendage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004283 ! paired appendage
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0004285
+name: pelvic appendage
+def: "Appendage that is one of the posterior paired appendages (i.e. the hindlimbs)." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "posterior paired appendage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004283 ! paired appendage
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0004286
+name: scapula
+def: "Bone that forms the posterior part of the pectoral (shoulder) girdle." []
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003063 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+id: XAO:0004287
+name: vertebral centrum
+def: "Skeletal element that surrounds the notochord." [VSAO:0000183]
+synonym: "centrum" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004012 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004288 ! vertebral element
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0004288
+name: vertebral element
+def: "Skeletal element that forms around the notochord and is part of the vertebral column." [UBERON:0010913]
+xref: UBERON:0010913
+is_a: XAO:0004012 ! skeletal element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003074 ! vertebral column
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0004289
+name: skeletal subdivision
+def: "Anatomical cluster consisting of the skeletal elements that are part of the skeleton." [VSAO:0000042]
+synonym: "subdivision of skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0010912
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004053 ! skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:0004290
+name: cell part
+def: "Anatomical structure that is part of a cell and that has a granularity level equal to that of a protein complex or higher." [CARO:0000014]
+synonym: "cell component" EXACT []
+xref: CARO:0000014
+xref: GO:0044464
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-02-23T11:17:28Z
+id: XAO:0004291
+name: cell-free extract
+namespace: xenopus_anatomy_in_vitro
+def: "A solution obtained by rupturing cells (especially unfertilized oocytes) and removing all particulate matter." []
+synonym: "cell-free extracts" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003007 ! anatomical entity in vitro
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T01:20:30Z
+id: XAO:0004292
+name: wedge region
+def: "Region of the oocyte vegetal cortex that contains a subdomain of ER organized on top of the mitochondrial cloud and where localization of Vg1 mRNA takes place." [PMID:15654016]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000085 ! oocyte stage III
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000084 ! oocyte stage II
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T01:46:15Z
+id: XAO:0004293
+name: ring structure
+def: "Contractile ring formed at the division plane of the oocyte during first cleavage." [PMID:11942608]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000085 ! oocyte stage III
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T01:47:35Z
+id: XAO:0004294
+name: limb segment
+def: "A major subdivision of a limb." [UBERON:0002529]
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003027 ! limb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T02:08:16Z
+id: XAO:0004295
+name: forelimb stylopod
+def: "Stylopod (the limb segment closest to the body) that is part of a forelimb." [UBERON:0003822]
+synonym: "upper arm" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004263 ! stylopod
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003030 ! forelimb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T02:21:56Z
+id: XAO:0004296
+name: hindlimb stylopod
+def: "Stylopod (the limb segment closet to the body) that is part of a hindlimb." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "upper leg" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004263 ! stylopod
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003031 ! hindlimb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T02:22:26Z
+id: XAO:0004297
+name: forelimb zeugopod
+def: "Limb segment that is the middle part of the forelimb (i.e. the radio-ulna and surrounding tissues)." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0004264 ! zeugopod
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003030 ! forelimb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T02:29:57Z
+id: XAO:0004298
+name: hindlimb zeugopod
+def: "Limb segment that is the middle part of the hindlimb (i.e. the tarsus and tibia-fibula and surrounding tissues)." [UBERON:0003823]
+is_a: XAO:0004264 ! zeugopod
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003031 ! hindlimb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T02:30:08Z
+id: XAO:0004299
+name: hand
+def: "Terminal portion of a forelimb." [UBERON:0002398]
+synonym: "front foot" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004265 ! autopod
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004490 ! forelimb bud tip
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003030 ! forelimb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T02:45:33Z
+id: XAO:0004300
+name: foot
+def: "Terminal portion of a hindlimb that bears weight and allows locomotion." [UBERON:0002387]
+synonym: "hind foot" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004265 ! autopod
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004491 ! hindlimb bud tip
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003031 ! hindlimb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T02:45:35Z
+id: XAO:0004301
+name: eminentia thalami
+def: "Part of the diencephalon that is located between the prethalamus, hypothalamus, and the telencephalon." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T03:15:31Z
+id: XAO:0004302
+name: pallium
+def: "Structure that comprises the roof region of the telencephalon." [UBERON:0000203]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T03:21:58Z
+id: XAO:0004303
+name: pretectum
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the diencephalon and the major sensory input to which is visual." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000418]
+synonym: "P1" RELATED []
+synonym: "prosomere 1" RELATED []
+synonym: "PT" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T03:28:09Z
+id: XAO:0004304
+name: prethalamus
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the anterior part of the diencephalon and lying between the thalamus, hypothalamus, and eminentia thalami." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "P3" RELATED []
+synonym: "prosomere 3" RELATED []
+synonym: "PTh" EXACT []
+synonym: "subthalamus" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventral thalamus" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004306 ! thalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T03:34:32Z
+id: XAO:0004305
+name: zona limitans intrathalamica
+def: "A narrow stripe of cells that lies between the prospective dorsal and ventral thalami. This boundary contains signals that pattern the prethalamic and thalamic territories of the future mid-diencephalon." [UBERON:0009848]
+synonym: "Zli" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T03:39:28Z
+id: XAO:0004306
+name: thalamus
+def: "A midline paired symmetrical structure within the brain; the main product of the embryonic diencephalon." [UBERON:0001897]
+synonym: "Th" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T03:44:52Z
+id: XAO:0004307
+name: head mesenchyme
+def: "Mesoderm that will give rise, along with cranial neural crest cells, to connective tissue, bone and musculature in the head." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000113]
+synonym: "cephalic mesenchyme" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T04:21:21Z
+id: XAO:0004308
+name: glial cell
+def: "Any of the non-neuronal cells that maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and provide support and protection for neurons in the brain, and for neurons in other parts of the nervous system such as in the autonomic nervous system. Neural crest derived." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "glia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "glial cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "neuroglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "neuroglial cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000125
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T09:44:35Z
+id: XAO:0004309
+name: postmigratory neural crest cell
+def: "Any of the cells that are of neural crest origin, now in place in their postmigratory target tissues, such as the sciatic nerve, dorsal root ganglia, gut or skin. They can be visualised or detected by specific molecular markers." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "postmigratory neural crest cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T09:50:34Z
+id: XAO:0004310
+name: stapes
+def: "Bone of the ear that is connected to the tympanic membrane via the extrastapes. This structure is the amphibian ear ossicle, also known as the columella. It extends between extrastapes cartilage and the oval window. The extrastapes forms a cartilaginous tympanic disk." [ISBN:0520252780, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "columella" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000214 ! auditory ossicle
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000191 ! middle ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:07:32Z
+id: XAO:0004311
+name: regenerating limb
+def: "A portion of limb tissue that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:08:56Z
+id: XAO:0004312
+name: regenerating fin
+def: "A portion of fin tissue that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:10:26Z
+id: XAO:0004313
+name: joint region
+def: "Anatomical region at which two or more bones make contact and that includes some of the surrounding tissues of various types." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "joint" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:13:09Z
+id: XAO:0004314
+name: digit-joint region
+def: "A joint region within a digit, one of several most distal parts of a limb." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004313 ! joint region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003032 ! digit
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:14:19Z
+id: XAO:0004315
+name: perichondrial cell
+def: "A cell of the perichondrium, the fibrous membrane of connective tissue covering the surface of cartilage." []
+synonym: "perichondrial cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004049 ! perichondrium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:15:02Z
+id: XAO:0004316
+name: interdigital region
+def: "Anatomical region between digits, the most distal parts of a limb." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:16:20Z
+id: XAO:0004317
+name: amputated tissue
+def: "A portion of tissue that has been removed from the body." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:19:48Z
+id: XAO:0004318
+name: amputated fin
+def: "A portion of fin tissue that has been removed from the body." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004317 ! amputated tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:22:32Z
+id: XAO:0004319
+name: amputated limb
+def: "A portion of limb tissue that has been removed from the body." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004317 ! amputated tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T10:23:05Z
+id: XAO:0004320
+name: mesenchymal stem cell
+def: "Multipotent stromal cell that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including: osteoblasts/osteocytes (bone cells), chondroblasts/chondrocytes (cartilage cells), and adipoblasts/adipocytes (fat cells)." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "mesenchymal cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "mesenchymal stem cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003054 ! stem cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-10T11:14:06Z
+id: XAO:0004321
+name: dorsal caudal lymphatic vessel
+def: "Lymphatic vessel located in the posterior dorsal region of the trunk." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "DCLV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000375 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-03-25T03:48:38Z
+id: XAO:0004322
+name: cranial muscle
+def: "Any of the muscles that are part of the head." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "head muscle" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004323
+name: mandibular head muscle
+def: "Any of the paired mandibular arch muscles." [PMID:21050205]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004324
+name: hyoid head muscle
+def: "Any of the bilateral hyoid arch muscles innervated by cranial nerve VII." [PMID:21050205]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004325
+name: branchial head muscle
+def: "Any of the muscles that support the filigreed structure of the gill basket necessary for filter feeding, through the stabilisation, extension and compression of the gill basket." [PMID:21050205]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004326
+name: hypobranchial head muscle
+def: "Straplike muscle that arises from elements of the pectoral girdle and passes to the hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilages." []
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004327
+name: eye muscle
+def: "A muscle that is part of the eye region and controls the movement of the eye." [UBERON:0004277]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004328
+name: m. levator mandibulae longus internus
+def: "Muscle that is part a complex that arises from the skull roof and acts to elevate or close the lower jaw. It separates medially from levator mandibulae longus supeficialis, with which it shares a common origin." [PMID:17624928]
+synonym: "mlmli" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004323 ! mandibular head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004425 ! m. levator mandibulae longus internus primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004329
+name: m. levator mandibulae longus profundus
+def: "Muscle that is part a complex that arises from the skull roof and acts to elevate or close the lower jaw. After separating from levator mandibulae longus superficialis, it parallels it and inserts in the connective tissue. Only at later stages, its rostral third is slightly curved laterally and inserts in the region of the anlage of the tentacular cartilage." [PMID:17624928]
+synonym: "mlmlp" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004323 ! mandibular head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004426 ! m. levator mandibulae longus profundus primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004330
+name: m. levator mandibulae longus superficialis
+def: "Muscle that is part a complex that arises from the skull roof and acts to elevate or close the lower jaw. The first mandibular arch muscle to appear, it originates ventral to the center of the eye, and extends rostroventrally to end lateral to the buccal cavity." [PMID:17624928]
+synonym: "mlmls" EXACT []
+synonym: "superior long mandibular levator muscle" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004323 ! mandibular head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004427 ! m. levator mandibulae longus superior primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004331
+name: m. levator mandibulae articularis
+def: "Muscle that is part a complex that arises from the skull roof and acts to elevate or close the lower jaw. It originates from the ventral bend of the anlage of processus muscularis palatoquadrati. It runs ventrally near the levator mandibulae longus supeficialis and inserts anterior of it at Meckel's cartilage." [PMID:17624928]
+synonym: "articularis mandibular levator muscle" EXACT []
+synonym: "mlma" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004323 ! mandibular head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004428 ! m. levator mandibulae articularis primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004332
+name: m. levator mandibulae externus
+def: "Muscle that is part a complex that arises from the skull roof and acts to elevate or close the lower jaw. The last jaw levator to develop, it originates rostral to the palatoquadrate." [PMID:17624928]
+synonym: "external mandibular levator muscle" EXACT []
+synonym: "mlme" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004323 ! mandibular head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004429 ! m. levator mandibulae externus primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004333
+name: m. intermandibularis
+def: "Ventral muscle of the larval head that is a broad transverse sheet lying between the Meckel's cartilages and joining its opposite mid-ventrally in an median raphe." []
+synonym: "intermandibular muscle" EXACT []
+synonym: "mim" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004323 ! mandibular head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004430 ! m. intermandibularis primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004334
+name: m. quadrato-hyoangularis
+def: "Hyoid arch muscle that connects Meckel's cartilage with the palatoquadrate and supports the opening of the mouth by depressing Meckel's cartilage." [PMID:21050205]
+synonym: "mqh" EXACT []
+synonym: "quadrato-hyoangularis muscle" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004324 ! hyoid head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004431 ! m. quadrato-hyoangularis primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004335
+name: m. orbitohyoideus
+def: "Large, tapering muscle that originates on the muscular process and inserts on the ceratohyal." [ISBN:0226557626]
+synonym: "moh" EXACT []
+synonym: "orbitohyoidal muscle" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004324 ! hyoid head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004432 ! m. orbitohyoideus primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004336
+name: m. interhyoideus
+def: "A thin curved muscle located between the ceratohyal cartilages." [PMID:21050205]
+synonym: "interhyoidal muscle" EXACT []
+synonym: "mih" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004324 ! hyoid head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004433 ! m. interhyoideus primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004337
+name: m. subarcualis rectus I
+def: "Deep, visceral muscle associated with tongue movement." [AAO:0010659]
+synonym: "msr" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004434 ! m. subarcualis rectus I primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004338
+name: m. transversus anterior
+def: "Muscle situated between the planum hypobranchiale and the basihyobranchial, presumably to stabilize the connection between these elements." [PMID:17624928]
+synonym: "mta" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004435 ! m. transversus anterior primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004339
+name: m. transversus ventralis II
+def: "Muscle that springs from the second branchial arch, meeting its opposite in a mid-ventral raphe." []
+synonym: "mtvII" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004436 ! m. transversus ventralis II primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004340
+name: mm. levator arcuum branchialium I
+def: "The 1st branchial levator muscle, which contributes to raising the branchial apparatus." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlabI" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004437 ! mm. levator arcuum branchialium I primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004341
+name: mm. levator arcuum branchialium II
+def: "The 2nd branchial levator muscle, which contributes to raising the branchial apparatus." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlabII" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004438 ! mm. levator arcuum branchialium II primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004342
+name: mm. levator arcuum branchialium III
+def: "The 3rd branchial levator muscle, which contributes to raising the branchial apparatus." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlabIII" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004439 ! mm. levator arcuum branchialium III primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004343
+name: mm. levator arcuum branchialium IV
+def: "The 4th branchial levator muscle, which contributes to raising the branchial apparatus." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlabIV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004440 ! mm. levator arcuum branchialium IV primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004344
+name: mm. constrictores branchiales II
+def: "Muscle that arises on part of the chondrocranium and passes to the ventro-lateral region of the cerato-branchialia. It originates on the ventrolateral process of the palatoquadrate." []
+synonym: "mcbII" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004441 ! mm. constrictores branchiales II primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004345
+name: mm. constrictores branchiales III
+def: "Muscle that arises on part of the chondrocranium and passes to the ventro-lateral region of the cerato-branchialia. It is located on the crista parotica and commissura branchio-cranialis." []
+synonym: "mcbIII" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004442 ! mm. constrictores branchiales III primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004346
+name: mm. constrictores branchiales IV
+def: "Muscle that arises on part of the chondrocranium and passes to the ventro-lateral region of the cerato-branchialia. It is a small muscle situated at the posterior end of the branchial skeleton." []
+synonym: "mcbIV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004325 ! branchial head muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004443 ! mm. constrictores branchiales IV primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004349
+name: m. constrictor laryngis
+def: "Muscle that consists of dorsal and ventral parts that arise from medial raphe and insert on the arytenoid cartilages." [ISBN:0226557626]
+is_a: XAO:0004351 ! laryngeal muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004446 ! m. constrictor laryngis primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004350
+name: m. dilatator laryngis
+def: "Muscle that arises from the edge of levator arcus branchialis IV and inserts on the arytenoid cartilage and the cricoid ring." [ISBN:0226557626]
+is_a: XAO:0004351 ! laryngeal muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004447 ! m. dilatator laryngis primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004351
+name: laryngeal muscle
+def: "Type of muscle that attaches to the larynx." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "LM" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004448 ! laryngeal muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004352
+name: m. rectus anterior
+def: "Muscle in the orbit that inserts on the anterior side of the eye and the function of which is adduction of the eyeball." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0004327 ! eye muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004449 ! m. rectus anterior primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004353
+name: m. rectus posterior
+def: "Muscle in the orbit that inserts on the posterior side of the eye and the function of which is adduction of the eyeball." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0004327 ! eye muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004450 ! m. rectus posterior primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004354
+name: m. rectus inferior
+def: "Muscle in the orbit that depresses, adducts, and helps extort (rotate laterally) the eye." [UBERON:0006322]
+is_a: XAO:0004327 ! eye muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004451 ! m. rectus inferior primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004355
+name: m. rectus superior
+def: "Muscle in the orbit, the primary function is of which is elevation." [UBERON:0006323]
+is_a: XAO:0004327 ! eye muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004452 ! m. rectus superior primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004356
+name: m. obliquus inferior
+def: "Thin, narrow muscle placed near the anterior margin of the floor of the orbit." [UBERON:0006320]
+is_a: XAO:0004327 ! eye muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004453 ! m. obliquus inferior primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004357
+name: m. obliquus superior
+def: "Muscle in the upper, medial side of the orbit whose primary action is downward, lateral rotation of the eye." [UBERON:0006321]
+is_a: XAO:0004327 ! eye muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004454 ! m. obliquus superior primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004358
+name: basihyal
+alt_id: XAO:0004382
+def: "Cartilaginous element that is median and is the anterior-most cartilage of the ventral hyoid arch." [UBERON:0011615]
+synonym: "basihyobranchial" EXACT []
+synonym: "bhb" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004359
+name: ceratobranchial I
+def: "The cartilaginous element below the epibranchial in branchial arch 1." []
+synonym: "cbl-I" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004360
+name: ceratobranchial II
+def: "The cartilaginous element below the epibranchial in branchial arch 2." []
+synonym: "cbl-II" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004361
+name: ceratobranchial III
+def: "The cartilaginous element below the epibranchial in branchial arch 3." []
+synonym: "cbl-III" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004362
+name: ceratobranchial IV
+def: "The cartilaginous element below the epibranchial in branchial arch 4." []
+synonym: "cbl-IV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004363
+name: commisura quadratocranialis anterior
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising the rostral connection of the palatoquadrate cartilage to the neurocranium." [PMID:21050205]
+synonym: "cqca" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004364
+name: cornua trabecula
+def: "Cartilaginous element that supports the anterior end of the nasal organ." [ISBN:1276806469]
+synonym: "cornua trabeculae" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "ct" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004365
+name: fenestra basicranialis
+def: "The space where the trabeculae of the tadpole chondrocranium have not yet fused." [ISBN:0226557626]
+synonym: "fbc" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004366
+name: facies hyoidis of the palatoquadrate
+def: "One of the cartilaginous surfaces of the tadpole jaw." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "fhpq" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004367
+name: fenestra subocularis
+def: "The wide gap that separates the palatoquadrate from the neurocranium." [ISBN:0226557626]
+synonym: "fso" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004368
+name: infrarostral
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising cartilages that articulate with Meckel's cartilage in the lower jaw and are fused medially." [PMID:21050205]
+synonym: "io" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004369
+name: processus anterior hyalis
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising the anterior process of ceratohyal cartilage derived from the hyoid neural crest stream." [PMID:21050205]
+synonym: "pach" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004370
+name: processus articularis palatoquadrati
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising the articular process that forms the jaw joint with the posterior end of Meckel's cartilage." [ISBN:0226557626]
+synonym: "parpq" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004371
+name: processus ascendens palatoquadrate
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising the ascending process that helps anchor the larval palatoquadrate to the neurocranium." [ISBN:0226557626]
+synonym: "paspq" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004372
+name: parachordal
+def: "Rod-shaped paired cartilages located on either side of the notochord and involved in the formation of the base of the chondrochranium." [TAO:0001423, XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "parachordal cartilage" RELATED []
+synonym: "pk" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0009635
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004373
+name: processus lateralis hyalis
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising the lateral process of ceratohyal cartilage derived from the hyoid neural crest stream." [PMID:21050205]
+synonym: "plch" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004374
+name: planum hypobranchiale
+alt_id: XAO:0004383
+def: "One of the cartilaginous elements that meet and articulate in the median plane posterior to the basibranchial." []
+synonym: "plana hypobranchiale" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "plhb" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004375
+name: planum trabeculare anticum
+def: "Cartilaginous element that is posterior to the cornua trabeculae." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "ethmoid plate" RELATED []
+synonym: "planum ethmoidale" RELATED []
+synonym: "plta" EXACT []
+synonym: "trabecular plate" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004376
+name: processus muscularis palatoquadrati
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising the muscular process, a flattened triangular process that is the site of attachment for the orbitohyoideus and suspensoriohyoideus muscles." [ISBN:0226557626]
+synonym: "pmpq" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004377
+name: processus posterior hyalis
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising the posterior process of ceratohyal cartilage derived from the hyoid neural crest stream." [PMID:21050205]
+synonym: "ppch" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004378
+name: palatoquadrati
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising the dorsal component of the mandibular arch." [UBERON:0004752]
+synonym: "palatoquadrate cartilage" EXACT []
+synonym: "pq" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004379
+name: processus retroarticularis of Meckel's cartilage
+def: "Cartilaginous element that forms at the posteroventral tip of Meckel's cartilage." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000422]
+synonym: "prmc" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003085 ! Meckel's cartilage
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004380
+name: suprarostral plate
+def: "Cartilaginous element that comprises a crescent-shaped plate that supports the tentacular cartilage in the upper jaw." [PMID:21050205]
+synonym: "sp" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004381
+name: trabecula cranii
+def: "Cartilaginous element comprising a pair of chondrification centers in the base of the embryonic cartilaginous neurocranium." []
+synonym: "tc" EXACT []
+synonym: "trabeculae cranii" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004384
+name: peripheral vegetal yolk mass
+def: "Peripherally located part of the vegetal cell mass of prospective endoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "peripheral vegetal cell mass" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000281 ! vegetal yolk mass
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-31T02:56:10Z
+id: XAO:0004385
+name: branchial basket
+alt_id: XAO:0004386
+def: "Cartilaginous element that comprises the network-like cartilaginous skeleton of the gill region." [UBERON:0009119]
+synonym: "gill basket" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004387
+name: retinal stem cell region
+def: "Region of the ciliary marginal zone, at the edge (most distal region) where retinal stem cells are located." [PMID:7695895]
+synonym: "ciliary marginal zone stem cell region" EXACT []
+synonym: "CMZ stem cell region" EXACT []
+synonym: "RSCR" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000086 ! ciliary marginal zone
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004388
+name: retinal progenitor cell region
+def: "Region of the ciliary marginal zone where retinal progenitor cells are located." [PMID:7695895]
+synonym: "ciliary marginal zone progenitor cell region" EXACT []
+synonym: "CMZ progenitor cell region" EXACT []
+synonym: "RPCR" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000086 ! ciliary marginal zone
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004389
+name: oculomotor motornucleus
+def: "Ganglion in the midbrain that gives rise to the fibers of the oculomotor nerve." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "oculomotor nucleus" RELATED []
+synonym: "OM" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001715
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000027 ! cranial ganglion
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004390
+name: dorsal thalamus
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the thalamus and emerges ventral to the caudal portion of the ventral habenular nucleus." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000653]
+synonym: "DT" EXACT []
+synonym: "epithalamus" RELATED []
+synonym: "P2" RELATED []
+synonym: "prosomere 2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004306 ! thalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004391
+name: trochlear motornucleus
+def: "The nucleus of the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV)." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "TM" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004392
+name: goblet cell
+def: "A type of mucus surface cell in the tadpole." [ISBN:080184780X]
+synonym: "goblet cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000023 ! skin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004393
+name: mucociliary epithelium
+def: "Type of epithelium in the embryonic epidermis that is mucus-secreting and ciliated." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004394
+name: hatching gland primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the hatching gland, present by the end of gastrulation." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004091 ! non-neural ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004395
+name: central vegetal yolk mass
+def: "Centrally located part of the vegetal cell mass of prospective endoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "central vegetal cell mass" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000281 ! vegetal yolk mass
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-31T02:57:12Z
+id: XAO:0004396
+name: apical mesenchyme
+def: "Regenerating tissue consisting of mesenchyme cells at the tip of the regenerating limb." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004397
+name: wound epidermis
+def: "A layer of epidermal cells that initially covers the surface of an amputation site. Fibroblasts from the surrounding connective tissue migrate across the amputation surface to meet at the center of the wound. These fibroblasts multiply to form a blastema, which are the progenitors for the new limb." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "apical wound epidermis" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004398
+name: wound epidermis inner layer
+def: "Regenerating tissue that forms the inner or basal layer of wound epidermis." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004397 ! wound epidermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004399
+name: wound epidermis outer layer
+def: "Regenerating tissue that forms the outer layer of wound epidermis." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004397 ! wound epidermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004400
+name: regenerating zeugopod skeleton
+def: "Tissue consisting of a cartilaginous rod or rods of a regenerating zeugopod segment of a limb." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004311 ! regenerating limb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004401
+name: apical epithelial cap
+def: "A layer of signaling cells at the apex of a regenerating blastema, which has a vital role in regeneration." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "AEC" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004397 ! wound epidermis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004402
+name: pseudoblastema
+def: "Following amputation in late prometamorphosis or in young froglets, tissue comprising fibroblast-like cells in a limb stump that aggregate beneath the wound epithelia." [ISBN:3540228713]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004403
+name: fibrocellular pad
+def: "Regenerative tissue that develops and covers cut bone in the tadpole." [PMID:10906786]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004404
+name: keratinocyte
+def: "The predominant cell type in the epidermis, the primary function of which is the formation of a barrier against environmental damage." []
+synonym: "keratinocytes" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003252 ! keratin accumulating cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004405
+name: Leydig cell
+def: "A type of special epithelial cell that secretes mucus into the subsurface extracellular compartments of the epidermis." [ISBN:080184780X]
+synonym: "Leydig cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "Leydig gland cell" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004406
+name: presumptive axial mesoderm
+def: "Presumptive structure that will develop into axial mesoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000072 ! dorsal marginal zone
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000083 ! involuted dorsal mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004407
+name: proximal mesenchyme
+def: "Mesenchyme that occupies the proximal region of a limb bud." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004408
+name: anterior-proximal mesenchyme
+def: "Mesenchyme that occupies the anterior proximal region of a limb bud." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004409
+name: posterior-proximal mesenchyme
+def: "Mesenchyme that occupies the posterior proximal region of a limb bud." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004410
+name: interdigital mesenchyme
+def: "Mesenchyme that occupies the interdigital region of a limb bud." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003161 ! limb bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004411
+name: lateral line primordium
+def: "Portion of tissue that migrates and deposits immature neuromasts and interneuromasts." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000228]
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000095 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-31T08:03:05Z
+id: XAO:0004412
+name: hindlimb digit 2
+def: "The 2nd most posterior of the hind digits, consisting of a single metatarsal, 2 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "hind digit 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "pedal digit 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe II" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003035 ! hindlimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004413
+name: hindlimb digit 3
+def: "The 3rd most posterior, or middle, of the hind digits, consisting of a single metatarsal, 3 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "hind digit 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "pedal digit 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe III" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003035 ! hindlimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004414
+name: hindlimb digit 4
+def: "The 2nd most anterior of the hind digits, consisting of a single metatarsal, 3 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "hind digit 4" EXACT []
+synonym: "pedal digit 4" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe 4" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe IV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003035 ! hindlimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004415
+name: hindlimb digit 5
+def: "The most anterior and longest of the hind digits, consisting of a single metatarsal, 3 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "hind digit 5" EXACT []
+synonym: "pedal digit 5" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe 5" EXACT []
+synonym: "toe V" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003035 ! hindlimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004416
+name: claw primordium
+def: "Portion of tissue consisting of unkeratinized cells at the most distal end of a developing digit and which will become a claw." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000069 ! NF stage 57
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003035 ! hindlimb digit
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004417
+name: claw of hindlimb digit 1
+def: "Claw located at the end of the 1st hindlimb digit." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "claw of hind digit 1" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003103 ! claw
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004239 ! hindlimb digit 1
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004418
+name: claw of hindlimb digit 2
+def: "Claw located at the end of the 2nd hindlimb digit." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "claw of hind digit 2" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003103 ! claw
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004412 ! hindlimb digit 2
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004419
+name: claw of hindlimb digit 3
+def: "Claw located at the end of the 3rd hindlimb digit." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "claw of hind digit 3" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003103 ! claw
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004413 ! hindlimb digit 3
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004420
+name: claw of hindlimb digit 4
+def: "Claw located at the end of the 4th hindlimb digit." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "claw of hind digit 4" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003103 ! claw
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004414 ! hindlimb digit 4
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004421
+name: claw of hindlimb digit 5
+def: "Claw located at the end of the 5th hindlimb digit." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "claw of hind digit 5" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003103 ! claw
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004415 ! hindlimb digit 5
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004422
+name: posterior lateral line ganglion
+def: "Ganglion that develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate the posterior lateral line system." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001314]
+synonym: "posterior lateral line ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0004457 ! lateral line ganglion
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004223 ! posterior lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-05T05:15:00Z
+id: XAO:0004423
+name: trunk vasculature
+def: "The blood vessels of the trunk region." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000100 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-26T05:47:10Z
+id: XAO:0004424
+name: central retina
+def: "Anatomical region comprising the central part of the retina." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000009 ! retina
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-07-01T02:33:21Z
+id: XAO:0004425
+name: m. levator mandibulae longus internus primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator mandibulae longus internus muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlmli" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004426
+name: m. levator mandibulae longus profundus primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator mandibulae longus profundus muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlmlp" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004427
+name: m. levator mandibulae longus superior primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator mandibulae longus superior muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlmls" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004428
+name: m. levator mandibulae articularis primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator mandibulae articularis muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlma" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004429
+name: m. levator mandibulae externus primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator mandibulae externus muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlme" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004430
+name: m. intermandibularis primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the intermandibularis muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mim" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004431
+name: m. quadrato-hyoangularis primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the quadrato-hyoangularis muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mqh" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004432
+name: m. orbitohyoideus primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the orbitohyoideus muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "moh" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004433
+name: m. interhyoideus primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the interhyoideus muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mih" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004434
+name: m. subarcualis rectus I primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the subarcualis rectus I muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "msr" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004435
+name: m. transversus anterior primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the transversus anterior muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mta" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004436
+name: m. transversus ventralis II primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the transversus ventralis II muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mtvII" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004437
+name: mm. levator arcuum branchialium I primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator arcuum branchialium I muscles." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlabI" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004438
+name: mm. levator arcuum branchialium II primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator arcuum branchialium II muscles." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlabII" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004439
+name: mm. levator arcuum branchialium III primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator arcuum branchialium III muscles." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlabIII" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004440
+name: mm. levator arcuum branchialium IV primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the levator arcuum branchialium IV muscles." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mlabIV" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004441
+name: mm. constrictores branchiales II primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the constrictores branchiales II muscles." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mcbII" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004442
+name: mm. constrictores branchiales III primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the constrictores branchiales III muscles." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mcbIII" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004443
+name: mm. constrictores branchiales IV primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the constrictores branchiales IV muscles." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mcbIV" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004444
+name: m. geniohyoideus primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the geniohyoideus muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mgh" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004445
+name: m. rectus cervicis primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the rectus cervicis muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mrc" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004446
+name: m. constrictor laryngis primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the constrictor laryngis muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004447
+name: m. dilatator laryngis primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the dilatator laryngis muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004448
+name: laryngeal muscle primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of laryngeal muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004449
+name: m. rectus anterior primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the rectus anterior muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004450
+name: m. rectus posterior primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the rectus posterior muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004451
+name: m. rectus inferior primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the rectus inferior muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004452
+name: m. rectus superior primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the rectus superior muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004453
+name: m. obliquus inferior primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the obliquus inferior muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004454
+name: m. obliquus superior primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the obliquus superior muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T09:49:00Z
+id: XAO:0004455
+name: cranial muscle primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of any of the cranial muscles." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000053 ! head mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004042 ! muscular system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-30T10:00:01Z
+id: XAO:0004456
+name: Brachet's cleft
+def: "A sharp boundary, running parallel to the outside of the embryo, between involuted mesoderm and external ectoderm. It runs from the blastopore to the upper limit of the involuted mesoderm." [PMID:21464931]
+synonym: "Brachy's cleft" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-31T11:43:41Z
+id: XAO:0004457
+name: lateral line ganglion
+def: "Ganglion that develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate a lateral line." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000120]
+synonym: "lateral line ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0000027 ! cranial ganglion
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000095 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-05-31T08:16:22Z
+id: XAO:0004458
+name: peripheral retina
+def: "Anatomical region comprising the peripheral part of the retina." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000009 ! retina
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-07-01T02:33:47Z
+id: XAO:0004459
+name: subocular cartilage
+def: "Cartilaginous element that is below the trabecula and parachordal." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003205 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-09T03:24:03Z
+id: XAO:0004460
+name: choroid
+def: "Portion of tissue comprising the vascular layer of the eye, containing connective tissue and lying between the retina and the sclera. It provides oxygen and nourishment to the outer layers of the retina. Along with the ciliary body and iris, it forms the uveal tract." [, XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004529 ! uveal tract
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-09T03:31:52Z
+id: XAO:0004461
+name: circumpharyngeal ridge
+def: "Site above the branchial arch complex where vagal neural crest cells temporarily arrest their migration before entering the pharyngeal arches and heart." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004191 ! vagal neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004261 ! pharyngeal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-09T03:40:23Z
+id: XAO:0004462
+name: dorsal endoderm
+def: "Single cell layer of involuted endoderm lying beneath the prechordal plate." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000094 ! gastrocoel roof plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-09T03:50:45Z
+id: XAO:0004463
+name: pharyngeal endoderm
+def: "Embryonic endoderm that evaginates to form the paired pharyngeal pouches." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004261 ! pharyngeal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-09T04:08:58Z
+id: XAO:0004464
+name: rhombomere R1
+def: "The most anterior segment of the developing hindbrain." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "r1" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombomere 1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004079 ! rhombomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-09T04:24:23Z
+id: XAO:0004465
+name: endolymphatic duct
+def: "Canal that connects the membranous labyrinth of the ear with the endolymphatic sac." []
+is_a: XAO:0004000 ! duct
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000196 ! sacculus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-09T04:31:49Z
+id: XAO:0004466
+name: serous membrane
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that comprises a secretory epithelial layer and a connective tissue layer." []
+synonym: "serosa" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-18T03:32:10Z
+id: XAO:0004467
+name: zygote cortex
+def: "Cell component comprising the outer layers of the zygote." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000035 ! zygote
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-18T03:50:25Z
+id: XAO:0004468
+name: organ cortex
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the outermost layer of an organ." [UBERON:0001851]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2012-09-18T03:51:06Z
+id: XAO:0004469
+name: trabecula
+def: "A small tissue element in the form of a beam, strut, or rod that generally has a mechanical function and is usually composed of dense cartilaginous tissue." []
+synonym: "trabeculae" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0004470
+name: trabecula carnea
+def: "A type of trabecula that consists of a rounded or irregular column that projects from the inner surface of the ventricle of the heart." []
+synonym: "trabeculae carneae" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0004469 ! trabecula
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000065 ! myocardium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:0004471
+name: atrial septum
+def: "Cardiac septum that separates the right atrium from the left atrium." [UBERON:0002085]
+is_a: XAO:0005422 ! septum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+id: XAO:0004472
+name: sinus venosus
+def: "A large quadrangular cavity that precedes the atrium on the venous side of the heart." []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0004473
+name: ventral mesoderm
+def: "Embryonic structure that is induced by the organizer to become lateral mesoderm." []
+xref: UBERON:2000083
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000084 ! involuted ventral mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-15T20:23:49Z
+id: XAO:0004474
+name: periotic region
+def: "Anatomical region that surrounds the otic vesicle." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "periotic mesenchyme" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000040 ! head region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-17T11:59:34Z
+id: XAO:0004475
+name: myocyte
+def: "A mature contractile cell, which has as part of its cytoplasm myofibrils organized in various patterns. Found in muscle tissue, myocytes are long, tubular cells that arise developmentally from myoblasts to form muscle. There are specialized forms: cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle myocytes, with various properties." [CL:0000187, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "muscle cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "muscle cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "muscle fiber" RELATED []
+synonym: "myocytes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000187
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003015 ! myoblast
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-17T12:20:58Z
+id: XAO:0004476
+name: skeletal myocyte
+def: "A myocyte of the skeletal muscle." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "skeletal muscle cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "skeletal muscle cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "skeletal myocytes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000188
+is_a: XAO:0004475 ! myocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-17T12:44:10Z
+id: XAO:0004477
+name: smooth muscle myocyte
+def: "A myocyte of the smooth muscle." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "smooth muscle cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "smooth muscle cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "smooth muscle myocytes" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000192
+is_a: XAO:0004475 ! myocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000175 ! smooth muscle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-17T12:44:35Z
+id: XAO:0004478
+name: forelimb digit 2
+def: "The most posterior digit of a forelimb, consisting of a single metatarsal, 3 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "fore digit 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "manual digit 2" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003036 ! forelimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-17T13:50:37Z
+id: XAO:0004479
+name: forelimb digit 3
+def: "The second most posterior digit of a forelimb, consisting of a single metatarsal, 3 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "fore digit 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "manual digit 3" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003036 ! forelimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-17T13:50:40Z
+id: XAO:0004480
+name: forelimb digit 4
+def: "The second most anterior digit of a forelimb, consisting of a single metatarsal, 3 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "fore digit 4" EXACT []
+synonym: "manual digit 4" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003036 ! forelimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-17T13:50:49Z
+id: XAO:0004481
+name: forelimb digit 5
+def: "The most anterior digit of a forelimb, consisting of a single metatarsal, 2 phalanges, and a claw." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "fore digit 5" EXACT []
+synonym: "manual digit 5" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003036 ! forelimb digit
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-03-17T13:50:51Z
+id: XAO:0004482
+name: epicardial precursor cell
+def: "Neural crest-derived cell type that gives rise to the epicardium." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "epicardial precursor cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "pro-epicardial organ" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005062 ! proepicardium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T12:31:30Z
+id: XAO:0004483
+name: retinal stem cell
+def: "Cell that is present in the stem cell region of the retinal ciliary marginal zone." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "retinal stem cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0003054 ! stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004387 ! retinal stem cell region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T12:52:47Z
+id: XAO:0004484
+name: retinal progenitor cell
+def: "Cell that is present in the progenitor cell region of the retinal ciliary marginal zone." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "retinal progenitor cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0005033 ! progenitor cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004388 ! retinal progenitor cell region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T12:57:10Z
+id: XAO:0004485
+name: neuroendocrine cell
+def: "An endocrine cell that has the specialized function to produce and secrete hormones in response to neuronal signals." [CL:0000165]
+synonym: "neuroendocrine cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000165
+is_a: XAO:0003247 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T13:03:39Z
+id: XAO:0004486
+name: organ part
+def: "Anatomical structure that has as its direct parts two or more types of tissue and is continuous with one or more anatomical structures likewise constituted by two or more portions of tissues distinct from those of their complement." [UBERON:0000064]
+xref: UBERON:0000064
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T13:51:44Z
+id: XAO:0004487
+name: epiphysis
+def: "Organ part consisting of the rounded end of a long bone (at its joint with adjacent bone), which in Xenopus are the tibia-fibula and femur of the hindlimb, and the radio-ulna and humerus of the forelimb." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0004486 ! organ part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003209 ! radio-ulna
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003210 ! humerus
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003213 ! tibia-fibula
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003214 ! femur
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T13:54:10Z
+id: XAO:0004488
+name: diaphysis
+def: "Organ part consisting of the main section or midsection of a long bone, which in Xenopus are the tibia-fibula and femur of the hindlimb, and the radio-ulna and humerus of the forelimb." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0004486 ! organ part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003209 ! radio-ulna
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003210 ! humerus
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003213 ! tibia-fibula
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003214 ! femur
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T14:00:23Z
+id: XAO:0004489
+name: spike
+def: "A cone-shaped hypomorphic structure consisting of a single continuous cartilage, typical of a regenerated forelimb or hindlimb when amputated after a specific developmental stage." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004311 ! regenerating limb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T14:06:57Z
+id: XAO:0004490
+name: forelimb bud tip
+def: "The apical region of a developing forelimb bud which will form the autopod segment of the forelimb." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "presumptive forelimb autopodium" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003065 ! forelimb bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T15:11:00Z
+id: XAO:0004491
+name: hindlimb bud tip
+def: "The apical region of a developing hindlimb bud which will form the autopod segment of the hindlimb." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "presumptive hindlimb autopodium" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003066 ! hindlimb bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T15:23:29Z
+id: XAO:0004492
+name: cleavage furrow
+def: "The physical groove that forms between cells at the first cell division. One-celled oocytes (NF stage 1) undergo cytoplasmic reorganization driven by sperm entry in the animal pole, where the cleavage furrow initiates, and it moves circumferentially along a line of longitude as well as progressing inwards through the cytoplasm, ultimately dividing the fertilized oocyte into two cells of equal size, defining NF stage 2." [PMID:11891298, PMID:16371595, XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T15:39:26Z
+id: XAO:0004493
+name: pelvic girdle primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the pelvic girdle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T18:41:04Z
+id: XAO:0004494
+name: iliac process
+def: "A prominent, slender, rod-like projection of the iliac bone located close to the acetabiulum and directed posteriorly." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0004020 ! process
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004495 ! iliac process primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004496 ! ilium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T18:45:25Z
+id: XAO:0004495
+name: iliac process primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the iliac process." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T18:49:21Z
+id: XAO:0004496
+name: ilium
+def: "Either of the paired bones that are the dorsal-most and largest bones of the pelvic girdle. They begin to connect to the sacral vertebra (9th vertebra) at NF stage 59." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "ilia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "iliac bone" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003064 ! pelvic girdle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T18:56:57Z
+id: XAO:0004497
+name: ischium
+def: "Any of the posterior and smaller bones of the pelvic girdle. The ischia appear at NF stage 53, grow toward each other at NF stage 55, fusing and beginning to ossify by NF stage 58/59." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "ischia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003064 ! pelvic girdle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T19:03:50Z
+id: XAO:0004498
+name: pubis
+def: "The ventral and anterior of the three principal bones composing the pelvic girdle. The pubes fuse with the ilia at NF stage 53, and touch each other at NF stage 62. Full contact of the medial surfaces occurs at NF stage 63 when ossification also begins. Ossification continues through metamorphosis." [PMID:15679868, XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "pubes" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003064 ! pelvic girdle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T19:18:02Z
+id: XAO:0004499
+name: postsacral vertebra
+def: "Vertebra posterior to the sacral vertebra. The 4 postsacral vertebrae fuse and ossify (NF stage 66) to form the urostyle." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "postsacral vertebrae" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0004019 ! vertebra
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T19:27:34Z
+id: XAO:0004500
+name: rib
+def: "Any of the bony lateral projections from the presacral veterebrae of the anterior trunk region, enabling the lungs to expand and thus facilitate breathing by expanding the chest cavity. They serve to protect the lungs, heart, and other internal organs of the thorax." []
+synonym: "ribs" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "vertebral rib" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004020 ! process
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004019 ! vertebra
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T19:32:29Z
+id: XAO:0004501
+name: apoptotic cell
+def: "A cell that is in the process of programmed cell death. The process is characterized by morphological changes (e.g. blebbing, cell shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation, chromatin condensation, and chromosomal DNA fragmentation) ending in cell death." []
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T19:46:34Z
+id: XAO:0004502
+name: mitotic cell
+def: "A cell that is in the process of replication, and is idenitifable by chromosomal replication." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T19:50:41Z
+id: XAO:0004503
+name: periosteum
+def: "A membrane that lines the outer surface of all bones, except at the joints of long bones. It consists of dense irregular connective tissue, and is divided into an outer fibrous layer and inner osteogenic layer. The fibrous layer contains fibroblasts, while the osteogenic layer contains progenitor cells that develop into osteoblasts, which are essential to the healing process." []
+is_a: XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004049 ! perichondrium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000169 ! bone tissue
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T19:57:52Z
+id: XAO:0004504
+name: periosteum (sensu fibrous layer)
+def: "The outer layer of the periosteum, containing acellular connective tissue and fibroblasts." []
+is_a: XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004049 ! perichondrium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004503 ! periosteum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T20:03:11Z
+id: XAO:0004505
+name: periosteum (sensu osteogenic layer)
+def: "The inner layer of the periosteum, containing osteoblasts." []
+is_a: XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004049 ! perichondrium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004503 ! periosteum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T20:03:49Z
+id: XAO:0004506
+name: interdigital webbing
+def: "The tissue or tissues between the digits of the forelimb and the hindlimb." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "webbing" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004265 ! autopod
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004316 ! interdigital region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T20:14:47Z
+id: XAO:0004507
+name: osteoblast
+def: "Skeletogenic cell that secretes osteoid, is capable of producing mineralized matrix, is located adjacent to or within osteoid tissue, and arises from the transformation of a preosteoblast cell." [CL:0000062]
+synonym: "bone cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000062
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004035 ! osteoid
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T20:18:46Z
+id: XAO:0004508
+name: mandibular mesenchyme
+def: "Mesenchyme that is part of a mandibular component." [UBERON:0009584]
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004279 ! cranial skeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T22:47:54Z
+id: XAO:0004509
+name: dorsal lateral plate mesoderm
+def: "Layer of lateral plate mesoderm that forms the body wall lining and dermis." []
+synonym: "DLPM" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T23:01:12Z
+id: XAO:0004510
+name: melanoblast
+def: "Type of precursor cell from which melanophores develop." [XAO:CJZ]
+xref: CL:0000541
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T23:08:51Z
+id: XAO:0004511
+name: hindgut primordium
+def: "The endoderm cells that are fated to become the hindgut." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000295 ! central endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T23:24:26Z
+id: XAO:0004512
+name: midgut primordium
+def: "The endoderm cells that are fated to become the midgut." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000295 ! central endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T23:31:07Z
+id: XAO:0004513
+name: foregut endoderm
+def: "The endoderm cells that are fated to become the foregut." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "foregut primordium" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000295 ! central endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T23:32:46Z
+id: XAO:0004514
+name: anterior tectum
+def: "The anterior part of the optic tectum." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "pre-tectum" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003226 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T23:41:35Z
+id: XAO:0004515
+name: posterior tectum
+def: "The posterior part of the optic tectum." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "pre-tectum" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003226 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T23:43:45Z
+id: XAO:0004516
+name: blastocoel floor
+def: "The upper surface of the vegetal yolk mass which forms the floor for the blastocoel (cavity) of the early gastrula embryo." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000294 ! blastocoel
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-10T23:45:26Z
+id: XAO:0004517
+name: ciliated non-epidermal cell
+def: "A ciliated cell that is not part of the epidermis." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0005017 ! ciliated cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-11T11:36:47Z
+id: XAO:0004518
+name: proximal tubule
+def: "The proximal segment of the pronephric tubule, closest to the glomus and functioning in solute resorption and waste excretion." [PMID:15223337]
+synonym: "pronephric nephron" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004105 ! pronephric tubule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-26T14:20:27Z
+id: XAO:0004519
+name: distal tubule
+def: "The distal segment of the pronephric tubule, functioning in water resorption, with urine passing through it into the pronephric duct." [PMID:15223337]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004105 ! pronephric tubule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-26T14:34:59Z
+id: XAO:0004520
+name: proximal tubule branch
+def: "A distal stem cell region of the proximal tubule. There are 3 branches, with anteriodorsal, anterioventral, and posterior positions. These are sometimes referred to as proximal tubule segment 1 or PT1." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "proximal tubule segment 1" RELATED []
+synonym: "PT1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004518 ! proximal tubule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-26T14:48:46Z
+id: XAO:0004521
+name: coelom
+def: "A fluid-filled cavity formed within the mesoderm of the embryo." []
+synonym: "body cavity" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-04-26T15:36:18Z
+id: XAO:0004522
+name: premigratory neural crest cell
+def: "Cell that is part of the neural crest region of the neuroepithelium, prior to migration." [CL:0007004]
+synonym: "premigratory neural crest cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0007004
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-05-27T16:31:38Z
+id: XAO:0004523
+name: enteric neuron
+def: "Any of the neurons specific to the gastrointestinal system. Enteric neurons are embedded the lining of the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines and the cloaca." []
+xref: CL:0007011
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000104 ! hindgut
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000130 ! small intestine
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000131 ! large intestine
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000244 ! cloaca
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005195 ! enteric nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-05-27T16:58:52Z
+id: XAO:0004524
+name: pharyngeal mesenchyme
+def: "The undifferentiated, loose connective tissue of the pharyngeal region, that is derived mostly from mesoderm, and also contains ectodermally derived neural crest cells." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003046 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004261 ! pharyngeal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0004525
+name: medium cavity
+def: "Water-filled cavity in the adult frog that is apposed to an olfactory epithelium for detection of aqueous odorants." [XAO:KAB]
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+id: XAO:0004526
+name: principal cavity
+def: "Air-filled cavity in the adult frog apposed to an olfactory epithelium for detection of airborne odorants." [XAO:KAB]
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+id: XAO:0004527
+name: olfactory sensory neuron
+def: "Sensory neuron responsible for detection of odorants." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "olfactory receptor neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "ORN" EXACT []
+synonym: "OSN" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005024 ! olfactory epithelium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:0004528
+name: tail somite 18
+def: "The 16th somite located posterior to the head. This somite is resorbed at metamorphosis." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "somite 18" EXACT []
+synonym: "trunk somite 18" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003143 ! tail somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0004529
+name: uveal tract
+def: "Portion of tissue in an eye consisting of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid." [UBERON:0001768]
+synonym: "uvea" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001768
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+id: XAO:0004530
+name: accessory olfactory bulb
+def: "The forebrain region that coordinates sensory signaling arising from the vomeronasal organ; it is located on the dorsal-posterior portion of the main olfactory bulb, and the axons that leave the accessory olfactory bulb project to targets in the amygdala and hypothalamus." [UBERON:0004069]
+synonym: "anterior olfactory bulb" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004069
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004180 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004531
+name: amygdala
+def: "An almond-shaped set of neurons in the medial temporal lobe of the brain that is involved in the linkage of environmental information with social behavior and action selection." [GO:0021764, PMID:24005304]
+synonym: "Amyg" EXACT []
+synonym: "corpus amygdaloideum" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001876
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004258 ! subpallium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004563 ! lateral pallium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004594 ! ventral pallium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004539 ! basal forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004532
+name: anterior amygdala
+def: "A nucleus comprising the anterior aspect of the amygdala, adjacent to the basal forebrain, and involved in receiving olfactory information." [ISBN:0123815339]
+xref: UBERON:0002890
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004531 ! amygdala
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004533
+name: anterior commissure
+def: "A forebrain white matter structure consisting of a large fiber bundle, connecting the two cerebral hemispheres across the middle line." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "AC" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000935
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004534
+name: anterior entopeduncular nucleus
+def: "Nucleus situated in the pallidum that provides auditory input to the torus semicircularis." [PMID:11536185]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004578 ! pallidum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004535
+name: ventral funiculus
+def: "Region of spinal cord white matter lying on either side between the ventral median fissure and the ventral roots of the spinal nerves." []
+synonym: "anterior funiculus" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002180
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004536
+name: anterior thalamic nucleus
+def: "Nucleus situated in the thalamus that is associated with the limbic system and is implicated in learning and episodic memory." []
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004306 ! thalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004537
+name: anterodorsal tegmental nucleus
+def: "Nucleus located anterodorsally in the midbrain tegmentum." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004271 ! midbrain tegmentum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004538
+name: anteroventral tegmental nucleus
+def: "Nucleus located anteroventrally in the midbrain tegmentum." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004271 ! midbrain tegmentum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004539
+name: basal forebrain
+def: "A group of structures that lie in the ventralmost parts of the forebrain and are formed by the derivatives of the subpallium." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "ventral telencephalon" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002743
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004258 ! subpallium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004540
+name: basal ganglion
+def: "Composite structure derived principally from the subpallium and containing numerous ganglia of the ventral telencephalon." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "basal ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "basal ganglia nuclei" RELATED []
+synonym: "basal nuclei" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0010011
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004258 ! subpallium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004539 ! basal forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004541
+name: bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
+def: "A brain structure in the forebrain wrapped around the stria terminalis. Its largest extent can be found around the crossing of the anterior commissure." [UBERON:0001880]
+synonym: "bed nucleus striae terminalis" EXACT []
+synonym: "BST" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001880
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004539 ! basal forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000061 ! NF stage 49
+id: XAO:0004542
+name: central amygdala
+def: "A nucleus comprising the central aspect of the amygdala, identified as a target for ascending auditory information from the central thalamic nucleus and as a major afferent to the vocal pattern generator of the hindbrain." [PMID:24005304]
+synonym: "CeA" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002883
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004531 ! amygdala
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004587 ! striatum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004543
+name: central canal
+def: "Spinal cord structure that is part of the ventricular system and is filled with cerebral-spinal fluid and runs the length of the spinal cord." [UBERON:0002291]
+xref: UBERON:0002291
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004544
+name: central nucleus of the thalamus
+def: "Nucleus that is located centrally in the thalamus." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004306 ! thalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004545
+name: dorsal column nucleus
+def: "A nucleus that is situated in the brainstem." []
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003100 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004546
+name: dorsal habenular nucleus
+def: "Cell mass in the caudal and dorsal aspect of the dorsal thalamus adjoining the pineal gland." [XAO:KAB]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004556 ! habenula
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0004547
+name: dorsal pallidum
+def: "The predominant portion of the globus pallidus in the striatopallidal system, which is defined by connectivity and neurochemical staining. It is distinguished from the ventral pallidum by a boundary that is partially defined by the anterior commissure." [UBERON:0006516]
+xref: UBERON:0006516
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004578 ! pallidum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004548
+name: dorsal pallium
+def: "Subdivision of thepallium that is located dorsally." [UBERON:0014740]
+synonym: "isocortex" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0014740
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004302 ! pallium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004549
+name: dorsal septum
+def: "A set of septal nuclei comprising the dorsal aspect of the forebrain septum." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "Sd" EXACT []
+synonym: "septum dorsalis" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005422 ! septum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004585 ! telencephalon septum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004551
+name: external plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb
+def: "Cytoarchitectural part of the olfactory bulb, lying superior to the mitral cell layer and inferior to the glomerular layer. The EPL is mostly neuropil composed almost entirely of mitral and tulfted cell dendrites and granule cell dendrites and their synaptic inputs." [UBERON:0005376]
+xref: UBERON:0005376
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004180 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004552
+name: glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb
+def: "Superficial layer of the olfactory bulb, composed of spherical glomeruli, where input from olfactory receptor neurons is first organized and processed." [PMID:16765614]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004180 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004553
+name: granule cell
+def: "Type of neuron characterized by having very small cell bodies. These cells are found within the granular layers of the cerebellum and the olfactory bulb." []
+xref: CL:0000120
+is_a: XAO:0004267 ! interneuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004554 ! granule cell layer of the cerebellum
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004555 ! granule cell layer of the olfactory bulb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004554
+name: granule cell layer of the cerebellum
+def: "The innermost layer of the cerebellar cortex, containing densely packed small neurons, mostly granule cells." [UBERON:0002956]
+xref: UBERON:0002956
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003098 ! cerebellum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004555
+name: granule cell layer of the olfactory bulb
+def: "A layer of the olfactory bulb interior to the mitral cell layer, consisting of inhibitory interneurons." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "internal granular layer" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0005378
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004180 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004556
+name: habenula
+def: "Region of the thalamus adjoining the pineal gland." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "Hb" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001904
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004390 ! dorsal thalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0004557
+name: isthmic nucleus
+def: "Nucleus that is a prominant part of the visual system, receiving input from the ipsilateral tectum and sending output to both tecta." [PMID:3497362]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000016 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004558
+name: lateral amygdala
+def: "A nucleus comprising the lateral aspect of the amygdala, implicated in fear conditioning." []
+synonym: "LA" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002886
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004531 ! amygdala
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004559
+name: lateral forebrain bundle
+def: "A fiber system that is formed by pallial and subpallial components that join in the caudal telencephalon. It proceeds caudally, piercing the optic tract, to the ventral part of the hypothalamus." [ISBN:3540560130]
+synonym: "LFB" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:2007012
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004560
+name: lateral funiculus
+def: "Region of spinal cord white matter that is both ventral to the dorsal root and dorsal to the ventral root." [XAO:KAB]
+xref: UBERON:0002179
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004562
+name: lateral hypothalamic nucleus
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is the lateral part of the ventral hypothalamic zone." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000227]
+xref: UBERON:0001937
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004070 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004563
+name: lateral pallium
+def: "Subdivision of the pallium that is located laterally." [UBERON:0014741]
+synonym: "olfactory cortex" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0014741
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004302 ! pallium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004564
+name: lateral septum
+def: "A set of septal nuclei comprising the lateral aspect of the forebrain septum." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "septum lateralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "Sl" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005422 ! septum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004585 ! telencephalon septum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004565
+name: laterodorsal tegmental nucleus
+def: "A nucleus situated in the brainstem, spanning the midbrain tegmentum and the pontine tegmentum." [UBERON:0002267]
+xref: UBERON:0002267
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004271 ! midbrain tegmentum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004566
+name: locus coeruleus
+def: "Nucleus within the brainstem that is the principal site for brain synthesis of norepinephrine." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "locus caeruleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "locus ceruleus" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002148
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004567
+name: magnocellular preoptic nucleus
+def: "A nucleus situated in the preoptic area that contains large neurosecretory neurons." [ISBN:0080877982, ISBN:3540560130]
+xref: UBERON:2000248
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004583 ! preoptic area
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0004568
+name: medial amygdala
+def: "A nucleus comprising the medial aspect of the amygdala, involved in receiving olfactory information." []
+synonym: "MeA" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002892
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004531 ! amygdala
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004570
+name: medial pallium
+def: "Subdivision of the pallium that is located in the medial position." [UBERON:0014738]
+synonym: "hippocampus" RELATED []
+synonym: "MP" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0014738
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004302 ! pallium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004571
+name: medial septum
+def: "A set of septal nuclei comprising the medial aspect of the forebrain septum." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "septum medialis" EXACT []
+synonym: "Sm" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005422 ! septum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004585 ! telencephalon septum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004573
+name: mitral cell
+def: "Large glutaminergic nerve cell whose dendrites synapse with axons of the olfactory receptor neurons in the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb, and whose axons pass centrally in the olfactory tract to the olfactory cortex." [MP:0009954]
+xref: CL:1001502
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004574 ! mitral cell layer of the olfactory bulb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004574
+name: mitral cell layer of the olfactory bulb
+def: "Layer composed of pyramidal neurons whose cell bodies are located between the granule cell layer and the plexiform layer." [UBERON:0004186]
+xref: UBERON:0004186
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004180 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004575
+name: nucleus accumbens
+def: "A region of the brain consisting of a collection of neurons located in the forebrain ventral to the caudate and putamen." [UBERON:0001882]
+synonym: "Acc" EXACT []
+synonym: "accumbens nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus accumbens septi" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001882
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004587 ! striatum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+id: XAO:0004576
+name: nucleus of the diagonal band
+def: "A brain structure that is part of the septal nuclear complex and is connected with the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and amygdala." [UBERON:0001879]
+synonym: "diagonal band" RELATED []
+synonym: "diagonal band of Broca" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001879
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004258 ! subpallium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004539 ! basal forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004578
+name: pallidum
+def: "Major component of the basal ganglia that is part of the telencephalon and has close functional ties with the subthalamus." []
+synonym: "globus pallidus" EXACT []
+synonym: "Pa" EXACT []
+synonym: "paleostriatum" RELATED []
+synonym: "pallidal nuclei" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001875
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004259 ! medial ganglionic eminence
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004540 ! basal ganglion
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004579
+name: posterior commissure
+def: "Diencephalic tract that is located in the vicinity of the dorsal diencephalon and mesencephalon and connects the pretectal nuclei." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000320]
+xref: UBERON:0000936
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004580
+name: dorsal funiculus
+def: "Region of spinal cord white matter that is dorsal and medial to the dorsal root." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "posterior funiculus" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002258
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004581
+name: posterodorsal tegmental nucleus
+def: "Nucleus located posterodorsally in the midbrain tegmentum." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004271 ! midbrain tegmentum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004582
+name: posteroventral tegmental nucleus
+def: "Nucleus located posteroventrally in the midbrain tegmentum." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004271 ! midbrain tegmentum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004583
+name: preoptic area
+def: "Area of the forebrain anterior to the posterior tuberculum and the hypothalamus and ventral to the ventral thalamus." [UBERON:0001928]
+synonym: "anterior preoptic area" RELATED []
+synonym: "PO" EXACT []
+synonym: "preoptic nuclei" RELATED []
+synonym: "preoptic region" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0001928
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004230 ! anterior hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0004584
+name: raphe nucleus
+def: "A cluster of nuclei found in the brain stem, the main function of which is to release serotonin to the rest of the brain." []
+xref: UBERON:0004684
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003100 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004585
+name: telencephalon septum
+def: "Gray matter structure located on the midline of the forebrain consisting of the septum pellucidum and the septal nuclei." [UBERON:0000446]
+synonym: "Se" RELATED []
+synonym: "septum" BROAD []
+synonym: "septum of telencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000446
+is_a: XAO:0005422 ! septum
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004258 ! subpallium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004539 ! basal forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004586
+name: solitary tract
+def: "A compact fiber bundle that extends longitudinally through the posterolateral region of the medulla and is surrounded by the nucleus of the solitary tract, and descends to the upper cervical segments of the spinal cord." [UBERON:0002718]
+xref: UBERON:0002718
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005048 ! nucleus of the solitary tract
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004587
+name: striatum
+def: "A region of the forebrain consisting of the caudate nucleus, putamen and fundus striati." [UBERON:0002435]
+synonym: "neostriatum" RELATED []
+synonym: "Str" EXACT []
+synonym: "striatal nuclei" RELATED []
+synonym: "striate nucleus" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002435
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004237 ! lateral ganglionic eminence
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004540 ! basal ganglion
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+id: XAO:0004588
+name: subcommissural organ
+def: "A small ependymal gland of the circumventricular system, located in the dorsocaudal region of the third ventricle." [XAO:KAB]
+xref: UBERON:0002139
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004303 ! pretectum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004589
+name: subthalamic nucleus
+def: "The lens-shaped nucleus located in the ventral part of the subthalamus on the inner aspect of the internal capsule that is concerned with the integration of somatic motor function." [UBERON:0001906]
+xref: UBERON:0001906
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004304 ! prethalamus
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004540 ! basal ganglion
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004590
+name: torus semicircularis
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the midbrain and develops from the alar plate. It is located dorsal to the lateral tegmentum where it extends into the medial tectal ventricle and receives ascending sensory octavolateralis input." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0000599]
+xref: UBERON:2000599
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004591
+name: ventral habenular nucleus
+def: "Cell mass in the caudal and ventral aspect of the dorsal thalamus adjoining the pineal gland." [XAO:KAB]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004556 ! habenula
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0004592
+name: ventral hypothalamic nucleus
+def: "Nucleus that is located ventrally in the hypothalamus." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004070 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004593
+name: ventral pallidum
+def: "Part of the globus pallidus consisting of the more medial of the two segments." [UBERON:0002778]
+xref: UBERON:0002778
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004578 ! pallidum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004594
+name: ventral pallium
+def: "The pallial region located next to the pallium-subpallium boundary." [UBERON:0014913]
+xref: UBERON:0014913
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004302 ! pallium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004595
+name: ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
+def: "Nucleus situated in the thalamus that receives inputs from the basal nuclei and the function of which is to help coordinate and plan movement." []
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004306 ! thalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004596
+name: ventromedial thalamic nucleus
+def: "Nucleus situated in the thalamus to which somatosensory input is predominantly directed." [ISBN:3540560130]
+xref: UBERON:2000459
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004306 ! thalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004597
+name: neuromere
+def: "A metameric segment of the central nervous system." [XAO:EJS, ZFA:0001328]
+xref: UBERON:0004731
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004598
+name: prosomere
+def: "A neuromere that is part of the presumptive forebrain." [UBERON:0014775]
+xref: UBERON:0014775
+is_a: XAO:0004597 ! neuromere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004599
+name: prosomere 4
+def: "The 4th segment of the developing forebrain." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004598 ! prosomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004600
+name: prosomere 5
+def: "The 5th segment of the developing forebrain." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004598 ! prosomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004601
+name: prosomere 6
+def: "The 6th segment of the developing forebrain." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004598 ! prosomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004602
+name: brain ventricle
+def: "One of the system of communicating cavities in the brain that are continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord, that are lined with an epithelial ependyma, and that contain cerebral-spinal fluid. The system comprises four ventricles, the right and left lateral ventricles (one for each hemisphere), third ventricle, and fourth ventricle." [, UBERON:0004086]
+synonym: "ventricle" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0004086
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004605
+name: mammilary region
+def: "A protrusion at the posterior end of the hypothalamus that contains hypothalamic nuclei." [UBERON:0002206]
+synonym: "corpus mamillare" EXACT []
+synonym: "MA" EXACT []
+synonym: "mammillar area" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002206
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004236 ! posterior hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004606
+name: tuberal region
+def: "Structure that lies rostral to the area of the tegmentum and that is a site of dopamine-containing cells." [ISBN:0471733830]
+synonym: "caudal tuberculum" RELATED []
+synonym: "posterior tuberculum" RELATED []
+synonym: "Tub" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:2000633
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004236 ! posterior hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0004607
+name: lateral ventricle
+def: "Either of the two brain ventricles that are bilateral (left and right, one for each hemisphere)." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004602 ! brain ventricle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004608
+name: third ventricle
+def: "Brain ventricle formed by a median cleft in the diencephalon between the two thalami." []
+synonym: "3rd ventricle" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002286
+is_a: XAO:0004602 ! brain ventricle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004609
+name: neural nucleus
+def: "A spatially aggregated collection of nerve cell bodies in the CNS, consisting of one or more subpopulations that share cell type, chemical phenotype, and connections, and including nearby cells that share the same cell type, chemical phenotype, and connections." [UBERON:0000125]
+synonym: "nucleus" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0000125
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004610
+name: left ventricle
+def: "The lateral ventricle that is located in the left hemisphere of the brain." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004607 ! lateral ventricle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004611
+name: right ventricle
+def: "The lateral ventricle that is located in the right hemisphere of the brain." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004607 ! lateral ventricle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0004612
+name: secretory epithelial cell
+def: "Type of epithelial cell that secretes a macromolecule or ion product. In many epithelia, occasional specialized secretory cells are scattered among other, non-secretory cells." [ISBN:0323036635]
+synonym: "scattered secretory epithelial cell" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0004613
+name: non-cililated epidermal cell
+def: "Epidermal cell that lacks cilia." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "non-ciliated epidermal cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0004621 ! epidermal cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0004614
+name: ciliary axoneme
+def: "The bundle of microtubules and associated proteins that forms the core of cilia and is responsible for their movements." [GO:0005930]
+synonym: "axoneme" EXACT []
+xref: GO:0005930
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005008 ! cilium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0004615
+name: basal body
+def: "A membrane-tethered, short cylindrical array of microtubules and associated proteins found at the base of a cilium that is similar in structure to a centriole and derives from it. The cilium basal body is the site of assembly and remodelling of the cilium and serves as a nucleation site for axoneme growth." [GO:0005932]
+synonym: "ciliary basal body" RELATED []
+xref: GO:0005932
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:0004616
+name: ventrolateral neural tube
+def: "The ventrolateral regions of the neural tube, above to the floor plate region and encompassing structurally distinct interneurons (in lateral positions) and the more ventral motor neurons." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "ventricular zone" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003204 ! neural tube
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0004617
+name: dorsolateral neural tube
+def: "The dorsolateral regions of the neural tube, ventral to the roof plate region and encompassing structurally distinct sensory neurons (more dorsally) and interneurons (in lateral positions)." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003204 ! neural tube
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0004618
+name: rostral presomitic mesoderm
+def: "The region of presomitic mesoderm that lays immediately adjacent and posterior to the last formed somite." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000057 ! presomitic mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0004619
+name: caudal presomitic mesoderm
+def: "The most posterior region of presomitic mesoderm where somitomeres have yet to be fated." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000057 ! presomitic mesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0004620
+name: neurogenic placode
+def: "Cranial placode with neurogenic potential." [UBERON:0009955]
+xref: UBERON:0009955
+is_a: XAO:0000305 ! cranial placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004092 ! preplacodal ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0004621
+name: epidermal cell
+def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the epidermis." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: CL:1000396
+is_a: XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0004622
+name: myotome of tail somite 18
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 18 that is a precursor of muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "myotome of trunk somite 18" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004528 ! tail somite 18
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0004623
+name: sclerotome of tail somite 18
+def: "Compartment of tail somite 18 that is a precursor of the axial skeleton." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sclerotome of somite 18" EXACT []
+synonym: "sclerotome of trunk somite 18" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004528 ! tail somite 18
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:0004624
+name: fin vasculature
+def: "Blood vessel that is part of the fin." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004625
+name: dorsal fin vasculature
+def: "Blood vessel that is part of the dorsal fin." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004063 ! dorsal fin
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004624 ! fin vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004626
+name: ventral fin vasculature
+def: "Blood vessel that is part of the ventral fin." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004624 ! fin vasculature
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004627
+name: ventral blood island border
+def: "Blood vessel that is part of the ventral blood island." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "vbib" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000067 ! ventral blood island
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0004628
+name: posterior ventral blood island
+def: "The erythroid-forming compartment of the ventral blood island." [PMID:18594023]
+synonym: "pvbi" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004473 ! ventral mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000067 ! ventral blood island
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0005000
+name: matrix-based tissue
+def: "A tissue whose predominant feature is extracellular matrix that may or may not be highly hydrated or calcified." [UBERON:0007475]
+xref: UBERON:0007475
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-04-15T18:09:42Z
+id: XAO:0005001
+name: acellular bone tissue
+def: "Mineralized bone tissue that has terminally differentiated osteoblasts but lacks osteocytes." [UBERON:4000122]
+xref: UBERON:4000122
+is_a: XAO:0004040 ! mineralized bone tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-04-20T17:49:35Z
+id: XAO:0005002
+name: multicellular anatomical structure
+def: "An anatomical structure that has more than one cell as a part." [CARO:0010000]
+synonym: "multicellular structure" EXACT []
+xref: CARO:0010000
+xref: UBERON:0010000
+is_a: XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000011 ! NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-12T17:50:30Z
+id: XAO:0005003
+name: larval intestinal epithelium
+def: "Epithelium that covers the small and large intestine in the larval frog." [, XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "larval gut epithelium" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003200 ! gut epithelium
+is_a: XAO:0004008 ! simple columnar epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000010 ! juvenile frog stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000129 ! intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:36:26Z
+id: XAO:0005004
+name: adult intestinal epithelium
+def: "Epithelium that covers the small and large intestine in the adult frog." [, XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "adult gut epithelium" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003200 ! gut epithelium
+is_a: XAO:0004008 ! simple columnar epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005236 ! intestinal stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000129 ! intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000093 ! adult frog stage
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:38:16Z
+id: XAO:0005005
+name: left
+def: "Spatial concept pertaining to being located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north." [NCIt:Left]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:39:42Z
+id: XAO:0005006
+name: right
+def: "Spatial concept pertaining to being located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north." [NCIt:Right]
+subset: anatomical_site_slim
+is_a: XAO:0003185 ! anatomical direction
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:41:09Z
+id: XAO:0005007
+name: Muller cell
+def: "Astrocyte-like radial glial cell that extends vertically throughout the retina, with the nucleus usually in the middle of the inner nuclear layer." [CL:0011107]
+synonym: "Muller glia" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0011107
+is_a: XAO:0004308 ! glial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000009 ! retina
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:43:09Z
+id: XAO:0005008
+name: cilium
+def: "Specialized protrusion of a cell composed of microtubules and serving a role in intercellular signaling." [XAO:KAB]
+synonym: "cilia" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: GO:0005929
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005017 ! ciliated cell
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:45:51Z
+id: XAO:0005009
+name: mitotic spindle
+def: "Array of microtubules and associated molecules that forms between opposite poles of a cell during mitosis or meiosis and serves to move the duplicated chromosomes apart." [GO:0005819]
+synonym: "spindle" EXACT []
+xref: GO:0005819
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:48:54Z
+id: XAO:0005010
+name: growth cone
+def: "Migrating motile tip of a growing nerve cell axon or dendrite." [GO:0030426]
+xref: GO:0030426
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005317 ! neuron projection
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:50:17Z
+id: XAO:0005011
+name: centriole
+def: "A cellular organelle, found close to the nucleus in many cells, consisting of a small cylinder with microtubular walls, 300-500 nm long and 150-250 nm in diameter. It contains nine short, parallel, peripheral microtubular fibrils, each fibril consisting of one complete microtubule fused to two incomplete microtubules. Cells usually have two centrioles, lying at right angles to each other. At division, each pair of centrioles generates another pair and the twin pairs form the pole of the mitotic spindle." [GO:0005814]
+xref: GO:0005814
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005014 ! centrosome
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:51:38Z
+id: XAO:0005012
+name: kinetochore
+def: "A multisubunit complex that is located at the centromeric region of DNA and provides an attachment point for the spindle microtubules." [GO:0000776]
+xref: GO:0000776
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:53:24Z
+id: XAO:0005013
+name: centromere
+def: "The region of a chromosome that is attached to the spindle during nuclear division. It is defined genetically as the region of the chromosome that always segregates at the first division of meiosis; the region of the chromosome in which no crossing over occurs. At the start of M phase, each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids with a constriction at a point which forms the centromere. During late prophase two kinetochores assemble on each centromere, one kinetochore on each sister chromatid." [ISBN:0198506732]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:55:01Z
+id: XAO:0005014
+name: centrosome
+def: "A structure comprising a core structure and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many cells, though it changes continually during the cell-division cycle." [GO:0005813]
+xref: GO:0005813
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T17:56:06Z
+id: XAO:0005015
+name: axon
+def: "The long process of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses, usually away from the cell body to the terminals and varicosities, which are sites of storage and release of neurotransmitter." [GO:0030424]
+xref: GO:0030424
+is_a: XAO:0005317 ! neuron projection
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T19:09:57Z
+id: XAO:0005016
+name: dendrite
+def: "A neuron projection that has a short, tapering, often branched, morphology, receives and integrates signals from other neurons or from sensory stimuli, and conducts a nerve impulse towards the axon or the cell body. In most neurons, the impulse is conveyed from dendrites to axon via the cell body, but in some types of unipolar neuron, the impulse does not travel via the cell body." [GO:0030425]
+xref: GO:0030425
+is_a: XAO:0005317 ! neuron projection
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T19:12:27Z
+id: XAO:0005017
+name: ciliated cell
+def: "A cell that has a filiform extrusion of the cell surface." [CL:0000064]
+xref: CL:0000064
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-14T19:18:22Z
+id: XAO:0005018
+name: spinal neuron
+def: "A neuron of the spinal cord." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-16T14:08:54Z
+id: XAO:0005019
+name: paired dorsal aorta
+def: "The embryonic right and left aortas that develop in parallel with the heart and gain access to it via the aortic arches. Later the paired dorsal aortic anlagen unite and finally form the unpaired descending aorta of the adult." []
+synonym: "left dorsal aorta" NARROW []
+synonym: "paired dorsal aortae" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "right dorsal aorta" NARROW []
+is_a: XAO:0003010 ! aorta
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000357 ! arterial endothelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-16T14:25:29Z
+id: XAO:0005020
+name: stromal cell
+def: "A connective tissue cell of any organ." []
+xref: CL:0000499
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001017 ! connective tissue
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-16T14:43:13Z
+id: XAO:0005021
+name: interstitial cell of Leydig
+def: "A cell that is located in the interstitial space between the seminiferous tubules and produces male androgens." [ISBN:9781461348764]
+synonym: "interstitial cell" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0005020 ! stromal cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000157 ! testis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-16T14:57:42Z
+id: XAO:0005022
+name: hepatocyte
+def: "A type of cell comprising the main structural component of the liver." [CL:0000182]
+xref: CL:0000182
+is_a: XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000133 ! liver
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-16T15:02:39Z
+id: XAO:0005023
+name: granular gland
+def: "A surface structure principally responsible for the production of noxious or toxic secretion with an effect on numerous species of vertebrates. The glands are almost uniformly distributed, on both ventral and dorsal skin." [DOI:10.1016/0300-9629(95)98515-I]
+synonym: "poison gland" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:3010602
+is_a: XAO:0005071 ! skin gland
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-16T15:11:53Z
+id: XAO:0005024
+name: olfactory epithelium
+def: "A sensory epithelium inside the nasal cavity that is responsible for detecting odors." [UBERON:0001997]
+xref: UBERON:0001997
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004092 ! preplacodal ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003196 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-16T15:26:20Z
+id: XAO:0005025
+name: macrophage
+def: "A mononuclear phagocyte present in a variety of tissues, typically differentiated from monocytes, capable of phagocytosing a variety of extracellular particulate material, including immune complexes, microorganisms, and dead cells." [CL:0000235]
+synonym: "histiocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000235
+is_a: XAO:0003239 ! circulating cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000124 ! blood
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-16T15:34:19Z
+id: XAO:0005026
+name: presumptive rhombomere
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to a rhombomere." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T17:38:18Z
+id: XAO:0005027
+name: forebrain-midbrain boundary
+def: "The part of the brain that is the morphological boundary between the forebrain and midbrain." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004003 ! anatomical line
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T17:39:40Z
+id: XAO:0005028
+name: ventricular layer of the optic tectum
+def: "Layer of the optic tectum that contains radial glial and other non-neuronal cells." [PMID:23531884]
+synonym: "ventricular layer" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003226 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T17:40:54Z
+id: XAO:0005029
+name: neuropil of the optic tectum
+def: "Layer of the optic tectum that mainly consists of ascending sensory axons and tectal dendrites." [PMID:23531884]
+synonym: "neuropil" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0002606
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003226 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T17:42:02Z
+id: XAO:0005030
+name: cell body layer of the optic tectum
+def: "Layer of the optic tectum that consists of tectal somata." [PMID:23531884]
+synonym: "cell body layer" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003226 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T17:43:13Z
+id: XAO:0005031
+name: radial glial cell
+def: "A cell present in the developing central nervous system. It functions as both a precursor cell and as a scaffold to support neuronal migration. Some have a multipotent ability, as they can differentiate into neurons and radial glial cells by asymmetric divisions during the period of embryonic neurogenesis. They occur mainly in the ventricular layer of the tectum and decrease in number as the brain matures." [CL:0000681, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "radial glia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "RG" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000681
+is_a: XAO:0004308 ! glial cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005032 ! neural stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005028 ! ventricular layer of the optic tectum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T17:46:16Z
+id: XAO:0005032
+name: neural stem cell
+def: "A cell that, in the early stages of the brain, are generated from the ectoderm-derived neural epithelium and commit to differentiate into either neurons or radial glial cells. It is well known that radial glial cells have distinctive morphological characteristics and can act as neural progenitor cells (NPCs) or neural stem cells (NSCs), in addition to guiding the migration of differentiating neurons in the central nervous system." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "neural stem cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "neuronal stem cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "NSC" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000047
+is_a: XAO:0003054 ! stem cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T17:55:47Z
+id: XAO:0005033
+name: progenitor cell
+def: "A cell that, like a stem cell, has a tendency to differentiate into a specific type of cell, but is already more specific than a stem cell and is pushed to differentiate into its target cell." []
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T18:02:10Z
+id: XAO:0005034
+name: neural progenitor cell
+def: "A progenitor cell of the nervous system." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "neuronal progenitor cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "NPC" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005033 ! progenitor cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T18:03:47Z
+id: XAO:0005035
+name: Mauthner cell
+def: "Any of a pair of large, easily identifiable, reticulospinal neurons at the level of the ear in the hindbrain. Importantly, they enable the escape reflex. Inner ear vestibular and auditory neurons form synapses on the lateral dendrite of the ipsilateral Mauthner cell, which in turn form synapses on contralateral spinal motor neurons to activate the C-start escape response." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "Mauthner neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000246
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T18:07:10Z
+id: XAO:0005036
+name: Eberth-Kastschenko layer
+def: "A calcified dermal layer that is found between the stratum spongiosum and the stratum compactum of the skin." [PMID:23480373]
+synonym: "calcified dermal layer" BROAD []
+synonym: "EK layer" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000217 ! dermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T18:11:23Z
+id: XAO:0005037
+name: migrating macrophage
+def: "Any of the hematopoietic stem cell derived phagocytic cells that are first observed in the ventral blood island at NF stages 17-18 and at stage 20 begin to migrate over the whole embryo between the epidermis and the mesoderm, completing their migration by stage 25." [PMID:12204257, PMID:15305302, PMID:18684398]
+synonym: "embryonic macrophage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005025 ! macrophage
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003055 ! hematopoietic stem cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004473 ! ventral mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000067 ! ventral blood island
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T18:14:55Z
+id: XAO:0005038
+name: nucleus
+def: "A membrane-bounded organelle of in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, it contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent." [GO:0005634]
+synonym: "cell nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: GO:0005634
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T18:18:55Z
+id: XAO:0005039
+name: cytoplasm
+def: "All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures." [GO:0005737]
+xref: GO:0005737
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-18T18:25:53Z
+id: XAO:0005040
+name: anterior semicircular canal
+def: "The anterior (superior) of the two vertically oriented semicircular canals, which are situated at right angles to each other." []
+synonym: "superior semicircular canal" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001841
+is_a: XAO:0000198 ! semicircular canal
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-19T21:03:02Z
+id: XAO:0005041
+name: lateral semicircular canal
+def: "The laterally, or horizontally, oriented of the three semicircular canals." []
+synonym: "horizontal semicircular canal" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001843
+is_a: XAO:0000198 ! semicircular canal
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-19T21:03:23Z
+id: XAO:0005042
+name: posterior semicircular canal
+def: "The posterior of the two vertically oriented semicircular canals, which are situated at right angles to each other." []
+synonym: "inferior semicircular canal" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001842
+is_a: XAO:0000198 ! semicircular canal
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-19T21:03:33Z
+id: XAO:0005043
+name: skeletal muscle satellite cell
+def: "An elongated, spindle-shaped cell that is located between the basal lamina and the plasmalemma of a muscle fiber. These cells are mostly quiescent, but upon activation they divide to produce cells that generate new muscle fibers." [CL:0000594]
+synonym: "satellite cell" BROAD []
+xref: CL:0000594
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-19T21:14:01Z
+id: XAO:0005044
+name: Schwann cell
+def: "A glial cell that ensheaths axons of neurons in the peripheral nervous system and is necessary for their maintainance and function. Multiple Schwann cells wrap each axon." [CL:0002573, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "neurilemmal cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0002573
+is_a: XAO:0004308 ! glial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003047 ! nerve
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-19T21:17:00Z
+id: XAO:0005045
+name: dorsal crest of the endoderm
+def: "Dorsal endoderm that is adjacent to the notochord." [PMID:14745962]
+synonym: "dorsal crest" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-19T21:19:33Z
+id: XAO:0005046
+name: caudal tuberal region
+def: "The caudal zone of the tuberal region of the hypothalamus." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "CT" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004606 ! tuberal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T18:39:56Z
+id: XAO:0005047
+name: rostral tuberal region
+def: "The rostral zone of the tuberal region of the hypothalamus." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "RT" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004606 ! tuberal region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T18:40:59Z
+id: XAO:0005048
+name: nucleus of the solitary tract
+def: "A series of nuclei forming a column of grey matter embedded in the medulla, through the center of which runs the solitary tract. The solitary tract and nucleus are structures that carry and receive visceral sensation and taste from the facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagus (X) cranial nerves." []
+synonym: "Nsol" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus of solitary tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "solitary nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0009050
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003100 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T18:42:06Z
+id: XAO:0005049
+name: prethalamus basal plate
+def: "The ventral half of the developing neural tube that is the prethalamus." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "basal plate of prosomere 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "p3b" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004304 ! prethalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T18:45:52Z
+id: XAO:0005050
+name: parabrachial area
+def: "Cell area that receives signals from the solitary nucleus and transmits signals to the medulla oblongata, spinal cord, amygdala, and hypothalamus." [, ISBN:9783642621277]
+synonym: "parabrachial nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "PB" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007634
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T19:01:25Z
+id: XAO:0005051
+name: retromammillary area
+def: "Hypothalamic region that with the mammillary nuclei forms the mammillary complex." [PMID:18597750]
+synonym: "RM" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004070 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T19:04:47Z
+id: XAO:0005052
+name: nucleus reticularis medialis
+def: "Medial nucleus of the reticular nucleus of the brain stem." [ISBN:9783642621277]
+synonym: "Rm" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003100 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T19:07:47Z
+id: XAO:0005053
+name: nucleus reticularis superior
+def: "Superior nucleus of the reticular nucleus of the brain stem." [ISBN:9783642621277]
+synonym: "Rs" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003100 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T19:07:51Z
+id: XAO:0005054
+name: nucleus reticularis inferior
+def: "Inferior nucleus of the reticular nucleus of the brain stem." [ISBN:9783642621277]
+synonym: "Ri" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003100 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T19:07:57Z
+id: XAO:0005055
+name: ventral septum
+def: "A set of septal nuclei comprising the ventral aspect of the forebrain septum." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "septum ventralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "Sv" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005422 ! septum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004585 ! telencephalon septum
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T19:13:25Z
+id: XAO:0005056
+name: supraoptoparaventricular region
+def: "The dorsal region of the alar hypothalamus." [PMID:24122702]
+synonym: "SPV" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004609 ! neural nucleus
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004230 ! anterior hypothalamus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T19:17:57Z
+id: XAO:0005057
+name: stria terminalis
+def: "A structure in the brain consisting of a band of fibers running along the lateral margin of the ventricular surface of the thalamus. Serving as a major output pathway of the amygdala, it runs from its centromedial division to the ventral medial nucleus of the hypothalamus." []
+synonym: "st" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003029
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-20T19:19:50Z
+id: XAO:0005058
+name: stratum spongiosum
+def: "Dermal layer containing loose connective tissue and several types of glands." [PMID:7723046]
+xref: UBERON:3010599
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000217 ! dermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-21T21:38:10Z
+id: XAO:0005059
+name: stratum compactum
+def: "Dermal layer composed of alternating sheets of parallel fibers." [PMID:7723046]
+xref: UBERON:0007377
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000217 ! dermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-21T21:39:20Z
+id: XAO:0005060
+name: glomerular mesangial cell
+def: "A type of smooth muscle-like pericyte that abuts and surrounds the filtration capillaries within the glomerulus." [PMID:9674692]
+synonym: "mesangial cell" BROAD []
+synonym: "mesangial-like cell" BROAD []
+xref: CL:1000742
+is_a: XAO:0003264 ! pericyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000318 ! glomus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-21T21:40:28Z
+id: XAO:0005061
+name: glomerular epithelial cell
+def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the glomus." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000318 ! glomus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-21T21:42:24Z
+id: XAO:0005062
+name: proepicardium
+def: "An embryonic progenitor cell type that comprises a population that provides the epicardium, the majority of the cardiac interstitium, the coronary vasculature, and possibly some cardiomyocytes." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "PE" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005033 ! progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-21T21:43:43Z
+id: XAO:0005063
+name: external coil of the small intestine
+def: "Part of the double coil of the small intestine, consisting of anti-clockwise loops of intestine proximal to the internal coil." [PMID:10603354]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000130 ! small intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-21T21:46:18Z
+id: XAO:0005064
+name: internal coil of the small intestine
+def: "Part of the double coil of the small intestine, consisting of clockwise loops of intestine distal to the external coil." [PMID:10603354]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000130 ! small intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-21T21:47:31Z
+id: XAO:0005065
+name: sciatic nerve
+def: "Nerve that provides the connection to the nervous system for nearly the whole of the skin of the leg, the muscles of the back of the thigh, and those of the leg and foot." []
+synonym: "ischiadic nerve" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001322
+is_a: XAO:0003047 ! nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003031 ! hindlimb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:22:58Z
+id: XAO:0005066
+name: optic disc
+def: "The location where ganglion cell axons exit the eye to form the optic nerve." [UBERON:0001783]
+synonym: "optic nerve head" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001783
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:24:26Z
+id: XAO:0005067
+name: typhlosole
+def: "A longitudinal fold of the wall projecting into the cavity of the intestine." []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000129 ! intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:26:06Z
+id: XAO:0005068
+name: motor axon
+def: "An axon that is part of a motor neuron and which projects outside the spinal cord to directly or indirectly control muscles." []
+synonym: "motor axons" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0005015 ! axon
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004217 ! motor neuron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:26:56Z
+id: XAO:0005069
+name: iliofibularis
+def: "A hindlimb muscle that is used in locomotion and which contains a population of slow or tonic fibers, as well as twitch fibers." [PMID:434137]
+is_a: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003031 ! hindlimb
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:28:16Z
+id: XAO:0005070
+name: sulcus limitans of neural tube
+def: "A shallow, longitudinal groove separating the developing gray matter into a basal and alar plates along the length of the neural tube." []
+synonym: "sulcus limitans" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0005478
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003204 ! neural tube
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:29:59Z
+id: XAO:0005071
+name: skin gland
+def: "A gland that is part of the skin." [UBERON:0002419]
+xref: UBERON:0002419
+is_a: XAO:0003028 ! surface structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000023 ! skin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:36:00Z
+id: XAO:0005072
+name: skin mucous gland
+def: "A mucous gland that is part of the skin." [UBERON:0004790]
+synonym: "mucous gland" BROAD []
+xref: UBERON:0004790
+is_a: XAO:0005071 ! skin gland
+is_a: XAO:0005073 ! mucous gland
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:39:09Z
+id: XAO:0005073
+name: mucous gland
+def: "A gland in which the principal secretory cells are mucus secreting cells." [UBERON:0000414]
+synonym: "mucus gland" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000414
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:44:20Z
+id: XAO:0005074
+name: skin seromucous gland
+def: "A gland of the skin in which some secretory cells are serous and some mucous." []
+synonym: "seromucous gland" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0005071 ! skin gland
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:48:54Z
+id: XAO:0005075
+name: Bowman's gland
+def: "Any of the branched tubuloalveolar glands situated in the mucous membrane of the olfactory region of the nasal cavity that produce mucus to moisten the olfactory epithelium and dissolve odor-containing gases." []
+synonym: "olfactory gland" EXACT []
+synonym: "olfactory gland of Bowman" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002232
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005024 ! olfactory epithelium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:53:34Z
+id: XAO:0005076
+name: anterior entopeduncular region
+def: "A defined region within the ventral telencephalon that gives rise to GABAergic and cholinergic cortical interneurons and is also a source of early-born oligodendrocytes in the telencephalon." []
+synonym: "AEP" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T12:57:36Z
+id: XAO:0005077
+name: secondary myofiber
+def: "Multinucleate cell formed by later myoblasts that cling by pseudopodia pushed into the surfaces of existing myotubes, and that instead of fusing with the myotube fuse with each other." [ISBN:9780123847317]
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000172 ! muscle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T13:08:46Z
+id: XAO:0005078
+name: dorsomedial edge of myotome
+def: "Muscle-forming part of each myotome that splits from the ventrolateral edge and gives rise to the epaxial musculature." [ISBN:9780470654538]
+synonym: "dorsomedial edge" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T13:15:22Z
+id: XAO:0005079
+name: ventrolateral edge of myotome
+def: "Muscle-forming part of each myotome that splits from the dorsomedial edge and gives rise to the hypaxial musculature." [ISBN:9780470654538]
+synonym: "ventrolateral edge" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000315 ! myotome
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T13:21:29Z
+id: XAO:0005080
+name: dermomyotome
+def: "The bilaminar epithelium formed from the myotome and dermatome." [UBERON:0004290]
+synonym: "dermamyotome" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0004290
+is_a: XAO:0004006 ! multilaminar epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000058 ! somite
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T13:29:14Z
+id: XAO:0005081
+name: egg jelly
+def: "A gelatinous layer that surrounds the oocyte and releases chemoattractants that activate and guide sperm to the oocyte." []
+is_a: XAO:0003162 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000085 ! oocyte stage III
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T13:34:37Z
+id: XAO:0005082
+name: lampbrush chromosome
+def: "A special form of chromosome found in growing oocytes, transforming into the lampbrush form because of an active transcription of many genes, and organized into a series of chromomeres with large chromatin loops extended laterally." []
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000088 ! oocyte stage VI
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T13:38:12Z
+id: XAO:0005083
+name: egg cell-free extract
+namespace: xenopus_anatomy_in_vitro
+def: "A cell-free extract obtained from oocytes." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004291 ! cell-free extract
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2015-05-24T13:44:37Z
+id: XAO:0005084
+name: blastomere D1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective dorsal midline of the animal hemisphere at the eight-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005085
+name: blastomere D2
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective dorsal midline of the vegetal hemisphere at the eight-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005086
+name: blastomere V1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective ventral midline of the animal hemisphere at the eight-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "V1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005087
+name: blastomere V2
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective ventral midline of the vegetal hemisphere at the eight-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "V2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005088
+name: blastomere D1.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective dorsal midline of the animal hemisphere at the 16-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D1.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005113 ! dorsal animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005084 ! blastomere D1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005089
+name: blastomere D1.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies in the animal hemisphere lateral to blastomere D1.1 at the 16-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D1.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005113 ! dorsal animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005084 ! blastomere D1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005090
+name: blastomere D2.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective dorsal midline of the vegetal hemisphere at the 16-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D2.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005112 ! dorsal vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005085 ! blastomere D2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005091
+name: blastomere D2.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies in the vegetal hemisphere lateral to blastomere D2.1 at the 16-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D2.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005112 ! dorsal vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005085 ! blastomere D2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005092
+name: blastomere V1.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective ventral midline of the animal hemisphere at the 16-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "V1.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005115 ! ventral animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005086 ! blastomere V1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005093
+name: blastomere V1.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies in the animal hemisphere lateral to V1.1 at the 16-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "V1.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005115 ! ventral animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005086 ! blastomere V1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005094
+name: blastomere V2.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective ventral midline of the vegetal hemisphere at the 16-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "V2.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005114 ! ventral vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005087 ! blastomere V2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005095
+name: blastomere V2.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies in the vegetal hemisphere lateral to V2.1 at the 16-cell stage." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "V2.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005114 ! ventral vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005087 ! blastomere V2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005096
+name: blastomere D1.1.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective dorsal midline in the first tier of blastomeres. It contributes to a variety of tissues and organs, including the cement gland, brain, retina, lens, cranial ganglia, otic vesicle, neural crest, spinal cord, somites, liver, gut and pharynx." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "A1" RELATED []
+synonym: "D1.1.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005113 ! dorsal animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005088 ! blastomere D1.1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005097
+name: blastomere D1.1.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective dorsal midline, posterior to its sister cell, blastomere D1.1.1, in the second tier of blastomeres. It contributes cells to a variety of tissues and organs, including the stomodeum, retina, epidermis, lens, cranial ganglia, epibranchial placodes, neural crest, brain, spinal cord, gut, liver, pharynx, somites, and archenteron roof." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "B1" RELATED []
+synonym: "D1.1.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005113 ! dorsal animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005088 ! blastomere D1.1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005098
+name: blastomere D1.2.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies lateral to blastomere D1.1.1 and is in the first tier of blastomeres. It contributes to a variety of tissues and organs, including the cement gland, head epidermis, olfactory epithelium, lens, cranial ganglia, otic vesicle, epidermis, tail fin, neural crest, retina, hindbrain, spinal cord, pharyngeal arches, caudal notochord and hindgut." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "A2" RELATED []
+synonym: "D1.2.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005113 ! dorsal animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005089 ! blastomere D1.2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005099
+name: blastomere D1.2.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies lateral to blastomere D1.1.2, posterior to its sister cell, blastomere D1.2.1, in the second tier of blastomeres. It contributes to a variety of tissues and organs including fin, epidermis, cement gland, olfactory epithelium, neural crest, lens, cranial ganglia, retina, brain, notochord, somites, pronephric kidney, lateral plate mesoderm, pharynx, foregut, hindgut and archenteron roof." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "B2" RELATED []
+synonym: "D1.2.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005113 ! dorsal animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005089 ! blastomere D1.2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005100
+name: blastomere D2.1.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective dorsal midline in the fourth tier of blastomeres. It contributes largely to endodermal and mesodermal structures including the branchial and lateral plate mesoderm, foregut, liver, hindgut, some of the trunk, and a small number of cells contributing to neural crest of ectodermal origin." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D1" RELATED []
+synonym: "D2.1.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005112 ! dorsal vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005090 ! blastomere D2.1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005101
+name: blastomere D2.1.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective dorsal midline, anterior to its sister cell, blastomere D2.1.1, in the third tier of blastomeres. It contributes to mostly endodermal and mesodermal structures including the heart, head mesenchyme, notochord, somites, lateral plate mesoderm, foregut, hindgut, and a few cells of ectodermal origin (in cranial ganglia and neural crest)." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "C1" RELATED []
+synonym: "D2.1.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005112 ! dorsal vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005090 ! blastomere D2.1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005102
+name: blastomere D2.2.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies lateral to blastomere D2.1.1 in the fourth tier of blastomeres. It contributes cells to the cranial ganglia, neural crest, spinal cord, fin epidermis, branchial mesoderm, heart, somites, pharynx, foregut, liver, and hindgut." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D2" RELATED []
+synonym: "D2.2.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005112 ! dorsal vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005091 ! blastomere D2.2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005103
+name: blastomere D2.2.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies lateral to blastomere D2.1.2, anterior to its sister cell, blastomere D2.2.1, in the third tier of blastomeres. It contributes cells to the epidermis, neural crest, brain, spinal cord, head mesoderm, somites, pronephric kidney, lateral plate mesoderm, tail fin mesenchyme, foregut, hindgut, with occasional cells in the liver and proctodeum observed." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "C2" RELATED []
+synonym: "D2.2.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005112 ! dorsal vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005091 ! blastomere D2.2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005104
+name: blastomere V1.1.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective ventral midline in the first tier of blastomeres. It contributes to epidermal and placodal derivatives including the epidermis, lens, cement gland, cranial ganglia, otic vesicle, neural crest, Rohon-Beard neurons, and spinal cord (but no other CNS structures). It also contributes to the pharyngeal mesoderm, heart, somites, pronephric kidney, lateral plate mesoderm and tail fin mesenchymes, and a few cells in the gut." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "A4" RELATED []
+synonym: "V1.1.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005115 ! ventral animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005092 ! blastomere V1.1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005105
+name: blastomere V1.1.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective ventral midline, posterior to its sister cell, blastomere V1.1.1, in the second tier of blastomeres. It contributes to trunk epidermis and neural crest cells, Rohon-Beard neurons, somites, the pronephric kidney, lateral plate mesoderm, tail fin mesenchyme, hindgut and proctodeum." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "B4" RELATED []
+synonym: "V1.1.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005115 ! ventral animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005092 ! blastomere V1.1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005106
+name: blastomere V1.2.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies lateral to blastomere V1.1.1 and is in the first tier of blastomeres. It contributes to many ectodermal structures including the epidermis, lens, cranial ganglia, otic vesicle, neural crest, olfactory placode, cement gland, retina, brain, and spinal cord. It also contributes cells to the pharyngeal mesoderm, head mesenchyme, heart, somites, pronephric kidney, lateral plate mesoderm and tail fin mesenchyme, archenteron roof, with occasional cells in the foregut, liver, hindgut and proctodeum." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "A3" RELATED []
+synonym: "V1.2.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005115 ! ventral animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005093 ! blastomere V1.2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005107
+name: blastomere V1.2.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies lateral to blastomere V1.1.2, posterior to its sister cell, blastomere V1.2.1, in the second tier of blastomeres. It contributes to the epidermis, fins, cranial ganglia, otic vesicle, central nervous system, neural crest, and somites, with occasional cells in the pharyngeal mesoderm, head mesenchyme, hindgut, and proctodeum." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "B3" RELATED []
+synonym: "V1.2.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005115 ! ventral animal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005093 ! blastomere V1.2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005108
+name: blastomere V2.1.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective, ventral midline in the fourth tier of blastomeres. It contributes a few cells to the epidermis, neural crest and spinal cord, and a large number of cells to the somites, pronephric kidney, lateral plate mesoderm, tail fin mesenchyme, hindgut, and proctodeum." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D4" RELATED []
+synonym: "V2.1.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005114 ! ventral vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005094 ! blastomere V2.1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005109
+name: blastomere V2.1.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies adjacent to the prospective ventral midline, anterior to its sister cell, blastomere V2.1.1, in the third tier of blastomeres. It contributes cells to the epidermis, neural crest, spinal cord, somites, tail, hindgut and proctodeum." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "C4" RELATED []
+synonym: "V2.1.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005114 ! ventral vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005094 ! blastomere V2.1
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005110
+name: blastomere V2.2.1
+def: "Blastomere which lies lateral to blastomere V2.1.1, in the fourth tier of blastomeres. It contributes cells to the epidermis and neural crest, spinal cord, somites, foregut, hindgut, and fewer cells to the head, pharyngeal mesoderm and proctodeum." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "D3" RELATED []
+synonym: "V2.2.1" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005114 ! ventral vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005095 ! blastomere V2.2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005111
+name: blastomere V2.2.2
+def: "Blastomere which lies lateral to blastomere V2.1.2, anterior to its sister cell, blastomere V2.2.1, in the third tier of blastomeres. It contributes cells to the epidermis, tail fin, cranial ganglia, neural crest, hindbrain, spinal cord, otic vesicle, pharyngeal mesoderm, somites, foregut, hindgut, archenteron roof, and proctodeum." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "C3" RELATED []
+synonym: "V2.2.2" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005114 ! ventral vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005095 ! blastomere V2.2
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005112
+name: dorsal vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+def: "Blastomere that is any of blastomeres D2.1 and D2.2 and their children cells after division, D2.1.1, D2.1.2, D2.2.1 and D2.2.2, on the left and right sides of embryo." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "DVHB" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000279 ! vegetal blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005113
+name: dorsal animal hemisphere blastomere
+def: "Blastomere that is any of blastomeres D1.1 and D1.2 and their children cells after division, D1.1.1, D1.1.2, D1.2.1 and D1.2.2, on the left and right sides of embryo." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "DAHB" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000200 ! animal blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005114
+name: ventral vegetal hemisphere blastomere
+def: "Blastomere that is any of blastomeres V2.1 and V2.2 and their children cells after division, V2.1.1, V2.1.2, V2.2.1 and V2.2.2, on the left and right sides of embryo." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "VVHB" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000279 ! vegetal blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005115
+name: ventral animal hemisphere blastomere
+def: "Blastomere that is any of blastomeres V1.1 and V1.2 and their children cells after division, V1.1.1, V1.1.2, V1.2.1 and V1.2.2, on the left and right sides of embryo." [PMID:3596014]
+synonym: "VAHB" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000200 ! animal blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-08-16T20:28:11Z
+id: XAO:0005116
+name: melanotrope
+def: "A cell in the pituitary gland (hypophysis) that generates melanocyte-stimulating hormone from its precursor polypeptide, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)." []
+synonym: "melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "melanotrope cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "melanotroph" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000440
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000017 ! hypophysis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005117
+name: germinal granule
+def: "A characteristic, electrondense germ plasm organelle encapsulating the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope of the cells destined to the germline fate." []
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000233 ! germ plasm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005118
+name: ooplasm
+def: "The cytoplasm of the oocyte." []
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005119
+name: oocyte cortex
+def: "Cell component comprising the outer layers of the oocyte." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005120
+name: endoplasmic reticulum
+def: "The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached)." [GO:0005783]
+synonym: "ER" EXACT []
+xref: GO:0005783
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005121
+name: prime meridian
+def: "Embryonic region which is specified to form the head of the embryo." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000113 ! embryo
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005122
+name: microtubule
+def: "Any of the long, generally straight, hollow tubes of internal diameter 12-15 nm and external diameter 24 nm found in a wide variety of eukaryotic cells; each consists (usually) of 13 protofilaments of polymeric tubulin, staggered in such a manner that the tubulin monomers are arranged in a helical pattern on the microtubular surface, and with the alpha/beta axes of the tubulin subunits parallel to the long axis of the tubule; exist in equilibrium with pool of tubulin monomers and can be rapidly assembled or disassembled in response to physiological stimuli; concerned with force generation, e.g. in the spindle." [GO:0005874]
+xref: GO:0005874
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005123
+name: vegetal cortex
+def: "Cell component comprising the outer layers of the vegetal region of the oocyte." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005119 ! oocyte cortex
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005124
+name: pulmonary epithelium
+def: "The epithelial layer of the lung." [UBERON:0000115]
+synonym: "epithelial tissue of lung" RELATED []
+synonym: "epithelium of lung" RELATED []
+synonym: "lung epithelial tissue" RELATED []
+synonym: "lung epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000115
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000119 ! lung
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001002 ! lung primordium
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005140 ! lung bud
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005125
+name: ventral foregut
+def: "The ventral part of the foregut." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005126
+name: dorsal foregut
+def: "The dorsal part of the foregut." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005127
+name: anterior foregut
+def: "Embryonic structure that consists of the anterior part of the foregut and develops into the esophagus and trachea." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005128
+name: posterior foregut
+def: "The posterior part of the foregut." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005129
+name: proximal stomach
+def: "The section of the stomach comprising the cardia, fundus, and stomach body." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005127 ! anterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000128 ! stomach
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005130
+name: distal stomach
+def: "The section of the stomach comprising the antrum and pylorus." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005128 ! posterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000128 ! stomach
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005131
+name: astrocyte
+def: "A characteristically star-shaped type of glial cell found in the optic nerve, brain and spinal cord. They have many processes, giving them their star shape, which terminate in structures called end-feet. They are the most numerous glial cell in the central nervous system and can behave like phagocytes in the CNS during metamorphosis." [CL:0000127, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "astrocytic glia" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000127
+is_a: XAO:0004308 ! glial cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005032 ! neural stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005132
+name: astrocyte end-foot
+def: "The terminal process of an astrocyte." [GO:0097450]
+synonym: "astrocyte end-feet" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "astrocyte endfeet" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "astrocyte endfoot" EXACT []
+xref: GO:0097450
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005131 ! astrocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005131 ! astrocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005133
+name: oligodendrocyte
+def: "A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system that form the insulating myelin sheath of axons." [CL:0000128]
+xref: CL:0000128
+is_a: XAO:0004308 ! glial cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005032 ! neural stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005134
+name: microglial cell
+def: "The smallest glial cell type in the central nervous system, cells of this type actively detect inflammatory responses/infection. They transform to a phagocytotic form, actively removing infective agents, and thus can present antigens to immune system cells." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "microglia" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000129
+is_a: XAO:0004308 ! glial cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005135
+name: enteroendocrine cell
+def: "An endocrine cell that is located in the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract or in the pancreas." [CL:0000164]
+xref: CL:0000164
+is_a: XAO:0003247 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-12-06T18:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005136
+name: dorsal involuting marginal zone
+def: "Tissue which during gastrulation involutes into the interior of the embryo, where its deep mesenchymal cells form the notochordal and somitic mesoderm and its superficial epithelial cells form the endodermal roof of the archenteron." [PMID:7588048]
+synonym: "DIMZ" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal IMZ" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0000068 ! marginal zone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005137
+name: monociliated cell
+def: "A ciliated cell that has a single cilium." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0005017 ! ciliated cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000094 ! gastrocoel roof plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005138
+name: subcortical cytoplasm
+def: "The cytoplasm beneath the outer layers of the oocyte." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "sub-cortical cytoplasm" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000092 ! mature egg stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005139
+name: multiciliated cell
+def: "A ciliated cell that has more than one cilium." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0005017 ! ciliated cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005180 ! multiciliated cell precursor
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005140
+name: lung bud
+def: "A structure derived from the foregut that becomes a lung." [UBERON:0000118]
+xref: UBERON:0000118
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001002 ! lung primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-12-09T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005141
+name: pars externa of the stapes
+def: "A cartilaginous extension of the stapes that expands into a cartilaginous tympanic disk." [PMID:20953303]
+synonym: "extracolumella" EXACT []
+synonym: "extrastapes" EXACT []
+synonym: "pars externa" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004310 ! stapes
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005142
+name: pars media of the stapes
+def: "The bony part of the stapes which forms the shaft. It is shaped like a bent rod: its distal half is firmly embedded within the tympanic disk, extending from the disk center caudally and dorsally, turning inwards, until it reaches the oval window at a shallow angle." [PMID:20953303]
+synonym: "pars media" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0004276 ! bone element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004310 ! stapes
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005143
+name: pars interna of the stapes
+def: "A cartilaginous component of the stapes that is firmly attached to the proximal end of the pars media. It lies within the oval window and forms the stapes footplate." [PMID:20953303]
+synonym: "pars interna" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004310 ! stapes
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005144
+name: footplate of the stapes
+def: "That part of the stapes lying within the oval window, formed from the stapes pars interna." [PMID:20953303]
+synonym: "footplate" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004310 ! stapes
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005145
+name: fundus
+def: "The section of the stomach which lies between the cardia and the stomach body, and contains the fundic glands." [, UBERON:0001160]
+synonym: "fundic stomach" EXACT []
+synonym: "fundus of stomach" EXACT []
+synonym: "gastric fundus" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001160
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005129 ! proximal stomach
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005129 ! proximal stomach
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-12-09T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005146
+name: oval window
+def: "Entrance to the inner ear in the lateral wall of the otic capsule, which contains the footplate of the stapes." [PMID:20953303]
+synonym: "foramen ovale" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002501
+is_a: XAO:0003190 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005225 ! otic capsule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005147
+name: parotic crest
+def: "Cartilaginous extension of the prootic bone which overlies the middle ear region." [PMID:20953303]
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005314 ! prootic bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003059 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005148
+name: m. depressor mandibulae
+def: "A muscle acting to open the lower jaw, which runs from the caudal otic region downwards, passing over the stapes." [PMID:20953303]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000053 ! head mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005149
+name: m. levator scapulae superior
+def: "Superior aspect of the cranial muscle that passes between the otic capsule and the scapula. It originates on the otic capsule just caudal to the oval window." [PMID:20953303]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000053 ! head mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005150
+name: m. levator scapulae inferior
+def: "Inferior aspect of the cranial muscle that passes between the otic capsule and the scapula. It originates on the otic capsule just caudal to the oval window." [PMID:20953303]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000053 ! head mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005151
+name: m. petrohyoideus
+def: "A long, strap-like muscle that originates mainly from the parotic crest, passes over the stapes and ultimately inserts on the ventral surface of the larynx." [PMID:20953303]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000053 ! head mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005152
+name: m. cucullaris
+def: "A muscle that originates on the otic capsule and adjacent tympanic annulus, and inserts on the pectoral girdle." [PMID:20953303]
+is_a: XAO:0004322 ! cranial muscle
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000053 ! head mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005153
+name: tympanic annulus
+def: "The oval shaped cartilaginous ring that supports the cartilaginous tympanic disk." [PMID:20953303]
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005154
+name: plasma membrane
+def: "The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins." [GO:0005886]
+synonym: "cell membrane" EXACT []
+synonym: "cellular membrane" EXACT []
+synonym: "cytoplasmic membrane" EXACT []
+synonym: "plasmalemma" EXACT []
+xref: GO:0005886
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-03-20T17:24:29Z
+id: XAO:0005155
+name: archenteron roof midline
+def: "Anatomical line that divides the archenteron roof into right and left halves." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004003 ! anatomical line
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000094 ! gastrocoel roof plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005156
+name: stomach body
+def: "The section of the stomach which lies between the fundus and the pyloric antrum." [UBERON:0001161]
+synonym: "body of stomach" EXACT []
+synonym: "gastric body" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001161
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005129 ! proximal stomach
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005129 ! proximal stomach
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-12-09T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005157
+name: antrum
+def: "The section of the stomach which lies between the stomach body and pylorus, and that contains gastrin-producing G cells, which stimulate acid production, and the luminal pH-sensitive population of somatostatin-producing D cells." [UBERON:0001165]
+synonym: "antrum of stomach" EXACT []
+synonym: "pyloric antrum" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001165
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005130 ! distal stomach
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005130 ! distal stomach
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-12-09T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005158
+name: pylorus
+def: "The stomach tissue region which surrounds and controls the distal outlet of the stomach, which opens into the duodenum, and contains the pyloric glands." [ISBN:9781461348764, UBERON:0001166]
+synonym: "pyloric stomach" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001166
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005130 ! distal stomach
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005130 ! distal stomach
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-12-09T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005159
+name: cardia
+def: "The section of the stomach which is attached to the esophagus and contains the cardiac glands." [ISBN:9781461348764, UBERON:0001162]
+synonym: "cardia of stomach" EXACT []
+synonym: "cardiac stomach" EXACT []
+synonym: "gastric cardia" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001162
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005129 ! proximal stomach
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005129 ! proximal stomach
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-12-09T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005160
+name: prepollex
+def: "A tiny skeletal element adjacent to the anterior-most digit in the autopod in the developing forelimb, possibly representing a vestigal digit." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004299 ! hand
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005161
+name: prehallux
+def: "A tiny skeletal element adjacent to the anterior-most digit in the autopod in the developing hindlimb (i.e., hindlimb digit 5), possibly representing a vestigal 6th digit in Xenopus." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0004013 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004300 ! foot
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005162
+name: mandibular arch skeleton
+def: "Skeletal subdivision comprising the skeletal elements of the mandibular arch." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0001708
+is_a: XAO:0004289 ! skeletal subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003176 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-09-03T19:21:41Z
+id: XAO:0005163
+name: thoracic region
+def: "A region of the embryo that is located broadly around the heart, but ventral to the pharyngeal region, posterior to the cement gland, and anterior to the endoderm or organs of endodermal origin (foregut, liver and lung primordia)." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-11-16T18:07:16Z
+id: XAO:0005164
+name: alpha cell
+def: "A type of endocrine cell in the pancreatic islets of the pancreas. They make up some of the islet cells synthesizing and secreting the peptide hormone glucagon, which elevates the glucose levels in the blood." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "alpha cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "alpha-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "alpha-cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "pancreatic A cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000171
+is_a: XAO:0005135 ! enteroendocrine cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000159 ! islets of Langerhans
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-11-16T18:07:16Z
+id: XAO:0005165
+name: beta cell
+def: "A type of cell that is found in the pancreatic islets of the pancreas and secretes insulin." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "beta cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "beta-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "beta-cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "type B pancreatic cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000169
+is_a: XAO:0005135 ! enteroendocrine cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000159 ! islets of Langerhans
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-11-16T18:07:16Z
+id: XAO:0005166
+name: delta cell
+def: "Somatostatin-producing cell that is found in the stomach, intestine and the pancreatic islets." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "D cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "D-cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "delta cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "delta-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "delta-cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "type D enteroendocrine cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000502
+is_a: XAO:0005135 ! enteroendocrine cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-11-16T18:07:16Z
+id: XAO:0005167
+name: epsilon cell
+def: "A type of endocrine cell that is found in the islets of Langerhans and produces the hormone ghrelin." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "epsilon cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "epsilon-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "epsilon-cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0005135 ! enteroendocrine cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000159 ! islets of Langerhans
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-11-16T18:07:16Z
+id: XAO:0005168
+name: gamma cell
+def: "A type of cell that produces pancreatic polypeptides in the pancreatic islets (the islets of Langerhans) of the pancreas." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "PP cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "pp-cell" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0005135 ! enteroendocrine cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000159 ! islets of Langerhans
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2016-11-16T18:07:16Z
+id: XAO:0005169
+name: left-right organizer primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the organizing region which is formed by the posterior layer of the gastrocoel roof plate during early neurulation." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "left-right organiser primordium" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003043 ! primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000076 ! involuting marginal zone epithelial layer
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000094 ! gastrocoel roof plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-03-30T16:43:56Z
+id: XAO:0005170
+name: left-right organizer
+def: "Region which is formed by the posterior layer of the gastrocoel roof plate during neurulation and has functionality in determining organ and axis symmetry." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "left-right organiser" EXACT []
+synonym: "LRO" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005169 ! left-right organizer primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000094 ! gastrocoel roof plate
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-03-30T16:45:24Z
+id: XAO:0005171
+name: fin margin
+def: "The outermost extent of a fin, comprising a region of high cell replication during anterior-posterior axis extension throughout the tadpole stages." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000002 ! fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-11T16:34:29Z
+id: XAO:0005172
+name: left blastomere
+def: "The blastomere of the future left side of the embryo at the 2-cell stage." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000011 ! NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000011 ! NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-13T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005173
+name: right blastomere
+def: "The blastomere of the future right side of the embryo at the 2-cell stage." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000011 ! NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000011 ! NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-13T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005174
+name: left-dorsal blastomere
+def: "The blastomere of the future left-dorsal portion of the embryo at the 4-cell stage." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "LD" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005172 ! left blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-13T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005175
+name: right-dorsal blastomere
+def: "The blastomere of the future right-dorsal portion of the embryo at the 4-cell stage." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "RD" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005173 ! right blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-13T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005176
+name: left-ventral blastomere
+def: "The blastomere of the future left-ventral portion of the embryo at the 4-cell stage." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "LV" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005172 ! left blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-13T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005177
+name: right-ventral blastomere
+def: "The blastomere of the future right-ventral portion of the embryo at the 4-cell stage." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "RV" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003016 ! blastomere
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005173 ! right blastomere
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-13T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005178
+name: monociliated epidermal cell
+def: "A ciliated epidermal cell that has a single cilium." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0000031 ! ciliated epidermal cell
+is_a: XAO:0005137 ! monociliated cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-14T17:17:00Z
+id: XAO:0005179
+name: multiciliated epidermal cell
+def: "A ciliated epidermal cell that has more than one cilium." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "MCC" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0000031 ! ciliated epidermal cell
+is_a: XAO:0005139 ! multiciliated cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-14T17:17:00Z
+id: XAO:0005180
+name: multiciliated cell precursor
+def: "Cell type that gives rise to multiciliated cells." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-04-14T17:17:00Z
+id: XAO:0005181
+name: ascending interneuron
+def: "An interneuron which grows from the soma in an ascending (from tail to head) direction." [PMID:29051550]
+synonym: "aIN" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004267 ! interneuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-10T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005182
+name: descending interneuron
+def: "An interneuron which grows from the soma in a descending (from head to tail) direction." [PMID:29051550]
+synonym: "dIN" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004267 ! interneuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-10T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005183
+name: commissural interneuron
+def: "An interneuron which starts to grow on one side of the body and navigates in the ventral direction." [PMID:29051550]
+synonym: "cIN" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004267 ! interneuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-10T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005184
+name: dorsolateral ascending neuron
+def: "An ascending neuron, originating in the spinal cord, that is involved in the touch sensory pathway and lies adjacent to the Rohon-Beard neurons and close to the roof plate of the spinal cord." [PMID:29051550]
+synonym: "dla" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-15T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005185
+name: dorsolateral commissural neuron
+def: "A commissural neuron, originating in the spinal cord, that is involved in the touch sensory pathway and lies adjacent to the Rohon-Beard neurons and close to the roof plate of the spinal cord." [PMID:29051550]
+synonym: "dlc" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-15T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005186
+name: adenohypophysis
+def: "The glandular, anterior lobe of the pituitary gland (hypophysis). It regulates several physiological processes including stress, growth, and reproduction." []
+synonym: "anterior hypophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior lobe of pituitary gland" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior pituitary" EXACT []
+synonym: "pars anterior" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002196
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004208 ! adenohypophyseal placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000017 ! hypophysis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-17T16:49:43Z
+id: XAO:0005187
+name: neurohypophysis
+def: "The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland (hypophysis). It is largely a collection of axonal projections from the hypothalamus that terminate behind the anterior pituitary, and serve as a site for the secretion of neurohypophysial hormones (oxytocin and vasopressin) directly into the blood. It is not glandular as is the anterior pituitary." []
+synonym: "posterior hypophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior lobe of pituitary gland" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior pituitary" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002198
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004210 ! infundibulum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000017 ! hypophysis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-17T16:49:56Z
+id: XAO:0005188
+name: pars distalis
+def: "Structure which comprises the majority of the anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) and where the bulk of pituitary hormone production occurs." []
+synonym: "pars distalis of adenohypophysis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0006964
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005186 ! adenohypophysis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-17T16:49:59Z
+id: XAO:0005189
+name: pars nervosa
+def: "Structure which constitutes the majority of the posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) and that is the storage site of oxytocin and vasopressin." []
+synonym: "neural lobe of neurohypophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior lobe of neurohypophysis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0003217
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005187 ! neurohypophysis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-17T16:50:21Z
+id: XAO:0005190
+name: pars intermedia
+def: "The boundary between the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary (hypophysis). It contains three types of cells: basophils, chromophobes, and colloid-filled cysts. The cysts are the remainder of Rathke's pouch." []
+synonym: "pars intermedia of adenohypophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "pars intermedis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002432
+is_a: XAO:0004486 ! organ part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000017 ! hypophysis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2017-11-17T16:51:54Z
+id: XAO:0005191
+name: ethmoid bone
+def: "An unpaired bone in the skull that separates the nasal cavity from the brain. It is located at the roof of the nose, between the two orbits." []
+synonym: "ethmoid" BROAD []
+synonym: "ethmoidal bone" EXACT []
+synonym: "os ethmoidale" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0001679
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004023 ! craniofacial skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005192 ! ethmoid region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2018-01-16T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005192
+name: ethmoid region
+def: "Anatomical cluster comprising the most anterior region of the braincase and providing structural support for the peripheral olfactory organ." [UBERON:0011241]
+xref: UBERON:0011241
+is_a: XAO:0003160 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003075 ! cranium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2018-01-17T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005193
+name: lateral nasal prominence
+def: "The lateral area of the two branches of a horseshoe-shaped mesenchymal swelling in the future nasal region of the embryo. It separates the olfactory pit from the developing eye." [UBERON:0004067]
+synonym: "lateral nasal swelling" RELATED []
+synonym: "prominentia nasalis lateralis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0004067
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2018-01-17T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005194
+name: medial nasal prominence
+def: "The central area of the two limbs of a horseshoe-shaped mesenchymal swelling that lie medial to the olfactory placode or pit in the future nasal region of the embryo." [UBERON:0004068]
+synonym: "medial nasal swelling" RELATED []
+synonym: "nasomedial prominence" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004068
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2018-01-17T17:00:00Z
+id: XAO:0005195
+name: enteric nervous system
+def: "The mesh-like system of enteric neurons that innervate the gastrointestinal tract, with neurons embedded in the lining of the gastrointestinal system, beginning at the esophagus and extending down to the cloaca. The ENS can and does operate independently of the brain and the spinal cord." []
+synonym: "ENS" EXACT []
+synonym: "intrinsic nervous system" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0002005
+is_a: XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0005196
+name: neutrophil
+def: "A type of blood cell which is part of the innate immune system and is quickly recruited to sites of injury." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "neutrocyte" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000775
+is_a: XAO:0003239 ! circulating cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000124 ! blood
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0005197
+name: lateral preplacodal ectoderm
+def: "One of the 3 domains of the U-shaped preplacodal ectoderm, lying between the anterior PPE and posterior PPE domains." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "lateral PPE" EXACT []
+synonym: "LPPE" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004104 ! neural plate border
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004092 ! preplacodal ectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005198
+name: cardiac atrium
+def: "Cardiac chamber in which blood enters the heart." [UBERON:0002081]
+xref: UBERON:0002081
+is_a: XAO:0003165 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000337 ! endocardial tube
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0005199
+name: peripheral ganglion
+def: "Type of ganglia in the trunk region that connect the central nervous system with organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands, and are exclusively derived from trunk neural crest cells." [PMID:11254347]
+is_a: XAO:0000209 ! ganglion
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005200
+name: anatomical axis
+def: "A straight line through space, intersecting an anatomical entity. Axis directions are defined in terms of axes." [BSPO:0000010]
+is_a: XAO:0004003 ! anatomical line
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005201
+name: animal-vegetal axis
+def: "An axis that extends from the animal end of an egg or early embryo to the opposite, vegetal end." [BSPO:0000199]
+is_a: XAO:0005200 ! anatomical axis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005202
+name: anterior-posterior axis
+def: "An axis that extends through an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail." [BSPO:0000013]
+is_a: XAO:0005200 ! anatomical axis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005203
+name: dorsal-ventral axis
+def: "An axis that is approximately perpendicular to the anterior-posterior axis and that extends through the horizontal plane of the body." [BSPO:0000016]
+is_a: XAO:0005200 ! anatomical axis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005204
+name: left-right axis
+def: "An axis that bisects an organism from left to right sides of body, through a sagittal plane." [BSPO:0000017]
+is_a: XAO:0005200 ! anatomical axis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005205
+name: anatomical side
+def: "An anatomical region bounded by a plane perpendicular to an axis through the middle." [BSPO:0000054]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005206
+name: anterior side
+def: "An anatomical region that is the entire part of an anatomical structure anterior to a transverse plane and bounded on one side by the same transverse plane." [BSPO:0000055]
+is_a: XAO:0005205 ! anatomical side
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005207
+name: posterior side
+def: "An anatomical region that is the entire part of an anatomical structure posterior to a transverse plane and bounded on one side by the same transverse plane." [BSPO:0000056]
+is_a: XAO:0005205 ! anatomical side
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005208
+name: dorsal side
+def: "An anatomical region that is the entire part of an anatomical structure dorsal to a horizontal plane and bounded on one side by the same horizontal plane." [BSPO:0000063]
+is_a: XAO:0005205 ! anatomical side
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005209
+name: ventral side
+def: "An anatomical region that is the entire part of an anatomical structure ventral to a horizontal plane and bounded on one side by the same horizontal plane." [BSPO:0000068]
+is_a: XAO:0005205 ! anatomical side
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005210
+name: left side
+def: "The side of an organism that is left of the sagittal plane." [BSPO:0000000]
+is_a: XAO:0005205 ! anatomical side
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005211
+name: right side
+def: "The side of an organism that is right of the sagittal plane." [BSPO:0000007]
+is_a: XAO:0005205 ! anatomical side
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005212
+name: proximal-distal axis
+def: "An axis that extends from the point of attachment of a structure (proximal) to the point furthest away from the plane of attachment (distal)." [BSPO:0000015]
+is_a: XAO:0005200 ! anatomical axis
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005213
+name: apical region
+def: "Anatomical region located on the apical end on the body or body part." [BSPO:0000073]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005214
+name: axial region
+def: "Anatomical region that runs down the center (axis) of the body, encompassing everything exept the limbs." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005215
+name: basal region
+def: "Anatomical region located basally on the body or body part." [BSPO:0000074]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005216
+name: anterior region
+def: "Anatomical region anteriorly located on the body or body part." [BSPO:0000071]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005217
+name: posterior region
+def: "Anatomical region posteriorly located on the body or body part." [BSPO:0000072]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005218
+name: dorsal region
+def: "Anatomical region dorsally located on the body or body part." [BSPO:0000079]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005219
+name: ventral region
+def: "Anatomical region ventrally located on the body or body part." [BSPO:0000084]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005220
+name: medial region
+def: "Anatomical region medially located on the body or body part." [BSPO:0000083]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005221
+name: antero-dorsal region
+def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the anterior and dorsal regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:0000026]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005222
+name: antero-ventral region
+def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the anterior and ventral regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:0000027]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005223
+name: postero-dorsal region
+def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the posterior and dorsal regions of the body or body part." [BSPO:0000030]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005224
+name: postero-ventral region
+def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the posterior and ventral regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:0000035]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005225
+name: otic capsule
+def: "The capsule surrounding the inner ear components." [XAO:MEF]
+synonym: "ear capsule" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0004637
+is_a: XAO:0004017 ! endochondral element
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000006 ! otic vesicle
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003083 ! braincase and otic capsule skeleton
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003175 ! otic region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:0005226
+name: migrating myoblast
+def: "Any of the muscle precursor cells which emerge from the lower margin of the trunk somites, appear in a segmented pattern, and move through the lateral regions of the embryo to form the hypaxial muscle." [XAO:CJZ]
+synonym: "migratory somitic cell" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003015 ! myoblast
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000314 ! trunk somite
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0005227
+name: flexural organ
+def: "Tissue that is the most anterior portion of the notochord and secretes Reissner's fiber-related proteins, including F-spondin." [PMID:9482230]
+synonym: "FO" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000205 ! axial mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+id: XAO:0005228
+name: efferent neuron
+def: "A neuron that transmits nerve impulses away from the central nervous system to the muscles or glands." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005195 ! enteric nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0005229
+name: afferent neuron
+def: "A neuron that transmits nerve impulses to the central nervous system from sensory stimuli." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005195 ! enteric nervous system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0005230
+name: larval alimentary system
+def: "The alimentary system of a postembryonic, hatched or immature tadpole, prior to metamorphosis." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000125 ! alimentary system
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0005231
+name: cloacal sphincter
+def: "The developing muscle surrounding the caudal end of the cloaca." []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0001019 ! proctodeum
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000244 ! cloaca
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0005232
+name: ionocyte, alpha subtype
+def: "One of the two types of proton-secreteing cells (PSC) in amphibian skin, which play an important role in ion transport, alpha-PSCs are characterised by expression of slc4a1 (ae1) and localization of H+v-ATPases at the apical plasma membrane." [PMID:21266406]
+synonym: "alpha ionocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "alpha-PSC" EXACT []
+synonym: "ICa" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004085 ! ionocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0005233
+name: ionocyte, beta subtype
+def: "One of the two types of proton-secreteing cells (PSC) in amphibian skin, which play an important role in ion transport, beta-PSCs are characterised by expression of pendrin and localization of the H+v-ATPase cytosolically or basolaterally in the plasma membrane." [PMID:21266406]
+synonym: "beta ionocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "beta-PSC" EXACT []
+synonym: "ICb" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004085 ! ionocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0005234
+name: small secretory cell
+def: "One of the four cell types that are found in bilayered epithlium of the larval epidermis (the others being goblet cells, multicilliated cells, and ionocytes) and have an abundance of large apical secretory vesicles and secrete a glyocoprotein with antimicrobial properties." [PMID:24598166]
+synonym: "SCC" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0005235
+name: dorsal telencephalon
+def: "The dorsal part of the telencephalon." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "dt" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0005236
+name: intestinal stem cell
+def: "Type of adult stem cells that are induced by thyroid hormone (TH) and, during intestinal remodeling during metamorphosis, newly generate the absorptive epithelium." [PMID:30430240]
+synonym: "xenopus_anatomy" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0003054 ! stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000130 ! small intestine
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:0005238
+name: obsolete rostral notochord
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0005423
+id: XAO:0005239
+name: obsolete caudal notochord
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:0005424
+id: XAO:0005240
+name: regenerating lens
+def: "Tissue of the lens that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "lens" BROAD []
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004109 ! regenerating eye
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0005241
+name: superficial layer of neurectoderm
+def: "Layer of neurectoderm that develops into the roof plate of the spinal cord." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000249 ! neural plate
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005242
+name: posterior neural fold
+def: "The posterior portions of the U-shaped neural folds, the two longitudinal dorsal ridges caused by a folding up of the ectoderm, which appear on either side of the middle line of the early neurula embryo." [XAO:CJZ]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000046 ! chordal neural plate
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004087 ! neural fold
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0005243
+name: embryonic kidney
+def: "A transient kidney that functions in embryos of amphibians (and fish) while the mesonephros (which continue to grow into adult kidneys) are developing and before they are fully functional." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "pronephros" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003267 ! kidney
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005244
+name: adult kidney
+def: "Either of the pair of structures lying on either side of the dorsal aorta in which fluid balance is regulated and waste is excreted out in the form of urine." [XAO:curators]
+synonym: "mesonephros" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003267 ! kidney
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+id: XAO:0005245
+name: neurenteric canal
+def: "The most posterior zone of the neural tube, first evident at NF stage 17, which develops where the neural tube passes into the archenteron roof around the dorsal blastoporal lip, becoming deeper during late neurula stages." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000107 ! tail bud
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003204 ! neural tube
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0005246
+name: migratory trunk neural crest cell
+def: "Migratory neural crest cell that is part of the trunk neural crest." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004069 ! migratory neural crest cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000319 ! trunk neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0005247
+name: hindgut endoderm
+def: "Endoderm that is part of the hindgut." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0003260
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000104 ! hindgut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0005248
+name: dorsal posterior hindgut endoderm
+def: "Dorsal part of the posterior hindgut endoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005250 ! posterior hindgut endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0005249
+name: ventral posterior hindgut endoderm
+def: "Ventral part of the posterior hindgut endoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005250 ! posterior hindgut endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0005250
+name: posterior hindgut endoderm
+def: "Posterior part of the hindgut endoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005247 ! hindgut endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0005251
+name: anterior hindgut endoderm
+def: "Anterior part of the hindgut endoderm." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005247 ! hindgut endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0005252
+name: obsolete left olfactory pit
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000275
+id: XAO:0005253
+name: obsolete right olfactory pit
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000275
+id: XAO:0005254
+name: apical junction complex
+def: "A functional unit located near the cell apex at the points of contact between epithelial cells, which in vertebrates is composed of the tight junction, the zonula adherens, and desmosomes. Functions in the regulation of cell polarity, tissue integrity and intercellular adhesion and permeability." [GO:0043296]
+xref: GO:0043296
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003249 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0005255
+name: filopodium
+def: "Thin, stiff, actin-based protrusion extended by the leading edge of a motile cell such as a crawling fibroblast, an axonal or dendritic growth cone, or a dendritic shaft." [GO:0030175]
+xref: GO:0030175
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0005256
+name: obsolete left eye
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000179
+id: XAO:0005257
+name: obsolete right eye
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000179
+id: XAO:0005258
+name: obsolete left inner ear
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000192
+id: XAO:0005259
+name: obsolete right inner ear
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000192
+id: XAO:0005260
+name: ventral trunk
+def: "Part of the trunk located on the ventral side of the organism." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0005261
+name: posterior tail
+def: "The posterior part of the tail." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003026 ! tail
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0005262
+name: anterior dorsal fin
+def: "The anterior part of the dorsal fin." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004063 ! dorsal fin
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:0005263
+name: anterior neuroectoderm
+def: "Neuroectoderm that is located on the anterior side of the organism." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000042 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0005264
+name: dorsal tail
+def: "Part of the tail located on the dorsal side of the organism." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003026 ! tail
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:0005265
+name: dorsal trunk
+def: "Part of the trunk located on the dorsal side of the organism." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003013 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003025 ! trunk
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:0005266
+name: thrombocyte
+def: "A cell type that produces platelets and coagulating factors that react to bleeding from blood vessel injury by clumping, thereby initiating a blood clot. In amphibians, embryonic and adult thrombocytes have different origins and potentially different gene expression markers." [, XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004473 ! ventral mesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000124 ! blood
+relationship: part_of XAO:0001010 ! circulatory system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005267
+name: embryonic thrombocyte
+def: "A cell type that produces platelets and coagulating factors that react to bleeding from blood vessel injury by clumping, thereby initiating a blood clot; and that, in embryos, emerge from the ventral mesoderm, just anterior to the ventral blood island. Embryonic thrombocytes are identified by cd41/itga2b.1 gene expression. Additional waves of emergence during development may occur but have not yet been described." [, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "thrombocyte, embryonic" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005266 ! thrombocyte
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000077 ! NF stage 65
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005268
+name: adult thrombocyte
+def: "A cell type that produces platelets and coagulating factors that react to bleeding from blood vessel injury by clumping, thereby initiating a blood clot; and that, in adults, develop from hematopoietic stem cells." [, XAO:curators]
+synonym: "thrombocyte, adult" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005266 ! thrombocyte
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003055 ! hematopoietic stem cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000077 ! NF stage 65
+id: XAO:0005269
+name: regenerating pelvic girdle
+def: "Pelvic girdle tissue that is re-growing after damage or amputation." [] {comment="XAO:EJS"}
+is_a: XAO:0004059 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004060 ! blastema
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:0005270
+name: obsolete left part of branchial arch skeleton
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0003180
+id: XAO:0005271
+name: obsolete right part of branchial arch skeleton
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0003180
+id: XAO:0005272
+name: obsolete left forelimb
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0003030
+id: XAO:0005273
+name: obsolete right forelimb
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0003030
+id: XAO:0005274
+name: obsolete left hindlimb
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0003031
+id: XAO:0005275
+name: obsolete right hindlimb
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0003031
+id: XAO:0005276
+name: obsolete left optic vesicle
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000228
+id: XAO:0005277
+name: obsolete right optic vesicle
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000228
+id: XAO:0005278
+name: obsolete left part of brain
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000010
+id: XAO:0005279
+name: obsolete right part of brain
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: XAO:0000010
+id: XAO:0005280
+name: ventro-lateral region
+def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the ventral and lateral regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:0000085]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005281
+name: dorso-lateral region
+def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the dorsal and lateral regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:0000080]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005282
+name: yolk platelet
+def: "An organelle that contains yolk for consumption during embryogenesis." [XAO:MEF]
+synonym: "YP" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000085 ! oocyte stage III
+id: XAO:0005283
+name: non-neurogenic ectodermal placode
+def: "Ectodermal placode that does not develop into a component of the nervous system." [UBERON:0011814]
+xref: UBERON:0011814
+is_a: XAO:0000305 ! cranial placode
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004092 ! preplacodal ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0005284
+name: sarcomere
+def: "The repeating unit of a myofibril in a muscle cell, composed of an array of overlapping thick and thin filaments between two adjacent Z discs." [GO:0030017]
+xref: GO:0030017
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005311 ! myofibril
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005285
+name: spindle microtubule
+def: "Any microtubule that is part of a mitotic or meiotic spindle; anchored at one spindle pole." [GO:0005876]
+xref: GO:0005876
+is_a: XAO:0005122 ! microtubule
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005286
+name: astral microtubule
+def: "Any of the spindle microtubules that radiate in all directions from the spindle poles and are thought to contribute to the forces that separate the poles and position them in relation to the rest of the cell." [GO:0000235]
+xref: GO:0000235
+is_a: XAO:0005285 ! spindle microtubule
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005287
+name: jaw muscle primordium
+def: "The presumptive cells of the jaw muscle." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0004455 ! cranial muscle primordium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000097 ! mandibular arch
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000098 ! hyoid arch
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:0005288
+name: pial cell
+def: "A cell of the pia mater, the delicate fibrous meningeal coverings of the CNS." [PMID:30993182]
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005289 ! pia mater
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0005289
+name: pia mater
+def: "The innermost delicate fibrous meningeal coverings of the CNS. It is closely adherent to the brain tissue and is composed of one to several layers of flattened, modified fibroblasts and the ECM (collagen and elastic fibers, etc.) they produce." [PMID:30993182]
+synonym: "pia" RELATED []
+synonym: "pia matter" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0002361
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000010 ! brain
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:0005290
+name: Roux spot
+def: "The unpigmented maturation spot which indicates germinal vesicle breakdown and thus maturation of an oocyte." [PMID:30046, PMID:6540084]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000084 ! oocyte stage II
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005291
+name: buccopharyngeal membrane
+def: "A 1-2 cell layer membrane comprising cells from the stomodeum and underlying endodermal layer. Perforation of this structure creates an opening connecting the external and the digestive tube which is essential for oral cavity formation." [PMID:16678148, PMID:28032936]
+synonym: "oral plate membrane" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0006211
+is_a: XAO:0003042 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000257 ! oral evagination
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000269 ! mouth primordium
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000269 ! mouth primordium
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0005292
+name: nasociliary nerve
+def: "Cephalic nerve that innervates the nasal cavity and the eye." [] {comment="XAO:EJS"}
+synonym: "nervus nasociliaris" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0022300
+is_a: XAO:0005309 ! cephalic nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003092 ! trigeminal nerve
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005293
+name: maxillary nerve
+def: "Cephalic nerve that innervates the maxillary sinus." [] {comment="XAO:EJS"}
+synonym: "nervus maxillare" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000377
+is_a: XAO:0005309 ! cephalic nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003092 ! trigeminal nerve
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005294
+name: mandibular nerve
+def: "Cephalic nerve that innervates the lower jaw." [] {comment="XAO:EJS"}
+synonym: "nervus mandibulare" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000375
+is_a: XAO:0005309 ! cephalic nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003092 ! trigeminal nerve
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005295
+name: frontal nerve
+def: "Cephalic nerve that is the largest branch of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve." [] {comment="XAO:EJS"}
+synonym: "nervus frontalis" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000942
+is_a: XAO:0005309 ! cephalic nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003092 ! trigeminal nerve
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005296
+name: adherens junction
+def: "A cell junction at which anchoring proteins (cadherins or integrins) extend through the plasma membrane and are attached to actin filaments." [GO:0005912]
+xref: GO:0005912
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005297
+name: foregut epithelium
+def: "The epithelium of the foregut." [XAO:MEF]
+xref: UBERON:0015833
+is_a: XAO:0003200 ! gut epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004513 ! foregut endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:0005298
+name: tracheal epithelium
+def: "The epithelium of the trachea." [XAO:MEF]
+xref: UBERON:0001901
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005127 ! anterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000118 ! trachea
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0005299
+name: esophageal epithelium
+def: "The epithelium of the esophagus." [XAO:MEF]
+xref: UBERON:0001976
+is_a: XAO:0003045 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005127 ! anterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000127 ! esophagus
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:0005300
+name: stomach epithelium
+def: "The epithelium of the stomach." [XAO:MEF]
+xref: UBERON:0001276
+is_a: XAO:0003200 ! gut epithelium
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:0005301
+name: ventral endoderm
+def: "Ventral region of early embryonic endoderm." [XAO:MEF]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0005302
+name: posterior endoderm
+def: "Posterior region of the developing endoderm." [XAO:MEF]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005303
+name: anterior endoderm
+def: "Anterior region of the developing endoderm." [XAO:MEF]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005304
+name: dorsal endomesoderm
+def: "Dorsal region of early embryonic endomesoderm." [XAO:MEF]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0005305
+name: ventral endomesoderm
+def: "Ventral region of early embryonic endomesoderm." [XAO:MEF]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0005306
+name: anterior endomesoderm
+def: "Anterior region of the developing endomesoderm." [XAO:MEF]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005307
+name: posterior endomesoderm
+def: "Posterior region of the developing endomesoderm." [XAO:MEF]
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003044 ! endomesoderm
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:0005308
+name: atrioventricular valve
+def: "A cardial valve in the atrioventricular region that separates the atrium from the ventricle and prevents backflow from the ventricles into the atria during systole." [UBERON:0002133]
+xref: UBERON:0002133
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+id: XAO:0005309
+name: cephalic nerve
+def: "A nerve that is part of the head." [UBERON:0011779]
+synonym: "head nerve" RELATED []
+synonym: "nerve of head region" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0011779
+is_a: XAO:0003047 ! nerve
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003024 ! head
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005311
+name: myofibril
+def: "The contractile element of skeletal and cardiac muscle; a long, highly organized bundle of actin, myosin, and other proteins that contracts by a sliding filament mechanism." [GO:0030016]
+synonym: "striated muscle fibre" RELATED []
+xref: GO:0030016
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005312
+name: M band
+def: "The midline of aligned thick filaments in a sarcomere; location of specific proteins that link thick filaments. Depending on muscle type the M band consists of different numbers of M lines." [GO:0031430]
+synonym: "M line" NARROW []
+synonym: "mesophragma" RELATED []
+xref: GO:0031430
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005284 ! sarcomere
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005313
+name: actin cytoskeleton
+def: "The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of actin and associated proteins. Includes actin cytoskeleton-associated complexes." [GO:0015629]
+xref: GO:0015629
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005314
+name: prootic bone
+def: "Either of the paired endochondral bones forming the anterior and lateral walls of the otic capsules." [UBERON:0004746]
+xref: UBERON:0004746
+is_a: XAO:0004018 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005225 ! otic capsule
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0005315
+name: retinal vein
+def: "Vein that is part of the periocular region." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0000115 ! vein
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004089 ! periocular region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:0005316
+name: periocular mesenchyme
+def: "Head mesenchyme that is part of the periocular region." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "POM" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventronasal periocular mesenchyme" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0004307 ! head mesenchyme
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004089 ! periocular region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:0005317
+name: neuron projection
+def: "A prolongation or process extending from a nerve cell." [GO:0043005]
+synonym: "nerve fiber" RELATED []
+synonym: "neurite" NARROW []
+synonym: "neuron process" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuron protrusion" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuronal cell projection" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003023 ! neuron
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0005318
+name: cortical actin cytoskeleton
+def: "The portion of the actin cytoskeleton, comprising filamentous actin and associated proteins, that lies just beneath the plasma membrane." [GO:0030864]
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005313 ! actin cytoskeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005319
+name: actin filament
+def: "A filamentous structure formed of a two-stranded helical polymer of the protein actin and associated proteins. Actin filaments are a major component of the contractile apparatus of skeletal muscle and the microfilaments of the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells." [GO:0005884]
+synonym: "microfilament" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005313 ! actin cytoskeleton
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+id: XAO:0005320
+name: roof of mouth
+def: "A multi-tissue structure consisting of bone and soft tissue that forms a part of the roof of the oral cavity." [UBERON:0007375]
+synonym: "palate" RELATED []
+synonym: "palatum" RELATED []
+synonym: "primary palate" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0007375
+is_a: XAO:0003037 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003029 ! mouth
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:0005321
+name: intercanthal region
+def: "Region of the face between the two inner (medial) canthi of the eye." [XAO:MEF]
+synonym: "inter-canthal line" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003186 ! anatomical region
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0004024 ! craniofacial region
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005322
+name: tadpole
+def: "An organism at the tadpole stage." [UBERON:0002547]
+xref: UBERON:0002547
+is_a: XAO:0003004 ! whole organism
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000078 ! NF stage 66
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:0005323
+name: lymphoblast
+def: "An immature cell which typically differentiates to form a mature lymphocyte." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003012 ! cell
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0003152 ! immune system
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:0005324
+name: anterior lateral line ganglion
+def: "Ganglion that develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate the anterior lateral line system." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "anterior lateral line ganglia" RELATED PLURAL []
+is_a: XAO:0004457 ! lateral line ganglion
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0004221 ! anterior lateral line placode
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:0005325
+name: syndetome
+def: "Subdomain that occupies the dorso-lateral portion of a somite and comprises tendon progenitor cells. It is located between the neighboring sclerotome and myotome, at the future site of connection between bone and muscle, and gives rise to the axial tendons of the body." []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000397 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000058 ! somite
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:0005326
+name: axon microtubule bundle
+def: "An arrangement of closely apposed microtubules running parallel to each other in the axon hillock and initial segment." [GO:1901589]
+synonym: "axon microtubule fascicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "microtubule bundle of axon" EXACT []
+synonym: "microtubule fascicle of axon" EXACT []
+xref: GO:1901589
+is_a: XAO:0004290 ! cell part
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005015 ! axon
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:0005327
+name: chordal neural crest
+def: "Neural crest comprising sacral, vagal, and trunk neural crest." [XAO:curators]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:0005422
+name: septum
+def: "A wall, dividing a cavity or structure into smaller ones." [UBERON:0003037]
+synonym: "septa" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: UBERON:0003037
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:0005423
+name: anterior notochord
+def: "The anterior portion of the notochord." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+id: XAO:0005424
+name: posterior notochord
+def: "The posterior portion of the notochord." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: end_stage XAO:0000437 ! death
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+id: XAO:0005425
+name: transient tracheoesophageal septum
+def: "Temporary septum formed from epithelial tissue dividing the esophagus from the trachea. After mesenchymal invasion this gives rise to the permanent tissue separating the esophagus from the trachea." [XAO:MEF]
+synonym: "esophagotracheal septum" RELATED []
+synonym: "tracheoesophageal septum" RELATED []
+synonym: "transient TES" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:0005422 ! septum
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005426 ! tracheoesophageal fold
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000118 ! trachea
+relationship: part_of XAO:0000127 ! esophagus
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005127 ! anterior foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+id: XAO:0005426
+name: tracheoesophageal fold
+def: "Any of the longitudinal folds in the respiratory diverticulum that fuse to form the tracheoesophageal septum, which separates the esophagus from the trachea." [XAO:MEF]
+synonym: "tracheoesophageal crest" RELATED []
+synonym: "tracheoesophageal folds" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "tracheoesophageal ridge" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:0003040 ! tissue
+relationship: develops_from XAO:0005127 ! anterior foregut
+relationship: end_stage XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+relationship: part_of XAO:0005127 ! anterior foregut
+relationship: start_stage XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:1000000
+name: Xenopus developmental stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "A temporal interval that defines Xenopus life from unfertilized egg to adult and death stages." [XAO:EJS]
+id: XAO:1000001
+name: NF stage 1
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 1, corresponding to an embryo of age 0 hr and having the following external morphological criteria: One cell stage, shortly after fertilization. Pigmentation darker ventrally than dorsally. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "zygote" RELATED []
+xref: UBERON:0000106
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000012 ! embryonic stage
+id: XAO:1000002
+name: early tailbud stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Tailbud stage that refers to the earlier events associated with this stage, comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 22 to 28." [Bgee:curator, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "early tailbud" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000007 ! tailbud stage
+id: XAO:1000003
+name: blastula stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Embryonic stage during which the solid morula acquires an internal cavity, comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 7 to 9." [ISBN:0471209627, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "blastula" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000108
+is_a: XAO:1000012 ! embryonic stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000004 ! cleavage stage
+id: XAO:1000004
+name: cleavage stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Embryonic stage during which the zygote undergoes synchronous divisions into 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. blastomeres, comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 2 to 6.5." [ISBN:0471209627, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "cleavage" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000107
+is_a: XAO:1000012 ! embryonic stage
+id: XAO:1000005
+name: gastrula stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Embryonic stage during which gastrulation takes place, with a proportion of cells migrating below the surface of the embryo to form two inner layers (endoderm and mesoderm) and the cells which remain outside spreading over the whole surface of the embryo to form the ectoderm; comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 10 to 12.5." [ISBN:0471209627, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "gastrula" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000109
+is_a: XAO:1000012 ! embryonic stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000003 ! blastula stage
+id: XAO:1000006
+name: neurula stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Embryonic stage during which the future nervous system appears as a thickened plate in dorsal ectoderm, the plate then rolling up at its sides to form a tube; comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 13 to 21." [ISBN:0471209627, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "neurula" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000110
+is_a: XAO:1000012 ! embryonic stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000005 ! gastrula stage
+id: XAO:1000007
+name: tailbud stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Embryonic stage during which neurulation is completed and tail formation begins, visible by an emerging tail primordium; comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 22 to 44 (feeding), including the beginning of hatching (NF stage 35/36)." [, ISBN:0815318960]
+xref: UBERON:0009741
+is_a: XAO:1000012 ! embryonic stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+id: XAO:1000008
+name: tadpole stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "The post-embryonic Xenopus developmental stage from feeding to the end of metamorphosis, encompassing Weisz's first-form tadpole (equivalent to Nieuwkoop and Faber 45 to 49), second-form tadpole (NF 49 to 56) and third-form tadpole (NF 56 to 60-plus) stages." [ISBN:0471209627, ISSN:0003-276X]
+synonym: "larva" RELATED []
+synonym: "larval stage" RELATED []
+synonym: "tadpole" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0009849
+is_a: XAO:1000095 ! post-embryonic stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000007 ! tailbud stage
+id: XAO:1000009
+name: obsolete frog
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: XAO:1000093
+id: XAO:1000010
+name: juvenile frog stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Xenopus developmental stage that corresponds to a sexually immature post-tadpole animal." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "juvenile frog" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0000112
+is_a: XAO:1000095 ! post-embryonic stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000008 ! tadpole stage
+id: XAO:1000011
+name: NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 2, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Advanced two cell stage. First cleavage groove has reached vegetal pole. Ventral side of blastomeres darker than dorsal side. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "2-cell stage" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007232
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000004 ! cleavage stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000028 ! NF stage 2-
+id: XAO:1000012
+name: embryonic stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Xenopus developmental stage that starts with fertilization and ends with the formed feeding larva." [Bgee:curator, XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0000068
+is_a: XAO:1000000 ! Xenopus developmental stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000082 ! unfertilized egg stage
+id: XAO:1000013
+name: NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 3, corresponding to an embryo of age 2 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Advanced four-cell stage. Second cleavage groove has reached vegetal pole. In animal view dorsal blastomeres usually smaller than ventral ones; the latter darker than the former. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "4-cell stage" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007233
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000004 ! cleavage stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000011 ! NF stage 2 (2-cell)
+id: XAO:1000014
+name: NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 4, corresponding to an embryo of age 2 hr 15 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Advanced eight cell stage. Dorsal micro- and macromeres usually smaller than ventral ones; dorsal micromeres less pigmented than ventral ones. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "8-cell stage" EXACT []
+xref: UBERON:0007236
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000004 ! cleavage stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000013 ! NF stage 3 (4-cell)
+id: XAO:1000015
+name: NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 5, corresponding to an embryo of age 2 hr 45 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Advanced sixteen cell stage. Dorsal micromeres distinctly smaller and less pigmented than ventral ones. Macromeres entirely separated by cleavage grooves. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "16-cell stage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000004 ! cleavage stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000014 ! NF stage 4 (8-cell)
+id: XAO:1000016
+name: NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 6, corresponding to an embryo of age 3 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Advanced thirty-two cell stage. Distinction between dorsal and ventral micromeres as in preceding stage. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "32-cell stage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000004 ! cleavage stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000015 ! NF stage 5 (16-cell)
+id: XAO:1000017
+name: NF stage 7
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 7 (64-cell stage), corresponding to an embryo of age 4 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Large-cell blastula stage. In animal view about 10 micromeres along meridian. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "64-cell stage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000003 ! blastula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000029 ! NF stage 6.5
+id: XAO:1000018
+name: NF stage 8
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 8 (128-cell stage), corresponding to an embryo of age 5 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Medium-cell blastula stage. Surface not yet entirely smooth. Border of animal pigment cap more diffuse at dorsal than at lateral and ventral sides. Gradual transition in cell size from animal to vegetative pole. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "128-cell stage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000003 ! blastula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000017 ! NF stage 7
+id: XAO:1000019
+name: NF stage 9
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 9, corresponding to an embryo of age 7 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Fine-cell blastula stage. Animal cells smaller at dorsal than at ventral side. Border between marginal zone and vegetative field distinct, particularly dorsally, owing to difference in cell size. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000003 ! blastula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000018 ! NF stage 8
+id: XAO:1000020
+name: NF stage 10
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 10, corresponding to an embryo of age 9 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Initial gastrula stage. First indication of blastopore only by pigment concentration. No formation of groove. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000005 ! gastrula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000019 ! NF stage 9
+id: XAO:1000021
+name: NF stage 11
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 11, corresponding to an embryo of age 11 hr 45 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Horse-shoe-shaped blastopore stage. Blastopore groove surrounding about half of future yolk plug and indicated at its ventral side; future yolk plug often rounded rectangular, slightly elongated in dorso-ventral direction, diameter more than two-fifths of diameter of egg (plus or minus 50 degrees of circumference). Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000005 ! gastrula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000031 ! NF stage 10.5
+id: XAO:1000022
+name: NF stage 12
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 12, corresponding to an embryo of age 13 hr 15 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Medium yolk plug stage. Yolk plug circular; diameter somewhat less than one fourth of diameter of egg (plus or minus 25 degrees). More and less pigmented fields radiating from yolk plug. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000005 ! gastrula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000032 ! NF stage 11.5
+id: XAO:1000023
+name: NF stage 13
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 13, corresponding to an embryo of age 14 hr 45 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Slit-blastopore stage. Neural plate faintly delimited; slight elevation of its rostral part and slight flattening of its caudal part. Caudal part of median groove formed. Length: 1.5 - 1.6 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000033 ! NF stage 12.5
+id: XAO:1000024
+name: NF stage 14
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 14, corresponding to an embryo of age 16 hr 15 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Neural plate stage. Cerebral part of neural plate bent downwards, with median elevation at rostral end of median groove. Initial elevation of neural folds, most pronounced in future nucal region. Blastopore always slit-shaped. Length: 1.5 - 1.6 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000023 ! NF stage 13
+id: XAO:1000025
+name: NF stage 15
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 15, corresponding to an embryo of age 17 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Early neural fold stage. Presumptive cement gland faintly circumscribed. Anterior part of neural plate roundish. Neural folds distinct, except medio-rostrally; initial formation of sharp inner ridges on neural folds in rhombencephalic region. Length: 1.5 - 1.6 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000024 ! NF stage 14
+id: XAO:1000026
+name: NF stage 16
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 16, corresponding to an embryo of age 18 hr 15 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Mid neural fold stage. Anterior part of neural plate rectangular; darkly pigmented eye anlagen present; neural plate sharply constricted in the middle. Inner ridges on neural folds forming angle of about 90 degrees with neural plate in rhombencephalic region. Length: 1.5 - 1.6 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000025 ! NF stage 15
+id: XAO:1000027
+name: NF stage 17
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 17, corresponding to an embryo of age 18 hr 45 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Late neural fold stage. Anterior part of neural plate oblong triangular, angles formed by eye anlagen. Neural folds approaching each other from blastopore up to anterior trunk region. Length: 1.5 - 1.6 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000026 ! NF stage 16
+id: XAO:1000028
+name: NF stage 2-
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 2-, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 hr 15 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Beginning of first cleavage. First cleavage groove has not yet reached vegetal pole. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000004 ! cleavage stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000001 ! NF stage 1
+id: XAO:1000029
+name: NF stage 6.5
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 6.5, corresponding to an embryo of age 3 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Morula stage. About 48 blastomeres. In animal view about 6 micromeres along meridian. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "morula" RELATED [ISBN:0815318960]
+xref: UBERON:0000085
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000004 ! cleavage stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000016 ! NF stage 6 (32-cell)
+id: XAO:1000030
+name: NF stage 10.25
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 10.25, corresponding to an embryo of age 10 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Early gastrula stage. First formation of dorsal blastopore groove; the groove is still straight. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "NF stage 10+" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000005 ! gastrula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000020 ! NF stage 10
+id: XAO:1000031
+name: NF stage 10.5
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 10.5, corresponding to an embryo of age 11 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Crescent-shaped blastopore stage. Blastopore groove angular. Vegetal field slightly decreased in size, ventral border of future yolk plug indicated by pigment contraction. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000005 ! gastrula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000030 ! NF stage 10.25
+id: XAO:1000032
+name: NF stage 11.5
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 11.5, corresponding to an embryo of age 12 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Large yolk plug stage. Blastopore groove closed ventrally; yolk plug not yet quite circular. At ventral side concentrated superficial pigment still visible. Diameter of yolk plug about a third of diameter of egg (plus or minus 40 degrees). Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000005 ! gastrula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000021 ! NF stage 11
+id: XAO:1000033
+name: NF stage 12.5
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 12.5, corresponding to an embryo of age 14 hr 15 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Small yolk plug stage. Future position of neural plate and median groove indicated by darker pigment lines. Yolk plug usually ovoid, variable in size. Length: 1.4 - 1.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000005 ! gastrula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000022 ! NF stage 12
+id: XAO:1000034
+name: NF stage 18
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 18, corresponding to an embryo of age 19 hr 45 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Neural groove stage. Anterior part of neural plate narrow, more or less club-shaped, often narrower towards rostral end. Parallel neural folds in trunk region very close to each other, not yet touching. Length: 1.5 - 1.6 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000027 ! NF stage 17
+id: XAO:1000035
+name: NF stage 19
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 19, corresponding to an embryo of age 20 hr 45 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Initial neural tube stage. Neural folds touching each other, except for inconstant openings at anterior and posterior end and behind nucal region. Considerable lateral extension of brain. Lateral outline of embryo still convex. Length: 1.5 - 1.6 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000034 ! NF stage 18
+id: XAO:1000036
+name: NF stage 20
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 20, corresponding to an embryo of age 21 hr 45 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Neural folds fused, suture still present. The two eye anlagen showing through dumb-bell-shaped, eyes hardly protruding. Beginning of stretching of embryos. Lateral outline flat. Length: 1.7 - 1.8 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000035 ! NF stage 19
+id: XAO:1000037
+name: NF stage 21
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 21, corresponding to an embryo of age 22 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Suture of neural tube completely closed. Delimitation of frontal field by pigment lines. Primary eye vesicles showing through in the form of two separate, obliquely placed oval spots; beginning of protrusion of eyes. Lateral outline of embryo just becoming concave, ventral outline flat. Length: 1.9 - 2.0 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000006 ! neurula stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000036 ! NF stage 20
+id: XAO:1000038
+name: NF stage 22
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 22, corresponding to an embryo of age 24 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Distinct protrusion of eyes. Initial groove between jaw- and gill-areas only at latero-dorsal side. Lateral and ventral outlines of embryo slightly concave. Anal opening displaced to ventral side. Vitelline membrane becoming wider. Length: 2.0 - 2.2 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000002 ! early tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000037 ! NF stage 21
+id: XAO:1000039
+name: NF stage 23
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 23, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 45 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Jaw- and gill-areas completely separated by groove. Ventral outline of embryo more concave. Length: 2.2 - 2.4 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000002 ! early tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000038 ! NF stage 22
+id: XAO:1000040
+name: NF stage 24
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 24, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 2 hr 15 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Eyes protruding less far laterally than gill-area. Gill-area more prominent than jaw-area, gill-area not yet grooved. Ventral outline of embryo nicked. Tail bud discernible. Initial motor reactions to external stimulation. Length: 2.5 - 2.7 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000002 ! early tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000039 ! NF stage 23
+id: XAO:1000041
+name: NF stage 25
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 25, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 3 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Eyes protruding equally far or further laterally than gill-area. Gill-area grooved. Invagination of otic vesicle indicated by pigment spot. Beginning of fin formation. Length: 2.8 - 3.0 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000002 ! early tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000040 ! NF stage 24
+id: XAO:1000042
+name: NF stage 26
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 26, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 5 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Otic vesicle protruding. Pronephros distinctly visible. Myotomes showing through for the first time. Fin somewhat broadened at dorso-caudal end of body. Beginning of spontaneous movements. Length: 3.0 - 3.3 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000002 ! early tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000041 ! NF stage 25
+id: XAO:1000043
+name: NF stage 27
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 27, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 7 hr 15 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Lateral flattening of eyes. Fin transluscent, except for region behind anus. Tail bud formation accentuated in lateral outline. Length: 3.4 - 3.7 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000002 ! early tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000042 ! NF stage 26
+id: XAO:1000044
+name: NF stage 28
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 28, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 8 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Fin extending up to anus. Fin broadened and distinctly divided into outer transparent and inner translucent band. Length: 3.8 - 4.0 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000002 ! early tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000043 ! NF stage 27
+id: XAO:1000045
+name: NF stage 29 and 30
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 29/30, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 11 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Gray eye cup showing through for the first time. Fin transparent up to the base over its whole length. Tail bud distinct. Length: 4.0 - 4.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000044 ! NF stage 28
+id: XAO:1000046
+name: NF stage 31
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 31, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 13 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Tail bud equally long as broad. Length: 4.2 - 4.8 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000045 ! NF stage 29 and 30
+id: XAO:1000047
+name: NF stage 32
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 32, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 16 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Eye cup horse-shoe-shaped, standing out distinctly. Length of tail bud about 1.5 times its breadth. Length: 4.5 - 5.1 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000046 ! NF stage 31
+id: XAO:1000048
+name: NF stage 33 and 34
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 33/34, corresponding to an embryo of age 1 day, 20 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Stomodeal invagination a shallow vertical groove. Dorsal part of eye more pigmented than ventral part; distinct melanophores in dorsal part. Melanophores appearing dorsally on the head and laterally in a row extending from just below the pronephros backwards. Length of tail bud about twice its breadth. Beginning of heart beat. Length: 4.7 - 5.3 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000047 ! NF stage 32
+id: XAO:1000049
+name: NF stage 35 and 36
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 35/36, corresponding to an embryo of age 2 days, 2 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Stomodeal invagination roundish. Eye entirely black, choroid fissure nearly closed. Formation of two gill rudiments, anterior one nipple-shaped. Melanophores appearing on back. Posterior outline of proctodeum still curved. Length of tail bud about three times its breadth. Beginning of hatching. Length: 5.3 - 6.0 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000048 ! NF stage 33 and 34
+id: XAO:1000050
+name: NF stage 37 and 38
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 37/38, corresponding to an embryo of age 2 days, 5 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Stomodeal invagination much deeper, opening round. Both gill rudiments nipple-shaped, a branch of the anterior one indicated. Posterior outline of proctodeum straight, forming very obtuse angle with ventral border of tail myotomes. Melanophores spreading over tail. Length: 5.6 - 6.2 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000049 ! NF stage 35 and 36
+id: XAO:1000051
+name: NF stage 39
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 39, corresponding to an embryo of age 2 days, 8 hr 30 min at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Melanophores appearing around nasal pits. Opening of stomodeal invagination transversely elongated. Melanophores on back arranged in a superficial and a deeper layer. Outlines of proctodeum and tail myotomes forming angle of about 135 degrees. Melanophores appearing along ventral edge of tail musculature. Length: 5.9 - 6.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000050 ! NF stage 37 and 38
+id: XAO:1000052
+name: NF stage 40
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 40, corresponding to an embryo of age 2 days, 18 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Mouth broken through. Length of gills about twice their breadth, posterior one sometimes also showing a branch. Outlines of proctodeum and tail myotomes forming angles of 90 degrees. Beginning of blood circulation in gills. Length: 6.3 - 6.8 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000051 ! NF stage 39
+id: XAO:1000053
+name: NF stage 41
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 41, corresponding to an embryo of age 3 days, 4 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Gills broader and flatter, more laterally directed. Formation of a left-rostral and a right-caudal furrow in yolk mass; torsion of interjacent part about 45 degrees; formation of conical proctodeum, forming angle of about 60 degrees with tail myotomes. Formation of fin rostral to proctodeum; ventral outline of yolk mass and proctodeum a smooth concave line. Length: 6.7 - 7.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000052 ! NF stage 40
+id: XAO:1000054
+name: NF stage 42
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 42, corresponding to an embryo of age 3 days, 8 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Beginning of formation of opercular folds. Torsion of intestine about 90 degrees; proctodeum connected with yolk mass by short horizontal intestinal tube. Length: 7.0 - 7.7 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000053 ! NF stage 41
+id: XAO:1000055
+name: NF stage 43
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 43, corresponding to an embryo of age 3 days, 15 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Lateral line system becoming visible externally. Cement gland losing its pigment. Torsion of intestine about 180 degrees; proctodeum narrower, arched or S-shaped. Length: 7.5 - 8.3 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000054 ! NF stage 42
+id: XAO:1000056
+name: NF stage 44
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 44, corresponding to an embryo of age 3 days, 20 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Appearance of tentacle rudiments. Opercular folds protruding further. Coiling part of intestine showing S-shaped loop; torsion about 360 degrees. Blood-circulation in gills usually ceased (gills smaller). Length: 7.8 - 8.5 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000055 ! NF stage 43
+id: XAO:1000057
+name: NF stage 45
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 45, corresponding to a tadpole of age 4 days, 2 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Operculum partly covering gills, edge still straight. Intestine spiralized in ventral aspects, showing 1.5 revolutions. Beginning of feeding. Length: 8 - 10 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000056 ! NF stage 44
+id: XAO:1000058
+name: NF stage 46
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 46, corresponding to a tadpole of age 4 days, 10 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Edge of operculum becoming convex. Xantophores appearing on eye and abdomen. Intestine showing 2 to 2.5 revolutions. Hindlimb bud visible for the first time. Length: 9 - 12 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000057 ! NF stage 45
+id: XAO:1000059
+name: NF stage 47
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 47, corresponding to a tadpole of age 5 days, 12 hr at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Tentacles larger. Edge of operculum forming quarter of a circle. Xantophores forming opaque layer on abdomen. Intestine showing 2.5 to 3.5 revolutions. Hindlimb bud more distinct. Length: 12 - 15 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000058 ! NF stage 46
+id: XAO:1000060
+name: NF stage 48
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 48, corresponding to a tadpole of age 7.5 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Beginning of pigmentation around n. acusticus. Forelimb bud visible for the first time. Shining gold-coloured abdomen. Hindlimb bud semicircular in lateral aspect. Length: 14 - 17 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000059 ! NF stage 47
+id: XAO:1000061
+name: NF stage 49
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 49, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 12 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Melanophores usually appearing around thymus gland and nerves and blood vessels of head; xantophores appearing on pericard. Forelimb bud distinct. Hindlimb bud somewhat longer, distal outline still circular, no constrictions at base. Melanophores appearing on dorsal and ventral fin. Length: 17 - 23 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000060 ! NF stage 48
+id: XAO:1000062
+name: NF stage 50
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 50, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 15 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Forelimb bud somewhat oval-shaped in dorsal aspect. Hindlimb bud longer than broad, constricted at base, distal outline somewhat conical. Length: 20 - 27 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000061 ! NF stage 49
+id: XAO:1000063
+name: NF stage 51
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 51, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 17 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Tentacles much longer. Forelimb bud oval-shaped in lateral aspect. Hindlimb bud conical in shape, its length about 1.5 times its breadth; melanophores appearing on it. Length: 28 - 36 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000062 ! NF stage 50
+id: XAO:1000064
+name: NF stage 52
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 52, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 21 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Forelimb bud irregularly conical. Hindlimb bud showing first indication of ankle constriction and first sign of flattening of foot. Length: 42 - 56 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000063 ! NF stage 51
+id: XAO:1000065
+name: NF stage 53
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 53, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 24 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Fore- and hindlimbs in paddle stage. Hindlimb whithout foot somewhat longer than broad; 4th and 5th toe indicated. Length: 50 - 60 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000064 ! NF stage 52
+id: XAO:1000066
+name: NF stage 54
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 54, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 26 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: All four fingers indicated; edge of hand slightly scalloped between fingers; melanophores appearing on forelimb. Length of hindlimb without foot nearly twice its breadth; all five toes indicated, the second only very slightly. Length: 58 - 65 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000065 ! NF stage 53
+id: XAO:1000067
+name: NF stage 55
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 55, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 32 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Hand pronated about 90 degrees; free parts of fingers about equally long as broad. Length of hindlimb without foot about 3 times its breadth; length of cartilages of 4th and 5th toe about 4 times their breadth. Length: 70 - 80 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000090 ! prometamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000066 ! NF stage 54
+id: XAO:1000068
+name: NF stage 56
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 56, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 38 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Elbow and wrist clearly indicated; length of free parts of fingers 3 to 4 times their breadth. Length of cartilages of 4th and 5th toe about 6 times their breadth. Length: 70 - 100 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000090 ! prometamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000067 ! NF stage 55
+id: XAO:1000069
+name: NF stage 57
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 57, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 41 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Pigment-free spot appearing above \"Stirnorgan\". Angle of elbow more than 90 degrees; fingers stretched out in forelimb atrium, their length about 7 times their breadth. Length: 75 - 105 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000090 ! prometamorphosis stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000068 ! NF stage 56
+id: XAO:1000070
+name: NF stage 58
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 58, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 44 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Forelimbs broken through. Guanophores appearing on abdomen and thighs (adult skin areas). All three claws present on hindlimbs. Length: 80 - 110 mm." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000069 ! NF stage 57
+id: XAO:1000071
+name: NF stage 59
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 59, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 45 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Tentacles beginning to shrivel up. Stretched forelimb reaching down to base of hindlimb. Guanophores appearing near base of forelimb (adult skin area); anterior border of adult skin area on abdomen not yet sharp; appearance of irregular dark spots on back." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000070 ! NF stage 58
+id: XAO:1000072
+name: NF stage 60
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 60, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 46 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: N. olfactorius still longer than bulbus olfactorius. Guanophores appearing on lower jaw (adult skin area). Openings of gill chambers still wide. Distal half of fingers of stretched forelimb extending beyond base of hindlimb; forelimb still situated behind level of heart. Adult skin area of base of forelimb covered with guanophores; anterior border of adult skin area on abdomen sharper, reaching up to heart." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000071 ! NF stage 59
+id: XAO:1000073
+name: NF stage 61
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 61, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 48 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Head narrower. Tentacles considerably shortened, mostly curved backwards. Length of n. olfactorius equal to diameter of bulbus olfactorius. 4th arterial arch seen just in front of adult skin area of forelimb. Openings of gill chambers considerably narrowed. Forelimb at level of posterior half of heart. Adult skin area on abdomen covering posterior half of heart. Fins considerably reduced." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000072 ! NF stage 60
+id: XAO:1000074
+name: NF stage 62
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 62, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 49 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Head still somewhat broader than cranial part of trunk. Tentacles short, straight. N. olfactorius shorter than diameter of bulbus olfactorius. Corner of mouth still in front of eye. Thymus gland somewhat protruding. 3rd arterial arch (\"larval aorta\") seen at distance of its own diameter in front of adult skin area of forelimb. Opening of operculum reduced to curved slit. Forelimb at level of middle of heart. Anterior border of adult skin area on abdomen entirely sharp, mostly nicked medially. Ventral fin disappeared from abdomen." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000073 ! NF stage 61
+id: XAO:1000075
+name: NF stage 63
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 63, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 51 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Head narrower than trunk. Tentacles mostly disappeared. Corner of mouth at level of caudal border of eye. \"Larval aorta\" and thymus gland no longer externally visible. Operculum closed. Adult skin areas on abdomen and lower jaw separated by narrow band of larval skin. Forelimb at level of anterior half of heart. Fin mostly perforated near anus. Tail still slightly longer than body." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000074 ! NF stage 62
+id: XAO:1000076
+name: NF stage 64
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 64, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 53 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Corner of mouth well behind eye. Various adult skin areas joined almost everywhere, borderlines still clearly visible. Length of tail (from anus) is a third of body length." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000075 ! NF stage 63
+id: XAO:1000077
+name: NF stage 65
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 65, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 54 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Borderlines between adult skin areas partly disappeared. Tail oblong triangular in dorsal aspect, length abouth one tenth of body length." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000076 ! NF stage 64
+id: XAO:1000078
+name: NF stage 66
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 66, corresponding to a tadpole of age about 58 days at 22-24 Celsius and having the following external morphological criteria: Border lines between adult skin areas disappeared. Tail only a very small triangle, no longer visible from ventral side." [ISBN:0815318960]
+is_a: XAO:1000094 ! NF stage
+relationship: part_of XAO:1000091 ! climax stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000077 ! NF stage 65
+id: XAO:1000079
+name: metamorphosing tadpole stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Tadpole stage during which toe differentiation and rapid hindlimb growth continue, followed by tail resorption; comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 54 to 66." [Bgee:curator, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "metamorphosing tadpole" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000008 ! tadpole stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000089 ! premetamorphosis stage
+id: XAO:1000080
+name: late tailbud stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Tailbud stage that refers to the later events associated with this stage, comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 29/30 to 44." [Bgee:curator, ISBN:0815318960]
+synonym: "late tailbud" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000007 ! tailbud stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000002 ! early tailbud stage
+id: XAO:1000081
+name: unspecified stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Unspecified Xenopus developmental stage." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:1000000 ! Xenopus developmental stage
+id: XAO:1000082
+name: unfertilized egg stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Any of the stages of the developing or mature Xenopus female gamete." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "unfertilized egg" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000000 ! Xenopus developmental stage
+id: XAO:1000083
+name: oocyte stage I
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "The pre-vitellogenic stage of the developing female gamete." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:1000082 ! unfertilized egg stage
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-09T02:23:46Z
+id: XAO:1000084
+name: oocyte stage II
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "The early vitellogenic stage of the developing female gamete." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:1000082 ! unfertilized egg stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000083 ! oocyte stage I
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-09T02:24:37Z
+id: XAO:1000085
+name: oocyte stage III
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "The mid-vitellogenic stage of the developing female gamete." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:1000082 ! unfertilized egg stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000084 ! oocyte stage II
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-09T02:24:56Z
+id: XAO:1000086
+name: oocyte stage IV
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "The stage of the developing female gamete that corresponds to the establishment of polarization along the animal-vegetal axis of the gamete." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:1000082 ! unfertilized egg stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000085 ! oocyte stage III
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-09T02:25:13Z
+id: XAO:1000087
+name: oocyte stage V
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "The late-vitellogenic stage of the developing female gamete." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:1000082 ! unfertilized egg stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000086 ! oocyte stage IV
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-09T02:25:43Z
+id: XAO:1000088
+name: oocyte stage VI
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "The developmental stage of the female gamete at which the gamete is fully grown." [XAO:EJS]
+is_a: XAO:1000082 ! unfertilized egg stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000087 ! oocyte stage V
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-09T02:26:43Z
+id: XAO:1000089
+name: premetamorphosis stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Tadpole stage during which limb bud growth occurs, comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 45 to 54." [ISBN:0124554032]
+synonym: "premetamorphosis" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000008 ! tadpole stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000080 ! late tailbud stage
+id: XAO:1000090
+name: prometamorphosis stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Metamorphosing tadpole stage during which toe differentiation and rapid hindlimb growth continue, comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 55 to 57." [ISBN:0124554032]
+synonym: "prometamorphosis" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000079 ! metamorphosing tadpole stage
+id: XAO:1000091
+name: climax stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Metamorphosing tadpole stage during which tail resorption occurs, comprising Nieuwkoop and Faber stages 58 to 66." [ISBN:0124554032]
+synonym: "climax" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000079 ! metamorphosing tadpole stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000090 ! prometamorphosis stage
+id: XAO:1000092
+name: mature egg stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "The developmental stage of the female gamete at which the gamete has reached maturity." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "mature egg" RELATED []
+is_a: XAO:1000082 ! unfertilized egg stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000088 ! oocyte stage VI
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-09T02:32:08Z
+id: XAO:1000093
+name: adult frog stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Xenopus developmental stage that corresponds to a fully formed, mature animal." [XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "adult frog" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000095 ! post-embryonic stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000010 ! juvenile frog stage
+created_by: lab
+creation_date: 2011-09-19T01:53:23Z
+id: XAO:1000094
+name: NF stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Xenopus developmental stage that is one of the 66 standard chronological embryonic and tadpole stages originally described by Nieuwkoop and Faber in the Normal Table of Xenopus laevis (Daudin)." [ISBN:0815318960, XAO:EJS]
+synonym: "Nieuwkoop and Faber stage" EXACT []
+synonym: "Nieuwkoop-Faber stage" EXACT []
+is_a: XAO:1000000 ! Xenopus developmental stage
+created_by: eriksegerdell
+creation_date: 2013-02-09T18:40:27Z
+id: XAO:1000095
+name: post-embryonic stage
+namespace: xenopus_developmental_stage
+def: "Xenopus developmental stage that succeeds the embryonic stage." [XAO:EJS]
+xref: UBERON:0000092
+is_a: XAO:1000000 ! Xenopus developmental stage
+relationship: preceded_by XAO:1000012 ! embryonic stage
+id: develops_from
+name: develops from
+xref: RO:0002202
+is_transitive: true
+id: end_stage
+name: ends during
+def: "Anatomical structure/expression stops being viable, obvious or of utility during this developmental stage." [XAO:curators]
+id: part_of
+name: part of
+xref: BFO:0000050
+is_transitive: true
+id: preceded_by
+name: preceded by
+is_transitive: true
+id: start_stage
+name: starts during
+def: "Anatomical structure/expression begins being viable, obvious or of utility during this developmental stage." [XAO:curators]
diff --git a/notebooks/input/zfa.obo b/notebooks/input/zfa.obo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23b92b4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/input/zfa.obo
@@ -0,0 +1,39780 @@
+format-version: 1.2
+data-version: releases/2022-03-15
+date: 08:03:2021 11:16
+saved-by: ceriv
+auto-generated-by: OBO-Edit 2.3.1
+subsetdef: cell_slim "cell_slim"
+synonymtypedef: PLURAL "PLURAL"
+default-namespace: zebrafish_anatomical_ontology
+treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CARO part_of NCBITaxon:7955
+treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CL part_of NCBITaxon:7955
+treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: TAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955
+treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: VSAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955
+remark: SVN version: $Revision: 1.100$
+ontology: zfa
+property_value: "ZFA description." xsd:string
+property_value: "Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology (ZFA)" xsd:string
+property_value: owl:versionInfo "2022-03-15" xsd:string
+id: ZFA:0000000
+name: Brachet's cleft
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The visible division between epiblast and hypoblast in the gastrula." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000000
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000001
+name: Kupffer's vesicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small but distinctive epithelial sac containing fluid, located midventrally posterior to the yolk cell or its extension, and transiently present during most of the segmentation period. Kupffer's vesicle has been compared to the mouse embryonic node." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050328-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "ciliated organ of asymmetry" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050221-4]
+xref: TAO:0000001
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000023 ! forerunner cell group
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000077 ! tail bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000003
+name: adaxial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle precursor cell that is adjacent to the notochord and part of the presomitic mesoderm." [PMID:8951054]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "adaxial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0007016
+xref: TAO:0000003
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000279 ! segmental plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000004
+name: anterior axial hypoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior portion of the axial hypoblast." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "pre-polster" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-051019-5]
+xref: TAO:0000004
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001378 ! axial hypoblast
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000005
+name: artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "arterial system" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000005
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000006
+name: ball
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anterior round region of the yolk cell present after the yolk extension forms during the segmentation period." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "yolk ball" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000006
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000084 ! yolk
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000007
+name: blood
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A complex mixture of cells suspended in a liquid matrix that delivers nutrients to cells and removes wastes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000007
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000008
+name: brain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001661
+def: "Cavitated compound organ which is comprised of gray and white matter and surrounds the cerebral ventricular system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "brain structure" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000008
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000009
+name: cardiac ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cavitated compound organ that receives blood flow from the atrium and delivers blood to the body via the aorta. Valves are present to direct flow. There are only two chambers present in the fish heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020122-4]
+synonym: "ventricle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000009
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001719 ! presumptive cardiac ventricle heart tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000010
+name: cardiovascular system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical system that functions in circulation and has as its parts the heart and vasculature. The lymphatic system is considered part of the cardiovascular system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000010
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000011
+name: caudal artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Extension of the dorsal aorta in the post-vent region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "CA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000011
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005295 ! axial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000012
+name: central nervous system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The brain and spinal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "cns" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000012
+is_a: ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000013
+name: cranial ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ganglion which is located in the head." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cranial ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "presumptive cranial ganglia" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000013
+is_a: ZFA:0000190 ! ganglion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000014
+name: dorsal aorta
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Principal unpaired, median artery of the trunk, leading from the paired roots (radices) of the dorsal aorta to the caudal artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "DA" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal aortic root" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000014
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005077 ! vascular cord
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005295 ! axial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000015
+name: anatomical set
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001512
+id: ZFA:0000016
+name: ectoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The outer layer of the embryo derived from the epiblast. The definitive ectoderm will give rise to such tissues as epidermis, the central nervous system, neural crest, and sensory placode." []
+xref: TAO:0000016
+is_a: ZFA:0001122 ! primary germ layer
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000018 ! epiblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000017
+name: endoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000017
+is_a: ZFA:0001122 ! primary germ layer
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000416 ! presumptive endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000018
+name: epiblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The outer of the two layers of the blastoderm that form during gastrulation, corresponding to primitive ectoderm during gastrulation and to the definitive ectoderm after gastrulation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000018
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000711 ! DEL
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000111 ! germ ring
+relationship: start ZFS:0000018 ! Gastrula:Germ-ring
+id: ZFA:0000019
+name: epiphysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A circumscribed swelling, includes the pineal primordium that appears late in the segmentation period in the dorsal midline of the diencephalon. It is located directly rostral to the posterior commissure and dorsal to the habenular commissure." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "corpus pineale" EXACT []
+synonym: "pineal gland" EXACT []
+synonym: "pineal organ" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000019
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001127 ! visual system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001359 ! pineal complex
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000020
+name: extraembryonic structure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure that is contiguous with the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells that will not contribute to the embryo." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "extraembryonic structures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000042
+xref: TAO:0000020
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0000022
+name: floor plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral-most aspect of the developing neural tube. The floor plate is a specialized glial structure with secretory function that spans the rostral-caudal axis from the midbrain to the tail regions. The floor plate is one of first structures that differentiate in the developing nervous system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980205-16]
+comment: The floor plate cells are a row of cells along the a-p axis ~3 cells wide that make up the ventral floor of the early spinal cord. Floor plate cells are prominent rectangular cells with a triangular cross section with one cell in the middle that straddles the ventral midline and usually one cell lateral to the middle cell on both sides. 14hpf.
+synonym: "floorplate" EXACT []
+synonym: "fp" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000022
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001218 ! presumptive floor plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000023
+name: forerunner cell group
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A group of cells that migrate at the leading edge of shield during gastrulation but do not involute. At the end of gastrulation, forerunner cells migrate deep into the embryo and organize to form Kupffer's vesicle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970107-2]
+synonym: "DFCs" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "dorsal forerunner cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "forerunner cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000023
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001126 ! noninvoluting endocytic marginal cell cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000024
+name: retinal ganglion cell layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of the retina that contains the ganglion cell bodies." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ganglion cell layer" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000024
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000026
+name: hatching gland
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A transversely oriented set of cells located deep to the EVL on the pericardial membrane, especially prominent during pharyngula period because of the brightly refractile cytoplasmic granules (containing hatching enzymes) of the principal cells of the gland." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "hgg" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000026
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000058 ! polster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000027
+name: paired fin skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal system of paired fins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "appendicular skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000027
+is_a: ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005596 ! paired fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000028
+name: heart primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilateral groups of cells consisting of three rows: one row of endocardial precursors medially and two rows of myocardial precursors laterally. The two populations fuse at the midline between 21 and 26 somites to form the heart rudiment or cone." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2]
+synonym: "cardiac field" EXACT []
+synonym: "heart primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000028
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001065 ! lateral mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000029
+name: hindbrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The most posterior of the three principal regions of the brain. In mammals and birds the hindbrain is divided into a rostral metencephalon and a caudal myelencephalon. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished here. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "rhombencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000029
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007043 ! hindbrain neural tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000030
+name: macula utricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula utricle senses linear acceleration and gravity. The macula utricle covers most of the floor of the utricle." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
+synonym: "maculae utricle" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000030
+is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000168 ! anterior macula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000700 ! utricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000031
+name: hypochord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that arises from the arise from the lateral edges of the shield and is located immediately ventral to the notochord. The hypochord is thought to play a role in positioning the dorsal aorta. Unlike in frogs and axolotl, the hypochord does not appear to be endodermally derived." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000621-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060807-3]
+xref: TAO:0000031
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001217 ! presumptive hypochord
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000032
+name: hypothalamus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure which is the largest portion of diencephalon and is ventrally located. The hypothalamus arises near the end of the segmentation period and the embryonic hypothalamic region gives rise to the neurohypophysis and other diencephalic nuclei." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000032
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000033
+name: intermediate cell mass of mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ICM" EXACT []
+synonym: "intermediate cell mass of Oellacher" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior intermediate cell mass" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000033
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000121 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001201 ! ventral lateral mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000034
+name: lateral line system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "ll" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000034
+is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000035
+name: lens
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is a transparent, biconvex structure located in the eye through which light is focused." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "lenses" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000035
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001679 ! solid lens vesicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000036
+name: liver and biliary system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "System responsible for the production and movement of bile." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000036
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000037
+name: anatomical structure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Zebrafish anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anatomical structures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000003
+xref: TAO:0000037
+is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0000038
+name: margin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, the edge of the blastoderm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000038
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000039
+name: median axial vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000039
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000040
+name: median fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that will develop into one of the median fins. Extends from dorsal surface of fish, caudal to the 8th somite, to the ventral surface ending at the caudal side of the vent." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "median fin" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000040
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000041
+name: mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000041
+is_a: ZFA:0001122 ! primary germ layer
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001377 ! presumptive mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000042
+name: midbrain hindbrain boundary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The boundary between the mesencephalon and the rhombencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "isthmus" EXACT []
+synonym: "mhb" EXACT []
+synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000042
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007047 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000043
+name: muscle pioneer somite 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 1." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 1" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000043
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000072 ! somite 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000044
+name: myotome somite 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 14 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000044
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000726 ! somite 14
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000045
+name: neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell population arising from the dorsolateral aspect of the central nervous system primordium during the segmentation period, and later migrating along stereotyped pathways to give rise to a diverse and well-defined set of cell types including pigment cells, peripheral neurons and glia, and head cartilage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000045
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007082 ! neural plate border
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000046
+name: retinal neural layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of retina composed of all the neural tissues in the retina." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "neural retina" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuroretina" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000046
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001071 ! presumptive neural retina
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000152 ! retina
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000047
+name: peripheral olfactory organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organ that is the specialized structure of the face that contains olfactory neurons. The peripheral olfactory organ is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "nasal sac" EXACT []
+synonym: "nose" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000047
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000048 ! olfactory placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000048
+name: olfactory placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neurogenic placode that gives rise to the olfactory neurons that which convey odor information to the CNS." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "olfactory placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000048
+is_a: ZFA:0001309 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007062 ! olfactory field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000049
+name: optic recess
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lumen of optic stalk." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101008-1]
+synonym: "optic recesses" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000049
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000050
+name: optic vesicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is comprised of neuroepithelium which has pinched off from the anterior neural keel and will form the optic cup." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "optic vesicles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000050
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000570 ! optic primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000051
+name: otic vesicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelial sac present beside the fifth rhombomere; forms the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally, and houses the acoustico-vestibular sensory epithelia (maculae) of hair cells. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "otic capsule" RELATED []
+synonym: "otocyst" EXACT []
+synonym: "ov" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000051
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000138 ! otic placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000052
+name: dorsal actinotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Actinotrichium which is part of the dorsal fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000052
+is_a: ZFA:0000089 ! fin fold actinotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000102 ! dorsal fin fold
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000053
+name: presumptive segmental plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure part of the mesoderm fated to become segmental plate." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "presumptive segmental plates" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000053
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000054
+name: pericardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Serous membrane that surrounds the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pericardial sac" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000054
+is_a: ZFA:0005425 ! serous membrane
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000056
+name: pharynx
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Swollen region of the anterior foregut, posterior to the mouth and anterior to the liver; its walls form the jaws and gills." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000056
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000058
+name: polster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hatching gland rudiment at the time it underlies the forebrain during the early segmentation period." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "pillow" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000058
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000004 ! anterior axial hypoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000060 ! prechordal plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000059
+name: postoptic commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "POC" EXACT []
+synonym: "post optic commissure" EXACT []
+synonym: "post-optic commissure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000059
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000060
+name: prechordal plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Axial hypoblast located anterior to the chorda mesoderm; the polster is its most anterior region." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000060
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001204 ! axial mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000062
+name: presumptive forebrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the forebrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "presumptive prosencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000062
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007014 ! anterior presumptive neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+id: ZFA:0000063
+name: presumptive neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000061
+def: "Region of the gastrula which gives rise to the neural plate." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "neurectoderm" RELATED []
+synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" EXACT []
+synonym: "prospective neuroectoderm" EXACT []
+synonym: "prospective vegetal ectoderm" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000063
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0000064
+name: presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the outer layer of the optic cup and will become the retinal pigmented epithelium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "outer layer optic cup" EXACT []
+synonym: "presumptive pigmented epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000064
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001202 ! optic cup
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000066
+name: proctodeum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anus" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000066
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000067
+name: pronephric mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intermediate mesoderm that is located beneath the anterior somites and gives rise to the pronephros and pronephric duct." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4]
+synonym: "pronephric primordium" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4]
+xref: TAO:0000067
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001206 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000068
+name: proneural cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cluster of cells in the neural plate that have the potential to become neuroblast." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990921-1]
+synonym: "proneural clusters" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000068
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000069
+name: rhombomere 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 5" [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "r6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000069
+is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001210 ! presumptive rhombomere 6
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000070
+name: sensory axons peripheral
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Consider post-composing term ZFA:0009053 sensory neuron with GO:0030424 axon
+xref: TAO:0000070
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000071
+name: shield
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that is a local accumulation of cells along the germ ring. The shield marks the dorsal side of the embryo." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "dorsal organizer" EXACT []
+synonym: "organizer" EXACT []
+synonym: "Spemann Mangold organizer" EXACT []
+synonym: "Spemann's organizer" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000071
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000111 ! germ ring
+relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+id: ZFA:0000072
+name: somite 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anteriormost undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000072
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000073
+name: somite 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 5 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000073
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000074
+name: somite 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 26 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000074
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000075
+name: spinal cord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001664
+synonym: "medulla spinalis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "spinal cord structure" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000075
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007042 ! spinal cord neural tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000076
+name: swim bladder
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The swim bladder is a double-chambered organ located in the coelom and used to maintain buoyancy and may function as an acoustic resonator. The zebrafish does not appear to have a gas gland, but it is not yet clear if there are gas producing cells distributed more widely." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
+synonym: "gas bladder" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000076
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005335 ! swim bladder bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0000077
+name: tail bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "tail bud mesenchyme" RELATED []
+synonym: "tailbud" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000077
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000038 ! margin
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000078
+name: ventral actinotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Actinotrichium which is part of the ventral fin fold." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ventral actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000078
+is_a: ZFA:0000089 ! fin fold actinotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001069 ! ventral fin fold
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000079
+name: telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anterior and dorsal forebrain neuromere. In ray-finned fishes and most pronounced in teleosts the roof plate of the embryonic telencephalon extends laterally with the effect that the paired alar plates forming the hemispheric walls roll out lateroventrally in a process called eversion. This is unlike the development in other vertebrate groups. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000079
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000571 ! presumptive telencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000080
+name: trigeminal neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest which gives rise to the trigeminal ganglion." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000080
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000081
+name: trunk mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000081
+is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000082
+name: vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessels that carry blood to the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "venous system" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000082
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000083
+name: ventral mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000083
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000084
+name: yolk
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009197
+def: "Giant syncytial uncleaved cell containing nutrient store for embryonic development in the form of semicrystalline phospholipoprotein and contained within yolk granules." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "yolk cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000428
+xref: TAO:0000084
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0000085
+name: apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000736
+def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pectoral fin bud." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "AER pectoral fin" EXACT []
+synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin" EXACT []
+synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fins" EXACT []
+synonym: "apical fold pectoral fin" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000085
+xref: TAO:0000736
+is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000141 ! pectoral fin bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000086
+name: EVL
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Outermost monolayer of cells surrounding the embryo that become very flattened in the blastula and give rise to the periderm. Sometimes used synonymously with periderm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "enveloping layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000086
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001484 ! superficial blastomere
+relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001176 ! blastoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000088
+name: yolk syncytial layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Peripheral layer of the yolk cell including nuclei and non-yolky cytoplasm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "periblast" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "yolk sac" RELATED []
+synonym: "YSL" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000088
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000084 ! yolk
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000541 ! marginal blastomere
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000011 ! Blastula:1k-cell
+id: ZFA:0000089
+name: fin fold actinotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue which is a slender, horny, flexible, unsegmented fibril, which strengthens the embryonic fin fold. Actinotrichia are translucent, exhibit birefringence (double refraction) and are composed of the scleroprotein elastoidine." []
+synonym: "fin fold actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "median fin fold actinotrichium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000089
+is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000090
+name: apical ectodermal ridge dorsal fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000090
+is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001173 ! dorsal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000091
+name: axial chorda mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001219
+def: "Notochord rudiment." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "chorda mesoderm" EXACT []
+synonym: "chordamesoderm" EXACT []
+synonym: "presumptive notochord" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000091
+xref: TAO:0001219
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001204 ! axial mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000092
+name: axis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organism subdivision running along the rostral-caudal axis of the early embryo." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "midline" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000092
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000093
+name: blastomere
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that arises during cleavage and is partially cleaved, and located at the blastodisc margin prior to collectively forming the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) in the midblastula." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "blastomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000093
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001175 ! blastodisc
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0000094
+name: blood island
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nests of developing blood cells arising late in the segmentation period from the intermediate mass, and located in the anterior-ventral tail, just posterior to the yolk extension." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "blood islands" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "caudal hematopoietic tissue" RELATED []
+synonym: "posterior blood island" RELATED []
+synonym: "posterior ICM" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000094
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000033 ! intermediate cell mass of mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000095
+name: pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the gill arches; the last five of the set of seven pharyngeal arches; the numbering system can be confusing; generally branchial arch #1 is the first gill arch, or the third pharyngeal arch, but some authors do not follow this convention." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "branchial arch skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arches 1-5 skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000095
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000096
+name: cardinal system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vasculature comprised of the cardinal veins." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000096
+is_a: ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000097
+name: carotid artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery originating at the junction of the first two aortic arches and supplying the anterior brain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000097
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000098
+name: proliferative region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster which consists of rapidly dividing cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cell cycle" RELATED []
+synonym: "cell division" RELATED []
+synonym: "proliferation" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000098
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000012 ! Blastula:High
+id: ZFA:0000099
+name: brain vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the brain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000099
+is_a: ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000100
+name: cerebellum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure derived from the anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain. The cerebellum plays a role in somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone, and balance. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished here." [ISBN:3764351209, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000100
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001442 ! upper rhombic lip
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000101
+name: diencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The more posterior and ventral of two forebrain neuromeres, the other being the telencephalon; major derivatives are the eye cups, the brain pretectal region, the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus (including the habenula and epiphysis)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000101
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000574 ! presumptive diencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000102
+name: dorsal fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region of the median fin fold that develops into the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000102
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000103
+name: embryo
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFS:0000002
+consider: ZFS:0000003
+consider: ZFS:0000004
+consider: ZFS:0000005
+consider: ZFS:0000006
+consider: ZFS:0000007
+consider: ZFS:0000008
+consider: ZFS:0000009
+consider: ZFS:0000010
+consider: ZFS:0000011
+consider: ZFS:0000012
+consider: ZFS:0000013
+consider: ZFS:0000014
+consider: ZFS:0000015
+consider: ZFS:0000016
+consider: ZFS:0000017
+consider: ZFS:0000018
+consider: ZFS:0000019
+consider: ZFS:0000020
+consider: ZFS:0000021
+consider: ZFS:0000022
+consider: ZFS:0000023
+consider: ZFS:0000024
+consider: ZFS:0000025
+consider: ZFS:0000026
+consider: ZFS:0000027
+consider: ZFS:0000028
+consider: ZFS:0000029
+consider: ZFS:0000030
+consider: ZFS:0000031
+consider: ZFS:0000032
+id: ZFA:0000104
+name: lateral cells
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000105
+name: epidermis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cellular, multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm. Zebrafish epidermis consists only of living cells unlike terrestrial vertebrates in which dead, keratinized cells are present." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+xref: TAO:0000105
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000106
+name: extension
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The posterior elongated region of the yolk cell that forms during the segmentation period." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "yolk extension" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000106
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000084 ! yolk
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000107
+name: eye
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cavitated compound organ that consists of the neural retina, lens, cornea and iris and is the sensory apparatus of the visual system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "eyes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000107
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001127 ! visual system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000108
+name: fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure involved in locomotion." [TAO:WD]
+synonym: "fins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000108
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000109
+name: forebrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The most anterior region the brain including both the telencephalon and diencephalon." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "prosencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000109
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007041 ! forebrain neural tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000110
+name: fourth ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fluid-filled brain cavity. Most posterior brain ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "4th ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "hindbrain ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "rhombencephalic vesicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventricle IV" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventriculus rhombencephali" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000110
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000111
+name: germ ring
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that forms as a thickened annulus at the blastoderm rim. The germ ring is thickened because it is the involuting margin of the blastoderm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000111
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000038 ! margin
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000018 ! Gastrula:Germ-ring
+id: ZFA:0000112
+name: gut
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The alimentary or digestive tract, and associated organs." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "alimentary canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "enteric tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "gut tube" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000112
+is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000113
+name: head mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesoderm that will give rise, along with cranial neural crest cells, to connective tissue, bone and musculature in the head." []
+xref: TAO:0000113
+is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000114
+name: heart
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood pumping organ composed of four components: sinus venosus, atrium, cardiac ventricle and bulbus arteriosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000114
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000115
+name: heart rudiment
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The migrating myocardial precursors of the heart rudiment form a cone like structure between 19.5 hpf and 22 hpf, and eventually telescope out into the primitive heart tube at 24hpf." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2]
+synonym: "heart cone" EXACT []
+synonym: "rudimentary heart" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000115
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000028 ! heart primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000116
+name: macula lagena
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula lagena develops from the posterior macula. In juveniles the macula lagena lies in a vertical plane covering most of the medial wall of the lagena." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
+synonym: "maculae lagena" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000116
+is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000558 ! posterior macula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000374 ! lagena
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000117
+name: hypoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The inner of the two layers of the blastoderm that forms during gastrulation and give rise to the definitive mesoderm and endoderm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "mesendoderm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000117
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000711 ! DEL
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000111 ! germ ring
+relationship: start ZFS:0000018 ! Gastrula:Germ-ring
+id: ZFA:0000118
+name: hypophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A compound organ which is an endocrine gland located ventral to the diencephalon and derived from mixed neuroectodermal and non-neuroectodermal origin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pituitary" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000118
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000119
+name: retinal inner nuclear layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Retinal layer that contains the interneurons, the horizontal, bipolar and amacrine cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970602-3]
+synonym: "inner nuclear layer" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "intermediate cell layer" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000119
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000120
+name: lateral line ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ganglion that develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate a lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lateral line ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "llg" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000120
+is_a: ZFA:0000013 ! cranial ganglion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000121
+name: lateral plate mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "lateral plate" EXACT []
+synonym: "LPM" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000121
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000122
+name: lens placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ectodermal primordium of the lens of the eye." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "lens placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000122
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000123
+name: liver
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Solid compound organ with three lobes that has many functions including bile production, blood detoxification, the production of critical plasma proteins and clotting factors, complement proteins and the storage of many substances, such as lipids, amino acids, iron, and glycogen. Female fish produce vitellogenins in the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-26, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100730-19]
+xref: TAO:0000123
+is_a: ZFA:0001491 ! solid compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000124 ! liver primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000124
+name: liver primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic primordium that develops into the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "liver bud" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000124
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005738 ! intestinal bulb primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000125
+name: mandibular lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the mandibular lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast mandibular" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts mandibular" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000125
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000259 ! mandibular lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0000126
+name: centrum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Centra are represented by mineralized, calcified, or ossified portions that surround the notochord. The autocentrum, present in Danio and all other living teleosts, is formed by direct ossification outside the elastica externa of the notochord (Arratia, 1999)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "autocentrum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000126
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000127
+name: mesenchyme condensations
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000128
+name: midbrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The brain region between the forebrain anteriorly and the hindbrain posteriorly, including the tectum dorsally and the midbrain tegmentum ventrally." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "mesencephalon" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000128
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007039 ! midbrain neural tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000130
+name: olfactory pit
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "nasal canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "nasal cavity" EXACT []
+synonym: "nasal pit" EXACT []
+synonym: "olfactory cavity" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000130
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000131
+name: neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An intermediate stage (between the neural plate and neural rod) during the early segmentation period in the morphogenesis of the central nervous system primordium; the keel is roughly triangular shaped in cross section." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000131
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000132
+name: neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the earliest recognizable dorsal ectodermal primordium of the central nervous system present near the end of gastrulation before infolding to form the neural keel; consists of a thickened pseudostratified epithelium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000132
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000133
+name: neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An intermediate stage in the development of the central nervous system present during the segmentation period; the neural rod is roughly cylindrical in shape, forms from the neural keel, and is not yet hollowed out into the neural tube." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000133
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000135
+name: notochord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rod-like principal supportive element of the embryo and larva, present in the midline just ventral to the neural tube, and differentiating during the segmentation period to form large vacuolated epithelial cells and a surrounding sheath of fibrous and elastic layers. Layering of the sheath may differ in structure, thickness and development among groups; in cypriniforms there are actually three very thin layers to the sheath. A functional, well developed notochord is present throughout life in certain basal fish groups but not in cypriniforms." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "notocord" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000135
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000091 ! axial chorda mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000136
+name: otic lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the otic lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast otic" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts otic" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000136
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000464 ! otic lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0000137
+name: optic stalk
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that provides a pathway for axon migration from the retina. The cells of the optic stalk later differentiate into glial cells of the optic nerve." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030210-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101201-28]
+synonym: "optic stalks" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000137
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000138
+name: otic placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Primordium of the ear epithelium before it hollows into the otic vesicle, present beside the hindbrain rudiment in the mid-segmentation period. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000138
+is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001138 ! vestibuloauditory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000140
+name: pancreas
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The pancreas is an organ composed of endocrine and exocrine glandular tissue that produce hormones and digestive enzymes. Unlike in other studied vertebrates the pancreas in zebrafish develops from two buds, one anterior and one posterior. In adult fish the main pancreas is located on the right side attached to the lateral aspect of the intestine by the pancreatic duct. Typically, one large islet and 3-6 smaller islets occupy the main pancreas. The tail of the pancreas is embedded with single beta cells or clusters of small islets and extends caudally along the right side of the intestine." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090616-17]
+xref: TAO:0000140
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001390 ! pancreatic bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000141
+name: pectoral fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin bud that develops into the pectoral fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pectoral fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000141
+is_a: ZFA:0001383 ! fin bud
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001453 ! pectoral fin field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000142
+name: peripheral nervous system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nervous structures including ganglia outside of the central nervous system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "pns" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000142
+is_a: ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000143
+name: retinal photoreceptor layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The layer within the retina where the photoreceptor cell receptor segments reside. This layer is closest to the sclera." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-677]
+synonym: "retinal photoreceptor layers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000143
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000144
+name: retinal pigmented epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A monolayer of pigmented epithelium covering the neural retina; develops from the outer of the two layers of the optic cup." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "pigmented epithelium" EXACT []
+synonym: "pigmented retina" EXACT []
+synonym: "pigmented retinal epithelium" EXACT []
+synonym: "PRE" EXACT []
+synonym: "RPE" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000144
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000064 ! presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000152 ! retina
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000146
+name: presumptive brain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the brain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "brain rudiment" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000146
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0000148
+name: presumptive midbrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the midbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "presumptive mesencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000148
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007014 ! anterior presumptive neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+id: ZFA:0000149
+name: primitive heart tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that arises from the heart rudiment and will become the heart tube." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2]
+xref: TAO:0000149
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000115 ! heart rudiment
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000150
+name: pronephric duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct of the embryonic kidney, present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber. Wingert et al. have suggested that the pronephric duct as described traditionally may consist of subregions which are analogous to portions of the tubule segment of mammalian and other fish nephrons." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "pronephric ducts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000150
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000067 ! pronephric mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000151
+name: pronephros
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The embryonic kidney, present at the level of the third somite, is composed of two glomeruli fused at the midline, two pronephric tubules, and paired bilateral pronephric ducts that modify the composition of the blood filtrate before delivering it to the cloaca for excretion." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "embryonic kidney" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "pronephric nephron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000151
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000067 ! pronephric mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000163 ! renal system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000152
+name: retina
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that contains the retinal neural layer and the retinal pigmented epithelium, and develops from the optic cup." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "retinas" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000152
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001202 ! optic cup
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005567 ! posterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000153
+name: rhombomere 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posteriormost hindbrain segment or neuromere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "r8" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000153
+is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001214 ! presumptive rhombomere 8
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000154
+name: sinus venosus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Heart region collecting blood from the paired common cardinal veins and delivering to the atrium. One of four components of the heart. The sinus venosus also acts as a pacemaker and is the first to contract." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "inflow tract" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000154
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001722 ! presumptive sinus venosus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000155
+name: somite
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal components of early trunk or tail segments or metameres, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms myotomes, sclerotomes and perhaps dermatomes." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "somitic mesoderm" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000155
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000279 ! segmental plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001115 ! trunk
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000156
+name: somite 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk or tail segment 20 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000156
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000157
+name: somite 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posteriormost undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000157
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000158
+name: urostyle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "This centrum may be formed via the fusion of the terminal centrum and half-centrum. It is sometimes termed the 'ultimate' vertebra. Develops from the fused preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "compound centrum" EXACT []
+synonym: "last vertebra" EXACT []
+synonym: "ultimate vertebra" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000158
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001581 ! ural centrum 2
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001583 ! preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000159
+name: tectal ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "cerebral aqueduct" EXACT []
+synonym: "medial tectal ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "mesencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "mesencephalic vesicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "midbrain ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventriculus mesencephali" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000159
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000160
+name: tegmentum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001354
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral part of the midbrain and develops from the basal plate. The tegmentum is bordered rostrally by the synencephalon, dorsal thalamus and posterior tuberculum, ventrally by the hypothalamus, and dorsolaterally by the torus semicircularis; caudally the tegmentum is continuous with the medulla oblongata." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "mesencephalic tegmentum" EXACT []
+synonym: "midbrain tegmentum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000160
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000761 ! basal plate midbrain region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000161
+name: third ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fluid-filled brain cavity." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "3rd ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "diencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "diencephalic vesicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventriculus diencephali" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000161
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001259 ! forebrain ventricle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000162
+name: trigeminal placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The ectodermal rudiment of the trigeminal ganglion, distinguishable during much of the segmentation period." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "trigeminal placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000162
+is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000163
+name: renal system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "System that removes and collects metabolic waste from the blood while maintaining ion homeostasis." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
+synonym: "urinary system" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000163
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000164
+name: ventral mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000164
+is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000165
+name: inferior lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is a paired nucleus located in the lateral expansion of the dorsal hypothalamic zone." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "inferior lobe of hypothalamus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "inferior lobes" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "lateral lobe of hypothalamus" EXACT []
+synonym: "lobus inferior hypothalami" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000165
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000347 ! dorsal hypothalamic zone
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000166
+name: lateral crista
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000378
+def: "Patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium that is associated with the lateral semicircular canal. It consists of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The lateral crista has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lateral crista ampullaris" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral cristae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "lateral semicircular canal sensory patch" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral semicircular canal sensory patches" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "lc" EXACT []
+synonym: "medial crista" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-051116-3]
+xref: TAO:0000166
+is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000225 ! lateral crista primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000220 ! lateral semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000167
+name: anal fin skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Median fin skeleton that is located posterior to the anus." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0000167
+is_a: ZFA:0001123 ! axial fin skeleton
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001162 ! anal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000168
+name: anterior macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Macula that is located in the developing anterior inner ear, and gives rise to the macula utricle. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb,, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "am" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior sensory patch" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000168
+is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001671 ! macula communis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000169
+name: antorbital
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001410
+id: ZFA:0000170
+name: basibranchial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Median elements that are ossified within copulae and are not assigned to a specific branchial arch number. They articulate posterolaterally with the hypobranchials." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "basibranchials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000170
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001220 ! copula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000171
+name: basisphenoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: A basisphenoid is absent in Danio rerio; its absence is a shared derived feature of all ostariophysan fishes (Fink and Fink, '81). from ZDB-PUB-961014-192
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000172
+name: branchial muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle that is part of pharyngeal arches 3-7 which are also known as the branchial arches." [GOC:CVS, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "branchial muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000172
+is_a: ZFA:0001652 ! head muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001307 ! pharyngeal musculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000173
+name: bulbus arteriosus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that consists of three layers and through which the blood exits the heart. The bulbus arteriosus is a pear shaped chamber that functions as a capacitor, maintaining continuous blood flow into the gill arches." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001026-2]
+synonym: "cardiac outflow tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "outflow tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "truncus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000173
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001712 ! presumptive bulbus arteriosus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000174
+name: cerebellovestibular tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cerebellar tract that consists of efferent fibers from the Purkinje cells to the neurons of the vestibular nuclei in the hindbrain. The cerebellovestibular tracts are involved in precise motor controls, such as the vestibulo-ocular reflex." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
+synonym: "caudal cerebellar tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal cerebellar tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "cerebellovestibular tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000174
+is_a: ZFA:0001708 ! cerebellar white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000175
+name: posterior lateral line nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve which enters the brain between cranial nerves VIII and IX; contains afferents and sensory efferents to the posterior lateral line ganglion and middle ganglion. Fibers from the posterior lateral line ganglion innervate the occipital dorsal lateral line and trunk lateral lines." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-763]
+synonym: "caudal lateral line nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000175
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000176
+name: lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon that has migrated to the periphery of the brain. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus lateralis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002204
+is_a: ZFA:0001667 ! peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005911 ! presumptive lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000177
+name: caudal oblique
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "caudal obliques" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000177
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000178
+name: caudal peduncle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the fish's body that is posterior to the vent and anterior to the caudal fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000178
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001117 ! post-vent region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000179
+name: caudal root of abducens nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve root which is part of the abducens nerve (CN-VI) and is located at the level of the intermediate reticular formation. Fuses with the rostral root of the abducens nerve and courses rostrally once outside the brain stem. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
+synonym: "radix caudalis nervi abducentis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000179
+is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000310 ! cranial nerve VI
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000180
+name: caudal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein in the tail returning blood from the trunk and tail to the heart, leads directly into the posterior cardinal vein in the posterior trunk." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "CV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000180
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001286 ! caudal vein plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005295 ! axial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0000181
+name: caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is the most caudally located part of the dorsal telencephalon and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona posterior" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal zone of D" EXACT []
+synonym: "Dp" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
+synonym: "posterior zone of dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000181
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000182
+name: central caudal thalamic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the caudal portion of the dorsal thalamus, ventral to the dorsal caudal thalamic nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "central posterior thalamic nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus centralis posterior thalami" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000182
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000653 ! dorsal thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000183
+name: central pretectum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the central part of the pretectum." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000183
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005908 ! presumptive pretectum proliferative zone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000418 ! pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000184
+name: cleithrum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Transversely oriented bone connecting the occipital region of the skull dorsally and pectoral girdle ventrally; appears near the end of embryogenesis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "cleithra" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000184
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000185
+name: commissura rostral, pars ventralis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior commissure which abuts the preoptic region dorsally. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "commissura anterior, pars ventralis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000185
+is_a: ZFA:0001108 ! anterior commissure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000186
+name: common cardinal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired longitudinal vein; the anterior cardinal returns blood from the head, and the posterior cardinal returns it from the trunk; these two vessels join together on each side as the common cardinal vein (duct of Cuvier; misnamed the vitelline vein) that leads across the yolk cell to the heart's sinus venosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "duct of Cuvier" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000186
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000096 ! cardinal system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000188
+name: corpus cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is one of three parts of the cerebellum and is the entry point for a posterior cerebellar tract that carries cerebellar afferents from many brain stem nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cerebellar corpus" EXACT []
+synonym: "corpus cerebelli granular layer " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "corpus cerebellum" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000188
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000189
+name: otic region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster of skeletal elements that is a posterolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the vestibuloauditory system." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "cranial vault" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000189
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000190
+name: ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Structures containing a collection of nerve cell bodies." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000190
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000191
+name: dentary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that forms the antero-lateral part of the lower jaw. It first appears around the anterior end of Meckel's cartilage (5.1 mm NL). In the adult, the dentary meets its counterpart anteriorly at the mandibular symphysis. The dentary abuts the retroarticular posteriorly, and it surround the anguloarticular. The dentary is connected to the maxilla by the maxillo-mandibular ligament. Dentary teeth are absent in cypriniforms, but are present in other ostariophysans." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "dentary bone" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000191
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005488 ! mandibular symphysis
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000192
+name: descending trigeminal root
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The bundle of the sensory root of the trigeminal nerve that descends in the medulla oblongata providing somatosensory input to the nucleus of the descending trigeminal root and to the medial funicular nucleus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "radix descendens nervi trigemini" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000192
+is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000193
+name: diffuse nucleus inferior lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus and consists of masses of small cells presumably migrated from the periventricular cell masses. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "diffuse nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "DIL" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000193
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000165 ! inferior lobe
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000194
+name: dorsal accessory optic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and is ventral to the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "nucleus opticus accessorius dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000194
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000183 ! central pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000195
+name: dorsal depressor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin muscle that moves individual rays the dorsal fin into a lowered position. The dorsal depressors extend from either the right or left base of a dorsal fin ray to the posterior edge of a proximal pterygophore in the median septum. Antagonistic to dorsal erector muscle. There is one dorsal depressor for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "depressor dorsalis" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal depressors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000195
+is_a: ZFA:0005270 ! depressor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000196
+name: dorsal hypohyal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The dorsal hypohyal is a small cartilage replacement bone ossifying from the anterodorsal ceratohyal cartilage. Ossification begins on the medial surface of the ceratohyal cartilage at a ligamentous connection to basibranchial 1 (6.8 mm)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dorsal hypohyals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000196
+is_a: ZFA:0001381 ! hypohyal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005457 ! dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005458 ! dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005467 ! ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000197
+name: dorsal habenular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Habenular nucleus where the efferent projections innervate the interpeduncular nucleus. The dorsal habenula is structurally homologous to the mammalian medial habenula." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7]
+synonym: "dorsal habenular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "dorsal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000197
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000213 ! habenula
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000199
+name: dorsal periventricular hypothalamus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the dorsal hypothalamic zone and is located periventricularly. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000199
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000347 ! dorsal hypothalamic zone
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000200
+name: dorsal root ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Trunk ganglion which is located adjacent to the spine on a dorsal root and contains the cell bodies of afferent sensory nerves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dorsal root ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "DRG" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000200
+is_a: ZFA:0001573 ! trunk ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001024 ! trunk neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000201
+name: dorsal transverse
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000201
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000202
+name: efferent branchial artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that carries blood leaving the gill. This is on the side of the aortic arch proximal to the lateral dorsal aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "EBA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000202
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000203
+name: epicentrals
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Epicentrals are not present in D. rerio.ZDB-PUB-031103-13
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000204
+name: esophagus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Esophagus part of the gut that develops from endodermal precursors at the rostral end of the digestive tract. The esophagus develops independently from the intestine." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030312-8]
+synonym: "oesophagus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000204
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000205
+name: external lateral ventral muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that originates from a broad base at the midline and narrows toward its attachment at the ventral tip of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "external ventral flexor" RELATED []
+synonym: "lateralis superficialis ventralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "LSV" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000205
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000206
+name: facial nerve motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "facial motor nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "motor nucleus VII" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus motorius nervi facialis" EXACT []
+synonym: "nVII" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000206
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000207
+name: fin musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Musculature part of fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000207
+is_a: ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000208
+name: gall bladder
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The compound organ that stores bile." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000208
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000209
+name: lateral preglomerular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Preglomerular nucleus which is located between the rostral and medial preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "lateral preglomerular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000209
+is_a: ZFA:0001662 ! preglomerular nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000210
+name: gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the caudal gigantocellular portion of the magnocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "nucleus praeopticus magnocellularis, pars gigantocellularis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000210
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000248 ! magnocellular preoptic nucleus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000211
+name: gill lamella
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the transverse vertical platelet on the gill filament, through which capillaries run. The primary gill lamellae carry numerous fine layers called secondary lamellae which are the actual regions of respiration and excretion." [GOC:cvs,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "gill lamellae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000211
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000212
+name: granular eminence
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000187
+def: "Brain structure which is paired and part of the vestibulolateralis lobe of the cerebellum and extends fibers into the cerebellar crest. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "EG" RELATED []
+synonym: "eminentia granularis" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral granular eminence" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000212
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000307 ! vestibulolateralis lobe
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000213
+name: habenula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The habenula relays impulses from limbic areas of the telencephalon to an unpaired midbrain nucleus, the interpeduncular nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "habenulae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "habenular nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000213
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000509 ! epithalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000214
+name: hypobranchial vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: May be the same as hypobranchial artery and may need to be merged.
+synonym: "hypobranchial vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000214
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: ZFA:0000673
+id: ZFA:0000215
+name: inferior olive
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain nucleus where climbing fibers originate. The neurons in the inferior olive are capable of prolonged oscillatory activity. The inferior olive is called a precerebellar nucleus since virtually all of the efferent axons terminate in the cerebellum." [GOC:mh, ISBN:0471888893, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000215
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000216
+name: infracarinalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: This may need to be treated as a waypoint in the development of the various muscles or as a group of muscles.
+xref: TAO:0000216
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000217
+name: inner ear
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The auditory (hearing) and vestibular (balance) organ of the fish, equivalent to the inner ear of amniotes. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "ear" EXACT []
+synonym: "otic capsule" RELATED []
+synonym: "otocyst" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000217
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000051 ! otic vesicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001138 ! vestibuloauditory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000219
+name: intermediate reticular formation
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "intermediate reticular formations" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000219
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000542 ! medial column
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000220
+name: lateral semicircular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000361
+def: "One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The lateral semicircular canal is associated with the lateral crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "horizontal semicircular canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral semicircular canals" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "lateral semicircular duct" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000220
+is_a: ZFA:0000431 ! semicircular canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000221
+name: internal levator
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "internal levators" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000221
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000222
+name: isthmic primary nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory trigeminal nucleus located in the most rostral position. It lies immediately caudal to the secondary gustatory nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "isthmic primary nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "isthmic primary sensory trigeminal nucleus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000222
+is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000223
+name: infraorbital 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that covers the region between the anterior margin of the eye and the upper jaw. Infraorbital 1 (the lachrymal) is the first and largest bone in the infraorbital series. Bears the anterior most part of the infraorbital canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lachrymal bone" EXACT []
+synonym: "lacrimal" EXACT []
+synonym: "lacrymal bone" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000223
+is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000224
+name: larva
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFS:0000035
+consider: ZFS:0000036
+consider: ZFS:0000037
+consider: ZFS:0000038
+consider: ZFS:0000039
+consider: ZFS:0000040
+consider: ZFS:0000041
+id: ZFA:0000225
+name: lateral crista primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the lateral crista." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lateral crista primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000225
+is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000220 ! lateral semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000226
+name: lateral ethmoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Large, paired cartilage bones separating the olfactory region from the orbit. Arises from both perichondral and endochondral ossifications (Harrington 1955). Bordered by the mesethmoid anteriorly and overlain by the frontal dorsally, each lateral ethmoid extends medially to meet its fellow posteriorly along the midline. Develops from the laminae orbitonasales." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "lateral ethmoids" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000226
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001503 ! lamina orbitonasalis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005420 ! autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000227
+name: lateral hypothalamic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is the lateral part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "arcuate nucleus" RELATED []
+synonym: "lateral hypothalamic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "lateral tuberal nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000227
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000707 ! ventral hypothalamic zone
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000228
+name: lateral line primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a portion of tissue that migrates and deposits immature neuromasts and interneuromasts." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "llp" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000228
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000229
+name: lateral olfactory tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic white matter which extends between the olfactory bulb and the ipsilateral dorsal telencephalon and carries secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "tractus olfactorius lateralis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000229
+is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000230
+name: longitudinal hypochordal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle that attaches to the parhypurpophyses. The muscle inserts on the upper three to five caudal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:0080585272, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "hypochordal longitudinalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000230
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000231
+name: lateral recess
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0005493
+def: "Intracranial space formed by confluence of supraorbital, infraorbital, preopercular and temporal sensory canals that forms the lateral protrusion of the third ventricle. See also Di Dario (2004)." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "lateral recess of diencephalic ventricle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27]
+synonym: "lateral recesses" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "recessus lateralis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000231
+xref: TAO:0001799
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000161 ! third ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000232
+name: otic vesicle lateral protrusion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Otic vesicle protrusion that is initially laterally located and then bifurcates and fuses anteriorly with the anterior protrusion, and posteriorly with the posterior protrusion." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
+synonym: "lateral semicircular canal primordia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "lateral semicircular canal primordium" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000232
+is_a: ZFA:0001715 ! otic vesicle protrusion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000233
+name: lower oral valve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue, located on the lower jaw that defines the caudal extent of the labial cavity. The oral valves control the flow of water into the mouth during routine respiration." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
+synonym: "breathing valve" RELATED []
+synonym: "buccal valve" RELATED []
+synonym: "lower internal lip" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
+synonym: "lower semilunar valve" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
+synonym: "mandibular valve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000233
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000234
+name: macula neglecta
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula neglecta a pair of sensory patches positioned on the floor of the utricle adjacent to the utriculosaccular foramen at the base of the common crus." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
+synonym: "maculae neglecta" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000234
+is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000558 ! posterior macula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000235
+name: magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum and is caudally contiguous with the caudal pretectal nucleus. Cells of the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus are slightly larger and more orderly around a central neuropil than those of the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "magnocellular superficial pretectal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000235
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000687 ! superficial pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000236
+name: mandibular muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle that are part of the mandibular arch (pharyngeal arch 1)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "mandibular muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000236
+is_a: ZFA:0001652 ! head muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001307 ! pharyngeal musculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001612 ! pharyngeal arch 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000237
+name: medial forebrain bundle diencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "medial forebrain bundles diencephalon" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000237
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005111 ! medial forebrain bundle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000238
+name: medial olfactory tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic white matter which extends between the olfactory bulb and the ipsilateral ventral telencephalon and carries secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "tractus olfactorius medialis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000238
+is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000239
+name: mesocoracoid bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that articulates laterally with the medial surface of the cleithrum and ventro-medially with the scapula and coracoid. Mesocoracoid bone is a small, arch-like bone that develops from the mesocoracoid cartilage. Mesocoracoid bone is paired." [TAO:WD]
+synonym: "mesocoracoid bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000239
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001537 ! mesocoracoid cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000240
+name: metapterygoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The metapterygoid is a posterior bone that ossifies in the cartilaginous palatoquadrate arch. It first appears as a rod of bone with an anterodorsally projecting process from the middle of the dorsal surface (6.4 mm). The adult metapterygoid is roughly rectangular in shape with rounded corners and an anterodorsally projecting spine that meets the entopterygoid medially in a synostosis at its posteromedial edge. The posterior end curves dorsally to form the posteroventral surface of the orbit." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "metapterygoids" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000240
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005902 ! pterygoid process
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005469 ! hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005486 ! quadrate-metapterygoid joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005509 ! palate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000241
+name: midline column
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000241
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000421 ! reticular formation
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000242
+name: male organism
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000027
+xref: TAO:0000242
+is_a: ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000243
+name: neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Volcano-shaped lateral line sensory organ located in characteristic positions within the skin epithelium and containing hair cells and their support elements. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "lateral line neuromast" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral line organ" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000243
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005227 ! protoneuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000244
+name: nucleus Edinger-Westphal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "Edinger-Westphal nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000244
+is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000245
+name: nucleus of the descending root
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory trigeminal nucleus that lies at the mediodorsal edge of the descending trigeminal root (DV). This nucleus is not clearly delineated." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "sensory nucleus of the descending trigeminal root" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000245
+is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000246
+name: nucleus taeniae
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is located immediately ventral to the caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000246
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000247
+name: cranial nerve VIII
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "auditory nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "CN-VIII" EXACT []
+synonym: "cochleovestibular nerve" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190924-19]
+synonym: "octaval nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "statoacoustic nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000247
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000248
+name: magnocellular preoptic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is dorsal to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "magnocellular preoptic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000248
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000470 ! preoptic area
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000249
+name: cranial nerve I
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "CN-I" EXACT []
+synonym: "olfactory nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000249
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000250
+name: opercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that articulates anteriorly with the hyomandibula. The opercle is paired and typically the largest bone of the opercular series. It is derived from the neural crest and is located in 2nd pharyngeal arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-44]
+synonym: "opercles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000250
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005885 ! operculohyoid ligament
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000555 ! opercular flap
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000251
+name: opercular-branchiostegal series
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: ZFIN not using series organization if at all possible.
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000863
+id: ZFA:0000252
+name: optic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic white matter (tract) which is comprised of retinal ganglion cell axons after which they have passed through the optic chiasm." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "optic tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "tractus opticus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000252
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000253
+name: orbitosphenoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Large median unpaired cartilage bone consisting of two diverging plates. Positioned medial to the eye. The orbitosphenoid develops from the Trabeculae communis and forms the anterior and anteriolateral boundary of the orbital foramen and constitutes a significant part of the sidewalls and floor of the cranial cavity. Bordered by the lateral ethmoid anteriorly, and the pterosphenoid posteriorly, The orbitosphenoid may extend ventrally to meet the parasphenoid. In the adult, the orbitosphenoid is fused ventrally to the parasphenoid via a thin sheet of bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "orbitosphenoids" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000253
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001505 ! taenia marginalis anterior
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005509 ! palate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000254
+name: pancreas primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that develops into the pancreatic bud." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+comment: During normal development, the exocrine anlage arises from bilateral sets of progenitors within the blastoderm margin that migrate to the midline use and differentiate prior to joining the rostral intestine. ZDB-PUB-050623-3.
+synonym: "pancreatic anlage" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+xref: TAO:0000254
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000255
+name: paraxial mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000942
+def: "Mesoderm which is lateral to the neural tube on both sides." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "paraxial mesenchyme" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000255
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+is_a: ZFA:0000081 ! trunk mesenchyme
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000591 ! presumptive paraxial mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000256
+name: pars subcommissuralis of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pars subcommissuralis of V" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000256
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000304 ! ventral telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000257
+name: pectoral fin cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage which is part of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pectoral fin cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000257
+is_a: ZFA:0001543 ! paired fin cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000258
+name: pelvic fin musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Musculature that is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000258
+is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001449 ! mesenchyme pelvic fin
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001184 ! pelvic fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000259
+name: mandibular lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of 2 neuromast. One neuromast is positioned at the front edge of the jaw the second posteriorly on the mandible. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
+synonym: "mandibular lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "mandibular line" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3]
+xref: TAO:0000259
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000260
+name: periventricular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is the periventricular part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "periventricular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "ventral zone of periventricular hypothalamus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000260
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000707 ! ventral hypothalamic zone
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000261
+name: pharyngohyoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000261
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000262
+name: posterior semicircular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000483
+def: "One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The posterior semicircular canal is associated with the posterior crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "caudal vertical semicircular canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior semicircular canals" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "posterior semicircular duct" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000262
+is_a: ZFA:0000431 ! semicircular canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000263
+name: precaudal vertebra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Post-cranial vertebrae lacking hemal spines (Weitzman, 1962), refers generally to the anterior vertebral region bounding the abdominal cavity. Alternate but not quite synonymous terms are abdominal or trunk vertebrae, which bear parapophyses and ribs. In many actinopterygians dorsal to the posterior abdominal cavity there are transitional vertebrae lacking ribs but also without hemal spines or sometimes even enclosed hemal arches. The primary definition would identify these vertebrae as precaudal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "abdominal vertebra" RELATED []
+synonym: "precaudal vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "trunk vertebra" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000263
+is_a: ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001115 ! trunk
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000264
+name: preopercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is part of the opercular flap and bears the preopercular sensory canal. The preopercle is a paired bone and typically L-shaped, with the horizontal limb overlying the interopercle and the vertical limb overlying the opercle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "preopercles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000264
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000555 ! opercular flap
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000265
+name: presumptive dorsal mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of presumptive mesoderm fated to become dorsal mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000265
+is_a: ZFA:0001377 ! presumptive mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0000266
+name: pretecto-mammillary tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pretecto mammillary tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "pretecto-mamillary tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "pretectomamillary tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "TPp" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000266
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000267
+name: primary olfactory fiber layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue which is the most peripheral layer and present only in the rostroventral olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "olfactory nerve layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-2]
+synonym: "stratum nervosum bulbi olfactorii" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000267
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000268
+name: anal fin proximal radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the anal fin, which articulate with the distal radials." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "anal fin proximal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000268
+is_a: ZFA:0001646 ! anal fin radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001420 ! anal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000269
+name: inferior caudal ventral flexor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise from a narrow insertion site at the 28th and 29th vertebrae then project from the vertebral column to the ventral base of the caudal fin where they attach broadly to ventral caudal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "CVI" RELATED []
+synonym: "flexor caudalis ventralis inferioris" EXACT []
+synonym: "inferior ventral flexor" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000269
+is_a: ZFA:0005271 ! flexor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000270
+name: maxilla
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The dermal maxilla forms part of the upper jaw. It is first visible as a small dorsoventrally oriented rod of bone in the lateral region of the upper jaw. Through anterior ossification it becomes S-shaped, with its anteriormost tip directed medially (4.8 mm NL). The posteroventral end of the maxilla is connected to the dentary by a ligament. Maxillary teeth are absent in cypriniforms, but are present in other ostariophysans. Two barbels are present on the maxilla. The presence of two pairs of maxillary barbels is considered by Cavender and Coburn (1992) to be the primitive condition for the Cyprinidae." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "maxillae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000270
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005421 ! autopalatine-maxillary joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000271
+name: radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The internal skeletal supports of the median and paired fins." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000271
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000272
+name: respiratory system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "System responsible for the exchange of gases across the gill membranes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000272
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000274
+name: rostral octaval nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Octaval sensory nucleus located rostral to the magnocellular octaval nucleus and arches dorsally around the descending trigeminal root. Receives some vestibular information and is part of the vestibulo-ocular reflex circuitry and projects to abducens and oculomotor nuclei and descends to the spinal cord. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior octaval nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus octavus anterior" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000274
+is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000275
+name: rostral tegmental nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000275
+is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000276
+name: rostrolateral thalamic nucleus of Butler & Saidel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000276
+is_a: ZFA:0005576 ! ventral thalamus nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000277
+name: scale
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is thin, flexible, and platelike, and that develops in overlapping skinfolds that cover the body and often the head of fish and the bases of the fins." [TAO:WD]
+synonym: "scales" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000277
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001704 ! scale primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001183 ! dermal superficial region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0000278
+name: secondary gustatory nucleus medulla oblongata
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000278
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000279
+name: segmental plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "presomitic mesoderm" EXACT []
+synonym: "PSM" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000279
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000255 ! paraxial mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000280
+name: medial valvula cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Medial division of the valvula cerebelli." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "medial division" EXACT []
+synonym: "valvula cerebelli, pars medialis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000280
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000281
+name: hair cell posterior macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Specialized neuronal receptor cells of the posterior macula. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for hair cells by T. Whitfield.)" [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "sensory hair cells posterior macula" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000281
+is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001099 ! immature hair cell posterior macula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000558 ! posterior macula
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000282
+name: sensory system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nervous system responsible for transmitting sensory stimuli." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "sensory systems" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000282
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000284
+name: subopercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone lying below the opercle. The subopercle is a paired bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "subopercles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000284
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000555 ! opercular flap
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000285
+name: superficial adductor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin muscle that develops from the primitive pectoral fin adductor. The adductor superficialis originates at the cleithrum and inserts on all fins rays except the first. Insertion of the adductor superficialis on fin rays is distal to the fin ray bases." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+synonym: "adductor superficialis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+synonym: "superficial adductors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000285
+is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005650 ! primitive pectoral fin adductor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000286
+name: superficial lateralis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Slow twitch muscle derived from the lateral wedge-shaped strip of slow muscle cells originally positioned at the lateral end of the horizontal myoseptum. In the adult it is a thin band of muscle positioned mediolaterally above the epaxial-hypaxial junction, posteriorly the superficial lateralis elaborates into the superficial lateralis dorsalis and superficial lateralis ventralis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080519-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
+synonym: "lateral superficial muscle" RELATED []
+synonym: "lateralis superficialis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000286
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000287
+name: superior caudal dorsal flexor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that originate from the 30th vertebra and extend toward the dorsal base of the caudal fin where they insert broadly on fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "CDS" RELATED []
+synonym: "flexor caudalis dorsalis superioris " EXACT []
+synonym: "superior dorsal flexor" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000287
+is_a: ZFA:0005271 ! flexor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000288
+name: supracarinalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000288
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000289
+name: supramaxillae
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Supramaxillary bones are absent from D. rerio, as in other ostariophysans (Fink and Fink, '81)
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000290
+name: sphenoid region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that forms the floor and sidewalls of the middle part of the cranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000290
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000291
+name: medial octavolateralis nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral line sensory nucleus located in the cerebellum that processes sensory input from the lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "intermediate octavolateral nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "medial octavolateralis nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "MON" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000291
+is_a: ZFA:0000381 ! lateral line sensory nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000292
+name: surface structure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organism subdivision which is the collection of anatomical structures on the body surface." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "surface structures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000292
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000293
+name: synencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is located between the dorsal diencephalon and the mesencephalon and contains the caudal commissure. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000293
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000294
+name: torus lateralis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. In goldfish the lateral torus is exclusively involved with gustatory and general visceral systems." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:9552123]
+synonym: "lateral torus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000294
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000295
+name: trigeminal ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A prominent collection of touch-sensory neurons of the trigeminal or fifth cranial nerve, positioned beside the brain between the eye and the ear." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "5th ganglion" EXACT []
+synonym: "fifth ganglion" EXACT []
+synonym: "gV" EXACT []
+synonym: "trigeminal ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000295
+is_a: ZFA:0000013 ! cranial ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000080 ! trigeminal neural crest
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000162 ! trigeminal placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000296
+name: uncrossed tecto-bulbar tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000296
+is_a: ZFA:0000446 ! tecto-bulbar tract
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000297
+name: vagal lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The multi-tissue, vagal lobe is a large, paired brain stem structure flanking the unpaired facial lobe laterally. The vagal lobe contains motor and gustatory neurons. While some degree of histological segregation is apparent within the vagal lobe, a clear lamination, as seen in goldfish or carp is absent." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "LX" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000298
+name: vent
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a surface structure and is the external opening of the cloaca." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "cloacal opening" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110602-26]
+synonym: "cloacal vent" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000298
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000066 ! proctodeum
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005781 ! cloaca
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000299
+name: ventral entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon that is a band of tightly packed cells starting at the level of the anterior commissure and extends into the telencephalo-diencephalic boundary region. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+comment: The GAD67-positive (dorsal) entopeduncular\nnucleus (EN= former ENd) appears to be anatomically\nseparate from the GAD67-negative bed nucleus of the\nstria medullaris (BNSM), which was formerly called the ventral\npart of the entopeduncular nucleus (ENv). ZDB-PUB-090814-14.
+synonym: "endopeduncular nucleus, ventral part" EXACT []
+synonym: "entopeduncular nucleus, ventral part" EXACT []
+synonym: "ENv" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus entopeduncularis, pars ventralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral entopeduncular nucleus V" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000299
+is_a: ZFA:0001667 ! peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005910 ! presumptive ventral entopeduncular nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000300
+name: ventral hypohyal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The ventral hypohyal ossifies first along the anteroventral tip of the ceratohyal cartilage at the insertion of the tendon from the sternohyoideus (5.7 mm)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "lower hypohyal" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventrohyal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000300
+is_a: ZFA:0001381 ! hypohyal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005458 ! dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005466 ! ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005476 ! inter-ventral hypohyal joint
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000301
+name: medial rectus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Extraocular muscle that runs parallel to the long axis of the fish and inserts on the anterior side of the eye at the sclera-corneal (SC) junction. The medial rectus lies in the same anatomical plane as the lateral rectus. The medial rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
+comment: Mature form at Hatching:Long-pec.
+synonym: "medial recti" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000301
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000302
+name: ventral habenular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Habenular nucleus positioned ventromedially to the dorsal habenular nuclei. The ventral habenular nuclei are paired and symmetrical, each have a conical shape defined by a wide rostral end, occupying the entire anterior region of the habenula, and a narrow caudal end. The axons of the ventral habenular nucleus passed laterally through the interpeduncular nucleus and projected to the ventral part of the median raphe. The ventral habenular nucleus is homolog mammalian lateral habenular nucleus." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120709-5]
+xref: TAO:0000302
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000213 ! habenula
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000303
+name: female organism
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000028
+xref: TAO:0000303
+is_a: ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0000304
+name: ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is the ventral part of the telencephalon and is consists of periventricular nuclei surrounding the unpaired median ventricle and those which have migrated away from the ependyma. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area ventralis telencephali" EXACT []
+synonym: "subpallium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000304
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000305
+name: ventral sulcus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Groove that separates the paired inferior (or lateral) lobes of the hypothalamus from the tuberal hypothalamus." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypothalamic sulcus" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000305
+is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000032 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000306
+name: ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000306
+is_a: ZFA:0005576 ! ventral thalamus nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000307
+name: vestibulolateralis lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is part of the cerebellum consists of the paired granular eminentia and the medial caudal lobe. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000307
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000308
+name: prevomer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A thin medial unpaired dermal bone that is kite or paddle-shape. Underlying the ethmoid, and slightly overlapping the parasphenoid posteriorly, the prevomer bears an anterolateral projection that terminates in a concave depression in which the preethmoids sit." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "vomer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0000308
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005509 ! palate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000309
+name: external yolk syncytial layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The portion of the YSL that is outside of the blastoderm margin during epiboly." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "E-YSL" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000309
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000088 ! yolk syncytial layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000013 ! Blastula:Oblong
+id: ZFA:0000310
+name: cranial nerve VI
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve which exits the medulla oblongata and controls the lateral movement of the eye. The caudal and rostral roots fuse together and course rostrally once they are outside the brainstem. The abducens nerve innervates the lateral rectus extraocular muscle." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-12]
+synonym: "abducens nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "CN-VI" EXACT []
+synonym: "nervus abducens" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000310
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000311
+name: adductor mandibulae complex
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a mandibular muscle that consists of three subdivisions A1, A2, and A3. All three originate on the hyomandibula and suspensorium but each has a distinct insertion. A1 inserts on the maxilla, A2 inserts along the caudal margin of the articular and A3 inserts on the medial surface of the articular." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070330-4]
+xref: TAO:0000311
+is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007049 ! adductor mandibulae
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0000312
+name: mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory trigeminal nucleus located at the tectal ventricle near the synencephalon and optic tectum that contains large pyriform neurons. The sensory fibers of the large pyriform neurons that run peripherally in the trigeminal nerve." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "mesencephalic nuclei of trigeminal nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000312
+is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000313
+name: anal inclinator
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Series of paired muscles that have a distal attachment at the lateral base of each ray and a proximal attachment to the hypaxialis. The left and right inclinators attach the integument and trunk muscles to the base of each ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "anal inclinators" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "inclinatores anales" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+xref: TAO:0000313
+is_a: ZFA:0005276 ! inclinator muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000314
+name: anterior semicircular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000675
+def: "One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The anterior semicircular canal is associated with the anterior crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "anterior semicircular canals" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "anterior semicircular duct" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral vertical semicircular canal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000314
+is_a: ZFA:0000431 ! semicircular canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000315
+name: asteriscus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Otolith part of lagena." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
+synonym: "lagenar otolith" EXACT []
+synonym: "lagenolith" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000315
+is_a: ZFA:0001617 ! otolith
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000374 ! lagena
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000316
+name: basihyal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that is median and is the anterior-most bone of the ventral hyoid arch, the 'tongue' of the a fish. Ossification of the cartilaginous basihyal is first visible at the posterior end of the club-shaped basihyal cartilage (6.0 mm). Ossification spreads throughout the cartilage, except for the anterior tip, which remains cartilaginous. The posteroventral tip extends between the left and right dorsal hypohyals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "basihyal" RELATED []
+synonym: "basihyoid" EXACT []
+synonym: "glossohyal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000316
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001510 ! basihyal cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000317
+name: postcranial axial skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The post-cranial structural components forming the long axis of the vertebrate body; in Danio, consisting of the notochord, vertebrae, ribs, supraneurals, intermuscular bones, and unpaired median fins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "axial skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000317
+is_a: ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000318
+name: brainstem and spinal white matter
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter that is part of the brain stem or spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "brain stem and spinal tract/commissure" EXACT []
+synonym: "brain stem/spinal tracts and commissures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000318
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000319
+name: branchiostegal membrane
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The portion of tissue forming the membrane connecting the branchiostegals and enclosing the gill chamber." []
+synonym: "branchiostegal membranes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000319
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000320
+name: caudal commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic tract which is located in the vicinity of the dorsal diencephalon and mesencephalon and connects the pretectal nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "PC" RELATED []
+synonym: "posterior commissure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000320
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000321
+name: caudal levator
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "caudal levators" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000321
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000322
+name: caudal octaval nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "caudal octaval nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000322
+is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000323
+name: mesethmoid bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Median unpaired cartilage bone that ossifies as a perichondral lamellae ensheathing the nasal septum anterodorsally and laterally (Harrington, 1955). In adult D. rerio, the center of the mesethmoid remains cartilaginous (Cubbage & Mabee, 1996). The mesethmoid meets the supraethmoid dorsally, the lateral ethmoids posterolaterally, and the vomer and parasphenoid ventrally in synostoses. Anterolaterally the mesethmoid meets the preethmoids in synchondroses." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ethmoid bone" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000323
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001321 ! neurocranial trabecula
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001405 ! ethmoid cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000324
+name: caudal periventricular hypothalamus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal hypothalamus and surrounds the paired posterior ventricular recesses of the third ventricle. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "caudal zone of periventricular hypothalamus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, zona caudalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000324
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000634 ! caudal hypothalamic zone
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000325
+name: caudal thalamic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. It is targeted by ascending fibers originating from the secondary gustatory/ visceral complex." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-160628-14]
+synonym: "posterior thalamic nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000325
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000326
+name: caudal vertebra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra bearing a hemal arch and spine. The most posterior caudal vertebrae support the caudal fin and are referred to as preural vertebrae." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "caudal vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000326
+is_a: ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000327
+name: central zone of the optic tectum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000327
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000328
+name: cephalic musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Musculature system of the pharyngeal and head regions." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "head muscles" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000328
+is_a: ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000329
+name: chorion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The egg shell." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000329
+is_a: ZFA:0000020 ! extraembryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0000330
+name: cloacal chamber
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Space proximal to the urogenital pore where the pronephric duct, intestine and the oviduct or sperm duct empties." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "cloaca lumen" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000330
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005781 ! cloaca
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000331
+name: commissure infima of Haller
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "commissura infima Halleri" EXACT []
+synonym: "commissura infima of Haller" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000331
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000332
+name: coracoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that articulates dorsally with the scapula and with the mesocoracoid when the latter is present, posteriorly with the lower two or three proximal radials and antero-ventrally with the cleithrum. The coracoid develops from the scapulo-coracoid cartilage. The coracoid is paired." [TAO:GA_TG]
+synonym: "coracoids" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "scapulocoracoid" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000332
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001455 ! scapulocoracoid
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005470 ! inter-coracoid joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000333
+name: mesovarium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000333
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000403 ! ovary
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000334
+name: corpus mamillare
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is located ventrolaterally to the caudal preglomerular nucleus and in the dorsomedial aspect of the caudal protrusion of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "mammillary body" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000334
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000335
+name: crossed tecto-bulbar tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "tractus tectobulbaris cruciatus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000335
+is_a: ZFA:0000446 ! tecto-bulbar tract
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000336
+name: hypural arches
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000364
+id: ZFA:0000337
+name: dermopalatine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Doesn't seem to exist in zebrafish.
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000338
+name: diencephalic white matter
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter that is part of the diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "diencephalic tract/commissure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000338
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000339
+name: digestive system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical system that processes ingested substances." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000339
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000340
+name: dorsal entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon which is a band of tightly packed cells starting at the level of the anterior commissure and disappearing more rostrally. May be homologous to the intermediate nucleus of the area ventralis of other species. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ENd" EXACT []
+synonym: "endopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part" EXACT []
+synonym: "entopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus entopeduncularis, pars dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000340
+is_a: ZFA:0001667 ! peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000341
+name: inferior caudal dorsal flexor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise from a narrow insertion site at the 28th and 29th vertebrae, then extend toward the dorsal base of the caudal fin where they insert broadly on fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "CDI" RELATED []
+synonym: "dorsal flexor" RELATED []
+synonym: "dorsal flexors" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "flexor caudalis dorsalis inferioris" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000341
+is_a: ZFA:0005271 ! flexor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000342
+name: dorsal inclinator
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle of the dorsal fin that are thin, arise from the lateral edge of fin bases, and attach to the skin just above the epaxial muscle. The inclinator muscles bend the fin sideways. There is one dorsal inclinator for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "dorsal inclinators" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "inclinator dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000342
+is_a: ZFA:0005276 ! inclinator muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000343
+name: dorsal nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Periventricular nucleus which lies rostral to the anterior commissure and is contiguous caudally with the supracommissural nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus dorsalis" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal division of ventral telencephalic area" RELATED []
+synonym: "dorsal nucleus of V" EXACT []
+synonym: "Vd" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000343
+is_a: ZFA:0001666 ! periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000344
+name: middle lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned posterior to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
+synonym: "middle lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000344
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005118 ! middle lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0000345
+name: dorsal rectus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Extraocular muscle that inserts at the scleral corneal junction on the dorsal side of the eye. The dorsal rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve. The dorsal rectus and dorsal oblique muscles have overlapping insertions in the adult eye though they have distinct insertion sites in 5dpf fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
+comment: Mature form at Larval:Protruding-mouth.
+synonym: "dorsal recti" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "superior rectus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18]
+xref: TAO:0000345
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000346
+name: dorsal tegmental nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tegmental nucleus that is immediately adjacent to the nucleus lateralis valvulae (NLV). This nucleus is sometimes considered part of the NLV but the cells are more densely packed. The nucleus extends rostrally into the mesencephalon." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "DTN" RELATED []
+synonym: "nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000346
+is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000347
+name: dorsal hypothalamic zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is the dorsal most region of the hypothalamus and expands laterally and emerges caudal to the ventral zone and is separated from the median tuberal portion by a deep ventral sulcus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000347
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0006000 ! intermediate hypothalamus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000032 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000348
+name: duodenum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000349
+name: epaxialis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal muscle that is the dorsal-most component of the body musculature. The anterior region attaches to the back of the cranial vault and the dorsal region of the pectoral girdle. The epaxialis is bound to the skin by fibrous connective tissue and internally it inserts over the dorsal portion of the vertebral centra and fin pterygiophores and the neural spines. Posteriorly the epaxialis overlies the modified muscle of the caudal fin and inserts onto the dorsal ray bases of the fin. The anterior epaxial plays a role in feeding and the posterior region is central to locomotion." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:0125296509, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000349
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000350
+name: epipleural
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epipleurals lie below the horizontal septum and are posteroventrally directed. There are ossified epipleurals in certain ostariophysans. In many lower elopocephalan teleosts including ostariophysans the epipleural bones develop an anterodorsal branch so that they are forked proximally." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "epipleurals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000350
+is_a: ZFA:0000526 ! intermuscular bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000351
+name: olfactory region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is located in the anterior region of the cranium and provides structural support for the peripheral olfactory organ." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ethmoid region" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000351
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000352
+name: external cellular layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue which is located between the glomerular layer and internal cellular layer of the olfactory bulb, and contains large mitral cells whose efferent axons form most of the lateral and medial olfactory tracts. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "stratum cellulare externum bulbi olfactorii" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000352
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000353
+name: fasciculus retroflexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired fasciculus that connects the habenula to the interpeduncular nucleus. In zebrafish the fascicles seem to gather under the raphe nucleus and don't extend to the medulla." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010601-11]
+synonym: "fasciculus retroflexi" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "habenulo-interpeduncular tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "habenulointerpeduncular tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "tractus habenulo-interpeduncularis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000353
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000354
+name: gill
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Compound organ that consists of gill filaments, gill lamellae, gill rakers and pharyngeal arches 3-7. The gills are responsible for primary gas exchange between the blood and the surrounding water." [http:http\://]
+synonym: "gills" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000354
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001107 ! internal gill bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000272 ! respiratory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000355
+name: roof plate midbrain region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of the midbrain." [GOC:CVS, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000355
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000356
+name: gill raker
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is a small anterior projection present on all of pharyngeal arches 3-7. They support the gills. The rakers have epithelial denticles and both their gross and fine structure serves to retain food particles in the mouth." [, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081008-12]
+synonym: "gill rakers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000356
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000357
+name: glomerular layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure which is located in between the primary olfactory fiber layer and the external cellular layer of the olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "stratum glomerulosum bulbi olfactorii" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000357
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000358
+name: granular layer corpus cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue which is the innermost layer of the corpus cerebelli and consists of small granule cells and larger Golgi cells. The granule cell receive excitatory input from the mossy fibers, and send parallel fibers to the molecular layer where they synapse with Purkinje cell dendrites." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000358
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000359
+name: habenular commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "commissura habenularum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000359
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000360
+name: heart tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cavitated compound organ that will become the adult heart following looping morphogenesis and valve formation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2]
+xref: TAO:0000360
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000149 ! primitive heart tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000362
+name: hypaxialis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxialis consists of that part of the body musculature lying ventral to the midlateral horizontal septum." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17]
+xref: TAO:0000362
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000363
+name: hypobranchial bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hypobranchials are the most medial of the bilaterally paired elements of the gill arches. Hypobranchial ossifications 1-3 (of 4) develop in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 2. The hypobranchials articulate anteromedially with the basibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypobranchial bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000363
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000364
+name: hypural
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Expanded and laterally flattened hemal arches and spines. They support the lepidotrichia of the caudal fin. The hypurals form ventral to the posterior tip of the dorsally-flexed notochord. In zebrafish condensation of the hypurals begins at approximately 6 dpf (4.1 mm NL, notochord length)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "hyp" EXACT []
+synonym: "hypuralia" EXACT []
+synonym: "hypurals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000364
+is_a: ZFA:0000859 ! specialized hemal arch and spine
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0000365
+name: nasal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired dermal bones, likened to a bone tube, positioned lateral to the supraethmoid. Nasal bones are transversed by the anterior most part of the supraorbital canals and bear one neuromast foramen in zebrafish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "nasal bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000365
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000366
+name: inferior raphe nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain nucleus that provides descending innervation to the brainstem and spinal cord. Early in development the inferior raphe nucleus emits rostrally and caudally directed projections. However, in the adult, the long projections inferior raphe nucleus are restricted to posterior." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-19]
+synonym: "posterior raphe nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000366
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001429 ! raphe nucleus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000367
+name: infraorbital bridge
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001410
+id: ZFA:0000368
+name: integument
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The outer protective barrier that separates the animal from its aquatic environment." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+synonym: "skin" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000368
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000369
+name: intermandibularis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a mandibular muscle that develops into the ventral intermandibularis anterior and posterior muscles." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "intermandibular muscle" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
+xref: TAO:0000369
+is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000370
+name: intermediate thalamic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "intermediate thalamic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000370
+is_a: ZFA:0005576 ! ventral thalamus nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000371
+name: internal pharyngoclavicularis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "internal pharyngoclavicularae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000371
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000372
+name: interpeduncular nucleus medulla oblongata
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000372
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000373
+name: juvenile
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFS:0000042
+consider: ZFS:0000043
+id: ZFA:0000374
+name: lagena
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Otolith organ comprised of the macula lagena and asteriscus. The lagena is part of the pars inferior. The lagena functions in the detection of sound." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lagenas" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000374
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005410 ! pars inferior ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000375
+name: last preural centrum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000557
+consider: ZFA:0000586
+consider: ZFA:0001583
+id: ZFA:0000376
+name: infraorbital
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000489
+def: "Dermal bone that is situated under or posterior to the eye and associated with the infraorbital sensory canal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000376
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000379
+name: lateral forebrain bundle diencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the lateral forebrain bundle that lies in the diencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "lateral forebrain bundles diencephalon" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000379
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007012 ! lateral forebrain bundle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000380
+name: lateral lemniscus nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "lateral lemniscus nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000380
+is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000381
+name: lateral line sensory nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "lateral line sensory nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000381
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000382
+name: acellular anatomical structure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "acellular anatomical structures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000040
+xref: TAO:0000382
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0000383
+name: lateral rectus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Extraocular muscle that runs parallel to the long axis of the fish and inserts on the caudal side of the eye at the sclera-corneal . The lateral rectus muscles originate substantially posterior to the other rectus muscles. The lateral rectus is innervated by the abducens nerve. The unsegmented paraxial head mesoderm contributes to the lateral rectus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
+comment: Mature form at Hatching:Pec-fin.
+synonym: "lateral recti" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "posterior rectus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970121-6]
+xref: TAO:0000383
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000384
+name: levator arcus palatini
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mandibular muscle that inserts along the dorsolateral faces of the hyosymplectics." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
+synonym: "levators arcus palatini" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000384
+is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007050 ! constrictor dorsalis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000385
+name: lymphatic system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The lymphatic system consists of blind-ended vessels, fluid and macromolecules collected from interstitial tissue space that serve as a conduit for the development and transport of lymphoid cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130322-28]
+xref: TAO:0000385
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000386
+name: macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. Each patch has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "maculae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "sensory macula" EXACT []
+synonym: "sensory patch" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000386
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000387
+name: motor nucleus of vagal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: This term split from vagal lobe. Merged before 1996.
+synonym: "motor nucleus of X" EXACT []
+synonym: "motor nucleus X" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus motorius of nervi vagi" EXACT []
+synonym: "nX" EXACT []
+synonym: "vagal lobe" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000297 ! vagal lobe
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000388
+name: medial caudal lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is part of the vestibulolateralis lobe of the cerebellum. The medial caudal lobe receives primary octaval (presumably vestibular) as well as lateral line projections. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "caudal lobe of cerebellum" EXACT []
+synonym: "lobus caudalis cerebelli" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000388
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000307 ! vestibulolateralis lobe
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000389
+name: medial funicular nucleus medulla oblongata
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000389
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000390
+name: medial preglomerular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Preglomerular nucleus which is located between the lateral and caudal preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "medial preglomerular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000390
+is_a: ZFA:0001662 ! preglomerular nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000391
+name: medial zone of dorsal telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is medially located and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona medialis" EXACT []
+synonym: "Dm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
+synonym: "medial zone of D" EXACT []
+synonym: "medial zone of dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000391
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000392
+name: median tuberal portion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure which is part of the hypothalamus and consists of caudal and ventral zones, and is separated from the dorsal hypothalamic zone by a deep ventral sulcus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000392
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000032 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000393
+name: mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A mesh-like cell arrangement, less compact than an epithelium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000393
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000394
+name: molecular layer corpus cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue which is the outermost layer of the corpus cerebelli and consists largely of axons and dendrites. Other cell types such as stellate and basket neurons are also found in the molecular layer." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000394
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000395
+name: muscle pioneer somite 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 2" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000395
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000728 ! somite 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000396
+name: nervous system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A regulatory system of the body that consists of neurons and neuroglial cells. The nervous system is divided into two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000396
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000397
+name: nucleus subglomerulosis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. In trout the nucleus subglomerulosis receives gustatory information." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:11923003]
+xref: TAO:0000397
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000398
+name: nucleus isthmi
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The nucleus isthmi is a hindbrain nucleus located in the tegmentum of rhombomere 1 close to the secondary gustatory nucleus. It projects to and receives excitatory visual input from the ipsilateral optic tectum and the parvocellular and/or magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100601-20]
+xref: TAO:0000398
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000399
+name: secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nucleus that lies rostral to the isthmic primary nucleus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000399
+is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000400
+name: occipital lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned dorsal to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
+synonym: "supratemporal lateral line" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000400
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0000401
+name: octaval nerve sensory nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "cranial nerve VIII sensory nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "octaval nerve sensory nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000401
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000402
+name: olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is the paired anteriormost part of the telencephalon and are connected to the telencephalon by two tracts carrying secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. The olfactory bulb is a paired structure." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "bulbus olfactorius" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "olfactory lobe" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000402
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000403
+name: ovary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Female reproductive organ. The ovary is a bilobed cavitated organ located ventral to the swim bladder." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:0199638098, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "ovaries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000403
+is_a: ZFA:0000413 ! gonad
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000303 ! female organism
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000404
+name: paracommissural nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon and is located adjacent to the caudal commissure. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000404
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000405
+name: cranial nerve III
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve which innervates muscles of the ocular motor system. The oculomotor nerve innervates the inferior oblique, inferior rectus, medial rectus and superior rectus extraocular muscles." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-12]
+synonym: "CN-III" EXACT []
+synonym: "occulomotor" EXACT []
+synonym: "oculomotor nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000405
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000406
+name: parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "parvocellular superficial pretectal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000406
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000687 ! superficial pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000407
+name: pectoral girdle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster of paired dermal and endochondral bones that attaches to the dorso-posterior part of the cranium, and support the radials and pectoral fin. It consists of two components: the primary pectoral girdle consisting of the endochondral coracoid, scapula and mesocoracoid bones, and the secondary pectoral girdle consisting of the dermal posttemporal, supracleithrum, cleithrum and poscleithrum(thra) bones." [TAO:WD]
+synonym: "pectoral girdles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000407
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000408
+name: periventricular nucleus of caudal tuberculum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located between the ventral thalamus and the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000408
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000410
+name: postcleithrum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is part of the pectoral girdle and located ventral to the supracleithrum and posterior to the cleithrum. Postcleithral bones are paired and can vary up in number from a single pair (such as in zebrafish) to three pairs in other teleosts." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "postcleithra" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000410
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000411
+name: posterior crista primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the posterior crista." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "posterior crista primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000411
+is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000262 ! posterior semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000412
+name: otic vesicle posterior protrusion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Otic vesicle protrusion that is anteriorly located and gives rise to the pillar of the posterior semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
+synonym: "posterior semicircular canal primordia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "posterior semicircular canal primordium" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000412
+is_a: ZFA:0001715 ! otic vesicle protrusion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000413
+name: gonad
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The part of the reproductive system that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "gonads" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "mature gonad" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000413
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005272 ! immature gonad
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000414
+name: presumptive cephalic mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that is fated to become cephalic mesoderm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000414
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000415
+name: esophageal sphincter
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sphincter at the junction of the esophagus and pneumatic duct." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "oesophagial sphincter" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000415
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000416
+name: presumptive endoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Presumptive structure fated to become endoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-608]
+xref: TAO:0000416
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0000417
+name: presumptive spinal cord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure part of the posterior presumptive neural plate that is fated to become the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "presumptive spinal cord neural keel" EXACT []
+synonym: "presumptive spinal cord neural plate" EXACT []
+synonym: "presumptive spinal cord neural rod" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000417
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007015 ! posterior presumptive neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+id: ZFA:0000418
+name: pretectum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the diencephalon, caudal to the telencephalon, rostral to the midbrain optic tectum; the major sensory input to the pretectum is visual. From The Laboratory Fish." [GOC:mh, ISBN:0125296509, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000418
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000419
+name: pterosphenoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired cartilage bones, flat and hexagonal in shape that contact the orbitosphenoid anteriorly. Roofed by the frontal and bordered posteriorly by the prootic and sphenotic, the pterosphenoid bears foramina that accommodate branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pterosphenoids" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000419
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001515 ! taenia marginalis posterior
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005482 ! prootic-pterosphenoid joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005560 ! parasphenoid-basioccipital joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000420
+name: renal artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "renal arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000420
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000421
+name: reticular formation
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Reticular formation is a complex network of neurons and diffuse nuclei that extends from the spinal cord centrally along the length of the brain to the mesencephalon. It s a dense, almost impenetrable network of seemingly random scattered nerve cells. The reticular formation integrates sensory inputs." [ISBN:0865777101]
+xref: TAO:0000421
+is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000422
+name: retroarticular
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The retroarticular is a cartilage bone that forms at the posteroventral tip of Meckel's cartilage where the interoperculomandibular ligament attaches (5.1 mm NL). In the adult it is basically triangular in shape. The retroarticular is ligamentously connected to the interopercle and preopercle posteriorly and abuts the ventral shelf of the dentary anteriorly." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "retroarticulars" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000422
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005904 ! retroarticular process
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005618 ! anguloarticular-retroarticular joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0000423
+name: anterior cardinal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that joins with the posterior cardinal vein to form the common cardinal vein. The anterior cardinal vein (ACV) connects to the primordial hindbrain channel at early stages. At later stages the posterior cerebral vein (PCeV) and the pectoral vein (PV) drain into ACV. The rostral portion of the ACV connects to the primary head sinus (PHS) at 2.5dpf, the PHS is sometimes considered an extension of the ACV." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "ACV" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral cardinal vein" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000423
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000096 ! cardinal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000424
+name: opercular lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned posteriorly to the second arch skeletal element. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
+synonym: "opercular lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000424
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000425
+name: anterior lateral line nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve which enters the brain between cranial nerves VI and VII and projects to a dorsal medullary area between cerebellum and vagal lobe. Contains afferents and sensory efferents to the anterior lateral line ganglia. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:ymb, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "ALLn" EXACT []
+synonym: "nervi lineae lateralis anterioris" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral lateral line nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000425
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000426
+name: rostral parvocellular preoptic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is the anterior continuation of the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus and is ventral to the telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral parvocellular preoptic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000426
+is_a: ZFA:0001680 ! parvocellular preoptic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000470 ! preoptic area
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000427
+name: rostral thalamic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the anterior portion of the dorsal thalamus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior thalamic nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus anterior thalami" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000427
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000653 ! dorsal thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000428
+name: saccule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Otolith organ comprised of the macula saccule and sagitta. The lagena is part of the pars inferior. The saccule functions in the detection of sound and movement." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "sacculus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000428
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005410 ! pars inferior ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000429
+name: scaphium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The scaphium is a modification of NA 1 in which the neural arch is reduced and fused to a cup-shaped ossification of membrane bone, the concha. The second Weberian ossicle, consisting of three parts: the concha, the ascending process, and the articulating process." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000429
+is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001167 ! vertebra 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000430
+name: secondary gustatory tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "White matter connecting the primary gustatory nuclei to the secondary gustatory nucleus in the isthmus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000430
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000431
+name: semicircular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in the inner ear. Each canal is associated with a crista that detects angular accelerations. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "scc" EXACT []
+synonym: "semicircular canals" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "semicircular duct" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000431
+is_a: ZFA:0007114 ! anatomical conduit
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005409 ! pars superior ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000433
+name: sensory trigeminal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "NVs" RELATED []
+synonym: "sensory trigeminal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000433
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000434
+name: skeletal system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000434
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000435
+name: cranial nerve II
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve which is comprised of retinal ganglion cell axons running posterior medially towards the optic chiasm, at which the axons cross the midline and after which the structure is termed the optic tract." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "CN-II" EXACT []
+synonym: "optic" EXACT []
+synonym: "optic nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000435
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000436
+name: spleen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organ that filters the blood removing defective blood cells. The spleen is a dark red organ, located in the peritoneal cavity, adjacent to one of the liver lobes. The spleen consists of red pulp composed of erythrocytes and thrombocytes and white pulp, composed of macrophages, reticular cells and reticulin fibers." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-55]
+xref: TAO:0000436
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000437
+name: stomach
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0002121
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001076
+id: ZFA:0000438
+name: parhypural
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000562
+def: "Hemal arch and spine of preural centrum 1. The parhypural is defined as the most posterior hemal arch with an open canal through which the dorsal aorta passes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "parhyural" EXACT []
+synonym: "phy" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000438
+is_a: ZFA:0000859 ! specialized hemal arch and spine
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000557 ! preural 1 vertebra
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0000439
+name: superficial pelvic abductor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral, superficial, paired muscle that originates from the posterior part of the protractor ishii tendon and the midline. At the midline the paired muscles contact each other. These are short muscles that attach to all pelvic fin rays except ray 1 and ray 2." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "abductor superficialis pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "superficial pelvic abductors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000439
+is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000440
+name: superior raphe nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain nucleus that is located in ventral rhombomeres 1-3 and gives rise to ascending fibers innervating most areas of the brain. Early in development, both the superior raphe nucleus emits rostrally and caudally directed projections. However, in the adult, the long projections of superior raphe nucleus restricted to anterior." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-19]
+comment: May be homologous to the dorsal raphe nucleus of human mouse and rat. ZDB-PUB-081008-18.
+synonym: "anterior raphe nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal raphe nucleus" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000440
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001429 ! raphe nucleus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000441
+name: suprachiasmatic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is ventrolateral to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000441
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000470 ! preoptic area
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000442
+name: supraneural
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneurals independent, median, elongate, rod-like cartilages or bones in the dorsal skeletogenous septum between the cranium and the dorsal fin. In actinopterygians, supraneurals develop from cartilages that are independent of the neural spine (Arratia et al., 2001)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "sn" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000442
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000443
+name: supraorbital lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of three neuromast positioned superior to the eye. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:JCN 421-\:189-198]
+synonym: "supraorbital lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "supraorbital line" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3]
+xref: TAO:0000443
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0000444
+name: suspensorium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "hyopalatine" EXACT []
+synonym: "suspensoria" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000444
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000445
+name: optic tectum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001353
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the midbrain and develops from the alar plate and is the most complex layered structure in the zebrafish brain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dorsal midbrain" EXACT []
+synonym: "mesencephalic tectum" EXACT []
+synonym: "tectal lobe" EXACT []
+synonym: "tectum" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "tectum opticum" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000445
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001357 ! alar plate midbrain region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000446
+name: tecto-bulbar tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000446
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000447
+name: tela chorioidea
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the primitive meninx which forms a fold, roofing a ventricle of the brain and supporting the choroid plexus." [ISBN:0030223695, ISBN:0683014617]
+synonym: "tela choroidea" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000447
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001355 ! primitive meninx
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000448
+name: tertiary gustatory nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located ventral to the medial preglomerular nucleus in the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000448
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000449
+name: torus longitudinalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is a paired longitudinal eminence of granular cells that develops from the alar plate and is attached to the tegmentum in the medial tectal ventricle. The torus longitudinalis only occurs in ray finned fishes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "longitudinal torus" EXACT []
+synonym: "tori longitudinalis" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000449
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001357 ! alar plate midbrain region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000450
+name: trochlear motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "motor nucleus IV" EXACT []
+synonym: "nIV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000450
+is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000451
+name: upper oral valve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue, located on the upper jaw that defines the caudal extent of the labial cavity. The oral valves control the flow of water into the mouth during routine respiration." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
+synonym: "breathing valve" RELATED []
+synonym: "buccal valve" RELATED []
+synonym: "maxillary valve" EXACT []
+synonym: "upper internal lip" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
+synonym: "upper semilunar valve " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
+xref: TAO:0000451
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000452
+name: urohyal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The urohyal is a median dermal bone that ossifies in the membrane between the paired sternohyoideus muscles ventral to the anterior end of copula 1. It is an unpaired ossification of the tendon of the sternohyoideos muscles in basal teleosts, and it is paired in catfishes (Arratia and Schultze, 1990)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000452
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005457 ! dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000453
+name: cranial nerve X
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve that innervates gill muscles. Sometimes called a branchiomeric nerve because it innervates derivatives of the branchial arches. This nerve contains sensory axons that carry both somatic and visceral sensory information as well as motor axons from branchiomotor neurons. The root is typically found at either rhombomere 7 or rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040109-20, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110727-5]
+synonym: "CN-X" EXACT []
+synonym: "vagal nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "vagus nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000453
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000454
+name: ventral accessory optic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and is ventromedial to the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the caudal pretectal nucleus. The ventral accessory optic nucleus is very large in zebrafish as compared to other cyprinids. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000454
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000183 ! central pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000455
+name: superior caudal ventral flexor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that originate from the 30th vertebra then project from the vertebral column to the ventral base of the caudal fin where they attach broadly to ventral caudal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "CVS" RELATED []
+synonym: "flexor caudalis ventralis superioris" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral flexor" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000455
+is_a: ZFA:0005271 ! flexor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000456
+name: ventral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Periventricular nucleus which lies rostral to the anterior commissure of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus ventralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral division of ventral telencephalic area" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventral nucleus of V" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000456
+is_a: ZFA:0001666 ! periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000457
+name: ventral rectus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Extraocular muscle that inserts at the scleral-corneal junction on the ventral side of the eye. The insertion point of the ventral oblique and the ventral rectus overlap in adult fish. The ventral rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
+comment: Mature form at Larval:Protruding-mouth.
+synonym: "inferior rectus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18]
+synonym: "ventral recti" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000457
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000458
+name: ventral thalamus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "prethalamus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060207-11]
+xref: TAO:0000458
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001215 ! thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000459
+name: ventromedial thalamic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000459
+is_a: ZFA:0005576 ! ventral thalamus nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000460
+name: Mauthner axon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Part of axon so domain of GO celular component.
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000461
+name: Weberian ossicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A group of modified neural arches and spines of the first four vertebrae. These include, from anterior to posterior, the claustrum, scaphium, intercalarium, and tripus. The os suspensorium is considered to be a fifth ossicle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "Weberian ossicles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000461
+is_a: ZFA:0001491 ! solid compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001188 ! Weberian apparatus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000462
+name: abductor hyohyoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the first branchiostegal ray and inserts in the mesial aponeurosis, meeting its contralateral counterpart. The abductor hyohyoid is responsible for expansion of the branchiostegal membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
+synonym: "abductors hyohyoid" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "hyohyoideus abductor" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000462
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007052 ! hyohyoideus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000463
+name: branchial adductor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "adductors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000463
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000464
+name: otic lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned anterior to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
+synonym: "otic lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000464
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000465
+name: adductor operculi
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a dorsal, paired hyoid muscle that moves the auditory capsules with the opercles." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
+synonym: "adductor opercula" EXACT []
+synonym: "adductor operculae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000465
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0000466
+name: anal depressor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Series of muscles that have an anterior attachment at posteriorlateral base of each ray and posterior attachment at the haemal spines. These muscles act in opposition to the anal erectors to lower the anal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "anal depressors" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "depressores anales" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+xref: TAO:0000466
+is_a: ZFA:0005270 ! depressor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000467
+name: anguloarticular
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal and endochondral compound bone that results from the fusion of the dermal angular and the endochondral articular and forms the posterior part of the lower jaw. It articulates with the dentary anteriorly and with the retroarticular postero-medially. The anguloarticular is paired." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "articular" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000467
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001644 ! articular cartilage
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001645 ! angular bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005618 ! anguloarticular-retroarticular joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000468
+name: anterior crista primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the anterior crista." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "anterior crista primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000468
+is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000314 ! anterior semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000469
+name: otic vesicle anterior protrusion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Otic vesicle protrusion that is anteriorly located and gives rise to the pillar of the anterior semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
+synonym: "anterior semicircular canal primordia" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "anterior semicircular canal primordium" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000469
+is_a: ZFA:0001715 ! otic vesicle protrusion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000470
+name: preoptic area
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Area of the forebrain anterior to the posterior tuberculum and the hypothalamus and ventral to the ventral thalamus. See Figure 7, p. 34 in Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development." [GOC:mh, ISBN:0444517383, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area praeoptica" EXACT []
+synonym: "area preoptica" EXACT []
+synonym: "preoptic region" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000470
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000471
+name: atrium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cavitated compound organ that receives inflow of deoxygenated blood and delivers it to a muscular cardiac ventricle. Valves are present to direct flow. There are only two chambers present in the fish heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020122-4]
+xref: TAO:0000471
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001718 ! presumptive atrium heart tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000472
+name: basioccipital
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Large median unpaired cartilage bone that contacts the exoccipital, epiotic and pterotic dorsally, and the parasphenoid anteriorly. Forms the posteroventral hind margin of the cranium, articulates with the centrum of the first vertebra. Bears a posteroventral pharyngeal process that is flattened ventrally and opposes the pharyngeal teeth of the fifth pair of ceratobranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000472
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001423 ! parachordal cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005423 ! basioccipital-exoccipital joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005560 ! parasphenoid-basioccipital joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005613 ! basioccipital-prootic joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001414 ! occipital region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000473
+name: trunk musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle system in the trunk." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "body musculature" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000473
+is_a: ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000474
+name: intercalar
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small membrane bone homologous with a cartilage bone in more basal fishes (Patterson, 1977). Situated between the exoccipital and the pterotic at point of attachment of short ligament that originates on the ventral arm of the posttemporal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "opisthotic" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000474
+is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000475
+name: paraventricular organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located anterior to the caudal tuberal nucleus and contains tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive CSF contacting bipolar cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001220-2]
+synonym: "PVO" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000475
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000476
+name: branchiostegal ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is a bilaterally paired and flattened element that supports the branchiostegal membrane. Three dermal branchiostegal rays form in the branchiostegal membrane ventral to the ceratohyal cartilage. The most posterior ray, branchiostegal 3, ossifies first (3.4 mm NL), and the most anterior ray, branchiostegal 1, ossifies last (5.5 mm NL). The most posterior two branchiostegals (2 and 3) insert externally on the ceratohyal; their anterodorsal tips are thickened triangles, and the rays are expanded. The bifurcated tip of the acinaciform anteriormost ray lies at the ventral margin of the ceratohyal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "branchiostegal rays" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000476
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005465 ! ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005498 ! epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000477
+name: posterior cardinal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Continuation of the caudal vein cranial to the anal pore. The cardinal vein splits into a pair of vessels in the cranial trunk, just caudal to the radix of the aorta. The posterior cardinals each empty into the common cardinal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "axial vein" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal cardinal veins" EXACT []
+synonym: "PCV" EXACT []
+synonym: "postcardinal vein" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000477
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005077 ! vascular cord
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000096 ! cardinal system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005295 ! axial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000479
+name: caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brainstem tract which carries cerebellar afferents from the dorsal tegmental nucleus and nucleus lateralis valvulae. Fuses with the rostral mesencephalo-cerebellar tract upon entering the cerebellum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "posterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000479
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000643 ! rostral cerebellar tract
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000480
+name: caudal octavolateralis nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain nucleus which is part of the medulla oblongata and is a mechanoreceptive area along with the medial octavolateralis nucleus. It is smaller than the medial octavolateralis nucleus and is located lateral to the facial and vagal lobes of the medulla oblongata. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "nucleus octavolateralis caudalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000480
+is_a: ZFA:0000381 ! lateral line sensory nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000481
+name: caudal preglomerular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Preglomerular nucleus which is the most caudomedial of the preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "nucleus praeglomerulosus caudalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000481
+is_a: ZFA:0001662 ! preglomerular nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000482
+name: caudal tuberal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located posterior to the paraventricular organ." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001220-2]
+synonym: "posterior tuberal nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000482
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000484
+name: celiacomesenteric artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "coeliac-mesenteric artery" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000484
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000485
+name: central nucleus inferior lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus and consists of masses of large cells presumably migrated from the periventricular cell masses and receives signals from the secondary gustatory nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "central nucleus inferior lobes" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "central nucleus of the inferior lobe" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus centralis lobi inferioris hypothalami" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000485
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000165 ! inferior lobe
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000486
+name: parietal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired dermal bone that covers the hind part of the cranium, overlapping the dorsal edge of the sphenotic, pterotic, epiotic and the anterior edge of the supraoccipital. The parietal are overlapped anteriorly by the frontal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111111-5]
+synonym: "post parietal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000486
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005607 ! inter-parietal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005608 ! frontal-parietal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005609 ! supraoccipital-parietal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005891 ! epiotic-parietal joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000487
+name: central zone of dorsal telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is centrally located and is surrounded by the other four dorsal telencephalic regions. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona centralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "central zone of D" EXACT []
+synonym: "Dc" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
+xref: TAO:0000487
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000488
+name: ceratobranchial bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that is bilaterally paired and forms part of the ventral branchial arches. They articulate medially with the hypobranchials and laterally and dorsally with the epibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ceratobranchial bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000488
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000490
+name: commissura cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cerebellar commissure which is located within the ventral boundary zone between valvula and corpus cerebelli. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cerebellar commissure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000490
+is_a: ZFA:0001708 ! cerebellar white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000491
+name: commissure of the caudal tuberculum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Commissure in the ventral diencephalon that lies rostral to the ventral flexure and caudal of the posterior tuberal nucleus. Axons from the supraoptic tract extend across the hypothalamus and enter this commissure." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
+synonym: "commissura tuberculi posterioris" EXACT []
+synonym: "commissure of the posterior tuberculum" EXACT []
+synonym: "CPT" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
+synonym: "Ctub" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120424-30]
+xref: TAO:0000491
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000492
+name: coracoradialis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000492
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000493
+name: decussation of medial funicular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000493
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000494
+name: deep white zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "deep white zones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000494
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000495
+name: infraorbital 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Plate like dermal bone with usually only one neuromast pore (Nelson, 1969). The last infraorbital bone in the series is referred to as the dermosphenotic (Nelson, 1969). In basal teleosts it is usually the sixth bone in the series but in zebrafish it is the fifth bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dermosphenotic" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000495
+is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0000496
+name: compound organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more multi-tissue structures of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona fide boundaries from other distinct anatomical structures of different types." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "organ" EXACT []
+xref: CARO:0000024
+xref: TAO:0000496
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000497
+name: pelvic adductor profundus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal pelvic fin muscle that originates at the anterior side of the basipterygium, lies mostly parallel to the pelvic fin rays and attaches and inserts on the bases of all the pelvic fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "adductor profundus pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "pelvic adductors profundus" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000497
+is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000498
+name: dilatator operculi
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mandibular muscle that inserts along the dorsolateral faces of the opercles. Responsible for opercular abduction." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
+synonym: " dilatator opercula" EXACT []
+synonym: "dilator opercula" RELATED []
+synonym: "dilators operculi" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000498
+is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007050 ! constrictor dorsalis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000499
+name: dorsal arrector
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The muscle that acts as an antagonist to the arrector ventralis, reversing the direction of the leading edge of the pectoral fin to initiate the upstroke." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+comment: Acts as antagonist to the ventral arrector ZDB-PUB-050920.
+synonym: "arrector dorsalis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+synonym: "dorsal arrectors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000499
+is_a: ZFA:0005275 ! arrector muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005650 ! primitive pectoral fin adductor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000500
+name: dorsal erector
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin muscle that moves individual rays the dorsal fin to an erect position. Antagonistic to dorsal depressor muscle. There is one dorsal erector for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal erectors" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "erector dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000500
+is_a: ZFA:0005267 ! erector muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000501
+name: dorsal funiculus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "funiculus dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000501
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000502
+name: dorsal motor nucleus trigeminal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Trigeminal motor nucleus that is located dorsal to the lateral longitudinal fascicle." [ISBN:3764351209]
+xref: TAO:0000502
+is_a: ZFA:0001365 ! trigeminal motor nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000503
+name: dorsal oblique branchial muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "dorsal oblique branchial muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000503
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000504
+name: dorsal retractor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "dorsal retractors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000504
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000505
+name: dorsal telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0007007
+def: "Brain structure which is the dorsal part of the telencephalon, most of which is developmentally everted such that the ependymal lining of the unpaired median ventricle becomes located at the apparent periphery of the telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110119-16, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120111-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
+synonym: "pallium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000505
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000506
+name: dorsal zone of dorsal telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is the most dorsally located part of the dorsal telencephalon and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona dorsalis" EXACT []
+synonym: "Dd" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
+synonym: "dorsal zone of D" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal zone of dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000506
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000507
+name: epineural
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Some or all epineural bones ossify free from the neural arches in most teleosts. In some lower teleosts, e.g. Leptolepis, Hiodon, elopiforms and albuliforms, ossification proceeds from the attachment point of the ligament to the arch, and the epineural is a process of the neural arch. In many lower teleosts epineurals are forked proximally." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "epineurals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000507
+is_a: ZFA:0000526 ! intermuscular bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000508
+name: pelvic radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Internal skeletal supports of the pelvic fin." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "pelvic radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000508
+is_a: ZFA:0000271 ! radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000509
+name: epithalamus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is part of the diencephalon and consists of the dorsal and ventral nuclei of the habenula, and two dorsal outgrowths, the epiphysis and the saccus dorsalis. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
+xref: TAO:0000509
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000510
+name: external levatores
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "external levators" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000510
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000511
+name: extraocular musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle system surrounding the eye. The extraocular musculature is derived from the neural crest. The extraocular muscles assume their adult configuration between 66 and 72 hpf. They differentiate contemporaneously with the eye vesicle, form precise anatomic attachments to sclera and bone, and are innervated by cranial nerves 3, 4, and 6." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970121-6]
+synonym: "ocular musculature" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000511
+is_a: ZFA:0000328 ! cephalic musculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000512
+name: facial lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain nucleus that doesn't project to the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970218-12]
+synonym: "lobus facialis" EXACT []
+synonym: "LVII" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "tuberculum impar of Herrick " RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000512
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000513
+name: fast muscle cell somite 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 1." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 1" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 1" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000513
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000924 ! myotome somite 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000514
+name: frontal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Large elongated paired dermal bones that roof the cranium and bear part of the supraorbital canal. The frontal bones cover the upper edge of the lateral ethmoid, orbitosphenoid and pterosphenoids and overlaps the parietal bone posteriorly." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000514
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005468 ! frontal-pterotic joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005472 ! inter-frontal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005608 ! frontal-parietal joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000516
+name: periventricular grey zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001352
+def: "Tissue located on the ventral side of the optic tectum, that contains the cell bodies of most tectal neurons. It is adjacent to the tectal ventricle and opposite the eminentia granularis of the cerebellum. It also contains a neurogenic niche and has hypothalamic inputs. The dendrites of neurons from the periventricular grey zones project their apical dendrites to the stratum opticum and stratum fibrosum et griseum superficale and synapse with retinal axons that project to these layers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140919-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
+synonym: "periventricular gray zone" EXACT []
+synonym: "periventricular grey zones" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "periventricular layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
+synonym: "PGZ" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140919-7]
+synonym: "strata periventriculare" EXACT []
+synonym: "stratum griseum periventricular" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
+synonym: "stratum periventriculare" EXACT []
+synonym: "SVP" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000516
+xref: TAO:0001352
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000517
+name: glossopharyngeal lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "lobus glossopharyngei" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000517
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000518
+name: griseum centrale
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain nucleus which is longitudinally oriented and situated along the ventral fourth ventricle and extends rostrally up to the level of the tegmentum of the midbrain. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "central gray" EXACT []
+synonym: "central grey" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000518
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000519
+name: hemal arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hemal arches extend ventrally from the centra of caudal and transitional vertebrae to enclose the caudal artery and vein. In cyprinids, the hemal arch forms directly in membrane bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "haemal arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral arcocentrum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000519
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001361 ! basiventral
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000520
+name: horizontal commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000520
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000521
+name: hyoid muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscles that insert into skeletal elements of pharyngeal arch 2 (hyoid arch). Dorsal hyoid muscles are innervated by small, posterior branches of the facial nerve VII. Ventral hyoid muscles are innervated by the hyoides ramus of VII." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
+synonym: "hyoid muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000521
+is_a: ZFA:0001652 ! head muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001307 ! pharyngeal musculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001611 ! pharyngeal arch 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000522
+name: inferior hyohyoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the anterior ceratohyals and inserts into the mesial aponeurosis, meeting its contralateral counterpart. The inferior hyohyoid is responsible for adduction of the hyoid arch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
+synonym: "hyohyoideus inferior" RELATED []
+synonym: "inferior hyohyoids" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000522
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007052 ! hyohyoideus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000523
+name: inferior reticular formation
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000523
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000542 ! medial column
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000524
+name: infraorbital lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consistingo of four neuromast that are positioned inferior or posterior to the eye A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
+synonym: "infraorbital line" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000524
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000525
+name: intercalarium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Third Weberian ossicle. The intercalarium is a Y- or T-shaped modification of neural arch 2 in which an anteriolateral process (the manubrium) is embedded in the interossicular ligament; other parts include the ascending and articulating processes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0000525
+is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001168 ! vertebra 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000526
+name: intermuscular bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Axial bone which is a segmental ossification that forms in the myoseptum; found in teleosts fishes only." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "intermuscular bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000526
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000527
+name: pharyngobranchial bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The pharyngobranchials are the dorsalmost bones of the branchial arches located immediately dorsal and medial to the epibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "infrapharyngobranchial" EXACT []
+synonym: "pharyngobranchials" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000527
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000528
+name: interradialis caudalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle of the caudal fin that attaches to the appendicular skeleton and attaches to the first long ray on the dorsal side of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "IC" RELATED []
+synonym: "interradiali" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "interradialis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000528
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000529
+name: kidney
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cavitated compound organ located in the pleuroperitoneal cavity where hematopoiesis and filtering of blood occur." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "mesonephros" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000529
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000163 ! renal system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0000530
+name: lapillus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001102
+def: "Otolith part of utricle." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
+synonym: "immature anterior otolith" RELATED []
+synonym: "utricular otolith" EXACT []
+synonym: "utriculith" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000530
+is_a: ZFA:0001617 ! otolith
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000700 ! utricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000531
+name: lateral column
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "lateral columns" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000531
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000421 ! reticular formation
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000532
+name: lateral valvula cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral division of the valvula cerebelli." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "lateral division" EXACT []
+synonym: "valvula cerebelli, pars lateralis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000532
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000533
+name: lateral funiculus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "lateral funiculi" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000533
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000534
+name: lateral longitudinal fasciculus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000198
+def: "The lateral longitudinal fascicule is an ascending bundle of axons. The LLF contains fibers of the auditory and mechanosensory systems which originate in the primary sensory brainstem nuclei and terminate in the torus semicircularis. The LLF lies dorsal to the superior reticular formation, adjacent to the ventral rhombencephalic commissure. The LLF becomes displaced more laterally as it approaches the torus semicircularis. The LLF is homologous to the mammalian lateral lemniscus." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "lateral lemniscus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040526-7]
+synonym: "lateral longitudinal fascicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral longitundinal fasciculus" EXACT []
+synonym: "LLF" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000534
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000535
+name: lateral reticular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "lateral reticular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000535
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000531 ! lateral column
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000536
+name: lateral zone of dorsal telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is laterally located and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona lateralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "Dl" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
+synonym: "lateral zone of D" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral zone of dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000536
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000537
+name: levator operculi
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the ventrolateral margin of the pterotic and inserts in the dorsomesial edge of the opercle. The levator operculi is responsible for jaw depression, its force of contraction is transmitted through the opercular series and the interoperculo-mandibular ligament to the lower jaw." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
+synonym: "levator operculae" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000537
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000538
+name: rib
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that is intersegmental and rod-shaped, forming in the peritoneal membrane and attached to the vertebral parapophyses. Ribs protect and support internal organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal rib" EXACT []
+synonym: "pleural rib" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000538
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000539
+name: locus coeruleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The locus coeruleus is a widely projecting isthmal noradrenergic nucleus. It consists of between three and ten neurons, most of which have multiple, bilaterally projecting axons." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-717]
+comment: Sometimes considered part of the reticular formation.
+synonym: "loci coeruleus" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000539
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000540
+name: magnocellular octaval nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "magnocellular octaval nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000540
+is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000541
+name: marginal blastomere
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cells (incompletely cleaved before the YSL forms), located at the surface just at the rim of the blastodisc, external to the deep blastomeres." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "marginal blastomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000541
+is_a: ZFA:0000093 ! blastomere
+relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
+relationship: start ZFS:0000005 ! Cleavage:16-cell
+id: ZFA:0000542
+name: medial column
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "medial column of the reticular formation" EXACT []
+synonym: "medial columns" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000542
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000421 ! reticular formation
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000543
+name: medial longitudinal fasciculus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) is a pair of crossed fiber tracts (group of axons), that begin with in the nucleus of the MLF and run ventral to the rhombencephalic ventricle, towards the caudal end of the medulla oblongata. The dorsal portion of the MLF including the Mauthner axon continues into the spinal chord while the ventral portion of the MLF associates with other fiber systems in the funiculus ventralis prior to reaching the spinal chord. Throughout the most of its rhombencephalic extent the MLF is intersected by the ventral rhombencephalic commissure." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "MLF" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000543
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000544
+name: medial pterygiophores anal fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: ZFA:0001646
+id: ZFA:0000545
+name: medulla oblongata
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure that is located ventrocaudal to the cerebellum and just anterior to the spinal cord and contains the sensory and motor nuclei of six cranial nerves. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata." [ISBN:3764351209]
+xref: TAO:0000545
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000546
+name: mesonephric duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct of the adult kidney (mesonephros), present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "renal duct" RELATED []
+synonym: "Wolffian duct" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000546
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000163 ! renal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000547
+name: mouth
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000547
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001290 ! stomodeum
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000548
+name: musculature system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical system consisting of the cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscles." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000548
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000549
+name: posttemporal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired fin bone that attaches the pectoral girdle to the skull via two projections contacting the epiotic and intercalar bones, and carry the main laterosensory canal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "post-temporal " RELATED []
+synonym: "postemporal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000549
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005889 ! epiotic-posttemporal joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000550
+name: naris
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "External openings to the nasal cavity." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "nares" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "nostril" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000550
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000551
+name: nucleus lateralis valvulae
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain nucleus in the tegmental region of rhombomere 1. The cells of the nucleus are granular and lie at the ventral border of the cerebellum and brain stem." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100601-20, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000551
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000552
+name: nucleus ruber
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nucleus located in the midbrain tegmentum that controls motor coordination during locomotion." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151021-15]
+synonym: "red nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000552
+is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000553
+name: oculomotor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "motor nucleus III" EXACT []
+synonym: "nIII" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000553
+is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000554
+name: olfactory epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nasal epithelium wherein ciliated olfactory receptor neurons, supporting cells, and basal cells are located. The olfactory epithelium bowl-shaped structures surrounding the lumen of the olfactory pit." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "nasal epithelium" EXACT []
+synonym: "nasal sensory epithelium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000554
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001431 ! primitive olfactory epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000555
+name: opercular flap
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A large flap, covered by integument, supported by several flat bones, actuated by muscles, found on the side of the head covering the gill chambers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-47]
+synonym: "gill cover" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill slit" RELATED []
+synonym: "opercular apparatus" EXACT []
+synonym: "opercular cover" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030304-18]
+synonym: "operculum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000555
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000556
+name: optic chiasm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Decussation of cranial nerve II axons whereby the retinal axons cross the midline, projecting contralaterally through the optic tract." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "chiasma opticum" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "optic commissure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000556
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000557
+name: preural 1 vertebra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra anterior to the urostyle; sometimes termed the 'penultimate' vertebra." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "penultimate vertebra" EXACT []
+synonym: "preural centrum 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "pu1" EXACT []
+synonym: "second last vertebra" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000557
+is_a: ZFA:0000734 ! preural vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0000558
+name: posterior macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Macula that is located in the developing posterior inner ear, and gives rise to the macula neglecta and the macula saccule. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "pm" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior sensory patch" EXACT []
+synonym: "posteromedial macula" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000558
+is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001671 ! macula communis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000559
+name: otolith organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cavitated compound organ that is a fluid filed chamber with a maculae on one surface and associated otolith tethered to the maculae." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "otolith organs" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000559
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000560
+name: oviduct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct that connects ovary with cloacal chamber. In zebrafish the oviduct is a continuation of the ovary." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:0199638098, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "oviducts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000560
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000303 ! female organism
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000561
+name: parasphenoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Long, unpaired median dermal bone that runs almost the entire length of the cranium. Contacts the prevomer anteriorly, and the prootic and basioccipital posteriorly. Anteriorly the parasphenoid is a long, thin bone that widens abruptly at the point of contact with the prootic." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000561
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005509 ! palate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000563
+name: pectoral fin musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Musculature that is part of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pectoral fin muscle" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000563
+is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001000 ! mesenchyme pectoral fin
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005924 ! middle migratory muscle precursor stream
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0000564
+name: pelvic abductor profundus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Deep pelvic muscle that originates from the basipterygium and lies mainly parallel to the rays and attaches to the base of all the rays except ray 1." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "abductor profundus pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "pelvic abductors profundus" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000564
+is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000565
+name: pelvic girdle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of the paired basipterygia which support the pelvic fin." [TAO:WD]
+synonym: "pelvic girdles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000565
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000566
+name: posterior crista
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000478
+def: "Patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium that is associated with the posterior semicircular canal. It consists of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The posterior crista has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "caudal crista" EXACT []
+synonym: "pc" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior crista ampullaris" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior cristae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "posterior semicircular canal sensory patch" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior semicircular canal sensory patches" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000566
+is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000411 ! posterior crista primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000262 ! posterior semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000567
+name: premaxilla
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The premaxilla is a bone of the upper jaw. It is an L-shaped bone first visible as a thin sliver in the anterodorsal region of the upper lip, anterior to the dorsal tip of the maxilla (5.7 mm). In the adult, the premaxilla is ligamentously attached to its counterpart at the midline and the kinethmoid posterodorsally, by the premaxillo-rostroid ligaments. Premaxillary teeth are absent in zebrafish." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "premaxillae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000567
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005475 ! inter-premaxillary joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000568
+name: presumptive blood
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Presumptive structure fated to become blood. Determined by marker expression." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000568
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0000569
+name: presumptive hindbrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the hindbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "presumptive rhombencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000569
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007015 ! posterior presumptive neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+id: ZFA:0000570
+name: optic primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000021
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the anterior neural keel and will form the optic vesicle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "eye field" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000570
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0000571
+name: presumptive telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the telencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000571
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000573
+name: internal cellular layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue which is the innermost layer of the olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "stratum cellulare internum bulbi olfactorii" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000573
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000574
+name: presumptive diencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000574
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000575
+name: prootic
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired cartilage bone that contacts the pterosphenoid anteriorly, the sphenotic and the pterotic dorsally, and the epiotic and basioccipital posteriorly. The parasphenoid covers the ventral region of each prootic, the upper edge of which contributes to the hyomandibular facet. The prootic bear foramina that accommodate branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "prootics" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000575
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001423 ! parachordal cartilage
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001425 ! basal plate cartilage
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001500 ! auditory capsule
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005887 ! posterior basicapsular commissure
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005482 ! prootic-pterosphenoid joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005613 ! basioccipital-prootic joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000576
+name: pterotic
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired cartilage bone that contacts the autosphenotic anteriorly, the parietal dorsally, the prootic ventrally, and the epiotic and exoccipital posteriorly. The pterotic encloses the horizontal semicircular canal of the inner ear. The lower edge of the pterotic contributes to the hyomandibular facet." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "autopterotic" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000576
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001500 ! auditory capsule
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005468 ! frontal-pterotic joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000577
+name: renal portal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Afferent vein that supplies the kidney." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:9781118222942, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "renal portal veins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000577
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000578
+name: ceratohyal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates with the hypohyal cartilage or bone, dorsal and ventral hypohyals, and epihyal posteriorly. The ceratohyal bone begins as a ossification in the anterior portion of the ceratohyal cartilage (4.6 mm NL). The posterior end broadens and meets the epihyal in a pad of cartilage. The anterior end broadens and terminates in two heads (8.8 mm). The anterodorsal head forms a synchondrosis with the dorsal hypohyal and the anteroventral head forms a synchondrosis with the ventral hypohyal. All of the branchiostegal rays articulate with the ventral edge of the ceratohyal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior ceratohyal" EXACT []
+synonym: "ceratohyal anterior" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral ceratohyal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000578
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001400 ! ceratohyal cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005465 ! ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005466 ! ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005467 ! ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005497 ! epihyal-ceratohyal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005859 ! ceratohyal-interhyal joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000579
+name: rostral mesencephalo-cerebellar tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brainstem tract which carries cerebellar afferents from the pretectum and runs medial to the lateral longitudinal fascicle for a distance before turning dorsally to traverse the nucleus lateralis valvulae. Fuses with the caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tract upon entering the cerebellum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000579
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000643 ! rostral cerebellar tract
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000580
+name: rostral preglomerular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Preglomerular nucleus which is the most rostrolaterally located of the preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior preglomerular nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus praeglomerulosus anterior" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000580
+is_a: ZFA:0001662 ! preglomerular nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000581
+name: rostral tuberal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is the most anterior and lateral part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior tuberal nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus tuberis anterior" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000581
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000707 ! ventral hypothalamic zone
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000582
+name: saccus dorsalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000582
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000509 ! epithalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000583
+name: scapula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that is located medial to the cleithrum, and articulates ventrally with the coracoid, medially with the mesocoracoid when the later is present and posteriorly with the upper one to three proximal radials. The scapula develops from the scapulocoracoid cartilage and belongs to the primary pectoral girdle. It may be perforated by the scapular foramen or it may be notched ventrally and forms together with a similar notch of the coracoid the scapulocoracoid foramen." [TAO:GA_TG]
+synonym: "scapulae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000583
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001455 ! scapulocoracoid
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000585
+name: kinethmoid cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial cartilage which is a small median cartilage located between the premaxillae and anterodorsal to the ethmoid." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000585
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000586
+name: preural 2 vertebra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra anterior to preural centrum 1; sometimes termed the 'antepenultimate' vertebra." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "antepenultimate vertebra" EXACT []
+synonym: "preural centrum 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "pu2" EXACT []
+synonym: "third last vertebra" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000586
+is_a: ZFA:0000734 ! preural vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000587
+name: sphenotic
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired cartilage bone that contacts the pterosphenoid anteriorly, the prootic ventrally, and the pterotic posteriorly. Roofed by the frontal bone anteriorly and the parietal bone posteriorly, the sphenotic bears a large anteriolateral process that borders the posterodorsal margin of the orbit. The lower edge of the sphenotic contributes to the hyomandibular facet." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "autosphenotic" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000587
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001506 ! tectum synoticum
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001515 ! taenia marginalis posterior
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000588
+name: statoacoustic (VIII) ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The sensory ganglion of the ear. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for statoacoustic ganglion by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "auditory ganglion" EXACT []
+synonym: "gVIII" EXACT []
+synonym: "octaval ganglion " EXACT []
+synonym: "sag" EXACT []
+synonym: "statoacoustic ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000588
+is_a: ZFA:0000013 ! cranial ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000138 ! otic placode
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000762 ! facio-acoustic neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001138 ! vestibuloauditory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000589
+name: sulcus ypsiloniformis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical groove which separates the dorsal and medial zones of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000589
+is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000590
+name: oral region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region of the head where the mouth and oral structures are located." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000590
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000591
+name: presumptive paraxial mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of presumptive mesoderm fated to become paraxial mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000591
+is_a: ZFA:0001377 ! presumptive mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0000592
+name: superficial pelvic adductor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Superficial, dorsal pelvic fin muscle that originates at the anterior side of the basipterygium and inserts onto all pelvic fin rays except ray 1." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "adductor superficialis pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "superficial pelvic adductors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000592
+is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000593
+name: superior reticular formation medial column
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: There may be a cholinergic nucleus called the superior reticular nucleus rostral to the locus coeruleus, ZDB-PUB-040526-6.
+xref: TAO:0000593
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000542 ! medial column
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000594
+name: supracleithrum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that articulates dorsally with the posttemporal and ventrally with the cleithrum. Supracleithrum is part of the secondary pectoral girdle and commonly, carries part of the lateral line canal." [TAO:GA_TG, TAO:WD]
+synonym: "supracleithra" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000594
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000595
+name: supraoccipital
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Large shield-shaped unpaired median cartilage bone that contact the parietal anteriorly, and the exoccipital and epiotic laterally. Forms the posterodorsal most point of the cranium. The supraoccipital usually bears a crest that extends posterodorsally." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000595
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001506 ! tectum synoticum
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005609 ! supraoccipital-parietal joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001414 ! occipital region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000596
+name: supraorbital series
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001410
+id: ZFA:0000597
+name: telencephalic white matter
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter that is part of the telencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "telencephalic tract/commissure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000597
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000598
+name: testis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Male reproductive organ. Adult zebrafish testes are paired organs forming elongated structures, internally organized into tubules. These tubules are formed by seminiferous epithelium containing cysts of spermatogonia and spermatocytes surrounded by somatic support cells, called Sertoli cells. Cysts are arranged around a lumen containing spermatozoa that is connected to the efferent ducts. The interstitial regions between the tubules contain the steroid-producing Leydig cells, connective tissue, and blood vessels." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-161215-23]
+synonym: "testes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000598
+is_a: ZFA:0000413 ! gonad
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000242 ! male organism
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000599
+name: torus semicircularis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the midbrain and develops from the alar plate. The torus semicircularis is located dorsal to the lateral tegmentum where it extends into the medial tectal ventricle and receives ascending sensory octavolateralis input." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "semicircular torus " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000599
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001357 ! alar plate midbrain region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000600
+name: cranial nerve IV
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve that innervates the oculomotor system. The trochlear nerve is the only motor nerve to project dorsally and then cross the midline before exiting the neuroepithelium and re-orienting ventrally to project to the contralateral superior oblique extraocular muscle." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-12]
+synonym: "CN-IV" EXACT []
+synonym: "trochlear" EXACT []
+synonym: "trochlear nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000600
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000601
+name: pretectal periventricular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon and the pretectum and is located periventricularly. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "periventricular pretectum" EXACT []
+synonym: "pretectal periventricular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000601
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000418 ! pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000602
+name: uroneural
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural arch that extends along the dorso-lateral surface of the last preural centra and/or ural centra and the notochord (Arratia & Schultze, 1992). An uroneural develops as a modification of the neural arch of an ural centrum (Patterson, 1968). The series of uroneurals may include from 7 to 1 elements that are numbered from rostral to caudal. An uroneural is a paired membrane bone." [, ISSN:0362-2525, TAO:WD]
+synonym: "uroneurals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000602
+is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000603
+name: valvula cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is caudally attached to the rostral medulla oblongata and extends into the tectal ventricle. The valvula cerebelli consists of a granular and a molecular layer along with aggregations of large Purkinje and eurydendroid cells and is uniquely present in ray-finned fishes. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "valvula" RELATED []
+synonym: "valvula cerebellum" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000603
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000604
+name: ventral aorta
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Outflow artery from the heart to the aortic arches." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000604
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000605
+name: ventral funiculus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ventral funiculi" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000605
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000606
+name: ventral oblique branchial muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ventral oblique branchial muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000606
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000607
+name: ventral rhombencephalic commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brainstem commissure that intersects the medial longitudinal fasciculus." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000607
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000608
+name: ventral transverse
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "transverse ventralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "transversus ventralis " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000608
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000609
+name: ventrolateral nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Midbrain nucleus which is part of the torus semicircularis and is the target of ascending octavolateralis systems related to mechanoreception. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000609
+is_a: ZFA:0001665 ! midbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000599 ! torus semicircularis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000610
+name: vertical myoseptum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Connective tissue partitions developing between the myotomes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "transverse myoseptum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000610
+is_a: ZFA:0001089 ! myoseptum
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000611
+name: visceromotor column
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Collection of the visceromotor nuclei and their fiber tracts in the medulla oblongata." [ISBN:3540560130]
+xref: TAO:0000611
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000612
+name: protractor hyoidei
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle located on ventral side of the head, linking the ventral hyoid arch to the dentary. Innervated by ramus mandibularis V and ramus hyoides VII. Formed by the intermandibularis posterior and ventral interhyoideus." [TAO:WD, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
+comment: Source: Winterbottom, R. 1973. A Descriptive Synonymy of the Striated Muscles of the Teleostei. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Vol. 125 (1973), pp. 225-317.\n\nIn the zebrafish, as in most other teleosts, the interhyoideus becomes associated with the intermandibularis posterior, forming the protractor hyoideus. ZDB-PUB-080306-33.
+synonym: "protractor hyoideus" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "protractors hyoidei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000612
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000614
+name: abductor profundus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Abductor muscle that develops from the primitive pectoral fin abductor. It originates along the anterior skeletal flange of the pectoral girdle. The abductor profundus bundles insert onto the fin ray base proximal processes of all fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+synonym: "abductors profundus" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000614
+is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005651 ! primitive pectoral fin abductor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000615
+name: adductor arcus palatini
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the parasphenoid and inserts into the mesial sides of the hyomandibula, metapterygoid and entopterygoid. The Adductor arcus palatini is responsible for suspensorial adduction." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
+synonym: "adductors arcus palatini" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000615
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000616
+name: adductor profundus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small thin adductor muscle that is part of the pectoral fin. The origin of the adductor profundus lies along the developing anterior skeletal flange of the pectoral girdle. The adductor profundus develops from the primitive pectoral fin adductor." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+synonym: "adductors profundus" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000616
+is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005650 ! primitive pectoral fin adductor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000617
+name: anal erector
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Series of muscles that have a distal attachment at the anteriolateral base of each ray and spike and a proximal attachment to the haemal spines. A tendon runs along one third the dorsoventral length of the muscle toward the attachment at the haemal spine. These muscles act in opposition to the anal depressors to raise the anal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "anal erectors" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "erectores anales" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+xref: TAO:0000617
+is_a: ZFA:0005267 ! erector muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000618
+name: ansulate commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brainstem commissure located immediately rostral to the interpeduncular nucleus. Many fibers in the tecto-bulbar tract cross the midline through the ansulate commissure. Referred to as the ventral tegmental commissure at embryonic stages, and is the only commissure to change names during development. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "Cans" EXACT []
+synonym: "commissura ansulata" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral tegmental commissure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000618
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000619
+name: anterior crista
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000273
+def: "Patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium that is associated with the anterior semicircular canal. It consists of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The anterior crista has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "ac" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior crista ampullaris" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior cristae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "anterior semicircular canal sensory patch" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior semicircular canal sensory patches" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "rostral crista" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000619
+is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000468 ! anterior crista primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000314 ! anterior semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000620
+name: autopalatine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The cartilaginous autopalatine forms from the anterior palatoquadrate arch. The first sign of ossification is visible at the anterior tip where it articulates with the maxilla (7.6 mm). In adults there are three processes at the anterior portion of the palatine: a ventromedial process, which forms the socket of the small ball- and- socket joint with the preethmoid; a dorsomedial process, which is connected by a short ligament to the ethmoid; and a lateral process, which extends toward the first infraorbital. Possession of a dorsomedial process, which abuts the ethmoid, is a unique feature shared by Cypriniformes (Fink and Fink, 1981). The palatine has two components, the autopalatine (derived from pars autopalatine) and the dermal component having teeth, the dermopalatine Arratia & Schultze 1990. The element in cypriniforms is only the cartilage part, so that it is more correct to name it autopalatine and not as palatine in general that it implies a fusion of elements (as in perciforms)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "palatine" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000620
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001399 ! palatoquadrate cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005420 ! autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005421 ! autopalatine-maxillary joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005422 ! autopalatine-vomer joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0000621
+name: quadrate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The quadrate is the dorsal bone in the jaw joint with the anguloarticular of the lower jaw. Ossification of the quadrate, a cartilage bone, begins as a posteriorly projecting membranous spine between the symplectic cartilage and the preopercle (5.1 mm NL). The body of the quadrate ossifies first at the ball-and-socket articulation with the anguloarticular (6.5 mm). The adult quadrate is shaped roughly like an inverted triangle with a long, posteriorly projecting spine off its posteroventral edge. The presence of a posteroventral or posterior process of the quadrate is a synapomorphy of Teleostei." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "quadrates" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000621
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001399 ! palatoquadrate cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005486 ! quadrate-metapterygoid joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005616 ! quadrate-entopterygoid joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000622
+name: barbel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure which is a tactile structure found in the branchial region. Barbels are covered with epidermis rich in taste buds, and are innervated by branches of the cranial nerves." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "barble" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000622
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005119 ! barbel primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0000623
+name: basipterygium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that is paired and supports the pelvic fin. The basipterygium has a posteromedial process called the ischiac process (Wietzman 1962)." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "pelvic bone" EXACT []
+synonym: "pelvic girdle" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000623
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001539 ! basipterygium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005471 ! inter-basipterygium joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000565 ! pelvic girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000624
+name: brachium conjunctivum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Term is being obsoleted because it cannot be anatomically identified in zebrafish. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain ISBN:3764351209.
+xref: TAO:0000624
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000626
+name: bulbo-spinal tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brainstem and spinal tract which emerges medial to the caudal intermediate reticular formation and runs caudally along the medial edge of the inferior reticular formation. It is displaced laterally and associates with other tracts in the dorsal part of the funiculus lateralis immediately prior to reaching the spinal cord. The bulbo-spinal tract carries descending spinal projections. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "tractus bulbospinalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000626
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000627
+name: epihyal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone that begins ossifying on the anterior surface of the posterior end of the ceratohyal cartilage near the site of articulation with the interhyal (5.8 mm). It joins the ceratohyal in a pad of persisting cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "caudal ceratohyal" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior ceratohyal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000627
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001400 ! ceratohyal cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005497 ! epihyal-ceratohyal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005498 ! epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000628
+name: caudal fin musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin musculature that is part of the caudal fin. The musculature is composed of 12 muscles that are arranged in a superficial and a deep muscle layer. Nerve roots of spinal segments 27-31 supply the caudal fin muscles." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+xref: TAO:0000628
+is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0000629
+name: caudal motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Abducens motor nucleus which is located at the level of the intermediate reticular formation." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "nucleus nervi abducentis, pars caudalis" EXACT []
+synonym: "nVIc" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000629
+is_a: ZFA:0000713 ! abducens motor nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000630
+name: caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is the posterior continuation of the rostral parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
+synonym: "caudal parvocellular preoptic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "posterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000630
+is_a: ZFA:0001680 ! parvocellular preoptic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000470 ! preoptic area
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000631
+name: caudal pretectal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum and is rostrally contiguous with the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus. Cells of the caudal pretectal nucleus are slightly smaller and less orderly around a central neuropil than those of the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "caudal pretectal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "posterior pretectal nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000631
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000687 ! superficial pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000632
+name: reproductive system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with reproduction." [UBERON:curator]
+xref: TAO:0000632
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0000633
+name: caudal tuberculum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is part of the diencephalon and is larger than the dorsal thalamus and ventral thalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "posterior tubercle" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior tuberculum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000633
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005909 ! presumptive preglomerular region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000634
+name: caudal hypothalamic zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure which forms most of the median tuberal portion of the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypothalamus pars tuberalis " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "tuberal hypothalamus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000392 ! median tuberal portion
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000635
+name: central pretectal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and is dorsal to the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "nucleus praetectalis centralis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000635
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000183 ! central pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000636
+name: cerebellar crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue composed of parallel fibers that originate at the granular eminence that overlays the rhombencephalic lateral line region. Also termed the molecular layer." [GOC:ymb, ISBN:3540560130, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+comment: Not sure how much of the molecular layer is cerebellar crest.
+synonym: "crista cerebellaris molecular layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000636
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000291 ! medial octavolateralis nucleus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000637
+name: claustrum cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Postcranial axial cartilage and Weberian ossicle that is located dorsal to the scaphium. The claustrum is bilaterally paired." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000637
+is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000638
+name: commissura rostral, pars dorsalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior commissure which is located immediately ventral to the supracommissural nucleus of area ventralis telencephali. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
+synonym: "commissura anterior, pars dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000638
+is_a: ZFA:0001108 ! anterior commissure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000639
+name: commissure of the secondary gustatory nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cerebellar commissure that runs between the bulbo-spinal tract and the vestibulo-spinal tract." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "commissura nucleorum gustatoriorum secundariorum" EXACT []
+synonym: "commissure of the secondary gustatory nuclei" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000639
+is_a: ZFA:0001708 ! cerebellar white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000640
+name: cornea
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that forms the transparent front part of the eye, covering the iris, pupil and anterior chamber." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "corneas" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000640
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001688 ! corneal primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0000641
+name: cranial nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Twelve pairs of cranial nerves exit/enter the cranium through openings in the skull. The nerves contain efferent axons with motor and glandular functions, as well as afferent axons from cranial ganglia with sensory functions. The nerves are numbered in a rostral to caudal sequence, with the exception of the lateral line nerves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cranial nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000641
+is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000642
+name: decussation of the medial octavolateralis nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000642
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000381 ! lateral line sensory nucleus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000643
+name: rostral cerebellar tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter comprised of the rostral mesencephalo-cerebellar and caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tracts. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior cerebellar tract" EXACT []
+synonym: "tractus cerebellaris anterior" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000643
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000644
+name: dental plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: "Dermal tooth plates are variable structures. During upper pharyngeal arch development in Astatotilapia elegans, dermal tooth plates are formed entirely of fused tooth pedicels (Huys-seune, 1983). However, in lower pharyngeals of the same species, teeth attach to a preexisting plate (Vandewalle et al., 1994). In other teleosts (e.g., cyprinid fifth ceratobranchials), there is no tooth plate per se, because tooth pedicels do not fuse to one another, but each fuses to the endochondral bone separately (see Gosline, 1985)."\nConsider ZFA:0001239 ceratobranchial 5 bone or ZFA:0000694 ceratobranchial 5 tooth
+synonym: "dental plates" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000644
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000645
+name: descending octaval nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "nucleus octavus descendens" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000645
+is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000646
+name: anal fin distal radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the anal fin, which articulate with the lepidotrichia distally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "anal fin distal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000646
+is_a: ZFA:0001646 ! anal fin radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001420 ! anal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000647
+name: dorsal caudal thalamic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the caudal portion of the dorsal thalamus, dorsal to the central caudal thalamic nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dorsal posterior thalamic nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus dorsalis posterior thalami" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000647
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000653 ! dorsal thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000648
+name: dorsal fin musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Musculature that is part of the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin musculature is composed of one unit per fin ray that are arranged in series on each side of the body. Each unit is composed of one fin ray, three supporting pterygophores, and a set of paired depressor, erector, and inclinator muscles." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+xref: TAO:0000648
+is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001173 ! dorsal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000649
+name: dorsal horn spinal cord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "cornu dorsale" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal horn" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000649
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000650
+name: dorsal motor root of V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "dorsal motor roots of V" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000650
+is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000651
+name: dorsal pelvic arrector
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal pelvic fin muscle that originates at the anterior side of the basipterygium and inserts onto the base of the first pelvic fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "arrector dorsalis pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "dorsal pelvic arrectors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000651
+is_a: ZFA:0005275 ! arrector muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000652
+name: dorsal root
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The afferent sensory portion of the spinal nerve root." []
+synonym: "radix dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000652
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005578 ! spinal nerve root
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000653
+name: dorsal thalamus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the thalamus and emerges ventral to the caudal portion of the ventral habenular nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "thalamus" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100621-4]
+synonym: "thalamus, pars dorsalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000653
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001215 ! thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000654
+name: rostral motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Abducens motor nucleus which is located at the level of the superior reticular formation." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000654
+is_a: ZFA:0000713 ! abducens motor nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000655
+name: dorsomedial optic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "tractus opticus dorsomedialis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000655
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000252 ! optic tract
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000656
+name: ectopterygoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The ectopterygoid is dermal bone located at the anterior part of the palatoquadrate. It is first visible as a very thin ossification along the anteroventral border of the palatoquadrate cartilage (6.4 mm). In adults it is a long sliver of bone that is narrow anteriorly where it meets the entopterygoid in a synostosis. It is slightly wider at its posterior synostosis with the quadrate." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "ectopterygoids" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000656
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000657
+name: entopterygoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The entopterygoid is a dermal bone that forms the anteroventral and ventral surface of the orbit. It develops as a long sliver of bone developing in the membrane dorsomedial to the palatoquadrate cartilage (3.8 mm NL)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "endopterygoid" EXACT []
+synonym: "mesopterygoid" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000657
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005616 ! quadrate-entopterygoid joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000658
+name: epibranchial bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngeal arch bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial cartilage or bone. Epibranchials are dorsal parts of the gill arches. Epibranchials 1-4 ossify in the epibranchial cartilages in a posterior to anterior progression. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior edges of epibranchials 2 and 4 and the posterior edge of epibranchial 1. A reduced gill raker is present on the anterior margin of epibranchial 1 in some specimens." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "epibranchial bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000658
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000660
+name: epural
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A free, modified neural spine of a preural or a ural vertebra that is placed between the last developed neural spine of a preural centrum and the dorsal axis (= anterior margin of first uroneural) of the caudal skeleton . An epural commonly supports one or more dorsal procurrent rays. An epural is an unpaired median perichondrally ossified bone." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0000660
+is_a: ZFA:0001336 ! neural spine
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000661
+name: exoccipital
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired cartilage bone that bears a large foramen (lateral occipital foramen). Contacts the supraoccipital dorsally, the epiotic laterally and the basioccipital ventrally. Forms the posterior hind margin of the cranium and borders the lateral and posterior margins of the forum (foramen) magnum." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "exoccipitals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000661
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001423 ! parachordal cartilage
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001504 ! occipital arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005423 ! basioccipital-exoccipital joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001414 ! occipital region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000662
+name: external pharyngoclavicularis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "external pharyngoclavicularae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000662
+is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000663
+name: extrascapula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001413
+def: "Dermal canal-bearing bone placed at the dorso-posterior region of the skull roof, lying on the posterior region of the pterotic and parietals, or the pterotic and epioccipital, or on the pterotic, epioccipital and occipital bones." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "supratemporal" EXACT []
+synonym: "tabular" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000663
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000664
+name: cranial nerve VII
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve where motor axons innervate muscles derived from the second branchial arch. The motor neurons are generated in rhombomere 4." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040109-20]
+synonym: "CN-VII" EXACT []
+synonym: "facial nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "nervus facialis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000664
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000665
+name: rostral root of abducens nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000665
+is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000310 ! cranial nerve VI
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000666
+name: filamental artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery of the gill filament." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "filamental arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000666
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000667 ! gill filament
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000667
+name: gill filament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that projects outward from the gill and is a thread-like, soft, red respiratory and excretory structure." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "gill filaments" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000667
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000668
+name: cranial nerve IX
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve that innervates gill muscles. Sometimes called a branchiomeric nerve because it innervates derivatives of the branchial arches. The root is typically found at rhombomere 6. This nerve contains sensory axons that carry both somatic and visceral sensory information as well as motor axons from branchiomotor neurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040109-20, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110727-5]
+synonym: "CN-IX" EXACT []
+synonym: "glossopharyngeal nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "nervus glossopharyngeus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000668
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0000669
+name: head kidney
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The zebrafish head kidney consists of fused bilateral lobes located in the anterior part of the kidney. It is analogous to the mammalian bone marrow and the primary site of definitive hematopoiesis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040923-1]
+synonym: "anterior kidney" EXACT []
+synonym: "kidney marrow" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000669
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000670
+name: hepatic vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that carries blood away from the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "hepatic veins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000670
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000671
+name: horizontal myoseptum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A connective tissue partition developing at the apex of the chevron-shaped myotome and separating dorsal (epaxial) and ventral (hypaxial) body wall muscle masses." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "horizontal septum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000671
+is_a: ZFA:0001089 ! myoseptum
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000672
+name: hyomandibula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hyomandibula is the large, dorsal-most member of the hyoid arch. It begins ossifying in the dorsal edge of the hyosymplectic cartilage near the hyomandibular foramen (4.6 mm NL). Ossification spreads through the cartilage, and sheets of membrane bone form off the cartilage model anteriorly and posteriorly (6.6 mm). In the adult, the hyomandibula has cartilage-capped anterior and posterior articulating heads that meet the sphenotic-prootic fossa and the pterotic fossa, respectively, in synovial joints. A posterior knob of bone develops, also capped in cartilage, and it forms a synovial joint with the opercle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hyomandibular" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000672
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001422 ! hyosymplectic cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005469 ! hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005632 ! preopercle vertical limb-hyomandibula joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000673
+name: hypobranchial artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A pair of HA are connect one to each AA1. They run rostromedially until at the extreme rostro-ventral midline the two vessels merge and then run straight caudally along the ventral midline until they reach the cranial end of the ventral aorta (VA). There, the single HA passes just dorsal to the rostral end of the VA and then immediately splits again into a pair of HA. The paired HA continue caudally just to either side of the ventral midline. The HA provide blood supply to the ventral branchial region and the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "HA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000673
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005005 ! aortic arch 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000674
+name: interopercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is located anterior to the subopercle and lying below and slightly ventral to the horizontal limb of the preopercle. The interopercle is a paired bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "interopercles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000674
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000555 ! opercular flap
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000676
+name: sagitta
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001103
+def: "Otolith that is part of the sacculus." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
+synonym: "immature posterior otolith" RELATED []
+synonym: "saccular otolith" EXACT []
+synonym: "sacculith" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000676
+is_a: ZFA:0001617 ! otolith
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000428 ! saccule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000677
+name: segmental intercostal artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "segmental intercostal arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000677
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000678
+name: hair cell anterior macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Specialized neuronal receptor cells of the anterior macula. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for hair cells by T. Whitfield.)" [MESH:68018069, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "sensory hair cells anterior macula" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000678
+is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001098 ! immature hair cell anterior macula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000168 ! anterior macula
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000679
+name: sensory root of facial nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "sensory roots of facial nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000679
+is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000680
+name: sinoatrial valve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Heart valve that forms between the atrium and the sinus venosus." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "sinoatrial valves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000680
+is_a: ZFA:0005065 ! heart valve
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001317 ! endocardial cushion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000154 ! sinus venosus
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000681
+name: neural postzygapophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired, dorsomedially directed processes on the posterior ends of the centra, ligamentously joined to the neural prezygapophyses of the immediately posterior vertebra." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "neural postzygapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "neural postzygopophysis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000681
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000682
+name: spinal artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "spinal arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000682
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000683
+name: subcommissural organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon, is located adjacent to the caudal commissure and contains ciliated neurosecretory ependymal cells. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "SCO" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000683
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000684
+name: intertectal commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter (commissure) that runs between the optic tectal hemispheres." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000684
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000685
+name: superficial abductor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Abductor muscle that develops from the primitive pectoral fin abductor. The abductor superficialis originates along the anterior skeletal flange of the pectoral girdle, the bundles insert to fin ray base distal processes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+synonym: "abductor superficialis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+synonym: "superficial abductors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000685
+is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005651 ! primitive pectoral fin abductor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000686
+name: superficial grey and white zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "superficial gray and white zone" EXACT []
+synonym: "superficial grey and white zones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000686
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000687
+name: superficial pretectum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the superficial part of the pretectum and is embedded in the optic tract." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000687
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005908 ! presumptive pretectum proliferative zone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000418 ! pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000688
+name: olfactory support cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supporting cell that is part of the olfactory epithelium. Their cell bodies are more or less cylindrical, often with a pronounced basal part resting on the basal lamina. Their apical surface is covered with microvillous-like protrusions. Nuclei of olfactory support cell lie below the nuclear layer of olfactory sensory neurons, a feature that is reverse that of other vertebrates. The nuclei are less electron dense then those of the olfactory sensory neurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7]
+comment: Different nuclear position and morphology from CL_0000853.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "support cells" RELATED PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000688
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0000689
+name: supracommissural nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Periventricular nucleus which is contiguous with the caudal part of the dorsal nucleus of the ventral telencephalon and the postcommissural nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus supracommissuralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "supracommissural nucleus of V" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000689
+is_a: ZFA:0001666 ! periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000690
+name: supraoptic commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000690
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000691
+name: supraorbital bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired dermal bones that form the anterodorsal margin of the orbit." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "supraorbital bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000691
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000692
+name: symplectic
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The symplectic is an irregularly rod-shaped cartilage replacement bone articulating with the hyomandibular and quadrate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "symplectics" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000692
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001422 ! hyosymplectic cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005631 ! preopercle horizontal limb-symplectic joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000693
+name: tangential nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The tangential nucleus is located in rhombomere 5 and receives a dense utricular input. Tangential nucleus neurons project contralaterally to extraocular motoneurons and to multiple sites within the reticulospinal complex; unlike other classes of vestibular neuron, they modulate their firing in response to static head displacements." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120702-13, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-160324-18]
+xref: TAO:0000693
+is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000694
+name: ceratobranchial 5 tooth
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a multi-tissue structure composed of dentine, enameloid and tooth pulp. The tips of the ceratobranchial 5 teeth form before the ceratobranchial itself (3.0 mm NL). As they grow ventrally, they meet the perichondrally ossified surface of ceratobranchial 5 and become firmly ankylosed to the bone. Ceratobranchial teeth are the only teeth present in zebrafish and other cypriniforms." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pharyngeal tooth" EXACT []
+synonym: "teeth" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "tooth" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000694
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001239 ! ceratobranchial 5 bone
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000695
+name: labial cavity
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anatomical space located between the lips and the oral valves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "labial cavities" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000695
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000696
+name: telencephalic ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "lateral ventricle" EXACT []
+synonym: "telencephalic vesicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventriculi telencephali " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0000696
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001259 ! forebrain ventricle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000697
+name: cranial nerve V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerve which exits the medulla oblongata and carries both sensory and motor axons to and from the facial region. The root is typically found at rhombomere 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110727-5]
+comment: ZDB-PUB-040109-20\nThe motor neuron cell bodies arise in rhombomeres 2 and 3. The neurons in r2 extend axons dorsolaterally to their exit point. The axons of branchiomotor neuron cell bodies in r3 initially extend dorsolaterally, then turn rostrally to reach their exit point in r2. The anterior turn occurs where the motor axons meet the ingrowing trigeminal sensory axons.
+synonym: "CN-V" EXACT []
+synonym: "trigeminal nerve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000697
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000698
+name: tripus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The fourth Weberian ossicle. The tripus is a complex modification of the parapophysis and rib of the third vertebra. Anteriorly it attaches to the interosseus ligament and posteriorly it extends as a transformator process embedded in the tunica externa of the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0000698
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001169 ! vertebra 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000699
+name: ural ossification
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Ural ossification is a process not a structure, thus it belongs in GO biologyical process not ZFA.
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000700
+name: utricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Otolith organ comprised of the macula utricle and lapillus. The lagena is part of the pars superior. The utricle functions in the detection of movement." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "utriculus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000700
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005409 ! pars superior ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000701
+name: ventral arrector
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle that is important in controlling the leading edge of the pectoral fin in the juvenile zebrafish, particularly during the initiation of the downstroke." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+comment: Acts as antagonist to the dorsal arrector.
+synonym: "arrector ventralis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+synonym: "ventral arrectors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000701
+is_a: ZFA:0005275 ! arrector muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005651 ! primitive pectoral fin abductor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0000702
+name: ventral horn spinal cord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ventral horns spinal cord" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000702
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000703
+name: ventral motor nucleus trigeminal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Trigeminal motor nucleus that is located at the ventrolateral edge of the lateral longitudinal fascicle." [ISBN:3764351209]
+xref: TAO:0000703
+is_a: ZFA:0001365 ! trigeminal motor nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000704
+name: ventral pelvic arrector
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Deep, narrow muscle that arises anteriorly and laterally of the pelvic abductor profundus. It attaches to the first pelvic ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8v]
+synonym: "ventral pelvic arrectors" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000704
+is_a: ZFA:0005275 ! arrector muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000705
+name: ventral root
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The efferent motor portion of the spinal nerve root." []
+synonym: "ventral roots" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000705
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005578 ! spinal nerve root
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000706
+name: posterior intestine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The posterior intestine has short longitudinally arranged epithelial folds which are similar to the colon of higher vertebrates." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
+xref: TAO:0000706
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000707
+name: ventral hypothalamic zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure which is the ventral region of the median tuberal portion of the hypothalamus and is the most rostral region of the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000707
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000392 ! median tuberal portion
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000708
+name: ventrolateral optic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ventrolateral optic tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000708
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000252 ! optic tract
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000709
+name: vestibulo-spinal tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "vestibulo-spinal tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000709
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000710
+name: viscerosensory commissural nucleus of Cajal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "commissural nucleus of Cajal" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus commissuralis Cajal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000710
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000711
+name: DEL
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A multilayer of deep cells of fairly uniform thickness that forms during early epiboly (at dome stage; upon conversion of the blastodisc to the blastoderm); during gastrulation the DEL (deep cell layer) gives rise to the epiblast and hypoblast." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "deep cell layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "DEL cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000711
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001473 ! deep blastomere
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001176 ! blastoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0000712
+name: internal yolk syncytial layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The portion of the YSL that lies deep to the blastoderm during epiboly." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "I-YSL" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000712
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000088 ! yolk syncytial layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000013 ! Blastula:Oblong
+id: ZFA:0000713
+name: abducens motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain motor nucleus which is the origin of motor axons of cranial nerve VI. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "abducens motor nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "abducens nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "motor nucleus VI" EXACT []
+synonym: "nVI" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000713
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000714
+name: accessory pretectal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and lies dorsolateral to the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "APN" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus praetectalis accessorius" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000714
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000183 ! central pretectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000715
+name: adductor hyohyoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the opercle and subopercle and inserts into the branchiostegal rays. The adductor hyohyoid is responsible for constriction of the branchiostegal membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
+synonym: "adductors hyohyoid" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "hyohyoidei adductores" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000715
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007052 ! hyohyoideus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000716
+name: afferent branchial artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that is part of the pharyngeal arches 3-5, and forms the afferent portion of a loop off of the aortic arch." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "ABA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000716
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000717
+name: apical ectodermal ridge median fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the median fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000717
+is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000718
+name: epaxial region somite 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 27 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000718
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000931 ! myotome somite 27
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000719
+name: slow muscle cell somite 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 21." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 21" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000719
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000929 ! myotome somite 21
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000720
+name: slow muscle cell somite 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 24." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 24" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000720
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000930 ! myotome somite 24
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000721
+name: slow muscle cell somite 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 27." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 27" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000721
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000931 ! myotome somite 27
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000722
+name: slow muscle cell somite 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 3." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 3" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000722
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000932 ! myotome somite 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000723
+name: slow muscle cell somite 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 5" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000723
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000933 ! myotome somite 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000724
+name: slow muscle cell somite 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 8" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000724
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000934 ! myotome somite 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000725
+name: somite 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 11 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000725
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000726
+name: somite 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 14 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000726
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000727
+name: somite 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 17 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000727
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000728
+name: somite 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 2 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000728
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000729
+name: epaxial region somite 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 3 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000729
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000932 ! myotome somite 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000730
+name: somite 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 23 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000730
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000731
+name: somite 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 27 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000731
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000732
+name: somite 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 3 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000732
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000733
+name: somite 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 7 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000733
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000734
+name: preural vertebra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra which are the three most posterior vertebra supporting the caudal fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "caudal fin vertebra" EXACT []
+synonym: "specialized centra/vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000734
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0000735
+name: hemal postzygapophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired, ventromedially directed processes on the posterior ends of the centra, ligamentously joined to the hemal postzygapophyses of the immediately posterior vertebra. The most posterior caudal vertebrae lack hemal postzygapophyses." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "haemal postzygapophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "hemal postzygapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "hemal postzygopophysis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000735
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000519 ! hemal arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000737
+name: cranium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal system that is part of the head, including the splanchnocranium, chondrocranium, and dermatocranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cranial skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000737
+is_a: ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000738
+name: dorsal oblique extraocular muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Extraocular muscle innervated by the trochlear nerve. The dorsal rectus and dorsal oblique muscles have overlapping insertions at the scleral-corneal junction on the dorsal side of the adult eye, though they have distinct insertion sites in 5dpf fish. The dorsal oblique originates separately from the rectus muscles. The unsegmented paraxial head mesoderm contributes to the dorsal oblique muscles. All the oblique extraocular muscles originate together from the anterior ethmoid plate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
+comment: Mature form at Larval:Protruding-mouth.
+synonym: "dorsal oblique extraocular muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "superior oblique muscle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18]
+xref: TAO:0000738
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000739
+name: epaxial region somite 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 11 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000739
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000801 ! myotome somite 11
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000740
+name: epaxial region somite 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 5 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000740
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000933 ! myotome somite 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000741
+name: epaxial region somite 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 14 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000741
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000044 ! myotome somite 14
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000742
+name: epaxial region somite 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 17 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000742
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001015 ! myotome somite 17
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000743
+name: epaxial region somite 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 2 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000743
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001016 ! myotome somite 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000744
+name: epaxial region somite 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 22 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000744
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001017 ! myotome somite 22
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000745
+name: epaxial region somite 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 25 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000745
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001018 ! myotome somite 25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000746
+name: epaxial region somite 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 28 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000746
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001019 ! myotome somite 28
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000747
+name: epaxial region somite 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 30 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000747
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001020 ! myotome somite 30
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000748
+name: epaxial region somite 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 6 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000748
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001021 ! myotome somite 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000749
+name: epaxial region somite 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 9 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000749
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001022 ! myotome somite 9
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000750
+name: fast muscle cell somite 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 10." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 10" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 10" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000750
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001013 ! myotome somite 10
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000751
+name: epaxial region somite 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 8 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000751
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000934 ! myotome somite 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000752
+name: fast muscle cell somite 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 13." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 13" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 13" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000752
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001014 ! myotome somite 13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000753
+name: fast muscle cell somite 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 16." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 16" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 16" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000753
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000927 ! myotome somite 16
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000754
+name: fast muscle cell somite 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 19." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 19" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 19" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000754
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000928 ! myotome somite 19
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000755
+name: fast muscle cell somite 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 21." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 21" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 21" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000755
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000929 ! myotome somite 21
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000756
+name: fast muscle cell somite 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 24." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 24" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 24" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000756
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000930 ! myotome somite 24
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000757
+name: fast muscle cell somite 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 27." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 27" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 27" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000757
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000931 ! myotome somite 27
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000758
+name: fast muscle cell somite 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 3." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 3" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000758
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000932 ! myotome somite 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000759
+name: fast muscle cell somite 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 5." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 5" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000759
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000933 ! myotome somite 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000760
+name: fast muscle cell somite 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 8." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 8" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 8" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000760
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000934 ! myotome somite 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000761
+name: basal plate midbrain region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is dorsolateral to the floor plate and part of the midbrain." [ISBN:0444517383, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "floor plate midbrain" RELATED []
+synonym: "floorplate midbrain" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000761
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007039 ! midbrain neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000762
+name: facio-acoustic neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest that gives rise to the facio-acoustic ganglion." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "facio acoustic neural crest" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000762
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000763
+name: floor plate rhombomere 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate r2" EXACT []
+synonym: "floorplate r2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000763
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000764
+name: floor plate rhombomere 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 5." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate r5" EXACT []
+synonym: "floorplate r5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000764
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000765
+name: floor plate rhombomere 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 8." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate r8" EXACT []
+synonym: "floorplate r8" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000765
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000153 ! rhombomere 8
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000766
+name: granular layer valvula cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue which is part of the valvula cerebelli and consists largely of axons and dendrites." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000766
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000767
+name: hypaxial region somite 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 11 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000767
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000801 ! myotome somite 11
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000768
+name: hypaxial region somite 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 14 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000768
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000044 ! myotome somite 14
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000769
+name: hypaxial region somite 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 17 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000769
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001015 ! myotome somite 17
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000770
+name: hypaxial region somite 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 2 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000770
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001016 ! myotome somite 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000771
+name: hypaxial region somite 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 22 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000771
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001017 ! myotome somite 22
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000772
+name: hypaxial region somite 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 25 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000772
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001018 ! myotome somite 25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000773
+name: fast muscle cell somite 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 12." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 12" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 12" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000773
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000926 ! myotome somite 12
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000774
+name: hypaxial region somite 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 28 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000774
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001019 ! myotome somite 28
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000775
+name: hypaxial region somite 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 30 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000775
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001020 ! myotome somite 30
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000776
+name: hypaxial region somite 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 6 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000776
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001021 ! myotome somite 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000777
+name: hypaxial region somite 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 9 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000777
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001022 ! myotome somite 9
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000778
+name: spinal cord interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A CNS interneuron located in the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "interneurons spinal cord" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0005000
+xref: TAO:0000778
+is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000779
+name: lateral forebrain bundle telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the lateral forebrain bundle that lies in the telencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "lateral forebrain bundles telencephalon" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000779
+is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007012 ! lateral forebrain bundle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000780
+name: lateral wall diencephalic region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the diencephalic region of the neural tube." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "lateral wall diencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000780
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000781
+name: lateral wall rhombomere 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 1." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000781
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000782
+name: lateral wall rhombomere 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000782
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000783
+name: lateral wall rhombomere 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000783
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000784
+name: fast muscle cell somite 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 15." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 15" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 15" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000784
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000802 ! myotome somite 15
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000785
+name: lateral wall telencephalic region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the telencephalic region of the neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lateral wall telencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000785
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000786
+name: medial migration pathway mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000786
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000999 ! mesenchyme derived from trunk neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000787
+name: mesenchyme derived from head neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000787
+is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000788
+name: mesenchyme dorsal fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesenchyme part of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0000788
+is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001173 ! dorsal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000789
+name: mesoderm pectoral fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesoderm that is part of the pectoral fin bud." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "mesoderm pectoral fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000789
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000141 ! pectoral fin bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000790
+name: muscle pioneer somite 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 10." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 10" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000790
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000974 ! somite 10
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000791
+name: muscle pioneer somite 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 13." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 13" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000791
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000975 ! somite 13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000792
+name: muscle pioneer somite 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 16." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 16" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000792
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000976 ! somite 16
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000793
+name: muscle pioneer somite 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 19." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 19" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000793
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000977 ! somite 19
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000794
+name: muscle pioneer somite 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 22." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 22" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000794
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000978 ! somite 22
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000795
+name: fast muscle cell somite 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 18." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 18" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 18" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000795
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000803 ! myotome somite 18
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000796
+name: muscle pioneer somite 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 25." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 25" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000796
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000980 ! somite 25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000797
+name: muscle pioneer somite 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 28." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 28" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000797
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000856 ! somite 28
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000798
+name: muscle pioneer somite 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 30." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 30" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000798
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000157 ! somite 30
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000799
+name: muscle pioneer somite 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 6" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000799
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000982 ! somite 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000800
+name: muscle pioneer somite 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 9." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 9" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000800
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000983 ! somite 9
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000801
+name: myotome somite 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 11 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000801
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000725 ! somite 11
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000802
+name: myotome somite 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 15 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000802
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000852 ! somite 15
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000803
+name: myotome somite 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 18 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000803
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000853 ! somite 18
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000804
+name: myotome somite 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 20 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000804
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000156 ! somite 20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000805
+name: myotome somite 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 23 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000805
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000730 ! somite 23
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000806
+name: fast muscle cell somite 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 20." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 20" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 20" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000806
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000804 ! myotome somite 20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000807
+name: myotome somite 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 16 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000807
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000074 ! somite 26
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000808
+name: myotome somite 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 29 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000808
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000981 ! somite 29
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000809
+name: myotome somite 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 4 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000809
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000857 ! somite 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000810
+name: myotome somite 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 7 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0000810
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000733 ! somite 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000811
+name: neural crest diencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest that is part of the diencephalon." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "diencephalic neural crest" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000811
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000812
+name: neural crest telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest that is part of the telencephalon." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000812
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000813
+name: infraorbital lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the infraorbital lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast infraorbital" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts infraorbital" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000813
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000524 ! infraorbital lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0000814
+name: opercular lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the opercular lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast opercular" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts opercular" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000814
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000424 ! opercular lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0000815
+name: nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus medulla oblongata
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000815
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000816
+name: oral epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epithelium that lines the oral cavity. The oral epithelium epithelial cells with many short microvilli as well as mucous cells, rodlet cells and taste buds." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091204-24]
+xref: TAO:0000816
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0000817
+name: fast muscle cell somite 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 23." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 23" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 23" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000817
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000805 ! myotome somite 23
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000818
+name: vagal neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vagal neural crest is adjacent to the first seven somites gives rise to both ganglionic and ectomesenchymal derivatives." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "post-otic neural crest" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000818
+is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000819
+name: postcommissural nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Periventricular nucleus which is contiguous with the supracommissural nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus postcommissuralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "postcommissural nucleus of V" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000819
+is_a: ZFA:0001666 ! periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000820
+name: presumptive neuron neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: This term was obsoleted because we could not determine if it was a presumptive neuron part of the neural tube or a neuron part of the presumptive neural tube.
+synonym: "presumptive neurons neural tube" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000820
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0000821
+name: primary neuron hindbrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "primary neurons hindbrain" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000821
+is_a: ZFA:0009242 ! primary neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000822
+name: rhombomere 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 1." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "r2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000822
+is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001208 ! presumptive rhombomere 2
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000823
+name: rhombomere 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 4." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "r5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000823
+is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001211 ! presumptive rhombomere 5
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000824
+name: roof plate rhombomere 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000824
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000825
+name: roof plate rhombomere 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000825
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000826
+name: central nucleus torus semicircularis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Midbrain nucleus which is part of the torus semicircularis and is the target of ascending octavolateralis systems related to audition. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "central nucleus of semicircular torus" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus centralis tori semicircularis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000826
+is_a: ZFA:0001665 ! midbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000599 ! torus semicircularis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000827
+name: fast muscle cell somite 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 26." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 26" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 26" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000827
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000807 ! myotome somite 26
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000828
+name: roof plate rhombomere 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000828
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000829
+name: sclerotome somite 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 11 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000829
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000725 ! somite 11
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000830
+name: sclerotome somite 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 14 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000830
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000726 ! somite 14
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000831
+name: sclerotome somite 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 17 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000831
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000727 ! somite 17
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000832
+name: sclerotome somite 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 2 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000832
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000728 ! somite 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000833
+name: sclerotome somite 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 22 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000833
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000978 ! somite 22
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000834
+name: sclerotome somite 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 25 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000834
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000980 ! somite 25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000835
+name: sclerotome somite 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 28 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000835
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000856 ! somite 28
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000836
+name: sclerotome somite 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 30 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000836
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000157 ! somite 30
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000837
+name: sclerotome somite 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 6 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000837
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000982 ! somite 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000838
+name: fast muscle cell somite 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 29." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 29" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 29" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000838
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000808 ! myotome somite 29
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000839
+name: sclerotome somite 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 9 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000839
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000983 ! somite 9
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000840
+name: slow muscle cell somite 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 11." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 11" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000840
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000801 ! myotome somite 11
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000841
+name: slow muscle cell somite 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 14." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 14" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000841
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000044 ! myotome somite 14
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000842
+name: slow muscle cell somite 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 17." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 17" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000842
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001015 ! myotome somite 17
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000843
+name: slow muscle cell somite 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 2" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000843
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001016 ! myotome somite 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000844
+name: slow muscle cell somite 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 22." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 22" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000844
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001017 ! myotome somite 22
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000845
+name: slow muscle cell somite 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 25." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 25" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000845
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001018 ! myotome somite 25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000846
+name: slow muscle cell somite 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 28." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 28" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000846
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001019 ! myotome somite 28
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000847
+name: slow muscle cell somite 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 30." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 30" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000847
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001020 ! myotome somite 30
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000848
+name: slow muscle cell somite 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 6" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000848
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001021 ! myotome somite 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000849
+name: fast muscle cell somite 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 4." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 4" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000849
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000809 ! myotome somite 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000850
+name: slow muscle cell somite 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 9." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 9" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000850
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001022 ! myotome somite 9
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000851
+name: somite 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 12 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000851
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000852
+name: somite 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 15 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000852
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000853
+name: somite 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk or tail segment 18 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000853
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000854
+name: somite 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail 21 segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000854
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000855
+name: somite 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 24 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000855
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000856
+name: somite 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 28 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000856
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000857
+name: somite 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 4 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000857
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000858
+name: somite 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 8 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000858
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000859
+name: specialized hemal arch and spine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Modified hemal arches and spines that support the caudal fin. In developing fish they articulate with preural 1, ural1 and ural2; in adults they articulate with the urostyle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "ha(pu)" EXACT []
+synonym: "hemal arch (preural)" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "specialized haemal arch and spine" EXACT []
+synonym: "specialized hemal arches and spines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000859
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0000860
+name: fast muscle cell somite 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 7." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 7" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 7" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000860
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000810 ! myotome somite 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000861
+name: ventral oblique extraocular muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Extraocular muscle that inserts at the scleral-corneal junction on the ventral side of the eye. The insertion point of the ventral oblique and the ventral rectus overlap in adult fish. All the oblique extraocular muscles originate together from the anterior ethmoid plate. The ventral oblique is innervated by the oculomotor nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
+comment: Mature form at Hatching:Pec-fin.
+synonym: "inferior oblique muscle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18]
+synonym: "ventral oblique extraocular muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000861
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000862
+name: caudal fin skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Median fin skeleton supporting the caudal fin." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0000862
+is_a: ZFA:0001123 ! axial fin skeleton
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000863
+name: dermatocranium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is part of the cranium and composed of dermally derived bones." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dermal bone cranium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000863
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000864
+name: epaxial region somite 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 1 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000864
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000924 ! myotome somite 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000865
+name: epaxial region somite 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 12 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000865
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000926 ! myotome somite 12
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000866
+name: epaxial region somite 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 15 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000866
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000802 ! myotome somite 15
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000867
+name: epaxial region somite 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 18 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000867
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000803 ! myotome somite 18
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000868
+name: epaxial region somite 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 20 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000868
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000804 ! myotome somite 20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000869
+name: epaxial region somite 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 23 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000869
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000805 ! myotome somite 23
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000870
+name: epaxial region somite 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 26 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000870
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000807 ! myotome somite 26
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000871
+name: floor plate diencephalic region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floorplate diencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000871
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000872
+name: epaxial region somite 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 29 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000872
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000808 ! myotome somite 29
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000873
+name: epaxial region somite 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 4 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000873
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000809 ! myotome somite 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000874
+name: epaxial region somite 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 7 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000874
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000810 ! myotome somite 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000875
+name: facial neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest that is part of the facial region." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000875
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001194
+id: ZFA:0000876
+name: fast muscle cell somite 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 11." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 11" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 11" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000876
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000801 ! myotome somite 11
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000877
+name: fast muscle cell somite 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 14." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 14" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 14" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000877
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000044 ! myotome somite 14
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000878
+name: fast muscle cell somite 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 17." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 17" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 17" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000878
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001015 ! myotome somite 17
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000879
+name: fast muscle cell somite 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 2." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 2" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000879
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001016 ! myotome somite 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000880
+name: fast muscle cell somite 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 22." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 22" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 22" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000880
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001017 ! myotome somite 22
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000881
+name: fast muscle cell somite 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 25." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 25" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 25" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000881
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001018 ! myotome somite 25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000882
+name: floor plate rhombomere 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate r1" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000882
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000883
+name: fast muscle cell somite 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 28." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 28" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 28" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000883
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001019 ! myotome somite 28
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000884
+name: fast muscle cell somite 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 30." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 30" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 30" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000884
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001020 ! myotome somite 30
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000885
+name: fast muscle cell somite 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 6." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 6" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000885
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001021 ! myotome somite 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000886
+name: fast muscle cell somite 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 9." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 9" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 9" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000886
+is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001022 ! myotome somite 9
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000887
+name: floor plate neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "floorplate neural rod" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000887
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000888
+name: floor plate rhombomere 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate r3" EXACT []
+synonym: "floorplate r3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000888
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000889
+name: floor plate rhombomere 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 6." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate r6" EXACT []
+synonym: "floorplate r6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000889
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000890
+name: floor plate spinal cord region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "floorplate spinal cord" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000890
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001434 ! floor plate neural tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000891
+name: hypaxial region somite 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 1 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000891
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000924 ! myotome somite 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000892
+name: hypaxial region somite 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 12 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000892
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000926 ! myotome somite 12
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000893
+name: floor plate rhombomere 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate r4" EXACT []
+synonym: "floorplate r4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000893
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000894
+name: hypaxial region somite 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 15 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000894
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000802 ! myotome somite 15
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000895
+name: hypaxial region somite 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 18 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000895
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000803 ! myotome somite 18
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000896
+name: hypaxial region somite 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 20 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000896
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000804 ! myotome somite 20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000897
+name: hypaxial region somite 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 23 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000897
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000805 ! myotome somite 23
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000898
+name: hypaxial region somite 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 26 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000898
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000807 ! myotome somite 26
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000899
+name: hypaxial region somite 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 29 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000899
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000808 ! myotome somite 29
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000900
+name: hypaxial region somite 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 4 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000900
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000809 ! myotome somite 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000901
+name: hypaxial region somite 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 7 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000901
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000810 ! myotome somite 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000902
+name: hypural muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Musculature associated with the hypurals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "hypural muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000902
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000903
+name: interpeduncular nucleus tegmentum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: ZDB-PUB-010601-11 says there are 4 sub-nuclei.
+xref: TAO:0000903
+is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000904
+name: floor plate rhombomere 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 7." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate r7" EXACT []
+synonym: "floorplate r7" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000904
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000905
+name: lateral mesenchyme derived from mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000905
+is_a: ZFA:0000081 ! trunk mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000906
+name: lateral wall midbrain region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the midbrain region of the neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lateral wall midbrain" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000906
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000907
+name: lateral wall rhombomere 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000907
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000908
+name: lateral wall rhombomere 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000908
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000909
+name: lateral wall rhombomere 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000909
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000153 ! rhombomere 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000910
+name: medial forebrain bundle telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "medial forebrain bundles telencephalon" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000910
+is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005111 ! medial forebrain bundle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000911
+name: medial pterygiophores dorsal fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: ZFA:0001647
+id: ZFA:0000912
+name: mesenchyme median fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesenchyme part of median fin fold." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000912
+is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0000913
+name: molecular layer valvula cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue which is part of the valvula cerebelli and contains neuronal cell bodies." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000913
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000914
+name: floor plate telencephalic region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the telencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floorplate telencephalon" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000914
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000915
+name: muscle pioneer somite 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 11." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 11" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000915
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000725 ! somite 11
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000916
+name: muscle pioneer somite 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 14." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 14" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000916
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000726 ! somite 14
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000917
+name: muscle pioneer somite 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 17." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 17" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000917
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000727 ! somite 17
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000918
+name: muscle pioneer somite 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 20." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 20" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000918
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000156 ! somite 20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000919
+name: muscle pioneer somite 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 23." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 23" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000919
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000730 ! somite 23
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000920
+name: muscle pioneer somite 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 26." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 26" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000920
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000074 ! somite 26
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000921
+name: muscle pioneer somite 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 29." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 29" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000921
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000981 ! somite 29
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000922
+name: muscle pioneer somite 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 4" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000922
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000857 ! somite 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000923
+name: muscle pioneer somite 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 7" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000923
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000733 ! somite 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000924
+name: myotome somite 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 1 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000924
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000072 ! somite 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000925
+name: hypaxial region somite 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 10 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000925
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001013 ! myotome somite 10
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000926
+name: myotome somite 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 12 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000926
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000851 ! somite 12
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000927
+name: myotome somite 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 16 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000927
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000976 ! somite 16
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000928
+name: myotome somite 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 19 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000928
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000977 ! somite 19
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000929
+name: myotome somite 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 21 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000929
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000854 ! somite 21
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000930
+name: myotome somite 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 24 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000930
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000855 ! somite 24
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000931
+name: myotome somite 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 27 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000931
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000731 ! somite 27
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000932
+name: myotome somite 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 3 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000932
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000732 ! somite 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000933
+name: myotome somite 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 5 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000933
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000073 ! somite 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000934
+name: myotome somite 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 8 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000934
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000858 ! somite 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000935
+name: neural crest midbrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural crest that is part of the midbrain." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "mesencephalic neural crest" EXACT [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000935
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000936
+name: dorsal fin distal radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the dorsal fin, which articulate with the lepidotrichia distally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin distal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000936
+is_a: ZFA:0001647 ! dorsal fin radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000937
+name: hypaxial region somite 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 13 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000937
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001014 ! myotome somite 13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000938
+name: central canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Spinal cord structure that is part of the ventricular system and is filled with cerebral-spinal fluid and runs the length of the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "canalis centralis" EXACT []
+synonym: "neural lumen" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000938
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000939
+name: middle lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the middle lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast middle" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts middle" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000939
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000344 ! middle lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0000940
+name: posterior lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the posterior lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast posterior" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts posterior" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000940
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001157 ! posterior lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000944 ! posterior lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000941
+name: nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus synencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon, is located adjacent to the caudal commissure, and extends axons into the medial longitudinal fasciculus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000941
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005871 ! region of the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000943
+name: pectoral fin skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeleton that consists of the supporting endochondral proximal and distal radials and the dermal fins rays or lepidotrichia. The pectoral fin skeleton is located in the thoracic region of the body and articulates with the scapula and coracoid." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0000943
+is_a: ZFA:0000027 ! paired fin skeleton
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000944
+name: posterior lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "pll" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000944
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001157 ! posterior lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0000946
+name: hypaxial region somite 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 16 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000946
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000927 ! myotome somite 16
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000947
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the dorsal fin, which articulate with the distal radials." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin proximal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000947
+is_a: ZFA:0001647 ! dorsal fin radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0000948
+name: rhombomere 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "r3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000948
+is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001213 ! presumptive rhombomere 3
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000949
+name: rhombomere 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 6." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "r7" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000949
+is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001209 ! presumptive rhombomere 7
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000950
+name: roof plate rhombomere 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 3." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000950
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000951
+name: roof plate rhombomere 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000951
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000952
+name: sclerotome somite 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 1 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000952
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000072 ! somite 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0000953
+name: sclerotome somite 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 12 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000953
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000851 ! somite 12
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000954
+name: sclerotome somite 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 15 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000954
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000852 ! somite 15
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000955
+name: sclerotome somite 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 18 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000955
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000853 ! somite 18
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000956
+name: sclerotome somite 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 20 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000956
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000156 ! somite 20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000957
+name: hypaxial region somite 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 19 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000957
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000928 ! myotome somite 19
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000958
+name: sclerotome somite 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 23 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000958
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000730 ! somite 23
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000959
+name: sclerotome somite 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 26 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000959
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000074 ! somite 26
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000960
+name: sclerotome somite 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 29 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000960
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000981 ! somite 29
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000961
+name: sclerotome somite 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 4 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000961
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000857 ! somite 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000962
+name: sclerotome somite 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 7 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0000962
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000733 ! somite 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000963
+name: slow muscle cell somite 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 1." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 1" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000963
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000924 ! myotome somite 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000964
+name: slow muscle cell somite 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 12." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 12" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000964
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000926 ! myotome somite 12
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000965
+name: slow muscle cell somite 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 15." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 15" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000965
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000802 ! myotome somite 15
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000966
+name: slow muscle cell somite 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 18." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 18" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000966
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000803 ! myotome somite 18
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000967
+name: slow muscle cell somite 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 20." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 20" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000967
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000804 ! myotome somite 20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000968
+name: hypaxial region somite 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 21 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000968
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000929 ! myotome somite 21
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000969
+name: slow muscle cell somite 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 23." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 23" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000969
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000805 ! myotome somite 23
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000970
+name: slow muscle cell somite 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 26." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 26" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000970
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000807 ! myotome somite 26
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000971
+name: slow muscle cell somite 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 29." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 29" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000971
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000808 ! myotome somite 29
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000972
+name: slow muscle cell somite 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 4" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000972
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000809 ! myotome somite 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000973
+name: slow muscle cell somite 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 7" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000973
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000810 ! myotome somite 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000974
+name: somite 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 10 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000974
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000975
+name: somite 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 13 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000975
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000976
+name: somite 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 16 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000976
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000977
+name: somite 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk or tail segment 19 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000977
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0000978
+name: somite 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 22 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000978
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000979
+name: hypaxial region somite 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 24 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000979
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000930 ! myotome somite 24
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000980
+name: somite 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 25 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000980
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0000981
+name: somite 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 29 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000981
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0000982
+name: somite 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 6 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000982
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000983
+name: somite 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 9 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000983
+is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000984
+name: superior reticular formation tegmentum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000984
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000985
+name: ventral rhombencephalic commissure medulla oblongata
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000985
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000986
+name: hypaxial region somite 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 27 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000986
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000931 ! myotome somite 27
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000987
+name: hypaxial region somite 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 3 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000987
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000932 ! myotome somite 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000988
+name: hypaxial region somite 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 5 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000988
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000933 ! myotome somite 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000989
+name: hypaxial region somite 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The hypaxial region of somite 8 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000989
+is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000934 ! myotome somite 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000990
+name: intermediate mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000990
+is_a: ZFA:0000081 ! trunk mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000991
+name: epaxial region somite 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 10 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0000991
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001013 ! myotome somite 10
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000992
+name: lateral migration pathway mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000992
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000999 ! mesenchyme derived from trunk neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000993
+name: lateral wall neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue located at either side of the neural rod." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000993
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000994
+name: lateral wall rhombomere 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 3." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000994
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000995
+name: lateral wall rhombomere 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000995
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0000996
+name: lateral wall spinal cord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0000996
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0000997
+name: medial funicular nucleus trigeminal nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory trigeminal nucleus located at the end of the medulla oblongata." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "medial funicular nucleus trigeminal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000997
+is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0000998
+name: mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000998
+is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0000999
+name: mesenchyme derived from trunk neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0000999
+is_a: ZFA:0000081 ! trunk mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001000
+name: mesenchyme pectoral fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesenchyme that is part of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "mesenchyme pectoral fins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001000
+is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000789 ! mesoderm pectoral fin bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001001
+name: epaxial region somite 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 13 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001001
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001014 ! myotome somite 13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001002
+name: peripheral motor axons
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Consider post-composing ZFA:0009052 motor neuron with GO:0030424 axon
+xref: TAO:0001002
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0001003
+name: muscle pioneer somite 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 12." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 12" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001003
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000851 ! somite 12
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001004
+name: muscle pioneer somite 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 15." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 15" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001004
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000852 ! somite 15
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001005
+name: muscle pioneer somite 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 18." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 18" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001005
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000853 ! somite 18
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001006
+name: muscle pioneer somite 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 21." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 21" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001006
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000854 ! somite 21
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001007
+name: muscle pioneer somite 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 24." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 24" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001007
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000855 ! somite 24
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001008
+name: muscle pioneer somite 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 27." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 27" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001008
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000731 ! somite 27
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001009
+name: muscle pioneer somite 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 3." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 3" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001009
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000732 ! somite 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001010
+name: muscle pioneer somite 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 5" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001010
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000073 ! somite 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001011
+name: muscle pioneer somite 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 8" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001011
+is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000858 ! somite 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001012
+name: epaxial region somite 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 16 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001012
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000927 ! myotome somite 16
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001013
+name: myotome somite 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 10 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001013
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000974 ! somite 10
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001014
+name: myotome somite 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 13 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001014
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000975 ! somite 13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001015
+name: myotome somite 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 17 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001015
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000727 ! somite 17
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001016
+name: myotome somite 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 2 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001016
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000728 ! somite 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001017
+name: myotome somite 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 22 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001017
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000978 ! somite 22
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001018
+name: myotome somite 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 25 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001018
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000980 ! somite 25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001019
+name: myotome somite 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 28 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001019
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000856 ! somite 28
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001020
+name: myotome somite 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 30 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001020
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000157 ! somite 30
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001021
+name: myotome somite 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 6 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001021
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000982 ! somite 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001022
+name: myotome somite 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite 9 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001022
+is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000983 ! somite 9
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001023
+name: epaxial region somite 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 19 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001023
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000928 ! myotome somite 19
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001024
+name: trunk neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural crest that is part of the trunk." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001024
+is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001025
+name: occipital lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the occipital lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast occipital" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts occipital" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001025
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000400 ! occipital lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0001026
+name: supraorbital lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the supraorbital lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast supraorbital" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromasts supraorbital" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001026
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000443 ! supraorbital lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0001027
+name: oral cavity
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Space within the oral region." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "buccal cavity" EXACT []
+synonym: "buccal chamber" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001027
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001028
+name: hypurapophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The paired bony lateral extensions off the parhypural." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "hypurapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "parhypurapophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "parhypurapophysis process" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001028
+is_a: ZFA:0000859 ! specialized hemal arch and spine
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000438 ! parhypural
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001029
+name: inner limiting membrane
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Membrane on the apical surface of the retina. The retinal vasculature becomes adhered to the apical surface of the ILM by 30dpf." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071023-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-3]
+synonym: "ILM" EXACT []
+synonym: "inner limiting membranes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001029
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001030
+name: epaxial region somite 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 21 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001030
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000929 ! myotome somite 21
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001031
+name: rhombomere 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anteriormost hindbrain segment or neuromere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "r1" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001031
+is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001207 ! presumptive rhombomere 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001032
+name: rhombomere 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 3." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "r4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001032
+is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001212 ! presumptive rhombomere 4
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001033
+name: roof plate rhombomere 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 1." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001033
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001034
+name: roof plate rhombomere 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001034
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001035
+name: roof plate rhombomere 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001035
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000153 ! rhombomere 8
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001036
+name: sclerotome somite 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 10 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001036
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000974 ! somite 10
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001037
+name: sclerotome somite 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 13 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001037
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000975 ! somite 13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001038
+name: sclerotome somite 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 16 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001038
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000976 ! somite 16
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001039
+name: sclerotome somite 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 19 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001039
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000977 ! somite 19
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001040
+name: epaxial region somite 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The epaxial region of somite 24 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001040
+is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000930 ! myotome somite 24
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001041
+name: sclerotome somite 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 21 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001041
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000854 ! somite 21
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001042
+name: sclerotome somite 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 24 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001042
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000855 ! somite 24
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001043
+name: sclerotome somite 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 27 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001043
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000731 ! somite 27
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001044
+name: sclerotome somite 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 3 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001044
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000732 ! somite 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001045
+name: sclerotome somite 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 5 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001045
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000073 ! somite 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001046
+name: sclerotome somite 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventromedial region of somite 8 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
+xref: TAO:0001046
+is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000858 ! somite 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001047
+name: slow muscle cell somite 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 10." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 10" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001047
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001013 ! myotome somite 10
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001048
+name: slow muscle cell somite 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 13." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 13" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001048
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001014 ! myotome somite 13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001049
+name: slow muscle cell somite 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 16." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 16" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001049
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000927 ! myotome somite 16
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001050
+name: slow muscle cell somite 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 19." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 19" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001050
+is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000928 ! myotome somite 19
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001051
+name: caudal division of the internal carotid artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Branch of the internal carotid artery that extends caudally along the sides of the midbrain and eventually drains into the basilar artery via the posterior communicating artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140605-9]
+synonym: "CaDI" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior cerebral carotid artery" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior rami of the cerebral carotid artery" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001051
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005081 ! internal carotid artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001052
+name: primordial hindbrain channel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The paired vessels that run along the lateral walls of the hindbrain and drain into the anterior cardinal veins." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "medial head vein" EXACT []
+synonym: "PHBC" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001052
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001053
+name: primitive internal carotid artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that originates as rostral extensions of the paired lateral dorsal aorta. The primitive internal carotid artery splits to form caudal and cranial divisions. The primitive internal carotid artery is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "PICA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001053
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001054
+name: lateral dorsal aorta
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Connect the outflow of the aortic arches to the dorsal aorta. The place where the lateral dorsal aorta fuse is called the radix of the aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "LDA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001054
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001055
+name: pronephric duct opening
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The juncture where the pronephric ducts empty into the cloaca." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pronephric duct openings" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "urogenital opening" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060508-11]
+xref: TAO:0001055
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000330 ! cloacal chamber
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001056
+name: myotome
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle that develops from somite and gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "myomeres" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001056
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0001057
+name: intersegmental vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Veins that connect the posterior cardinal vein and the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel. They run along the vertical myotomal boundaries. They form from primary intersegmental vessels that are contacted by secondary angiogenic sprouts from the posterior cardinal vein and take on the characteristics of veins. These eventually link with other secondary sprouts from the posterior cardinal vein to form the parachordal vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030908-4]
+synonym: "ISV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001057
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+is_a: ZFA:0001285 ! intersegmental vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001058
+name: caudal fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin that is the most posterior median fin. It is composed of a complex of three modified centra and modified neural and hemal arches and spines." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
+synonym: "tail" EXACT []
+synonym: "tail fin" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001058
+is_a: ZFA:0005597 ! median fin
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001069 ! ventral fin fold
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001117 ! post-vent region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001059
+name: cranial division of the internal carotid artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal branch of the internal carotid artery that gives rise to the branches that supply the diencephalon and telencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140605-9]
+synonym: "anterior cerebral carotid artery" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior rami of the cerebral carotid artery" EXACT []
+synonym: "CrDI" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral division of the internal carotid artery" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001059
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005081 ! internal carotid artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001060
+name: basidorsal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Basidorsals are bilaterally paired cartilages on the dorsolateral side of the notochord which are replaced by ossified neural arches or dorsal arcocentra. In otophysan fishes, basidorsal 1, bd2, bd3, and bd4 give rise to parts of the Weberian apparatus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "arcualia" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001060
+is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001061
+name: intersegmental artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Arteries that connect the dorsal aorta and the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel. They run along the vertical myotomal boundaries. At early stages these vessels don't have venous or arterial markers. They form from the primary sprouts from the dorsal aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030908-4]
+synonym: "intersegmental arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001061
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+is_a: ZFA:0001285 ! intersegmental vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001062
+name: primitive mesencephalic artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that branches dorsally from the cranial division of the internal carotid artery, then curves caudally along the dorsal medial wall of the eye capsule to drain into the PMBC just rostral to the midbrain hindbrain boundary." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "PMsA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001062
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001063
+name: posterior caudal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001063
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001064
+name: rhombomere
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A segment of the developing hindbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "hindbrain segment" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromere" RELATED []
+synonym: "rhombomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001064
+is_a: ZFA:0001328 ! neuromere
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001065
+name: lateral mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001065
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001066
+name: neural arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neural arch encloses the neural canal and typically meets its partner to form a neural spine. The neural arch can be a replacement ossification of the basidorsal cartilage or can form directly in membrane bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dorsal arcocentrum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001066
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001060 ! basidorsal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001067
+name: anterior cerebral vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that branches from the primordial hindbrain channel (PHBC) at 1.3 dpf. The primitive prosencephalic artery drains into the anterior cerebral vein (ACeV) as do the prosencephalic artery and the nasal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "ACeV" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral cerebral vein" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001067
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001068
+name: mesencephalic artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery in the midbrain that develops from the proximal portion of the primitive mesencephalic artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "MsA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001068
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001062 ! primitive mesencephalic artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001069
+name: ventral fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region of the median fin fold that develops into the anal and caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "anal fin fold" EXACT []
+synonym: "tail fin fold" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral fin" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001069
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001070
+name: presumptive pronephric mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Presumptive structure part of the intermediate mesoderm, that is fated to become pronephric mesoderm." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "nephron primordium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001070
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001206 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001071
+name: presumptive neural retina
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the inner layer of the optic cup and will become the neural retina." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "inner layer optic cup" EXACT []
+synonym: "presumptive retinas" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001071
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001202 ! optic cup
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001072
+name: thyroid follicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue formed form thyroid follicle cells that forms along the midline in pharyngeal mesenchyme. The follicles are not encapsulated by connective tissue." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060517-11]
+synonym: "thyroid follicles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001072
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001081 ! thyroid primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001073
+name: axial vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vasculature that runs along the rostral-caudal axis of the fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001073
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001074
+name: taste bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pear or onion-shaped intraepithelial sensory endorgans. They sit on a small dermal papilla and consist of modified epithelial cells of different types. The taste buds are located in the mouth, in the oropharyngeal cavity, on the head and on the barbels. They are innervated by either the facial (VII), the glossopharyngeal (IX), or the vagal (X) cranial nerve." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-3]
+comment: Taste buds are made up of vertically oriented, elongate cells form the sensory epithelium of the organ: dark cells with many small microvilli, and light cells with one large microvillus as an apical ending. Between the dark and light cells and the basal lamina, the basal cells stretch horizontally.
+synonym: "taste buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001074
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001075
+name: choroidal fissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The narrow cleft along the medial wall of the lateral ventricle along the margins of which the choroid plexus is attached; it lies between the upper surface of the thalamus and lateral edge of the fornix in the central part of the ventricle and between the terminal stria and fimbria hippocampi in the inferior horn." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "choroidal fissures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001075
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001076
+name: intestinal bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The bulbous anteriormost portion of the intestine has the most digestive enzymes and the greatest epithelial surface area." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
+synonym: " pseudogaster " EXACT [ISBN:3510650670]
+synonym: "anterior intestine" EXACT []
+synonym: "foregut" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001076
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005738 ! intestinal bulb primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001077
+name: thymus primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A small outgrowth of the pharyngeal epithelium that is the site of lymphocyte cell production." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990414-60]
+synonym: "thymic rudiment" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001077
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000818 ! vagal neural crest
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001104 ! pharyngeal endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001078
+name: thymus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired organ where maturation of T-lymphocytes occurs. The adult thymus located on the dorsomedial aspect of the branchial cavity above the third pharyngeal cartilage. The thymus undergoes a period of rapid growth beginning at about the third week and continuing for several more weeks. Accompanying this growth is a dramatic change in the shape of the thymus. It is ovoid initially and then starts to grow dorsally along the skull, forming a characteristic protrusion. During this growth period the adult pattern of rag1-positive cortex and rag1-negative medulla becomes established. The protrusions diminish with age and the thymus gradually shrinks; at two years, the thymus is again confined to the pharynx with minimal if any protrusion." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040216-26, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-55]
+xref: TAO:0001078
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001077 ! thymus primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001079
+name: blood vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains blood that is actively transported around the organism." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "blood vessel" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001079
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001080
+name: sclerotome
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of somite that gives rise to skeletal elements." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "sclerotomes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001080
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0001081
+name: thyroid primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue part of the pharyngeal endoderm that is fated to become thyroid follicle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "thyroid primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001081
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001104 ! pharyngeal endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001082
+name: chordo neural hinge
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is posterior to the developing notochord during tail bud extension." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970723-15]
+xref: TAO:0001082
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000077 ! tail bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0001083
+name: ventricular zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Proliferative region that is part of the ventricular system. The cells directly face the ventricle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ventricular zones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001083
+is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001084
+name: epaxial myotome region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "epaxial myotome regions" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001084
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001085
+name: hypaxial myotome region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "hypaxial muscle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001085
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001086
+name: muscle pioneer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cells that develop from adaxial cells that express engrailed and do not migrate completely to the lateral surface of the myotome, and instead extend from the notochord to the lateral surface of the somite, at the level of the future horizontal myoseptum." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle pioneers" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "non migratory adaxial cells" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001086
+is_a: ZFA:0009114 ! muscle cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000003 ! adaxial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001089
+name: myoseptum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "myocommata" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17]
+synonym: "myosepta" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001089
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0001093
+name: unspecified
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Annotation with this anatomy term indicates that a structure was not specified by the author." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001093
+is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0001094
+name: whole organism
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure that is an individual member of Danio rerio." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "multi-cellular organism" EXACT []
+xref: CARO:0000012
+xref: TAO:0001094
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0001095
+name: immature macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an otic sensory epithelium that will develop into the mature macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "immature maculae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "immature sensory patch" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature sensory patches" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001095
+is_a: ZFA:0007070 ! otic sensory epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000051 ! otic vesicle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001096
+name: immature anterior macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an otic sensory epithelium that will develop into the mature anterior macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "immature anterior maculae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001096
+is_a: ZFA:0007070 ! otic sensory epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001095 ! immature macula
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001097
+name: immature posterior macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an otic sensory epithelium that will develop into the mature posterior macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "immature posterior maculae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001097
+is_a: ZFA:0007070 ! otic sensory epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001095 ! immature macula
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001098
+name: immature hair cell anterior macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A hair cell which is immature and located in the anterior macula. It will develop into a hair cell of the anterior macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "immature sensory hair cells anterior macula" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001098
+is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001096 ! immature anterior macula
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001099
+name: immature hair cell posterior macula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A hair cell which is immature and located in the posterior macula. It will develop into a hair cell of the posterior macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "immature sensory hair cells posterior macula" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001099
+is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001097 ! immature posterior macula
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001100
+name: hepatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A duct that carries bile from the liver to the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001100
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001101
+name: gustatory system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory system that uses taste buds to sense chemical compounds." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0001101
+is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001104
+name: pharyngeal endoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001104
+is_a: ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
+disjoint_from: ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001105
+name: embryonic structure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure that is part of the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "embryonic structures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001105
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0001106
+name: pharyngeal pouch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Outpocketings of pharyngeal endoderm that interdigitate with the neural crest derived pharyngeal arches. The pouches later fuse with the surface ectoderm to form the gill slits." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-041029-8]
+synonym: "pharyngeal pouches" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001106
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001104 ! pharyngeal endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001107
+name: internal gill bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that develops into a gill." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-041216-7]
+synonym: "internal gill buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001107
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001106 ! pharyngeal pouch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0001108
+name: anterior commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic white matter (commissure) which connects the two cerebral hemispheres across the midline." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "commissura anterior" EXACT []
+synonym: "commissura rostral" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral commissure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001108
+is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001109
+name: oocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009008
+def: "A female germ cell that has entered meiosis." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544]
+comment: I think the term we really want is CL:0000023.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "egg" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000023
+xref: TAO:0001109
+is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001110
+name: ovarian follicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Oocyte development of zebrafish has been divided into five stages based on morphological criteria and on physiological and biochemical events. Stage I follicles (less than 140 microns) are primary growth stage, stage II follicles (140-340 microns) are cortical alveolus stage, stage III (340-690 microns) are vitellogenesis, stage IV (690-730 microns) are oocyte maturation, and stage V follicles are matured egg." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
+synonym: "egg follicle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001110
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000403 ! ovary
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001111
+name: zona radiata
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Acellular anatomic structure that is a layer that separates the developing oocyte and the granulosa cell layer." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "vitelline envelope" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001111
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001112
+name: granulosa cell layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue part of the ovarian follicle containing a single layer of granulosa cells that surround the developing oocyte." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "granulosa cell layers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001112
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001113
+name: thecal cell layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure of the ovarian follicle, composed of stromal cells and capillaries that covers oocytes. The thecal layer is external to the granulosa cell layer." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "thecal cell layers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001113
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001114
+name: head
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organism subdivision which is the part of the body which consists of the cranial and pharyngeal regions." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001114
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001115
+name: trunk
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organism subdivision which is the part of the body posterior to the head and anterior to the post-vent region." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001115
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000077 ! tail bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001116
+name: presumptive structure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of embryonic tissue determined by fate mapping to become a structure." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "presumptive structures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001116
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0001117
+name: post-vent region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organism subdivision which is the part of the body posterior to the vent which includes the anal and caudal fins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "tail" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001117
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000077 ! tail bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001118
+name: urogenital papilla
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A protuberance in front of the gential pore and behind the vent. Mature females have a well developed urogenital papillae whilst in mature males it is poorly developed." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040526-4]
+synonym: "anal papilla" EXACT []
+synonym: "anal papillae" EXACT []
+synonym: "genital papilla" EXACT []
+synonym: "UGP" EXACT []
+synonym: "urogenital papillae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001118
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0001119
+name: dermis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A collagenous layer of the skin subjacent to the epidermis and covering the hypodermis. It contains various types of cells (e.g. fibroblasts, pigment cells, nerve, blood vessels and scales." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+xref: TAO:0001119
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000255 ! paraxial mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000787 ! mesenchyme derived from head neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001120
+name: neuroectoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "neural ectoderm" EXACT []
+synonym: "neurectoderm" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001120
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001121
+name: presumptive shield
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Presumptive structure fated to become the shield. Defined by fate mapping." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001121
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000018 ! Gastrula:Germ-ring
+relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001122
+name: primary germ layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of a layer of cells that form during embryogenesis that will give rise to all structures of the organism." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "embryonic germ layers" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001122
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001123
+name: axial fin skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Postcranial axial skeleton that is unpaired and located on the sagittal plane of the organism." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "median fin skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "unpaired fin skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001123
+is_a: ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001124
+name: dorsal fin skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Median fin skeleton located on the dorsal surface of the organism." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001124
+is_a: ZFA:0001123 ! axial fin skeleton
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001173 ! dorsal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001125
+name: organizer inducing center
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The dorsal marginal region of the YSL where maternal dorsal determinants localize. Participates in positioning the shield." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-991102-7]
+synonym: "Nieuwkoop center" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001125
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000088 ! yolk syncytial layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000012 ! Blastula:High
+id: ZFA:0001126
+name: noninvoluting endocytic marginal cell cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The NEM cell cluster lies in a superficial position of the dorsal blastoderm margin encompassing EVL cells and one or two layers of underlying deep cells. Unlike other marginal blastomeres, cells in this cluster do not participate in involution." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970107-2]
+synonym: "NEM" EXACT []
+synonym: "noninvoluting endocytic marginal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001126
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000038 ! margin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001127
+name: visual system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory system responsible for the perception of light." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001127
+is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001128
+name: pharyngeal pouch 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 1" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001128
+is_a: ZFA:0001106 ! pharyngeal pouch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001129
+name: pharyngeal pouches 2-6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001129
+is_a: ZFA:0001106 ! pharyngeal pouch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001130
+name: pharyngeal pouch 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 2" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001130
+is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001131
+name: pharyngeal pouch 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 3" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001131
+is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001132
+name: pharyngeal pouch 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 6" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001132
+is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001133
+name: pharyngeal pouch 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 5" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001133
+is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001134
+name: pharyngeal pouch 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 4" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001134
+is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001135
+name: neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the cavity-containing primordium of the central nervous system, developing from the neural rod in the late segmentation period." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001135
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001136
+name: hypodermis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A layer separating the inner face of the dermis from the subjacent muscle cells. It is covered on both sides by a basement membrane. It contains pigment cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+synonym: "subcutis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001136
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001137
+name: ventral tooth row
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tooth row that is the ventralmost row of teeth on ceratobranchial 5 bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ventral tooth rows" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001137
+is_a: ZFA:0001642 ! tooth row
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001138
+name: vestibuloauditory system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory system responsible for the perception of spatial orientation and auditory stimuli." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001138
+is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001139
+name: mediodorsal tooth row
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tooth row that is the mediodorsal row of teeth on ceratobranchial 5 bone, located between the dorsal tooth row and ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "mediodorsal tooth rows" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001139
+is_a: ZFA:0001642 ! tooth row
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001140
+name: dorsal tooth row
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tooth row that is the dorsalmost row of teeth on ceratobranchial 5 bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dorsal tooth rows" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001140
+is_a: ZFA:0001642 ! tooth row
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001141
+name: tooth 1V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the anteriormost tooth in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001141
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001142
+name: tooth 5V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the posteriormost tooth in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001142
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001143
+name: tooth 4V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 3V and anterior to tooth 5V in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001143
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001144
+name: tooth 2V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 1V and anterior to tooth 3V in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001144
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001145
+name: tooth 3V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 2V and anterior to tooth 4V in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001145
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001146
+name: tooth 1MD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the anteriormost tooth in the mediodorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001146
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001139 ! mediodorsal tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001147
+name: tooth 2MD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 1MD and anterior to tooth 3MD in the mediodorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001147
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001139 ! mediodorsal tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001148
+name: tooth 1D
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the anteriormost tooth in the dorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001148
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001140 ! dorsal tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001149
+name: olfactory system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory system responsible for olfaction. Olfaction involves the detection of chemical composition of an organism's ambient medium by chemoreceptors." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001149
+is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001150
+name: tooth 2D
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the posteriormost tooth in the dorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001150
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001140 ! dorsal tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001151
+name: tooth 4MD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the posteriormost tooth in the mediodorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001151
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001139 ! mediodorsal tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001152
+name: tooth 3MD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 2MD and anterior to tooth 4MD in the mediodorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001152
+is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001139 ! mediodorsal tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001153
+name: tooth placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Placode that develops into a tooth. The placode is a thickening of the pharyngeal epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dental primordium" EXACT []
+synonym: "tooth germ" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001153
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001174 ! pharyngeal epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001154
+name: anal fin musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Musculature part of the anal fin." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001154
+is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001162 ! anal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001155
+name: enteric nervous system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nervous system that is involved primarily with the internal regulation of the gustatory processes. In most vertebrates the enteric neurons form two layers of ganglionic plexuses located along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb,, ISBN:0080923437, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001155
+is_a: ZFA:0001574 ! autonomic nervous system
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001334 ! presumptive enteric nervous system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001156
+name: posterior lateral line placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsolateral placode that gives rise to the posterior lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "posterior lateral line placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001156
+is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001157
+name: posterior lateral line primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A migrating group of cells originating from the posterior lateral line placode. The primordium deposits seven to nine neuromasts and interneuromasts between them during its posterior migration to the tail." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010705-16]
+synonym: "posterior lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001157
+is_a: ZFA:0000228 ! lateral line primordium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001156 ! posterior lateral line placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001158
+name: endocrine system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical system that produces, transports and secretes peptides." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001158
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001159
+name: immune system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "System that provides protection against foreign and abnormal cells and removes cellular debris." [ISBN:0314472304]
+xref: TAO:0001159
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001160
+name: adult
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFS:0000044
+id: ZFA:0001161
+name: pectoral fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired fin that is located in the thoracic region of the body." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "forefin" EXACT []
+synonym: "pectoral fins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001161
+is_a: ZFA:0005596 ! paired fin
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000141 ! pectoral fin bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001162
+name: anal fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Median fin that is located posterior to the anus." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001162
+is_a: ZFA:0005597 ! median fin
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001069 ! ventral fin fold
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001117 ! post-vent region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001163
+name: supraneural 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 6 and 7." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001163
+is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001164
+name: supraneural 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 5 and 6." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "sn6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001164
+is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001165
+name: supraneural 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 4 and 5." [ZDB:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "sn5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001165
+is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001166
+name: supraneural 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 8 and 9." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001166
+is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001167
+name: vertebra 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to the neurocranium." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "cervical vertebra 1" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001167
+is_a: ZFA:0001190 ! Weberian vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001168
+name: vertebra 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 1." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "cervical vertebra 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001168
+is_a: ZFA:0001190 ! Weberian vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001169
+name: vertebra 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 2." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001169
+is_a: ZFA:0001190 ! Weberian vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001170
+name: vertebra 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 3." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001170
+is_a: ZFA:0001190 ! Weberian vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001171
+name: os suspensorium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Thin, rod-shaped, anteroventrally directed membrane bone that develops as a separate outgrowth from the cartilage parapophysis of the fourth vertebra; develops ventrally to curve around the anterior head of the swim bladder. It articulates with the tripus at the tripus-swim bladder connection. Often termed a fifth Weberian ossicle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+comment: The os suspensorium is similar in shape to a rib, but the other ribs in Danio develop as separate ossifications that grow toward and articulate with the parapophyses.
+xref: TAO:0001171
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001170 ! vertebra 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001172
+name: roofing cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilaginous larval structure dorsal to the four anterior-most vertebrae, which forms the connection between neural arches and supraneurals in the Weberian apparatus. Located dorsal to the neural tube." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001172
+is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001191 ! supraneural 2
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001192 ! supraneural 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001173
+name: dorsal fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Median fin that is located on the dorsal surface of the fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001173
+is_a: ZFA:0005597 ! median fin
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000102 ! dorsal fin fold
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001174
+name: pharyngeal epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium lining the pharynx consisting largely of simple columnar epithelium with a short segment (1mm) of stratified squamous epithelium on the ventral side." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070426-1]
+xref: TAO:0001174
+is_a: ZFA:0001495 ! unilaminar epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001104 ! pharyngeal endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001175
+name: blastodisc
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that is the dome of cytoplasm that segregates from the yolk toward the animal pole during and after the one cell-stage, and which undergoes cleavage." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001175
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0001176
+name: blastoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that is composed of the cellular part of the embryo, excluding the yolk cell, derived from the blastodisc by early morphogenesis; refers particularly to the time when the cell array is sheet-like, between 30%-epiboly and the end of gastrulation." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001176
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001175 ! blastodisc
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001177
+name: roof plate spinal cord region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001177
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001178
+name: non neural ectoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ventral ectoderm" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001178
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001179
+name: epidermal superficial stratum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The outer layer of the epidermis. The living cells form single cell layer, the outer surface of which is ornamented with microridges. These outer epidermal cells are not renewed periodically, but are individually replaced when dead." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+xref: TAO:0001179
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001185 ! periderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000105 ! epidermis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001180
+name: epidermal basal stratum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lower layer of the epidermis. Composed of a single layer of cells. The major function of the basal stratum is to keep the epidermis attached to the underlying dermis by means of (hemidesmosomes attached to the basement membrane." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+synonym: "basal epidermal layer" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001180
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000105 ! epidermis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001181
+name: epidermal intermediate stratum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The tissue which lies between the basal stratum and the superficial stratum. This layer is composed of a variable number of cell layers which contain mucous goblet cells, club cells and sensory cells. Most of the cells of this region are undifferentiated. They serve as a reservoir to replace dead cells in any of the epidermis regions." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+xref: TAO:0001181
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000105 ! epidermis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001182
+name: dermal deep region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the dermis characterized by a well-arranged, plywood-like, collagenous network." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+synonym: "stratum compactum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001182
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001186 ! collagenous dermal stroma
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001183
+name: dermal superficial region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Outer portion of the dermis composed of a loose collagenous matrix housing numerous fibroblasts, nerves, some pigment cells, and scales. Scale development takes place in this layer of the dermis." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+synonym: "stratum laxum" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001183
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001184
+name: pelvic fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired fin located in the abdominal position of the body." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "pelvic fins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001184
+is_a: ZFA:0005596 ! paired fin
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001384 ! pelvic fin bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001185
+name: periderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The outermost epidermal layer covering the fish at embryonic stages; derived from the EVL and thought to eventually be replaced by the superficial stratum of the epidermis. Sometimes used synonymously with EVL." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+synonym: "EVL" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001185
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000086 ! EVL
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001186
+name: collagenous dermal stroma
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Acellular anatomical structure that is a layer of collagen fibrils in the immature integument in a subepidermal space. At first, the fibrils are all oriented in the same direction, later they form the complex plywood-like structure that is characteristic of the dermal deep region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
+synonym: "primary dermal stroma" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001186
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001187
+name: presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "presumptive midbrain-hindbrain boundary" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001187
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001188
+name: Weberian apparatus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The Weberian apparatus consists of the modified anteriormost four vertebrae and associated structures of otophysans which transduce sound or pressure waves from the tunica externa of the swim bladder to the inner ear (Alexander, 1962)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001188
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001559 ! vertebral column
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001189
+name: vertebra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "All serially repeated ossified, cartilaginous, and ligamentous elements around the notochord (Schultze and Arratia, 1988). Adult zebrafish usually 32 vertebrae but may have as few as 30 to as many as 33 vertebrae." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020807-1]
+synonym: "vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001189
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001559 ! vertebral column
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001190
+name: Weberian vertebra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The first four vertebrae, which are part of the Weberian apparatus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "Weberian vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001190
+is_a: ZFA:0000263 ! precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001188 ! Weberian apparatus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001191
+name: supraneural 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneural 2 is an ovoid cartilage or cartilage replacement bone located above centrum 2. It forms an immovable joint with supraneural 3 and contributes to the neural complex roofing the neural canal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "small supraneural" EXACT []
+synonym: "sn2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001191
+is_a: ZFA:0000442 ! supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001363 ! neural complex
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001192
+name: supraneural 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneural 3 is an elongated cartilage or cartilage replacement bone above vertebrae 3 and 4, developmentally fusing with NA 3 and 4. A crest or blade of membrane bone forms from its dorsal surface." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "large supraneural" EXACT []
+synonym: "sn3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001192
+is_a: ZFA:0000442 ! supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001363 ! neural complex
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001193
+name: supraneural 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 7 and 8." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001193
+is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001194
+name: cranial neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural crest that is part of the head." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001194
+is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0001195
+name: pars anterior
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anterior portion of the adenohypophysis. Comprised of the proximal and rostral pars anterior." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pars distalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001195
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001282 ! adenohypophysis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001196
+name: pars tuberalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: This structure does not exist in Zebrafish. Consider proximal pars anterior ZFA:0005581.
+xref: TAO:0001196
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0001197
+name: pars intermedia
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal portion of the adenohypophysis." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080616-4]
+xref: TAO:0001197
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001282 ! adenohypophysis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001198
+name: adenohypophyseal placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that gives rise to the adenohypophysis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pituitary placode" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001198
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001178 ! non neural ectoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001199
+name: infundibulum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure which is a short stalk connecting the neurohypophysis with the brain. Axons of secretory cells in the floor of the diencephalon traverse the infundibulum and terminate in the neurohypophysis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "hypophysial stalk" EXACT []
+synonym: "infundibulum of hypothalamus" EXACT []
+synonym: "pituitary stalk" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001199
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001271 ! neurohypophysis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001200
+name: corpuscles of Stannius
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Islands of eosinic cells found on the lateroventral surface of the kidney. Function is thought to be that of the parathyroid gland in other vertebrates, which are lacking in fishes. These cells secrete hypocalcin (teleocalcin) to regulate calcium metabolism." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001200
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001201
+name: ventral lateral mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001201
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000083 ! ventral mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001202
+name: optic cup
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is comprised of neural and non-neural epithelial layers which will form the retina and retinal pigmented epithelium of the mature eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "eye cup" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001202
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000050 ! optic vesicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001203
+name: ciliary zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that attach the zonules, that suspend the lens, to the eye. The ciliary zone secretes aqueous humor. Unlike mammals zebrafish the ciliary zone dose not contain processes or a circumferential band of muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+comment: May need to obsolete this term, ZDB-PUB-050701-15.\n\nThe ciliary "body" does not contain processes or a cumferential band of muscle. For this reason, we refer to the region adjacent and posterior to the iris as the ciliary zone, and not the ciliary body. The ciliary zone, however, is expanded and has a morphology consistent with contraction in a small area of the ventral-most region.
+synonym: "ciliary bodies" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "ciliary body" RELATED []
+synonym: "ciliary epithelial zone" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001203
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001204
+name: axial mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region of the mesoderm that is located along the rostral-caudal axis of the embryo." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001204
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001378 ! axial hypoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001205
+name: Meckel's cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Meckel's cartilage is the bilaterally paired, rod-like, cartilaginous ventral component of the lower jaw, or ventral mandibular arch. It is typically resorbed in adults." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "ventral mandibular cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001205
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0007117 ! Meckel's cartilage-palatoquadrate cartilage joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001206
+name: intermediate mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "IM" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001206
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001207
+name: presumptive rhombomere 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001207
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001208
+name: presumptive rhombomere 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001208
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001209
+name: presumptive rhombomere 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 7." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001209
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001210
+name: presumptive rhombomere 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 6." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001210
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001211
+name: presumptive rhombomere 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 5." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001211
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001212
+name: presumptive rhombomere 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001212
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001213
+name: presumptive rhombomere 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001213
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001214
+name: presumptive rhombomere 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 8." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001214
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001215
+name: thalamus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is paired, and is situated one on either side of and forming part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "thalami" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001215
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001216
+name: splanchnocranium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is the regional skeletal system of the jaws, hyoid and branchial arches." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pharyngeal arch skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "pharyngeal skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001216
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005771 ! ectomesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001217
+name: presumptive hypochord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tissue along the lateral edges of the shield that is fated to develop into the hypochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001217
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001218
+name: presumptive floor plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure, the part of the neural plate fated to become floor plate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001218
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001220
+name: copula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is ventral, median, and associated with more than one pharyngeal arch in the pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton. The copulae are the precursors of the basibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "copulae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001220
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001221
+name: copula 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Copula that is ventral, median, and associated with pharyngeal arches 3-5. A long slender cartilage extending along the midline from the posterior tip of the basihyal to between the third hypobranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior copula" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001221
+is_a: ZFA:0001220 ! copula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001222
+name: copula 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Copula that is ventral, median, and associated with pharyngeal arches 6-7. A cartilage extending from the posterior tip of copula 1 to the anterior tips of the fifth ceratobranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "posterior copula" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001222
+is_a: ZFA:0001220 ! copula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001223
+name: basibranchial 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Basibranchial 1 ossifies posterior to the basihyal and anterior to the first hypobranchials in copula 1 (7.6 mm)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001223
+is_a: ZFA:0000170 ! basibranchial
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001221 ! copula 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001224
+name: basibranchial 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Basibranchial 2 ossifies in copula 1 posterior to the first hypobranchials and anterior to the second hypobranchials (6.8 mm). It is the first of the three basibranchials to ossify." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001224
+is_a: ZFA:0000170 ! basibranchial
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001221 ! copula 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001225
+name: basibranchial 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Basibranchial 3 ossifies in copula 1 posterior to the second hypobranchials, anterior to the third hypobranchials (7.6 mm) and associated with pharyngeal arch 5. Cartilage pads, remnants of copula 1, remain between adjacent basibranchials in the adult." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001225
+is_a: ZFA:0000170 ! basibranchial
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001221 ! copula 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001226
+name: basibranchial 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Occasionally, a fourth basibranchial ossifies in the narrow copula 2 cartilage, which lies posterior to the third basibranchial and anterior to the anteromedial articulation of the fifth ceratobranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001226
+is_a: ZFA:0000170 ! basibranchial
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001222 ! copula 2
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001227
+name: mandibular arch skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the first pharyngeal arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "jaw" EXACT []
+synonym: "jaw cartilage" EXACT []
+synonym: "jaws" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "oral jaw skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "pharyngeal arch 1 skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001227
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001612 ! pharyngeal arch 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001228
+name: pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the third pharyngeal arch, also called first gill or branchial arch." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "branchial arch 1 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 1 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 3 skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001228
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001606 ! pharyngeal arch 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001229
+name: pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the seventh pharyngeal arch, also called fifth gill or branchial arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "branchial arch 5 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 5 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 7 skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001229
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001610 ! pharyngeal arch 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001230
+name: pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the sixth pharyngeal arch, also called fourth gill or branchial arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "branchial arch 4 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 4 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 6 skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001230
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001609 ! pharyngeal arch 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001231
+name: pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the fourth pharyngeal arch, also called second gill or branchial arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "branchial arch 2 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 2 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 4 skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001231
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001607 ! pharyngeal arch 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001232
+name: pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the fifth pharyngeal arch, also called third gill or branchial arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "branchial arch 3 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 3 skeleton" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 5 skeleton" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001232
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001608 ! pharyngeal arch 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001233
+name: hypobranchial 1 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ossification that develops in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 1. Small and irregular in shape; ossification may be absent in some adults. Ossification may begin when the fish is 15mm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "hypobranchial 1 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001233
+is_a: ZFA:0000363 ! hypobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001524 ! hypobranchial 1 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001234
+name: hypobranchial 4 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tiny hypobranchial4 cartilages appear at anteromedial tips of ceratobranchial 4; these are not obviously present in mature specimens, due either to resorption or fusion to the cartilaginous anterior tip of ceratobranchial." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+comment: This may need to be obsoleted since it looks like the cartilage is either reabsorbed or fused with another skeletal element.
+synonym: "hypobranchial 4 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001234
+is_a: ZFA:0000363 ! hypobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001523 ! hypobranchial 4 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001235
+name: hypobranchial 3 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ossifications that develops in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 1. Ossification may begin when the fish is 8mm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "hypobranchial 3 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001235
+is_a: ZFA:0000363 ! hypobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001526 ! hypobranchial 3 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001236
+name: hypobranchial 2 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ossification that develop in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 1. Small and irregular in shape; ossification may be absent in some adults. Ossification may begin when the fish is 12 mm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "hypobranchial 2 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001236
+is_a: ZFA:0000363 ! hypobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001525 ! hypobranchial 2 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001237
+name: ceratobranchial 1 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 1 cartilage or bone and medially with the cartilage between the basibranchials. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior margins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001237
+is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001520 ! ceratobranchial 1 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001238
+name: iris
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that consists of pigmented stroma and is connected to a sphincter muscle and a dilator muscle which open and close the pupil located in the center of the iris." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "irises" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001238
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001239
+name: ceratobranchial 5 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is the most posterior, bilaterally paired ventral pharyngeal arch bone. Ceratobranchial 5 ossifies before ceratobranchials 1-4. In the adult, ceratobranchial 5 is heavily ossified and crescent-shaped with two to three rows of posteromedially directed teeth. The anteroventral tips of ceratobranchials 5 meet medially and are ligamentously joined." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001239
+is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001521 ! ceratobranchial 5 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001229 ! pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001240
+name: ceratobranchial 4 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 4 cartilage or bone and medially with copula 2. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior margins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001240
+is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001519 ! ceratobranchial 4 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001241
+name: ceratobranchial 3 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 3 cartilage or bone and medially with the cartilage between the basibranchials. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior margins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001241
+is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001518 ! ceratobranchial 3 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001242
+name: ceratobranchial 2 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 2 cartilage or bone and medially with the cartilage between the basibranchials. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior margins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001242
+is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001517 ! ceratobranchial 2 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001243
+name: epibranchial 1 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 1 cartilage or bone. The narrowed medial end of epibranchial 1 articulates through cartilage with pharyngobranchial 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001243
+is_a: ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001528 ! epibranchial 1 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001244
+name: epibranchial 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and appears as a separate center of chondrification (6.2 mm) posterior to the lateral tip of epibranchial 4 and immediately anterior to the upper end of ceratobranchial 5. In the adult, epibranchial 5 persists as a small, cartilaginous rod extending from the cartilaginous junction of the posterodorsal tip of the uncinate process of epibranchial 4 and tip of ceratobranchial 5, to the cartilaginous junction of ceratobranchial 4 and epibranchial 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "interbranchial IV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001244
+is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001229 ! pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001245
+name: epibranchial 4 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 4 cartilage or bone. The narrow end of epibranchial 4 is slightly flared, and it articulates with cartilaginous pharyngobranchial 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001245
+is_a: ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001531 ! epibranchial 4 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001246
+name: epibranchial 2 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 2 cartilage or bone. The flared medial end of epibranchial 2 articulates with bifurcate lateral projections from pharyngobranchial 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001246
+is_a: ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001530 ! epibranchial 2 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001247
+name: epibranchial 3 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 3 cartilage or bone. The flared medial end of epibranchial3 articulates with the posterolateral edge of pharyngobranchial2 + 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "infrapharyngobranchial 3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001247
+is_a: ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001529 ! epibranchial 3 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001248
+name: pharyngobranchial 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001223
+id: ZFA:0001249
+name: exocrine pancreas
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The exocrine pancreas is a diffuse organ composed of a branching network of ducts and associated acinar glands that manufacture the proteolytic enzymes and bicarbonate required for digestion." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+synonym: "head pancreas" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080922-7]
+synonym: "rostral pancreas" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3.]
+xref: TAO:0001249
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001369 ! anterior pancreatic bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000140 ! pancreas
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001250
+name: pharyngobranchial 2 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngobranchial 2 (misidentified as pharyngobranchial 1 in Cubbage & Mabee, 1993 and Mayden 1989) is present and separate from pharyngobranchial 3. It (8.0 mm) ossifies after pharyngobranchial 3. In the adult, the cartilaginous anterior end of the ossified pharyngobranchial 2 articulates with the cartilaginous medial tip of epibranchial 1. It articulates anterolaterally and posterolaterally with the anterior and posterior cartilaginous tips of epibranchial2. In Cyprinidae pb3 overlaps pb2 (Siebert, 1987; Cavender & Coburn, 1992) but does not fuse to it." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "infrapharyngobranchial 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001250
+is_a: ZFA:0000527 ! pharyngobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001536 ! pharyngobranchial 2 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001251
+name: pharyngobranchial 4 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngobranchial cartilage which forms in close proximity to or fused with pharyngobranchial 3; may not be distinguishable as a separate element in the adult. Remains cartilaginous." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "infrapharyngobranchial 4 cartilage" EXACT []
+synonym: "infrapharyngobranchials" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001251
+is_a: ZFA:0001533 ! pharyngobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001252
+name: pharyngobranchial 3 bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngobranchial bone of the fifth pharyngeal arch that lies approximately posteromedial to epibranchial 2 and medial to epibranchial 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pharyngobranchial 3 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001252
+is_a: ZFA:0000527 ! pharyngobranchial bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001534 ! pharyngobranchial 3 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001253
+name: pharyngobranchial 2+3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001224
+consider: ZFA:0001225
+id: ZFA:0001254
+name: cranial motoneurons
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0001256
+name: lateral floor plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the lateral part of the floor plate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001256
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001257
+name: medial floor plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the medial part of the floor plate and is located adjacent to the notochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001257
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001258
+name: floor plate rhombomere region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomeres." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "floor plate hindbrain region" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001258
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001259
+name: forebrain ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "forebrain vesicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "prosencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001259
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001260
+name: endocrine pancreas
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The zebrafish endocrine pancreas is an compound organ component composed of small groups of islet cells that are distributed throughout the exocrine pancreas. The islet cells produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+comment: May be called pancreatic islets of Langerhans (related synonym). Alpha cells secrete glucagon like peptide, beta-insulin, delta cells-somatostatin, pancreastatin. May also be called "Brockman bodies".
+synonym: "pancreatic islet" RELATED []
+synonym: "tail pancreas" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080922-7]
+xref: TAO:0001260
+is_a: ZFA:0001489 ! compound organ component
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001370 ! posterior pancreatic bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000140 ! pancreas
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001261
+name: ventricular system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001261
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001262
+name: gonad primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that gives rise to the immature gonad." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "gonadal primordium" EXACT []
+synonym: "undifferentiated gonad" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001262
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001263
+name: ovarian follicle stage I
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stage I follicles (less than 140 microns) contain a stage 1 oocyte and are in the primary growth stage." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
+synonym: "ovarian follicle stage 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "previtellogenic ovarian follicle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001263
+is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001264
+name: ovarian follicle stage IV
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stage IV follicles (690-730 microns) contain a stage 4 oocyte and are considered mature." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
+synonym: "mature ovarian follicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "ovarian follicle stage 4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001264
+is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001265
+name: ovarian follicle stage II
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stage II follicles (140-340 microns) contain a stage 2 oocyte." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
+synonym: "ovarian follicle stage 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "ovarian follicles stage II" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001265
+is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001266
+name: ovarian follicle stage III
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stage III follicles (340-690 microns) contain a stage 3 oocyte." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
+synonym: "ovarian follicle stage 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "ovarian follicles stage III" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001266
+is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001267
+name: cranial vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "head vasculature" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001267
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001268
+name: sperm duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a duct part of the testis that carries sperm and fluid to the cloaca." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "efferent duct" EXACT []
+synonym: "efferent tubule" EXACT []
+synonym: "sperm ducts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001268
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001269
+name: regenerating fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin undergoing the process of regeneration." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "regenerating fins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001269
+is_a: ZFA:0000108 ! fin
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001270
+name: blastema
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A regenerating tissue composed of a proliferative mass of undifferentiated progenitor cells from which new differentiated structures arise." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-12]
+synonym: "regeneration blastema" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-12]
+xref: TAO:0001270
+is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001269 ! regenerating fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001271
+name: neurohypophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "posterior pituitary" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001271
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000118 ! hypophysis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001272
+name: palatoquadrate arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The dorsal portion of the first pharyngeal arch, comprising the upper jaw." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dorsal mandibular arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal visceral arch 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "upper jaw" EXACT []
+synonym: "upper pharyngeal jaw" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001272
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000444 ! suspensorium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001227 ! mandibular arch skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001273
+name: ventral mandibular arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The ventral portion of the first pharyngeal arch, comprising the lower jaw." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lower jaw" EXACT []
+synonym: "mandible" EXACT []
+synonym: "mandibular series" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001273
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001227 ! mandibular arch skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001274
+name: coronomeckelian
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The coronomeckelian is a membrane bone that ossifies on Meckel's cartilage where the tendon from the adductor mandibulae A3 inserts (6.1mm). In the adult, the coronomeckelian is a small, irregularly shaped bone that is fused to the dorsomedial surface of the anguloarticular, just dorsal to Meckel's cartilage." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "coronoid" RELATED []
+synonym: "sesamoid articular" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001274
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001275
+name: mentomeckelian
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001612
+id: ZFA:0001276
+name: pharyngeal arch 2 skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "hyoid bars" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001276
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001611 ! pharyngeal arch 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001277
+name: anterior chamber swim bladder
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anterior compartment of the swim bladder is thought to have acoustic resonance properties that play a key role in audition. It is connected to the posterior chamber via the ductus communicans." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
+synonym: "camera arerea weberiana" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001277
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005337 ! anterior swim bladder bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001278
+name: posterior chamber swim bladder
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The posterior compartment of the swim bladder plays a key role in buoyancy control. It is connected to the anterior chamber via the ductus communicans. This chamber corresponds to the swim bladder found in larval fish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
+xref: TAO:0001278
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001279
+name: branchiostegal ray 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Branchiostegal ray that is the most anterior ray which ossifies last (5.5 mm NL)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "branchiostegal rays 1" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001279
+is_a: ZFA:0000476 ! branchiostegal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001280
+name: branchiostegal ray 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Branchiostegal ray that is the most posterior ray which ossifies first (3.4 mm NL)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "branchiostegal rays 3" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001280
+is_a: ZFA:0000476 ! branchiostegal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001281
+name: branchiostegal ray 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Branchiostegal ray 2 is between rays 1 and 3 and ossifies second." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "branchiostegal rays 2" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001281
+is_a: ZFA:0000476 ! branchiostegal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001282
+name: adenohypophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anterior lobe of the hypophysis (pituitary gland). This lobe contains cells that produce prolactin, growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and proopiomelanocortin. In contrast to mammalian vertebrates, the adenohypophysis remains in a subepithelial position and there exists no equivalent of Rathke's pouch in zebrafish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040202-1]
+comment: Changed start to long-pec from protruding mouth. In future, make a primordium and split the stages.
+synonym: "anterior hypophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior pituitary" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001282
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001198 ! adenohypophyseal placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000118 ! hypophysis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001283
+name: pupil
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space that is located in the center of the iris and allows light to impinge on the retina." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pupils" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001283
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001284
+name: optic fissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Groove that is in the ventral optic cup and through which blood vessels pass to the enclosed mesenchyme." []
+synonym: "choroid fissure" RELATED []
+synonym: "optic fissures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001284
+is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001202 ! optic cup
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001285
+name: intersegmental vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessels that connect the dorsal aorta or the posterior cardinal vein and the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel. They run along the vertical myotomal boundaries. At early stages these vessels don't have venous or arterial markers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030908-4]
+synonym: "intersegmental vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "intersomitic vessels" EXACT []
+synonym: "segmental vessel" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001285
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000014 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001286
+name: caudal vein plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Post-vent vasculature which forms an interconnecting network of venous tubes. The caudal vein plexus forms via a very active period of angiogenic sprouting, beginning at 25 hpf when venous endothelial cells of the posterior cardinal vein sprout and migrate ventrally, then fuse with neighboring tip cells. This process reiterates during a five-hour window, forming a primordial plexus by 30 hpf. By two days of development, the primitive caudal vein plexus has matured into a complex, well-perfused, venous vascular network. Starting at 4 dpf the caudal vein plexus starts to remodel and simplify." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111011-36]
+xref: TAO:0001286
+is_a: ZFA:0005932 ! developmental vascular plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001287
+name: renal tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Renal duct that collects filtrate from the renal corpuscle and transports it to the collecting duct. Different parts of the renal tubule reabsorb specific components of the filtrate to leave only waste." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "mesonephric tubule" EXACT []
+synonym: "renal tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001287
+is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005282 ! nephron
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001288
+name: renal glomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The multi-tissue structure where the glomerular basement membrane supported by mesonephric podocytes, filters blood from the glomerular capillaries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "glomerular capillary tuft" RELATED []
+synonym: "renal glomeruli" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001288
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001289
+name: ciliary marginal zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Proliferative region at the periphery of the retina where retinal stem cells are located. After 60 hpf, the CMZ is the source of most retinal growth." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050427-5]
+synonym: "circumferential germinal zone" EXACT []
+synonym: "CMZ" EXACT []
+synonym: "peripheral growth zone" EXACT []
+synonym: "retinal ciliary marginal zone" EXACT []
+synonym: "retinal proliferative zone" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001289
+is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000152 ! retina
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001290
+name: stomodeum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal formed as an invagination of the ectoderm; the future mouth." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-10]
+synonym: "oral ectoderm" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100726-23]
+xref: TAO:0001290
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001291
+name: facial ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The sensory ganglion of the facial nerve." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "geniculate ganglion" EXACT []
+synonym: "gVII" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001291
+is_a: ZFA:0001555 ! epibranchial ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000762 ! facio-acoustic neural crest
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001295 ! facial placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001292
+name: epiphyseal stalk
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The stalk emanates from the diencephalic roof at a left-of-medial position." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pineal stalk" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001292
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001359 ! pineal complex
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0001293
+name: posterior kidney
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "posterior kidneys" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001293
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0001294
+name: epibranchial placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neurogenic placodes that generate neurons of the distal facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal ganglia, which convey sensation from the viscera, including pharyngeal endoderm structures, to the CNS. The epibranchial placodes are positioned ventrally to the ear and dorsally to the posterior pharyngeal pouches." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050804-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
+synonym: "epibranchial placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001294
+is_a: ZFA:0001309 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007061 ! epibranchial field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001295
+name: facial placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to the facial ganglia." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
+synonym: "geniculate placode" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001295
+is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001296
+name: glossopharyngeal placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to the glossopharyngeal ganglia. Associated with the third pharyngeal arch." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
+synonym: "petrosal placode" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001296
+is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001297
+name: vagal placode 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to vagal ganglion 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
+xref: TAO:0001297
+is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001298
+name: vagal placode 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to vagal ganglion 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
+xref: TAO:0001298
+is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001299
+name: vagal placode 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to vagal ganglion 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-3]
+xref: TAO:0001299
+is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001300
+name: vagal placode 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to vagal ganglion 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
+xref: TAO:0001300
+is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001301
+name: glossopharyngeal ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "gIX" EXACT []
+synonym: "petrosal ganglion" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001301
+is_a: ZFA:0001555 ! epibranchial ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001296 ! glossopharyngeal placode
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007066 ! glossopharyngeal neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001302
+name: vagal ganglion 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "gX1" EXACT []
+synonym: "nodose ganglion 1" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001302
+is_a: ZFA:0007067 ! vagal ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001297 ! vagal placode 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001303
+name: vagal ganglion 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "gX2" EXACT []
+synonym: "nodose ganglion 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001303
+is_a: ZFA:0007067 ! vagal ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001298 ! vagal placode 2
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001304
+name: vagal ganglion 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "gX3" EXACT []
+synonym: "nodose ganglion 3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001304
+is_a: ZFA:0007067 ! vagal ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001299 ! vagal placode 3
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001305
+name: vagal ganglion 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "gX4" EXACT []
+synonym: "nodose ganglion 4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001305
+is_a: ZFA:0007067 ! vagal ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001300 ! vagal placode 4
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001306
+name: pharyngeal arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of a series of paired bony or cartilaginous arches that develop along the lateral walls of the foregut. The pharyngeal arches have developmental contributions from endoderm, mesoderm, and neural crest cells and are separated by anterior lateral endoderm out-pockets known as pharyngeal pouches. There are seven pharyngeal arches." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-16, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-985]
+synonym: "pharyngeal arches" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001306
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001307
+name: pharyngeal musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle system of the pharyngeal region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001307
+is_a: ZFA:0000328 ! cephalic musculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001308
+name: organism subdivision
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure which is a primary subdivision of whole organism. The mereological sum of these is the whole organism." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "body part" EXACT []
+xref: CARO:0000032
+xref: TAO:0001308
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
+relationship: start ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001309
+name: neurogenic placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neurogenic placodes are transient ectodermal thickenings that form at the border of the neural plate and epidermis and give rise to sensory neurons of the cranial ganglia." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050804-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
+synonym: "neurogenic placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001309
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007059 ! neurogenic field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001310
+name: dorsolateral placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral neurogenic placodes positioned dorsal of the epibranchial placodes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "dorsolateral placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001310
+is_a: ZFA:0001309 ! neurogenic placode
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007060 ! dorsolateral field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001311
+name: roof plate rhombomere region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "roof plate hindbrain" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001311
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001312
+name: dorsal anterior lateral line ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "anterodorsal lateral line ganglion" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001312
+is_a: ZFA:0001391 ! anterior lateral line ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001316 ! anterior lateral line placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001313
+name: ventral anterior lateral line ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "anteroventral lateral line ganglion" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001313
+is_a: ZFA:0001391 ! anterior lateral line ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001316 ! anterior lateral line placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001314
+name: posterior lateral line ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The posterior lateral line ganglion develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate the posterior lateral line system." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "pLLg" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior lateral line ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001314
+is_a: ZFA:0000120 ! lateral line ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001156 ! posterior lateral line placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001315
+name: atrioventricular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The part of the heart connecting the atrium to the cardiac ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "AV canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "AVC" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001315
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001723 ! presumptive atrioventricular canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001316
+name: anterior lateral line placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsolateral placode that gives rise to the anterior lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "anterior lateral line placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001316
+is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001317
+name: endocardial cushion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Swellings of tissue present between the endocardial and myocardial cell layers that will give rise to the interstitial cells of the cardiac valves." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+comment: ZDB-PUB-080309-14 says these don't exist but looked at 55 hpf rather then 36 hpf.
+synonym: "endocardial cushions" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001317
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0001318
+name: cardiac jelly
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The extracellular matrix between the myocardium and the endocardium. The cardiac jelly plays a central role in the septation of the heart and comprises most of the thickness of the heart wall at early stages, but disappears as the heart differentiates." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001318
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000149 ! primitive heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0001319
+name: myocardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "cardiac muscle" RELATED []
+synonym: "heart muscle " RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001319
+is_a: ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001320
+name: endocardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer that lines the lumen of the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001320
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001724 ! presumptive endocardium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001321
+name: neurocranial trabecula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "neurocranial trabeculae" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "trabecula" EXACT []
+synonym: "trabecular cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001321
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001322
+name: dorsoventral diencephalic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A tract originating in the epiphysis and fasciculating with the tract of the postoptic commissure dorsal to the ventral flexure." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-719, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
+synonym: "DVDT" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001322
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001323
+name: mid intestine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The terminal region of the mid intestine is comprised of specialized enterocytes that appear to play a role in mucosal immunity. The mid intestine also appears to be involved in iron absorption." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050831-7]
+xref: TAO:0001323
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001324
+name: enteric musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Musculature of the gut." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "gut musculature" EXACT []
+synonym: "tunica muscularis" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001324
+is_a: ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001325
+name: neural prezygapophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired, anteromedially directed processes from the neural arches, ligamentously joined to the postzygapophyses of the preceding vertebra." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "neural prezygapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "neural prezygopophyses" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001325
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001326
+name: lens epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium which borders the anterior and equitorial region of the lens. Lens growth in zebrafish occurs via the differentiation of additional fibre cells from lens epithelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070504-24, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-20]
+xref: TAO:0001326
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000035 ! lens
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001327
+name: abdominal musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Trunk musculature that is located in ventral wall of abdomen." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001327
+is_a: ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001328
+name: neuromere
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A metameric segment of the central nervous system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "neural segment" EXACT []
+synonym: "neuromeres" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001328
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001329
+name: retinal inner plexiform layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The layer within the retina where the bipolar cells synapse with the dendrites of the ganglion cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "inner plexiform layer" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001329
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001330
+name: retinal outer plexiform layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The layer within the retina where the bipolar cells synapse with the photoreceptor cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "retinal outer plexiform layers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001330
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001331
+name: outer limiting membrane
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer that separates the inner segment portions of the photo receptors from their cell nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "external limiting membrane" EXACT []
+synonym: "outer limiting membranes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001331
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001332
+name: spinal neuromere
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "spinal cord segment" EXACT []
+synonym: "spinal neuromeres" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001332
+is_a: ZFA:0001328 ! neuromere
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001333
+name: visceral organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0001334
+name: presumptive enteric nervous system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Presumptive structure fated to become enteric nervous system. Develops from the vagal neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001334
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000818 ! vagal neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001335
+name: supradorsal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supradorsals are small paired nodules of cartilage positioned at the distal ends of neural arches and the proximal end of neural spines (Arratia et al., 2001)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "supradorsals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001335
+is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001336
+name: neural spine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural spines are extensions of neural arches dorsal to the neural canal in the median skeletogenous septum. Neural spines are typically unpaired median structures but can be paired in some instances, e.g., in the abdominal region of basal teleosts such as Leptolepis, Elops, Megalops, and Hiodon)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "neural spines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001336
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001338
+name: intestine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Folded tube that has parts intestinal bulb, mid intestine and posterior intestine. The intestine is where digestion and nutrient absorption occurs." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
+xref: TAO:0001338
+is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001339
+name: nucleus of the tract of the anterior commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus from which the axons of the anterior commissure originate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ntAC" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001339
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001340
+name: nucleus of the tract of the postoptic commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The nucleus containing the cell bodies of neurons whose axons form the postoptic commissure." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ntPOC" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001340
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001341
+name: intervening zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A zone of delayed differentiation at the midbrain hindbrain boundary. The IZ separates midbrain from anterior hindbrain neuronal clusters and has been described in all vertebrates." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030307-1]
+synonym: "IZ" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001341
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001342 ! presumptive intervening zone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000042 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001342
+name: presumptive intervening zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the intervening zone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001342
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007023 ! posterior neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001343
+name: telencephalon diencephalon boundary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Boundary between the telencephalon and diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001343
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001344
+name: zona limitans intrathalamica
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The border between the dorsal and ventral thalamus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "zli" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001344
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001215 ! thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001345
+name: interrenal gland
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An bilobed multi-tissue structure lateral to the notochord composed of an epithelium consisting of steroid producing cells interposed with chromaffin cells. The interrenal gland is embedded within the head kidney. The interrenal gland is the zebrafish functional equivalent of the mammalian adrenal cortex." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030408-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-13]
+xref: TAO:0001345
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001346 ! interrenal primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000669 ! head kidney
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001346
+name: interrenal primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure located in the kidney that develops into the interrenal gland." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001346
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001206 ! intermediate mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001347
+name: stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of the optic tectum that is ventral to the stratum opticum and dorsal to the stratum griseum centrale, contains three sublaminae. Has hypothalamic and retinal inputs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081218-37, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-44, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
+synonym: "SFGS" RELATED []
+synonym: "strata fibrosum et griseum superficiales" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001347
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0001348
+name: stratum marginale
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsalmost layer of the tectal neuropile that does not receive direct retinal inputs, receives axonal projections from the torus longitudinalis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
+synonym: "strata marginale" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "stratum fibrosum marginale" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
+xref: TAO:0001348
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0001349
+name: stratum opticum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the most superficial layer of the tectal neuropil closest to the eye target of the retinal axons." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101101-16]
+synonym: "strata opticum" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001349
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0001350
+name: stratum griseum centrale
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001350
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0001351
+name: stratum album centrale
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Has hypothalamic inputs." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
+synonym: "strata album centrales" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001351
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0001355
+name: primitive meninx
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The vascularized fibrous sheath that surrounds the central nervous system." []
+synonym: "meninges" EXACT []
+synonym: "meninx primitiva" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001355
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001356
+name: terminal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The terminal nerve, located anterior to cranial nerve I, is comprised of a group of cells with somata adjacent to the olfactory bulb and processes that extend anteriorly to the olfactory epithelium and posteriorly to the telencephalon. In teleost fish an additional group of axons extends along the optic tract and delivers putative neuromodulators to the retina. It is thought to develop from cranial neural crest." [PMID:15821344, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-041202-1]
+synonym: "nervus terminalis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001356
+is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001357
+name: alar plate midbrain region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is ventrolateral to the roof plate and part of the midbrain." [ISBN:0444517383, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0001357
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007039 ! midbrain neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001358
+name: roof plate diencephalic region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of the diencephalic region." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001358
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001359
+name: pineal complex
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001359
+is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000509 ! epithalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001360
+name: parapineal organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An unpaired left-sided accessory organ which plays a role in establishing lateral brain left right asymmetry." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030206-1]
+xref: TAO:0001360
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001359 ! pineal complex
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001361
+name: basiventral
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Basiventrals are bilaterally paired cartilages lateral to the notochord which are replaced by ossified parapophyses or hemal arches." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "arcualia" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001361
+is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001362
+name: parapophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Parapophyses are lateral or ventrolateral projections of vertebrae to which ribs are attached in Danio rerio. Parapophyses can arise through replacement ossification of a basiventral or form directly in bone. They are separated from the centrum in basal teleosts, e.g., Leptolepis coryphaenoides, Megalops and Elops." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "lateral process of basiventral" EXACT []
+synonym: "parapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "transverse process" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001362
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001361 ! basiventral
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001363
+name: neural complex
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001398
+def: "The neural complex is the collective term for the ossified supraneurals (Sn 2 and Sn 3) and their membrane bone extensions above the first four vertebrae (Hoffmann and Britz, 2006)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "Weberian supraneural" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001363
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001188 ! Weberian apparatus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001364
+name: hemal spine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hemal spines are extensions of hemal arches in the ventral skeletogenous septum of the caudal region." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "haemal spine" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001364
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000519 ! hemal arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001365
+name: trigeminal motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "motor nucleus V" EXACT []
+synonym: "nV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001365
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001366
+name: tract of the postoptic commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tract that extends from the postoptic commissure through a curved trajectory in the diencephalon into the ventral midbrain. In the anterior diencephalon the TOP is a single tract but caudally the axons of the TPOC diverge and tend to grow in distinct parallel bundles. The more dorsal bundles extend in the dorsolateral tegmentum, the ventral bundles of the TPOC merge into the DLF in the hindbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-167]
+synonym: "TPOC" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001366
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000059 ! postoptic commissure
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001367
+name: forebrain midbrain boundary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The boundary between the diencephalon and the mesencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001367
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007040 ! forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001368
+name: presumptive forebrain midbrain boundary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001368
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007014 ! anterior presumptive neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001369
+name: anterior pancreatic bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pancreatic bud that develops from a ridge on the ventral side of the intestinal bulb primordium." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16]
+synonym: "exocrine anlage" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+synonym: "rostral anlage" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral anterior bud" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16]
+synonym: "ventral pancreatic anlage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001369
+is_a: ZFA:0001390 ! pancreatic bud
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005738 ! intestinal bulb primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0001370
+name: posterior pancreatic bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pancreatic bud that forms dorsal and adjacent to the developing intestine." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16]
+comment: Furthermore, zebrafish exocrine progenitors appear to arise from endoderm rostral to the gut tube, which it subsequently joins, rather than as an extension of the epithelium of the main duct. Thus, we argue against a classical model (Field et al., 2003) in which the zebrafish exocrine pancreas buds from either a rod of pre-intestinal endoderm or the gut tube which in zebrafish gives rise to the intestine (Wallace and Pack, 2003). ZDB-PUB-050623-3.
+synonym: "caudal anlage" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal pancreatic anlage" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal posterior bud" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16]
+xref: TAO:0001370
+is_a: ZFA:0001390 ! pancreatic bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001371
+name: pancreatic system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "System responsible for the production and movement of pancreatic hormones and enzymes." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001371
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001372
+name: pancreatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct that collects and carries secretions of the exocrine pancreas." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001372
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001369 ! anterior pancreatic bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0001373
+name: migratory slow muscle precursor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cells that initially are located adjacent to the spinal cord and notochord that migrate from their initial medial position radially through the myotome to the lateral surface of the somites." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "migratory slow muscle precursor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001373
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000003 ! adaxial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0001374
+name: atrial myocardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Myocardium of the heart atrium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001374
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001319 ! myocardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001375
+name: ventriculo bulbo valve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A heart valve located between the ventricle and bulbus arteriosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "bulboventricular valve" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001375
+is_a: ZFA:0005065 ! heart valve
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001317 ! endocardial cushion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000173 ! bulbus arteriosus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001376
+name: presumptive ectoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000147
+def: "Presumptive structure at the animal poll of the blastula that will develop into ectoderm via the epiblast. Determined by fate mapping." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-608]
+synonym: "presumptive epidermis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001376
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0001377
+name: presumptive mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Presumptive structure fated to become mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001377
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0001378
+name: axial hypoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region of the hypoblast that is located along the rostral-caudal axis of the embryo." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001378
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000071 ! shield
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000117 ! hypoblast
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0001379
+name: pharyngeal ectoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001379
+is_a: ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001381
+name: hypohyal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hypohyals are the most anterior of the bilaterally paired ventral hyoid arch elements. The two hypohyals in zebrafish ossify at the anterodorsal and anteroventral tips of the ceratohyal cartilages; no separate hypohyal cartilages are present." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypohyals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001381
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001400 ! ceratohyal cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001382
+name: epibranchial uncinate process
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchials 1-3 in adults are compound elements formed by the fusion of epibranchial cartilages and the so-called uncinate processes. Posteromedially directed uncinate processes develop on the posterior edge of epibranchials 1-3. These appear as separate centers of chondrification (6.2 mm) that later fuse laterally to the posterior edges of the epibranchial cartilages (6.8 mm)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "epibranchial uncinate processes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001382
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001383
+name: fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that develops into a paired fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001383
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001384
+name: pelvic fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin bud that develops into the pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pelvic fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001384
+is_a: ZFA:0001383 ! fin bud
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001454 ! pelvic fin field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001385
+name: apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pelvic fin bud." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001385
+is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001384 ! pelvic fin bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001386
+name: mesoderm pelvic fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesoderm part of pelvic fin bud." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "mesoderm pelvic fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001386
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001384 ! pelvic fin bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001387
+name: pelvic fin skeleton
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeleton that supports the pelvic fin. The skeleton consists of consists of supporting endochondral radials and dermal fin rays or lepidotrichia." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001387
+is_a: ZFA:0000027 ! paired fin skeleton
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001184 ! pelvic fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001388
+name: epithelial mesenchymal boundary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "epithelial mesenchymal boundarys" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001388
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001269 ! regenerating fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001389
+name: regeneration epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium of the regenerating fin that is formed as part of the healing process." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "epidermal cap" EXACT []
+synonym: "wound epidermis" EXACT []
+synonym: "wound epithelium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001389
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001269 ! regenerating fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001390
+name: pancreatic bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that develops from the pancreas primordium and develops into the pancreas. At Prim-5 the buds are located between the dorsal aorta and the posterior cardinal vein." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191011-21]
+synonym: "pancreatic buds" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001390
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000254 ! pancreas primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001391
+name: anterior lateral line ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anterior lateral line ganglia develops from cranial ectodermal placodes and contain sensory neurons that innervate the anterior lateral line system." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "anterior lateral line ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001391
+is_a: ZFA:0000120 ! lateral line ganglion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001392
+name: parapophysis 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral projections from the first centrum in cyprinids, absent in catostomids, and absent in characiphysans (Fink and Fink, 1996)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "basipophysis 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral process 1" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001392
+is_a: ZFA:0001362 ! parapophysis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001167 ! vertebra 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001393
+name: parapophysis 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral projection from the second centrum, absent in Siluriformes (Fink and Fink, 1996)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "basipophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral process 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001393
+is_a: ZFA:0001362 ! parapophysis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001168 ! vertebra 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001394
+name: neural arch 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural arch 3 is expanded and fused to supraneural 3 as part of a neural complex roofing and protecting the neural canal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001394
+is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001169 ! vertebra 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001395
+name: neural arch 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural arch 4 is expanded and fused to supraneural 3 as part of the neural complex. A reduced neural spine projects from the posterior margin of the neural complex." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001395
+is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001170 ! vertebra 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001396
+name: parapophysis/rib
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The parapophysis + rib, fused to the centrum, extends laterally then angles anteroventrally. A thin plate, the os suspensorium fuses to its median surface." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001396
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001170 ! vertebra 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001397
+name: post-Weberian supraneural
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior to the Weberian apparatus, otophysan supraneurals form as median, unpaired, rod- or platelike elements, as in other actinopterygians. Supraneural 4 has been lost in zebrafish." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "post-Weberian supraneurals" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001397
+is_a: ZFA:0000442 ! supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001399
+name: palatoquadrate cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage that is the dorsal component of the first pharyngeal arch. It is roughly triangular with slightly concave dorsal edges and convex ventral edges. The anteroventral corner gives rise the quadrate and articulates with the posterior end of Meckel's cartilage. The anterodorsal tip articulates with the lateral edge of the ethmoid plate and the posteroventral edge articulates with the anterodorsal edge of the hyosymplectic." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "dorsal mandibular cartilage" EXACT []
+synonym: "pterygoquadrate" EXACT []
+synonym: "quadrate cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001399
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0007117 ! Meckel's cartilage-palatoquadrate cartilage joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001400
+name: ceratohyal cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is bilaterally paired and the largest cartilaginous component of the ventral hyoid arch." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001400
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005885 ! operculohyoid ligament
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001401
+name: dorsal hyoid arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "dorsal visceral arch 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001401
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000444 ! suspensorium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001276 ! pharyngeal arch 2 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001402
+name: ventral hyoid arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ventral visceral arch 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001402
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001276 ! pharyngeal arch 2 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001403
+name: supraethmoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that first appears as paired ossifications in the membrane (dermis) dorsolateral to the ethmoid cartilage and anteriolateral to the lateral ethmoids, later having the appearance of one butterfly-shaped element. Fused to the anterodorsal margin of the mesethmoid. Bordered anteriorly by the kinethmoid and posteriorly by the frontal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "supra-ethmoid" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001403
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001404
+name: preethmoid bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small rounded to egg-shaped cartilage bone that sits in an anteriolateral depression on the prevomer. Articulates with the autopalatine in all cypriniforms." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pre-ethmoid" EXACT []
+synonym: "preethmoid bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001404
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001405 ! ethmoid cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0001405
+name: ethmoid cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired neurocranium cartilage which is initially plate-like and formed from the anterior fusion between the bilaterally paired trabecula cranii. It grows dorsally between the laminae orbitonasales to attain a complex shape." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ethmoid plate" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001405
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001406
+name: kinethmoid bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small median unpaired dermal sesamoid bone in the premaxillary-ethmoid ligament between the mesethmoid and the premaxilla that enhances the protractability of the upper jaw. It forms in the premaxillary-ethmoid ligament. The kinethmoid arose de novo in the ancestor of Cypriniformes, the only group within Ostariophysi, in which it is found (Fink and Fink, 1981)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001406
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000585 ! kinethmoid cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001407
+name: infraorbital 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Plate like dermal bone, variable in size, though usually one of the smallest in the series. Bears 2-3 neuromast pores enclosed within the infraorbital canal (Nelson, 1969)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001407
+is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001408
+name: infraorbital 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Plate like dermal bone, variable in size, but usually largest in the series. Usually fused with IO4 (eg. Opsariichthys, Nelson (1969)). Usually bears 3 neuromast pores enclosed within the infraorbital canal (Nelson, 1969)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001408
+is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001409
+name: infraorbital 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Plate like dermal bone. Usually fused with infraorbital 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001409
+is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001410
+name: orbital region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is a anteriolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001410
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001411
+name: sclerotic bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A pair of small dish-shaped bones that cap the anterior and posterior margin of the eyeball. The sclerotic bones also called scleral ossicles form from the scleral cartilage between the sclera and the optic choroid. The ossicles develop via unilateral perichondral ossification of the scleral cartilage from two centers opposite one another in the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070629-20]
+synonym: "scleral ossicle" EXACT []
+synonym: "sclerotic bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001411
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001509 ! sclerotic cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001412
+name: epiotic
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000659
+def: "Cartilage bone that contacts the pterotic anteriorly, the supraoccipital and parietal dorsally, and the exoccipital ventrally. The epiotic enclose the posterior semicircular canal of the inner ear and contribute to the hind margin of the cranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "epioccipital" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001412
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001500 ! auditory capsule
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005889 ! epiotic-posttemporal joint
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005891 ! epiotic-parietal joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0001414
+name: occipital region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is located in the posterior region of the cranium and forms the margin of the foramen magnum and occipital condyle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "basicranial region" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001414
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001415
+name: pelvic radial 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Second radial of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic radials 2" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001415
+is_a: ZFA:0000508 ! pelvic radial
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001541 ! pelvic radial 2 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001416
+name: pelvic radial 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Third radial of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic radials 3" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001416
+is_a: ZFA:0000508 ! pelvic radial
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001540 ! pelvic radial 3 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001417
+name: pelvic radial 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "First radial of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic radials 1" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001417
+is_a: ZFA:0000508 ! pelvic radial
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001542 ! pelvic radial 1 cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001418
+name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the dorsal fin. Bony, bilaterally paired segmented dermal ossification extending distally from the endoskeletal supports. They develop around actinotrichia as part of the dermal exoskeleton." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "dorsal fin ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001418
+is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001124 ! dorsal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001419
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A range of seven to nine rod-like internal median skeletal support structures of the dorsal fin, comprised of both bone and cartilage and found between vertebrae 11 and 18." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal fin support" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001419
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001124 ! dorsal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001420
+name: anal fin pterygiophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A range of twelve to fourteen rod-like internal median skeletal support structures of the anal fin, comprised of both bone and cartilage and found between vertebrae 14 and 21." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "anal fin radial" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001420
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000167 ! anal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001421
+name: anal fin lepidotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "anal fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "anal fin ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001421
+is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000167 ! anal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001422
+name: hyosymplectic cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired large cartilage that articulates with the chondrocranium dorsally, the opercle posteriorly, and the palatoquadrate cartilage anteriorly." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hyomandibular cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001422
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001423
+name: parachordal cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rod-shaped paired cartilages on either side of the notochord. They unite, forming the base of the chondrocranium and are replaced by the prootic bones." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "parachordal cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001423
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001414 ! occipital region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001424
+name: chondrocranium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000377
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is part of the cranium and composed of cartilage and cartilage replacement bones." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "chondocranium" EXACT []
+synonym: "neurocranium" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001424
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001425
+name: basal plate cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "basal plate cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001425
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001423 ! parachordal cartilage
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001426
+name: posterior naris
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nares that form at 40-44dpf that open to the posterior region of the olfactory pit allowing water to exit the pit." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-399]
+synonym: "excurrent nostril" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-399]
+synonym: "posterior nares" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001426
+is_a: ZFA:0000550 ! naris
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001427
+name: anterior naris
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nares that form at 40-44dpf that open to the anterior region of the olfactory pit allowing water to enter the pit." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-399]
+synonym: "anterior nares" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "incurrent nostril" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-399]
+xref: TAO:0001427
+is_a: ZFA:0000550 ! naris
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001428
+name: olfactory rosette
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The highly folded olfactory epithelium." [GOC:mh, ISBN:9789812388216, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+comment: Olfactory epithelium may be part of olfactory rosette. \nThe epithelium exists before becoming folded into the rosette.
+synonym: "olfactory rosettes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001428
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001429
+name: raphe nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral hindbrain nuclei just caudal to the interpeduncular nucleus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7]
+synonym: "median raphe nucleus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7]
+xref: TAO:0001429
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000241 ! midline column
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001430
+name: pneumatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A duct connecting the esophagus to the posterior chamber of the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
+xref: TAO:0001430
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: continuous_with ZFA:0000204 ! esophagus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001431
+name: primitive olfactory epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001431
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000048 ! olfactory placode
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001432
+name: anterior sclerotic bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sclerotic bone that is located anterior to the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anterior sclerotic bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001432
+is_a: ZFA:0001411 ! sclerotic bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001433
+name: posterior sclerotic bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sclerotic bone that is located posterior to the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "posterior sclerotic bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001433
+is_a: ZFA:0001411 ! sclerotic bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001434
+name: floor plate neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001434
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000887 ! floor plate neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001435
+name: lateral wall neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue on the side of the lumen of the neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001435
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001436
+name: roof plate neural tube region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Roof plate that is part of the neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001436
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0001437
+name: ductus communicans
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The constriction between the anterior and posterior chambers of the swim bladder. There does not appear to be an identifiable sphincter in the ductus, and therefore other musculature may regulate its opening." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
+xref: TAO:0001437
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001438
+name: coelom
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space, part of the trunk that contains the pericardial and pleuroperitoneal cavities." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "body cavity" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001438
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001115 ! trunk
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001439
+name: anatomical system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical group that has as its parts distinct anatomical structures interconnected by anatomical structures at a lower level of granularity." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "anatomical systems" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000011
+xref: TAO:0001439
+is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001440
+name: rhombic lip
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The interface between the dorsal neuroepithelium and the roof plate of the fourth ventricle. The source of a number of migratory neuron populations of the hindbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001440
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001441
+name: lower rhombic lip
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior portion of the rhombic lip contained within rhombomeres 2-8. Gives rise to several brainstem nuclei and choroid plexus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001441
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000153 ! rhombomere 8
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001440 ! rhombic lip
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001442
+name: upper rhombic lip
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior-most region of dorsal hindbrain within rhombomere 1, adjacent the midbrain-hindbrain boundary." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001442
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001440 ! rhombic lip
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001443
+name: choroid plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A tuft of capillaries that project into the ventricles of the brain and secretes cerebral spinal fluid. The choroid plexus is covered by a cuboidal epithelium which maintains the integrity of the blood-brain barrier." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001443
+is_a: ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001444
+name: choroid plexus third ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Choroid plexus that is part of the third ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "diencephalic choroid plexus " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001444
+is_a: ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000161 ! third ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001445
+name: choroid plexus tectal ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Choroid plexus that is part of the tectal ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "choroid plexus tectal ventricles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001445
+is_a: ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000159 ! tectal ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001446
+name: choroid plexus fourth ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Choroid plexus that is part of the fourth ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001446
+is_a: ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000110 ! fourth ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001447
+name: choroid plexus telencephalic ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Choroid plexus that is part of the telencephalic ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001447
+is_a: ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000696 ! telencephalic ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001448
+name: ultimobranchial body
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glands that produce calcitonin. In adult fish the glands lie as two groups of follicles at the transverse septum close to the sinus venosus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060517-11]
+synonym: "ultimobranchial bodies" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001448
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0001449
+name: mesenchyme pelvic fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesenchyme that is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "mesenchyme pelvic fins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001449
+is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001386 ! mesoderm pelvic fin bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001184 ! pelvic fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001450
+name: apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001450
+is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001385 ! apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001184 ! pelvic fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001451
+name: zone of polarizing activity pectoral fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A small group of mesodermal cells located at the posterior margin of the developing fin bud. The ZPA is thought to produce retinoic acid and thereby provides positional information to the developing bud." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060616-55]
+synonym: "ZPA" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001451
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000789 ! mesoderm pectoral fin bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001452
+name: zone of polarizing activity pelvic fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A small group of mesodermal cells located at the posterior margin of the developing fin bud. The ZPA is thought to produce retinoic acid and thereby provides positional information to the developing bud." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060616-55]
+synonym: "ZPA" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001452
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001386 ! mesoderm pelvic fin bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001453
+name: pectoral fin field
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic region that develops into the pectoral fin bud." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pectoral fin fields" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001453
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005042 ! posterior lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001454
+name: pelvic fin field
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue in the pelvic region that develops into the pelvic fin bud." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic fin fields" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001454
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005042 ! posterior lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001455
+name: scapulocoracoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The cartilage from which both the scapula and coracoid develop." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "coraco-scapular cartilage" EXACT []
+synonym: "scapulo-coracoid cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001455
+is_a: ZFA:0000257 ! pectoral fin cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001456
+name: pectoral fin endoskeletal disc
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A plate-like chondrogenic condensation within the pectoral fin, which subdivides into individual radials by decomposition of extracellular matrix in the inter-radial mesenchyme (Grandel and Schulte-Merker, 1998)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "fin plate cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001456
+is_a: ZFA:0000257 ! pectoral fin cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0001457
+name: postcranial axial cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage which is part of the axial skeleton." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "postcranial axial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001457
+is_a: ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001458
+name: cranial cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage which is part of the cranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cranial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001458
+is_a: ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001459
+name: pelvic fin cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage which is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic fin cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001459
+is_a: ZFA:0001543 ! paired fin cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001460
+name: pharyngeal arch cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "pharyngeal arch cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "splanchnocranium cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001460
+is_a: ZFA:0001458 ! cranial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001461
+name: chondrocranium cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage that is part of the chondrocranium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "neurocranium cartilage" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001461
+is_a: ZFA:0001458 ! cranial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001462
+name: somite border
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical surface separating somites." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "somite border cell" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "somite boundary" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001462
+is_a: ZFA:0005594 ! anatomical surface
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0001463
+name: melanophore stripe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure composed of an array of melanophores arranged in a stripe. Stripes are oriented from rostral to caudal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "melanophore stripes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001463
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001464
+name: retinal outer nuclear layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The layer within the retina where the photoreceptor cell bodies reside." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "retinal outer nuclear layers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001464
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001465
+name: photoreceptor inner segment layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of the retina composed of the inner segments of the photoreceptor cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "photoreceptor inner segment layers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001465
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000143 ! retinal photoreceptor layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001466
+name: photoreceptor outer segment layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of the retina composed of the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells. The photoreceptor outer segment is a specialized primary cilium consisting of a microtubule-based axoneme and regular stacks of membrane folds or disks containing the photopigments (opsins) required for the phototransduction cascade." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110811-12]
+synonym: "photoreceptor outer segment layers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001466
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000143 ! retinal photoreceptor layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001467
+name: pharyngeal mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001467
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001468
+name: anterior lateral line system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anterior lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, situated between the eye and the ear, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the anterior lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The anterior lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians and are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project to the hindbrain. The anterior lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001468
+is_a: ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001469
+name: lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head and body of all fishes and most amphibians. The lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear and between the eye and ear." [DOI:10.1159/000115896, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001469
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001470
+name: anterior lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anterior lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians. The anterior lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated between the eye and ear." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3]
+synonym: "anterior lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001470
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005117 ! anterior lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0001471
+name: posterior lateral line system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The posterior lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, situated behind the ear, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the posterior lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The posterior lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians. The neuromasts are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project primarily to the hindbrain. The posterior mechanosensory lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001471
+is_a: ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001472
+name: anterior lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the anterior lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast anterior" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001472
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001473
+name: deep blastomere
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cells (completely cleaved), located underneath the superficial blastomeres and internal to the marginal blastomeres." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "deep blastomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001473
+is_a: ZFA:0000093 ! blastomere
+relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
+relationship: start ZFS:0000007 ! Cleavage:64-cell
+id: ZFA:0001474
+name: presumptive cardinal organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0001475
+name: presumptive organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0001476
+name: presumptive organ system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0001477
+name: portion of tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure, that consists of similar cells and intercellular matrix, aggregated according to genetically determined spatial relationships." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000043
+xref: TAO:0001477
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000012 ! Blastula:High
+id: ZFA:0001478
+name: anatomical cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000041
+xref: TAO:0001478
+is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000012 ! Blastula:High
+id: ZFA:0001479
+name: lateral line nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial nerves that carry afferent and efferent fibers for the lateral line system." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lateral line nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001479
+is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001480
+name: dorsal anterior lateral line nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral line nerve that originates within the dorsal anterior lateral line ganglion and innervates the otic, supraorbital, and infraorbital neuromasts." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3]
+synonym: "anterodorsal lateral line nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal anterior lateral line nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001480
+is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000425 ! anterior lateral line nerve
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001481
+name: ventral anterior lateral line nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral line nerve that originates within the ventral anterior lateral line ganglion and innervates the mandibular and opercular neuromasts." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "anteroventral lateral line nerve" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral anterior lateral line nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001481
+is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000425 ! anterior lateral line nerve
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001482
+name: middle lateral line nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nerve fibers originating from the middle lateral line ganglion. These fibers innervate the middle lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "middle lateral line nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001482
+is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000175 ! posterior lateral line nerve
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001483
+name: middle lateral line ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The middle lateral line ganglion develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate the middle lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "middle lateral line ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001483
+is_a: ZFA:0000120 ! lateral line ganglion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001484
+name: superficial blastomere
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cells (completely cleaved), located at the surface of the blastodisc, above the deep blastomeres." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "superficial blastomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001484
+is_a: ZFA:0000093 ! blastomere
+relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
+relationship: start ZFS:0000007 ! Cleavage:64-cell
+id: ZFA:0001485
+name: basal lamina
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Acellular anatomical structure that consists of a thin sheet of fibrous proteins that underlie and support the cells of an epithelium. It separates the cells of an epithelium from any underlying tissue." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "basal laminae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000065
+xref: TAO:0001485
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001486
+name: epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue, that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and which is underlain by a basal lamina." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000066
+xref: TAO:0001486
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001487
+name: portion of organism substance
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000004
+xref: TAO:0001487
+is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001488
+name: multi-tissue structure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more portions of tissue of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona-fide boundaries from other distinct structural units of different types." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "multi-tissue structures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000055
+xref: TAO:0001488
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001489
+name: compound organ component
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of a compound organ." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "compound organ components" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000019
+xref: TAO:0001489
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001490
+name: cavitated compound organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Compound organ that contains one or more macroscopic anatomical spaces." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cavitated compound organs" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000072
+xref: TAO:0001490
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001491
+name: solid compound organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Compound organ that does not contain macroscopic anatomical spaces." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "solid compound organs" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000074
+xref: TAO:0001491
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001492
+name: simple organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is not part of a compound organ." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "simple organs" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000021
+xref: TAO:0001492
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001493
+name: atypical epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium that consists of epithelial cells not arranged in one or more layers." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "atypical epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000071
+xref: TAO:0001493
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001494
+name: multilaminar epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium that consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000069
+xref: TAO:0001494
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001495
+name: unilaminar epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium that consists of a single layer of epithelial cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "unilaminar epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000073
+xref: TAO:0001495
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001496
+name: simple columnar epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of columnar cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "simple columnar epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000068
+xref: TAO:0001496
+is_a: ZFA:0001495 ! unilaminar epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001497
+name: simple cuboidal epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "simple cuboidal epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000067
+xref: TAO:0001497
+is_a: ZFA:0001495 ! unilaminar epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001498
+name: simple squamous epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of squamous cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "simple squamous epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000070
+xref: TAO:0001498
+is_a: ZFA:0001495 ! unilaminar epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001499
+name: esophageal epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Simple columnar epithelium that lines the esophagus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070426-1]
+xref: TAO:0001499
+is_a: ZFA:0001496 ! simple columnar epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000204 ! esophagus
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005123 ! gut epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001500
+name: auditory capsule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired cartilage encasing the semicircular canals of the inner ear." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "otic capsule" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001500
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001501
+name: cartilage element
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal element that is composed of cartilage tissue and may be permanent or transient." [VSAO:curator]
+synonym: "cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001501
+xref: VSAO:0000000
+is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001502
+name: epiphyseal bar
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired medial bar of cartilage formed at midorbit through medial chondrification from triangles of cartilage that later form the junction of the taeniae marginales anterior, taeniae marginales posterior and the epiphyseal bar." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001502
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001503
+name: lamina orbitonasalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial cartilage which is bilaterally paired and develops as a dorsal plate-like projection of the anteriolateral ethmoid plate, which are oriented perpendicular to the ethmoid plate. It fuses dorsally to the taenia marginalis anterior, and it joins the ethmoid cartilage medially." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "laminas orbitonasalis" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001503
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001504
+name: occipital arch cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial cartilage which is a paired anterodorsal projection of the posterior end of the parachordal cartilage. It lies lateral to the notochord, just anterior to the posterior tip of the otic capsule. The bilaterally paired occipital arch cartilages fuse anterodorsally to the posterior edges of the auditory capsules and meet medially as the tectum synoticum (by 12 dpf)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "occipital arch cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001504
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001505
+name: taenia marginalis anterior
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage bar (bilaterally paired) that grows anteroventrally from the epiphyseal bar to join the anteriolateral edge of the ethmoid plate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "orbital cartilage" RELATED []
+synonym: "taeniae marginales anterior" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001505
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001506
+name: tectum synoticum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Unpaired thin dorsal sheet of cartilage that partially covers the posterior chondrocranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001506
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001507
+name: trabecula cranii
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired thin medially aligned bar of cartilage that extends from the anterior end of the chondrocranium to just anterior to the anterior end of the notochord. The posterior ends of the trabeculae cranii are continuous with the parachordal cartilages, and they enclose the hypophyseal fenestra." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "trabeculae cranii" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001507
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001321 ! neurocranial trabecula
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001508
+name: trabecula communis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage formed via medial fusion between bilaterally paired trabecula cranii." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "trabecular bar" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001508
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001321 ! neurocranial trabecula
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001509
+name: sclerotic cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired thin continuous band of cartilage that sagitally encircles the eye. It lies between t lies between the sclera and the optic choroid." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070629-20]
+synonym: "scleral cartilage" RELATED []
+synonym: "sclerotic cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001509
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001510
+name: basihyal cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is median and is the anterior-most cartilage of the ventral hyoid arch. It chondrifies between the anterior tips of the ceratohyal cartilages, anterior to the first copula." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "basihyal" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001510
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001511
+name: interhyal cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000218
+def: "The interhyal is a small rod-like element that connects the ventral and dorsal parts of the hyoid arch. It articulates laterally with the posterior end of the epihyal and medially at the cartilaginous junction between the hyomandibula and the symplectic. It remains cartilaginous in adult zebrafish and other cypriniforms." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "interhyal bone" EXACT []
+synonym: "stylohyal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001511
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0001512
+name: anatomical group
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001255
+def: "Anatomical structure consisting of at least two non-overlapping organs, multi-tissue aggregates or portion of tissues or cells of different types that does not constitute an organism, organ, multi-tissue aggregate, or portion of tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000054
+xref: TAO:0001512
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001513
+name: dermomyotome
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelial sheet on the external surface of the somite that gives rise to trunk, muscle and dermis." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060124-14]
+synonym: "dermomyotomes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001513
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000155 ! somite
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001514
+name: bone element
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal element that is composed of bone tissue." [VSAO:curator]
+synonym: "bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001514
+xref: VSAO:0000057
+is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001515
+name: taenia marginalis posterior
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage bar (bilaterally paired) that is first visible as an anterior extension of the auditory capsule. It grows anteriorly toward the middle of the orbit where it is connected to its mate on the other side by the epiphyseal bar." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "orbital cartilage" RELATED []
+synonym: "taeniae marginales posterior" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001515
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001516
+name: ceratobranchial cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that forms the largest skeletal element of the ventral branchial arches." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "ceratobranchial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001516
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001517
+name: ceratobranchial 2 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 2 cartilage or bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001517
+is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0001518
+name: ceratobranchial 3 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 3 cartilage or bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001518
+is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0001519
+name: ceratobranchial 4 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 4 cartilage or bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001519
+is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0001520
+name: ceratobranchial 1 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that forms between hypobranchial 1 and epibranchial 1." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001520
+is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001521
+name: ceratobranchial 5 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that is the most posterior, bilaterally paired ventral pharyngeal arch cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001521
+is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001229 ! pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001522
+name: hypobranchial cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small rod-like cartilage that forms between the median copulae and the ceratobranchial cartilages." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypobranchial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001522
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0001523
+name: hypobranchial 4 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small cartilage that forms at the anteromedial tip of ceratobranchial 4; these are not obviously present in mature specimens, due either to resorption or fusion to the cartilaginous anterior tip of ceratobranchial 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypobranchial 4 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001523
+is_a: ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001524
+name: hypobranchial 1 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small cartilage that forms at the anteromedial tip of ceratobranchial 1, lateral to copula 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypobranchial 1 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001524
+is_a: ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001525
+name: hypobranchial 2 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small cartilage that forms at the anteromedial tip of ceratobranchial 2, lateral to copula 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypobranchial 2 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001525
+is_a: ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001526
+name: hypobranchial 3 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small cartilage that forms at the anteromedial tip of ceratobranchial 3, lateral to copula 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "hypobranchial 3 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001526
+is_a: ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001527
+name: epibranchial cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is bilaterally paired small rod-like cartilage which articulates laterally with ceratobranchial cartilage or bone." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "epibranchial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001527
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001528
+name: epibranchial 1 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 1 cartilage or bone and the medial end of pharyngobranchial 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001528
+is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001529
+name: epibranchial 3 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 3 cartilage or bone and the medial end of pharyngobranchial 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001529
+is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001530
+name: epibranchial 2 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 2 cartilage or bone and the medial end of pharyngobranchial 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001530
+is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001531
+name: epibranchial 4 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 4 cartilage or bone and the medial end of pharyngobranchial 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001531
+is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001532
+name: axial bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000317
+id: ZFA:0001533
+name: pharyngobranchial cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired cartilages that project medially from the medial tips of epibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pharyngobranchial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001533
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001534
+name: pharyngobranchial 3 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired elongate cartilages that lie posteromedial to epibranchial 2 and medial to epibranchial 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pharyngobranchial 3 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001534
+is_a: ZFA:0001533 ! pharyngobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001535
+name: median fin cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "median fin cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001535
+is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001536
+name: pharyngobranchial 2 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired disc-like cartilage lying medial to and between the medial tips of epibranchials 1 and 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pharyngobranchial 2 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001536
+is_a: ZFA:0001533 ! pharyngobranchial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001537
+name: mesocoracoid cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage that develops initially on the medial side of the coraco-scapular cartilage." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "mesocorocoid cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001537
+is_a: ZFA:0000257 ! pectoral fin cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001538
+name: pelvic radial cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small cartilage that forms at the posterior edge of the basipterygium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic radial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001538
+is_a: ZFA:0001459 ! pelvic fin cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001539
+name: basipterygium cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired small, rodlike cartilages on the ventral surface of the abdomen (present at 7.9 mm). Their posterior tips expand laterally, forming L-shaped cartilages. Medially, a posterior spur of cartilage develops, which will later ossify as the ischiac process (Weitzman 1962)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "basipterygium cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001539
+is_a: ZFA:0001459 ! pelvic fin cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001540
+name: pelvic radial 3 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small cartilage that forms at the posterior and medial edge of the basipterygium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic radials 3 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001540
+is_a: ZFA:0001538 ! pelvic radial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001541
+name: pelvic radial 2 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small cartilage with a long posterior process and a shorter lateral one that forms at the posterior edge of the basipterygium, between radial cartilages 1 and 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic radials 2 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001541
+is_a: ZFA:0001538 ! pelvic radial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001542
+name: pelvic radial 1 cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Small cartilage that forms at the posterior and lateral edge of the basipterygium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "pelvic radials 1 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001542
+is_a: ZFA:0001538 ! pelvic radial cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001543
+name: paired fin cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage which is part of one of the paired fins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "paired fin cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001543
+is_a: ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000027 ! paired fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001544
+name: chondrocranium bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001424
+id: ZFA:0001545
+name: cranial bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000737
+id: ZFA:0001546
+name: pharyngeal arch bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000095
+consider: ZFA:0001276
+id: ZFA:0001547
+name: dermatocranium bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000863
+id: ZFA:0001548
+name: axial fin bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0001123
+id: ZFA:0001549
+name: paired fin bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Zebrafish don't have a stomach.
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000027
+id: ZFA:0001550
+name: caudal fin lepidotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "caudal fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "caudal fin ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001550
+is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001551
+name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the pectoral fin, forming the pectoral fin skeleton and articulating with the pectoral radials. A pectoral lepidotrichium is composed of two hemitrichia that surround bundles of actinotrichia distally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pectoral fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "pectoral fin ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001551
+is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001552
+name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pelvic fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "pelvic fin ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001552
+is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001553
+name: fin bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0000027
+consider: ZFA:0001123
+id: ZFA:0001554
+name: lepidotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is rod-like, formed and usually contained in a fin membrane, and jointed to or adjacent to distal radials. They are bilaterally paired. Lepidotrichia are formed from paired hemitrichia surrounding actinotrichia. There are usually two more lepidotrichia than distal radials." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "fin ray" EXACT []
+synonym: "lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001554
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001555
+name: epibranchial ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial ganglion which develops from an epibranchial placode." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "epibranchial ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001555
+is_a: ZFA:0000013 ! cranial ganglion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001556
+name: sympathetic chain ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Trunk ganglion which is part of a bilaterally paired set of sympathetic ganglia located anterior and lateral to the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "paravertebral ganglion" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001556
+is_a: ZFA:0001573 ! trunk ganglion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001576 ! sympathetic nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001557
+name: pronephric glomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired highly vascularized structures of the pronephros which are fused at the midline. Responsible for blood filtration and begins to function between 40 and 48hpf." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4]
+synonym: "pronephric glomera" EXACT []
+synonym: "pronephric glomeruli" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "pronephric glomus " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001557
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001558
+name: pronephric tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired tubes connecting the pronephric glomeruli to the pronephric ducts. In zebrafish and other teleosts, the pronephric nephron and tubules form after the pronephric duct, connecting to the anterior-most tip of the pronephric ducts." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4]
+synonym: "ciliated neck segment" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001558
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001559
+name: vertebral column
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0001559
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001560
+name: hypural 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral most hypural of the caudal fin. Supports the lower lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001560
+is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0001561
+name: hypural 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hypural of the caudal fin dorsal to hypural 1. Supports the lower lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001561
+is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0001562
+name: hypural 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hypural dorsal to hypural 2 that supports the upper lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001562
+is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+id: ZFA:0001563
+name: hypural 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hypural dorsal to hypural 3 that supports the upper lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001563
+is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001564
+name: hypural 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal-most hypural, that supports the upper lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001564
+is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001565
+name: oocyte stage II
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Oocyte part of stage II ovarian follicle. The stage II oocytes are characterized by the presence of cortical alveoli, a tripartite zona radiata (vitelline envelope), and a central germinal vesicle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
+comment: In stage II (cortical alveolus stage), oocytes are distinguished by the appearance of variably sized cortical alveoli and the vitelline envelope becomes prominent, ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cortical-alveolar oocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "oocytes stage II" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "previtellogenic oocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
+synonym: "Stage 2 oocyte" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001565
+is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001265 ! ovarian follicle stage II
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0001566
+name: oocyte stage III
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Oocyte part of stage III ovarian follicle. Stage III oocytes contain internal vitellus droplets and peripheral yolk vesicles." [GOC:CVS, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
+comment: In stage III (vitellogenesis), yolk proteins appear in oocytes and yolk bodies with crystalline yolk accrue during this major growth stage. Oocytes develop the capacity to respond in vitro to the steroid 17, 20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) by undergoing oocyte maturation ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "oocytes stage III" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "postvitellogenic oocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
+synonym: "Stage 3 oocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "vitellogenic oocytes" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001566
+is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001266 ! ovarian follicle stage III
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0001567
+name: oocyte stage I
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Oocyte part of stage I ovarian follicle. Stage I oocytes are basophilic, and have relatively large nuclei." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
+comment: Oocytes reside in nests with other oocytes (Stage IA) and then within a definitive follicle (Stage IB), where they greatly increase in size ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "oocytes stage I" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "previtellogenic oocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
+synonym: "primary oocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "Stage 1 oocyte" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001567
+is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001263 ! ovarian follicle stage I
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0001568
+name: oocyte stage IV
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Oocyte part of stage IV ovarian follicle. Stage IV oocytes are large and filled with noncrystalline yolky bodies." [GOC:CVS, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
+comment: In stage IV (oocyte maturation), oocytes increase slightly in size, become translucent, and their yolk becomes non-crystalline as they undergo final meiotic maturation in vivo (and in response to DHP in vitro). ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mature oocytes" EXACT []
+synonym: "oocytes stage IV" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "postvitellogenic oocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
+synonym: "Stage 4 oocyte" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001568
+is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001264 ! ovarian follicle stage IV
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0001569
+name: oocyte stage V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Oocyte part of stage V ovarian follicle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+comment: In stage V (mature egg), eggs (approx. 0.75 mm) are ovulated into the ovarian lumen and are capable of fertilization ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mature egg" EXACT []
+synonym: "unactivated egg" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001569
+is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0001570
+name: unfertilized egg
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A female gamete where meiosis has progressed to metaphase II and is able to participate in fertilization. In zebrafish specified to be outside the body." [ISBN:0721662544]
+comment: Outside the body.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "activated oocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "egg" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000025
+xref: TAO:0001570
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001569 ! oocyte stage V
+relationship: end ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001571
+name: postovulatory follicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A follicle that has undergone ovulation and no longer contains an oocyte." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "postovulatory follicles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001571
+is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0001572
+name: superior cervical ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Trunk ganglion which is bilaterally paired and located at the anterior end of the sympathetic ganglion chain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "SCG" RELATED []
+synonym: "superior sympathetic cervical ganglion" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001572
+is_a: ZFA:0001573 ! trunk ganglion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001576 ! sympathetic nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001573
+name: trunk ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ganglion which is located in the trunk." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "trunk ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001573
+is_a: ZFA:0000190 ! ganglion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0001574
+name: autonomic nervous system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nervous system that innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands. Regulates involuntary process such as blood circulation and digestion. Has subdivisions sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ISBN:0314472304, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "ANS" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001574
+is_a: ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001575
+name: parasympathetic nervous system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Autonomic nervous system where the cell bodies lie in the brain and sacral region of the spinal cord. The neurons are mainly cholinergic." [GOC:GOC, GOC:ymb, ISBN:0080923437, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001575
+is_a: ZFA:0001574 ! autonomic nervous system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001576
+name: sympathetic nervous system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Autonomic nervous system that originates beginning at the thoracic and lumbar areas of the spinal cord. Sympathetic neurons are primarily adrenergic producing the neurotransmitter noradrenalin along with other neuropeptides." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ISBN:0080923437, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001576
+is_a: ZFA:0001574 ! autonomic nervous system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001577
+name: premaxilla ascending process
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Process of the premaxilla that extends posteriorly and overlays the mesethmoid." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "premaxilla ascending processes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001577
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000567 ! premaxilla
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001578
+name: anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "In cypriniforms the anterior portion of the palatine has a dorsomedial process which abuts against the mesethmoid. Such a process is not present in other ostariophysans or in other primitive teleosts." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001578
+is_a: ZFA:0001637 ! bony projection
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000620 ! autopalatine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001579
+name: ural vertebra 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ural vertebra that is the second vertebra posterior to preural centrum 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001579
+is_a: ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001580
+name: neurocranium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is the regional skeletal system surrounding the brain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "braincase" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001580
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001581
+name: ural centrum 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A vertebral centrum that is located immediately posterior to ural centrum 1. Ural centrum 2 is an unpaired median bone." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001581
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001579 ! ural vertebra 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001582
+name: non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Precaudal vertebra that is not a Weberian vertebra. Vertebra 5 through 14." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "non-Weberian precaudal vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001582
+is_a: ZFA:0000263 ! precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001583
+name: preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra which is the fused centra of preural 1 and ural 1. These elements do not develop independently in zebrafish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "urostyle " RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001583
+is_a: ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001584
+name: caudal fin procurrent ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal fin lepidotrichium that is located anterior to the principal caudal fin rays. Caudal procurrent rays are unbranched." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "caudal procurrent lepidotrichium" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal procurrent ray " RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001584
+is_a: ZFA:0001550 ! caudal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001585
+name: caudal fin principal ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal fin lepidotrichium that is adjacent to a branched ray. Caudal principal rays may be segmented but unbranched and the main element forming the dorsal or ventral leading margin of the caudal fin or a ray that may be only segmented and branched and forms part of the middle-posterior region of the fin. A caudal principal ray is an unpaired median bone. There are 19 principal caudal rays, with 10 in the dorsal lobe and nine in the ventral lobe. The dorsal lobe rays articulate with hypurals 3-5." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001585
+is_a: ZFA:0001550 ! caudal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001586
+name: pectoral fin radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Radial which develops from the pectoral fin endoskeletal disc, supports the pectoral lepidotrichia or fin rays and connects the lepidotrichia with the primary pectoral girdle." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "pectoral fin radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001586
+is_a: ZFA:0000271 ! radial
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001456 ! pectoral fin endoskeletal disc
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001587
+name: pectoral fin proximal radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin radial which develops from the pectoral fin endoskeletal disc, supports a few pectoral lepidotrichia or fin rays and connects the lepidotrichia and distal radials with the primary pectoral girdle (scapula and coracoid)." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001587
+is_a: ZFA:0001586 ! pectoral fin radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001588
+name: pectoral fin distal radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin radial, develops from the pectoral fin endoskeletal disc, and is located at the proximal region of a lepidotrichium, between its hemitrichia. Pectoral fin distal radial is paired." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "pectoral fin distal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001588
+is_a: ZFA:0001586 ! pectoral fin radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001589
+name: propterygium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The propterygium is the lateralmost or anteriormost basal cartilage that originates from the pectoral fin endoskeletal disc. The bases of the pectoral lepidotrichium 1 plus the propterygium articulates with the scapula." [TAO:Curator]
+synonym: "propterygia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001589
+is_a: ZFA:0001588 ! pectoral fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001590
+name: dermal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intramembranous bone that forms superficially in the organism. Dermal bones develop from the direct differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-44]
+synonym: "dermal bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001590
+is_a: ZFA:0001635 ! intramembranous bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001591
+name: endochondral bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Replacement bone that forms within cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "endochondral bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001591
+is_a: ZFA:0001693 ! chondral bone
+is_a: ZFA:0005620 ! endochondral element
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001592
+name: claustrum bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bone that is bilaterally paired endochondral bone with extensions of membrane bone forming part of a dorsolateral protective wall around the neural canal between the back of the skull and the beginning of the neural arch series. The first Weberian ossicle. Most recently, de Pinna and Grande (2003) have proposed the claustrum is homologous to the accessory neural arch of lower teleosts." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001592
+is_a: ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000637 ! claustrum cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001593
+name: quadrate ventral process
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An endochondral bone that is the ventral, posteriorly-oriented bony extension of the quadrate." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "quadrate ventral processes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000224
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000621 ! quadrate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001594
+name: preopercle horizontal limb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A dermal bone that is the lower, horizontal portion of the preopercle bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "preopercle anterior arm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "preopercle horizontal arm" EXACT []
+synonym: "preopercle lower limb" EXACT []
+synonym: "preopercle ventral arm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0000289
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005631 ! preopercle horizontal limb-symplectic joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000264 ! preopercle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001595
+name: preopercle vertical limb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A dermal bone that is the upper, vertical portion of the preopercle bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "preopercle dorsal arm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192.]
+synonym: "preopercle posterior arm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192.]
+synonym: "preopercle upper limb" EXACT []
+synonym: "preopercle vertical arm" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000336
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005632 ! preopercle vertical limb-hyomandibula joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000264 ! preopercle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001596
+name: joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster which consists of two or more adjacent bones or cartilages, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "joints" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000367
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001597
+name: exoccipital posteroventral region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone which is the posteroventral region of the exoccipital bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "exoccipitals posteroventral regions" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000348
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000661 ! exoccipital
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001627 ! lagenar capsule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001598
+name: basioccipital posterodorsal region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone which is the posterodorsal region of the basioccipital bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0000337
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000472 ! basioccipital
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001627 ! lagenar capsule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001599
+name: os suspensorium medial flange
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0002214
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001171 ! os suspensorium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001600
+name: neural spine 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural spine that is located on the fourth vertebra." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001546
+is_a: ZFA:0001336 ! neural spine
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001601
+name: manubrium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior branch of the intercalarium. The manubrium develops as a simple antero-lateral membrane bone extension from basidorsal 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "anterior branch of the intercalarium" RELATED []
+synonym: "anterior process of the intercalarium" EXACT []
+synonym: "horizontal process" EXACT []
+synonym: "manubrium incudus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001553
+is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000525 ! intercalarium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001602
+name: intercalarium ascending process
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bony process that develops as a dorsally projecting cartilaginous extension from the basidorsal. The ascending process is longer relative to the manubrium in larvae (5.1-11.0 mm). By 13.0 mm, the ascending process appears highly reduced in size." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+xref: TAO:0001548
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000525 ! intercalarium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001603
+name: intercalarium articulating process
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the intercalarium that ossifies from the cartilage condensation and articulates with a groove in centrum 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "articular process" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001549
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000525 ! intercalarium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001604
+name: caudal fin upper lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that is the dorsal portion of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "caudal fin dorsal lobe" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001593
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001605
+name: caudal fin lower lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that is the ventral portion of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "caudal fin ventral lobe" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001594
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001606
+name: pharyngeal arch 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "branchial arch 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001598
+is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001607
+name: pharyngeal arch 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "branchial arch 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001599
+is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001608
+name: pharyngeal arch 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "branchial arch 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001600
+is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001609
+name: pharyngeal arch 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "branchial arch 4" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 4" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001601
+is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001610
+name: pharyngeal arch 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "branchial arch 5" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arch 5" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 7" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001602
+is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001611
+name: pharyngeal arch 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The second pharyngeal arch, also known as the hyoid arch, forms jaw support structures. Anteriorly positioned cranial neural crest cells, which align with rhombomeres 4/5, contribute to the hyoid arch structures including the ceratohyal and hyosymplectic cartilages." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020904-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-985]
+synonym: "hyoid arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001596
+is_a: ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001612
+name: pharyngeal arch 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The first pharyngeal arch, also known as the mandibular arch, forms the jaw. The first pharyngeal arch gives rise to elements of the jaw, with the most anteriorly positioned cranial neural crest cells contributing to mandibular arch structures, including Meckel's and palatoquadrate cartilages that constitute the lower and upper jaw respectively." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020904-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-121120-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-985]
+synonym: "mandibular arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arch 1" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001595
+is_a: ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001613
+name: pharyngeal arch 3-7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000515
+alt_id: ZFA:0000625
+synonym: "branchial arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "branchial arches" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "branchial bar" EXACT []
+synonym: "branchial bars" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "gill arch" EXACT []
+synonym: "gill arches 1-5" EXACT []
+synonym: "visceral arches 3-7" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000625
+xref: TAO:0001597
+is_a: ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001614
+name: atrial endocardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endocardium that is part of the atrium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002169
+is_a: ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001615
+name: ventricular endocardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endocardium that is part of the cardiac ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002247
+is_a: ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001616
+name: atrioventricular canal endocardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endocardium that is part of the atrioventricular canal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002170
+is_a: ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001315 ! atrioventricular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001617
+name: otolith
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000139
+def: "Portion of organism substance composed of calcium carbonate located in the otolith organ and positioned over a sensory macula; two form in each vesicle during the late segmentation period. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for otolith by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "immature otolith" RELATED []
+synonym: "immature otoliths" RELATED PLURAL []
+synonym: "statolith" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001621
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000051 ! otic vesicle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001618
+name: pons
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0001619
+name: optic fiber layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fiber layer adjacent the retinal ganglion cell layer which is comprised of their axons as they traverse to the optic nerve." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000126-5]
+synonym: "nerve fiber layer" EXACT []
+synonym: "optic fiber layers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002212
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001620
+name: pronephric proximal convoluted tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Most anterior portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
+synonym: "PCT" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002238
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001621
+name: pronephric proximal straight tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007) which is just posterior to the proximal convoluted tubule." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
+synonym: "proximal straight tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002239
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001622
+name: pronephric distal early tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007) which is just posterior to the proximal straight tubule." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
+synonym: "pronephric distal early tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002236
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001623
+name: posterior pronephric duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Most posterior portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007) which ends at the cloacal chamber at the pronephric duct opening." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
+synonym: "posterior pronephric ducts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002225
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001624
+name: pronephric distal late tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007) which is just posterior to the distal early tubule." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
+synonym: "distal late tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001625
+name: optic nerve head
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of cranial nerve II where large fascicles of axons from the optic fiber layer come together prior to leaving the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "optic nerve heads" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002213
+is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000435 ! cranial nerve II
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001626
+name: cerebral spinal fluid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of organism substance that is a clear fluid that occupies the subarachnoid space and the ventricular system around and inside the brain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "CSF" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002184
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001627
+name: lagenar capsule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of a bulla formed by the exoccipital and basioccipital bones, and surrounds the lagena." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lagenar capsules" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001620
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001628
+name: replacement bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bone that forms as a replacement of another structural tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "replacement bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001637
+is_a: ZFA:0001514 ! bone element
+is_a: ZFA:0005624 ! replacement element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001629
+name: perichordal bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Replacement bone that forms within the connective tissue surrounding the notochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "perichordal bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001639
+is_a: ZFA:0001628 ! replacement bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001630
+name: perichondral bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Replacement bone that forms within the connective tissue surrounding cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "perichondral bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001638
+is_a: ZFA:0001693 ! chondral bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001634 ! perichondrium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001631
+name: notochordal ossification
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Perichordal bone that surrounds the anterior tip of the notochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001640
+is_a: ZFA:0001629 ! perichordal bone
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001633 ! perichordal connective tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001632
+name: portion of connective tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of mesodermally derived cells and intercellular matrix comprised of protein fibers and carbohydrates, which supports, ensheathes and binds together other tissues." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001641
+xref: VSAO:0000017
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001633
+name: perichordal connective tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of connective tissue which surrounds the notochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001642
+is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001634
+name: perichondrium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of connective tissue which surrounds cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cartilage connective tissue" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001643
+is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001635
+name: intramembranous bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bone that forms directly within mesenchyme, and does not replace other tissues." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "intramembranous bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001644
+is_a: ZFA:0001514 ! bone element
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001636
+name: membrane bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intramembranous bone that forms deep in the organism." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "membrane bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001645
+is_a: ZFA:0001635 ! intramembranous bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001637
+name: bony projection
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of connective tissue that is an extension of a bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "bony projections" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "process" EXACT [TAO:0001834]
+xref: TAO:0001646
+xref: TAO:0001834
+is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001514 ! bone element
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001638
+name: statoacoustic (VIII) nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "cochlear nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "octaval nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "vestibulocochlear nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002243
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001639
+name: vascular endothelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Simple squamous epithelium which lines blood and lymphatic vessels and the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "endothelia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002171
+is_a: ZFA:0001498 ! simple squamous epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001640
+name: cephalic flexure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral bend in the brain occurring caudal to the adenohypophyseal placode." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "ventral flexure" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002181
+is_a: ZFA:0005593 ! neuraxis flexure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001641
+name: rudimentary neural arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural arch on the urostyle. It does not support a neural spine. Sanger and McCune 2002." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001666
+is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000158 ! urostyle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001642
+name: tooth row
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster consisting of adjacent teeth constituting a row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "tooth rows" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001667
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001643
+name: anatomical space
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+comment: Part_of parents of these terms should be changed to be located_in rather then part_of when we get the appropriate relation.
+synonym: "anatomical spaces" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000005
+xref: TAO:0001668
+is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0001644
+name: articular cartilage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage of the lower jaw that give rise to a portion of the anguloarticular compound bone." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "articular cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001670
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001645
+name: angular bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is located posterior to the dentary and lateral to the articular and retroarticular bones of the lower jaw. The angular forms the outer dermal sheet of the posterior part of the lower jaw. The angular bears a portion of the mandibular sensory canal. The angular is a paired bone." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "angular bones" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001669
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001646
+name: anal fin radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Internal skeletal supports of the anal fin." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "anal fin pterygiophores" RELATED []
+synonym: "anal fin radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001671
+is_a: ZFA:0000271 ! radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001647
+name: dorsal fin radial
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Internal skeletal supports of the dorsal fin." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "dorsal fin pterygiophore " RELATED []
+synonym: "dorsal fin radials" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001672
+is_a: ZFA:0000271 ! radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001648
+name: cardiac neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neural crest that migrates into the pharyngeal arches and heart, forming connective tissue that separates the vessels of the heart." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0002173
+is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001649
+name: infraorbital series
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is the series of dermal bones associated with the infraorbital sensory canal located under and posterior to the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "circumorbital series" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001709
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+id: ZFA:0001650
+name: branchial mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "gill mesenchyme" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002172
+is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001651
+name: sternohyoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000283
+def: "Head muscle that originates on the anterior region of the cleithrum and inserts on the urohyal. The hypobranchial forms initially as left and right parts that later fuse together forming a cone shape. The muscle is innervated by the occipitospinals and mainly composed of fast twitch muscle fibers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190427-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
+synonym: "hypobranchial muscle" EXACT []
+synonym: "sternohyoideus" EXACT []
+synonym: "sternohyoids" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0000283
+xref: TAO:0002200
+is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005923 ! anterior migratory muscle precursor stream
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0001652
+name: head muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle which is part of the head." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cephalic muscle" EXACT []
+synonym: "cranial muscle " RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0002198
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000328 ! cephalic musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001653
+name: pericardial muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle which is paired and runs anterio-posteriorly along the heart and is covered with epicardium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001026-2]
+xref: TAO:0002221
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001654
+name: opercular cavity
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space which is located beneath the operculum and external to the gills." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0002154
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001655
+name: pericardial cavity
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space in which the heart is located and is surrounded by the pericardium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "thoracic cavity" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002220
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001438 ! coelom
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001656
+name: pleuroperitoneal cavity
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space which contains the abdominal viscera and swim bladder. Located posterior to the pericardial cavity, separated by the transverse septum. From Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates, third edition." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:0030223695, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "coelom" RELATED []
+synonym: "coelomic cavity" RELATED []
+synonym: "visceral cavity" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002224
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001438 ! coelom
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001657
+name: supraoptic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS tract/commissure which extends between the telencephalon and diencephalon and lies along the dorsal edge of the optic stalk." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-719, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
+synonym: "SOT" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002244
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001658
+name: hindbrain nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nucleus located within the hindbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0002177
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001659
+name: diencephalic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain nucleus part of the diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0002191
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001660
+name: telencephalic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0002178
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001662
+name: preglomerular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the caudal tuberculum. The preglomerular nuclei make up most of the migrated nuclei within the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0002226
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001663
+name: cranial nerve root
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The portion of tissue that is the initial segment of one of the cranial nerves leaving the central nervous system." []
+xref: TAO:0002190
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001665
+name: midbrain nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nucleus located in the midbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0002209
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001666
+name: periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is in contact with the median ependymal lining of the ventricle and consists of the dorsal, ventral, supracommissural and postcommissural nuclei of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0002222
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000304 ! ventral telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001667
+name: peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Telencephalic nucleus which has migrated away from the ependyma and consists of the central, lateral nuclei and the dorsal and ventral entopeduncular nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0002179
+is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000304 ! ventral telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001668
+name: central nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon which is located immediately lateral to the dorsal nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus centralis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002180
+is_a: ZFA:0001667 ! peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001669
+name: intermediate nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located between the dorsal hypothalamus and the caudal tuberal nucleus and does not contain tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001220-2]
+xref: TAO:0002202
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001670
+name: notochord posterior region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is the part of the notochord located in the caudal fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001821
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000135 ! notochord
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0001671
+name: macula communis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium that is the primary epithelium of the developing inner ear and has anterior and posterior maculae as its parts. These maculae later move apart into distinct regions of epithelium." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
+xref: TAO:0002206
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001672
+name: dorsolateral septum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that grows in from the dorsolateral wall of the otic vesicle, forming a dorsolateral partition between the developing anterior and posterior semicircular canals." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
+synonym: "dorsal bar" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0002193
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000262 ! posterior semicircular canal
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000314 ! anterior semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0001673
+name: pronephric podocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Podocyte that is part of the pronephros." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0002237
+is_a: ZFA:0009285 ! podocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001557 ! pronephric glomerulus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001674
+name: mesonephric podocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Podocyte that is part of the kidney (mesonephros)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0002208
+is_a: ZFA:0009285 ! podocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001288 ! renal glomerulus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0001675
+name: ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of connective tissue that is a fibrous band connecting bones or cartilages or supporting an organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001682
+is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001676
+name: annular ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that is in the eye and is located at the angle between the cornea and the iris." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070629-16]
+xref: TAO:0002141
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0001677
+name: floor plate midbrain region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Floor plate that is part of the midbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0002196
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0001678
+name: immature eye
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that consists of the structures that develop into the retina and lens." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+comment: Dbxref for ZFIN changed to match actual database accession number. Old Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-090226-1 correct Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-090227-5.
+xref: TAO:0002201
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0001679
+name: solid lens vesicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that gives rise to the lens. The lens of the zebrafish forms by delamination of lens placodal cells and not through invagination. This results in a solid spherical mass as opposed to a hollow lens vesicle. Detachment of the solid lens vesicle of zebrafish at 24-26 hpf is accomplished in part by apoptosis, similar to mammals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:CVS, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+comment: Dbxref for ZFIN changed to match actual database accession number. Old Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-090226-2 correct Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-090227-6.
+synonym: " immature lens" EXACT []
+synonym: "lens mass" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091023-49]
+synonym: "lens vesicle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+synonym: "presumptive lens" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0002205
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000122 ! lens placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0001680
+name: parvocellular preoptic nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
+xref: TAO:0002219
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:16:53Z
+id: ZFA:0001681
+name: grey matter
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue comprised of neurons, dendrites, axon terminals, glial cells, and capillaries." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "gray mater" RELATED []
+synonym: "gray matter" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002197
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:47:27Z
+id: ZFA:0001682
+name: white matter
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000145
+def: "Multi-tissue structure comprised largely of myelinated axons." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "CNS tract/commissure" EXACT []
+synonym: "CNS white matter" EXACT []
+synonym: "white mater" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0000145
+xref: TAO:0002142
+xref: TAO:0002143
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:50:38Z
+id: ZFA:0001683
+name: corneal epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue comprised of four to six layers of nonkeratinized, stratified squamous cells and represents approximately 60% of the thickness of the cornea." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
+xref: TAO:0002187
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:11:11Z
+id: ZFA:0001684
+name: Bowman's layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Acellular anatomical structure that is the zone of condensed collagen fibers underneath the basement membrane of the corneal epithelium that overlays the corneal stroma layer." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
+synonym: "anterior elastic lamina" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior limiting membrane" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0002155
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:11:47Z
+id: ZFA:0001685
+name: corneal stroma
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is located basal to Bowman's layer and distal to Descemet's membrane and is comprised largely of connective tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
+xref: TAO:0002189
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:12:16Z
+id: ZFA:0001686
+name: Descemet's membrane
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Acellular anatomical structure composed of collagen, Descemet's membrane is secreted as a basement membrane of the corneal endothelium. Located between the stroma and the corneal endothelium, it is approximately 0.15 micrometer thick at 6 months post-fertilization." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
+synonym: "posterior limiting membrane" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002157
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:12:32Z
+id: ZFA:0001687
+name: corneal endothelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium that is the innermost layer of the cornea and is comprised of a monolayer of polygonal cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
+xref: TAO:0002186
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:13:25Z
+id: ZFA:0001688
+name: corneal primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the eye and gives rise to the mature, fully layered cornea." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
+xref: TAO:0002188
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-03-23T04:36:20Z
+id: ZFA:0001689
+name: anatomical line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Non-material anatomical entity of one dimension, which forms a boundary of an anatomical surface or is a modulation of an anatomical surface." [CARO:MAH, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000008
+xref: TAO:0001837
+is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-04-30T02:46:34Z
+id: ZFA:0001690
+name: groove
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure that delineates a furrow or depression in an organ or tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: TAO:0001838
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-04-30T02:48:53Z
+id: ZFA:0001691
+name: cerebellar granule cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Granule cell that is part of the cerebellum." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0001031
+xref: TAO:0002182
+is_a: ZFA:0009070 ! granule cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000358 ! granular layer corpus cerebelli
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000766 ! granular layer valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-04-30T03:18:48Z
+id: ZFA:0001692
+name: hindbrain commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter that crosses the midline within the hindbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-11]
+xref: TAO:0002199
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T12:33:21Z
+id: ZFA:0001693
+name: chondral bone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Replacement bone that forms within or surrounding a cartilaginous skeletal element." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+is_a: ZFA:0001628 ! replacement bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-07-29T11:34:33Z
+id: ZFA:0001694
+name: olfactory granule cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Granule cell that is part of the olfactory bulb." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000626
+xref: TAO:0002211
+is_a: ZFA:0009070 ! granule cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-04-30T03:21:40Z
+id: ZFA:0001695
+name: dorsolateral motor nucleus of vagal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Motor nucleus of vagal nerve that is located within the dorsolateral portion of rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-11]
+synonym: "dlX" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002192
+is_a: ZFA:0000387 ! motor nucleus of vagal nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-04T10:42:49Z
+id: ZFA:0001696
+name: medial motor nucleus of vagal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Motor nucleus of vagal nerve that is located within the medial portion of rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-11]
+synonym: "mmX" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002207
+is_a: ZFA:0000387 ! motor nucleus of vagal nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-04T10:45:00Z
+id: ZFA:0001697
+name: octaval nerve motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain nucleus which consists of cell bodies whose axons exit the hindbrain via cranial nerve VIII and innervate hair cells of the lateral line and inner ear. The neurons of these nuclei are unusual in that they extend both contra- and ipsilateral dendrites." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
+synonym: "cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "octaval nerve motor nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "OLe" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002174
+is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-04T01:04:59Z
+id: ZFA:0001698
+name: rostral octaval nerve motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Octaval nerve motor nucleus that is initially located within rhombomere 6." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
+synonym: "REN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
+synonym: "ROLE" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral efferent nuclei" RELATED PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
+xref: TAO:0002175
+is_a: ZFA:0001697 ! octaval nerve motor nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-04T01:21:34Z
+id: ZFA:0001699
+name: caudal octaval nerve motor nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Octaval nerve motor nucleus that is initially located within rhombomere 7." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
+synonym: "caudal efferent nuclei" RELATED PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
+synonym: "CEN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
+synonym: "RELL" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002176
+is_a: ZFA:0001697 ! octaval nerve motor nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-04T01:24:26Z
+id: ZFA:0001700
+name: tunica externa swim bladder
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the external layer of the swim bladder that is covered by the peritoneum, and made of elastic fibres and ichthyocol (short needles of collagen)." []
+xref: TAO:0002245
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-05T12:54:11Z
+id: ZFA:0001701
+name: tunica interna swim bladder
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the internal layer of the swim bladder and is comprised of thin endoderm and a smooth muscle layer called the muscularis mucosa with longitudinal and circular fibres with some collagen." []
+xref: TAO:0002246
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-05T12:55:22Z
+id: ZFA:0001702
+name: apical ectodermal ridge
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Proliferative region that is part of the developing fin fold or fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002146
+is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-05T02:38:05Z
+id: ZFA:0001703
+name: epidermal placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is a thickening and reshaping of the epidermal basal stratum cells beneath which fibroblasts accumulate to form the scale primordium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081008-12]
+xref: TAO:0002195
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001180 ! epidermal basal stratum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-05T03:22:18Z
+id: ZFA:0001704
+name: scale primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A portion of tissue that gives rise to the scale. At the initial stages the primordium is composed of an accumulation of fibroblast below the basil epidermis. As the primordium develops the epidermis over the fibroblast alters: the basal epidermal cells become cuboidal and narrow, the collagen matrix remodels and the hemidesmosomes disappear." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081008-12]
+synonym: "scale placode" RELATED []
+synonym: "scale primordia " EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002242
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-05T03:35:05Z
+id: ZFA:0001705
+name: endolymphatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct that is part of the inner ear and connects to the semicircular canals ending in the endolymphatic sac." [, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090112-20]
+xref: TAO:0002194
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-11T09:15:55Z
+id: ZFA:0001706
+name: Purkinje cell layer corpus cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the corpus cerebelli and contains Purkinje cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
+xref: TAO:0002240
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-11T09:41:06Z
+id: ZFA:0001707
+name: brainstem
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that has as its parts the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain and the tegmentum of the midbrain." [ISBN:3764351209]
+xref: TAO:0002156
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-13T01:39:24Z
+id: ZFA:0001708
+name: cerebellar white matter
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter that is part of the cerebellum." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "cerebellar tracts/commissures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002183
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-13T01:48:48Z
+id: ZFA:0001709
+name: Purkinje cell layer valvula cerebelli
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the valvula cerebelli and contains Purkinje cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
+xref: TAO:0002241
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-13T03:00:08Z
+id: ZFA:0001710
+name: mossy fiber
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of afferent axons from the spinal cord, sensory medullary nuclei, reticular nuclei and dorsal tegmental nuclei into the corpus cerebelli and valvula cerebelli, where they synapse within the granule cell layer." [ISBN:3764351209, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
+synonym: "mossy fibers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002210
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-13T03:02:35Z
+id: ZFA:0001711
+name: climbing fiber
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of afferent axons from the inferior olive and synapsing with Purkinje cells within the molecular layer of the valvula cerebelli and corpus cerebelli." [ISBN:3764351209, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
+synonym: "climbing fibers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002185
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-13T03:18:48Z
+id: ZFA:0001712
+name: presumptive bulbus arteriosus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the heart tube and will become the bulbus arteriosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002230
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000818 ! vagal neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-31T11:25:06Z
+id: ZFA:0001713
+name: parallel fiber
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that consists of axons of cerebellar granule cells that synapse onto Purkinje cell dendrites." [ISBN:3764351209, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
+synonym: "parallel fibers" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002218
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000394 ! molecular layer corpus cerebelli
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000913 ! molecular layer valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-13T04:32:51Z
+id: ZFA:0001714
+name: presumptive ventral mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of presumptive mesoderm fated to become ventral mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0002235
+is_a: ZFA:0001377 ! presumptive mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-24T11:02:45Z
+id: ZFA:0001715
+name: otic vesicle protrusion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue within the otic vesicle that consists of a thin layer of otic epithelium covering a finger-shaped core of acellular matrix." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
+xref: TAO:0002215
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000051 ! otic vesicle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-25T10:45:23Z
+id: ZFA:0001716
+name: otic vesicle ventral protrusion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Otic vesicle protrusion that is initially ventrally located and then fuses with the lateral protrusion, giving rise to the pillar of the lateral semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
+xref: TAO:0002216
+is_a: ZFA:0001715 ! otic vesicle protrusion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-25T10:53:24Z
+id: ZFA:0001717
+name: pillar of the semicircular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue around which the semicircular canals flow." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
+xref: TAO:0002223
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000431 ! semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-25T10:57:52Z
+id: ZFA:0001718
+name: presumptive atrium heart tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the heart tube and will become the cardiac atrium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-11]
+xref: TAO:0002228
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001721 ! presumptive atrium primitive heart tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-25T12:20:59Z
+id: ZFA:0001719
+name: presumptive cardiac ventricle heart tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the heart tube and will become the cardiac ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-11]
+xref: TAO:0002231
+xref: ZFA:0002231
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001720 ! presumptive cardiac ventricle primitive heart tube
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-25T12:21:18Z
+id: ZFA:0001720
+name: presumptive cardiac ventricle primitive heart tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the primitive heart tube and will become the cardiac ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-11]
+xref: TAO:0002232
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000149 ! primitive heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-25T01:10:23Z
+id: ZFA:0001721
+name: presumptive atrium primitive heart tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the primitive heart tube and will become the cardiac atrium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-11]
+xref: TAO:0002229
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000149 ! primitive heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-25T01:10:28Z
+id: ZFA:0001722
+name: presumptive sinus venosus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the heart tube and will become the sinus venosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002234
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-31T11:40:57Z
+id: ZFA:0001723
+name: presumptive atrioventricular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the heart tube and will become the atrioventricular canal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002227
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-31T11:57:36Z
+id: ZFA:0001724
+name: presumptive endocardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the heart tube and will become the endocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002233
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-08-31T01:21:44Z
+id: ZFA:0001725
+name: immature Schwann cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A glial cell that develops from a Schwann cell precursor. The immature Schwann cell is embedded among neurons (axons) with minimal extracellular spaces separating them from nerve cell membranes and has a basal lamina. Cells can survive without an axon present. Immature Schwann cell can be found communally ensheathing large groups of axons." [CL:curator, ISBN:0721662544]
+comment: Range covers Schwann cell precursor and immature Schwann cell, should be split and put into CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002377
+xref: TAO:0002203
+is_a: ZFA:0009147 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+created_by: Melissa Haendel
+creation_date: 2009-09-08T02:10:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005000
+name: basal communicating artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that extends horizontally across the brain midline which is fed by the caudal division of the internal carotid artery. Three pairs of central arteries extend from the basal communicating artery (BCA), the anterior, middle and posterior mesencephalic central arteries. The BCA does not correspond to the anterior communicating artery of the mammalian circle of Willis. The BCA is unpaired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "BCA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005000
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0005001
+name: posterior communicating artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An artery that connects caudal division of the internal carotid artery and the basal communicating artery to the basilar artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "caudal communicating segment" EXACT []
+synonym: "PCA" EXACT []
+synonym: "PCS" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior communicating segment of the basilar artery" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005001
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0005002
+name: basilar artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that runs along the ventral keel of the hindbrain. It lies between the primordial hindbrain channels(PHBC). It irrigates the hindbrain and is connected, through the hindbrain, to the PHBC by the central arteries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110426-11]
+synonym: "BA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005002
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005003
+name: pharyngeal vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the pharyngeal region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "branchial basket" RELATED []
+synonym: "branchial vasculature" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005003
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005004
+name: aortic arch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that is part of the pharyngeal arches." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "aortic arches" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "branchial aortic arches " EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080512-6]
+xref: TAO:0005004
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005005
+name: aortic arch 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 1. The paired aortic arch 1 arteries branch off of the ventral aorta, and empty into the right and left lateral dorsal aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "AA1" EXACT []
+synonym: "mandibular aortic arch" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005005
+is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001612 ! pharyngeal arch 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005006
+name: aortic arch 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 2. Aortic arch 2 is paired and is a vestigial structure." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "AA2" EXACT []
+synonym: "hyoid aortic arch" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005006
+is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001611 ! pharyngeal arch 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005007
+name: aortic arch 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 3. The paired aortic arch 3 arteries branch directly from the ventral aorta to the lateral dorsal aorta, and are retained as the branchial arteries providing circulation through the gills in the adult." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "AA3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005007
+is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001606 ! pharyngeal arch 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005008
+name: aortic arch 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 4. The paired aortic arch 4 arteries branch directly from the ventral aorta to the lateral dorsal aorta, and are retained as the branchial arteries providing circulation through the gills in the adult." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "AA4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005008
+is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001607 ! pharyngeal arch 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005009
+name: aortic arch 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 5. Aortic arch 5 artery is paired and has a common trunk with aortic arch 6 from the ventral aorta, and drains via a separate branch of the lateral dorsal aorta. Aortic arches 5 and 6 supply the trunk and tail with oxygenated blood." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "AA5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005009
+is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001608 ! pharyngeal arch 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005010
+name: mid cerebral vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The mesencephalic veins (MsV) enter the mid cerebral veins (MCeV) at the dorsal midline. THe MCeVs originate at the dorsal midline, proceed laterally in a ventral direction to drain into the paired primordial midbrain channels (PHBC)." [GOC:cvs,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "MCeV" EXACT []
+synonym: "MeCV" EXACT []
+synonym: "mid-cerebral vein" EXACT []
+synonym: "middle cerebral vein" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005010
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005011
+name: pseudobranchial artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A vascular loop attached to the efferent part of the mandibular arch that forms at 3.5 dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "pseudobranchial arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005011
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005005 ! aortic arch 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005012
+name: afferent filamental artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that enters the gill filament." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "AFA" EXACT []
+synonym: "afferent filamental arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005012
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000666 ! filamental artery
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000716 ! afferent branchial artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005013
+name: concurrent branch afferent branchial artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The branch of the afferent branchial artery that continues posterodorsally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "CCB" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005013
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000716 ! afferent branchial artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005014
+name: recurrent branch afferent branchial artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The anteroventral proceeding branch of the afferent branchial artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "RCB" EXACT []
+synonym: "recurrent branch afferent branchial arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005014
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000716 ! afferent branchial artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005015
+name: afferent lamellar arteriole
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Arterioles which take blood from the afferent filamental arteries to the gill lamella." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "afferent lamellar arterioles" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "AFL" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005015
+is_a: ZFA:0005255 ! arteriole
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000211 ! gill lamella
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005012 ! afferent filamental artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005016
+name: aortic arch 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 6. Aortic arch 6 artery is paired and has a common trunk with aortic arch 5 from the ventral aorta, and drains via a separate branch of the lateral dorsal aorta. Aortic arches 5 and 6 supply the trunk and tail with oxygenated blood." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "AA6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005016
+is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001609 ! pharyngeal arch 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005017
+name: primordial midbrain channel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The vessel between the anterior cerebral vein and the mid cerebral vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "PMBC" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005017
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005018
+name: efferent filamental artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that exits the gill filament." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "EFA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005018
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000202 ! efferent branchial artery
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000666 ! filamental artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005019
+name: efferent lamellar arteriole
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Arterioles which take blood from the gill lamella to the efferent filamental arteries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "efferent lamellar arterioles" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "ELA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005019
+is_a: ZFA:0005255 ! arteriole
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000211 ! gill lamella
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005018 ! efferent filamental artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005020
+name: central artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that irrigates the forebrain and midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "CtA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005020
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005021
+name: cerebellar central artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Extend upward from the PCS, branch to provide an arterial feed to the hindbrain, then drain back down into the PHBC." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "CCtA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005021
+is_a: ZFA:0005020 ! central artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005022
+name: opercular artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The opercular artery arises from the hyoid stump on the first aortic arch, then follows the lateral margin of the operculum (gill covering) ventrally to reconnect into the proximal part of the first aortic arch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "external carotid artery" RELATED []
+synonym: "ORA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005022
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005005 ! aortic arch 1
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005023
+name: hematopoietic system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "System responsible for generating hematopoietic cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005023
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0005024
+name: trunk vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around trunk." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005024
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001115 ! trunk
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0005025
+name: dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired trunk vessels that run medially along the dorsal-most portion of the trunk and post-vent region. The DLAVs are formed by the longitudinal anastomoses of the intersegmental vessels to form a right and left pair of dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessels. These paired vessels remodel to form a single plexiform vessel beginning at 3dpf continuing until after 7dpf. The basilar artery connects to the DLAVs at the caudal end of the medulla oblongata. In the early embryo (2.5-3.5 dpf) the primitive hindbrain channels also connect to the DLAV." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+comment: Eventually half of the ISVs will carry blood from the aorta to the DLAVs, and half from the DLAV to the posterior cardinal vein.
+synonym: "DLAV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005025
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001285 ! intersegmental vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001073 ! axial vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0005026
+name: primary head sinus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Main route for venous drainage of the anterior and mid cerebral veins as well as portions of the primordial hindbrain channel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "lateral head vein" EXACT []
+synonym: "PHS" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005026
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005027
+name: posterior cerebral vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that drains the dorsal longitudinal vessel and the caudal portions of the venous capillary network of the medulla oblongata." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "caudal cerebral vein" EXACT []
+synonym: "PCeV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005027
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005028
+name: ventral wall of dorsal aorta
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region where blood progenitor markers are expressed. Probable site of definitive hematopoiesis between 36hpf and 4dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "AGM" RELATED []
+synonym: "aorta gonad mesonephros region" EXACT []
+synonym: "DA roof" RELATED []
+synonym: "DA-PCV joint " EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal aorta - posterior cardinal vein joint" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061227-29]
+synonym: "DP joint" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005028
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000014 ! dorsal aorta
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0005029
+name: rostral blood island
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hematopoietic tissue derived from the cephalic mesoderm. Predominantly produces myeloid cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "anterior myeloid compartment" RELATED []
+synonym: "RBI" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005029
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005041 ! anterior lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0005030
+name: dorsal ciliary vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that branches off the nasal ciliary artery. Initially, at 2dpf, the dorsal ciliary vein (DCV) drains into the primordial midbrain channel (PMBC) or the PMBC/PHBC junction. Later, by 3.5dpf, the DCV drains into the optic choroid vascular plexus. The dorsal branch of the inner optic circle drains into the DCV." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "DCV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005030
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005082 ! dorsal branch nasal ciliary artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005031
+name: dorsal longitudinal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessel that connects to the primitive hindbrain channel and the basilar artery at the caudal end of the medulla oblongata." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "DLV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005031
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005032
+name: optic vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that connects to the hyaloid vein that drains the eye. External to eye." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "OV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005032
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0005033
+name: vertebral artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an pair of arteries that form from the intersegmental vessels at the level of the base of the spinal cord, adjacent to the myotome." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "vertebral arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005033
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0005034
+name: parachordal vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessels run longitudinally along the horizontal myoseptum. These vessels are not functional until after lumenization which occurs near 4 dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030908-4]
+synonym: "PAV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005034
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000477 ! posterior cardinal vein
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001057 ! intersegmental vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0005035
+name: subintestinal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that drains the vascular plexus of the midgut and hindgut. At early stages the subintestinal vein (SIV) drains into the PCV and the CCV. At later stages the SIV drains into the hepatic sinusoid. The SIV are begin as paired veins. After 4dpf the remains of the left SIV forms separate segments that empty into the right SIV and eventually merge with the right. At 3dpf the rostral end of left SIV begins to form the reticular hepatic sinusoids. The portion of the left SIV caudal to the hepatic sinusoid forms the hepatic portal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "SIV" EXACT []
+synonym: "vitelline vein" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005035
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005036
+name: supraintestinal artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A continuation of the anterior mesenteric artery, which branches out from the dorsal aorta just caudal to the pronephric glomus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "SIA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005036
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005037
+name: post-vent vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the post-vent region. This is frequently referred to as tail vasculature in the zebrafish community." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "tail vasculature" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005037
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001117 ! post-vent region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005038
+name: supraintestinal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "" RELATED []
+synonym: "supraintestinal veins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005038
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005039
+name: anterior lateral mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ALM" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005039
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001065 ! lateral mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0005040
+name: posterior lateral mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "PLM" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005040
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001065 ! lateral mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0005041
+name: anterior lateral plate mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "ALPM" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005041
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000121 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0005042
+name: posterior lateral plate mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "PLPM" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005042
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000121 ! lateral plate mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0005043
+name: nevus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An ectopic melanophore accumulation analogous to a nevi (mole) in humans." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "f-nevi" EXACT []
+synonym: "naevus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005043
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005044
+name: optic artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The artery that carries blood to the eye. It branches from the primitive internal carotid artery and enters the eye ventrally through the optic fissure." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "optic arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005044
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005045
+name: hyaloid artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that is internal to the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "hyaloid arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005045
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005046 ! hyaloid vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005046
+name: hyaloid vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessels that are associated with the posterior region of the lens." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+synonym: "hyaloid vasculature" RELATED []
+synonym: "hyaloid vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005046
+is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005047
+name: hyaloid vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein internal to the eye." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "hyaloid veins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005047
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005046 ! hyaloid vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0005048
+name: primitive prosencephalic artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessel that branches from cranial division of the internal carotid artery, extending laterally around the rostral end of the head." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "PPrA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005048
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0005049
+name: prosencephalic artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "After the primitive prosencephalic artery forms it becomes disconnected from the cranial division of the internal carotid artery and instead it connects to the anterior mesencephalic central artery and the communicating vessels of the palatocerebral artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "PrA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005049
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005048 ! primitive prosencephalic artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005050
+name: palatocerebral artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The PLA branches ventrally from the CrDI. It extends rostrally along the base of mid- and forebrain, then loops medially and links to the corresponding vessel from the other side of the embryo." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "PLA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005050
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005051
+name: communicating vessel palatocerebral artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Connect the palatocerebral artery with the prosencephalic artery." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "CMV" EXACT []
+synonym: "communicating vessels" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005051
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005052
+name: anterior mesencephalic central artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Arteries that irrigate rostral regions of the midbrain. They extend between the basal communicating artery to the anterior cerebral vein." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "AMCtA" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral mesencephalic central artery" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005052
+is_a: ZFA:0005020 ! central artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005053
+name: nasal ciliary artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that branches off the cranial division of the internal carotid artery. It bifurcates near the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "NCA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005053
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0005054
+name: inner optic circle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessel that circles the inner rim of the optic capsule. The inner optic circle drains ventrally into the optic vein and dorsally into the dorsal ciliary vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "IOC" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005054
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005082 ! dorsal branch nasal ciliary artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005083 ! ventral branch nasal ciliary artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005055
+name: median palatocerebral vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Drains the PLA loop proceeds straight caudally along the cranial midline just above the pharynx, just below the diencephalon. Forms a 'T' with the palatocerebral veins." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "MPLV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005055
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005056
+name: palatocerebral vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that drains the median palatocerebral vein into the optic vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "PLV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005056
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005057
+name: epicardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "External layer of the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+comment: No evidence of epicardium layer in cardiac atrium in Hu et al 2001.
+xref: TAO:0005057
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005808 ! proepicardial cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005058
+name: ventricular epicardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The external layer of the ventricle bounding the ventricular myocardium. It is formed by a single layer of mesothelial cells supported by a basal lamina, and imbricated with collagen, fibroblasts, and vascular structures in the subepicardial space." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+xref: TAO:0005058
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005057 ! epicardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005059
+name: trabecular layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The layer of the myocardium composed of projections of contractile myocytes. The trabecular layer is bounded internally by the endocardium. Unlike the trabeculations of higher vertebrates, both atrial and ventricular trabeculae of the zebrafish have more strut-like character, and are more uniform without apparent regional differences." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+comment: Cardiac conduction may occur in the trabecular layer via trabecular fibers, PMID: 12626327.
+synonym: "trabecula" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005059
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001319 ! myocardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005060
+name: trabecular layer of ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0005060
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005059 ! trabecular layer
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005061 ! ventricular myocardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005061
+name: ventricular myocardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscular layer of the cardiac ventricle composed of a compact myocardial layer surrounding the trabecular layer." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+xref: TAO:0005061
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001319 ! myocardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005062
+name: compact layer of ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The outer layer the ventricular myocardium, muscle fibers are arranged in a compact form and involved the entire ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005062
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005061 ! ventricular myocardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005063
+name: cardiac conduction system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical system located in the heart that initiates and propagates heart contraction. The cardiac pacemaker." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "cardiac pacemaker" EXACT []
+synonym: "central conduction system" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005063
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005064
+name: atrioventricular valve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The atrioventricular valve has four distinct leaflets oriented anterior, posterior, left, and right of the atrioventricular orifice." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+xref: TAO:0005064
+is_a: ZFA:0005065 ! heart valve
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001317 ! endocardial cushion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005065
+name: heart valve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure composed of leaflets that separate parts of the heart, preventing blood backflow." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "heart valves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005065
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005066
+name: bulbus arteriosus outer layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The portion of tissue that is the outer layer of the bulbus arteriosus. It is composed of scattered layers of interrupted elastic lamina." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+synonym: "bulbus arteriosus externa" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005066
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000173 ! bulbus arteriosus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005067
+name: bulbus arteriosus middle layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Composed of 7-10 layers of helically arranged smooth muscle cells surrounded by a fine network of collagen, reticular, and elastic fibrils." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+synonym: "bulbus arteriosus media" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005067
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000173 ! bulbus arteriosus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005068
+name: bulbus arteriosus inner layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Composed of subendothelium with longitudinally oriented collagen, reticular fibrils, elastic fibers, and smooth muscle cells bound by a thin endothelial layer." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+synonym: "bulbus arteriosus intima" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005068
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000173 ! bulbus arteriosus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005069
+name: sinoatrial node
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue containing 3 and 30 cells in dorsal right quadrant of atrium that initiate heart beat." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101115-23]
+xref: TAO:0005069
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005601 ! sinoatrial ring
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005070
+name: atrioventricular node
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The portion of tissue in the atrioventricular canal that slows impulse propagation between the atrium and cardiac ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060227-6]
+synonym: "AV node" EXACT []
+synonym: "downstream pacemaker" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005070
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005073 ! atrioventricular ring
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001315 ! atrioventricular canal
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005071
+name: distal conduction system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Appears to be mammalian due to exact synonym His-Perkinje system, which doesn't have an exact analog in fish (or frogs). PMID:22984480 PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e44231.
+synonym: "His-Purkinje system" EXACT []
+synonym: "His-Purkinji network" EXACT []
+synonym: "HPS" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005071
+is_obsolete: true
+consider: ZFA:0005059
+id: ZFA:0005072
+name: endocardial ring
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A portion of endocardial tissue that is part of the atrioventricular ring." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005072
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005073 ! atrioventricular ring
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0005073
+name: atrioventricular ring
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A ring of conduction tissue that forms in the atrioventricular canal." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060227-6]
+synonym: "AV ring" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005073
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001315 ! atrioventricular canal
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0005074
+name: central cardiac conduction system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cardiac conduction system, characterized by slow impulse propagation and prolonged refractory periods." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060227-6]
+xref: TAO:0005074
+is_a: ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005075
+name: peripheral cardiac conduction system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the cardiac conduction system, with rapid impulse propagation. In the zebrafish fast conduction takes place in the trabecular layer." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120927-27, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120928-25]
+synonym: "distal conduction system " RELATED []
+synonym: "ventricular fast conduction system" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120927-27]
+xref: TAO:0005075
+is_a: ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005076
+name: primordial vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a portion of tissue that will develop into vasculature." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005076
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0005077
+name: vascular cord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The primordial vasculature that will develop into blood vessels by the process of tubulogenesis. The vascular cord is composed of angioblast or vascular endothelial cells in a solid linear mass called a cord. The cord then undergoes tubulogenesis to form the lumen of the vessels." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040416-1]
+xref: TAO:0005077
+is_a: ZFA:0005076 ! primordial vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0005078
+name: middle mesencephalic central artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Projects rostrally and dorsally from the AMCtA to irrigate the midportion of the midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "MMCtA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005078
+is_a: ZFA:0005020 ! central artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005079
+name: posterior mesencephalic central artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Project dorsally from BCA to irrigate the caudal part of midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "caudal mesencephalic central artery" EXACT []
+synonym: "PMCtA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005079
+is_a: ZFA:0005020 ! central artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005080
+name: anterior mesenteric artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An artery deep in the trunk that connects the dorsal aorta to the supraintestinal artery." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "AMA" EXACT []
+synonym: "rostral mesenteric artery" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005080
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005081
+name: internal carotid artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that originates as rostral extensions of the dorsal aorta and travels through the hypophyseal fossa into the cranium. The internal carotid artery splits near the hypothalamus and optic nerve to form caudal and cranial divisions." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140605-9]
+comment: Homologous to the human ICA ZDB-PUB-140605-9.
+synonym: "cranial carotid artery" EXACT []
+synonym: "ICA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005081
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001053 ! primitive internal carotid artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000097 ! carotid artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005082
+name: dorsal branch nasal ciliary artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Branch of the nasal ciliary artery (NCA) that splits off of the NCA near the lens and forms the dorsal ciliary vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "dorsal branch nasal ciliary arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005082
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005053 ! nasal ciliary artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005083
+name: ventral branch nasal ciliary artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0005083
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005053 ! nasal ciliary artery
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005084
+name: metencephalic artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "These arteries branch dorsally from both sides of the posterior communicating artery looping up to join with the opposite MtA as well as with both middle cerebral veins at the dorsal midline of the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "metencephalic arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005084
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0005085
+name: nasal artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The nasal arteries start at the internal carotid artery and travel rostrally, passing along the right and left walls of the nasal sac at the most rostral end of the head. From the nasal sac, the NA flows into the nasal veins." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "NA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005085
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0005086
+name: pectoral artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The pectoral (subclavian) arteries originate from the dorsal aorta and takes the blood outward into the fin from the paired portion of the dorsal aorta posterior to the last aortic arch Kimmel et al. 1993." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "PA" EXACT []
+synonym: "subclavian artery" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005086
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005301 ! pectoral fin blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005087
+name: pectoral vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein from the pectoral fin that drains into the ACV just cranial to the ACV-CCV junction." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "PV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005087
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005301 ! pectoral fin blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005088
+name: posterior mesenteric artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Branch ventrally from the dorsal aorta and anastomose longitudinally along the dorsal wall of the hindgut, forming the caudal part of the supraintestinal artery." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "caudal mesenteric artery" EXACT []
+synonym: "PMA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005088
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005089
+name: swim bladder artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An elaborate set of vessels that branch off caudally from the anterior mesenteric artery just after the dorsal aorta. The SBA vascular loops are located on the ventral side of the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "SBA" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005089
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005090
+name: hepatic portal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that collects blood from the small intestine, pancreas and spleen and routes it through the liver." [GOC:cvs,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "HPV" EXACT []
+synonym: "primary hepatic portal vein" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005090
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005035 ! subintestinal vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005091
+name: hepatic sinusoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Wide thin-walled blood vessels in the liver. The terminal branches of the hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery empty into the sinusoids where the blood mixes. In mammals they have neither venous or arterial markers. Sinusoids are scattered throughout the parenchyma and appear small and round." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-17]
+synonym: "hepatic sinusoids" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005091
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005035 ! subintestinal vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005092
+name: mesencephalic vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired veins that sprout from the dorsal midline junction and dive ventrally. The mesencephalic veins are fed by the mesencephalic arteries, after 2.5 dpf, and drain into the dorsal longitudinal vessel after 5dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "MsV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005092
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005093
+name: nasal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that is fed by the nasal artery. It rises dorsally around the front of the head, draining into the ACeV and eventually into the PMBC on either side." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "NV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005093
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0005094
+name: optic choroid vascular plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0005228
+def: "Is an ocular vasculature that develops adjacent to the pigment epithelium of the eye. The optic choroid vascular plexus develops from the primitive mesencephalic artery. Initially blood enters from the mesencephalic central artery, and the dorsal ciliary vein. The plexus drains via the ophthalmic vein. The plexus supplies blood to the retina." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
+synonym: "choroid vasculature" EXACT []
+synonym: "CVP" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005094
+is_a: ZFA:0005933 ! mature plexus
+is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005229 ! optic choroid
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+id: ZFA:0005095
+name: fin vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005095
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000108 ! fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005096
+name: pectoral fin vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vasculature of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005096
+is_a: ZFA:0005095 ! fin vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005097
+name: caudal fin vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005097
+is_a: ZFA:0005095 ! fin vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005098
+name: central ray artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that is positioned in the intraray mesenchyme between the hemirays of the lepidotrichia." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031119-3]
+synonym: "central ray arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005098
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005099
+name: ray vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that flanks and is just lateral to the fin ray, in the interray mesenchyme." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031119-3]
+synonym: "ray veins" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005099
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005100
+name: intervessel commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessels that travel between artery and veins or vein and vein in a single ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "intervessel comisures" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005100
+is_a: ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005101
+name: interray vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessels that travel between veins in adjacent rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "interray vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005101
+is_a: ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005102
+name: presumptive median fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stripe of tissue fated to become the median fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005102
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0005103
+name: presumptive ventral fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stripe of tissue on the ventral side of the fish, fated to become the ventral region of the median fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005103
+is_a: ZFA:0005102 ! presumptive median fin fold
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0005104
+name: presumptive dorsal fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stripe of tissue on the dorsal side of the fish, fated to become the dorsal region of the median fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005104
+is_a: ZFA:0005102 ! presumptive median fin fold
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0005105
+name: lymph vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A network of blunt ended vessels lacking direct connection to the blood vascular system. These vessels collect and drain fluids and macromolecules from interstitial spaces throughout the animal. They derive from a subpopulation of endothelial cells and have walls that are much thinner than the blood carrying vessels. The walls are mostly composed of single layer of irregularly shaped endothelial cells. Lymphatic vessels are usually classified as either superficial or deep." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130218-10]
+synonym: "lymph vessel" RELATED []
+synonym: "lymph vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005105
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000385 ! lymphatic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0005106
+name: longitudinal lateral lymphatic vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "LLL" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005106
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005107
+name: pectoral lymphatic vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "PL" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005107
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005108
+name: facial lymphatic vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Probably a deep lymph vessel. This vessel was shown in ZDB-PUB-060616-13 at 5 weeks post fertilization using Berlin blue dye lymphangiography.
+synonym: "FL" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005108
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005109
+name: jugular lymphatic vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel that connects the lateral facial lymph vessel to the thoracic duct near the common cardinal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "JL" EXACT []
+synonym: "JLV" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005109
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005110
+name: thoracic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The thoracic duct is the first perfused lymphatic, located between the dorsal aorta and posterior cardinal vein." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100719-62]
+xref: TAO:0005110
+is_a: ZFA:0005296 ! axial lymph vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005605 ! lymphangioblast cord
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0005111
+name: medial forebrain bundle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tract that originates in the telencephalon lies medial to the lateral forebrain bundle and extends into the diencephalon approaching the posterior tuberal nucleus. In embryos the tract connects cells in the ventral olfactory bulb to those in the septal area." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071219-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "medial forebrain bundles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005111
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0005112
+name: dorsal lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "dorsal lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005112
+is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005113
+name: dorsal lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast that is part of the dorsal lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+synonym: "neuromast dorsal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005113
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005112 ! dorsal lateral line
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0005114
+name: middle lateral line system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The middle lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the middle lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The middle lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the body that are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project to the hindbrain. The middle lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0005114
+is_a: ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005115
+name: primary posterior lateral line primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Primordium that forms the first neuromasts of the posterior lateral line. This primordium travels at 1.5-1.7 somites/hour and deposits neuromast that are polarized along the antero-posterior axis." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040319-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
+synonym: "primary posterior lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "primI" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005115
+is_a: ZFA:0001157 ! posterior lateral line primordium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001156 ! posterior lateral line placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0005116
+name: secondary posterior lateral line primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Second lateral line primordium. These primordia move at 0.2 somites/hour and deposit neuromasts that are polarized in a dorso-ventral direction." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040319-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
+synonym: "secondary posterior lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005116
+is_a: ZFA:0001157 ! posterior lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0005117
+name: anterior lateral line primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A migrating group of cells originating from an anterior lateral line placode. The primordium deposits neuromasts and interneuromasts between them during its migration." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "anterior lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005117
+is_a: ZFA:0000228 ! lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0005118
+name: middle lateral line primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A migrating group of cells originating from the middle lateral line placode. The primordium deposits neuromasts with interneuromasts between them." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "middle lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005118
+is_a: ZFA:0000228 ! lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+id: ZFA:0005119
+name: barbel primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A surface structure that will eventually grow to form a barbel. The primordium is rich in taste buds. The final location for taste buds present in the primordium is the distal tip of the mature barbel." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "barbel primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005119
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+id: ZFA:0005120
+name: peritoneum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The serous membrane that lines the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneum secretes serous fluid which allows free movement of the peritoneum and the intraperitoneal organs." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0005120
+is_a: ZFA:0005425 ! serous membrane
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005121
+name: middle lateral line placode
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsolateral placode that gives rise to the middle lateral line." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "middle lateral line placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005121
+is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005122
+name: dorsal axial hypoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal region of the axial hypoblast." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0005122
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001378 ! axial hypoblast
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0005123
+name: gut epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium lining the lumen of the gut." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005123
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005124
+name: intestinal epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Simple columnar epithelium that lines the intestine, sometimes pseudostratified, with absorptive brush-border cells and mucous goblet cells clearly visible." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050209-3]
+synonym: "intestine epithelium" EXACT []
+synonym: "villous epithelium" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-11]
+xref: TAO:0005124
+is_a: ZFA:0001496 ! simple columnar epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005123 ! gut epithelium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005660 ! intestinal mucosa
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005125
+name: intestinal villus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The entire digestive tract is lined by well developed villi, which are longest in the intestinal bulb and decrease progressively in size towards the caudal end of the intestine." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050209-3]
+synonym: "intestinal villi" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005125
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0005126
+name: intestinal bulb epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intestinal epithelium which lines the lumen of the intestinal bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005126
+is_a: ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001076 ! intestinal bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005127
+name: mid intestine epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intestinal epithelium which lines the lumen of the mid intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005127
+is_a: ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001323 ! mid intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005128
+name: posterior intestine epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intestinal epithelium which lines the lumen of the posterior intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005128
+is_a: ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000706 ! posterior intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005129
+name: mesentery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A double layer composed of peritoneum that attaches the visceral organs to the body wall." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005129
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005120 ! peritoneum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005130
+name: dorsal mesentery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The mesentery that originates from the dorsal side of the peritoneal cavity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005130
+is_a: ZFA:0005129 ! mesentery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005131
+name: parietal peritoneum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The peritoneum that lines the walls of the peritoneal cavity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005131
+is_a: ZFA:0005425 ! serous membrane
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005120 ! peritoneum
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005132
+name: visceral peritoneum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The part of peritoneum that is a serous membrane covers the external surfaces of most abdominal organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "tunica serosa" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005132
+is_a: ZFA:0005425 ! serous membrane
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005120 ! peritoneum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005133
+name: ventral mesentery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The mesentery that originates from the ventral side of the peritoneal cavity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005133
+is_a: ZFA:0005129 ! mesentery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005134
+name: dental epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium that is part of a developing tooth or dental organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dental epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005134
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001174 ! pharyngeal epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005135
+name: primary dental epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium that surrounds a primary tooth. This epithelium is committed to formation of replacement teeth." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pharyngeal tooth epithelium" EXACT []
+synonym: "tooth epithelium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005135
+is_a: ZFA:0005134 ! dental epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005136
+name: inner dental epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Inner layer of the dental organ, composed of ameloblasts." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "ide" EXACT []
+synonym: "inner enamel epithelium" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005136
+is_a: ZFA:0005134 ! dental epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005137
+name: outer dental epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Outer layer of the dental organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "ode" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005137
+is_a: ZFA:0005134 ! dental epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005138
+name: dental organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A structure that is involved in tooth formation. A bell shape two layer epithelial structure that descends toward the ceratobranchial 5 bone, enclosing the dental mesenchyme. At later times in tooth development the cells at the apex of the bell may be involved in enameloid formation. This structure remains at the base of the erupted tooth and is the source of replacement teeth." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001208-4]
+synonym: "enamel organ" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005138
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001153 ! tooth placode
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005139
+name: dental mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesenchyme enclosed by dental organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005139
+is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005140
+name: dental papilla
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tissue of the developing tooth. It is composed of pre-odontoblast and undifferentiated mesenchyme cells and connects to the basal lamina." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pharyngeal tooth mesenchyme" EXACT []
+synonym: "tooth mesenchyme" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005140
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005139 ! dental mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005141
+name: tooth pulp
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Material in the center of the dentine of the mature tooth. In secondary teeth the pulp contains blood vessels and odontoblast." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005141
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005140 ! dental papilla
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005142
+name: enameloid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A dentine-like hypermineralized substance that covers the zebrafish tooth tip." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "enamel" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005142
+is_a: ZFA:0005623 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005143
+name: dentine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mineralized collagen containing substance that forms the tooth structure. The dentine of first-generation teeth of zebrafish is entirely atubular." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001208-4]
+synonym: "dentin " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005143
+is_a: ZFA:0005623 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005144
+name: ampullary nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nerve that is a branch of cranial nerve VIII and innervates the cristae ampullaris." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "ampullary nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005144
+is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000247 ! cranial nerve VIII
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005145
+name: muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue composed of contractile fibers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005145
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005146
+name: area postrema
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An area of medulla oblongata, outside the blood-brain barrier. The apical terminals of the neurons are, in a strategic location either to monitor the chemical constitution of the plasma or to release neurogenic substances into the general circulation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970602-2]
+xref: TAO:0005146
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005147
+name: regenerating tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A portion of tissue that is regrowing after damage or amputation." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "regenerating tissues" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005147
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005148
+name: apical epidermal cap
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Part of the regeneration epithelium closest to the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "apical epidermal caps" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005148
+is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001389 ! regeneration epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005149
+name: distal epidermal cap
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Part of regeneration epithelium at the tip of the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "distal epidermal caps" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005149
+is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001389 ! regeneration epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005150
+name: basal regeneration epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of the wound epidermis that surrounds the blastema." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "basal wound epidermis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005150
+is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001389 ! regeneration epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0005151
+name: gold iridophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Iridescent iridophore containing gold reflecting platelets." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0005151
+is_a: ZFA:0009199 ! iridophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-03-12T12:34:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005152
+name: silver iridophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Iridescent iridophore containing silver reflecting platelets." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0005152
+is_a: ZFA:0009199 ! iridophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-03-12T12:48:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005153
+name: synovial joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a joint that is located at the point of contact of articulating bones allowing movement. The joint has a capsule containing synovial fluid surrounding the articulating bone surfaces." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "diarthrodial joints" RELATED []
+synonym: "diarthroses" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005153
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-03-12T01:31:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005154
+name: synovial fluid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of organism substance that is a clear fluid that occupies the space in synovial joints." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005154
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-03-12T01:42:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005155
+name: cartilaginous joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a joint where the ends of two bones are connected by cartilage." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "synchondrosis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005155
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-03-12T01:52:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005156
+name: fibrous joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A joint where fibrous tissue such as ligament connects two calcified tissues." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "syndesmoses" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "syndesmosis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005156
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-03-12T01:54:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005157
+name: tela chorioidea tectal ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tela chorioidea that lines the tectal ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "tela choroidea tectal ventricle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005157
+is_a: ZFA:0000447 ! tela chorioidea
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000159 ! tectal ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-02T01:30:05Z
+id: ZFA:0005158
+name: tela chorioidea fourth ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tela chorioidea that lines the fourth ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "tela choroidea fourth ventricle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005158
+is_a: ZFA:0000447 ! tela chorioidea
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000110 ! fourth ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-02T01:40:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005159
+name: tela chorioidea third ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tela chorioidea that lines the third ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "tela choroidea third ventricle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005159
+is_a: ZFA:0000447 ! tela chorioidea
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000161 ! third ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-02T02:04:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005160
+name: tela chorioidea telencephalic ventricle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tela chorioidea that lines the telencephalic ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "tela choroidea telencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005160
+is_a: ZFA:0000447 ! tela chorioidea
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000696 ! telencephalic ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-02T02:20:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005161
+name: hepatic artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that supplies blood to the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005161
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-20T03:43:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005162
+name: digestive system duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ducts that transport enzymes between organs in the digestive system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005162
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-20T04:51:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005163
+name: bile canaliculus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intercellular space surrounded by the basal surface of the hepatocytes that collect bile." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+comment: Should be located in rather then part_of when we get the appropriate relation.
+xref: TAO:0005163
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:33:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005164
+name: bile ductule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Digestive system duct that collects bile from the canaliculus and transports bile through the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005164
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:39:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005165
+name: common bile duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Digestive system duct that collects bile from the hepatic bile duct and the cystic duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005165
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001100 ! hepatic duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:43:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005166
+name: cystic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct that connects the gall bladder and the common bile duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005166
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:56:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005167
+name: hepatopancreatic ampulla
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ampulla formed by the union of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct where they enter the intestine." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070212-11, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080414-12]
+synonym: "ampulla of Vater" EXACT []
+synonym: "papilla duodeni major" RELATED []
+synonym: "papilla Vateri" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005167
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:59:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005168
+name: central vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that is central to a lobule in the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005168
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-21T02:46:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005169
+name: intrahepatic bile duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct that collects bile from the bile ductules and connects to the extrahepatic bile duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005169
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-27T04:19:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005170
+name: extrahepatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bile duct that collects from the intrahepatic ducts and feeds into the common bile duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005170
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001100 ! hepatic duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-27T04:26:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005171
+name: duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A tube shaped multi-tissue structure lined with epithelial cells that collects secretions and routes them to their destination." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005171
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-27T04:45:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005172
+name: left liver lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's left side." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "1st lobe" EXACT []
+synonym: "first lobe" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005172
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-27T05:51:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005173
+name: right liver lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's right side adjacent to the gall bladder." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "2nd lobe" EXACT []
+synonym: "gall bladder lobe" EXACT []
+synonym: "second lobe" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005173
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-27T05:59:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005174
+name: ventral liver lobe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's ventral side." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "3rd lobe" EXACT []
+synonym: "third lobe" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005174
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-04-27T06:04:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005175
+name: CoPA
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An interneuron in the spinal cord. CoPA are bipolar with \"T\" shaped dorsal dendrites, have contralateral longitudinal axons that crosses the cord dorsal to the Mauthner neuron and ascends in the dorsal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-274, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "primary commissural interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005175
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T01:41:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005176
+name: CoSA
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An interneuron of the spinal cord. CoSA, have contralateral longitudinal axons that crosses the cord dorsal to the Mauthner neuron and ascends in the dorsal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "secondary commissural interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005176
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T02:07:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005177
+name: VeLD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An interneuron of the spinal cord. VeLD neurons have an ipsilateral longitudinal axon." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "V2b interneuron" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventral longitudinal interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005177
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T02:14:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005178
+name: DoLA
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An interneuron of the spinal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "dorsal longitudinal interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005178
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T02:21:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005179
+name: MiP motor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A primary motor neuron that is part of the spinal cord. The axon turns caudally and dorsally, coursing between the surface of the spinal cord and the medial surface of the axial muscles to the dorsal median septum. The MiP axon then extends dorsally to the surface of the muscle, where it turns to arborize ventrally over the lateral surface of the axial muscle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-272, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle primary motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005179
+is_a: ZFA:0009244 ! primary motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T04:02:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005180
+name: RoP motor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A primary motoneuron that is part of the spinal cord. The axon of the CaP motoneuron on emerging from the ventral root. At the horizontal septum, however, the RoP axon turns laterally to extend within the horizontal septum to the lateral surface of the muscle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-272, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral primary motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005180
+is_a: ZFA:0009244 ! primary motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T04:05:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005181
+name: VaP motor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A primary motor neuron of the spinal cord. This cell is present in slightly less than half of the trunk hemisegments. Additionally, this cell has at least 2 different fates: it may become a primary motoneuron and arborize in an exclusive muscle territory, or it may die during embryonic development." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-265, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-276]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "variable primary motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005181
+is_a: ZFA:0009244 ! primary motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T04:38:21Z
+id: ZFA:0005183
+name: MiD2i
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 5 with one dorsal neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The axonal projection is ipsilateral." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle dorsal 2 ipsilateral interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005183
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T05:05:22Z
+id: ZFA:0005184
+name: MiD2cl
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron, part of rhombomere 5, with one dorsal, caudal-lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The fibers pass through the lateral longitudinal fasciculus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle dorsal 2 contralateral llf interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005184
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T05:16:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005185
+name: MiD2cm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron, part of rhombomere 5, with one dorsal, caudal-medial neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The fibers pass through the medial longitudinal fasciculus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle dorsal 2 contralateral mlf interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005185
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-18T05:18:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005186
+name: CoB
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A bifurcate interneuron. It is a commissural neuron with both ascending and descending axons in the ventrolateral cord contralateral to its cell body." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.\n\nThis may be the same as CoBL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "bifurcate commissural interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005186
+is_a: ZFA:0005231 ! bifurcate interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T11:38:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005187
+name: MiM1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 4, with one medial neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle medial interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005187
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T12:31:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005188
+name: MiR1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 4 with one rostral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle rostral 1 interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005188
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T12:33:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005189
+name: MiR2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 5 with one rostral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle rostral 2 interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005189
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T12:40:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005190
+name: MiV1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 4 with six ventral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle ventral 1 neuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005190
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T01:10:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005191
+name: MiV2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 5 with five ventral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle ventral 2 neuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005191
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T01:15:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005192
+name: RoI2C
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with two intermediate-caudal neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral intermediate 2 caudal interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005192
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T02:39:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005193
+name: RoI2R
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with one intermediate-rostral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral intermediate 2 rostral interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005193
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T03:08:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005194
+name: RoL1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 1 with twelve neurons in each hemi-rhombomere. Axon runs in the dorsal spinal cord. The RoL1 stem axon projects ipsilaterally along the brain stem and spinal cord. From the more lateral location of its spinal axon, RoL1's collaterals projected both ventrally and medially. The branching of RoL1 collaterals within the medulla, occur at multiple levels." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030319-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+comment: May have 12 neurons in each hemi rhombomere ZDB-PUB-060217-9.\n7 neurons in each hemi rhombomere 080227-17 and 931014-770.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral lateral 1 interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005194
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-23T03:22:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005195
+name: MiD3cl
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron, part of rhombomere 6, with one caudal-lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The fibers pass through the lateral longitudinal fasciculus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle dorsal 3 contralateral llf interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005195
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-22T05:10:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005196
+name: MiD3cm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron, part of rhombomere 6, with one caudal-medial neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The fibers pass through the medial longitudinal fasciculus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle dorsal 3 contralateral mlf interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005196
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-22T05:13:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005197
+name: MiD3i
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 6 with one dorsal neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The axonal projection is ipsilateral." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "middle dorsal 3 ipsilateral interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005197
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-22T05:15:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005198
+name: RoL2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with 4 lateral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral lateral 2 interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005198
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-26T04:33:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005199
+name: RoL2r
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The rostral RoL2 interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral lateral 2 rostral interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005199
+is_a: ZFA:0005198 ! RoL2
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-26T04:48:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005200
+name: RoL2c
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The caudal RoL2 interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral lateral 2 caudal interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005200
+is_a: ZFA:0005198 ! RoL2
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-26T04:49:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005201
+name: RoL3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 3 with 1 lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral lateral 3 interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005201
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-26T05:06:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005202
+name: RoM1c
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 1 with one medial-caudal neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral medial 1 caudal interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005202
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-26T05:08:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005203
+name: RoM1r
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 1 with one medial-rostral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral medial 1 rostral interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005203
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-26T05:09:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005204
+name: RoV3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 3 with three ventral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral ventral 3 interneuron " EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:14:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005205
+name: RoM2l
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with one medial-lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral medial 2 lateral interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005205
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:43:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005206
+name: RoM2m
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with one medial neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral medial 2 medial interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005206
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:45:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005207
+name: RoM3l
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 3 with one lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral medial 3 lateral interneuron " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005207
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:46:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005208
+name: RoM3m
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 32 with two medial neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rostral medial 3 medial interneuron " RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005208
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:52:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005209
+name: hindbrain interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a CNS interneuron that is part of the hindbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0005209
+is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-08T10:21:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005210
+name: midbrain interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS interneurons located in the midbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0005210
+is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-08T11:14:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005211
+name: MeL
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Midbrain interneuron in the lateral midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-758]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesencephalon lateral interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005211
+is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-08T12:35:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005212
+name: MeM
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Midbrain interneuron located in the medial midbrain. Neuron bodies are part of a cluster." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-758]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesencephalon medial interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005212
+is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-08T01:05:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005213
+name: MeLr
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Midbrain interneuron at the rostral position in the lateral midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesencephalon lateral rostral interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005213
+is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-08T01:26:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005214
+name: MeLc
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Midbrain interneuron at the caudal position in the lateral midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesencephalon lateral caudal interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005214
+is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-08T01:29:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005215
+name: MeLm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Midbrain interneuron at the medial position in the lateral midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesencephalon lateral medial interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005215
+is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:21:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005216
+name: MeM1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Midbrain interneuron located in the medial midbrain. The neuron body is positioned away from the MeM cluster." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesencephalon medial 1 interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005216
+is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:23:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005217
+name: CaV
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 7, with 2 ventral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "caudal ventral interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005217
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:33:31Z
+id: ZFA:0005218
+name: CaD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 7, with 1 dorsal neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "caudal dorsal interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005218
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:42:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005219
+name: choroid plexus vascular circuit
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial vasculature where the posterior cerebral veins and the trans-choroid plexus branch form a circuit around the 4th ventricle choroid plexus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080908-11]
+synonym: "choroid vascular circuit" RELATED []
+synonym: "CVC" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005219
+is_a: ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:58:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005220
+name: larval melanophore stripe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A melanophore stripe that forms the immature pigment pattern." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0005220
+is_a: ZFA:0001463 ! melanophore stripe
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T03:59:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005221
+name: dorsal larval melanophore stripe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A larval melanophore stripe that forms a band extending from the head to the tail along the dorsal apex of the myotomes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0005221
+is_a: ZFA:0005220 ! larval melanophore stripe
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:04:10Z
+id: ZFA:0005222
+name: ventral larval melanophore stripe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A larval melanophore stripe that forms a band, of pigmentation extending from the bases of the eyes on each side of the midline to the top of the tail, that underlies the myotomes bilaterally, still is dorsal to the yolk." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0005222
+is_a: ZFA:0005220 ! larval melanophore stripe
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:05:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005223
+name: lateral larval melanophore stripe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The larval melanophore stripe that is at the level of the horizontal myoseptum." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0005223
+is_a: ZFA:0005220 ! larval melanophore stripe
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:29:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005224
+name: yolk larval melanophore stripe
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The larval melanophore stripe that forms a band over the ventral surface of the yolk sac." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
+xref: TAO:0005224
+is_a: ZFA:0005220 ! larval melanophore stripe
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:30:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005225
+name: lower lip
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lip that covers the lower portion of the mouth." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002060
+is_a: ZFA:0007006 ! lip
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:42:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005226
+name: upper lip
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lip that covers the upper portion of the mouth." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001970
+is_a: ZFA:0007006 ! lip
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:43:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005227
+name: protoneuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A group of about 20 cells deposited by the migrating lateral line primordium. A few hours after deposition these cells mature to form the neuromast." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070907-34, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080630-20]
+synonym: "immature neuromast" RELATED []
+synonym: "proto neuromast" RELATED []
+synonym: "proto-neuromast" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005227
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:49:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005229
+name: optic choroid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A portion of tissue that contains the choroid vasculature. It lies at the back of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:1402070861, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "choroid" EXACT [ISBN:1402070861]
+xref: TAO:0005229
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005567 ! posterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-14T02:05:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005230
+name: CoBL
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A bifurcate interneuron where the axon projects ventrally, crossing the spinal cord ventral to the Mauthner axons before bifurcating and extending dorsally." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "commissural bifurcating longitudinal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005230
+is_a: ZFA:0005231 ! bifurcate interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-17T01:12:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005231
+name: bifurcate interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a spinal interneuron that has an axon that splits into roughly equal size branches." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0005231
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-17T01:22:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005232
+name: MCoD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A multipolar interneuron with branching dendrites. The axon extend ventrally, lateral to the Mauthner axons before crossing the cord and descending ventrally." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "larval VeLD" RELATED []
+synonym: "multipolar commissural descending interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005232
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-17T03:46:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005233
+name: CiD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A interneuron of the spinal cord with an ipsilateral axon that extends ventral to the Mauthner axon then turns dorsally and caudally and sometimes has a minor ascending branch." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "circumferential descending interneuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "commissural descending interneurons" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-2]
+synonym: "V2a interneuron" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005233
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-17T03:55:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005234
+name: CoLA
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A spinal interneuron with a dorsal dendrite that extends caudally. CoLA also has midlateral process that extend rostrally and caudally, the axon crosses the cord dorsal to the Mauthner cell and ascends, extending dorsally. Axon has minor descending branch." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "commissural longitudinal ascending interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005234
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-17T04:14:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005235
+name: UCoD
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A unipolar spinal interneuron that forms dendritic trunk laterally with extensive dendritic branching. The axon extends ventrally, lateral to the Mauthner axons before crssoing the cord and descending ventrally." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "unipolar commissural descending interneuron" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005235
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-07-17T04:26:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005236
+name: basophilic erythroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A nucleated immature erythrocyte, having cytoplasm generally similar to that of the earlier proerythroblast but sometimes even more basophilic, and usually regular in outline. The nucleus is still relatively large, but the chromatin strands are thicker and more deeply staining, giving a coarser appearance; the nucleoli have disappeared." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "basophilic normoblast" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+synonym: "early erythroblast" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+synonym: "early normoblast" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+synonym: "prorubricyte" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+xref: CL:0000549
+xref: TAO:0005236
+is_a: ZFA:0005237 ! erythroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-10T05:29:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005237
+name: erythroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A nucleated precursor of an erythrocyte." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "normoblast" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000765
+xref: TAO:0005237
+is_a: ZFA:0009325 ! erythroid lineage cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-10T05:13:41Z
+id: ZFA:0005238
+name: juxtaglomerular cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A smooth muscle cell that synthesizes, stores, and secretes the enzyme renin. This cell type are located in the wall of the afferent arteriole at the entrance to the glomerulus. While having a different origin than other kidney smooth muscle cells, this cell type expresses smooth muscle actin upon maturation." [GOC:cvs, GOC:tfm, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:11457727]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "kidney granular cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "renin secreting cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000648
+xref: TAO:0005238
+is_a: ZFA:0009118 ! smooth muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-10T05:41:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005239
+name: micropylar cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a specialized pore forming cell of the follicle, located adjacent to the animal pole of the oocyte. The micropylar cell makes the single micropyle (pore) through the chorion through which the sperm fertilizes the egg." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080630-14]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "plug cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0007022
+xref: TAO:0005239
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-10T06:26:10Z
+id: ZFA:0005240
+name: Kolmer-Agduhr neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Kolmer-Agduhr neurons are ciliated GABAergic neurons that contact the central canal of the spinal cord and have ipsilateral ascending axons. KA neurons are the dorsal population of CSF-cNs that originate from pMN. The apical extension of dorsal CSF-cNs is more extended along the border of the central canal than for ventral CSF-cNs. Dorsal CSF-cNs contact V0-v cells and project onto CoPA sensory interneuron and respond to lateral bending of the spinal cord." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080825-21, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "dorsal CSF-cN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+synonym: "dorsal CSF-cNs" EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+synonym: "KA cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "KA interneuron" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-041115-5]
+synonym: "KA neuron" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980624-10]
+synonym: "Kolmer-Agduhr cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0005007
+xref: TAO:0005240
+is_a: ZFA:0007120 ! cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-11T02:50:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005241
+name: polychromatophilic erythroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A nucleated, immature erythrocyte in which the nucleus occupies a relatively smaller part of the cell than in its precursor, the basophilic erythroblast. The cytoplasm is beginning to acquire hemoglobin and thus is no longer a purely blue color, but takes on an acidophilic tint, which becomes progressively more marked as the cell matures. The chromatin of the nucleus is arranged in coarse, deeply staining clumps." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "intermediate erythroblast" EXACT []
+synonym: "intermediate normoblast" RELATED []
+synonym: "polychromatic erythroblast" EXACT []
+synonym: "polychromatic normoblast" EXACT []
+synonym: "polychromatophilic normoblast" RELATED []
+synonym: "rubricyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000550
+xref: TAO:0005241
+is_a: ZFA:0005237 ! erythroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-11T03:38:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005242
+name: multi-ciliated epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009377
+def: "A ciliated epithelial cell with many cilia." [CL:Curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "multiciliated epithelial cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0005012
+xref: TAO:0005242
+is_a: ZFA:0009035 ! ciliated epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-11T04:29:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005243
+name: single ciliated epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009378
+def: "A ciliated epithelial cell with a single cilium." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "single-ciliated epithelial cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0005013
+xref: TAO:0005243
+is_a: ZFA:0009035 ! ciliated epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-11T04:30:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005244
+name: auditory epithelial support cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-sensory cell that extends from the basement membrane to the apical surface of the auditory epithelium and provides support for auditory hair cells." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "auditory support cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0005014
+xref: TAO:0005244
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-11T04:41:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005245
+name: xanthoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0005330
+def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a xanthophore." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005002
+xref: TAO:0002148
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-11T04:53:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005246
+name: regeneration fibroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a fibroblast that differentiates from the de-differentiated cells of the blastema." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "blastemal fibroblast" EXACT []
+synonym: "blastemal fibroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005246
+is_a: ZFA:0009026 ! fibroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-12T01:43:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005247
+name: CiA
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Interneurons of the spinal cord that arise from the V1 proliferation domain. The CiA neurons inhibit motoneurons, other ventral interneurons and also inhibit dorsal sensory neurons involved in sensory gating,. CiA have ipsilateral axonal projections in both motor and sensory regions of spinal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040625-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060418-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "circumferential ascending interneuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "V1 interneuron" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005247
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-08-21T04:22:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005248
+name: trans-choroid plexus branch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein segment that connects the PCeVs in the choroid plexus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080908-10]
+synonym: "TCB" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080908-10]
+xref: TAO:0005248
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005027 ! posterior cerebral vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005219 ! choroid plexus vascular circuit
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-02T04:07:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005249
+name: vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the organism." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001079
+xref: TAO:0005249
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-10T02:31:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005250
+name: capillary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Microvessel of the blood circulation system lined with vascular endothelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005250
+is_a: ZFA:0005251 ! microcirculatory vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:15:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005251
+name: microcirculatory vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A portion of tissue that consists of a tube composed of epithelial cells that connects larger vessels." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "vasculature" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005251
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:16:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005252
+name: lymphatic capillary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Microvessel of the lymphatic system lined with a single layer of overlapping endothelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005252
+is_a: ZFA:0005251 ! microcirculatory vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:27:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005253
+name: renal glomerular capsule epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Simple squamous epithelium that lines the capsule of the renal glomerulus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "parietal epithelial layer" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005253
+is_a: ZFA:0001498 ! simple squamous epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005254 ! renal glomerular capsule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:39:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005254
+name: renal glomerular capsule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that encapsulates the glomerulus of the renal corpuscle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "Bowman's capsule " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005254
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:45:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005255
+name: arteriole
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure part of the blood vasculature. Feeds into capillaries. Arterioles carry blood away from the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002138
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:46:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005256
+name: intervillus pockets
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A portion of tissue formed between the base of the intestinal villi that is part of the intestinal epithelium where intestinal stem cells are located. In the intestine no crypts are present, but, the regions between the villi, the intervillus pockets, have a crypt-like function. Cells are produced in the intervillus pockets and shed from the villus tips." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050209-3]
+synonym: "intestinal crypt" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-11]
+xref: TAO:0005256
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T12:26:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005257
+name: blood vessel endothelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The vascular endothelium that lines blood vasculature." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005257
+is_a: ZFA:0001639 ! vascular endothelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:16:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005258
+name: lymph vessel endothelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The vascular endothelium that lines the lymph vessels." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005258
+is_a: ZFA:0001639 ! vascular endothelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:18:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005259
+name: continuous blood vessel endothelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel endothelium that has tight junctions between the endothelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005259
+is_a: ZFA:0005257 ! blood vessel endothelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:19:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005260
+name: fenestrated blood vessel endothelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel endothelium that has pores that allow passage small molecules and proteins." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005260
+is_a: ZFA:0005257 ! blood vessel endothelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:21:55Z
+id: ZFA:0005261
+name: sinusoidal blood vessel endothelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fenestrated blood vessel endothelium with pores that are large enough for blood cells to pass. The basal lamina and gap junctions may be discontinuous." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005261
+is_a: ZFA:0005260 ! fenestrated blood vessel endothelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:51:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005262
+name: caudal fin dorsal procurrent ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal procurrent ray that is dorsally located on the caudal fin skeleton. There are 6 dorsal procurrent rays in the caudal fin." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal procurrent caudal-fin ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001829
+is_a: ZFA:0001584 ! caudal fin procurrent ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-02T02:06:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005263
+name: caudal fin ventral procurrent ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal procurrent ray that is ventrally located on the caudal fin skeleton. There are 5 ventral procurrent rays in the caudal fin." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "ventral procurrent ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001830
+is_a: ZFA:0001584 ! caudal fin procurrent ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-02T02:13:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005264
+name: primordial ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects the maxilla with the lower jaw." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "articular-maxillary ligament " EXACT [doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1964.tb00493.x]
+synonym: "ligamentum primordiale " EXACT []
+synonym: "maxillo-mandibular ligament" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001828
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-02T02:28:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005265
+name: premaxillary-maxillary ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects the premaxilla to the maxilla." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001827
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-02T02:52:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005266
+name: dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: The DLF in zebrafish is not homologous to the Mammalian DLF. Mammalian DLF is in brain, the fish DLF is in spinal cord.
+synonym: "DLF" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-02T04:19:10Z
+id: ZFA:0005267
+name: erector muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle that moves parts of the body in a superior direction to an erect position. Antagonistic to depressor muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005267
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-03T05:15:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005268
+name: adductor muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle that brings a body part closer to the sagittal plane of the body." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002136
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-04T12:59:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005269
+name: abductor muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle that moves a body part away from the sagittal plane of the body." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002135
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-04T01:05:41Z
+id: ZFA:0005270
+name: depressor muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle that moves body parts into an inferior direction or lowered position. Antagonistic to erector muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005270
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-04T01:15:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005271
+name: flexor muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A muscle that decrease the angle of a joint." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005271
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-04T01:20:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005272
+name: immature gonad
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Immature reproductive tissue that has not undergone final maturation into either testis or ovary. During gonadal development, the gonad may be transiently intersexual where there is a parallel presence of both oocytes and spermatocytes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070305-2]
+synonym: "juvenile gonad" EXACT []
+synonym: "juvenile ovary" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070305-2]
+xref: TAO:0005272
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001262 ! gonad primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2009-12-09T11:35:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005273
+name: intestinal mucosal muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A thin layer of smooth muscle immediately beneath the base of the villi which permits the intestinal mucosa to dynamically move and fold." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-11]
+synonym: "intestinal lamina muscularis mucosae" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005273
+is_a: ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T01:36:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005274
+name: smooth muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-striated muscle that is composed of spindle-shaped cells. Smooth muscle usually is organized into sheets that line cavitated organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005274
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T02:57:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005275
+name: arrector muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin muscle that is located on the anterior edge of the fin. Arrector muscles change the angle of the leading edge of the fin during swimming." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002147
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T04:50:10Z
+id: ZFA:0005276
+name: inclinator muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+xref: TAO:0005276
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T04:51:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005277
+name: skeletal muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle, composed of long cylindrical, multinucleated cells that attaches to the skeleton via tendons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005277
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T05:06:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005278
+name: enteric longitudinal muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Smooth muscle of the enteric muscle system in which the cells are aligned parallel to the lumen of the gut." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001324 ! enteric musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T05:48:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005279
+name: enteric circular muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Smooth muscle of the enteric muscle system in which the cells are aligned perpendicular to the lumen of the gut." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005279
+is_a: ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001324 ! enteric musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T05:51:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005280
+name: cardiac muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle composed of cardiac muscle cells that is part of the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005280
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-07T06:04:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005281
+name: renal corpuscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The part of the nephron that filters blood." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "Malpighian corpuscle" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005281
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005282 ! nephron
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T01:11:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005282
+name: nephron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Functional unit of the kidney that filters waste." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002153
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T02:47:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005283
+name: renal capsular space
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Space between the renal glomerulus and the glomerular capsule. Renal filtrate collects here then passes into the renal tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "Bowman's space" EXACT []
+synonym: "inter-glomerular space" EXACT []
+synonym: "urinary space" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005283
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T02:51:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005284
+name: glomerular capillary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Capillary that is part of the renal glomerulus. Glomerular capillary endothelial membranes in zebrafish normally have a fenestrated morphology that is visible at the ultrastructural level." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000824-1]
+xref: TAO:0005284
+is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001288 ! renal glomerulus
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005305 ! kidney vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005590 ! capillary loop nephron
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:00:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005285
+name: glomerular basement membrane
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Membrane between the mesonephric podocytes and the renal glomerular capillaries. It is a trilaminar structure composed of the fused basement membranes of the glomerular capillaries and basement membrane of the podocytes. The capillary membranes touch the GBM at contact points that are separated by pores. The membrane is semi-permeable allowing water and small molecules to pass into the renal capsular space." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000824-1]
+synonym: "glomerular filtration membrane" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005285
+is_a: ZFA:0001485 ! basal lamina
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001288 ! renal glomerulus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:26:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005286
+name: lamina densa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Middle layer of the glomerular basement membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005286
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005285 ! glomerular basement membrane
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:52:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005287
+name: lamina rara interna
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of the glomerular basement membrane adjacent to the glomerular capillary." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005287
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005285 ! glomerular basement membrane
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:56:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005288
+name: lamina rara externa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of the glomerular basement membrane adjacent to the podocytes and capsular space." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005288
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005285 ! glomerular basement membrane
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:56:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005289
+name: renal duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tubes in the kidney that collect and transport urine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
+xref: TAO:0005289
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-19T04:36:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005290
+name: proximal convoluted tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Renal tubule that connects to the renal corpuscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005290
+is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T12:39:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005291
+name: proximal straight tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the renal tubule which is just posterior to the proximal convoluted tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005291
+is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T12:41:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005292
+name: distal late tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the renal tubule which is just posterior to the distal early tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005292
+is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T12:43:22Z
+id: ZFA:0005293
+name: distal early tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the renal tubule which is just posterior to the proximal straight tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "distal early tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005293
+is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T12:44:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005294
+name: collecting duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Renal duct that collects the output from renal tubules." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005294
+is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T01:17:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005295
+name: axial blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel that runs along the rostral-caudal axis of the fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005295
+is_a: ZFA:0001073 ! axial vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:24:10Z
+id: ZFA:0005296
+name: axial lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel that runs along the rostral-caudal axis of the fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001073 ! axial vasculature
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:24:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005297
+name: cranial blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel part of cranial vasculature." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005297
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:25:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005298
+name: cranial lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel that is located in the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005298
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:25:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005299
+name: fin blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel part of fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005299
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005095 ! fin vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:52:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005300
+name: fin lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel part of fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005300
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005095 ! fin vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:53:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005301
+name: pectoral fin blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel part of pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005301
+is_a: ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005096 ! pectoral fin vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:54:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005302
+name: pectoral fin lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel part of pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005302
+is_a: ZFA:0005300 ! fin lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005096 ! pectoral fin vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:54:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005303
+name: caudal fin lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel that is located in the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005303
+is_a: ZFA:0005300 ! fin lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005097 ! caudal fin vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:55:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005304
+name: caudal fin blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel located within the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005304
+is_a: ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005097 ! caudal fin vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:55:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005305
+name: kidney vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the kidney." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005305
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T03:02:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005306
+name: kidney blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel part of kidney." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005306
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005305 ! kidney vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T03:02:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005307
+name: afferent glomerular arteriole
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Arteriole that carries blood into the glomerular capillaries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002139
+is_a: ZFA:0005255 ! arteriole
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005305 ! kidney vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T03:02:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005308
+name: efferent glomerular arteriole
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Arteriole that carries blood out of the glomerular capillaries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002140
+is_a: ZFA:0005255 ! arteriole
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005305 ! kidney vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-20T03:05:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005309
+name: pronephric glomerular capillary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Capillary that is part of the pronephric glomerulus. Glomerular capillary endothelial membranes in zebrafish normally have a fenestrated morphology that is visible at the ultrastructural level." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000824-1]
+xref: TAO:0005309
+is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001557 ! pronephric glomerulus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:29:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005310
+name: pronephric glomerular capsule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that encapsulates the glomerulus of the pronephros." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "Bowman's capsule " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005310
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:39:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005311
+name: pronephric glomerular capsule epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Simple squamous epithelium that lines the capsule of the pronephric glomerulus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "pronephric parietal epithelial layer" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005311
+is_a: ZFA:0001498 ! simple squamous epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005310 ! pronephric glomerular capsule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:40:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005312
+name: pronephric capsular space
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Space between the pronephric glomerulus and the pronephric glomerular capsule. Renal filtrate collects here then passes into the pronephric tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "Bowman's space" EXACT []
+synonym: "inter-glomerular space" EXACT []
+synonym: "urinary space" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005312
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:41:05Z
+id: ZFA:0005313
+name: pronephric glomerular basement membrane
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Membrane between the pronephric podocytes and the pronephric glomerular capillaries. It is a trilaminar structure composed of the fused basement membranes of the glomerular capillaries and basement membrane of the podocytes. The capillary membranes touch the GBM at contact points that are separated by pores. The membrane is semi-permeable allowing water and small molecules to pass into the renal capsular space." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000824-1]
+synonym: "pronephric glomerular filtration membrane" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005313
+is_a: ZFA:0001485 ! basal lamina
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001557 ! pronephric glomerulus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:59:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005314
+name: blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Any of the tubular multi-tissue structures through which blood circulates in the body." [vHOG:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002137
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-29T02:17:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005315
+name: venule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure part of the blood vasculature formed by the anastomosis of capillaries. Venules carry blood toward the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005315
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-01-29T03:29:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005316
+name: fin fold pectoral fin bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin fold of the pectoral fin bud, resulting from mesenchyme migration into the apical fold." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001101-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990210-18]
+synonym: "fin membrane pectoral fin bud" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005316
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000085 ! apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000141 ! pectoral fin bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-10T02:37:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005317
+name: pectoral fin fold
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The functional webs of the paired fins. They arise as a consequence of apical fold (AER) expansion and of migration of the distal mesenchyme. The fin folds are delimited by a dorsal and a ventral striated epidermis. The cells of the epidermal basal stratum are positioned on a basement membrane. Directly beneath the basement membrane of each side there is an array of actinotrichs, fibers of the extracellular matrix which act as supportive elements of the larval fin folds." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990210-18]
+synonym: "pectoral fin membrane" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005317
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005316 ! fin fold pectoral fin bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-10T03:27:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005318
+name: lymph node
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Does not exist in teleosts. Menke, A.L., Spitsbergen, J.M., Wolterbeek, A.P., and Woutersen, R.A. (2011) Normal Anatomy and Histology of the Adult Zebrafish. Toxicol. Pathol. 39(5): 759-775.
+xref: TAO:0005318
+is_obsolete: true
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-10T03:44:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005319
+name: intersegmental lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel that is located between the somites." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "islv" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005319
+is_a: ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-10T05:28:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005320
+name: dorsal longitudinal lymphatic vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "dllv" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005320
+is_a: ZFA:0005296 ! axial lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-10T05:29:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005321
+name: vascular smooth muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Smooth muscle that is part of the blood vessel wall." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060216-3]
+xref: TAO:0005321
+is_a: ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-10T05:39:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005322
+name: renal principal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009373
+def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell of the kidney which regulates sodium and potassium balance. The activity of sodium and potassium channels on the cells apical membrane is regulated by aldosterone and vasopressin. In mammals these cells are located in the renal collecting ducts." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005009
+xref: TAO:0005322
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009374 ! kidney epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-10T06:32:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005323
+name: ionocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Specialized epithelial cells involved in the maintenance of osmotic homeostasis. They are characterized by abundant mitochondria and ion transporters. In amniotes, they are present in the renal system. In freshwater fish, ionocytes in the skin and gills help maintain osmotic homeostasis by absorbing salt from the external environment." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070625-18, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090310-19]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005006
+xref: TAO:0005323
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007123 ! ionocyte progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T01:18:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005324
+name: gill ionocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ionocyte located in the gills." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: TAO:0005324
+is_a: ZFA:0005323 ! ionocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T01:22:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005325
+name: integument ionocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ionocyte located in the integument during embryonic and larval stages." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "extrabranchial ionocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "skin ionocyte" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005325
+is_a: ZFA:0005323 ! ionocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T02:13:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005326
+name: NaK ionocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Integument ionocyte rich in Na,K-ATPase." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "NaK-MRC" RELATED []
+synonym: "NaR cell" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005326
+is_a: ZFA:0005325 ! integument ionocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T02:29:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005327
+name: vH ionocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Integument ionocyte rich in vacuolar-type H+ ATPase and carbonic anhydrase." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "HR cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "VH-MRC" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005327
+is_a: ZFA:0005325 ! integument ionocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T02:32:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005328
+name: iridoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into an iridophore." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005001
+xref: TAO:0005328
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:51:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005329
+name: leucoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a leucophore." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005003
+xref: TAO:0005329
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:51:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005331
+name: pigment erythroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into an erythrophore." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005004
+xref: TAO:0005331
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:51:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005332
+name: cyanoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a cyanophore." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005005
+xref: TAO:0005332
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:51:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005333
+name: tongue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A multi-tissue mediosagittal cylinder-shaped structure, clearly isolated from the jaw and adhered by differentiated plicae to the lateral walls. It is composed of a muscle surrounded by a squamous epithelium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091204-24]
+xref: TAO:0005333
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000547 ! mouth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T03:04:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005334
+name: lip epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The thick, high squamous-stratified epithelium that covers the lips. It contains abundant melanocytes, many mucous cells and has well differentiated taste buds." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
+xref: TAO:0005334
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007006 ! lip
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T03:12:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005335
+name: swim bladder bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Embryonic structure that forms from the anterior gut epithelium at the level of the second somite that then matures to form the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090511-18, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-11]
+xref: TAO:0005335
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005336 ! presumptive swim bladder
+relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T03:59:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005336
+name: presumptive swim bladder
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the gut endoderm that will eventually develop into the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090511-18]
+synonym: "swim bladder anlage" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-11]
+xref: TAO:0005336
+is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T04:20:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005337
+name: anterior swim bladder bud
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that forms from the swim bladder epithelium at the anterior end of the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090511-18]
+xref: TAO:0002145
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T04:28:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005338
+name: posterior recess
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior protrusion of the third ventricle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "posterior recess of diencephalic ventricle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27]
+synonym: "recessus posterior " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+xref: TAO:0005338
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000161 ! third ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T05:40:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005339
+name: nucleus of the lateral recess
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a diencephalic nucleus located in the caudal periventricular hypothalamus surrounding the lateral recess of the third ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27]
+xref: TAO:0005339
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000324 ! caudal periventricular hypothalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T05:52:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005340
+name: nucleus of the posterior recess
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A diencephalic nucleus that is part of caudal periventricular hypothalmus surrounding the posterior recess of the third ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27]
+xref: TAO:0005340
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000324 ! caudal periventricular hypothalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T05:59:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005341
+name: medial longitudinal catecholaminergic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter tract, major catecholaminergic tract that originates in the diencephalon, passes the locus coeruleus and projects through the hindbrain into the spinal cord. Dopaminergic neurons of the posterior tuberculum and lateral hypothalamus provide the predominant contribution to descending mlct projections." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
+synonym: "medial longitudinal CA tract" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
+synonym: "mlct" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005341
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T06:07:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005342
+name: anterior catecholaminergic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter, an axonal tract between ventral diencephalon and ventral telencephalon. At 3 d, the anterior catecholaminergic tract includes noradrenergic projections from the hindbrain and dopaminergic projections from ventral dopaminergic neurons. During later development, other catecholaminergic projections may also contribute to the anterior catecholaminergic tract." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
+xref: TAO:0002144
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T06:11:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005343
+name: endohypothalamic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter, axonal tract interconnecting catecholaminergic cell groups in the posterior tuberculum and hypothalamus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
+xref: TAO:0005343
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T06:13:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005344
+name: preopticohypothalamic tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS white matter, axonal tract between the preoptic region and ventral diencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
+xref: TAO:0005344
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-18T06:14:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005345
+name: adipose tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Connective tissue in which fat is stored. All adipose tissue in the zebrafish is white adipose tissue and is comprised of adipocytes, stroma, macrophages and vasculature. Mature adipocytes express adipokines, such as adipsin, adiponectin, and leptin so white adipose tissue is considered an endocrine organ. The connective tissue is loose and infiltrated by a vascular network." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
+synonym: "white adipose tissue" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002134
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-19T10:04:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005346
+name: extrapancreatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the pancreatic duct, external to the pancreas body that connects the pancreas with the hepatopancreatic ampulla." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+xref: TAO:0005346
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001372 ! pancreatic duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-03-19T03:17:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005347
+name: vertebra 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001732
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:13:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005348
+name: vertebra 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001980
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:31:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005349
+name: vertebra 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001981
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:31:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005350
+name: vertebra 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0001982
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:32:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005351
+name: vertebra 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0002149
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:32:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005352
+name: vertebra 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 11. May have hemal arch and rib." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020807-1]
+xref: TAO:0002152
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:33:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005353
+name: vertebra 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 9." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0002150
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:33:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005354
+name: vertebra 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 10." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0002151
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:34:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005355
+name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "First lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin ray 1 " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001754
+is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:26:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005356
+name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Second lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin ray 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001755
+is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:28:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005357
+name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Third lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin ray 3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001756
+is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:28:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005358
+name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fourth lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin ray 4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001757
+is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:29:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005359
+name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fifth lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin ray 5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001758
+is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:29:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005360
+name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sixth lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin ray 6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001759
+is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:29:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005361
+name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Seventh lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin ray 7" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001760
+is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:29:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005362
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "First proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001818
+is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005364 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:39:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005363
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Second proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001819
+is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005365 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:40:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005364
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is the rostralmost pterygiophore of the dorsal fin." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "dorsal fin radial 1" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002094
+is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:47:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005365
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 1 of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "dorsal fin radial 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005365
+is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:48:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005366
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 2 of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal fin radial 3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005366
+is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:48:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005367
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 3 of the dorsal fin. One of the two first radials to ossify." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal fin radial 4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005367
+is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:48:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005368
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 4 of the dorsal fin. One of the two first radials to ossify." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal fin radial 5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005368
+is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:49:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005369
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 5 of the dorsal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal fin radial 6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005369
+is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:49:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005370
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 6 of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal fin radial 7" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005370
+is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:49:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005371
+name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 7 of the dorsal fin. The most caudal pterygiophore of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+synonym: "dorsal fin radial 8" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005371
+is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:53:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005372
+name: dorsal fin distal radial 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "First distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005372
+is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005364 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 1
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:54:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005373
+name: dorsal fin distal radial 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Second distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005373
+is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005365 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 2
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:55:31Z
+id: ZFA:0005374
+name: dorsal fin distal radial 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Third distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005374
+is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005366 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:57:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005375
+name: dorsal fin distal radial 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fourth distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005375
+is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005367 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:57:21Z
+id: ZFA:0005376
+name: dorsal fin distal radial 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fifth distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005376
+is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005368 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:57:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005377
+name: dorsal fin distal radial 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sixth distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005377
+is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005369 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:57:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005378
+name: dorsal fin distal radial 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Seventh distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005378
+is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005370 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:58:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005379
+name: dorsal fin distal radial 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Eighth distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005379
+is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005371 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:58:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005380
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Third proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005380
+is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005366 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:58:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005381
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fourth proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005381
+is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005367 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005382
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fifth proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005382
+is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005368 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005383
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sixth proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005383
+is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005369 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 6
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005384
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Seventh proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005384
+is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005370 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005385
+name: dorsal fin proximal radial 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Eighth proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005385
+is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005371 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 8
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005386
+name: foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space that is an opening in a bone, usually for passage of blood vessels or nerves." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "foramina" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0001736
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:01:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005387
+name: foramen magnum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen in the occipital region of neurocranium to allow passage of spinal cord." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002045
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:02:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005388
+name: fossa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space that is a concavity, shallow depression, or groove on a bone." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001743
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:04:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005389
+name: gill opening
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space that is the external opening of a gill slit connecting the pharyngeal cavity to the exterior. Gill opening is usually paired and located on the lateral or ventral surfaces of the head." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002057
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:06:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005390
+name: gill ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Gill ray is a slender, usually rod-like cartilage within a gill filament and ligamentously tied to its associated pharyngeal arch bone or cartilage." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001856
+is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:17:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005391
+name: head sensory canal system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral line system on head and pectoral girdle." [TAO:WD]
+xref: TAO:0001873
+is_a: ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:42:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005392
+name: infraorbital sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal associated with the infraorbital bones. Located in close proximity to the otic and supraorbital sensory canals at their union. The infraorbital sensory canal is bilaterally paired. The canal has 3 pores. The first opens dorsally below the nasal sac, the second opens laterally posterior to the anterior maxilary barbel, the third pore is present where infraorbital 1 meets infraorbital 2." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0001811
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:44:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005393
+name: otic sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal between and in close proximity posteriorly with the post-otic and preoperculo-mandibular sensory canals, and anteriorly with the supraorbital and infraorbital sensory canals. The otic sensory canal is bilaterally paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001629
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:45:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005394
+name: post-otic sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal that forms dorsal to the horizontal semicircular canal of the ear. The anterior end of the canal may span or remain posterior to the pterotic-sphenotic junction. The posterior end of the postotic canal meets the temporal and supratemporal canals. The canal lies between and in close proximity to the trunk sensory canal and anteriorly with the otic and preoperculo-mandibular sensory canals. The post-otic sensory canal is bilaterally paired and when mature is fully enclosed in bone." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "postotic sensory canal" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0001619
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:45:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005395
+name: preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal lateral or ventral to and in close proximity to the otic and post-otic sensory canals at their union. The preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal is bilaterally paired and associated with the preopercle, angular and dentary bones." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001812
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:59:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005396
+name: supraorbital sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal contained in the nasal and frontal bones. It contains 4 or 5 neuromast. The first neuromast is positioned in the tubular nasal bone and the other neuromasts are located in the frontal bone. The canal is anterior to and in close proximity to the otic and infraorbital sensory canals. The supraorbital sensory canal is bilaterally paired." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-11]
+xref: TAO:0001810
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T02:00:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005397
+name: hyoideomandibular nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nerve that is a branch of cranial nerve VII that passes through or around the suspensorium to innervate muscles and sensory organs on or near pharyngeal arch 2." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002010
+is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000664 ! cranial nerve VII
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T02:54:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005398
+name: anal fin actinotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Actinotrichium that is part of the anal fin skeleton." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "anal fin actinotricia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000375
+is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000167 ! anal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:54:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005399
+name: anal fin lepidotrichium 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "First lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001769
+is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:57:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005400
+name: anal fin lepidotrichium 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Second lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001770
+is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:57:31Z
+id: ZFA:0005401
+name: anal fin lepidotrichium 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Third epidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001771
+is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:57:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005402
+name: anal fin lepidotrichium 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fourth lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001772
+is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:57:55Z
+id: ZFA:0005403
+name: anal fin lepidotrichium 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fifth lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001773
+is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:58:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005404
+name: anal fin lepidotrichium 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sixth lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001774
+is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:58:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005405
+name: anal fin lepidotrichium 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Seventh lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001775
+is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:58:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005406
+name: anterior myodome
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fossa or chamber on anterior portion of orbital region of neurocranium that serves as attachment site for anterior extrinsic eye musculature." [TAO:curator]
+comment: Dbxref for ZFIN changed to match actual database accession number. Old Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-100614-560 correct Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-100614-60.
+xref: TAO:0001927
+is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T05:11:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005407
+name: anterior nasal barbel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Barbel that is associated with the anterior nostril. Anterior nasal barbel is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001937
+is_a: ZFA:0000622 ! barbel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T05:12:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005408
+name: maxillary barbel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Barbel that is attached to the distal end of the maxilla and that originates on the side of the mouth. Maxillary barbel is paired. Maxillary barbel has considerable range of motion, with contraction and protraction motivated by maxillary blood sinus. The maxillary barbel integument has taste buds. Capable of regeneration." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, TAO:WD, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
+synonym: "ZMB" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140813-6]
+xref: TAO:0001938
+is_a: ZFA:0000622 ! barbel
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-04-23T05:13:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005409
+name: pars superior ear
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The dorsal part of the ear. Comprises the three semicircular canals, which connect to the utricle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0005409
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-17T10:43:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005410
+name: pars inferior ear
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The ventral portion of the ear. It contains the saccule and the lagena which are the primary auditory organs." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0005410
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-17T10:51:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005411
+name: common crus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct that forms when the nonampullary ends of the posterior and anterior semicircular canals merge. The common crus descends connecting the semicircular canals to the horizontal canal." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
+xref: TAO:0005411
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005409 ! pars superior ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-17T11:03:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005412
+name: transverse canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct that crosses the midline connecting the sacculi." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0005412
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001138 ! vestibuloauditory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-17T03:08:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005413
+name: perilymph
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of organism substance that is an extracellular fluid that has a low potassium concentration." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
+xref: TAO:0005413
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005459 ! perilymphatic space
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-17T03:11:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005414
+name: endolymph
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The portion of organism substance that is an extracellular fluid that has a high potassium and sodium concentration. It bathes the hair cells and is thought to be generated by the semicircular canal epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090731-6]
+xref: TAO:0005414
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005409 ! pars superior ear
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005410 ! pars inferior ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-17T03:11:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005415
+name: inner ear foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen in the inner ear." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0005415
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-18T11:11:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005416
+name: sacculoagenar foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Inner ear foramen that connects the lagena to the caudal half of the saccule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
+xref: TAO:0005416
+is_a: ZFA:0005415 ! inner ear foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-19T07:13:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005417
+name: utriculosaccular foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Inner ear foramen that connects the rostral saccula to the utricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
+is_a: ZFA:0005415 ! inner ear foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-19T07:15:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005418
+name: auditory fenestra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Opening in the neurocranium to allow communication between the swim bladder and the inner ear." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "auditory fenestrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002066
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:28:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005419
+name: auditory foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen through which cranial nerve VIII (auditory) exits." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001742
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:29:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005420
+name: autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the autopalatine and lateral ethmoid and bones. Autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001608
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:31:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005421
+name: autopalatine-maxillary joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the autopalatine cartilage or bone and maxilla." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001942
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:32:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005422
+name: autopalatine-vomer joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates autopalatine and vomer bones. Autopalatine vomer joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001784
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:34:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005423
+name: basioccipital-exoccipital joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the basioccipital and exoccipital. Basioccipital exoccipital joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002038
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:55:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005424
+name: caudal fin actinotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Actinotrichium that is part of the caudal fin skeleton." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal fin actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000437
+is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-25T06:07:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005425
+name: serous membrane
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer and a connective tissue layer." []
+xref: TAO:0005425
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T10:36:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005426
+name: coracoid foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen that is located in the coracoid." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001737
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T01:35:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005427
+name: dentary foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen located on the dentary for passage of the mandibular nerve." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002012
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T01:36:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005428
+name: optic foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen in the orbital region of the neurocranium for the passage of the optic nerve (cranial nerve II)." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "optic nerve (II) foramen" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0002025
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:34:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005429
+name: olfactory nerve foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen for the passage of the olfactory nerve or cranial nerve 1." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001804
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:35:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005430
+name: orbital foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen in the bone or cartilage comprising the anterior wall of the orbit, and through which passes at least the deep ophthalmic branch of cranial nerve V (trigeminal)." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002031
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:36:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005431
+name: scapular foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen that is located in the scapula. The scapular foramen is paired and formed by a ring of bone." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001735
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:37:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005432
+name: superficial ophthalmic nerve foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen through which the superficial ophthalmic nerve passes." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001748
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:38:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005433
+name: mental barbel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Barbel that originates on the chin." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002024
+is_a: ZFA:0000622 ! barbel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T05:43:41Z
+id: ZFA:0005434
+name: tooth cusp
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Acellular anatomical structure that is a natural outgrowth, prominence, or point that is part of the surface of a tooth." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001973
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-05-26T06:11:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005435
+name: actinotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal element which is a slender, horny, flexible, unsegmented fibril which provide structural support to fin folds or fins. Actinotrichia are translucent, exhibit birefringence (double refraction) and are composed of the scleroprotein elastoidine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0000089
+is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-08T04:31:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005436
+name: pectoral fin nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nerve that is part of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:18:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005437
+name: pectoral fin motor nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Motor nerve that is located in the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0005436 ! pectoral fin nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:19:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005438
+name: pectoral fin sensory nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory nerve that innervates the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0005436 ! pectoral fin nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:21:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005439
+name: pectoral fin motor nerve 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin motor nerve that enters the fin from the dorsal side of the fin rostral of all other motor nerves and innervates the dorsal side of the pectoral fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0005437 ! pectoral fin motor nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:22:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005440
+name: pectoral fin motor nerve 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin motor nerve that enters the fin from the dorsal side of the fin caudal of nerve 1 and rostral of all other motor nerves and innervates the dorsal side of the pectoral fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0005437 ! pectoral fin motor nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:27:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005441
+name: pectoral fin motor nerve 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin motor nerve that enters the fin from the dorsal side of the fin caudal of nerve 1 and 2 and rostral of nerve 4 and innervates the dorsal side of the pectoral fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0005437 ! pectoral fin motor nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:28:55Z
+id: ZFA:0005442
+name: articular fossa of opercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fossa of opercle that articulates with hyomandibular condyle for opercle." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001928
+is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-24T02:57:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005443
+name: sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is a fluid-filled canal in the integument and usually dermal bones, and contains one or more neuromasts." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001612
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-24T05:31:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005444
+name: trunk sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal on trunk which is posterior to the pectoral girdle and often reaching to the caudal fin. The trunk sensory canal is bilaterally paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001617
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-24T05:39:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005445
+name: supratemporal sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal that crosses over the dorsal midline and in close proximity to the contralateral post-otic sensory canals. The supratemporal sensory canal is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001630
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-25T10:45:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005446
+name: neuromast foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen in a bone that is part of a sensory canal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-28T10:26:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005447
+name: sensory canal tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal that is a side branch between a sensory canal proximally and a pore at its distal end. Sensory canal tubule is bilaterally paired although often imperfectly so." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001933
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-25T10:46:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005448
+name: preopercular sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal associated with the preopercle bone. It lies in close proximity with the otic and post-otic sensory canals at their union, and anteroventrally with the mandibular sensory canal. The preopercular sensory canal is bilaterally paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001813
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005395 ! preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-25T10:58:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005449
+name: pore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An anatomical space that is an opening, usually at the end of a canal or duct, on the surface of the integument or the lining of an internal anatomical space." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001791
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-28T11:08:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005450
+name: pectoral fin motor nerve 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin motor nerve that enters the fin from the ventral side of the fin and innervates the ventral side of the pectoral fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0005437 ! pectoral fin motor nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-28T01:47:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005451
+name: mandibular sensory canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory canal associated with the angular and dentary bones. Located anterior and ventral to and in close proximity with the preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal. The mandible sensory canal is bilaterally paired and does not meet at the mandibular symphysis. The mandibular lateral line canal has 3 neuromast located between the canal pores. Two neuromast are located in the portion of the can in the dentary bone. The third neuromast is located in the anguloarticular bone. The rostral end of the canal has a terminal pore adjacent to the mandibular symphysis. There are three more pores, two, at the posterior of the dentary and the anterior of the anguloarticular share a common epithelial pore." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-11]
+xref: TAO:0001814
+is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005395 ! preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-25T12:27:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005452
+name: tract of the caudal commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tract which originates from several clusters of cell bodies in the rostral midbrain, the anterior tegmentum and the nucleus of the posterior commissure. The neurons that are part of the nucleus of the posterior commissure have axons which course ventrally toward the anterior tegmentum, while the ventral tegmental clusters of neurons have axons which course dorsally along the posterior commissure and cross the dorsal midline to the contralateral side they then turn posteriorly and extend to the posterior region of the tegmentum and eventually into the hindbrain via the tract of the postoptic commissure. ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-167]
+synonym: "TPC" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
+synonym: "tract of the posterior commissure" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-421]
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000320 ! caudal commissure
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T01:49:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005453
+name: basicapsular fenestra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Opening in the prootic. The basicapsular fenestra is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "basicapsular fenestrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-25T05:40:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005454
+name: subtemporal fossa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fossa where the anteromedial rim is formed by the prootic, the remainder of the fossa is formed by the exoccipital and pterotic." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0001974
+is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-25T05:47:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005455
+name: prootic foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen formed between the anterolateral extension of the prootic that contacts the pterosphenoid the prootic and the pterosphenoid." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "anterior trigemino-facialis foramen of Howes" EXACT []
+synonym: "trigeminal notch of Harrington" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-06-25T05:53:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005456
+name: sinus impar
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Perilymphatic compartment of the zebrafish ear. Chamber positioned ventral of the medulla, the anterior end surrounds the posterior portion of the transverse canal." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0005459 ! perilymphatic space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:01:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005457
+name: dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the dorsal hypohyal and urohyal bones. Dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001847
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:02:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005458
+name: dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the dorsal hypohyal and ventral hypohyal bones. Dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001845
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:02:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005459
+name: perilymphatic space
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Space that contains perilymph." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:03:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005460
+name: atrium of sinus impar
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally paired perilymphatic chambers posterior to the sinus impar. These connect to the anterior end of the otic duct." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0005459 ! perilymphatic space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:06:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005461
+name: perilymphatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct that contains perilymph." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:15:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005462
+name: otic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pair of perilymphatic ducts that extend from the dorsal ends of the atria of the sinus impar, pass on either side of the medulla and merge and extend dorsally toward the surface of the head." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0005461 ! perilymphatic duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:15:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005463
+name: oral ectoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ectoderm of the oral region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:22:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005464
+name: dentary-anguloarticular joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the dentary and anguloarticular. Dentary-anguloarticular joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001749
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:56:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005465
+name: ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the ceratohyal and branchiostegal ray bones. Ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001850
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:56:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005466
+name: ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the ceratohyal and ventral hypohyal bones. Ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001844
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:56:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005467
+name: ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the ceratohyal and dorsal hypohyal bones. Ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001843
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:57:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005468
+name: frontal-pterotic joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the frontal and pterotic. Frontal-pterotic joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001711
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:57:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005469
+name: hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the hyomandibula bone and metapterygoid bone." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001979
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:58:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005470
+name: inter-coracoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint between the right and left coracoid bones of the pectoral girdle." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002040
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:58:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005471
+name: inter-basipterygium joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the left and right basipterygium cartilage or bone. Inter-basipterygium joint is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001939
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:59:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005472
+name: inter-frontal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint between the left and right frontal bone." [TAO:WD]
+synonym: "interfrontal joint" EXACT []
+synonym: "interfrontal suture" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
+synonym: "metopic suture" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
+xref: TAO:0001922
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:01:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005473
+name: interhyal-epihyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the interhyal and epihyal bones, or interhyal and ceratohyal cartilages. Interhyal-epihyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001841
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:01:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005474
+name: inter-hypobranchial 3 joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the left and right hypobranchial 3 cartilages or bones. Inter-hypobranchial 3 joint is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001863
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:01:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005475
+name: inter-premaxillary joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the left and right premaxillary bones. Inter-premaxillary joint is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001950
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:01:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005476
+name: inter-ventral hypohyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the contralateral ventral hypohyal bones or the contralateral ceratobranchial cartilages. Inter-ventral hypohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001846
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:02:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005477
+name: lateral ethmoid-frontal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the lateral ethmoid and frontal. Lateral ethmoid-frontal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002032
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:02:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005478
+name: opercle-interopercle joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the opercle and interopercle. Opercle-interopercle joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001710
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:03:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005479
+name: orbitosphenoid-lateral ethmoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the orbitosphenoid cartilage or bone and lateral ethmoid cartilage or bone. Orbitosphenoid-lateral ethmoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001941
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:03:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005480
+name: orbitosphenoid-prootic joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates orbitosphenoid and prootic bones. Orbitosphenoid-prootic joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001794
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:03:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005481
+name: prootic-exoccipital joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the prootic and exoccipital. Prootic-exoccipital joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002034
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:41:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005482
+name: prootic-pterosphenoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the prootic and pterosphenoid. Prootic-pterosphenoid joint is paired. The parasphenoid borders the prootic medially in a syndesmosis." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0002033
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:41:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005483
+name: pterosphenoid-orbitosphenoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the pterosphenoid and orbitosphenoid. Pterosphenoid-orbitosphenoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001831
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:42:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005484
+name: quadrate-anguloarticular joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates quadrate and anguloarticular bones. Quadrate-articular joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "jaw joint" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0001802
+is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0000467 ! anguloarticular
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0000621 ! quadrate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:44:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005485
+name: quadrate-hyomandibula joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates quadrate and hyomandibula bones. Quadrate-hyomandibula joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001801
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:45:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005486
+name: quadrate-metapterygoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates quadrate and metapterygoid bones. Quadrate-metapterygoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001803
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:45:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005487
+name: ventral hypohyal-urohyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the ventral hypohyal and urohyal bones. Ventral hypohyal-urohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001848
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:46:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005488
+name: mandibular symphysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the left and right dentary bones. Mandibular symphysis is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "dentary symphysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "inter-mandibular joint" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001851
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:55:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005489
+name: endocardial precursor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a portion of tissue part of the heart primordium which will give rise to the endocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000028 ! heart primordium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:50:10Z
+id: ZFA:0005490
+name: myocardial precursor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that will develop into the myocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000028 ! heart primordium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:53:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005491
+name: optic furrow
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Groove that is in the ventral optic cup remnant of the optic fissure." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090819-12]
+synonym: "optic fissure" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001284 ! optic fissure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:00:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005492
+name: sphenotic-prootic fossa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fossa where the hyomandibula articulates with the sphenotic and prootic to form the hyomandibular-otic region joint." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0002090
+is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:19:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005494
+name: skeletal element
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organ entity that is typically involved in mechanical support and may have different skeletal tissue compositions at different stages." [VSAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001890
+xref: VSAO:0000128
+is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:20:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005495
+name: skin flap
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that is a portion of skin that projects or hangs from the body." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001951
+is_a: ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:21:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005496
+name: snout
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that is the region of the head in front of and between the orbits, and above the lower jaw. Nares are located on the snout." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001712
+is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:22:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005497
+name: epihyal-ceratohyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the epihyal and ceratohyal bones. Epihyal-ceratohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001842
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:32:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005498
+name: epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the epihyal and branchiostegal ray bones. Epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001849
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:32:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005499
+name: circulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fine ridges on surface of scale, often parallel to the circumference of scale." [, TAO:curator]
+synonym: "circuli" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0002051
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000277 ! scale
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:33:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005500
+name: prootic bulla
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a bony partially gas filled sphere located ventral and anterior to the inner ear. The prootic bulla is paired." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0002111
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T02:22:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005501
+name: interopercular-mandibular ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Interopercular-mandibular ligament is a ligament that connects the interopercle to the retroarticular element of the lower jaw." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+comment: The interopercle ossifies in the interoperculomandibular ligament, which attaches to the retroarticular. The interopercle approximates and is ligamentously attached to the retroarticular anteroventrally. ZDB-PUB-961014-192. Need develops_in relationship for interopercle.
+synonym: "interoperculomandibular ligament" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0001687
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:38:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005502
+name: lateral ethmoid-autopalatine ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral ethmoid-autopalatine ligament is a ligament that connects the lateral ethmoid to the autopalatine." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001944
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:38:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005503
+name: lateral ethmoid-ectopterygoid ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral ethmoid-ectopterygoid ligament is a ligament that connects the lateral ethmoid to the ectopterygoid." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001685
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:38:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005504
+name: vertebra 4-vertebra 5 joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint between the centra, and sometimes the neural arches or parapophyses of vertebra 4 and vertebra 5." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001940
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T01:33:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005505
+name: vertebra 5-vertebra 6 joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint between the centra, and sometimes the neural arches or parapophyses." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002054
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T01:33:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005506
+name: vertebra 6 - vertebra 7 joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint between the centra, and sometimes the neural arches or parapophyses of vertebra 6 and vertebra 7." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002055
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-22T01:34:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005507
+name: nasal capsule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure composed of connective tissue that surrounds, the internal portions of the olfactory epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0002035
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T11:47:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005508
+name: inner mental barbel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mental barbel that originates on the chin, in an anteromedial position relative to the outer mental barbel. The inner mental barbel is nearer to the mandibular symphysis than is the outer mental barbel." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001969
+is_a: ZFA:0005433 ! mental barbel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:08:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005509
+name: palate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster that is the upper roof of the mouth that is roofed by bones such as the parasphenoid, prevomer, metapterygoid, orbitosphenoid." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002093
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:10:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005510
+name: prootic depression
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Shallow area that exists on the prootic." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002052
+is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:30:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005511
+name: sensory canal tubular ossicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is ring-shaped or cylindrical and surrounds a sensory canal." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001932
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:32:05Z
+id: ZFA:0005512
+name: caudal fin principal ray 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is the dorsalmost caudal principal ray of the caudal fin." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 1 " EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 1 " EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001713
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:45:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005513
+name: caudal fin principal ray 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 2." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 3 " EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 3" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001715
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:01:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005514
+name: caudal fin principal ray 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 1." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 2 " EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 2" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001714
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:57:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005515
+name: caudal fin principal ray 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 3." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 4 " EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 4" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001716
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:01:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005516
+name: caudal fin principal ray 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 4." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 5" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 5" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001717
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005517
+name: caudal fin principal ray 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 5." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 6" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 6" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001718
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005518
+name: caudal fin principal ray 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 6." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 7" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 7" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001719
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005519
+name: caudal fin principal ray 8
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 7." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 8" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 8" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001720
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005520
+name: caudal fin principal ray 9
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 8." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 9" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 9" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001721
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005521
+name: caudal fin principal ray 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 9." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 10" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 10" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001722
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005522
+name: caudal fin principal ray 11
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 10." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 11" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 11" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001723
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005523
+name: caudal fin principal ray 12
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 11." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 12" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 12" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001724
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005524
+name: caudal fin principal ray 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 13." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 14" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 14" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001726
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005525
+name: caudal fin principal ray 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 14." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 15" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 15" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001727
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005526
+name: caudal fin principal ray 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 15." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 16" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 16" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001728
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005527
+name: caudal fin principal ray 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 16." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 17" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 17" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001729
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005528
+name: caudal fin principal ray 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 17." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 18" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 18" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001730
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005529
+name: caudal fin principal ray 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 18." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 19" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 19" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001731
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005530
+name: lateral line scale
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Scale that is associated with the lateral line sensory canal." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001824
+is_a: ZFA:0000277 ! scale
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:49:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005531
+name: bony shelf above orbit
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The bony shelf above orbit is an anatomical cluster formed by the dorsolateral portions of the lateral ethmoid, frontal and sphenotic bones that forms the dorsal margin of the orbit." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001686
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:52:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005532
+name: bony plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dermal bone that is located on or subjacent to the surface anywhere on the body and that is not part of the general complement of scales, dermal bone of the dermatocranium, postcranial axial skeleton or paired fin skeleton. Bony plate may exist singly, or as unpaired or paired clusters or series." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002053
+is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:53:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005533
+name: branched caudal fin ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal fin lepidotrichium that is distally branched." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002062
+is_a: ZFA:0001550 ! caudal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:55:31Z
+id: ZFA:0005534
+name: branched dorsal fin ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal fin ray that is distally branched." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001785
+is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:55:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005535
+name: branched anal fin ray
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anal fin lepidotrichium that is distally branched." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "anal fin branched ray" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001992
+is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:56:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005536
+name: fontanel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space between bones of the neurocranium. Frequently closes during development." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001738
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:27:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005537
+name: lateral fontanel of frontal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fontanel within the frontal bone near the frontal-sphenotic joint. Lateral fontanel of frontal is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002011
+is_a: ZFA:0005536 ! fontanel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:28:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005538
+name: rib of vertebra 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the first centrum." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001879
+is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:29:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005539
+name: rib of vertebra 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the second centrum." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001878
+is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:30:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005540
+name: rib of vertebra 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the third centrum." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001880
+is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:30:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005541
+name: rib of vertebra 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the fourth centrum." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001881
+is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:30:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005542
+name: rib of vertebra 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the fifth centrum." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001751
+is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:30:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005543
+name: rib of vertebra 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the sixth centrum." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001750
+is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:31:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005544
+name: hyomandibular-otic region joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the hyomandibular cartilage or bone and otic region cartilage or sphenotic bone, and often pterotic bone and prootic bone. Hyomandibular-otic region joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "hyomandibula-sphenotic-prootic joint" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001947
+is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:38:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005545
+name: pectoral fin actinotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Actinotrichium that is part of the pectoral fin." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0000544
+is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:50:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005546
+name: pelvic fin actinotrichium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Actinotrichium that is part of the pelvic fin." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0000596
+is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:50:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005547
+name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium 1 is the leading or marginal ray of the fin and articulates with the scapula. Lepidotrichium 1 is commonly segmented but unbranched." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001761
+is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:55:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005548
+name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the second most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001762
+is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:58:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005549
+name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the third most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001763
+is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:58:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005550
+name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the sixth most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001766
+is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:59:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005551
+name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the seventh most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001767
+is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:59:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005552
+name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the fifth most anterior pectoral ray , usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001765
+is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:59:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005553
+name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the fourth most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001764
+is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:59:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005554
+name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "First lepidotrichium of pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001776
+is_a: ZFA:0001552 ! pelvic fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:13:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005555
+name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Second lepidotrichium of pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001777
+is_a: ZFA:0001552 ! pelvic fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:15:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005556
+name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fourth lepidotrichium of pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001779
+is_a: ZFA:0001552 ! pelvic fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:15:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005557
+name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Third lepidotrichium of pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+xref: TAO:0001778
+is_a: ZFA:0001552 ! pelvic fin lepidotrichium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:15:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005558
+name: orbit
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space that is the concavity containing the eye." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001967
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:17:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005559
+name: vascular sprouts
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of vessel wall that extends to form a new vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "angiogenic sprout" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-09-23T05:54:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005560
+name: parasphenoid-basioccipital joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the parasphenoid and basioccipital. Parasphenoid-basioccipital joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001832
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-09-24T11:52:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005561
+name: vitreous
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of organism substance that is a gelatinous extracellular matrix structure that fills the vitreous cavity of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:18344966]
+synonym: "vitreous body" EXACT []
+synonym: "vitreous humor" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0002290
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005567 ! posterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-10T01:16:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005562
+name: Bruch's membrane
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Acellular anatomical structure that is the innermost layer of the optic choroid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070614-11]
+synonym: "vitreous lamina" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005229 ! optic choroid
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-10T02:16:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005563
+name: sclera
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that composes the opaque fibrous outer layer of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+xref: TAO:0002289
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-11T10:53:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005564
+name: aqueous humor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Clear ocular fluid in the anterior segment of the eye. It is produced primarily by dorsal ciliary epithelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+xref: TAO:0002288
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005876 ! anterior chamber eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-11T11:10:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005565
+name: tether cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A specialized hair cell that has an elongated kinocilium upon which an otolith accretes. The tether cell then anchors the otolith in place." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-971216-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002450
+is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-11T01:59:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005566
+name: anterior segment eye
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster comprising the rostral portion of the eye; the cornea, lens, iris, ciliary zone, anterior chamber, and annular ligament." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-11T05:44:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005567
+name: posterior segment eye
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster comprising the caudal portion of the eye: the retina, posterior chamber, optic choroid, and vitreous." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-12T11:52:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005568
+name: iris blood vessels
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessels within the stroma of the iris. The vessels cluster and are more dense at the base of the stroma where the iris is thicker." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+is_a: ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001238 ! iris
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-12-01T02:00:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005569
+name: iris stroma
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the iris which contains bundles of fibers, most of which are oriented radially around the pupil. The stroma is innervated by the iris blood vessels and develops from the periocular mesenchyme." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001238 ! iris
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-12-01T02:28:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005570
+name: corneo-scleral junction
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The line where the cornea and the sclera meet." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090309-8]
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-12T03:45:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005571
+name: ventral canal eye
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Duct present in the angle where the cornea meets the ciliary zone that absorbs the aqueous humor." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-11-12T03:51:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005572
+name: periocular mesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Head mesenchyme surrounding the immature eye that gives rise to specialized structures of the anterior segment of the eye." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-12-02T12:29:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005573
+name: zonule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Modified or toughened vitreous that suspend the lens at the equator to the non-pigmented epithelium of the ciliary zone. In zebrafish, dorsal zonules are thickened as compared to ventral zonules. In both dorsal and ventral regions, these fibers delimit the vitreous body aqueous humor boundary." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
+synonym: "zonules" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005561 ! vitreous
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-12-02T06:08:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005574
+name: lens capsule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The lens capsule is a modified basement membrane that completely surrounds the ocular lens." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:18773892]
+is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000035 ! lens
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2010-12-03T11:36:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005575
+name: brain nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that are compact accumulations of neurons having roughly similar connections and functions." [GOC:mh, ISBN:0878937420, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+synonym: "brain nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-01-28T05:31:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005576
+name: ventral thalamus nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain nuclei located in the ventral thalamus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-02-24T04:49:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005577
+name: tegmental nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_a: ZFA:0001665 ! midbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-02-24T04:54:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005578
+name: spinal nerve root
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The multi-tissue structure that is the beginning of the spinal nerve leaving the spinal cord." []
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-03-04T05:17:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005579
+name: NCC ionocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Integument ionocyte rich in Na-Cl co-transporter (NCC) activity." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090318-15]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "NCC cell" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005325 ! integument ionocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-03-07T02:03:05Z
+id: ZFA:0005580
+name: rostral pars anterior
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rostral portion of pars anterior of the adenohypophysis where corticotropes and lactotropes localize." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080616-4]
+synonym: "rostral pars distalis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001195 ! pars anterior
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-13T11:44:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005581
+name: proximal pars anterior
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal portion of pars anterior of the adenohypophysis where somatotropes, thyrotropes and gonadotropes are localized. The proximal pars anterior has functional homology to the mammalian pars tuberalis, secreting the same hormones." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080616-4]
+synonym: " proximal pars distalis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001195 ! pars anterior
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-13T02:37:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005582
+name: dorsal proneural cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cluster of cells along the edge of the neural plate that have the potential to become neuroblast." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990921-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0000068 ! proneural cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-14T02:02:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005583
+name: ventral proneural cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cluster of cells along the center of the neural plate that have the potential to become neuroblast." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990921-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0000068 ! proneural cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-14T02:02:55Z
+id: ZFA:0005584
+name: developing mesonephric nephron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster which give rise to mature mesonephric nephrons. Zebrafish continously generate new mesonephric nephrons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005282 ! nephron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T04:10:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005585
+name: developing mesonephric proximal tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Renal duct that will develop into the mesonephric proximal tubule." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005590 ! capillary loop nephron
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-27T10:55:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005586
+name: renal vesicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hollow cluster of epithelial cells derived from the nephron progenitor." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
+synonym: "stage I nephron" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+is_a: ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005587 ! nephron progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T04:25:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005587
+name: nephron progenitor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cluster of cells comprising a portion of tissue which gives rise to new mesonephric nephrons. The cluster contains self-renewing stem cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T04:26:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005588
+name: comma-shaped body
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Developing nephron with a comma shaped appearance." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
+is_a: ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005586 ! renal vesicle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T04:41:04Z
+id: ZFA:0005589
+name: s-shaped body
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Developing nephron with a tubular morphology that has a renal corpuscle anlage at the distal end." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
+synonym: "stage II nephron" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005588 ! comma-shaped body
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T05:07:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005590
+name: capillary loop nephron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Developing nephron where the developing glomerular capsule has been invaded by a glomerular capillary loop called the glomerular tuft." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005589 ! s-shaped body
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T05:45:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005591
+name: developing mesonephric distal tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Renal duct that will develop into the mesonephric distal tubule." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005590 ! capillary loop nephron
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-27T10:55:41Z
+id: ZFA:0005592
+name: mesonephric nephron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A branched nephron of the mature kidney." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
+synonym: "stage IV nephron" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005282 ! nephron
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-04-27T12:15:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005593
+name: neuraxis flexure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An anatomical structure that is regional part of the central nervous system where there is a significant bend of the axis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-05-02T01:03:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005594
+name: anatomical surface
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions, that is demarcated by anatomical lines or points on the external or internal surfaces of anatomical structures." [CARO:MAH, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+xref: CARO:0000010
+is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ZFIN
+creation_date: 2011-03-22T10:34:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005595
+name: caudal fin principal ray 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 12." [TAO:curator]
+synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 13" EXACT []
+synonym: "caudal principal ray 13" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001725
+is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-11-04T02:44:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005596
+name: paired fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin that is one of a pair located ventrally on the organism." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002278
+is_a: ZFA:0000108 ! fin
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001383 ! fin bud
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-11-11T11:22:21Z
+id: ZFA:0005597
+name: median fin
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fin that is an unpaired fin located in the sagittal plane of the organism." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0002276
+is_a: ZFA:0000108 ! fin
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-11-11T11:33:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005598
+name: pancreatic epsilon cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009382
+def: "Ghrelin secreting cells found in the found in the exocrine pancreas." [PMID:14970313]
+comment: In mammals the endocrine pancreas is called the Islets of Langerhans.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pancreatic E cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0005019
+is_a: ZFA:0005599 ! ghrelin secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001249 ! exocrine pancreas
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-11-17T01:02:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005599
+name: ghrelin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009381
+def: "A cell that secretes ghrelin, the peptide hormone that stimulates hunger." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005018
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-11-17T01:03:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005600
+name: sinoatrial region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region at venious pole of heart tube that initiates heart beat." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101115-23]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-11-22T04:14:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005601
+name: sinoatrial ring
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ring of cardiac conduction tissue around the sinoatrial region of the heart tube that performs pacemaker function." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101115-23]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005600 ! sinoatrial region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-11-22T04:16:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005602
+name: supraneural 10
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Supraneural located posterior to supraneural 9. This supraneural does not appear in most specimens." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
+is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: jonknight
+creation_date: 2011-12-05T12:56:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005603
+name: lymphangiogenic sprout
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of vessel wall that extends to form a new lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100719-62]
+is_a: ZFA:0005559 ! vascular sprouts
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-12-27T12:39:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005604
+name: angiogenic sprout
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of vessel wall that extends to form a new blood vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005559 ! vascular sprouts
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-12-27T12:41:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005605
+name: lymphangioblast cord
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The primordial vasculature that will develop into lymph vessels. The lymphangioblast cord is composed of lymphangioblast or lymph endothelial cells in a solid linear mass called a cord. The cord then undergoes morphogenesis to form the lumen of the vessel." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100719-62]
+synonym: "parachordal lymphangioblast string" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110613-5]
+is_a: ZFA:0005076 ! primordial vasculature
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000477 ! posterior cardinal vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2011-12-27T12:45:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005606
+name: cranial vault
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical cluster of skeletal elements that forms the roof over the brain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
+synonym: "calva" RELATED []
+synonym: "calvaria" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "calvarium" EXACT []
+synonym: "skullcap" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T12:33:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005607
+name: inter-parietal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fibrous joint connecting the parietal bones." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
+synonym: "sagittal suture" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005245
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T02:35:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005608
+name: frontal-parietal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fibrous joint connecting the frontal bone to the parietal bone. This joint remains patent in zebrafish throughout their lifetime." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111111-5]
+synonym: "coronal suture" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0005255
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T02:37:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005609
+name: supraoccipital-parietal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fibrous joint connecting the supraoccipital to the parietal bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
+synonym: "lamdoid suture" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
+xref: TAO:0005264
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T02:48:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005610
+name: synostosis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint in which the articulating bones are connected by bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:09:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005611
+name: ectopterygoid-quadrate joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synostosis where the entopterygoid meets the quadrate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "ectopterygoid-quadrate synostosis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:28:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005612
+name: ectopterygoid-entopterygoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synostosis where the ectopterygoid meets the entopterygoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "ectopterygoid-entopterygoid synostosis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:31:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005613
+name: basioccipital-prootic joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synchondrosis where the basioccipital meets the prootic anteriorly." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-31T03:48:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005614
+name: entopterygoid-metapterygoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synostosis where the entopterygoid meets the metapterygoid. The metapterygoid has an anterodorsally projecting spine that meets the entopterygoid medially in a synostosis at its posteromedial edge." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "entopterygoid-metapterygoid synostosis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:45:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005615
+name: metapterygoid-symplectic fenestra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Opening formed between the ventral border of the metapterygoid and the dorsal border of the symplectic." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:53:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005616
+name: quadrate-entopterygoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synchondrosis where the quadrate meets the entopterygoid dorsally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:57:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005617
+name: lateral ethmoid-supraethmoid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synostosis where anteromedial extensions of the lateral ethmoid project to meet the supraethmoid dorsally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-02-09T11:27:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005618
+name: anguloarticular-retroarticular joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilaginous joint that articulates the anguloarticular posteroventrally with the retroarticular." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-02-09T11:51:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005619
+name: skeletal tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Connective tissue that functions in mechanical and structural support." [VSAO:curator]
+xref: VSAO:0000015
+is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-02-09T03:59:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005620
+name: endochondral element
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A skeletal element that has the potential to participate in endochondral ossification, and may participate in intramembranous ossification." [VSAO:curator]
+xref: VSAO:0000139
+is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-02-09T02:36:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005621
+name: bone tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal tissue with a collagen-rich extracellular matrix vascularized, mineralized with hydroxyapatite and typically including osteocytes located in lacunae that communicate with one another by cell processes (in canaliculi). Bone is deposited by osteoblasts." [VSAO:curator]
+xref: VSAO:0000047
+is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-02-09T04:00:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005622
+name: cartilage tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal tissue that is avascular, rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and typically includes chondrocytes within isolated lacunae. Cartilage tissue is deposited by chondroblasts." [VSAO:curator]
+xref: VSAO:0000040
+is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-02-09T04:01:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005623
+name: odontoid tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal tissue that is part of the exoskeleton and derived from an odontogenic papilla." [VSAO:curator]
+xref: VSAO:0000063
+is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-02-09T04:05:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005624
+name: replacement element
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal element that forms as a replacement or substitution of another element or tissue." [TAO:curator]
+is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-14T12:37:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005625
+name: hypophyseal fenestra
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Space enclosed by the trabeculae cranii. The anterior tip of the notochord extends into the posterior region of the hypophyseal fenestra." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "hypophyseal fenestrae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0005269
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-15T03:52:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005626
+name: hyomandibula-opercle joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synovial joint that articulates the hyomandibula and the opercle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0005265
+is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:19:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005627
+name: hyomandibula-pterotic joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synovial joint that articulates the hyomandibula with the pterotic." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:14:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005628
+name: posttemporal fossa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fossa where the exoccipital forms the medial portion and the epioccipital forms the lateral margin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "temporal fossa" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0001753
+is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:23:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005629
+name: hyomandibular foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen in the hyomandibula that allows passage of the anterior lateral line nerve and the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). The foramen develop in the hyosymplectic. The hyomandibular foramen are paired." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "facial foramen" EXACT []
+synonym: "facial nerve foramen" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "hyosymplectic foramen" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0005275
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:32:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005630
+name: pterotic fossa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fossa on the pterotic where the hyomandibula articulates." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0005266
+is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:35:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005631
+name: preopercle horizontal limb-symplectic joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fibrous joint that articulates the posterior edge of the preopercle horizontal limb with the symplectic." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0005268
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-20T05:02:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005632
+name: preopercle vertical limb-hyomandibula joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Fibrous joint that articulates the anterior edge of the preopercle vertical limb and the hyomandibula." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0005278
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-03-20T05:04:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005633
+name: lepidotrichium segment
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal element which is part of lepidotrichium articulating with other lepidotrichium segments by lepidotrichium joints." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005634 ! lepidotrichium joint
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-06T02:21:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005634
+name: lepidotrichium joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates segments of the fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000803-4]
+synonym: "intra-ray joint" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-06T02:22:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005635
+name: predentine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Odontoid tissue formed of a loose matrix of collagen. The fibrils of the predentine are homogeneously distributed and preferentially oriented along the long axis of the tooth. They are of variable thickness, measuring from 50 to 100 nm in diameter." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001208-4]
+synonym: "pre-dentine" EXACT []
+synonym: "predentin" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005623 ! odontoid tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-19T02:42:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005636
+name: interossicular ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects the intercalarium to the anterior process of the tripus and the scaphium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120214-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001188 ! Weberian apparatus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-19T04:04:31Z
+id: ZFA:0005637
+name: intercostal ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects one rib to another." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001972
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-19T04:20:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005638
+name: scapulo-vertebral ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligaments that runs from the parapophyses of the anteriormost centrum to the exoccipital. There are two scapulo-vertebral ligaments in zebrafish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "Baudelot's ligaments" EXACT []
+synonym: "scapulo-vertebral ligaments" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T12:23:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005639
+name: supracleithrum-vertebral ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that runs from the ventral third of the supracleithrum to the exoccipital." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "Baudelot's ligament" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005638 ! scapulo-vertebral ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T12:25:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005640
+name: cleithrum-vertebral ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that run from the dorsal tip of the cleithrum to the exoccipital." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "Baudelot's ligament" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005638 ! scapulo-vertebral ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T12:26:31Z
+id: ZFA:0005641
+name: maxillo-mandibular ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects the dentary to the maxilla." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:00:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005642
+name: maxillo-rostroid ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects the rostral process of the maxilla to the kinethmoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:00:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005643
+name: premaxillo-rostroid ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that, in the adult, attaches the premaxilla to its counterpart at the midline and the kinethmoid posterodorsally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:03:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005644
+name: ceratobranchial 5 ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The ligament that connects the anteroventral tips of ceratobranchials 5 medially." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:03:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005645
+name: supracleithrum-intercalar ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Short ligament that runs from the hooked anterior end of the supracleithrum to the intercalar." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:04:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005646
+name: preopercle-retroarticular ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects the preopercle to the retroarticular anteroventrally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:05:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005647
+name: tendon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dense regular connective tissue that connects muscle to bone." [VSAO:curator]
+xref: VSAO:0000073
+is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T02:02:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005648
+name: mesethmoid-lateral ethmoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the mesethmoid and lateral ethmoid. Mesethmoid-lateral ethmoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+xref: TAO:0001679
+is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T05:24:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005649
+name: mesethmoid-vomer joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the mesethmoid and vomer. Mesethmoid-vomer joint is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
+xref: TAO:0001680
+is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-04-24T05:26:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005650
+name: primitive pectoral fin adductor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adductor that originates at the cleithrum the muscle fibers run in sheets along the endoskeletal disk extending dorsally and caudally from its base. Distally, the muscles insert onto the fin membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-05-08T03:51:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005651
+name: primitive pectoral fin abductor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Abductor that originates at the cleithrum the muscle fibers run in sheets along the endoskeletal disk extending dorsally and caudally from its base. Distally, the muscles insert onto the fin membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-05-08T03:59:41Z
+id: ZFA:0005652
+name: aponeurosis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layers of broad flat tendons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "aponeuroses" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0005647 ! tendon
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-06-15T10:41:21Z
+id: ZFA:0005653
+name: vagal sensory zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue in the vagal lobe that contains GABAergic sensory interneurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120409-2]
+is_a: ZFA:0000297 ! vagal lobe
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-07-03T01:25:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005654
+name: blood plasma
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of organism substance that is the liquid matrix of blood." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000007 ! blood
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-09-25T10:30:55Z
+id: ZFA:0005655
+name: anterior ventromedial process of autopalatine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral process of the autopalatine that forms the socket of the autopalatine-preethmoid joint." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001637 ! bony projection
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000620 ! autopalatine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-09-25T03:42:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005656
+name: autopalatine-preethmoid joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Synovial, ball and socket joint that articulates the autopalatine and the preethmoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-09-25T03:47:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005657
+name: anterior lateral process of autopalatine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endochondral bone part of autopalatine that extends towards the first infraorbital." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0001637 ! bony projection
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000620 ! autopalatine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-09-25T03:55:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005658
+name: lymph
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of organism substance found in the lymphatic system. Lymph usually consists of interstitial fluid that has made its way into the lymphatic system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, UBERON:curator]
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000385 ! lymphatic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-11-28T03:32:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005659
+name: intestinal lamina propria mucosa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Thin layer of loose connective tissue which lies beneath the intestinal epithelium. The intestinal lamina propria is less complex then the corresponding mammalian tissue." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005660 ! intestinal mucosa
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-07T12:15:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005660
+name: intestinal mucosa
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure of the intestine comprising of the intestinal epithelium and the intestinal lamina propria mucosa." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-07T12:18:22Z
+id: ZFA:0005661
+name: olfactory bulb glomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure part of the olfactory bulb that is roughly spheroidal and encircled by olfactory sensory neuron axons that formed an anatomically distinct stalk connected to the olfactory nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-19T02:15:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005662
+name: spinal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Bilaterally-paired nerve connecting each segment of the spinal cord to the limbs and organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
+is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:04:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005663
+name: dorsal spinal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal branch of the spinal nerve, coursing dorsally and caudally between the muscle and the vertebrae. It remains in the center of the muscle segment and could be followed to the dorsal aspect of the muscle. MiP primary motoneuron axons extend in this branch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
+synonym: "dorsal nerve" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005662 ! spinal nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:08:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005664
+name: lateral spinal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral branch of the spinal nerve that projects toward the lateral surface of the myotome, initially extending parallel to the horizontal myoseptum. RoP primary motoneuron axons extend in this branch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
+synonym: "lateral nerve" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005662 ! spinal nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:09:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005665
+name: ventral spinal nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral spinal nerve branch that projects to the ventral myotome. The axon of the CaP primary motoneuron extends in this branch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247]
+synonym: "ventral nerve" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005662 ! spinal nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:11:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005666
+name: ventral spinal nerve septal branch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral spinal nerve sub-branch that runs near the rostral end of the myotome near the vertical myoseptum." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247]
+is_a: ZFA:0005665 ! ventral spinal nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:13:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005667
+name: ventral spinal nerve median branch
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral spinal nerve sub-branch that projects ventrally in the rostro-caudal center of the myotome. The axon of the CaP primary motoneuron extends in this branch." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
+is_a: ZFA:0005665 ! ventral spinal nerve
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:14:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005668
+name: olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure part of the olfactory bulb comprised of ciliated and microvillous olfactory sensory neurons projections that form specialized neuropilar regions comprised of olfactory sensor axons and the dendrites of olfactory bulb neurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120330-2]
+synonym: "glomerular precursors" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T11:55:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005669
+name: lateral protoglomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The neurons composing lateral protoglomeruli respond to amino acid stimuli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "lateral protoglomeruli" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T01:58:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005670
+name: central zone protoglomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+is_a: ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:06:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005671
+name: medial protoglomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Mediates the signals produced in response to bile acids." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+is_a: ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:10:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005672
+name: ventral posterior glomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Single large glomerulus located in the ventral posterior region of the maturing glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "VPG" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:17:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005673
+name: central zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Central region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:25:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005674
+name: dorsal zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:26:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005675
+name: lateral zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The lateral region of the olfactory bulb consisted of morphologically diverse glomeruli and a diffuse aggregate of OSN axons, the lateral plexus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:27:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005676
+name: medial zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:28:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005677
+name: ventral zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ventral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:29:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005678
+name: dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lateral region of the dorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. Glomeruli in this zone are tightly clustered in both male and female fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101222-42, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005674 ! dorsal zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-06T04:46:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005679
+name: ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Medial portion of the ventral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005677 ! ventral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-07T09:59:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005680
+name: ventroanterior zone of olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior portion of the ventral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. In the ventroanterior zone there are typically seven small glomeruli located 11-20 micrometers beneath the superficial axon bundles The ganglion differed conspicuously in sizes, shapes, and distribution, and were not individually identifiable." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "vaGx" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005677 ! ventral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-07T10:03:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005681
+name: ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior portion of the ventral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005677 ! ventral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-07T10:22:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005682
+name: mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal part of the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-07T01:37:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005683
+name: anteromedial zone olfactory bulb
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior portion of the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "medial anterior zone olfactory bulb" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-07T01:39:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005684
+name: posteromedial glomerulus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located between ventromedial and medial olfactory bulb surfaces. The mpG is generally elongated and innervated by a single thick axon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-62]
+synonym: "mpG" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-07T01:48:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005685
+name: dG1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. It is located in a stereotypic position near the posterior edge of the dorsal glomerular zone and stains with anti-calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "dorsal glomerulus 1" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005674 ! dorsal zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:25:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005686
+name: dlG1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Dorsalmost of glomeruli located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 1" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:34:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005687
+name: dlG2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Ventral to dlG1 and located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 2" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:38:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005688
+name: dlG3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Ventral to dlG2 and located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 3" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:40:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005689
+name: dlG4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Ventral to dlG3 and located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 4" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:42:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005690
+name: dlG5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Ventral to dlG4, and located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 5" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:45:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005691
+name: vmG1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Stains strongly with anti-calretinin. Anteriormost of the triplet of glomeruli strongly expressing calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventral triplet glomerulus 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 1" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:10:31Z
+id: ZFA:0005692
+name: vmG2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Stains strongly with anti-calretinin. Posterior to vmG1 in the triplet of glomeruli strongly expressing calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventral triplet glomerulus 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 2" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:17:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005693
+name: vmG3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Stains strongly with anti-calretinin. Posteriormost glomerulus in the triplet of glomeruli strongly expressing calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventral triplet glomerulus 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 3" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:19:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005694
+name: vmG4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Posterior to the triplet of ventromedial glomeruli strongly expressing calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 4" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:24:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005695
+name: vmG5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Posterior to vmG4." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 5" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:26:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005696
+name: vmG6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Posterior to vmG4 adjacent to vmG5." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 6" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:27:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005697
+name: vmG7
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. vmG7 is located anteriorly to vmG1-3 and vmG4-6." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 7" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:31:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005698
+name: vmGx
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Group of glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb The vmGx group, is located 10-50 micrometers from the ventral surface of the olfactory bulb. And were located anywhere between the posteroventral and anteroventral regions of the olfactory bulb. It was not possible to unambiguously identify the vmGx because they displayed varying distributions and numbers in the olfactory bulbs of different animals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerular group x" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:34:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005699
+name: vmGy
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Group of glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. A cluster of comparatively small glomeruli located near the midline between the two olfactory bulbs The glomeruli in the vmGy were among the smallest glomeruli in the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventromedial glomerular group y" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:37:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005700
+name: vpG1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of two large glomeruli located in the medial side of the ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventroposterior glomerulus 1" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005681 ! ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:46:05Z
+id: ZFA:0005701
+name: vpG2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of two large glomeruli located in the lateral side of the ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "ventroposterior glomerulus 2" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005681 ! ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:47:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005702
+name: lg1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. LG1 is surrounded by a diffuse aggregate of OSN axons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "glomerulus 1 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral glomerulus 1" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T04:11:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005703
+name: lG2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Located on the caudal edge of the lateral glomerulus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "glomerulus 2 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral glomerulus 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "lcG2 " EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T04:15:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005704
+name: lG3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsoanterior region of the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Expresses calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "glomerulus 3 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral glomerulus 3" EXACT []
+synonym: "lcG3" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-21T04:18:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005705
+name: lG4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "glomerulus 4 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral glomerulus 4" EXACT []
+synonym: "lcG4" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:07:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005706
+name: lg5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. LG5 is surrounded by a diffuse aggregate of OSN axons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "glomerulus 5 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
+synonym: "lateral glomerulus 5" RELATED []
+synonym: "lcG5 " EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:11:41Z
+id: ZFA:0005707
+name: lGx
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Group of glomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb. The glomeruli that compose lGx are smaller than the lG1-6 and varied in shape, sizes, and locations between olfactory bulbs of the same and different animals. The lGx were located either along the ventral edge of the lateral group or below the lateral olfactory bulb surface." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:16:21Z
+id: ZFA:0005708
+name: lg6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. LG6 is located on the ventroposterior edge of the lateral group." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "lateral glomerulus 6" EXACT []
+synonym: "lvpG" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:19:31Z
+id: ZFA:0005709
+name: mdG1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. It lies caudal to mdG5 and mdG6 and rostral of mdG3." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "mdpG1" EXACT []
+synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 1" EXACT []
+synonym: "mediodorsal posterior glomerulus 1 " EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:49:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005710
+name: mdG2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. This glomerulus expresses a S100 protein. It is the most posterior-caudal of the mediodorsal glomeruli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "mdpG2 " EXACT []
+synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 2" EXACT []
+synonym: "mediodorsal posterior glomerulus 2" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:53:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005711
+name: mdG3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. Glomerulus that lies ventral to mdG2 on the caudal edge of the mediodorsal glomeruli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 3" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:54:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005712
+name: mdG4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. Positioned between mdG2 and mdG5 on the dorsal edge of the medial dorsal glomerular cluster." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 4" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:56:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005713
+name: mdG5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. . This glomerulus expresses a protein that cross reacts with antibodies raised against GNAO1. It is the dorsal to mdG6 on the rostral edge of the mediodorsal cluster." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 5" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:57:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005714
+name: mdG6
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. This glomerulus is the most ventral glomerulus in the mediodorsal cluster." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 6" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:58:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005715
+name: maG1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glomerulus located in the anteromedial zone of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "maG" RELATED []
+synonym: "medial anterior glomerulus 1" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005683 ! anteromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T12:02:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005716
+name: maGx
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Group of small glomeruli located in the anteromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. The arrangements of glomeruli maGx varies between animals and they can't be identified as individual units." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
+synonym: "medial anterior glomeruli " RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005683 ! anteromedial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T12:04:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005717
+name: lateral protoglomerulus 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Dorsolateral protoglomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "LG1" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005669 ! lateral protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T03:52:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005718
+name: lateral protoglomerulus 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Ventromedial protoglomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "LG2" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005669 ! lateral protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T04:06:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005719
+name: lateral protoglomerulus 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Dorsomedial protoglomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "LG3" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005669 ! lateral protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T04:08:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005720
+name: lateral protoglomerulus 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Ventrolateral protoglomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "LG4" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005669 ! lateral protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T04:08:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005721
+name: central zone protoglomerulus 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Most lateral protoglomerulus in the central zone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "CZ1" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:13:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005722
+name: central zone protoglomerulus 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Located medially to protoglomerulus 1." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "CZ2" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:20:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005723
+name: central zone protoglomerulus 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Located medially to protoglomerulus 2." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "CZ3" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:21:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005724
+name: central zone protoglomerulus 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Located medially to protoglomerulus 3." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "CZ4" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:35:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005725
+name: central zone protoglomerulus 5
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Most medial protoglomerulus in the central zone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "CZ5" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:36:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005726
+name: medial protoglomerulus 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Most posterio-lateral of the medial protoglomeruli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "MG1 " RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005671 ! medial protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:39:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005727
+name: medial protoglomerulus 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Most dorsally located medial protoglomerulus and medial to protoglomerulus 1." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "MG2" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005671 ! medial protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:42:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005728
+name: medial protoglomerulus 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Located between medial glomerulus 2 and medial glomerulus 4 along dorsal-ventral axis of the medial region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "MG3" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005671 ! medial protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:42:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005729
+name: medial protoglomerulus 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Most ventral of the medial protoglomeruli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
+synonym: "MG4" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005671 ! medial protoglomerulus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:42:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005730
+name: cranial motor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Motor neuron that innervate muscles that control eye, jaw, and facial movements of the vertebrate head and parasympathetic neurons that innervate certain glands and organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cranial motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0015000
+is_a: ZFA:0009052 ! motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-06-20T02:04:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005731
+name: branchiomotor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial motor neuron which innervates muscles derived from the branchial (pharyngeal) arches." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:14699587]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "branchi motor neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "special visceral motor neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0005023
+is_a: ZFA:0005730 ! cranial motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-06-20T02:06:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005732
+name: visceromotor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial motor neurons are found in the hindbrain, and innervate parasympathetic neurons that innervate tear glands, sweat glands, and the smooth muscles and glands of the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:14699587]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "general visceral motor neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0005025
+is_a: ZFA:0005730 ! cranial motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-06-20T02:08:10Z
+id: ZFA:0005733
+name: somatomotor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial motor neurons found in the midbrain and hindbrain that innervates muscles that control eye and tongue." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:14699587]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005024
+is_a: ZFA:0005730 ! cranial motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-06-20T02:09:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005734
+name: lacunocanalicular system
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A system of osteocytes connected through canals within the vertebra. Osteocytes extend processes through canals within ossified bone. The lacunocanalicular system is poorly developed in zebrafish with most osteocytes having one or two cytoplasmic processes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-22629-14]
+is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005621 ! bone tissue
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-08T11:48:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005735
+name: lacunocanalicular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space, part of the lacunocanalicular system that connects lacuna within bone tissue allowing osteocyte projections to connect." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-11518-14]
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005734 ! lacunocanalicular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-08T12:10:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005736
+name: lacuna
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space a small cavity, in the matrix of bone tissue. Part of the lacunocanalicular system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005734 ! lacunocanalicular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-08T12:19:22Z
+id: ZFA:0005737
+name: intestinal rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multicellular structure composed of endodermal cells that forms a continuous rod along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo in contact with the YSL. This rod will give rise to the endodermal components of the alimentary canal and its connected organs: liver, gall bladder pancreas and swim bladder. Does not have part pharyngeal endoderm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-26]
+synonym: "endodermal rod" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-26]
+synonym: "intestinal anlage" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6.]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-23T03:03:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005738
+name: intestinal bulb primordium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the intestinal rod that loops to left between 26-30hpf and gives rise to the intestinal bulb and liver and anterior pancreatic primordium. The endoderm at this stage is a compact mass of cells with little to no polarization." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-19]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-23T03:06:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005739
+name: pancreatic acinar cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A secretory cell found in pancreatic acini that secretes digestive enzymes and mucins. This cell is a typical zymogenic cell, has a basal nucleus and basophilic cytoplasm consisting of regular arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum with mitochondria and dense secretory granules." [GOC:tfm, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002064
+is_a: ZFA:0009277 ! acinar cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005741 ! pancreatic acinar gland
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-29T10:13:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005740
+name: pancreatic centroacinar cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell that is continuous with the lining of intercalated ducts that drain the acinus. This cell type secretes a high pH solution to aid in activation of zymogens, and can differentiate into endocrine and exocrine pancreatic cell types." [GOC:tfm, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CAC" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+xref: CL:0002080
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005741 ! pancreatic acinar gland
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-29T10:16:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005741
+name: pancreatic acinar gland
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of exocrine pancreas that is comprised of polarized cells containing apical zymogen granules that store digestive enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070310-3]
+synonym: "exocrine glands pancreas" EXACT []
+synonym: "pancreatic acini" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005753 ! pancreatic lobule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-29T10:42:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005742
+name: pancreatic PP cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Polypeptide producing cell located in the islets of the pancreas." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pancreatic F cells " RELATED []
+synonym: "pancreatic polypeptide-secreting cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "PP cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT []
+synonym: "PP-cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0002275
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001260 ! endocrine pancreas
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-29T10:59:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005743
+name: pancreatic D cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A D cell located in the pancreas. Peripherally placed within the islets like type A cells; contains somatostatin." [CL:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "D-cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT []
+synonym: "delta cell of islet" EXACT []
+synonym: "pancreatic delta cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "somatostatin-secreting pancreatic cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000173
+is_a: ZFA:0009228 ! D cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001260 ! endocrine pancreas
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-29T11:03:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005744
+name: notochord outer sheath cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cells that form an epithelial-like sheath around the vacuolated inner notochord cells. Outer cells secrete a thick extracellular perinotochordal basement membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130322-23]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "notochord sheath cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0007007
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000135 ! notochord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-30T04:09:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005745
+name: structural cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell whose primary function is to provide structural support, to provide strength and physical integrity to the organism." [TAIR:sr]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000293
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-30T04:14:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005746
+name: notochord inner cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Structural cell of notochord that contain one large fluid-filled intracellular vacuole that occupies most of the cell volume." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130322-23]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chordocytes" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005745 ! structural cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000135 ! notochord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-30T04:15:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005747
+name: supraintestinal lymphatic vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessels that are located on either side of the PCV in the posterior region of the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "SIL" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005840 ! intestinal lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-31T10:44:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005748
+name: intrapancreatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Digestive duct within the pancreas. The pancreatic duct carries inactive digestive enzymes to the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101201-32]
+is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000140 ! pancreas
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001372 ! pancreatic duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:17:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005749
+name: intercalated duct pancreas
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The portion of the intrapancreatic duct leading from the pancreatic acinar gland to the intralobular duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+is_a: ZFA:0005748 ! intrapancreatic duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:44:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005750
+name: pancreatic intralobular duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intrapancreatic duct within a pancreatic lobe that connects all the intercalated duct with an interlobular duct. The intralobular duct is lined with cuboidal cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+is_a: ZFA:0005748 ! intrapancreatic duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005753 ! pancreatic lobule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:50:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005751
+name: pancreatic interlobular duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intrapancreatic duct that connects the intralobular duct to the main pancreatic duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005748 ! intrapancreatic duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:53:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005752
+name: main intrapancreatic duct
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intrapancreatic duct that connects to the interlobular ducts and drains into the extrapancreatic duct. The main duct may not be present in all larva and may develop in a segmented fashion." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070310-3]
+is_a: ZFA:0005748 ! intrapancreatic duct
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:55:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005753
+name: pancreatic lobule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cluster of acinar glands surrounding an intralobular duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+comment: Lobules are composed of multiple acini so are only apparent starting ~72hpf. Before 72hpf consider annotating to acinar gland.
+synonym: "exocrine lobule" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001249 ! exocrine pancreas
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T03:16:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005754
+name: primary islet
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The primary islet is the first islet to develop." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "principal islet" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005755 ! islet
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T04:05:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005755
+name: islet
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue composed of a group of cells in the pancreas producing insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. Part of the endocrine pancreas." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001260 ! endocrine pancreas
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T04:10:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005756
+name: secondary islet
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Islets that develop after the primary islet. The secondary islets usually form around 7 dpf but can be induced to form as early as 5 dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130710-45, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140817-2]
+comment: Start stage known to be after 3dpf.
+is_a: ZFA:0005755 ! islet
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-01T04:10:55Z
+id: ZFA:0005757
+name: mid diencephalic organizer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue composed of the signal-generating cells within the zona limitans intrathalamica." [GOC:cvs, GOC:DF, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100621-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120105-73]
+synonym: "MDO" EXACT []
+synonym: "mid-diencephalic organizer" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001344 ! zona limitans intrathalamica
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-02T03:20:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005758
+name: pancreatic fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue interspersed within the pancreatic acini." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
+comment: No evidence of septa surrounding fat has been presented so is a fat accumulation or deposit not a fat pad.
+is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005753 ! pancreatic lobule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T10:03:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005759
+name: visceral fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue on the surface of the organs within the pleuroperitoneal cavity. Visceral adipocytes were observed posterior to the swim bladder and lining the visceral cavity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
+comment: No evidence of septa surrounding fat has been presented so is a fat accumulation or deposit not a fat pad.
+synonym: "visceral fat deposit" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T10:23:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005760
+name: cranial fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue in the cranium. Cranial adipocytes are located within the ventral wall of the cranium, situated between the brain and the esophagus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
+comment: No evidence of septa surrounding fat has been presented so is a fat accumulation or deposit not a fat pad.
+is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T10:26:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005761
+name: periorbital fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue surrounding the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+comment: No evidence of septa surrounding fat has been presented so is a fat accumulation or deposit not a fat pad.
+is_a: ZFA:0005760 ! cranial fat
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T10:59:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005762
+name: subcutaneous fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue between muscle and integument." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111012-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:20:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005763
+name: esophageal fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue surrounding the esophagus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
+is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:32:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005764
+name: mandibular fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue deposited along the mandible." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
+synonym: "jaw fat deposit" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:33:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005765
+name: pericardial fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue surrounding the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-9]
+synonym: "pericardial fat deposit" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000054 ! pericardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:41:21Z
+id: ZFA:0005766
+name: pectoral fin plate fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Adipose tissue that forms at the base of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-9]
+synonym: "pectoral fin plate deposit" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005762 ! subcutaneous fat
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:42:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005767
+name: caudal fin fat
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Subcutaneous adipose tissue deposit at the base of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
+synonym: "tail fin fat" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005762 ! subcutaneous fat
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-23T12:46:21Z
+id: ZFA:0005768
+name: trigeminal sensory neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sensory neuron that extends a single axon shaft along the lateral white matter of the hindbrain and spinal cord. Numerous medially projecting branches are later formed and innervate a series of target nuclei along the anteroposterior axis of the hindbrain and spinal cord. The highly branched axons innervate the integument of the head. There are several subtypes with different afferent branching morphologies." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120106-15]
+is_a: ZFA:0009053 ! sensory neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-09-30T03:31:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005769
+name: spermatid
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A male germ cell that develops from the haploid secondary spermatocytes. Without further division, spermatids undergo structural changes and give rise to spermatozoa." [CL:editor]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000018
+is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009005 ! spermatocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-10-04T03:51:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005770
+name: crypt neuron olfactory support cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Specialized olfactory support cell that surrounds crypt olfactory sensory neurons. There are one or two support cells for each crypt neuron. The cytoplasm of crypt neuron olfactory support cells is less electron dense then other support cells. They also bear numerous microvilli at their apical rim. When two supporting cells are present, they interdigitate with each other Mitochondria in crypt supporting cells are larger than those in the common supporting cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0000688 ! olfactory support cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-11-05T11:05:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005771
+name: ectomesenchyme
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that develops from the cranial neural crest and which cells populate a series of pharyngeal arches from which develops the support skeleton of the jaw and gills." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-14, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120517-11]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007087 ! migratory cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-11-25T12:11:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005772
+name: fertilized egg
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Diploid cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and egg cell." [GOC:tjm]
+synonym: "zygote " EXACT []
+xref: CL:00000365
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-11-25T01:46:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005773
+name: embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An endothelial progenitor cell that participates in angiogenesis during development." [GOC:tjm]
+xref: CL:0002546
+is_a: ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-12-02T02:57:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005774
+name: atrial epicardium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The external layer of the atrium bounding the atrial myocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100112-31]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005057 ! epicardium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-11-26T04:32:55Z
+id: ZFA:0005775
+name: enteric neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuron that is part of the enteric nervous system." [CL:MAH]
+xref: CL:0007011
+is_a: ZFA:0009059 ! autonomic neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001155 ! enteric nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-06T12:36:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005776
+name: parasympathetic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Parasympathetic neurons are part of the parasympathetic nervous system and the cell bodies lie in the brain and sacral region of the spinal cord. The neurons are mainly cholinergic." [ISBN:0080923437]
+xref: CL:0011102
+is_a: ZFA:0009059 ! autonomic neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001575 ! parasympathetic nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-06T12:39:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005777
+name: sympathetic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sympathetic neurons are part of the sympathetic nervous system and are primarily adrenergic producing the neurotransmitter noradrenalin along with other neuropeptides." [ISBN:0080923437]
+xref: CL:0011103
+is_a: ZFA:0009059 ! autonomic neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001576 ! sympathetic nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-06T12:42:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005778
+name: hypocretin-secreting neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron that releases hypocretin as a neurotransmitter." [PMID:23848055]
+synonym: "orexin secreting neuron " RELATED []
+xref: CL:0011109
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-06T01:14:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005779
+name: thymic epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium within the thymus where lymphocytes mature. Cells of the thymic epithelium have cytoplasm that appear devoid of most membrane bound organelles but contain bundles of cytoplasmic filaments, and frequent desmosomes occur between these epithelial cells. There are also secretory epithelial cells that contain a heterogeneous population of electron-dense, cytoplasmic granules and a well developed Golgi complex. Epithelial cysts are present after 3 weeks." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990414-60]
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001078 ! thymus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-11T03:25:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005780
+name: immature thymic epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium of the thymus primordium composed of cells of immature morphology. The immature thymic epithelium is continuous with the pharyngeal epithelium. The immature thymic epithelium is composed of electron-lucent epithelial cells of irregular or polygonal shape and contain numerous ribosomes, large electron-lucent mitochondria, and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Nascent desmosomes join these primitive epithelial cells together." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990414-60]
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001077 ! thymus primordium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-11T03:28:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005781
+name: cloaca
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Part of the gut where the pronephric tubules come together with the caudal end of the intestine attaching at 4dpf. The oviduct or sperm duct connect later." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060508-11]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-12T09:34:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005782
+name: intestinal opening
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The juncture where the intestine empties into the cloaca." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "gut opening" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000330 ! cloacal chamber
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-12T09:39:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005783
+name: cloacal epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium lining the cloaca. The epithelium is a simple cuboidal epithelium at Prim-5." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000505-17]
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005123 ! gut epithelium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005781 ! cloaca
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-12T10:18:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005784
+name: striated muscle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle cell which has as its direct parts myofilaments organized into sarcomeres." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544]
+xref: CL:0000737
+is_a: ZFA:0009114 ! muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-18T03:14:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005785
+name: esophageal striated muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Striated muscle of the esophagus. Permits voluntary swallowing." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130709-61]
+synonym: "oesophageal striated muscle (OSM)" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130709-61]
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0000072 ! somite 1
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0000728 ! somite 2
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0000732 ! somite 3
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005923 ! anterior migratory muscle precursor stream
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000204 ! esophagus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-18T03:37:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005786
+name: cleft cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Wedge-shaped epidermal cell positioned along the apex of the developing fin fold. Each cleft cell retains a wedge-shaped form during fold formation and develops a basal cleft-shaped invagination. Invaginations are aligned in neighboring cleft cells so that these cells cap the distal boundary of the subepidermal space where collagenous extracellular fibres called actinotrichia run anteroposteriorly along the length of the fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-195]
+is_a: ZFA:0009183 ! epidermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-03-25T09:31:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005787
+name: hypophyseal artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that runs along the midline from anterior to posterior regions of the hypothalamus and splits into two capillary branches (hyc). The formation of the artery is initiated at the hypophysis itself and extends anteriorly until it connects with the palatocerebral arteries at day 2.5." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111027-47, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130222-26]
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-04-03T10:42:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005788
+name: hypophyseal vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein thats tarts posterior of the hypophysis and drains the hypophyseal capillaries. It empties into the primary head sinus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130222-26]
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-04-03T10:47:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005789
+name: preopticohypophyseal tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Axon tract originating from the two hemispheres of the neurosecretory preoptic areas converging into the midline and terminating at the ventral part of the hypothalamus at the presumed location of the pituitary. Analogous to the supraopticohypophyseal tract in mammals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111027-47]
+synonym: "preopticohypophyseal axon tract" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-04-03T11:19:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005790
+name: hypophyseal capillary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pair of capillaries that bilaterally encompass the hypophysis starting at the anterior aspect of the hypophysis (pituitary). Directly posterior to the pituitary, the two capillaries fuse with the hypophyseal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130222-26]
+is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-04-03T11:27:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005791
+name: breeding tubercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that is a keratinized epidermal appendages that is a contact organ and secondary sex organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-05-15T03:26:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005792
+name: jaw flap
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that is a protrusion from the rostral end of the jaw, supported by the mandibular projection." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
+synonym: "lateral projections lower jaw" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:10:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005793
+name: superficial layer of breeding tubercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of smooth cells composing the outer layer of the breeding tubercle. Cells in this layer have a high keratin content, lamellar bodies, and condensed chromosomes. This layer is repeatedly shed and regenerated." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:33:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005794
+name: second tier layer of breeding tubercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell layer that lies underneath the superficial layer of the breeding tubercle. Characterized by tight junctions within the layer." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:46:01Z
+id: ZFA:0005795
+name: spinous layer of breeding tubercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Intermediate layer of the breeding tubercles characterized by cells with loose spinous organization connected to each other via desmosomes, but with wide extracellular spaces in between." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
+synonym: "spinous keratinocyte layer" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:46:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005796
+name: basal layer breeding tubercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of breeding tubercle proximal to basal lamina of the integument." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:48:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005797
+name: pectoral fin breeding tubercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Breeding tubercles along the surface of the pectoral fin lepidotrichium of males." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000242 ! male organism
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:50:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005798
+name: jaw row breeding tubercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structures composed of breeding tubercles arranged in a double row in the medial region on each side of the lower jaw." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:56:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005799
+name: jaw flap breeding tubercle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Breeding tubercles that cover the surface of the jaw flap." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T03:32:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005800
+name: extracellular lipid lamellae
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of organism substance that is located between the cap and second tier layers of the breeding tubercles. The lipid lamellae is composed of lipids." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-04T04:00:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005801
+name: interrenal vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The interrenal vessel (IRV) is the blood vessels supplying the interrenal gland. It is formed by sprouting from the dorsal aorta. The development of the IRV is temporally and spatially correlated with the initiation interrenal gland formation. After traversing the interrenal tissue, the IRV connects to the posterior end segment of the anterior mesenteric artery where two branches of swim bladder arteries branched out. Angiogenic sprout is visible between 34 and 48 hpf with blood flow by 3dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120905-5]
+synonym: "IRV" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005802 ! interrenal angiogenic sprout
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001345 ! interrenal gland
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-06T01:45:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005802
+name: interrenal angiogenic sprout
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Sprout from the dorsal aorta that develops into the interrenal vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120905-5]
+is_a: ZFA:0005604 ! angiogenic sprout
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001346 ! interrenal primordium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-10T10:26:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005803
+name: cupula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Gelatinous substance surrounding the kinocila of the neuromast." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-768]
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-24T09:55:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005804
+name: rhombencephalic efferent neurons to the lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Efferent neuron where the cell body is located in the hindbrain reticular formation immediately adjacent to the medial longitudinal fascicle at the rostrocaudal level between the MiDl and the CaD and adjacent to the descending Mauthner axon. RELL dendrites are large and extend bilaterally into the ventrolateral neuropil. The ipsilateral dendrite reaches into a single area of the ventrolateral neuropil whereas the contralateral dendrite branches and extends into two different levels of the same rostrocaudal column of the ventrolateral neuropil. The axon emerges from the ventral part of the perikaryon courses a short distance rostrally to the level of the ROLE cells and then turns laterally from the CNS accompanying the root of the posterior lateral line nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-768]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "RELL neuron" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-24T10:08:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005805
+name: rhombencephalic octavolateral efferent neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Efferent neuron located in the hindbrain. The axon of ROLE cells travels rostrally near the ipsilateral medial longitudinal fascicle to the level of the Mauthner cell where it turns laterally to exit with the eighth nerve. Outside the brain the axon continues ventrally to the base of the saccular macula in the ear then turns caudally to ender the ganglion of the posterior lateral line. A branch of the axon turns ventrally before the main axon enters the LLG. The branch goes ventrally along the wall of the otic capsule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-768]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ROLE neuron" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-24T10:42:22Z
+id: ZFA:0005806
+name: diencephalic efferent neurons to the lateral line
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Efferent neurons located ventrally in the diencephalon. The dendrites extend into a large area of the diencephalic neuropil rostral, caudal, lateral and ventral to the cell body. The axon courses dorsally and then caudally through the midbrain. As the axon descends through the brain it gives off branches at several levels. One branch usually exits the brain with the posterior lateral line nerve. The axon can be traced into the cervical spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-768]
+comment: There may be 2 neuron types grouped under this name since there are some instances the axons were seen to exit with the eighth cranial nerve instead of the PLL nerve: ZDB-PUB-961014-768.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "DELL neuron" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-06-24T11:50:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005807
+name: intestine lumen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space within the intestine where digestion normally occurs. The intestinal lumen begins as an interconnected web of small space at 43 hpf that over time remodels to form a single continuous tube at 68hpf. Lumen maturation proceeds from anterior to posterior along the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140415-28]
+synonym: "gut lumen" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005930 ! lumen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-14T01:57:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005808
+name: proepicardial cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Transient cluster of cardiac progenitor cells that develops adjacent to the heart and migrates onto the heart to form the epicardium. Proepicardial clusters in Zebrafish form on the pericardial wall, adjacent to the atrioventricular (AV) junction and near the venous pole." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-16, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140603-8]
+comment: Appears after cardiac looping ~30hpf. Derived from mesoderm.
+synonym: "proepicardial organ" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-16]
+synonym: "proepicardium" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140603-8]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-28T03:01:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005809
+name: pectinate muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Network of heavily branched muscle in the atrium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001026-2]
+synonym: "pectinate muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-28T04:28:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005810
+name: trabecular layer of the atrium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Trabecular layer of the atrial myocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-121030-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001374 ! atrial myocardium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005059 ! trabecular layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-28T04:35:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005811
+name: heart vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-31T10:04:10Z
+id: ZFA:0005812
+name: coronary artery
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Artery that carries blood from the efferent branchial artery to the cardiac ventricle. The artery runs along the ventral surface of the bulbus arteriosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+synonym: "coronary vessel" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005811 ! heart vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-31T10:05:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005813
+name: coronary capillary
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Capillaries that innervate the subtrabecular layer of the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005811 ! heart vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-31T10:09:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005814
+name: coronary vein
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vein that carries blood from the coronary capillaries to the atrial chamber entering the atrium close to the atrioventricular region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
+is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005811 ! heart vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-31T10:11:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005815
+name: T interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0005182
+def: "TARGET DEFINITION: Hindbrain interneurons that are part of the reticular formation. The T interneurons receive synaptic input from the Mauthner neuron, from unidentified axons in the mlf, and perhaps from trigeminal sensory fibers. . The axon is T-shaped the proximal segment courses to the midline of the brain and near the midline bifurcates to form an ascending rostral segment and a descending caudal segment. The rostral and caudal segments join the dorsal component of the MLF. The T interneurons are located caudal to CaD and appear to be bilaterally paired. They project to cranial and pectoral motor nuclei." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-588]
+comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cranial relay neuron" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110110-13]
+synonym: "T shaped reticular neuron " RELATED []
+synonym: "T-interneuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "t-interneuron" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0005182
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-07-31T02:33:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005816
+name: dorsal fin protractor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior longitudinal muscles of the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin protractor originates from the base of the first soft ray of the dorsal fin, extends along the midline just underneath the skin, and inserts at the posterior portion of the skull. Contracting the dorsal protractor will raise the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "protractor dorsalis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-27T12:59:02Z
+id: ZFA:0005817
+name: dorsal fin retractor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior longitudinal muscles of the dorsal fin. That originates from the caudal end of the dorsal fin base, stretches along the midline between the right and left epaxial muscles, and inserts at the dorsal base of the tail fin. Contracting the dorsal retractor will lower the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "retractor dorsalis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-27T01:05:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005818
+name: superficial caudal fin musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The layer of caudal fin musculature immediately under the integument that originate from the vertebral column and insert at the base of caudal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+is_a: ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-29T04:13:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005819
+name: deep caudal fin musculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The layer of caudal fin musculature immediately under the superficial caudal fin musculature that originate from the vertebral column and insert at the base of caudal fin rays. The three most caudal vertebrae and the hypurals serve as attachment sites for these muscles." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+is_a: ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-29T04:16:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005820
+name: ventral caudal adductor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise broadly from the hypurals and extends dorsocaudally where the fiber bundles converge into a narrow insertion site on the 5th caudal fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "ACV" RELATED []
+synonym: "adductor caudalis ventralis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000902 ! hypural muscle
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-30T09:51:20Z
+id: ZFA:0005821
+name: ventral interfilamental caudal muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that has a narrow attachment site along the midline posterior to the attachment of the lateralis superficialis ventralis and fans out to attach broadly in a region between the 12th and 16th caudal fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "ICV" RELATED []
+synonym: "interfilamenti caudalis ventralis" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-30T10:11:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005822
+name: dorsal interfilamental caudal muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that has a narrow attachment site along the midline posterior to the attachment of the lateralis superficialis dorsalis and fans out to attach broadly in a region between the 4th and 8th caudal fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "ICD" RELATED []
+synonym: "interfilamenti caudalis dorsalis " EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-30T10:14:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005823
+name: external lateral dorsal muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that originates from a broad base at the midline and narrows toward its attachment at the dorsal tip of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "lateralis superficialis dorsalis" EXACT []
+synonym: "LSD" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-30T12:34:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005824
+name: deep lateral ventral muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that is located ventrally and extends from the myoseptum to the ventral tip of the caudal fin where it attaches in the region of the second lowest (eighteenth) long fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "lateralis profundus ventralis " EXACT []
+synonym: "LPV" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-30T12:44:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005825
+name: deep lateral dorsal muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Paired superfical caudal fin muscle that is located dorsally and extends from the myoseptum to the dorsal tip of the caudal fin where it attaches in the region of the second upper long fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
+synonym: "lateralis profundus dorsalis" EXACT []
+synonym: "LPD" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2014-10-30T01:24:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005826
+name: tri-tipped trabecula
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cardiac muscle located in the trabecular layer of the ventricle that is attached to the base of the AV and BV valves. It is similar to the papillary muscle in mammals and birds but, does not attach to the ends of the valve leaflets." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-121030-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005060 ! trabecular layer of ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-02-19T03:45:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005827
+name: transverse band
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cardiac muscle located in the trabecular layer of the ventricle that spans the central lumen near the ventricular apex. The transverse muscle band superficially resembles the septomarginal trabecula found in reptilian and mammalian hearts in that it spans the ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-121030-7]
+is_a: ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005060 ! trabecular layer of ventricle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-02-19T03:48:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005828
+name: kappe olfactory receptor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An olfactory receptor cells with apical microvilli. The pear shaped soma is located in the apical region of the olfactory epithelium. They project to a single glomerulus, mdG5." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140416-5]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "kappe neuron" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0009125 ! olfactory receptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-02-20T10:55:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005829
+name: Schlemm's canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessel that drains aqueous humor from the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140728-8]
+comment: ZDB-PUB-140728-8 says the canal has lymphatic-like.
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-02-23T10:20:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005830
+name: hematopoietic cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of a hematopoietic lineage." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "haematopoietic cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "haemopoietic cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "hemopoietic cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000988
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-02-27T09:55:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005831
+name: facial lymphatic network
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Interconnected lymph vasculature in the anterior portion of the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "facial lymphatics" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-21T03:16:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005832
+name: lymphatic branchial arch 1
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Superficial lymph vessel that is part of pharyngeal arch 3. The vessel sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "LAA1" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001606 ! pharyngeal arch 3
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-21T04:16:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005833
+name: lymphatic branchial arch 2
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Superficial lymph vessel that is part of pharyngeal arch 4. The vessel sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "LAA2" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001607 ! pharyngeal arch 4
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-22T10:05:13Z
+id: ZFA:0005834
+name: lymphatic branchial arch 3
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Superficial lymph vessel that is part of pharyngeal arch 5. The vessel sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "LAA3" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001608 ! pharyngeal arch 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-22T10:06:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005835
+name: lymphatic branchial arch 4
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Superficial lymph vessel that is part of pharyngeal arch 6. The vessel sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "LAA4 " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001610 ! pharyngeal arch 7
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-22T10:18:37Z
+id: ZFA:0005836
+name: facial lymphatic sprout
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymphangiogenic sprout that originates from the common cardinal vein and extends along the primary head sinus." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+comment: Although a facial lymphatic vessel has previously been described using lymphangiography in 5-week-old zebrafish (Yaniv et al., 2006), we are not sure whether\nthis previously described vessel is connected to, or derived from, the FL network that we have identified (ZDB-PUB-120529-43).
+synonym: "FLS" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005603 ! lymphangiogenic sprout
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-22T12:15:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005837
+name: lateral facial lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Superfical lymph vessel part of the facial lymphatic network that develops from the facial lymphatic sprout. The lateral facial lymph vessel runs toward the mandibular arch and tracks around the eye toward the jaw." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "lateral facial lymphatic" EXACT []
+synonym: "LFL" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005836 ! facial lymphatic sprout
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-22T12:41:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005838
+name: otolithic lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Facial lymphatic vessel that sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel. The path lies parallel to the posterior cerebral vein but is not in contact with a blood vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "otolithic lymphatic vessel" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-22T02:06:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005839
+name: medial facial lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Facial lymph vessel that sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel. The path of the medial vessel runs ventromedially towards the ventral aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "medial facial lymphatic" EXACT []
+synonym: "MFL " EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-23T01:49:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005840
+name: intestinal lymphatic network
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vasculature surrounding the intestines." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "" RELATED []
+synonym: "intestinal lymphatics" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:15:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005841
+name: upper right intestinal lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel that follows the supraintestinal artery." [GOC:CVS, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "UR-IL" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005843 ! right intestinal lymphatics
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:25:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005842
+name: lower right intestinal lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pair of lymph vessel that follows the right subintestinal vein. At 6 dpf, the LR-IL appears to bifurcate and form two separate vessels that both run in close proximity to one another along the right sub intestinal vein. These vessels are difficult to distinguish from each other at 6dp." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "LR-IL" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005843 ! right intestinal lymphatics
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:28:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005843
+name: right intestinal lymphatics
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessels that are on the right side of the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005840 ! intestinal lymphatic network
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:31:28Z
+id: ZFA:0005844
+name: lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Any of the tubular multi-tissue structures through which lymph moves in the body. These vessels collect and drain fluids and macromolecules from interstitial spaces throughout the animal." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:44:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005845
+name: lower left intestinal lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel that extends along the left subintestinal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "LL-IL" EXACT []
+synonym: "lower left intestinal lymphatic" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005846 ! left intestinal lymphatics
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:49:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005846
+name: left intestinal lymphatics
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessels that are on the left side of the intestine. These do not run as far posteriorly as the right intestinal lymphatics." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+is_a: ZFA:0005840 ! intestinal lymphatic network
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:52:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005847
+name: upper left intestinal lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel on the left of the intestine that runs parallel to the upper right intestinal lymph vessel. There does not appear to be an associated blood vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
+synonym: "UL-IL" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005846 ! left intestinal lymphatics
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T12:28:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005848
+name: intestinal interlymphatic vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessel that connects lymph vessels within the intestinal lymphatic network." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005840 ! intestinal lymphatic network
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-04-30T01:40:05Z
+id: ZFA:0005849
+name: ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a multi-tissue structure composed of dentine, enameloid and tooth pulp that develops from the dental organ. These structures successively replace the primary ceratobranchial teeth." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001208-4]
+is_a: ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+creation_date: 2015-06-19T12:48:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005850
+name: nucleus of the caudal commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cluster of neurons first visible in the embryonic diencephalon located in the dorsolateral brain just posterior to the posterior commissure, that project growth cones ventrally along the posterior commissure to the anterior tegmentum where the PC intersects two longitudinal tracts, the tract of the postoptic commissure (TPOC) and the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). Once at the intersection, nuc PC growth cones turn posteriorly onto the TPOC in the dorsal tegmentum and follow it to the hindbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-167, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-170]
+synonym: " nuc PC" EXACT []
+synonym: "nTPC" RELATED []
+synonym: "nucleus of posterior commissure" EXACT []
+synonym: "nucleus of the tract of the posterior commissure " RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-06-19T03:27:22Z
+id: ZFA:0005851
+name: ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a multi-tissue structure composed of dentine, enameloid and tooth pulp that develops from the dental organ. These are the first teeth to develop." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020820-10]
+is_a: ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-07-01T04:53:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005852
+name: replacement tooth 4V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 3V and anterior to tooth 5V in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 4V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-07-01T04:55:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005853
+name: replacement tooth 5V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the posteriormost tooth in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 5V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-07-02T09:04:21Z
+id: ZFA:0005854
+name: replacement tooth 3V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 2V and anterior to tooth 4V in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 3V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-07-02T09:05:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005855
+name: replacement tooth 2V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 1V and anterior to tooth 3V in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 2V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-07-02T09:18:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005856
+name: replacement tooth 1V
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the anteriormost tooth in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 1V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-07-02T09:19:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005857
+name: bile
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Zebrafish bile contains the bile alcohol cyprinol sulfate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120822-8]
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-07-31T11:15:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005858
+name: hyaloid capillaries
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Capillaries that branch from the hyaloid artery and drain into the hyaloid vein. The hyaloid capillaries are located behind the lens and may be transient." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150419-5]
+is_a: ZFA:0005046 ! hyaloid vessel
+is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-08-17T04:43:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005859
+name: ceratohyal-interhyal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the interhyal skeletal element and ceratohyal skeletal element. The ceratohyal-interhyal joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970210-30]
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-09-09T01:15:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005860
+name: interhyal-hyosymplectic joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the interhyal element and the hyosymplectic element. The interhyal-hyosymplectic joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970210-30]
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-09-09T01:28:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005861
+name: opercle-hyosymplectic joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint that articulates the opercle and they hyosymplectic. The opercle-hyosymplectic joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970210-30]
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-09-09T01:33:46Z
+id: ZFA:0005862
+name: ovarian lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymph vessels within the ovary. These vessels are located in the interstitium between ovarian follicles and appear to envelop arterioles." [GOC:CVS, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130218-10]
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-10-28T12:00:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005863
+name: pectoral protractor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pectoral fin muscle. Links pectoral fin and branchial movement and stabilizes the pectoral girdle. Thought to be the teleost homologue of the cucullaris muscle group." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110803-26]
+synonym: "protractor pectoralis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110803-26]
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2015-10-28T04:41:12Z
+id: ZFA:0005864
+name: retinotectal tract
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of optic tract that innervates the optic tectum." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1095, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-148]
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000252 ! optic tract
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-01-11T03:48:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005865
+name: reticulospinal neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuron with the large soma in the brain with an axon projecting caudally to the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-594]
+is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-01-12T10:33:08Z
+id: ZFA:0005866
+name: vestibulospinal neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "CNS interneuron with a soma located in a cluster in the lateral wall of the medulla, with dendrites confined to the neuropil, that has connections to the vestibular and lateral line neurons." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-572]
+synonym: "V" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-01-12T11:25:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005867
+name: cephalic mesoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesoderm part of the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917\,]
+is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000414 ! presumptive cephalic mesoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-01-14T02:01:33Z
+id: ZFA:0005868
+name: griseum tectale
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rostral cell mass bordering the pretectum. The cells are stained with the gene nurod and are Hu positive. The region is named for its presumed homology to the avian griseum tectale." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+synonym: "tectal grey " EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001665 ! midbrain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-01-22T12:54:41Z
+id: ZFA:0005869
+name: cerebellar plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is made up of the external granular layer and the ventral proliferative layer." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-02-02T11:33:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005870
+name: cerebellar plate ventral proliferative layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Proliferative zone on the ventral side of the cerebellar plate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005869 ! cerebellar plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-02-02T11:45:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005871
+name: region of the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue in the midbrain that will develop into the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus synencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-02-02T11:47:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005872
+name: external granular layer of the cerebellar plate
+def: "Proliferative region that forms on peripheral side of the cerebellar plate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORDCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+synonym: "cerebellar plate peripheral proliferative zone" RELATED []
+synonym: "EGL" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005869 ! cerebellar plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-02-02T11:50:39Z
+id: ZFA:0005873
+name: noradrenergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron that releases norephinephrine (noradrenaline) as a neurotransmitter." [CL:Curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0008025
+is_a: ZFA:0009214 ! norepinephrine secreting cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-03-22T02:18:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005874
+name: spiral neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Spiral neurons are excitatory interneurons located in rhombomere 3 and have contralateral projections that cross the midline forming commissures in rhombomere 3. After crossing the midline the two commissures fuse and project caudally synapsing with the Mauthner neuron. As they enter the axon cap, spiral fiber neurons lose their myelin and wrap around the axon hillock in a stereotyped spiral, where they make both electrical and glutamatergic synapses on the M cell axon close to the M-cell soma and with one another. Spiral neurons produced biphasic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in the contralateral M-cell with a short latency." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010711-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110110-13, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150512-4]
+is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-03-23T01:14:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005875
+name: tract of the commissure of the caudal tuberculum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tract that extends from the intersection of the tract of the postoptic commissure and supraoptic tract that projects caudally across the hypothalamus and into the commissure of the caudal tuberculum. The axons appear to originate from a symmetric group of neurons in the forebrain that travel caudally into the diencephalon and then decussate, with some axons continuing to travel longitudinally and join other axons crossing the midline. There does not appear to be a clear ortholog of the TCPT in mammals; and the function(s) of the TCPT are not currently known." [GOC:cvs, GOC:dsf, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
+comment: This tract was originally identified in zebrafish by Wilson et al., 1990.
+synonym: " TCPT" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
+synonym: "tract of the commissure of the posterior tuberculum" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000491 ! commissure of the caudal tuberculum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-06-07T10:08:17Z
+id: ZFA:0005876
+name: anterior chamber eye
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The space between the cornea and lens in the anterior segment of the eye where the aqueous humor is located." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-10-13T15:42:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005877
+name: commissure of the tract of the commissure of the caudal tuberculum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Commissure that is formed by a subset of TCPT axons that cross the midline in the diencephalon. The TCPTc does not appear to cross with other commissures. The initial crossing of the TCPTc occurs at approximately 36 hpf." [GOC:cvs, GOC:dsf, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120419-3.]
+synonym: "Commissure of the TCPT" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-10-18T10:07:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005878
+name: oogonia
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An undifferentiated germ cell that proliferates rapidly and gives rise to oocytes. In zebrafish oogonia are round cells, with centrally located nucleoli, which are strongly basophilic. Oogonia in larva zebrafish fish are often found in clusters of two or four cells, corresponding to the second, or third oogonial divisions, presumably arising from mitotic divisions of primordial germ cells." [GOC:cvs, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120718-30]
+xref: CL:0000024
+is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000413 ! gonad
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2016-12-14T12:05:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005879
+name: seminiferous tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tubules formed by the seminiferous epithelium that contains spermatogenic cyst surrounded by somatic support cells, called Sertoli cells. The lumen of he seminiferous tubules connects to the sperm or efferent duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
+synonym: "seminiferous tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "sperm duct" BROAD []
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-04-28T11:17:00Z
+id: ZFA:0005880
+name: seminiferous epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelium that lines the seminiferous tubules." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005879 ! seminiferous tubule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-05-16T12:39:16Z
+id: ZFA:0005881
+name: tunica propria of seminiferous tubule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The membranous sheath that surrounding the seminiferous tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005879 ! seminiferous tubule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-05-16T12:44:18Z
+id: ZFA:0005882
+name: spermatogenic cyst
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Structure in the testis formed by cytoplasmic projections of one or two Sertoli cells that surround a single spermatogonium. Sperm production occurs with in the cyst and the spermatogonium divides to generate approximately 1300 mature sperm. A given Sertoli cell is in contact with only one germ cell clone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-05-16T12:48:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005883
+name: tunica albuginea testis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Membranous sheath that surrounds the testis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-05-16T12:51:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005884
+name: seminiferous tubule lumen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lumen of the seminiferous tubule. Mature sperm is stored in the tubular lumen." [GOC:cvs,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005879 ! seminiferous tubule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-05-16T13:18:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005885
+name: operculohyoid ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects the anterior apex of the opercle to the posterior end of the ceratohyal. The ligament extends orthogonal and anterior to the opercle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-161030-16]
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+creation_date: 2017-06-12T13:27:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005886
+name: anterior basicapsular commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage that attaches the parachordal cartilage to the auditory capsule anterior to the basicapsular fenestra. The anterior basicapsular commissure are paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "anterior basicranial commissure" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-20T11:38:57Z
+id: ZFA:0005887
+name: posterior basicapsular commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage that attaches the parachordal cartilage to the auditory capsule posterior of the basicapsular fenestra. The posterior basicapsular commissure are paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "posterior basicranial commissure" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-20T11:42:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005888
+name: lateral basicapsular commissure
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilage that grows from the auditory capsule medially toward the anterior end of the parachordal cartilage to enclose the hyomandibular (facial) foramen. The lateral basicapsular commissure are paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
+synonym: " lateral basicranial commissure" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
+synonym: "lateral commissure " RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
+is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-20T11:51:14Z
+id: ZFA:0005889
+name: epiotic-posttemporal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Syndesmosis that connects the posterior lateral edge of the epiotic to the posttemporal. The epiotic-posttemporal joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "epioccipital-posttemporal joint" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-20T15:00:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005890
+name: carotid artery canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Canal where the carotid artery enters the cranium. Located between the parasphenoid and prootic bones in adult fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-25T14:53:32Z
+id: ZFA:0005891
+name: epiotic-parietal joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Syndesmosis that connects the anterior edge epiotic to the parietal. The epiotic-parietal joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "epioccipital-parietal" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-20T15:30:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005892
+name: lateral occipital foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen that has the exoccipital as the anterior and dorsal rim. The occipital forms the anterior rim during early development." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "lateral occipital foramina" EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-20T16:00:30Z
+id: ZFA:0005893
+name: glossopharyngeal foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen in the exoccipital through which the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX) passes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-20T16:05:15Z
+id: ZFA:0005894
+name: vagus foramen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Foramen in the exoccipital through which the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) passes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-20T16:06:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005895
+name: trigeminal-facial chamber
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Chamber in the prootic where the trunks of the trigeminal facial nerve complex pass from the brain to the outside of the cranium. In the adult, a posteromedial extension from the prootic delimits the medial boundary of the trigeminal-facial chamber. The anterior opening of the trigeminal-facial chamber lies between the prootic and the pterosphenoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "trigeminofacialis chamber" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-10-27T16:53:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005896
+name: anal retractor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Longitudinal unpaired muscle that attaches to the base of the most posterior ray of the anal fin (usually ray 14) and runs posteriorly into he hypaxial musculature of the caudal fin. The anal retractor pulls the anal fin toward the body." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "infracarinalis posterior" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180212-2]
+synonym: "retractor analis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2018-02-12T10:14:25Z
+id: ZFA:0005897
+name: anal protractor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Longitudinal muscle that on the anterior end is continuous with the retractor ischii and on the posterior end inserts into the base of the first anal ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+synonym: "infracarinalis medius" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180212-2]
+synonym: "protractor analis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2018-02-12T10:37:38Z
+id: ZFA:0005898
+name: caudal hematopoietic tissue
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Tissue that lies between the caudal artery and the caudal vein plexus where definitive hematopoiesis occurs after 48hpf and before the hematopoietic progenitors migrate to the thymus and kidney." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061227-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070303-37]
+synonym: "posterior blood island" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070303-37]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2018-02-21T12:40:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005899
+name: scale focus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The initial growth point of the scale. In zebrafish the focus is on the anterior edge of the scale." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180311-2]
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000277 ! scale
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2018-08-30T16:47:45Z
+id: ZFA:0005900
+name: scale radius
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Grooves on the scale radiating from the focus. Zebrafish have primary radii that start at the focus and extend to the posterior margin of the scale." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180311-2]
+synonym: "scale radii" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000277 ! scale
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2018-08-30T16:50:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005901
+name: superior ocular sulcus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Transient groove in the dorsal eye lined by basal lamina. The groove extends across the dorsal retina to partially separate the nasal and temporal retinal lobes. The sulcus forms soon after optic cup formation and as the eye develops it becomes broader and shallower until it is undetectable." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180310-10]
+synonym: "dorsal ocular sulcus" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2018-09-05T16:23:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005902
+name: pterygoid process
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A medial cartilaginous spur that develops from the dorsomedial edge of the palatoquadrate. It is derived from cells located in the maxillary prominence of the first pharyngeal arch and gives rise to the metapterygoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100726-23, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
+synonym: "Ptp" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005903 ! cartilaginous projection
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001399 ! palatoquadrate cartilage
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2018-09-12T09:53:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005903
+name: cartilaginous projection
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletal tissue that is an extension of a skeletal element composed of cartilage." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2018-09-12T10:11:35Z
+id: ZFA:0005904
+name: retroarticular process
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A protrusion of cartilage at the posteroventral tip of Meckel's cartilage that gives rise to the retroarticular." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-161203-3]
+is_a: ZFA:0005903 ! cartilaginous projection
+relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001205 ! Meckel's cartilage
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2018-09-12T10:37:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005905
+name: coronoid process
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cartilaginous protrusion on the posterodorsal region of Meckel's cartilage. The coronoid process of Meckel's cartilage forms the dorsal portion of the articulation with the anteroventral corner of the palatoquadrate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-161203-3]
+synonym: " coronoid process of Meckel's cartilage" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005903 ! cartilaginous projection
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001205 ! Meckel's cartilage
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2018-09-12T14:26:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005906
+name: Reissner's fiber
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Thread-like fibrous aggregation of secreted molecules extending from the subcommissural organ (SCO) through the ventricular system and central canal to the end of the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:978-0471888895, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980205-16]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000938 ! central canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2018-11-29T11:06:47Z
+id: ZFA:0005907
+name: tectal neuropile
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuronal tissue that is the arborization field for the majority of the ganglion cell axons, it also holds other incoming axons, for example, from the pretectum and the contralateral tectum, as well as the dendrites and axons of tectal interneurons and projection neurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081218-37]
+synonym: "synaptic neuropil " RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101101-16]
+synonym: "tectial lamina" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081218-37]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2019-01-28T17:08:19Z
+id: ZFA:0005908
+name: presumptive pretectum proliferative zone
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region the larval brain that is a forerunner of the adult central and superficial pretectal regions. This region is non ventricular neural proliferation zone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-8, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990406-3]
+synonym: "M1" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2019-01-29T16:22:51Z
+id: ZFA:0005909
+name: presumptive preglomerular region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region that gives rise to various caudal tubercular structures in the preglomerular region This region is non ventricular neural proliferation zone and doesn't express GABA." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020912-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-8]
+synonym: "early migrated posterior tubercular region" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+synonym: "M2" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+synonym: "preglomerular anlagen " RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020912-2]
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2019-01-29T16:37:24Z
+id: ZFA:0005910
+name: presumptive ventral entopeduncular nucleus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is presumed to give rise to the entopenduncular nucleus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040304-8, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090914-27]
+synonym: "M3" NARROW []
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2019-01-30T13:02:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005911
+name: presumptive lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that gives rise to the lateral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. The area sometimes called M4 does not express GABA or dlx2a." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090814-14, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090914-27]
+synonym: "lateral nucleus of area ventralis telencepha" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090814-14]
+synonym: "M4" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090814-14]
+is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2019-01-30T13:42:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005912
+name: endolymphatic sac
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pouch at the end of the endolymphatic duct that helps regulates pressure on the inner ear. The endolymphatic sac is separated from the endolymphatic duct by a dynamic lamellar barrier. The lamellar barrier is composed of long, thin lamellar sheets that form tongue-and-groove structure or interwoven broadly overlapping structures. In adults, the endolymphatic duct and sac are partially encased within the temporal bone such that the distal end of the endolymphatic sac protrudes out of the temporal bone into the cranial cavity ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180622-24]
+xref: TAO:0002194
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+creation_date: 2019-04-16T14:25:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005913
+name: urine
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Organism substance that is the output of the nephron." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050818-17]
+is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+creation_date: 2019-05-02T16:21:42Z
+id: ZFA:0005914
+name: argentum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Iridophore layer of iris composed of a outer layer of regularly tiled iridophores and an inner layer of randomly arranged iridophores. The outer regularly tiled iridophores reflect blue green light. The light reflecting crystals in the iris iridophores are composed of anhydrous Beta-guanine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180822-3]
+synonym: "argenta " EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "iridophore layer iris" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001238 ! iris
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2019-05-29T15:43:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005915
+name: iris melanophore layer
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Layer of melanophores that are positioned behind the argenta. The melanophore layer absorbs unfocused light preventing it from reaching the retina." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180822-3]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001238 ! iris
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2019-05-29T15:55:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005916
+name: tapetum lucidum
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Iridophore layer that forms along the dorsal region of the poster segment of the eye. The tapetum is formed by a single layer of Iridophores and is proximal to the photoreceptors and is located in the choroid. The tapetum reflects photons back to the photoreceptors if they were not initially absorbed by the photoreceptors." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180822-3]
+synonym: "tapetum cellulosum" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005229 ! optic choroid
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2019-05-29T16:15:09Z
+id: ZFA:0005917
+name: anterior-posterior polarized neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast where the paired hair cells are polarized along the anterior-posterior body axis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061205-16]
+synonym: "anteroposterior oriented neuromast" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-06-18T10:40:23Z
+id: ZFA:0005918
+name: dorsal-ventral polarized neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast where the paired hair cells are polarized along the dorsal-ventral body axis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061205-16]
+synonym: "dorsoventral oriented neuromast" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-06-18T10:44:49Z
+id: ZFA:0005919
+name: dorsal-ventral polarized posterior lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior lateral line neuromast where the paired hair cells are polarized along the dorsal-ventral body axis. Develops from the secondary lateral line primordium." [GOC:CVS, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
+synonym: "perpendicular posterior lateral line neuromast" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0000940 ! posterior lateral line neuromast
+is_a: ZFA:0005918 ! dorsal-ventral polarized neuromast
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005116 ! secondary posterior lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-06-18T10:46:54Z
+id: ZFA:0005920
+name: anterior-posterior polarized posterior lateral line neuromast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior lateral line neuromast where the paired hair cells are polarized along the anterior-posterior body axis. Deposited by the primary lateral line primordium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
+synonym: "parallel posterior lateral line neuromast" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0000940 ! posterior lateral line neuromast
+is_a: ZFA:0005917 ! anterior-posterior polarized neuromast
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005115 ! primary posterior lateral line primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-06-18T10:53:53Z
+id: ZFA:0005921
+name: migratory muscle precursor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle precursor cells that delaminate from the dermomyotome after epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and undergo long-range migration while retaining proliferative capacity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001205-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-200701-39]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "migratory mesenchymal precursor " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001205-1]
+synonym: "MMP" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0009291 ! muscle precursor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+creation_date: 2020-07-01T10:51:34Z
+id: ZFA:0005922
+name: migratory muscle precursor stream
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Groups of migratory muscle precursor that migrate from a conserved origination in concerted manner along stereotyped path." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:06:26Z
+id: ZFA:0005923
+name: anterior migratory muscle precursor stream
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle precursor stream that originates from the ventral regions of somites 1-3 and migrates anterior of the pectoral fin bud. Migratory muscle precursor from this stream form the esophageal striated muscle and sternohyoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130709-61]
+synonym: "first migratory stream" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005922 ! migratory muscle precursor stream
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:10:27Z
+id: ZFA:0005924
+name: middle migratory muscle precursor stream
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Muscle precursor stream that originates from the ventral regions of somites 2-4 and migrates toward the pectoral fin bud. Migratory muscle precursors from this stream contribute to the pectoral fin musculature and make a small contribution to the posterior hypaxial muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190808-2]
+synonym: "middle migratory muscle precursor stream" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005922 ! migratory muscle precursor stream
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:14:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005925
+name: posterior migratory muscle precursor stream
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Migratory muscle precursor stream that originates from the ventral regions of somites 5-7 that migrates posterior to the pectoral fin bud. Migratory muscle precursors from this stream form the posterior hypaxial muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190427-4]
+synonym: "third migratory stream" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005922 ! migratory muscle precursor stream
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:17:29Z
+id: ZFA:0005926
+name: posterior hypaxial muscle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The posterior hypaxial muscle is an early-forming ventral body wall muscle, located immediately posterior to the fin and positioned like a chest muscle. Migratory muscle precursor from somites 4-7 using the middle and posterior stream contribute to the PHM. Stabilizes the sternohyoid during suction feeding. Insertion point is on the cleithrum." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190427-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-200701-39]
+synonym: "anterior hypaxial muscle " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050318-5]
+synonym: "inferior obliquus muscle" BROAD [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020913-1]
+synonym: "PHM" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventral-most hypaxial muscle " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010924-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0000362 ! hypaxialis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005924 ! middle migratory muscle precursor stream
+relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005925 ! posterior migratory muscle precursor stream
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:21:03Z
+id: ZFA:0005927
+name: endothelial blood brain barrier
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel endothelium that restricts the passage of circulating substances from the blood to the brain parenchyma while actively facilitating the passage of nutrients and removal of waste products. The developing blood brain barrier undergoes a period of transcytosis and leaks that decrease as the mature form is established. The barrier matures in a posterior to anterior direction." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190821-6]
+is_a: ZFA:0005259 ! continuous blood vessel endothelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+creation_date: 2020-07-30T10:25:52Z
+id: ZFA:0005928
+name: melanoleucophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lecophores that develop from melanophores. Melanoleucophore are located at the margin of the dorsal fin, in the dorsal and ventral lobes of the caudal fin. Melanoleucophores lack pterdines and carotenoids; exhibited variably shaped organelles distinct from iridophore reflecting platelets and melanosomes and have crystalline Beta-guanine. Melanoleucophores express tyrosinase related protein 1b and purine nucleoside phosphorylase 4a. Immature cells may contain melanin." [GOC:cvs, GOC:st, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCID:0000-0002-4142-7153, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190530-2]
+subset: cell_slim
+is_a: ZFA:0009261 ! leucophore
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009091 ! melanocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+creation_date: 2020-11-04T13:46:59Z
+id: ZFA:0005929
+name: xantholeucophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lecophores that develops from xanthophores. Xantholeucophores are located on the anal fin. Xantholeucophores contain round organelles carotenoid vesicles containing yellow/orange pigment as well as irregular organelles indistinguishable from pterinosomes, which contain yellow or colorless pteridines. During development white pigmentation surrounds a yellow-orange center, gradually increasing until whole cell appears white. Xantholeucophore express aldehyde oxidase 5 and purine nucleoside phosphorylase 4a. These cells most closely resemble the leucophores of other teleost." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190530-2]
+comment: ZDB-PUB-190912-11 mentions that on the 8th day of development Yellow EL xanthophores gradually fade from view, entering a cryptic state. These same progenitors contribute to adult melanophores (black cell) and at least some xanthophores (orange cell). Additionally, some embryonic/EL melanophores persist into the adult stage (brown cell), and EL xanthophores lose their pigment, entering a cryptic phase (light yellow cell), and then reacquire pigment at a late stage of adult pattern development.
+subset: cell_slim
+is_a: ZFA:0009261 ! leucophore
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009198 ! xanthophore
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-11-04T14:18:50Z
+id: ZFA:0005930
+name: lumen
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical space within a tubular organ, duct, or vessel." [GOC:cvs,, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+creation_date: 2020-11-20T13:39:11Z
+id: ZFA:0005931
+name: vascular plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Nonhierarchical network of interconnected vessels. May be the primitive state of a mature vascular structure." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3]
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:12:43Z
+id: ZFA:0005932
+name: developmental vascular plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Transient plexus formed by vasculogenesis that results in the formation of an intermediate network of similar sized vessels with polygonal-shaped avascular spaces. As the vasculature matures it is remodeled into a hierarchical vascular tree." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:23799579, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3]
+is_a: ZFA:0005931 ! vascular plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:29:48Z
+id: ZFA:0005933
+name: mature plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stable vascular plexus that persist in the adult animal." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:23799579, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3]
+synonym: "capillary plexus" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature vascular plexus" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005931 ! vascular plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:32:44Z
+id: ZFA:0005934
+name: subintestinal venous plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Non stereotyped venous plexus derived from specialised angioblast that originate in the floor of the posterior cardinal vein. Emerges from the duct of Cuvier at 2dpf as a reticular structure that spreads bilaterally over the surface of the yolk and gut." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151021-20, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151104-9]
+synonym: "subintestinal plexus" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005931 ! vascular plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:35:56Z
+id: ZFA:0005935
+name: superficial subintestinal venous plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Subintestinal venous plexus that wraps the yolk. Anterior vessels connected to both the left and right subintestinal vein drain into the liver. These vessels are reabsorbed after the yolk is depleted." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3]
+synonym: "yolk plexus" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005932 ! developmental vascular plexus
+is_a: ZFA:0005934 ! subintestinal venous plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:41:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005936
+name: deep subintestinal venous plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Plexus that wraps the anterior digestive system. These vessels form the permanent, superficial vessels of the digestive system. The left subintestinal vein regresses and empties into the right subintestinal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151021-20]
+is_a: ZFA:0005933 ! mature plexus
+is_a: ZFA:0005934 ! subintestinal venous plexus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:43:36Z
+id: ZFA:0005937
+name: interconnecting vessels
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vessels that form connections between the sub intestinal vein and the supraintestinal artery. There are fewer ICVs on the right side of the fish due to the asymmetrical development of the subintestinal veins." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151104-9]
+synonym: "ICV" RELATED []
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005934 ! subintestinal venous plexus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-11-20T15:14:22Z
+id: ZFA:0005938
+name: inter-organ blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel that bridge between organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130710-65]
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+creation_date: 2020-12-02T09:24:58Z
+id: ZFA:0005939
+name: liver pancreas connecting vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessels that bridge between the liver and pancreas. Four of these vessels have been described, called V1 LP-V4LP. The vessels may be transient or permanent and may make direct or indirect connections between the organ vasculature." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130710-65]
+is_a: ZFA:0005938 ! inter-organ blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-12-02T09:30:41Z
+id: ZFA:0005940
+name: fibrocartilaginous callus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Temporary regenerating structure composed of chondrocytes and fibroblast that stabilizes the bone ends at a fracture site. The fibrocartilagionous callus surrounds the bone ends." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190807-16]
+is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+creation_date: 2021-01-27T10:34:06Z
+id: ZFA:0005941
+name: bone callus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Temporary regenerating structure wider than the original bone composed of osteoblast and mineralized tissue that replaces the fibrocartilagenous callus at a bone fracture site. The bone callus is eventually remodeled to be the width of the surrounding bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190807-16]
+is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005940 ! fibrocartilaginous callus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2021-01-27T10:38:07Z
+id: ZFA:0005942
+name: lysosome-rich enterocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Enterocytes that possess a large supranuclear vacuolar system that preferentially internalize dietary protein via receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis for intracellular digestion and trans-cellular transport. In zebrafish these cells are located in the posterior region of the mid intestine throughout life. In mammals thy are found in the ileum pre-weaning and later are replaced by mature enterocytes ." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-1009-339X, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190903-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+is_a: ZFA:0009269 ! enterocyte
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2021-01-27T10:44:40Z
+id: ZFA:0005944
+name: mural cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cells that localize on the abluminal side of the vascular endothelium that regulate vessel stability and function. Mural cells are categorized into vascular smooth muscle cells or pericytes." [ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCID:0000-0002-4142-7153, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190116-4]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0008034
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2021-01-27T11:37:04Z
+id: ZFA:0006000
+name: intermediate hypothalamus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Brain structure that lies perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the embryonic neural tube, is continuous with the rostral hypothalamic proliferation and whose most lateral extent is deflected dorsally within the inferior lobe." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001018-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020730-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-19]
+synonym: "Hi" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0006000
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000032 ! hypothalamus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: giles
+creation_date: 2009-03-26T02:23:30Z
+id: ZFA:0007000
+name: macula saccule
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula saccule senses linear acceleration and gravity. In juveniles the macula saccule is oriented vertically in a plane running along the anterioposterior body axis. It covers the medial wall of the saccule along most of its length." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
+synonym: "saccular macula" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007000
+is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000558 ! posterior macula
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000428 ! saccule
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007001
+name: dorso-rostral cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Early-forming telencephalic neural cluster. Neurons of the dorso-rostral cluster (drc) extend axons to form the supra-optic tract (SOT) and the anterior commissure (AC)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
+synonym: "dorsal rostral cluster" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsorostral cluster" EXACT []
+synonym: "drc" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007001
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0007002
+name: ventro-rostral cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Early-forming neural cluster located in the rostral diencephalon. At 19 h, axons arising from the vrc grow caudally to pioneer the tract of the postoptic commissure (TPOC)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
+synonym: "ventral rostral cluster" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventrorostral cluster" EXACT []
+synonym: "vrc" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007002
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0007003
+name: ventro-caudal cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Early-forming neural cluster of the ventral midbrain. At 16 h, axons of the vcc grow caudally to pioneer the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), which is part of the larger ventral longitudinal tract (VLT). Later, neurons from this cluster project axons rostrally into the tract of the post-optic commissure (TPOC)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
+synonym: "vcc" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral caudal cluster" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventrocaudal cluster" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007003
+is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0007004
+name: epiphyseal cluster
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Early-developing neuronal cluster of the epiphysis. By 24 hpf the pioneer axon of the dorsoventral diencephalic tract (DVDT) has arisen from the ec and grown ventrally. As this axon encounters axons of the TPOC, it makes a near-90 rostral turn and grows rostrally among axons of the TPOC growing in the opposite direction." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
+synonym: "ec" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007004
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000019 ! epiphysis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0007005
+name: hemal prezygapophysis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001380
+def: "Hemal prezygapophyses are paired, anteromedially directed processes arising from the bases of hemal arches, ligamentously joined to the hemal postzygapophyses of the preceding vertebra. Posterior caudal vertebrae close to the caudal fin lack hemal prezygapophyses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "haemal prezygapophysis" EXACT []
+synonym: "hemal prezygopophysis" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007005
+is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000519 ! hemal arch
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007006
+name: lip
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Surface structure that is one of the fleshy folds surrounding the opening of the mouth." [GOC:ymb,, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "lips" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007006
+is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000547 ! mouth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007008
+name: ventral intermandibularis anterior
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a mandibular muscle that attaches to Meckel's cartilage and functions during jaw closing." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-9]
+synonym: "intermandibularis anterior" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral intermandibulari anterior" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007008
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000369 ! intermandibularis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0007009
+name: nerve
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A portion of tissue which is a fasciculated group of axons. Many time axons in the nerve are enveloped by the glial cells of the peripheral nervous system, the Schwann cells." [GOC:ymb, ISBN:0878937420, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007009
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007010
+name: thalamic eminence
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Part of the forebrain that is ventral to the ventral thalamus and dorsal to the preoptic area. See page 44 of the Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
+synonym: "eminentia thalami" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007010
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007011
+name: vagal root
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Part of cranial nerve X." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+synonym: "rX" EXACT []
+synonym: "vagus root" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007011
+is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000453 ! cranial nerve X
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007012
+name: lateral forebrain bundle
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "In the adult bilaterally paired compact tract located lateral to the medial forebrain bundle that extends to the diencephalon. Formed from several fascicles that originate in the precommissural telencephalon and converge rostrocaudally. In the seven day old fish bilaterally paired bundle that runs caudally from the anterior commissure to the forebrain. In the caudal diencephalon the bundle divides into two parts. The thinner part runs more laterally and ventrally, and the thicker part was located more medially and dorsally. Both bundles run in the caudal direction toward the cranial wall of the lateral recess of the diencephalic ventricle, where they apparently exchange some fibers. Then, they continue in the caudal direction, surrounding the lateral recess from the ventral and dorsal side, and meet close to the caudal wall of lateral recess at the level of the commissure of the posterior tuberculum." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-051207-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "fasciculus lateralis telencephali" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
+synonym: "lateral forebrain bundles" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007012
+is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0007013
+name: preplacodal ectoderm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Non neural ectoderm that surrounds the presumptive neural plate and gives rise to neurogenic placodes." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "panplacodal ectoderm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
+xref: TAO:0007013
+is_a: ZFA:0001178 ! non neural ectoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007014
+name: anterior presumptive neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rostral portion of embryonic tissue that gives rise to the anterior neural plate." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007014
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+id: ZFA:0007015
+name: posterior presumptive neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Caudal portion of embryonic tissue that gives rise to the posterior neural plate." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007015
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+id: ZFA:0007016
+name: anterior neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rostral portion of the neural plate. Develops into the anterior neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007016
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007014 ! anterior presumptive neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007017
+name: posterior neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior portion of the neural plate that gives rise to the posterior neural keel." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007017
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007015 ! posterior presumptive neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007018
+name: forebrain neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior portion of anterior neural plate that gives rise to the forebrain neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007018
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000062 ! presumptive forebrain
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007016 ! anterior neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007019
+name: midbrain neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of neural plate that gives rise to the midbrain neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007019
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000148 ! presumptive midbrain
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007016 ! anterior neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007020
+name: forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of anterior neural plate that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary neural plate" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007020
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001368 ! presumptive forebrain midbrain boundary
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007016 ! anterior neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007021
+name: spinal cord neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the posterior neural plate that gives rise to the spinal cord neural keel." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007021
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000417 ! presumptive spinal cord
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007017 ! posterior neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007022
+name: hindbrain neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of posterior neural plate that gives rise to the hindbrain neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007022
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000569 ! presumptive hindbrain
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007017 ! posterior neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007023
+name: posterior neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior portion of the neural keel that gives rise to the posterior neural rod." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007023
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007017 ! posterior neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0007024
+name: anterior neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rostral portion of the neural keel. Develops into the anterior neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007024
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007016 ! anterior neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0007025
+name: midbrain neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of neural keel that gives rise to the midbrain neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007025
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007019 ! midbrain neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0007026
+name: forebrain neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior portion of anterior neural keel that gives rise to the forebrain neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007026
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007018 ! forebrain neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0007027
+name: forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of anterior neural keel that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary neural keel" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007027
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007020 ! forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0007028
+name: spinal cord neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the posterior neural keel that gives rise to the spinal cord neural rod." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007028
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007023 ! posterior neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0007029
+name: hindbrain neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of posterior neural keel that gives rise to the hindbrain neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007029
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007022 ! hindbrain neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007023 ! posterior neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0007030
+name: posterior neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior portion of the neural rod that gives rise to the posterior neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007030
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007023 ! posterior neural keel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0007031
+name: anterior neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rostral portion of the neural rod. Develops into the anterior neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007031
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0007032
+name: midbrain neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of neural rod that gives rise to the midbrain neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007032
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007025 ! midbrain neural keel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0007033
+name: forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of anterior neural rod that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary neural rod" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007033
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007027 ! forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0007034
+name: forebrain neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior portion of anterior neural rod that gives rise to the forebrain neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007034
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007026 ! forebrain neural keel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0007035
+name: spinal cord neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the posterior neural rod that gives rise to the spinal cord neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007035
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007030 ! posterior neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0007036
+name: hindbrain neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of posterior neural rod that gives rise to the hindbrain neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007036
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007030 ! posterior neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0007037
+name: posterior neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Posterior portion of the neural tube that gives rise to the hindbrain and spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007037
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007030 ! posterior neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0007038
+name: anterior neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Rostral portion of the neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007038
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0007039
+name: midbrain neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of neural tube that gives rise to the midbrain." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007039
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007032 ! midbrain neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007038 ! anterior neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0007040
+name: forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of anterior neural tube that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary neural tube" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007040
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007033 ! forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007038 ! anterior neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0007041
+name: forebrain neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anterior portion of anterior neural rod that gives rise to the forebrain." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007041
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007034 ! forebrain neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007038 ! anterior neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0007042
+name: spinal cord neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of the posterior neural tube that gives rise to the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007042
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007037 ! posterior neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0007043
+name: hindbrain neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of posterior neural tube that gives rise to the hindbrain." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007043
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007036 ! hindbrain neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007037 ! posterior neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0007044
+name: midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of neural plate that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural plate" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007044
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001187 ! presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007045
+name: midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of neural keel that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural keel" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007045
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007044 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+id: ZFA:0007046
+name: midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of neural rod that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural rod" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007046
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007045 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0007047
+name: midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of neural tube that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural tube" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007047
+is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007046 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+id: ZFA:0007048
+name: ventral intermandibularis posterior
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a mandibular muscle that attaches Meckel's cartilage to the basihyal cartilage and functions in jaw opening." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-9]
+synonym: "intermandibularis posterior" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral intermandibulari posterior" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007048
+is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000369 ! intermandibularis
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0007049
+name: adductor mandibulae
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a mandibular muscle that forms along the palatoquadrates and inserts on Meckel's cartilages and functions in jaw closing." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050318-5]
+synonym: "dorsal adductor mandibulae" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007049
+is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0007050
+name: constrictor dorsalis
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Dorsal subdivision of the putative mandibular muscle plate. Splits into the dilatator operculi and the levator arcus palatini." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
+synonym: "constrictors dorsalis" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007050
+is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007051
+name: interhyoideus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a ventral paired hyoid muscle that has attachment sites on the basihyal and the posterior end of the ceratohyals and functions in jaw opening." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
+synonym: "interhyal" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral interhyoidei" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "ventral interhyoideus" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007051
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0007052
+name: hyohyoideus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a ventral,paired hyoid muscle that inserts at the most anterior basibranchial and also at the posterior ends of the ceratohyals and functions in jaw closure." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
+synonym: "hyohyal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007052
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0007053
+name: adductor hyomandibulae
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a dorsal, paired hyoid muscle that attaches to the dorsomedial faces of the hyosymplectics." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
+synonym: "dorsal adductor hyomandibulae" EXACT []
+synonym: "dorsal adductors hyomandibulae" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007053
+is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+id: ZFA:0007054
+name: pillar of the anterior semicircular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pillar of the semicircular canal around whose perimeter runs the anterior semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
+synonym: "anterior hub of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior pillar" EXACT []
+synonym: "anterior pillar of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "horizontal hub" RELATED []
+xref: TAO:0007054
+is_a: ZFA:0001717 ! pillar of the semicircular canal
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000232 ! otic vesicle lateral protrusion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000469 ! otic vesicle anterior protrusion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000314 ! anterior semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0007055
+name: pillar of the lateral semicircular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pillar of the semicircular canal around whose perimeter runs the lateral semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
+synonym: "lateral hub of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral bar" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral pillar" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventral piller of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007055
+is_a: ZFA:0001717 ! pillar of the semicircular canal
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001716 ! otic vesicle ventral protrusion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000220 ! lateral semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0007056
+name: pillar of the posterior semicircular canal
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Pillar of the semicircular canal around whose perimeter runs the posterior semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
+synonym: "horizontal hub" RELATED []
+synonym: "posterior hub of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior pillar" EXACT []
+synonym: "posterior pillar of the semicircular" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001717 ! pillar of the semicircular canal
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000232 ! otic vesicle lateral protrusion
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000412 ! otic vesicle posterior protrusion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000262 ! posterior semicircular canal
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0007057
+name: ocular blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel within the eye." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "eye vasculature" EXACT []
+synonym: "ocular vasculature" RELATED []
+synonym: "optic vasculature" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007057
+is_a: ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0007058
+name: roof plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal-most aspect of the developing neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007058
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0007059
+name: neurogenic field
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Portion of tissue fated to develop into neurogenic placode." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "neurogenic fields" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007059
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007013 ! preplacodal ectoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0007060
+name: dorsolateral field
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neurogenic field fated to develop into a dorsolateral placode." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "dorsolateral fields" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007060
+is_a: ZFA:0007059 ! neurogenic field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007061
+name: epibranchial field
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neurogenic field fated to develop into an epibranchial placode." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "epibranchial fields" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007061
+is_a: ZFA:0007059 ! neurogenic field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007062
+name: olfactory field
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neurogenic field fated to develop into the olfactory placode." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "olfactory fields" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: TAO:0007062
+is_a: ZFA:0007059 ! neurogenic field
+relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0007063
+name: neural crest hindbrain
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest that is part of the hindbrain." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "rhombencephalic neural crest" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007063
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne Bradford
+creation_date: 2009-04-29T04:51:35Z
+id: ZFA:0007064
+name: mandibular neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest that migrates into the mandibular arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-6]
+xref: TAO:0007064
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007063 ! neural crest hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne Bradford
+creation_date: 2009-04-29T04:53:53Z
+id: ZFA:0007065
+name: hyoid neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest that migrates into the hyoid arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-6]
+xref: TAO:0007065
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007063 ! neural crest hindbrain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne Bradford
+creation_date: 2009-04-29T04:56:12Z
+id: ZFA:0007066
+name: glossopharyngeal neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cranial neural crest which gives rise to the glossopharyngeal ganglion." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+xref: TAO:0007066
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne Bradford
+creation_date: 2009-11-04T03:39:42Z
+id: ZFA:0007067
+name: vagal ganglion
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+synonym: "gX" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0007067
+is_a: ZFA:0001555 ! epibranchial ganglion
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne Bradford
+creation_date: 2010-04-21T09:45:38Z
+id: ZFA:0007068
+name: otic epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an epithelium of the auditory apparatus." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne Bradford
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T12:34:16Z
+id: ZFA:0007069
+name: otic squamous epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an otic epithelium composed of cells with a squamous morphology." [GOC:ymb, ISBN:019514502X, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne Bradford
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T12:38:05Z
+id: ZFA:0007070
+name: otic sensory epithelium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is an otic epithelium that is a neuroepithelium which is pseudostratified and senses sound." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne Bradford
+creation_date: 2011-04-26T12:43:35Z
+id: ZFA:0007071
+name: flexural organ
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a portion of tissue that is the most anterior portion of the notochord. The flexural organ secretes Reissner's fiber-related proteins, including F-spondin." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120709-5]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000135 ! notochord
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2012-07-18T02:12:26Z
+id: ZFA:0007072
+name: blood sinus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a multitissue structure that accumulates blood." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:12:44Z
+id: ZFA:0007073
+name: blood sinus cavity
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An enlarged chamber in the blood sinus capable of accumulating a large volume of blood." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "blood sinus lumen" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007072 ! blood sinus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:14:28Z
+id: ZFA:0007074
+name: maxillary barbel blood sinus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a three-chambered blood sinus found at the base of the maxillary barbel. Responsible, in part, for the movement of the maxillary barbel." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
+is_a: ZFA:0007072 ! blood sinus
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:18:03Z
+id: ZFA:0007075
+name: distal bulb of the maxillary blood sinus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a multi-tissue structure forming the smallest chamber of the maxillary barbel blood sinus. It projects into the barbel shaft and has a blood filled lumen, into which extend irregular septa of vascular smooth muscle cells. Additional smooth muscle cells surround the lumen and attach the bulb to the barbel core. Circumferential to the core, there is a thin band of dermal tissue through with run several smaller capillaries and the barbel branch of the of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). The entire structure is wrapped by a glandular, stratified epithelium." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140813-6]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007074 ! maxillary barbel blood sinus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:22:04Z
+id: ZFA:0007076
+name: central chamber of the maxillary blood sinus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a multi-tissue structure that is located outside the maxillary barbel proper and is positioned on the lateral surface of the maxilla, medially attached to the lateral surface of the maxillary bone and is laterally is attached to a hemispheric capsule of dense connective tissue of the distal bulb. It connects with the smaller accessory chamber through a slight isthmus. It has a smooth muscle tunic from which extend luminally projecting muscular septa." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140813-6]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007074 ! maxillary barbel blood sinus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:27:58Z
+id: ZFA:0007077
+name: accessory chamber of the maxillary blood sinus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a multi-tissue structure part of the maxillary barbel blood sinus which is connected to the central chamber of the maxillary blood sinus by a slight isthmus. It is not muscularized, has no dense connective tissue capsule and is not attached to adjacent bone. Is composed of dark tunica intima wrapped by thick, light tunica adventitia; cells within the adventitia are widely separated, with extended cytoplasmic veils. External to the adventitia, a branch of the facial nerve and several smaller nerve bundles appear in cross section just lateral to the isthmus. These nerves are in the dermis, but outside the sinus." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140813-6]
+is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007074 ! maxillary barbel blood sinus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:34:40Z
+id: ZFA:0007078
+name: maxillary barbel lymph vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A blind end lymph vessel that emerges from the maxilla, wraps around the sinus isthmus, then runs alongside the distal bulb to enter the barbel shaft proper." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100121-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
+synonym: "dorsal maxillary barbel lymph vessel" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005408 ! maxillary barbel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:41:22Z
+id: ZFA:0007079
+name: maxillary barbel blood vessel
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Blood vessel that emerges from the maxilla, wraps around the sinus isthmus, then runs alongside the distal bulb to enter the barbel shaft proper. There are two ventral vessels that connect distally in the maxillary barbel forming a complete capillary loop." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100121-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
+synonym: "ventral maxillary barbel blood vessel" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005408 ! maxillary barbel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:46:19Z
+id: ZFA:0007080
+name: maxillary barbel vasculature
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a vasculature that delivers fluid to the maxillary barbel." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100121-1]
+is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005408 ! maxillary barbel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:52:05Z
+id: ZFA:0007081
+name: maxillary barbel proximal plexus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Is a vascular plexus at the base, or proximal end, of the developing maxillary barbel." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100121-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
+is_a: ZFA:0007080 ! maxillary barbel vasculature
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005408 ! maxillary barbel
+relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:55:07Z
+id: ZFA:0007082
+name: neural plate border
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Region of the neural plate that will give rise to the neural crest. The neural plate border includes progenitors for the dorsal neural tube, the neural crest, and placodes. It is a broad competence domain, established between neural and non-neural ectoderm within which subtle and sequential cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous molecular interactions will progressively define the neural crest fate from adjacent dorsal neural fates." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, PMID:22305800]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-01-28T08:43:28Z
+id: ZFA:0007083
+name: premigratory neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Premigratory neural crest population that develops from the neural plate border. The cells of this group will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delaminate to produce the migratory neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007082 ! neural plate border
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-01-28T09:06:50Z
+id: ZFA:0007084
+name: premigratory neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that is part of the premigratory neural crest population. Will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination to become part of the migratory neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "premigratory neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0007004
+is_a: ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007083 ! premigratory neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-01-28T09:29:06Z
+id: ZFA:0007085
+name: migratory neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Migratory neural crest population that develops from premigratory neural crest. This group of neural crest has undergone ectomesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007083 ! premigratory neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-01-28T12:04:14Z
+id: ZFA:0007086
+name: migratory neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that is part of the migratory neural crest population. Migratory neural crest cells develop from premigratory neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "migratory neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000333
+is_a: ZFA:0009136 ! motile cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007084 ! premigratory neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007085 ! migratory neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-01-28T01:35:09Z
+id: ZFA:0007087
+name: migratory cranial neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Migratory cranial neural crest population that develops from premigratory cranial neural crest. This group of neural crest has undergone ectomesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+is_a: ZFA:0007085 ! migratory neural crest
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007088 ! premigratory cranial neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-07T11:45:15Z
+id: ZFA:0007088
+name: premigratory cranial neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Premigratory cranial neural crest population that develops from the neural plate border. The cells of this group will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delaminate to produce the migratory cranial neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+is_a: ZFA:0007083 ! premigratory neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-07T03:27:33Z
+id: ZFA:0007089
+name: embryonic cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the embryo." [CL:curator]
+xref: CL:0002321
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-30T01:24:36Z
+id: ZFA:0007090
+name: premigratory cranial neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that is part of the premigratory cranial neural crest population. Will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination to become part of the migratory cranial neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "premigratory cranial neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0007084 ! premigratory neural crest cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007088 ! premigratory cranial neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-31T12:37:58Z
+id: ZFA:0007091
+name: migratory cranial neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that is part of the migratory cranial neural crest population. Migratory cranial neural crest cells develop from premigratory cranial neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "migratory cranial neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000008
+is_a: ZFA:0007086 ! migratory neural crest cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007090 ! premigratory cranial neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007087 ! migratory cranial neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-31T12:43:55Z
+id: ZFA:0007092
+name: premigratory trunk neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Premigratory trunk neural crest population that develops from the neural plate border. The cells of this group will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delaminate to produce the migratory trunk neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001024 ! trunk neural crest
+is_a: ZFA:0007083 ! premigratory neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-31T01:03:25Z
+id: ZFA:0007093
+name: migratory trunk neural crest
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Migratory trunk neural crest population that develops from premigratory trunk neural crest. This group of neural crest has undergone ectomesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001024 ! trunk neural crest
+is_a: ZFA:0007085 ! migratory neural crest
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007092 ! premigratory trunk neural crest
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-31T01:11:09Z
+id: ZFA:0007094
+name: premigratory trunk neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that is part of the premigratory trunk neural crest population. Will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination to become part of the migratory trunk neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "premigratory trunk neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0007084 ! premigratory neural crest cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009004 ! trunk neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007092 ! premigratory trunk neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-31T01:18:04Z
+id: ZFA:0007095
+name: migratory trunk neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that is part of the migratory trunk neural crest population. Migratory trunk neural crest cells develop from premigratory trunk neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "migratory trunk neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000011
+is_a: ZFA:0007086 ! migratory neural crest cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007094 ! premigratory trunk neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0007093 ! migratory trunk neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-03-31T01:22:09Z
+id: ZFA:0007096
+name: vertebra 13
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 12." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T14:15:01Z
+id: ZFA:0007097
+name: vertebra 14
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 13." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T14:22:33Z
+id: ZFA:0007098
+name: vertebra 15
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 14." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:10:35Z
+id: ZFA:0007099
+name: vertebra 16
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 15." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:15:45Z
+id: ZFA:0007100
+name: vertebra 17
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 16." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:17:20Z
+id: ZFA:0007101
+name: vertebra 18
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 17." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:19:07Z
+id: ZFA:0007102
+name: vertebra 19
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 18." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:20:46Z
+id: ZFA:0007103
+name: vertebra 20
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 19." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:22:42Z
+id: ZFA:0007104
+name: vertebra 21
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 20." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:24:43Z
+id: ZFA:0007105
+name: vertebra 22
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 21." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:26:15Z
+id: ZFA:0007106
+name: vertebra 23
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 22." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:29:09Z
+id: ZFA:0007107
+name: vertebra 24
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 23." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:31:04Z
+id: ZFA:0007108
+name: vertebra 25
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 24." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:32:40Z
+id: ZFA:0007109
+name: vertebra 26
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 25." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:34:15Z
+id: ZFA:0007110
+name: vertebra 27
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 26." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:36:10Z
+id: ZFA:0007111
+name: vertebra 28
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 27." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:37:40Z
+id: ZFA:0007112
+name: vertebra 29
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 28." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:39:17Z
+id: ZFA:0007113
+name: vertebra 30
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 29." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: yvonne
+creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:41:01Z
+id: ZFA:0007114
+name: anatomical conduit
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An anatomical structure that is an opening or tube that connects two distinct anatomical spaces." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2018-03-23T11:46:06Z
+id: ZFA:0007115
+name: pericardial region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An anatomical cluster composed of the heart and associated structures." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2018-03-26T11:52:32Z
+id: ZFA:0007116
+name: pleuroperitoneal region
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An anatomical cluster composed of the organs of the pleuroperitoneal cavity and associated structures." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2018-03-26T14:19:43Z
+id: ZFA:0007117
+name: Meckel's cartilage-palatoquadrate cartilage joint
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Joint between Meckel's cartilage and palatoquadrate cartilage." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151122-6]
+synonym: "jaw joint" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2019-04-05T15:06:57Z
+id: ZFA:0007118
+name: vertebral body end plate
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The vertebral body end plate is part of the autocentrum. The anterior and posterior surfaces of the autocentrum constitute the funnel shaped vertebral body end plates. The outer rim of the end plate is the vertebral body growth zone. The anterior and posterior end plates are connected by bony plates that are horizontally attached to the ourter contour of the autocentrum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180228-2]
+synonym: "vertebral body endplate" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000126 ! centrum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2019-04-08T12:21:06Z
+id: ZFA:0007119
+name: intervertebral ligament
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Ligament that connects adjacent vertebra. The intervertebral ligament (IVL) connects the posterior vertebral end plate to the anterior vertebral end plate of adjacent vertebra. For example the IVL connects the posterior end plate of vertebra 14 to the anterior end plate of vertebra 15. It is typically composed of three distinct layers: the notochord sheet which is mainly type II collagen; the outer elastin layer; and a layer of type I collagen fiber bundles." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180808-7]
+synonym: "IVL" EXACT []
+is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001559 ! vertebral column
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2019-04-08T13:27:22Z
+id: ZFA:0007120
+name: cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Spinal cord interneuron located along the central canal that extends a microvilliated apical process into the cerebrospinal fluid and extends ascending axonal projections ventrally and ipsilaterally. CSF-cNs are GABAergic neurons that express PKD2L1 (TRPP3) channels and have been shown to be chemosensory and mechanosensory, responding to pH and osmolarity changes as well as mechanical stimuli associated with tail bending. CSF-cNs originate from two distinct progenitor domains, p3 and pMN. CSF-cNs project onto caudal primary (CaP motor neurons) and commissural primary ascending (CoPA) sensory interneurons within the escape circuit as well as onto V0-v interneurons within the slow swimming circuit." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+synonym: "CSF-cN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+synonym: "CSF-cNs" EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0009120 ! mechanoreceptor cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009124 ! chemoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2020-03-03T10:15:16Z
+id: ZFA:0007121
+name: ventral cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron that originates form p3 progenitor domain. The apical extension of ventral CSF-cNs are more compact than that of dorsal CSF-cNs. Ventral CSF-cNs synapse with CaP motor neurons and project onto CoPA sensory interneurons. Ventral CSF-cNs respond to longitudinal contractions of the spinal cord. Frequently called KA\" neurons." [GOC:ymb, ORDiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+synonym: "KA 2" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventral CSF-cN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+synonym: "ventral CSF-cNs" EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
+is_a: ZFA:0007120 ! cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2020-03-03T10:51:35Z
+id: ZFA:0007122
+name: epidermal stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A stem cell that gives rise to several epidermal cell types, including ionocytes and keratinocytes." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+synonym: "" RELATED []
+xref: CL:1000428
+is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2020-03-03T13:31:57Z
+id: ZFA:0007123
+name: ionocyte progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that will become an ionocyte. Ionocyte progenitor cells develop from epidermal stem cells in the ventral ectoderm that are DeltaC and Tp63 positive." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190402-19]
+synonym: "ionocyte progenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007122 ! epidermal stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2020-03-03T14:01:21Z
+id: ZFA:0007124
+name: keratinocyte progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that will become a keratinocyte. Keratinocyte progenitor cells develop from epidermal stem cells in the ventral ectoderm that are DeltaC negative and Tp63 positive." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190402-19]
+synonym: "keratinocyte progenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007122 ! epidermal stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2020-03-03T14:12:30Z
+id: ZFA:0007125
+name: midbrain hindbrain boundary constriction
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A portion of tissue that is the deepest point of the fold of the midbrain hindbrain boundary. In zebrafish the midbrain hindbrain boundary constriction (MHBC) is formed soon after neural tube closure. The MHBC is formed by the bending of the basal side of the neuroepithelium." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080825-24]
+synonym: "MHBC" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080825-24]
+is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000042 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary
+relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
+created_by: Yvonne
+creation_date: 2020-03-04T12:35:25Z
+id: ZFA:0009000
+name: cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane." [CARO:MAH, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CARO:0000013
+xref: CL:0000000
+xref: TAO:0009000
+is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0009001
+name: receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "receptor cells (sensu Animalia)" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000006
+xref: TAO:0009001
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009002
+name: early embryonic cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An embryonic cell that is formed before the germ layers have been formed." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "early embryonic cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000007
+xref: TAO:0009002
+is_a: ZFA:0007089 ! embryonic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
+id: ZFA:0009003
+name: cranial neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the cranial neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cranial neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009004
+name: trunk neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the trunk neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "trunk neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001024 ! trunk neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009005
+name: spermatocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A male germ cell that develops from spermatogonia. The euploid primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis and give rise to the haploid secondary spermatocytes which in turn give rise to spermatids." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "spermatocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000017
+xref: TAO:0009005
+is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009007 ! spermatogonium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+id: ZFA:0009006
+name: sperm
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "sperm cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "spermatozoid" EXACT []
+synonym: "spermatozoon" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000019
+xref: TAO:0009006
+is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009007
+name: spermatogonium
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001337
+def: "An euploid male germ cell of an early stage of spermatogenesis." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "spermatogonia" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000020
+xref: TAO:0001337
+xref: TAO:0009007
+is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005882 ! spermatogenic cyst
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009009
+name: neuron neural crest derived
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000029
+xref: TAO:0009009
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009010
+name: glioblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "glioblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000030
+xref: TAO:0009010
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001120 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009011
+name: neuroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000031
+xref: TAO:0009011
+is_a: ZFA:0009019 ! neuronal stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009012
+name: neuroplacodal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuroplacodal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000032
+xref: TAO:0009012
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009013
+name: single fate stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "single fate stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000035
+xref: TAO:0009013
+is_a: ZFA:0009307 ! somatic stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009014
+name: hematopoietic stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A stem cell from which all cells of the lymphoid and myeloid lineages develop, including blood cells and cells of the immune system." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "colony forming unit hematopoietic" RELATED []
+synonym: "hematopoietic progenitor cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "hemopoietic progenitor cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "hemopoietic stem cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "HSC" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000037
+xref: TAO:0009014
+is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009258 ! angioblastic mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0009015
+name: erythroid progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell committed to the erythroid lineage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "BFU-E" RELATED []
+synonym: "blast forming unit erythroid" RELATED []
+synonym: "burst forming unit erythroid" RELATED []
+synonym: "CFU-E" RELATED []
+synonym: "colony forming unit erythroid" RELATED []
+synonym: "erythroid stem cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000038
+xref: TAO:0009015
+is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009022 ! megakaryocyte erythroid progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009016
+name: germ line cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that is within the developmental lineage of gametes and is able to pass along its genetic material to offspring." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "germ line cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000039
+xref: TAO:0009016
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009017
+name: monoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A myeloid progenitor cell committed to the monocyte lineage." [CL:curator,]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CFU-M" EXACT []
+synonym: "colony forming unit macrophage" EXACT []
+synonym: "monocyte stem cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000040
+xref: TAO:0009017
+is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009251 ! granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009018
+name: neutrophilic myeloblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A myeloblast committed to the neutrophil lineage. A myeloblast is the most primitive precursor in the granulocytic series, having fine, evenly distributed chromatin, several nucleoli, and a nongranular basophilic cytoplasm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neutrophilic granuloblast" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000042
+xref: TAO:0009018
+is_a: ZFA:0009353 ! myeloblast
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009352 ! neutrophil progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009019
+name: neuronal stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuronal stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000047
+xref: TAO:0009019
+is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009020
+name: multi fate stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A stem cell that can give rise to mulitple lineages of cells." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "multipotent stem cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000048
+xref: TAO:0009020
+is_a: ZFA:0009307 ! somatic stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009021
+name: common myeloid progenitor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell committed to myeloid lineage, including the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CMP" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
+synonym: "colony forming unit granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
+synonym: "multipotential myeloid stem cell" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
+synonym: "myeloid stem cell" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
+synonym: "pluripotent stem cell (bone marrow)" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
+xref: CL:0000049
+xref: TAO:0009021
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009014 ! hematopoietic stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009022
+name: megakaryocyte erythroid progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell committed to the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "colony forming unit erythroid megakaryocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "MEP" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000050
+xref: TAO:0009022
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009021 ! common myeloid progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009023
+name: common lymphoid progenitor
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An oligopotent progenitor cell committed to the lymphoid lineage." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CLP" EXACT []
+synonym: "committed lymphopoietic stem cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "early lymphocyte progenitor" RELATED []
+synonym: "ELP" RELATED []
+synonym: "lymphoid stem cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "lymphopoietic stem cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000051
+xref: TAO:0009023
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009014 ! hematopoietic stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0009024
+name: totipotent stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A stem cell from which all cells of the body can form." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "totipotent stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000052
+xref: TAO:0009024
+is_a: ZFA:0009307 ! somatic stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009025
+name: myoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An embryonic (precursor) cell of the myogenic lineage that develops from the mesoderm. They undergo proliferation, migrate to their various sites, and then differentiate into the appropriate form of myocytes." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "myoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000056
+xref: TAO:0009025
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009179 ! muscle stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009026
+name: fibroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A connective tissue cell which secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules." [CL:curator]
+comment: Not in CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fibroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000057
+xref: TAO:0009026
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009027
+name: chondroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletogenic cell that is typically non-terminally differentiated, secretes an avascular, GAG rich matrix; is not buried in cartilage tissue matrix, retains the ability to divide, located adjacent to cartilage tissue (including within the perichondrium)." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chondroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000058
+xref: TAO:0009027
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0009028
+name: ameloblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cylindrical epithelial cell in the innermost layer of the enamel organ. Their functions include contribution to the development of the dentinoenamel junction by the deposition of a layer of the matrix, thus producing the foundation for the prisms (the structural units of the dental enamel), and production of the matrix for the enamel prisms and interprismatic substance. (From Jablonski's Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992)." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ameloblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000059
+xref: TAO:0009028
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005134 ! dental epithelium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009029
+name: odontoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Skeletogenic cell that secretes dentine matrix, is derived from the tooth pulp." [GOC:cvs]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "odontoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000060
+xref: TAO:0009029
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005141 ! tooth pulp
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009030
+name: cementoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of ectomesenchymal origin concerned with the formation of the layer of cementum on the roots of teeth." [ISBN:0781733901]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cementoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000061
+xref: TAO:0009030
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009031
+name: osteoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A bone-forming cell which secretes an extracellular matrix. Hydroxyapatite crystals are then deposited into the matrix to form bone." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "osteoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000062
+xref: TAO:0009031
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009184 ! osteoprogenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009032
+name: ciliated cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ciliated cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000064
+xref: TAO:0009032
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009033
+name: ependymal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neurectoderm derived cell that lines the neural lumen." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ependymocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000065
+xref: TAO:0009033
+is_a: ZFA:0009035 ! ciliated epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009306 ! neuroepithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009034
+name: epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that is usually found in a two-dimensional sheet with a free surface." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000066
+xref: TAO:0009034
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009035
+name: ciliated epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ciliated epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000067
+xref: TAO:0009035
+is_a: ZFA:0009032 ! ciliated cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009036
+name: blood vessel endothelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "blood vessel endothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000071
+xref: TAO:0009036
+is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009065 ! endothelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005773 ! embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005257 ! blood vessel endothelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009037
+name: barrier epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "barrier epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000073
+xref: TAO:0009037
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009038
+name: columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "columnar/cuboidal epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000075
+xref: TAO:0009038
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009039
+name: squamous epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "squamous epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000076
+xref: TAO:0009039
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009040
+name: mesothelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000077
+xref: TAO:0009040
+is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009130 ! lining cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009041
+name: peridermal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "peridermal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000078
+xref: TAO:0009041
+is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009042
+name: stratified epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stratified epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000079
+xref: TAO:0009042
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009180 ! stratified epithelial stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009043
+name: circulating cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell which moves among different tissues of the body, via blood, lymph, or other medium." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "circulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000080
+xref: TAO:0009043
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009044
+name: blood cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell found predominately in the blood." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "blood cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000081
+xref: TAO:0009044
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000007 ! blood
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0009045
+name: epithelial cell of pancreas
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "epithelial cells of pancreas" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000083
+xref: TAO:0009045
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009139 ! endodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009046
+name: T cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009340
+alt_id: ZFA:0009341
+def: "A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+comment: CL:0000804 and CL:0000812 were merged in the cell ontology into CL:0000084.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "immature T cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature T cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000084
+xref: TAO:0009046
+xref: TAO:0009340
+xref: TAO:0009341
+is_a: ZFA:0009250 ! lymphocyte
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009350 ! pro-T cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009047
+name: osteoclast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A specialized phagocytic cell associated with the absorption and removal of the mineralized matrix of bone tissue, which typically differentiates from monocytes." [CL:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+comment: Morphology: Highly vesicular; markers: Surface: RANK, cFMS (MCSF receptor); Secreted: cathepsin K and TRAP (tartate resistant acid phosphatase); transcription factors: PU.1, cFOS, MITF, NFkB (p52); role or process: tissue remodelling: bone resorption; lineage: hematopoietic, myeloid.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chondroclast" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000092
+xref: TAO:0009047
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009265 ! monocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009048
+name: granulocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A leukocyte with abundant granules in the cytoplasm." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "granulocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000094
+xref: TAO:0009048
+is_a: ZFA:0009326 ! myeloid leukocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009049
+name: mature neutrophil
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A fully differentiated neutrophil, a granular leukocyte having a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mature neutrocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature neutrophil leucocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature neutrophil leukocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature neutrophilic leucocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature neutrophilic leukocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "PMN" EXACT []
+synonym: "poly" RELATED []
+synonym: "polymorphonuclear leucocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "polymorphonuclear leukocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "polymorphonuclear neutrophil" EXACT []
+synonym: "polynuclear neutrophilic leucocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "polynuclear neutrophilic leukocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000096
+xref: TAO:0009049
+is_a: ZFA:0009327 ! neutrophil
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009254 ! band form neutrophil
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009328 ! immature neutrophil
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009050
+name: sensory epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "sensory epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000098
+xref: TAO:0009050
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009306 ! neuroepithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009051
+name: interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Most generally any neuron which is not motor or sensory. Interneurons may also refer to neurons whose axons remain within a particular brain region as contrasted with projection neurons which have axons projecting to other brain regions." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000099
+xref: TAO:0009051
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009052
+name: motor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An efferent neuron that passes from the central nervous system or a ganglion toward or to a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000100
+xref: TAO:0009052
+is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009053
+name: sensory neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000432
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000101
+xref: TAO:0009053
+is_a: ZFA:0009238 ! afferent neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009054
+name: polymodal neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "polymodal neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000102
+xref: TAO:0009054
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009055
+name: bipolar neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A type of interneuron that has two neurites, usually an axon and a dendrite, extending from opposite poles of an ovoid cell body." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-4]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "bipolar neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000103
+xref: TAO:0009055
+is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000119 ! retinal inner nuclear layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009056
+name: multipolar neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "multipolar neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000104
+xref: TAO:0009056
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009057
+name: pseudounipolar neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pseudounipolar neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000105
+xref: TAO:0009057
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009058
+name: unipolar neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "unipolar neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000106
+xref: TAO:0009058
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009059
+name: autonomic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "autonomic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000107
+xref: TAO:0009059
+is_a: ZFA:0009009 ! neuron neural crest derived
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001574 ! autonomic nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009060
+name: cholinergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron that uses acetylcholine as a vesicular neurotransmitter." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cholinergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000108
+xref: TAO:0009060
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009061
+name: adrenergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "adrenergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000109
+xref: TAO:0009061
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009062
+name: peptidergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "peptidergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000110
+xref: TAO:0009062
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009063
+name: peripheral neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "peripheral neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000111
+xref: TAO:0009063
+is_a: ZFA:0009009 ! neuron neural crest derived
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009064
+name: mononuclear phagocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A vertebrate phagocyte with a single nucleus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mononuclear phagocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000113
+xref: TAO:0009064
+is_a: ZFA:0009357 ! mononuclear cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009065
+name: endothelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "endothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000115
+xref: TAO:0009065
+is_a: ZFA:0009130 ! lining cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009066
+name: pioneer neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000409
+def: "Pioneer neurons establish a pathway in the developing central nervous system and then undergo programmed cell death once the adult axons, which follow them, have made connections with the target site. Thus, they are a transient cell type involved in axon guidance." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070131-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000116
+xref: TAO:0009066
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000048 ! olfactory placode
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0009067
+name: CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CNS neurons (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000117
+xref: TAO:0009067
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009168 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009068
+name: basket cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "basket cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000118
+xref: TAO:0009068
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009069
+name: Golgi cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "Golgi cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000119
+xref: TAO:0009069
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009070
+name: granule cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "granule cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000120
+xref: TAO:0009070
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009071
+name: Purkinje cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The output neuron of the cerebellar cortex." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "Purkinje cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000121
+xref: TAO:0009071
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001706 ! Purkinje cell layer corpus cerebelli
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001709 ! Purkinje cell layer valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009072
+name: stellate cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stellate cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000122
+xref: TAO:0009072
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009073
+name: glial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000025
+def: "A non-neuronal cell of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu. Guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuroglia" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000125
+xref: TAO:0009073
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009010 ! glioblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0009074
+name: macroglial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "macroglial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000126
+xref: TAO:0009074
+is_a: ZFA:0009147 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009169 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009075
+name: astrocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system - the largest and most numerous neuroglial cells in the brain and spinal cord. Astrocytes (from 'star' cells) are irregularly shaped with many long processes, including those with 'end feet' which form the glial (limiting) membrane and directly and indirectly contribute to the blood-brain barrier. They regulate the extracellular ionic and chemical environment, and 'reactive astrocytes' (along with microglia) respond to injury." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "astrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000127
+xref: TAO:0009075
+is_a: ZFA:0009074 ! macroglial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009076
+name: oligodendrocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system. Form the insulating myelin sheath of axons in the central nervous system." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "oligodendroglia" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000128
+xref: TAO:0009076
+is_a: ZFA:0009074 ! macroglial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009169 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009077
+name: microglial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A central nervous system macrophage found in the parenchyma of the central nervous system." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "microglia" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000129
+xref: TAO:0009077
+is_a: ZFA:0009141 ! macrophage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009078
+name: gut endothelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "gut endothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000131
+xref: TAO:0009078
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009065 ! endothelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009139 ! endodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009079
+name: corneal endothelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell of the single layer of large flattened cells covering the surface of the cornea." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "corneal endothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000132
+xref: TAO:0009079
+is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009065 ! endothelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001687 ! corneal endothelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009080
+name: neurectodermal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neurectoderm cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000133
+xref: TAO:0009080
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009137 ! ectodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009081
+name: mesenchymal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that normally gives rise to other cells that are organized as three-dimensional masses, rather than sheets." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesenchymal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000134
+xref: TAO:0009081
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009082
+name: fat cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009208
+def: "A fat-storing cell found mostly in the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue of mammals. Fat is usually stored in the form of triglycerides. Cell that stores fat in a unilocular lipid droplet, has a thin circular cytoplasm and pericentral nucleus. The average adult adipocyte diameter is between 30 and 40 micrometers. No adipocytes were observed in larvae on 6 or 9 dpf." [CL:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "adipocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "lipocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "lipocytes" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000136
+xref: CL:0000450
+xref: TAO:0009082
+xref: TAO:0009208
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
+id: ZFA:0009083
+name: osteocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A mature osteoblast that has become embedded in the bone matrix. They occupy a small cavity, called lacuna, in the matrix and are connected to adjacent osteocytes via protoplasmic projections called canaliculi." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "osteocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000137
+xref: TAO:0009083
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009031 ! osteoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005734 ! lacunocanalicular system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009084
+name: chondrocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Polymorphic cell that form cartilage." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chondrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000138
+xref: TAO:0009084
+is_a: ZFA:0009093 ! GAG secreting cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009287 ! collagen secreting cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009027 ! chondroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009085
+name: amelocyte
+def: "Skeletogenic cell that produces enamel, overlies the odontogenic papilla, and arises from the differentiation of a preameloblast cell." [GOC:tfm]
+comment: Was CL:0000139, seems that cell type was merged into CL:0000059 along with CL:0000053.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "amelocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000059
+xref: TAO:0009085
+is_a: ZFA:0009089 ! simple columnar epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009028 ! ameloblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009086
+name: odontocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "odontocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000140
+xref: TAO:0009086
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009029 ! odontoblast
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009087
+name: cementocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An osteocytelike cell with numerous processes, trapped in a lacuna in the cement of the tooth." [ISBN:0781733901]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cementocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000141
+xref: TAO:0009087
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009030 ! cementoblast
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0009088
+name: professional antigen presenting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell capable of processing and presenting lipid and protein antigens to T cells in order to initiate an immune response." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+comment: Note change of name; nearly all somatic cells can present antigens to T cells via MHC Class I complexes leading to effector responses, but professional antigen presenting cells constitutively express MHC Class II as well as constimulatory molecules, and thus can initiate immune responses via T cells.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "APC" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000145
+xref: TAO:0009088
+is_a: ZFA:0009309 ! leukocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009089
+name: simple columnar epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "simple columnar epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000146
+xref: TAO:0009089
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009090
+name: pigment cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000057
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chromatocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "chromatophore" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000147
+xref: TAO:0009090
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0009091
+name: melanocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001091
+def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains melanin-filled pigment granules, which gives a brown to black appearance." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "melanophore" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000148
+xref: TAO:0009091
+is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009249 ! melanoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005915 ! iris melanophore layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0009092
+name: exocrine cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of an exocrine gland, i.e. a gland that discharges its secretion via a duct." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-5]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "exocrine cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000152
+xref: TAO:0009092
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009093
+name: GAG secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "hyaluronic acid secreting cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000153
+xref: TAO:0009093
+is_a: ZFA:0009162 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009094
+name: goblet cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the epithelial lining that produce and secrete mucins." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chalice cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000160
+xref: TAO:0009094
+is_a: ZFA:0009159 ! mucus secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009095
+name: acid secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "acid secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000161
+xref: TAO:0009095
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009096
+name: endocrine cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of an endocrine gland, ductless glands that secrete substances which are released directly into the circulation and which influence metabolism and other body functions." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "endocrine cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000163
+xref: TAO:0009096
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009097
+name: enteroendocrine cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An endocrine cell that is located in the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract." [SANBI:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "enteroendocrine cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000164
+xref: TAO:0009097
+is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009098
+name: neuroendocrine cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron that has the specialized function to produce and secrete hormones, and that constitutes, in whole or in part, an endocrine organ or system." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neurosecretory cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000165
+xref: TAO:0009098
+is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009190 ! electrically responsive cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009099
+name: chromaffin cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that stores epinephrine secretory vesicles. During times of stress, the nervous system signals the vesicles to secrete their hormonal content. Their name derives from their ability to stain a brownish color with chromic salts. Characteristically, they are located in the adrenal medulla and paraganglia of the sympathetic nervous system." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "phaeochromocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000166
+xref: TAO:0009099
+is_a: ZFA:0009098 ! neuroendocrine cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009100
+name: peptide hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "peptide hormone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000167
+xref: TAO:0009100
+is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009101
+name: insulin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "insulin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000168
+xref: TAO:0009101
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009102
+name: pancreatic B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "beta cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000169
+xref: TAO:0009102
+is_a: ZFA:0009101 ! insulin secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009103
+name: glucagon secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "glucagon secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000170
+xref: TAO:0009103
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009104
+name: pancreatic A cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "alpha cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000171
+xref: TAO:0009104
+is_a: ZFA:0009103 ! glucagon secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009105
+name: somatostatin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "somatostatin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000172
+xref: TAO:0009105
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009106
+name: steroid hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "steroid hormone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000174
+xref: TAO:0009106
+is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009107
+name: testosterone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "testosterone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000177
+xref: TAO:0009107
+is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009108
+name: Leydig cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A Leydig cell is a testosterone-secreting cell in the interstitial area, between the seminiferous tubules, in the testis." [PMID:12050120]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "interstitial cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000178
+xref: TAO:0009108
+is_a: ZFA:0009107 ! testosterone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009109
+name: progesterone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "progesterone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000179
+xref: TAO:0009109
+is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009110
+name: estradiol secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "estradiol secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000180
+xref: TAO:0009110
+is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009111
+name: hepatocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The main structural component of the liver. They are specialized epithelial cells that are organized into interconnected plates called lobules." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "hepatocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000182
+xref: TAO:0009111
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009398 ! hepatoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009112
+name: pericyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An elongated, contractile cell found wrapped about precapillary arterioles outside the basement membrane. Pericytes are present in capillaries where proper adventitial and muscle layer are missing (thus distinguishing this cell type from adventitial cells). They are relatively undifferentiated and may become fibroblasts, macrophages, or smooth muscle cells." [CL:curator, ISBN:0721662544, PMID:16807374, PMID:17986482, PMID:20024907]
+comment: CL:0000184 was merged into CL:0000699.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pericytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "perivascular cells" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000669
+xref: TAO:0009112
+is_a: ZFA:0005944 ! mural cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009113
+name: myoepithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "myoepithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000185
+xref: TAO:0009113
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009114
+name: muscle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte, that forms one of three kinds of muscle." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "myocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "myofiber" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000187
+xref: TAO:0009114
+is_a: ZFA:0009190 ! electrically responsive cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009025 ! myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009115
+name: skeletal muscle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "skeletal muscle fiber" EXACT []
+synonym: "striated muscle cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000188
+xref: TAO:0009115
+is_a: ZFA:0005784 ! striated muscle cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009236 ! skeletal muscle myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009116
+name: slow muscle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001087
+def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "red muscle cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "slow muscle fiber" EXACT [ISBN:0815316208]
+xref: CL:0000189
+xref: TAO:0009116
+is_a: ZFA:0009115 ! skeletal muscle cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001373 ! migratory slow muscle precursor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009368 ! slow muscle myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009117
+name: fast muscle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001088
+def: "A muscle cell that has a fast contractile response. Fast muscle fibers make up the deep portion of the myotome and are also known as white muscle cells." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080501-8, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle fiber" EXACT []
+synonym: "white muscle cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000190
+xref: TAO:0009117
+is_a: ZFA:0009115 ! skeletal muscle cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009369 ! fast muscle myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
+id: ZFA:0009118
+name: smooth muscle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-striated, elongated, spindle-shaped cell found lining the digestive tract, uterus, and blood vessels. They develop from specialized myoblasts (smooth muscle myoblast)." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "non-striated muscle cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000192
+xref: TAO:0009118
+is_a: ZFA:0009114 ! muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009119
+name: pain receptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The peripheral receptor for pain. Includes receptors which are sensitive to painful mechanical stimuli, extreme heat or cold, and chemical stimuli. All mammalian nociceptors are free nerve endings." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "nociceptor" EXACT []
+synonym: "nocireceptor" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000198
+xref: TAO:0009119
+is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009120
+name: mechanoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell specialized to transduce mechanical stimuli and relay that information centrally in the nervous system." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mechanoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000199
+xref: TAO:0009120
+is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009121
+name: auditory receptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A mechanoreceptor cell located in the inner ear that is sensitive to auditory stimuli. The accessory sensory structures are arranged so that appropriate stimuli cause movement of the hair-like projections (stereocilia and kinocilia) which relay the information centrally in the nervous system." [CL:curator]
+comment: Has alt_id CL:0000201.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "auditory hair cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "auditory receptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000202
+xref: TAO:0009121
+is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009122
+name: obsolete_auditory hair cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+is_obsolete: true
+replaced_by: ZFA:0009121
+id: ZFA:0009123
+name: thermoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cellular receptor which mediates the sense of temperature. Thermoreceptors in vertebrates are mostly located under the skin. In mammals there are separate types of thermoreceptors for cold and for warmth and pain receptor cells which detect cold or heat extreme enough to cause pain." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "thermoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000205
+xref: TAO:0009123
+is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009124
+name: chemoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell specialized to detect chemical substances and relay that information centrally in the nervous system. Chemoreceptors may monitor external stimuli, as in taste and olfaction, or internal stimuli, such as the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chemoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000206
+xref: TAO:0009124
+is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009125
+name: olfactory receptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "olfactory receptor neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "Schultze's cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000207
+xref: TAO:0009125
+is_a: ZFA:0009124 ! chemoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009126
+name: taste receptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "taste receptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000209
+xref: TAO:0009126
+is_a: ZFA:0009124 ! chemoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001074 ! taste bud
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009127
+name: photoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell specialized to detect and transduce light." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000210
+xref: TAO:0009127
+is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009128
+name: electrically active cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell whose function is determined by the generation or the reception of an electric signal." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "electrically active cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000211
+xref: TAO:0009128
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009129
+name: absorptive cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that takes up and metabolizes substances." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "absorptive cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000212
+xref: TAO:0009129
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009130
+name: lining cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell within an epithelial cell sheet whose main function is to act as an internal or external covering for a tissue or an organism." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "boundary cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000213
+xref: TAO:0009130
+is_a: ZFA:0009132 ! barrier cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009131
+name: synovial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "synovial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000214
+xref: TAO:0009131
+is_a: ZFA:0009093 ! GAG secreting cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009130 ! lining cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009132
+name: barrier cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell whose primary function is to prevent the transport of stuff across compartments." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "barrier cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000215
+xref: TAO:0009132
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009133
+name: Sertoli cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A supporting cell projecting inward from the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules. They surround and nourish the developing male germ cells and secrete androgen binding protein. Their tight junctions with the spermatogonia and spermatocytes provide a blood-testis barrier." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "Sertoli cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000216
+xref: TAO:0009133
+is_a: ZFA:0009132 ! barrier cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005882 ! spermatogenic cyst
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0009134
+name: insulating cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "insulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000217
+xref: TAO:0009134
+is_a: ZFA:0009132 ! barrier cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009135
+name: myelinating Schwann cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuroglial cell of the peripheral nervous system which forms the insulating myelin sheaths of peripheral axons." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "Schwann cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000218
+xref: TAO:0009135
+is_a: ZFA:0009134 ! insulating cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009147 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+is_a: ZFA:0009163 ! myelin accumulating cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001725 ! immature Schwann cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0009136
+name: motile cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that moves by its own activities." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "motile cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000219
+xref: TAO:0009136
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009137
+name: ectodermal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the outer of the three germ layers of the embryo." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ectoderm cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000221
+xref: TAO:0009137
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0009138
+name: mesodermal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the middle germ layer of the embryo." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesoblast" EXACT []
+synonym: "mesoderm cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000222
+xref: TAO:0009138
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0009139
+name: endodermal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the inner of the three germ layers of the embryo." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "endoderm cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000223
+xref: TAO:0009139
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0009140
+name: phagocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Any cell capable of ingesting particulate matter via phagocytosis." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "phagocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000234
+xref: TAO:0009140
+is_a: ZFA:0009136 ! motile cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009141
+name: macrophage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A mononuclear phagocyte present in variety of tissues, typically differentiated from monocytes, capable of phagocytosing a variety of extracellular particulate material, including immune complexes, microorganisms, and dead cells." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "histiocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000235
+xref: TAO:0009141
+is_a: ZFA:0009064 ! mononuclear phagocyte
+is_a: ZFA:0009088 ! professional antigen presenting cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009265 ! monocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009142
+name: B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of an immunoglobulin complex." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "B lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "B-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000236
+xref: TAO:0009142
+is_a: ZFA:0009250 ! lymphocyte
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009349 ! pro-B cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009143
+name: brush border epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "brush border epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000239
+xref: TAO:0009143
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009144
+name: stratified squamous epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stratified squamous epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000240
+xref: TAO:0009144
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009145
+name: stratified cuboidal epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stratified cuboidal epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000241
+xref: TAO:0009145
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009146
+name: Merkel cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A modified epidermal cell located in the stratum basale. They are found mostly in areas where sensory perception is acute. Merkel cells are closely associated with an expanded terminal bulb of an afferent myelinated nerve fiber." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "Merkel cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000242
+xref: TAO:0009146
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009147
+name: glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-neuronal cells of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu. Form the myelin insulation of nervous pathways, guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons. Neuroglia have high-affinity transmitter uptake systems, voltage-dependent and transmitter-gated ion channels, and can release transmitters, but their role in signaling (as in many other functions) is unclear." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "glial cells (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000243
+xref: TAO:0009147
+is_a: ZFA:0009073 ! glial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009169 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009148
+name: transitional epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "transitional epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000244
+xref: TAO:0009148
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009149
+name: Mauthner neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000087
+alt_id: ZFA:0000613
+def: "Is a hindbrain interneuron. Giant reticulospinal neurons possessing thick crossed axons and positioned dorsally in the hindbrain tegmentum at the level of entrance of the eighth cranial nerve. The Mauthner neuron is paired. The M-cell has two large invariant dendrites: The lateral dendrite terminates in the sensory neuropil of the acoustico-lateral area, and the ventral dendrite terminates in the neuropil of the motor tegmentum. Fine dendrites are present, and mostly arise from three regions; from the terminus of each major dendrite and from the ventral surface of the perikaryon." [GOC:CVS, GOC:MH, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-599, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000246
+xref: TAO:0009149
+is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
+is_a: ZFA:0009194 ! CNS short range interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0009150
+name: Rohon-Beard neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000002
+def: "Primary sensory neurons with cell bodies located in the dorsal spinal cord, that innervate the integument of the trunk and tail at early larval stages. The cutaneous axons of Rohon-Beard neurons display a broad spectrum of peripheral axon branching patterns. Most Rohon-Beard neurons undergo apoptosis by 5dpf." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120807-45]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "RB neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "Rohon-Beard cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "Rohon-Beard neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000247
+xref: TAO:0009150
+is_a: ZFA:0009053 ! sensory neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009151
+name: hatching gland cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "hatching gland cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000249
+xref: TAO:0009151
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009152
+name: extramedullary cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "extramedullary cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000251
+xref: TAO:0009152
+is_a: ZFA:0009053 ! sensory neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009153
+name: eurydendroid cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "eurydendroid cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000253
+xref: TAO:0009153
+is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009154
+name: eye photoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "eye photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000287
+xref: TAO:0009154
+is_a: ZFA:0009127 ! photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000143 ! retinal photoreceptor layer
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001464 ! retinal outer nuclear layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009155
+name: somatotropin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An acidophilic cell of the anterior pituitary that produces growth hormone, somatotropin." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "growth hormone secreting cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "somatotrope" RELATED []
+synonym: "somatotroph" RELATED []
+synonym: "somatotrophin secreting cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "somatotropic cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "somatrophic cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000295
+xref: TAO:0009155
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005581 ! proximal pars anterior
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0009156
+name: gamete
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "gametes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000300
+xref: TAO:0009156
+is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000413 ! gonad
+relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
+id: ZFA:0009157
+name: keratin accumulating cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "keratin accumulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000311
+xref: TAO:0009157
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009158
+name: keratinocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epidermal cell which synthesizes keratin and undergoes a characteristic change as it moves upward from the basal layers of the epidermis to the cornified (horny) layer of the skin. Successive stages of differentiation of the keratinocytes forming the epidermal layers are basal cell, spinous or prickle cell, and the granular cell." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "keratinocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000312
+xref: TAO:0009158
+is_a: ZFA:0009157 ! keratin accumulating cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007124 ! keratinocyte progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009159
+name: mucus secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000129
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mucous cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000319
+xref: TAO:0009159
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009160
+name: seminal fluid secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "seminal fluid secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000321
+xref: TAO:0009160
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009161
+name: metanephric mesenchyme stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: No metanephrose in zebrafish. Consider nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cell ZFA:0009187.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "metanephric mesenchyme stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000324
+xref: TAO:0009161
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0009162
+name: extracellular matrix secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "extracellular matrix secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000327
+xref: TAO:0009162
+is_a: ZFA:0009226 ! stromal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009163
+name: myelin accumulating cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "myelin accumulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000328
+xref: TAO:0009163
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009164
+name: oxygen accumulating cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "oxygen accumulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000329
+xref: TAO:0009164
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009165
+name: neural crest cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the neural crest. The neural crest is a strip of specialized ectoderm, the neural plate border, which flanks each side of the embryonic neural plate. Neural crest cells are multipotent. Premigratory neural crest cells are found at the neural plate boarder, some of which will undergo ectomesenchymal transition and delamination to form migratory neural crest cells. Most of the cranial and all of the spinal sensory ganglion cells arise by differentiation of neural crest cells." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+is_a: ZFA:0007089 ! embryonic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009166
+name: mesenchyme condensation cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesenchyme condensation cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000335
+xref: TAO:0009166
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009167
+name: adrenal medulla cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chromafin cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000336
+xref: TAO:0009167
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009004 ! trunk neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009168
+name: neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata)
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000337
+xref: TAO:0009168
+is_a: ZFA:0009011 ! neuroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009169
+name: glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "glioblasts (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000339
+xref: TAO:0009169
+is_a: ZFA:0009010 ! glioblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009170
+name: pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pigment cells (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000342
+xref: TAO:0009170
+is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009171
+name: visual pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "visual pigment cells (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000343
+xref: TAO:0009171
+is_a: ZFA:0009170 ! pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000152 ! retina
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+id: ZFA:0009172
+name: non-visual cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+comment: Obsoleted because CL obsoleted. Consider pigment cell ZFA:0009090
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "non-visual cells (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000344
+xref: TAO:0009172
+is_obsolete: true
+id: ZFA:0009173
+name: dental papilla cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "dental papilla cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000345
+xref: TAO:0009173
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005140 ! dental papilla
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009174
+name: scleral cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the sclera of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "scleral cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000347
+xref: TAO:0009174
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005563 ! sclera
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009175
+name: choroidal cell of the eye
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the choroid of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "choroidal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000348
+xref: TAO:0009175
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009176
+name: extraembryonic cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "extraembryonic cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000349
+xref: TAO:0009176
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009177
+name: blastoderm cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An undifferentiated cell produced by early cleavages of the fertilized egg (zygote)." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "blastomere" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000353
+xref: TAO:0009177
+is_a: ZFA:0009002 ! early embryonic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001176 ! blastoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0009178
+name: blastemal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "blastemal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000354
+xref: TAO:0009178
+is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009179
+name: muscle stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000355
+xref: TAO:0009179
+is_a: ZFA:0009013 ! single fate stem cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009291 ! muscle precursor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009180
+name: stratified epithelial stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stratified epithelial stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000357
+xref: TAO:0009180
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009181
+name: vascular associated smooth muscle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "vascular associated smooth muscle cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000359
+xref: TAO:0009181
+is_a: ZFA:0005944 ! mural cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009118 ! smooth muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009182
+name: gastrula cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the embryo in the early stage following the blastula, characterized by morphogenetic cell movements, cell differentiation, and the formation of the three germ layers." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "gastrula cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000361
+xref: TAO:0009182
+is_a: ZFA:0009002 ! early embryonic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
+relationship: start ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0009183
+name: epidermal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell found in the outermost layer of the organism." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "epidermal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000362
+xref: TAO:0009183
+is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009184
+name: osteoprogenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "osteoprogenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000375
+xref: TAO:0009184
+is_a: ZFA:0009013 ! single fate stem cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009166 ! mesenchyme condensation cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009185
+name: sensory processing neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "sensory processing neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000379
+xref: TAO:0009185
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009186
+name: neurosecretory neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neurosecretory neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000381
+xref: TAO:0009186
+is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009187
+name: nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000383
+xref: TAO:0009187
+is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009188
+name: ligament cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ligament cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000384
+xref: TAO:0009188
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009189
+name: tendon cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle attachment cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000388
+xref: TAO:0009189
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009190
+name: electrically responsive cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell whose function is determined by its response to an electric signal." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "electrically responsive cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000393
+xref: TAO:0009190
+is_a: ZFA:0009128 ! electrically active cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009191
+name: CNS interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Interneuron that is part of the central nervous system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CNS interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000402
+xref: TAO:0009191
+is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009193
+name: electrically signaling cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that initiates an electrical signal and passes that signal to another cell." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "electrically signaling cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000404
+xref: TAO:0009193
+is_a: ZFA:0009128 ! electrically active cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009194
+name: CNS short range interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CNS short range interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000406
+xref: TAO:0009194
+is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009195
+name: CNS long range interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CNS long range interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000410
+xref: TAO:0009195
+is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009196
+name: hypodermal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "hypodermal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000411
+xref: TAO:0009196
+is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009198
+name: xanthophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001092
+def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains carotenoid pigments in structures called pterinosomes or xanthosomes. This gives an appearance ranging from a golden yellow to orange and red." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000430
+xref: TAO:0009198
+is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005245 ! xanthoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0009199
+name: iridophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0001090
+def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. The cell contains flat light-reflecting platelets, probably of guanine, in stacks called reflecting platets or iridisomes. The color-generating components produce a silver, gold, or iridescent color." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "iridocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "iridosome" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000431
+xref: TAO:0009199
+is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005328 ! iridoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005914 ! argentum
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005916 ! tapetum lucidum
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+id: ZFA:0009200
+name: reticular cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "reticular cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000432
+xref: TAO:0009200
+is_a: ZFA:0009026 ! fibroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009201
+name: alkali secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "alkali secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000435
+xref: TAO:0009201
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009202
+name: follicle stimulating hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "delta basophil" EXACT []
+synonym: "gonadotrope" EXACT []
+synonym: "gonadotroph" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000437
+xref: TAO:0009202
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005581 ! proximal pars anterior
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009203
+name: luteinizing hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "delta basophila" EXACT []
+synonym: "gonadotrope" EXACT []
+synonym: "gonadotroph" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000438
+xref: TAO:0009203
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005581 ! proximal pars anterior
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009204
+name: prolactin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An acidophilic cell of the anterior pituitary that produces prolactin." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "epsilon-acidophil" EXACT []
+synonym: "lactotrope" EXACT []
+synonym: "lactotroph" EXACT []
+synonym: "lactotropic cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "mammotrope" EXACT []
+synonym: "mammotroph" EXACT []
+synonym: "mammotrophic cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "mammotropic cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000439
+xref: TAO:0009204
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005580 ! rostral pars anterior
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0009205
+name: melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the intermediate pituitary that produces melanocyte stimulating hormone." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "melanotrope" EXACT []
+synonym: "melanotroph" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000440
+xref: TAO:0009205
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001197 ! pars intermedia
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0009206
+name: calcitonin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "calcitonin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000443
+xref: TAO:0009206
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009207
+name: parathyroid hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "chief cell" EXACT []
+xref: TAO:0009207
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009209
+name: dendritic cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of hematopoietic origin, typically resident in particular tissues, specialized in the uptake, processing, and transport of antigens to lymph nodes for the purpose of stimulating an immune response via T cell activation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "interdigitating cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "veiled cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000451
+xref: TAO:0009209
+is_a: ZFA:0009088 ! professional antigen presenting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009210
+name: thyroid hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "thyroid hormone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000452
+xref: TAO:0009210
+is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009211
+name: epinephrin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "epinephrin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000454
+xref: TAO:0009211
+is_a: ZFA:0009212 ! biogenic amine secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009212
+name: biogenic amine secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "biogenic amine secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000457
+xref: TAO:0009212
+is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009213
+name: serotonin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "serotin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000458
+xref: TAO:0009213
+is_a: ZFA:0009212 ! biogenic amine secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009214
+name: norepinephrine secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell capable of producting norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is a catecholamine with multiple roles including as a hormone and a neurotransmitter. In addition, epinephrine is synthesized from norepinephrine by the actions of the phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase enzyme." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: " noradrenergic cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "norepinephrin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000459
+xref: TAO:0009214
+is_a: ZFA:0009212 ! biogenic amine secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009215
+name: glucocorticoid secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "glucocorticoid secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000460
+xref: TAO:0009215
+is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009216
+name: adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A basophil cell of the anterior pituitary that produces adrenocorticotropic hormone, or corticotropin." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "adrenocorticotrophic hormone secreting cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "corticotrope" EXACT []
+synonym: "corticotroph" EXACT []
+synonym: "corticotrophin hormone secreting cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "corticotropin hormone secreting cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000467
+xref: TAO:0009216
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005580 ! rostral pars anterior
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0009217
+name: digestive enzyme secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "digestive enzyme secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000470
+xref: TAO:0009217
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009218
+name: thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A basophil cell of the anterior pituitary that produces thyroid stimulating hormone, thyrotrophin." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "beta-basophil" EXACT []
+synonym: "thyrotrope" EXACT []
+synonym: "thyrotroph" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000476
+xref: TAO:0009218
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005581 ! proximal pars anterior
+relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
+id: ZFA:0009219
+name: visible light photoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "visible light photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000488
+xref: TAO:0009219
+is_a: ZFA:0009127 ! photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009220
+name: photopic photoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "photopic photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000490
+xref: TAO:0009220
+is_a: ZFA:0009219 ! visible light photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009221
+name: UV sensitive photoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "UV sensitive photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000494
+xref: TAO:0009221
+is_a: ZFA:0009127 ! photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009222
+name: blue sensitive photoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "blue sensitive photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000495
+xref: TAO:0009222
+is_a: ZFA:0009220 ! photopic photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009223
+name: green sensitive photoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "green sensitive photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000496
+xref: TAO:0009223
+is_a: ZFA:0009220 ! photopic photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009224
+name: red sensitive photoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "red sensitive photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000497
+xref: TAO:0009224
+is_a: ZFA:0009220 ! photopic photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009225
+name: inhibitory interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "inhibitory interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000498
+xref: TAO:0009225
+is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009226
+name: stromal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A connective tissue cell of an organ found in the loose connective tissue. These are most often associated with the uterine mucosa and the ovary as well as the hematopoietic system and elsewhere." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stromal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000499
+xref: TAO:0009226
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009227
+name: granulosa cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A supporting cell for the developing female gamete in the ovary of mammals. They develop from the coelomic epithelial cells of the gonadal ridge. Granulosa cells form a single layer around the mammalian oocyte in the primordial ovarian follicle and advance to form a multilayered cumulus oophorus surrounding the ovum in the Graafian follicle. The major functions of granulosa cells include the production of steroids and LH receptors." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "granulosa cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000501
+xref: TAO:0009227
+is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009228
+name: D cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell found throughout the gastrointestinal tract and in the pancreas. They secrete somatostatin in both an endocrine and paracrine manner. Somatostatin inhibits gastrin, cholecystokinin, insulin, glucagon, pancreatic enzymes, and gastric hydrochloric acid. A variety of substances which inhibit gastric acid secretion (vasoactive intestinal peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, cholecystokinin, beta-adrenergic agonists, and gastric inhibitory peptide) are thought to act by releasing somatostatin." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "D cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000502
+xref: TAO:0009228
+is_a: ZFA:0009097 ! enteroendocrine cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009105 ! somatostatin secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009229
+name: theca cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A flattened stroma cell forming a sheath or theca outside the basal lamina lining the mature ovarian follicle. Thecal interstitial or stromal cells are steroidogenic, and produce primarily androgens which serve as precursors of estrogens in the granulosa cells." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "theca cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000503
+xref: TAO:0009229
+is_a: ZFA:0009226 ! stromal cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009271 ! androgen secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009230
+name: substance P secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "substance P secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000505
+xref: TAO:0009230
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009231
+name: enkephalin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "enkephalin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000506
+xref: TAO:0009231
+is_a: ZFA:0009232 ! endorphin secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009232
+name: endorphin secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "endorphin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000507
+xref: TAO:0009232
+is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009233
+name: paracrine cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "paracrine cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000512
+xref: TAO:0009233
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009234
+name: cardiac muscle myoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A precursor cell destined to differentiate into cardiac myocytes." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cardioblast" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000513
+xref: TAO:0009234
+is_a: ZFA:0009025 ! myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009235
+name: smooth muscle myoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A precursor cell destined to differentiate into smooth muscle myocytes." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "satellite cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000514
+xref: TAO:0009235
+is_a: ZFA:0009025 ! myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009236
+name: skeletal muscle myoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A myoblast that differentiates into skeletal muscle fibers." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "skeletal muscle myoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000515
+xref: TAO:0009236
+is_a: ZFA:0009025 ! myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009237
+name: perineuronal satellite cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A non-neuronal cell that surrounds the neuronal cell bodies of the ganglia." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "perineural satellite cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000516
+xref: TAO:0009237
+is_a: ZFA:0009147 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009169 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009238
+name: afferent neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron which conveys sensory information centrally from the periphery." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "input neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000526
+xref: TAO:0009238
+is_a: ZFA:0009009 ! neuron neural crest derived
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009239
+name: efferent neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron which sends impulses peripherally to activate muscles or secretory cells." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "output neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000527
+xref: TAO:0009239
+is_a: ZFA:0009009 ! neuron neural crest derived
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009240
+name: nitrergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A nerve cell where transmission is mediated by nitric oxide." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "nitrergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000528
+xref: TAO:0009240
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009241
+name: pigmented epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pigmented epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000529
+xref: TAO:0009241
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009306 ! neuroepithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009242
+name: primary neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000055
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000530
+xref: TAO:0009242
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001120 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009243
+name: CaP motoneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A primary motor neuron part of the spinal cord. The CaP motoneuron is found within 1 soma diameter of the ventral root. The axon of the CaP motoneuron extends ventrally from the ventral root, within the space between the notochord and the medial surface of the axial muscles. Below the notochord, the axon extends within the ventral median septum to the ventral edge of the axial muscles, where it turns dorsally and laterally to project over the lateral surface of the axial muscles." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-272, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CAP motoneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "caudal primary motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000532
+xref: TAO:0009243
+is_a: ZFA:0009244 ! primary motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009244
+name: primary motor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000572
+def: "Motor neurons that arise during the first day of development. Primary motoneurons have larger diameter cell bodies and axons than secondary motoneurons and are positioned more dorsally and medially than secondary motoneurons. Primary motoneurons are present in a single bilateral pair of clusters in each spinal segment and innervate axial muscle fibers in the corresponding pair of myotomes. Axons make a conspicuous loop around the Mauthner axon before entering the ventral root." [ISBN:0471530506]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "primary motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000533
+xref: TAO:0009244
+is_a: ZFA:0009052 ! motor neuron
+is_a: ZFA:0009242 ! primary neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009245
+name: primary interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000945
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000534
+xref: TAO:0009245
+is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
+is_a: ZFA:0009242 ! primary neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009246
+name: secondary neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "secondary neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000535
+xref: TAO:0009246
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009247
+name: secondary motor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000584
+def: "Motor neurons that develop several hours later than primary motoneurons and sprout axons several hours after the primary motor growth cones have extended to the periphery. They have smaller cell bodies and are located more ventrally and laterally in the spinal cord than primary motoneurons. Axons usually project directly out of the spinal cord with no apparent contact with the Mauthner axon and are positioned lateral to the Mauthner axon in their path to the ventral root. Secondary motoneurons have smaller fields, which can overlap one another, and innervate many fewer muscle fibers than primary motoneurons." [ISBN:0471530506, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "secondary motoneuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000536
+xref: TAO:0009247
+is_a: ZFA:0009052 ! motor neuron
+is_a: ZFA:0009246 ! secondary neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
+relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
+id: ZFA:0009248
+name: neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000134
+def: "The basic cellular unit of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000540
+xref: TAO:0009248
+is_a: ZFA:0009190 ! electrically responsive cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009193 ! electrically signaling cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009011 ! neuroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
+id: ZFA:0009249
+name: melanoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a pigment cell." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "melanoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000541
+xref: TAO:0009249
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009250
+name: lymphocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the B cell, T cell, or natural killer cell lineage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "lymphocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000542
+xref: TAO:0009250
+is_a: ZFA:0009357 ! mononuclear cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009023 ! common lymphoid progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009251
+name: granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell committed to the granulocyte and monocyte lineages." [, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "CFU-C , Colony forming unit in culture" RELATED []
+synonym: "colony forming unit granulocyte macrophage" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+synonym: "GMP" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+synonym: "granulocyte-macrophage progenitor" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+xref: CL:0000557
+xref: TAO:0009251
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009021 ! common myeloid progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009252
+name: reticulocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An immature erythrocyte showing a basophilic reticulum under vital staining." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "reticulocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000558
+xref: TAO:0009252
+is_a: ZFA:0009044 ! blood cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009325 ! erythroid lineage cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009253
+name: promonocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A precursor in the monocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between the monoblast and monocyte." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "promonocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000559
+xref: TAO:0009253
+is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009017 ! monoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009254
+name: band form neutrophil
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A late neutrophilic metamyelocyte in which the nucleus is in the form of a curved or coiled band, not having acquired the typical multilobar shape of the mature neutrophil." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "band" RELATED []
+synonym: "band cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "band form" EXACT []
+synonym: "rod neutrophil" EXACT []
+synonym: "stab cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000560
+xref: TAO:0009254
+is_a: ZFA:0009328 ! immature neutrophil
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009268 ! neutrophilic metamyelocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009255
+name: amacrine cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Interneuron of the vertebrate retina. They integrate, modulate, and interpose a temporal domain in the visual message presented to the retinal ganglion cells, with which they synapse in the inner plexiform layer." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "amacrine neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000561
+xref: TAO:0009255
+is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000119 ! retinal inner nuclear layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009256
+name: nucleate erythrocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An erythrocyte having a nucleus." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "RBC" EXACT []
+synonym: "red blood cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000562
+xref: TAO:0009256
+is_a: ZFA:0009044 ! blood cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009257
+name: neutrophilic promyelocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neutrophil precursor in the granulocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between a myeloblast and myelocyte, and containing a few, as yet undifferentiated, cytoplasmic granules." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neutrophilic premyelocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "neutrophilic progranulocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "promyelocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000564
+xref: TAO:0009257
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009018 ! neutrophilic myeloblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009258
+name: angioblastic mesenchymal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "angioblast" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000566
+xref: TAO:0009258
+is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009259
+name: cardiac mesenchymal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A mesenchymal cell found in the developing heart." [PMID:18816864]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cardiac mesenchymal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000569
+xref: TAO:0009259
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009004 ! trunk neural crest cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009260
+name: parafollicular cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "C cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000570
+xref: TAO:0009260
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009261
+name: leucophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains uric acid or other purine crystals deposited in stacks called leucosomes. The crystals reflect light and this gives a white appearance under white light. These cells express purine nucleoside phosphorylase 4a." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "guaninophores" RELATED []
+synonym: "guanophore" RELATED [PMID:16588565]
+xref: CL:0000571
+xref: TAO:0009261
+is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005329 ! leucoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009262
+name: retinal cone cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of the two photoreceptor cell types in the vertebrate retina. In cones the photopigment is in invaginations of the cell membrane of the outer segment. Cones are less sensitive to light than rods, but they provide vision with higher spatial and temporal acuity, and the combination of signals from cones with different pigments allows color vision." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "retinal cone cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000573
+xref: TAO:0009262
+is_a: ZFA:0009154 ! eye photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009263
+name: erythrophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains pteridine and/or carotenoid pigments in structures called pterinosomes or erythrosomes. This gives an orange to red appearance." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "erythrophores" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000574
+xref: TAO:0009263
+is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005331 ! pigment erythroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009264
+name: corneal epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "corneal epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000575
+xref: TAO:0009264
+is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009265
+name: monocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Myeloid mononuclear recirculating leukocyte that can act as a precursor of tissue macrophages, osteoclasts and some populations of tissue dendritic cells." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "monocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000576
+xref: TAO:0009265
+is_a: ZFA:0009064 ! mononuclear phagocyte
+is_a: ZFA:0009088 ! professional antigen presenting cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009253 ! promonocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009266
+name: neutrophilic myelocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neutrophil precursor in the granulocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between a promyelocyte and a metamyelocyte; in this stage, differentiation of cytoplasmic granules has begun." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neutrophilic myelocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000580
+xref: TAO:0009266
+is_a: ZFA:0009328 ! immature neutrophil
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009257 ! neutrophilic promyelocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009267
+name: peritoneal macrophage
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A macrophage resident in the peritoneum under non-inlfammatory conditions." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "peritoneal macrophages" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000581
+xref: TAO:0009267
+is_a: ZFA:0009141 ! macrophage
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009268
+name: neutrophilic metamyelocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neutrophil precursor in the granulocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between a myelocyte and the band form neutrophil. The protein synthesis seen in earlier stages decreases or stops; the nucleus becomes indented and its chromatin becomes coarse and clumped; and the cytoplasm becomes pink like that of a mature granulocyte." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "juvenile neutrophil" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000582
+xref: TAO:0009268
+is_a: ZFA:0009328 ! immature neutrophil
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009266 ! neutrophilic myelocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009269
+name: enterocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epithelial cell that has its apical plasma membrane folded into microvilli to provide ample surface for the absorption of nutrients from the intestinal lumen." [SANBI:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "enterocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000584
+xref: TAO:0009269
+is_a: ZFA:0009143 ! brush border epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009270
+name: odontoclast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A specialized osteoclast associated with the absorption and removal of cementum." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "odontoclasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000588
+xref: TAO:0009270
+is_a: ZFA:0009047 ! osteoclast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009271
+name: androgen secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "androgen secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000593
+xref: TAO:0009271
+is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009272
+name: skeletal muscle satellite cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An elongated, spindle-shaped, quiescent myoblast lying in close contact with adult skeletal muscle. They are thought to play a role in muscle repair and regeneration." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "skeletal muscle satellite cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000594
+xref: TAO:0009272
+is_a: ZFA:0009236 ! skeletal muscle myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009273
+name: pyramidal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A projection neuron in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus. Pyramidal cells have a pyramid-shaped soma with the apex and an apical dendrite pointed toward the pial surface and other dendrites and an axon emerging from the base. The axons may have local collaterals but also project outside their cortical region." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pyramidal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000598
+xref: TAO:0009273
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009274
+name: pressoreceptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A receptor in the vascular system, particularly the aorta and carotid sinus, which is sensitive to stretch of the vessel walls." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pressoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000602
+xref: TAO:0009274
+is_a: ZFA:0009370 ! stretch receptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009275
+name: retinal rod cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of the two photoreceptor cell types of the vertebrate retina. In rods the photopigment is in stacks of membranous disks separate from the outer cell membrane. Rods are more sensitive to light than cones, but rod mediated vision has less spatial and temporal resolution than cone vision." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "retinal rod cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000604
+xref: TAO:0009275
+is_a: ZFA:0009154 ! eye photoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009276
+name: GABAergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron that uses GABA as a vesicular neurotransmitter." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "GABAergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000617
+xref: TAO:0009276
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009277
+name: acinar cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A secretory cell that is grouped together with other cells of the same type to form grape shaped clusters known as acini (singular acinus)." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "acinar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000622
+xref: TAO:0009277
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009278
+name: natural killer cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A lymphocyte that can spontaneously kill a variety of target cells without prior antigenic activation via germline encoded activation receptors and also regulate immune responses via cytokine release and direct contact with other cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "large granular lymphocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "NK cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "null cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000623
+xref: TAO:0009278
+is_a: ZFA:0009250 ! lymphocyte
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009348 ! pro-NK cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009279
+name: ito cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that is found in the perisinusoidal space of the liver that is capable of multiple roles including storage of retinol, presentation of antigen to T cells (including CD1d-restricted NKT cells), and upon activation, production of extracellular matrix components that can contribute to liver fibrosis. This activated state has a myofibroblast-like phenotype." [GOC:tm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "hepatic stellate cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "perisinusoidal cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000632
+xref: TAO:0009279
+is_a: ZFA:0009162 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009280
+name: Muller cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Glial cell of the retina that forms a support structure stretching radially across the thickness of the retina. Muller cell bodies are found in the inner nuclear layer and send projection to the outer limiting membrane and inner limiting membrane." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "Mueller cell" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150220-2]
+synonym: "Muller cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000636
+xref: TAO:0009280
+is_a: ZFA:0009075 ! astrocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000119 ! retinal inner nuclear layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009281
+name: folliculostellate cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A supportive cell of the vertebrate pituitary that provides macromolecular transport and secretes hormones." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "folliculostellate cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000642
+xref: TAO:0009281
+is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000118 ! hypophysis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
+id: ZFA:0009282
+name: Bergmann glial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "Bergmann glial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000644
+xref: TAO:0009282
+is_a: ZFA:0009075 ! astrocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009283
+name: mesangial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mesangial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000650
+xref: TAO:0009283
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009284
+name: pinealocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pinealocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000652
+xref: TAO:0009284
+is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000019 ! epiphysis
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009285
+name: podocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "podocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000653
+xref: TAO:0009285
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000163 ! renal system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009286
+name: fenestrated cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "window cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000666
+xref: TAO:0009286
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009287
+name: collagen secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "collagen secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000667
+xref: TAO:0009287
+is_a: ZFA:0009162 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009288
+name: primordial germ cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0000065
+def: "A primordial germ cell is a diploid germ cell precursors that transiently exist in the embryo before they enter into close association with the somatic cells of the gonad and become irreversibly committed as germ cells." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "PGC" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000670
+xref: TAO:0009288
+is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009136 ! motile cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
+id: ZFA:0009289
+name: gut absorptive cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell of the intestinal epithelium with a brush border made up of many parallel packed microvilli; associated with absorption, particularly of macromolecules." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "gut absorptive cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000677
+xref: TAO:0009289
+is_a: ZFA:0009129 ! absorptive cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
+relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
+id: ZFA:0009290
+name: glutamatergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "glutamatergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000679
+xref: TAO:0009290
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009291
+name: muscle precursor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "muscle precursor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000680
+xref: TAO:0009291
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+id: ZFA:0009292
+name: radial glial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A transient cell present only in the developing CNS. Functions as both a precursor cell and as a scaffold to support neuronal migration." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "radial glial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000681
+xref: TAO:0009292
+is_a: ZFA:0009168 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001120 ! neuroectoderm
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009306 ! neuroepithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0009293
+name: M cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An absorptive cell of the mammalian gut epithelium that endocytoses microorganisms and intact macromolecules from the gut lumen and transports them to the subepithelial space where they are presented to antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "M cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000682
+xref: TAO:0009293
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009294
+name: ependymoglial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell that transports hormones from neurosecretory cells." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ependymoglial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000683
+xref: TAO:0009294
+is_a: ZFA:0009075 ! astrocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009295
+name: cerebrospinal fluid secreting cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cerebrospinal fluid secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000686
+xref: TAO:0009295
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009296
+name: perijunctional fibroblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A fibroblast-like cell that provides support at neuromuscular junctions in vertebrates and are localized outside the synaptic basal lamina." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "perijunctional fibroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000688
+xref: TAO:0009296
+is_a: ZFA:0009026 ! fibroblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009297
+name: stellate interneuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stellate interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000691
+xref: TAO:0009297
+is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009298
+name: terminal Schwann cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuroglial cell of the peripheral nervous system inside the basal lamina of the neuromuscular junction providing chemical and physical support to the synapse." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "terminal Schwann cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000692
+xref: TAO:0009298
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009073 ! glial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009299
+name: neuroglioform cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A stellate interneuron having 7-10 dendrites that may branch." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "spiderweb cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000693
+xref: TAO:0009299
+is_a: ZFA:0009297 ! stellate interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009300
+name: Cajal-Retzius cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "One of a transient population of pioneering neurons in the cerebral cortex. These cells are slender bipolar cells of the developing marginal zone. One feature of these cells in mammals is that they express the Reelin gene." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "Cajal-Retzius cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000695
+xref: TAO:0009300
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009301
+name: dopaminergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron that releases dopamine as a neurotransmitter." [CL:dhill]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "dopaminergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000700
+xref: TAO:0009301
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009302
+name: sustentacular cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that provides some or all mechanical, nutritional and phagocytic support to their neighbors." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "sustentacular cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000703
+xref: TAO:0009302
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009303
+name: endothelial tip cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A specialized endothelial cell that senses extracellular signals and guides the directed growth of blood vessels." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "endothelial tip cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000704
+xref: TAO:0009303
+is_a: ZFA:0009036 ! blood vessel endothelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009304
+name: choroid plexus epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Specialized ependymal cell that produces the cerebrospinal fluid from the blood and secretes it into the lumen of the brain and spinal chord." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "choroid plexus epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000706
+xref: TAO:0009304
+is_a: ZFA:0009033 ! ependymal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009305
+name: leptomeningeal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Stromal cell that forms the internal covering of the vertebrate brain and produces ECM for this and the choroid plexus." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "leptomemingeal cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "leptomeningeal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000708
+xref: TAO:0009305
+is_a: ZFA:0009162 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009306
+name: neuroepithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuroepithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000710
+xref: TAO:0009306
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009307
+name: somatic stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A stem cell that can give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line." [GO:CJM]
+comment: Definition originally referred to GO:0048103. Changed to GOC: CJM to match other references.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "somatic stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000723
+xref: TAO:0009307
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009308
+name: urothelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of a layer of transitional epithelium in the wall of the bladder, ureter, and renal pelvis, external to the lamina propria." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "urothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000731
+xref: TAO:0009308
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009309
+name: leukocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An achromatic cell of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages, found in blood or other tissue." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "immune cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "leucocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "white blood cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000738
+xref: TAO:0009309
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009136 ! motile cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009014 ! hematopoietic stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009310
+name: retinal ganglion cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The set of neurons that receives neural inputs via bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells. The axons of these cells make up the optic nerve." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "gangliocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "RGC" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000740
+xref: TAO:0009310
+is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000024 ! retinal ganglion cell layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009311
+name: spinal accessory motor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A motor neuron that is located in the cervical region of the spinal cord and selectively innervates the sternocleidmastoid or trapezius muscle. Unlike other motor neurons, they extend axons dorsally along lateral margins of the spinal cord." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "SACMN" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000741
+xref: TAO:0009311
+is_a: ZFA:0009052 ! motor neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009312
+name: periarticular chondrocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A round chondrocyte that first differentiates in the late embryonic growth plate of bone." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "periarticular chondrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000742
+xref: TAO:0009312
+is_a: ZFA:0009084 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009313
+name: hypertrophic chondrocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A terminally differentiated chondrocyte that differentiates in the late embryonic growth plate of bone." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "hypertrophic chondrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000743
+xref: TAO:0009313
+is_a: ZFA:0009084 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009314
+name: columnar chondrocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A columnar chondrocyte that differentiates in the late embryonic growth plate of bone. Columnar chondrocytes vigorously proliferate and form columns in the growth plate." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "columnar chondrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000744
+xref: TAO:0009314
+is_a: ZFA:0009084 ! chondrocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009315
+name: horizontal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A neuron that laterally connects other neurons in the inner nuclear layer of the retina." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-6]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "horizontal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000745
+xref: TAO:0009315
+is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000119 ! retinal inner nuclear layer
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009316
+name: cardiac muscle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cardiac muscle cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+synonym: "cardiac myocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "cardiomyocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000746
+xref: TAO:0009316
+is_a: ZFA:0005784 ! striated muscle cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001319 ! myocardium
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009317
+name: cyanophore
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains blue pigment of unknown chemical composition in fibrous organelles termed cyanosomes. This gives a blue appearance." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "blue chromatophore" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000747
+xref: TAO:0009317
+is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005332 ! cyanoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009318
+name: retinal bipolar neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000748
+xref: TAO:0009318
+is_a: ZFA:0009055 ! bipolar neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009319
+name: ON-bipolar cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the inner half of the inner plexiform layer. These cells depolarize in response to light stimulation of their corresponding photoreceptors." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ON-bipolar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000749
+xref: TAO:0009319
+is_a: ZFA:0009318 ! retinal bipolar neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009320
+name: OFF-bipolar cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the outer half of the inner plexiform layer. These cells hyperpolarize in response to light stimulation of their corresponding photoreceptors." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "OFF-bipolar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000750
+xref: TAO:0009320
+is_a: ZFA:0009318 ! retinal bipolar neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009321
+name: rod bipolar cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with rod photoreceptor cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "rod bipolar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000751
+xref: TAO:0009321
+is_a: ZFA:0009319 ! ON-bipolar cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009322
+name: cone retinal bipolar cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with cone photoreceptor cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "cone retinal bipolar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000752
+xref: TAO:0009322
+is_a: ZFA:0009318 ! retinal bipolar neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009323
+name: thrombocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A nucleated blood cell involved in coagulation, typically seen in birds and other non-mammalian vertebrates." [CL:curator]
+comment: Note that this is a non-mammalian cell type. Use platelet ; CL:0000233 for thrombocytes (platelets) in mammals.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "thrombocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000762
+xref: TAO:0009323
+is_a: ZFA:0009044 ! blood cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009324 ! myeloid cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009351 ! thromboblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009324
+name: myeloid cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, mast cell, megakaryocyte, or erythroid lineage." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "myeloid cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000763
+xref: TAO:0009324
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009021 ! common myeloid progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009325
+name: erythroid lineage cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A immature or mature cell in the lineage leading to and including erythrocytes." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "erythroid lineage cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000764
+xref: TAO:0009325
+is_a: ZFA:0009324 ! myeloid cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009326
+name: myeloid leukocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, or mast cell lineage." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "myeloid leukocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000766
+xref: TAO:0009326
+is_a: ZFA:0009309 ! leukocyte
+is_a: ZFA:0009324 ! myeloid cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009021 ! common myeloid progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009327
+name: neutrophil
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Any of the immature or mature forms of a granular leukocyte that in its mature form has a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neutrocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "neutrophil leucocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "neutrophil leukocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "neutrophilic leucocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "neutrophilic leukocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "PMN" RELATED []
+synonym: "polymorphonuclear leucocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "polymorphonuclear leukocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "polymorphonuclear neutrophil" RELATED []
+synonym: "polynuclear neutrophilic leucocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "polynuclear neutrophilic leukocyte" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000775
+xref: TAO:0009327
+is_a: ZFA:0009048 ! granulocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009328
+name: immature neutrophil
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Any of the immature forms of a neutrophil in which neutrophilic specific granules are present but other phenotypic features of the mature form may be lacking. A neutrophil is a granular leukocyte that in its mature form has a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "immature neutrocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature neutrophil leucocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature neutrophil leukocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature neutrophilic leucocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000776
+xref: TAO:0009328
+is_a: ZFA:0009327 ! neutrophil
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009257 ! neutrophilic promyelocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009329
+name: mononuclear osteoclast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A specialized mononuclear osteoclast associated with the absorption and removal of bone, precursor of multinuclear osteoclasts." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mononuclear osteoclasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000778
+xref: TAO:0009329
+is_a: ZFA:0009047 ! osteoclast
+is_a: ZFA:0009064 ! mononuclear phagocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009330
+name: mononuclear odontoclast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A specialized mononuclear osteoclast associated with the absorption and removal of cementum." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mononuclear odontoclasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000781
+xref: TAO:0009330
+is_a: ZFA:0009270 ! odontoclast
+is_a: ZFA:0009329 ! mononuclear osteoclast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009331
+name: mature B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A B cell that is mature, having left the bone marrow. Initially, these cells are IgM-positive and IgD-positive, and they can be activated by antigen." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mature B lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature B-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000785
+xref: TAO:0009331
+is_a: ZFA:0009088 ! professional antigen presenting cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009142 ! B cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009343 ! immature B cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009345 ! transitional stage B cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009332
+name: plasma cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A terminally differentiated, post-mitotic, antibody secreting cell of the B cell lineage with the phenotype CD138-positive, surface immunonoglobulin-negative, and MHC Class II-negative. Plasma cells are oval or round with extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum, a well-developed Golgi apparatus, and a round nucleus having a characteristic cartwheel heterochromatin pattern and are devoted to producing large amounts of immunoglobulin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "plasmacyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000786
+xref: TAO:0009332
+is_a: ZFA:0009250 ! lymphocyte
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009331 ! mature B cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009333
+name: memory B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A memory B cell is a mature B cell that is long-lived, readily activated upon re-encounter of its antigenic determinant, and has been selected for expression of higher affinity immunoglobulin. This cell type has the phenotype CD19-positive, CD20-positive, MHC Class II-positive, and CD138-negative." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "memory B lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "memory B-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "memory B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000787
+xref: TAO:0009333
+is_a: ZFA:0009331 ! mature B cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009334
+name: naive B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A naive B cell is a mature B cell that has the phenotype surface IgD-positive, surface IgM-positive, CD27-negative, and CD38-negative, and that has not yet been activated by antigen in the periphery." [CL:curator, IBSN:0781765196]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "naive B lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "naive B-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "naive B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000788
+xref: TAO:0009334
+is_a: ZFA:0009331 ! mature B cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009335
+name: alpha-beta T cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A T cell that expresses an alpha-beta T cell receptor complex." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "alpha-beta T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "alpha-beta T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "alpha-beta T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000789
+xref: TAO:0009335
+is_a: ZFA:0009046 ! T cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009336
+name: gamma-delta T cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A T cell that expresses a gamma-delta T cell receptor complex." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+comment: Note that gamma-delta T cell have both thymic and extrathymic differentiation pathways.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "gamma-delta T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "gamma-delta T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "gamma-delta T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000798
+xref: TAO:0009336
+is_a: ZFA:0009046 ! T cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009350 ! pro-T cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009337
+name: immature gamma-delta T cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A gamma-delta T cell that has an immature phenotype." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+comment: Note that gamma-delta T cell have both thymic and extrathymic differentiation pathways.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "immature gamma-delta T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature gamma-delta T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature gamma-delta T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000799
+xref: TAO:0009337
+is_a: ZFA:0009336 ! gamma-delta T cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009338
+name: mature gamma-delta T cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A gamma-delta T cell that has a mature phenotype. These cells can be found in tissues and circulation where they express unique TCR repertoire depending on their location." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mature gamma-delta T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature gamma-delta T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "mature gamma-delta T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000800
+xref: TAO:0009338
+is_a: ZFA:0009336 ! gamma-delta T cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009337 ! immature gamma-delta T cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009339
+name: gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A gamma-delta T cell of the columnar epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract. Intraepithelial T cells often have distinct developmental pathways and activation requirements." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "gamma-delta intraepithelial T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "gamma-delta intraepithelial T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "gamma-delta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "IEL" RELATED []
+synonym: "intraepithelial lymphocyte" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000801
+xref: TAO:0009339
+is_a: ZFA:0009338 ! mature gamma-delta T cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009342
+name: memory T cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A distinctly differentiated long-lived T cell that has the phenotype CD45RO-positive and CD127-positive." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "memory T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "memory T-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "memory T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000813
+xref: TAO:0009342
+is_a: ZFA:0009046 ! T cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009046 ! T cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009343
+name: immature B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An immature B cell is a precursor B cell that has the phenotype surface IgM-positive and surface IgD-negative, and have not undergone class immunoglobulin class switching or peripheral encounter with antigen and activation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "immature B lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature B-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "immature B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "newly formed B Cell" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+xref: CL:0000816
+xref: TAO:0009343
+is_a: ZFA:0009344 ! precursor B cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009349 ! pro-B cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009344
+name: precursor B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A precursor B cell is a B cell with the phenotype CD10-positive." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pre-B lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000817
+xref: TAO:0009344
+is_a: ZFA:0009142 ! B cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009349 ! pro-B cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009345
+name: transitional stage B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An immature B cell of an intermediate stage between the pre-B cell stage and the mature nave stage. Transitional B cells express surface immunoglobulin, and are subject to the process of B cell selection." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "T1 B cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "T2 B cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "T3 B cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "transitional stage B lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "transitional stage B-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "transitional stage B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000818
+xref: TAO:0009345
+is_a: ZFA:0009142 ! B cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009346
+name: immature natural killer cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A natural killer cell that is developmentally immature, has the phenotype CD34-negative, CD117-positive, CD122-positive, and CD161-positive, and expresses additional natural killer cell receptors (NKR)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "immature NK cell " EXACT []
+synonym: "p-NK" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000823
+xref: TAO:0009346
+is_a: ZFA:0009278 ! natural killer cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009348 ! pro-NK cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009347
+name: mature natural killer cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A natural killer cell that is developmentally mature, has the phenotype CD16-positive, and expresses a variety of inhibitory and activating receptors that recognize NHC class I and other stress related molecules." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "LAK cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "lymphokine activated killer cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "mature NK cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000824
+xref: TAO:0009347
+is_a: ZFA:0009278 ! natural killer cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009346 ! immature natural killer cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009348
+name: pro-NK cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor committed to the natural killer cell lineage, expressing certain phenotypic markers of the natural killer cell lineage such as the IL-15 receptor, but lacking many of the phenotypic characteristics of later stages of natural killer cell development such as expression of NK activating and inhibitory molecules." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "natural killer cell progenitor" EXACT []
+synonym: "NKP" EXACT []
+synonym: "null cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "preNK cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "pro-natural killer cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000825
+xref: TAO:0009348
+is_a: ZFA:0009355 ! lymphoid progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009023 ! common lymphoid progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009349
+name: pro-B cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell of the B cell lineage, with some lineage specific activity such as early stages of recombination of B cell receptor genes, but not yet fully committed to the B cell lineage until the expression of PAX5 occurs." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "pro-B lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "pro-B-cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "pro-B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "progenitor B cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000826
+xref: TAO:0009349
+is_a: ZFA:0009355 ! lymphoid progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009023 ! common lymphoid progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009350
+name: pro-T cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell of the T cell lineage, with some lineage specific marker expression, but not yet fully committed to the T cell lineage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "DN1 cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "DN1 thymocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "pro-T lymphocyte" EXACT []
+synonym: "TN1 cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000827
+xref: TAO:0009350
+is_a: ZFA:0009355 ! lymphoid progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009023 ! common lymphoid progenitor
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001078 ! thymus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+id: ZFA:0009351
+name: thromboblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell of the thrombocyte, a nucleated blood cell involved in coagulation typically seen in birds and other non-mammalian vertebrates." [CL:curator]
+comment: Note that this is a non-mammalian cell type.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "thromboblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000828
+xref: TAO:0009351
+is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009022 ! megakaryocyte erythroid progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009352
+name: neutrophil progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell of the neutrophil lineage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neutrophil stem cell" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000834
+xref: TAO:0009352
+is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009353
+name: myeloblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The most primitive precursor in the granulocytic series, having fine, evenly distributed chromatin, several nucleoli, and a nongranular basophilic cytoplasm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "myeloblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000835
+xref: TAO:0009353
+is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009251 ! granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009354
+name: hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell is multipotent, but not capable of long-term self-renewal. These cells are characterized as lacking lineage cell surface markers and being CD34-positive in both mice and humans." [CL:curator, PMID:19022770]
+comment: Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "hematopoietic progenitor cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "hemopoietic progenitor cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000837
+xref: TAO:0009354
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009014 ! hematopoietic stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009355
+name: lymphoid progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell restricted to the lymphoid lineage." [CL:curator, PMID:19022770]
+comment: Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "lymphoid progenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000838
+xref: TAO:0009355
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009356
+name: myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A progenitor cell restricted to the myeloid lineage." [CL:curator, PMID:19022770]
+comment: Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "myeloid progenitor cell" RELATED []
+synonym: "myeloid progenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000839
+xref: TAO:0009356
+is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009357
+name: mononuclear cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A leukocyte with a single non-segmented nucleus in the mature form." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "mononuclear cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000842
+xref: TAO:0009357
+is_a: ZFA:0009309 ! leukocyte
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009358
+name: ciliated olfactory receptor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An olfactory receptor cell in which the apical ending of the dendrite is a pronounced ciliated olfactory knob. The soma is located basally in the olfactory epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140416-5]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "ciliated olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "ciliated sensory neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000847
+xref: TAO:0009358
+is_a: ZFA:0009125 ! olfactory receptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009359
+name: microvillous olfactory receptor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An olfactory receptor cell in which the apical ending of the dendrite is a knob that bears numerous microvilli. The cell body is plump and the soma is at an intermediate position in the olfactory epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140416-5]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "microvillous olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "microvillous sensory neuron" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000848
+xref: TAO:0009359
+is_a: ZFA:0009125 ! olfactory receptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009360
+name: crypt olfactory receptor neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An olfactory receptor cell with short cilia growing in an invagination bordered by microvilli. The soma is large and globose located in the apical region of the olfactory epithelium. The axons project to a single glomerulus mdG2." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130710-55, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140416-5]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "crypt cell" EXACT []
+synonym: "crypt olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "crypt sensory neuron" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000849
+xref: TAO:0009360
+is_a: ZFA:0009125 ! olfactory receptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009361
+name: serotonergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+alt_id: ZFA:0009192
+def: "A neuron that releases serotonin as a neurotransmitter." [CL:curator]
+comment: Has alternate ID CL:0000403.
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "5-HT neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "5-hydroxytryptamine neuron" EXACT []
+synonym: "serotinergic neuron" RELATED []
+synonym: "serotinergic neurons" RELATED []
+xref: CL:0000850
+xref: TAO:0009192
+xref: TAO:0009361
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009362
+name: neuromast mantle cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast mantle cell is a non-sensory cell. Neuromast mantle cells surround the neuromast support cells and neuromast hair cells, separating the neuromast from the epidermis, and secrete cupula in which the ciliary bundles of all the hair cells are embedded." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-7]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuromast mantle cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000851
+xref: TAO:0009362
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0009363
+name: neuromast support cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast support cell is a non-sensory cell of the neuromast that extend between the sensory hair cells from the basement membrane to the apical surface; neuromast support cells are surrounded by neuromast mantle cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-7]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuromast support cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000852
+xref: TAO:0009363
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0009364
+name: olfactory epithelial support cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Olfactory epithelial support cell is a non ciliated columnar cell that extends from the epithelial free margin to the basement membrane of the olfactory epithelium." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "olfactory sustentacular cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0000853
+xref: TAO:0009364
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009365
+name: interneuromast cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Interneuromast cell is a neuroectodermal cell deposited by the migrating lateral line primordium between the neuromasts. Interneuromast cells proliferate and migrate to form additional neuromasts." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "interneuromast cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000854
+xref: TAO:0009365
+is_a: ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009012 ! neuroplacodal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+id: ZFA:0009366
+name: hair cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Hair cell is a mechanoreceptor cell that is sensitive to movement of the hair-like projections (stereocilia and kinocilia) which relay the information centrally in the nervous system." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "hair cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000855
+xref: TAO:0009366
+is_a: ZFA:0009120 ! mechanoreceptor cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009367
+name: neuromast hair cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Neuromast hair cell is a hair cell that acts as a sensory receptor of the neuromast; it is morphologically polarized as a result of the relative position of the single kinocilium and the clusters of stereocilia on its apical surface." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuromast hair cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000856
+xref: TAO:0009367
+is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009368
+name: slow muscle myoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A skeletal muscle myoblast that differentiates into slow muscle fibers." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "slow muscle myoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000857
+xref: TAO:0009368
+is_a: ZFA:0009236 ! skeletal muscle myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009369
+name: fast muscle myoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A skeletal muscle myoblast that differentiates into fast muscle fibers." [CL:curator]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "fast muscle myoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:0000858
+xref: TAO:0009369
+is_a: ZFA:0009236 ! skeletal muscle myoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009370
+name: stretch receptor cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stretch receptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:1000082
+xref: TAO:0009370
+is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009371
+name: stratified keratinized epithelial stem cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "stratified keratinized epithelial stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
+xref: CL:1000083
+xref: TAO:0009371
+is_a: ZFA:0009180 ! stratified epithelial stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009372
+name: duct epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelial cell part of duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+comment: Definition not present in CL.
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000068
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005171 ! duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-29T05:17:20Z
+id: ZFA:0009374
+name: kidney epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epithelial cell of the kidney." [GOC:tfm, KUPO:SJ]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002518
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009389 ! kidney cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009375
+name: renal intercalated cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell of the kidney that regulates acid/base balance." [CL:CVS]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "intercalated cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0005010
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009374 ! kidney epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009388 ! meso-epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-06T01:42:07Z
+id: ZFA:0009376
+name: renal alpha-intercalated cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell of the kidney which secretes acid and reabsorbs base to regulate acid/base balance." [CL:CVS]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005011
+is_a: ZFA:0009375 ! renal intercalated cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-03-06T01:42:03Z
+id: ZFA:0009379
+name: intrahepatic bile duct epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epithelial cell of the intrahepatic portion of the bile duct." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002538
+is_a: ZFA:0009372 ! duct epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005169 ! intrahepatic bile duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-29T05:21:19Z
+id: ZFA:0009380
+name: pancreatic ductal cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelial cell found in the ducts of the pancreas." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002079
+is_a: ZFA:0009372 ! duct epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001372 ! pancreatic duct
+relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-07-29T05:23:07Z
+id: ZFA:0009383
+name: endo-epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epithelial cell derived from endoderm." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002076
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-02T04:25:16Z
+id: ZFA:0009384
+name: neurecto-epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelial cells derived from neural plate and neural crest." [GOC:tfm]
+comment: The term "neuroepithelial cell" is used to describe both this cell type and sensory epithelial cell (CL:0000098).
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "neuroepithelial cell" BROAD []
+xref: CL:0000710
+is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009385 ! ecto-epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009385
+name: ecto-epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epithelial cell derived from ectoderm." [FMA:69074]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002077
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009386 ! somatic cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009137 ! ectodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009386
+name: somatic cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of an organism that does not pass on its genetic material to the organism's offspring (i.e. a non-germ line cell)." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002371
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009387
+name: supportive cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell whose primary function is to support other cell types." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0000630
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009388
+name: meso-epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Epithelial cell derived from mesoderm or mesenchyme." [FMA:69076, GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "epithelial mesenchymal cell" EXACT []
+xref: CL:0002078
+is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009386 ! somatic cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009389
+name: kidney cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that is part of the kidney." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:1000497
+is_a: ZFA:0009386 ! somatic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
+relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
+id: ZFA:0009390
+name: kidney interstitial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:1000500
+is_a: ZFA:0009389 ! kidney cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009392 ! connective tissue cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009391
+name: kidney medulla cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:1000504
+is_a: ZFA:0009389 ! kidney cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009392
+name: connective tissue cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A cell of the supporting or framework tissue of the body, arising chiefly from the embryonic mesoderm and including adipose tissue, cartilage, and bone." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002320
+is_a: ZFA:0009386 ! somatic cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009393
+name: lymphangioblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymphatic progenitor cells." [CL:CVS]
+comment: Usually express Prox1, or prox1b.
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005020
+is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-12T04:44:34Z
+id: ZFA:0009394
+name: mesenchymal lymphangioblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Mesenchymal derived lymphatic progenitor cells that give rise to the superficial lymphatics." [PMID:15624319, PMID:18430230]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0005021
+is_a: ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
+is_a: ZFA:0009393 ! lymphangioblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-12T05:01:22Z
+id: ZFA:0009395
+name: vascular lymphangioblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Lymphatic progenitor cells, derived from the veins, that give rise to lymphatic endothelial cells." [CL:CVS]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "parachordal lymphangioblast" NARROW []
+xref: CL:0005022
+is_a: ZFA:0009393 ! lymphangioblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2012-01-12T05:21:09Z
+id: ZFA:0009396
+name: glycinergic neuron
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "The neurons that utilize glycine as a neurotransmitter." [MP:0010385]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:1001509
+is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+id: ZFA:0009397
+name: cholangiocyte
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the bile duct. Cholangiocytes contribute to bile secretion via net release of bicarbonate and water. They are cuboidal epithelium in the small interlobular bile ducts, but become columnar and mucus secreting in larger bile ducts approaching the porta hepatis and the extrahepatic ducts." [PMID:16550043, PMID:18356246]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "bile duct cells" RELATED []
+synonym: "epithelial cell of bile duct" EXACT []
+xref: CL:1000488
+is_a: ZFA:0009372 ! duct epithelial cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009398 ! hepatoblast
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-02T12:08:01Z
+id: ZFA:0009398
+name: hepatoblast
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Multi fate stem cell that gives rise to both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes as descendants." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:18356246, PMID:20483998]
+subset: cell_slim
+is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
+relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000124 ! liver primordium
+relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-02T12:13:12Z
+id: ZFA:0009399
+name: intestinal epithelial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epithelial cell of the intestine." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002563
+is_a: ZFA:0009383 ! endo-epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-02T04:26:27Z
+id: ZFA:0009400
+name: epithelial cell of esophagus
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "An epithelial cell of the esophagus." [GOC:tfm]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:0002252
+is_a: ZFA:0009383 ! endo-epithelial cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000204 ! esophagus
+relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2013-08-02T04:32:14Z
+id: ZFA:0009401
+name: lens fiber cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "A vertebrate lens cell that is any of the elongated, tightly packed cells that make up the bulk of the mature lens in a camera-type eye." [GOC:nv]
+xref: CL:0011004
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0000035 ! lens
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: Ceri
+creation_date: 2017-09-01T15:46:37Z
+id: ZFA:0009402
+name: heart valve cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cell that is part of the heart valve." [CL:editor]
+subset: cell_slim
+xref: CL:1000147
+is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: part_of ZFA:0005065 ! heart valve
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-12-08T09:32:56Z
+id: ZFA:0009403
+name: heart valve interstitial cell
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Cells that secrete the extracellular matrix of the heart valve." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191202-2]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "VIC" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191202-2]
+is_a: ZFA:0009402 ! heart valve cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-12-08T09:43:48Z
+id: ZFA:0009404
+name: heart valve endothelial cells
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+def: "Endothelial cells that surround the heart valve extracellular matrix." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191202-2]
+subset: cell_slim
+synonym: "VEC" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191202-2]
+is_a: ZFA:0009402 ! heart valve cell
+relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
+relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
+created_by: ceriv
+creation_date: 2020-12-08T09:48:24Z
+id: ZFA:0100000
+name: zebrafish anatomical entity
+namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
+id: ZFS:0000000
+name: Unknown
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-050211-1
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2430
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000001
+name: Zygote:1-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-4
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2431
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000002
+name: Cleavage:2-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-15
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2432
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000003
+name: Cleavage:4-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-11
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2433
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000004
+name: Cleavage:8-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-33
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2434
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000005
+name: Cleavage:16-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-20
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2435
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000006
+name: Cleavage:32-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-25
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2436
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000007
+name: Cleavage:64-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-28
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2437
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000008
+name: Blastula:128-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-7
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2438
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000009
+name: Blastula:256-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-1
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2439
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000010
+name: Blastula:512-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-14
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2440
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000011
+name: Blastula:1k-cell
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-22
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2441
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000012
+name: Blastula:High
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-27
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2442
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000013
+name: Blastula:Oblong
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-24
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2443
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000014
+name: Blastula:Sphere
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-21
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2444
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000015
+name: Blastula:Dome
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-19
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2445
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000016
+name: Blastula:30%-epiboly
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-17
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2446
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000017
+name: Gastrula:50%-epiboly
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-6
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2447
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000018
+name: Gastrula:Germ-ring
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-3
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2448
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000019
+name: Gastrula:Shield
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-2
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2449
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000020
+name: Gastrula:75%-epiboly
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-18
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2450
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000021
+name: Gastrula:90%-epiboly
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-29
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2451
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000022
+name: Gastrula:Bud
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-12
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2452
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000023
+name: Segmentation:1-4 somites
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-23
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2453
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000024
+name: Segmentation:5-9 somites
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-5
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2454
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000025
+name: Segmentation:10-13 somites
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-020626-1
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2455
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000026
+name: Segmentation:14-19 somites
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-30
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2456
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000027
+name: Segmentation:20-25 somites
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-16
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2457
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000028
+name: Segmentation:26+ somites
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-34
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2458
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000029
+name: Pharyngula:Prim-5
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-10
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2439
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000030
+name: Pharyngula:Prim-15
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-32
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2460
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000031
+name: Pharyngula:Prim-25
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-13
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2461
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000032
+name: Pharyngula:High-pec
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-31
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2462
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000033
+name: Hatching:Long-pec
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-9
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2463
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000034
+name: Hatching:Pec-fin
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-26
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2464
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000035
+name: Larval:Protruding-mouth
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-8
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2465
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000036
+name: Larval:Day 4
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-35
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2466
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000037
+name: Larval:Day 5
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-36
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2467
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000038
+name: Larval:Day 6
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-37
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2468
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000039
+name: Larval:Days 7-13
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-47
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2469
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000040
+name: Larval:Days 14-20
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-48
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2470
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000041
+name: Larval:Days 21-29
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-49
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2471
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000042
+name: Juvenile:Days 30-44
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-51
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2472
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000043
+name: Juvenile:Days 45-89
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-52
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2473
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0000044
+name: Adult
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-39
+xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2474
+is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
+id: ZFS:0100000
+name: Stages
+namespace: zebrafish_stages
+id: continuous_with
+name: continuous with
+def: "X continuous_with Y if and only if X and Y share a fiat boundary." [goc:cjm]
+synonym: "continuous_with" EXACT []
+xref: RO:0002150
+is_symmetric: true
+id: develops_from
+name: develops from
+xref: RO:0002202
+holds_over_chain: part_of develops_from
+is_transitive: true
+transitive_over: part_of ! part of
+id: end
+name: end stage
+def: "c existence ends during s iff end_of(c) part_of s." [goc:cjm]
+synonym: "ends_during" EXACT []
+synonym: "existence ends during" RELATED []
+xref: RO:0002497
+id: has_developmental_contribution_from
+name: has developmental contribution from
+def: "x has developmental contribution from y iff x has some part z such that z develops from y." [goc:cjm]
+synonym: "has_developmental_contribution_from" EXACT []
+xref: RO:0002254
+holds_over_chain: has_part develops_from
+id: has_part
+name: has_part
+xref: BFO:0000051
+is_transitive: true
+is_a: overlaps ! overlaps
+id: overlaps
+name: overlaps
+xref: RO:0002131
+id: part_of
+name: part of
+xref: BFO:0000050
+is_transitive: true
+is_a: overlaps ! overlaps
+inverse_of: has_part ! has_part
+id: start
+name: start stage
+def: "c existence starts during s iff start_of(c) part_of s." [goc:cjm]
+synonym: "existence starts during" RELATED []
+synonym: "starts_during" EXACT []
+xref: RO:0002496
From 31b4dcb99f2495f9ee47b33eed57721cf2f8f4bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 17:52:30 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 08/16] notebook 1st stab
notebooks/mappings.ipynb | 785 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 785 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 notebooks/mappings.ipynb
diff --git a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b064bd28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "id": "0846c27a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "%reset -f"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "70df322b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Import libraries"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "id": "c94eb15d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import sys\n",
+ "import os\n",
+ "from oaklib.selector import get_resource_from_shorthand\n",
+ "from oaklib.utilities.mapping.sssom_utils import StreamingSssomWriter\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "5f242e47",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Declare variables"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "4ff5af2d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "BIOPORTAL=\"bioportal:\"\n",
+ "OBO=\"obo\"\n",
+ "# NOTE: Make sure you have your unique biportal api-key in a txt file locally.\n",
+ "API_KEY_FILE = \"api-key.txt\"\n",
+ "limb_curie = \"UBERON:0002101\"\n",
+ "input_dir = \"input\"\n",
+ "xao_file = \"xao.obo\"\n",
+ "zfa_file = \"zfa.obo\"\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "38e23328",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Functions"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "id": "34554cd3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def render_sssom(rsrc:str):\n",
+ " writer = StreamingSssomWriter(sys.stdout)\n",
+ " resource = get_resource_from_shorthand(rsrc)\n",
+ " oi = resource.implementation_class()\n",
+ " \n",
+ " if rsrc == \"bioportal:\":\n",
+ " oi.load_bioportal_api_key(API_KEY_FILE)\n",
+ " elif rsrc.endswith(\".obo\"):\n",
+ " = input_dir\n",
+ " oi = resource.implementation_class(resource)\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " print(f\"Unknown resource {rsrc}.\")\n",
+ " \n",
+ " for m in oi.get_sssom_mappings_by_curie(limb_curie):\n",
+ " writer.emit(m)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " writer.close()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "3b8f6a2e",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Part 1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "6f8509db",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Bioportal => SSSOM"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "id": "dc24affd",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "# curie_map: {}\n",
+ "# license: UNSPECIFIED\n",
+ "# mapping_set_id: temp\n",
+ "subject_id\tpredicate_id\tobject_id\tmatch_type\tmapping_provider\tmapping_tool\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:exactMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tSAME_URI\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\tskos:closeMatch\t\tUnspecified\t\tLOOM\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "render_sssom(BIOPORTAL)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "ab9e5112",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Local Ontology => SSSOM"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "id": "8b775938",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "# curie_map: {}\n",
+ "# license: UNSPECIFIED\n",
+ "# mapping_set_id: temp\n",
+ "subject_id\tpredicate_id\tobject_id\tmatch_type\n",
+ "XAO:0003027\tskos:closeMatch\tUBERON:0002101\tUnspecified\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CARO part_of NCBITaxon:8353` macro\n",
+ " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
+ "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CL part_of NCBITaxon:8353` macro\n",
+ " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
+ "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: GO part_of NCBITaxon:8353` macro\n",
+ " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
+ "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: UBERON part_of NCBITaxon:8353` macro\n",
+ " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "render_sssom(xao_file)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "4f3422bd",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Part 2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "9c4aa77b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "fc507ae8",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.9.5"
+ }
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+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 5
From a560dd1f36aecea1d21ff04e1f18fbd3486bd775 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 17:54:26 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 09/16] notebook with error
notebooks/mappings.ipynb | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
index 3b064bd28..9202a21d0 100644
--- a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
@@ -736,6 +736,47 @@
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "id": "0df1390a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CARO part_of NCBITaxon:7955` macro\n",
+ " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
+ "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CL part_of NCBITaxon:7955` macro\n",
+ " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
+ "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: TAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955` macro\n",
+ " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
+ "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: VSAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955` macro\n",
+ " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ename": "SyntaxError",
+ "evalue": "expected QuotedString (zfa.obo, line 3067)",
+ "output_type": "error",
+ "traceback": [
+ "Traceback \u001b[0;36m(most recent call last)\u001b[0m:\n",
+ " File \u001b[1;32m~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/IPython/core/\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35mrun_code\u001b[0m\n exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)\n",
+ " Input \u001b[1;32mIn [8]\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35m\u001b[0m\n render_sssom(zfa_file)\n",
+ " Input \u001b[1;32mIn [4]\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35mrender_sssom\u001b[0m\n oi = resource.implementation_class(resource)\n",
+ " File \u001b[1;32m:6\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35m__init__\u001b[0m\n",
+ " File \u001b[1;32m~/Desktop/gitRepo/INCATools/ontology-access-kit/src/oaklib/implementations/pronto/\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35m__post_init__\u001b[0m\n ontology = Ontology(str(resource.local_path))\n",
+ " File \u001b[1;32m~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35m__init__\u001b[0m\n cls(self).parse_from(_handle) # type: ignore\n",
+ "\u001b[0;36m File \u001b[0;32m~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/\u001b[0;36m in \u001b[0;35mparse_from\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m raise SyntaxError(s.args[0], location) from None\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[0;36m File \u001b[0;32minput/zfa.obo:3067\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m def: \"One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of 2 neuromast. One neuromast is positioned at the front edge of the jaw the second posteriorly on the mandible. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)\" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m ^\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mSyntaxError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;31m:\u001b[0m expected QuotedString\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "render_sssom(zfa_file)"
+ ]
+ },
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "4f3422bd",
@@ -755,7 +796,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
- "id": "fc507ae8",
+ "id": "8840756e",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
From e011bfbff0f1d062f0e61f47167a62cdd00700af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 17:59:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 10/16] took out errored para
notebooks/mappings.ipynb | 43 +++++-----------------------------------
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
index 9202a21d0..661a6e1e5 100644
--- a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
@@ -738,44 +738,11 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
- "id": "0df1390a",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "013f03bc",
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stderr",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CARO part_of NCBITaxon:7955` macro\n",
- " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
- "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CL part_of NCBITaxon:7955` macro\n",
- " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
- "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: TAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955` macro\n",
- " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
- "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: VSAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955` macro\n",
- " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "ename": "SyntaxError",
- "evalue": "expected QuotedString (zfa.obo, line 3067)",
- "output_type": "error",
- "traceback": [
- "Traceback \u001b[0;36m(most recent call last)\u001b[0m:\n",
- " File \u001b[1;32m~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/IPython/core/\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35mrun_code\u001b[0m\n exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)\n",
- " Input \u001b[1;32mIn [8]\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35m\u001b[0m\n render_sssom(zfa_file)\n",
- " Input \u001b[1;32mIn [4]\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35mrender_sssom\u001b[0m\n oi = resource.implementation_class(resource)\n",
- " File \u001b[1;32m:6\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35m__init__\u001b[0m\n",
- " File \u001b[1;32m~/Desktop/gitRepo/INCATools/ontology-access-kit/src/oaklib/implementations/pronto/\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35m__post_init__\u001b[0m\n ontology = Ontology(str(resource.local_path))\n",
- " File \u001b[1;32m~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/\u001b[0m in \u001b[1;35m__init__\u001b[0m\n cls(self).parse_from(_handle) # type: ignore\n",
- "\u001b[0;36m File \u001b[0;32m~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/\u001b[0;36m in \u001b[0;35mparse_from\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m raise SyntaxError(s.args[0], location) from None\u001b[0m\n",
- "\u001b[0;36m File \u001b[0;32minput/zfa.obo:3067\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m def: \"One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of 2 neuromast. One neuromast is positioned at the front edge of the jaw the second posteriorly on the mandible. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)\" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m ^\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mSyntaxError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;31m:\u001b[0m expected QuotedString\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "render_sssom(zfa_file)"
- ]
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
@@ -796,7 +763,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
- "id": "8840756e",
+ "id": "62b4d9a4",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
From 0b0069ddce30974d6253ebf7249b7cc1d4d707bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 18:20:04 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 11/16] removed ZFA
notebooks/input/zfa.obo | 39780 --------------------------------------
1 file changed, 39780 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 notebooks/input/zfa.obo
diff --git a/notebooks/input/zfa.obo b/notebooks/input/zfa.obo
deleted file mode 100644
index 23b92b4cb..000000000
--- a/notebooks/input/zfa.obo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39780 +0,0 @@
-format-version: 1.2
-data-version: releases/2022-03-15
-date: 08:03:2021 11:16
-saved-by: ceriv
-auto-generated-by: OBO-Edit 2.3.1
-subsetdef: cell_slim "cell_slim"
-synonymtypedef: PLURAL "PLURAL"
-default-namespace: zebrafish_anatomical_ontology
-treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CARO part_of NCBITaxon:7955
-treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CL part_of NCBITaxon:7955
-treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: TAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955
-treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: VSAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955
-remark: SVN version: $Revision: 1.100$
-ontology: zfa
-property_value: "ZFA description." xsd:string
-property_value: "Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology (ZFA)" xsd:string
-property_value: owl:versionInfo "2022-03-15" xsd:string
-id: ZFA:0000000
-name: Brachet's cleft
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The visible division between epiblast and hypoblast in the gastrula." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000000
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000001
-name: Kupffer's vesicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small but distinctive epithelial sac containing fluid, located midventrally posterior to the yolk cell or its extension, and transiently present during most of the segmentation period. Kupffer's vesicle has been compared to the mouse embryonic node." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050328-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "ciliated organ of asymmetry" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050221-4]
-xref: TAO:0000001
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000023 ! forerunner cell group
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000077 ! tail bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000003
-name: adaxial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle precursor cell that is adjacent to the notochord and part of the presomitic mesoderm." [PMID:8951054]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "adaxial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0007016
-xref: TAO:0000003
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000279 ! segmental plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000004
-name: anterior axial hypoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior portion of the axial hypoblast." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "pre-polster" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-051019-5]
-xref: TAO:0000004
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001378 ! axial hypoblast
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000005
-name: artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "arterial system" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000005
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000006
-name: ball
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anterior round region of the yolk cell present after the yolk extension forms during the segmentation period." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "yolk ball" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000006
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000084 ! yolk
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000007
-name: blood
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A complex mixture of cells suspended in a liquid matrix that delivers nutrients to cells and removes wastes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000007
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000008
-name: brain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001661
-def: "Cavitated compound organ which is comprised of gray and white matter and surrounds the cerebral ventricular system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "brain structure" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000008
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000009
-name: cardiac ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cavitated compound organ that receives blood flow from the atrium and delivers blood to the body via the aorta. Valves are present to direct flow. There are only two chambers present in the fish heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020122-4]
-synonym: "ventricle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000009
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001719 ! presumptive cardiac ventricle heart tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000010
-name: cardiovascular system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical system that functions in circulation and has as its parts the heart and vasculature. The lymphatic system is considered part of the cardiovascular system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000010
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000011
-name: caudal artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Extension of the dorsal aorta in the post-vent region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "CA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000011
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005295 ! axial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000012
-name: central nervous system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The brain and spinal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "cns" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000012
-is_a: ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000013
-name: cranial ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ganglion which is located in the head." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cranial ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "presumptive cranial ganglia" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000013
-is_a: ZFA:0000190 ! ganglion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000014
-name: dorsal aorta
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Principal unpaired, median artery of the trunk, leading from the paired roots (radices) of the dorsal aorta to the caudal artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "DA" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal aortic root" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000014
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005077 ! vascular cord
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005295 ! axial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000015
-name: anatomical set
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001512
-id: ZFA:0000016
-name: ectoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The outer layer of the embryo derived from the epiblast. The definitive ectoderm will give rise to such tissues as epidermis, the central nervous system, neural crest, and sensory placode." []
-xref: TAO:0000016
-is_a: ZFA:0001122 ! primary germ layer
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000018 ! epiblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000017
-name: endoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000017
-is_a: ZFA:0001122 ! primary germ layer
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000416 ! presumptive endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000018
-name: epiblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The outer of the two layers of the blastoderm that form during gastrulation, corresponding to primitive ectoderm during gastrulation and to the definitive ectoderm after gastrulation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000018
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000711 ! DEL
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000111 ! germ ring
-relationship: start ZFS:0000018 ! Gastrula:Germ-ring
-id: ZFA:0000019
-name: epiphysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A circumscribed swelling, includes the pineal primordium that appears late in the segmentation period in the dorsal midline of the diencephalon. It is located directly rostral to the posterior commissure and dorsal to the habenular commissure." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "corpus pineale" EXACT []
-synonym: "pineal gland" EXACT []
-synonym: "pineal organ" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000019
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001127 ! visual system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001359 ! pineal complex
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000020
-name: extraembryonic structure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure that is contiguous with the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells that will not contribute to the embryo." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "extraembryonic structures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000042
-xref: TAO:0000020
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0000022
-name: floor plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral-most aspect of the developing neural tube. The floor plate is a specialized glial structure with secretory function that spans the rostral-caudal axis from the midbrain to the tail regions. The floor plate is one of first structures that differentiate in the developing nervous system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980205-16]
-comment: The floor plate cells are a row of cells along the a-p axis ~3 cells wide that make up the ventral floor of the early spinal cord. Floor plate cells are prominent rectangular cells with a triangular cross section with one cell in the middle that straddles the ventral midline and usually one cell lateral to the middle cell on both sides. 14hpf.
-synonym: "floorplate" EXACT []
-synonym: "fp" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000022
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001218 ! presumptive floor plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000023
-name: forerunner cell group
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A group of cells that migrate at the leading edge of shield during gastrulation but do not involute. At the end of gastrulation, forerunner cells migrate deep into the embryo and organize to form Kupffer's vesicle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970107-2]
-synonym: "DFCs" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "dorsal forerunner cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "forerunner cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000023
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001126 ! noninvoluting endocytic marginal cell cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000024
-name: retinal ganglion cell layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of the retina that contains the ganglion cell bodies." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ganglion cell layer" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000024
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000026
-name: hatching gland
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A transversely oriented set of cells located deep to the EVL on the pericardial membrane, especially prominent during pharyngula period because of the brightly refractile cytoplasmic granules (containing hatching enzymes) of the principal cells of the gland." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "hgg" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000026
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000058 ! polster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000027
-name: paired fin skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal system of paired fins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "appendicular skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000027
-is_a: ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005596 ! paired fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000028
-name: heart primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilateral groups of cells consisting of three rows: one row of endocardial precursors medially and two rows of myocardial precursors laterally. The two populations fuse at the midline between 21 and 26 somites to form the heart rudiment or cone." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2]
-synonym: "cardiac field" EXACT []
-synonym: "heart primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000028
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001065 ! lateral mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000029
-name: hindbrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The most posterior of the three principal regions of the brain. In mammals and birds the hindbrain is divided into a rostral metencephalon and a caudal myelencephalon. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished here. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "rhombencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000029
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007043 ! hindbrain neural tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000030
-name: macula utricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula utricle senses linear acceleration and gravity. The macula utricle covers most of the floor of the utricle." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
-synonym: "maculae utricle" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000030
-is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000168 ! anterior macula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000700 ! utricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000031
-name: hypochord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that arises from the arise from the lateral edges of the shield and is located immediately ventral to the notochord. The hypochord is thought to play a role in positioning the dorsal aorta. Unlike in frogs and axolotl, the hypochord does not appear to be endodermally derived." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000621-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060807-3]
-xref: TAO:0000031
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001217 ! presumptive hypochord
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000032
-name: hypothalamus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure which is the largest portion of diencephalon and is ventrally located. The hypothalamus arises near the end of the segmentation period and the embryonic hypothalamic region gives rise to the neurohypophysis and other diencephalic nuclei." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000032
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000033
-name: intermediate cell mass of mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ICM" EXACT []
-synonym: "intermediate cell mass of Oellacher" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior intermediate cell mass" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000033
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000121 ! lateral plate mesoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001201 ! ventral lateral mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000034
-name: lateral line system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "ll" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000034
-is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000035
-name: lens
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is a transparent, biconvex structure located in the eye through which light is focused." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "lenses" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000035
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001679 ! solid lens vesicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000036
-name: liver and biliary system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "System responsible for the production and movement of bile." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000036
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000037
-name: anatomical structure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Zebrafish anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anatomical structures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000003
-xref: TAO:0000037
-is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0000038
-name: margin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, the edge of the blastoderm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000038
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000039
-name: median axial vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000039
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000040
-name: median fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that will develop into one of the median fins. Extends from dorsal surface of fish, caudal to the 8th somite, to the ventral surface ending at the caudal side of the vent." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "median fin" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000040
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000041
-name: mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000041
-is_a: ZFA:0001122 ! primary germ layer
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001377 ! presumptive mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000042
-name: midbrain hindbrain boundary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The boundary between the mesencephalon and the rhombencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "isthmus" EXACT []
-synonym: "mhb" EXACT []
-synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000042
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007047 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000043
-name: muscle pioneer somite 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 1." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 1" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000043
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000072 ! somite 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000044
-name: myotome somite 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 14 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000044
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000726 ! somite 14
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000045
-name: neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell population arising from the dorsolateral aspect of the central nervous system primordium during the segmentation period, and later migrating along stereotyped pathways to give rise to a diverse and well-defined set of cell types including pigment cells, peripheral neurons and glia, and head cartilage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000045
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007082 ! neural plate border
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000046
-name: retinal neural layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of retina composed of all the neural tissues in the retina." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "neural retina" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuroretina" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000046
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001071 ! presumptive neural retina
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000152 ! retina
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000047
-name: peripheral olfactory organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organ that is the specialized structure of the face that contains olfactory neurons. The peripheral olfactory organ is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "nasal sac" EXACT []
-synonym: "nose" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000047
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000048 ! olfactory placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000048
-name: olfactory placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neurogenic placode that gives rise to the olfactory neurons that which convey odor information to the CNS." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "olfactory placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000048
-is_a: ZFA:0001309 ! neurogenic placode
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007062 ! olfactory field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000049
-name: optic recess
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lumen of optic stalk." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101008-1]
-synonym: "optic recesses" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000049
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000050
-name: optic vesicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is comprised of neuroepithelium which has pinched off from the anterior neural keel and will form the optic cup." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "optic vesicles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000050
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000570 ! optic primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000051
-name: otic vesicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelial sac present beside the fifth rhombomere; forms the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally, and houses the acoustico-vestibular sensory epithelia (maculae) of hair cells. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "otic capsule" RELATED []
-synonym: "otocyst" EXACT []
-synonym: "ov" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000051
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000138 ! otic placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000052
-name: dorsal actinotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Actinotrichium which is part of the dorsal fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000052
-is_a: ZFA:0000089 ! fin fold actinotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000102 ! dorsal fin fold
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000053
-name: presumptive segmental plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure part of the mesoderm fated to become segmental plate." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "presumptive segmental plates" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000053
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000054
-name: pericardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Serous membrane that surrounds the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pericardial sac" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000054
-is_a: ZFA:0005425 ! serous membrane
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000056
-name: pharynx
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Swollen region of the anterior foregut, posterior to the mouth and anterior to the liver; its walls form the jaws and gills." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000056
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000058
-name: polster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hatching gland rudiment at the time it underlies the forebrain during the early segmentation period." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "pillow" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000058
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000004 ! anterior axial hypoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000060 ! prechordal plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000059
-name: postoptic commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "POC" EXACT []
-synonym: "post optic commissure" EXACT []
-synonym: "post-optic commissure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000059
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000060
-name: prechordal plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Axial hypoblast located anterior to the chorda mesoderm; the polster is its most anterior region." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000060
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001204 ! axial mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000062
-name: presumptive forebrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the forebrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "presumptive prosencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000062
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007014 ! anterior presumptive neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-id: ZFA:0000063
-name: presumptive neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000061
-def: "Region of the gastrula which gives rise to the neural plate." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "neurectoderm" RELATED []
-synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" EXACT []
-synonym: "prospective neuroectoderm" EXACT []
-synonym: "prospective vegetal ectoderm" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000063
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0000064
-name: presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the outer layer of the optic cup and will become the retinal pigmented epithelium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "outer layer optic cup" EXACT []
-synonym: "presumptive pigmented epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000064
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001202 ! optic cup
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000066
-name: proctodeum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anus" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000066
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000067
-name: pronephric mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intermediate mesoderm that is located beneath the anterior somites and gives rise to the pronephros and pronephric duct." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4]
-synonym: "pronephric primordium" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4]
-xref: TAO:0000067
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001206 ! intermediate mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000068
-name: proneural cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cluster of cells in the neural plate that have the potential to become neuroblast." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990921-1]
-synonym: "proneural clusters" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000068
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000069
-name: rhombomere 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 5" [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "r6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000069
-is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001210 ! presumptive rhombomere 6
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000070
-name: sensory axons peripheral
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Consider post-composing term ZFA:0009053 sensory neuron with GO:0030424 axon
-xref: TAO:0000070
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000071
-name: shield
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that is a local accumulation of cells along the germ ring. The shield marks the dorsal side of the embryo." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "dorsal organizer" EXACT []
-synonym: "organizer" EXACT []
-synonym: "Spemann Mangold organizer" EXACT []
-synonym: "Spemann's organizer" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000071
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000111 ! germ ring
-relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-id: ZFA:0000072
-name: somite 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anteriormost undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000072
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000073
-name: somite 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 5 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000073
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000074
-name: somite 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 26 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000074
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000075
-name: spinal cord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001664
-synonym: "medulla spinalis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "spinal cord structure" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000075
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007042 ! spinal cord neural tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000076
-name: swim bladder
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The swim bladder is a double-chambered organ located in the coelom and used to maintain buoyancy and may function as an acoustic resonator. The zebrafish does not appear to have a gas gland, but it is not yet clear if there are gas producing cells distributed more widely." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
-synonym: "gas bladder" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000076
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005335 ! swim bladder bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0000077
-name: tail bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "tail bud mesenchyme" RELATED []
-synonym: "tailbud" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000077
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000038 ! margin
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000078
-name: ventral actinotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Actinotrichium which is part of the ventral fin fold." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ventral actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000078
-is_a: ZFA:0000089 ! fin fold actinotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001069 ! ventral fin fold
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000079
-name: telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anterior and dorsal forebrain neuromere. In ray-finned fishes and most pronounced in teleosts the roof plate of the embryonic telencephalon extends laterally with the effect that the paired alar plates forming the hemispheric walls roll out lateroventrally in a process called eversion. This is unlike the development in other vertebrate groups. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000079
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000571 ! presumptive telencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000080
-name: trigeminal neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest which gives rise to the trigeminal ganglion." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000080
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000081
-name: trunk mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000081
-is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000082
-name: vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessels that carry blood to the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "venous system" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000082
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000083
-name: ventral mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000083
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000084
-name: yolk
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009197
-def: "Giant syncytial uncleaved cell containing nutrient store for embryonic development in the form of semicrystalline phospholipoprotein and contained within yolk granules." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "yolk cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000428
-xref: TAO:0000084
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0000085
-name: apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000736
-def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pectoral fin bud." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "AER pectoral fin" EXACT []
-synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin" EXACT []
-synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fins" EXACT []
-synonym: "apical fold pectoral fin" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000085
-xref: TAO:0000736
-is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000141 ! pectoral fin bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000086
-name: EVL
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Outermost monolayer of cells surrounding the embryo that become very flattened in the blastula and give rise to the periderm. Sometimes used synonymously with periderm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "enveloping layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000086
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001484 ! superficial blastomere
-relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001176 ! blastoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000088
-name: yolk syncytial layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Peripheral layer of the yolk cell including nuclei and non-yolky cytoplasm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "periblast" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "yolk sac" RELATED []
-synonym: "YSL" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000088
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000084 ! yolk
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000541 ! marginal blastomere
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000011 ! Blastula:1k-cell
-id: ZFA:0000089
-name: fin fold actinotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue which is a slender, horny, flexible, unsegmented fibril, which strengthens the embryonic fin fold. Actinotrichia are translucent, exhibit birefringence (double refraction) and are composed of the scleroprotein elastoidine." []
-synonym: "fin fold actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "median fin fold actinotrichium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000089
-is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000090
-name: apical ectodermal ridge dorsal fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000090
-is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001173 ! dorsal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000091
-name: axial chorda mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001219
-def: "Notochord rudiment." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "chorda mesoderm" EXACT []
-synonym: "chordamesoderm" EXACT []
-synonym: "presumptive notochord" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000091
-xref: TAO:0001219
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001204 ! axial mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000092
-name: axis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organism subdivision running along the rostral-caudal axis of the early embryo." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "midline" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000092
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000093
-name: blastomere
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that arises during cleavage and is partially cleaved, and located at the blastodisc margin prior to collectively forming the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) in the midblastula." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "blastomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000093
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001175 ! blastodisc
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0000094
-name: blood island
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nests of developing blood cells arising late in the segmentation period from the intermediate mass, and located in the anterior-ventral tail, just posterior to the yolk extension." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "blood islands" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "caudal hematopoietic tissue" RELATED []
-synonym: "posterior blood island" RELATED []
-synonym: "posterior ICM" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000094
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000033 ! intermediate cell mass of mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000095
-name: pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the gill arches; the last five of the set of seven pharyngeal arches; the numbering system can be confusing; generally branchial arch #1 is the first gill arch, or the third pharyngeal arch, but some authors do not follow this convention." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "branchial arch skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arches 1-5 skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000095
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000096
-name: cardinal system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vasculature comprised of the cardinal veins." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000096
-is_a: ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000097
-name: carotid artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery originating at the junction of the first two aortic arches and supplying the anterior brain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000097
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000098
-name: proliferative region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster which consists of rapidly dividing cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cell cycle" RELATED []
-synonym: "cell division" RELATED []
-synonym: "proliferation" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000098
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000012 ! Blastula:High
-id: ZFA:0000099
-name: brain vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the brain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000099
-is_a: ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000100
-name: cerebellum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure derived from the anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain. The cerebellum plays a role in somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone, and balance. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished here." [ISBN:3764351209, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000100
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001442 ! upper rhombic lip
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000101
-name: diencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The more posterior and ventral of two forebrain neuromeres, the other being the telencephalon; major derivatives are the eye cups, the brain pretectal region, the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus (including the habenula and epiphysis)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000101
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000574 ! presumptive diencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000102
-name: dorsal fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region of the median fin fold that develops into the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000102
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000103
-name: embryo
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFS:0000002
-consider: ZFS:0000003
-consider: ZFS:0000004
-consider: ZFS:0000005
-consider: ZFS:0000006
-consider: ZFS:0000007
-consider: ZFS:0000008
-consider: ZFS:0000009
-consider: ZFS:0000010
-consider: ZFS:0000011
-consider: ZFS:0000012
-consider: ZFS:0000013
-consider: ZFS:0000014
-consider: ZFS:0000015
-consider: ZFS:0000016
-consider: ZFS:0000017
-consider: ZFS:0000018
-consider: ZFS:0000019
-consider: ZFS:0000020
-consider: ZFS:0000021
-consider: ZFS:0000022
-consider: ZFS:0000023
-consider: ZFS:0000024
-consider: ZFS:0000025
-consider: ZFS:0000026
-consider: ZFS:0000027
-consider: ZFS:0000028
-consider: ZFS:0000029
-consider: ZFS:0000030
-consider: ZFS:0000031
-consider: ZFS:0000032
-id: ZFA:0000104
-name: lateral cells
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000105
-name: epidermis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cellular, multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm. Zebrafish epidermis consists only of living cells unlike terrestrial vertebrates in which dead, keratinized cells are present." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-xref: TAO:0000105
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000106
-name: extension
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The posterior elongated region of the yolk cell that forms during the segmentation period." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "yolk extension" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000106
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000084 ! yolk
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000107
-name: eye
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cavitated compound organ that consists of the neural retina, lens, cornea and iris and is the sensory apparatus of the visual system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "eyes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000107
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001127 ! visual system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000108
-name: fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure involved in locomotion." [TAO:WD]
-synonym: "fins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000108
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000109
-name: forebrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The most anterior region the brain including both the telencephalon and diencephalon." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "prosencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000109
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007041 ! forebrain neural tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000110
-name: fourth ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fluid-filled brain cavity. Most posterior brain ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "4th ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "hindbrain ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "rhombencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "rhombencephalic vesicle" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventricle IV" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventriculus rhombencephali" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000110
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000111
-name: germ ring
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that forms as a thickened annulus at the blastoderm rim. The germ ring is thickened because it is the involuting margin of the blastoderm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000111
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000038 ! margin
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000018 ! Gastrula:Germ-ring
-id: ZFA:0000112
-name: gut
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The alimentary or digestive tract, and associated organs." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "alimentary canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "enteric tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "gut tube" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000112
-is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000113
-name: head mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesoderm that will give rise, along with cranial neural crest cells, to connective tissue, bone and musculature in the head." []
-xref: TAO:0000113
-is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000114
-name: heart
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood pumping organ composed of four components: sinus venosus, atrium, cardiac ventricle and bulbus arteriosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000114
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000115
-name: heart rudiment
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The migrating myocardial precursors of the heart rudiment form a cone like structure between 19.5 hpf and 22 hpf, and eventually telescope out into the primitive heart tube at 24hpf." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2]
-synonym: "heart cone" EXACT []
-synonym: "rudimentary heart" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000115
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000028 ! heart primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000116
-name: macula lagena
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula lagena develops from the posterior macula. In juveniles the macula lagena lies in a vertical plane covering most of the medial wall of the lagena." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
-synonym: "maculae lagena" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000116
-is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000558 ! posterior macula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000374 ! lagena
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000117
-name: hypoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The inner of the two layers of the blastoderm that forms during gastrulation and give rise to the definitive mesoderm and endoderm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "mesendoderm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000117
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000711 ! DEL
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000111 ! germ ring
-relationship: start ZFS:0000018 ! Gastrula:Germ-ring
-id: ZFA:0000118
-name: hypophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A compound organ which is an endocrine gland located ventral to the diencephalon and derived from mixed neuroectodermal and non-neuroectodermal origin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pituitary" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000118
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000119
-name: retinal inner nuclear layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Retinal layer that contains the interneurons, the horizontal, bipolar and amacrine cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970602-3]
-synonym: "inner nuclear layer" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "intermediate cell layer" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000119
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000120
-name: lateral line ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ganglion that develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate a lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lateral line ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "llg" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000120
-is_a: ZFA:0000013 ! cranial ganglion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000121
-name: lateral plate mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "lateral plate" EXACT []
-synonym: "LPM" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000121
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000122
-name: lens placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ectodermal primordium of the lens of the eye." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "lens placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000122
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000123
-name: liver
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Solid compound organ with three lobes that has many functions including bile production, blood detoxification, the production of critical plasma proteins and clotting factors, complement proteins and the storage of many substances, such as lipids, amino acids, iron, and glycogen. Female fish produce vitellogenins in the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-26, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100730-19]
-xref: TAO:0000123
-is_a: ZFA:0001491 ! solid compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000124 ! liver primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000124
-name: liver primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic primordium that develops into the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "liver bud" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000124
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005738 ! intestinal bulb primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000125
-name: mandibular lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the mandibular lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast mandibular" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts mandibular" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000125
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000259 ! mandibular lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0000126
-name: centrum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Centra are represented by mineralized, calcified, or ossified portions that surround the notochord. The autocentrum, present in Danio and all other living teleosts, is formed by direct ossification outside the elastica externa of the notochord (Arratia, 1999)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "autocentrum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000126
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000127
-name: mesenchyme condensations
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000128
-name: midbrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The brain region between the forebrain anteriorly and the hindbrain posteriorly, including the tectum dorsally and the midbrain tegmentum ventrally." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "mesencephalon" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000128
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007039 ! midbrain neural tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000130
-name: olfactory pit
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "nasal canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "nasal cavity" EXACT []
-synonym: "nasal pit" EXACT []
-synonym: "olfactory cavity" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000130
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000131
-name: neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An intermediate stage (between the neural plate and neural rod) during the early segmentation period in the morphogenesis of the central nervous system primordium; the keel is roughly triangular shaped in cross section." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000131
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000132
-name: neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the earliest recognizable dorsal ectodermal primordium of the central nervous system present near the end of gastrulation before infolding to form the neural keel; consists of a thickened pseudostratified epithelium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000132
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000133
-name: neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An intermediate stage in the development of the central nervous system present during the segmentation period; the neural rod is roughly cylindrical in shape, forms from the neural keel, and is not yet hollowed out into the neural tube." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000133
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000135
-name: notochord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rod-like principal supportive element of the embryo and larva, present in the midline just ventral to the neural tube, and differentiating during the segmentation period to form large vacuolated epithelial cells and a surrounding sheath of fibrous and elastic layers. Layering of the sheath may differ in structure, thickness and development among groups; in cypriniforms there are actually three very thin layers to the sheath. A functional, well developed notochord is present throughout life in certain basal fish groups but not in cypriniforms." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "notocord" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000135
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000091 ! axial chorda mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000136
-name: otic lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the otic lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast otic" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts otic" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000136
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000464 ! otic lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0000137
-name: optic stalk
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that provides a pathway for axon migration from the retina. The cells of the optic stalk later differentiate into glial cells of the optic nerve." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030210-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101201-28]
-synonym: "optic stalks" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000137
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000138
-name: otic placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Primordium of the ear epithelium before it hollows into the otic vesicle, present beside the hindbrain rudiment in the mid-segmentation period. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000138
-is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001138 ! vestibuloauditory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000140
-name: pancreas
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The pancreas is an organ composed of endocrine and exocrine glandular tissue that produce hormones and digestive enzymes. Unlike in other studied vertebrates the pancreas in zebrafish develops from two buds, one anterior and one posterior. In adult fish the main pancreas is located on the right side attached to the lateral aspect of the intestine by the pancreatic duct. Typically, one large islet and 3-6 smaller islets occupy the main pancreas. The tail of the pancreas is embedded with single beta cells or clusters of small islets and extends caudally along the right side of the intestine." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090616-17]
-xref: TAO:0000140
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001390 ! pancreatic bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000141
-name: pectoral fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin bud that develops into the pectoral fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pectoral fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000141
-is_a: ZFA:0001383 ! fin bud
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001453 ! pectoral fin field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000142
-name: peripheral nervous system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nervous structures including ganglia outside of the central nervous system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "pns" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000142
-is_a: ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000143
-name: retinal photoreceptor layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The layer within the retina where the photoreceptor cell receptor segments reside. This layer is closest to the sclera." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-677]
-synonym: "retinal photoreceptor layers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000143
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000144
-name: retinal pigmented epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A monolayer of pigmented epithelium covering the neural retina; develops from the outer of the two layers of the optic cup." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "pigmented epithelium" EXACT []
-synonym: "pigmented retina" EXACT []
-synonym: "pigmented retinal epithelium" EXACT []
-synonym: "PRE" EXACT []
-synonym: "RPE" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000144
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000064 ! presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000152 ! retina
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000146
-name: presumptive brain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the brain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "brain rudiment" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000146
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0000148
-name: presumptive midbrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the midbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "presumptive mesencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000148
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007014 ! anterior presumptive neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-id: ZFA:0000149
-name: primitive heart tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that arises from the heart rudiment and will become the heart tube." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2]
-xref: TAO:0000149
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000115 ! heart rudiment
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000150
-name: pronephric duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct of the embryonic kidney, present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber. Wingert et al. have suggested that the pronephric duct as described traditionally may consist of subregions which are analogous to portions of the tubule segment of mammalian and other fish nephrons." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "pronephric ducts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000150
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000067 ! pronephric mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000151
-name: pronephros
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The embryonic kidney, present at the level of the third somite, is composed of two glomeruli fused at the midline, two pronephric tubules, and paired bilateral pronephric ducts that modify the composition of the blood filtrate before delivering it to the cloaca for excretion." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "embryonic kidney" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "pronephric nephron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000151
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000067 ! pronephric mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000163 ! renal system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000152
-name: retina
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that contains the retinal neural layer and the retinal pigmented epithelium, and develops from the optic cup." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "retinas" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000152
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001202 ! optic cup
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005567 ! posterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000153
-name: rhombomere 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posteriormost hindbrain segment or neuromere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "r8" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000153
-is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001214 ! presumptive rhombomere 8
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000154
-name: sinus venosus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Heart region collecting blood from the paired common cardinal veins and delivering to the atrium. One of four components of the heart. The sinus venosus also acts as a pacemaker and is the first to contract." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "inflow tract" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000154
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001722 ! presumptive sinus venosus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000155
-name: somite
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal components of early trunk or tail segments or metameres, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms myotomes, sclerotomes and perhaps dermatomes." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "somitic mesoderm" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000155
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000279 ! segmental plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001115 ! trunk
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000156
-name: somite 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk or tail segment 20 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000156
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000157
-name: somite 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posteriormost undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000157
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000158
-name: urostyle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "This centrum may be formed via the fusion of the terminal centrum and half-centrum. It is sometimes termed the 'ultimate' vertebra. Develops from the fused preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "compound centrum" EXACT []
-synonym: "last vertebra" EXACT []
-synonym: "ultimate vertebra" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000158
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001581 ! ural centrum 2
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001583 ! preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000159
-name: tectal ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "cerebral aqueduct" EXACT []
-synonym: "medial tectal ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "mesencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "mesencephalic vesicle" EXACT []
-synonym: "midbrain ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventriculus mesencephali" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000159
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000160
-name: tegmentum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001354
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral part of the midbrain and develops from the basal plate. The tegmentum is bordered rostrally by the synencephalon, dorsal thalamus and posterior tuberculum, ventrally by the hypothalamus, and dorsolaterally by the torus semicircularis; caudally the tegmentum is continuous with the medulla oblongata." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "mesencephalic tegmentum" EXACT []
-synonym: "midbrain tegmentum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000160
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000761 ! basal plate midbrain region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000161
-name: third ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fluid-filled brain cavity." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "3rd ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "diencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "diencephalic vesicle" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventriculus diencephali" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000161
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001259 ! forebrain ventricle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000162
-name: trigeminal placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The ectodermal rudiment of the trigeminal ganglion, distinguishable during much of the segmentation period." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "trigeminal placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000162
-is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000163
-name: renal system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "System that removes and collects metabolic waste from the blood while maintaining ion homeostasis." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
-synonym: "urinary system" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000163
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000164
-name: ventral mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000164
-is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000165
-name: inferior lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is a paired nucleus located in the lateral expansion of the dorsal hypothalamic zone." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "inferior lobe of hypothalamus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "inferior lobes" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "lateral lobe of hypothalamus" EXACT []
-synonym: "lobus inferior hypothalami" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000165
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000347 ! dorsal hypothalamic zone
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000166
-name: lateral crista
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000378
-def: "Patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium that is associated with the lateral semicircular canal. It consists of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The lateral crista has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lateral crista ampullaris" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral cristae" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "lateral semicircular canal sensory patch" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral semicircular canal sensory patches" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "lc" EXACT []
-synonym: "medial crista" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-051116-3]
-xref: TAO:0000166
-is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000225 ! lateral crista primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000220 ! lateral semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000167
-name: anal fin skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Median fin skeleton that is located posterior to the anus." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0000167
-is_a: ZFA:0001123 ! axial fin skeleton
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001162 ! anal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000168
-name: anterior macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Macula that is located in the developing anterior inner ear, and gives rise to the macula utricle. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb,, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "am" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior sensory patch" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000168
-is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001671 ! macula communis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000169
-name: antorbital
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001410
-id: ZFA:0000170
-name: basibranchial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Median elements that are ossified within copulae and are not assigned to a specific branchial arch number. They articulate posterolaterally with the hypobranchials." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "basibranchials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000170
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001220 ! copula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000171
-name: basisphenoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: A basisphenoid is absent in Danio rerio; its absence is a shared derived feature of all ostariophysan fishes (Fink and Fink, '81). from ZDB-PUB-961014-192
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000172
-name: branchial muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle that is part of pharyngeal arches 3-7 which are also known as the branchial arches." [GOC:CVS, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "branchial muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000172
-is_a: ZFA:0001652 ! head muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001307 ! pharyngeal musculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000173
-name: bulbus arteriosus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that consists of three layers and through which the blood exits the heart. The bulbus arteriosus is a pear shaped chamber that functions as a capacitor, maintaining continuous blood flow into the gill arches." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001026-2]
-synonym: "cardiac outflow tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "outflow tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "truncus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000173
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001712 ! presumptive bulbus arteriosus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000174
-name: cerebellovestibular tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cerebellar tract that consists of efferent fibers from the Purkinje cells to the neurons of the vestibular nuclei in the hindbrain. The cerebellovestibular tracts are involved in precise motor controls, such as the vestibulo-ocular reflex." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
-synonym: "caudal cerebellar tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal cerebellar tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "cerebellovestibular tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000174
-is_a: ZFA:0001708 ! cerebellar white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000175
-name: posterior lateral line nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve which enters the brain between cranial nerves VIII and IX; contains afferents and sensory efferents to the posterior lateral line ganglion and middle ganglion. Fibers from the posterior lateral line ganglion innervate the occipital dorsal lateral line and trunk lateral lines." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-763]
-synonym: "caudal lateral line nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000175
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000176
-name: lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon that has migrated to the periphery of the brain. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus lateralis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002204
-is_a: ZFA:0001667 ! peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005911 ! presumptive lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000177
-name: caudal oblique
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "caudal obliques" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000177
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000178
-name: caudal peduncle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the fish's body that is posterior to the vent and anterior to the caudal fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000178
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001117 ! post-vent region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000179
-name: caudal root of abducens nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve root which is part of the abducens nerve (CN-VI) and is located at the level of the intermediate reticular formation. Fuses with the rostral root of the abducens nerve and courses rostrally once outside the brain stem. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
-synonym: "radix caudalis nervi abducentis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000179
-is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000310 ! cranial nerve VI
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000180
-name: caudal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein in the tail returning blood from the trunk and tail to the heart, leads directly into the posterior cardinal vein in the posterior trunk." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "CV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000180
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001286 ! caudal vein plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005295 ! axial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0000181
-name: caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is the most caudally located part of the dorsal telencephalon and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona posterior" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal zone of D" EXACT []
-synonym: "Dp" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
-synonym: "posterior zone of dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000181
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000182
-name: central caudal thalamic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the caudal portion of the dorsal thalamus, ventral to the dorsal caudal thalamic nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "central posterior thalamic nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus centralis posterior thalami" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000182
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000653 ! dorsal thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000183
-name: central pretectum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the central part of the pretectum." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000183
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005908 ! presumptive pretectum proliferative zone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000418 ! pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000184
-name: cleithrum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Transversely oriented bone connecting the occipital region of the skull dorsally and pectoral girdle ventrally; appears near the end of embryogenesis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "cleithra" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000184
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000185
-name: commissura rostral, pars ventralis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior commissure which abuts the preoptic region dorsally. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "commissura anterior, pars ventralis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000185
-is_a: ZFA:0001108 ! anterior commissure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000186
-name: common cardinal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired longitudinal vein; the anterior cardinal returns blood from the head, and the posterior cardinal returns it from the trunk; these two vessels join together on each side as the common cardinal vein (duct of Cuvier; misnamed the vitelline vein) that leads across the yolk cell to the heart's sinus venosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "duct of Cuvier" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000186
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000096 ! cardinal system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000188
-name: corpus cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is one of three parts of the cerebellum and is the entry point for a posterior cerebellar tract that carries cerebellar afferents from many brain stem nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cerebellar corpus" EXACT []
-synonym: "corpus cerebelli granular layer " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "corpus cerebellum" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000188
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000189
-name: otic region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster of skeletal elements that is a posterolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the vestibuloauditory system." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "cranial vault" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000189
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000190
-name: ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Structures containing a collection of nerve cell bodies." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000190
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000191
-name: dentary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that forms the antero-lateral part of the lower jaw. It first appears around the anterior end of Meckel's cartilage (5.1 mm NL). In the adult, the dentary meets its counterpart anteriorly at the mandibular symphysis. The dentary abuts the retroarticular posteriorly, and it surround the anguloarticular. The dentary is connected to the maxilla by the maxillo-mandibular ligament. Dentary teeth are absent in cypriniforms, but are present in other ostariophysans." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "dentary bone" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000191
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005488 ! mandibular symphysis
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000192
-name: descending trigeminal root
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The bundle of the sensory root of the trigeminal nerve that descends in the medulla oblongata providing somatosensory input to the nucleus of the descending trigeminal root and to the medial funicular nucleus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "radix descendens nervi trigemini" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000192
-is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000193
-name: diffuse nucleus inferior lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus and consists of masses of small cells presumably migrated from the periventricular cell masses. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "diffuse nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "DIL" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000193
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000165 ! inferior lobe
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000194
-name: dorsal accessory optic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and is ventral to the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "nucleus opticus accessorius dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000194
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000183 ! central pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000195
-name: dorsal depressor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin muscle that moves individual rays the dorsal fin into a lowered position. The dorsal depressors extend from either the right or left base of a dorsal fin ray to the posterior edge of a proximal pterygophore in the median septum. Antagonistic to dorsal erector muscle. There is one dorsal depressor for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "depressor dorsalis" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal depressors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000195
-is_a: ZFA:0005270 ! depressor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000196
-name: dorsal hypohyal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The dorsal hypohyal is a small cartilage replacement bone ossifying from the anterodorsal ceratohyal cartilage. Ossification begins on the medial surface of the ceratohyal cartilage at a ligamentous connection to basibranchial 1 (6.8 mm)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dorsal hypohyals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000196
-is_a: ZFA:0001381 ! hypohyal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005457 ! dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005458 ! dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005467 ! ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000197
-name: dorsal habenular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Habenular nucleus where the efferent projections innervate the interpeduncular nucleus. The dorsal habenula is structurally homologous to the mammalian medial habenula." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7]
-synonym: "dorsal habenular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "dorsal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000197
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000213 ! habenula
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000199
-name: dorsal periventricular hypothalamus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the dorsal hypothalamic zone and is located periventricularly. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000199
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000347 ! dorsal hypothalamic zone
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000200
-name: dorsal root ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Trunk ganglion which is located adjacent to the spine on a dorsal root and contains the cell bodies of afferent sensory nerves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dorsal root ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "DRG" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000200
-is_a: ZFA:0001573 ! trunk ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001024 ! trunk neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000201
-name: dorsal transverse
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000201
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000202
-name: efferent branchial artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that carries blood leaving the gill. This is on the side of the aortic arch proximal to the lateral dorsal aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "EBA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000202
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000203
-name: epicentrals
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Epicentrals are not present in D. rerio.ZDB-PUB-031103-13
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000204
-name: esophagus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Esophagus part of the gut that develops from endodermal precursors at the rostral end of the digestive tract. The esophagus develops independently from the intestine." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030312-8]
-synonym: "oesophagus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000204
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000205
-name: external lateral ventral muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that originates from a broad base at the midline and narrows toward its attachment at the ventral tip of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "external ventral flexor" RELATED []
-synonym: "lateralis superficialis ventralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "LSV" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000205
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000206
-name: facial nerve motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "facial motor nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "motor nucleus VII" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus motorius nervi facialis" EXACT []
-synonym: "nVII" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000206
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000207
-name: fin musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Musculature part of fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000207
-is_a: ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000208
-name: gall bladder
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The compound organ that stores bile." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000208
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000209
-name: lateral preglomerular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Preglomerular nucleus which is located between the rostral and medial preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "lateral preglomerular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000209
-is_a: ZFA:0001662 ! preglomerular nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000210
-name: gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the caudal gigantocellular portion of the magnocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "nucleus praeopticus magnocellularis, pars gigantocellularis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000210
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000248 ! magnocellular preoptic nucleus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000211
-name: gill lamella
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the transverse vertical platelet on the gill filament, through which capillaries run. The primary gill lamellae carry numerous fine layers called secondary lamellae which are the actual regions of respiration and excretion." [GOC:cvs,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "gill lamellae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000211
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000212
-name: granular eminence
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000187
-def: "Brain structure which is paired and part of the vestibulolateralis lobe of the cerebellum and extends fibers into the cerebellar crest. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "EG" RELATED []
-synonym: "eminentia granularis" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral granular eminence" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000212
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000307 ! vestibulolateralis lobe
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000213
-name: habenula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The habenula relays impulses from limbic areas of the telencephalon to an unpaired midbrain nucleus, the interpeduncular nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "habenulae" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "habenular nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000213
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000509 ! epithalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000214
-name: hypobranchial vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: May be the same as hypobranchial artery and may need to be merged.
-synonym: "hypobranchial vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000214
-is_obsolete: true
-replaced_by: ZFA:0000673
-id: ZFA:0000215
-name: inferior olive
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain nucleus where climbing fibers originate. The neurons in the inferior olive are capable of prolonged oscillatory activity. The inferior olive is called a precerebellar nucleus since virtually all of the efferent axons terminate in the cerebellum." [GOC:mh, ISBN:0471888893, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000215
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000216
-name: infracarinalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: This may need to be treated as a waypoint in the development of the various muscles or as a group of muscles.
-xref: TAO:0000216
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000217
-name: inner ear
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The auditory (hearing) and vestibular (balance) organ of the fish, equivalent to the inner ear of amniotes. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "ear" EXACT []
-synonym: "otic capsule" RELATED []
-synonym: "otocyst" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000217
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000051 ! otic vesicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001138 ! vestibuloauditory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000219
-name: intermediate reticular formation
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "intermediate reticular formations" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000219
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000542 ! medial column
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000220
-name: lateral semicircular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000361
-def: "One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The lateral semicircular canal is associated with the lateral crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "horizontal semicircular canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral semicircular canals" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "lateral semicircular duct" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000220
-is_a: ZFA:0000431 ! semicircular canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000221
-name: internal levator
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "internal levators" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000221
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000222
-name: isthmic primary nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory trigeminal nucleus located in the most rostral position. It lies immediately caudal to the secondary gustatory nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "isthmic primary nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "isthmic primary sensory trigeminal nucleus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000222
-is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000223
-name: infraorbital 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that covers the region between the anterior margin of the eye and the upper jaw. Infraorbital 1 (the lachrymal) is the first and largest bone in the infraorbital series. Bears the anterior most part of the infraorbital canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lachrymal bone" EXACT []
-synonym: "lacrimal" EXACT []
-synonym: "lacrymal bone" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000223
-is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000224
-name: larva
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFS:0000035
-consider: ZFS:0000036
-consider: ZFS:0000037
-consider: ZFS:0000038
-consider: ZFS:0000039
-consider: ZFS:0000040
-consider: ZFS:0000041
-id: ZFA:0000225
-name: lateral crista primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the lateral crista." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lateral crista primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000225
-is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000220 ! lateral semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000226
-name: lateral ethmoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Large, paired cartilage bones separating the olfactory region from the orbit. Arises from both perichondral and endochondral ossifications (Harrington 1955). Bordered by the mesethmoid anteriorly and overlain by the frontal dorsally, each lateral ethmoid extends medially to meet its fellow posteriorly along the midline. Develops from the laminae orbitonasales." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "lateral ethmoids" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000226
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001503 ! lamina orbitonasalis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005420 ! autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000227
-name: lateral hypothalamic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is the lateral part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "arcuate nucleus" RELATED []
-synonym: "lateral hypothalamic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "lateral tuberal nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000227
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000707 ! ventral hypothalamic zone
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000228
-name: lateral line primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a portion of tissue that migrates and deposits immature neuromasts and interneuromasts." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "llp" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000228
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000229
-name: lateral olfactory tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic white matter which extends between the olfactory bulb and the ipsilateral dorsal telencephalon and carries secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "tractus olfactorius lateralis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000229
-is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000230
-name: longitudinal hypochordal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle that attaches to the parhypurpophyses. The muscle inserts on the upper three to five caudal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:0080585272, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "hypochordal longitudinalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000230
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000231
-name: lateral recess
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0005493
-def: "Intracranial space formed by confluence of supraorbital, infraorbital, preopercular and temporal sensory canals that forms the lateral protrusion of the third ventricle. See also Di Dario (2004)." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "lateral recess of diencephalic ventricle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27]
-synonym: "lateral recesses" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "recessus lateralis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000231
-xref: TAO:0001799
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000161 ! third ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000232
-name: otic vesicle lateral protrusion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Otic vesicle protrusion that is initially laterally located and then bifurcates and fuses anteriorly with the anterior protrusion, and posteriorly with the posterior protrusion." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
-synonym: "lateral semicircular canal primordia" RELATED PLURAL []
-synonym: "lateral semicircular canal primordium" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000232
-is_a: ZFA:0001715 ! otic vesicle protrusion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000233
-name: lower oral valve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue, located on the lower jaw that defines the caudal extent of the labial cavity. The oral valves control the flow of water into the mouth during routine respiration." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
-synonym: "breathing valve" RELATED []
-synonym: "buccal valve" RELATED []
-synonym: "lower internal lip" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
-synonym: "lower semilunar valve" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
-synonym: "mandibular valve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000233
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000234
-name: macula neglecta
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula neglecta a pair of sensory patches positioned on the floor of the utricle adjacent to the utriculosaccular foramen at the base of the common crus." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
-synonym: "maculae neglecta" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000234
-is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000558 ! posterior macula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000235
-name: magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum and is caudally contiguous with the caudal pretectal nucleus. Cells of the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus are slightly larger and more orderly around a central neuropil than those of the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "magnocellular superficial pretectal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000235
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000687 ! superficial pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000236
-name: mandibular muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle that are part of the mandibular arch (pharyngeal arch 1)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "mandibular muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000236
-is_a: ZFA:0001652 ! head muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001307 ! pharyngeal musculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001612 ! pharyngeal arch 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000237
-name: medial forebrain bundle diencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "medial forebrain bundles diencephalon" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000237
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005111 ! medial forebrain bundle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000238
-name: medial olfactory tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic white matter which extends between the olfactory bulb and the ipsilateral ventral telencephalon and carries secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "tractus olfactorius medialis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000238
-is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000239
-name: mesocoracoid bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that articulates laterally with the medial surface of the cleithrum and ventro-medially with the scapula and coracoid. Mesocoracoid bone is a small, arch-like bone that develops from the mesocoracoid cartilage. Mesocoracoid bone is paired." [TAO:WD]
-synonym: "mesocoracoid bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000239
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001537 ! mesocoracoid cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000240
-name: metapterygoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The metapterygoid is a posterior bone that ossifies in the cartilaginous palatoquadrate arch. It first appears as a rod of bone with an anterodorsally projecting process from the middle of the dorsal surface (6.4 mm). The adult metapterygoid is roughly rectangular in shape with rounded corners and an anterodorsally projecting spine that meets the entopterygoid medially in a synostosis at its posteromedial edge. The posterior end curves dorsally to form the posteroventral surface of the orbit." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "metapterygoids" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000240
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005902 ! pterygoid process
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005469 ! hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005486 ! quadrate-metapterygoid joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005509 ! palate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000241
-name: midline column
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000241
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000421 ! reticular formation
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000242
-name: male organism
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000027
-xref: TAO:0000242
-is_a: ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000243
-name: neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Volcano-shaped lateral line sensory organ located in characteristic positions within the skin epithelium and containing hair cells and their support elements. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "lateral line neuromast" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral line organ" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000243
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005227 ! protoneuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000244
-name: nucleus Edinger-Westphal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "Edinger-Westphal nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000244
-is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000245
-name: nucleus of the descending root
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory trigeminal nucleus that lies at the mediodorsal edge of the descending trigeminal root (DV). This nucleus is not clearly delineated." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "sensory nucleus of the descending trigeminal root" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000245
-is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000246
-name: nucleus taeniae
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is located immediately ventral to the caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000246
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000247
-name: cranial nerve VIII
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "auditory nerve" EXACT []
-synonym: "CN-VIII" EXACT []
-synonym: "cochleovestibular nerve" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190924-19]
-synonym: "octaval nerve" EXACT []
-synonym: "statoacoustic nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000247
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000248
-name: magnocellular preoptic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is dorsal to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "magnocellular preoptic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000248
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000470 ! preoptic area
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000249
-name: cranial nerve I
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "CN-I" EXACT []
-synonym: "olfactory nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000249
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000250
-name: opercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that articulates anteriorly with the hyomandibula. The opercle is paired and typically the largest bone of the opercular series. It is derived from the neural crest and is located in 2nd pharyngeal arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-44]
-synonym: "opercles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000250
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005885 ! operculohyoid ligament
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000555 ! opercular flap
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000251
-name: opercular-branchiostegal series
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: ZFIN not using series organization if at all possible.
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000863
-id: ZFA:0000252
-name: optic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic white matter (tract) which is comprised of retinal ganglion cell axons after which they have passed through the optic chiasm." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "optic tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "tractus opticus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000252
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000253
-name: orbitosphenoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Large median unpaired cartilage bone consisting of two diverging plates. Positioned medial to the eye. The orbitosphenoid develops from the Trabeculae communis and forms the anterior and anteriolateral boundary of the orbital foramen and constitutes a significant part of the sidewalls and floor of the cranial cavity. Bordered by the lateral ethmoid anteriorly, and the pterosphenoid posteriorly, The orbitosphenoid may extend ventrally to meet the parasphenoid. In the adult, the orbitosphenoid is fused ventrally to the parasphenoid via a thin sheet of bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "orbitosphenoids" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000253
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001505 ! taenia marginalis anterior
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005509 ! palate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000254
-name: pancreas primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that develops into the pancreatic bud." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-comment: During normal development, the exocrine anlage arises from bilateral sets of progenitors within the blastoderm margin that migrate to the midline use and differentiate prior to joining the rostral intestine. ZDB-PUB-050623-3.
-synonym: "pancreatic anlage" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-xref: TAO:0000254
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000255
-name: paraxial mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000942
-def: "Mesoderm which is lateral to the neural tube on both sides." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "paraxial mesenchyme" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000255
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-is_a: ZFA:0000081 ! trunk mesenchyme
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000591 ! presumptive paraxial mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000256
-name: pars subcommissuralis of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pars subcommissuralis of V" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000256
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000304 ! ventral telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000257
-name: pectoral fin cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage which is part of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pectoral fin cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000257
-is_a: ZFA:0001543 ! paired fin cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000258
-name: pelvic fin musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Musculature that is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000258
-is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001449 ! mesenchyme pelvic fin
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001184 ! pelvic fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000259
-name: mandibular lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of 2 neuromast. One neuromast is positioned at the front edge of the jaw the second posteriorly on the mandible. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
-synonym: "mandibular lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "mandibular line" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3]
-xref: TAO:0000259
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000260
-name: periventricular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is the periventricular part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "periventricular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "ventral zone of periventricular hypothalamus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000260
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000707 ! ventral hypothalamic zone
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000261
-name: pharyngohyoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000261
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000262
-name: posterior semicircular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000483
-def: "One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The posterior semicircular canal is associated with the posterior crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "caudal vertical semicircular canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior semicircular canals" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "posterior semicircular duct" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000262
-is_a: ZFA:0000431 ! semicircular canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000263
-name: precaudal vertebra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Post-cranial vertebrae lacking hemal spines (Weitzman, 1962), refers generally to the anterior vertebral region bounding the abdominal cavity. Alternate but not quite synonymous terms are abdominal or trunk vertebrae, which bear parapophyses and ribs. In many actinopterygians dorsal to the posterior abdominal cavity there are transitional vertebrae lacking ribs but also without hemal spines or sometimes even enclosed hemal arches. The primary definition would identify these vertebrae as precaudal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "abdominal vertebra" RELATED []
-synonym: "precaudal vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "trunk vertebra" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000263
-is_a: ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001115 ! trunk
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000264
-name: preopercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is part of the opercular flap and bears the preopercular sensory canal. The preopercle is a paired bone and typically L-shaped, with the horizontal limb overlying the interopercle and the vertical limb overlying the opercle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "preopercles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000264
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000555 ! opercular flap
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000265
-name: presumptive dorsal mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of presumptive mesoderm fated to become dorsal mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000265
-is_a: ZFA:0001377 ! presumptive mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0000266
-name: pretecto-mammillary tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pretecto mammillary tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "pretecto-mamillary tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "pretectomamillary tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "TPp" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000266
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000267
-name: primary olfactory fiber layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue which is the most peripheral layer and present only in the rostroventral olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "olfactory nerve layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-2]
-synonym: "stratum nervosum bulbi olfactorii" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000267
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000268
-name: anal fin proximal radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the anal fin, which articulate with the distal radials." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "anal fin proximal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000268
-is_a: ZFA:0001646 ! anal fin radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001420 ! anal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000269
-name: inferior caudal ventral flexor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise from a narrow insertion site at the 28th and 29th vertebrae then project from the vertebral column to the ventral base of the caudal fin where they attach broadly to ventral caudal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "CVI" RELATED []
-synonym: "flexor caudalis ventralis inferioris" EXACT []
-synonym: "inferior ventral flexor" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000269
-is_a: ZFA:0005271 ! flexor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000270
-name: maxilla
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The dermal maxilla forms part of the upper jaw. It is first visible as a small dorsoventrally oriented rod of bone in the lateral region of the upper jaw. Through anterior ossification it becomes S-shaped, with its anteriormost tip directed medially (4.8 mm NL). The posteroventral end of the maxilla is connected to the dentary by a ligament. Maxillary teeth are absent in cypriniforms, but are present in other ostariophysans. Two barbels are present on the maxilla. The presence of two pairs of maxillary barbels is considered by Cavender and Coburn (1992) to be the primitive condition for the Cyprinidae." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "maxillae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000270
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005421 ! autopalatine-maxillary joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000271
-name: radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The internal skeletal supports of the median and paired fins." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000271
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000272
-name: respiratory system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "System responsible for the exchange of gases across the gill membranes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000272
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000274
-name: rostral octaval nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Octaval sensory nucleus located rostral to the magnocellular octaval nucleus and arches dorsally around the descending trigeminal root. Receives some vestibular information and is part of the vestibulo-ocular reflex circuitry and projects to abducens and oculomotor nuclei and descends to the spinal cord. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior octaval nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus octavus anterior" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000274
-is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000275
-name: rostral tegmental nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000275
-is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000276
-name: rostrolateral thalamic nucleus of Butler & Saidel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000276
-is_a: ZFA:0005576 ! ventral thalamus nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000277
-name: scale
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is thin, flexible, and platelike, and that develops in overlapping skinfolds that cover the body and often the head of fish and the bases of the fins." [TAO:WD]
-synonym: "scales" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000277
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001704 ! scale primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001183 ! dermal superficial region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0000278
-name: secondary gustatory nucleus medulla oblongata
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000278
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000279
-name: segmental plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "presomitic mesoderm" EXACT []
-synonym: "PSM" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000279
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000255 ! paraxial mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000280
-name: medial valvula cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Medial division of the valvula cerebelli." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "medial division" EXACT []
-synonym: "valvula cerebelli, pars medialis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000280
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000281
-name: hair cell posterior macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Specialized neuronal receptor cells of the posterior macula. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for hair cells by T. Whitfield.)" [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "sensory hair cells posterior macula" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000281
-is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001099 ! immature hair cell posterior macula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000558 ! posterior macula
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000282
-name: sensory system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nervous system responsible for transmitting sensory stimuli." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "sensory systems" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000282
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000284
-name: subopercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone lying below the opercle. The subopercle is a paired bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "subopercles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000284
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000555 ! opercular flap
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000285
-name: superficial adductor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin muscle that develops from the primitive pectoral fin adductor. The adductor superficialis originates at the cleithrum and inserts on all fins rays except the first. Insertion of the adductor superficialis on fin rays is distal to the fin ray bases." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-synonym: "adductor superficialis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-synonym: "superficial adductors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000285
-is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005650 ! primitive pectoral fin adductor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000286
-name: superficial lateralis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Slow twitch muscle derived from the lateral wedge-shaped strip of slow muscle cells originally positioned at the lateral end of the horizontal myoseptum. In the adult it is a thin band of muscle positioned mediolaterally above the epaxial-hypaxial junction, posteriorly the superficial lateralis elaborates into the superficial lateralis dorsalis and superficial lateralis ventralis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080519-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
-synonym: "lateral superficial muscle" RELATED []
-synonym: "lateralis superficialis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000286
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000287
-name: superior caudal dorsal flexor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that originate from the 30th vertebra and extend toward the dorsal base of the caudal fin where they insert broadly on fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "CDS" RELATED []
-synonym: "flexor caudalis dorsalis superioris " EXACT []
-synonym: "superior dorsal flexor" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000287
-is_a: ZFA:0005271 ! flexor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000288
-name: supracarinalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000288
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000289
-name: supramaxillae
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Supramaxillary bones are absent from D. rerio, as in other ostariophysans (Fink and Fink, '81)
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000290
-name: sphenoid region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that forms the floor and sidewalls of the middle part of the cranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000290
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000291
-name: medial octavolateralis nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral line sensory nucleus located in the cerebellum that processes sensory input from the lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "intermediate octavolateral nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "medial octavolateralis nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "MON" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000291
-is_a: ZFA:0000381 ! lateral line sensory nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000292
-name: surface structure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organism subdivision which is the collection of anatomical structures on the body surface." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "surface structures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000292
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000293
-name: synencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is located between the dorsal diencephalon and the mesencephalon and contains the caudal commissure. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000293
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000294
-name: torus lateralis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. In goldfish the lateral torus is exclusively involved with gustatory and general visceral systems." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:9552123]
-synonym: "lateral torus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000294
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000295
-name: trigeminal ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A prominent collection of touch-sensory neurons of the trigeminal or fifth cranial nerve, positioned beside the brain between the eye and the ear." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "5th ganglion" EXACT []
-synonym: "fifth ganglion" EXACT []
-synonym: "gV" EXACT []
-synonym: "trigeminal ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000295
-is_a: ZFA:0000013 ! cranial ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000080 ! trigeminal neural crest
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000162 ! trigeminal placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000296
-name: uncrossed tecto-bulbar tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000296
-is_a: ZFA:0000446 ! tecto-bulbar tract
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000297
-name: vagal lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The multi-tissue, vagal lobe is a large, paired brain stem structure flanking the unpaired facial lobe laterally. The vagal lobe contains motor and gustatory neurons. While some degree of histological segregation is apparent within the vagal lobe, a clear lamination, as seen in goldfish or carp is absent." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "LX" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000298
-name: vent
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a surface structure and is the external opening of the cloaca." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "cloacal opening" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110602-26]
-synonym: "cloacal vent" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000298
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000066 ! proctodeum
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005781 ! cloaca
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000299
-name: ventral entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon that is a band of tightly packed cells starting at the level of the anterior commissure and extends into the telencephalo-diencephalic boundary region. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-comment: The GAD67-positive (dorsal) entopeduncular\nnucleus (EN= former ENd) appears to be anatomically\nseparate from the GAD67-negative bed nucleus of the\nstria medullaris (BNSM), which was formerly called the ventral\npart of the entopeduncular nucleus (ENv). ZDB-PUB-090814-14.
-synonym: "endopeduncular nucleus, ventral part" EXACT []
-synonym: "entopeduncular nucleus, ventral part" EXACT []
-synonym: "ENv" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus entopeduncularis, pars ventralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral entopeduncular nucleus V" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000299
-is_a: ZFA:0001667 ! peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005910 ! presumptive ventral entopeduncular nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000300
-name: ventral hypohyal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The ventral hypohyal ossifies first along the anteroventral tip of the ceratohyal cartilage at the insertion of the tendon from the sternohyoideus (5.7 mm)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "lower hypohyal" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventrohyal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000300
-is_a: ZFA:0001381 ! hypohyal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005458 ! dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005466 ! ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005476 ! inter-ventral hypohyal joint
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000301
-name: medial rectus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Extraocular muscle that runs parallel to the long axis of the fish and inserts on the anterior side of the eye at the sclera-corneal (SC) junction. The medial rectus lies in the same anatomical plane as the lateral rectus. The medial rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
-comment: Mature form at Hatching:Long-pec.
-synonym: "medial recti" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000301
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000302
-name: ventral habenular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Habenular nucleus positioned ventromedially to the dorsal habenular nuclei. The ventral habenular nuclei are paired and symmetrical, each have a conical shape defined by a wide rostral end, occupying the entire anterior region of the habenula, and a narrow caudal end. The axons of the ventral habenular nucleus passed laterally through the interpeduncular nucleus and projected to the ventral part of the median raphe. The ventral habenular nucleus is homolog mammalian lateral habenular nucleus." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120709-5]
-xref: TAO:0000302
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000213 ! habenula
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000303
-name: female organism
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000028
-xref: TAO:0000303
-is_a: ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0000304
-name: ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is the ventral part of the telencephalon and is consists of periventricular nuclei surrounding the unpaired median ventricle and those which have migrated away from the ependyma. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area ventralis telencephali" EXACT []
-synonym: "subpallium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000304
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000305
-name: ventral sulcus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Groove that separates the paired inferior (or lateral) lobes of the hypothalamus from the tuberal hypothalamus." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypothalamic sulcus" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000305
-is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000032 ! hypothalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000306
-name: ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000306
-is_a: ZFA:0005576 ! ventral thalamus nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000307
-name: vestibulolateralis lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is part of the cerebellum consists of the paired granular eminentia and the medial caudal lobe. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000307
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000308
-name: prevomer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A thin medial unpaired dermal bone that is kite or paddle-shape. Underlying the ethmoid, and slightly overlapping the parasphenoid posteriorly, the prevomer bears an anterolateral projection that terminates in a concave depression in which the preethmoids sit." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "vomer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0000308
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005509 ! palate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000309
-name: external yolk syncytial layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The portion of the YSL that is outside of the blastoderm margin during epiboly." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "E-YSL" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000309
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000088 ! yolk syncytial layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000013 ! Blastula:Oblong
-id: ZFA:0000310
-name: cranial nerve VI
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve which exits the medulla oblongata and controls the lateral movement of the eye. The caudal and rostral roots fuse together and course rostrally once they are outside the brainstem. The abducens nerve innervates the lateral rectus extraocular muscle." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-12]
-synonym: "abducens nerve" EXACT []
-synonym: "CN-VI" EXACT []
-synonym: "nervus abducens" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000310
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000311
-name: adductor mandibulae complex
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a mandibular muscle that consists of three subdivisions A1, A2, and A3. All three originate on the hyomandibula and suspensorium but each has a distinct insertion. A1 inserts on the maxilla, A2 inserts along the caudal margin of the articular and A3 inserts on the medial surface of the articular." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070330-4]
-xref: TAO:0000311
-is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007049 ! adductor mandibulae
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0000312
-name: mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory trigeminal nucleus located at the tectal ventricle near the synencephalon and optic tectum that contains large pyriform neurons. The sensory fibers of the large pyriform neurons that run peripherally in the trigeminal nerve." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "mesencephalic nuclei of trigeminal nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000312
-is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000313
-name: anal inclinator
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Series of paired muscles that have a distal attachment at the lateral base of each ray and a proximal attachment to the hypaxialis. The left and right inclinators attach the integument and trunk muscles to the base of each ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "anal inclinators" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "inclinatores anales" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-xref: TAO:0000313
-is_a: ZFA:0005276 ! inclinator muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000314
-name: anterior semicircular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000675
-def: "One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The anterior semicircular canal is associated with the anterior crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "anterior semicircular canals" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "anterior semicircular duct" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral vertical semicircular canal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000314
-is_a: ZFA:0000431 ! semicircular canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000315
-name: asteriscus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Otolith part of lagena." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
-synonym: "lagenar otolith" EXACT []
-synonym: "lagenolith" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000315
-is_a: ZFA:0001617 ! otolith
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000374 ! lagena
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000316
-name: basihyal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that is median and is the anterior-most bone of the ventral hyoid arch, the 'tongue' of the a fish. Ossification of the cartilaginous basihyal is first visible at the posterior end of the club-shaped basihyal cartilage (6.0 mm). Ossification spreads throughout the cartilage, except for the anterior tip, which remains cartilaginous. The posteroventral tip extends between the left and right dorsal hypohyals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "basihyal" RELATED []
-synonym: "basihyoid" EXACT []
-synonym: "glossohyal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000316
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001510 ! basihyal cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000317
-name: postcranial axial skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The post-cranial structural components forming the long axis of the vertebrate body; in Danio, consisting of the notochord, vertebrae, ribs, supraneurals, intermuscular bones, and unpaired median fins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "axial skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000317
-is_a: ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000318
-name: brainstem and spinal white matter
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter that is part of the brain stem or spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "brain stem and spinal tract/commissure" EXACT []
-synonym: "brain stem/spinal tracts and commissures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000318
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000319
-name: branchiostegal membrane
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The portion of tissue forming the membrane connecting the branchiostegals and enclosing the gill chamber." []
-synonym: "branchiostegal membranes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000319
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000320
-name: caudal commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic tract which is located in the vicinity of the dorsal diencephalon and mesencephalon and connects the pretectal nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "PC" RELATED []
-synonym: "posterior commissure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000320
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000321
-name: caudal levator
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "caudal levators" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000321
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000322
-name: caudal octaval nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "caudal octaval nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000322
-is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000323
-name: mesethmoid bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Median unpaired cartilage bone that ossifies as a perichondral lamellae ensheathing the nasal septum anterodorsally and laterally (Harrington, 1955). In adult D. rerio, the center of the mesethmoid remains cartilaginous (Cubbage & Mabee, 1996). The mesethmoid meets the supraethmoid dorsally, the lateral ethmoids posterolaterally, and the vomer and parasphenoid ventrally in synostoses. Anterolaterally the mesethmoid meets the preethmoids in synchondroses." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ethmoid bone" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000323
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001321 ! neurocranial trabecula
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001405 ! ethmoid cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000324
-name: caudal periventricular hypothalamus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal hypothalamus and surrounds the paired posterior ventricular recesses of the third ventricle. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "caudal zone of periventricular hypothalamus" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, zona caudalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000324
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000634 ! caudal hypothalamic zone
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000325
-name: caudal thalamic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. It is targeted by ascending fibers originating from the secondary gustatory/ visceral complex." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-160628-14]
-synonym: "posterior thalamic nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000325
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000326
-name: caudal vertebra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra bearing a hemal arch and spine. The most posterior caudal vertebrae support the caudal fin and are referred to as preural vertebrae." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "caudal vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000326
-is_a: ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000327
-name: central zone of the optic tectum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000327
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000328
-name: cephalic musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Musculature system of the pharyngeal and head regions." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "head muscles" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000328
-is_a: ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000329
-name: chorion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The egg shell." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000329
-is_a: ZFA:0000020 ! extraembryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0000330
-name: cloacal chamber
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Space proximal to the urogenital pore where the pronephric duct, intestine and the oviduct or sperm duct empties." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "cloaca lumen" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000330
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005781 ! cloaca
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000331
-name: commissure infima of Haller
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "commissura infima Halleri" EXACT []
-synonym: "commissura infima of Haller" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000331
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000332
-name: coracoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that articulates dorsally with the scapula and with the mesocoracoid when the latter is present, posteriorly with the lower two or three proximal radials and antero-ventrally with the cleithrum. The coracoid develops from the scapulo-coracoid cartilage. The coracoid is paired." [TAO:GA_TG]
-synonym: "coracoids" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "scapulocoracoid" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000332
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001455 ! scapulocoracoid
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005470 ! inter-coracoid joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000333
-name: mesovarium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000333
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000403 ! ovary
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000334
-name: corpus mamillare
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is located ventrolaterally to the caudal preglomerular nucleus and in the dorsomedial aspect of the caudal protrusion of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "mammillary body" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000334
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000335
-name: crossed tecto-bulbar tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "tractus tectobulbaris cruciatus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000335
-is_a: ZFA:0000446 ! tecto-bulbar tract
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000336
-name: hypural arches
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000364
-id: ZFA:0000337
-name: dermopalatine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Doesn't seem to exist in zebrafish.
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000338
-name: diencephalic white matter
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter that is part of the diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "diencephalic tract/commissure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000338
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000339
-name: digestive system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical system that processes ingested substances." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000339
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000340
-name: dorsal entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon which is a band of tightly packed cells starting at the level of the anterior commissure and disappearing more rostrally. May be homologous to the intermediate nucleus of the area ventralis of other species. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ENd" EXACT []
-synonym: "endopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part" EXACT []
-synonym: "entopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus entopeduncularis, pars dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000340
-is_a: ZFA:0001667 ! peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000341
-name: inferior caudal dorsal flexor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise from a narrow insertion site at the 28th and 29th vertebrae, then extend toward the dorsal base of the caudal fin where they insert broadly on fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "CDI" RELATED []
-synonym: "dorsal flexor" RELATED []
-synonym: "dorsal flexors" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "flexor caudalis dorsalis inferioris" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000341
-is_a: ZFA:0005271 ! flexor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000342
-name: dorsal inclinator
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle of the dorsal fin that are thin, arise from the lateral edge of fin bases, and attach to the skin just above the epaxial muscle. The inclinator muscles bend the fin sideways. There is one dorsal inclinator for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "dorsal inclinators" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "inclinator dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000342
-is_a: ZFA:0005276 ! inclinator muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000343
-name: dorsal nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Periventricular nucleus which lies rostral to the anterior commissure and is contiguous caudally with the supracommissural nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus dorsalis" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal division of ventral telencephalic area" RELATED []
-synonym: "dorsal nucleus of V" EXACT []
-synonym: "Vd" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000343
-is_a: ZFA:0001666 ! periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000344
-name: middle lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned posterior to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
-synonym: "middle lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000344
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005118 ! middle lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0000345
-name: dorsal rectus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Extraocular muscle that inserts at the scleral corneal junction on the dorsal side of the eye. The dorsal rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve. The dorsal rectus and dorsal oblique muscles have overlapping insertions in the adult eye though they have distinct insertion sites in 5dpf fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
-comment: Mature form at Larval:Protruding-mouth.
-synonym: "dorsal recti" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "superior rectus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18]
-xref: TAO:0000345
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000346
-name: dorsal tegmental nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tegmental nucleus that is immediately adjacent to the nucleus lateralis valvulae (NLV). This nucleus is sometimes considered part of the NLV but the cells are more densely packed. The nucleus extends rostrally into the mesencephalon." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "DTN" RELATED []
-synonym: "nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000346
-is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000347
-name: dorsal hypothalamic zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is the dorsal most region of the hypothalamus and expands laterally and emerges caudal to the ventral zone and is separated from the median tuberal portion by a deep ventral sulcus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000347
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0006000 ! intermediate hypothalamus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000032 ! hypothalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000348
-name: duodenum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000349
-name: epaxialis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal muscle that is the dorsal-most component of the body musculature. The anterior region attaches to the back of the cranial vault and the dorsal region of the pectoral girdle. The epaxialis is bound to the skin by fibrous connective tissue and internally it inserts over the dorsal portion of the vertebral centra and fin pterygiophores and the neural spines. Posteriorly the epaxialis overlies the modified muscle of the caudal fin and inserts onto the dorsal ray bases of the fin. The anterior epaxial plays a role in feeding and the posterior region is central to locomotion." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:0125296509, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000349
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000350
-name: epipleural
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epipleurals lie below the horizontal septum and are posteroventrally directed. There are ossified epipleurals in certain ostariophysans. In many lower elopocephalan teleosts including ostariophysans the epipleural bones develop an anterodorsal branch so that they are forked proximally." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "epipleurals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000350
-is_a: ZFA:0000526 ! intermuscular bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000351
-name: olfactory region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is located in the anterior region of the cranium and provides structural support for the peripheral olfactory organ." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ethmoid region" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000351
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000352
-name: external cellular layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue which is located between the glomerular layer and internal cellular layer of the olfactory bulb, and contains large mitral cells whose efferent axons form most of the lateral and medial olfactory tracts. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "stratum cellulare externum bulbi olfactorii" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000352
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000353
-name: fasciculus retroflexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired fasciculus that connects the habenula to the interpeduncular nucleus. In zebrafish the fascicles seem to gather under the raphe nucleus and don't extend to the medulla." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010601-11]
-synonym: "fasciculus retroflexi" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "habenulo-interpeduncular tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "habenulointerpeduncular tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "tractus habenulo-interpeduncularis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000353
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000354
-name: gill
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Compound organ that consists of gill filaments, gill lamellae, gill rakers and pharyngeal arches 3-7. The gills are responsible for primary gas exchange between the blood and the surrounding water." [http:http\://]
-synonym: "gills" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000354
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001107 ! internal gill bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000272 ! respiratory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000355
-name: roof plate midbrain region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of the midbrain." [GOC:CVS, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000355
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000356
-name: gill raker
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is a small anterior projection present on all of pharyngeal arches 3-7. They support the gills. The rakers have epithelial denticles and both their gross and fine structure serves to retain food particles in the mouth." [, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081008-12]
-synonym: "gill rakers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000356
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000357
-name: glomerular layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure which is located in between the primary olfactory fiber layer and the external cellular layer of the olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "stratum glomerulosum bulbi olfactorii" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000357
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000358
-name: granular layer corpus cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue which is the innermost layer of the corpus cerebelli and consists of small granule cells and larger Golgi cells. The granule cell receive excitatory input from the mossy fibers, and send parallel fibers to the molecular layer where they synapse with Purkinje cell dendrites." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000358
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000359
-name: habenular commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "commissura habenularum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000359
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000360
-name: heart tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cavitated compound organ that will become the adult heart following looping morphogenesis and valve formation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2]
-xref: TAO:0000360
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000149 ! primitive heart tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000362
-name: hypaxialis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxialis consists of that part of the body musculature lying ventral to the midlateral horizontal septum." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17]
-xref: TAO:0000362
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000363
-name: hypobranchial bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hypobranchials are the most medial of the bilaterally paired elements of the gill arches. Hypobranchial ossifications 1-3 (of 4) develop in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 2. The hypobranchials articulate anteromedially with the basibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypobranchial bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000363
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000364
-name: hypural
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Expanded and laterally flattened hemal arches and spines. They support the lepidotrichia of the caudal fin. The hypurals form ventral to the posterior tip of the dorsally-flexed notochord. In zebrafish condensation of the hypurals begins at approximately 6 dpf (4.1 mm NL, notochord length)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "hyp" EXACT []
-synonym: "hypuralia" EXACT []
-synonym: "hypurals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000364
-is_a: ZFA:0000859 ! specialized hemal arch and spine
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0000365
-name: nasal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired dermal bones, likened to a bone tube, positioned lateral to the supraethmoid. Nasal bones are transversed by the anterior most part of the supraorbital canals and bear one neuromast foramen in zebrafish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "nasal bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000365
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000366
-name: inferior raphe nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain nucleus that provides descending innervation to the brainstem and spinal cord. Early in development the inferior raphe nucleus emits rostrally and caudally directed projections. However, in the adult, the long projections inferior raphe nucleus are restricted to posterior." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-19]
-synonym: "posterior raphe nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000366
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001429 ! raphe nucleus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000367
-name: infraorbital bridge
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001410
-id: ZFA:0000368
-name: integument
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The outer protective barrier that separates the animal from its aquatic environment." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-synonym: "skin" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000368
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000369
-name: intermandibularis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a mandibular muscle that develops into the ventral intermandibularis anterior and posterior muscles." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "intermandibular muscle" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
-xref: TAO:0000369
-is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000370
-name: intermediate thalamic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "intermediate thalamic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000370
-is_a: ZFA:0005576 ! ventral thalamus nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000371
-name: internal pharyngoclavicularis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "internal pharyngoclavicularae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000371
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000372
-name: interpeduncular nucleus medulla oblongata
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000372
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000373
-name: juvenile
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFS:0000042
-consider: ZFS:0000043
-id: ZFA:0000374
-name: lagena
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Otolith organ comprised of the macula lagena and asteriscus. The lagena is part of the pars inferior. The lagena functions in the detection of sound." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lagenas" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000374
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005410 ! pars inferior ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000375
-name: last preural centrum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000557
-consider: ZFA:0000586
-consider: ZFA:0001583
-id: ZFA:0000376
-name: infraorbital
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000489
-def: "Dermal bone that is situated under or posterior to the eye and associated with the infraorbital sensory canal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000376
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000379
-name: lateral forebrain bundle diencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the lateral forebrain bundle that lies in the diencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "lateral forebrain bundles diencephalon" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000379
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007012 ! lateral forebrain bundle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000380
-name: lateral lemniscus nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "lateral lemniscus nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000380
-is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000381
-name: lateral line sensory nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "lateral line sensory nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000381
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000382
-name: acellular anatomical structure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "acellular anatomical structures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000040
-xref: TAO:0000382
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0000383
-name: lateral rectus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Extraocular muscle that runs parallel to the long axis of the fish and inserts on the caudal side of the eye at the sclera-corneal . The lateral rectus muscles originate substantially posterior to the other rectus muscles. The lateral rectus is innervated by the abducens nerve. The unsegmented paraxial head mesoderm contributes to the lateral rectus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
-comment: Mature form at Hatching:Pec-fin.
-synonym: "lateral recti" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "posterior rectus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970121-6]
-xref: TAO:0000383
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000384
-name: levator arcus palatini
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mandibular muscle that inserts along the dorsolateral faces of the hyosymplectics." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
-synonym: "levators arcus palatini" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000384
-is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007050 ! constrictor dorsalis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000385
-name: lymphatic system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The lymphatic system consists of blind-ended vessels, fluid and macromolecules collected from interstitial tissue space that serve as a conduit for the development and transport of lymphoid cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130322-28]
-xref: TAO:0000385
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000386
-name: macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. Each patch has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "maculae" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "sensory macula" EXACT []
-synonym: "sensory patch" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000386
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000387
-name: motor nucleus of vagal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: This term split from vagal lobe. Merged before 1996.
-synonym: "motor nucleus of X" EXACT []
-synonym: "motor nucleus X" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus motorius of nervi vagi" EXACT []
-synonym: "nX" EXACT []
-synonym: "vagal lobe" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000297 ! vagal lobe
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000388
-name: medial caudal lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is part of the vestibulolateralis lobe of the cerebellum. The medial caudal lobe receives primary octaval (presumably vestibular) as well as lateral line projections. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "caudal lobe of cerebellum" EXACT []
-synonym: "lobus caudalis cerebelli" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000388
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000307 ! vestibulolateralis lobe
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000389
-name: medial funicular nucleus medulla oblongata
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000389
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000390
-name: medial preglomerular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Preglomerular nucleus which is located between the lateral and caudal preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "medial preglomerular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000390
-is_a: ZFA:0001662 ! preglomerular nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000391
-name: medial zone of dorsal telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is medially located and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona medialis" EXACT []
-synonym: "Dm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
-synonym: "medial zone of D" EXACT []
-synonym: "medial zone of dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000391
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000392
-name: median tuberal portion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure which is part of the hypothalamus and consists of caudal and ventral zones, and is separated from the dorsal hypothalamic zone by a deep ventral sulcus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000392
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000032 ! hypothalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000393
-name: mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A mesh-like cell arrangement, less compact than an epithelium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000393
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000394
-name: molecular layer corpus cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue which is the outermost layer of the corpus cerebelli and consists largely of axons and dendrites. Other cell types such as stellate and basket neurons are also found in the molecular layer." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000394
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000395
-name: muscle pioneer somite 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 2" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000395
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000728 ! somite 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000396
-name: nervous system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A regulatory system of the body that consists of neurons and neuroglial cells. The nervous system is divided into two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000396
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000397
-name: nucleus subglomerulosis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. In trout the nucleus subglomerulosis receives gustatory information." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:11923003]
-xref: TAO:0000397
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000398
-name: nucleus isthmi
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The nucleus isthmi is a hindbrain nucleus located in the tegmentum of rhombomere 1 close to the secondary gustatory nucleus. It projects to and receives excitatory visual input from the ipsilateral optic tectum and the parvocellular and/or magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100601-20]
-xref: TAO:0000398
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000399
-name: secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nucleus that lies rostral to the isthmic primary nucleus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000399
-is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000400
-name: occipital lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned dorsal to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
-synonym: "supratemporal lateral line" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000400
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0000401
-name: octaval nerve sensory nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "cranial nerve VIII sensory nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "octaval nerve sensory nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000401
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000402
-name: olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is the paired anteriormost part of the telencephalon and are connected to the telencephalon by two tracts carrying secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. The olfactory bulb is a paired structure." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "bulbus olfactorius" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "olfactory lobe" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000402
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000403
-name: ovary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Female reproductive organ. The ovary is a bilobed cavitated organ located ventral to the swim bladder." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:0199638098, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "ovaries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000403
-is_a: ZFA:0000413 ! gonad
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000303 ! female organism
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000404
-name: paracommissural nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon and is located adjacent to the caudal commissure. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000404
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000405
-name: cranial nerve III
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve which innervates muscles of the ocular motor system. The oculomotor nerve innervates the inferior oblique, inferior rectus, medial rectus and superior rectus extraocular muscles." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-12]
-synonym: "CN-III" EXACT []
-synonym: "occulomotor" EXACT []
-synonym: "oculomotor nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000405
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000406
-name: parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "parvocellular superficial pretectal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000406
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000687 ! superficial pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000407
-name: pectoral girdle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster of paired dermal and endochondral bones that attaches to the dorso-posterior part of the cranium, and support the radials and pectoral fin. It consists of two components: the primary pectoral girdle consisting of the endochondral coracoid, scapula and mesocoracoid bones, and the secondary pectoral girdle consisting of the dermal posttemporal, supracleithrum, cleithrum and poscleithrum(thra) bones." [TAO:WD]
-synonym: "pectoral girdles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000407
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000408
-name: periventricular nucleus of caudal tuberculum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located between the ventral thalamus and the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000408
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000410
-name: postcleithrum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is part of the pectoral girdle and located ventral to the supracleithrum and posterior to the cleithrum. Postcleithral bones are paired and can vary up in number from a single pair (such as in zebrafish) to three pairs in other teleosts." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "postcleithra" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000410
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000411
-name: posterior crista primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the posterior crista." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "posterior crista primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000411
-is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000262 ! posterior semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000412
-name: otic vesicle posterior protrusion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Otic vesicle protrusion that is anteriorly located and gives rise to the pillar of the posterior semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
-synonym: "posterior semicircular canal primordia" RELATED PLURAL []
-synonym: "posterior semicircular canal primordium" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000412
-is_a: ZFA:0001715 ! otic vesicle protrusion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000413
-name: gonad
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The part of the reproductive system that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "gonads" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "mature gonad" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000413
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005272 ! immature gonad
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000414
-name: presumptive cephalic mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that is fated to become cephalic mesoderm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000414
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000415
-name: esophageal sphincter
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sphincter at the junction of the esophagus and pneumatic duct." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "oesophagial sphincter" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000415
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000416
-name: presumptive endoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Presumptive structure fated to become endoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-608]
-xref: TAO:0000416
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0000417
-name: presumptive spinal cord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure part of the posterior presumptive neural plate that is fated to become the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "presumptive spinal cord neural keel" EXACT []
-synonym: "presumptive spinal cord neural plate" EXACT []
-synonym: "presumptive spinal cord neural rod" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000417
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007015 ! posterior presumptive neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-id: ZFA:0000418
-name: pretectum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the diencephalon, caudal to the telencephalon, rostral to the midbrain optic tectum; the major sensory input to the pretectum is visual. From The Laboratory Fish." [GOC:mh, ISBN:0125296509, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000418
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000419
-name: pterosphenoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired cartilage bones, flat and hexagonal in shape that contact the orbitosphenoid anteriorly. Roofed by the frontal and bordered posteriorly by the prootic and sphenotic, the pterosphenoid bears foramina that accommodate branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pterosphenoids" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000419
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001515 ! taenia marginalis posterior
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005482 ! prootic-pterosphenoid joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005560 ! parasphenoid-basioccipital joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000420
-name: renal artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "renal arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000420
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000421
-name: reticular formation
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Reticular formation is a complex network of neurons and diffuse nuclei that extends from the spinal cord centrally along the length of the brain to the mesencephalon. It s a dense, almost impenetrable network of seemingly random scattered nerve cells. The reticular formation integrates sensory inputs." [ISBN:0865777101]
-xref: TAO:0000421
-is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000422
-name: retroarticular
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The retroarticular is a cartilage bone that forms at the posteroventral tip of Meckel's cartilage where the interoperculomandibular ligament attaches (5.1 mm NL). In the adult it is basically triangular in shape. The retroarticular is ligamentously connected to the interopercle and preopercle posteriorly and abuts the ventral shelf of the dentary anteriorly." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "retroarticulars" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000422
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005904 ! retroarticular process
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005618 ! anguloarticular-retroarticular joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0000423
-name: anterior cardinal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that joins with the posterior cardinal vein to form the common cardinal vein. The anterior cardinal vein (ACV) connects to the primordial hindbrain channel at early stages. At later stages the posterior cerebral vein (PCeV) and the pectoral vein (PV) drain into ACV. The rostral portion of the ACV connects to the primary head sinus (PHS) at 2.5dpf, the PHS is sometimes considered an extension of the ACV." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "ACV" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral cardinal vein" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000423
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000096 ! cardinal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000424
-name: opercular lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned posteriorly to the second arch skeletal element. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
-synonym: "opercular lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000424
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000425
-name: anterior lateral line nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve which enters the brain between cranial nerves VI and VII and projects to a dorsal medullary area between cerebellum and vagal lobe. Contains afferents and sensory efferents to the anterior lateral line ganglia. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:ymb, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "ALLn" EXACT []
-synonym: "nervi lineae lateralis anterioris" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral lateral line nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000425
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000426
-name: rostral parvocellular preoptic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is the anterior continuation of the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus and is ventral to the telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral parvocellular preoptic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000426
-is_a: ZFA:0001680 ! parvocellular preoptic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000470 ! preoptic area
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000427
-name: rostral thalamic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the anterior portion of the dorsal thalamus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior thalamic nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus anterior thalami" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000427
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000653 ! dorsal thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000428
-name: saccule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Otolith organ comprised of the macula saccule and sagitta. The lagena is part of the pars inferior. The saccule functions in the detection of sound and movement." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "sacculus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000428
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005410 ! pars inferior ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000429
-name: scaphium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The scaphium is a modification of NA 1 in which the neural arch is reduced and fused to a cup-shaped ossification of membrane bone, the concha. The second Weberian ossicle, consisting of three parts: the concha, the ascending process, and the articulating process." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000429
-is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001167 ! vertebra 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000430
-name: secondary gustatory tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "White matter connecting the primary gustatory nuclei to the secondary gustatory nucleus in the isthmus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000430
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000431
-name: semicircular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in the inner ear. Each canal is associated with a crista that detects angular accelerations. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "scc" EXACT []
-synonym: "semicircular canals" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "semicircular duct" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000431
-is_a: ZFA:0007114 ! anatomical conduit
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005409 ! pars superior ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000433
-name: sensory trigeminal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "NVs" RELATED []
-synonym: "sensory trigeminal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000433
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000434
-name: skeletal system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000434
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000435
-name: cranial nerve II
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve which is comprised of retinal ganglion cell axons running posterior medially towards the optic chiasm, at which the axons cross the midline and after which the structure is termed the optic tract." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "CN-II" EXACT []
-synonym: "optic" EXACT []
-synonym: "optic nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000435
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000436
-name: spleen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organ that filters the blood removing defective blood cells. The spleen is a dark red organ, located in the peritoneal cavity, adjacent to one of the liver lobes. The spleen consists of red pulp composed of erythrocytes and thrombocytes and white pulp, composed of macrophages, reticular cells and reticulin fibers." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-55]
-xref: TAO:0000436
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000437
-name: stomach
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0002121
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001076
-id: ZFA:0000438
-name: parhypural
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000562
-def: "Hemal arch and spine of preural centrum 1. The parhypural is defined as the most posterior hemal arch with an open canal through which the dorsal aorta passes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "parhyural" EXACT []
-synonym: "phy" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000438
-is_a: ZFA:0000859 ! specialized hemal arch and spine
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000557 ! preural 1 vertebra
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0000439
-name: superficial pelvic abductor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral, superficial, paired muscle that originates from the posterior part of the protractor ishii tendon and the midline. At the midline the paired muscles contact each other. These are short muscles that attach to all pelvic fin rays except ray 1 and ray 2." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "abductor superficialis pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "superficial pelvic abductors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000439
-is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000440
-name: superior raphe nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain nucleus that is located in ventral rhombomeres 1-3 and gives rise to ascending fibers innervating most areas of the brain. Early in development, both the superior raphe nucleus emits rostrally and caudally directed projections. However, in the adult, the long projections of superior raphe nucleus restricted to anterior." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-19]
-comment: May be homologous to the dorsal raphe nucleus of human mouse and rat. ZDB-PUB-081008-18.
-synonym: "anterior raphe nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal raphe nucleus" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000440
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001429 ! raphe nucleus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000441
-name: suprachiasmatic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is ventrolateral to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000441
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000470 ! preoptic area
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000442
-name: supraneural
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneurals independent, median, elongate, rod-like cartilages or bones in the dorsal skeletogenous septum between the cranium and the dorsal fin. In actinopterygians, supraneurals develop from cartilages that are independent of the neural spine (Arratia et al., 2001)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "sn" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000442
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000443
-name: supraorbital lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of three neuromast positioned superior to the eye. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:JCN 421-\:189-198]
-synonym: "supraorbital lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "supraorbital line" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3]
-xref: TAO:0000443
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0000444
-name: suspensorium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "hyopalatine" EXACT []
-synonym: "suspensoria" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000444
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000445
-name: optic tectum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001353
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the midbrain and develops from the alar plate and is the most complex layered structure in the zebrafish brain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dorsal midbrain" EXACT []
-synonym: "mesencephalic tectum" EXACT []
-synonym: "tectal lobe" EXACT []
-synonym: "tectum" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "tectum opticum" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000445
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001357 ! alar plate midbrain region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000446
-name: tecto-bulbar tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000446
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000447
-name: tela chorioidea
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the primitive meninx which forms a fold, roofing a ventricle of the brain and supporting the choroid plexus." [ISBN:0030223695, ISBN:0683014617]
-synonym: "tela choroidea" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000447
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001355 ! primitive meninx
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000448
-name: tertiary gustatory nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located ventral to the medial preglomerular nucleus in the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000448
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000449
-name: torus longitudinalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is a paired longitudinal eminence of granular cells that develops from the alar plate and is attached to the tegmentum in the medial tectal ventricle. The torus longitudinalis only occurs in ray finned fishes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "longitudinal torus" EXACT []
-synonym: "tori longitudinalis" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000449
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001357 ! alar plate midbrain region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000450
-name: trochlear motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "motor nucleus IV" EXACT []
-synonym: "nIV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000450
-is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000451
-name: upper oral valve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue, located on the upper jaw that defines the caudal extent of the labial cavity. The oral valves control the flow of water into the mouth during routine respiration." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
-synonym: "breathing valve" RELATED []
-synonym: "buccal valve" RELATED []
-synonym: "maxillary valve" EXACT []
-synonym: "upper internal lip" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
-synonym: "upper semilunar valve " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
-xref: TAO:0000451
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000452
-name: urohyal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The urohyal is a median dermal bone that ossifies in the membrane between the paired sternohyoideus muscles ventral to the anterior end of copula 1. It is an unpaired ossification of the tendon of the sternohyoideos muscles in basal teleosts, and it is paired in catfishes (Arratia and Schultze, 1990)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000452
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005457 ! dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000453
-name: cranial nerve X
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve that innervates gill muscles. Sometimes called a branchiomeric nerve because it innervates derivatives of the branchial arches. This nerve contains sensory axons that carry both somatic and visceral sensory information as well as motor axons from branchiomotor neurons. The root is typically found at either rhombomere 7 or rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040109-20, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110727-5]
-synonym: "CN-X" EXACT []
-synonym: "vagal nerve" EXACT []
-synonym: "vagus nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000453
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000454
-name: ventral accessory optic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and is ventromedial to the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the caudal pretectal nucleus. The ventral accessory optic nucleus is very large in zebrafish as compared to other cyprinids. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000454
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000183 ! central pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000455
-name: superior caudal ventral flexor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that originate from the 30th vertebra then project from the vertebral column to the ventral base of the caudal fin where they attach broadly to ventral caudal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "CVS" RELATED []
-synonym: "flexor caudalis ventralis superioris" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral flexor" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000455
-is_a: ZFA:0005271 ! flexor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000456
-name: ventral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Periventricular nucleus which lies rostral to the anterior commissure of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus ventralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral division of ventral telencephalic area" RELATED []
-synonym: "ventral nucleus of V" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000456
-is_a: ZFA:0001666 ! periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000457
-name: ventral rectus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Extraocular muscle that inserts at the scleral-corneal junction on the ventral side of the eye. The insertion point of the ventral oblique and the ventral rectus overlap in adult fish. The ventral rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
-comment: Mature form at Larval:Protruding-mouth.
-synonym: "inferior rectus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18]
-synonym: "ventral recti" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000457
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000458
-name: ventral thalamus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "prethalamus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060207-11]
-xref: TAO:0000458
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001215 ! thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000459
-name: ventromedial thalamic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000459
-is_a: ZFA:0005576 ! ventral thalamus nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000460
-name: Mauthner axon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Part of axon so domain of GO celular component.
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000461
-name: Weberian ossicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A group of modified neural arches and spines of the first four vertebrae. These include, from anterior to posterior, the claustrum, scaphium, intercalarium, and tripus. The os suspensorium is considered to be a fifth ossicle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "Weberian ossicles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000461
-is_a: ZFA:0001491 ! solid compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001188 ! Weberian apparatus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000462
-name: abductor hyohyoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the first branchiostegal ray and inserts in the mesial aponeurosis, meeting its contralateral counterpart. The abductor hyohyoid is responsible for expansion of the branchiostegal membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
-synonym: "abductors hyohyoid" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "hyohyoideus abductor" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000462
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007052 ! hyohyoideus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000463
-name: branchial adductor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "adductors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000463
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000464
-name: otic lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned anterior to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
-synonym: "otic lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000464
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000465
-name: adductor operculi
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a dorsal, paired hyoid muscle that moves the auditory capsules with the opercles." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
-synonym: "adductor opercula" EXACT []
-synonym: "adductor operculae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000465
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0000466
-name: anal depressor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Series of muscles that have an anterior attachment at posteriorlateral base of each ray and posterior attachment at the haemal spines. These muscles act in opposition to the anal erectors to lower the anal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "anal depressors" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "depressores anales" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-xref: TAO:0000466
-is_a: ZFA:0005270 ! depressor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000467
-name: anguloarticular
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal and endochondral compound bone that results from the fusion of the dermal angular and the endochondral articular and forms the posterior part of the lower jaw. It articulates with the dentary anteriorly and with the retroarticular postero-medially. The anguloarticular is paired." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "articular" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000467
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001644 ! articular cartilage
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001645 ! angular bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005618 ! anguloarticular-retroarticular joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000468
-name: anterior crista primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the anterior crista." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "anterior crista primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000468
-is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000314 ! anterior semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000469
-name: otic vesicle anterior protrusion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Otic vesicle protrusion that is anteriorly located and gives rise to the pillar of the anterior semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
-synonym: "anterior semicircular canal primordia" RELATED PLURAL []
-synonym: "anterior semicircular canal primordium" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000469
-is_a: ZFA:0001715 ! otic vesicle protrusion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000470
-name: preoptic area
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Area of the forebrain anterior to the posterior tuberculum and the hypothalamus and ventral to the ventral thalamus. See Figure 7, p. 34 in Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development." [GOC:mh, ISBN:0444517383, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area praeoptica" EXACT []
-synonym: "area preoptica" EXACT []
-synonym: "preoptic region" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000470
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000471
-name: atrium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cavitated compound organ that receives inflow of deoxygenated blood and delivers it to a muscular cardiac ventricle. Valves are present to direct flow. There are only two chambers present in the fish heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020122-4]
-xref: TAO:0000471
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001718 ! presumptive atrium heart tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000472
-name: basioccipital
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Large median unpaired cartilage bone that contacts the exoccipital, epiotic and pterotic dorsally, and the parasphenoid anteriorly. Forms the posteroventral hind margin of the cranium, articulates with the centrum of the first vertebra. Bears a posteroventral pharyngeal process that is flattened ventrally and opposes the pharyngeal teeth of the fifth pair of ceratobranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000472
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001423 ! parachordal cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005423 ! basioccipital-exoccipital joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005560 ! parasphenoid-basioccipital joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005613 ! basioccipital-prootic joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001414 ! occipital region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000473
-name: trunk musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle system in the trunk." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "body musculature" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000473
-is_a: ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000474
-name: intercalar
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small membrane bone homologous with a cartilage bone in more basal fishes (Patterson, 1977). Situated between the exoccipital and the pterotic at point of attachment of short ligament that originates on the ventral arm of the posttemporal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "opisthotic" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000474
-is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000475
-name: paraventricular organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located anterior to the caudal tuberal nucleus and contains tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive CSF contacting bipolar cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001220-2]
-synonym: "PVO" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000475
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000476
-name: branchiostegal ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is a bilaterally paired and flattened element that supports the branchiostegal membrane. Three dermal branchiostegal rays form in the branchiostegal membrane ventral to the ceratohyal cartilage. The most posterior ray, branchiostegal 3, ossifies first (3.4 mm NL), and the most anterior ray, branchiostegal 1, ossifies last (5.5 mm NL). The most posterior two branchiostegals (2 and 3) insert externally on the ceratohyal; their anterodorsal tips are thickened triangles, and the rays are expanded. The bifurcated tip of the acinaciform anteriormost ray lies at the ventral margin of the ceratohyal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "branchiostegal rays" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000476
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005465 ! ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005498 ! epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000477
-name: posterior cardinal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Continuation of the caudal vein cranial to the anal pore. The cardinal vein splits into a pair of vessels in the cranial trunk, just caudal to the radix of the aorta. The posterior cardinals each empty into the common cardinal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "axial vein" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal cardinal veins" EXACT []
-synonym: "PCV" EXACT []
-synonym: "postcardinal vein" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000477
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005077 ! vascular cord
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000096 ! cardinal system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005295 ! axial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000479
-name: caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brainstem tract which carries cerebellar afferents from the dorsal tegmental nucleus and nucleus lateralis valvulae. Fuses with the rostral mesencephalo-cerebellar tract upon entering the cerebellum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "posterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000479
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000643 ! rostral cerebellar tract
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000480
-name: caudal octavolateralis nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain nucleus which is part of the medulla oblongata and is a mechanoreceptive area along with the medial octavolateralis nucleus. It is smaller than the medial octavolateralis nucleus and is located lateral to the facial and vagal lobes of the medulla oblongata. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "nucleus octavolateralis caudalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000480
-is_a: ZFA:0000381 ! lateral line sensory nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000481
-name: caudal preglomerular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Preglomerular nucleus which is the most caudomedial of the preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "nucleus praeglomerulosus caudalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000481
-is_a: ZFA:0001662 ! preglomerular nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000482
-name: caudal tuberal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located posterior to the paraventricular organ." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001220-2]
-synonym: "posterior tuberal nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000482
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000484
-name: celiacomesenteric artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "coeliac-mesenteric artery" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000484
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000485
-name: central nucleus inferior lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus and consists of masses of large cells presumably migrated from the periventricular cell masses and receives signals from the secondary gustatory nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "central nucleus inferior lobes" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "central nucleus of the inferior lobe" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus centralis lobi inferioris hypothalami" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000485
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000165 ! inferior lobe
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000486
-name: parietal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired dermal bone that covers the hind part of the cranium, overlapping the dorsal edge of the sphenotic, pterotic, epiotic and the anterior edge of the supraoccipital. The parietal are overlapped anteriorly by the frontal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111111-5]
-synonym: "post parietal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000486
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005607 ! inter-parietal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005608 ! frontal-parietal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005609 ! supraoccipital-parietal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005891 ! epiotic-parietal joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000487
-name: central zone of dorsal telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is centrally located and is surrounded by the other four dorsal telencephalic regions. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona centralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "central zone of D" EXACT []
-synonym: "Dc" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
-xref: TAO:0000487
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000488
-name: ceratobranchial bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that is bilaterally paired and forms part of the ventral branchial arches. They articulate medially with the hypobranchials and laterally and dorsally with the epibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ceratobranchial bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000488
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000490
-name: commissura cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cerebellar commissure which is located within the ventral boundary zone between valvula and corpus cerebelli. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cerebellar commissure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000490
-is_a: ZFA:0001708 ! cerebellar white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000491
-name: commissure of the caudal tuberculum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Commissure in the ventral diencephalon that lies rostral to the ventral flexure and caudal of the posterior tuberal nucleus. Axons from the supraoptic tract extend across the hypothalamus and enter this commissure." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
-synonym: "commissura tuberculi posterioris" EXACT []
-synonym: "commissure of the posterior tuberculum" EXACT []
-synonym: "CPT" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
-synonym: "Ctub" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120424-30]
-xref: TAO:0000491
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000492
-name: coracoradialis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000492
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000493
-name: decussation of medial funicular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000493
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000494
-name: deep white zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "deep white zones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000494
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000495
-name: infraorbital 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Plate like dermal bone with usually only one neuromast pore (Nelson, 1969). The last infraorbital bone in the series is referred to as the dermosphenotic (Nelson, 1969). In basal teleosts it is usually the sixth bone in the series but in zebrafish it is the fifth bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dermosphenotic" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000495
-is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0000496
-name: compound organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more multi-tissue structures of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona fide boundaries from other distinct anatomical structures of different types." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "organ" EXACT []
-xref: CARO:0000024
-xref: TAO:0000496
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000497
-name: pelvic adductor profundus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal pelvic fin muscle that originates at the anterior side of the basipterygium, lies mostly parallel to the pelvic fin rays and attaches and inserts on the bases of all the pelvic fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "adductor profundus pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "pelvic adductors profundus" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000497
-is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000498
-name: dilatator operculi
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mandibular muscle that inserts along the dorsolateral faces of the opercles. Responsible for opercular abduction." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
-synonym: " dilatator opercula" EXACT []
-synonym: "dilator opercula" RELATED []
-synonym: "dilators operculi" RELATED PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000498
-is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007050 ! constrictor dorsalis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000499
-name: dorsal arrector
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The muscle that acts as an antagonist to the arrector ventralis, reversing the direction of the leading edge of the pectoral fin to initiate the upstroke." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-comment: Acts as antagonist to the ventral arrector ZDB-PUB-050920.
-synonym: "arrector dorsalis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-synonym: "dorsal arrectors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000499
-is_a: ZFA:0005275 ! arrector muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005650 ! primitive pectoral fin adductor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000500
-name: dorsal erector
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin muscle that moves individual rays the dorsal fin to an erect position. Antagonistic to dorsal depressor muscle. There is one dorsal erector for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal erectors" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "erector dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000500
-is_a: ZFA:0005267 ! erector muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000501
-name: dorsal funiculus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "funiculus dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000501
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000502
-name: dorsal motor nucleus trigeminal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Trigeminal motor nucleus that is located dorsal to the lateral longitudinal fascicle." [ISBN:3764351209]
-xref: TAO:0000502
-is_a: ZFA:0001365 ! trigeminal motor nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000503
-name: dorsal oblique branchial muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "dorsal oblique branchial muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000503
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000504
-name: dorsal retractor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "dorsal retractors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000504
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000505
-name: dorsal telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0007007
-def: "Brain structure which is the dorsal part of the telencephalon, most of which is developmentally everted such that the ependymal lining of the unpaired median ventricle becomes located at the apparent periphery of the telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110119-16, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120111-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
-synonym: "pallium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000505
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000506
-name: dorsal zone of dorsal telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is the most dorsally located part of the dorsal telencephalon and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona dorsalis" EXACT []
-synonym: "Dd" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
-synonym: "dorsal zone of D" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal zone of dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000506
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000507
-name: epineural
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Some or all epineural bones ossify free from the neural arches in most teleosts. In some lower teleosts, e.g. Leptolepis, Hiodon, elopiforms and albuliforms, ossification proceeds from the attachment point of the ligament to the arch, and the epineural is a process of the neural arch. In many lower teleosts epineurals are forked proximally." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "epineurals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000507
-is_a: ZFA:0000526 ! intermuscular bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000508
-name: pelvic radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Internal skeletal supports of the pelvic fin." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "pelvic radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000508
-is_a: ZFA:0000271 ! radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000509
-name: epithalamus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is part of the diencephalon and consists of the dorsal and ventral nuclei of the habenula, and two dorsal outgrowths, the epiphysis and the saccus dorsalis. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
-xref: TAO:0000509
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000510
-name: external levatores
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "external levators" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000510
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000511
-name: extraocular musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle system surrounding the eye. The extraocular musculature is derived from the neural crest. The extraocular muscles assume their adult configuration between 66 and 72 hpf. They differentiate contemporaneously with the eye vesicle, form precise anatomic attachments to sclera and bone, and are innervated by cranial nerves 3, 4, and 6." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970121-6]
-synonym: "ocular musculature" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000511
-is_a: ZFA:0000328 ! cephalic musculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000512
-name: facial lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain nucleus that doesn't project to the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970218-12]
-synonym: "lobus facialis" EXACT []
-synonym: "LVII" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "tuberculum impar of Herrick " RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000512
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000513
-name: fast muscle cell somite 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 1." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 1" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 1" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000513
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000924 ! myotome somite 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000514
-name: frontal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Large elongated paired dermal bones that roof the cranium and bear part of the supraorbital canal. The frontal bones cover the upper edge of the lateral ethmoid, orbitosphenoid and pterosphenoids and overlaps the parietal bone posteriorly." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000514
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005468 ! frontal-pterotic joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005472 ! inter-frontal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005608 ! frontal-parietal joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000516
-name: periventricular grey zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001352
-def: "Tissue located on the ventral side of the optic tectum, that contains the cell bodies of most tectal neurons. It is adjacent to the tectal ventricle and opposite the eminentia granularis of the cerebellum. It also contains a neurogenic niche and has hypothalamic inputs. The dendrites of neurons from the periventricular grey zones project their apical dendrites to the stratum opticum and stratum fibrosum et griseum superficale and synapse with retinal axons that project to these layers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140919-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
-synonym: "periventricular gray zone" EXACT []
-synonym: "periventricular grey zones" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "periventricular layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
-synonym: "PGZ" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140919-7]
-synonym: "strata periventriculare" EXACT []
-synonym: "stratum griseum periventricular" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
-synonym: "stratum periventriculare" EXACT []
-synonym: "SVP" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000516
-xref: TAO:0001352
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000517
-name: glossopharyngeal lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "lobus glossopharyngei" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000517
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000518
-name: griseum centrale
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain nucleus which is longitudinally oriented and situated along the ventral fourth ventricle and extends rostrally up to the level of the tegmentum of the midbrain. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "central gray" EXACT []
-synonym: "central grey" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000518
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000519
-name: hemal arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hemal arches extend ventrally from the centra of caudal and transitional vertebrae to enclose the caudal artery and vein. In cyprinids, the hemal arch forms directly in membrane bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "haemal arch" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral arcocentrum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000519
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001361 ! basiventral
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000520
-name: horizontal commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000520
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000521
-name: hyoid muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscles that insert into skeletal elements of pharyngeal arch 2 (hyoid arch). Dorsal hyoid muscles are innervated by small, posterior branches of the facial nerve VII. Ventral hyoid muscles are innervated by the hyoides ramus of VII." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
-synonym: "hyoid muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000521
-is_a: ZFA:0001652 ! head muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001307 ! pharyngeal musculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001611 ! pharyngeal arch 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000522
-name: inferior hyohyoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the anterior ceratohyals and inserts into the mesial aponeurosis, meeting its contralateral counterpart. The inferior hyohyoid is responsible for adduction of the hyoid arch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
-synonym: "hyohyoideus inferior" RELATED []
-synonym: "inferior hyohyoids" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000522
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007052 ! hyohyoideus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000523
-name: inferior reticular formation
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000523
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000542 ! medial column
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000524
-name: infraorbital lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consistingo of four neuromast that are positioned inferior or posterior to the eye A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:]
-synonym: "infraorbital line" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000524
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000525
-name: intercalarium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Third Weberian ossicle. The intercalarium is a Y- or T-shaped modification of neural arch 2 in which an anteriolateral process (the manubrium) is embedded in the interossicular ligament; other parts include the ascending and articulating processes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0000525
-is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001168 ! vertebra 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000526
-name: intermuscular bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Axial bone which is a segmental ossification that forms in the myoseptum; found in teleosts fishes only." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "intermuscular bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000526
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000527
-name: pharyngobranchial bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The pharyngobranchials are the dorsalmost bones of the branchial arches located immediately dorsal and medial to the epibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "infrapharyngobranchial" EXACT []
-synonym: "pharyngobranchials" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000527
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000528
-name: interradialis caudalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle of the caudal fin that attaches to the appendicular skeleton and attaches to the first long ray on the dorsal side of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "IC" RELATED []
-synonym: "interradiali" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "interradialis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000528
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000529
-name: kidney
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cavitated compound organ located in the pleuroperitoneal cavity where hematopoiesis and filtering of blood occur." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "mesonephros" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000529
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000163 ! renal system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0000530
-name: lapillus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001102
-def: "Otolith part of utricle." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
-synonym: "immature anterior otolith" RELATED []
-synonym: "utricular otolith" EXACT []
-synonym: "utriculith" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000530
-is_a: ZFA:0001617 ! otolith
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000700 ! utricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000531
-name: lateral column
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "lateral columns" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000531
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000421 ! reticular formation
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000532
-name: lateral valvula cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral division of the valvula cerebelli." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "lateral division" EXACT []
-synonym: "valvula cerebelli, pars lateralis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000532
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000533
-name: lateral funiculus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "lateral funiculi" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000533
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000534
-name: lateral longitudinal fasciculus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000198
-def: "The lateral longitudinal fascicule is an ascending bundle of axons. The LLF contains fibers of the auditory and mechanosensory systems which originate in the primary sensory brainstem nuclei and terminate in the torus semicircularis. The LLF lies dorsal to the superior reticular formation, adjacent to the ventral rhombencephalic commissure. The LLF becomes displaced more laterally as it approaches the torus semicircularis. The LLF is homologous to the mammalian lateral lemniscus." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "lateral lemniscus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040526-7]
-synonym: "lateral longitudinal fascicle" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral longitundinal fasciculus" EXACT []
-synonym: "LLF" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000534
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000535
-name: lateral reticular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "lateral reticular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000535
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000531 ! lateral column
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000536
-name: lateral zone of dorsal telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is laterally located and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area dorsalis telencephali, zona lateralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "Dl" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6]
-synonym: "lateral zone of D" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral zone of dorsal telencephalic area" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000536
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000537
-name: levator operculi
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the ventrolateral margin of the pterotic and inserts in the dorsomesial edge of the opercle. The levator operculi is responsible for jaw depression, its force of contraction is transmitted through the opercular series and the interoperculo-mandibular ligament to the lower jaw." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
-synonym: "levator operculae" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000537
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000538
-name: rib
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that is intersegmental and rod-shaped, forming in the peritoneal membrane and attached to the vertebral parapophyses. Ribs protect and support internal organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal rib" EXACT []
-synonym: "pleural rib" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000538
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000539
-name: locus coeruleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The locus coeruleus is a widely projecting isthmal noradrenergic nucleus. It consists of between three and ten neurons, most of which have multiple, bilaterally projecting axons." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-717]
-comment: Sometimes considered part of the reticular formation.
-synonym: "loci coeruleus" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000539
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000540
-name: magnocellular octaval nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "magnocellular octaval nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000540
-is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000541
-name: marginal blastomere
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cells (incompletely cleaved before the YSL forms), located at the surface just at the rim of the blastodisc, external to the deep blastomeres." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "marginal blastomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000541
-is_a: ZFA:0000093 ! blastomere
-relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
-relationship: start ZFS:0000005 ! Cleavage:16-cell
-id: ZFA:0000542
-name: medial column
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "medial column of the reticular formation" EXACT []
-synonym: "medial columns" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000542
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000421 ! reticular formation
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000543
-name: medial longitudinal fasciculus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) is a pair of crossed fiber tracts (group of axons), that begin with in the nucleus of the MLF and run ventral to the rhombencephalic ventricle, towards the caudal end of the medulla oblongata. The dorsal portion of the MLF including the Mauthner axon continues into the spinal chord while the ventral portion of the MLF associates with other fiber systems in the funiculus ventralis prior to reaching the spinal chord. Throughout the most of its rhombencephalic extent the MLF is intersected by the ventral rhombencephalic commissure." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "MLF" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000543
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000544
-name: medial pterygiophores anal fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-replaced_by: ZFA:0001646
-id: ZFA:0000545
-name: medulla oblongata
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure that is located ventrocaudal to the cerebellum and just anterior to the spinal cord and contains the sensory and motor nuclei of six cranial nerves. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata." [ISBN:3764351209]
-xref: TAO:0000545
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000546
-name: mesonephric duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct of the adult kidney (mesonephros), present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "renal duct" RELATED []
-synonym: "Wolffian duct" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000546
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000163 ! renal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000547
-name: mouth
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000547
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001290 ! stomodeum
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000548
-name: musculature system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical system consisting of the cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscles." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000548
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000549
-name: posttemporal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired fin bone that attaches the pectoral girdle to the skull via two projections contacting the epiotic and intercalar bones, and carry the main laterosensory canal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "post-temporal " RELATED []
-synonym: "postemporal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000549
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005889 ! epiotic-posttemporal joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000550
-name: naris
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "External openings to the nasal cavity." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "nares" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "nostril" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000550
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000551
-name: nucleus lateralis valvulae
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain nucleus in the tegmental region of rhombomere 1. The cells of the nucleus are granular and lie at the ventral border of the cerebellum and brain stem." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100601-20, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000551
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000552
-name: nucleus ruber
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nucleus located in the midbrain tegmentum that controls motor coordination during locomotion." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151021-15]
-synonym: "red nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000552
-is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000553
-name: oculomotor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "motor nucleus III" EXACT []
-synonym: "nIII" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000553
-is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000554
-name: olfactory epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nasal epithelium wherein ciliated olfactory receptor neurons, supporting cells, and basal cells are located. The olfactory epithelium bowl-shaped structures surrounding the lumen of the olfactory pit." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "nasal epithelium" EXACT []
-synonym: "nasal sensory epithelium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000554
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001431 ! primitive olfactory epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000555
-name: opercular flap
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A large flap, covered by integument, supported by several flat bones, actuated by muscles, found on the side of the head covering the gill chambers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-47]
-synonym: "gill cover" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill slit" RELATED []
-synonym: "opercular apparatus" EXACT []
-synonym: "opercular cover" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030304-18]
-synonym: "operculum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000555
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000556
-name: optic chiasm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Decussation of cranial nerve II axons whereby the retinal axons cross the midline, projecting contralaterally through the optic tract." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "chiasma opticum" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "optic commissure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000556
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000557
-name: preural 1 vertebra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra anterior to the urostyle; sometimes termed the 'penultimate' vertebra." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "penultimate vertebra" EXACT []
-synonym: "preural centrum 1" EXACT []
-synonym: "pu1" EXACT []
-synonym: "second last vertebra" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000557
-is_a: ZFA:0000734 ! preural vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0000558
-name: posterior macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Macula that is located in the developing posterior inner ear, and gives rise to the macula neglecta and the macula saccule. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "pm" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior sensory patch" EXACT []
-synonym: "posteromedial macula" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000558
-is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001671 ! macula communis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000559
-name: otolith organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cavitated compound organ that is a fluid filed chamber with a maculae on one surface and associated otolith tethered to the maculae." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "otolith organs" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000559
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000560
-name: oviduct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct that connects ovary with cloacal chamber. In zebrafish the oviduct is a continuation of the ovary." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:0199638098, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "oviducts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000560
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000303 ! female organism
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000561
-name: parasphenoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Long, unpaired median dermal bone that runs almost the entire length of the cranium. Contacts the prevomer anteriorly, and the prootic and basioccipital posteriorly. Anteriorly the parasphenoid is a long, thin bone that widens abruptly at the point of contact with the prootic." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000561
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005509 ! palate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000563
-name: pectoral fin musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Musculature that is part of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pectoral fin muscle" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000563
-is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001000 ! mesenchyme pectoral fin
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005924 ! middle migratory muscle precursor stream
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0000564
-name: pelvic abductor profundus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Deep pelvic muscle that originates from the basipterygium and lies mainly parallel to the rays and attaches to the base of all the rays except ray 1." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "abductor profundus pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "pelvic abductors profundus" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000564
-is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000565
-name: pelvic girdle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of the paired basipterygia which support the pelvic fin." [TAO:WD]
-synonym: "pelvic girdles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000565
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000566
-name: posterior crista
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000478
-def: "Patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium that is associated with the posterior semicircular canal. It consists of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The posterior crista has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "caudal crista" EXACT []
-synonym: "pc" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior crista ampullaris" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior cristae" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "posterior semicircular canal sensory patch" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior semicircular canal sensory patches" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000566
-is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000411 ! posterior crista primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000262 ! posterior semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000567
-name: premaxilla
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The premaxilla is a bone of the upper jaw. It is an L-shaped bone first visible as a thin sliver in the anterodorsal region of the upper lip, anterior to the dorsal tip of the maxilla (5.7 mm). In the adult, the premaxilla is ligamentously attached to its counterpart at the midline and the kinethmoid posterodorsally, by the premaxillo-rostroid ligaments. Premaxillary teeth are absent in zebrafish." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "premaxillae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000567
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005475 ! inter-premaxillary joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000568
-name: presumptive blood
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Presumptive structure fated to become blood. Determined by marker expression." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000568
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0000569
-name: presumptive hindbrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the hindbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "presumptive rhombencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000569
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007015 ! posterior presumptive neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-id: ZFA:0000570
-name: optic primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000021
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the anterior neural keel and will form the optic vesicle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "eye field" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000570
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0000571
-name: presumptive telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the telencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000571
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000573
-name: internal cellular layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue which is the innermost layer of the olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "stratum cellulare internum bulbi olfactorii" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000573
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000574
-name: presumptive diencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000574
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000575
-name: prootic
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired cartilage bone that contacts the pterosphenoid anteriorly, the sphenotic and the pterotic dorsally, and the epiotic and basioccipital posteriorly. The parasphenoid covers the ventral region of each prootic, the upper edge of which contributes to the hyomandibular facet. The prootic bear foramina that accommodate branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "prootics" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000575
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001423 ! parachordal cartilage
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001425 ! basal plate cartilage
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001500 ! auditory capsule
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005887 ! posterior basicapsular commissure
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005482 ! prootic-pterosphenoid joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005613 ! basioccipital-prootic joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000576
-name: pterotic
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired cartilage bone that contacts the autosphenotic anteriorly, the parietal dorsally, the prootic ventrally, and the epiotic and exoccipital posteriorly. The pterotic encloses the horizontal semicircular canal of the inner ear. The lower edge of the pterotic contributes to the hyomandibular facet." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "autopterotic" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000576
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001500 ! auditory capsule
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005468 ! frontal-pterotic joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000577
-name: renal portal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Afferent vein that supplies the kidney." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:9781118222942, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "renal portal veins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000577
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000578
-name: ceratohyal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates with the hypohyal cartilage or bone, dorsal and ventral hypohyals, and epihyal posteriorly. The ceratohyal bone begins as a ossification in the anterior portion of the ceratohyal cartilage (4.6 mm NL). The posterior end broadens and meets the epihyal in a pad of cartilage. The anterior end broadens and terminates in two heads (8.8 mm). The anterodorsal head forms a synchondrosis with the dorsal hypohyal and the anteroventral head forms a synchondrosis with the ventral hypohyal. All of the branchiostegal rays articulate with the ventral edge of the ceratohyal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior ceratohyal" EXACT []
-synonym: "ceratohyal anterior" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral ceratohyal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000578
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001400 ! ceratohyal cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005465 ! ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005466 ! ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005467 ! ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005497 ! epihyal-ceratohyal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005859 ! ceratohyal-interhyal joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000579
-name: rostral mesencephalo-cerebellar tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brainstem tract which carries cerebellar afferents from the pretectum and runs medial to the lateral longitudinal fascicle for a distance before turning dorsally to traverse the nucleus lateralis valvulae. Fuses with the caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tract upon entering the cerebellum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000579
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000643 ! rostral cerebellar tract
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001707 ! brainstem
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000580
-name: rostral preglomerular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Preglomerular nucleus which is the most rostrolaterally located of the preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior preglomerular nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus praeglomerulosus anterior" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000580
-is_a: ZFA:0001662 ! preglomerular nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000581
-name: rostral tuberal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is the most anterior and lateral part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior tuberal nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus tuberis anterior" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000581
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000707 ! ventral hypothalamic zone
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000582
-name: saccus dorsalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000582
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000509 ! epithalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000583
-name: scapula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that is located medial to the cleithrum, and articulates ventrally with the coracoid, medially with the mesocoracoid when the later is present and posteriorly with the upper one to three proximal radials. The scapula develops from the scapulocoracoid cartilage and belongs to the primary pectoral girdle. It may be perforated by the scapular foramen or it may be notched ventrally and forms together with a similar notch of the coracoid the scapulocoracoid foramen." [TAO:GA_TG]
-synonym: "scapulae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000583
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001455 ! scapulocoracoid
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000585
-name: kinethmoid cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial cartilage which is a small median cartilage located between the premaxillae and anterodorsal to the ethmoid." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000585
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000586
-name: preural 2 vertebra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra anterior to preural centrum 1; sometimes termed the 'antepenultimate' vertebra." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "antepenultimate vertebra" EXACT []
-synonym: "preural centrum 2" EXACT []
-synonym: "pu2" EXACT []
-synonym: "third last vertebra" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000586
-is_a: ZFA:0000734 ! preural vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000587
-name: sphenotic
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired cartilage bone that contacts the pterosphenoid anteriorly, the prootic ventrally, and the pterotic posteriorly. Roofed by the frontal bone anteriorly and the parietal bone posteriorly, the sphenotic bears a large anteriolateral process that borders the posterodorsal margin of the orbit. The lower edge of the sphenotic contributes to the hyomandibular facet." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "autosphenotic" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000587
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001506 ! tectum synoticum
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001515 ! taenia marginalis posterior
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000588
-name: statoacoustic (VIII) ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The sensory ganglion of the ear. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for statoacoustic ganglion by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "auditory ganglion" EXACT []
-synonym: "gVIII" EXACT []
-synonym: "octaval ganglion " EXACT []
-synonym: "sag" EXACT []
-synonym: "statoacoustic ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000588
-is_a: ZFA:0000013 ! cranial ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000138 ! otic placode
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000762 ! facio-acoustic neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001138 ! vestibuloauditory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000589
-name: sulcus ypsiloniformis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical groove which separates the dorsal and medial zones of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000589
-is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000505 ! dorsal telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000590
-name: oral region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region of the head where the mouth and oral structures are located." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000590
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000591
-name: presumptive paraxial mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of presumptive mesoderm fated to become paraxial mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000591
-is_a: ZFA:0001377 ! presumptive mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0000592
-name: superficial pelvic adductor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Superficial, dorsal pelvic fin muscle that originates at the anterior side of the basipterygium and inserts onto all pelvic fin rays except ray 1." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "adductor superficialis pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "superficial pelvic adductors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000592
-is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000593
-name: superior reticular formation medial column
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: There may be a cholinergic nucleus called the superior reticular nucleus rostral to the locus coeruleus, ZDB-PUB-040526-6.
-xref: TAO:0000593
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000542 ! medial column
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000594
-name: supracleithrum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that articulates dorsally with the posttemporal and ventrally with the cleithrum. Supracleithrum is part of the secondary pectoral girdle and commonly, carries part of the lateral line canal." [TAO:GA_TG, TAO:WD]
-synonym: "supracleithra" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000594
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000595
-name: supraoccipital
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Large shield-shaped unpaired median cartilage bone that contact the parietal anteriorly, and the exoccipital and epiotic laterally. Forms the posterodorsal most point of the cranium. The supraoccipital usually bears a crest that extends posterodorsally." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000595
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001506 ! tectum synoticum
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005609 ! supraoccipital-parietal joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001414 ! occipital region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000596
-name: supraorbital series
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001410
-id: ZFA:0000597
-name: telencephalic white matter
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter that is part of the telencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "telencephalic tract/commissure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000597
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000598
-name: testis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Male reproductive organ. Adult zebrafish testes are paired organs forming elongated structures, internally organized into tubules. These tubules are formed by seminiferous epithelium containing cysts of spermatogonia and spermatocytes surrounded by somatic support cells, called Sertoli cells. Cysts are arranged around a lumen containing spermatozoa that is connected to the efferent ducts. The interstitial regions between the tubules contain the steroid-producing Leydig cells, connective tissue, and blood vessels." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-161215-23]
-synonym: "testes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000598
-is_a: ZFA:0000413 ! gonad
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000242 ! male organism
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000599
-name: torus semicircularis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the midbrain and develops from the alar plate. The torus semicircularis is located dorsal to the lateral tegmentum where it extends into the medial tectal ventricle and receives ascending sensory octavolateralis input." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "semicircular torus " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000599
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001357 ! alar plate midbrain region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000600
-name: cranial nerve IV
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve that innervates the oculomotor system. The trochlear nerve is the only motor nerve to project dorsally and then cross the midline before exiting the neuroepithelium and re-orienting ventrally to project to the contralateral superior oblique extraocular muscle." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-12]
-synonym: "CN-IV" EXACT []
-synonym: "trochlear" EXACT []
-synonym: "trochlear nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000600
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000601
-name: pretectal periventricular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon and the pretectum and is located periventricularly. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "periventricular pretectum" EXACT []
-synonym: "pretectal periventricular nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000601
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000418 ! pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000602
-name: uroneural
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural arch that extends along the dorso-lateral surface of the last preural centra and/or ural centra and the notochord (Arratia & Schultze, 1992). An uroneural develops as a modification of the neural arch of an ural centrum (Patterson, 1968). The series of uroneurals may include from 7 to 1 elements that are numbered from rostral to caudal. An uroneural is a paired membrane bone." [, ISSN:0362-2525, TAO:WD]
-synonym: "uroneurals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000602
-is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000603
-name: valvula cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is caudally attached to the rostral medulla oblongata and extends into the tectal ventricle. The valvula cerebelli consists of a granular and a molecular layer along with aggregations of large Purkinje and eurydendroid cells and is uniquely present in ray-finned fishes. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "valvula" RELATED []
-synonym: "valvula cerebellum" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000603
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000604
-name: ventral aorta
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Outflow artery from the heart to the aortic arches." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000604
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000605
-name: ventral funiculus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ventral funiculi" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000605
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000606
-name: ventral oblique branchial muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ventral oblique branchial muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000606
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000607
-name: ventral rhombencephalic commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brainstem commissure that intersects the medial longitudinal fasciculus." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000607
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000608
-name: ventral transverse
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "transverse ventralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "transversus ventralis " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000608
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000609
-name: ventrolateral nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Midbrain nucleus which is part of the torus semicircularis and is the target of ascending octavolateralis systems related to mechanoreception. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000609
-is_a: ZFA:0001665 ! midbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000599 ! torus semicircularis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000610
-name: vertical myoseptum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Connective tissue partitions developing between the myotomes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "transverse myoseptum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000610
-is_a: ZFA:0001089 ! myoseptum
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000611
-name: visceromotor column
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Collection of the visceromotor nuclei and their fiber tracts in the medulla oblongata." [ISBN:3540560130]
-xref: TAO:0000611
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000612
-name: protractor hyoidei
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle located on ventral side of the head, linking the ventral hyoid arch to the dentary. Innervated by ramus mandibularis V and ramus hyoides VII. Formed by the intermandibularis posterior and ventral interhyoideus." [TAO:WD, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
-comment: Source: Winterbottom, R. 1973. A Descriptive Synonymy of the Striated Muscles of the Teleostei. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Vol. 125 (1973), pp. 225-317.\n\nIn the zebrafish, as in most other teleosts, the interhyoideus becomes associated with the intermandibularis posterior, forming the protractor hyoideus. ZDB-PUB-080306-33.
-synonym: "protractor hyoideus" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "protractors hyoidei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000612
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000614
-name: abductor profundus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Abductor muscle that develops from the primitive pectoral fin abductor. It originates along the anterior skeletal flange of the pectoral girdle. The abductor profundus bundles insert onto the fin ray base proximal processes of all fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-synonym: "abductors profundus" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000614
-is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005651 ! primitive pectoral fin abductor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000615
-name: adductor arcus palatini
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the parasphenoid and inserts into the mesial sides of the hyomandibula, metapterygoid and entopterygoid. The Adductor arcus palatini is responsible for suspensorial adduction." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
-synonym: "adductors arcus palatini" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000615
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000616
-name: adductor profundus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small thin adductor muscle that is part of the pectoral fin. The origin of the adductor profundus lies along the developing anterior skeletal flange of the pectoral girdle. The adductor profundus develops from the primitive pectoral fin adductor." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-synonym: "adductors profundus" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000616
-is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005650 ! primitive pectoral fin adductor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000617
-name: anal erector
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Series of muscles that have a distal attachment at the anteriolateral base of each ray and spike and a proximal attachment to the haemal spines. A tendon runs along one third the dorsoventral length of the muscle toward the attachment at the haemal spine. These muscles act in opposition to the anal depressors to raise the anal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "anal erectors" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "erectores anales" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-xref: TAO:0000617
-is_a: ZFA:0005267 ! erector muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000618
-name: ansulate commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brainstem commissure located immediately rostral to the interpeduncular nucleus. Many fibers in the tecto-bulbar tract cross the midline through the ansulate commissure. Referred to as the ventral tegmental commissure at embryonic stages, and is the only commissure to change names during development. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "Cans" EXACT []
-synonym: "commissura ansulata" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral tegmental commissure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000618
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000619
-name: anterior crista
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000273
-def: "Patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium that is associated with the anterior semicircular canal. It consists of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The anterior crista has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for sensory patches of the ear by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "ac" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior crista ampullaris" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior cristae" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "anterior semicircular canal sensory patch" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior semicircular canal sensory patches" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "rostral crista" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000619
-is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000468 ! anterior crista primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000314 ! anterior semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000620
-name: autopalatine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The cartilaginous autopalatine forms from the anterior palatoquadrate arch. The first sign of ossification is visible at the anterior tip where it articulates with the maxilla (7.6 mm). In adults there are three processes at the anterior portion of the palatine: a ventromedial process, which forms the socket of the small ball- and- socket joint with the preethmoid; a dorsomedial process, which is connected by a short ligament to the ethmoid; and a lateral process, which extends toward the first infraorbital. Possession of a dorsomedial process, which abuts the ethmoid, is a unique feature shared by Cypriniformes (Fink and Fink, 1981). The palatine has two components, the autopalatine (derived from pars autopalatine) and the dermal component having teeth, the dermopalatine Arratia & Schultze 1990. The element in cypriniforms is only the cartilage part, so that it is more correct to name it autopalatine and not as palatine in general that it implies a fusion of elements (as in perciforms)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "palatine" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000620
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001399 ! palatoquadrate cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005420 ! autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005421 ! autopalatine-maxillary joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005422 ! autopalatine-vomer joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0000621
-name: quadrate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The quadrate is the dorsal bone in the jaw joint with the anguloarticular of the lower jaw. Ossification of the quadrate, a cartilage bone, begins as a posteriorly projecting membranous spine between the symplectic cartilage and the preopercle (5.1 mm NL). The body of the quadrate ossifies first at the ball-and-socket articulation with the anguloarticular (6.5 mm). The adult quadrate is shaped roughly like an inverted triangle with a long, posteriorly projecting spine off its posteroventral edge. The presence of a posteroventral or posterior process of the quadrate is a synapomorphy of Teleostei." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "quadrates" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000621
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001399 ! palatoquadrate cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005486 ! quadrate-metapterygoid joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005616 ! quadrate-entopterygoid joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000622
-name: barbel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure which is a tactile structure found in the branchial region. Barbels are covered with epidermis rich in taste buds, and are innervated by branches of the cranial nerves." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "barble" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000622
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005119 ! barbel primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0000623
-name: basipterygium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that is paired and supports the pelvic fin. The basipterygium has a posteromedial process called the ischiac process (Wietzman 1962)." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "pelvic bone" EXACT []
-synonym: "pelvic girdle" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000623
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001539 ! basipterygium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005471 ! inter-basipterygium joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000565 ! pelvic girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000624
-name: brachium conjunctivum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Term is being obsoleted because it cannot be anatomically identified in zebrafish. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain ISBN:3764351209.
-xref: TAO:0000624
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000626
-name: bulbo-spinal tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brainstem and spinal tract which emerges medial to the caudal intermediate reticular formation and runs caudally along the medial edge of the inferior reticular formation. It is displaced laterally and associates with other tracts in the dorsal part of the funiculus lateralis immediately prior to reaching the spinal cord. The bulbo-spinal tract carries descending spinal projections. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "tractus bulbospinalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000626
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000627
-name: epihyal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone that begins ossifying on the anterior surface of the posterior end of the ceratohyal cartilage near the site of articulation with the interhyal (5.8 mm). It joins the ceratohyal in a pad of persisting cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "caudal ceratohyal" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior ceratohyal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000627
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001400 ! ceratohyal cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005497 ! epihyal-ceratohyal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005498 ! epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000628
-name: caudal fin musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin musculature that is part of the caudal fin. The musculature is composed of 12 muscles that are arranged in a superficial and a deep muscle layer. Nerve roots of spinal segments 27-31 supply the caudal fin muscles." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-xref: TAO:0000628
-is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0000629
-name: caudal motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Abducens motor nucleus which is located at the level of the intermediate reticular formation." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "nucleus nervi abducentis, pars caudalis" EXACT []
-synonym: "nVIc" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000629
-is_a: ZFA:0000713 ! abducens motor nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000630
-name: caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is the posterior continuation of the rostral parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
-synonym: "caudal parvocellular preoptic nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "posterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000630
-is_a: ZFA:0001680 ! parvocellular preoptic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000470 ! preoptic area
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000631
-name: caudal pretectal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum and is rostrally contiguous with the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus. Cells of the caudal pretectal nucleus are slightly smaller and less orderly around a central neuropil than those of the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "caudal pretectal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "posterior pretectal nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000631
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000687 ! superficial pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000632
-name: reproductive system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with reproduction." [UBERON:curator]
-xref: TAO:0000632
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0000633
-name: caudal tuberculum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is part of the diencephalon and is larger than the dorsal thalamus and ventral thalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "posterior tubercle" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior tuberculum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000633
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005909 ! presumptive preglomerular region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000634
-name: caudal hypothalamic zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure which forms most of the median tuberal portion of the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypothalamus pars tuberalis " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "tuberal hypothalamus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000392 ! median tuberal portion
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000635
-name: central pretectal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and is dorsal to the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "nucleus praetectalis centralis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000635
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000183 ! central pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000636
-name: cerebellar crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue composed of parallel fibers that originate at the granular eminence that overlays the rhombencephalic lateral line region. Also termed the molecular layer." [GOC:ymb, ISBN:3540560130, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-comment: Not sure how much of the molecular layer is cerebellar crest.
-synonym: "crista cerebellaris molecular layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000636
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000291 ! medial octavolateralis nucleus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000637
-name: claustrum cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Postcranial axial cartilage and Weberian ossicle that is located dorsal to the scaphium. The claustrum is bilaterally paired." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000637
-is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000638
-name: commissura rostral, pars dorsalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior commissure which is located immediately ventral to the supracommissural nucleus of area ventralis telencephali. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
-synonym: "commissura anterior, pars dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000638
-is_a: ZFA:0001108 ! anterior commissure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000639
-name: commissure of the secondary gustatory nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cerebellar commissure that runs between the bulbo-spinal tract and the vestibulo-spinal tract." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "commissura nucleorum gustatoriorum secundariorum" EXACT []
-synonym: "commissure of the secondary gustatory nuclei" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000639
-is_a: ZFA:0001708 ! cerebellar white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000640
-name: cornea
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that forms the transparent front part of the eye, covering the iris, pupil and anterior chamber." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "corneas" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000640
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001688 ! corneal primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0000641
-name: cranial nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Twelve pairs of cranial nerves exit/enter the cranium through openings in the skull. The nerves contain efferent axons with motor and glandular functions, as well as afferent axons from cranial ganglia with sensory functions. The nerves are numbered in a rostral to caudal sequence, with the exception of the lateral line nerves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cranial nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000641
-is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000642
-name: decussation of the medial octavolateralis nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000642
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000381 ! lateral line sensory nucleus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000643
-name: rostral cerebellar tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter comprised of the rostral mesencephalo-cerebellar and caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tracts. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior cerebellar tract" EXACT []
-synonym: "tractus cerebellaris anterior" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000643
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000644
-name: dental plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: "Dermal tooth plates are variable structures. During upper pharyngeal arch development in Astatotilapia elegans, dermal tooth plates are formed entirely of fused tooth pedicels (Huys-seune, 1983). However, in lower pharyngeals of the same species, teeth attach to a preexisting plate (Vandewalle et al., 1994). In other teleosts (e.g., cyprinid fifth ceratobranchials), there is no tooth plate per se, because tooth pedicels do not fuse to one another, but each fuses to the endochondral bone separately (see Gosline, 1985)."\nConsider ZFA:0001239 ceratobranchial 5 bone or ZFA:0000694 ceratobranchial 5 tooth
-synonym: "dental plates" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000644
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000645
-name: descending octaval nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "nucleus octavus descendens" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000645
-is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000646
-name: anal fin distal radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the anal fin, which articulate with the lepidotrichia distally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "anal fin distal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000646
-is_a: ZFA:0001646 ! anal fin radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001420 ! anal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000647
-name: dorsal caudal thalamic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the caudal portion of the dorsal thalamus, dorsal to the central caudal thalamic nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dorsal posterior thalamic nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus dorsalis posterior thalami" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000647
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000653 ! dorsal thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000648
-name: dorsal fin musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Musculature that is part of the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin musculature is composed of one unit per fin ray that are arranged in series on each side of the body. Each unit is composed of one fin ray, three supporting pterygophores, and a set of paired depressor, erector, and inclinator muscles." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-xref: TAO:0000648
-is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001173 ! dorsal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000649
-name: dorsal horn spinal cord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "cornu dorsale" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal horn" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000649
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000650
-name: dorsal motor root of V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "dorsal motor roots of V" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000650
-is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000651
-name: dorsal pelvic arrector
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal pelvic fin muscle that originates at the anterior side of the basipterygium and inserts onto the base of the first pelvic fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "arrector dorsalis pelvicus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "dorsal pelvic arrectors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000651
-is_a: ZFA:0005275 ! arrector muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000652
-name: dorsal root
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The afferent sensory portion of the spinal nerve root." []
-synonym: "radix dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000652
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005578 ! spinal nerve root
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000653
-name: dorsal thalamus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the thalamus and emerges ventral to the caudal portion of the ventral habenular nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "thalamus" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100621-4]
-synonym: "thalamus, pars dorsalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000653
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001215 ! thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000654
-name: rostral motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Abducens motor nucleus which is located at the level of the superior reticular formation." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000654
-is_a: ZFA:0000713 ! abducens motor nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000655
-name: dorsomedial optic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "tractus opticus dorsomedialis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000655
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000252 ! optic tract
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000656
-name: ectopterygoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The ectopterygoid is dermal bone located at the anterior part of the palatoquadrate. It is first visible as a very thin ossification along the anteroventral border of the palatoquadrate cartilage (6.4 mm). In adults it is a long sliver of bone that is narrow anteriorly where it meets the entopterygoid in a synostosis. It is slightly wider at its posterior synostosis with the quadrate." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "ectopterygoids" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000656
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000657
-name: entopterygoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The entopterygoid is a dermal bone that forms the anteroventral and ventral surface of the orbit. It develops as a long sliver of bone developing in the membrane dorsomedial to the palatoquadrate cartilage (3.8 mm NL)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "endopterygoid" EXACT []
-synonym: "mesopterygoid" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000657
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005616 ! quadrate-entopterygoid joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000658
-name: epibranchial bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngeal arch bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial cartilage or bone. Epibranchials are dorsal parts of the gill arches. Epibranchials 1-4 ossify in the epibranchial cartilages in a posterior to anterior progression. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior edges of epibranchials 2 and 4 and the posterior edge of epibranchial 1. A reduced gill raker is present on the anterior margin of epibranchial 1 in some specimens." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "epibranchial bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000658
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000660
-name: epural
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A free, modified neural spine of a preural or a ural vertebra that is placed between the last developed neural spine of a preural centrum and the dorsal axis (= anterior margin of first uroneural) of the caudal skeleton . An epural commonly supports one or more dorsal procurrent rays. An epural is an unpaired median perichondrally ossified bone." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0000660
-is_a: ZFA:0001336 ! neural spine
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000661
-name: exoccipital
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired cartilage bone that bears a large foramen (lateral occipital foramen). Contacts the supraoccipital dorsally, the epiotic laterally and the basioccipital ventrally. Forms the posterior hind margin of the cranium and borders the lateral and posterior margins of the forum (foramen) magnum." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "exoccipitals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000661
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001423 ! parachordal cartilage
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001504 ! occipital arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005423 ! basioccipital-exoccipital joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001414 ! occipital region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000662
-name: external pharyngoclavicularis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "external pharyngoclavicularae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000662
-is_a: ZFA:0000172 ! branchial muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000663
-name: extrascapula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001413
-def: "Dermal canal-bearing bone placed at the dorso-posterior region of the skull roof, lying on the posterior region of the pterotic and parietals, or the pterotic and epioccipital, or on the pterotic, epioccipital and occipital bones." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "supratemporal" EXACT []
-synonym: "tabular" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000663
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000664
-name: cranial nerve VII
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve where motor axons innervate muscles derived from the second branchial arch. The motor neurons are generated in rhombomere 4." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040109-20]
-synonym: "CN-VII" EXACT []
-synonym: "facial nerve" EXACT []
-synonym: "nervus facialis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000664
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000665
-name: rostral root of abducens nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000665
-is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000310 ! cranial nerve VI
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000666
-name: filamental artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery of the gill filament." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "filamental arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000666
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000667 ! gill filament
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000667
-name: gill filament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that projects outward from the gill and is a thread-like, soft, red respiratory and excretory structure." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "gill filaments" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000667
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000668
-name: cranial nerve IX
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve that innervates gill muscles. Sometimes called a branchiomeric nerve because it innervates derivatives of the branchial arches. The root is typically found at rhombomere 6. This nerve contains sensory axons that carry both somatic and visceral sensory information as well as motor axons from branchiomotor neurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040109-20, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110727-5]
-synonym: "CN-IX" EXACT []
-synonym: "glossopharyngeal nerve" EXACT []
-synonym: "nervus glossopharyngeus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000668
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0000669
-name: head kidney
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The zebrafish head kidney consists of fused bilateral lobes located in the anterior part of the kidney. It is analogous to the mammalian bone marrow and the primary site of definitive hematopoiesis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040923-1]
-synonym: "anterior kidney" EXACT []
-synonym: "kidney marrow" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000669
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000670
-name: hepatic vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that carries blood away from the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "hepatic veins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000670
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000671
-name: horizontal myoseptum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A connective tissue partition developing at the apex of the chevron-shaped myotome and separating dorsal (epaxial) and ventral (hypaxial) body wall muscle masses." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "horizontal septum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000671
-is_a: ZFA:0001089 ! myoseptum
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000672
-name: hyomandibula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hyomandibula is the large, dorsal-most member of the hyoid arch. It begins ossifying in the dorsal edge of the hyosymplectic cartilage near the hyomandibular foramen (4.6 mm NL). Ossification spreads through the cartilage, and sheets of membrane bone form off the cartilage model anteriorly and posteriorly (6.6 mm). In the adult, the hyomandibula has cartilage-capped anterior and posterior articulating heads that meet the sphenotic-prootic fossa and the pterotic fossa, respectively, in synovial joints. A posterior knob of bone develops, also capped in cartilage, and it forms a synovial joint with the opercle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hyomandibular" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000672
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001422 ! hyosymplectic cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005469 ! hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005632 ! preopercle vertical limb-hyomandibula joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000673
-name: hypobranchial artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A pair of HA are connect one to each AA1. They run rostromedially until at the extreme rostro-ventral midline the two vessels merge and then run straight caudally along the ventral midline until they reach the cranial end of the ventral aorta (VA). There, the single HA passes just dorsal to the rostral end of the VA and then immediately splits again into a pair of HA. The paired HA continue caudally just to either side of the ventral midline. The HA provide blood supply to the ventral branchial region and the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "HA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000673
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005005 ! aortic arch 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000674
-name: interopercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is located anterior to the subopercle and lying below and slightly ventral to the horizontal limb of the preopercle. The interopercle is a paired bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "interopercles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000674
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000555 ! opercular flap
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000676
-name: sagitta
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001103
-def: "Otolith that is part of the sacculus." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
-synonym: "immature posterior otolith" RELATED []
-synonym: "saccular otolith" EXACT []
-synonym: "sacculith" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000676
-is_a: ZFA:0001617 ! otolith
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000428 ! saccule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000677
-name: segmental intercostal artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "segmental intercostal arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000677
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000678
-name: hair cell anterior macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Specialized neuronal receptor cells of the anterior macula. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for hair cells by T. Whitfield.)" [MESH:68018069, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "sensory hair cells anterior macula" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000678
-is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001098 ! immature hair cell anterior macula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000168 ! anterior macula
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000679
-name: sensory root of facial nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "sensory roots of facial nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000679
-is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000680
-name: sinoatrial valve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Heart valve that forms between the atrium and the sinus venosus." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "sinoatrial valves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000680
-is_a: ZFA:0005065 ! heart valve
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001317 ! endocardial cushion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000154 ! sinus venosus
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000681
-name: neural postzygapophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired, dorsomedially directed processes on the posterior ends of the centra, ligamentously joined to the neural prezygapophyses of the immediately posterior vertebra." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "neural postzygapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "neural postzygopophysis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000681
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000682
-name: spinal artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "spinal arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000682
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000683
-name: subcommissural organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon, is located adjacent to the caudal commissure and contains ciliated neurosecretory ependymal cells. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "SCO" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000683
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000684
-name: intertectal commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter (commissure) that runs between the optic tectal hemispheres." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000684
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000685
-name: superficial abductor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Abductor muscle that develops from the primitive pectoral fin abductor. The abductor superficialis originates along the anterior skeletal flange of the pectoral girdle, the bundles insert to fin ray base distal processes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-synonym: "abductor superficialis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-synonym: "superficial abductors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000685
-is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005651 ! primitive pectoral fin abductor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000686
-name: superficial grey and white zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "superficial gray and white zone" EXACT []
-synonym: "superficial grey and white zones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000686
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000687
-name: superficial pretectum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the superficial part of the pretectum and is embedded in the optic tract." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000687
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005908 ! presumptive pretectum proliferative zone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000418 ! pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000688
-name: olfactory support cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supporting cell that is part of the olfactory epithelium. Their cell bodies are more or less cylindrical, often with a pronounced basal part resting on the basal lamina. Their apical surface is covered with microvillous-like protrusions. Nuclei of olfactory support cell lie below the nuclear layer of olfactory sensory neurons, a feature that is reverse that of other vertebrates. The nuclei are less electron dense then those of the olfactory sensory neurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7]
-comment: Different nuclear position and morphology from CL_0000853.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "support cells" RELATED PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000688
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0000689
-name: supracommissural nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Periventricular nucleus which is contiguous with the caudal part of the dorsal nucleus of the ventral telencephalon and the postcommissural nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus supracommissuralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "supracommissural nucleus of V" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000689
-is_a: ZFA:0001666 ! periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000690
-name: supraoptic commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000690
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000691
-name: supraorbital bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired dermal bones that form the anterodorsal margin of the orbit." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "supraorbital bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000691
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000692
-name: symplectic
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The symplectic is an irregularly rod-shaped cartilage replacement bone articulating with the hyomandibular and quadrate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "symplectics" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000692
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001422 ! hyosymplectic cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005631 ! preopercle horizontal limb-symplectic joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000693
-name: tangential nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The tangential nucleus is located in rhombomere 5 and receives a dense utricular input. Tangential nucleus neurons project contralaterally to extraocular motoneurons and to multiple sites within the reticulospinal complex; unlike other classes of vestibular neuron, they modulate their firing in response to static head displacements." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120702-13, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-160324-18]
-xref: TAO:0000693
-is_a: ZFA:0000401 ! octaval nerve sensory nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000694
-name: ceratobranchial 5 tooth
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a multi-tissue structure composed of dentine, enameloid and tooth pulp. The tips of the ceratobranchial 5 teeth form before the ceratobranchial itself (3.0 mm NL). As they grow ventrally, they meet the perichondrally ossified surface of ceratobranchial 5 and become firmly ankylosed to the bone. Ceratobranchial teeth are the only teeth present in zebrafish and other cypriniforms." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pharyngeal tooth" EXACT []
-synonym: "teeth" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "tooth" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000694
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001239 ! ceratobranchial 5 bone
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000695
-name: labial cavity
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anatomical space located between the lips and the oral valves." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "labial cavities" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000695
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000696
-name: telencephalic ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "lateral ventricle" EXACT []
-synonym: "telencephalic vesicle" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventriculi telencephali " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0000696
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001259 ! forebrain ventricle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000697
-name: cranial nerve V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerve which exits the medulla oblongata and carries both sensory and motor axons to and from the facial region. The root is typically found at rhombomere 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110727-5]
-comment: ZDB-PUB-040109-20\nThe motor neuron cell bodies arise in rhombomeres 2 and 3. The neurons in r2 extend axons dorsolaterally to their exit point. The axons of branchiomotor neuron cell bodies in r3 initially extend dorsolaterally, then turn rostrally to reach their exit point in r2. The anterior turn occurs where the motor axons meet the ingrowing trigeminal sensory axons.
-synonym: "CN-V" EXACT []
-synonym: "trigeminal nerve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000697
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000698
-name: tripus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The fourth Weberian ossicle. The tripus is a complex modification of the parapophysis and rib of the third vertebra. Anteriorly it attaches to the interosseus ligament and posteriorly it extends as a transformator process embedded in the tunica externa of the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0000698
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001169 ! vertebra 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000699
-name: ural ossification
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Ural ossification is a process not a structure, thus it belongs in GO biologyical process not ZFA.
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000700
-name: utricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Otolith organ comprised of the macula utricle and lapillus. The lagena is part of the pars superior. The utricle functions in the detection of movement." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "utriculus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000700
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005409 ! pars superior ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000701
-name: ventral arrector
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle that is important in controlling the leading edge of the pectoral fin in the juvenile zebrafish, particularly during the initiation of the downstroke." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-comment: Acts as antagonist to the dorsal arrector.
-synonym: "arrector ventralis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-synonym: "ventral arrectors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000701
-is_a: ZFA:0005275 ! arrector muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005651 ! primitive pectoral fin abductor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0000702
-name: ventral horn spinal cord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ventral horns spinal cord" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000702
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000703
-name: ventral motor nucleus trigeminal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Trigeminal motor nucleus that is located at the ventrolateral edge of the lateral longitudinal fascicle." [ISBN:3764351209]
-xref: TAO:0000703
-is_a: ZFA:0001365 ! trigeminal motor nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000704
-name: ventral pelvic arrector
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Deep, narrow muscle that arises anteriorly and laterally of the pelvic abductor profundus. It attaches to the first pelvic ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8v]
-synonym: "ventral pelvic arrectors" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000704
-is_a: ZFA:0005275 ! arrector muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000258 ! pelvic fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000705
-name: ventral root
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The efferent motor portion of the spinal nerve root." []
-synonym: "ventral roots" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000705
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005578 ! spinal nerve root
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000706
-name: posterior intestine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The posterior intestine has short longitudinally arranged epithelial folds which are similar to the colon of higher vertebrates." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
-xref: TAO:0000706
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000707
-name: ventral hypothalamic zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure which is the ventral region of the median tuberal portion of the hypothalamus and is the most rostral region of the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000707
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000392 ! median tuberal portion
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000708
-name: ventrolateral optic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ventrolateral optic tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000708
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000252 ! optic tract
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000709
-name: vestibulo-spinal tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "vestibulo-spinal tracts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000709
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000710
-name: viscerosensory commissural nucleus of Cajal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "commissural nucleus of Cajal" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus commissuralis Cajal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000710
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000711
-name: DEL
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A multilayer of deep cells of fairly uniform thickness that forms during early epiboly (at dome stage; upon conversion of the blastodisc to the blastoderm); during gastrulation the DEL (deep cell layer) gives rise to the epiblast and hypoblast." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "deep cell layer" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "DEL cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000711
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001473 ! deep blastomere
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001176 ! blastoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0000712
-name: internal yolk syncytial layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The portion of the YSL that lies deep to the blastoderm during epiboly." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "I-YSL" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000712
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000088 ! yolk syncytial layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000013 ! Blastula:Oblong
-id: ZFA:0000713
-name: abducens motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain motor nucleus which is the origin of motor axons of cranial nerve VI. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "abducens motor nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "abducens nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "motor nucleus VI" EXACT []
-synonym: "nVI" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000713
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000714
-name: accessory pretectal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and lies dorsolateral to the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "APN" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus praetectalis accessorius" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000714
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000183 ! central pretectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000715
-name: adductor hyohyoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hyoid muscle that originates at the opercle and subopercle and inserts into the branchiostegal rays. The adductor hyohyoid is responsible for constriction of the branchiostegal membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33]
-synonym: "adductors hyohyoid" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "hyohyoidei adductores" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000715
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007052 ! hyohyoideus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000716
-name: afferent branchial artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that is part of the pharyngeal arches 3-5, and forms the afferent portion of a loop off of the aortic arch." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "ABA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000716
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000717
-name: apical ectodermal ridge median fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the median fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000717
-is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000718
-name: epaxial region somite 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 27 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000718
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000931 ! myotome somite 27
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000719
-name: slow muscle cell somite 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 21." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 21" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000719
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000929 ! myotome somite 21
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000720
-name: slow muscle cell somite 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 24." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 24" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000720
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000930 ! myotome somite 24
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000721
-name: slow muscle cell somite 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 27." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 27" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000721
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000931 ! myotome somite 27
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000722
-name: slow muscle cell somite 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 3." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 3" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000722
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000932 ! myotome somite 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000723
-name: slow muscle cell somite 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 5" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000723
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000933 ! myotome somite 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000724
-name: slow muscle cell somite 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 8" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000724
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000934 ! myotome somite 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000725
-name: somite 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 11 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000725
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000726
-name: somite 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 14 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000726
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000727
-name: somite 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 17 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000727
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000728
-name: somite 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 2 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000728
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000729
-name: epaxial region somite 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 3 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000729
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000932 ! myotome somite 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000730
-name: somite 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 23 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000730
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000731
-name: somite 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 27 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000731
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000732
-name: somite 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 3 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000732
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000733
-name: somite 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 7 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000733
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000734
-name: preural vertebra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra which are the three most posterior vertebra supporting the caudal fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "caudal fin vertebra" EXACT []
-synonym: "specialized centra/vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000734
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0000735
-name: hemal postzygapophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired, ventromedially directed processes on the posterior ends of the centra, ligamentously joined to the hemal postzygapophyses of the immediately posterior vertebra. The most posterior caudal vertebrae lack hemal postzygapophyses." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "haemal postzygapophysis" EXACT []
-synonym: "hemal postzygapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "hemal postzygopophysis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000735
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000519 ! hemal arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000737
-name: cranium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal system that is part of the head, including the splanchnocranium, chondrocranium, and dermatocranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cranial skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000737
-is_a: ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000738
-name: dorsal oblique extraocular muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Extraocular muscle innervated by the trochlear nerve. The dorsal rectus and dorsal oblique muscles have overlapping insertions at the scleral-corneal junction on the dorsal side of the adult eye, though they have distinct insertion sites in 5dpf fish. The dorsal oblique originates separately from the rectus muscles. The unsegmented paraxial head mesoderm contributes to the dorsal oblique muscles. All the oblique extraocular muscles originate together from the anterior ethmoid plate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
-comment: Mature form at Larval:Protruding-mouth.
-synonym: "dorsal oblique extraocular muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "superior oblique muscle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18]
-xref: TAO:0000738
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000739
-name: epaxial region somite 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 11 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000739
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000801 ! myotome somite 11
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000740
-name: epaxial region somite 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 5 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000740
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000933 ! myotome somite 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000741
-name: epaxial region somite 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 14 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000741
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000044 ! myotome somite 14
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000742
-name: epaxial region somite 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 17 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000742
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001015 ! myotome somite 17
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000743
-name: epaxial region somite 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 2 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000743
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001016 ! myotome somite 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000744
-name: epaxial region somite 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 22 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000744
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001017 ! myotome somite 22
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000745
-name: epaxial region somite 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 25 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000745
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001018 ! myotome somite 25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000746
-name: epaxial region somite 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 28 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000746
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001019 ! myotome somite 28
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000747
-name: epaxial region somite 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 30 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000747
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001020 ! myotome somite 30
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000748
-name: epaxial region somite 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 6 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000748
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001021 ! myotome somite 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000749
-name: epaxial region somite 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 9 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000749
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001022 ! myotome somite 9
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000750
-name: fast muscle cell somite 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 10." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 10" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 10" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000750
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001013 ! myotome somite 10
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000751
-name: epaxial region somite 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 8 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000751
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000934 ! myotome somite 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000752
-name: fast muscle cell somite 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 13." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 13" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 13" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000752
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001014 ! myotome somite 13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000753
-name: fast muscle cell somite 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 16." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 16" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 16" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000753
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000927 ! myotome somite 16
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000754
-name: fast muscle cell somite 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 19." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 19" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 19" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000754
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000928 ! myotome somite 19
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000755
-name: fast muscle cell somite 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 21." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 21" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 21" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000755
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000929 ! myotome somite 21
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000756
-name: fast muscle cell somite 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 24." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 24" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 24" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000756
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000930 ! myotome somite 24
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000757
-name: fast muscle cell somite 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 27." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 27" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 27" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000757
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000931 ! myotome somite 27
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000758
-name: fast muscle cell somite 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 3." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 3" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000758
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000932 ! myotome somite 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000759
-name: fast muscle cell somite 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 5." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 5" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000759
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000933 ! myotome somite 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000760
-name: fast muscle cell somite 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 8." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 8" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 8" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000760
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000934 ! myotome somite 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000761
-name: basal plate midbrain region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is dorsolateral to the floor plate and part of the midbrain." [ISBN:0444517383, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "floor plate midbrain" RELATED []
-synonym: "floorplate midbrain" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000761
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007039 ! midbrain neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000762
-name: facio-acoustic neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest that gives rise to the facio-acoustic ganglion." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "facio acoustic neural crest" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000762
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000763
-name: floor plate rhombomere 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate r2" EXACT []
-synonym: "floorplate r2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000763
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000764
-name: floor plate rhombomere 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 5." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate r5" EXACT []
-synonym: "floorplate r5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000764
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000765
-name: floor plate rhombomere 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 8." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate r8" EXACT []
-synonym: "floorplate r8" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000765
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000153 ! rhombomere 8
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000766
-name: granular layer valvula cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue which is part of the valvula cerebelli and consists largely of axons and dendrites." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000766
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000767
-name: hypaxial region somite 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 11 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000767
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000801 ! myotome somite 11
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000768
-name: hypaxial region somite 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 14 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000768
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000044 ! myotome somite 14
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000769
-name: hypaxial region somite 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 17 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000769
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001015 ! myotome somite 17
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000770
-name: hypaxial region somite 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 2 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000770
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001016 ! myotome somite 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000771
-name: hypaxial region somite 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 22 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000771
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001017 ! myotome somite 22
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000772
-name: hypaxial region somite 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 25 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000772
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001018 ! myotome somite 25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000773
-name: fast muscle cell somite 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 12." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 12" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 12" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000773
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000926 ! myotome somite 12
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000774
-name: hypaxial region somite 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 28 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000774
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001019 ! myotome somite 28
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000775
-name: hypaxial region somite 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 30 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000775
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001020 ! myotome somite 30
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000776
-name: hypaxial region somite 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 6 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000776
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001021 ! myotome somite 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000777
-name: hypaxial region somite 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 9 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000777
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001022 ! myotome somite 9
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000778
-name: spinal cord interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A CNS interneuron located in the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "interneurons spinal cord" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0005000
-xref: TAO:0000778
-is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000779
-name: lateral forebrain bundle telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the lateral forebrain bundle that lies in the telencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "lateral forebrain bundles telencephalon" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000779
-is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007012 ! lateral forebrain bundle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000780
-name: lateral wall diencephalic region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the diencephalic region of the neural tube." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "lateral wall diencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000780
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000781
-name: lateral wall rhombomere 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 1." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000781
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000782
-name: lateral wall rhombomere 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000782
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000783
-name: lateral wall rhombomere 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000783
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000784
-name: fast muscle cell somite 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 15." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 15" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 15" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000784
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000802 ! myotome somite 15
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000785
-name: lateral wall telencephalic region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the telencephalic region of the neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lateral wall telencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000785
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000786
-name: medial migration pathway mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000786
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000999 ! mesenchyme derived from trunk neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000787
-name: mesenchyme derived from head neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000787
-is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000788
-name: mesenchyme dorsal fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesenchyme part of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0000788
-is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001173 ! dorsal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000789
-name: mesoderm pectoral fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesoderm that is part of the pectoral fin bud." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "mesoderm pectoral fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000789
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000141 ! pectoral fin bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000790
-name: muscle pioneer somite 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 10." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 10" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000790
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000974 ! somite 10
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000791
-name: muscle pioneer somite 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 13." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 13" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000791
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000975 ! somite 13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000792
-name: muscle pioneer somite 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 16." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 16" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000792
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000976 ! somite 16
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000793
-name: muscle pioneer somite 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 19." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 19" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000793
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000977 ! somite 19
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000794
-name: muscle pioneer somite 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 22." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 22" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000794
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000978 ! somite 22
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000795
-name: fast muscle cell somite 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 18." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 18" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 18" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000795
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000803 ! myotome somite 18
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000796
-name: muscle pioneer somite 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 25." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 25" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000796
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000980 ! somite 25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000797
-name: muscle pioneer somite 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 28." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 28" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000797
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000856 ! somite 28
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000798
-name: muscle pioneer somite 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 30." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 30" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000798
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000157 ! somite 30
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000799
-name: muscle pioneer somite 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 6" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000799
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000982 ! somite 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000800
-name: muscle pioneer somite 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 9." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 9" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000800
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000983 ! somite 9
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000801
-name: myotome somite 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 11 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000801
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000725 ! somite 11
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000802
-name: myotome somite 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 15 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000802
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000852 ! somite 15
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000803
-name: myotome somite 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 18 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000803
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000853 ! somite 18
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000804
-name: myotome somite 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 20 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000804
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000156 ! somite 20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000805
-name: myotome somite 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 23 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000805
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000730 ! somite 23
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000806
-name: fast muscle cell somite 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 20." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 20" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 20" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000806
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000804 ! myotome somite 20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000807
-name: myotome somite 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 16 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000807
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000074 ! somite 26
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000808
-name: myotome somite 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 29 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000808
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000981 ! somite 29
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000809
-name: myotome somite 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 4 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000809
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000857 ! somite 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000810
-name: myotome somite 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 7 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0000810
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000733 ! somite 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000811
-name: neural crest diencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest that is part of the diencephalon." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "diencephalic neural crest" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000811
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000812
-name: neural crest telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest that is part of the telencephalon." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000812
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000813
-name: infraorbital lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the infraorbital lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast infraorbital" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts infraorbital" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000813
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000524 ! infraorbital lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0000814
-name: opercular lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the opercular lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast opercular" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts opercular" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000814
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000424 ! opercular lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0000815
-name: nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus medulla oblongata
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000815
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000816
-name: oral epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epithelium that lines the oral cavity. The oral epithelium epithelial cells with many short microvilli as well as mucous cells, rodlet cells and taste buds." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091204-24]
-xref: TAO:0000816
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0000817
-name: fast muscle cell somite 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 23." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 23" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 23" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000817
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000805 ! myotome somite 23
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000818
-name: vagal neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vagal neural crest is adjacent to the first seven somites gives rise to both ganglionic and ectomesenchymal derivatives." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "post-otic neural crest" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000818
-is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000819
-name: postcommissural nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Periventricular nucleus which is contiguous with the supracommissural nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus postcommissuralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "postcommissural nucleus of V" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000819
-is_a: ZFA:0001666 ! periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000820
-name: presumptive neuron neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: This term was obsoleted because we could not determine if it was a presumptive neuron part of the neural tube or a neuron part of the presumptive neural tube.
-synonym: "presumptive neurons neural tube" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000820
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0000821
-name: primary neuron hindbrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "primary neurons hindbrain" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000821
-is_a: ZFA:0009242 ! primary neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000822
-name: rhombomere 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 1." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "r2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000822
-is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001208 ! presumptive rhombomere 2
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000823
-name: rhombomere 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 4." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "r5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000823
-is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001211 ! presumptive rhombomere 5
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000824
-name: roof plate rhombomere 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000824
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000825
-name: roof plate rhombomere 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000825
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000826
-name: central nucleus torus semicircularis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Midbrain nucleus which is part of the torus semicircularis and is the target of ascending octavolateralis systems related to audition. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "central nucleus of semicircular torus" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus centralis tori semicircularis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000826
-is_a: ZFA:0001665 ! midbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000599 ! torus semicircularis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000827
-name: fast muscle cell somite 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 26." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 26" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 26" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000827
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000807 ! myotome somite 26
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000828
-name: roof plate rhombomere 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000828
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000829
-name: sclerotome somite 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 11 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000829
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000725 ! somite 11
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000830
-name: sclerotome somite 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 14 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000830
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000726 ! somite 14
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000831
-name: sclerotome somite 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 17 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000831
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000727 ! somite 17
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000832
-name: sclerotome somite 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 2 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000832
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000728 ! somite 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000833
-name: sclerotome somite 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 22 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000833
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000978 ! somite 22
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000834
-name: sclerotome somite 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 25 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000834
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000980 ! somite 25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000835
-name: sclerotome somite 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 28 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000835
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000856 ! somite 28
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000836
-name: sclerotome somite 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 30 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000836
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000157 ! somite 30
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000837
-name: sclerotome somite 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 6 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000837
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000982 ! somite 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000838
-name: fast muscle cell somite 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 29." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 29" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 29" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000838
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000808 ! myotome somite 29
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000839
-name: sclerotome somite 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 9 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000839
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000983 ! somite 9
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000840
-name: slow muscle cell somite 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 11." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 11" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000840
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000801 ! myotome somite 11
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000841
-name: slow muscle cell somite 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 14." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 14" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000841
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000044 ! myotome somite 14
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000842
-name: slow muscle cell somite 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 17." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 17" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000842
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001015 ! myotome somite 17
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000843
-name: slow muscle cell somite 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 2" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000843
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001016 ! myotome somite 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000844
-name: slow muscle cell somite 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 22." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 22" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000844
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001017 ! myotome somite 22
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000845
-name: slow muscle cell somite 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 25." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 25" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000845
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001018 ! myotome somite 25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000846
-name: slow muscle cell somite 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 28." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 28" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000846
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001019 ! myotome somite 28
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000847
-name: slow muscle cell somite 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 30." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 30" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000847
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001020 ! myotome somite 30
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000848
-name: slow muscle cell somite 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 6" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000848
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001021 ! myotome somite 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000849
-name: fast muscle cell somite 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 4." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 4" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000849
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000809 ! myotome somite 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000850
-name: slow muscle cell somite 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 9." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 9" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000850
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001022 ! myotome somite 9
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000851
-name: somite 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 12 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000851
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000852
-name: somite 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 15 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000852
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000853
-name: somite 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk or tail segment 18 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000853
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000854
-name: somite 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail 21 segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000854
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000855
-name: somite 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 24 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000855
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000856
-name: somite 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 28 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000856
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000857
-name: somite 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 4 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000857
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000858
-name: somite 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 8 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000858
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000859
-name: specialized hemal arch and spine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Modified hemal arches and spines that support the caudal fin. In developing fish they articulate with preural 1, ural1 and ural2; in adults they articulate with the urostyle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "ha(pu)" EXACT []
-synonym: "hemal arch (preural)" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "specialized haemal arch and spine" EXACT []
-synonym: "specialized hemal arches and spines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000859
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0000860
-name: fast muscle cell somite 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 7." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 7" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 7" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000860
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000810 ! myotome somite 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000861
-name: ventral oblique extraocular muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Extraocular muscle that inserts at the scleral-corneal junction on the ventral side of the eye. The insertion point of the ventral oblique and the ventral rectus overlap in adult fish. All the oblique extraocular muscles originate together from the anterior ethmoid plate. The ventral oblique is innervated by the oculomotor nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9]
-comment: Mature form at Hatching:Pec-fin.
-synonym: "inferior oblique muscle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18]
-synonym: "ventral oblique extraocular muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000861
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000511 ! extraocular musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000862
-name: caudal fin skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Median fin skeleton supporting the caudal fin." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0000862
-is_a: ZFA:0001123 ! axial fin skeleton
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000863
-name: dermatocranium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is part of the cranium and composed of dermally derived bones." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dermal bone cranium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000863
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000864
-name: epaxial region somite 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 1 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000864
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000924 ! myotome somite 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000865
-name: epaxial region somite 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 12 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000865
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000926 ! myotome somite 12
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000866
-name: epaxial region somite 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 15 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000866
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000802 ! myotome somite 15
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000867
-name: epaxial region somite 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 18 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000867
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000803 ! myotome somite 18
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000868
-name: epaxial region somite 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 20 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000868
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000804 ! myotome somite 20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000869
-name: epaxial region somite 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 23 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000869
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000805 ! myotome somite 23
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000870
-name: epaxial region somite 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 26 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000870
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000807 ! myotome somite 26
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000871
-name: floor plate diencephalic region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floorplate diencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000871
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000872
-name: epaxial region somite 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 29 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000872
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000808 ! myotome somite 29
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000873
-name: epaxial region somite 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 4 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000873
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000809 ! myotome somite 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000874
-name: epaxial region somite 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 7 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000874
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000810 ! myotome somite 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000875
-name: facial neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest that is part of the facial region." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000875
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001194
-id: ZFA:0000876
-name: fast muscle cell somite 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 11." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 11" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 11" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000876
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000801 ! myotome somite 11
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000877
-name: fast muscle cell somite 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 14." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 14" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 14" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000877
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000044 ! myotome somite 14
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000878
-name: fast muscle cell somite 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 17." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 17" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 17" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000878
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001015 ! myotome somite 17
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000879
-name: fast muscle cell somite 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 2." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 2" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000879
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001016 ! myotome somite 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000880
-name: fast muscle cell somite 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 22." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 22" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 22" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000880
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001017 ! myotome somite 22
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000881
-name: fast muscle cell somite 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 25." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 25" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 25" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000881
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001018 ! myotome somite 25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000882
-name: floor plate rhombomere 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate r1" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000882
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000883
-name: fast muscle cell somite 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 28." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 28" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 28" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000883
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001019 ! myotome somite 28
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000884
-name: fast muscle cell somite 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 30." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 30" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 30" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000884
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001020 ! myotome somite 30
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000885
-name: fast muscle cell somite 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 6." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 6" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000885
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001021 ! myotome somite 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000886
-name: fast muscle cell somite 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fast muscle cell located in somite 9." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle cells somite 9" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber somite 9" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000886
-is_a: ZFA:0009117 ! fast muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001022 ! myotome somite 9
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000887
-name: floor plate neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "floorplate neural rod" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000887
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000888
-name: floor plate rhombomere 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate r3" EXACT []
-synonym: "floorplate r3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000888
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000889
-name: floor plate rhombomere 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 6." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate r6" EXACT []
-synonym: "floorplate r6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000889
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000890
-name: floor plate spinal cord region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "floorplate spinal cord" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000890
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001434 ! floor plate neural tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000891
-name: hypaxial region somite 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 1 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000891
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000924 ! myotome somite 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000892
-name: hypaxial region somite 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 12 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000892
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000926 ! myotome somite 12
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000893
-name: floor plate rhombomere 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate r4" EXACT []
-synonym: "floorplate r4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000893
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000894
-name: hypaxial region somite 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 15 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000894
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000802 ! myotome somite 15
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000895
-name: hypaxial region somite 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 18 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000895
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000803 ! myotome somite 18
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000896
-name: hypaxial region somite 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 20 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000896
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000804 ! myotome somite 20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000897
-name: hypaxial region somite 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 23 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000897
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000805 ! myotome somite 23
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000898
-name: hypaxial region somite 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 26 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000898
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000807 ! myotome somite 26
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000899
-name: hypaxial region somite 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 29 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000899
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000808 ! myotome somite 29
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000900
-name: hypaxial region somite 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 4 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000900
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000809 ! myotome somite 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000901
-name: hypaxial region somite 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 7 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000901
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000810 ! myotome somite 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000902
-name: hypural muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Musculature associated with the hypurals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "hypural muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000902
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000903
-name: interpeduncular nucleus tegmentum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: ZDB-PUB-010601-11 says there are 4 sub-nuclei.
-xref: TAO:0000903
-is_a: ZFA:0005577 ! tegmental nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000904
-name: floor plate rhombomere 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomere 7." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate r7" EXACT []
-synonym: "floorplate r7" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000904
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001258 ! floor plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000905
-name: lateral mesenchyme derived from mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000905
-is_a: ZFA:0000081 ! trunk mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000906
-name: lateral wall midbrain region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the midbrain region of the neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lateral wall midbrain" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000906
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000907
-name: lateral wall rhombomere 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 2." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000907
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000908
-name: lateral wall rhombomere 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000908
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000909
-name: lateral wall rhombomere 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000909
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000153 ! rhombomere 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000910
-name: medial forebrain bundle telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "medial forebrain bundles telencephalon" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000910
-is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005111 ! medial forebrain bundle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000911
-name: medial pterygiophores dorsal fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-replaced_by: ZFA:0001647
-id: ZFA:0000912
-name: mesenchyme median fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesenchyme part of median fin fold." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000912
-is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0000913
-name: molecular layer valvula cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue which is part of the valvula cerebelli and contains neuronal cell bodies." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000913
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000914
-name: floor plate telencephalic region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the telencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floorplate telencephalon" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000914
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000915
-name: muscle pioneer somite 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 11." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 11" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000915
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000725 ! somite 11
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000916
-name: muscle pioneer somite 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 14." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 14" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000916
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000726 ! somite 14
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000917
-name: muscle pioneer somite 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 17." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 17" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000917
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000727 ! somite 17
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000918
-name: muscle pioneer somite 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 20." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 20" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000918
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000156 ! somite 20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000919
-name: muscle pioneer somite 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 23." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 23" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000919
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000730 ! somite 23
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000920
-name: muscle pioneer somite 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 26." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 26" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000920
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000074 ! somite 26
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000921
-name: muscle pioneer somite 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 29." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 29" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000921
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000981 ! somite 29
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000922
-name: muscle pioneer somite 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 4" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000922
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000857 ! somite 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000923
-name: muscle pioneer somite 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 7" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000923
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000733 ! somite 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000924
-name: myotome somite 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 1 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000924
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000072 ! somite 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000925
-name: hypaxial region somite 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 10 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000925
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001013 ! myotome somite 10
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000926
-name: myotome somite 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 12 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000926
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000851 ! somite 12
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000927
-name: myotome somite 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 16 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000927
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000976 ! somite 16
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000928
-name: myotome somite 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 19 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000928
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000977 ! somite 19
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000929
-name: myotome somite 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 21 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000929
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000854 ! somite 21
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000930
-name: myotome somite 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 24 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000930
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000855 ! somite 24
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000931
-name: myotome somite 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 27 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000931
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000731 ! somite 27
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000932
-name: myotome somite 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 3 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000932
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000732 ! somite 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000933
-name: myotome somite 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 5 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000933
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000073 ! somite 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000934
-name: myotome somite 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 8 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000934
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000858 ! somite 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000935
-name: neural crest midbrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural crest that is part of the midbrain." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "mesencephalic neural crest" EXACT [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000935
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000936
-name: dorsal fin distal radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the dorsal fin, which articulate with the lepidotrichia distally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin distal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000936
-is_a: ZFA:0001647 ! dorsal fin radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000937
-name: hypaxial region somite 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 13 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000937
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001014 ! myotome somite 13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000938
-name: central canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Spinal cord structure that is part of the ventricular system and is filled with cerebral-spinal fluid and runs the length of the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "canalis centralis" EXACT []
-synonym: "neural lumen" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000938
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000939
-name: middle lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the middle lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast middle" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts middle" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000939
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000344 ! middle lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0000940
-name: posterior lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the posterior lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast posterior" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts posterior" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000940
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001157 ! posterior lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000944 ! posterior lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000941
-name: nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus synencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon, is located adjacent to the caudal commissure, and extends axons into the medial longitudinal fasciculus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000941
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005871 ! region of the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000293 ! synencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000943
-name: pectoral fin skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeleton that consists of the supporting endochondral proximal and distal radials and the dermal fins rays or lepidotrichia. The pectoral fin skeleton is located in the thoracic region of the body and articulates with the scapula and coracoid." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0000943
-is_a: ZFA:0000027 ! paired fin skeleton
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000944
-name: posterior lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "pll" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000944
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001157 ! posterior lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0000946
-name: hypaxial region somite 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 16 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000946
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000927 ! myotome somite 16
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000947
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the dorsal fin, which articulate with the distal radials." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin proximal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000947
-is_a: ZFA:0001647 ! dorsal fin radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0000948
-name: rhombomere 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "r3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000948
-is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001213 ! presumptive rhombomere 3
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000949
-name: rhombomere 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 6." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "r7" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000949
-is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001209 ! presumptive rhombomere 7
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000950
-name: roof plate rhombomere 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 3." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000950
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000951
-name: roof plate rhombomere 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000951
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000952
-name: sclerotome somite 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 1 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000952
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000072 ! somite 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0000953
-name: sclerotome somite 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 12 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000953
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000851 ! somite 12
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000954
-name: sclerotome somite 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 15 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000954
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000852 ! somite 15
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000955
-name: sclerotome somite 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 18 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000955
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000853 ! somite 18
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000956
-name: sclerotome somite 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 20 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000956
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000156 ! somite 20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000957
-name: hypaxial region somite 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 19 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000957
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000928 ! myotome somite 19
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000958
-name: sclerotome somite 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 23 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000958
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000730 ! somite 23
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000959
-name: sclerotome somite 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 26 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000959
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000074 ! somite 26
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000960
-name: sclerotome somite 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 29 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000960
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000981 ! somite 29
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000961
-name: sclerotome somite 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 4 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000961
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000857 ! somite 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000962
-name: sclerotome somite 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 7 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0000962
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000733 ! somite 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000963
-name: slow muscle cell somite 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 1." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 1" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000963
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000924 ! myotome somite 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000964
-name: slow muscle cell somite 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 12." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 12" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000964
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000926 ! myotome somite 12
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000965
-name: slow muscle cell somite 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 15." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 15" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000965
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000802 ! myotome somite 15
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000966
-name: slow muscle cell somite 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 18." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 18" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000966
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000803 ! myotome somite 18
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000967
-name: slow muscle cell somite 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 20." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 20" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000967
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000804 ! myotome somite 20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000968
-name: hypaxial region somite 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 21 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000968
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000929 ! myotome somite 21
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000969
-name: slow muscle cell somite 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 23." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 23" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000969
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000805 ! myotome somite 23
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000970
-name: slow muscle cell somite 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 26." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 26" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000970
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000807 ! myotome somite 26
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000971
-name: slow muscle cell somite 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 29." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 29" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000971
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000808 ! myotome somite 29
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000972
-name: slow muscle cell somite 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 4" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000972
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000809 ! myotome somite 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000973
-name: slow muscle cell somite 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 7" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000973
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000810 ! myotome somite 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000974
-name: somite 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 10 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000974
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000975
-name: somite 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 13 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000975
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000976
-name: somite 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 16 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000976
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000977
-name: somite 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk or tail segment 19 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000977
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0000978
-name: somite 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 22 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000978
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000979
-name: hypaxial region somite 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 24 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000979
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000930 ! myotome somite 24
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000980
-name: somite 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 25 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000980
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0000981
-name: somite 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 29 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000981
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0000982
-name: somite 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 6 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000982
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000983
-name: somite 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 9 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000983
-is_a: ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000984
-name: superior reticular formation tegmentum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000984
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000985
-name: ventral rhombencephalic commissure medulla oblongata
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000985
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000986
-name: hypaxial region somite 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 27 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000986
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000931 ! myotome somite 27
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000987
-name: hypaxial region somite 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 3 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000987
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000932 ! myotome somite 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000988
-name: hypaxial region somite 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 5 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000988
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000933 ! myotome somite 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000989
-name: hypaxial region somite 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The hypaxial region of somite 8 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000989
-is_a: ZFA:0001085 ! hypaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000934 ! myotome somite 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000990
-name: intermediate mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000990
-is_a: ZFA:0000081 ! trunk mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000991
-name: epaxial region somite 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 10 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0000991
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001013 ! myotome somite 10
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000992
-name: lateral migration pathway mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000992
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000999 ! mesenchyme derived from trunk neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000993
-name: lateral wall neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue located at either side of the neural rod." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000993
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000994
-name: lateral wall rhombomere 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 3." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000994
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000995
-name: lateral wall rhombomere 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the neural tube in rhombomere 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000995
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0000996
-name: lateral wall spinal cord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure forming the sides of the lumen of the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0000996
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0000997
-name: medial funicular nucleus trigeminal nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory trigeminal nucleus located at the end of the medulla oblongata." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "medial funicular nucleus trigeminal nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000997
-is_a: ZFA:0000433 ! sensory trigeminal nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0000998
-name: mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000998
-is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0000999
-name: mesenchyme derived from trunk neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0000999
-is_a: ZFA:0000081 ! trunk mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001000
-name: mesenchyme pectoral fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesenchyme that is part of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "mesenchyme pectoral fins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001000
-is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000789 ! mesoderm pectoral fin bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001001
-name: epaxial region somite 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 13 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001001
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001014 ! myotome somite 13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001002
-name: peripheral motor axons
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Consider post-composing ZFA:0009052 motor neuron with GO:0030424 axon
-xref: TAO:0001002
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0001003
-name: muscle pioneer somite 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 12." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 12" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001003
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000851 ! somite 12
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001004
-name: muscle pioneer somite 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 15." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 15" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001004
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000852 ! somite 15
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001005
-name: muscle pioneer somite 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 18." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 18" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001005
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000853 ! somite 18
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001006
-name: muscle pioneer somite 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 21." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 21" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001006
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000854 ! somite 21
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001007
-name: muscle pioneer somite 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 24." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 24" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001007
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000855 ! somite 24
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001008
-name: muscle pioneer somite 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 27." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 27" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001008
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000731 ! somite 27
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001009
-name: muscle pioneer somite 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 3." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 3" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001009
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000732 ! somite 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001010
-name: muscle pioneer somite 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 5" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001010
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000073 ! somite 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001011
-name: muscle pioneer somite 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers somite 8" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001011
-is_a: ZFA:0001086 ! muscle pioneer
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000858 ! somite 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001012
-name: epaxial region somite 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 16 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001012
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000927 ! myotome somite 16
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001013
-name: myotome somite 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 10 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001013
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000974 ! somite 10
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001014
-name: myotome somite 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 13 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001014
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000975 ! somite 13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001015
-name: myotome somite 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 17 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001015
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000727 ! somite 17
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001016
-name: myotome somite 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 2 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001016
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000728 ! somite 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001017
-name: myotome somite 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 22 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001017
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000978 ! somite 22
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001018
-name: myotome somite 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 25 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001018
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000980 ! somite 25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001019
-name: myotome somite 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 28 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001019
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000856 ! somite 28
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001020
-name: myotome somite 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 30 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001020
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000157 ! somite 30
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001021
-name: myotome somite 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 6 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001021
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000982 ! somite 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001022
-name: myotome somite 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite 9 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001022
-is_a: ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000983 ! somite 9
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001023
-name: epaxial region somite 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 19 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001023
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000928 ! myotome somite 19
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001024
-name: trunk neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural crest that is part of the trunk." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001024
-is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001025
-name: occipital lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the occipital lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast occipital" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts occipital" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001025
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000400 ! occipital lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0001026
-name: supraorbital lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the supraorbital lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast supraorbital" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromasts supraorbital" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001026
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000443 ! supraorbital lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0001027
-name: oral cavity
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Space within the oral region." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "buccal cavity" EXACT []
-synonym: "buccal chamber" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001027
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001028
-name: hypurapophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The paired bony lateral extensions off the parhypural." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "hypurapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "parhypurapophysis" EXACT []
-synonym: "parhypurapophysis process" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001028
-is_a: ZFA:0000859 ! specialized hemal arch and spine
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000438 ! parhypural
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001029
-name: inner limiting membrane
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Membrane on the apical surface of the retina. The retinal vasculature becomes adhered to the apical surface of the ILM by 30dpf." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071023-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-3]
-synonym: "ILM" EXACT []
-synonym: "inner limiting membranes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001029
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001030
-name: epaxial region somite 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 21 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001030
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000929 ! myotome somite 21
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001031
-name: rhombomere 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anteriormost hindbrain segment or neuromere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "r1" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001031
-is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001207 ! presumptive rhombomere 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001032
-name: rhombomere 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 3." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "r4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001032
-is_a: ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001212 ! presumptive rhombomere 4
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001033
-name: roof plate rhombomere 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 1." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001033
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001034
-name: roof plate rhombomere 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001034
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001035
-name: roof plate rhombomere 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001035
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000153 ! rhombomere 8
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001311 ! roof plate rhombomere region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001036
-name: sclerotome somite 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 10 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001036
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000974 ! somite 10
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001037
-name: sclerotome somite 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 13 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001037
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000975 ! somite 13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001038
-name: sclerotome somite 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 16 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001038
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000976 ! somite 16
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001039
-name: sclerotome somite 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 19 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001039
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000977 ! somite 19
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001040
-name: epaxial region somite 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The epaxial region of somite 24 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001040
-is_a: ZFA:0001084 ! epaxial myotome region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000930 ! myotome somite 24
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001041
-name: sclerotome somite 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 21 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001041
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000854 ! somite 21
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001042
-name: sclerotome somite 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 24 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001042
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000855 ! somite 24
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001043
-name: sclerotome somite 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 27 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001043
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000731 ! somite 27
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001044
-name: sclerotome somite 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 3 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001044
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000732 ! somite 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001045
-name: sclerotome somite 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 5 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001045
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000073 ! somite 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001046
-name: sclerotome somite 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventromedial region of somite 8 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970213-3]
-xref: TAO:0001046
-is_a: ZFA:0001080 ! sclerotome
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000858 ! somite 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001047
-name: slow muscle cell somite 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 10." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 10" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001047
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001013 ! myotome somite 10
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001048
-name: slow muscle cell somite 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 13." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 13" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001048
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001014 ! myotome somite 13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001049
-name: slow muscle cell somite 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 16." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 16" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001049
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000927 ! myotome somite 16
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001050
-name: slow muscle cell somite 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content. Slow muscle cells are located superficial to the fast muscle cell in the myotome of somite 19." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle cells somite 19" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001050
-is_a: ZFA:0009116 ! slow muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000928 ! myotome somite 19
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001051
-name: caudal division of the internal carotid artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Branch of the internal carotid artery that extends caudally along the sides of the midbrain and eventually drains into the basilar artery via the posterior communicating artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140605-9]
-synonym: "CaDI" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior cerebral carotid artery" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior rami of the cerebral carotid artery" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001051
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005081 ! internal carotid artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001052
-name: primordial hindbrain channel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The paired vessels that run along the lateral walls of the hindbrain and drain into the anterior cardinal veins." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "medial head vein" EXACT []
-synonym: "PHBC" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001052
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001053
-name: primitive internal carotid artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that originates as rostral extensions of the paired lateral dorsal aorta. The primitive internal carotid artery splits to form caudal and cranial divisions. The primitive internal carotid artery is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "PICA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001053
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001054
-name: lateral dorsal aorta
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Connect the outflow of the aortic arches to the dorsal aorta. The place where the lateral dorsal aorta fuse is called the radix of the aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "LDA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001054
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001055
-name: pronephric duct opening
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The juncture where the pronephric ducts empty into the cloaca." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pronephric duct openings" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "urogenital opening" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060508-11]
-xref: TAO:0001055
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000330 ! cloacal chamber
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001056
-name: myotome
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle that develops from somite and gives rise to body wall muscle masses." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "myomeres" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001056
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0001057
-name: intersegmental vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Veins that connect the posterior cardinal vein and the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel. They run along the vertical myotomal boundaries. They form from primary intersegmental vessels that are contacted by secondary angiogenic sprouts from the posterior cardinal vein and take on the characteristics of veins. These eventually link with other secondary sprouts from the posterior cardinal vein to form the parachordal vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030908-4]
-synonym: "ISV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001057
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-is_a: ZFA:0001285 ! intersegmental vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001058
-name: caudal fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin that is the most posterior median fin. It is composed of a complex of three modified centra and modified neural and hemal arches and spines." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1]
-synonym: "tail" EXACT []
-synonym: "tail fin" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001058
-is_a: ZFA:0005597 ! median fin
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001069 ! ventral fin fold
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001117 ! post-vent region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001059
-name: cranial division of the internal carotid artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal branch of the internal carotid artery that gives rise to the branches that supply the diencephalon and telencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140605-9]
-synonym: "anterior cerebral carotid artery" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior rami of the cerebral carotid artery" EXACT []
-synonym: "CrDI" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral division of the internal carotid artery" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001059
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005081 ! internal carotid artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001060
-name: basidorsal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Basidorsals are bilaterally paired cartilages on the dorsolateral side of the notochord which are replaced by ossified neural arches or dorsal arcocentra. In otophysan fishes, basidorsal 1, bd2, bd3, and bd4 give rise to parts of the Weberian apparatus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "arcualia" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001060
-is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001061
-name: intersegmental artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Arteries that connect the dorsal aorta and the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel. They run along the vertical myotomal boundaries. At early stages these vessels don't have venous or arterial markers. They form from the primary sprouts from the dorsal aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030908-4]
-synonym: "intersegmental arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001061
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-is_a: ZFA:0001285 ! intersegmental vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001062
-name: primitive mesencephalic artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that branches dorsally from the cranial division of the internal carotid artery, then curves caudally along the dorsal medial wall of the eye capsule to drain into the PMBC just rostral to the midbrain hindbrain boundary." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "PMsA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001062
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001063
-name: posterior caudal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001063
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001064
-name: rhombomere
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A segment of the developing hindbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "hindbrain segment" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromere" RELATED []
-synonym: "rhombomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001064
-is_a: ZFA:0001328 ! neuromere
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001065
-name: lateral mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001065
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001066
-name: neural arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neural arch encloses the neural canal and typically meets its partner to form a neural spine. The neural arch can be a replacement ossification of the basidorsal cartilage or can form directly in membrane bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dorsal arcocentrum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001066
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001060 ! basidorsal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001067
-name: anterior cerebral vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that branches from the primordial hindbrain channel (PHBC) at 1.3 dpf. The primitive prosencephalic artery drains into the anterior cerebral vein (ACeV) as do the prosencephalic artery and the nasal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "ACeV" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral cerebral vein" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001067
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001068
-name: mesencephalic artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery in the midbrain that develops from the proximal portion of the primitive mesencephalic artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "MsA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001068
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001062 ! primitive mesencephalic artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001069
-name: ventral fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region of the median fin fold that develops into the anal and caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "anal fin fold" EXACT []
-synonym: "tail fin fold" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral fin" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001069
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001070
-name: presumptive pronephric mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Presumptive structure part of the intermediate mesoderm, that is fated to become pronephric mesoderm." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "nephron primordium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001070
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001206 ! intermediate mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001071
-name: presumptive neural retina
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the inner layer of the optic cup and will become the neural retina." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "inner layer optic cup" EXACT []
-synonym: "presumptive retinas" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001071
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001202 ! optic cup
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001072
-name: thyroid follicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue formed form thyroid follicle cells that forms along the midline in pharyngeal mesenchyme. The follicles are not encapsulated by connective tissue." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060517-11]
-synonym: "thyroid follicles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001072
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001081 ! thyroid primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001073
-name: axial vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vasculature that runs along the rostral-caudal axis of the fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001073
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001074
-name: taste bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pear or onion-shaped intraepithelial sensory endorgans. They sit on a small dermal papilla and consist of modified epithelial cells of different types. The taste buds are located in the mouth, in the oropharyngeal cavity, on the head and on the barbels. They are innervated by either the facial (VII), the glossopharyngeal (IX), or the vagal (X) cranial nerve." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-3]
-comment: Taste buds are made up of vertically oriented, elongate cells form the sensory epithelium of the organ: dark cells with many small microvilli, and light cells with one large microvillus as an apical ending. Between the dark and light cells and the basal lamina, the basal cells stretch horizontally.
-synonym: "taste buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001074
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001075
-name: choroidal fissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The narrow cleft along the medial wall of the lateral ventricle along the margins of which the choroid plexus is attached; it lies between the upper surface of the thalamus and lateral edge of the fornix in the central part of the ventricle and between the terminal stria and fimbria hippocampi in the inferior horn." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "choroidal fissures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001075
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001076
-name: intestinal bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The bulbous anteriormost portion of the intestine has the most digestive enzymes and the greatest epithelial surface area." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
-synonym: " pseudogaster " EXACT [ISBN:3510650670]
-synonym: "anterior intestine" EXACT []
-synonym: "foregut" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001076
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005738 ! intestinal bulb primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001077
-name: thymus primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A small outgrowth of the pharyngeal epithelium that is the site of lymphocyte cell production." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990414-60]
-synonym: "thymic rudiment" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001077
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000818 ! vagal neural crest
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001104 ! pharyngeal endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001078
-name: thymus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired organ where maturation of T-lymphocytes occurs. The adult thymus located on the dorsomedial aspect of the branchial cavity above the third pharyngeal cartilage. The thymus undergoes a period of rapid growth beginning at about the third week and continuing for several more weeks. Accompanying this growth is a dramatic change in the shape of the thymus. It is ovoid initially and then starts to grow dorsally along the skull, forming a characteristic protrusion. During this growth period the adult pattern of rag1-positive cortex and rag1-negative medulla becomes established. The protrusions diminish with age and the thymus gradually shrinks; at two years, the thymus is again confined to the pharynx with minimal if any protrusion." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040216-26, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-55]
-xref: TAO:0001078
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001077 ! thymus primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001079
-name: blood vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains blood that is actively transported around the organism." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "blood vessel" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001079
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001080
-name: sclerotome
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of somite that gives rise to skeletal elements." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "sclerotomes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001080
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0001081
-name: thyroid primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue part of the pharyngeal endoderm that is fated to become thyroid follicle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "thyroid primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001081
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001104 ! pharyngeal endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001082
-name: chordo neural hinge
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is posterior to the developing notochord during tail bud extension." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970723-15]
-xref: TAO:0001082
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000077 ! tail bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0001083
-name: ventricular zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Proliferative region that is part of the ventricular system. The cells directly face the ventricle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ventricular zones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001083
-is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001084
-name: epaxial myotome region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "epaxial myotome regions" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001084
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001085
-name: hypaxial myotome region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "hypaxial muscle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001085
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001086
-name: muscle pioneer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cells that develop from adaxial cells that express engrailed and do not migrate completely to the lateral surface of the myotome, and instead extend from the notochord to the lateral surface of the somite, at the level of the future horizontal myoseptum." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle pioneers" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "non migratory adaxial cells" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001086
-is_a: ZFA:0009114 ! muscle cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000003 ! adaxial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001089
-name: myoseptum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "myocommata" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17]
-synonym: "myosepta" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001089
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001056 ! myotome
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0001093
-name: unspecified
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Annotation with this anatomy term indicates that a structure was not specified by the author." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001093
-is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0001094
-name: whole organism
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure that is an individual member of Danio rerio." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "multi-cellular organism" EXACT []
-xref: CARO:0000012
-xref: TAO:0001094
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0001095
-name: immature macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an otic sensory epithelium that will develop into the mature macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "immature maculae" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "immature sensory patch" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature sensory patches" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001095
-is_a: ZFA:0007070 ! otic sensory epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000051 ! otic vesicle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001096
-name: immature anterior macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an otic sensory epithelium that will develop into the mature anterior macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "immature anterior maculae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001096
-is_a: ZFA:0007070 ! otic sensory epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001095 ! immature macula
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001097
-name: immature posterior macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an otic sensory epithelium that will develop into the mature posterior macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "immature posterior maculae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001097
-is_a: ZFA:0007070 ! otic sensory epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001095 ! immature macula
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001098
-name: immature hair cell anterior macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A hair cell which is immature and located in the anterior macula. It will develop into a hair cell of the anterior macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "immature sensory hair cells anterior macula" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001098
-is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001096 ! immature anterior macula
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001099
-name: immature hair cell posterior macula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A hair cell which is immature and located in the posterior macula. It will develop into a hair cell of the posterior macula." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "immature sensory hair cells posterior macula" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001099
-is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001097 ! immature posterior macula
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001100
-name: hepatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A duct that carries bile from the liver to the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001100
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001101
-name: gustatory system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory system that uses taste buds to sense chemical compounds." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0001101
-is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001104
-name: pharyngeal endoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001104
-is_a: ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
-disjoint_from: ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001105
-name: embryonic structure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure that is part of the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "embryonic structures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001105
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0001106
-name: pharyngeal pouch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Outpocketings of pharyngeal endoderm that interdigitate with the neural crest derived pharyngeal arches. The pouches later fuse with the surface ectoderm to form the gill slits." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-041029-8]
-synonym: "pharyngeal pouches" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001106
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001104 ! pharyngeal endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001107
-name: internal gill bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that develops into a gill." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-041216-7]
-synonym: "internal gill buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001107
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001106 ! pharyngeal pouch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0001108
-name: anterior commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic white matter (commissure) which connects the two cerebral hemispheres across the midline." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "commissura anterior" EXACT []
-synonym: "commissura rostral" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral commissure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001108
-is_a: ZFA:0000597 ! telencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001109
-name: oocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009008
-def: "A female germ cell that has entered meiosis." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544]
-comment: I think the term we really want is CL:0000023.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "egg" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000023
-xref: TAO:0001109
-is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001110
-name: ovarian follicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Oocyte development of zebrafish has been divided into five stages based on morphological criteria and on physiological and biochemical events. Stage I follicles (less than 140 microns) are primary growth stage, stage II follicles (140-340 microns) are cortical alveolus stage, stage III (340-690 microns) are vitellogenesis, stage IV (690-730 microns) are oocyte maturation, and stage V follicles are matured egg." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
-synonym: "egg follicle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001110
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000403 ! ovary
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001111
-name: zona radiata
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Acellular anatomic structure that is a layer that separates the developing oocyte and the granulosa cell layer." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "vitelline envelope" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001111
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001112
-name: granulosa cell layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue part of the ovarian follicle containing a single layer of granulosa cells that surround the developing oocyte." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "granulosa cell layers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001112
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001113
-name: thecal cell layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure of the ovarian follicle, composed of stromal cells and capillaries that covers oocytes. The thecal layer is external to the granulosa cell layer." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "thecal cell layers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001113
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001114
-name: head
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organism subdivision which is the part of the body which consists of the cranial and pharyngeal regions." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001114
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001115
-name: trunk
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organism subdivision which is the part of the body posterior to the head and anterior to the post-vent region." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001115
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000077 ! tail bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001116
-name: presumptive structure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of embryonic tissue determined by fate mapping to become a structure." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "presumptive structures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001116
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0001117
-name: post-vent region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organism subdivision which is the part of the body posterior to the vent which includes the anal and caudal fins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "tail" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001117
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000077 ! tail bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001118
-name: urogenital papilla
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A protuberance in front of the gential pore and behind the vent. Mature females have a well developed urogenital papillae whilst in mature males it is poorly developed." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040526-4]
-synonym: "anal papilla" EXACT []
-synonym: "anal papillae" EXACT []
-synonym: "genital papilla" EXACT []
-synonym: "UGP" EXACT []
-synonym: "urogenital papillae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001118
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0001119
-name: dermis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A collagenous layer of the skin subjacent to the epidermis and covering the hypodermis. It contains various types of cells (e.g. fibroblasts, pigment cells, nerve, blood vessels and scales." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-xref: TAO:0001119
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000255 ! paraxial mesoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000787 ! mesenchyme derived from head neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001120
-name: neuroectoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "neural ectoderm" EXACT []
-synonym: "neurectoderm" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001120
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001121
-name: presumptive shield
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Presumptive structure fated to become the shield. Defined by fate mapping." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001121
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000018 ! Gastrula:Germ-ring
-relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001122
-name: primary germ layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that consists of a layer of cells that form during embryogenesis that will give rise to all structures of the organism." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "embryonic germ layers" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001122
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001123
-name: axial fin skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Postcranial axial skeleton that is unpaired and located on the sagittal plane of the organism." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "median fin skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "unpaired fin skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001123
-is_a: ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001124
-name: dorsal fin skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Median fin skeleton located on the dorsal surface of the organism." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001124
-is_a: ZFA:0001123 ! axial fin skeleton
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001173 ! dorsal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001125
-name: organizer inducing center
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The dorsal marginal region of the YSL where maternal dorsal determinants localize. Participates in positioning the shield." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-991102-7]
-synonym: "Nieuwkoop center" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001125
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000088 ! yolk syncytial layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000012 ! Blastula:High
-id: ZFA:0001126
-name: noninvoluting endocytic marginal cell cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The NEM cell cluster lies in a superficial position of the dorsal blastoderm margin encompassing EVL cells and one or two layers of underlying deep cells. Unlike other marginal blastomeres, cells in this cluster do not participate in involution." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970107-2]
-synonym: "NEM" EXACT []
-synonym: "noninvoluting endocytic marginal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001126
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000038 ! margin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001127
-name: visual system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory system responsible for the perception of light." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001127
-is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001128
-name: pharyngeal pouch 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 1" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001128
-is_a: ZFA:0001106 ! pharyngeal pouch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001129
-name: pharyngeal pouches 2-6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001129
-is_a: ZFA:0001106 ! pharyngeal pouch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001130
-name: pharyngeal pouch 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 2" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001130
-is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001131
-name: pharyngeal pouch 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 3" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001131
-is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001132
-name: pharyngeal pouch 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 6" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001132
-is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001133
-name: pharyngeal pouch 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 5" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001133
-is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001134
-name: pharyngeal pouch 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pharyngeal pouches 4" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001134
-is_a: ZFA:0001129 ! pharyngeal pouches 2-6
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001135
-name: neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the cavity-containing primordium of the central nervous system, developing from the neural rod in the late segmentation period." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "presumptive central nervous system" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001135
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001136
-name: hypodermis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A layer separating the inner face of the dermis from the subjacent muscle cells. It is covered on both sides by a basement membrane. It contains pigment cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-synonym: "subcutis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001136
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001137
-name: ventral tooth row
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tooth row that is the ventralmost row of teeth on ceratobranchial 5 bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ventral tooth rows" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001137
-is_a: ZFA:0001642 ! tooth row
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001138
-name: vestibuloauditory system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory system responsible for the perception of spatial orientation and auditory stimuli." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001138
-is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001139
-name: mediodorsal tooth row
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tooth row that is the mediodorsal row of teeth on ceratobranchial 5 bone, located between the dorsal tooth row and ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "mediodorsal tooth rows" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001139
-is_a: ZFA:0001642 ! tooth row
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001140
-name: dorsal tooth row
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tooth row that is the dorsalmost row of teeth on ceratobranchial 5 bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dorsal tooth rows" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001140
-is_a: ZFA:0001642 ! tooth row
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001141
-name: tooth 1V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the anteriormost tooth in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001141
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001142
-name: tooth 5V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the posteriormost tooth in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001142
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001143
-name: tooth 4V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 3V and anterior to tooth 5V in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001143
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001144
-name: tooth 2V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 1V and anterior to tooth 3V in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001144
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001145
-name: tooth 3V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 2V and anterior to tooth 4V in the ventral tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001145
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001146
-name: tooth 1MD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the anteriormost tooth in the mediodorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001146
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001139 ! mediodorsal tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001147
-name: tooth 2MD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 1MD and anterior to tooth 3MD in the mediodorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001147
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001139 ! mediodorsal tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001148
-name: tooth 1D
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the anteriormost tooth in the dorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001148
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001140 ! dorsal tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001149
-name: olfactory system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory system responsible for olfaction. Olfaction involves the detection of chemical composition of an organism's ambient medium by chemoreceptors." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001149
-is_a: ZFA:0000282 ! sensory system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001150
-name: tooth 2D
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the posteriormost tooth in the dorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001150
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001140 ! dorsal tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001151
-name: tooth 4MD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the posteriormost tooth in the mediodorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001151
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001139 ! mediodorsal tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001152
-name: tooth 3MD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 2MD and anterior to tooth 4MD in the mediodorsal tooth row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001152
-is_a: ZFA:0005851 ! ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001139 ! mediodorsal tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001153
-name: tooth placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Placode that develops into a tooth. The placode is a thickening of the pharyngeal epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dental primordium" EXACT []
-synonym: "tooth germ" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001153
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001174 ! pharyngeal epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001154
-name: anal fin musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Musculature part of the anal fin." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001154
-is_a: ZFA:0000207 ! fin musculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001162 ! anal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001155
-name: enteric nervous system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nervous system that is involved primarily with the internal regulation of the gustatory processes. In most vertebrates the enteric neurons form two layers of ganglionic plexuses located along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb,, ISBN:0080923437, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001155
-is_a: ZFA:0001574 ! autonomic nervous system
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001334 ! presumptive enteric nervous system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001156
-name: posterior lateral line placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsolateral placode that gives rise to the posterior lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "posterior lateral line placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001156
-is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001157
-name: posterior lateral line primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A migrating group of cells originating from the posterior lateral line placode. The primordium deposits seven to nine neuromasts and interneuromasts between them during its posterior migration to the tail." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010705-16]
-synonym: "posterior lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001157
-is_a: ZFA:0000228 ! lateral line primordium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001156 ! posterior lateral line placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001158
-name: endocrine system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical system that produces, transports and secretes peptides." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001158
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001159
-name: immune system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "System that provides protection against foreign and abnormal cells and removes cellular debris." [ISBN:0314472304]
-xref: TAO:0001159
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001160
-name: adult
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFS:0000044
-id: ZFA:0001161
-name: pectoral fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired fin that is located in the thoracic region of the body." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "forefin" EXACT []
-synonym: "pectoral fins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001161
-is_a: ZFA:0005596 ! paired fin
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000141 ! pectoral fin bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001162
-name: anal fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Median fin that is located posterior to the anus." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001162
-is_a: ZFA:0005597 ! median fin
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001069 ! ventral fin fold
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001117 ! post-vent region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001163
-name: supraneural 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 6 and 7." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001163
-is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001164
-name: supraneural 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 5 and 6." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "sn6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001164
-is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001165
-name: supraneural 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 4 and 5." [ZDB:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "sn5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001165
-is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001166
-name: supraneural 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 8 and 9." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001166
-is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001167
-name: vertebra 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to the neurocranium." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "cervical vertebra 1" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001167
-is_a: ZFA:0001190 ! Weberian vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001168
-name: vertebra 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 1." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "cervical vertebra 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001168
-is_a: ZFA:0001190 ! Weberian vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001169
-name: vertebra 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 2." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001169
-is_a: ZFA:0001190 ! Weberian vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001170
-name: vertebra 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 3." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001170
-is_a: ZFA:0001190 ! Weberian vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001171
-name: os suspensorium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Thin, rod-shaped, anteroventrally directed membrane bone that develops as a separate outgrowth from the cartilage parapophysis of the fourth vertebra; develops ventrally to curve around the anterior head of the swim bladder. It articulates with the tripus at the tripus-swim bladder connection. Often termed a fifth Weberian ossicle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-comment: The os suspensorium is similar in shape to a rib, but the other ribs in Danio develop as separate ossifications that grow toward and articulate with the parapophyses.
-xref: TAO:0001171
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001170 ! vertebra 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001172
-name: roofing cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilaginous larval structure dorsal to the four anterior-most vertebrae, which forms the connection between neural arches and supraneurals in the Weberian apparatus. Located dorsal to the neural tube." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001172
-is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001191 ! supraneural 2
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001192 ! supraneural 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001173
-name: dorsal fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Median fin that is located on the dorsal surface of the fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001173
-is_a: ZFA:0005597 ! median fin
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000102 ! dorsal fin fold
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001174
-name: pharyngeal epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium lining the pharynx consisting largely of simple columnar epithelium with a short segment (1mm) of stratified squamous epithelium on the ventral side." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070426-1]
-xref: TAO:0001174
-is_a: ZFA:0001495 ! unilaminar epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001104 ! pharyngeal endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001175
-name: blastodisc
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that is the dome of cytoplasm that segregates from the yolk toward the animal pole during and after the one cell-stage, and which undergoes cleavage." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001175
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0001176
-name: blastoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that is composed of the cellular part of the embryo, excluding the yolk cell, derived from the blastodisc by early morphogenesis; refers particularly to the time when the cell array is sheet-like, between 30%-epiboly and the end of gastrulation." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001176
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001175 ! blastodisc
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001177
-name: roof plate spinal cord region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001177
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001178
-name: non neural ectoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ventral ectoderm" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001178
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001179
-name: epidermal superficial stratum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The outer layer of the epidermis. The living cells form single cell layer, the outer surface of which is ornamented with microridges. These outer epidermal cells are not renewed periodically, but are individually replaced when dead." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-xref: TAO:0001179
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001185 ! periderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000105 ! epidermis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001180
-name: epidermal basal stratum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lower layer of the epidermis. Composed of a single layer of cells. The major function of the basal stratum is to keep the epidermis attached to the underlying dermis by means of (hemidesmosomes attached to the basement membrane." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-synonym: "basal epidermal layer" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001180
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000105 ! epidermis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001181
-name: epidermal intermediate stratum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The tissue which lies between the basal stratum and the superficial stratum. This layer is composed of a variable number of cell layers which contain mucous goblet cells, club cells and sensory cells. Most of the cells of this region are undifferentiated. They serve as a reservoir to replace dead cells in any of the epidermis regions." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-xref: TAO:0001181
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000105 ! epidermis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001182
-name: dermal deep region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the dermis characterized by a well-arranged, plywood-like, collagenous network." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-synonym: "stratum compactum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001182
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001186 ! collagenous dermal stroma
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001183
-name: dermal superficial region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Outer portion of the dermis composed of a loose collagenous matrix housing numerous fibroblasts, nerves, some pigment cells, and scales. Scale development takes place in this layer of the dermis." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-synonym: "stratum laxum" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001183
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001184
-name: pelvic fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired fin located in the abdominal position of the body." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "pelvic fins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001184
-is_a: ZFA:0005596 ! paired fin
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001384 ! pelvic fin bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001185
-name: periderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The outermost epidermal layer covering the fish at embryonic stages; derived from the EVL and thought to eventually be replaced by the superficial stratum of the epidermis. Sometimes used synonymously with EVL." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-synonym: "EVL" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001185
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000086 ! EVL
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001186
-name: collagenous dermal stroma
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Acellular anatomical structure that is a layer of collagen fibrils in the immature integument in a subepidermal space. At first, the fibrils are all oriented in the same direction, later they form the complex plywood-like structure that is characteristic of the dermal deep region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12]
-synonym: "primary dermal stroma" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001186
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001187
-name: presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "presumptive midbrain-hindbrain boundary" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001187
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001188
-name: Weberian apparatus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The Weberian apparatus consists of the modified anteriormost four vertebrae and associated structures of otophysans which transduce sound or pressure waves from the tunica externa of the swim bladder to the inner ear (Alexander, 1962)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001188
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001559 ! vertebral column
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001189
-name: vertebra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "All serially repeated ossified, cartilaginous, and ligamentous elements around the notochord (Schultze and Arratia, 1988). Adult zebrafish usually 32 vertebrae but may have as few as 30 to as many as 33 vertebrae." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020807-1]
-synonym: "vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001189
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001559 ! vertebral column
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001190
-name: Weberian vertebra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The first four vertebrae, which are part of the Weberian apparatus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "Weberian vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001190
-is_a: ZFA:0000263 ! precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001188 ! Weberian apparatus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001191
-name: supraneural 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneural 2 is an ovoid cartilage or cartilage replacement bone located above centrum 2. It forms an immovable joint with supraneural 3 and contributes to the neural complex roofing the neural canal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "small supraneural" EXACT []
-synonym: "sn2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001191
-is_a: ZFA:0000442 ! supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001363 ! neural complex
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001192
-name: supraneural 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneural 3 is an elongated cartilage or cartilage replacement bone above vertebrae 3 and 4, developmentally fusing with NA 3 and 4. A crest or blade of membrane bone forms from its dorsal surface." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "large supraneural" EXACT []
-synonym: "sn3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001192
-is_a: ZFA:0000442 ! supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001363 ! neural complex
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001193
-name: supraneural 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneural located between vertebra 7 and 8." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001193
-is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001194
-name: cranial neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural crest that is part of the head." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001194
-is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0001195
-name: pars anterior
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anterior portion of the adenohypophysis. Comprised of the proximal and rostral pars anterior." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pars distalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001195
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001282 ! adenohypophysis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001196
-name: pars tuberalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: This structure does not exist in Zebrafish. Consider proximal pars anterior ZFA:0005581.
-xref: TAO:0001196
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0001197
-name: pars intermedia
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal portion of the adenohypophysis." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080616-4]
-xref: TAO:0001197
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001282 ! adenohypophysis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001198
-name: adenohypophyseal placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that gives rise to the adenohypophysis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pituitary placode" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001198
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001178 ! non neural ectoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001199
-name: infundibulum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure which is a short stalk connecting the neurohypophysis with the brain. Axons of secretory cells in the floor of the diencephalon traverse the infundibulum and terminate in the neurohypophysis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "hypophysial stalk" EXACT []
-synonym: "infundibulum of hypothalamus" EXACT []
-synonym: "pituitary stalk" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001199
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001271 ! neurohypophysis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001200
-name: corpuscles of Stannius
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Islands of eosinic cells found on the lateroventral surface of the kidney. Function is thought to be that of the parathyroid gland in other vertebrates, which are lacking in fishes. These cells secrete hypocalcin (teleocalcin) to regulate calcium metabolism." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001200
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001201
-name: ventral lateral mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001201
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000083 ! ventral mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001202
-name: optic cup
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is comprised of neural and non-neural epithelial layers which will form the retina and retinal pigmented epithelium of the mature eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "eye cup" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001202
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000050 ! optic vesicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001203
-name: ciliary zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that attach the zonules, that suspend the lens, to the eye. The ciliary zone secretes aqueous humor. Unlike mammals zebrafish the ciliary zone dose not contain processes or a circumferential band of muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-comment: May need to obsolete this term, ZDB-PUB-050701-15.\n\nThe ciliary "body" does not contain processes or a cumferential band of muscle. For this reason, we refer to the region adjacent and posterior to the iris as the ciliary zone, and not the ciliary body. The ciliary zone, however, is expanded and has a morphology consistent with contraction in a small area of the ventral-most region.
-synonym: "ciliary bodies" RELATED PLURAL []
-synonym: "ciliary body" RELATED []
-synonym: "ciliary epithelial zone" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001203
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001204
-name: axial mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region of the mesoderm that is located along the rostral-caudal axis of the embryo." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001204
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001378 ! axial hypoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001205
-name: Meckel's cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Meckel's cartilage is the bilaterally paired, rod-like, cartilaginous ventral component of the lower jaw, or ventral mandibular arch. It is typically resorbed in adults." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "ventral mandibular cartilage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001205
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0007117 ! Meckel's cartilage-palatoquadrate cartilage joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001206
-name: intermediate mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "IM" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001206
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001207
-name: presumptive rhombomere 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001207
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001208
-name: presumptive rhombomere 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001208
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001209
-name: presumptive rhombomere 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 7." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001209
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001210
-name: presumptive rhombomere 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 6." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001210
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001211
-name: presumptive rhombomere 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 5." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001211
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001212
-name: presumptive rhombomere 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001212
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001213
-name: presumptive rhombomere 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001213
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001214
-name: presumptive rhombomere 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, part of the neural keel, that gives rise to rhombomere 8." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001214
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001215
-name: thalamus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is paired, and is situated one on either side of and forming part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "thalami" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001215
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001216
-name: splanchnocranium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is the regional skeletal system of the jaws, hyoid and branchial arches." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pharyngeal arch skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "pharyngeal skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001216
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005771 ! ectomesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001217
-name: presumptive hypochord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tissue along the lateral edges of the shield that is fated to develop into the hypochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001217
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001218
-name: presumptive floor plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure, the part of the neural plate fated to become floor plate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001218
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001220
-name: copula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is ventral, median, and associated with more than one pharyngeal arch in the pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton. The copulae are the precursors of the basibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "copulae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001220
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001221
-name: copula 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Copula that is ventral, median, and associated with pharyngeal arches 3-5. A long slender cartilage extending along the midline from the posterior tip of the basihyal to between the third hypobranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior copula" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001221
-is_a: ZFA:0001220 ! copula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001222
-name: copula 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Copula that is ventral, median, and associated with pharyngeal arches 6-7. A cartilage extending from the posterior tip of copula 1 to the anterior tips of the fifth ceratobranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "posterior copula" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001222
-is_a: ZFA:0001220 ! copula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001223
-name: basibranchial 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Basibranchial 1 ossifies posterior to the basihyal and anterior to the first hypobranchials in copula 1 (7.6 mm)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001223
-is_a: ZFA:0000170 ! basibranchial
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001221 ! copula 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001224
-name: basibranchial 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Basibranchial 2 ossifies in copula 1 posterior to the first hypobranchials and anterior to the second hypobranchials (6.8 mm). It is the first of the three basibranchials to ossify." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001224
-is_a: ZFA:0000170 ! basibranchial
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001221 ! copula 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001225
-name: basibranchial 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Basibranchial 3 ossifies in copula 1 posterior to the second hypobranchials, anterior to the third hypobranchials (7.6 mm) and associated with pharyngeal arch 5. Cartilage pads, remnants of copula 1, remain between adjacent basibranchials in the adult." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001225
-is_a: ZFA:0000170 ! basibranchial
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001221 ! copula 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001226
-name: basibranchial 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Occasionally, a fourth basibranchial ossifies in the narrow copula 2 cartilage, which lies posterior to the third basibranchial and anterior to the anteromedial articulation of the fifth ceratobranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001226
-is_a: ZFA:0000170 ! basibranchial
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001222 ! copula 2
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001227
-name: mandibular arch skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the first pharyngeal arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "jaw" EXACT []
-synonym: "jaw cartilage" EXACT []
-synonym: "jaws" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "oral jaw skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "pharyngeal arch 1 skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001227
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001612 ! pharyngeal arch 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001228
-name: pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the third pharyngeal arch, also called first gill or branchial arch." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "branchial arch 1 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 1 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 3 skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001228
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001606 ! pharyngeal arch 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001229
-name: pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the seventh pharyngeal arch, also called fifth gill or branchial arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "branchial arch 5 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 5 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 7 skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001229
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001610 ! pharyngeal arch 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001230
-name: pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the sixth pharyngeal arch, also called fourth gill or branchial arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "branchial arch 4 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 4 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 6 skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001230
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001609 ! pharyngeal arch 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001231
-name: pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the fourth pharyngeal arch, also called second gill or branchial arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "branchial arch 2 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 2 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 4 skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001231
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001607 ! pharyngeal arch 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001232
-name: pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster made up of skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the fifth pharyngeal arch, also called third gill or branchial arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "branchial arch 3 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 3 skeleton" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 5 skeleton" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001232
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001608 ! pharyngeal arch 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001233
-name: hypobranchial 1 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ossification that develops in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 1. Small and irregular in shape; ossification may be absent in some adults. Ossification may begin when the fish is 15mm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "hypobranchial 1 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001233
-is_a: ZFA:0000363 ! hypobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001524 ! hypobranchial 1 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001234
-name: hypobranchial 4 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tiny hypobranchial4 cartilages appear at anteromedial tips of ceratobranchial 4; these are not obviously present in mature specimens, due either to resorption or fusion to the cartilaginous anterior tip of ceratobranchial." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-comment: This may need to be obsoleted since it looks like the cartilage is either reabsorbed or fused with another skeletal element.
-synonym: "hypobranchial 4 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001234
-is_a: ZFA:0000363 ! hypobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001523 ! hypobranchial 4 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001235
-name: hypobranchial 3 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ossifications that develops in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 1. Ossification may begin when the fish is 8mm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "hypobranchial 3 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001235
-is_a: ZFA:0000363 ! hypobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001526 ! hypobranchial 3 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001236
-name: hypobranchial 2 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ossification that develop in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 1. Small and irregular in shape; ossification may be absent in some adults. Ossification may begin when the fish is 12 mm." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "hypobranchial 2 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001236
-is_a: ZFA:0000363 ! hypobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001525 ! hypobranchial 2 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001237
-name: ceratobranchial 1 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 1 cartilage or bone and medially with the cartilage between the basibranchials. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior margins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001237
-is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001520 ! ceratobranchial 1 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001238
-name: iris
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that consists of pigmented stroma and is connected to a sphincter muscle and a dilator muscle which open and close the pupil located in the center of the iris." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "irises" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001238
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001239
-name: ceratobranchial 5 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is the most posterior, bilaterally paired ventral pharyngeal arch bone. Ceratobranchial 5 ossifies before ceratobranchials 1-4. In the adult, ceratobranchial 5 is heavily ossified and crescent-shaped with two to three rows of posteromedially directed teeth. The anteroventral tips of ceratobranchials 5 meet medially and are ligamentously joined." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001239
-is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001521 ! ceratobranchial 5 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001229 ! pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001240
-name: ceratobranchial 4 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 4 cartilage or bone and medially with copula 2. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior margins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001240
-is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001519 ! ceratobranchial 4 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001241
-name: ceratobranchial 3 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 3 cartilage or bone and medially with the cartilage between the basibranchials. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior margins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001241
-is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001518 ! ceratobranchial 3 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001242
-name: ceratobranchial 2 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 2 cartilage or bone and medially with the cartilage between the basibranchials. Gill rakers are present on the anterior and posterior margins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001242
-is_a: ZFA:0000488 ! ceratobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001517 ! ceratobranchial 2 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001243
-name: epibranchial 1 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 1 cartilage or bone. The narrowed medial end of epibranchial 1 articulates through cartilage with pharyngobranchial 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001243
-is_a: ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001528 ! epibranchial 1 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001244
-name: epibranchial 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and appears as a separate center of chondrification (6.2 mm) posterior to the lateral tip of epibranchial 4 and immediately anterior to the upper end of ceratobranchial 5. In the adult, epibranchial 5 persists as a small, cartilaginous rod extending from the cartilaginous junction of the posterodorsal tip of the uncinate process of epibranchial 4 and tip of ceratobranchial 5, to the cartilaginous junction of ceratobranchial 4 and epibranchial 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "interbranchial IV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001244
-is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001229 ! pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001245
-name: epibranchial 4 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 4 cartilage or bone. The narrow end of epibranchial 4 is slightly flared, and it articulates with cartilaginous pharyngobranchial 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001245
-is_a: ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001531 ! epibranchial 4 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001246
-name: epibranchial 2 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 2 cartilage or bone. The flared medial end of epibranchial 2 articulates with bifurcate lateral projections from pharyngobranchial 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001246
-is_a: ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001530 ! epibranchial 2 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001247
-name: epibranchial 3 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 3 cartilage or bone. The flared medial end of epibranchial3 articulates with the posterolateral edge of pharyngobranchial2 + 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "infrapharyngobranchial 3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001247
-is_a: ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001529 ! epibranchial 3 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001248
-name: pharyngobranchial 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001223
-id: ZFA:0001249
-name: exocrine pancreas
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The exocrine pancreas is a diffuse organ composed of a branching network of ducts and associated acinar glands that manufacture the proteolytic enzymes and bicarbonate required for digestion." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-synonym: "head pancreas" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080922-7]
-synonym: "rostral pancreas" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3.]
-xref: TAO:0001249
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001369 ! anterior pancreatic bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000140 ! pancreas
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001250
-name: pharyngobranchial 2 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngobranchial 2 (misidentified as pharyngobranchial 1 in Cubbage & Mabee, 1993 and Mayden 1989) is present and separate from pharyngobranchial 3. It (8.0 mm) ossifies after pharyngobranchial 3. In the adult, the cartilaginous anterior end of the ossified pharyngobranchial 2 articulates with the cartilaginous medial tip of epibranchial 1. It articulates anterolaterally and posterolaterally with the anterior and posterior cartilaginous tips of epibranchial2. In Cyprinidae pb3 overlaps pb2 (Siebert, 1987; Cavender & Coburn, 1992) but does not fuse to it." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "infrapharyngobranchial 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001250
-is_a: ZFA:0000527 ! pharyngobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001536 ! pharyngobranchial 2 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001251
-name: pharyngobranchial 4 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngobranchial cartilage which forms in close proximity to or fused with pharyngobranchial 3; may not be distinguishable as a separate element in the adult. Remains cartilaginous." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "infrapharyngobranchial 4 cartilage" EXACT []
-synonym: "infrapharyngobranchials" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001251
-is_a: ZFA:0001533 ! pharyngobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001252
-name: pharyngobranchial 3 bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngobranchial bone of the fifth pharyngeal arch that lies approximately posteromedial to epibranchial 2 and medial to epibranchial 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pharyngobranchial 3 bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001252
-is_a: ZFA:0000527 ! pharyngobranchial bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001534 ! pharyngobranchial 3 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001253
-name: pharyngobranchial 2+3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001224
-consider: ZFA:0001225
-id: ZFA:0001254
-name: cranial motoneurons
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0001256
-name: lateral floor plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the lateral part of the floor plate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001256
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001257
-name: medial floor plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the medial part of the floor plate and is located adjacent to the notochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001257
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001258
-name: floor plate rhombomere region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the rhombomeres." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "floor plate hindbrain region" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001258
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001259
-name: forebrain ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "forebrain vesicle" EXACT []
-synonym: "prosencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001259
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001261 ! ventricular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001260
-name: endocrine pancreas
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The zebrafish endocrine pancreas is an compound organ component composed of small groups of islet cells that are distributed throughout the exocrine pancreas. The islet cells produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-comment: May be called pancreatic islets of Langerhans (related synonym). Alpha cells secrete glucagon like peptide, beta-insulin, delta cells-somatostatin, pancreastatin. May also be called "Brockman bodies".
-synonym: "pancreatic islet" RELATED []
-synonym: "tail pancreas" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080922-7]
-xref: TAO:0001260
-is_a: ZFA:0001489 ! compound organ component
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001370 ! posterior pancreatic bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000140 ! pancreas
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001261
-name: ventricular system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001261
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001262
-name: gonad primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that gives rise to the immature gonad." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "gonadal primordium" EXACT []
-synonym: "undifferentiated gonad" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001262
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001263
-name: ovarian follicle stage I
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stage I follicles (less than 140 microns) contain a stage 1 oocyte and are in the primary growth stage." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
-synonym: "ovarian follicle stage 1" EXACT []
-synonym: "previtellogenic ovarian follicle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001263
-is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001264
-name: ovarian follicle stage IV
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stage IV follicles (690-730 microns) contain a stage 4 oocyte and are considered mature." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
-synonym: "mature ovarian follicle" EXACT []
-synonym: "ovarian follicle stage 4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001264
-is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001265
-name: ovarian follicle stage II
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stage II follicles (140-340 microns) contain a stage 2 oocyte." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
-synonym: "ovarian follicle stage 2" EXACT []
-synonym: "ovarian follicles stage II" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001265
-is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001266
-name: ovarian follicle stage III
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stage III follicles (340-690 microns) contain a stage 3 oocyte." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1020]
-synonym: "ovarian follicle stage 3" EXACT []
-synonym: "ovarian follicles stage III" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001266
-is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001267
-name: cranial vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "head vasculature" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001267
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001268
-name: sperm duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a duct part of the testis that carries sperm and fluid to the cloaca." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "efferent duct" EXACT []
-synonym: "efferent tubule" EXACT []
-synonym: "sperm ducts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001268
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001269
-name: regenerating fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin undergoing the process of regeneration." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "regenerating fins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001269
-is_a: ZFA:0000108 ! fin
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001270
-name: blastema
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A regenerating tissue composed of a proliferative mass of undifferentiated progenitor cells from which new differentiated structures arise." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-12]
-synonym: "regeneration blastema" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-12]
-xref: TAO:0001270
-is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001269 ! regenerating fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001271
-name: neurohypophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "posterior pituitary" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001271
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000118 ! hypophysis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001272
-name: palatoquadrate arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The dorsal portion of the first pharyngeal arch, comprising the upper jaw." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dorsal mandibular arch" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal visceral arch 1" EXACT []
-synonym: "upper jaw" EXACT []
-synonym: "upper pharyngeal jaw" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001272
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000444 ! suspensorium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001227 ! mandibular arch skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001273
-name: ventral mandibular arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The ventral portion of the first pharyngeal arch, comprising the lower jaw." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lower jaw" EXACT []
-synonym: "mandible" EXACT []
-synonym: "mandibular series" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001273
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001227 ! mandibular arch skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001274
-name: coronomeckelian
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The coronomeckelian is a membrane bone that ossifies on Meckel's cartilage where the tendon from the adductor mandibulae A3 inserts (6.1mm). In the adult, the coronomeckelian is a small, irregularly shaped bone that is fused to the dorsomedial surface of the anguloarticular, just dorsal to Meckel's cartilage." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "coronoid" RELATED []
-synonym: "sesamoid articular" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001274
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001275
-name: mentomeckelian
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001612
-id: ZFA:0001276
-name: pharyngeal arch 2 skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "hyoid bars" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001276
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001611 ! pharyngeal arch 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001277
-name: anterior chamber swim bladder
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anterior compartment of the swim bladder is thought to have acoustic resonance properties that play a key role in audition. It is connected to the posterior chamber via the ductus communicans." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
-synonym: "camera arerea weberiana" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001277
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005337 ! anterior swim bladder bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001278
-name: posterior chamber swim bladder
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The posterior compartment of the swim bladder plays a key role in buoyancy control. It is connected to the anterior chamber via the ductus communicans. This chamber corresponds to the swim bladder found in larval fish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
-xref: TAO:0001278
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001279
-name: branchiostegal ray 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Branchiostegal ray that is the most anterior ray which ossifies last (5.5 mm NL)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "branchiostegal rays 1" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001279
-is_a: ZFA:0000476 ! branchiostegal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001280
-name: branchiostegal ray 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Branchiostegal ray that is the most posterior ray which ossifies first (3.4 mm NL)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "branchiostegal rays 3" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001280
-is_a: ZFA:0000476 ! branchiostegal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001281
-name: branchiostegal ray 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Branchiostegal ray 2 is between rays 1 and 3 and ossifies second." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "branchiostegal rays 2" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001281
-is_a: ZFA:0000476 ! branchiostegal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001282
-name: adenohypophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anterior lobe of the hypophysis (pituitary gland). This lobe contains cells that produce prolactin, growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and proopiomelanocortin. In contrast to mammalian vertebrates, the adenohypophysis remains in a subepithelial position and there exists no equivalent of Rathke's pouch in zebrafish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040202-1]
-comment: Changed start to long-pec from protruding mouth. In future, make a primordium and split the stages.
-synonym: "anterior hypophysis" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior pituitary" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001282
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001198 ! adenohypophyseal placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000118 ! hypophysis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001283
-name: pupil
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space that is located in the center of the iris and allows light to impinge on the retina." [GOC:mh,, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pupils" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001283
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001284
-name: optic fissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Groove that is in the ventral optic cup and through which blood vessels pass to the enclosed mesenchyme." []
-synonym: "choroid fissure" RELATED []
-synonym: "optic fissures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001284
-is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001202 ! optic cup
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001285
-name: intersegmental vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessels that connect the dorsal aorta or the posterior cardinal vein and the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel. They run along the vertical myotomal boundaries. At early stages these vessels don't have venous or arterial markers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030908-4]
-synonym: "intersegmental vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "intersomitic vessels" EXACT []
-synonym: "segmental vessel" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001285
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000014 ! dorsal aorta
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001286
-name: caudal vein plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Post-vent vasculature which forms an interconnecting network of venous tubes. The caudal vein plexus forms via a very active period of angiogenic sprouting, beginning at 25 hpf when venous endothelial cells of the posterior cardinal vein sprout and migrate ventrally, then fuse with neighboring tip cells. This process reiterates during a five-hour window, forming a primordial plexus by 30 hpf. By two days of development, the primitive caudal vein plexus has matured into a complex, well-perfused, venous vascular network. Starting at 4 dpf the caudal vein plexus starts to remodel and simplify." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111011-36]
-xref: TAO:0001286
-is_a: ZFA:0005932 ! developmental vascular plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001287
-name: renal tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Renal duct that collects filtrate from the renal corpuscle and transports it to the collecting duct. Different parts of the renal tubule reabsorb specific components of the filtrate to leave only waste." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "mesonephric tubule" EXACT []
-synonym: "renal tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001287
-is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005282 ! nephron
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001288
-name: renal glomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The multi-tissue structure where the glomerular basement membrane supported by mesonephric podocytes, filters blood from the glomerular capillaries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "glomerular capillary tuft" RELATED []
-synonym: "renal glomeruli" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001288
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001289
-name: ciliary marginal zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Proliferative region at the periphery of the retina where retinal stem cells are located. After 60 hpf, the CMZ is the source of most retinal growth." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050427-5]
-synonym: "circumferential germinal zone" EXACT []
-synonym: "CMZ" EXACT []
-synonym: "peripheral growth zone" EXACT []
-synonym: "retinal ciliary marginal zone" EXACT []
-synonym: "retinal proliferative zone" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001289
-is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000152 ! retina
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001290
-name: stomodeum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal formed as an invagination of the ectoderm; the future mouth." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-10]
-synonym: "oral ectoderm" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100726-23]
-xref: TAO:0001290
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001291
-name: facial ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The sensory ganglion of the facial nerve." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "geniculate ganglion" EXACT []
-synonym: "gVII" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001291
-is_a: ZFA:0001555 ! epibranchial ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000762 ! facio-acoustic neural crest
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001295 ! facial placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001292
-name: epiphyseal stalk
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The stalk emanates from the diencephalic roof at a left-of-medial position." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pineal stalk" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001292
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001359 ! pineal complex
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0001293
-name: posterior kidney
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "posterior kidneys" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001293
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0001294
-name: epibranchial placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neurogenic placodes that generate neurons of the distal facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal ganglia, which convey sensation from the viscera, including pharyngeal endoderm structures, to the CNS. The epibranchial placodes are positioned ventrally to the ear and dorsally to the posterior pharyngeal pouches." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050804-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
-synonym: "epibranchial placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001294
-is_a: ZFA:0001309 ! neurogenic placode
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007061 ! epibranchial field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001295
-name: facial placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to the facial ganglia." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
-synonym: "geniculate placode" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001295
-is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001296
-name: glossopharyngeal placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to the glossopharyngeal ganglia. Associated with the third pharyngeal arch." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
-synonym: "petrosal placode" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001296
-is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001297
-name: vagal placode 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to vagal ganglion 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
-xref: TAO:0001297
-is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001298
-name: vagal placode 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to vagal ganglion 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
-xref: TAO:0001298
-is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001299
-name: vagal placode 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to vagal ganglion 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-3]
-xref: TAO:0001299
-is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001300
-name: vagal placode 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial placode that gives rise to vagal ganglion 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
-xref: TAO:0001300
-is_a: ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001301
-name: glossopharyngeal ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "gIX" EXACT []
-synonym: "petrosal ganglion" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001301
-is_a: ZFA:0001555 ! epibranchial ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001296 ! glossopharyngeal placode
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007066 ! glossopharyngeal neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001302
-name: vagal ganglion 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "gX1" EXACT []
-synonym: "nodose ganglion 1" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001302
-is_a: ZFA:0007067 ! vagal ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001297 ! vagal placode 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001303
-name: vagal ganglion 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "gX2" EXACT []
-synonym: "nodose ganglion 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001303
-is_a: ZFA:0007067 ! vagal ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001298 ! vagal placode 2
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001304
-name: vagal ganglion 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "gX3" EXACT []
-synonym: "nodose ganglion 3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001304
-is_a: ZFA:0007067 ! vagal ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001299 ! vagal placode 3
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001305
-name: vagal ganglion 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "gX4" EXACT []
-synonym: "nodose ganglion 4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001305
-is_a: ZFA:0007067 ! vagal ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001300 ! vagal placode 4
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001306
-name: pharyngeal arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of a series of paired bony or cartilaginous arches that develop along the lateral walls of the foregut. The pharyngeal arches have developmental contributions from endoderm, mesoderm, and neural crest cells and are separated by anterior lateral endoderm out-pockets known as pharyngeal pouches. There are seven pharyngeal arches." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-16, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-985]
-synonym: "pharyngeal arches" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001306
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001307
-name: pharyngeal musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle system of the pharyngeal region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001307
-is_a: ZFA:0000328 ! cephalic musculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001308
-name: organism subdivision
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure which is a primary subdivision of whole organism. The mereological sum of these is the whole organism." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "body part" EXACT []
-xref: CARO:0000032
-xref: TAO:0001308
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
-relationship: start ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001309
-name: neurogenic placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neurogenic placodes are transient ectodermal thickenings that form at the border of the neural plate and epidermis and give rise to sensory neurons of the cranial ganglia." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050804-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
-synonym: "neurogenic placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001309
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007059 ! neurogenic field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001310
-name: dorsolateral placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral neurogenic placodes positioned dorsal of the epibranchial placodes." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "dorsolateral placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001310
-is_a: ZFA:0001309 ! neurogenic placode
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007060 ! dorsolateral field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001311
-name: roof plate rhombomere region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "roof plate hindbrain" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001311
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001064 ! rhombomere
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001312
-name: dorsal anterior lateral line ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "anterodorsal lateral line ganglion" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001312
-is_a: ZFA:0001391 ! anterior lateral line ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001316 ! anterior lateral line placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001313
-name: ventral anterior lateral line ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "anteroventral lateral line ganglion" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001313
-is_a: ZFA:0001391 ! anterior lateral line ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001316 ! anterior lateral line placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001314
-name: posterior lateral line ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The posterior lateral line ganglion develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate the posterior lateral line system." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "pLLg" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior lateral line ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001314
-is_a: ZFA:0000120 ! lateral line ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001156 ! posterior lateral line placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001315
-name: atrioventricular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The part of the heart connecting the atrium to the cardiac ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "AV canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "AVC" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001315
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001723 ! presumptive atrioventricular canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001316
-name: anterior lateral line placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsolateral placode that gives rise to the anterior lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "anterior lateral line placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001316
-is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001317
-name: endocardial cushion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Swellings of tissue present between the endocardial and myocardial cell layers that will give rise to the interstitial cells of the cardiac valves." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-comment: ZDB-PUB-080309-14 says these don't exist but looked at 55 hpf rather then 36 hpf.
-synonym: "endocardial cushions" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001317
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0001318
-name: cardiac jelly
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The extracellular matrix between the myocardium and the endocardium. The cardiac jelly plays a central role in the septation of the heart and comprises most of the thickness of the heart wall at early stages, but disappears as the heart differentiates." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001318
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000149 ! primitive heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0001319
-name: myocardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "cardiac muscle" RELATED []
-synonym: "heart muscle " RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001319
-is_a: ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001320
-name: endocardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer that lines the lumen of the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001320
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001724 ! presumptive endocardium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001321
-name: neurocranial trabecula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "neurocranial trabeculae" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "trabecula" EXACT []
-synonym: "trabecular cartilage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001321
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001322
-name: dorsoventral diencephalic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A tract originating in the epiphysis and fasciculating with the tract of the postoptic commissure dorsal to the ventral flexure." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-719, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
-synonym: "DVDT" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001322
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001323
-name: mid intestine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The terminal region of the mid intestine is comprised of specialized enterocytes that appear to play a role in mucosal immunity. The mid intestine also appears to be involved in iron absorption." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050831-7]
-xref: TAO:0001323
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001324
-name: enteric musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Musculature of the gut." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "gut musculature" EXACT []
-synonym: "tunica muscularis" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001324
-is_a: ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001325
-name: neural prezygapophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired, anteromedially directed processes from the neural arches, ligamentously joined to the postzygapophyses of the preceding vertebra." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "neural prezygapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "neural prezygopophyses" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001325
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001326
-name: lens epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium which borders the anterior and equitorial region of the lens. Lens growth in zebrafish occurs via the differentiation of additional fibre cells from lens epithelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070504-24, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-20]
-xref: TAO:0001326
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000035 ! lens
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001327
-name: abdominal musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Trunk musculature that is located in ventral wall of abdomen." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001327
-is_a: ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001328
-name: neuromere
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A metameric segment of the central nervous system." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "neural segment" EXACT []
-synonym: "neuromeres" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001328
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001329
-name: retinal inner plexiform layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The layer within the retina where the bipolar cells synapse with the dendrites of the ganglion cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "inner plexiform layer" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001329
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001330
-name: retinal outer plexiform layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The layer within the retina where the bipolar cells synapse with the photoreceptor cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "retinal outer plexiform layers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001330
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001331
-name: outer limiting membrane
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer that separates the inner segment portions of the photo receptors from their cell nucleus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "external limiting membrane" EXACT []
-synonym: "outer limiting membranes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001331
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001332
-name: spinal neuromere
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "spinal cord segment" EXACT []
-synonym: "spinal neuromeres" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001332
-is_a: ZFA:0001328 ! neuromere
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001333
-name: visceral organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0001334
-name: presumptive enteric nervous system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Presumptive structure fated to become enteric nervous system. Develops from the vagal neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001334
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000818 ! vagal neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001335
-name: supradorsal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supradorsals are small paired nodules of cartilage positioned at the distal ends of neural arches and the proximal end of neural spines (Arratia et al., 2001)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "supradorsals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001335
-is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001336
-name: neural spine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural spines are extensions of neural arches dorsal to the neural canal in the median skeletogenous septum. Neural spines are typically unpaired median structures but can be paired in some instances, e.g., in the abdominal region of basal teleosts such as Leptolepis, Elops, Megalops, and Hiodon)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "neural spines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001336
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001338
-name: intestine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Folded tube that has parts intestinal bulb, mid intestine and posterior intestine. The intestine is where digestion and nutrient absorption occurs." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
-xref: TAO:0001338
-is_a: ZFA:0001490 ! cavitated compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001339
-name: nucleus of the tract of the anterior commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus from which the axons of the anterior commissure originate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ntAC" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001339
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001340
-name: nucleus of the tract of the postoptic commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The nucleus containing the cell bodies of neurons whose axons form the postoptic commissure." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ntPOC" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001340
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001341
-name: intervening zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A zone of delayed differentiation at the midbrain hindbrain boundary. The IZ separates midbrain from anterior hindbrain neuronal clusters and has been described in all vertebrates." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030307-1]
-synonym: "IZ" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001341
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001342 ! presumptive intervening zone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000042 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001342
-name: presumptive intervening zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the intervening zone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001342
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007023 ! posterior neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001343
-name: telencephalon diencephalon boundary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Boundary between the telencephalon and diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001343
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001344
-name: zona limitans intrathalamica
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The border between the dorsal and ventral thalamus." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "zli" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001344
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001215 ! thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001345
-name: interrenal gland
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An bilobed multi-tissue structure lateral to the notochord composed of an epithelium consisting of steroid producing cells interposed with chromaffin cells. The interrenal gland is embedded within the head kidney. The interrenal gland is the zebrafish functional equivalent of the mammalian adrenal cortex." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030408-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-13]
-xref: TAO:0001345
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001346 ! interrenal primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000669 ! head kidney
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001346
-name: interrenal primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure located in the kidney that develops into the interrenal gland." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001346
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001206 ! intermediate mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001347
-name: stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of the optic tectum that is ventral to the stratum opticum and dorsal to the stratum griseum centrale, contains three sublaminae. Has hypothalamic and retinal inputs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081218-37, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-44, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
-synonym: "SFGS" RELATED []
-synonym: "strata fibrosum et griseum superficiales" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001347
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0001348
-name: stratum marginale
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsalmost layer of the tectal neuropile that does not receive direct retinal inputs, receives axonal projections from the torus longitudinalis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
-synonym: "strata marginale" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "stratum fibrosum marginale" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
-xref: TAO:0001348
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0001349
-name: stratum opticum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the most superficial layer of the tectal neuropil closest to the eye target of the retinal axons." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101101-16]
-synonym: "strata opticum" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001349
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0001350
-name: stratum griseum centrale
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001350
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0001351
-name: stratum album centrale
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Has hypothalamic inputs." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180207-5]
-synonym: "strata album centrales" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001351
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005907 ! tectal neuropile
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0001355
-name: primitive meninx
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The vascularized fibrous sheath that surrounds the central nervous system." []
-synonym: "meninges" EXACT []
-synonym: "meninx primitiva" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001355
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001356
-name: terminal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The terminal nerve, located anterior to cranial nerve I, is comprised of a group of cells with somata adjacent to the olfactory bulb and processes that extend anteriorly to the olfactory epithelium and posteriorly to the telencephalon. In teleost fish an additional group of axons extends along the optic tract and delivers putative neuromodulators to the retina. It is thought to develop from cranial neural crest." [PMID:15821344, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-041202-1]
-synonym: "nervus terminalis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001356
-is_a: ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001357
-name: alar plate midbrain region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is ventrolateral to the roof plate and part of the midbrain." [ISBN:0444517383, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0001357
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007039 ! midbrain neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001358
-name: roof plate diencephalic region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of the diencephalic region." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001358
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001359
-name: pineal complex
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001359
-is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000509 ! epithalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001360
-name: parapineal organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An unpaired left-sided accessory organ which plays a role in establishing lateral brain left right asymmetry." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030206-1]
-xref: TAO:0001360
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001359 ! pineal complex
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001361
-name: basiventral
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Basiventrals are bilaterally paired cartilages lateral to the notochord which are replaced by ossified parapophyses or hemal arches." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "arcualia" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001361
-is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001362
-name: parapophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Parapophyses are lateral or ventrolateral projections of vertebrae to which ribs are attached in Danio rerio. Parapophyses can arise through replacement ossification of a basiventral or form directly in bone. They are separated from the centrum in basal teleosts, e.g., Leptolepis coryphaenoides, Megalops and Elops." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "lateral process of basiventral" EXACT []
-synonym: "parapophyses" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "transverse process" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001362
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001361 ! basiventral
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001363
-name: neural complex
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001398
-def: "The neural complex is the collective term for the ossified supraneurals (Sn 2 and Sn 3) and their membrane bone extensions above the first four vertebrae (Hoffmann and Britz, 2006)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "Weberian supraneural" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001363
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001188 ! Weberian apparatus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001364
-name: hemal spine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hemal spines are extensions of hemal arches in the ventral skeletogenous septum of the caudal region." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "haemal spine" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001364
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000519 ! hemal arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001365
-name: trigeminal motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "motor nucleus V" EXACT []
-synonym: "nV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001365
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001366
-name: tract of the postoptic commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tract that extends from the postoptic commissure through a curved trajectory in the diencephalon into the ventral midbrain. In the anterior diencephalon the TOP is a single tract but caudally the axons of the TPOC diverge and tend to grow in distinct parallel bundles. The more dorsal bundles extend in the dorsolateral tegmentum, the ventral bundles of the TPOC merge into the DLF in the hindbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-167]
-synonym: "TPOC" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001366
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000059 ! postoptic commissure
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001367
-name: forebrain midbrain boundary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The boundary between the diencephalon and the mesencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001367
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007040 ! forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001368
-name: presumptive forebrain midbrain boundary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001368
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000146 ! presumptive brain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007014 ! anterior presumptive neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001369
-name: anterior pancreatic bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pancreatic bud that develops from a ridge on the ventral side of the intestinal bulb primordium." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16]
-synonym: "exocrine anlage" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-synonym: "rostral anlage" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral anterior bud" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16]
-synonym: "ventral pancreatic anlage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001369
-is_a: ZFA:0001390 ! pancreatic bud
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005738 ! intestinal bulb primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0001370
-name: posterior pancreatic bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pancreatic bud that forms dorsal and adjacent to the developing intestine." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16]
-comment: Furthermore, zebrafish exocrine progenitors appear to arise from endoderm rostral to the gut tube, which it subsequently joins, rather than as an extension of the epithelium of the main duct. Thus, we argue against a classical model (Field et al., 2003) in which the zebrafish exocrine pancreas buds from either a rod of pre-intestinal endoderm or the gut tube which in zebrafish gives rise to the intestine (Wallace and Pack, 2003). ZDB-PUB-050623-3.
-synonym: "caudal anlage" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal pancreatic anlage" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal posterior bud" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16]
-xref: TAO:0001370
-is_a: ZFA:0001390 ! pancreatic bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001371
-name: pancreatic system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "System responsible for the production and movement of pancreatic hormones and enzymes." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001371
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001372
-name: pancreatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct that collects and carries secretions of the exocrine pancreas." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001372
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001369 ! anterior pancreatic bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0001373
-name: migratory slow muscle precursor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cells that initially are located adjacent to the spinal cord and notochord that migrate from their initial medial position radially through the myotome to the lateral surface of the somites." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "migratory slow muscle precursor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001373
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000003 ! adaxial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0001374
-name: atrial myocardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Myocardium of the heart atrium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001374
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001319 ! myocardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001375
-name: ventriculo bulbo valve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A heart valve located between the ventricle and bulbus arteriosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "bulboventricular valve" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001375
-is_a: ZFA:0005065 ! heart valve
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001317 ! endocardial cushion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000173 ! bulbus arteriosus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001376
-name: presumptive ectoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000147
-def: "Presumptive structure at the animal poll of the blastula that will develop into ectoderm via the epiblast. Determined by fate mapping." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-608]
-synonym: "presumptive epidermis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001376
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0001377
-name: presumptive mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Presumptive structure fated to become mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001377
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0001378
-name: axial hypoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region of the hypoblast that is located along the rostral-caudal axis of the embryo." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001378
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000071 ! shield
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000117 ! hypoblast
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0001379
-name: pharyngeal ectoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001379
-is_a: ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001381
-name: hypohyal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hypohyals are the most anterior of the bilaterally paired ventral hyoid arch elements. The two hypohyals in zebrafish ossify at the anterodorsal and anteroventral tips of the ceratohyal cartilages; no separate hypohyal cartilages are present." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypohyals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001381
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001400 ! ceratohyal cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001382
-name: epibranchial uncinate process
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchials 1-3 in adults are compound elements formed by the fusion of epibranchial cartilages and the so-called uncinate processes. Posteromedially directed uncinate processes develop on the posterior edge of epibranchials 1-3. These appear as separate centers of chondrification (6.2 mm) that later fuse laterally to the posterior edges of the epibranchial cartilages (6.8 mm)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "epibranchial uncinate processes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001382
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000658 ! epibranchial bone
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001383
-name: fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that develops into a paired fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001383
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001384
-name: pelvic fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin bud that develops into the pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pelvic fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001384
-is_a: ZFA:0001383 ! fin bud
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001454 ! pelvic fin field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001385
-name: apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pelvic fin bud." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001385
-is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001384 ! pelvic fin bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001386
-name: mesoderm pelvic fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesoderm part of pelvic fin bud." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "mesoderm pelvic fin buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001386
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001384 ! pelvic fin bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001387
-name: pelvic fin skeleton
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeleton that supports the pelvic fin. The skeleton consists of consists of supporting endochondral radials and dermal fin rays or lepidotrichia." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001387
-is_a: ZFA:0000027 ! paired fin skeleton
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001184 ! pelvic fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001388
-name: epithelial mesenchymal boundary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "epithelial mesenchymal boundarys" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001388
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001269 ! regenerating fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001389
-name: regeneration epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium of the regenerating fin that is formed as part of the healing process." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "epidermal cap" EXACT []
-synonym: "wound epidermis" EXACT []
-synonym: "wound epithelium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001389
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001269 ! regenerating fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001390
-name: pancreatic bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that develops from the pancreas primordium and develops into the pancreas. At Prim-5 the buds are located between the dorsal aorta and the posterior cardinal vein." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191011-21]
-synonym: "pancreatic buds" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001390
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000254 ! pancreas primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001391
-name: anterior lateral line ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anterior lateral line ganglia develops from cranial ectodermal placodes and contain sensory neurons that innervate the anterior lateral line system." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "anterior lateral line ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001391
-is_a: ZFA:0000120 ! lateral line ganglion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001392
-name: parapophysis 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral projections from the first centrum in cyprinids, absent in catostomids, and absent in characiphysans (Fink and Fink, 1996)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "basipophysis 1" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral process 1" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001392
-is_a: ZFA:0001362 ! parapophysis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001167 ! vertebra 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001393
-name: parapophysis 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral projection from the second centrum, absent in Siluriformes (Fink and Fink, 1996)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "basipophysis" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral process 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001393
-is_a: ZFA:0001362 ! parapophysis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001168 ! vertebra 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001394
-name: neural arch 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural arch 3 is expanded and fused to supraneural 3 as part of a neural complex roofing and protecting the neural canal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001394
-is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001169 ! vertebra 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001395
-name: neural arch 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural arch 4 is expanded and fused to supraneural 3 as part of the neural complex. A reduced neural spine projects from the posterior margin of the neural complex." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001395
-is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001170 ! vertebra 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001396
-name: parapophysis/rib
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The parapophysis + rib, fused to the centrum, extends laterally then angles anteroventrally. A thin plate, the os suspensorium fuses to its median surface." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001396
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001170 ! vertebra 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001397
-name: post-Weberian supraneural
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior to the Weberian apparatus, otophysan supraneurals form as median, unpaired, rod- or platelike elements, as in other actinopterygians. Supraneural 4 has been lost in zebrafish." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "post-Weberian supraneurals" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001397
-is_a: ZFA:0000442 ! supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001399
-name: palatoquadrate cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage that is the dorsal component of the first pharyngeal arch. It is roughly triangular with slightly concave dorsal edges and convex ventral edges. The anteroventral corner gives rise the quadrate and articulates with the posterior end of Meckel's cartilage. The anterodorsal tip articulates with the lateral edge of the ethmoid plate and the posteroventral edge articulates with the anterodorsal edge of the hyosymplectic." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "dorsal mandibular cartilage" EXACT []
-synonym: "pterygoquadrate" EXACT []
-synonym: "quadrate cartilage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001399
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0007117 ! Meckel's cartilage-palatoquadrate cartilage joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001272 ! palatoquadrate arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001400
-name: ceratohyal cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is bilaterally paired and the largest cartilaginous component of the ventral hyoid arch." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001400
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005885 ! operculohyoid ligament
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001401
-name: dorsal hyoid arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "dorsal visceral arch 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001401
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000444 ! suspensorium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001276 ! pharyngeal arch 2 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001402
-name: ventral hyoid arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ventral visceral arch 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001402
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001276 ! pharyngeal arch 2 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001403
-name: supraethmoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that first appears as paired ossifications in the membrane (dermis) dorsolateral to the ethmoid cartilage and anteriolateral to the lateral ethmoids, later having the appearance of one butterfly-shaped element. Fused to the anterodorsal margin of the mesethmoid. Bordered anteriorly by the kinethmoid and posteriorly by the frontal." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "supra-ethmoid" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001403
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001404
-name: preethmoid bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small rounded to egg-shaped cartilage bone that sits in an anteriolateral depression on the prevomer. Articulates with the autopalatine in all cypriniforms." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pre-ethmoid" EXACT []
-synonym: "preethmoid bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001404
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001405 ! ethmoid cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0001405
-name: ethmoid cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired neurocranium cartilage which is initially plate-like and formed from the anterior fusion between the bilaterally paired trabecula cranii. It grows dorsally between the laminae orbitonasales to attain a complex shape." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ethmoid plate" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001405
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001406
-name: kinethmoid bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small median unpaired dermal sesamoid bone in the premaxillary-ethmoid ligament between the mesethmoid and the premaxilla that enhances the protractability of the upper jaw. It forms in the premaxillary-ethmoid ligament. The kinethmoid arose de novo in the ancestor of Cypriniformes, the only group within Ostariophysi, in which it is found (Fink and Fink, 1981)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001406
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000585 ! kinethmoid cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000351 ! olfactory region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000863 ! dermatocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001407
-name: infraorbital 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Plate like dermal bone, variable in size, though usually one of the smallest in the series. Bears 2-3 neuromast pores enclosed within the infraorbital canal (Nelson, 1969)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001407
-is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001408
-name: infraorbital 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Plate like dermal bone, variable in size, but usually largest in the series. Usually fused with IO4 (eg. Opsariichthys, Nelson (1969)). Usually bears 3 neuromast pores enclosed within the infraorbital canal (Nelson, 1969)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001408
-is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001409
-name: infraorbital 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Plate like dermal bone. Usually fused with infraorbital 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001409
-is_a: ZFA:0000376 ! infraorbital
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001649 ! infraorbital series
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001410
-name: orbital region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is a anteriolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001410
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001411
-name: sclerotic bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A pair of small dish-shaped bones that cap the anterior and posterior margin of the eyeball. The sclerotic bones also called scleral ossicles form from the scleral cartilage between the sclera and the optic choroid. The ossicles develop via unilateral perichondral ossification of the scleral cartilage from two centers opposite one another in the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070629-20]
-synonym: "scleral ossicle" EXACT []
-synonym: "sclerotic bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001411
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001509 ! sclerotic cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001412
-name: epiotic
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000659
-def: "Cartilage bone that contacts the pterotic anteriorly, the supraoccipital and parietal dorsally, and the exoccipital ventrally. The epiotic enclose the posterior semicircular canal of the inner ear and contribute to the hind margin of the cranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "epioccipital" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001412
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001500 ! auditory capsule
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005889 ! epiotic-posttemporal joint
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005891 ! epiotic-parietal joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0001414
-name: occipital region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is located in the posterior region of the cranium and forms the margin of the foramen magnum and occipital condyle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "basicranial region" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001414
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001415
-name: pelvic radial 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Second radial of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic radials 2" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001415
-is_a: ZFA:0000508 ! pelvic radial
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001541 ! pelvic radial 2 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001416
-name: pelvic radial 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Third radial of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic radials 3" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001416
-is_a: ZFA:0000508 ! pelvic radial
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001540 ! pelvic radial 3 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001417
-name: pelvic radial 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "First radial of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic radials 1" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001417
-is_a: ZFA:0000508 ! pelvic radial
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001542 ! pelvic radial 1 cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001418
-name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the dorsal fin. Bony, bilaterally paired segmented dermal ossification extending distally from the endoskeletal supports. They develop around actinotrichia as part of the dermal exoskeleton." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "dorsal fin ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001418
-is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001124 ! dorsal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001419
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A range of seven to nine rod-like internal median skeletal support structures of the dorsal fin, comprised of both bone and cartilage and found between vertebrae 11 and 18." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal fin support" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001419
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001124 ! dorsal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001420
-name: anal fin pterygiophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A range of twelve to fourteen rod-like internal median skeletal support structures of the anal fin, comprised of both bone and cartilage and found between vertebrae 14 and 21." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "anal fin radial" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001420
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000167 ! anal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001421
-name: anal fin lepidotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "anal fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "anal fin ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001421
-is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000167 ! anal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001422
-name: hyosymplectic cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired large cartilage that articulates with the chondrocranium dorsally, the opercle posteriorly, and the palatoquadrate cartilage anteriorly." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hyomandibular cartilage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001422
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001401 ! dorsal hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001423
-name: parachordal cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rod-shaped paired cartilages on either side of the notochord. They unite, forming the base of the chondrocranium and are replaced by the prootic bones." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "parachordal cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001423
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000189 ! otic region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001414 ! occipital region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001424
-name: chondrocranium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000377
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is part of the cranium and composed of cartilage and cartilage replacement bones." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "chondocranium" EXACT []
-synonym: "neurocranium" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001424
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001425
-name: basal plate cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "basal plate cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001425
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001423 ! parachordal cartilage
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001426
-name: posterior naris
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nares that form at 40-44dpf that open to the posterior region of the olfactory pit allowing water to exit the pit." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-399]
-synonym: "excurrent nostril" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-399]
-synonym: "posterior nares" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001426
-is_a: ZFA:0000550 ! naris
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001427
-name: anterior naris
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nares that form at 40-44dpf that open to the anterior region of the olfactory pit allowing water to enter the pit." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-399]
-synonym: "anterior nares" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "incurrent nostril" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-399]
-xref: TAO:0001427
-is_a: ZFA:0000550 ! naris
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001428
-name: olfactory rosette
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The highly folded olfactory epithelium." [GOC:mh, ISBN:9789812388216, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-comment: Olfactory epithelium may be part of olfactory rosette. \nThe epithelium exists before becoming folded into the rosette.
-synonym: "olfactory rosettes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001428
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000047 ! peripheral olfactory organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001429
-name: raphe nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral hindbrain nuclei just caudal to the interpeduncular nucleus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7]
-synonym: "median raphe nucleus" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7]
-xref: TAO:0001429
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000241 ! midline column
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001430
-name: pneumatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A duct connecting the esophagus to the posterior chamber of the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
-xref: TAO:0001430
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: continuous_with ZFA:0000204 ! esophagus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001431
-name: primitive olfactory epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001431
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000048 ! olfactory placode
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001432
-name: anterior sclerotic bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sclerotic bone that is located anterior to the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anterior sclerotic bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001432
-is_a: ZFA:0001411 ! sclerotic bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001433
-name: posterior sclerotic bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sclerotic bone that is located posterior to the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "posterior sclerotic bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001433
-is_a: ZFA:0001411 ! sclerotic bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001434
-name: floor plate neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001434
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000887 ! floor plate neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001435
-name: lateral wall neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue on the side of the lumen of the neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001435
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001436
-name: roof plate neural tube region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Roof plate that is part of the neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001436
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007058 ! roof plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0001437
-name: ductus communicans
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The constriction between the anterior and posterior chambers of the swim bladder. There does not appear to be an identifiable sphincter in the ductus, and therefore other musculature may regulate its opening." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11]
-xref: TAO:0001437
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001438
-name: coelom
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space, part of the trunk that contains the pericardial and pleuroperitoneal cavities." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "body cavity" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001438
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001115 ! trunk
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001439
-name: anatomical system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical group that has as its parts distinct anatomical structures interconnected by anatomical structures at a lower level of granularity." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "anatomical systems" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000011
-xref: TAO:0001439
-is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001440
-name: rhombic lip
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The interface between the dorsal neuroepithelium and the roof plate of the fourth ventricle. The source of a number of migratory neuron populations of the hindbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001440
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001441
-name: lower rhombic lip
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior portion of the rhombic lip contained within rhombomeres 2-8. Gives rise to several brainstem nuclei and choroid plexus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001441
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000153 ! rhombomere 8
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001440 ! rhombic lip
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001442
-name: upper rhombic lip
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior-most region of dorsal hindbrain within rhombomere 1, adjacent the midbrain-hindbrain boundary." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001442
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001440 ! rhombic lip
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001443
-name: choroid plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A tuft of capillaries that project into the ventricles of the brain and secretes cerebral spinal fluid. The choroid plexus is covered by a cuboidal epithelium which maintains the integrity of the blood-brain barrier." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001443
-is_a: ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001444
-name: choroid plexus third ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Choroid plexus that is part of the third ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "diencephalic choroid plexus " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001444
-is_a: ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000161 ! third ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001445
-name: choroid plexus tectal ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Choroid plexus that is part of the tectal ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "choroid plexus tectal ventricles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001445
-is_a: ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000159 ! tectal ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001446
-name: choroid plexus fourth ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Choroid plexus that is part of the fourth ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001446
-is_a: ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000110 ! fourth ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001447
-name: choroid plexus telencephalic ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Choroid plexus that is part of the telencephalic ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001447
-is_a: ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000696 ! telencephalic ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001448
-name: ultimobranchial body
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glands that produce calcitonin. In adult fish the glands lie as two groups of follicles at the transverse septum close to the sinus venosus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060517-11]
-synonym: "ultimobranchial bodies" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001448
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0001449
-name: mesenchyme pelvic fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesenchyme that is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "mesenchyme pelvic fins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001449
-is_a: ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001386 ! mesoderm pelvic fin bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001184 ! pelvic fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001450
-name: apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001450
-is_a: ZFA:0001702 ! apical ectodermal ridge
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001385 ! apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001184 ! pelvic fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001451
-name: zone of polarizing activity pectoral fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A small group of mesodermal cells located at the posterior margin of the developing fin bud. The ZPA is thought to produce retinoic acid and thereby provides positional information to the developing bud." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060616-55]
-synonym: "ZPA" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001451
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000789 ! mesoderm pectoral fin bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001452
-name: zone of polarizing activity pelvic fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A small group of mesodermal cells located at the posterior margin of the developing fin bud. The ZPA is thought to produce retinoic acid and thereby provides positional information to the developing bud." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060616-55]
-synonym: "ZPA" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001452
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001386 ! mesoderm pelvic fin bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001453
-name: pectoral fin field
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic region that develops into the pectoral fin bud." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pectoral fin fields" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001453
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005042 ! posterior lateral plate mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001454
-name: pelvic fin field
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue in the pelvic region that develops into the pelvic fin bud." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic fin fields" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001454
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005042 ! posterior lateral plate mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001455
-name: scapulocoracoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The cartilage from which both the scapula and coracoid develop." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "coraco-scapular cartilage" EXACT []
-synonym: "scapulo-coracoid cartilage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001455
-is_a: ZFA:0000257 ! pectoral fin cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000407 ! pectoral girdle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001456
-name: pectoral fin endoskeletal disc
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A plate-like chondrogenic condensation within the pectoral fin, which subdivides into individual radials by decomposition of extracellular matrix in the inter-radial mesenchyme (Grandel and Schulte-Merker, 1998)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "fin plate cartilage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001456
-is_a: ZFA:0000257 ! pectoral fin cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0001457
-name: postcranial axial cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage which is part of the axial skeleton." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "postcranial axial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001457
-is_a: ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001458
-name: cranial cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage which is part of the cranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cranial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001458
-is_a: ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001459
-name: pelvic fin cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage which is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic fin cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001459
-is_a: ZFA:0001543 ! paired fin cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001460
-name: pharyngeal arch cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "pharyngeal arch cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "splanchnocranium cartilage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001460
-is_a: ZFA:0001458 ! cranial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001216 ! splanchnocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001461
-name: chondrocranium cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage that is part of the chondrocranium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "neurocranium cartilage" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001461
-is_a: ZFA:0001458 ! cranial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001424 ! chondrocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001462
-name: somite border
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical surface separating somites." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "somite border cell" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "somite boundary" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001462
-is_a: ZFA:0005594 ! anatomical surface
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0001463
-name: melanophore stripe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure composed of an array of melanophores arranged in a stripe. Stripes are oriented from rostral to caudal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "melanophore stripes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001463
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001464
-name: retinal outer nuclear layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The layer within the retina where the photoreceptor cell bodies reside." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "retinal outer nuclear layers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001464
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001465
-name: photoreceptor inner segment layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of the retina composed of the inner segments of the photoreceptor cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "photoreceptor inner segment layers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001465
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000143 ! retinal photoreceptor layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001466
-name: photoreceptor outer segment layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of the retina composed of the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells. The photoreceptor outer segment is a specialized primary cilium consisting of a microtubule-based axoneme and regular stacks of membrane folds or disks containing the photopigments (opsins) required for the phototransduction cascade." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110811-12]
-synonym: "photoreceptor outer segment layers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001466
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000143 ! retinal photoreceptor layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001467
-name: pharyngeal mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001467
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001468
-name: anterior lateral line system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anterior lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, situated between the eye and the ear, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the anterior lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The anterior lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians and are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project to the hindbrain. The anterior lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001468
-is_a: ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001469
-name: lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head and body of all fishes and most amphibians. The lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear and between the eye and ear." [DOI:10.1159/000115896, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001469
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001470
-name: anterior lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anterior lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians. The anterior lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated between the eye and ear." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3]
-synonym: "anterior lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001470
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005117 ! anterior lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0001471
-name: posterior lateral line system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The posterior lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, situated behind the ear, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the posterior lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The posterior lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians. The neuromasts are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project primarily to the hindbrain. The posterior mechanosensory lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001471
-is_a: ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001472
-name: anterior lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the anterior lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast anterior" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001472
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001470 ! anterior lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001473
-name: deep blastomere
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cells (completely cleaved), located underneath the superficial blastomeres and internal to the marginal blastomeres." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "deep blastomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001473
-is_a: ZFA:0000093 ! blastomere
-relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
-relationship: start ZFS:0000007 ! Cleavage:64-cell
-id: ZFA:0001474
-name: presumptive cardinal organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0001475
-name: presumptive organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0001476
-name: presumptive organ system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0001477
-name: portion of tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure, that consists of similar cells and intercellular matrix, aggregated according to genetically determined spatial relationships." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000043
-xref: TAO:0001477
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000012 ! Blastula:High
-id: ZFA:0001478
-name: anatomical cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000041
-xref: TAO:0001478
-is_a: ZFA:0001512 ! anatomical group
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000012 ! Blastula:High
-id: ZFA:0001479
-name: lateral line nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial nerves that carry afferent and efferent fibers for the lateral line system." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lateral line nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001479
-is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001480
-name: dorsal anterior lateral line nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral line nerve that originates within the dorsal anterior lateral line ganglion and innervates the otic, supraorbital, and infraorbital neuromasts." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3]
-synonym: "anterodorsal lateral line nerve" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal anterior lateral line nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001480
-is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000425 ! anterior lateral line nerve
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001481
-name: ventral anterior lateral line nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral line nerve that originates within the ventral anterior lateral line ganglion and innervates the mandibular and opercular neuromasts." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "anteroventral lateral line nerve" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral anterior lateral line nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001481
-is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000425 ! anterior lateral line nerve
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001482
-name: middle lateral line nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nerve fibers originating from the middle lateral line ganglion. These fibers innervate the middle lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "middle lateral line nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001482
-is_a: ZFA:0001479 ! lateral line nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000175 ! posterior lateral line nerve
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001483
-name: middle lateral line ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The middle lateral line ganglion develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate the middle lateral line." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "middle lateral line ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001483
-is_a: ZFA:0000120 ! lateral line ganglion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001484
-name: superficial blastomere
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cells (completely cleaved), located at the surface of the blastodisc, above the deep blastomeres." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "superficial blastomeres" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001484
-is_a: ZFA:0000093 ! blastomere
-relationship: end ZFS:0000015 ! Blastula:Dome
-relationship: start ZFS:0000007 ! Cleavage:64-cell
-id: ZFA:0001485
-name: basal lamina
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Acellular anatomical structure that consists of a thin sheet of fibrous proteins that underlie and support the cells of an epithelium. It separates the cells of an epithelium from any underlying tissue." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "basal laminae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000065
-xref: TAO:0001485
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001486
-name: epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue, that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and which is underlain by a basal lamina." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000066
-xref: TAO:0001486
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001487
-name: portion of organism substance
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000004
-xref: TAO:0001487
-is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001488
-name: multi-tissue structure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more portions of tissue of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona-fide boundaries from other distinct structural units of different types." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "multi-tissue structures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000055
-xref: TAO:0001488
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001489
-name: compound organ component
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of a compound organ." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "compound organ components" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000019
-xref: TAO:0001489
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001490
-name: cavitated compound organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Compound organ that contains one or more macroscopic anatomical spaces." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cavitated compound organs" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000072
-xref: TAO:0001490
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001491
-name: solid compound organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Compound organ that does not contain macroscopic anatomical spaces." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "solid compound organs" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000074
-xref: TAO:0001491
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001492
-name: simple organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is not part of a compound organ." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "simple organs" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000021
-xref: TAO:0001492
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001493
-name: atypical epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium that consists of epithelial cells not arranged in one or more layers." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "atypical epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000071
-xref: TAO:0001493
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001494
-name: multilaminar epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium that consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000069
-xref: TAO:0001494
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001495
-name: unilaminar epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium that consists of a single layer of epithelial cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "unilaminar epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000073
-xref: TAO:0001495
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001496
-name: simple columnar epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of columnar cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "simple columnar epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000068
-xref: TAO:0001496
-is_a: ZFA:0001495 ! unilaminar epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001497
-name: simple cuboidal epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "simple cuboidal epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000067
-xref: TAO:0001497
-is_a: ZFA:0001495 ! unilaminar epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001498
-name: simple squamous epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of squamous cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "simple squamous epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000070
-xref: TAO:0001498
-is_a: ZFA:0001495 ! unilaminar epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001499
-name: esophageal epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Simple columnar epithelium that lines the esophagus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070426-1]
-xref: TAO:0001499
-is_a: ZFA:0001496 ! simple columnar epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000204 ! esophagus
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005123 ! gut epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001500
-name: auditory capsule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired cartilage encasing the semicircular canals of the inner ear." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "otic capsule" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001500
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001501
-name: cartilage element
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal element that is composed of cartilage tissue and may be permanent or transient." [VSAO:curator]
-synonym: "cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001501
-xref: VSAO:0000000
-is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001502
-name: epiphyseal bar
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired medial bar of cartilage formed at midorbit through medial chondrification from triangles of cartilage that later form the junction of the taeniae marginales anterior, taeniae marginales posterior and the epiphyseal bar." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001502
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001503
-name: lamina orbitonasalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial cartilage which is bilaterally paired and develops as a dorsal plate-like projection of the anteriolateral ethmoid plate, which are oriented perpendicular to the ethmoid plate. It fuses dorsally to the taenia marginalis anterior, and it joins the ethmoid cartilage medially." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "laminas orbitonasalis" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001503
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001504
-name: occipital arch cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial cartilage which is a paired anterodorsal projection of the posterior end of the parachordal cartilage. It lies lateral to the notochord, just anterior to the posterior tip of the otic capsule. The bilaterally paired occipital arch cartilages fuse anterodorsally to the posterior edges of the auditory capsules and meet medially as the tectum synoticum (by 12 dpf)." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "occipital arch cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001504
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001505
-name: taenia marginalis anterior
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage bar (bilaterally paired) that grows anteroventrally from the epiphyseal bar to join the anteriolateral edge of the ethmoid plate." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "orbital cartilage" RELATED []
-synonym: "taeniae marginales anterior" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001505
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001506
-name: tectum synoticum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Unpaired thin dorsal sheet of cartilage that partially covers the posterior chondrocranium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001506
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001507
-name: trabecula cranii
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired thin medially aligned bar of cartilage that extends from the anterior end of the chondrocranium to just anterior to the anterior end of the notochord. The posterior ends of the trabeculae cranii are continuous with the parachordal cartilages, and they enclose the hypophyseal fenestra." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "trabeculae cranii" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001507
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001321 ! neurocranial trabecula
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001508
-name: trabecula communis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage formed via medial fusion between bilaterally paired trabecula cranii." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "trabecular bar" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001508
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001321 ! neurocranial trabecula
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001509
-name: sclerotic cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired thin continuous band of cartilage that sagitally encircles the eye. It lies between t lies between the sclera and the optic choroid." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070629-20]
-synonym: "scleral cartilage" RELATED []
-synonym: "sclerotic cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001509
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001510
-name: basihyal cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is median and is the anterior-most cartilage of the ventral hyoid arch. It chondrifies between the anterior tips of the ceratohyal cartilages, anterior to the first copula." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "basihyal" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001510
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001511
-name: interhyal cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000218
-def: "The interhyal is a small rod-like element that connects the ventral and dorsal parts of the hyoid arch. It articulates laterally with the posterior end of the epihyal and medially at the cartilaginous junction between the hyomandibula and the symplectic. It remains cartilaginous in adult zebrafish and other cypriniforms." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "interhyal bone" EXACT []
-synonym: "stylohyal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001511
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001402 ! ventral hyoid arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0001512
-name: anatomical group
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001255
-def: "Anatomical structure consisting of at least two non-overlapping organs, multi-tissue aggregates or portion of tissues or cells of different types that does not constitute an organism, organ, multi-tissue aggregate, or portion of tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000054
-xref: TAO:0001512
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001513
-name: dermomyotome
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelial sheet on the external surface of the somite that gives rise to trunk, muscle and dermis." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060124-14]
-synonym: "dermomyotomes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001513
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000155 ! somite
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001514
-name: bone element
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal element that is composed of bone tissue." [VSAO:curator]
-synonym: "bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001514
-xref: VSAO:0000057
-is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001515
-name: taenia marginalis posterior
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage bar (bilaterally paired) that is first visible as an anterior extension of the auditory capsule. It grows anteriorly toward the middle of the orbit where it is connected to its mate on the other side by the epiphyseal bar." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "orbital cartilage" RELATED []
-synonym: "taeniae marginales posterior" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001515
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000290 ! sphenoid region
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001516
-name: ceratobranchial cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that forms the largest skeletal element of the ventral branchial arches." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "ceratobranchial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001516
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001517
-name: ceratobranchial 2 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 2 cartilage or bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001517
-is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0001518
-name: ceratobranchial 3 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 3 cartilage or bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001518
-is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0001519
-name: ceratobranchial 4 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with epibranchial 4 cartilage or bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001519
-is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0001520
-name: ceratobranchial 1 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that forms between hypobranchial 1 and epibranchial 1." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001520
-is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001521
-name: ceratobranchial 5 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial cartilage that is the most posterior, bilaterally paired ventral pharyngeal arch cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001521
-is_a: ZFA:0001516 ! ceratobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001229 ! pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001522
-name: hypobranchial cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small rod-like cartilage that forms between the median copulae and the ceratobranchial cartilages." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypobranchial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001522
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0001523
-name: hypobranchial 4 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small cartilage that forms at the anteromedial tip of ceratobranchial 4; these are not obviously present in mature specimens, due either to resorption or fusion to the cartilaginous anterior tip of ceratobranchial 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypobranchial 4 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001523
-is_a: ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001524
-name: hypobranchial 1 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small cartilage that forms at the anteromedial tip of ceratobranchial 1, lateral to copula 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypobranchial 1 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001524
-is_a: ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001525
-name: hypobranchial 2 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small cartilage that forms at the anteromedial tip of ceratobranchial 2, lateral to copula 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypobranchial 2 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001525
-is_a: ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001526
-name: hypobranchial 3 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small cartilage that forms at the anteromedial tip of ceratobranchial 3, lateral to copula 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "hypobranchial 3 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001526
-is_a: ZFA:0001522 ! hypobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001527
-name: epibranchial cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is bilaterally paired small rod-like cartilage which articulates laterally with ceratobranchial cartilage or bone." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "epibranchial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001527
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000095 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001528
-name: epibranchial 1 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 1 cartilage or bone and the medial end of pharyngobranchial 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001528
-is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001228 ! pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001529
-name: epibranchial 3 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 3 cartilage or bone and the medial end of pharyngobranchial 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001529
-is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001530
-name: epibranchial 2 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 2 cartilage or bone and the medial end of pharyngobranchial 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001530
-is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001531
-name: epibranchial 4 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epibranchial cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates laterally with ceratobranchial 4 cartilage or bone and the medial end of pharyngobranchial 4." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001531
-is_a: ZFA:0001527 ! epibranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001230 ! pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001532
-name: axial bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000317
-id: ZFA:0001533
-name: pharyngobranchial cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired cartilages that project medially from the medial tips of epibranchials." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pharyngobranchial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001533
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001534
-name: pharyngobranchial 3 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired elongate cartilages that lie posteromedial to epibranchial 2 and medial to epibranchial 3." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pharyngobranchial 3 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001534
-is_a: ZFA:0001533 ! pharyngobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001232 ! pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001535
-name: median fin cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "median fin cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001535
-is_a: ZFA:0001457 ! postcranial axial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001536
-name: pharyngobranchial 2 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired disc-like cartilage lying medial to and between the medial tips of epibranchials 1 and 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pharyngobranchial 2 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001536
-is_a: ZFA:0001533 ! pharyngobranchial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001231 ! pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001537
-name: mesocoracoid cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage that develops initially on the medial side of the coraco-scapular cartilage." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "mesocorocoid cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001537
-is_a: ZFA:0000257 ! pectoral fin cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001538
-name: pelvic radial cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small cartilage that forms at the posterior edge of the basipterygium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic radial cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001538
-is_a: ZFA:0001459 ! pelvic fin cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001539
-name: basipterygium cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired small, rodlike cartilages on the ventral surface of the abdomen (present at 7.9 mm). Their posterior tips expand laterally, forming L-shaped cartilages. Medially, a posterior spur of cartilage develops, which will later ossify as the ischiac process (Weitzman 1962)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "basipterygium cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001539
-is_a: ZFA:0001459 ! pelvic fin cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001540
-name: pelvic radial 3 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small cartilage that forms at the posterior and medial edge of the basipterygium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic radials 3 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001540
-is_a: ZFA:0001538 ! pelvic radial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001541
-name: pelvic radial 2 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small cartilage with a long posterior process and a shorter lateral one that forms at the posterior edge of the basipterygium, between radial cartilages 1 and 2." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic radials 2 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001541
-is_a: ZFA:0001538 ! pelvic radial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001542
-name: pelvic radial 1 cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Small cartilage that forms at the posterior and lateral edge of the basipterygium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "pelvic radials 1 cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001542
-is_a: ZFA:0001538 ! pelvic radial cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001543
-name: paired fin cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage which is part of one of the paired fins." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "paired fin cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001543
-is_a: ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000027 ! paired fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001544
-name: chondrocranium bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001424
-id: ZFA:0001545
-name: cranial bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000737
-id: ZFA:0001546
-name: pharyngeal arch bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000095
-consider: ZFA:0001276
-id: ZFA:0001547
-name: dermatocranium bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000863
-id: ZFA:0001548
-name: axial fin bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0001123
-id: ZFA:0001549
-name: paired fin bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Zebrafish don't have a stomach.
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000027
-id: ZFA:0001550
-name: caudal fin lepidotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "caudal fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "caudal fin ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001550
-is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001551
-name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the pectoral fin, forming the pectoral fin skeleton and articulating with the pectoral radials. A pectoral lepidotrichium is composed of two hemitrichia that surround bundles of actinotrichia distally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pectoral fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "pectoral fin ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001551
-is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001552
-name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lepidotrichium which is part of the pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pelvic fin lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "pelvic fin ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001552
-is_a: ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001553
-name: fin bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0000027
-consider: ZFA:0001123
-id: ZFA:0001554
-name: lepidotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is rod-like, formed and usually contained in a fin membrane, and jointed to or adjacent to distal radials. They are bilaterally paired. Lepidotrichia are formed from paired hemitrichia surrounding actinotrichia. There are usually two more lepidotrichia than distal radials." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "fin ray" EXACT []
-synonym: "lepidotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001554
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001555
-name: epibranchial ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial ganglion which develops from an epibranchial placode." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "epibranchial ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001555
-is_a: ZFA:0000013 ! cranial ganglion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001294 ! epibranchial placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001556
-name: sympathetic chain ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Trunk ganglion which is part of a bilaterally paired set of sympathetic ganglia located anterior and lateral to the spinal cord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "paravertebral ganglion" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001556
-is_a: ZFA:0001573 ! trunk ganglion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001576 ! sympathetic nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001557
-name: pronephric glomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired highly vascularized structures of the pronephros which are fused at the midline. Responsible for blood filtration and begins to function between 40 and 48hpf." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4]
-synonym: "pronephric glomera" EXACT []
-synonym: "pronephric glomeruli" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "pronephric glomus " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001557
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001558
-name: pronephric tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired tubes connecting the pronephric glomeruli to the pronephric ducts. In zebrafish and other teleosts, the pronephric nephron and tubules form after the pronephric duct, connecting to the anterior-most tip of the pronephric ducts." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4]
-synonym: "ciliated neck segment" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001558
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001559
-name: vertebral column
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0001559
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000317 ! postcranial axial skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001560
-name: hypural 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral most hypural of the caudal fin. Supports the lower lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001560
-is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0001561
-name: hypural 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hypural of the caudal fin dorsal to hypural 1. Supports the lower lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001561
-is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0001562
-name: hypural 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hypural dorsal to hypural 2 that supports the upper lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001562
-is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-id: ZFA:0001563
-name: hypural 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hypural dorsal to hypural 3 that supports the upper lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001563
-is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001564
-name: hypural 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal-most hypural, that supports the upper lobe of the caudal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001564
-is_a: ZFA:0000364 ! hypural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001565
-name: oocyte stage II
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Oocyte part of stage II ovarian follicle. The stage II oocytes are characterized by the presence of cortical alveoli, a tripartite zona radiata (vitelline envelope), and a central germinal vesicle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
-comment: In stage II (cortical alveolus stage), oocytes are distinguished by the appearance of variably sized cortical alveoli and the vitelline envelope becomes prominent, ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cortical-alveolar oocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "oocytes stage II" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "previtellogenic oocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
-synonym: "Stage 2 oocyte" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001565
-is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001265 ! ovarian follicle stage II
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0001566
-name: oocyte stage III
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Oocyte part of stage III ovarian follicle. Stage III oocytes contain internal vitellus droplets and peripheral yolk vesicles." [GOC:CVS, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
-comment: In stage III (vitellogenesis), yolk proteins appear in oocytes and yolk bodies with crystalline yolk accrue during this major growth stage. Oocytes develop the capacity to respond in vitro to the steroid 17, 20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) by undergoing oocyte maturation ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "oocytes stage III" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "postvitellogenic oocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
-synonym: "Stage 3 oocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "vitellogenic oocytes" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001566
-is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001266 ! ovarian follicle stage III
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0001567
-name: oocyte stage I
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Oocyte part of stage I ovarian follicle. Stage I oocytes are basophilic, and have relatively large nuclei." [GOC:cvs, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
-comment: Oocytes reside in nests with other oocytes (Stage IA) and then within a definitive follicle (Stage IB), where they greatly increase in size ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "oocytes stage I" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "previtellogenic oocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
-synonym: "primary oocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "Stage 1 oocyte" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001567
-is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001263 ! ovarian follicle stage I
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0001568
-name: oocyte stage IV
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Oocyte part of stage IV ovarian follicle. Stage IV oocytes are large and filled with noncrystalline yolky bodies." [GOC:CVS, GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
-comment: In stage IV (oocyte maturation), oocytes increase slightly in size, become translucent, and their yolk becomes non-crystalline as they undergo final meiotic maturation in vivo (and in response to DHP in vitro). ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mature oocytes" EXACT []
-synonym: "oocytes stage IV" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "postvitellogenic oocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140513-387]
-synonym: "Stage 4 oocyte" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001568
-is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001264 ! ovarian follicle stage IV
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0001569
-name: oocyte stage V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Oocyte part of stage V ovarian follicle." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-comment: In stage V (mature egg), eggs (approx. 0.75 mm) are ovulated into the ovarian lumen and are capable of fertilization ZDB-PUB-961014-1020.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mature egg" EXACT []
-synonym: "unactivated egg" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001569
-is_a: ZFA:0001109 ! oocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0001570
-name: unfertilized egg
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A female gamete where meiosis has progressed to metaphase II and is able to participate in fertilization. In zebrafish specified to be outside the body." [ISBN:0721662544]
-comment: Outside the body.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "activated oocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "egg" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000025
-xref: TAO:0001570
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001569 ! oocyte stage V
-relationship: end ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001571
-name: postovulatory follicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A follicle that has undergone ovulation and no longer contains an oocyte." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "postovulatory follicles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001571
-is_a: ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0001572
-name: superior cervical ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Trunk ganglion which is bilaterally paired and located at the anterior end of the sympathetic ganglion chain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "SCG" RELATED []
-synonym: "superior sympathetic cervical ganglion" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001572
-is_a: ZFA:0001573 ! trunk ganglion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001576 ! sympathetic nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001573
-name: trunk ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ganglion which is located in the trunk." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "trunk ganglia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001573
-is_a: ZFA:0000190 ! ganglion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0001574
-name: autonomic nervous system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nervous system that innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands. Regulates involuntary process such as blood circulation and digestion. Has subdivisions sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ISBN:0314472304, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "ANS" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001574
-is_a: ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001575
-name: parasympathetic nervous system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Autonomic nervous system where the cell bodies lie in the brain and sacral region of the spinal cord. The neurons are mainly cholinergic." [GOC:GOC, GOC:ymb, ISBN:0080923437, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001575
-is_a: ZFA:0001574 ! autonomic nervous system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001576
-name: sympathetic nervous system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Autonomic nervous system that originates beginning at the thoracic and lumbar areas of the spinal cord. Sympathetic neurons are primarily adrenergic producing the neurotransmitter noradrenalin along with other neuropeptides." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ISBN:0080923437, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001576
-is_a: ZFA:0001574 ! autonomic nervous system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001577
-name: premaxilla ascending process
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Process of the premaxilla that extends posteriorly and overlays the mesethmoid." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "premaxilla ascending processes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001577
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000567 ! premaxilla
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001578
-name: anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "In cypriniforms the anterior portion of the palatine has a dorsomedial process which abuts against the mesethmoid. Such a process is not present in other ostariophysans or in other primitive teleosts." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001578
-is_a: ZFA:0001637 ! bony projection
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000620 ! autopalatine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001579
-name: ural vertebra 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ural vertebra that is the second vertebra posterior to preural centrum 1." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001579
-is_a: ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001580
-name: neurocranium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is the regional skeletal system surrounding the brain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "braincase" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001580
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001581
-name: ural centrum 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A vertebral centrum that is located immediately posterior to ural centrum 1. Ural centrum 2 is an unpaired median bone." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001581
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001579 ! ural vertebra 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001582
-name: non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Precaudal vertebra that is not a Weberian vertebra. Vertebra 5 through 14." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "non-Weberian precaudal vertebrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001582
-is_a: ZFA:0000263 ! precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001583
-name: preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra which is the fused centra of preural 1 and ural 1. These elements do not develop independently in zebrafish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "urostyle " RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001583
-is_a: ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001584
-name: caudal fin procurrent ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal fin lepidotrichium that is located anterior to the principal caudal fin rays. Caudal procurrent rays are unbranched." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "caudal procurrent lepidotrichium" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal procurrent ray " RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001584
-is_a: ZFA:0001550 ! caudal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001585
-name: caudal fin principal ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal fin lepidotrichium that is adjacent to a branched ray. Caudal principal rays may be segmented but unbranched and the main element forming the dorsal or ventral leading margin of the caudal fin or a ray that may be only segmented and branched and forms part of the middle-posterior region of the fin. A caudal principal ray is an unpaired median bone. There are 19 principal caudal rays, with 10 in the dorsal lobe and nine in the ventral lobe. The dorsal lobe rays articulate with hypurals 3-5." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001585
-is_a: ZFA:0001550 ! caudal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001586
-name: pectoral fin radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Radial which develops from the pectoral fin endoskeletal disc, supports the pectoral lepidotrichia or fin rays and connects the lepidotrichia with the primary pectoral girdle." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "pectoral fin radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001586
-is_a: ZFA:0000271 ! radial
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001456 ! pectoral fin endoskeletal disc
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001587
-name: pectoral fin proximal radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin radial which develops from the pectoral fin endoskeletal disc, supports a few pectoral lepidotrichia or fin rays and connects the lepidotrichia and distal radials with the primary pectoral girdle (scapula and coracoid)." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001587
-is_a: ZFA:0001586 ! pectoral fin radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001588
-name: pectoral fin distal radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin radial, develops from the pectoral fin endoskeletal disc, and is located at the proximal region of a lepidotrichium, between its hemitrichia. Pectoral fin distal radial is paired." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "pectoral fin distal radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001588
-is_a: ZFA:0001586 ! pectoral fin radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001589
-name: propterygium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The propterygium is the lateralmost or anteriormost basal cartilage that originates from the pectoral fin endoskeletal disc. The bases of the pectoral lepidotrichium 1 plus the propterygium articulates with the scapula." [TAO:Curator]
-synonym: "propterygia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001589
-is_a: ZFA:0001588 ! pectoral fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001590
-name: dermal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intramembranous bone that forms superficially in the organism. Dermal bones develop from the direct differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-44]
-synonym: "dermal bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001590
-is_a: ZFA:0001635 ! intramembranous bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001591
-name: endochondral bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Replacement bone that forms within cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "endochondral bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001591
-is_a: ZFA:0001693 ! chondral bone
-is_a: ZFA:0005620 ! endochondral element
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001592
-name: claustrum bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bone that is bilaterally paired endochondral bone with extensions of membrane bone forming part of a dorsolateral protective wall around the neural canal between the back of the skull and the beginning of the neural arch series. The first Weberian ossicle. Most recently, de Pinna and Grande (2003) have proposed the claustrum is homologous to the accessory neural arch of lower teleosts." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001592
-is_a: ZFA:0000461 ! Weberian ossicle
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000637 ! claustrum cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001593
-name: quadrate ventral process
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An endochondral bone that is the ventral, posteriorly-oriented bony extension of the quadrate." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "quadrate ventral processes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000224
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000621 ! quadrate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001594
-name: preopercle horizontal limb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A dermal bone that is the lower, horizontal portion of the preopercle bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "preopercle anterior arm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "preopercle horizontal arm" EXACT []
-synonym: "preopercle lower limb" EXACT []
-synonym: "preopercle ventral arm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0000289
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005631 ! preopercle horizontal limb-symplectic joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000264 ! preopercle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001595
-name: preopercle vertical limb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A dermal bone that is the upper, vertical portion of the preopercle bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "preopercle dorsal arm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192.]
-synonym: "preopercle posterior arm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192.]
-synonym: "preopercle upper limb" EXACT []
-synonym: "preopercle vertical arm" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000336
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005632 ! preopercle vertical limb-hyomandibula joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000264 ! preopercle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001596
-name: joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster which consists of two or more adjacent bones or cartilages, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "joints" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000367
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001597
-name: exoccipital posteroventral region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone which is the posteroventral region of the exoccipital bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "exoccipitals posteroventral regions" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000348
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000661 ! exoccipital
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001627 ! lagenar capsule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001598
-name: basioccipital posterodorsal region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone which is the posterodorsal region of the basioccipital bone." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0000337
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000472 ! basioccipital
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001627 ! lagenar capsule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001599
-name: os suspensorium medial flange
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0002214
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001171 ! os suspensorium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001600
-name: neural spine 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural spine that is located on the fourth vertebra." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001546
-is_a: ZFA:0001336 ! neural spine
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001601
-name: manubrium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior branch of the intercalarium. The manubrium develops as a simple antero-lateral membrane bone extension from basidorsal 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "anterior branch of the intercalarium" RELATED []
-synonym: "anterior process of the intercalarium" EXACT []
-synonym: "horizontal process" EXACT []
-synonym: "manubrium incudus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001553
-is_a: ZFA:0001636 ! membrane bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000525 ! intercalarium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001602
-name: intercalarium ascending process
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bony process that develops as a dorsally projecting cartilaginous extension from the basidorsal. The ascending process is longer relative to the manubrium in larvae (5.1-11.0 mm). By 13.0 mm, the ascending process appears highly reduced in size." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-xref: TAO:0001548
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000525 ! intercalarium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001603
-name: intercalarium articulating process
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the intercalarium that ossifies from the cartilage condensation and articulates with a groove in centrum 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "articular process" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001549
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000525 ! intercalarium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001604
-name: caudal fin upper lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that is the dorsal portion of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "caudal fin dorsal lobe" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001593
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001605
-name: caudal fin lower lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that is the ventral portion of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "caudal fin ventral lobe" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001594
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001606
-name: pharyngeal arch 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "branchial arch 1" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 1" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001598
-is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001607
-name: pharyngeal arch 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "branchial arch 2" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 2" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001599
-is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001608
-name: pharyngeal arch 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "branchial arch 3" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 3" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001600
-is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001609
-name: pharyngeal arch 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "branchial arch 4" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 4" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001601
-is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001610
-name: pharyngeal arch 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "branchial arch 5" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arch 5" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 7" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001602
-is_a: ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001611
-name: pharyngeal arch 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The second pharyngeal arch, also known as the hyoid arch, forms jaw support structures. Anteriorly positioned cranial neural crest cells, which align with rhombomeres 4/5, contribute to the hyoid arch structures including the ceratohyal and hyosymplectic cartilages." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020904-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-985]
-synonym: "hyoid arch" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001596
-is_a: ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001612
-name: pharyngeal arch 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The first pharyngeal arch, also known as the mandibular arch, forms the jaw. The first pharyngeal arch gives rise to elements of the jaw, with the most anteriorly positioned cranial neural crest cells contributing to mandibular arch structures, including Meckel's and palatoquadrate cartilages that constitute the lower and upper jaw respectively." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020904-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-121120-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-985]
-synonym: "mandibular arch" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arch 1" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001595
-is_a: ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001613
-name: pharyngeal arch 3-7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000515
-alt_id: ZFA:0000625
-synonym: "branchial arch" EXACT []
-synonym: "branchial arches" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "branchial bar" EXACT []
-synonym: "branchial bars" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "gill arch" EXACT []
-synonym: "gill arches 1-5" EXACT []
-synonym: "visceral arches 3-7" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000625
-xref: TAO:0001597
-is_a: ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000056 ! pharynx
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001614
-name: atrial endocardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endocardium that is part of the atrium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002169
-is_a: ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001615
-name: ventricular endocardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endocardium that is part of the cardiac ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002247
-is_a: ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001616
-name: atrioventricular canal endocardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endocardium that is part of the atrioventricular canal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002170
-is_a: ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001315 ! atrioventricular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001617
-name: otolith
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000139
-def: "Portion of organism substance composed of calcium carbonate located in the otolith organ and positioned over a sensory macula; two form in each vesicle during the late segmentation period. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for otolith by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "immature otolith" RELATED []
-synonym: "immature otoliths" RELATED PLURAL []
-synonym: "statolith" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001621
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000051 ! otic vesicle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000559 ! otolith organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001618
-name: pons
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0001619
-name: optic fiber layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fiber layer adjacent the retinal ganglion cell layer which is comprised of their axons as they traverse to the optic nerve." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000126-5]
-synonym: "nerve fiber layer" EXACT []
-synonym: "optic fiber layers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002212
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000046 ! retinal neural layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001620
-name: pronephric proximal convoluted tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Most anterior portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
-synonym: "PCT" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002238
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001621
-name: pronephric proximal straight tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007) which is just posterior to the proximal convoluted tubule." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
-synonym: "proximal straight tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002239
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001622
-name: pronephric distal early tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007) which is just posterior to the proximal straight tubule." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
-synonym: "pronephric distal early tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002236
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001623
-name: posterior pronephric duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Most posterior portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007) which ends at the cloacal chamber at the pronephric duct opening." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
-synonym: "posterior pronephric ducts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002225
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001624
-name: pronephric distal late tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the pronephric duct (or tubule as described by Wingert et al, 2007) which is just posterior to the distal early tubule." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
-synonym: "distal late tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000150 ! pronephric duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001625
-name: optic nerve head
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of cranial nerve II where large fascicles of axons from the optic fiber layer come together prior to leaving the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "optic nerve heads" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002213
-is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000435 ! cranial nerve II
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001626
-name: cerebral spinal fluid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of organism substance that is a clear fluid that occupies the subarachnoid space and the ventricular system around and inside the brain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "CSF" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002184
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001627
-name: lagenar capsule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that consists of a bulla formed by the exoccipital and basioccipital bones, and surrounds the lagena." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lagenar capsules" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001620
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001628
-name: replacement bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bone that forms as a replacement of another structural tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "replacement bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001637
-is_a: ZFA:0001514 ! bone element
-is_a: ZFA:0005624 ! replacement element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001629
-name: perichordal bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Replacement bone that forms within the connective tissue surrounding the notochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "perichordal bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001639
-is_a: ZFA:0001628 ! replacement bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001630
-name: perichondral bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Replacement bone that forms within the connective tissue surrounding cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "perichondral bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001638
-is_a: ZFA:0001693 ! chondral bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001634 ! perichondrium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001631
-name: notochordal ossification
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Perichordal bone that surrounds the anterior tip of the notochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001640
-is_a: ZFA:0001629 ! perichordal bone
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001633 ! perichordal connective tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001632
-name: portion of connective tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that consists of mesodermally derived cells and intercellular matrix comprised of protein fibers and carbohydrates, which supports, ensheathes and binds together other tissues." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001641
-xref: VSAO:0000017
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001633
-name: perichordal connective tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of connective tissue which surrounds the notochord." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001642
-is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001634
-name: perichondrium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of connective tissue which surrounds cartilage." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cartilage connective tissue" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001643
-is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001635
-name: intramembranous bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bone that forms directly within mesenchyme, and does not replace other tissues." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "intramembranous bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001644
-is_a: ZFA:0001514 ! bone element
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000393 ! mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001636
-name: membrane bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intramembranous bone that forms deep in the organism." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "membrane bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001645
-is_a: ZFA:0001635 ! intramembranous bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001637
-name: bony projection
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of connective tissue that is an extension of a bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "bony projections" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "process" EXACT [TAO:0001834]
-xref: TAO:0001646
-xref: TAO:0001834
-is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001514 ! bone element
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001638
-name: statoacoustic (VIII) nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "cochlear nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "octaval nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "vestibulocochlear nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002243
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001639
-name: vascular endothelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Simple squamous epithelium which lines blood and lymphatic vessels and the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "endothelia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002171
-is_a: ZFA:0001498 ! simple squamous epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001640
-name: cephalic flexure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral bend in the brain occurring caudal to the adenohypophyseal placode." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "ventral flexure" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002181
-is_a: ZFA:0005593 ! neuraxis flexure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001641
-name: rudimentary neural arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural arch on the urostyle. It does not support a neural spine. Sanger and McCune 2002." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001666
-is_a: ZFA:0001066 ! neural arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000158 ! urostyle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001642
-name: tooth row
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster consisting of adjacent teeth constituting a row." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "tooth rows" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001667
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001643
-name: anatomical space
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-comment: Part_of parents of these terms should be changed to be located_in rather then part_of when we get the appropriate relation.
-synonym: "anatomical spaces" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000005
-xref: TAO:0001668
-is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0001644
-name: articular cartilage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage of the lower jaw that give rise to a portion of the anguloarticular compound bone." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "articular cartilages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001670
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001645
-name: angular bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is located posterior to the dentary and lateral to the articular and retroarticular bones of the lower jaw. The angular forms the outer dermal sheet of the posterior part of the lower jaw. The angular bears a portion of the mandibular sensory canal. The angular is a paired bone." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "angular bones" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001669
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001646
-name: anal fin radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Internal skeletal supports of the anal fin." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "anal fin pterygiophores" RELATED []
-synonym: "anal fin radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001671
-is_a: ZFA:0000271 ! radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001647
-name: dorsal fin radial
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Internal skeletal supports of the dorsal fin." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "dorsal fin pterygiophore " RELATED []
-synonym: "dorsal fin radials" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001672
-is_a: ZFA:0000271 ! radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001648
-name: cardiac neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neural crest that migrates into the pharyngeal arches and heart, forming connective tissue that separates the vessels of the heart." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0002173
-is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001649
-name: infraorbital series
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is the series of dermal bones associated with the infraorbital sensory canal located under and posterior to the eye." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "circumorbital series" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001709
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-id: ZFA:0001650
-name: branchial mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "gill mesenchyme" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002172
-is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001651
-name: sternohyoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000283
-def: "Head muscle that originates on the anterior region of the cleithrum and inserts on the urohyal. The hypobranchial forms initially as left and right parts that later fuse together forming a cone shape. The muscle is innervated by the occipitospinals and mainly composed of fast twitch muscle fibers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080306-33, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190427-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
-synonym: "hypobranchial muscle" EXACT []
-synonym: "sternohyoideus" EXACT []
-synonym: "sternohyoids" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0000283
-xref: TAO:0002200
-is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005923 ! anterior migratory muscle precursor stream
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0001652
-name: head muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle which is part of the head." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cephalic muscle" EXACT []
-synonym: "cranial muscle " RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0002198
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000328 ! cephalic musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001653
-name: pericardial muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle which is paired and runs anterio-posteriorly along the heart and is covered with epicardium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001026-2]
-xref: TAO:0002221
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001654
-name: opercular cavity
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space which is located beneath the operculum and external to the gills." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0002154
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001655
-name: pericardial cavity
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space in which the heart is located and is surrounded by the pericardium." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "thoracic cavity" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002220
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001438 ! coelom
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007115 ! pericardial region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001656
-name: pleuroperitoneal cavity
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space which contains the abdominal viscera and swim bladder. Located posterior to the pericardial cavity, separated by the transverse septum. From Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates, third edition." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:0030223695, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "coelom" RELATED []
-synonym: "coelomic cavity" RELATED []
-synonym: "visceral cavity" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002224
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001438 ! coelom
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001657
-name: supraoptic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS tract/commissure which extends between the telencephalon and diencephalon and lies along the dorsal edge of the optic stalk." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-719, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
-synonym: "SOT" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002244
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001658
-name: hindbrain nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nucleus located within the hindbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0002177
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001659
-name: diencephalic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain nucleus part of the diencephalon." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0002191
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001660
-name: telencephalic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0002178
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001662
-name: preglomerular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the caudal tuberculum. The preglomerular nuclei make up most of the migrated nuclei within the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0002226
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001663
-name: cranial nerve root
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The portion of tissue that is the initial segment of one of the cranial nerves leaving the central nervous system." []
-xref: TAO:0002190
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000641 ! cranial nerve
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001665
-name: midbrain nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nucleus located in the midbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0002209
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001666
-name: periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus which is in contact with the median ependymal lining of the ventricle and consists of the dorsal, ventral, supracommissural and postcommissural nuclei of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0002222
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000304 ! ventral telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001667
-name: peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Telencephalic nucleus which has migrated away from the ependyma and consists of the central, lateral nuclei and the dorsal and ventral entopeduncular nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0002179
-is_a: ZFA:0001660 ! telencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000304 ! ventral telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001668
-name: central nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon which is located immediately lateral to the dorsal nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [GOC:mh, ISBN:3764351209, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "area ventralis telencephali, nucleus centralis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002180
-is_a: ZFA:0001667 ! peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001669
-name: intermediate nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus which is located between the dorsal hypothalamus and the caudal tuberal nucleus and does not contain tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001220-2]
-xref: TAO:0002202
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000633 ! caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001670
-name: notochord posterior region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is the part of the notochord located in the caudal fin." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001821
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000135 ! notochord
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0001671
-name: macula communis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium that is the primary epithelium of the developing inner ear and has anterior and posterior maculae as its parts. These maculae later move apart into distinct regions of epithelium." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
-xref: TAO:0002206
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001672
-name: dorsolateral septum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that grows in from the dorsolateral wall of the otic vesicle, forming a dorsolateral partition between the developing anterior and posterior semicircular canals." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
-synonym: "dorsal bar" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0002193
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000262 ! posterior semicircular canal
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000314 ! anterior semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0001673
-name: pronephric podocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Podocyte that is part of the pronephros." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0002237
-is_a: ZFA:0009285 ! podocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001557 ! pronephric glomerulus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001674
-name: mesonephric podocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Podocyte that is part of the kidney (mesonephros)." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0002208
-is_a: ZFA:0009285 ! podocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001288 ! renal glomerulus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0001675
-name: ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of connective tissue that is a fibrous band connecting bones or cartilages or supporting an organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001682
-is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001676
-name: annular ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that is in the eye and is located at the angle between the cornea and the iris." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070629-16]
-xref: TAO:0002141
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0001677
-name: floor plate midbrain region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Floor plate that is part of the midbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0002196
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000022 ! floor plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0001678
-name: immature eye
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that consists of the structures that develop into the retina and lens." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-comment: Dbxref for ZFIN changed to match actual database accession number. Old Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-090226-1 correct Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-090227-5.
-xref: TAO:0002201
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0001679
-name: solid lens vesicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that gives rise to the lens. The lens of the zebrafish forms by delamination of lens placodal cells and not through invagination. This results in a solid spherical mass as opposed to a hollow lens vesicle. Detachment of the solid lens vesicle of zebrafish at 24-26 hpf is accomplished in part by apoptosis, similar to mammals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:CVS, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-comment: Dbxref for ZFIN changed to match actual database accession number. Old Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-090226-2 correct Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-090227-6.
-synonym: " immature lens" EXACT []
-synonym: "lens mass" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091023-49]
-synonym: "lens vesicle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-synonym: "presumptive lens" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0002205
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000122 ! lens placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0001680
-name: parvocellular preoptic nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain." [ISBN:3764351209]
-xref: TAO:0002219
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:16:53Z
-id: ZFA:0001681
-name: grey matter
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue comprised of neurons, dendrites, axon terminals, glial cells, and capillaries." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "gray mater" RELATED []
-synonym: "gray matter" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002197
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:47:27Z
-id: ZFA:0001682
-name: white matter
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000145
-def: "Multi-tissue structure comprised largely of myelinated axons." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "CNS tract/commissure" EXACT []
-synonym: "CNS white matter" EXACT []
-synonym: "white mater" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0000145
-xref: TAO:0002142
-xref: TAO:0002143
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T01:50:38Z
-id: ZFA:0001683
-name: corneal epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue comprised of four to six layers of nonkeratinized, stratified squamous cells and represents approximately 60% of the thickness of the cornea." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
-xref: TAO:0002187
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:11:11Z
-id: ZFA:0001684
-name: Bowman's layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Acellular anatomical structure that is the zone of condensed collagen fibers underneath the basement membrane of the corneal epithelium that overlays the corneal stroma layer." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
-synonym: "anterior elastic lamina" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior limiting membrane" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0002155
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:11:47Z
-id: ZFA:0001685
-name: corneal stroma
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is located basal to Bowman's layer and distal to Descemet's membrane and is comprised largely of connective tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
-xref: TAO:0002189
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:12:16Z
-id: ZFA:0001686
-name: Descemet's membrane
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Acellular anatomical structure composed of collagen, Descemet's membrane is secreted as a basement membrane of the corneal endothelium. Located between the stroma and the corneal endothelium, it is approximately 0.15 micrometer thick at 6 months post-fertilization." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
-synonym: "posterior limiting membrane" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002157
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:12:32Z
-id: ZFA:0001687
-name: corneal endothelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium that is the innermost layer of the cornea and is comprised of a monolayer of polygonal cells." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
-xref: TAO:0002186
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000640 ! cornea
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T02:13:25Z
-id: ZFA:0001688
-name: corneal primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the eye and gives rise to the mature, fully layered cornea." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-3]
-xref: TAO:0002188
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-03-23T04:36:20Z
-id: ZFA:0001689
-name: anatomical line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Non-material anatomical entity of one dimension, which forms a boundary of an anatomical surface or is a modulation of an anatomical surface." [CARO:MAH, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000008
-xref: TAO:0001837
-is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-04-30T02:46:34Z
-id: ZFA:0001690
-name: groove
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure that delineates a furrow or depression in an organ or tissue." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: TAO:0001838
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-04-30T02:48:53Z
-id: ZFA:0001691
-name: cerebellar granule cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Granule cell that is part of the cerebellum." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0001031
-xref: TAO:0002182
-is_a: ZFA:0009070 ! granule cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000358 ! granular layer corpus cerebelli
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000766 ! granular layer valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-04-30T03:18:48Z
-id: ZFA:0001692
-name: hindbrain commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter that crosses the midline within the hindbrain." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-11]
-xref: TAO:0002199
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T12:33:21Z
-id: ZFA:0001693
-name: chondral bone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Replacement bone that forms within or surrounding a cartilaginous skeletal element." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-is_a: ZFA:0001628 ! replacement bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-07-29T11:34:33Z
-id: ZFA:0001694
-name: olfactory granule cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Granule cell that is part of the olfactory bulb." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000626
-xref: TAO:0002211
-is_a: ZFA:0009070 ! granule cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000402 ! olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-04-30T03:21:40Z
-id: ZFA:0001695
-name: dorsolateral motor nucleus of vagal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Motor nucleus of vagal nerve that is located within the dorsolateral portion of rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-11]
-synonym: "dlX" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002192
-is_a: ZFA:0000387 ! motor nucleus of vagal nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-04T10:42:49Z
-id: ZFA:0001696
-name: medial motor nucleus of vagal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Motor nucleus of vagal nerve that is located within the medial portion of rhombomere 8." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-11]
-synonym: "mmX" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002207
-is_a: ZFA:0000387 ! motor nucleus of vagal nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-04T10:45:00Z
-id: ZFA:0001697
-name: octaval nerve motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain nucleus which consists of cell bodies whose axons exit the hindbrain via cranial nerve VIII and innervate hair cells of the lateral line and inner ear. The neurons of these nuclei are unusual in that they extend both contra- and ipsilateral dendrites." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
-synonym: "cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "octaval nerve motor nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "OLe" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002174
-is_a: ZFA:0001658 ! hindbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-04T01:04:59Z
-id: ZFA:0001698
-name: rostral octaval nerve motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Octaval nerve motor nucleus that is initially located within rhombomere 6." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
-synonym: "REN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
-synonym: "ROLE" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral efferent nuclei" RELATED PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
-xref: TAO:0002175
-is_a: ZFA:0001697 ! octaval nerve motor nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-04T01:21:34Z
-id: ZFA:0001699
-name: caudal octaval nerve motor nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Octaval nerve motor nucleus that is initially located within rhombomere 7." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
-synonym: "caudal efferent nuclei" RELATED PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
-synonym: "CEN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061229-17]
-synonym: "RELL" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002176
-is_a: ZFA:0001697 ! octaval nerve motor nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-04T01:24:26Z
-id: ZFA:0001700
-name: tunica externa swim bladder
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the external layer of the swim bladder that is covered by the peritoneum, and made of elastic fibres and ichthyocol (short needles of collagen)." []
-xref: TAO:0002245
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-05T12:54:11Z
-id: ZFA:0001701
-name: tunica interna swim bladder
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the internal layer of the swim bladder and is comprised of thin endoderm and a smooth muscle layer called the muscularis mucosa with longitudinal and circular fibres with some collagen." []
-xref: TAO:0002246
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-05T12:55:22Z
-id: ZFA:0001702
-name: apical ectodermal ridge
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Proliferative region that is part of the developing fin fold or fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002146
-is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-05T02:38:05Z
-id: ZFA:0001703
-name: epidermal placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is a thickening and reshaping of the epidermal basal stratum cells beneath which fibroblasts accumulate to form the scale primordium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081008-12]
-xref: TAO:0002195
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001180 ! epidermal basal stratum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-05T03:22:18Z
-id: ZFA:0001704
-name: scale primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A portion of tissue that gives rise to the scale. At the initial stages the primordium is composed of an accumulation of fibroblast below the basil epidermis. As the primordium develops the epidermis over the fibroblast alters: the basal epidermal cells become cuboidal and narrow, the collagen matrix remodels and the hemidesmosomes disappear." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081008-12]
-synonym: "scale placode" RELATED []
-synonym: "scale primordia " EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002242
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-05T03:35:05Z
-id: ZFA:0001705
-name: endolymphatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct that is part of the inner ear and connects to the semicircular canals ending in the endolymphatic sac." [, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090112-20]
-xref: TAO:0002194
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-11T09:15:55Z
-id: ZFA:0001706
-name: Purkinje cell layer corpus cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the corpus cerebelli and contains Purkinje cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
-xref: TAO:0002240
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-11T09:41:06Z
-id: ZFA:0001707
-name: brainstem
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that has as its parts the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain and the tegmentum of the midbrain." [ISBN:3764351209]
-xref: TAO:0002156
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-13T01:39:24Z
-id: ZFA:0001708
-name: cerebellar white matter
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter that is part of the cerebellum." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "cerebellar tracts/commissures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002183
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000100 ! cerebellum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-13T01:48:48Z
-id: ZFA:0001709
-name: Purkinje cell layer valvula cerebelli
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the valvula cerebelli and contains Purkinje cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
-xref: TAO:0002241
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-13T03:00:08Z
-id: ZFA:0001710
-name: mossy fiber
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that consists of afferent axons from the spinal cord, sensory medullary nuclei, reticular nuclei and dorsal tegmental nuclei into the corpus cerebelli and valvula cerebelli, where they synapse within the granule cell layer." [ISBN:3764351209, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
-synonym: "mossy fibers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002210
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-13T03:02:35Z
-id: ZFA:0001711
-name: climbing fiber
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that consists of afferent axons from the inferior olive and synapsing with Purkinje cells within the molecular layer of the valvula cerebelli and corpus cerebelli." [ISBN:3764351209, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
-synonym: "climbing fibers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002185
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000188 ! corpus cerebelli
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-13T03:18:48Z
-id: ZFA:0001712
-name: presumptive bulbus arteriosus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the heart tube and will become the bulbus arteriosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002230
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000818 ! vagal neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-31T11:25:06Z
-id: ZFA:0001713
-name: parallel fiber
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that consists of axons of cerebellar granule cells that synapse onto Purkinje cell dendrites." [ISBN:3764351209, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9]
-synonym: "parallel fibers" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002218
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000394 ! molecular layer corpus cerebelli
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000913 ! molecular layer valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-13T04:32:51Z
-id: ZFA:0001714
-name: presumptive ventral mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of presumptive mesoderm fated to become ventral mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0002235
-is_a: ZFA:0001377 ! presumptive mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-24T11:02:45Z
-id: ZFA:0001715
-name: otic vesicle protrusion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue within the otic vesicle that consists of a thin layer of otic epithelium covering a finger-shaped core of acellular matrix." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
-xref: TAO:0002215
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000051 ! otic vesicle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-25T10:45:23Z
-id: ZFA:0001716
-name: otic vesicle ventral protrusion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Otic vesicle protrusion that is initially ventrally located and then fuses with the lateral protrusion, giving rise to the pillar of the lateral semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11]
-xref: TAO:0002216
-is_a: ZFA:0001715 ! otic vesicle protrusion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-25T10:53:24Z
-id: ZFA:0001717
-name: pillar of the semicircular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue around which the semicircular canals flow." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
-xref: TAO:0002223
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000431 ! semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-25T10:57:52Z
-id: ZFA:0001718
-name: presumptive atrium heart tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the heart tube and will become the cardiac atrium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-11]
-xref: TAO:0002228
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001721 ! presumptive atrium primitive heart tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-25T12:20:59Z
-id: ZFA:0001719
-name: presumptive cardiac ventricle heart tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the heart tube and will become the cardiac ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-11]
-xref: TAO:0002231
-xref: ZFA:0002231
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001720 ! presumptive cardiac ventricle primitive heart tube
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-25T12:21:18Z
-id: ZFA:0001720
-name: presumptive cardiac ventricle primitive heart tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the primitive heart tube and will become the cardiac ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-11]
-xref: TAO:0002232
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000149 ! primitive heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-25T01:10:23Z
-id: ZFA:0001721
-name: presumptive atrium primitive heart tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of the primitive heart tube and will become the cardiac atrium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-11]
-xref: TAO:0002229
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000149 ! primitive heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-25T01:10:28Z
-id: ZFA:0001722
-name: presumptive sinus venosus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the heart tube and will become the sinus venosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002234
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-31T11:40:57Z
-id: ZFA:0001723
-name: presumptive atrioventricular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the heart tube and will become the atrioventricular canal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002227
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-31T11:57:36Z
-id: ZFA:0001724
-name: presumptive endocardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is part of the heart tube and will become the endocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002233
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-08-31T01:21:44Z
-id: ZFA:0001725
-name: immature Schwann cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A glial cell that develops from a Schwann cell precursor. The immature Schwann cell is embedded among neurons (axons) with minimal extracellular spaces separating them from nerve cell membranes and has a basal lamina. Cells can survive without an axon present. Immature Schwann cell can be found communally ensheathing large groups of axons." [CL:curator, ISBN:0721662544]
-comment: Range covers Schwann cell precursor and immature Schwann cell, should be split and put into CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002377
-xref: TAO:0002203
-is_a: ZFA:0009147 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-created_by: Melissa Haendel
-creation_date: 2009-09-08T02:10:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005000
-name: basal communicating artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that extends horizontally across the brain midline which is fed by the caudal division of the internal carotid artery. Three pairs of central arteries extend from the basal communicating artery (BCA), the anterior, middle and posterior mesencephalic central arteries. The BCA does not correspond to the anterior communicating artery of the mammalian circle of Willis. The BCA is unpaired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "BCA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005000
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0005001
-name: posterior communicating artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An artery that connects caudal division of the internal carotid artery and the basal communicating artery to the basilar artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "caudal communicating segment" EXACT []
-synonym: "PCA" EXACT []
-synonym: "PCS" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior communicating segment of the basilar artery" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005001
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0005002
-name: basilar artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that runs along the ventral keel of the hindbrain. It lies between the primordial hindbrain channels(PHBC). It irrigates the hindbrain and is connected, through the hindbrain, to the PHBC by the central arteries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110426-11]
-synonym: "BA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005002
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005003
-name: pharyngeal vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the pharyngeal region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "branchial basket" RELATED []
-synonym: "branchial vasculature" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005003
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001306 ! pharyngeal arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005004
-name: aortic arch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that is part of the pharyngeal arches." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "aortic arches" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "branchial aortic arches " EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080512-6]
-xref: TAO:0005004
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005005
-name: aortic arch 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 1. The paired aortic arch 1 arteries branch off of the ventral aorta, and empty into the right and left lateral dorsal aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "AA1" EXACT []
-synonym: "mandibular aortic arch" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005005
-is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001612 ! pharyngeal arch 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005006
-name: aortic arch 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 2. Aortic arch 2 is paired and is a vestigial structure." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "AA2" EXACT []
-synonym: "hyoid aortic arch" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005006
-is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001611 ! pharyngeal arch 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005007
-name: aortic arch 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 3. The paired aortic arch 3 arteries branch directly from the ventral aorta to the lateral dorsal aorta, and are retained as the branchial arteries providing circulation through the gills in the adult." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "AA3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005007
-is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001606 ! pharyngeal arch 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005008
-name: aortic arch 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 4. The paired aortic arch 4 arteries branch directly from the ventral aorta to the lateral dorsal aorta, and are retained as the branchial arteries providing circulation through the gills in the adult." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "AA4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005008
-is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001607 ! pharyngeal arch 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005009
-name: aortic arch 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 5. Aortic arch 5 artery is paired and has a common trunk with aortic arch 6 from the ventral aorta, and drains via a separate branch of the lateral dorsal aorta. Aortic arches 5 and 6 supply the trunk and tail with oxygenated blood." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "AA5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005009
-is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001608 ! pharyngeal arch 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005010
-name: mid cerebral vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The mesencephalic veins (MsV) enter the mid cerebral veins (MCeV) at the dorsal midline. THe MCeVs originate at the dorsal midline, proceed laterally in a ventral direction to drain into the paired primordial midbrain channels (PHBC)." [GOC:cvs,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "MCeV" EXACT []
-synonym: "MeCV" EXACT []
-synonym: "mid-cerebral vein" EXACT []
-synonym: "middle cerebral vein" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005010
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005011
-name: pseudobranchial artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A vascular loop attached to the efferent part of the mandibular arch that forms at 3.5 dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "pseudobranchial arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005011
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005005 ! aortic arch 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005012
-name: afferent filamental artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that enters the gill filament." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "AFA" EXACT []
-synonym: "afferent filamental arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005012
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000666 ! filamental artery
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000716 ! afferent branchial artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005013
-name: concurrent branch afferent branchial artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The branch of the afferent branchial artery that continues posterodorsally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "CCB" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005013
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000716 ! afferent branchial artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005014
-name: recurrent branch afferent branchial artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The anteroventral proceeding branch of the afferent branchial artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "RCB" EXACT []
-synonym: "recurrent branch afferent branchial arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005014
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000716 ! afferent branchial artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005015
-name: afferent lamellar arteriole
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Arterioles which take blood from the afferent filamental arteries to the gill lamella." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "afferent lamellar arterioles" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "AFL" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005015
-is_a: ZFA:0005255 ! arteriole
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000211 ! gill lamella
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005012 ! afferent filamental artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005016
-name: aortic arch 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Aortic arch that is part of pharyngeal arch 6. Aortic arch 6 artery is paired and has a common trunk with aortic arch 5 from the ventral aorta, and drains via a separate branch of the lateral dorsal aorta. Aortic arches 5 and 6 supply the trunk and tail with oxygenated blood." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "AA6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005016
-is_a: ZFA:0005004 ! aortic arch
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001609 ! pharyngeal arch 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005017
-name: primordial midbrain channel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The vessel between the anterior cerebral vein and the mid cerebral vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "PMBC" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005017
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005018
-name: efferent filamental artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that exits the gill filament." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "EFA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005018
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000202 ! efferent branchial artery
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000666 ! filamental artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005019
-name: efferent lamellar arteriole
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Arterioles which take blood from the gill lamella to the efferent filamental arteries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "efferent lamellar arterioles" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "ELA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005019
-is_a: ZFA:0005255 ! arteriole
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000211 ! gill lamella
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005018 ! efferent filamental artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005020
-name: central artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that irrigates the forebrain and midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "CtA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005020
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005021
-name: cerebellar central artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Extend upward from the PCS, branch to provide an arterial feed to the hindbrain, then drain back down into the PHBC." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "CCtA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005021
-is_a: ZFA:0005020 ! central artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005022
-name: opercular artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The opercular artery arises from the hyoid stump on the first aortic arch, then follows the lateral margin of the operculum (gill covering) ventrally to reconnect into the proximal part of the first aortic arch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "external carotid artery" RELATED []
-synonym: "ORA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005022
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005005 ! aortic arch 1
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005023
-name: hematopoietic system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "System responsible for generating hematopoietic cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005023
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0005024
-name: trunk vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around trunk." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005024
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001115 ! trunk
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0005025
-name: dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired trunk vessels that run medially along the dorsal-most portion of the trunk and post-vent region. The DLAVs are formed by the longitudinal anastomoses of the intersegmental vessels to form a right and left pair of dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessels. These paired vessels remodel to form a single plexiform vessel beginning at 3dpf continuing until after 7dpf. The basilar artery connects to the DLAVs at the caudal end of the medulla oblongata. In the early embryo (2.5-3.5 dpf) the primitive hindbrain channels also connect to the DLAV." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-comment: Eventually half of the ISVs will carry blood from the aorta to the DLAVs, and half from the DLAV to the posterior cardinal vein.
-synonym: "DLAV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005025
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001285 ! intersegmental vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001073 ! axial vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0005026
-name: primary head sinus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Main route for venous drainage of the anterior and mid cerebral veins as well as portions of the primordial hindbrain channel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "lateral head vein" EXACT []
-synonym: "PHS" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005026
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005027
-name: posterior cerebral vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that drains the dorsal longitudinal vessel and the caudal portions of the venous capillary network of the medulla oblongata." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "caudal cerebral vein" EXACT []
-synonym: "PCeV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005027
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005028
-name: ventral wall of dorsal aorta
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region where blood progenitor markers are expressed. Probable site of definitive hematopoiesis between 36hpf and 4dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "AGM" RELATED []
-synonym: "aorta gonad mesonephros region" EXACT []
-synonym: "DA roof" RELATED []
-synonym: "DA-PCV joint " EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal aorta - posterior cardinal vein joint" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061227-29]
-synonym: "DP joint" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005028
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000014 ! dorsal aorta
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0005029
-name: rostral blood island
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hematopoietic tissue derived from the cephalic mesoderm. Predominantly produces myeloid cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "anterior myeloid compartment" RELATED []
-synonym: "RBI" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005029
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005041 ! anterior lateral plate mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0005030
-name: dorsal ciliary vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that branches off the nasal ciliary artery. Initially, at 2dpf, the dorsal ciliary vein (DCV) drains into the primordial midbrain channel (PMBC) or the PMBC/PHBC junction. Later, by 3.5dpf, the DCV drains into the optic choroid vascular plexus. The dorsal branch of the inner optic circle drains into the DCV." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "DCV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005030
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005082 ! dorsal branch nasal ciliary artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005031
-name: dorsal longitudinal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessel that connects to the primitive hindbrain channel and the basilar artery at the caudal end of the medulla oblongata." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "DLV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005031
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005032
-name: optic vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that connects to the hyaloid vein that drains the eye. External to eye." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "OV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005032
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0005033
-name: vertebral artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an pair of arteries that form from the intersegmental vessels at the level of the base of the spinal cord, adjacent to the myotome." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "vertebral arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005033
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0005034
-name: parachordal vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessels run longitudinally along the horizontal myoseptum. These vessels are not functional until after lumenization which occurs near 4 dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030908-4]
-synonym: "PAV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005034
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000477 ! posterior cardinal vein
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001057 ! intersegmental vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005037 ! post-vent vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0005035
-name: subintestinal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that drains the vascular plexus of the midgut and hindgut. At early stages the subintestinal vein (SIV) drains into the PCV and the CCV. At later stages the SIV drains into the hepatic sinusoid. The SIV are begin as paired veins. After 4dpf the remains of the left SIV forms separate segments that empty into the right SIV and eventually merge with the right. At 3dpf the rostral end of left SIV begins to form the reticular hepatic sinusoids. The portion of the left SIV caudal to the hepatic sinusoid forms the hepatic portal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "SIV" EXACT []
-synonym: "vitelline vein" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005035
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005036
-name: supraintestinal artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A continuation of the anterior mesenteric artery, which branches out from the dorsal aorta just caudal to the pronephric glomus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "SIA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005036
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005037
-name: post-vent vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the post-vent region. This is frequently referred to as tail vasculature in the zebrafish community." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "tail vasculature" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005037
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001117 ! post-vent region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005038
-name: supraintestinal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "" RELATED []
-synonym: "supraintestinal veins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005038
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005039
-name: anterior lateral mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ALM" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005039
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001065 ! lateral mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0005040
-name: posterior lateral mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "PLM" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005040
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001065 ! lateral mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0005041
-name: anterior lateral plate mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "ALPM" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005041
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000121 ! lateral plate mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0005042
-name: posterior lateral plate mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "PLPM" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005042
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000121 ! lateral plate mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0005043
-name: nevus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An ectopic melanophore accumulation analogous to a nevi (mole) in humans." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "f-nevi" EXACT []
-synonym: "naevus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005043
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001119 ! dermis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005044
-name: optic artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The artery that carries blood to the eye. It branches from the primitive internal carotid artery and enters the eye ventrally through the optic fissure." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "optic arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005044
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005045
-name: hyaloid artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that is internal to the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "hyaloid arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005045
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005046 ! hyaloid vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005046
-name: hyaloid vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessels that are associated with the posterior region of the lens." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-synonym: "hyaloid vasculature" RELATED []
-synonym: "hyaloid vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005046
-is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005047
-name: hyaloid vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein internal to the eye." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "hyaloid veins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005047
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005046 ! hyaloid vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0005048
-name: primitive prosencephalic artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessel that branches from cranial division of the internal carotid artery, extending laterally around the rostral end of the head." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "PPrA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005048
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0005049
-name: prosencephalic artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "After the primitive prosencephalic artery forms it becomes disconnected from the cranial division of the internal carotid artery and instead it connects to the anterior mesencephalic central artery and the communicating vessels of the palatocerebral artery." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "PrA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005049
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005048 ! primitive prosencephalic artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005050
-name: palatocerebral artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The PLA branches ventrally from the CrDI. It extends rostrally along the base of mid- and forebrain, then loops medially and links to the corresponding vessel from the other side of the embryo." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "PLA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005050
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005051
-name: communicating vessel palatocerebral artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Connect the palatocerebral artery with the prosencephalic artery." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "CMV" EXACT []
-synonym: "communicating vessels" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005051
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005052
-name: anterior mesencephalic central artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Arteries that irrigate rostral regions of the midbrain. They extend between the basal communicating artery to the anterior cerebral vein." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "AMCtA" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral mesencephalic central artery" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005052
-is_a: ZFA:0005020 ! central artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005053
-name: nasal ciliary artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that branches off the cranial division of the internal carotid artery. It bifurcates near the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "NCA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005053
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0005054
-name: inner optic circle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessel that circles the inner rim of the optic capsule. The inner optic circle drains ventrally into the optic vein and dorsally into the dorsal ciliary vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "IOC" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005054
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005082 ! dorsal branch nasal ciliary artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005083 ! ventral branch nasal ciliary artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005055
-name: median palatocerebral vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Drains the PLA loop proceeds straight caudally along the cranial midline just above the pharynx, just below the diencephalon. Forms a 'T' with the palatocerebral veins." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "MPLV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005055
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005056
-name: palatocerebral vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that drains the median palatocerebral vein into the optic vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "PLV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005056
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005057
-name: epicardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "External layer of the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-comment: No evidence of epicardium layer in cardiac atrium in Hu et al 2001.
-xref: TAO:0005057
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005808 ! proepicardial cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005058
-name: ventricular epicardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The external layer of the ventricle bounding the ventricular myocardium. It is formed by a single layer of mesothelial cells supported by a basal lamina, and imbricated with collagen, fibroblasts, and vascular structures in the subepicardial space." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-xref: TAO:0005058
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005057 ! epicardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005059
-name: trabecular layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The layer of the myocardium composed of projections of contractile myocytes. The trabecular layer is bounded internally by the endocardium. Unlike the trabeculations of higher vertebrates, both atrial and ventricular trabeculae of the zebrafish have more strut-like character, and are more uniform without apparent regional differences." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-comment: Cardiac conduction may occur in the trabecular layer via trabecular fibers, PMID: 12626327.
-synonym: "trabecula" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005059
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001319 ! myocardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005060
-name: trabecular layer of ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0005060
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005059 ! trabecular layer
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005061 ! ventricular myocardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005061
-name: ventricular myocardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscular layer of the cardiac ventricle composed of a compact myocardial layer surrounding the trabecular layer." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-xref: TAO:0005061
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001319 ! myocardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005062
-name: compact layer of ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The outer layer the ventricular myocardium, muscle fibers are arranged in a compact form and involved the entire ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005062
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005061 ! ventricular myocardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005063
-name: cardiac conduction system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical system located in the heart that initiates and propagates heart contraction. The cardiac pacemaker." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "cardiac pacemaker" EXACT []
-synonym: "central conduction system" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005063
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005064
-name: atrioventricular valve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The atrioventricular valve has four distinct leaflets oriented anterior, posterior, left, and right of the atrioventricular orifice." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-xref: TAO:0005064
-is_a: ZFA:0005065 ! heart valve
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001317 ! endocardial cushion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005065
-name: heart valve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure composed of leaflets that separate parts of the heart, preventing blood backflow." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "heart valves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005065
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005066
-name: bulbus arteriosus outer layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The portion of tissue that is the outer layer of the bulbus arteriosus. It is composed of scattered layers of interrupted elastic lamina." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-synonym: "bulbus arteriosus externa" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005066
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000173 ! bulbus arteriosus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005067
-name: bulbus arteriosus middle layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Composed of 7-10 layers of helically arranged smooth muscle cells surrounded by a fine network of collagen, reticular, and elastic fibrils." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-synonym: "bulbus arteriosus media" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005067
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000173 ! bulbus arteriosus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005068
-name: bulbus arteriosus inner layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Composed of subendothelium with longitudinally oriented collagen, reticular fibrils, elastic fibers, and smooth muscle cells bound by a thin endothelial layer." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-synonym: "bulbus arteriosus intima" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005068
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000173 ! bulbus arteriosus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005069
-name: sinoatrial node
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue containing 3 and 30 cells in dorsal right quadrant of atrium that initiate heart beat." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101115-23]
-xref: TAO:0005069
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005601 ! sinoatrial ring
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005070
-name: atrioventricular node
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The portion of tissue in the atrioventricular canal that slows impulse propagation between the atrium and cardiac ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060227-6]
-synonym: "AV node" EXACT []
-synonym: "downstream pacemaker" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005070
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005073 ! atrioventricular ring
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001315 ! atrioventricular canal
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005071
-name: distal conduction system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Appears to be mammalian due to exact synonym His-Perkinje system, which doesn't have an exact analog in fish (or frogs). PMID:22984480 PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e44231.
-synonym: "His-Purkinje system" EXACT []
-synonym: "His-Purkinji network" EXACT []
-synonym: "HPS" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005071
-is_obsolete: true
-consider: ZFA:0005059
-id: ZFA:0005072
-name: endocardial ring
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A portion of endocardial tissue that is part of the atrioventricular ring." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005072
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001320 ! endocardium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005073 ! atrioventricular ring
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0005073
-name: atrioventricular ring
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A ring of conduction tissue that forms in the atrioventricular canal." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060227-6]
-synonym: "AV ring" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005073
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001315 ! atrioventricular canal
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0005074
-name: central cardiac conduction system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cardiac conduction system, characterized by slow impulse propagation and prolonged refractory periods." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060227-6]
-xref: TAO:0005074
-is_a: ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005075
-name: peripheral cardiac conduction system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the cardiac conduction system, with rapid impulse propagation. In the zebrafish fast conduction takes place in the trabecular layer." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120927-27, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120928-25]
-synonym: "distal conduction system " RELATED []
-synonym: "ventricular fast conduction system" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120927-27]
-xref: TAO:0005075
-is_a: ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000009 ! cardiac ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005076
-name: primordial vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a portion of tissue that will develop into vasculature." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005076
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0005077
-name: vascular cord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The primordial vasculature that will develop into blood vessels by the process of tubulogenesis. The vascular cord is composed of angioblast or vascular endothelial cells in a solid linear mass called a cord. The cord then undergoes tubulogenesis to form the lumen of the vessels." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040416-1]
-xref: TAO:0005077
-is_a: ZFA:0005076 ! primordial vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0005078
-name: middle mesencephalic central artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Projects rostrally and dorsally from the AMCtA to irrigate the midportion of the midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "MMCtA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005078
-is_a: ZFA:0005020 ! central artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005079
-name: posterior mesencephalic central artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Project dorsally from BCA to irrigate the caudal part of midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "caudal mesencephalic central artery" EXACT []
-synonym: "PMCtA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005079
-is_a: ZFA:0005020 ! central artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005080
-name: anterior mesenteric artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An artery deep in the trunk that connects the dorsal aorta to the supraintestinal artery." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "AMA" EXACT []
-synonym: "rostral mesenteric artery" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005080
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005081
-name: internal carotid artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that originates as rostral extensions of the dorsal aorta and travels through the hypophyseal fossa into the cranium. The internal carotid artery splits near the hypothalamus and optic nerve to form caudal and cranial divisions." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140605-9]
-comment: Homologous to the human ICA ZDB-PUB-140605-9.
-synonym: "cranial carotid artery" EXACT []
-synonym: "ICA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005081
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001053 ! primitive internal carotid artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000097 ! carotid artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005082
-name: dorsal branch nasal ciliary artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Branch of the nasal ciliary artery (NCA) that splits off of the NCA near the lens and forms the dorsal ciliary vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "dorsal branch nasal ciliary arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005082
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005053 ! nasal ciliary artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005083
-name: ventral branch nasal ciliary artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0005083
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005053 ! nasal ciliary artery
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005084
-name: metencephalic artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "These arteries branch dorsally from both sides of the posterior communicating artery looping up to join with the opposite MtA as well as with both middle cerebral veins at the dorsal midline of the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "metencephalic arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005084
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0005085
-name: nasal artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The nasal arteries start at the internal carotid artery and travel rostrally, passing along the right and left walls of the nasal sac at the most rostral end of the head. From the nasal sac, the NA flows into the nasal veins." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "NA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005085
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0005086
-name: pectoral artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The pectoral (subclavian) arteries originate from the dorsal aorta and takes the blood outward into the fin from the paired portion of the dorsal aorta posterior to the last aortic arch Kimmel et al. 1993." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "PA" EXACT []
-synonym: "subclavian artery" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005086
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005301 ! pectoral fin blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005087
-name: pectoral vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein from the pectoral fin that drains into the ACV just cranial to the ACV-CCV junction." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "PV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005087
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005301 ! pectoral fin blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005088
-name: posterior mesenteric artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Branch ventrally from the dorsal aorta and anastomose longitudinally along the dorsal wall of the hindgut, forming the caudal part of the supraintestinal artery." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "caudal mesenteric artery" EXACT []
-synonym: "PMA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005088
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005089
-name: swim bladder artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An elaborate set of vessels that branch off caudally from the anterior mesenteric artery just after the dorsal aorta. The SBA vascular loops are located on the ventral side of the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "SBA" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005089
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005090
-name: hepatic portal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that collects blood from the small intestine, pancreas and spleen and routes it through the liver." [GOC:cvs,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "HPV" EXACT []
-synonym: "primary hepatic portal vein" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005090
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005035 ! subintestinal vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005091
-name: hepatic sinusoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Wide thin-walled blood vessels in the liver. The terminal branches of the hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery empty into the sinusoids where the blood mixes. In mammals they have neither venous or arterial markers. Sinusoids are scattered throughout the parenchyma and appear small and round." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-17]
-synonym: "hepatic sinusoids" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005091
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005035 ! subintestinal vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005024 ! trunk vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005092
-name: mesencephalic vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired veins that sprout from the dorsal midline junction and dive ventrally. The mesencephalic veins are fed by the mesencephalic arteries, after 2.5 dpf, and drain into the dorsal longitudinal vessel after 5dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "MsV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005092
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005093
-name: nasal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that is fed by the nasal artery. It rises dorsally around the front of the head, draining into the ACeV and eventually into the PMBC on either side." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "NV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005093
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0005094
-name: optic choroid vascular plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0005228
-def: "Is an ocular vasculature that develops adjacent to the pigment epithelium of the eye. The optic choroid vascular plexus develops from the primitive mesencephalic artery. Initially blood enters from the mesencephalic central artery, and the dorsal ciliary vein. The plexus drains via the ophthalmic vein. The plexus supplies blood to the retina." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5]
-synonym: "choroid vasculature" EXACT []
-synonym: "CVP" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005094
-is_a: ZFA:0005933 ! mature plexus
-is_a: ZFA:0007057 ! ocular blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005229 ! optic choroid
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-id: ZFA:0005095
-name: fin vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005095
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000108 ! fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005096
-name: pectoral fin vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vasculature of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005096
-is_a: ZFA:0005095 ! fin vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005097
-name: caudal fin vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005097
-is_a: ZFA:0005095 ! fin vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005098
-name: central ray artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that is positioned in the intraray mesenchyme between the hemirays of the lepidotrichia." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031119-3]
-synonym: "central ray arteries" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005098
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005099
-name: ray vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that flanks and is just lateral to the fin ray, in the interray mesenchyme." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031119-3]
-synonym: "ray veins" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005099
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005100
-name: intervessel commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessels that travel between artery and veins or vein and vein in a single ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "intervessel comisures" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005100
-is_a: ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005101
-name: interray vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessels that travel between veins in adjacent rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "interray vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005101
-is_a: ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005102
-name: presumptive median fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stripe of tissue fated to become the median fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005102
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0005103
-name: presumptive ventral fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stripe of tissue on the ventral side of the fish, fated to become the ventral region of the median fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005103
-is_a: ZFA:0005102 ! presumptive median fin fold
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0005104
-name: presumptive dorsal fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stripe of tissue on the dorsal side of the fish, fated to become the dorsal region of the median fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005104
-is_a: ZFA:0005102 ! presumptive median fin fold
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0005105
-name: lymph vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A network of blunt ended vessels lacking direct connection to the blood vascular system. These vessels collect and drain fluids and macromolecules from interstitial spaces throughout the animal. They derive from a subpopulation of endothelial cells and have walls that are much thinner than the blood carrying vessels. The walls are mostly composed of single layer of irregularly shaped endothelial cells. Lymphatic vessels are usually classified as either superficial or deep." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130218-10]
-synonym: "lymph vessel" RELATED []
-synonym: "lymph vessels" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005105
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000385 ! lymphatic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0005106
-name: longitudinal lateral lymphatic vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "LLL" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005106
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005107
-name: pectoral lymphatic vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "PL" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005107
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005108
-name: facial lymphatic vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Probably a deep lymph vessel. This vessel was shown in ZDB-PUB-060616-13 at 5 weeks post fertilization using Berlin blue dye lymphangiography.
-synonym: "FL" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005108
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005109
-name: jugular lymphatic vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel that connects the lateral facial lymph vessel to the thoracic duct near the common cardinal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "JL" EXACT []
-synonym: "JLV" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005109
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005110
-name: thoracic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The thoracic duct is the first perfused lymphatic, located between the dorsal aorta and posterior cardinal vein." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100719-62]
-xref: TAO:0005110
-is_a: ZFA:0005296 ! axial lymph vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005605 ! lymphangioblast cord
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0005111
-name: medial forebrain bundle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tract that originates in the telencephalon lies medial to the lateral forebrain bundle and extends into the diencephalon approaching the posterior tuberal nucleus. In embryos the tract connects cells in the ventral olfactory bulb to those in the septal area." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071219-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "medial forebrain bundles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005111
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0005112
-name: dorsal lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "dorsal lateral lines" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005112
-is_a: ZFA:0001469 ! lateral line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001471 ! posterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005113
-name: dorsal lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast that is part of the dorsal lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)" [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-synonym: "neuromast dorsal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005113
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005112 ! dorsal lateral line
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0005114
-name: middle lateral line system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The middle lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the middle lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The middle lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the body that are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project to the hindbrain. The middle lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0005114
-is_a: ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005115
-name: primary posterior lateral line primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Primordium that forms the first neuromasts of the posterior lateral line. This primordium travels at 1.5-1.7 somites/hour and deposits neuromast that are polarized along the antero-posterior axis." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040319-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
-synonym: "primary posterior lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "primI" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005115
-is_a: ZFA:0001157 ! posterior lateral line primordium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001156 ! posterior lateral line placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0005116
-name: secondary posterior lateral line primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Second lateral line primordium. These primordia move at 0.2 somites/hour and deposit neuromasts that are polarized in a dorso-ventral direction." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040319-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
-synonym: "secondary posterior lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005116
-is_a: ZFA:0001157 ! posterior lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0005117
-name: anterior lateral line primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A migrating group of cells originating from an anterior lateral line placode. The primordium deposits neuromasts and interneuromasts between them during its migration." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "anterior lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005117
-is_a: ZFA:0000228 ! lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0005118
-name: middle lateral line primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A migrating group of cells originating from the middle lateral line placode. The primordium deposits neuromasts with interneuromasts between them." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "middle lateral line primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005118
-is_a: ZFA:0000228 ! lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-id: ZFA:0005119
-name: barbel primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A surface structure that will eventually grow to form a barbel. The primordium is rich in taste buds. The final location for taste buds present in the primordium is the distal tip of the mature barbel." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "barbel primordia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005119
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-id: ZFA:0005120
-name: peritoneum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The serous membrane that lines the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneum secretes serous fluid which allows free movement of the peritoneum and the intraperitoneal organs." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0005120
-is_a: ZFA:0005425 ! serous membrane
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005121
-name: middle lateral line placode
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsolateral placode that gives rise to the middle lateral line." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "middle lateral line placodes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005121
-is_a: ZFA:0001310 ! dorsolateral placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005114 ! middle lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005122
-name: dorsal axial hypoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal region of the axial hypoblast." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0005122
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001378 ! axial hypoblast
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0005123
-name: gut epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium lining the lumen of the gut." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005123
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005124
-name: intestinal epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Simple columnar epithelium that lines the intestine, sometimes pseudostratified, with absorptive brush-border cells and mucous goblet cells clearly visible." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050209-3]
-synonym: "intestine epithelium" EXACT []
-synonym: "villous epithelium" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-11]
-xref: TAO:0005124
-is_a: ZFA:0001496 ! simple columnar epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005123 ! gut epithelium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005660 ! intestinal mucosa
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005125
-name: intestinal villus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The entire digestive tract is lined by well developed villi, which are longest in the intestinal bulb and decrease progressively in size towards the caudal end of the intestine." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050209-3]
-synonym: "intestinal villi" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005125
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0005126
-name: intestinal bulb epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intestinal epithelium which lines the lumen of the intestinal bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005126
-is_a: ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001076 ! intestinal bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005127
-name: mid intestine epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intestinal epithelium which lines the lumen of the mid intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005127
-is_a: ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001323 ! mid intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005128
-name: posterior intestine epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intestinal epithelium which lines the lumen of the posterior intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005128
-is_a: ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000706 ! posterior intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005129
-name: mesentery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A double layer composed of peritoneum that attaches the visceral organs to the body wall." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005129
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005120 ! peritoneum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005130
-name: dorsal mesentery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The mesentery that originates from the dorsal side of the peritoneal cavity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005130
-is_a: ZFA:0005129 ! mesentery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005131
-name: parietal peritoneum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The peritoneum that lines the walls of the peritoneal cavity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005131
-is_a: ZFA:0005425 ! serous membrane
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005120 ! peritoneum
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005132
-name: visceral peritoneum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The part of peritoneum that is a serous membrane covers the external surfaces of most abdominal organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "tunica serosa" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005132
-is_a: ZFA:0005425 ! serous membrane
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005120 ! peritoneum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005133
-name: ventral mesentery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The mesentery that originates from the ventral side of the peritoneal cavity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005133
-is_a: ZFA:0005129 ! mesentery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005134
-name: dental epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium that is part of a developing tooth or dental organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dental epithelia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005134
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001174 ! pharyngeal epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005135
-name: primary dental epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium that surrounds a primary tooth. This epithelium is committed to formation of replacement teeth." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pharyngeal tooth epithelium" EXACT []
-synonym: "tooth epithelium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005135
-is_a: ZFA:0005134 ! dental epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005136
-name: inner dental epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Inner layer of the dental organ, composed of ameloblasts." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "ide" EXACT []
-synonym: "inner enamel epithelium" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005136
-is_a: ZFA:0005134 ! dental epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005137
-name: outer dental epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Outer layer of the dental organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "ode" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005137
-is_a: ZFA:0005134 ! dental epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005138
-name: dental organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A structure that is involved in tooth formation. A bell shape two layer epithelial structure that descends toward the ceratobranchial 5 bone, enclosing the dental mesenchyme. At later times in tooth development the cells at the apex of the bell may be involved in enameloid formation. This structure remains at the base of the erupted tooth and is the source of replacement teeth." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001208-4]
-synonym: "enamel organ" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005138
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001153 ! tooth placode
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005139
-name: dental mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesenchyme enclosed by dental organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005139
-is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005140
-name: dental papilla
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tissue of the developing tooth. It is composed of pre-odontoblast and undifferentiated mesenchyme cells and connects to the basal lamina." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pharyngeal tooth mesenchyme" EXACT []
-synonym: "tooth mesenchyme" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005140
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005139 ! dental mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005141
-name: tooth pulp
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Material in the center of the dentine of the mature tooth. In secondary teeth the pulp contains blood vessels and odontoblast." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005141
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005140 ! dental papilla
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005142
-name: enameloid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A dentine-like hypermineralized substance that covers the zebrafish tooth tip." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "enamel" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005142
-is_a: ZFA:0005623 ! odontoid tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005143
-name: dentine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mineralized collagen containing substance that forms the tooth structure. The dentine of first-generation teeth of zebrafish is entirely atubular." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001208-4]
-synonym: "dentin " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005143
-is_a: ZFA:0005623 ! odontoid tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005144
-name: ampullary nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nerve that is a branch of cranial nerve VIII and innervates the cristae ampullaris." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "ampullary nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005144
-is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000247 ! cranial nerve VIII
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005145
-name: muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue composed of contractile fibers." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005145
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000548 ! musculature system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005146
-name: area postrema
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An area of medulla oblongata, outside the blood-brain barrier. The apical terminals of the neurons are, in a strategic location either to monitor the chemical constitution of the plasma or to release neurogenic substances into the general circulation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970602-2]
-xref: TAO:0005146
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005147
-name: regenerating tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A portion of tissue that is regrowing after damage or amputation." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "regenerating tissues" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005147
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005148
-name: apical epidermal cap
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Part of the regeneration epithelium closest to the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "apical epidermal caps" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005148
-is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001389 ! regeneration epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005149
-name: distal epidermal cap
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Part of regeneration epithelium at the tip of the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "distal epidermal caps" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005149
-is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001389 ! regeneration epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005150
-name: basal regeneration epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of the wound epidermis that surrounds the blastema." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "basal wound epidermis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005150
-is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001389 ! regeneration epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0005151
-name: gold iridophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Iridescent iridophore containing gold reflecting platelets." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0005151
-is_a: ZFA:0009199 ! iridophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-03-12T12:34:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005152
-name: silver iridophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Iridescent iridophore containing silver reflecting platelets." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0005152
-is_a: ZFA:0009199 ! iridophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-03-12T12:48:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005153
-name: synovial joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a joint that is located at the point of contact of articulating bones allowing movement. The joint has a capsule containing synovial fluid surrounding the articulating bone surfaces." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "diarthrodial joints" RELATED []
-synonym: "diarthroses" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005153
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-03-12T01:31:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005154
-name: synovial fluid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of organism substance that is a clear fluid that occupies the space in synovial joints." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005154
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-03-12T01:42:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005155
-name: cartilaginous joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a joint where the ends of two bones are connected by cartilage." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "synchondrosis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005155
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-03-12T01:52:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005156
-name: fibrous joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A joint where fibrous tissue such as ligament connects two calcified tissues." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "syndesmoses" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "syndesmosis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005156
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-03-12T01:54:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005157
-name: tela chorioidea tectal ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tela chorioidea that lines the tectal ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "tela choroidea tectal ventricle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005157
-is_a: ZFA:0000447 ! tela chorioidea
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000159 ! tectal ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-02T01:30:05Z
-id: ZFA:0005158
-name: tela chorioidea fourth ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tela chorioidea that lines the fourth ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "tela choroidea fourth ventricle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005158
-is_a: ZFA:0000447 ! tela chorioidea
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000110 ! fourth ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-02T01:40:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005159
-name: tela chorioidea third ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tela chorioidea that lines the third ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "tela choroidea third ventricle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005159
-is_a: ZFA:0000447 ! tela chorioidea
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000161 ! third ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-02T02:04:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005160
-name: tela chorioidea telencephalic ventricle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tela chorioidea that lines the telencephalic ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "tela choroidea telencephalic ventricle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005160
-is_a: ZFA:0000447 ! tela chorioidea
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000696 ! telencephalic ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-02T02:20:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005161
-name: hepatic artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that supplies blood to the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005161
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-20T03:43:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005162
-name: digestive system duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ducts that transport enzymes between organs in the digestive system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005162
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-20T04:51:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005163
-name: bile canaliculus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intercellular space surrounded by the basal surface of the hepatocytes that collect bile." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-comment: Should be located in rather then part_of when we get the appropriate relation.
-xref: TAO:0005163
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:33:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005164
-name: bile ductule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Digestive system duct that collects bile from the canaliculus and transports bile through the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005164
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:39:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005165
-name: common bile duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Digestive system duct that collects bile from the hepatic bile duct and the cystic duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005165
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001100 ! hepatic duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:43:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005166
-name: cystic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct that connects the gall bladder and the common bile duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005166
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000036 ! liver and biliary system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:56:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005167
-name: hepatopancreatic ampulla
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ampulla formed by the union of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct where they enter the intestine." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070212-11, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080414-12]
-synonym: "ampulla of Vater" EXACT []
-synonym: "papilla duodeni major" RELATED []
-synonym: "papilla Vateri" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005167
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-20T05:59:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005168
-name: central vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that is central to a lobule in the liver." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005168
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-21T02:46:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005169
-name: intrahepatic bile duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct that collects bile from the bile ductules and connects to the extrahepatic bile duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005169
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-27T04:19:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005170
-name: extrahepatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bile duct that collects from the intrahepatic ducts and feeds into the common bile duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005170
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001100 ! hepatic duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-27T04:26:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005171
-name: duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A tube shaped multi-tissue structure lined with epithelial cells that collects secretions and routes them to their destination." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005171
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-27T04:45:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005172
-name: left liver lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's left side." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "1st lobe" EXACT []
-synonym: "first lobe" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005172
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-27T05:51:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005173
-name: right liver lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's right side adjacent to the gall bladder." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "2nd lobe" EXACT []
-synonym: "gall bladder lobe" EXACT []
-synonym: "second lobe" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005173
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-27T05:59:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005174
-name: ventral liver lobe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's ventral side." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "3rd lobe" EXACT []
-synonym: "third lobe" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005174
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-04-27T06:04:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005175
-name: CoPA
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An interneuron in the spinal cord. CoPA are bipolar with \"T\" shaped dorsal dendrites, have contralateral longitudinal axons that crosses the cord dorsal to the Mauthner neuron and ascends in the dorsal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-274, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "primary commissural interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005175
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T01:41:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005176
-name: CoSA
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An interneuron of the spinal cord. CoSA, have contralateral longitudinal axons that crosses the cord dorsal to the Mauthner neuron and ascends in the dorsal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "secondary commissural interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005176
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T02:07:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005177
-name: VeLD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An interneuron of the spinal cord. VeLD neurons have an ipsilateral longitudinal axon." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "V2b interneuron" RELATED []
-synonym: "ventral longitudinal interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005177
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T02:14:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005178
-name: DoLA
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An interneuron of the spinal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "dorsal longitudinal interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005178
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T02:21:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005179
-name: MiP motor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A primary motor neuron that is part of the spinal cord. The axon turns caudally and dorsally, coursing between the surface of the spinal cord and the medial surface of the axial muscles to the dorsal median septum. The MiP axon then extends dorsally to the surface of the muscle, where it turns to arborize ventrally over the lateral surface of the axial muscle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-272, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle primary motoneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005179
-is_a: ZFA:0009244 ! primary motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T04:02:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005180
-name: RoP motor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A primary motoneuron that is part of the spinal cord. The axon of the CaP motoneuron on emerging from the ventral root. At the horizontal septum, however, the RoP axon turns laterally to extend within the horizontal septum to the lateral surface of the muscle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-272, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral primary motoneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005180
-is_a: ZFA:0009244 ! primary motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T04:05:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005181
-name: VaP motor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A primary motor neuron of the spinal cord. This cell is present in slightly less than half of the trunk hemisegments. Additionally, this cell has at least 2 different fates: it may become a primary motoneuron and arborize in an exclusive muscle territory, or it may die during embryonic development." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-265, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-276]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "variable primary motoneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005181
-is_a: ZFA:0009244 ! primary motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T04:38:21Z
-id: ZFA:0005183
-name: MiD2i
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 5 with one dorsal neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The axonal projection is ipsilateral." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle dorsal 2 ipsilateral interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005183
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T05:05:22Z
-id: ZFA:0005184
-name: MiD2cl
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron, part of rhombomere 5, with one dorsal, caudal-lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The fibers pass through the lateral longitudinal fasciculus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle dorsal 2 contralateral llf interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005184
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T05:16:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005185
-name: MiD2cm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron, part of rhombomere 5, with one dorsal, caudal-medial neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The fibers pass through the medial longitudinal fasciculus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle dorsal 2 contralateral mlf interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005185
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-18T05:18:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005186
-name: CoB
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A bifurcate interneuron. It is a commissural neuron with both ascending and descending axons in the ventrolateral cord contralateral to its cell body." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.\n\nThis may be the same as CoBL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "bifurcate commissural interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005186
-is_a: ZFA:0005231 ! bifurcate interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T11:38:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005187
-name: MiM1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 4, with one medial neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle medial interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005187
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T12:31:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005188
-name: MiR1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 4 with one rostral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle rostral 1 interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005188
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T12:33:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005189
-name: MiR2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 5 with one rostral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle rostral 2 interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005189
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T12:40:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005190
-name: MiV1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 4 with six ventral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle ventral 1 neuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005190
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T01:10:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005191
-name: MiV2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 5 with five ventral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle ventral 2 neuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005191
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000823 ! rhombomere 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T01:15:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005192
-name: RoI2C
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with two intermediate-caudal neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral intermediate 2 caudal interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005192
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T02:39:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005193
-name: RoI2R
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with one intermediate-rostral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral intermediate 2 rostral interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005193
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T03:08:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005194
-name: RoL1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 1 with twelve neurons in each hemi-rhombomere. Axon runs in the dorsal spinal cord. The RoL1 stem axon projects ipsilaterally along the brain stem and spinal cord. From the more lateral location of its spinal axon, RoL1's collaterals projected both ventrally and medially. The branching of RoL1 collaterals within the medulla, occur at multiple levels." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030319-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-comment: May have 12 neurons in each hemi rhombomere ZDB-PUB-060217-9.\n7 neurons in each hemi rhombomere 080227-17 and 931014-770.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral lateral 1 interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005194
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-23T03:22:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005195
-name: MiD3cl
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron, part of rhombomere 6, with one caudal-lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The fibers pass through the lateral longitudinal fasciculus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle dorsal 3 contralateral llf interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005195
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-22T05:10:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005196
-name: MiD3cm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron, part of rhombomere 6, with one caudal-medial neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The fibers pass through the medial longitudinal fasciculus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle dorsal 3 contralateral mlf interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005196
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-22T05:13:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005197
-name: MiD3i
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 6 with one dorsal neuron in each hemi-rhombomere. The axonal projection is ipsilateral." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "middle dorsal 3 ipsilateral interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005197
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000069 ! rhombomere 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-22T05:15:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005198
-name: RoL2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with 4 lateral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral lateral 2 interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005198
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-26T04:33:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005199
-name: RoL2r
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The rostral RoL2 interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral lateral 2 rostral interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005199
-is_a: ZFA:0005198 ! RoL2
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-26T04:48:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005200
-name: RoL2c
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The caudal RoL2 interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral lateral 2 caudal interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005200
-is_a: ZFA:0005198 ! RoL2
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-26T04:49:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005201
-name: RoL3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 3 with 1 lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral lateral 3 interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005201
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-26T05:06:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005202
-name: RoM1c
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 1 with one medial-caudal neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral medial 1 caudal interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005202
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-26T05:08:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005203
-name: RoM1r
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 1 with one medial-rostral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral medial 1 rostral interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005203
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001031 ! rhombomere 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-26T05:09:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005204
-name: RoV3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 3 with three ventral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral ventral 3 interneuron " EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:14:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005205
-name: RoM2l
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with one medial-lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral medial 2 lateral interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005205
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:43:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005206
-name: RoM2m
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 2 with one medial neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral medial 2 medial interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005206
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000822 ! rhombomere 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:45:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005207
-name: RoM3l
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 3 with one lateral neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral medial 3 lateral interneuron " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005207
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:46:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005208
-name: RoM3m
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 32 with two medial neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rostral medial 3 medial interneuron " RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005208
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-06-29T02:52:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005209
-name: hindbrain interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a CNS interneuron that is part of the hindbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0005209
-is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-08T10:21:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005210
-name: midbrain interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS interneurons located in the midbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0005210
-is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-08T11:14:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005211
-name: MeL
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Midbrain interneuron in the lateral midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-758]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesencephalon lateral interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005211
-is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-08T12:35:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005212
-name: MeM
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Midbrain interneuron located in the medial midbrain. Neuron bodies are part of a cluster." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-758]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesencephalon medial interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005212
-is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-08T01:05:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005213
-name: MeLr
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Midbrain interneuron at the rostral position in the lateral midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesencephalon lateral rostral interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005213
-is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-08T01:26:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005214
-name: MeLc
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Midbrain interneuron at the caudal position in the lateral midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesencephalon lateral caudal interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005214
-is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-08T01:29:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005215
-name: MeLm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Midbrain interneuron at the medial position in the lateral midbrain." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesencephalon lateral medial interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005215
-is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:21:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005216
-name: MeM1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Midbrain interneuron located in the medial midbrain. The neuron body is positioned away from the MeM cluster." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-9]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesencephalon medial 1 interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005216
-is_a: ZFA:0005210 ! midbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:23:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005217
-name: CaV
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 7, with 2 ventral neurons in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "caudal ventral interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005217
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:33:31Z
-id: ZFA:0005218
-name: CaD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hindbrain interneuron that is part of rhombomere 7, with 1 dorsal neuron in each hemi-rhombomere." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "caudal dorsal interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005218
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000949 ! rhombomere 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:42:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005219
-name: choroid plexus vascular circuit
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial vasculature where the posterior cerebral veins and the trans-choroid plexus branch form a circuit around the 4th ventricle choroid plexus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080908-11]
-synonym: "choroid vascular circuit" RELATED []
-synonym: "CVC" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005219
-is_a: ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T02:58:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005220
-name: larval melanophore stripe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A melanophore stripe that forms the immature pigment pattern." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0005220
-is_a: ZFA:0001463 ! melanophore stripe
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T03:59:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005221
-name: dorsal larval melanophore stripe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A larval melanophore stripe that forms a band extending from the head to the tail along the dorsal apex of the myotomes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0005221
-is_a: ZFA:0005220 ! larval melanophore stripe
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:04:10Z
-id: ZFA:0005222
-name: ventral larval melanophore stripe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A larval melanophore stripe that forms a band, of pigmentation extending from the bases of the eyes on each side of the midline to the top of the tail, that underlies the myotomes bilaterally, still is dorsal to the yolk." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0005222
-is_a: ZFA:0005220 ! larval melanophore stripe
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:05:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005223
-name: lateral larval melanophore stripe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The larval melanophore stripe that is at the level of the horizontal myoseptum." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0005223
-is_a: ZFA:0005220 ! larval melanophore stripe
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:29:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005224
-name: yolk larval melanophore stripe
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The larval melanophore stripe that forms a band over the ventral surface of the yolk sac." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]
-xref: TAO:0005224
-is_a: ZFA:0005220 ! larval melanophore stripe
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:30:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005225
-name: lower lip
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lip that covers the lower portion of the mouth." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002060
-is_a: ZFA:0007006 ! lip
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:42:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005226
-name: upper lip
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lip that covers the upper portion of the mouth." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001970
-is_a: ZFA:0007006 ! lip
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:43:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005227
-name: protoneuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A group of about 20 cells deposited by the migrating lateral line primordium. A few hours after deposition these cells mature to form the neuromast." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070907-34, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080630-20]
-synonym: "immature neuromast" RELATED []
-synonym: "proto neuromast" RELATED []
-synonym: "proto-neuromast" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005227
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-09T04:49:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005229
-name: optic choroid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A portion of tissue that contains the choroid vasculature. It lies at the back of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:1402070861, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "choroid" EXACT [ISBN:1402070861]
-xref: TAO:0005229
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005567 ! posterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-14T02:05:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005230
-name: CoBL
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A bifurcate interneuron where the axon projects ventrally, crossing the spinal cord ventral to the Mauthner axons before bifurcating and extending dorsally." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "commissural bifurcating longitudinal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005230
-is_a: ZFA:0005231 ! bifurcate interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-17T01:12:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005231
-name: bifurcate interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a spinal interneuron that has an axon that splits into roughly equal size branches." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0005231
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-17T01:22:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005232
-name: MCoD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A multipolar interneuron with branching dendrites. The axon extend ventrally, lateral to the Mauthner axons before crossing the cord and descending ventrally." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "larval VeLD" RELATED []
-synonym: "multipolar commissural descending interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005232
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-17T03:46:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005233
-name: CiD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A interneuron of the spinal cord with an ipsilateral axon that extends ventral to the Mauthner axon then turns dorsally and caudally and sometimes has a minor ascending branch." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "circumferential descending interneuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "commissural descending interneurons" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-2]
-synonym: "V2a interneuron" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005233
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-17T03:55:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005234
-name: CoLA
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A spinal interneuron with a dorsal dendrite that extends caudally. CoLA also has midlateral process that extend rostrally and caudally, the axon crosses the cord dorsal to the Mauthner cell and ascends, extending dorsally. Axon has minor descending branch." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "commissural longitudinal ascending interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005234
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-17T04:14:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005235
-name: UCoD
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A unipolar spinal interneuron that forms dendritic trunk laterally with extensive dendritic branching. The axon extends ventrally, lateral to the Mauthner axons before crssoing the cord and descending ventrally." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010807-17]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "unipolar commissural descending interneuron" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005235
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-07-17T04:26:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005236
-name: basophilic erythroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A nucleated immature erythrocyte, having cytoplasm generally similar to that of the earlier proerythroblast but sometimes even more basophilic, and usually regular in outline. The nucleus is still relatively large, but the chromatin strands are thicker and more deeply staining, giving a coarser appearance; the nucleoli have disappeared." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "basophilic normoblast" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-synonym: "early erythroblast" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-synonym: "early normoblast" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-synonym: "prorubricyte" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-xref: CL:0000549
-xref: TAO:0005236
-is_a: ZFA:0005237 ! erythroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-10T05:29:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005237
-name: erythroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A nucleated precursor of an erythrocyte." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "normoblast" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000765
-xref: TAO:0005237
-is_a: ZFA:0009325 ! erythroid lineage cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-10T05:13:41Z
-id: ZFA:0005238
-name: juxtaglomerular cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A smooth muscle cell that synthesizes, stores, and secretes the enzyme renin. This cell type are located in the wall of the afferent arteriole at the entrance to the glomerulus. While having a different origin than other kidney smooth muscle cells, this cell type expresses smooth muscle actin upon maturation." [GOC:cvs, GOC:tfm, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:11457727]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "kidney granular cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "renin secreting cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000648
-xref: TAO:0005238
-is_a: ZFA:0009118 ! smooth muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-10T05:41:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005239
-name: micropylar cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a specialized pore forming cell of the follicle, located adjacent to the animal pole of the oocyte. The micropylar cell makes the single micropyle (pore) through the chorion through which the sperm fertilizes the egg." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080630-14]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "plug cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0007022
-xref: TAO:0005239
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001110 ! ovarian follicle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-10T06:26:10Z
-id: ZFA:0005240
-name: Kolmer-Agduhr neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Kolmer-Agduhr neurons are ciliated GABAergic neurons that contact the central canal of the spinal cord and have ipsilateral ascending axons. KA neurons are the dorsal population of CSF-cNs that originate from pMN. The apical extension of dorsal CSF-cNs is more extended along the border of the central canal than for ventral CSF-cNs. Dorsal CSF-cNs contact V0-v cells and project onto CoPA sensory interneuron and respond to lateral bending of the spinal cord." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080825-21, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "dorsal CSF-cN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-synonym: "dorsal CSF-cNs" EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-synonym: "KA cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "KA interneuron" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-041115-5]
-synonym: "KA neuron" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980624-10]
-synonym: "Kolmer-Agduhr cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0005007
-xref: TAO:0005240
-is_a: ZFA:0007120 ! cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-11T02:50:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005241
-name: polychromatophilic erythroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A nucleated, immature erythrocyte in which the nucleus occupies a relatively smaller part of the cell than in its precursor, the basophilic erythroblast. The cytoplasm is beginning to acquire hemoglobin and thus is no longer a purely blue color, but takes on an acidophilic tint, which becomes progressively more marked as the cell matures. The chromatin of the nucleus is arranged in coarse, deeply staining clumps." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "intermediate erythroblast" EXACT []
-synonym: "intermediate normoblast" RELATED []
-synonym: "polychromatic erythroblast" EXACT []
-synonym: "polychromatic normoblast" EXACT []
-synonym: "polychromatophilic normoblast" RELATED []
-synonym: "rubricyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000550
-xref: TAO:0005241
-is_a: ZFA:0005237 ! erythroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-11T03:38:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005242
-name: multi-ciliated epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009377
-def: "A ciliated epithelial cell with many cilia." [CL:Curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "multiciliated epithelial cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0005012
-xref: TAO:0005242
-is_a: ZFA:0009035 ! ciliated epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-11T04:29:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005243
-name: single ciliated epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009378
-def: "A ciliated epithelial cell with a single cilium." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "single-ciliated epithelial cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0005013
-xref: TAO:0005243
-is_a: ZFA:0009035 ! ciliated epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-11T04:30:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005244
-name: auditory epithelial support cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-sensory cell that extends from the basement membrane to the apical surface of the auditory epithelium and provides support for auditory hair cells." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "auditory support cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0005014
-xref: TAO:0005244
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-11T04:41:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005245
-name: xanthoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0005330
-def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a xanthophore." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005002
-xref: TAO:0002148
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-11T04:53:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005246
-name: regeneration fibroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a fibroblast that differentiates from the de-differentiated cells of the blastema." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "blastemal fibroblast" EXACT []
-synonym: "blastemal fibroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005246
-is_a: ZFA:0009026 ! fibroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-12T01:43:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005247
-name: CiA
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Interneurons of the spinal cord that arise from the V1 proliferation domain. The CiA neurons inhibit motoneurons, other ventral interneurons and also inhibit dorsal sensory neurons involved in sensory gating,. CiA have ipsilateral axonal projections in both motor and sensory regions of spinal cord." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040625-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060418-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "circumferential ascending interneuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "V1 interneuron" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005247
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-08-21T04:22:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005248
-name: trans-choroid plexus branch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein segment that connects the PCeVs in the choroid plexus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080908-10]
-synonym: "TCB" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080908-10]
-xref: TAO:0005248
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005027 ! posterior cerebral vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005219 ! choroid plexus vascular circuit
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-02T04:07:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005249
-name: vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the organism." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001079
-xref: TAO:0005249
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-10T02:31:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005250
-name: capillary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Microvessel of the blood circulation system lined with vascular endothelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005250
-is_a: ZFA:0005251 ! microcirculatory vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:15:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005251
-name: microcirculatory vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A portion of tissue that consists of a tube composed of epithelial cells that connects larger vessels." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "vasculature" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005251
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:16:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005252
-name: lymphatic capillary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Microvessel of the lymphatic system lined with a single layer of overlapping endothelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005252
-is_a: ZFA:0005251 ! microcirculatory vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:27:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005253
-name: renal glomerular capsule epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Simple squamous epithelium that lines the capsule of the renal glomerulus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "parietal epithelial layer" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005253
-is_a: ZFA:0001498 ! simple squamous epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005254 ! renal glomerular capsule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:39:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005254
-name: renal glomerular capsule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that encapsulates the glomerulus of the renal corpuscle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "Bowman's capsule " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005254
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:45:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005255
-name: arteriole
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure part of the blood vasculature. Feeds into capillaries. Arterioles carry blood away from the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002138
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T01:46:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005256
-name: intervillus pockets
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A portion of tissue formed between the base of the intestinal villi that is part of the intestinal epithelium where intestinal stem cells are located. In the intestine no crypts are present, but, the regions between the villi, the intervillus pockets, have a crypt-like function. Cells are produced in the intervillus pockets and shed from the villus tips." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050209-3]
-synonym: "intestinal crypt" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-11]
-xref: TAO:0005256
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T12:26:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005257
-name: blood vessel endothelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The vascular endothelium that lines blood vasculature." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005257
-is_a: ZFA:0001639 ! vascular endothelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:16:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005258
-name: lymph vessel endothelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The vascular endothelium that lines the lymph vessels." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005258
-is_a: ZFA:0001639 ! vascular endothelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:18:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005259
-name: continuous blood vessel endothelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel endothelium that has tight junctions between the endothelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005259
-is_a: ZFA:0005257 ! blood vessel endothelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:19:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005260
-name: fenestrated blood vessel endothelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel endothelium that has pores that allow passage small molecules and proteins." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005260
-is_a: ZFA:0005257 ! blood vessel endothelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:21:55Z
-id: ZFA:0005261
-name: sinusoidal blood vessel endothelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fenestrated blood vessel endothelium with pores that are large enough for blood cells to pass. The basal lamina and gap junctions may be discontinuous." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005261
-is_a: ZFA:0005260 ! fenestrated blood vessel endothelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:51:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005262
-name: caudal fin dorsal procurrent ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal procurrent ray that is dorsally located on the caudal fin skeleton. There are 6 dorsal procurrent rays in the caudal fin." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal procurrent caudal-fin ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001829
-is_a: ZFA:0001584 ! caudal fin procurrent ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-02T02:06:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005263
-name: caudal fin ventral procurrent ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal procurrent ray that is ventrally located on the caudal fin skeleton. There are 5 ventral procurrent rays in the caudal fin." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "ventral procurrent ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001830
-is_a: ZFA:0001584 ! caudal fin procurrent ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-02T02:13:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005264
-name: primordial ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects the maxilla with the lower jaw." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "articular-maxillary ligament " EXACT [doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1964.tb00493.x]
-synonym: "ligamentum primordiale " EXACT []
-synonym: "maxillo-mandibular ligament" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001828
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-02T02:28:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005265
-name: premaxillary-maxillary ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects the premaxilla to the maxilla." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001827
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-02T02:52:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005266
-name: dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: The DLF in zebrafish is not homologous to the Mammalian DLF. Mammalian DLF is in brain, the fish DLF is in spinal cord.
-synonym: "DLF" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0000318 ! brainstem and spinal white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-02T04:19:10Z
-id: ZFA:0005267
-name: erector muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle that moves parts of the body in a superior direction to an erect position. Antagonistic to depressor muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005267
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-03T05:15:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005268
-name: adductor muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle that brings a body part closer to the sagittal plane of the body." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002136
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-04T12:59:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005269
-name: abductor muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle that moves a body part away from the sagittal plane of the body." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002135
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-04T01:05:41Z
-id: ZFA:0005270
-name: depressor muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle that moves body parts into an inferior direction or lowered position. Antagonistic to erector muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005270
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-04T01:15:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005271
-name: flexor muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A muscle that decrease the angle of a joint." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005271
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-04T01:20:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005272
-name: immature gonad
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Immature reproductive tissue that has not undergone final maturation into either testis or ovary. During gonadal development, the gonad may be transiently intersexual where there is a parallel presence of both oocytes and spermatocytes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070305-2]
-synonym: "juvenile gonad" EXACT []
-synonym: "juvenile ovary" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070305-2]
-xref: TAO:0005272
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001262 ! gonad primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2009-12-09T11:35:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005273
-name: intestinal mucosal muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A thin layer of smooth muscle immediately beneath the base of the villi which permits the intestinal mucosa to dynamically move and fold." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090217-11]
-synonym: "intestinal lamina muscularis mucosae" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005273
-is_a: ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T01:36:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005274
-name: smooth muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-striated muscle that is composed of spindle-shaped cells. Smooth muscle usually is organized into sheets that line cavitated organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005274
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T02:57:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005275
-name: arrector muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin muscle that is located on the anterior edge of the fin. Arrector muscles change the angle of the leading edge of the fin during swimming." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002147
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T04:50:10Z
-id: ZFA:0005276
-name: inclinator muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-xref: TAO:0005276
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T04:51:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005277
-name: skeletal muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle, composed of long cylindrical, multinucleated cells that attaches to the skeleton via tendons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005277
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T05:06:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005278
-name: enteric longitudinal muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Smooth muscle of the enteric muscle system in which the cells are aligned parallel to the lumen of the gut." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001324 ! enteric musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T05:48:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005279
-name: enteric circular muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Smooth muscle of the enteric muscle system in which the cells are aligned perpendicular to the lumen of the gut." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005279
-is_a: ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001324 ! enteric musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T05:51:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005280
-name: cardiac muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle composed of cardiac muscle cells that is part of the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005280
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-07T06:04:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005281
-name: renal corpuscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The part of the nephron that filters blood." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "Malpighian corpuscle" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005281
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005282 ! nephron
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T01:11:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005282
-name: nephron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Functional unit of the kidney that filters waste." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002153
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T02:47:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005283
-name: renal capsular space
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Space between the renal glomerulus and the glomerular capsule. Renal filtrate collects here then passes into the renal tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "Bowman's space" EXACT []
-synonym: "inter-glomerular space" EXACT []
-synonym: "urinary space" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005283
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T02:51:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005284
-name: glomerular capillary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Capillary that is part of the renal glomerulus. Glomerular capillary endothelial membranes in zebrafish normally have a fenestrated morphology that is visible at the ultrastructural level." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000824-1]
-xref: TAO:0005284
-is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001288 ! renal glomerulus
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005305 ! kidney vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005590 ! capillary loop nephron
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:00:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005285
-name: glomerular basement membrane
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Membrane between the mesonephric podocytes and the renal glomerular capillaries. It is a trilaminar structure composed of the fused basement membranes of the glomerular capillaries and basement membrane of the podocytes. The capillary membranes touch the GBM at contact points that are separated by pores. The membrane is semi-permeable allowing water and small molecules to pass into the renal capsular space." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000824-1]
-synonym: "glomerular filtration membrane" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005285
-is_a: ZFA:0001485 ! basal lamina
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001288 ! renal glomerulus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:26:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005286
-name: lamina densa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Middle layer of the glomerular basement membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005286
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005285 ! glomerular basement membrane
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:52:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005287
-name: lamina rara interna
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of the glomerular basement membrane adjacent to the glomerular capillary." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005287
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005285 ! glomerular basement membrane
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:56:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005288
-name: lamina rara externa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of the glomerular basement membrane adjacent to the podocytes and capsular space." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005288
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005285 ! glomerular basement membrane
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T03:56:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005289
-name: renal duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tubes in the kidney that collect and transport urine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9]
-xref: TAO:0005289
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-19T04:36:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005290
-name: proximal convoluted tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Renal tubule that connects to the renal corpuscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005290
-is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T12:39:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005291
-name: proximal straight tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the renal tubule which is just posterior to the proximal convoluted tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005291
-is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T12:41:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005292
-name: distal late tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the renal tubule which is just posterior to the distal early tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005292
-is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T12:43:22Z
-id: ZFA:0005293
-name: distal early tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the renal tubule which is just posterior to the proximal straight tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "distal early tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005293
-is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T12:44:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005294
-name: collecting duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Renal duct that collects the output from renal tubules." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005294
-is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T01:17:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005295
-name: axial blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel that runs along the rostral-caudal axis of the fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005295
-is_a: ZFA:0001073 ! axial vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:24:10Z
-id: ZFA:0005296
-name: axial lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel that runs along the rostral-caudal axis of the fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001073 ! axial vasculature
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:24:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005297
-name: cranial blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel part of cranial vasculature." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005297
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:25:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005298
-name: cranial lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel that is located in the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005298
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:25:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005299
-name: fin blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel part of fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005299
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005095 ! fin vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:52:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005300
-name: fin lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel part of fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005300
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005095 ! fin vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:53:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005301
-name: pectoral fin blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel part of pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005301
-is_a: ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005096 ! pectoral fin vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:54:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005302
-name: pectoral fin lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel part of pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005302
-is_a: ZFA:0005300 ! fin lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005096 ! pectoral fin vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:54:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005303
-name: caudal fin lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel that is located in the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005303
-is_a: ZFA:0005300 ! fin lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005097 ! caudal fin vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:55:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005304
-name: caudal fin blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel located within the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005304
-is_a: ZFA:0005299 ! fin blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005097 ! caudal fin vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T02:55:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005305
-name: kidney vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the kidney." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005305
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T03:02:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005306
-name: kidney blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel part of kidney." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005306
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005305 ! kidney vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T03:02:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005307
-name: afferent glomerular arteriole
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Arteriole that carries blood into the glomerular capillaries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002139
-is_a: ZFA:0005255 ! arteriole
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005305 ! kidney vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T03:02:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005308
-name: efferent glomerular arteriole
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Arteriole that carries blood out of the glomerular capillaries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002140
-is_a: ZFA:0005255 ! arteriole
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005281 ! renal corpuscle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005305 ! kidney vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-20T03:05:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005309
-name: pronephric glomerular capillary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Capillary that is part of the pronephric glomerulus. Glomerular capillary endothelial membranes in zebrafish normally have a fenestrated morphology that is visible at the ultrastructural level." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000824-1]
-xref: TAO:0005309
-is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001557 ! pronephric glomerulus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:29:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005310
-name: pronephric glomerular capsule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that encapsulates the glomerulus of the pronephros." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "Bowman's capsule " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005310
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:39:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005311
-name: pronephric glomerular capsule epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Simple squamous epithelium that lines the capsule of the pronephric glomerulus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "pronephric parietal epithelial layer" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005311
-is_a: ZFA:0001498 ! simple squamous epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005310 ! pronephric glomerular capsule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:40:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005312
-name: pronephric capsular space
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Space between the pronephric glomerulus and the pronephric glomerular capsule. Renal filtrate collects here then passes into the pronephric tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "Bowman's space" EXACT []
-synonym: "inter-glomerular space" EXACT []
-synonym: "urinary space" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005312
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000151 ! pronephros
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:41:05Z
-id: ZFA:0005313
-name: pronephric glomerular basement membrane
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Membrane between the pronephric podocytes and the pronephric glomerular capillaries. It is a trilaminar structure composed of the fused basement membranes of the glomerular capillaries and basement membrane of the podocytes. The capillary membranes touch the GBM at contact points that are separated by pores. The membrane is semi-permeable allowing water and small molecules to pass into the renal capsular space." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000824-1]
-synonym: "pronephric glomerular filtration membrane" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005313
-is_a: ZFA:0001485 ! basal lamina
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001557 ! pronephric glomerulus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-29T11:59:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005314
-name: blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Any of the tubular multi-tissue structures through which blood circulates in the body." [vHOG:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002137
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-29T02:17:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005315
-name: venule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure part of the blood vasculature formed by the anastomosis of capillaries. Venules carry blood toward the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005315
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-01-29T03:29:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005316
-name: fin fold pectoral fin bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin fold of the pectoral fin bud, resulting from mesenchyme migration into the apical fold." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001101-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990210-18]
-synonym: "fin membrane pectoral fin bud" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005316
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000085 ! apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000141 ! pectoral fin bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-10T02:37:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005317
-name: pectoral fin fold
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The functional webs of the paired fins. They arise as a consequence of apical fold (AER) expansion and of migration of the distal mesenchyme. The fin folds are delimited by a dorsal and a ventral striated epidermis. The cells of the epidermal basal stratum are positioned on a basement membrane. Directly beneath the basement membrane of each side there is an array of actinotrichs, fibers of the extracellular matrix which act as supportive elements of the larval fin folds." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990210-18]
-synonym: "pectoral fin membrane" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005317
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005316 ! fin fold pectoral fin bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-10T03:27:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005318
-name: lymph node
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Does not exist in teleosts. Menke, A.L., Spitsbergen, J.M., Wolterbeek, A.P., and Woutersen, R.A. (2011) Normal Anatomy and Histology of the Adult Zebrafish. Toxicol. Pathol. 39(5): 759-775.
-xref: TAO:0005318
-is_obsolete: true
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-10T03:44:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005319
-name: intersegmental lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel that is located between the somites." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "islv" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005319
-is_a: ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-10T05:28:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005320
-name: dorsal longitudinal lymphatic vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "dllv" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005320
-is_a: ZFA:0005296 ! axial lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-10T05:29:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005321
-name: vascular smooth muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Smooth muscle that is part of the blood vessel wall." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060216-3]
-xref: TAO:0005321
-is_a: ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-10T05:39:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005322
-name: renal principal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009373
-def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell of the kidney which regulates sodium and potassium balance. The activity of sodium and potassium channels on the cells apical membrane is regulated by aldosterone and vasopressin. In mammals these cells are located in the renal collecting ducts." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005009
-xref: TAO:0005322
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009374 ! kidney epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-10T06:32:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005323
-name: ionocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Specialized epithelial cells involved in the maintenance of osmotic homeostasis. They are characterized by abundant mitochondria and ion transporters. In amniotes, they are present in the renal system. In freshwater fish, ionocytes in the skin and gills help maintain osmotic homeostasis by absorbing salt from the external environment." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070625-18, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090310-19]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005006
-xref: TAO:0005323
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007123 ! ionocyte progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T01:18:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005324
-name: gill ionocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ionocyte located in the gills." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: TAO:0005324
-is_a: ZFA:0005323 ! ionocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000354 ! gill
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T01:22:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005325
-name: integument ionocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ionocyte located in the integument during embryonic and larval stages." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "extrabranchial ionocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "skin ionocyte" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005325
-is_a: ZFA:0005323 ! ionocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T02:13:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005326
-name: NaK ionocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Integument ionocyte rich in Na,K-ATPase." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "NaK-MRC" RELATED []
-synonym: "NaR cell" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005326
-is_a: ZFA:0005325 ! integument ionocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T02:29:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005327
-name: vH ionocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Integument ionocyte rich in vacuolar-type H+ ATPase and carbonic anhydrase." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "HR cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "VH-MRC" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005327
-is_a: ZFA:0005325 ! integument ionocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T02:32:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005328
-name: iridoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into an iridophore." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005001
-xref: TAO:0005328
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:51:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005329
-name: leucoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a leucophore." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005003
-xref: TAO:0005329
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:51:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005331
-name: pigment erythroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into an erythrophore." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005004
-xref: TAO:0005331
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:51:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005332
-name: cyanoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a cyanophore." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005005
-xref: TAO:0005332
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:51:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005333
-name: tongue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A multi-tissue mediosagittal cylinder-shaped structure, clearly isolated from the jaw and adhered by differentiated plicae to the lateral walls. It is composed of a muscle surrounded by a squamous epithelium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091204-24]
-xref: TAO:0005333
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000547 ! mouth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T03:04:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005334
-name: lip epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The thick, high squamous-stratified epithelium that covers the lips. It contains abundant melanocytes, many mucous cells and has well differentiated taste buds." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12]
-xref: TAO:0005334
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007006 ! lip
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T03:12:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005335
-name: swim bladder bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Embryonic structure that forms from the anterior gut epithelium at the level of the second somite that then matures to form the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090511-18, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-11]
-xref: TAO:0005335
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005336 ! presumptive swim bladder
-relationship: end ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T03:59:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005336
-name: presumptive swim bladder
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the gut endoderm that will eventually develop into the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090511-18]
-synonym: "swim bladder anlage" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-11]
-xref: TAO:0005336
-is_a: ZFA:0001116 ! presumptive structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T04:20:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005337
-name: anterior swim bladder bud
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that forms from the swim bladder epithelium at the anterior end of the swim bladder." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090511-18]
-xref: TAO:0002145
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000076 ! swim bladder
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T04:28:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005338
-name: posterior recess
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior protrusion of the third ventricle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "posterior recess of diencephalic ventricle" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27]
-synonym: "recessus posterior " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-xref: TAO:0005338
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000161 ! third ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T05:40:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005339
-name: nucleus of the lateral recess
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a diencephalic nucleus located in the caudal periventricular hypothalamus surrounding the lateral recess of the third ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27]
-xref: TAO:0005339
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000324 ! caudal periventricular hypothalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T05:52:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005340
-name: nucleus of the posterior recess
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A diencephalic nucleus that is part of caudal periventricular hypothalmus surrounding the posterior recess of the third ventricle." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27]
-xref: TAO:0005340
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000324 ! caudal periventricular hypothalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T05:59:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005341
-name: medial longitudinal catecholaminergic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter tract, major catecholaminergic tract that originates in the diencephalon, passes the locus coeruleus and projects through the hindbrain into the spinal cord. Dopaminergic neurons of the posterior tuberculum and lateral hypothalamus provide the predominant contribution to descending mlct projections." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
-synonym: "medial longitudinal CA tract" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
-synonym: "mlct" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005341
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T06:07:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005342
-name: anterior catecholaminergic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter, an axonal tract between ventral diencephalon and ventral telencephalon. At 3 d, the anterior catecholaminergic tract includes noradrenergic projections from the hindbrain and dopaminergic projections from ventral dopaminergic neurons. During later development, other catecholaminergic projections may also contribute to the anterior catecholaminergic tract." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
-xref: TAO:0002144
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T06:11:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005343
-name: endohypothalamic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter, axonal tract interconnecting catecholaminergic cell groups in the posterior tuberculum and hypothalamus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
-xref: TAO:0005343
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T06:13:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005344
-name: preopticohypothalamic tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS white matter, axonal tract between the preoptic region and ventral diencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-28]
-xref: TAO:0005344
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-18T06:14:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005345
-name: adipose tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Connective tissue in which fat is stored. All adipose tissue in the zebrafish is white adipose tissue and is comprised of adipocytes, stroma, macrophages and vasculature. Mature adipocytes express adipokines, such as adipsin, adiponectin, and leptin so white adipose tissue is considered an endocrine organ. The connective tissue is loose and infiltrated by a vascular network." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
-synonym: "white adipose tissue" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002134
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-19T10:04:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005346
-name: extrapancreatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the pancreatic duct, external to the pancreas body that connects the pancreas with the hepatopancreatic ampulla." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-xref: TAO:0005346
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001372 ! pancreatic duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-03-19T03:17:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005347
-name: vertebra 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 4." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001732
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:13:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005348
-name: vertebra 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 5." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001980
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:31:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005349
-name: vertebra 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 6." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001981
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:31:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005350
-name: vertebra 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 7." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0001982
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:32:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005351
-name: vertebra 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 8." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0002149
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:32:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005352
-name: vertebra 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 11. May have hemal arch and rib." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020807-1]
-xref: TAO:0002152
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:33:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005353
-name: vertebra 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 9." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0002150
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:33:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005354
-name: vertebra 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 10." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0002151
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T04:34:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005355
-name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "First lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin ray 1 " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001754
-is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:26:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005356
-name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Second lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin ray 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001755
-is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:28:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005357
-name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Third lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin ray 3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001756
-is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:28:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005358
-name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fourth lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin ray 4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001757
-is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:29:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005359
-name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fifth lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin ray 5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001758
-is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:29:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005360
-name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sixth lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin ray 6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001759
-is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:29:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005361
-name: dorsal fin lepidotrichium 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Seventh lepidotrichium of dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin ray 7" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001760
-is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:29:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005362
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "First proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001818
-is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005364 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:39:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005363
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Second proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001819
-is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005365 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:40:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005364
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is the rostralmost pterygiophore of the dorsal fin." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "dorsal fin radial 1" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002094
-is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:47:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005365
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 1 of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "dorsal fin radial 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005365
-is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:48:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005366
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 2 of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal fin radial 3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005366
-is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:48:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005367
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 3 of the dorsal fin. One of the two first radials to ossify." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal fin radial 4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005367
-is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:48:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005368
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 4 of the dorsal fin. One of the two first radials to ossify." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal fin radial 5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005368
-is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:49:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005369
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 5 of the dorsal fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal fin radial 6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005369
-is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:49:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005370
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 6 of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal fin radial 7" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005370
-is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:49:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005371
-name: dorsal fin pterygiophore 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin pterygiophore that is caudal to pterygiophore 7 of the dorsal fin. The most caudal pterygiophore of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-synonym: "dorsal fin radial 8" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005371
-is_a: ZFA:0001419 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:53:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005372
-name: dorsal fin distal radial 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "First distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005372
-is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005364 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 1
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:54:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005373
-name: dorsal fin distal radial 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Second distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005373
-is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005365 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 2
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:55:31Z
-id: ZFA:0005374
-name: dorsal fin distal radial 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Third distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005374
-is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005366 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:57:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005375
-name: dorsal fin distal radial 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fourth distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005375
-is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005367 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:57:21Z
-id: ZFA:0005376
-name: dorsal fin distal radial 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fifth distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005376
-is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005368 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:57:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005377
-name: dorsal fin distal radial 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sixth distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005377
-is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005369 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:57:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005378
-name: dorsal fin distal radial 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Seventh distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005378
-is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005370 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:58:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005379
-name: dorsal fin distal radial 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Eighth distal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005379
-is_a: ZFA:0000936 ! dorsal fin distal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005371 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:58:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005380
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Third proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005380
-is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005366 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:58:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005381
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fourth proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005381
-is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005367 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005382
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fifth proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005382
-is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005368 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005383
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sixth proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005383
-is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005369 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 6
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005384
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Seventh proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005384
-is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005370 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005385
-name: dorsal fin proximal radial 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Eighth proximal radial of the dorsal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005385
-is_a: ZFA:0000947 ! dorsal fin proximal radial
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005371 ! dorsal fin pterygiophore 8
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-22T05:59:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005386
-name: foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space that is an opening in a bone, usually for passage of blood vessels or nerves." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "foramina" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0001736
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:01:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005387
-name: foramen magnum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen in the occipital region of neurocranium to allow passage of spinal cord." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002045
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:02:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005388
-name: fossa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space that is a concavity, shallow depression, or groove on a bone." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001743
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:04:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005389
-name: gill opening
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space that is the external opening of a gill slit connecting the pharyngeal cavity to the exterior. Gill opening is usually paired and located on the lateral or ventral surfaces of the head." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002057
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:06:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005390
-name: gill ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Gill ray is a slender, usually rod-like cartilage within a gill filament and ligamentously tied to its associated pharyngeal arch bone or cartilage." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001856
-is_a: ZFA:0001460 ! pharyngeal arch cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001613 ! pharyngeal arch 3-7
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T11:17:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005391
-name: head sensory canal system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral line system on head and pectoral girdle." [TAO:WD]
-xref: TAO:0001873
-is_a: ZFA:0001468 ! anterior lateral line system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:42:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005392
-name: infraorbital sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal associated with the infraorbital bones. Located in close proximity to the otic and supraorbital sensory canals at their union. The infraorbital sensory canal is bilaterally paired. The canal has 3 pores. The first opens dorsally below the nasal sac, the second opens laterally posterior to the anterior maxilary barbel, the third pore is present where infraorbital 1 meets infraorbital 2." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0001811
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:44:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005393
-name: otic sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal between and in close proximity posteriorly with the post-otic and preoperculo-mandibular sensory canals, and anteriorly with the supraorbital and infraorbital sensory canals. The otic sensory canal is bilaterally paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001629
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:45:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005394
-name: post-otic sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal that forms dorsal to the horizontal semicircular canal of the ear. The anterior end of the canal may span or remain posterior to the pterotic-sphenotic junction. The posterior end of the postotic canal meets the temporal and supratemporal canals. The canal lies between and in close proximity to the trunk sensory canal and anteriorly with the otic and preoperculo-mandibular sensory canals. The post-otic sensory canal is bilaterally paired and when mature is fully enclosed in bone." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "postotic sensory canal" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0001619
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:45:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005395
-name: preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal lateral or ventral to and in close proximity to the otic and post-otic sensory canals at their union. The preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal is bilaterally paired and associated with the preopercle, angular and dentary bones." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001812
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T01:59:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005396
-name: supraorbital sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal contained in the nasal and frontal bones. It contains 4 or 5 neuromast. The first neuromast is positioned in the tubular nasal bone and the other neuromasts are located in the frontal bone. The canal is anterior to and in close proximity to the otic and infraorbital sensory canals. The supraorbital sensory canal is bilaterally paired." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-11]
-xref: TAO:0001810
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005391 ! head sensory canal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T02:00:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005397
-name: hyoideomandibular nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nerve that is a branch of cranial nerve VII that passes through or around the suspensorium to innervate muscles and sensory organs on or near pharyngeal arch 2." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002010
-is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000664 ! cranial nerve VII
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T02:54:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005398
-name: anal fin actinotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Actinotrichium that is part of the anal fin skeleton." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "anal fin actinotricia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000375
-is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000167 ! anal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:54:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005399
-name: anal fin lepidotrichium 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "First lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001769
-is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:57:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005400
-name: anal fin lepidotrichium 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Second lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001770
-is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:57:31Z
-id: ZFA:0005401
-name: anal fin lepidotrichium 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Third epidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001771
-is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:57:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005402
-name: anal fin lepidotrichium 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fourth lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001772
-is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:57:55Z
-id: ZFA:0005403
-name: anal fin lepidotrichium 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fifth lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001773
-is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:58:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005404
-name: anal fin lepidotrichium 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sixth lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001774
-is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:58:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005405
-name: anal fin lepidotrichium 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Seventh lepidotrichium of anal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001775
-is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T04:58:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005406
-name: anterior myodome
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fossa or chamber on anterior portion of orbital region of neurocranium that serves as attachment site for anterior extrinsic eye musculature." [TAO:curator]
-comment: Dbxref for ZFIN changed to match actual database accession number. Old Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-100614-560 correct Dbxref ZDB-ANAT-100614-60.
-xref: TAO:0001927
-is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T05:11:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005407
-name: anterior nasal barbel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Barbel that is associated with the anterior nostril. Anterior nasal barbel is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001937
-is_a: ZFA:0000622 ! barbel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T05:12:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005408
-name: maxillary barbel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Barbel that is attached to the distal end of the maxilla and that originates on the side of the mouth. Maxillary barbel is paired. Maxillary barbel has considerable range of motion, with contraction and protraction motivated by maxillary blood sinus. The maxillary barbel integument has taste buds. Capable of regeneration." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, TAO:WD, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
-synonym: "ZMB" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140813-6]
-xref: TAO:0001938
-is_a: ZFA:0000622 ! barbel
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-04-23T05:13:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005409
-name: pars superior ear
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The dorsal part of the ear. Comprises the three semicircular canals, which connect to the utricle." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0005409
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-17T10:43:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005410
-name: pars inferior ear
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The ventral portion of the ear. It contains the saccule and the lagena which are the primary auditory organs." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0005410
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-17T10:51:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005411
-name: common crus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct that forms when the nonampullary ends of the posterior and anterior semicircular canals merge. The common crus descends connecting the semicircular canals to the horizontal canal." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
-xref: TAO:0005411
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005409 ! pars superior ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-17T11:03:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005412
-name: transverse canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct that crosses the midline connecting the sacculi." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0005412
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001138 ! vestibuloauditory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-17T03:08:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005413
-name: perilymph
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of organism substance that is an extracellular fluid that has a low potassium concentration." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
-xref: TAO:0005413
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005459 ! perilymphatic space
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-17T03:11:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005414
-name: endolymph
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The portion of organism substance that is an extracellular fluid that has a high potassium and sodium concentration. It bathes the hair cells and is thought to be generated by the semicircular canal epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090731-6]
-xref: TAO:0005414
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005409 ! pars superior ear
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005410 ! pars inferior ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-17T03:11:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005415
-name: inner ear foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen in the inner ear." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0005415
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-18T11:11:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005416
-name: sacculoagenar foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Inner ear foramen that connects the lagena to the caudal half of the saccule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
-xref: TAO:0005416
-is_a: ZFA:0005415 ! inner ear foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-19T07:13:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005417
-name: utriculosaccular foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Inner ear foramen that connects the rostral saccula to the utricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4]
-is_a: ZFA:0005415 ! inner ear foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-19T07:15:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005418
-name: auditory fenestra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Opening in the neurocranium to allow communication between the swim bladder and the inner ear." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "auditory fenestrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002066
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:28:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005419
-name: auditory foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen through which cranial nerve VIII (auditory) exits." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001742
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:29:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005420
-name: autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the autopalatine and lateral ethmoid and bones. Autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001608
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:31:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005421
-name: autopalatine-maxillary joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the autopalatine cartilage or bone and maxilla." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001942
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:32:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005422
-name: autopalatine-vomer joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates autopalatine and vomer bones. Autopalatine vomer joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001784
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:34:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005423
-name: basioccipital-exoccipital joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the basioccipital and exoccipital. Basioccipital exoccipital joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002038
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-25T05:55:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005424
-name: caudal fin actinotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Actinotrichium that is part of the caudal fin skeleton." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal fin actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000437
-is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000862 ! caudal fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-25T06:07:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005425
-name: serous membrane
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer and a connective tissue layer." []
-xref: TAO:0005425
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T10:36:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005426
-name: coracoid foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen that is located in the coracoid." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001737
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T01:35:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005427
-name: dentary foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen located on the dentary for passage of the mandibular nerve." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002012
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T01:36:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005428
-name: optic foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen in the orbital region of the neurocranium for the passage of the optic nerve (cranial nerve II)." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "optic nerve (II) foramen" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0002025
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:34:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005429
-name: olfactory nerve foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen for the passage of the olfactory nerve or cranial nerve 1." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001804
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:35:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005430
-name: orbital foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen in the bone or cartilage comprising the anterior wall of the orbit, and through which passes at least the deep ophthalmic branch of cranial nerve V (trigeminal)." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002031
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:36:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005431
-name: scapular foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen that is located in the scapula. The scapular foramen is paired and formed by a ring of bone." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001735
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:37:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005432
-name: superficial ophthalmic nerve foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen through which the superficial ophthalmic nerve passes." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001748
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T02:38:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005433
-name: mental barbel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Barbel that originates on the chin." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002024
-is_a: ZFA:0000622 ! barbel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T05:43:41Z
-id: ZFA:0005434
-name: tooth cusp
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Acellular anatomical structure that is a natural outgrowth, prominence, or point that is part of the surface of a tooth." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001973
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-05-26T06:11:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005435
-name: actinotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal element which is a slender, horny, flexible, unsegmented fibril which provide structural support to fin folds or fins. Actinotrichia are translucent, exhibit birefringence (double refraction) and are composed of the scleroprotein elastoidine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "actinotrichia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0000089
-is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-08T04:31:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005436
-name: pectoral fin nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nerve that is part of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:18:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005437
-name: pectoral fin motor nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Motor nerve that is located in the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0005436 ! pectoral fin nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:19:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005438
-name: pectoral fin sensory nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory nerve that innervates the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0005436 ! pectoral fin nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:21:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005439
-name: pectoral fin motor nerve 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin motor nerve that enters the fin from the dorsal side of the fin rostral of all other motor nerves and innervates the dorsal side of the pectoral fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0005437 ! pectoral fin motor nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:22:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005440
-name: pectoral fin motor nerve 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin motor nerve that enters the fin from the dorsal side of the fin caudal of nerve 1 and rostral of all other motor nerves and innervates the dorsal side of the pectoral fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0005437 ! pectoral fin motor nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:27:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005441
-name: pectoral fin motor nerve 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin motor nerve that enters the fin from the dorsal side of the fin caudal of nerve 1 and 2 and rostral of nerve 4 and innervates the dorsal side of the pectoral fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0005437 ! pectoral fin motor nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-20T10:28:55Z
-id: ZFA:0005442
-name: articular fossa of opercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fossa of opercle that articulates with hyomandibular condyle for opercle." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001928
-is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-24T02:57:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005443
-name: sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is a fluid-filled canal in the integument and usually dermal bones, and contains one or more neuromasts." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001612
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-24T05:31:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005444
-name: trunk sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal on trunk which is posterior to the pectoral girdle and often reaching to the caudal fin. The trunk sensory canal is bilaterally paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001617
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-24T05:39:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005445
-name: supratemporal sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal that crosses over the dorsal midline and in close proximity to the contralateral post-otic sensory canals. The supratemporal sensory canal is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001630
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-25T10:45:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005446
-name: neuromast foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen in a bone that is part of a sensory canal." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-28T10:26:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005447
-name: sensory canal tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal that is a side branch between a sensory canal proximally and a pore at its distal end. Sensory canal tubule is bilaterally paired although often imperfectly so." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001933
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-25T10:46:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005448
-name: preopercular sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal associated with the preopercle bone. It lies in close proximity with the otic and post-otic sensory canals at their union, and anteroventrally with the mandibular sensory canal. The preopercular sensory canal is bilaterally paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001813
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005395 ! preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-25T10:58:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005449
-name: pore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An anatomical space that is an opening, usually at the end of a canal or duct, on the surface of the integument or the lining of an internal anatomical space." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001791
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-28T11:08:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005450
-name: pectoral fin motor nerve 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin motor nerve that enters the fin from the ventral side of the fin and innervates the ventral side of the pectoral fin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070726-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0005437 ! pectoral fin motor nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-28T01:47:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005451
-name: mandibular sensory canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory canal associated with the angular and dentary bones. Located anterior and ventral to and in close proximity with the preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal. The mandible sensory canal is bilaterally paired and does not meet at the mandibular symphysis. The mandibular lateral line canal has 3 neuromast located between the canal pores. Two neuromast are located in the portion of the can in the dentary bone. The third neuromast is located in the anguloarticular bone. The rostral end of the canal has a terminal pore adjacent to the mandibular symphysis. There are three more pores, two, at the posterior of the dentary and the anterior of the anguloarticular share a common epithelial pore." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-11]
-xref: TAO:0001814
-is_a: ZFA:0005443 ! sensory canal
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005395 ! preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-25T12:27:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005452
-name: tract of the caudal commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tract which originates from several clusters of cell bodies in the rostral midbrain, the anterior tegmentum and the nucleus of the posterior commissure. The neurons that are part of the nucleus of the posterior commissure have axons which course ventrally toward the anterior tegmentum, while the ventral tegmental clusters of neurons have axons which course dorsally along the posterior commissure and cross the dorsal midline to the contralateral side they then turn posteriorly and extend to the posterior region of the tegmentum and eventually into the hindbrain via the tract of the postoptic commissure. ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-167]
-synonym: "TPC" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
-synonym: "tract of the posterior commissure" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-421]
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000320 ! caudal commissure
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T01:49:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005453
-name: basicapsular fenestra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Opening in the prootic. The basicapsular fenestra is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "basicapsular fenestrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-25T05:40:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005454
-name: subtemporal fossa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fossa where the anteromedial rim is formed by the prootic, the remainder of the fossa is formed by the exoccipital and pterotic." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0001974
-is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-25T05:47:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005455
-name: prootic foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen formed between the anterolateral extension of the prootic that contacts the pterosphenoid the prootic and the pterosphenoid." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "anterior trigemino-facialis foramen of Howes" EXACT []
-synonym: "trigeminal notch of Harrington" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-06-25T05:53:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005456
-name: sinus impar
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Perilymphatic compartment of the zebrafish ear. Chamber positioned ventral of the medulla, the anterior end surrounds the posterior portion of the transverse canal." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0005459 ! perilymphatic space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:01:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005457
-name: dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the dorsal hypohyal and urohyal bones. Dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001847
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:02:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005458
-name: dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the dorsal hypohyal and ventral hypohyal bones. Dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001845
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:02:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005459
-name: perilymphatic space
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Space that contains perilymph." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:03:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005460
-name: atrium of sinus impar
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally paired perilymphatic chambers posterior to the sinus impar. These connect to the anterior end of the otic duct." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0005459 ! perilymphatic space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:06:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005461
-name: perilymphatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct that contains perilymph." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:15:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005462
-name: otic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pair of perilymphatic ducts that extend from the dorsal ends of the atria of the sinus impar, pass on either side of the medulla and merge and extend dorsally toward the surface of the head." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0005461 ! perilymphatic duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:15:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005463
-name: oral ectoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ectoderm of the oral region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000590 ! oral region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:22:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005464
-name: dentary-anguloarticular joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the dentary and anguloarticular. Dentary-anguloarticular joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001749
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:56:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005465
-name: ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the ceratohyal and branchiostegal ray bones. Ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001850
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:56:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005466
-name: ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the ceratohyal and ventral hypohyal bones. Ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001844
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:56:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005467
-name: ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the ceratohyal and dorsal hypohyal bones. Ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001843
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:57:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005468
-name: frontal-pterotic joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the frontal and pterotic. Frontal-pterotic joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001711
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:57:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005469
-name: hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the hyomandibula bone and metapterygoid bone." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001979
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:58:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005470
-name: inter-coracoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint between the right and left coracoid bones of the pectoral girdle." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002040
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:58:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005471
-name: inter-basipterygium joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the left and right basipterygium cartilage or bone. Inter-basipterygium joint is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001939
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:59:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005472
-name: inter-frontal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint between the left and right frontal bone." [TAO:WD]
-synonym: "interfrontal joint" EXACT []
-synonym: "interfrontal suture" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
-synonym: "metopic suture" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
-xref: TAO:0001922
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:01:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005473
-name: interhyal-epihyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the interhyal and epihyal bones, or interhyal and ceratohyal cartilages. Interhyal-epihyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001841
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:01:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005474
-name: inter-hypobranchial 3 joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the left and right hypobranchial 3 cartilages or bones. Inter-hypobranchial 3 joint is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001863
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:01:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005475
-name: inter-premaxillary joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the left and right premaxillary bones. Inter-premaxillary joint is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001950
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:01:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005476
-name: inter-ventral hypohyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the contralateral ventral hypohyal bones or the contralateral ceratobranchial cartilages. Inter-ventral hypohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001846
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:02:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005477
-name: lateral ethmoid-frontal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the lateral ethmoid and frontal. Lateral ethmoid-frontal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002032
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:02:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005478
-name: opercle-interopercle joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the opercle and interopercle. Opercle-interopercle joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001710
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:03:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005479
-name: orbitosphenoid-lateral ethmoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the orbitosphenoid cartilage or bone and lateral ethmoid cartilage or bone. Orbitosphenoid-lateral ethmoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001941
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:03:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005480
-name: orbitosphenoid-prootic joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates orbitosphenoid and prootic bones. Orbitosphenoid-prootic joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001794
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:03:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005481
-name: prootic-exoccipital joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the prootic and exoccipital. Prootic-exoccipital joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002034
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:41:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005482
-name: prootic-pterosphenoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the prootic and pterosphenoid. Prootic-pterosphenoid joint is paired. The parasphenoid borders the prootic medially in a syndesmosis." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0002033
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:41:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005483
-name: pterosphenoid-orbitosphenoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the pterosphenoid and orbitosphenoid. Pterosphenoid-orbitosphenoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001831
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:42:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005484
-name: quadrate-anguloarticular joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates quadrate and anguloarticular bones. Quadrate-articular joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "jaw joint" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0001802
-is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0000467 ! anguloarticular
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0000621 ! quadrate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:44:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005485
-name: quadrate-hyomandibula joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates quadrate and hyomandibula bones. Quadrate-hyomandibula joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001801
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:45:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005486
-name: quadrate-metapterygoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates quadrate and metapterygoid bones. Quadrate-metapterygoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001803
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:45:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005487
-name: ventral hypohyal-urohyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the ventral hypohyal and urohyal bones. Ventral hypohyal-urohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001848
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:46:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005488
-name: mandibular symphysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the left and right dentary bones. Mandibular symphysis is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "dentary symphysis" EXACT []
-synonym: "inter-mandibular joint" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001851
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T04:55:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005489
-name: endocardial precursor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a portion of tissue part of the heart primordium which will give rise to the endocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000028 ! heart primordium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:50:10Z
-id: ZFA:0005490
-name: myocardial precursor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that will develop into the myocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000028 ! heart primordium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T02:53:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005491
-name: optic furrow
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Groove that is in the ventral optic cup remnant of the optic fissure." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090819-12]
-synonym: "optic fissure" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001284 ! optic fissure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-21T03:00:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005492
-name: sphenotic-prootic fossa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fossa where the hyomandibula articulates with the sphenotic and prootic to form the hyomandibular-otic region joint." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0002090
-is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:19:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005494
-name: skeletal element
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organ entity that is typically involved in mechanical support and may have different skeletal tissue compositions at different stages." [VSAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001890
-xref: VSAO:0000128
-is_a: ZFA:0000496 ! compound organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:20:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005495
-name: skin flap
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that is a portion of skin that projects or hangs from the body." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001951
-is_a: ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:21:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005496
-name: snout
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that is the region of the head in front of and between the orbits, and above the lower jaw. Nares are located on the snout." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001712
-is_a: ZFA:0001308 ! organism subdivision
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:22:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005497
-name: epihyal-ceratohyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the epihyal and ceratohyal bones. Epihyal-ceratohyal joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001842
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:32:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005498
-name: epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the epihyal and branchiostegal ray bones. Epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001849
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:32:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005499
-name: circulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fine ridges on surface of scale, often parallel to the circumference of scale." [, TAO:curator]
-synonym: "circuli" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0002051
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000277 ! scale
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:33:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005500
-name: prootic bulla
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a bony partially gas filled sphere located ventral and anterior to the inner ear. The prootic bulla is paired." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0002111
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T02:22:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005501
-name: interopercular-mandibular ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Interopercular-mandibular ligament is a ligament that connects the interopercle to the retroarticular element of the lower jaw." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-comment: The interopercle ossifies in the interoperculomandibular ligament, which attaches to the retroarticular. The interopercle approximates and is ligamentously attached to the retroarticular anteroventrally. ZDB-PUB-961014-192. Need develops_in relationship for interopercle.
-synonym: "interoperculomandibular ligament" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0001687
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:38:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005502
-name: lateral ethmoid-autopalatine ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral ethmoid-autopalatine ligament is a ligament that connects the lateral ethmoid to the autopalatine." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001944
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:38:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005503
-name: lateral ethmoid-ectopterygoid ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral ethmoid-ectopterygoid ligament is a ligament that connects the lateral ethmoid to the ectopterygoid." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001685
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T12:38:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005504
-name: vertebra 4-vertebra 5 joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint between the centra, and sometimes the neural arches or parapophyses of vertebra 4 and vertebra 5." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001940
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T01:33:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005505
-name: vertebra 5-vertebra 6 joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint between the centra, and sometimes the neural arches or parapophyses." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002054
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T01:33:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005506
-name: vertebra 6 - vertebra 7 joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint between the centra, and sometimes the neural arches or parapophyses of vertebra 6 and vertebra 7." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002055
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-22T01:34:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005507
-name: nasal capsule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure composed of connective tissue that surrounds, the internal portions of the olfactory epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0002035
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T11:47:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005508
-name: inner mental barbel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mental barbel that originates on the chin, in an anteromedial position relative to the outer mental barbel. The inner mental barbel is nearer to the mandibular symphysis than is the outer mental barbel." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001969
-is_a: ZFA:0005433 ! mental barbel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:08:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005509
-name: palate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster that is the upper roof of the mouth that is roofed by bones such as the parasphenoid, prevomer, metapterygoid, orbitosphenoid." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002093
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000737 ! cranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:10:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005510
-name: prootic depression
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Shallow area that exists on the prootic." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002052
-is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:30:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005511
-name: sensory canal tubular ossicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is ring-shaped or cylindrical and surrounds a sensory canal." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001932
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:32:05Z
-id: ZFA:0005512
-name: caudal fin principal ray 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is the dorsalmost caudal principal ray of the caudal fin." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 1 " EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 1 " EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001713
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:45:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005513
-name: caudal fin principal ray 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 2." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 3 " EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 3" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001715
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:01:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005514
-name: caudal fin principal ray 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 1." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 2 " EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 2" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001714
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T12:57:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005515
-name: caudal fin principal ray 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 3." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 4 " EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 4" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001716
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:01:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005516
-name: caudal fin principal ray 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 4." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 5" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 5" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001717
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005517
-name: caudal fin principal ray 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 5." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 6" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 6" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001718
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005518
-name: caudal fin principal ray 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 6." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 7" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 7" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001719
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005519
-name: caudal fin principal ray 8
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 7." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 8" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 8" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001720
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005520
-name: caudal fin principal ray 9
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 8." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 9" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 9" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001721
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005521
-name: caudal fin principal ray 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 9." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 10" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 10" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001722
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005522
-name: caudal fin principal ray 11
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 10." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 11" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 11" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001723
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005523
-name: caudal fin principal ray 12
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 11." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 12" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 12" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001724
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005524
-name: caudal fin principal ray 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 13." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 14" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 14" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001726
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005525
-name: caudal fin principal ray 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 14." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 15" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 15" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001727
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005526
-name: caudal fin principal ray 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 15." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 16" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 16" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001728
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005527
-name: caudal fin principal ray 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 16." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 17" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 17" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001729
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005528
-name: caudal fin principal ray 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 17." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 18" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 18" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001730
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005529
-name: caudal fin principal ray 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 18." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 19" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 19" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001731
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:02:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005530
-name: lateral line scale
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Scale that is associated with the lateral line sensory canal." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001824
-is_a: ZFA:0000277 ! scale
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:49:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005531
-name: bony shelf above orbit
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The bony shelf above orbit is an anatomical cluster formed by the dorsolateral portions of the lateral ethmoid, frontal and sphenotic bones that forms the dorsal margin of the orbit." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001686
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:52:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005532
-name: bony plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dermal bone that is located on or subjacent to the surface anywhere on the body and that is not part of the general complement of scales, dermal bone of the dermatocranium, postcranial axial skeleton or paired fin skeleton. Bony plate may exist singly, or as unpaired or paired clusters or series." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002053
-is_a: ZFA:0001590 ! dermal bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:53:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005533
-name: branched caudal fin ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal fin lepidotrichium that is distally branched." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002062
-is_a: ZFA:0001550 ! caudal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:55:31Z
-id: ZFA:0005534
-name: branched dorsal fin ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal fin ray that is distally branched." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001785
-is_a: ZFA:0001418 ! dorsal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:55:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005535
-name: branched anal fin ray
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anal fin lepidotrichium that is distally branched." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "anal fin branched ray" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001992
-is_a: ZFA:0001421 ! anal fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-23T01:56:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005536
-name: fontanel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space between bones of the neurocranium. Frequently closes during development." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001738
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:27:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005537
-name: lateral fontanel of frontal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fontanel within the frontal bone near the frontal-sphenotic joint. Lateral fontanel of frontal is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002011
-is_a: ZFA:0005536 ! fontanel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:28:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005538
-name: rib of vertebra 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the first centrum." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001879
-is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:29:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005539
-name: rib of vertebra 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the second centrum." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001878
-is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:30:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005540
-name: rib of vertebra 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the third centrum." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001880
-is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:30:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005541
-name: rib of vertebra 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the fourth centrum." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001881
-is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:30:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005542
-name: rib of vertebra 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the fifth centrum." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001751
-is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:30:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005543
-name: rib of vertebra 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rib that articulates with the parapophysis of the sixth centrum." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001750
-is_a: ZFA:0000538 ! rib
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-29T06:31:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005544
-name: hyomandibular-otic region joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the hyomandibular cartilage or bone and otic region cartilage or sphenotic bone, and often pterotic bone and prootic bone. Hyomandibular-otic region joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "hyomandibula-sphenotic-prootic joint" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001947
-is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:38:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005545
-name: pectoral fin actinotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Actinotrichium that is part of the pectoral fin." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0000544
-is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000943 ! pectoral fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:50:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005546
-name: pelvic fin actinotrichium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Actinotrichium that is part of the pelvic fin." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0000596
-is_a: ZFA:0005435 ! actinotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001387 ! pelvic fin skeleton
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:50:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005547
-name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium 1 is the leading or marginal ray of the fin and articulates with the scapula. Lepidotrichium 1 is commonly segmented but unbranched." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001761
-is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:55:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005548
-name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the second most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001762
-is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:58:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005549
-name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the third most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001763
-is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:58:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005550
-name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the sixth most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001766
-is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:59:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005551
-name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the seventh most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001767
-is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:59:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005552
-name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the fifth most anterior pectoral ray , usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001765
-is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:59:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005553
-name: pectoral fin lepidotrichium 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin lepidotrichium that, in a linear sequence, is the fourth most anterior pectoral ray, usually branched and segmented." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001764
-is_a: ZFA:0001551 ! pectoral fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T10:59:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005554
-name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "First lepidotrichium of pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001776
-is_a: ZFA:0001552 ! pelvic fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:13:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005555
-name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Second lepidotrichium of pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001777
-is_a: ZFA:0001552 ! pelvic fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:15:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005556
-name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fourth lepidotrichium of pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001779
-is_a: ZFA:0001552 ! pelvic fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:15:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005557
-name: pelvic fin lepidotrichium 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Third lepidotrichium of pelvic fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-xref: TAO:0001778
-is_a: ZFA:0001552 ! pelvic fin lepidotrichium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:15:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005558
-name: orbit
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space that is the concavity containing the eye." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001967
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-07-30T11:17:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005559
-name: vascular sprouts
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of vessel wall that extends to form a new vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "angiogenic sprout" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-09-23T05:54:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005560
-name: parasphenoid-basioccipital joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the parasphenoid and basioccipital. Parasphenoid-basioccipital joint is paired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001832
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-09-24T11:52:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005561
-name: vitreous
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of organism substance that is a gelatinous extracellular matrix structure that fills the vitreous cavity of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:18344966]
-synonym: "vitreous body" EXACT []
-synonym: "vitreous humor" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0002290
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005567 ! posterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-10T01:16:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005562
-name: Bruch's membrane
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Acellular anatomical structure that is the innermost layer of the optic choroid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070614-11]
-synonym: "vitreous lamina" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005229 ! optic choroid
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-10T02:16:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005563
-name: sclera
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that composes the opaque fibrous outer layer of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-xref: TAO:0002289
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-11T10:53:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005564
-name: aqueous humor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Clear ocular fluid in the anterior segment of the eye. It is produced primarily by dorsal ciliary epithelial cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-xref: TAO:0002288
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005876 ! anterior chamber eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-11T11:10:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005565
-name: tether cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A specialized hair cell that has an elongated kinocilium upon which an otolith accretes. The tether cell then anchors the otolith in place." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-971216-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002450
-is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-11T01:59:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005566
-name: anterior segment eye
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster comprising the rostral portion of the eye; the cornea, lens, iris, ciliary zone, anterior chamber, and annular ligament." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-11T05:44:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005567
-name: posterior segment eye
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster comprising the caudal portion of the eye: the retina, posterior chamber, optic choroid, and vitreous." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-12T11:52:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005568
-name: iris blood vessels
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessels within the stroma of the iris. The vessels cluster and are more dense at the base of the stroma where the iris is thicker." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-is_a: ZFA:0001079 ! blood vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001238 ! iris
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-12-01T02:00:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005569
-name: iris stroma
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the iris which contains bundles of fibers, most of which are oriented radially around the pupil. The stroma is innervated by the iris blood vessels and develops from the periocular mesenchyme." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001238 ! iris
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-12-01T02:28:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005570
-name: corneo-scleral junction
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The line where the cornea and the sclera meet." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090309-8]
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-12T03:45:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005571
-name: ventral canal eye
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Duct present in the angle where the cornea meets the ciliary zone that absorbs the aqueous humor." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-is_a: ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-11-12T03:51:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005572
-name: periocular mesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Head mesenchyme surrounding the immature eye that gives rise to specialized structures of the anterior segment of the eye." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-is_a: ZFA:0000113 ! head mesenchyme
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-12-02T12:29:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005573
-name: zonule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Modified or toughened vitreous that suspend the lens at the equator to the non-pigmented epithelium of the ciliary zone. In zebrafish, dorsal zonules are thickened as compared to ventral zonules. In both dorsal and ventral regions, these fibers delimit the vitreous body aqueous humor boundary." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050701-15]
-synonym: "zonules" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005561 ! vitreous
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-12-02T06:08:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005574
-name: lens capsule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The lens capsule is a modified basement membrane that completely surrounds the ocular lens." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:18773892]
-is_a: ZFA:0000382 ! acellular anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000035 ! lens
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2010-12-03T11:36:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005575
-name: brain nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that are compact accumulations of neurons having roughly similar connections and functions." [GOC:mh, ISBN:0878937420, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-synonym: "brain nuclei" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-01-28T05:31:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005576
-name: ventral thalamus nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain nuclei located in the ventral thalamus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000458 ! ventral thalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-02-24T04:49:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005577
-name: tegmental nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_a: ZFA:0001665 ! midbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000160 ! tegmentum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-02-24T04:54:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005578
-name: spinal nerve root
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The multi-tissue structure that is the beginning of the spinal nerve leaving the spinal cord." []
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000075 ! spinal cord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-03-04T05:17:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005579
-name: NCC ionocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Integument ionocyte rich in Na-Cl co-transporter (NCC) activity." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090318-15]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "NCC cell" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005325 ! integument ionocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-03-07T02:03:05Z
-id: ZFA:0005580
-name: rostral pars anterior
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rostral portion of pars anterior of the adenohypophysis where corticotropes and lactotropes localize." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080616-4]
-synonym: "rostral pars distalis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001195 ! pars anterior
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-13T11:44:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005581
-name: proximal pars anterior
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal portion of pars anterior of the adenohypophysis where somatotropes, thyrotropes and gonadotropes are localized. The proximal pars anterior has functional homology to the mammalian pars tuberalis, secreting the same hormones." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080616-4]
-synonym: " proximal pars distalis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001195 ! pars anterior
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-13T02:37:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005582
-name: dorsal proneural cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cluster of cells along the edge of the neural plate that have the potential to become neuroblast." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990921-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0000068 ! proneural cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-14T02:02:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005583
-name: ventral proneural cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cluster of cells along the center of the neural plate that have the potential to become neuroblast." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990921-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0000068 ! proneural cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-14T02:02:55Z
-id: ZFA:0005584
-name: developing mesonephric nephron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster which give rise to mature mesonephric nephrons. Zebrafish continously generate new mesonephric nephrons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005282 ! nephron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T04:10:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005585
-name: developing mesonephric proximal tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Renal duct that will develop into the mesonephric proximal tubule." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005590 ! capillary loop nephron
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-27T10:55:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005586
-name: renal vesicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hollow cluster of epithelial cells derived from the nephron progenitor." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
-synonym: "stage I nephron" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-is_a: ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005587 ! nephron progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T04:25:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005587
-name: nephron progenitor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cluster of cells comprising a portion of tissue which gives rise to new mesonephric nephrons. The cluster contains self-renewing stem cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T04:26:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005588
-name: comma-shaped body
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Developing nephron with a comma shaped appearance." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
-is_a: ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005586 ! renal vesicle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T04:41:04Z
-id: ZFA:0005589
-name: s-shaped body
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Developing nephron with a tubular morphology that has a renal corpuscle anlage at the distal end." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
-synonym: "stage II nephron" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005588 ! comma-shaped body
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T05:07:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005590
-name: capillary loop nephron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Developing nephron where the developing glomerular capsule has been invaded by a glomerular capillary loop called the glomerular tuft." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005589 ! s-shaped body
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T05:45:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005591
-name: developing mesonephric distal tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Renal duct that will develop into the mesonephric distal tubule." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0005289 ! renal duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001287 ! renal tubule
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005590 ! capillary loop nephron
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-27T10:55:41Z
-id: ZFA:0005592
-name: mesonephric nephron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A branched nephron of the mature kidney." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110131-33]
-synonym: "stage IV nephron" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005282 ! nephron
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005584 ! developing mesonephric nephron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-04-27T12:15:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005593
-name: neuraxis flexure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An anatomical structure that is regional part of the central nervous system where there is a significant bend of the axis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-05-02T01:03:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005594
-name: anatomical surface
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions, that is demarcated by anatomical lines or points on the external or internal surfaces of anatomical structures." [CARO:MAH, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-xref: CARO:0000010
-is_a: ZFA:0100000 ! zebrafish anatomical entity
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ZFIN
-creation_date: 2011-03-22T10:34:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005595
-name: caudal fin principal ray 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal principal ray that is ventrally adjacent to caudal principal ray 12." [TAO:curator]
-synonym: "caudal principal lepidotrichium 13" EXACT []
-synonym: "caudal principal ray 13" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001725
-is_a: ZFA:0001585 ! caudal fin principal ray
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-11-04T02:44:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005596
-name: paired fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin that is one of a pair located ventrally on the organism." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002278
-is_a: ZFA:0000108 ! fin
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001383 ! fin bud
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-11-11T11:22:21Z
-id: ZFA:0005597
-name: median fin
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fin that is an unpaired fin located in the sagittal plane of the organism." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0002276
-is_a: ZFA:0000108 ! fin
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-11-11T11:33:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005598
-name: pancreatic epsilon cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009382
-def: "Ghrelin secreting cells found in the found in the exocrine pancreas." [PMID:14970313]
-comment: In mammals the endocrine pancreas is called the Islets of Langerhans.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pancreatic E cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0005019
-is_a: ZFA:0005599 ! ghrelin secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001249 ! exocrine pancreas
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-11-17T01:02:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005599
-name: ghrelin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009381
-def: "A cell that secretes ghrelin, the peptide hormone that stimulates hunger." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005018
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-11-17T01:03:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005600
-name: sinoatrial region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region at venious pole of heart tube that initiates heart beat." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101115-23]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000360 ! heart tube
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-11-22T04:14:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005601
-name: sinoatrial ring
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ring of cardiac conduction tissue around the sinoatrial region of the heart tube that performs pacemaker function." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101115-23]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005600 ! sinoatrial region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005063 ! cardiac conduction system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-11-22T04:16:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005602
-name: supraneural 10
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Supraneural located posterior to supraneural 9. This supraneural does not appear in most specimens." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13]
-is_a: ZFA:0001397 ! post-Weberian supraneural
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: jonknight
-creation_date: 2011-12-05T12:56:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005603
-name: lymphangiogenic sprout
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of vessel wall that extends to form a new lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100719-62]
-is_a: ZFA:0005559 ! vascular sprouts
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-12-27T12:39:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005604
-name: angiogenic sprout
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of vessel wall that extends to form a new blood vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005559 ! vascular sprouts
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-12-27T12:41:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005605
-name: lymphangioblast cord
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The primordial vasculature that will develop into lymph vessels. The lymphangioblast cord is composed of lymphangioblast or lymph endothelial cells in a solid linear mass called a cord. The cord then undergoes morphogenesis to form the lumen of the vessel." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100719-62]
-synonym: "parachordal lymphangioblast string" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110613-5]
-is_a: ZFA:0005076 ! primordial vasculature
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000477 ! posterior cardinal vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2011-12-27T12:45:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005606
-name: cranial vault
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical cluster of skeletal elements that forms the roof over the brain." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
-synonym: "calva" RELATED []
-synonym: "calvaria" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "calvarium" EXACT []
-synonym: "skullcap" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T12:33:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005607
-name: inter-parietal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fibrous joint connecting the parietal bones." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
-synonym: "sagittal suture" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005245
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T02:35:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005608
-name: frontal-parietal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fibrous joint connecting the frontal bone to the parietal bone. This joint remains patent in zebrafish throughout their lifetime." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111111-5]
-synonym: "coronal suture" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0005255
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T02:37:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005609
-name: supraoccipital-parietal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fibrous joint connecting the supraoccipital to the parietal bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
-synonym: "lamdoid suture" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060323-12]
-xref: TAO:0005264
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005606 ! cranial vault
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T02:48:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005610
-name: synostosis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint in which the articulating bones are connected by bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:09:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005611
-name: ectopterygoid-quadrate joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synostosis where the entopterygoid meets the quadrate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "ectopterygoid-quadrate synostosis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:28:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005612
-name: ectopterygoid-entopterygoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synostosis where the ectopterygoid meets the entopterygoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "ectopterygoid-entopterygoid synostosis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:31:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005613
-name: basioccipital-prootic joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synchondrosis where the basioccipital meets the prootic anteriorly." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-31T03:48:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005614
-name: entopterygoid-metapterygoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synostosis where the entopterygoid meets the metapterygoid. The metapterygoid has an anterodorsally projecting spine that meets the entopterygoid medially in a synostosis at its posteromedial edge." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "entopterygoid-metapterygoid synostosis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:45:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005615
-name: metapterygoid-symplectic fenestra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Opening formed between the ventral border of the metapterygoid and the dorsal border of the symplectic." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:53:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005616
-name: quadrate-entopterygoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synchondrosis where the quadrate meets the entopterygoid dorsally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-30T03:57:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005617
-name: lateral ethmoid-supraethmoid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synostosis where anteromedial extensions of the lateral ethmoid project to meet the supraethmoid dorsally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-02-09T11:27:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005618
-name: anguloarticular-retroarticular joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilaginous joint that articulates the anguloarticular posteroventrally with the retroarticular." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005155 ! cartilaginous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-02-09T11:51:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005619
-name: skeletal tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Connective tissue that functions in mechanical and structural support." [VSAO:curator]
-xref: VSAO:0000015
-is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000434 ! skeletal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-02-09T03:59:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005620
-name: endochondral element
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A skeletal element that has the potential to participate in endochondral ossification, and may participate in intramembranous ossification." [VSAO:curator]
-xref: VSAO:0000139
-is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-02-09T02:36:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005621
-name: bone tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal tissue with a collagen-rich extracellular matrix vascularized, mineralized with hydroxyapatite and typically including osteocytes located in lacunae that communicate with one another by cell processes (in canaliculi). Bone is deposited by osteoblasts." [VSAO:curator]
-xref: VSAO:0000047
-is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-02-09T04:00:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005622
-name: cartilage tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal tissue that is avascular, rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and typically includes chondrocytes within isolated lacunae. Cartilage tissue is deposited by chondroblasts." [VSAO:curator]
-xref: VSAO:0000040
-is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-02-09T04:01:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005623
-name: odontoid tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal tissue that is part of the exoskeleton and derived from an odontogenic papilla." [VSAO:curator]
-xref: VSAO:0000063
-is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-02-09T04:05:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005624
-name: replacement element
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal element that forms as a replacement or substitution of another element or tissue." [TAO:curator]
-is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-14T12:37:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005625
-name: hypophyseal fenestra
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Space enclosed by the trabeculae cranii. The anterior tip of the notochord extends into the posterior region of the hypophyseal fenestra." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "hypophyseal fenestrae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0005269
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-15T03:52:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005626
-name: hyomandibula-opercle joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synovial joint that articulates the hyomandibula and the opercle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0005265
-is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:19:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005627
-name: hyomandibula-pterotic joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synovial joint that articulates the hyomandibula with the pterotic." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:14:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005628
-name: posttemporal fossa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fossa where the exoccipital forms the medial portion and the epioccipital forms the lateral margin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "temporal fossa" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0001753
-is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:23:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005629
-name: hyomandibular foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen in the hyomandibula that allows passage of the anterior lateral line nerve and the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). The foramen develop in the hyosymplectic. The hyomandibular foramen are paired." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "facial foramen" EXACT []
-synonym: "facial nerve foramen" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "hyosymplectic foramen" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0005275
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:32:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005630
-name: pterotic fossa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fossa on the pterotic where the hyomandibula articulates." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0005266
-is_a: ZFA:0005388 ! fossa
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-15T04:35:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005631
-name: preopercle horizontal limb-symplectic joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fibrous joint that articulates the posterior edge of the preopercle horizontal limb with the symplectic." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0005268
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-20T05:02:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005632
-name: preopercle vertical limb-hyomandibula joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Fibrous joint that articulates the anterior edge of the preopercle vertical limb and the hyomandibula." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0005278
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-03-20T05:04:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005633
-name: lepidotrichium segment
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal element which is part of lepidotrichium articulating with other lepidotrichium segments by lepidotrichium joints." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005494 ! skeletal element
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: overlaps ZFA:0005634 ! lepidotrichium joint
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-06T02:21:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005634
-name: lepidotrichium joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates segments of the fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000803-4]
-synonym: "intra-ray joint" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001554 ! lepidotrichium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-06T02:22:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005635
-name: predentine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Odontoid tissue formed of a loose matrix of collagen. The fibrils of the predentine are homogeneously distributed and preferentially oriented along the long axis of the tooth. They are of variable thickness, measuring from 50 to 100 nm in diameter." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001208-4]
-synonym: "pre-dentine" EXACT []
-synonym: "predentin" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005623 ! odontoid tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-19T02:42:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005636
-name: interossicular ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects the intercalarium to the anterior process of the tripus and the scaphium." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120214-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001188 ! Weberian apparatus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-19T04:04:31Z
-id: ZFA:0005637
-name: intercostal ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects one rib to another." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001972
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-19T04:20:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005638
-name: scapulo-vertebral ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligaments that runs from the parapophyses of the anteriormost centrum to the exoccipital. There are two scapulo-vertebral ligaments in zebrafish." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "Baudelot's ligaments" EXACT []
-synonym: "scapulo-vertebral ligaments" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T12:23:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005639
-name: supracleithrum-vertebral ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that runs from the ventral third of the supracleithrum to the exoccipital." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "Baudelot's ligament" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005638 ! scapulo-vertebral ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T12:25:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005640
-name: cleithrum-vertebral ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that run from the dorsal tip of the cleithrum to the exoccipital." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "Baudelot's ligament" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005638 ! scapulo-vertebral ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T12:26:31Z
-id: ZFA:0005641
-name: maxillo-mandibular ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects the dentary to the maxilla." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:00:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005642
-name: maxillo-rostroid ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects the rostral process of the maxilla to the kinethmoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:00:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005643
-name: premaxillo-rostroid ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that, in the adult, attaches the premaxilla to its counterpart at the midline and the kinethmoid posterodorsally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:03:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005644
-name: ceratobranchial 5 ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The ligament that connects the anteroventral tips of ceratobranchials 5 medially." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:03:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005645
-name: supracleithrum-intercalar ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Short ligament that runs from the hooked anterior end of the supracleithrum to the intercalar." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:04:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005646
-name: preopercle-retroarticular ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects the preopercle to the retroarticular anteroventrally." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T01:05:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005647
-name: tendon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dense regular connective tissue that connects muscle to bone." [VSAO:curator]
-xref: VSAO:0000073
-is_a: ZFA:0001632 ! portion of connective tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T02:02:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005648
-name: mesethmoid-lateral ethmoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the mesethmoid and lateral ethmoid. Mesethmoid-lateral ethmoid joint is paired." [TAO:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-xref: TAO:0001679
-is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T05:24:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005649
-name: mesethmoid-vomer joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the mesethmoid and vomer. Mesethmoid-vomer joint is unpaired." [TAO:curator]
-xref: TAO:0001680
-is_a: ZFA:0005610 ! synostosis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-04-24T05:26:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005650
-name: primitive pectoral fin adductor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adductor that originates at the cleithrum the muscle fibers run in sheets along the endoskeletal disk extending dorsally and caudally from its base. Distally, the muscles insert onto the fin membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-05-08T03:51:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005651
-name: primitive pectoral fin abductor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Abductor that originates at the cleithrum the muscle fibers run in sheets along the endoskeletal disk extending dorsally and caudally from its base. Distally, the muscles insert onto the fin membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0005269 ! abductor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-05-08T03:59:41Z
-id: ZFA:0005652
-name: aponeurosis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layers of broad flat tendons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "aponeuroses" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0005647 ! tendon
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-06-15T10:41:21Z
-id: ZFA:0005653
-name: vagal sensory zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue in the vagal lobe that contains GABAergic sensory interneurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120409-2]
-is_a: ZFA:0000297 ! vagal lobe
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001101 ! gustatory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-07-03T01:25:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005654
-name: blood plasma
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of organism substance that is the liquid matrix of blood." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000007 ! blood
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-09-25T10:30:55Z
-id: ZFA:0005655
-name: anterior ventromedial process of autopalatine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral process of the autopalatine that forms the socket of the autopalatine-preethmoid joint." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001637 ! bony projection
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000620 ! autopalatine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-09-25T03:42:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005656
-name: autopalatine-preethmoid joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Synovial, ball and socket joint that articulates the autopalatine and the preethmoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-09-25T03:47:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005657
-name: anterior lateral process of autopalatine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endochondral bone part of autopalatine that extends towards the first infraorbital." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0001637 ! bony projection
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000620 ! autopalatine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-09-25T03:55:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005658
-name: lymph
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of organism substance found in the lymphatic system. Lymph usually consists of interstitial fluid that has made its way into the lymphatic system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, UBERON:curator]
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000385 ! lymphatic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-11-28T03:32:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005659
-name: intestinal lamina propria mucosa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Thin layer of loose connective tissue which lies beneath the intestinal epithelium. The intestinal lamina propria is less complex then the corresponding mammalian tissue." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005660 ! intestinal mucosa
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-07T12:15:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005660
-name: intestinal mucosa
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure of the intestine comprising of the intestinal epithelium and the intestinal lamina propria mucosa." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-07T12:18:22Z
-id: ZFA:0005661
-name: olfactory bulb glomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure part of the olfactory bulb that is roughly spheroidal and encircled by olfactory sensory neuron axons that formed an anatomically distinct stalk connected to the olfactory nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-19T02:15:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005662
-name: spinal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Bilaterally-paired nerve connecting each segment of the spinal cord to the limbs and organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
-is_a: ZFA:0007009 ! nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:04:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005663
-name: dorsal spinal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal branch of the spinal nerve, coursing dorsally and caudally between the muscle and the vertebrae. It remains in the center of the muscle segment and could be followed to the dorsal aspect of the muscle. MiP primary motoneuron axons extend in this branch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
-synonym: "dorsal nerve" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005662 ! spinal nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:08:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005664
-name: lateral spinal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral branch of the spinal nerve that projects toward the lateral surface of the myotome, initially extending parallel to the horizontal myoseptum. RoP primary motoneuron axons extend in this branch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
-synonym: "lateral nerve" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005662 ! spinal nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:09:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005665
-name: ventral spinal nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral spinal nerve branch that projects to the ventral myotome. The axon of the CaP primary motoneuron extends in this branch." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247]
-synonym: "ventral nerve" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005662 ! spinal nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:11:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005666
-name: ventral spinal nerve septal branch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral spinal nerve sub-branch that runs near the rostral end of the myotome near the vertical myoseptum." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247]
-is_a: ZFA:0005665 ! ventral spinal nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:13:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005667
-name: ventral spinal nerve median branch
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral spinal nerve sub-branch that projects ventrally in the rostro-caudal center of the myotome. The axon of the CaP primary motoneuron extends in this branch." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
-is_a: ZFA:0005665 ! ventral spinal nerve
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-19T04:14:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005668
-name: olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure part of the olfactory bulb comprised of ciliated and microvillous olfactory sensory neurons projections that form specialized neuropilar regions comprised of olfactory sensor axons and the dendrites of olfactory bulb neurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120330-2]
-synonym: "glomerular precursors" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T11:55:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005669
-name: lateral protoglomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The neurons composing lateral protoglomeruli respond to amino acid stimuli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "lateral protoglomeruli" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T01:58:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005670
-name: central zone protoglomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-is_a: ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:06:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005671
-name: medial protoglomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Mediates the signals produced in response to bile acids." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-is_a: ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:10:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005672
-name: ventral posterior glomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Single large glomerulus located in the ventral posterior region of the maturing glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "VPG" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005668 ! olfactory bulb protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:17:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005673
-name: central zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Central region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:25:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005674
-name: dorsal zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:26:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005675
-name: lateral zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The lateral region of the olfactory bulb consisted of morphologically diverse glomeruli and a diffuse aggregate of OSN axons, the lateral plexus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:27:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005676
-name: medial zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:28:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005677
-name: ventral zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ventral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000357 ! glomerular layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-04-29T02:29:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005678
-name: dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lateral region of the dorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. Glomeruli in this zone are tightly clustered in both male and female fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101222-42, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005674 ! dorsal zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-06T04:46:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005679
-name: ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Medial portion of the ventral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005677 ! ventral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-07T09:59:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005680
-name: ventroanterior zone of olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior portion of the ventral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. In the ventroanterior zone there are typically seven small glomeruli located 11-20 micrometers beneath the superficial axon bundles The ganglion differed conspicuously in sizes, shapes, and distribution, and were not individually identifiable." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "vaGx" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005677 ! ventral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-07T10:03:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005681
-name: ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior portion of the ventral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005677 ! ventral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-07T10:22:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005682
-name: mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal part of the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-07T01:37:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005683
-name: anteromedial zone olfactory bulb
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior portion of the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "medial anterior zone olfactory bulb" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-07T01:39:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005684
-name: posteromedial glomerulus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located between ventromedial and medial olfactory bulb surfaces. The mpG is generally elongated and innervated by a single thick axon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-62]
-synonym: "mpG" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-07T01:48:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005685
-name: dG1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. It is located in a stereotypic position near the posterior edge of the dorsal glomerular zone and stains with anti-calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "dorsal glomerulus 1" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005674 ! dorsal zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:25:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005686
-name: dlG1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Dorsalmost of glomeruli located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 1" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:34:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005687
-name: dlG2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Ventral to dlG1 and located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 2" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:38:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005688
-name: dlG3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Ventral to dlG2 and located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 3" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:40:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005689
-name: dlG4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Ventral to dlG3 and located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 4" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:42:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005690
-name: dlG5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsolateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Ventral to dlG4, and located along the caudal edge of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "dorsolateral glomerulus 5" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005678 ! dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T02:45:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005691
-name: vmG1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Stains strongly with anti-calretinin. Anteriormost of the triplet of glomeruli strongly expressing calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventral triplet glomerulus 1" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 1" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:10:31Z
-id: ZFA:0005692
-name: vmG2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Stains strongly with anti-calretinin. Posterior to vmG1 in the triplet of glomeruli strongly expressing calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventral triplet glomerulus 2" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 2" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:17:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005693
-name: vmG3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Stains strongly with anti-calretinin. Posteriormost glomerulus in the triplet of glomeruli strongly expressing calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventral triplet glomerulus 3" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 3" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:19:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005694
-name: vmG4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Posterior to the triplet of ventromedial glomeruli strongly expressing calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 4" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:24:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005695
-name: vmG5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Posterior to vmG4." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 5" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:26:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005696
-name: vmG6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. Posterior to vmG4 adjacent to vmG5." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 6" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:27:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005697
-name: vmG7
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. vmG7 is located anteriorly to vmG1-3 and vmG4-6." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerulus 7" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:31:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005698
-name: vmGx
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Group of glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb The vmGx group, is located 10-50 micrometers from the ventral surface of the olfactory bulb. And were located anywhere between the posteroventral and anteroventral regions of the olfactory bulb. It was not possible to unambiguously identify the vmGx because they displayed varying distributions and numbers in the olfactory bulbs of different animals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerular group x" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:34:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005699
-name: vmGy
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Group of glomerulus located in the ventromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. A cluster of comparatively small glomeruli located near the midline between the two olfactory bulbs The glomeruli in the vmGy were among the smallest glomeruli in the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventromedial glomerular group y" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005679 ! ventromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:37:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005700
-name: vpG1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of two large glomeruli located in the medial side of the ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventroposterior glomerulus 1" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005681 ! ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:46:05Z
-id: ZFA:0005701
-name: vpG2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of two large glomeruli located in the lateral side of the ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "ventroposterior glomerulus 2" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005681 ! ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T03:47:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005702
-name: lg1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. LG1 is surrounded by a diffuse aggregate of OSN axons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "glomerulus 1 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral glomerulus 1" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T04:11:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005703
-name: lG2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Located on the caudal edge of the lateral glomerulus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "glomerulus 2 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral glomerulus 2" EXACT []
-synonym: "lcG2 " EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T04:15:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005704
-name: lG3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the dorsoanterior region of the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. Expresses calretinin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "glomerulus 3 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral glomerulus 3" EXACT []
-synonym: "lcG3" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-21T04:18:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005705
-name: lG4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "glomerulus 4 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral glomerulus 4" EXACT []
-synonym: "lcG4" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:07:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005706
-name: lg5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. LG5 is surrounded by a diffuse aggregate of OSN axons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "glomerulus 5 of the lateral chain" EXACT []
-synonym: "lateral glomerulus 5" RELATED []
-synonym: "lcG5 " EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:11:41Z
-id: ZFA:0005707
-name: lGx
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Group of glomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb. The glomeruli that compose lGx are smaller than the lG1-6 and varied in shape, sizes, and locations between olfactory bulbs of the same and different animals. The lGx were located either along the ventral edge of the lateral group or below the lateral olfactory bulb surface." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:16:21Z
-id: ZFA:0005708
-name: lg6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the lateral zone of the olfactory bulb. LG6 is located on the ventroposterior edge of the lateral group." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "lateral glomerulus 6" EXACT []
-synonym: "lvpG" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:19:31Z
-id: ZFA:0005709
-name: mdG1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. It lies caudal to mdG5 and mdG6 and rostral of mdG3." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "mdpG1" EXACT []
-synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 1" EXACT []
-synonym: "mediodorsal posterior glomerulus 1 " EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:49:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005710
-name: mdG2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. This glomerulus expresses a S100 protein. It is the most posterior-caudal of the mediodorsal glomeruli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "mdpG2 " EXACT []
-synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 2" EXACT []
-synonym: "mediodorsal posterior glomerulus 2" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:53:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005711
-name: mdG3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. Glomerulus that lies ventral to mdG2 on the caudal edge of the mediodorsal glomeruli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 3" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:54:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005712
-name: mdG4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. Positioned between mdG2 and mdG5 on the dorsal edge of the medial dorsal glomerular cluster." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 4" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:56:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005713
-name: mdG5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. . This glomerulus expresses a protein that cross reacts with antibodies raised against GNAO1. It is the dorsal to mdG6 on the rostral edge of the mediodorsal cluster." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 5" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:57:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005714
-name: mdG6
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb. This glomerulus is the most ventral glomerulus in the mediodorsal cluster." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "mediodorsal glomerulus 6" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005682 ! mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T11:58:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005715
-name: maG1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glomerulus located in the anteromedial zone of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "maG" RELATED []
-synonym: "medial anterior glomerulus 1" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005661 ! olfactory bulb glomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005683 ! anteromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T12:02:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005716
-name: maGx
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Group of small glomeruli located in the anteromedial zone of the olfactory bulb. The arrangements of glomeruli maGx varies between animals and they can't be identified as individual units." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120516-14]
-synonym: "medial anterior glomeruli " RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005683 ! anteromedial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T12:04:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005717
-name: lateral protoglomerulus 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Dorsolateral protoglomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "LG1" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005669 ! lateral protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T03:52:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005718
-name: lateral protoglomerulus 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Ventromedial protoglomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "LG2" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005669 ! lateral protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T04:06:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005719
-name: lateral protoglomerulus 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Dorsomedial protoglomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "LG3" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005669 ! lateral protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T04:08:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005720
-name: lateral protoglomerulus 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the lateral region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Ventrolateral protoglomerulus located in the lateral region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "LG4" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005669 ! lateral protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005675 ! lateral zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T04:08:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005721
-name: central zone protoglomerulus 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Most lateral protoglomerulus in the central zone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "CZ1" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:13:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005722
-name: central zone protoglomerulus 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Located medially to protoglomerulus 1." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "CZ2" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:20:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005723
-name: central zone protoglomerulus 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Located medially to protoglomerulus 2." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "CZ3" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:21:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005724
-name: central zone protoglomerulus 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Located medially to protoglomerulus 3." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "CZ4" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:35:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005725
-name: central zone protoglomerulus 5
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the central zone of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. The central zone protoglomeruli have somewhat indistinct boundaries. Most medial protoglomerulus in the central zone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "CZ5" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005670 ! central zone protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005673 ! central zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:36:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005726
-name: medial protoglomerulus 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Most posterio-lateral of the medial protoglomeruli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "MG1 " RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005671 ! medial protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:39:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005727
-name: medial protoglomerulus 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Most dorsally located medial protoglomerulus and medial to protoglomerulus 1." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "MG2" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005671 ! medial protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:42:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005728
-name: medial protoglomerulus 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Located between medial glomerulus 2 and medial glomerulus 4 along dorsal-ventral axis of the medial region of the olfactory bulb." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "MG3" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005671 ! medial protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:42:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005729
-name: medial protoglomerulus 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Protoglomeruli in the medial region of the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb. Most ventral of the medial protoglomeruli." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050617-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980729-35]
-synonym: "MG4" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005671 ! medial protoglomerulus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005676 ! medial zone olfactory bulb
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-05-22T05:42:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005730
-name: cranial motor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Motor neuron that innervate muscles that control eye, jaw, and facial movements of the vertebrate head and parasympathetic neurons that innervate certain glands and organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cranial motoneuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0015000
-is_a: ZFA:0009052 ! motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-06-20T02:04:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005731
-name: branchiomotor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial motor neuron which innervates muscles derived from the branchial (pharyngeal) arches." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:14699587]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "branchi motor neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "special visceral motor neuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0005023
-is_a: ZFA:0005730 ! cranial motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-06-20T02:06:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005732
-name: visceromotor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial motor neurons are found in the hindbrain, and innervate parasympathetic neurons that innervate tear glands, sweat glands, and the smooth muscles and glands of the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:14699587]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "general visceral motor neuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0005025
-is_a: ZFA:0005730 ! cranial motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-06-20T02:08:10Z
-id: ZFA:0005733
-name: somatomotor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial motor neurons found in the midbrain and hindbrain that innervates muscles that control eye and tongue." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:14699587]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005024
-is_a: ZFA:0005730 ! cranial motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-06-20T02:09:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005734
-name: lacunocanalicular system
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A system of osteocytes connected through canals within the vertebra. Osteocytes extend processes through canals within ossified bone. The lacunocanalicular system is poorly developed in zebrafish with most osteocytes having one or two cytoplasmic processes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-22629-14]
-is_a: ZFA:0001439 ! anatomical system
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001189 ! vertebra
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005621 ! bone tissue
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-08T11:48:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005735
-name: lacunocanalicular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space, part of the lacunocanalicular system that connects lacuna within bone tissue allowing osteocyte projections to connect." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-11518-14]
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005734 ! lacunocanalicular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-08T12:10:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005736
-name: lacuna
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space a small cavity, in the matrix of bone tissue. Part of the lacunocanalicular system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005734 ! lacunocanalicular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-08T12:19:22Z
-id: ZFA:0005737
-name: intestinal rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multicellular structure composed of endodermal cells that forms a continuous rod along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo in contact with the YSL. This rod will give rise to the endodermal components of the alimentary canal and its connected organs: liver, gall bladder pancreas and swim bladder. Does not have part pharyngeal endoderm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-26]
-synonym: "endodermal rod" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-26]
-synonym: "intestinal anlage" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050120-6.]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-23T03:03:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005738
-name: intestinal bulb primordium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the intestinal rod that loops to left between 26-30hpf and gives rise to the intestinal bulb and liver and anterior pancreatic primordium. The endoderm at this stage is a compact mass of cells with little to no polarization." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-19]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005737 ! intestinal rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-23T03:06:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005739
-name: pancreatic acinar cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A secretory cell found in pancreatic acini that secretes digestive enzymes and mucins. This cell is a typical zymogenic cell, has a basal nucleus and basophilic cytoplasm consisting of regular arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum with mitochondria and dense secretory granules." [GOC:tfm, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002064
-is_a: ZFA:0009277 ! acinar cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005741 ! pancreatic acinar gland
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-29T10:13:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005740
-name: pancreatic centroacinar cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell that is continuous with the lining of intercalated ducts that drain the acinus. This cell type secretes a high pH solution to aid in activation of zymogens, and can differentiate into endocrine and exocrine pancreatic cell types." [GOC:tfm, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CAC" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-xref: CL:0002080
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005741 ! pancreatic acinar gland
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-29T10:16:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005741
-name: pancreatic acinar gland
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of exocrine pancreas that is comprised of polarized cells containing apical zymogen granules that store digestive enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070310-3]
-synonym: "exocrine glands pancreas" EXACT []
-synonym: "pancreatic acini" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005753 ! pancreatic lobule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-29T10:42:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005742
-name: pancreatic PP cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Polypeptide producing cell located in the islets of the pancreas." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pancreatic F cells " RELATED []
-synonym: "pancreatic polypeptide-secreting cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "PP cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT []
-synonym: "PP-cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0002275
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001260 ! endocrine pancreas
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-29T10:59:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005743
-name: pancreatic D cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A D cell located in the pancreas. Peripherally placed within the islets like type A cells; contains somatostatin." [CL:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "D-cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT []
-synonym: "delta cell of islet" EXACT []
-synonym: "pancreatic delta cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "somatostatin-secreting pancreatic cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000173
-is_a: ZFA:0009228 ! D cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001260 ! endocrine pancreas
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-29T11:03:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005744
-name: notochord outer sheath cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cells that form an epithelial-like sheath around the vacuolated inner notochord cells. Outer cells secrete a thick extracellular perinotochordal basement membrane." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130322-23]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "notochord sheath cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0007007
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000135 ! notochord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-30T04:09:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005745
-name: structural cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell whose primary function is to provide structural support, to provide strength and physical integrity to the organism." [TAIR:sr]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000293
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-30T04:14:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005746
-name: notochord inner cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Structural cell of notochord that contain one large fluid-filled intracellular vacuole that occupies most of the cell volume." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130322-23]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chordocytes" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005745 ! structural cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000135 ! notochord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-30T04:15:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005747
-name: supraintestinal lymphatic vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessels that are located on either side of the PCV in the posterior region of the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "SIL" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005840 ! intestinal lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-31T10:44:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005748
-name: intrapancreatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Digestive duct within the pancreas. The pancreatic duct carries inactive digestive enzymes to the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101201-32]
-is_a: ZFA:0005162 ! digestive system duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000140 ! pancreas
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001372 ! pancreatic duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:17:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005749
-name: intercalated duct pancreas
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The portion of the intrapancreatic duct leading from the pancreatic acinar gland to the intralobular duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-is_a: ZFA:0005748 ! intrapancreatic duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:44:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005750
-name: pancreatic intralobular duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intrapancreatic duct within a pancreatic lobe that connects all the intercalated duct with an interlobular duct. The intralobular duct is lined with cuboidal cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-is_a: ZFA:0005748 ! intrapancreatic duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005753 ! pancreatic lobule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:50:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005751
-name: pancreatic interlobular duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intrapancreatic duct that connects the intralobular duct to the main pancreatic duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005748 ! intrapancreatic duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:53:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005752
-name: main intrapancreatic duct
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intrapancreatic duct that connects to the interlobular ducts and drains into the extrapancreatic duct. The main duct may not be present in all larva and may develop in a segmented fashion." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070310-3]
-is_a: ZFA:0005748 ! intrapancreatic duct
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T02:55:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005753
-name: pancreatic lobule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cluster of acinar glands surrounding an intralobular duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-comment: Lobules are composed of multiple acini so are only apparent starting ~72hpf. Before 72hpf consider annotating to acinar gland.
-synonym: "exocrine lobule" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3]
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001249 ! exocrine pancreas
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T03:16:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005754
-name: primary islet
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The primary islet is the first islet to develop." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "principal islet" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005755 ! islet
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T04:05:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005755
-name: islet
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue composed of a group of cells in the pancreas producing insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. Part of the endocrine pancreas." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001260 ! endocrine pancreas
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T04:10:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005756
-name: secondary islet
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Islets that develop after the primary islet. The secondary islets usually form around 7 dpf but can be induced to form as early as 5 dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130710-45, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140817-2]
-comment: Start stage known to be after 3dpf.
-is_a: ZFA:0005755 ! islet
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-01T04:10:55Z
-id: ZFA:0005757
-name: mid diencephalic organizer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue composed of the signal-generating cells within the zona limitans intrathalamica." [GOC:cvs, GOC:DF, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100621-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120105-73]
-synonym: "MDO" EXACT []
-synonym: "mid-diencephalic organizer" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001344 ! zona limitans intrathalamica
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-02T03:20:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005758
-name: pancreatic fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue interspersed within the pancreatic acini." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
-comment: No evidence of septa surrounding fat has been presented so is a fat accumulation or deposit not a fat pad.
-is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005753 ! pancreatic lobule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T10:03:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005759
-name: visceral fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue on the surface of the organs within the pleuroperitoneal cavity. Visceral adipocytes were observed posterior to the swim bladder and lining the visceral cavity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
-comment: No evidence of septa surrounding fat has been presented so is a fat accumulation or deposit not a fat pad.
-synonym: "visceral fat deposit" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007116 ! pleuroperitoneal region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T10:23:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005760
-name: cranial fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue in the cranium. Cranial adipocytes are located within the ventral wall of the cranium, situated between the brain and the esophagus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
-comment: No evidence of septa surrounding fat has been presented so is a fat accumulation or deposit not a fat pad.
-is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T10:26:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005761
-name: periorbital fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue surrounding the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-comment: No evidence of septa surrounding fat has been presented so is a fat accumulation or deposit not a fat pad.
-is_a: ZFA:0005760 ! cranial fat
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001410 ! orbital region
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T10:59:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005762
-name: subcutaneous fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue between muscle and integument." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111012-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:20:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005763
-name: esophageal fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue surrounding the esophagus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
-is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:32:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005764
-name: mandibular fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue deposited along the mandible." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
-synonym: "jaw fat deposit" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001273 ! ventral mandibular arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:33:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005765
-name: pericardial fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue surrounding the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-9]
-synonym: "pericardial fat deposit" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000054 ! pericardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:41:21Z
-id: ZFA:0005766
-name: pectoral fin plate fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Adipose tissue that forms at the base of the pectoral fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-9]
-synonym: "pectoral fin plate deposit" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005762 ! subcutaneous fat
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T11:42:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005767
-name: caudal fin fat
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Subcutaneous adipose tissue deposit at the base of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
-synonym: "tail fin fat" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005762 ! subcutaneous fat
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001058 ! caudal fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-23T12:46:21Z
-id: ZFA:0005768
-name: trigeminal sensory neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sensory neuron that extends a single axon shaft along the lateral white matter of the hindbrain and spinal cord. Numerous medially projecting branches are later formed and innervate a series of target nuclei along the anteroposterior axis of the hindbrain and spinal cord. The highly branched axons innervate the integument of the head. There are several subtypes with different afferent branching morphologies." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120106-15]
-is_a: ZFA:0009053 ! sensory neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-09-30T03:31:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005769
-name: spermatid
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A male germ cell that develops from the haploid secondary spermatocytes. Without further division, spermatids undergo structural changes and give rise to spermatozoa." [CL:editor]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000018
-is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009005 ! spermatocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-10-04T03:51:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005770
-name: crypt neuron olfactory support cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Specialized olfactory support cell that surrounds crypt olfactory sensory neurons. There are one or two support cells for each crypt neuron. The cytoplasm of crypt neuron olfactory support cells is less electron dense then other support cells. They also bear numerous microvilli at their apical rim. When two supporting cells are present, they interdigitate with each other Mitochondria in crypt supporting cells are larger than those in the common supporting cells." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0000688 ! olfactory support cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-11-05T11:05:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005771
-name: ectomesenchyme
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that develops from the cranial neural crest and which cells populate a series of pharyngeal arches from which develops the support skeleton of the jaw and gills." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-14, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120517-11]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007087 ! migratory cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-11-25T12:11:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005772
-name: fertilized egg
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Diploid cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and egg cell." [GOC:tjm]
-synonym: "zygote " EXACT []
-xref: CL:00000365
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-11-25T01:46:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005773
-name: embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An endothelial progenitor cell that participates in angiogenesis during development." [GOC:tjm]
-xref: CL:0002546
-is_a: ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-12-02T02:57:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005774
-name: atrial epicardium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The external layer of the atrium bounding the atrial myocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100112-31]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005057 ! epicardium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-11-26T04:32:55Z
-id: ZFA:0005775
-name: enteric neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuron that is part of the enteric nervous system." [CL:MAH]
-xref: CL:0007011
-is_a: ZFA:0009059 ! autonomic neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001155 ! enteric nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-06T12:36:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005776
-name: parasympathetic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Parasympathetic neurons are part of the parasympathetic nervous system and the cell bodies lie in the brain and sacral region of the spinal cord. The neurons are mainly cholinergic." [ISBN:0080923437]
-xref: CL:0011102
-is_a: ZFA:0009059 ! autonomic neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001575 ! parasympathetic nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-06T12:39:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005777
-name: sympathetic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sympathetic neurons are part of the sympathetic nervous system and are primarily adrenergic producing the neurotransmitter noradrenalin along with other neuropeptides." [ISBN:0080923437]
-xref: CL:0011103
-is_a: ZFA:0009059 ! autonomic neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001576 ! sympathetic nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-06T12:42:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005778
-name: hypocretin-secreting neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron that releases hypocretin as a neurotransmitter." [PMID:23848055]
-synonym: "orexin secreting neuron " RELATED []
-xref: CL:0011109
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-06T01:14:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005779
-name: thymic epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium within the thymus where lymphocytes mature. Cells of the thymic epithelium have cytoplasm that appear devoid of most membrane bound organelles but contain bundles of cytoplasmic filaments, and frequent desmosomes occur between these epithelial cells. There are also secretory epithelial cells that contain a heterogeneous population of electron-dense, cytoplasmic granules and a well developed Golgi complex. Epithelial cysts are present after 3 weeks." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990414-60]
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001078 ! thymus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-11T03:25:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005780
-name: immature thymic epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium of the thymus primordium composed of cells of immature morphology. The immature thymic epithelium is continuous with the pharyngeal epithelium. The immature thymic epithelium is composed of electron-lucent epithelial cells of irregular or polygonal shape and contain numerous ribosomes, large electron-lucent mitochondria, and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Nascent desmosomes join these primitive epithelial cells together." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990414-60]
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001077 ! thymus primordium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-11T03:28:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005781
-name: cloaca
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Part of the gut where the pronephric tubules come together with the caudal end of the intestine attaching at 4dpf. The oviduct or sperm duct connect later." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060508-11]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-12T09:34:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005782
-name: intestinal opening
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The juncture where the intestine empties into the cloaca." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "gut opening" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000330 ! cloacal chamber
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-12T09:39:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005783
-name: cloacal epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium lining the cloaca. The epithelium is a simple cuboidal epithelium at Prim-5." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000505-17]
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005123 ! gut epithelium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005781 ! cloaca
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-12T10:18:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005784
-name: striated muscle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle cell which has as its direct parts myofilaments organized into sarcomeres." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544]
-xref: CL:0000737
-is_a: ZFA:0009114 ! muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-18T03:14:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005785
-name: esophageal striated muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Striated muscle of the esophagus. Permits voluntary swallowing." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130709-61]
-synonym: "oesophageal striated muscle (OSM)" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130709-61]
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0000072 ! somite 1
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0000728 ! somite 2
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0000732 ! somite 3
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005923 ! anterior migratory muscle precursor stream
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000204 ! esophagus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-18T03:37:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005786
-name: cleft cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Wedge-shaped epidermal cell positioned along the apex of the developing fin fold. Each cleft cell retains a wedge-shaped form during fold formation and develops a basal cleft-shaped invagination. Invaginations are aligned in neighboring cleft cells so that these cells cap the distal boundary of the subepidermal space where collagenous extracellular fibres called actinotrichia run anteroposteriorly along the length of the fin fold." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-195]
-is_a: ZFA:0009183 ! epidermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000040 ! median fin fold
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-03-25T09:31:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005787
-name: hypophyseal artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that runs along the midline from anterior to posterior regions of the hypothalamus and splits into two capillary branches (hyc). The formation of the artery is initiated at the hypophysis itself and extends anteriorly until it connects with the palatocerebral arteries at day 2.5." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111027-47, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130222-26]
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-04-03T10:42:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005788
-name: hypophyseal vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein thats tarts posterior of the hypophysis and drains the hypophyseal capillaries. It empties into the primary head sinus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130222-26]
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-04-03T10:47:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005789
-name: preopticohypophyseal tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Axon tract originating from the two hemispheres of the neurosecretory preoptic areas converging into the midline and terminating at the ventral part of the hypothalamus at the presumed location of the pituitary. Analogous to the supraopticohypophyseal tract in mammals." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111027-47]
-synonym: "preopticohypophyseal axon tract" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-04-03T11:19:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005790
-name: hypophyseal capillary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pair of capillaries that bilaterally encompass the hypophysis starting at the anterior aspect of the hypophysis (pituitary). Directly posterior to the pituitary, the two capillaries fuse with the hypophyseal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130222-26]
-is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000099 ! brain vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-04-03T11:27:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005791
-name: breeding tubercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that is a keratinized epidermal appendages that is a contact organ and secondary sex organ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-05-15T03:26:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005792
-name: jaw flap
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that is a protrusion from the rostral end of the jaw, supported by the mandibular projection." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
-synonym: "lateral projections lower jaw" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:10:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005793
-name: superficial layer of breeding tubercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of smooth cells composing the outer layer of the breeding tubercle. Cells in this layer have a high keratin content, lamellar bodies, and condensed chromosomes. This layer is repeatedly shed and regenerated." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:33:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005794
-name: second tier layer of breeding tubercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell layer that lies underneath the superficial layer of the breeding tubercle. Characterized by tight junctions within the layer." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:46:01Z
-id: ZFA:0005795
-name: spinous layer of breeding tubercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Intermediate layer of the breeding tubercles characterized by cells with loose spinous organization connected to each other via desmosomes, but with wide extracellular spaces in between." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
-synonym: "spinous keratinocyte layer" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:46:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005796
-name: basal layer breeding tubercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of breeding tubercle proximal to basal lamina of the integument." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:48:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005797
-name: pectoral fin breeding tubercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Breeding tubercles along the surface of the pectoral fin lepidotrichium of males." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000242 ! male organism
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001161 ! pectoral fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:50:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005798
-name: jaw row breeding tubercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structures composed of breeding tubercles arranged in a double row in the medial region on each side of the lower jaw." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T02:56:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005799
-name: jaw flap breeding tubercle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Breeding tubercles that cover the surface of the jaw flap." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140519-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T03:32:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005800
-name: extracellular lipid lamellae
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of organism substance that is located between the cap and second tier layers of the breeding tubercles. The lipid lamellae is composed of lipids." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140317-29]
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005791 ! breeding tubercle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-04T04:00:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005801
-name: interrenal vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The interrenal vessel (IRV) is the blood vessels supplying the interrenal gland. It is formed by sprouting from the dorsal aorta. The development of the IRV is temporally and spatially correlated with the initiation interrenal gland formation. After traversing the interrenal tissue, the IRV connects to the posterior end segment of the anterior mesenteric artery where two branches of swim bladder arteries branched out. Angiogenic sprout is visible between 34 and 48 hpf with blood flow by 3dpf." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120905-5]
-synonym: "IRV" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005802 ! interrenal angiogenic sprout
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001345 ! interrenal gland
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-06T01:45:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005802
-name: interrenal angiogenic sprout
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Sprout from the dorsal aorta that develops into the interrenal vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120905-5]
-is_a: ZFA:0005604 ! angiogenic sprout
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001346 ! interrenal primordium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-10T10:26:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005803
-name: cupula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Gelatinous substance surrounding the kinocila of the neuromast." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-768]
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-24T09:55:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005804
-name: rhombencephalic efferent neurons to the lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Efferent neuron where the cell body is located in the hindbrain reticular formation immediately adjacent to the medial longitudinal fascicle at the rostrocaudal level between the MiDl and the CaD and adjacent to the descending Mauthner axon. RELL dendrites are large and extend bilaterally into the ventrolateral neuropil. The ipsilateral dendrite reaches into a single area of the ventrolateral neuropil whereas the contralateral dendrite branches and extends into two different levels of the same rostrocaudal column of the ventrolateral neuropil. The axon emerges from the ventral part of the perikaryon courses a short distance rostrally to the level of the ROLE cells and then turns laterally from the CNS accompanying the root of the posterior lateral line nerve." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-768]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "RELL neuron" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-24T10:08:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005805
-name: rhombencephalic octavolateral efferent neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Efferent neuron located in the hindbrain. The axon of ROLE cells travels rostrally near the ipsilateral medial longitudinal fascicle to the level of the Mauthner cell where it turns laterally to exit with the eighth nerve. Outside the brain the axon continues ventrally to the base of the saccular macula in the ear then turns caudally to ender the ganglion of the posterior lateral line. A branch of the axon turns ventrally before the main axon enters the LLG. The branch goes ventrally along the wall of the otic capsule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-768]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ROLE neuron" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-24T10:42:22Z
-id: ZFA:0005806
-name: diencephalic efferent neurons to the lateral line
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Efferent neurons located ventrally in the diencephalon. The dendrites extend into a large area of the diencephalic neuropil rostral, caudal, lateral and ventral to the cell body. The axon courses dorsally and then caudally through the midbrain. As the axon descends through the brain it gives off branches at several levels. One branch usually exits the brain with the posterior lateral line nerve. The axon can be traced into the cervical spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-768]
-comment: There may be 2 neuron types grouped under this name since there are some instances the axons were seen to exit with the eighth cranial nerve instead of the PLL nerve: ZDB-PUB-961014-768.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "DELL neuron" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-06-24T11:50:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005807
-name: intestine lumen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space within the intestine where digestion normally occurs. The intestinal lumen begins as an interconnected web of small space at 43 hpf that over time remodels to form a single continuous tube at 68hpf. Lumen maturation proceeds from anterior to posterior along the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140415-28]
-synonym: "gut lumen" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005930 ! lumen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-14T01:57:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005808
-name: proepicardial cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Transient cluster of cardiac progenitor cells that develops adjacent to the heart and migrates onto the heart to form the epicardium. Proepicardial clusters in Zebrafish form on the pericardial wall, adjacent to the atrioventricular (AV) junction and near the venous pole." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-16, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140603-8]
-comment: Appears after cardiac looping ~30hpf. Derived from mesoderm.
-synonym: "proepicardial organ" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080218-16]
-synonym: "proepicardium" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140603-8]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-28T03:01:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005809
-name: pectinate muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Network of heavily branched muscle in the atrium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001026-2]
-synonym: "pectinate muscles" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000471 ! atrium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-28T04:28:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005810
-name: trabecular layer of the atrium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Trabecular layer of the atrial myocardium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-121030-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001374 ! atrial myocardium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005059 ! trabecular layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-28T04:35:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005811
-name: heart vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000114 ! heart
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-31T10:04:10Z
-id: ZFA:0005812
-name: coronary artery
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Artery that carries blood from the efferent branchial artery to the cardiac ventricle. The artery runs along the ventral surface of the bulbus arteriosus." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-synonym: "coronary vessel" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-is_a: ZFA:0000005 ! artery
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005811 ! heart vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-31T10:05:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005813
-name: coronary capillary
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Capillaries that innervate the subtrabecular layer of the heart." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005811 ! heart vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-31T10:09:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005814
-name: coronary vein
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vein that carries blood from the coronary capillaries to the atrial chamber entering the atrium close to the atrioventricular region." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-30]
-is_a: ZFA:0000082 ! vein
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005811 ! heart vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-31T10:11:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005815
-name: T interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0005182
-def: "TARGET DEFINITION: Hindbrain interneurons that are part of the reticular formation. The T interneurons receive synaptic input from the Mauthner neuron, from unidentified axons in the mlf, and perhaps from trigeminal sensory fibers. . The axon is T-shaped the proximal segment courses to the midline of the brain and near the midline bifurcates to form an ascending rostral segment and a descending caudal segment. The rostral and caudal segments join the dorsal component of the MLF. The T interneurons are located caudal to CaD and appear to be bilaterally paired. They project to cranial and pectoral motor nuclei." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-588]
-comment: This term is a leaf node in the zebrafish AO and is not in the CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cranial relay neuron" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110110-13]
-synonym: "T shaped reticular neuron " RELATED []
-synonym: "T-interneuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "t-interneuron" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0005182
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-07-31T02:33:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005816
-name: dorsal fin protractor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior longitudinal muscles of the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin protractor originates from the base of the first soft ray of the dorsal fin, extends along the midline just underneath the skin, and inserts at the posterior portion of the skull. Contracting the dorsal protractor will raise the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "protractor dorsalis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-27T12:59:02Z
-id: ZFA:0005817
-name: dorsal fin retractor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior longitudinal muscles of the dorsal fin. That originates from the caudal end of the dorsal fin base, stretches along the midline between the right and left epaxial muscles, and inserts at the dorsal base of the tail fin. Contracting the dorsal retractor will lower the fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "retractor dorsalis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000648 ! dorsal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-27T01:05:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005818
-name: superficial caudal fin musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The layer of caudal fin musculature immediately under the integument that originate from the vertebral column and insert at the base of caudal fin rays." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-is_a: ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-29T04:13:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005819
-name: deep caudal fin musculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The layer of caudal fin musculature immediately under the superficial caudal fin musculature that originate from the vertebral column and insert at the base of caudal fin rays. The three most caudal vertebrae and the hypurals serve as attachment sites for these muscles." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-is_a: ZFA:0000628 ! caudal fin musculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-29T04:16:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005820
-name: ventral caudal adductor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise broadly from the hypurals and extends dorsocaudally where the fiber bundles converge into a narrow insertion site on the 5th caudal fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "ACV" RELATED []
-synonym: "adductor caudalis ventralis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005268 ! adductor muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000902 ! hypural muscle
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005819 ! deep caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-30T09:51:20Z
-id: ZFA:0005821
-name: ventral interfilamental caudal muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that has a narrow attachment site along the midline posterior to the attachment of the lateralis superficialis ventralis and fans out to attach broadly in a region between the 12th and 16th caudal fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "ICV" RELATED []
-synonym: "interfilamenti caudalis ventralis" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-30T10:11:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005822
-name: dorsal interfilamental caudal muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that has a narrow attachment site along the midline posterior to the attachment of the lateralis superficialis dorsalis and fans out to attach broadly in a region between the 4th and 8th caudal fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "ICD" RELATED []
-synonym: "interfilamenti caudalis dorsalis " EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-30T10:14:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005823
-name: external lateral dorsal muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that originates from a broad base at the midline and narrows toward its attachment at the dorsal tip of the caudal fin." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "lateralis superficialis dorsalis" EXACT []
-synonym: "LSD" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-30T12:34:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005824
-name: deep lateral ventral muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that is located ventrally and extends from the myoseptum to the ventral tip of the caudal fin where it attaches in the region of the second lowest (eighteenth) long fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "lateralis profundus ventralis " EXACT []
-synonym: "LPV" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-30T12:44:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005825
-name: deep lateral dorsal muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Paired superfical caudal fin muscle that is located dorsally and extends from the myoseptum to the dorsal tip of the caudal fin where it attaches in the region of the second upper long fin ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21]
-synonym: "lateralis profundus dorsalis" EXACT []
-synonym: "LPD" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005818 ! superficial caudal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2014-10-30T01:24:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005826
-name: tri-tipped trabecula
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cardiac muscle located in the trabecular layer of the ventricle that is attached to the base of the AV and BV valves. It is similar to the papillary muscle in mammals and birds but, does not attach to the ends of the valve leaflets." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-121030-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005060 ! trabecular layer of ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-02-19T03:45:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005827
-name: transverse band
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cardiac muscle located in the trabecular layer of the ventricle that spans the central lumen near the ventricular apex. The transverse muscle band superficially resembles the septomarginal trabecula found in reptilian and mammalian hearts in that it spans the ventricle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-121030-7]
-is_a: ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005060 ! trabecular layer of ventricle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-02-19T03:48:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005828
-name: kappe olfactory receptor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An olfactory receptor cells with apical microvilli. The pear shaped soma is located in the apical region of the olfactory epithelium. They project to a single glomerulus, mdG5." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140416-5]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "kappe neuron" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0009125 ! olfactory receptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-02-20T10:55:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005829
-name: Schlemm's canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessel that drains aqueous humor from the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140728-8]
-comment: ZDB-PUB-140728-8 says the canal has lymphatic-like.
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000107 ! eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-02-23T10:20:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005830
-name: hematopoietic cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of a hematopoietic lineage." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "haematopoietic cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "haemopoietic cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "hemopoietic cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000988
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-02-27T09:55:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005831
-name: facial lymphatic network
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Interconnected lymph vasculature in the anterior portion of the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "facial lymphatics" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-21T03:16:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005832
-name: lymphatic branchial arch 1
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Superficial lymph vessel that is part of pharyngeal arch 3. The vessel sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "LAA1" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001606 ! pharyngeal arch 3
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-21T04:16:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005833
-name: lymphatic branchial arch 2
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Superficial lymph vessel that is part of pharyngeal arch 4. The vessel sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "LAA2" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001607 ! pharyngeal arch 4
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-22T10:05:13Z
-id: ZFA:0005834
-name: lymphatic branchial arch 3
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Superficial lymph vessel that is part of pharyngeal arch 5. The vessel sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "LAA3" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001608 ! pharyngeal arch 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-22T10:06:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005835
-name: lymphatic branchial arch 4
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Superficial lymph vessel that is part of pharyngeal arch 6. The vessel sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "LAA4 " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001610 ! pharyngeal arch 7
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005003 ! pharyngeal vasculature
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-22T10:18:37Z
-id: ZFA:0005836
-name: facial lymphatic sprout
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymphangiogenic sprout that originates from the common cardinal vein and extends along the primary head sinus." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-comment: Although a facial lymphatic vessel has previously been described using lymphangiography in 5-week-old zebrafish (Yaniv et al., 2006), we are not sure whether\nthis previously described vessel is connected to, or derived from, the FL network that we have identified (ZDB-PUB-120529-43).
-synonym: "FLS" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005603 ! lymphangiogenic sprout
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-22T12:15:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005837
-name: lateral facial lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Superfical lymph vessel part of the facial lymphatic network that develops from the facial lymphatic sprout. The lateral facial lymph vessel runs toward the mandibular arch and tracks around the eye toward the jaw." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "lateral facial lymphatic" EXACT []
-synonym: "LFL" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005836 ! facial lymphatic sprout
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-22T12:41:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005838
-name: otolithic lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Facial lymphatic vessel that sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel. The path lies parallel to the posterior cerebral vein but is not in contact with a blood vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "otolithic lymphatic vessel" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-22T02:06:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005839
-name: medial facial lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Facial lymph vessel that sprouts from the lateral facial lymph vessel. The path of the medial vessel runs ventromedially towards the ventral aorta." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "medial facial lymphatic" EXACT []
-synonym: "MFL " EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005837 ! lateral facial lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005831 ! facial lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-23T01:49:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005840
-name: intestinal lymphatic network
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vasculature surrounding the intestines." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "" RELATED []
-synonym: "intestinal lymphatics" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:15:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005841
-name: upper right intestinal lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel that follows the supraintestinal artery." [GOC:CVS, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "UR-IL" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005843 ! right intestinal lymphatics
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:25:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005842
-name: lower right intestinal lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pair of lymph vessel that follows the right subintestinal vein. At 6 dpf, the LR-IL appears to bifurcate and form two separate vessels that both run in close proximity to one another along the right sub intestinal vein. These vessels are difficult to distinguish from each other at 6dp." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "LR-IL" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005843 ! right intestinal lymphatics
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:28:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005843
-name: right intestinal lymphatics
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessels that are on the right side of the intestine." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005840 ! intestinal lymphatic network
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:31:28Z
-id: ZFA:0005844
-name: lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Any of the tubular multi-tissue structures through which lymph moves in the body. These vessels collect and drain fluids and macromolecules from interstitial spaces throughout the animal." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005105 ! lymph vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:44:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005845
-name: lower left intestinal lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel that extends along the left subintestinal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "LL-IL" EXACT []
-synonym: "lower left intestinal lymphatic" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005846 ! left intestinal lymphatics
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:49:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005846
-name: left intestinal lymphatics
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessels that are on the left side of the intestine. These do not run as far posteriorly as the right intestinal lymphatics." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-is_a: ZFA:0005840 ! intestinal lymphatic network
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000036 ! Larval:Day 4
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T11:52:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005847
-name: upper left intestinal lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel on the left of the intestine that runs parallel to the upper right intestinal lymph vessel. There does not appear to be an associated blood vessel." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-43]
-synonym: "UL-IL" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005846 ! left intestinal lymphatics
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T12:28:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005848
-name: intestinal interlymphatic vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessel that connects lymph vessels within the intestinal lymphatic network." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005840 ! intestinal lymphatic network
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-04-30T01:40:05Z
-id: ZFA:0005849
-name: ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a multi-tissue structure composed of dentine, enameloid and tooth pulp that develops from the dental organ. These structures successively replace the primary ceratobranchial teeth." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001208-4]
-is_a: ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-creation_date: 2015-06-19T12:48:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005850
-name: nucleus of the caudal commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cluster of neurons first visible in the embryonic diencephalon located in the dorsolateral brain just posterior to the posterior commissure, that project growth cones ventrally along the posterior commissure to the anterior tegmentum where the PC intersects two longitudinal tracts, the tract of the postoptic commissure (TPOC) and the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). Once at the intersection, nuc PC growth cones turn posteriorly onto the TPOC in the dorsal tegmentum and follow it to the hindbrain." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-167, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-170]
-synonym: " nuc PC" EXACT []
-synonym: "nTPC" RELATED []
-synonym: "nucleus of posterior commissure" EXACT []
-synonym: "nucleus of the tract of the posterior commissure " RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0001659 ! diencephalic nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-06-19T03:27:22Z
-id: ZFA:0005851
-name: ceratobranchial 5 primary tooth
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a multi-tissue structure composed of dentine, enameloid and tooth pulp that develops from the dental organ. These are the first teeth to develop." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020820-10]
-is_a: ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-07-01T04:53:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005852
-name: replacement tooth 4V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 3V and anterior to tooth 5V in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 4V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-07-01T04:55:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005853
-name: replacement tooth 5V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the posteriormost tooth in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 5V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-07-02T09:04:21Z
-id: ZFA:0005854
-name: replacement tooth 3V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 2V and anterior to tooth 4V in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 3V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-07-02T09:05:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005855
-name: replacement tooth 2V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is posterior to tooth 1V and anterior to tooth 3V in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 2V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-07-02T09:18:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005856
-name: replacement tooth 1V
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ceratobranchial 5 tooth which is the anteriormost tooth in the ventral tooth row. This tooth develops from the dental epithelium at the position of primary tooth 1V." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005849 ! ceratobranchial 5 replacement tooth
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001137 ! ventral tooth row
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-07-02T09:19:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005857
-name: bile
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Zebrafish bile contains the bile alcohol cyprinol sulfate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120822-8]
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-07-31T11:15:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005858
-name: hyaloid capillaries
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Capillaries that branch from the hyaloid artery and drain into the hyaloid vein. The hyaloid capillaries are located behind the lens and may be transient." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150419-5]
-is_a: ZFA:0005046 ! hyaloid vessel
-is_a: ZFA:0005250 ! capillary
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-08-17T04:43:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005859
-name: ceratohyal-interhyal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the interhyal skeletal element and ceratohyal skeletal element. The ceratohyal-interhyal joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970210-30]
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-09-09T01:15:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005860
-name: interhyal-hyosymplectic joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the interhyal element and the hyosymplectic element. The interhyal-hyosymplectic joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970210-30]
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-09-09T01:28:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005861
-name: opercle-hyosymplectic joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint that articulates the opercle and they hyosymplectic. The opercle-hyosymplectic joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970210-30]
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-09-09T01:33:46Z
-id: ZFA:0005862
-name: ovarian lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymph vessels within the ovary. These vessels are located in the interstitium between ovarian follicles and appear to envelop arterioles." [GOC:CVS, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130218-10]
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-10-28T12:00:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005863
-name: pectoral protractor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pectoral fin muscle. Links pectoral fin and branchial movement and stabilizes the pectoral girdle. Thought to be the teleost homologue of the cucullaris muscle group." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110803-26]
-synonym: "protractor pectoralis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110803-26]
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000563 ! pectoral fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2015-10-28T04:41:12Z
-id: ZFA:0005864
-name: retinotectal tract
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of optic tract that innervates the optic tectum." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1095, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-148]
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000252 ! optic tract
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-01-11T03:48:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005865
-name: reticulospinal neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuron with the large soma in the brain with an axon projecting caudally to the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-594]
-is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-01-12T10:33:08Z
-id: ZFA:0005866
-name: vestibulospinal neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "CNS interneuron with a soma located in a cluster in the lateral wall of the medulla, with dendrites confined to the neuropil, that has connections to the vestibular and lateral line neurons." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-572]
-synonym: "V" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-01-12T11:25:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005867
-name: cephalic mesoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesoderm part of the head." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917\,]
-is_a: ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000414 ! presumptive cephalic mesoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001114 ! head
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-01-14T02:01:33Z
-id: ZFA:0005868
-name: griseum tectale
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rostral cell mass bordering the pretectum. The cells are stained with the gene nurod and are Hu positive. The region is named for its presumed homology to the avian griseum tectale." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-synonym: "tectal grey " EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001665 ! midbrain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-01-22T12:54:41Z
-id: ZFA:0005869
-name: cerebellar plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is made up of the external granular layer and the ventral proliferative layer." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000029 ! hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-02-02T11:33:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005870
-name: cerebellar plate ventral proliferative layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Proliferative zone on the ventral side of the cerebellar plate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005869 ! cerebellar plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-02-02T11:45:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005871
-name: region of the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue in the midbrain that will develop into the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus synencephalon." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-02-02T11:47:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005872
-name: external granular layer of the cerebellar plate
-def: "Proliferative region that forms on peripheral side of the cerebellar plate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORDCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-synonym: "cerebellar plate peripheral proliferative zone" RELATED []
-synonym: "EGL" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0000098 ! proliferative region
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005869 ! cerebellar plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-02-02T11:50:39Z
-id: ZFA:0005873
-name: noradrenergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron that releases norephinephrine (noradrenaline) as a neurotransmitter." [CL:Curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0008025
-is_a: ZFA:0009214 ! norepinephrine secreting cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-03-22T02:18:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005874
-name: spiral neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Spiral neurons are excitatory interneurons located in rhombomere 3 and have contralateral projections that cross the midline forming commissures in rhombomere 3. After crossing the midline the two commissures fuse and project caudally synapsing with the Mauthner neuron. As they enter the axon cap, spiral fiber neurons lose their myelin and wrap around the axon hillock in a stereotyped spiral, where they make both electrical and glutamatergic synapses on the M cell axon close to the M-cell soma and with one another. Spiral neurons produced biphasic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in the contralateral M-cell with a short latency." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010711-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110110-13, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150512-4]
-is_a: ZFA:0005209 ! hindbrain interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000948 ! rhombomere 3
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-03-23T01:14:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005875
-name: tract of the commissure of the caudal tuberculum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tract that extends from the intersection of the tract of the postoptic commissure and supraoptic tract that projects caudally across the hypothalamus and into the commissure of the caudal tuberculum. The axons appear to originate from a symmetric group of neurons in the forebrain that travel caudally into the diencephalon and then decussate, with some axons continuing to travel longitudinally and join other axons crossing the midline. There does not appear to be a clear ortholog of the TCPT in mammals; and the function(s) of the TCPT are not currently known." [GOC:cvs, GOC:dsf, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
-comment: This tract was originally identified in zebrafish by Wilson et al., 1990.
-synonym: " TCPT" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268]
-synonym: "tract of the commissure of the posterior tuberculum" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000491 ! commissure of the caudal tuberculum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-06-07T10:08:17Z
-id: ZFA:0005876
-name: anterior chamber eye
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The space between the cornea and lens in the anterior segment of the eye where the aqueous humor is located." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005566 ! anterior segment eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-10-13T15:42:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005877
-name: commissure of the tract of the commissure of the caudal tuberculum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Commissure that is formed by a subset of TCPT axons that cross the midline in the diencephalon. The TCPTc does not appear to cross with other commissures. The initial crossing of the TCPTc occurs at approximately 36 hpf." [GOC:cvs, GOC:dsf, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120419-3.]
-synonym: "Commissure of the TCPT" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0000338 ! diencephalic white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-10-18T10:07:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005878
-name: oogonia
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An undifferentiated germ cell that proliferates rapidly and gives rise to oocytes. In zebrafish oogonia are round cells, with centrally located nucleoli, which are strongly basophilic. Oogonia in larva zebrafish fish are often found in clusters of two or four cells, corresponding to the second, or third oogonial divisions, presumably arising from mitotic divisions of primordial germ cells." [GOC:cvs, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120718-30]
-xref: CL:0000024
-is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000413 ! gonad
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2016-12-14T12:05:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005879
-name: seminiferous tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tubules formed by the seminiferous epithelium that contains spermatogenic cyst surrounded by somatic support cells, called Sertoli cells. The lumen of he seminiferous tubules connects to the sperm or efferent duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
-synonym: "seminiferous tubules" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "sperm duct" BROAD []
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-04-28T11:17:00Z
-id: ZFA:0005880
-name: seminiferous epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelium that lines the seminiferous tubules." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005879 ! seminiferous tubule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-05-16T12:39:16Z
-id: ZFA:0005881
-name: tunica propria of seminiferous tubule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The membranous sheath that surrounding the seminiferous tubule." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005879 ! seminiferous tubule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-05-16T12:44:18Z
-id: ZFA:0005882
-name: spermatogenic cyst
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Structure in the testis formed by cytoplasmic projections of one or two Sertoli cells that surround a single spermatogonium. Sperm production occurs with in the cyst and the spermatogonium divides to generate approximately 1300 mature sperm. A given Sertoli cell is in contact with only one germ cell clone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-05-16T12:48:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005883
-name: tunica albuginea testis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Membranous sheath that surrounds the testis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-05-16T12:51:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005884
-name: seminiferous tubule lumen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lumen of the seminiferous tubule. Mature sperm is stored in the tubular lumen." [GOC:cvs,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005879 ! seminiferous tubule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-05-16T13:18:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005885
-name: operculohyoid ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects the anterior apex of the opercle to the posterior end of the ceratohyal. The ligament extends orthogonal and anterior to the opercle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-161030-16]
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-creation_date: 2017-06-12T13:27:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005886
-name: anterior basicapsular commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage that attaches the parachordal cartilage to the auditory capsule anterior to the basicapsular fenestra. The anterior basicapsular commissure are paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "anterior basicranial commissure" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-20T11:38:57Z
-id: ZFA:0005887
-name: posterior basicapsular commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage that attaches the parachordal cartilage to the auditory capsule posterior of the basicapsular fenestra. The posterior basicapsular commissure are paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "posterior basicranial commissure" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-20T11:42:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005888
-name: lateral basicapsular commissure
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilage that grows from the auditory capsule medially toward the anterior end of the parachordal cartilage to enclose the hyomandibular (facial) foramen. The lateral basicapsular commissure are paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
-synonym: " lateral basicranial commissure" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
-synonym: "lateral commissure " RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
-is_a: ZFA:0001461 ! chondrocranium cartilage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001580 ! neurocranium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-20T11:51:14Z
-id: ZFA:0005889
-name: epiotic-posttemporal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Syndesmosis that connects the posterior lateral edge of the epiotic to the posttemporal. The epiotic-posttemporal joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "epioccipital-posttemporal joint" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-20T15:00:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005890
-name: carotid artery canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Canal where the carotid artery enters the cranium. Located between the parasphenoid and prootic bones in adult fish." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-25T14:53:32Z
-id: ZFA:0005891
-name: epiotic-parietal joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Syndesmosis that connects the anterior edge epiotic to the parietal. The epiotic-parietal joint is paired." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "epioccipital-parietal" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005156 ! fibrous joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-20T15:30:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005892
-name: lateral occipital foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen that has the exoccipital as the anterior and dorsal rim. The occipital forms the anterior rim during early development." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "lateral occipital foramina" EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-20T16:00:30Z
-id: ZFA:0005893
-name: glossopharyngeal foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen in the exoccipital through which the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX) passes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-20T16:05:15Z
-id: ZFA:0005894
-name: vagus foramen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Foramen in the exoccipital through which the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) passes." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-is_a: ZFA:0005386 ! foramen
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-20T16:06:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005895
-name: trigeminal-facial chamber
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Chamber in the prootic where the trunks of the trigeminal facial nerve complex pass from the brain to the outside of the cranium. In the adult, a posteromedial extension from the prootic delimits the medial boundary of the trigeminal-facial chamber. The anterior opening of the trigeminal-facial chamber lies between the prootic and the pterosphenoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "trigeminofacialis chamber" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-10-27T16:53:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005896
-name: anal retractor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Longitudinal unpaired muscle that attaches to the base of the most posterior ray of the anal fin (usually ray 14) and runs posteriorly into he hypaxial musculature of the caudal fin. The anal retractor pulls the anal fin toward the body." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "infracarinalis posterior" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180212-2]
-synonym: "retractor analis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2018-02-12T10:14:25Z
-id: ZFA:0005897
-name: anal protractor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Longitudinal muscle that on the anterior end is continuous with the retractor ischii and on the posterior end inserts into the base of the first anal ray." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-synonym: "infracarinalis medius" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180212-2]
-synonym: "protractor analis" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8]
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001154 ! anal fin musculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2018-02-12T10:37:38Z
-id: ZFA:0005898
-name: caudal hematopoietic tissue
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Tissue that lies between the caudal artery and the caudal vein plexus where definitive hematopoiesis occurs after 48hpf and before the hematopoietic progenitors migrate to the thymus and kidney." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061227-29, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070303-37]
-synonym: "posterior blood island" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070303-37]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2018-02-21T12:40:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005899
-name: scale focus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The initial growth point of the scale. In zebrafish the focus is on the anterior edge of the scale." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180311-2]
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000277 ! scale
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2018-08-30T16:47:45Z
-id: ZFA:0005900
-name: scale radius
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Grooves on the scale radiating from the focus. Zebrafish have primary radii that start at the focus and extend to the posterior margin of the scale." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180311-2]
-synonym: "scale radii" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000277 ! scale
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2018-08-30T16:50:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005901
-name: superior ocular sulcus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Transient groove in the dorsal eye lined by basal lamina. The groove extends across the dorsal retina to partially separate the nasal and temporal retinal lobes. The sulcus forms soon after optic cup formation and as the eye develops it becomes broader and shallower until it is undetectable." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180310-10]
-synonym: "dorsal ocular sulcus" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001690 ! groove
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001678 ! immature eye
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2018-09-05T16:23:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005902
-name: pterygoid process
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A medial cartilaginous spur that develops from the dorsomedial edge of the palatoquadrate. It is derived from cells located in the maxillary prominence of the first pharyngeal arch and gives rise to the metapterygoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100726-23, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192]
-synonym: "Ptp" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005903 ! cartilaginous projection
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001399 ! palatoquadrate cartilage
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2018-09-12T09:53:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005903
-name: cartilaginous projection
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletal tissue that is an extension of a skeletal element composed of cartilage." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0005619 ! skeletal tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2018-09-12T10:11:35Z
-id: ZFA:0005904
-name: retroarticular process
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A protrusion of cartilage at the posteroventral tip of Meckel's cartilage that gives rise to the retroarticular." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-161203-3]
-is_a: ZFA:0005903 ! cartilaginous projection
-relationship: end ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001205 ! Meckel's cartilage
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2018-09-12T10:37:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005905
-name: coronoid process
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cartilaginous protrusion on the posterodorsal region of Meckel's cartilage. The coronoid process of Meckel's cartilage forms the dorsal portion of the articulation with the anteroventral corner of the palatoquadrate." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-161203-3]
-synonym: " coronoid process of Meckel's cartilage" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005903 ! cartilaginous projection
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001205 ! Meckel's cartilage
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2018-09-12T14:26:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005906
-name: Reissner's fiber
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Thread-like fibrous aggregation of secreted molecules extending from the subcommissural organ (SCO) through the ventricular system and central canal to the end of the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, ISBN:978-0471888895, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980205-16]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000938 ! central canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2018-11-29T11:06:47Z
-id: ZFA:0005907
-name: tectal neuropile
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuronal tissue that is the arborization field for the majority of the ganglion cell axons, it also holds other incoming axons, for example, from the pretectum and the contralateral tectum, as well as the dendrites and axons of tectal interneurons and projection neurons." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081218-37]
-synonym: "synaptic neuropil " RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101101-16]
-synonym: "tectial lamina" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081218-37]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000445 ! optic tectum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2019-01-28T17:08:19Z
-id: ZFA:0005908
-name: presumptive pretectum proliferative zone
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region the larval brain that is a forerunner of the adult central and superficial pretectal regions. This region is non ventricular neural proliferation zone." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-8, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990406-3]
-synonym: "M1" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2019-01-29T16:22:51Z
-id: ZFA:0005909
-name: presumptive preglomerular region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region that gives rise to various caudal tubercular structures in the preglomerular region This region is non ventricular neural proliferation zone and doesn't express GABA." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020912-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-8]
-synonym: "early migrated posterior tubercular region" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-synonym: "M2" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-synonym: "preglomerular anlagen " RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020912-2]
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2019-01-29T16:37:24Z
-id: ZFA:0005910
-name: presumptive ventral entopeduncular nucleus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is presumed to give rise to the entopenduncular nucleus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040304-8, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090914-27]
-synonym: "M3" NARROW []
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2019-01-30T13:02:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005911
-name: presumptive lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that gives rise to the lateral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. The area sometimes called M4 does not express GABA or dlx2a." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090814-14, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090914-27]
-synonym: "lateral nucleus of area ventralis telencepha" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090814-14]
-synonym: "M4" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090814-14]
-is_a: ZFA:0001105 ! embryonic structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2019-01-30T13:42:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005912
-name: endolymphatic sac
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pouch at the end of the endolymphatic duct that helps regulates pressure on the inner ear. The endolymphatic sac is separated from the endolymphatic duct by a dynamic lamellar barrier. The lamellar barrier is composed of long, thin lamellar sheets that form tongue-and-groove structure or interwoven broadly overlapping structures. In adults, the endolymphatic duct and sac are partially encased within the temporal bone such that the distal end of the endolymphatic sac protrudes out of the temporal bone into the cranial cavity ." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180622-24]
-xref: TAO:0002194
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000217 ! inner ear
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-creation_date: 2019-04-16T14:25:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005913
-name: urine
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Organism substance that is the output of the nephron." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050818-17]
-is_a: ZFA:0001487 ! portion of organism substance
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-creation_date: 2019-05-02T16:21:42Z
-id: ZFA:0005914
-name: argentum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Iridophore layer of iris composed of a outer layer of regularly tiled iridophores and an inner layer of randomly arranged iridophores. The outer regularly tiled iridophores reflect blue green light. The light reflecting crystals in the iris iridophores are composed of anhydrous Beta-guanine." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180822-3]
-synonym: "argenta " EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "iridophore layer iris" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001238 ! iris
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2019-05-29T15:43:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005915
-name: iris melanophore layer
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Layer of melanophores that are positioned behind the argenta. The melanophore layer absorbs unfocused light preventing it from reaching the retina." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180822-3]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001238 ! iris
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2019-05-29T15:55:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005916
-name: tapetum lucidum
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Iridophore layer that forms along the dorsal region of the poster segment of the eye. The tapetum is formed by a single layer of Iridophores and is proximal to the photoreceptors and is located in the choroid. The tapetum reflects photons back to the photoreceptors if they were not initially absorbed by the photoreceptors." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180822-3]
-synonym: "tapetum cellulosum" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005229 ! optic choroid
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2019-05-29T16:15:09Z
-id: ZFA:0005917
-name: anterior-posterior polarized neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast where the paired hair cells are polarized along the anterior-posterior body axis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061205-16]
-synonym: "anteroposterior oriented neuromast" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-06-18T10:40:23Z
-id: ZFA:0005918
-name: dorsal-ventral polarized neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast where the paired hair cells are polarized along the dorsal-ventral body axis." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061205-16]
-synonym: "dorsoventral oriented neuromast" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-06-18T10:44:49Z
-id: ZFA:0005919
-name: dorsal-ventral polarized posterior lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior lateral line neuromast where the paired hair cells are polarized along the dorsal-ventral body axis. Develops from the secondary lateral line primordium." [GOC:CVS, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
-synonym: "perpendicular posterior lateral line neuromast" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0000940 ! posterior lateral line neuromast
-is_a: ZFA:0005918 ! dorsal-ventral polarized neuromast
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005116 ! secondary posterior lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-06-18T10:46:54Z
-id: ZFA:0005920
-name: anterior-posterior polarized posterior lateral line neuromast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior lateral line neuromast where the paired hair cells are polarized along the anterior-posterior body axis. Deposited by the primary lateral line primordium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
-synonym: "parallel posterior lateral line neuromast" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040916-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0000940 ! posterior lateral line neuromast
-is_a: ZFA:0005917 ! anterior-posterior polarized neuromast
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005115 ! primary posterior lateral line primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-06-18T10:53:53Z
-id: ZFA:0005921
-name: migratory muscle precursor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle precursor cells that delaminate from the dermomyotome after epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and undergo long-range migration while retaining proliferative capacity." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001205-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-200701-39]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "migratory mesenchymal precursor " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001205-1]
-synonym: "MMP" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0009291 ! muscle precursor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-creation_date: 2020-07-01T10:51:34Z
-id: ZFA:0005922
-name: migratory muscle precursor stream
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Groups of migratory muscle precursor that migrate from a conserved origination in concerted manner along stereotyped path." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:06:26Z
-id: ZFA:0005923
-name: anterior migratory muscle precursor stream
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle precursor stream that originates from the ventral regions of somites 1-3 and migrates anterior of the pectoral fin bud. Migratory muscle precursor from this stream form the esophageal striated muscle and sternohyoid." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130709-61]
-synonym: "first migratory stream" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005922 ! migratory muscle precursor stream
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:10:27Z
-id: ZFA:0005924
-name: middle migratory muscle precursor stream
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Muscle precursor stream that originates from the ventral regions of somites 2-4 and migrates toward the pectoral fin bud. Migratory muscle precursors from this stream contribute to the pectoral fin musculature and make a small contribution to the posterior hypaxial muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190808-2]
-synonym: "middle migratory muscle precursor stream" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005922 ! migratory muscle precursor stream
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:14:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005925
-name: posterior migratory muscle precursor stream
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Migratory muscle precursor stream that originates from the ventral regions of somites 5-7 that migrates posterior to the pectoral fin bud. Migratory muscle precursors from this stream form the posterior hypaxial muscle." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190427-4]
-synonym: "third migratory stream" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005922 ! migratory muscle precursor stream
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:17:29Z
-id: ZFA:0005926
-name: posterior hypaxial muscle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The posterior hypaxial muscle is an early-forming ventral body wall muscle, located immediately posterior to the fin and positioned like a chest muscle. Migratory muscle precursor from somites 4-7 using the middle and posterior stream contribute to the PHM. Stabilizes the sternohyoid during suction feeding. Insertion point is on the cleithrum." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040908-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190427-4, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-200701-39]
-synonym: "anterior hypaxial muscle " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050318-5]
-synonym: "inferior obliquus muscle" BROAD [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020913-1]
-synonym: "PHM" RELATED []
-synonym: "ventral-most hypaxial muscle " EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010924-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0000362 ! hypaxialis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005924 ! middle migratory muscle precursor stream
-relationship: has_developmental_contribution_from ZFA:0005925 ! posterior migratory muscle precursor stream
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-07-01T11:21:03Z
-id: ZFA:0005927
-name: endothelial blood brain barrier
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel endothelium that restricts the passage of circulating substances from the blood to the brain parenchyma while actively facilitating the passage of nutrients and removal of waste products. The developing blood brain barrier undergoes a period of transcytosis and leaks that decrease as the mature form is established. The barrier matures in a posterior to anterior direction." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190821-6]
-is_a: ZFA:0005259 ! continuous blood vessel endothelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-creation_date: 2020-07-30T10:25:52Z
-id: ZFA:0005928
-name: melanoleucophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lecophores that develop from melanophores. Melanoleucophore are located at the margin of the dorsal fin, in the dorsal and ventral lobes of the caudal fin. Melanoleucophores lack pterdines and carotenoids; exhibited variably shaped organelles distinct from iridophore reflecting platelets and melanosomes and have crystalline Beta-guanine. Melanoleucophores express tyrosinase related protein 1b and purine nucleoside phosphorylase 4a. Immature cells may contain melanin." [GOC:cvs, GOC:st, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCID:0000-0002-4142-7153, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190530-2]
-subset: cell_slim
-is_a: ZFA:0009261 ! leucophore
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009091 ! melanocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-creation_date: 2020-11-04T13:46:59Z
-id: ZFA:0005929
-name: xantholeucophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lecophores that develops from xanthophores. Xantholeucophores are located on the anal fin. Xantholeucophores contain round organelles carotenoid vesicles containing yellow/orange pigment as well as irregular organelles indistinguishable from pterinosomes, which contain yellow or colorless pteridines. During development white pigmentation surrounds a yellow-orange center, gradually increasing until whole cell appears white. Xantholeucophore express aldehyde oxidase 5 and purine nucleoside phosphorylase 4a. These cells most closely resemble the leucophores of other teleost." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190530-2]
-comment: ZDB-PUB-190912-11 mentions that on the 8th day of development Yellow EL xanthophores gradually fade from view, entering a cryptic state. These same progenitors contribute to adult melanophores (black cell) and at least some xanthophores (orange cell). Additionally, some embryonic/EL melanophores persist into the adult stage (brown cell), and EL xanthophores lose their pigment, entering a cryptic phase (light yellow cell), and then reacquire pigment at a late stage of adult pattern development.
-subset: cell_slim
-is_a: ZFA:0009261 ! leucophore
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009198 ! xanthophore
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-11-04T14:18:50Z
-id: ZFA:0005930
-name: lumen
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical space within a tubular organ, duct, or vessel." [GOC:cvs,, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-creation_date: 2020-11-20T13:39:11Z
-id: ZFA:0005931
-name: vascular plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Nonhierarchical network of interconnected vessels. May be the primitive state of a mature vascular structure." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3]
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:12:43Z
-id: ZFA:0005932
-name: developmental vascular plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Transient plexus formed by vasculogenesis that results in the formation of an intermediate network of similar sized vessels with polygonal-shaped avascular spaces. As the vasculature matures it is remodeled into a hierarchical vascular tree." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:23799579, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3]
-is_a: ZFA:0005931 ! vascular plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:29:48Z
-id: ZFA:0005933
-name: mature plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stable vascular plexus that persist in the adult animal." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:23799579, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3]
-synonym: "capillary plexus" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature vascular plexus" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005931 ! vascular plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:32:44Z
-id: ZFA:0005934
-name: subintestinal venous plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Non stereotyped venous plexus derived from specialised angioblast that originate in the floor of the posterior cardinal vein. Emerges from the duct of Cuvier at 2dpf as a reticular structure that spreads bilaterally over the surface of the yolk and gut." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151021-20, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151104-9]
-synonym: "subintestinal plexus" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005931 ! vascular plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:35:56Z
-id: ZFA:0005935
-name: superficial subintestinal venous plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Subintestinal venous plexus that wraps the yolk. Anterior vessels connected to both the left and right subintestinal vein drain into the liver. These vessels are reabsorbed after the yolk is depleted." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150418-3]
-synonym: "yolk plexus" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005932 ! developmental vascular plexus
-is_a: ZFA:0005934 ! subintestinal venous plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:41:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005936
-name: deep subintestinal venous plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Plexus that wraps the anterior digestive system. These vessels form the permanent, superficial vessels of the digestive system. The left subintestinal vein regresses and empties into the right subintestinal vein." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151021-20]
-is_a: ZFA:0005933 ! mature plexus
-is_a: ZFA:0005934 ! subintestinal venous plexus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-11-20T14:43:36Z
-id: ZFA:0005937
-name: interconnecting vessels
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vessels that form connections between the sub intestinal vein and the supraintestinal artery. There are fewer ICVs on the right side of the fish due to the asymmetrical development of the subintestinal veins." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151104-9]
-synonym: "ICV" RELATED []
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005934 ! subintestinal venous plexus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-11-20T15:14:22Z
-id: ZFA:0005938
-name: inter-organ blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel that bridge between organs." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130710-65]
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-creation_date: 2020-12-02T09:24:58Z
-id: ZFA:0005939
-name: liver pancreas connecting vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessels that bridge between the liver and pancreas. Four of these vessels have been described, called V1 LP-V4LP. The vessels may be transient or permanent and may make direct or indirect connections between the organ vasculature." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130710-65]
-is_a: ZFA:0005938 ! inter-organ blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-12-02T09:30:41Z
-id: ZFA:0005940
-name: fibrocartilaginous callus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Temporary regenerating structure composed of chondrocytes and fibroblast that stabilizes the bone ends at a fracture site. The fibrocartilagionous callus surrounds the bone ends." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190807-16]
-is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-creation_date: 2021-01-27T10:34:06Z
-id: ZFA:0005941
-name: bone callus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Temporary regenerating structure wider than the original bone composed of osteoblast and mineralized tissue that replaces the fibrocartilagenous callus at a bone fracture site. The bone callus is eventually remodeled to be the width of the surrounding bone." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190807-16]
-is_a: ZFA:0005147 ! regenerating tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005940 ! fibrocartilaginous callus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2021-01-27T10:38:07Z
-id: ZFA:0005942
-name: lysosome-rich enterocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Enterocytes that possess a large supranuclear vacuolar system that preferentially internalize dietary protein via receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis for intracellular digestion and trans-cellular transport. In zebrafish these cells are located in the posterior region of the mid intestine throughout life. In mammals thy are found in the ileum pre-weaning and later are replaced by mature enterocytes ." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-1009-339X, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190903-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-is_a: ZFA:0009269 ! enterocyte
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2021-01-27T10:44:40Z
-id: ZFA:0005944
-name: mural cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cells that localize on the abluminal side of the vascular endothelium that regulate vessel stability and function. Mural cells are categorized into vascular smooth muscle cells or pericytes." [ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCID:0000-0002-4142-7153, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190116-4]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0008034
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2021-01-27T11:37:04Z
-id: ZFA:0006000
-name: intermediate hypothalamus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Brain structure that lies perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the embryonic neural tube, is continuous with the rostral hypothalamic proliferation and whose most lateral extent is deflected dorsally within the inferior lobe." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001018-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020730-6, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-19]
-synonym: "Hi" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0006000
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000032 ! hypothalamus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: giles
-creation_date: 2009-03-26T02:23:30Z
-id: ZFA:0007000
-name: macula saccule
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula saccule senses linear acceleration and gravity. In juveniles the macula saccule is oriented vertically in a plane running along the anterioposterior body axis. It covers the medial wall of the saccule along most of its length." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7]
-synonym: "saccular macula" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007000
-is_a: ZFA:0000386 ! macula
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000558 ! posterior macula
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000428 ! saccule
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007001
-name: dorso-rostral cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Early-forming telencephalic neural cluster. Neurons of the dorso-rostral cluster (drc) extend axons to form the supra-optic tract (SOT) and the anterior commissure (AC)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
-synonym: "dorsal rostral cluster" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsorostral cluster" EXACT []
-synonym: "drc" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007001
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000079 ! telencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0007002
-name: ventro-rostral cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Early-forming neural cluster located in the rostral diencephalon. At 19 h, axons arising from the vrc grow caudally to pioneer the tract of the postoptic commissure (TPOC)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
-synonym: "ventral rostral cluster" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventrorostral cluster" EXACT []
-synonym: "vrc" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007002
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000101 ! diencephalon
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0007003
-name: ventro-caudal cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Early-forming neural cluster of the ventral midbrain. At 16 h, axons of the vcc grow caudally to pioneer the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), which is part of the larger ventral longitudinal tract (VLT). Later, neurons from this cluster project axons rostrally into the tract of the post-optic commissure (TPOC)." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
-synonym: "vcc" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral caudal cluster" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventrocaudal cluster" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007003
-is_a: ZFA:0005575 ! brain nucleus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000128 ! midbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0007004
-name: epiphyseal cluster
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Early-developing neuronal cluster of the epiphysis. By 24 hpf the pioneer axon of the dorsoventral diencephalic tract (DVDT) has arisen from the ec and grown ventrally. As this axon encounters axons of the TPOC, it makes a near-90 rostral turn and grows rostrally among axons of the TPOC growing in the opposite direction." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-955]
-synonym: "ec" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007004
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000019 ! epiphysis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0007005
-name: hemal prezygapophysis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001380
-def: "Hemal prezygapophyses are paired, anteromedially directed processes arising from the bases of hemal arches, ligamentously joined to the hemal postzygapophyses of the preceding vertebra. Posterior caudal vertebrae close to the caudal fin lack hemal prezygapophyses." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "haemal prezygapophysis" EXACT []
-synonym: "hemal prezygopophysis" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007005
-is_a: ZFA:0001591 ! endochondral bone
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000519 ! hemal arch
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007006
-name: lip
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Surface structure that is one of the fleshy folds surrounding the opening of the mouth." [GOC:ymb,, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "lips" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007006
-is_a: ZFA:0000292 ! surface structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000547 ! mouth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007008
-name: ventral intermandibularis anterior
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a mandibular muscle that attaches to Meckel's cartilage and functions during jaw closing." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-9]
-synonym: "intermandibularis anterior" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral intermandibulari anterior" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007008
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000369 ! intermandibularis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0007009
-name: nerve
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A portion of tissue which is a fasciculated group of axons. Many time axons in the nerve are enveloped by the glial cells of the peripheral nervous system, the Schwann cells." [GOC:ymb, ISBN:0878937420, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "nerves" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007009
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007010
-name: thalamic eminence
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Part of the forebrain that is ventral to the ventral thalamus and dorsal to the preoptic area. See page 44 of the Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070711-1]
-synonym: "eminentia thalami" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007010
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007011
-name: vagal root
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Part of cranial nerve X." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-synonym: "rX" EXACT []
-synonym: "vagus root" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007011
-is_a: ZFA:0001663 ! cranial nerve root
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000453 ! cranial nerve X
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007012
-name: lateral forebrain bundle
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "In the adult bilaterally paired compact tract located lateral to the medial forebrain bundle that extends to the diencephalon. Formed from several fascicles that originate in the precommissural telencephalon and converge rostrocaudally. In the seven day old fish bilaterally paired bundle that runs caudally from the anterior commissure to the forebrain. In the caudal diencephalon the bundle divides into two parts. The thinner part runs more laterally and ventrally, and the thicker part was located more medially and dorsally. Both bundles run in the caudal direction toward the cranial wall of the lateral recess of the diencephalic ventricle, where they apparently exchange some fibers. Then, they continue in the caudal direction, surrounding the lateral recess from the ventral and dorsal side, and meet close to the caudal wall of lateral recess at the level of the commissure of the posterior tuberculum." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-051207-17, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "fasciculus lateralis telencephali" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280]
-synonym: "lateral forebrain bundles" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007012
-is_a: ZFA:0001682 ! white matter
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000109 ! forebrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0007013
-name: preplacodal ectoderm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Non neural ectoderm that surrounds the presumptive neural plate and gives rise to neurogenic placodes." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "panplacodal ectoderm" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070122-31]
-xref: TAO:0007013
-is_a: ZFA:0001178 ! non neural ectoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007014
-name: anterior presumptive neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rostral portion of embryonic tissue that gives rise to the anterior neural plate." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007014
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-id: ZFA:0007015
-name: posterior presumptive neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Caudal portion of embryonic tissue that gives rise to the posterior neural plate." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007015
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000063 ! presumptive neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-id: ZFA:0007016
-name: anterior neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rostral portion of the neural plate. Develops into the anterior neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007016
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007014 ! anterior presumptive neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007017
-name: posterior neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior portion of the neural plate that gives rise to the posterior neural keel." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007017
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007015 ! posterior presumptive neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007018
-name: forebrain neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior portion of anterior neural plate that gives rise to the forebrain neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007018
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000062 ! presumptive forebrain
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007016 ! anterior neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007019
-name: midbrain neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of neural plate that gives rise to the midbrain neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007019
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000148 ! presumptive midbrain
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007016 ! anterior neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007020
-name: forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of anterior neural plate that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary neural plate" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007020
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001368 ! presumptive forebrain midbrain boundary
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007016 ! anterior neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007021
-name: spinal cord neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the posterior neural plate that gives rise to the spinal cord neural keel." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007021
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000417 ! presumptive spinal cord
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007017 ! posterior neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007022
-name: hindbrain neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of posterior neural plate that gives rise to the hindbrain neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007022
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000569 ! presumptive hindbrain
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007017 ! posterior neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007023
-name: posterior neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior portion of the neural keel that gives rise to the posterior neural rod." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007023
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007017 ! posterior neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0007024
-name: anterior neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rostral portion of the neural keel. Develops into the anterior neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007024
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007016 ! anterior neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0007025
-name: midbrain neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of neural keel that gives rise to the midbrain neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007025
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007019 ! midbrain neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0007026
-name: forebrain neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior portion of anterior neural keel that gives rise to the forebrain neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007026
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007018 ! forebrain neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0007027
-name: forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of anterior neural keel that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary neural keel" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007027
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007020 ! forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0007028
-name: spinal cord neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the posterior neural keel that gives rise to the spinal cord neural rod." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007028
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007023 ! posterior neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0007029
-name: hindbrain neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of posterior neural keel that gives rise to the hindbrain neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007029
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007022 ! hindbrain neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007023 ! posterior neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0007030
-name: posterior neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior portion of the neural rod that gives rise to the posterior neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007030
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007023 ! posterior neural keel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0007031
-name: anterior neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rostral portion of the neural rod. Develops into the anterior neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007031
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007024 ! anterior neural keel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0007032
-name: midbrain neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of neural rod that gives rise to the midbrain neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007032
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007025 ! midbrain neural keel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0007033
-name: forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of anterior neural rod that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary neural rod" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007033
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007027 ! forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0007034
-name: forebrain neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior portion of anterior neural rod that gives rise to the forebrain neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007034
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007026 ! forebrain neural keel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0007035
-name: spinal cord neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the posterior neural rod that gives rise to the spinal cord neural tube." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007035
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007030 ! posterior neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0007036
-name: hindbrain neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of posterior neural rod that gives rise to the hindbrain neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007036
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007029 ! hindbrain neural keel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007030 ! posterior neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0007037
-name: posterior neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Posterior portion of the neural tube that gives rise to the hindbrain and spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007037
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007030 ! posterior neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0007038
-name: anterior neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Rostral portion of the neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007038
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007031 ! anterior neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0007039
-name: midbrain neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of neural tube that gives rise to the midbrain." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007039
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007032 ! midbrain neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007038 ! anterior neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0007040
-name: forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of anterior neural tube that gives rise to the forebrain midbrain boundary." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary neural tube" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007040
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007033 ! forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007038 ! anterior neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0007041
-name: forebrain neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anterior portion of anterior neural rod that gives rise to the forebrain." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007041
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007034 ! forebrain neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007038 ! anterior neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0007042
-name: spinal cord neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of the posterior neural tube that gives rise to the spinal cord." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007042
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007037 ! posterior neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0007043
-name: hindbrain neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of posterior neural tube that gives rise to the hindbrain." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007043
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007036 ! hindbrain neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007037 ! posterior neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0007044
-name: midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of neural plate that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural plate" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007044
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001187 ! presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007045
-name: midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of neural keel that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural keel" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007045
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007044 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000131 ! neural keel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-id: ZFA:0007046
-name: midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of neural rod that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural rod" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007046
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007045 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000133 ! neural rod
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0007047
-name: midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of neural tube that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary." [GOC:mh, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural tube" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007047
-is_a: ZFA:0001689 ! anatomical line
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007046 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001135 ! neural tube
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-id: ZFA:0007048
-name: ventral intermandibularis posterior
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a mandibular muscle that attaches Meckel's cartilage to the basihyal cartilage and functions in jaw opening." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061010-9]
-synonym: "intermandibularis posterior" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral intermandibulari posterior" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007048
-is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000369 ! intermandibularis
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0007049
-name: adductor mandibulae
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a mandibular muscle that forms along the palatoquadrates and inserts on Meckel's cartilages and functions in jaw closing." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050318-5]
-synonym: "dorsal adductor mandibulae" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007049
-is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0007050
-name: constrictor dorsalis
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Dorsal subdivision of the putative mandibular muscle plate. Splits into the dilatator operculi and the levator arcus palatini." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970819-13]
-synonym: "constrictors dorsalis" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007050
-is_a: ZFA:0000236 ! mandibular muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007051
-name: interhyoideus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a ventral paired hyoid muscle that has attachment sites on the basihyal and the posterior end of the ceratohyals and functions in jaw opening." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
-synonym: "interhyal" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral interhyoidei" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "ventral interhyoideus" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007051
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0007052
-name: hyohyoideus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a ventral,paired hyoid muscle that inserts at the most anterior basibranchial and also at the posterior ends of the ceratohyals and functions in jaw closure." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
-synonym: "hyohyal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007052
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0007053
-name: adductor hyomandibulae
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a dorsal, paired hyoid muscle that attaches to the dorsomedial faces of the hyosymplectics." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2]
-synonym: "dorsal adductor hyomandibulae" EXACT []
-synonym: "dorsal adductors hyomandibulae" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007053
-is_a: ZFA:0000521 ! hyoid muscle
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-id: ZFA:0007054
-name: pillar of the anterior semicircular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pillar of the semicircular canal around whose perimeter runs the anterior semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
-synonym: "anterior hub of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior pillar" EXACT []
-synonym: "anterior pillar of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "horizontal hub" RELATED []
-xref: TAO:0007054
-is_a: ZFA:0001717 ! pillar of the semicircular canal
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000232 ! otic vesicle lateral protrusion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000469 ! otic vesicle anterior protrusion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000314 ! anterior semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0007055
-name: pillar of the lateral semicircular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pillar of the semicircular canal around whose perimeter runs the lateral semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
-synonym: "lateral hub of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral bar" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral pillar" EXACT []
-synonym: "ventral piller of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007055
-is_a: ZFA:0001717 ! pillar of the semicircular canal
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001716 ! otic vesicle ventral protrusion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000220 ! lateral semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0007056
-name: pillar of the posterior semicircular canal
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Pillar of the semicircular canal around whose perimeter runs the posterior semicircular canal." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-383]
-synonym: "horizontal hub" RELATED []
-synonym: "posterior hub of the semicircular canal" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior pillar" EXACT []
-synonym: "posterior pillar of the semicircular" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001717 ! pillar of the semicircular canal
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000232 ! otic vesicle lateral protrusion
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000412 ! otic vesicle posterior protrusion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000262 ! posterior semicircular canal
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0007057
-name: ocular blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel within the eye." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "eye vasculature" EXACT []
-synonym: "ocular vasculature" RELATED []
-synonym: "optic vasculature" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007057
-is_a: ZFA:0005297 ! cranial blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0007058
-name: roof plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal-most aspect of the developing neural tube." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007058
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000012 ! central nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0007059
-name: neurogenic field
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Portion of tissue fated to develop into neurogenic placode." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "neurogenic fields" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007059
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007013 ! preplacodal ectoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000021 ! Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0007060
-name: dorsolateral field
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neurogenic field fated to develop into a dorsolateral placode." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "dorsolateral fields" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007060
-is_a: ZFA:0007059 ! neurogenic field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007061
-name: epibranchial field
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neurogenic field fated to develop into an epibranchial placode." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "epibranchial fields" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007061
-is_a: ZFA:0007059 ! neurogenic field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007062
-name: olfactory field
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neurogenic field fated to develop into the olfactory placode." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "olfactory fields" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: TAO:0007062
-is_a: ZFA:0007059 ! neurogenic field
-relationship: end ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0007063
-name: neural crest hindbrain
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest that is part of the hindbrain." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "rhombencephalic neural crest" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007063
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne Bradford
-creation_date: 2009-04-29T04:51:35Z
-id: ZFA:0007064
-name: mandibular neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest that migrates into the mandibular arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-6]
-xref: TAO:0007064
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007063 ! neural crest hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne Bradford
-creation_date: 2009-04-29T04:53:53Z
-id: ZFA:0007065
-name: hyoid neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest that migrates into the hyoid arch." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-061108-6]
-xref: TAO:0007065
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007063 ! neural crest hindbrain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne Bradford
-creation_date: 2009-04-29T04:56:12Z
-id: ZFA:0007066
-name: glossopharyngeal neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cranial neural crest which gives rise to the glossopharyngeal ganglion." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-xref: TAO:0007066
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne Bradford
-creation_date: 2009-11-04T03:39:42Z
-id: ZFA:0007067
-name: vagal ganglion
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-synonym: "gX" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0007067
-is_a: ZFA:0001555 ! epibranchial ganglion
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne Bradford
-creation_date: 2010-04-21T09:45:38Z
-id: ZFA:0007068
-name: otic epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an epithelium of the auditory apparatus." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne Bradford
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T12:34:16Z
-id: ZFA:0007069
-name: otic squamous epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an otic epithelium composed of cells with a squamous morphology." [GOC:ymb, ISBN:019514502X, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne Bradford
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T12:38:05Z
-id: ZFA:0007070
-name: otic sensory epithelium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is an otic epithelium that is a neuroepithelium which is pseudostratified and senses sound." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0007068 ! otic epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne Bradford
-creation_date: 2011-04-26T12:43:35Z
-id: ZFA:0007071
-name: flexural organ
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a portion of tissue that is the most anterior portion of the notochord. The flexural organ secretes Reissner's fiber-related proteins, including F-spondin." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120709-5]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000135 ! notochord
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2012-07-18T02:12:26Z
-id: ZFA:0007072
-name: blood sinus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a multitissue structure that accumulates blood." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:12:44Z
-id: ZFA:0007073
-name: blood sinus cavity
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An enlarged chamber in the blood sinus capable of accumulating a large volume of blood." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "blood sinus lumen" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001643 ! anatomical space
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007072 ! blood sinus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:14:28Z
-id: ZFA:0007074
-name: maxillary barbel blood sinus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a three-chambered blood sinus found at the base of the maxillary barbel. Responsible, in part, for the movement of the maxillary barbel." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
-is_a: ZFA:0007072 ! blood sinus
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001267 ! cranial vasculature
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:18:03Z
-id: ZFA:0007075
-name: distal bulb of the maxillary blood sinus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a multi-tissue structure forming the smallest chamber of the maxillary barbel blood sinus. It projects into the barbel shaft and has a blood filled lumen, into which extend irregular septa of vascular smooth muscle cells. Additional smooth muscle cells surround the lumen and attach the bulb to the barbel core. Circumferential to the core, there is a thin band of dermal tissue through with run several smaller capillaries and the barbel branch of the of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). The entire structure is wrapped by a glandular, stratified epithelium." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140813-6]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007074 ! maxillary barbel blood sinus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:22:04Z
-id: ZFA:0007076
-name: central chamber of the maxillary blood sinus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a multi-tissue structure that is located outside the maxillary barbel proper and is positioned on the lateral surface of the maxilla, medially attached to the lateral surface of the maxillary bone and is laterally is attached to a hemispheric capsule of dense connective tissue of the distal bulb. It connects with the smaller accessory chamber through a slight isthmus. It has a smooth muscle tunic from which extend luminally projecting muscular septa." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140813-6]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007074 ! maxillary barbel blood sinus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:27:58Z
-id: ZFA:0007077
-name: accessory chamber of the maxillary blood sinus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a multi-tissue structure part of the maxillary barbel blood sinus which is connected to the central chamber of the maxillary blood sinus by a slight isthmus. It is not muscularized, has no dense connective tissue capsule and is not attached to adjacent bone. Is composed of dark tunica intima wrapped by thick, light tunica adventitia; cells within the adventitia are widely separated, with extended cytoplasmic veils. External to the adventitia, a branch of the facial nerve and several smaller nerve bundles appear in cross section just lateral to the isthmus. These nerves are in the dermis, but outside the sinus." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140813-6]
-is_a: ZFA:0001488 ! multi-tissue structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007074 ! maxillary barbel blood sinus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:34:40Z
-id: ZFA:0007078
-name: maxillary barbel lymph vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A blind end lymph vessel that emerges from the maxilla, wraps around the sinus isthmus, then runs alongside the distal bulb to enter the barbel shaft proper." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100121-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
-synonym: "dorsal maxillary barbel lymph vessel" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005844 ! lymph vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005408 ! maxillary barbel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:41:22Z
-id: ZFA:0007079
-name: maxillary barbel blood vessel
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Blood vessel that emerges from the maxilla, wraps around the sinus isthmus, then runs alongside the distal bulb to enter the barbel shaft proper. There are two ventral vessels that connect distally in the maxillary barbel forming a complete capillary loop." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100121-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
-synonym: "ventral maxillary barbel blood vessel" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0005314 ! blood vessel
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005408 ! maxillary barbel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:46:19Z
-id: ZFA:0007080
-name: maxillary barbel vasculature
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a vasculature that delivers fluid to the maxillary barbel." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100121-1]
-is_a: ZFA:0005249 ! vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005408 ! maxillary barbel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:52:05Z
-id: ZFA:0007081
-name: maxillary barbel proximal plexus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Is a vascular plexus at the base, or proximal end, of the developing maxillary barbel." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100121-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140816-6]
-is_a: ZFA:0007080 ! maxillary barbel vasculature
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005408 ! maxillary barbel
-relationship: start ZFS:0000042 ! Juvenile:Days 30-44
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2014-10-24T02:55:07Z
-id: ZFA:0007082
-name: neural plate border
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Region of the neural plate that will give rise to the neural crest. The neural plate border includes progenitors for the dorsal neural tube, the neural crest, and placodes. It is a broad competence domain, established between neural and non-neural ectoderm within which subtle and sequential cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous molecular interactions will progressively define the neural crest fate from adjacent dorsal neural fates." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, PMID:22305800]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000132 ! neural plate
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-01-28T08:43:28Z
-id: ZFA:0007083
-name: premigratory neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Premigratory neural crest population that develops from the neural plate border. The cells of this group will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delaminate to produce the migratory neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007082 ! neural plate border
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-01-28T09:06:50Z
-id: ZFA:0007084
-name: premigratory neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that is part of the premigratory neural crest population. Will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination to become part of the migratory neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "premigratory neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0007004
-is_a: ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007083 ! premigratory neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-01-28T09:29:06Z
-id: ZFA:0007085
-name: migratory neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Migratory neural crest population that develops from premigratory neural crest. This group of neural crest has undergone ectomesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007083 ! premigratory neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-01-28T12:04:14Z
-id: ZFA:0007086
-name: migratory neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that is part of the migratory neural crest population. Migratory neural crest cells develop from premigratory neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "migratory neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000333
-is_a: ZFA:0009136 ! motile cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007084 ! premigratory neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007085 ! migratory neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-01-28T01:35:09Z
-id: ZFA:0007087
-name: migratory cranial neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Migratory cranial neural crest population that develops from premigratory cranial neural crest. This group of neural crest has undergone ectomesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-is_a: ZFA:0007085 ! migratory neural crest
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007088 ! premigratory cranial neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-07T11:45:15Z
-id: ZFA:0007088
-name: premigratory cranial neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Premigratory cranial neural crest population that develops from the neural plate border. The cells of this group will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delaminate to produce the migratory cranial neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-is_a: ZFA:0007083 ! premigratory neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-07T03:27:33Z
-id: ZFA:0007089
-name: embryonic cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the embryo." [CL:curator]
-xref: CL:0002321
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000034 ! Hatching:Pec-fin
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-30T01:24:36Z
-id: ZFA:0007090
-name: premigratory cranial neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that is part of the premigratory cranial neural crest population. Will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination to become part of the migratory cranial neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "premigratory cranial neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0007084 ! premigratory neural crest cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007088 ! premigratory cranial neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-31T12:37:58Z
-id: ZFA:0007091
-name: migratory cranial neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that is part of the migratory cranial neural crest population. Migratory cranial neural crest cells develop from premigratory cranial neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "migratory cranial neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000008
-is_a: ZFA:0007086 ! migratory neural crest cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007090 ! premigratory cranial neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007087 ! migratory cranial neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-31T12:43:55Z
-id: ZFA:0007092
-name: premigratory trunk neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Premigratory trunk neural crest population that develops from the neural plate border. The cells of this group will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delaminate to produce the migratory trunk neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001024 ! trunk neural crest
-is_a: ZFA:0007083 ! premigratory neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-31T01:03:25Z
-id: ZFA:0007093
-name: migratory trunk neural crest
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Migratory trunk neural crest population that develops from premigratory trunk neural crest. This group of neural crest has undergone ectomesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001024 ! trunk neural crest
-is_a: ZFA:0007085 ! migratory neural crest
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007092 ! premigratory trunk neural crest
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-31T01:11:09Z
-id: ZFA:0007094
-name: premigratory trunk neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that is part of the premigratory trunk neural crest population. Will undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination to become part of the migratory trunk neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "premigratory trunk neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0007084 ! premigratory neural crest cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009004 ! trunk neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007092 ! premigratory trunk neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-31T01:18:04Z
-id: ZFA:0007095
-name: migratory trunk neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that is part of the migratory trunk neural crest population. Migratory trunk neural crest cells develop from premigratory trunk neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "migratory trunk neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000011
-is_a: ZFA:0007086 ! migratory neural crest cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007094 ! premigratory trunk neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0007093 ! migratory trunk neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-03-31T01:22:09Z
-id: ZFA:0007096
-name: vertebra 13
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 12." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T14:15:01Z
-id: ZFA:0007097
-name: vertebra 14
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 13." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001582 ! non-Weberian precaudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T14:22:33Z
-id: ZFA:0007098
-name: vertebra 15
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 14." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:10:35Z
-id: ZFA:0007099
-name: vertebra 16
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 15." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:15:45Z
-id: ZFA:0007100
-name: vertebra 17
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 16." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:17:20Z
-id: ZFA:0007101
-name: vertebra 18
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 17." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:19:07Z
-id: ZFA:0007102
-name: vertebra 19
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 18." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:20:46Z
-id: ZFA:0007103
-name: vertebra 20
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 19." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:22:42Z
-id: ZFA:0007104
-name: vertebra 21
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 20." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:24:43Z
-id: ZFA:0007105
-name: vertebra 22
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 21." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:26:15Z
-id: ZFA:0007106
-name: vertebra 23
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 22." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:29:09Z
-id: ZFA:0007107
-name: vertebra 24
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 23." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:31:04Z
-id: ZFA:0007108
-name: vertebra 25
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 24." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:32:40Z
-id: ZFA:0007109
-name: vertebra 26
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 25." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:34:15Z
-id: ZFA:0007110
-name: vertebra 27
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 26." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:36:10Z
-id: ZFA:0007111
-name: vertebra 28
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 27." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:37:40Z
-id: ZFA:0007112
-name: vertebra 29
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 28." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:39:17Z
-id: ZFA:0007113
-name: vertebra 30
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 29." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000326 ! caudal vertebra
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: yvonne
-creation_date: 2016-10-19T15:41:01Z
-id: ZFA:0007114
-name: anatomical conduit
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An anatomical structure that is an opening or tube that connects two distinct anatomical spaces." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2018-03-23T11:46:06Z
-id: ZFA:0007115
-name: pericardial region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An anatomical cluster composed of the heart and associated structures." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2018-03-26T11:52:32Z
-id: ZFA:0007116
-name: pleuroperitoneal region
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An anatomical cluster composed of the organs of the pleuroperitoneal cavity and associated structures." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-is_a: ZFA:0001478 ! anatomical cluster
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2018-03-26T14:19:43Z
-id: ZFA:0007117
-name: Meckel's cartilage-palatoquadrate cartilage joint
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Joint between Meckel's cartilage and palatoquadrate cartilage." [GOC:ymb, ORCid:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151122-6]
-synonym: "jaw joint" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001596 ! joint
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2019-04-05T15:06:57Z
-id: ZFA:0007118
-name: vertebral body end plate
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The vertebral body end plate is part of the autocentrum. The anterior and posterior surfaces of the autocentrum constitute the funnel shaped vertebral body end plates. The outer rim of the end plate is the vertebral body growth zone. The anterior and posterior end plates are connected by bony plates that are horizontally attached to the ourter contour of the autocentrum." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180228-2]
-synonym: "vertebral body endplate" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000126 ! centrum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2019-04-08T12:21:06Z
-id: ZFA:0007119
-name: intervertebral ligament
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Ligament that connects adjacent vertebra. The intervertebral ligament (IVL) connects the posterior vertebral end plate to the anterior vertebral end plate of adjacent vertebra. For example the IVL connects the posterior end plate of vertebra 14 to the anterior end plate of vertebra 15. It is typically composed of three distinct layers: the notochord sheet which is mainly type II collagen; the outer elastin layer; and a layer of type I collagen fiber bundles." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-180808-7]
-synonym: "IVL" EXACT []
-is_a: ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001559 ! vertebral column
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2019-04-08T13:27:22Z
-id: ZFA:0007120
-name: cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Spinal cord interneuron located along the central canal that extends a microvilliated apical process into the cerebrospinal fluid and extends ascending axonal projections ventrally and ipsilaterally. CSF-cNs are GABAergic neurons that express PKD2L1 (TRPP3) channels and have been shown to be chemosensory and mechanosensory, responding to pH and osmolarity changes as well as mechanical stimuli associated with tail bending. CSF-cNs originate from two distinct progenitor domains, p3 and pMN. CSF-cNs project onto caudal primary (CaP motor neurons) and commissural primary ascending (CoPA) sensory interneurons within the escape circuit as well as onto V0-v interneurons within the slow swimming circuit." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-synonym: "CSF-cN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-synonym: "CSF-cNs" EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-is_a: ZFA:0000778 ! spinal cord interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0009120 ! mechanoreceptor cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009124 ! chemoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2020-03-03T10:15:16Z
-id: ZFA:0007121
-name: ventral cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron that originates form p3 progenitor domain. The apical extension of ventral CSF-cNs are more compact than that of dorsal CSF-cNs. Ventral CSF-cNs synapse with CaP motor neurons and project onto CoPA sensory interneurons. Ventral CSF-cNs respond to longitudinal contractions of the spinal cord. Frequently called KA\" neurons." [GOC:ymb, ORDiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-synonym: "KA 2" RELATED []
-synonym: "ventral CSF-cN" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-synonym: "ventral CSF-cNs" EXACT PLURAL [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-170409-2]
-is_a: ZFA:0007120 ! cerebrospinal fluid contacting neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2020-03-03T10:51:35Z
-id: ZFA:0007122
-name: epidermal stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A stem cell that gives rise to several epidermal cell types, including ionocytes and keratinocytes." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-synonym: "" RELATED []
-xref: CL:1000428
-is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2020-03-03T13:31:57Z
-id: ZFA:0007123
-name: ionocyte progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that will become an ionocyte. Ionocyte progenitor cells develop from epidermal stem cells in the ventral ectoderm that are DeltaC and Tp63 positive." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190402-19]
-synonym: "ionocyte progenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007122 ! epidermal stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2020-03-03T14:01:21Z
-id: ZFA:0007124
-name: keratinocyte progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that will become a keratinocyte. Keratinocyte progenitor cells develop from epidermal stem cells in the ventral ectoderm that are DeltaC negative and Tp63 positive." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190402-19]
-synonym: "keratinocyte progenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007122 ! epidermal stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2020-03-03T14:12:30Z
-id: ZFA:0007125
-name: midbrain hindbrain boundary constriction
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A portion of tissue that is the deepest point of the fold of the midbrain hindbrain boundary. In zebrafish the midbrain hindbrain boundary constriction (MHBC) is formed soon after neural tube closure. The MHBC is formed by the bending of the basal side of the neuroepithelium." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080825-24]
-synonym: "MHBC" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080825-24]
-is_a: ZFA:0001477 ! portion of tissue
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000042 ! midbrain hindbrain boundary
-relationship: start ZFS:0000026 ! Segmentation:14-19 somites
-created_by: Yvonne
-creation_date: 2020-03-04T12:35:25Z
-id: ZFA:0009000
-name: cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane." [CARO:MAH, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CARO:0000013
-xref: CL:0000000
-xref: TAO:0009000
-is_a: ZFA:0000037 ! anatomical structure
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001094 ! whole organism
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0009001
-name: receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "receptor cells (sensu Animalia)" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000006
-xref: TAO:0009001
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009002
-name: early embryonic cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An embryonic cell that is formed before the germ layers have been formed." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "early embryonic cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000007
-xref: TAO:0009002
-is_a: ZFA:0007089 ! embryonic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000001 ! Zygote:1-cell
-id: ZFA:0009003
-name: cranial neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the cranial neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cranial neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001194 ! cranial neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009004
-name: trunk neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the trunk neural crest." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "trunk neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001024 ! trunk neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009005
-name: spermatocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A male germ cell that develops from spermatogonia. The euploid primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis and give rise to the haploid secondary spermatocytes which in turn give rise to spermatids." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "spermatocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000017
-xref: TAO:0009005
-is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009007 ! spermatogonium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000598 ! testis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-id: ZFA:0009006
-name: sperm
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "sperm cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "spermatozoid" EXACT []
-synonym: "spermatozoon" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000019
-xref: TAO:0009006
-is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009007
-name: spermatogonium
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001337
-def: "An euploid male germ cell of an early stage of spermatogenesis." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "spermatogonia" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000020
-xref: TAO:0001337
-xref: TAO:0009007
-is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005882 ! spermatogenic cyst
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009009
-name: neuron neural crest derived
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000029
-xref: TAO:0009009
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009010
-name: glioblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "glioblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000030
-xref: TAO:0009010
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001120 ! neuroectoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009011
-name: neuroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000031
-xref: TAO:0009011
-is_a: ZFA:0009019 ! neuronal stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009012
-name: neuroplacodal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuroplacodal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000032
-xref: TAO:0009012
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009013
-name: single fate stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "single fate stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000035
-xref: TAO:0009013
-is_a: ZFA:0009307 ! somatic stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009014
-name: hematopoietic stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A stem cell from which all cells of the lymphoid and myeloid lineages develop, including blood cells and cells of the immune system." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "colony forming unit hematopoietic" RELATED []
-synonym: "hematopoietic progenitor cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "hemopoietic progenitor cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "hemopoietic stem cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "HSC" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000037
-xref: TAO:0009014
-is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009258 ! angioblastic mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005023 ! hematopoietic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0009015
-name: erythroid progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell committed to the erythroid lineage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "BFU-E" RELATED []
-synonym: "blast forming unit erythroid" RELATED []
-synonym: "burst forming unit erythroid" RELATED []
-synonym: "CFU-E" RELATED []
-synonym: "colony forming unit erythroid" RELATED []
-synonym: "erythroid stem cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000038
-xref: TAO:0009015
-is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009022 ! megakaryocyte erythroid progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009016
-name: germ line cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that is within the developmental lineage of gametes and is able to pass along its genetic material to offspring." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "germ line cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000039
-xref: TAO:0009016
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009017
-name: monoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A myeloid progenitor cell committed to the monocyte lineage." [CL:curator,]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CFU-M" EXACT []
-synonym: "colony forming unit macrophage" EXACT []
-synonym: "monocyte stem cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000040
-xref: TAO:0009017
-is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009251 ! granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009018
-name: neutrophilic myeloblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A myeloblast committed to the neutrophil lineage. A myeloblast is the most primitive precursor in the granulocytic series, having fine, evenly distributed chromatin, several nucleoli, and a nongranular basophilic cytoplasm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neutrophilic granuloblast" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000042
-xref: TAO:0009018
-is_a: ZFA:0009353 ! myeloblast
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009352 ! neutrophil progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009019
-name: neuronal stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuronal stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000047
-xref: TAO:0009019
-is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009020
-name: multi fate stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A stem cell that can give rise to mulitple lineages of cells." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "multipotent stem cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000048
-xref: TAO:0009020
-is_a: ZFA:0009307 ! somatic stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009021
-name: common myeloid progenitor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell committed to myeloid lineage, including the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CMP" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
-synonym: "colony forming unit granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
-synonym: "multipotential myeloid stem cell" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
-synonym: "myeloid stem cell" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
-synonym: "pluripotent stem cell (bone marrow)" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-2]
-xref: CL:0000049
-xref: TAO:0009021
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009014 ! hematopoietic stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009022
-name: megakaryocyte erythroid progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell committed to the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "colony forming unit erythroid megakaryocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "MEP" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000050
-xref: TAO:0009022
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009021 ! common myeloid progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009023
-name: common lymphoid progenitor
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An oligopotent progenitor cell committed to the lymphoid lineage." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CLP" EXACT []
-synonym: "committed lymphopoietic stem cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "early lymphocyte progenitor" RELATED []
-synonym: "ELP" RELATED []
-synonym: "lymphoid stem cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "lymphopoietic stem cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000051
-xref: TAO:0009023
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009014 ! hematopoietic stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0009024
-name: totipotent stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A stem cell from which all cells of the body can form." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "totipotent stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000052
-xref: TAO:0009024
-is_a: ZFA:0009307 ! somatic stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009025
-name: myoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An embryonic (precursor) cell of the myogenic lineage that develops from the mesoderm. They undergo proliferation, migrate to their various sites, and then differentiate into the appropriate form of myocytes." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "myoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000056
-xref: TAO:0009025
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009179 ! muscle stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009026
-name: fibroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A connective tissue cell which secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules." [CL:curator]
-comment: Not in CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fibroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000057
-xref: TAO:0009026
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009027
-name: chondroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletogenic cell that is typically non-terminally differentiated, secretes an avascular, GAG rich matrix; is not buried in cartilage tissue matrix, retains the ability to divide, located adjacent to cartilage tissue (including within the perichondrium)." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chondroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000058
-xref: TAO:0009027
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0009028
-name: ameloblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cylindrical epithelial cell in the innermost layer of the enamel organ. Their functions include contribution to the development of the dentinoenamel junction by the deposition of a layer of the matrix, thus producing the foundation for the prisms (the structural units of the dental enamel), and production of the matrix for the enamel prisms and interprismatic substance. (From Jablonski's Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992)." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ameloblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000059
-xref: TAO:0009028
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005134 ! dental epithelium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009029
-name: odontoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Skeletogenic cell that secretes dentine matrix, is derived from the tooth pulp." [GOC:cvs]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "odontoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000060
-xref: TAO:0009029
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005141 ! tooth pulp
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009030
-name: cementoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of ectomesenchymal origin concerned with the formation of the layer of cementum on the roots of teeth." [ISBN:0781733901]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cementoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000061
-xref: TAO:0009030
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005138 ! dental organ
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009031
-name: osteoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A bone-forming cell which secretes an extracellular matrix. Hydroxyapatite crystals are then deposited into the matrix to form bone." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "osteoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000062
-xref: TAO:0009031
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009184 ! osteoprogenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009032
-name: ciliated cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ciliated cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000064
-xref: TAO:0009032
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009033
-name: ependymal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neurectoderm derived cell that lines the neural lumen." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ependymocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000065
-xref: TAO:0009033
-is_a: ZFA:0009035 ! ciliated epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009306 ! neuroepithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009034
-name: epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that is usually found in a two-dimensional sheet with a free surface." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000066
-xref: TAO:0009034
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009035
-name: ciliated epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ciliated epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000067
-xref: TAO:0009035
-is_a: ZFA:0009032 ! ciliated cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009036
-name: blood vessel endothelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "blood vessel endothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000071
-xref: TAO:0009036
-is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009065 ! endothelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005773 ! embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005257 ! blood vessel endothelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009037
-name: barrier epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "barrier epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000073
-xref: TAO:0009037
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009038
-name: columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "columnar/cuboidal epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000075
-xref: TAO:0009038
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009039
-name: squamous epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "squamous epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000076
-xref: TAO:0009039
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009040
-name: mesothelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000077
-xref: TAO:0009040
-is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009130 ! lining cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009041
-name: peridermal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "peridermal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000078
-xref: TAO:0009041
-is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009042
-name: stratified epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stratified epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000079
-xref: TAO:0009042
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009180 ! stratified epithelial stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009043
-name: circulating cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell which moves among different tissues of the body, via blood, lymph, or other medium." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "circulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000080
-xref: TAO:0009043
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009044
-name: blood cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell found predominately in the blood." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "blood cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000081
-xref: TAO:0009044
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000007 ! blood
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0009045
-name: epithelial cell of pancreas
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "epithelial cells of pancreas" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000083
-xref: TAO:0009045
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009139 ! endodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009046
-name: T cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009340
-alt_id: ZFA:0009341
-def: "A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-comment: CL:0000804 and CL:0000812 were merged in the cell ontology into CL:0000084.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "immature T cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature T cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000084
-xref: TAO:0009046
-xref: TAO:0009340
-xref: TAO:0009341
-is_a: ZFA:0009250 ! lymphocyte
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009350 ! pro-T cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009047
-name: osteoclast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A specialized phagocytic cell associated with the absorption and removal of the mineralized matrix of bone tissue, which typically differentiates from monocytes." [CL:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-comment: Morphology: Highly vesicular; markers: Surface: RANK, cFMS (MCSF receptor); Secreted: cathepsin K and TRAP (tartate resistant acid phosphatase); transcription factors: PU.1, cFOS, MITF, NFkB (p52); role or process: tissue remodelling: bone resorption; lineage: hematopoietic, myeloid.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chondroclast" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000092
-xref: TAO:0009047
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009265 ! monocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009048
-name: granulocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A leukocyte with abundant granules in the cytoplasm." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "granulocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000094
-xref: TAO:0009048
-is_a: ZFA:0009326 ! myeloid leukocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009049
-name: mature neutrophil
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A fully differentiated neutrophil, a granular leukocyte having a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mature neutrocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature neutrophil leucocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature neutrophil leukocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature neutrophilic leucocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature neutrophilic leukocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "PMN" EXACT []
-synonym: "poly" RELATED []
-synonym: "polymorphonuclear leucocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "polymorphonuclear leukocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "polymorphonuclear neutrophil" EXACT []
-synonym: "polynuclear neutrophilic leucocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "polynuclear neutrophilic leukocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000096
-xref: TAO:0009049
-is_a: ZFA:0009327 ! neutrophil
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009254 ! band form neutrophil
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009328 ! immature neutrophil
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009050
-name: sensory epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "sensory epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000098
-xref: TAO:0009050
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009306 ! neuroepithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009051
-name: interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Most generally any neuron which is not motor or sensory. Interneurons may also refer to neurons whose axons remain within a particular brain region as contrasted with projection neurons which have axons projecting to other brain regions." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000099
-xref: TAO:0009051
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009052
-name: motor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An efferent neuron that passes from the central nervous system or a ganglion toward or to a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "motoneuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000100
-xref: TAO:0009052
-is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009053
-name: sensory neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000432
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000101
-xref: TAO:0009053
-is_a: ZFA:0009238 ! afferent neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009054
-name: polymodal neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "polymodal neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000102
-xref: TAO:0009054
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009055
-name: bipolar neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A type of interneuron that has two neurites, usually an axon and a dendrite, extending from opposite poles of an ovoid cell body." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-4]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "bipolar neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000103
-xref: TAO:0009055
-is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000119 ! retinal inner nuclear layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009056
-name: multipolar neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "multipolar neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000104
-xref: TAO:0009056
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009057
-name: pseudounipolar neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pseudounipolar neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000105
-xref: TAO:0009057
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009058
-name: unipolar neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "unipolar neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000106
-xref: TAO:0009058
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009059
-name: autonomic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "autonomic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000107
-xref: TAO:0009059
-is_a: ZFA:0009009 ! neuron neural crest derived
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001574 ! autonomic nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009060
-name: cholinergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron that uses acetylcholine as a vesicular neurotransmitter." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cholinergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000108
-xref: TAO:0009060
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009061
-name: adrenergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "adrenergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000109
-xref: TAO:0009061
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009062
-name: peptidergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "peptidergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000110
-xref: TAO:0009062
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009063
-name: peripheral neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "peripheral neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000111
-xref: TAO:0009063
-is_a: ZFA:0009009 ! neuron neural crest derived
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009064
-name: mononuclear phagocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A vertebrate phagocyte with a single nucleus." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mononuclear phagocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000113
-xref: TAO:0009064
-is_a: ZFA:0009357 ! mononuclear cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009065
-name: endothelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "endothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000115
-xref: TAO:0009065
-is_a: ZFA:0009130 ! lining cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009066
-name: pioneer neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000409
-def: "Pioneer neurons establish a pathway in the developing central nervous system and then undergo programmed cell death once the adult axons, which follow them, have made connections with the target site. Thus, they are a transient cell type involved in axon guidance." [GOC:mh, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070131-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000116
-xref: TAO:0009066
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000048 ! olfactory placode
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0009067
-name: CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CNS neurons (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000117
-xref: TAO:0009067
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009168 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009068
-name: basket cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "basket cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000118
-xref: TAO:0009068
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009069
-name: Golgi cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "Golgi cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000119
-xref: TAO:0009069
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009070
-name: granule cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "granule cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000120
-xref: TAO:0009070
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000008 ! brain
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009071
-name: Purkinje cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The output neuron of the cerebellar cortex." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "Purkinje cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000121
-xref: TAO:0009071
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001706 ! Purkinje cell layer corpus cerebelli
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001709 ! Purkinje cell layer valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009072
-name: stellate cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stellate cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000122
-xref: TAO:0009072
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009073
-name: glial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000025
-def: "A non-neuronal cell of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu. Guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuroglia" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000125
-xref: TAO:0009073
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009010 ! glioblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0009074
-name: macroglial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "macroglial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000126
-xref: TAO:0009074
-is_a: ZFA:0009147 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009169 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009075
-name: astrocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system - the largest and most numerous neuroglial cells in the brain and spinal cord. Astrocytes (from 'star' cells) are irregularly shaped with many long processes, including those with 'end feet' which form the glial (limiting) membrane and directly and indirectly contribute to the blood-brain barrier. They regulate the extracellular ionic and chemical environment, and 'reactive astrocytes' (along with microglia) respond to injury." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "astrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000127
-xref: TAO:0009075
-is_a: ZFA:0009074 ! macroglial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009076
-name: oligodendrocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system. Form the insulating myelin sheath of axons in the central nervous system." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "oligodendroglia" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000128
-xref: TAO:0009076
-is_a: ZFA:0009074 ! macroglial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009169 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009077
-name: microglial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A central nervous system macrophage found in the parenchyma of the central nervous system." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "microglia" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000129
-xref: TAO:0009077
-is_a: ZFA:0009141 ! macrophage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009078
-name: gut endothelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "gut endothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000131
-xref: TAO:0009078
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009065 ! endothelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009139 ! endodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009079
-name: corneal endothelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell of the single layer of large flattened cells covering the surface of the cornea." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "corneal endothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000132
-xref: TAO:0009079
-is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009065 ! endothelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001687 ! corneal endothelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009080
-name: neurectodermal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neurectoderm cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000133
-xref: TAO:0009080
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009137 ! ectodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009081
-name: mesenchymal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that normally gives rise to other cells that are organized as three-dimensional masses, rather than sheets." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesenchymal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000134
-xref: TAO:0009081
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009082
-name: fat cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009208
-def: "A fat-storing cell found mostly in the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue of mammals. Fat is usually stored in the form of triglycerides. Cell that stores fat in a unilocular lipid droplet, has a thin circular cytoplasm and pericentral nucleus. The average adult adipocyte diameter is between 30 and 40 micrometers. No adipocytes were observed in larvae on 6 or 9 dpf." [CL:curator, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-9, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101011-51]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "adipocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "lipocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "lipocytes" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000136
-xref: CL:0000450
-xref: TAO:0009082
-xref: TAO:0009208
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005345 ! adipose tissue
-relationship: start ZFS:0000039 ! Larval:Days 7-13
-id: ZFA:0009083
-name: osteocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A mature osteoblast that has become embedded in the bone matrix. They occupy a small cavity, called lacuna, in the matrix and are connected to adjacent osteocytes via protoplasmic projections called canaliculi." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "osteocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000137
-xref: TAO:0009083
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009031 ! osteoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005734 ! lacunocanalicular system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009084
-name: chondrocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Polymorphic cell that form cartilage." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chondrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000138
-xref: TAO:0009084
-is_a: ZFA:0009093 ! GAG secreting cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009287 ! collagen secreting cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009027 ! chondroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001501 ! cartilage element
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009085
-name: amelocyte
-def: "Skeletogenic cell that produces enamel, overlies the odontogenic papilla, and arises from the differentiation of a preameloblast cell." [GOC:tfm]
-comment: Was CL:0000139, seems that cell type was merged into CL:0000059 along with CL:0000053.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "amelocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000059
-xref: TAO:0009085
-is_a: ZFA:0009089 ! simple columnar epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009028 ! ameloblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009086
-name: odontocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "odontocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000140
-xref: TAO:0009086
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009029 ! odontoblast
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009087
-name: cementocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An osteocytelike cell with numerous processes, trapped in a lacuna in the cement of the tooth." [ISBN:0781733901]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cementocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000141
-xref: TAO:0009087
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009030 ! cementoblast
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000694 ! ceratobranchial 5 tooth
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0009088
-name: professional antigen presenting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell capable of processing and presenting lipid and protein antigens to T cells in order to initiate an immune response." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-comment: Note change of name; nearly all somatic cells can present antigens to T cells via MHC Class I complexes leading to effector responses, but professional antigen presenting cells constitutively express MHC Class II as well as constimulatory molecules, and thus can initiate immune responses via T cells.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "APC" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000145
-xref: TAO:0009088
-is_a: ZFA:0009309 ! leukocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009089
-name: simple columnar epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "simple columnar epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000146
-xref: TAO:0009089
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009090
-name: pigment cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000057
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chromatocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "chromatophore" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000147
-xref: TAO:0009090
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0009091
-name: melanocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001091
-def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains melanin-filled pigment granules, which gives a brown to black appearance." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "melanophore" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000148
-xref: TAO:0009091
-is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009249 ! melanoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005915 ! iris melanophore layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0009092
-name: exocrine cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of an exocrine gland, i.e. a gland that discharges its secretion via a duct." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-5]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "exocrine cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000152
-xref: TAO:0009092
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009093
-name: GAG secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "hyaluronic acid secreting cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000153
-xref: TAO:0009093
-is_a: ZFA:0009162 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009094
-name: goblet cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the epithelial lining that produce and secrete mucins." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chalice cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000160
-xref: TAO:0009094
-is_a: ZFA:0009159 ! mucus secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001486 ! epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009095
-name: acid secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "acid secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000161
-xref: TAO:0009095
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009096
-name: endocrine cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of an endocrine gland, ductless glands that secrete substances which are released directly into the circulation and which influence metabolism and other body functions." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "endocrine cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000163
-xref: TAO:0009096
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001158 ! endocrine system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009097
-name: enteroendocrine cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An endocrine cell that is located in the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract." [SANBI:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "enteroendocrine cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000164
-xref: TAO:0009097
-is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009098
-name: neuroendocrine cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron that has the specialized function to produce and secrete hormones, and that constitutes, in whole or in part, an endocrine organ or system." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neurosecretory cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000165
-xref: TAO:0009098
-is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009190 ! electrically responsive cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009099
-name: chromaffin cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that stores epinephrine secretory vesicles. During times of stress, the nervous system signals the vesicles to secrete their hormonal content. Their name derives from their ability to stain a brownish color with chromic salts. Characteristically, they are located in the adrenal medulla and paraganglia of the sympathetic nervous system." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "phaeochromocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000166
-xref: TAO:0009099
-is_a: ZFA:0009098 ! neuroendocrine cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009100
-name: peptide hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "peptide hormone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000167
-xref: TAO:0009100
-is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009101
-name: insulin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "insulin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000168
-xref: TAO:0009101
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009102
-name: pancreatic B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "beta cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000169
-xref: TAO:0009102
-is_a: ZFA:0009101 ! insulin secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009103
-name: glucagon secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "glucagon secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000170
-xref: TAO:0009103
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009104
-name: pancreatic A cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "alpha cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000171
-xref: TAO:0009104
-is_a: ZFA:0009103 ! glucagon secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001371 ! pancreatic system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009105
-name: somatostatin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "somatostatin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000172
-xref: TAO:0009105
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009106
-name: steroid hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "steroid hormone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000174
-xref: TAO:0009106
-is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009107
-name: testosterone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "testosterone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000177
-xref: TAO:0009107
-is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009108
-name: Leydig cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A Leydig cell is a testosterone-secreting cell in the interstitial area, between the seminiferous tubules, in the testis." [PMID:12050120]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "interstitial cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000178
-xref: TAO:0009108
-is_a: ZFA:0009107 ! testosterone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009109
-name: progesterone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "progesterone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000179
-xref: TAO:0009109
-is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009110
-name: estradiol secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "estradiol secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000180
-xref: TAO:0009110
-is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009111
-name: hepatocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The main structural component of the liver. They are specialized epithelial cells that are organized into interconnected plates called lobules." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "hepatocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000182
-xref: TAO:0009111
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009398 ! hepatoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000123 ! liver
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009112
-name: pericyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An elongated, contractile cell found wrapped about precapillary arterioles outside the basement membrane. Pericytes are present in capillaries where proper adventitial and muscle layer are missing (thus distinguishing this cell type from adventitial cells). They are relatively undifferentiated and may become fibroblasts, macrophages, or smooth muscle cells." [CL:curator, ISBN:0721662544, PMID:16807374, PMID:17986482, PMID:20024907]
-comment: CL:0000184 was merged into CL:0000699.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pericytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "perivascular cells" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000669
-xref: TAO:0009112
-is_a: ZFA:0005944 ! mural cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009113
-name: myoepithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "myoepithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000185
-xref: TAO:0009113
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009114
-name: muscle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte, that forms one of three kinds of muscle." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "myocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "myofiber" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000187
-xref: TAO:0009114
-is_a: ZFA:0009190 ! electrically responsive cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009025 ! myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005145 ! muscle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009115
-name: skeletal muscle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "skeletal muscle fiber" EXACT []
-synonym: "striated muscle cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000188
-xref: TAO:0009115
-is_a: ZFA:0005784 ! striated muscle cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009236 ! skeletal muscle myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005277 ! skeletal muscle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009116
-name: slow muscle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001087
-def: "A muscle cell that is small, darkly colored, with high lipid and mitochondrial content." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "red muscle cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "slow muscle fiber" EXACT [ISBN:0815316208]
-xref: CL:0000189
-xref: TAO:0009116
-is_a: ZFA:0009115 ! skeletal muscle cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001373 ! migratory slow muscle precursor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009368 ! slow muscle myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009117
-name: fast muscle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001088
-def: "A muscle cell that has a fast contractile response. Fast muscle fibers make up the deep portion of the myotome and are also known as white muscle cells." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080501-8, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle fiber" EXACT []
-synonym: "white muscle cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000190
-xref: TAO:0009117
-is_a: ZFA:0009115 ! skeletal muscle cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009369 ! fast muscle myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000024 ! Segmentation:5-9 somites
-id: ZFA:0009118
-name: smooth muscle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-striated, elongated, spindle-shaped cell found lining the digestive tract, uterus, and blood vessels. They develop from specialized myoblasts (smooth muscle myoblast)." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "non-striated muscle cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000192
-xref: TAO:0009118
-is_a: ZFA:0009114 ! muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005274 ! smooth muscle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009119
-name: pain receptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The peripheral receptor for pain. Includes receptors which are sensitive to painful mechanical stimuli, extreme heat or cold, and chemical stimuli. All mammalian nociceptors are free nerve endings." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "nociceptor" EXACT []
-synonym: "nocireceptor" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000198
-xref: TAO:0009119
-is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009120
-name: mechanoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell specialized to transduce mechanical stimuli and relay that information centrally in the nervous system." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mechanoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000199
-xref: TAO:0009120
-is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009121
-name: auditory receptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A mechanoreceptor cell located in the inner ear that is sensitive to auditory stimuli. The accessory sensory structures are arranged so that appropriate stimuli cause movement of the hair-like projections (stereocilia and kinocilia) which relay the information centrally in the nervous system." [CL:curator]
-comment: Has alt_id CL:0000201.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "auditory hair cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "auditory receptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000202
-xref: TAO:0009121
-is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009122
-name: obsolete_auditory hair cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-is_obsolete: true
-replaced_by: ZFA:0009121
-id: ZFA:0009123
-name: thermoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cellular receptor which mediates the sense of temperature. Thermoreceptors in vertebrates are mostly located under the skin. In mammals there are separate types of thermoreceptors for cold and for warmth and pain receptor cells which detect cold or heat extreme enough to cause pain." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "thermoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000205
-xref: TAO:0009123
-is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009124
-name: chemoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell specialized to detect chemical substances and relay that information centrally in the nervous system. Chemoreceptors may monitor external stimuli, as in taste and olfaction, or internal stimuli, such as the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chemoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000206
-xref: TAO:0009124
-is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009125
-name: olfactory receptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "olfactory receptor neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "Schultze's cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000207
-xref: TAO:0009125
-is_a: ZFA:0009124 ! chemoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001149 ! olfactory system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009126
-name: taste receptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "taste receptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000209
-xref: TAO:0009126
-is_a: ZFA:0009124 ! chemoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001074 ! taste bud
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009127
-name: photoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell specialized to detect and transduce light." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000210
-xref: TAO:0009127
-is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009128
-name: electrically active cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell whose function is determined by the generation or the reception of an electric signal." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "electrically active cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000211
-xref: TAO:0009128
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009129
-name: absorptive cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that takes up and metabolizes substances." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "absorptive cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000212
-xref: TAO:0009129
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009130
-name: lining cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell within an epithelial cell sheet whose main function is to act as an internal or external covering for a tissue or an organism." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "boundary cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000213
-xref: TAO:0009130
-is_a: ZFA:0009132 ! barrier cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009131
-name: synovial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "synovial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000214
-xref: TAO:0009131
-is_a: ZFA:0009093 ! GAG secreting cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009130 ! lining cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005153 ! synovial joint
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009132
-name: barrier cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell whose primary function is to prevent the transport of stuff across compartments." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "barrier cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000215
-xref: TAO:0009132
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009133
-name: Sertoli cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A supporting cell projecting inward from the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules. They surround and nourish the developing male germ cells and secrete androgen binding protein. Their tight junctions with the spermatogonia and spermatocytes provide a blood-testis barrier." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "Sertoli cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000216
-xref: TAO:0009133
-is_a: ZFA:0009132 ! barrier cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005882 ! spermatogenic cyst
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0009134
-name: insulating cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "insulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000217
-xref: TAO:0009134
-is_a: ZFA:0009132 ! barrier cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009135
-name: myelinating Schwann cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuroglial cell of the peripheral nervous system which forms the insulating myelin sheaths of peripheral axons." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "Schwann cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000218
-xref: TAO:0009135
-is_a: ZFA:0009134 ! insulating cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009147 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-is_a: ZFA:0009163 ! myelin accumulating cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001725 ! immature Schwann cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0009136
-name: motile cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that moves by its own activities." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "motile cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000219
-xref: TAO:0009136
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009137
-name: ectodermal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the outer of the three germ layers of the embryo." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ectoderm cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000221
-xref: TAO:0009137
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000016 ! ectoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0009138
-name: mesodermal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the middle germ layer of the embryo." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesoblast" EXACT []
-synonym: "mesoderm cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000222
-xref: TAO:0009138
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0009139
-name: endodermal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the inner of the three germ layers of the embryo." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "endoderm cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000223
-xref: TAO:0009139
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0009140
-name: phagocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Any cell capable of ingesting particulate matter via phagocytosis." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "phagocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000234
-xref: TAO:0009140
-is_a: ZFA:0009136 ! motile cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009141
-name: macrophage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A mononuclear phagocyte present in variety of tissues, typically differentiated from monocytes, capable of phagocytosing a variety of extracellular particulate material, including immune complexes, microorganisms, and dead cells." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "histiocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000235
-xref: TAO:0009141
-is_a: ZFA:0009064 ! mononuclear phagocyte
-is_a: ZFA:0009088 ! professional antigen presenting cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009265 ! monocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009142
-name: B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of an immunoglobulin complex." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "B lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "B-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000236
-xref: TAO:0009142
-is_a: ZFA:0009250 ! lymphocyte
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009349 ! pro-B cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009143
-name: brush border epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "brush border epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000239
-xref: TAO:0009143
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009144
-name: stratified squamous epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stratified squamous epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000240
-xref: TAO:0009144
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009145
-name: stratified cuboidal epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stratified cuboidal epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000241
-xref: TAO:0009145
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009146
-name: Merkel cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A modified epidermal cell located in the stratum basale. They are found mostly in areas where sensory perception is acute. Merkel cells are closely associated with an expanded terminal bulb of an afferent myelinated nerve fiber." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "Merkel cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000242
-xref: TAO:0009146
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009147
-name: glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-neuronal cells of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu. Form the myelin insulation of nervous pathways, guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons. Neuroglia have high-affinity transmitter uptake systems, voltage-dependent and transmitter-gated ion channels, and can release transmitters, but their role in signaling (as in many other functions) is unclear." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "glial cells (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000243
-xref: TAO:0009147
-is_a: ZFA:0009073 ! glial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009169 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009148
-name: transitional epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "transitional epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000244
-xref: TAO:0009148
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009149
-name: Mauthner neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000087
-alt_id: ZFA:0000613
-def: "Is a hindbrain interneuron. Giant reticulospinal neurons possessing thick crossed axons and positioned dorsally in the hindbrain tegmentum at the level of entrance of the eighth cranial nerve. The Mauthner neuron is paired. The M-cell has two large invariant dendrites: The lateral dendrite terminates in the sensory neuropil of the acoustico-lateral area, and the ventral dendrite terminates in the neuropil of the motor tegmentum. Fine dendrites are present, and mostly arise from three regions; from the terminus of each major dendrite and from the ventral surface of the perikaryon." [GOC:CVS, GOC:MH, ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-599, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-770]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000246
-xref: TAO:0009149
-is_a: ZFA:0005865 ! reticulospinal neuron
-is_a: ZFA:0009194 ! CNS short range interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000545 ! medulla oblongata
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001032 ! rhombomere 4
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0009150
-name: Rohon-Beard neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000002
-def: "Primary sensory neurons with cell bodies located in the dorsal spinal cord, that innervate the integument of the trunk and tail at early larval stages. The cutaneous axons of Rohon-Beard neurons display a broad spectrum of peripheral axon branching patterns. Most Rohon-Beard neurons undergo apoptosis by 5dpf." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120807-45]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "RB neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "Rohon-Beard cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "Rohon-Beard neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000247
-xref: TAO:0009150
-is_a: ZFA:0009053 ! sensory neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000040 ! Larval:Days 14-20
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009151
-name: hatching gland cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "hatching gland cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000249
-xref: TAO:0009151
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009152
-name: extramedullary cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "extramedullary cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000251
-xref: TAO:0009152
-is_a: ZFA:0009053 ! sensory neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009153
-name: eurydendroid cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "eurydendroid cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000253
-xref: TAO:0009153
-is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000603 ! valvula cerebelli
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009154
-name: eye photoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "eye photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000287
-xref: TAO:0009154
-is_a: ZFA:0009127 ! photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000143 ! retinal photoreceptor layer
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001464 ! retinal outer nuclear layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009155
-name: somatotropin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An acidophilic cell of the anterior pituitary that produces growth hormone, somatotropin." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "growth hormone secreting cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "somatotrope" RELATED []
-synonym: "somatotroph" RELATED []
-synonym: "somatotrophin secreting cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "somatotropic cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "somatrophic cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000295
-xref: TAO:0009155
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005581 ! proximal pars anterior
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0009156
-name: gamete
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "gametes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000300
-xref: TAO:0009156
-is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000413 ! gonad
-relationship: start ZFS:0000041 ! Larval:Days 21-29
-id: ZFA:0009157
-name: keratin accumulating cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "keratin accumulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000311
-xref: TAO:0009157
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009158
-name: keratinocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epidermal cell which synthesizes keratin and undergoes a characteristic change as it moves upward from the basal layers of the epidermis to the cornified (horny) layer of the skin. Successive stages of differentiation of the keratinocytes forming the epidermal layers are basal cell, spinous or prickle cell, and the granular cell." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "keratinocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000312
-xref: TAO:0009158
-is_a: ZFA:0009157 ! keratin accumulating cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0007124 ! keratinocyte progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009159
-name: mucus secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000129
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mucous cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000319
-xref: TAO:0009159
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009160
-name: seminal fluid secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "seminal fluid secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000321
-xref: TAO:0009160
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009161
-name: metanephric mesenchyme stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: No metanephrose in zebrafish. Consider nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cell ZFA:0009187.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "metanephric mesenchyme stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000324
-xref: TAO:0009161
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0009162
-name: extracellular matrix secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "extracellular matrix secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000327
-xref: TAO:0009162
-is_a: ZFA:0009226 ! stromal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009163
-name: myelin accumulating cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "myelin accumulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000328
-xref: TAO:0009163
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009164
-name: oxygen accumulating cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "oxygen accumulating cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000329
-xref: TAO:0009164
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009165
-name: neural crest cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the neural crest. The neural crest is a strip of specialized ectoderm, the neural plate border, which flanks each side of the embryonic neural plate. Neural crest cells are multipotent. Premigratory neural crest cells are found at the neural plate boarder, some of which will undergo ectomesenchymal transition and delamination to form migratory neural crest cells. Most of the cranial and all of the spinal sensory ganglion cells arise by differentiation of neural crest cells." [GOC:ymb, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neural crest cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-is_a: ZFA:0007089 ! embryonic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000031 ! Pharyngula:Prim-25
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000045 ! neural crest
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009166
-name: mesenchyme condensation cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesenchyme condensation cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000335
-xref: TAO:0009166
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009167
-name: adrenal medulla cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chromafin cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000336
-xref: TAO:0009167
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009004 ! trunk neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009168
-name: neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata)
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000337
-xref: TAO:0009168
-is_a: ZFA:0009011 ! neuroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009169
-name: glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "glioblasts (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000339
-xref: TAO:0009169
-is_a: ZFA:0009010 ! glioblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009170
-name: pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pigment cells (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000342
-xref: TAO:0009170
-is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009171
-name: visual pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "visual pigment cells (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000343
-xref: TAO:0009171
-is_a: ZFA:0009170 ! pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000152 ! retina
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-id: ZFA:0009172
-name: non-visual cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-comment: Obsoleted because CL obsoleted. Consider pigment cell ZFA:0009090
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "non-visual cells (sensu Vertebrata)" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000344
-xref: TAO:0009172
-is_obsolete: true
-id: ZFA:0009173
-name: dental papilla cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "dental papilla cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000345
-xref: TAO:0009173
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005140 ! dental papilla
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009174
-name: scleral cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the sclera of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "scleral cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000347
-xref: TAO:0009174
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005563 ! sclera
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009175
-name: choroidal cell of the eye
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the choroid of the eye." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "choroidal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000348
-xref: TAO:0009175
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009003 ! cranial neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009176
-name: extraembryonic cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "extraembryonic cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000349
-xref: TAO:0009176
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009177
-name: blastoderm cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An undifferentiated cell produced by early cleavages of the fertilized egg (zygote)." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "blastomere" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000353
-xref: TAO:0009177
-is_a: ZFA:0009002 ! early embryonic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000022 ! Gastrula:Bud
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001176 ! blastoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000016 ! Blastula:30%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0009178
-name: blastemal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "blastemal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000354
-xref: TAO:0009178
-is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009179
-name: muscle stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000355
-xref: TAO:0009179
-is_a: ZFA:0009013 ! single fate stem cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009291 ! muscle precursor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009180
-name: stratified epithelial stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stratified epithelial stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000357
-xref: TAO:0009180
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009181
-name: vascular associated smooth muscle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "vascular associated smooth muscle cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000359
-xref: TAO:0009181
-is_a: ZFA:0005944 ! mural cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009118 ! smooth muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009182
-name: gastrula cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the embryo in the early stage following the blastula, characterized by morphogenetic cell movements, cell differentiation, and the formation of the three germ layers." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "gastrula cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000361
-xref: TAO:0009182
-is_a: ZFA:0009002 ! early embryonic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000019 ! Gastrula:Shield
-relationship: start ZFS:0000017 ! Gastrula:50%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0009183
-name: epidermal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell found in the outermost layer of the organism." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "epidermal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000362
-xref: TAO:0009183
-is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009184
-name: osteoprogenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "osteoprogenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000375
-xref: TAO:0009184
-is_a: ZFA:0009013 ! single fate stem cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009166 ! mesenchyme condensation cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009185
-name: sensory processing neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "sensory processing neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000379
-xref: TAO:0009185
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009186
-name: neurosecretory neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neurosecretory neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000381
-xref: TAO:0009186
-is_a: ZFA:0009239 ! efferent neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009187
-name: nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000383
-xref: TAO:0009187
-is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009188
-name: ligament cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ligament cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000384
-xref: TAO:0009188
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001675 ! ligament
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009189
-name: tendon cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle attachment cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000388
-xref: TAO:0009189
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009190
-name: electrically responsive cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell whose function is determined by its response to an electric signal." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "electrically responsive cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000393
-xref: TAO:0009190
-is_a: ZFA:0009128 ! electrically active cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009191
-name: CNS interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Interneuron that is part of the central nervous system." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CNS interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000402
-xref: TAO:0009191
-is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009193
-name: electrically signaling cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that initiates an electrical signal and passes that signal to another cell." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "electrically signaling cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000404
-xref: TAO:0009193
-is_a: ZFA:0009128 ! electrically active cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009194
-name: CNS short range interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CNS short range interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000406
-xref: TAO:0009194
-is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009195
-name: CNS long range interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CNS long range interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000410
-xref: TAO:0009195
-is_a: ZFA:0009191 ! CNS interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009196
-name: hypodermal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "hypodermal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000411
-xref: TAO:0009196
-is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009198
-name: xanthophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001092
-def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains carotenoid pigments in structures called pterinosomes or xanthosomes. This gives an appearance ranging from a golden yellow to orange and red." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000430
-xref: TAO:0009198
-is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005245 ! xanthoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0009199
-name: iridophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0001090
-def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. The cell contains flat light-reflecting platelets, probably of guanine, in stacks called reflecting platets or iridisomes. The color-generating components produce a silver, gold, or iridescent color." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "iridocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "iridosome" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000431
-xref: TAO:0009199
-is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005328 ! iridoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005914 ! argentum
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005916 ! tapetum lucidum
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-id: ZFA:0009200
-name: reticular cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "reticular cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000432
-xref: TAO:0009200
-is_a: ZFA:0009026 ! fibroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009201
-name: alkali secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "alkali secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000435
-xref: TAO:0009201
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009202
-name: follicle stimulating hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "delta basophil" EXACT []
-synonym: "gonadotrope" EXACT []
-synonym: "gonadotroph" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000437
-xref: TAO:0009202
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005581 ! proximal pars anterior
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009203
-name: luteinizing hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "delta basophila" EXACT []
-synonym: "gonadotrope" EXACT []
-synonym: "gonadotroph" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000438
-xref: TAO:0009203
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005581 ! proximal pars anterior
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009204
-name: prolactin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An acidophilic cell of the anterior pituitary that produces prolactin." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "epsilon-acidophil" EXACT []
-synonym: "lactotrope" EXACT []
-synonym: "lactotroph" EXACT []
-synonym: "lactotropic cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "mammotrope" EXACT []
-synonym: "mammotroph" EXACT []
-synonym: "mammotrophic cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "mammotropic cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000439
-xref: TAO:0009204
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005580 ! rostral pars anterior
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0009205
-name: melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the intermediate pituitary that produces melanocyte stimulating hormone." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "melanotrope" EXACT []
-synonym: "melanotroph" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000440
-xref: TAO:0009205
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001197 ! pars intermedia
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0009206
-name: calcitonin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "calcitonin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000443
-xref: TAO:0009206
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009207
-name: parathyroid hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "chief cell" EXACT []
-xref: TAO:0009207
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009209
-name: dendritic cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of hematopoietic origin, typically resident in particular tissues, specialized in the uptake, processing, and transport of antigens to lymph nodes for the purpose of stimulating an immune response via T cell activation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "interdigitating cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "veiled cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000451
-xref: TAO:0009209
-is_a: ZFA:0009088 ! professional antigen presenting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009210
-name: thyroid hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "thyroid hormone secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000452
-xref: TAO:0009210
-is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009211
-name: epinephrin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "epinephrin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000454
-xref: TAO:0009211
-is_a: ZFA:0009212 ! biogenic amine secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009212
-name: biogenic amine secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "biogenic amine secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000457
-xref: TAO:0009212
-is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009213
-name: serotonin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "serotin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000458
-xref: TAO:0009213
-is_a: ZFA:0009212 ! biogenic amine secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009214
-name: norepinephrine secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell capable of producting norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is a catecholamine with multiple roles including as a hormone and a neurotransmitter. In addition, epinephrine is synthesized from norepinephrine by the actions of the phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase enzyme." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: " noradrenergic cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "norepinephrin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000459
-xref: TAO:0009214
-is_a: ZFA:0009212 ! biogenic amine secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009215
-name: glucocorticoid secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "glucocorticoid secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000460
-xref: TAO:0009215
-is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009216
-name: adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A basophil cell of the anterior pituitary that produces adrenocorticotropic hormone, or corticotropin." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "adrenocorticotrophic hormone secreting cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "corticotrope" EXACT []
-synonym: "corticotroph" EXACT []
-synonym: "corticotrophin hormone secreting cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "corticotropin hormone secreting cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000467
-xref: TAO:0009216
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005580 ! rostral pars anterior
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0009217
-name: digestive enzyme secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "digestive enzyme secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000470
-xref: TAO:0009217
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009218
-name: thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A basophil cell of the anterior pituitary that produces thyroid stimulating hormone, thyrotrophin." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "beta-basophil" EXACT []
-synonym: "thyrotrope" EXACT []
-synonym: "thyrotroph" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000476
-xref: TAO:0009218
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005581 ! proximal pars anterior
-relationship: start ZFS:0000033 ! Hatching:Long-pec
-id: ZFA:0009219
-name: visible light photoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "visible light photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000488
-xref: TAO:0009219
-is_a: ZFA:0009127 ! photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009220
-name: photopic photoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "photopic photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000490
-xref: TAO:0009220
-is_a: ZFA:0009219 ! visible light photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009221
-name: UV sensitive photoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "UV sensitive photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000494
-xref: TAO:0009221
-is_a: ZFA:0009127 ! photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009222
-name: blue sensitive photoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "blue sensitive photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000495
-xref: TAO:0009222
-is_a: ZFA:0009220 ! photopic photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009223
-name: green sensitive photoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "green sensitive photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000496
-xref: TAO:0009223
-is_a: ZFA:0009220 ! photopic photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009224
-name: red sensitive photoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "red sensitive photoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000497
-xref: TAO:0009224
-is_a: ZFA:0009220 ! photopic photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009225
-name: inhibitory interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "inhibitory interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000498
-xref: TAO:0009225
-is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009226
-name: stromal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A connective tissue cell of an organ found in the loose connective tissue. These are most often associated with the uterine mucosa and the ovary as well as the hematopoietic system and elsewhere." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stromal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000499
-xref: TAO:0009226
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009227
-name: granulosa cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A supporting cell for the developing female gamete in the ovary of mammals. They develop from the coelomic epithelial cells of the gonadal ridge. Granulosa cells form a single layer around the mammalian oocyte in the primordial ovarian follicle and advance to form a multilayered cumulus oophorus surrounding the ovum in the Graafian follicle. The major functions of granulosa cells include the production of steroids and LH receptors." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "granulosa cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000501
-xref: TAO:0009227
-is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009228
-name: D cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell found throughout the gastrointestinal tract and in the pancreas. They secrete somatostatin in both an endocrine and paracrine manner. Somatostatin inhibits gastrin, cholecystokinin, insulin, glucagon, pancreatic enzymes, and gastric hydrochloric acid. A variety of substances which inhibit gastric acid secretion (vasoactive intestinal peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, cholecystokinin, beta-adrenergic agonists, and gastric inhibitory peptide) are thought to act by releasing somatostatin." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "D cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000502
-xref: TAO:0009228
-is_a: ZFA:0009097 ! enteroendocrine cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009105 ! somatostatin secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000339 ! digestive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009229
-name: theca cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A flattened stroma cell forming a sheath or theca outside the basal lamina lining the mature ovarian follicle. Thecal interstitial or stromal cells are steroidogenic, and produce primarily androgens which serve as precursors of estrogens in the granulosa cells." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "theca cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000503
-xref: TAO:0009229
-is_a: ZFA:0009226 ! stromal cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009271 ! androgen secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009230
-name: substance P secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "substance P secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000505
-xref: TAO:0009230
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009231
-name: enkephalin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "enkephalin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000506
-xref: TAO:0009231
-is_a: ZFA:0009232 ! endorphin secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009232
-name: endorphin secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "endorphin secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000507
-xref: TAO:0009232
-is_a: ZFA:0009100 ! peptide hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009233
-name: paracrine cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "paracrine cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000512
-xref: TAO:0009233
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009234
-name: cardiac muscle myoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A precursor cell destined to differentiate into cardiac myocytes." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cardioblast" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000513
-xref: TAO:0009234
-is_a: ZFA:0009025 ! myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009235
-name: smooth muscle myoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A precursor cell destined to differentiate into smooth muscle myocytes." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "satellite cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000514
-xref: TAO:0009235
-is_a: ZFA:0009025 ! myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009236
-name: skeletal muscle myoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A myoblast that differentiates into skeletal muscle fibers." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "skeletal muscle myoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000515
-xref: TAO:0009236
-is_a: ZFA:0009025 ! myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009237
-name: perineuronal satellite cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A non-neuronal cell that surrounds the neuronal cell bodies of the ganglia." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "perineural satellite cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000516
-xref: TAO:0009237
-is_a: ZFA:0009147 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009169 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009238
-name: afferent neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron which conveys sensory information centrally from the periphery." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "input neuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000526
-xref: TAO:0009238
-is_a: ZFA:0009009 ! neuron neural crest derived
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009239
-name: efferent neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron which sends impulses peripherally to activate muscles or secretory cells." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "output neuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000527
-xref: TAO:0009239
-is_a: ZFA:0009009 ! neuron neural crest derived
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009240
-name: nitrergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A nerve cell where transmission is mediated by nitric oxide." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "nitrergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000528
-xref: TAO:0009240
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009241
-name: pigmented epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pigmented epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000529
-xref: TAO:0009241
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009306 ! neuroepithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009242
-name: primary neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000055
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000530
-xref: TAO:0009242
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000038 ! Larval:Day 6
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001120 ! neuroectoderm
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009243
-name: CaP motoneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A primary motor neuron part of the spinal cord. The CaP motoneuron is found within 1 soma diameter of the ventral root. The axon of the CaP motoneuron extends ventrally from the ventral root, within the space between the notochord and the medial surface of the axial muscles. Below the notochord, the axon extends within the ventral median septum to the ventral edge of the axial muscles, where it turns dorsally and laterally to project over the lateral surface of the axial muscles." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-272, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-649, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-814]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CAP motoneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "caudal primary motoneuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000532
-xref: TAO:0009243
-is_a: ZFA:0009244 ! primary motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009244
-name: primary motor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000572
-def: "Motor neurons that arise during the first day of development. Primary motoneurons have larger diameter cell bodies and axons than secondary motoneurons and are positioned more dorsally and medially than secondary motoneurons. Primary motoneurons are present in a single bilateral pair of clusters in each spinal segment and innervate axial muscle fibers in the corresponding pair of myotomes. Axons make a conspicuous loop around the Mauthner axon before entering the ventral root." [ISBN:0471530506]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "primary motoneuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000533
-xref: TAO:0009244
-is_a: ZFA:0009052 ! motor neuron
-is_a: ZFA:0009242 ! primary neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009245
-name: primary interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000945
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000534
-xref: TAO:0009245
-is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
-is_a: ZFA:0009242 ! primary neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009246
-name: secondary neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "secondary neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000535
-xref: TAO:0009246
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009247
-name: secondary motor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000584
-def: "Motor neurons that develop several hours later than primary motoneurons and sprout axons several hours after the primary motor growth cones have extended to the periphery. They have smaller cell bodies and are located more ventrally and laterally in the spinal cord than primary motoneurons. Axons usually project directly out of the spinal cord with no apparent contact with the Mauthner axon and are positioned lateral to the Mauthner axon in their path to the ventral root. Secondary motoneurons have smaller fields, which can overlap one another, and innervate many fewer muscle fibers than primary motoneurons." [ISBN:0471530506, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1247]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "secondary motoneuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000536
-xref: TAO:0009247
-is_a: ZFA:0009052 ! motor neuron
-is_a: ZFA:0009246 ! secondary neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000043 ! Juvenile:Days 45-89
-relationship: start ZFS:0000028 ! Segmentation:26+ somites
-id: ZFA:0009248
-name: neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000134
-def: "The basic cellular unit of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000540
-xref: TAO:0009248
-is_a: ZFA:0009190 ! electrically responsive cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009193 ! electrically signaling cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009011 ! neuroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000396 ! nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites
-id: ZFA:0009249
-name: melanoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a pigment cell." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "melanoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000541
-xref: TAO:0009249
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009250
-name: lymphocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the B cell, T cell, or natural killer cell lineage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "lymphocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000542
-xref: TAO:0009250
-is_a: ZFA:0009357 ! mononuclear cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009023 ! common lymphoid progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009251
-name: granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell committed to the granulocyte and monocyte lineages." [, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "CFU-C , Colony forming unit in culture" RELATED []
-synonym: "colony forming unit granulocyte macrophage" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-synonym: "GMP" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-synonym: "granulocyte-macrophage progenitor" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-xref: CL:0000557
-xref: TAO:0009251
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009021 ! common myeloid progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009252
-name: reticulocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An immature erythrocyte showing a basophilic reticulum under vital staining." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "reticulocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000558
-xref: TAO:0009252
-is_a: ZFA:0009044 ! blood cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009325 ! erythroid lineage cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009253
-name: promonocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A precursor in the monocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between the monoblast and monocyte." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "promonocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000559
-xref: TAO:0009253
-is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009017 ! monoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009254
-name: band form neutrophil
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A late neutrophilic metamyelocyte in which the nucleus is in the form of a curved or coiled band, not having acquired the typical multilobar shape of the mature neutrophil." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "band" RELATED []
-synonym: "band cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "band form" EXACT []
-synonym: "rod neutrophil" EXACT []
-synonym: "stab cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000560
-xref: TAO:0009254
-is_a: ZFA:0009328 ! immature neutrophil
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009268 ! neutrophilic metamyelocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009255
-name: amacrine cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Interneuron of the vertebrate retina. They integrate, modulate, and interpose a temporal domain in the visual message presented to the retinal ganglion cells, with which they synapse in the inner plexiform layer." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "amacrine neuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000561
-xref: TAO:0009255
-is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000119 ! retinal inner nuclear layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009256
-name: nucleate erythrocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An erythrocyte having a nucleus." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "RBC" EXACT []
-synonym: "red blood cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000562
-xref: TAO:0009256
-is_a: ZFA:0009044 ! blood cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009257
-name: neutrophilic promyelocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neutrophil precursor in the granulocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between a myeloblast and myelocyte, and containing a few, as yet undifferentiated, cytoplasmic granules." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neutrophilic premyelocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "neutrophilic progranulocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "promyelocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000564
-xref: TAO:0009257
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009018 ! neutrophilic myeloblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009258
-name: angioblastic mesenchymal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "angioblast" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000566
-xref: TAO:0009258
-is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009259
-name: cardiac mesenchymal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A mesenchymal cell found in the developing heart." [PMID:18816864]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cardiac mesenchymal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000569
-xref: TAO:0009259
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009004 ! trunk neural crest cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009260
-name: parafollicular cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "C cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000570
-xref: TAO:0009260
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009261
-name: leucophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains uric acid or other purine crystals deposited in stacks called leucosomes. The crystals reflect light and this gives a white appearance under white light. These cells express purine nucleoside phosphorylase 4a." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "guaninophores" RELATED []
-synonym: "guanophore" RELATED [PMID:16588565]
-xref: CL:0000571
-xref: TAO:0009261
-is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005329 ! leucoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009262
-name: retinal cone cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of the two photoreceptor cell types in the vertebrate retina. In cones the photopigment is in invaginations of the cell membrane of the outer segment. Cones are less sensitive to light than rods, but they provide vision with higher spatial and temporal acuity, and the combination of signals from cones with different pigments allows color vision." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "retinal cone cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000573
-xref: TAO:0009262
-is_a: ZFA:0009154 ! eye photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009263
-name: erythrophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains pteridine and/or carotenoid pigments in structures called pterinosomes or erythrosomes. This gives an orange to red appearance." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "erythrophores" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000574
-xref: TAO:0009263
-is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005331 ! pigment erythroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009264
-name: corneal epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "corneal epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000575
-xref: TAO:0009264
-is_a: ZFA:0009039 ! squamous epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009265
-name: monocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Myeloid mononuclear recirculating leukocyte that can act as a precursor of tissue macrophages, osteoclasts and some populations of tissue dendritic cells." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "monocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000576
-xref: TAO:0009265
-is_a: ZFA:0009064 ! mononuclear phagocyte
-is_a: ZFA:0009088 ! professional antigen presenting cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009253 ! promonocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009266
-name: neutrophilic myelocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neutrophil precursor in the granulocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between a promyelocyte and a metamyelocyte; in this stage, differentiation of cytoplasmic granules has begun." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neutrophilic myelocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000580
-xref: TAO:0009266
-is_a: ZFA:0009328 ! immature neutrophil
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009257 ! neutrophilic promyelocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009267
-name: peritoneal macrophage
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A macrophage resident in the peritoneum under non-inlfammatory conditions." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "peritoneal macrophages" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000581
-xref: TAO:0009267
-is_a: ZFA:0009141 ! macrophage
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009268
-name: neutrophilic metamyelocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neutrophil precursor in the granulocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between a myelocyte and the band form neutrophil. The protein synthesis seen in earlier stages decreases or stops; the nucleus becomes indented and its chromatin becomes coarse and clumped; and the cytoplasm becomes pink like that of a mature granulocyte." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "juvenile neutrophil" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000582
-xref: TAO:0009268
-is_a: ZFA:0009328 ! immature neutrophil
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009266 ! neutrophilic myelocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009269
-name: enterocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epithelial cell that has its apical plasma membrane folded into microvilli to provide ample surface for the absorption of nutrients from the intestinal lumen." [SANBI:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "enterocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000584
-xref: TAO:0009269
-is_a: ZFA:0009143 ! brush border epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005124 ! intestinal epithelium
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009270
-name: odontoclast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A specialized osteoclast associated with the absorption and removal of cementum." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "odontoclasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000588
-xref: TAO:0009270
-is_a: ZFA:0009047 ! osteoclast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009271
-name: androgen secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "androgen secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000593
-xref: TAO:0009271
-is_a: ZFA:0009106 ! steroid hormone secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009272
-name: skeletal muscle satellite cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An elongated, spindle-shaped, quiescent myoblast lying in close contact with adult skeletal muscle. They are thought to play a role in muscle repair and regeneration." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "skeletal muscle satellite cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000594
-xref: TAO:0009272
-is_a: ZFA:0009236 ! skeletal muscle myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009273
-name: pyramidal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A projection neuron in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus. Pyramidal cells have a pyramid-shaped soma with the apex and an apical dendrite pointed toward the pial surface and other dendrites and an axon emerging from the base. The axons may have local collaterals but also project outside their cortical region." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pyramidal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000598
-xref: TAO:0009273
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009274
-name: pressoreceptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A receptor in the vascular system, particularly the aorta and carotid sinus, which is sensitive to stretch of the vessel walls." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pressoreceptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000602
-xref: TAO:0009274
-is_a: ZFA:0009370 ! stretch receptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009275
-name: retinal rod cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of the two photoreceptor cell types of the vertebrate retina. In rods the photopigment is in stacks of membranous disks separate from the outer cell membrane. Rods are more sensitive to light than cones, but rod mediated vision has less spatial and temporal resolution than cone vision." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "retinal rod cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000604
-xref: TAO:0009275
-is_a: ZFA:0009154 ! eye photoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009276
-name: GABAergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron that uses GABA as a vesicular neurotransmitter." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "GABAergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000617
-xref: TAO:0009276
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009277
-name: acinar cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A secretory cell that is grouped together with other cells of the same type to form grape shaped clusters known as acini (singular acinus)." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "acinar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000622
-xref: TAO:0009277
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009278
-name: natural killer cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A lymphocyte that can spontaneously kill a variety of target cells without prior antigenic activation via germline encoded activation receptors and also regulate immune responses via cytokine release and direct contact with other cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "large granular lymphocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "NK cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "null cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000623
-xref: TAO:0009278
-is_a: ZFA:0009250 ! lymphocyte
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009348 ! pro-NK cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009279
-name: ito cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that is found in the perisinusoidal space of the liver that is capable of multiple roles including storage of retinol, presentation of antigen to T cells (including CD1d-restricted NKT cells), and upon activation, production of extracellular matrix components that can contribute to liver fibrosis. This activated state has a myofibroblast-like phenotype." [GOC:tm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "hepatic stellate cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "perisinusoidal cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000632
-xref: TAO:0009279
-is_a: ZFA:0009162 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009280
-name: Muller cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Glial cell of the retina that forms a support structure stretching radially across the thickness of the retina. Muller cell bodies are found in the inner nuclear layer and send projection to the outer limiting membrane and inner limiting membrane." [GOC:cvs, GOC:ymb,, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "Mueller cell" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150220-2]
-synonym: "Muller cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000636
-xref: TAO:0009280
-is_a: ZFA:0009075 ! astrocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000119 ! retinal inner nuclear layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009281
-name: folliculostellate cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A supportive cell of the vertebrate pituitary that provides macromolecular transport and secretes hormones." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "folliculostellate cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000642
-xref: TAO:0009281
-is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000118 ! hypophysis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000027 ! Segmentation:20-25 somites
-id: ZFA:0009282
-name: Bergmann glial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "Bergmann glial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000644
-xref: TAO:0009282
-is_a: ZFA:0009075 ! astrocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009283
-name: mesangial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mesangial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000650
-xref: TAO:0009283
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009284
-name: pinealocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pinealocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000652
-xref: TAO:0009284
-is_a: ZFA:0009096 ! endocrine cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000019 ! epiphysis
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009285
-name: podocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "podocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000653
-xref: TAO:0009285
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000163 ! renal system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009286
-name: fenestrated cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "window cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000666
-xref: TAO:0009286
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009287
-name: collagen secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "collagen secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000667
-xref: TAO:0009287
-is_a: ZFA:0009162 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009288
-name: primordial germ cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0000065
-def: "A primordial germ cell is a diploid germ cell precursors that transiently exist in the embryo before they enter into close association with the somatic cells of the gonad and become irreversibly committed as germ cells." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "PGC" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000670
-xref: TAO:0009288
-is_a: ZFA:0009016 ! germ line cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009136 ! motile cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000632 ! reproductive system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000014 ! Blastula:Sphere
-id: ZFA:0009289
-name: gut absorptive cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell of the intestinal epithelium with a brush border made up of many parallel packed microvilli; associated with absorption, particularly of macromolecules." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "gut absorptive cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000677
-xref: TAO:0009289
-is_a: ZFA:0009129 ! absorptive cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000112 ! gut
-relationship: start ZFS:0000025 ! Segmentation:10-13 somites
-id: ZFA:0009290
-name: glutamatergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "glutamatergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000679
-xref: TAO:0009290
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009291
-name: muscle precursor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "muscle precursor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000680
-xref: TAO:0009291
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000041 ! mesoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000020 ! Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-id: ZFA:0009292
-name: radial glial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A transient cell present only in the developing CNS. Functions as both a precursor cell and as a scaffold to support neuronal migration." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "radial glial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000681
-xref: TAO:0009292
-is_a: ZFA:0009168 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0001120 ! neuroectoderm
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009306 ! neuroepithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0009293
-name: M cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An absorptive cell of the mammalian gut epithelium that endocytoses microorganisms and intact macromolecules from the gut lumen and transports them to the subepithelial space where they are presented to antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "M cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000682
-xref: TAO:0009293
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009294
-name: ependymoglial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell that transports hormones from neurosecretory cells." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ependymoglial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000683
-xref: TAO:0009294
-is_a: ZFA:0009075 ! astrocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009295
-name: cerebrospinal fluid secreting cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cerebrospinal fluid secreting cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000686
-xref: TAO:0009295
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009165 ! neural crest cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009296
-name: perijunctional fibroblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A fibroblast-like cell that provides support at neuromuscular junctions in vertebrates and are localized outside the synaptic basal lamina." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "perijunctional fibroblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000688
-xref: TAO:0009296
-is_a: ZFA:0009026 ! fibroblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009297
-name: stellate interneuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stellate interneurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000691
-xref: TAO:0009297
-is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009298
-name: terminal Schwann cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuroglial cell of the peripheral nervous system inside the basal lamina of the neuromuscular junction providing chemical and physical support to the synapse." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "terminal Schwann cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000692
-xref: TAO:0009298
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009073 ! glial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000142 ! peripheral nervous system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009299
-name: neuroglioform cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A stellate interneuron having 7-10 dendrites that may branch." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "spiderweb cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000693
-xref: TAO:0009299
-is_a: ZFA:0009297 ! stellate interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009300
-name: Cajal-Retzius cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "One of a transient population of pioneering neurons in the cerebral cortex. These cells are slender bipolar cells of the developing marginal zone. One feature of these cells in mammals is that they express the Reelin gene." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "Cajal-Retzius cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000695
-xref: TAO:0009300
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009301
-name: dopaminergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron that releases dopamine as a neurotransmitter." [CL:dhill]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "dopaminergic neurons" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000700
-xref: TAO:0009301
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009302
-name: sustentacular cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that provides some or all mechanical, nutritional and phagocytic support to their neighbors." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "sustentacular cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000703
-xref: TAO:0009302
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009303
-name: endothelial tip cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A specialized endothelial cell that senses extracellular signals and guides the directed growth of blood vessels." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "endothelial tip cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000704
-xref: TAO:0009303
-is_a: ZFA:0009036 ! blood vessel endothelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009304
-name: choroid plexus epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Specialized ependymal cell that produces the cerebrospinal fluid from the blood and secretes it into the lumen of the brain and spinal chord." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "choroid plexus epithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000706
-xref: TAO:0009304
-is_a: ZFA:0009033 ! ependymal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001443 ! choroid plexus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009305
-name: leptomeningeal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Stromal cell that forms the internal covering of the vertebrate brain and produces ECM for this and the choroid plexus." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "leptomemingeal cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "leptomeningeal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000708
-xref: TAO:0009305
-is_a: ZFA:0009162 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009306
-name: neuroepithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuroepithelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000710
-xref: TAO:0009306
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009307
-name: somatic stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A stem cell that can give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line." [GO:CJM]
-comment: Definition originally referred to GO:0048103. Changed to GOC: CJM to match other references.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "somatic stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000723
-xref: TAO:0009307
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009308
-name: urothelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of a layer of transitional epithelium in the wall of the bladder, ureter, and renal pelvis, external to the lamina propria." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "urothelial cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000731
-xref: TAO:0009308
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009309
-name: leukocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An achromatic cell of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages, found in blood or other tissue." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "immune cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "leucocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "white blood cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000738
-xref: TAO:0009309
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009136 ! motile cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009014 ! hematopoietic stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001159 ! immune system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009310
-name: retinal ganglion cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The set of neurons that receives neural inputs via bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells. The axons of these cells make up the optic nerve." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "gangliocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "RGC" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000740
-xref: TAO:0009310
-is_a: ZFA:0009067 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000024 ! retinal ganglion cell layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009311
-name: spinal accessory motor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A motor neuron that is located in the cervical region of the spinal cord and selectively innervates the sternocleidmastoid or trapezius muscle. Unlike other motor neurons, they extend axons dorsally along lateral margins of the spinal cord." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "SACMN" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000741
-xref: TAO:0009311
-is_a: ZFA:0009052 ! motor neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009312
-name: periarticular chondrocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A round chondrocyte that first differentiates in the late embryonic growth plate of bone." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "periarticular chondrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000742
-xref: TAO:0009312
-is_a: ZFA:0009084 ! chondrocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009313
-name: hypertrophic chondrocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A terminally differentiated chondrocyte that differentiates in the late embryonic growth plate of bone." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "hypertrophic chondrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000743
-xref: TAO:0009313
-is_a: ZFA:0009084 ! chondrocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009314
-name: columnar chondrocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A columnar chondrocyte that differentiates in the late embryonic growth plate of bone. Columnar chondrocytes vigorously proliferate and form columns in the growth plate." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "columnar chondrocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000744
-xref: TAO:0009314
-is_a: ZFA:0009084 ! chondrocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009315
-name: horizontal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A neuron that laterally connects other neurons in the inner nuclear layer of the retina." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-6]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "horizontal cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000745
-xref: TAO:0009315
-is_a: ZFA:0009051 ! interneuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000119 ! retinal inner nuclear layer
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009316
-name: cardiac muscle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cardiac muscle cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-synonym: "cardiac myocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "cardiomyocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000746
-xref: TAO:0009316
-is_a: ZFA:0005784 ! striated muscle cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001319 ! myocardium
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005280 ! cardiac muscle
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009317
-name: cyanophore
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains blue pigment of unknown chemical composition in fibrous organelles termed cyanosomes. This gives a blue appearance." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "blue chromatophore" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000747
-xref: TAO:0009317
-is_a: ZFA:0009090 ! pigment cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0005332 ! cyanoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000368 ! integument
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009318
-name: retinal bipolar neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000748
-xref: TAO:0009318
-is_a: ZFA:0009055 ! bipolar neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009319
-name: ON-bipolar cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the inner half of the inner plexiform layer. These cells depolarize in response to light stimulation of their corresponding photoreceptors." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ON-bipolar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000749
-xref: TAO:0009319
-is_a: ZFA:0009318 ! retinal bipolar neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009320
-name: OFF-bipolar cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the outer half of the inner plexiform layer. These cells hyperpolarize in response to light stimulation of their corresponding photoreceptors." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "OFF-bipolar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000750
-xref: TAO:0009320
-is_a: ZFA:0009318 ! retinal bipolar neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009321
-name: rod bipolar cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with rod photoreceptor cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "rod bipolar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000751
-xref: TAO:0009321
-is_a: ZFA:0009319 ! ON-bipolar cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009322
-name: cone retinal bipolar cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with cone photoreceptor cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "cone retinal bipolar cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000752
-xref: TAO:0009322
-is_a: ZFA:0009318 ! retinal bipolar neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009323
-name: thrombocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A nucleated blood cell involved in coagulation, typically seen in birds and other non-mammalian vertebrates." [CL:curator]
-comment: Note that this is a non-mammalian cell type. Use platelet ; CL:0000233 for thrombocytes (platelets) in mammals.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "thrombocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000762
-xref: TAO:0009323
-is_a: ZFA:0009044 ! blood cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009324 ! myeloid cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009351 ! thromboblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009324
-name: myeloid cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, mast cell, megakaryocyte, or erythroid lineage." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "myeloid cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000763
-xref: TAO:0009324
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009021 ! common myeloid progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009325
-name: erythroid lineage cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A immature or mature cell in the lineage leading to and including erythrocytes." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "erythroid lineage cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000764
-xref: TAO:0009325
-is_a: ZFA:0009324 ! myeloid cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009326
-name: myeloid leukocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, or mast cell lineage." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "myeloid leukocytes" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000766
-xref: TAO:0009326
-is_a: ZFA:0009309 ! leukocyte
-is_a: ZFA:0009324 ! myeloid cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009021 ! common myeloid progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009327
-name: neutrophil
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Any of the immature or mature forms of a granular leukocyte that in its mature form has a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neutrocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "neutrophil leucocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "neutrophil leukocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "neutrophilic leucocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "neutrophilic leukocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "PMN" RELATED []
-synonym: "polymorphonuclear leucocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "polymorphonuclear leukocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "polymorphonuclear neutrophil" RELATED []
-synonym: "polynuclear neutrophilic leucocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "polynuclear neutrophilic leukocyte" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000775
-xref: TAO:0009327
-is_a: ZFA:0009048 ! granulocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009328
-name: immature neutrophil
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Any of the immature forms of a neutrophil in which neutrophilic specific granules are present but other phenotypic features of the mature form may be lacking. A neutrophil is a granular leukocyte that in its mature form has a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "immature neutrocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature neutrophil leucocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature neutrophil leukocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature neutrophilic leucocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000776
-xref: TAO:0009328
-is_a: ZFA:0009327 ! neutrophil
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009257 ! neutrophilic promyelocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009329
-name: mononuclear osteoclast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A specialized mononuclear osteoclast associated with the absorption and removal of bone, precursor of multinuclear osteoclasts." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mononuclear osteoclasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000778
-xref: TAO:0009329
-is_a: ZFA:0009047 ! osteoclast
-is_a: ZFA:0009064 ! mononuclear phagocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009330
-name: mononuclear odontoclast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A specialized mononuclear osteoclast associated with the absorption and removal of cementum." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mononuclear odontoclasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000781
-xref: TAO:0009330
-is_a: ZFA:0009270 ! odontoclast
-is_a: ZFA:0009329 ! mononuclear osteoclast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009331
-name: mature B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A B cell that is mature, having left the bone marrow. Initially, these cells are IgM-positive and IgD-positive, and they can be activated by antigen." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mature B lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature B-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000785
-xref: TAO:0009331
-is_a: ZFA:0009088 ! professional antigen presenting cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009142 ! B cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009343 ! immature B cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009345 ! transitional stage B cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009332
-name: plasma cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A terminally differentiated, post-mitotic, antibody secreting cell of the B cell lineage with the phenotype CD138-positive, surface immunonoglobulin-negative, and MHC Class II-negative. Plasma cells are oval or round with extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum, a well-developed Golgi apparatus, and a round nucleus having a characteristic cartwheel heterochromatin pattern and are devoted to producing large amounts of immunoglobulin." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "plasmacyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000786
-xref: TAO:0009332
-is_a: ZFA:0009250 ! lymphocyte
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009331 ! mature B cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009333
-name: memory B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A memory B cell is a mature B cell that is long-lived, readily activated upon re-encounter of its antigenic determinant, and has been selected for expression of higher affinity immunoglobulin. This cell type has the phenotype CD19-positive, CD20-positive, MHC Class II-positive, and CD138-negative." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "memory B lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "memory B-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "memory B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000787
-xref: TAO:0009333
-is_a: ZFA:0009331 ! mature B cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009334
-name: naive B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A naive B cell is a mature B cell that has the phenotype surface IgD-positive, surface IgM-positive, CD27-negative, and CD38-negative, and that has not yet been activated by antigen in the periphery." [CL:curator, IBSN:0781765196]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "naive B lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "naive B-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "naive B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000788
-xref: TAO:0009334
-is_a: ZFA:0009331 ! mature B cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009335
-name: alpha-beta T cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A T cell that expresses an alpha-beta T cell receptor complex." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "alpha-beta T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "alpha-beta T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "alpha-beta T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000789
-xref: TAO:0009335
-is_a: ZFA:0009046 ! T cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009336
-name: gamma-delta T cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A T cell that expresses a gamma-delta T cell receptor complex." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-comment: Note that gamma-delta T cell have both thymic and extrathymic differentiation pathways.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "gamma-delta T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "gamma-delta T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "gamma-delta T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000798
-xref: TAO:0009336
-is_a: ZFA:0009046 ! T cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009350 ! pro-T cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009337
-name: immature gamma-delta T cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A gamma-delta T cell that has an immature phenotype." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-comment: Note that gamma-delta T cell have both thymic and extrathymic differentiation pathways.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "immature gamma-delta T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature gamma-delta T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature gamma-delta T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000799
-xref: TAO:0009337
-is_a: ZFA:0009336 ! gamma-delta T cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009338
-name: mature gamma-delta T cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A gamma-delta T cell that has a mature phenotype. These cells can be found in tissues and circulation where they express unique TCR repertoire depending on their location." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mature gamma-delta T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature gamma-delta T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "mature gamma-delta T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000800
-xref: TAO:0009338
-is_a: ZFA:0009336 ! gamma-delta T cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009337 ! immature gamma-delta T cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009339
-name: gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A gamma-delta T cell of the columnar epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract. Intraepithelial T cells often have distinct developmental pathways and activation requirements." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "gamma-delta intraepithelial T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "gamma-delta intraepithelial T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "gamma-delta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "IEL" RELATED []
-synonym: "intraepithelial lymphocyte" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000801
-xref: TAO:0009339
-is_a: ZFA:0009338 ! mature gamma-delta T cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009342
-name: memory T cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A distinctly differentiated long-lived T cell that has the phenotype CD45RO-positive and CD127-positive." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "memory T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "memory T-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "memory T-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000813
-xref: TAO:0009342
-is_a: ZFA:0009046 ! T cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009046 ! T cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009343
-name: immature B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An immature B cell is a precursor B cell that has the phenotype surface IgM-positive and surface IgD-negative, and have not undergone class immunoglobulin class switching or peripheral encounter with antigen and activation." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "immature B lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature B-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "immature B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "newly formed B Cell" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-xref: CL:0000816
-xref: TAO:0009343
-is_a: ZFA:0009344 ! precursor B cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009349 ! pro-B cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009344
-name: precursor B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A precursor B cell is a B cell with the phenotype CD10-positive." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pre-B lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000817
-xref: TAO:0009344
-is_a: ZFA:0009142 ! B cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009349 ! pro-B cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009345
-name: transitional stage B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An immature B cell of an intermediate stage between the pre-B cell stage and the mature nave stage. Transitional B cells express surface immunoglobulin, and are subject to the process of B cell selection." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "T1 B cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "T2 B cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "T3 B cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "transitional stage B lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "transitional stage B-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "transitional stage B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000818
-xref: TAO:0009345
-is_a: ZFA:0009142 ! B cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009346
-name: immature natural killer cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A natural killer cell that is developmentally immature, has the phenotype CD34-negative, CD117-positive, CD122-positive, and CD161-positive, and expresses additional natural killer cell receptors (NKR)." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "immature NK cell " EXACT []
-synonym: "p-NK" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000823
-xref: TAO:0009346
-is_a: ZFA:0009278 ! natural killer cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009348 ! pro-NK cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009347
-name: mature natural killer cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A natural killer cell that is developmentally mature, has the phenotype CD16-positive, and expresses a variety of inhibitory and activating receptors that recognize NHC class I and other stress related molecules." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "LAK cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "lymphokine activated killer cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "mature NK cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000824
-xref: TAO:0009347
-is_a: ZFA:0009278 ! natural killer cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009346 ! immature natural killer cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009348
-name: pro-NK cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor committed to the natural killer cell lineage, expressing certain phenotypic markers of the natural killer cell lineage such as the IL-15 receptor, but lacking many of the phenotypic characteristics of later stages of natural killer cell development such as expression of NK activating and inhibitory molecules." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "natural killer cell progenitor" EXACT []
-synonym: "NKP" EXACT []
-synonym: "null cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "preNK cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "pro-natural killer cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000825
-xref: TAO:0009348
-is_a: ZFA:0009355 ! lymphoid progenitor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009023 ! common lymphoid progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009349
-name: pro-B cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell of the B cell lineage, with some lineage specific activity such as early stages of recombination of B cell receptor genes, but not yet fully committed to the B cell lineage until the expression of PAX5 occurs." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "pro-B lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "pro-B-cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "pro-B-lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "progenitor B cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000826
-xref: TAO:0009349
-is_a: ZFA:0009355 ! lymphoid progenitor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009023 ! common lymphoid progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009350
-name: pro-T cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell of the T cell lineage, with some lineage specific marker expression, but not yet fully committed to the T cell lineage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-3]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "DN1 cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "DN1 thymocyte" RELATED []
-synonym: "pro-T lymphocyte" EXACT []
-synonym: "TN1 cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000827
-xref: TAO:0009350
-is_a: ZFA:0009355 ! lymphoid progenitor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009023 ! common lymphoid progenitor
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001078 ! thymus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-id: ZFA:0009351
-name: thromboblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell of the thrombocyte, a nucleated blood cell involved in coagulation typically seen in birds and other non-mammalian vertebrates." [CL:curator]
-comment: Note that this is a non-mammalian cell type.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "thromboblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000828
-xref: TAO:0009351
-is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009022 ! megakaryocyte erythroid progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009352
-name: neutrophil progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell of the neutrophil lineage." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neutrophil stem cell" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000834
-xref: TAO:0009352
-is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009353
-name: myeloblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The most primitive precursor in the granulocytic series, having fine, evenly distributed chromatin, several nucleoli, and a nongranular basophilic cytoplasm." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-1]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "myeloblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000835
-xref: TAO:0009353
-is_a: ZFA:0009356 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009251 ! granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009354
-name: hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell is multipotent, but not capable of long-term self-renewal. These cells are characterized as lacking lineage cell surface markers and being CD34-positive in both mice and humans." [CL:curator, PMID:19022770]
-comment: Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "hematopoietic progenitor cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "hemopoietic progenitor cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000837
-xref: TAO:0009354
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009014 ! hematopoietic stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009355
-name: lymphoid progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell restricted to the lymphoid lineage." [CL:curator, PMID:19022770]
-comment: Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "lymphoid progenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000838
-xref: TAO:0009355
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009356
-name: myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A progenitor cell restricted to the myeloid lineage." [CL:curator, PMID:19022770]
-comment: Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "myeloid progenitor cell" RELATED []
-synonym: "myeloid progenitor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000839
-xref: TAO:0009356
-is_a: ZFA:0005830 ! hematopoietic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009357
-name: mononuclear cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A leukocyte with a single non-segmented nucleus in the mature form." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "mononuclear cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000842
-xref: TAO:0009357
-is_a: ZFA:0009309 ! leukocyte
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009358
-name: ciliated olfactory receptor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An olfactory receptor cell in which the apical ending of the dendrite is a pronounced ciliated olfactory knob. The soma is located basally in the olfactory epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140416-5]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "ciliated olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "ciliated sensory neuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000847
-xref: TAO:0009358
-is_a: ZFA:0009125 ! olfactory receptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009359
-name: microvillous olfactory receptor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An olfactory receptor cell in which the apical ending of the dendrite is a knob that bears numerous microvilli. The cell body is plump and the soma is at an intermediate position in the olfactory epithelium." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140416-5]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "microvillous olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "microvillous sensory neuron" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000848
-xref: TAO:0009359
-is_a: ZFA:0009125 ! olfactory receptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009360
-name: crypt olfactory receptor neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An olfactory receptor cell with short cilia growing in an invagination bordered by microvilli. The soma is large and globose located in the apical region of the olfactory epithelium. The axons project to a single glomerulus mdG2." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060724-7, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130710-55, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-140416-5]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "crypt cell" EXACT []
-synonym: "crypt olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "crypt sensory neuron" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000849
-xref: TAO:0009360
-is_a: ZFA:0009125 ! olfactory receptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009361
-name: serotonergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-alt_id: ZFA:0009192
-def: "A neuron that releases serotonin as a neurotransmitter." [CL:curator]
-comment: Has alternate ID CL:0000403.
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "5-HT neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "5-hydroxytryptamine neuron" EXACT []
-synonym: "serotinergic neuron" RELATED []
-synonym: "serotinergic neurons" RELATED []
-xref: CL:0000850
-xref: TAO:0009192
-xref: TAO:0009361
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009362
-name: neuromast mantle cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast mantle cell is a non-sensory cell. Neuromast mantle cells surround the neuromast support cells and neuromast hair cells, separating the neuromast from the epidermis, and secrete cupula in which the ciliary bundles of all the hair cells are embedded." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-7]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuromast mantle cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000851
-xref: TAO:0009362
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0009363
-name: neuromast support cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast support cell is a non-sensory cell of the neuromast that extend between the sensory hair cells from the basement membrane to the apical surface; neuromast support cells are surrounded by neuromast mantle cells." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070221-7]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuromast support cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000852
-xref: TAO:0009363
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0009364
-name: olfactory epithelial support cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Olfactory epithelial support cell is a non ciliated columnar cell that extends from the epithelial free margin to the basement membrane of the olfactory epithelium." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "olfactory sustentacular cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0000853
-xref: TAO:0009364
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009365
-name: interneuromast cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Interneuromast cell is a neuroectodermal cell deposited by the migrating lateral line primordium between the neuromasts. Interneuromast cells proliferate and migrate to form additional neuromasts." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "interneuromast cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000854
-xref: TAO:0009365
-is_a: ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009012 ! neuroplacodal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000034 ! lateral line system
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-id: ZFA:0009366
-name: hair cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Hair cell is a mechanoreceptor cell that is sensitive to movement of the hair-like projections (stereocilia and kinocilia) which relay the information centrally in the nervous system." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "hair cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000855
-xref: TAO:0009366
-is_a: ZFA:0009120 ! mechanoreceptor cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009367
-name: neuromast hair cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Neuromast hair cell is a hair cell that acts as a sensory receptor of the neuromast; it is morphologically polarized as a result of the relative position of the single kinocilium and the clusters of stereocilia on its apical surface." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuromast hair cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000856
-xref: TAO:0009367
-is_a: ZFA:0009366 ! hair cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000243 ! neuromast
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009368
-name: slow muscle myoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A skeletal muscle myoblast that differentiates into slow muscle fibers." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "slow muscle myoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000857
-xref: TAO:0009368
-is_a: ZFA:0009236 ! skeletal muscle myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009369
-name: fast muscle myoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A skeletal muscle myoblast that differentiates into fast muscle fibers." [CL:curator]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "fast muscle myoblasts" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:0000858
-xref: TAO:0009369
-is_a: ZFA:0009236 ! skeletal muscle myoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009370
-name: stretch receptor cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stretch receptor cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:1000082
-xref: TAO:0009370
-is_a: ZFA:0009001 ! receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009371
-name: stratified keratinized epithelial stem cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "stratified keratinized epithelial stem cells" EXACT PLURAL []
-xref: CL:1000083
-xref: TAO:0009371
-is_a: ZFA:0009180 ! stratified epithelial stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009372
-name: duct epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelial cell part of duct." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-comment: Definition not present in CL.
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000068
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005171 ! duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-29T05:17:20Z
-id: ZFA:0009374
-name: kidney epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epithelial cell of the kidney." [GOC:tfm, KUPO:SJ]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002518
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009389 ! kidney cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009375
-name: renal intercalated cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell of the kidney that regulates acid/base balance." [CL:CVS]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "intercalated cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0005010
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009374 ! kidney epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009388 ! meso-epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-06T01:42:07Z
-id: ZFA:0009376
-name: renal alpha-intercalated cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell of the kidney which secretes acid and reabsorbs base to regulate acid/base balance." [CL:CVS]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005011
-is_a: ZFA:0009375 ! renal intercalated cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-03-06T01:42:03Z
-id: ZFA:0009379
-name: intrahepatic bile duct epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epithelial cell of the intrahepatic portion of the bile duct." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002538
-is_a: ZFA:0009372 ! duct epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005169 ! intrahepatic bile duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000035 ! Larval:Protruding-mouth
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-29T05:21:19Z
-id: ZFA:0009380
-name: pancreatic ductal cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelial cell found in the ducts of the pancreas." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002079
-is_a: ZFA:0009372 ! duct epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001372 ! pancreatic duct
-relationship: start ZFS:0000032 ! Pharyngula:High-pec
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-07-29T05:23:07Z
-id: ZFA:0009383
-name: endo-epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epithelial cell derived from endoderm." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002076
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000017 ! endoderm
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-02T04:25:16Z
-id: ZFA:0009384
-name: neurecto-epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelial cells derived from neural plate and neural crest." [GOC:tfm]
-comment: The term "neuroepithelial cell" is used to describe both this cell type and sensory epithelial cell (CL:0000098).
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "neuroepithelial cell" BROAD []
-xref: CL:0000710
-is_a: ZFA:0009038 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009385 ! ecto-epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009080 ! neurectodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009385
-name: ecto-epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epithelial cell derived from ectoderm." [FMA:69074]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002077
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009386 ! somatic cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009137 ! ectodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009386
-name: somatic cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of an organism that does not pass on its genetic material to the organism's offspring (i.e. a non-germ line cell)." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002371
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009387
-name: supportive cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell whose primary function is to support other cell types." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0000630
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009388
-name: meso-epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Epithelial cell derived from mesoderm or mesenchyme." [FMA:69076, GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "epithelial mesenchymal cell" EXACT []
-xref: CL:0002078
-is_a: ZFA:0009034 ! epithelial cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009386 ! somatic cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009138 ! mesodermal cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009389
-name: kidney cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that is part of the kidney." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:1000497
-is_a: ZFA:0009386 ! somatic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000529 ! kidney
-relationship: start ZFS:0000037 ! Larval:Day 5
-id: ZFA:0009390
-name: kidney interstitial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:1000500
-is_a: ZFA:0009389 ! kidney cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009392 ! connective tissue cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009391
-name: kidney medulla cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:1000504
-is_a: ZFA:0009389 ! kidney cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009392
-name: connective tissue cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A cell of the supporting or framework tissue of the body, arising chiefly from the embryonic mesoderm and including adipose tissue, cartilage, and bone." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002320
-is_a: ZFA:0009386 ! somatic cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009393
-name: lymphangioblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymphatic progenitor cells." [CL:CVS]
-comment: Usually express Prox1, or prox1b.
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005020
-is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-12T04:44:34Z
-id: ZFA:0009394
-name: mesenchymal lymphangioblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Mesenchymal derived lymphatic progenitor cells that give rise to the superficial lymphatics." [PMID:15624319, PMID:18430230]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0005021
-is_a: ZFA:0009081 ! mesenchymal cell
-is_a: ZFA:0009393 ! lymphangioblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-12T05:01:22Z
-id: ZFA:0009395
-name: vascular lymphangioblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Lymphatic progenitor cells, derived from the veins, that give rise to lymphatic endothelial cells." [CL:CVS]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "parachordal lymphangioblast" NARROW []
-xref: CL:0005022
-is_a: ZFA:0009393 ! lymphangioblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2012-01-12T05:21:09Z
-id: ZFA:0009396
-name: glycinergic neuron
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "The neurons that utilize glycine as a neurotransmitter." [MP:0010385]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:1001509
-is_a: ZFA:0009248 ! neuron
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-id: ZFA:0009397
-name: cholangiocyte
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the bile duct. Cholangiocytes contribute to bile secretion via net release of bicarbonate and water. They are cuboidal epithelium in the small interlobular bile ducts, but become columnar and mucus secreting in larger bile ducts approaching the porta hepatis and the extrahepatic ducts." [PMID:16550043, PMID:18356246]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "bile duct cells" RELATED []
-synonym: "epithelial cell of bile duct" EXACT []
-xref: CL:1000488
-is_a: ZFA:0009372 ! duct epithelial cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0009398 ! hepatoblast
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-02T12:08:01Z
-id: ZFA:0009398
-name: hepatoblast
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Multi fate stem cell that gives rise to both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes as descendants." [GOC:cvs, ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917, PMID:18356246, PMID:20483998]
-subset: cell_slim
-is_a: ZFA:0009020 ! multi fate stem cell
-relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000124 ! liver primordium
-relationship: end ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-relationship: start ZFS:0000029 ! Pharyngula:Prim-5
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-02T12:13:12Z
-id: ZFA:0009399
-name: intestinal epithelial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epithelial cell of the intestine." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002563
-is_a: ZFA:0009383 ! endo-epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0001338 ! intestine
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-02T04:26:27Z
-id: ZFA:0009400
-name: epithelial cell of esophagus
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "An epithelial cell of the esophagus." [GOC:tfm]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:0002252
-is_a: ZFA:0009383 ! endo-epithelial cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000204 ! esophagus
-relationship: start ZFS:0000030 ! Pharyngula:Prim-15
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2013-08-02T04:32:14Z
-id: ZFA:0009401
-name: lens fiber cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "A vertebrate lens cell that is any of the elongated, tightly packed cells that make up the bulk of the mature lens in a camera-type eye." [GOC:nv]
-xref: CL:0011004
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0000035 ! lens
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: Ceri
-creation_date: 2017-09-01T15:46:37Z
-id: ZFA:0009402
-name: heart valve cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cell that is part of the heart valve." [CL:editor]
-subset: cell_slim
-xref: CL:1000147
-is_a: ZFA:0009000 ! cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: part_of ZFA:0005065 ! heart valve
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-12-08T09:32:56Z
-id: ZFA:0009403
-name: heart valve interstitial cell
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Cells that secrete the extracellular matrix of the heart valve." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191202-2]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "VIC" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191202-2]
-is_a: ZFA:0009402 ! heart valve cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-12-08T09:43:48Z
-id: ZFA:0009404
-name: heart valve endothelial cells
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-def: "Endothelial cells that surround the heart valve extracellular matrix." [GOC:cvs, ORCID:0000-0002-2244-7917, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191202-2]
-subset: cell_slim
-synonym: "VEC" RELATED [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-191202-2]
-is_a: ZFA:0009402 ! heart valve cell
-relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult
-relationship: start ZFS:0000000 ! Unknown
-created_by: ceriv
-creation_date: 2020-12-08T09:48:24Z
-id: ZFA:0100000
-name: zebrafish anatomical entity
-namespace: zebrafish_anatomy
-id: ZFS:0000000
-name: Unknown
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-050211-1
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2430
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000001
-name: Zygote:1-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-4
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2431
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000002
-name: Cleavage:2-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-15
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2432
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000003
-name: Cleavage:4-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-11
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2433
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000004
-name: Cleavage:8-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-33
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2434
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000005
-name: Cleavage:16-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-20
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2435
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000006
-name: Cleavage:32-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-25
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2436
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000007
-name: Cleavage:64-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-28
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2437
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000008
-name: Blastula:128-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-7
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2438
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000009
-name: Blastula:256-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-1
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2439
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000010
-name: Blastula:512-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-14
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2440
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000011
-name: Blastula:1k-cell
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-22
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2441
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000012
-name: Blastula:High
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-27
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2442
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000013
-name: Blastula:Oblong
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-24
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2443
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000014
-name: Blastula:Sphere
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-21
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2444
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000015
-name: Blastula:Dome
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-19
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2445
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000016
-name: Blastula:30%-epiboly
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-17
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2446
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000017
-name: Gastrula:50%-epiboly
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-6
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2447
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000018
-name: Gastrula:Germ-ring
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-3
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2448
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000019
-name: Gastrula:Shield
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-2
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2449
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000020
-name: Gastrula:75%-epiboly
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-18
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2450
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000021
-name: Gastrula:90%-epiboly
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-29
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2451
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000022
-name: Gastrula:Bud
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-12
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2452
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000023
-name: Segmentation:1-4 somites
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-23
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2453
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000024
-name: Segmentation:5-9 somites
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-5
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2454
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000025
-name: Segmentation:10-13 somites
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-020626-1
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2455
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000026
-name: Segmentation:14-19 somites
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-30
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2456
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000027
-name: Segmentation:20-25 somites
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-16
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2457
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000028
-name: Segmentation:26+ somites
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-34
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2458
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000029
-name: Pharyngula:Prim-5
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-10
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2439
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000030
-name: Pharyngula:Prim-15
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-32
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2460
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000031
-name: Pharyngula:Prim-25
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-13
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2461
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000032
-name: Pharyngula:High-pec
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-31
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2462
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000033
-name: Hatching:Long-pec
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-9
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2463
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000034
-name: Hatching:Pec-fin
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-26
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2464
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000035
-name: Larval:Protruding-mouth
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-8
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2465
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000036
-name: Larval:Day 4
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-35
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2466
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000037
-name: Larval:Day 5
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-36
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2467
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000038
-name: Larval:Day 6
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-37
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2468
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000039
-name: Larval:Days 7-13
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-47
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2469
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000040
-name: Larval:Days 14-20
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-48
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2470
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000041
-name: Larval:Days 21-29
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-49
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2471
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000042
-name: Juvenile:Days 30-44
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-51
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2472
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000043
-name: Juvenile:Days 45-89
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-52
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2473
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0000044
-name: Adult
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-STAGE-010723-39
-xref: ZFIN:ZDB-TERM-100331-2474
-is_a: ZFS:0100000 ! Stages
-id: ZFS:0100000
-name: Stages
-namespace: zebrafish_stages
-id: continuous_with
-name: continuous with
-def: "X continuous_with Y if and only if X and Y share a fiat boundary." [goc:cjm]
-synonym: "continuous_with" EXACT []
-xref: RO:0002150
-is_symmetric: true
-id: develops_from
-name: develops from
-xref: RO:0002202
-holds_over_chain: part_of develops_from
-is_transitive: true
-transitive_over: part_of ! part of
-id: end
-name: end stage
-def: "c existence ends during s iff end_of(c) part_of s." [goc:cjm]
-synonym: "ends_during" EXACT []
-synonym: "existence ends during" RELATED []
-xref: RO:0002497
-id: has_developmental_contribution_from
-name: has developmental contribution from
-def: "x has developmental contribution from y iff x has some part z such that z develops from y." [goc:cjm]
-synonym: "has_developmental_contribution_from" EXACT []
-xref: RO:0002254
-holds_over_chain: has_part develops_from
-id: has_part
-name: has_part
-xref: BFO:0000051
-is_transitive: true
-is_a: overlaps ! overlaps
-id: overlaps
-name: overlaps
-xref: RO:0002131
-id: part_of
-name: part of
-xref: BFO:0000050
-is_transitive: true
-is_a: overlaps ! overlaps
-inverse_of: has_part ! has_part
-id: start
-name: start stage
-def: "c existence starts during s iff start_of(c) part_of s." [goc:cjm]
-synonym: "existence starts during" RELATED []
-synonym: "starts_during" EXACT []
-xref: RO:0002496
From 67f2cc15d2deaa03b4a40a2be0afb4bb14695615 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 18:20:36 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 12/16] add MA ontology and got SSSOM for limb
notebooks/input/ma.obo | 19471 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
notebooks/mappings.ipynb | 48 +-
2 files changed, 19502 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 notebooks/input/ma.obo
diff --git a/notebooks/input/ma.obo b/notebooks/input/ma.obo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a26aefb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/input/ma.obo
@@ -0,0 +1,19471 @@
+format-version: 1.2
+data-version: releases/2017-02-07
+date: 14:11:2014 14:12
+saved-by: terryh
+auto-generated-by: OBO-Edit 2.3.1
+default-namespace: adult_mouse_anatomy.gxd
+ontology: ma
+id: MA:0000001
+name: mouse anatomical entity
+synonym: "mouse anatomy" RELATED []
+id: MA:0000002
+name: spinal cord grey matter
+xref: EMAPS:3579228
+is_a: MA:0001112 ! grey matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0000003
+name: organ system
+xref: EMAPS:1610328
+is_a: MA:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: part_of MA:0002405 ! postnatal mouse
+id: MA:0000004
+name: trunk
+synonym: "body" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3185728
+is_a: MA:0002433 ! anatomic region
+id: MA:0000005
+name: body cavity or lining
+xref: EMAPS:1606028
+is_a: MA:0002433 ! anatomic region
+id: MA:0000006
+name: head and neck
+is_a: MA:0002433 ! anatomic region
+id: MA:0000007
+name: limb
+synonym: "extremity" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1640528
+is_a: MA:0002433 ! anatomic region
+id: MA:0000008
+name: tail
+xref: EMAPS:1674828
+is_a: MA:0002433 ! anatomic region
+id: MA:0000009
+name: adipose tissue
+alt_id: MA:0000056
+synonym: "fat" EXACT []
+xref: EMAPS:3511228
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+id: MA:0000010
+name: cardiovascular system
+synonym: "circulatory system" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1610428
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0000011
+name: connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3525128
+is_a: MA:0003002 ! tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0002887 ! set of connective tissues
+id: MA:0000012
+name: endocrine system
+xref: EMAPS:3530628
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0000013
+name: hemolymphoid system
+synonym: "haemolymphoid system" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1876528
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0000014
+name: integumental system
+xref: EMAPS:1752428
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0000015
+name: muscle organ
+xref: EMAPS:3557728
+relationship: part_of MA:0002888 ! muscular system
+id: MA:0000016
+name: nervous system
+xref: EMAPS:1646928
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0000017
+name: sensory organ
+xref: EMAPS:3595528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002442 ! sensory organ system
+id: MA:0000018
+name: skeletal system
+xref: EMAPS:3577328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002418 ! musculoskeletal system
+id: MA:0000019
+name: visceral organ system
+xref: EMAPS:1624528
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0000020
+name: back of trunk
+synonym: "body" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3516228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000021
+name: abdominal segment of trunk
+synonym: "abdomen/pelvis/perineum" RELATED []
+synonym: "lower body" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3510428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000022
+name: thoracic segment of trunk
+synonym: "thorax" RELATED []
+synonym: "upper body" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3586228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000023
+name: head
+xref: EMAPS:3185828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000024
+name: neck
+xref: EMAPS:3558728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000025
+name: forelimb
+xref: EMAPS:1741228
+is_a: MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000026
+name: hindlimb
+xref: EMAPS:1745828
+is_a: MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000027
+name: lower back
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000028
+name: upper back
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000029
+name: abdomen
+xref: EMAPS:3510228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000030
+name: pelvis
+xref: EMAPS:3593128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000031
+name: chest
+synonym: "thoracic body wall" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000032
+name: thoracic cavity
+is_a: MA:0002447 ! body cavity
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000033
+name: arm
+xref: EMAPS:1741328
+is_a: MA:0002889 ! limb segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000034
+name: lower arm
+synonym: "forearm" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1741728
+is_a: MA:0002716 ! zeugopod
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000035
+name: upper arm
+xref: EMAPS:1742428
+is_a: MA:0002717 ! stylopod
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000036
+name: elbow
+xref: EMAPS:1741428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000037
+name: hand
+synonym: "forepaw" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1742828
+is_a: MA:0002714 ! autopod
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000038
+name: shoulder
+xref: EMAPS:1742128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000039
+name: wrist
+xref: EMAPS:3278428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000040
+name: carpus
+xref: EMAPS:1912228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000041
+name: hand digit
+xref: EMAPS:3264228
+is_a: MA:0000690 ! limb digit
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000042
+name: metacarpus
+xref: EMAPS:3265428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000043
+name: ankle
+xref: EMAPS:3278328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000044
+name: foot
+synonym: "hindpaw" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1745928
+is_a: MA:0002714 ! autopod
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000045
+name: hip
+xref: EMAPS:1749028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000046
+name: knee
+xref: EMAPS:1749328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000047
+name: leg
+xref: EMAPS:1748928
+is_a: MA:0002889 ! limb segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000048
+name: foot digit
+xref: EMAPS:3264928
+is_a: MA:0000690 ! limb digit
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000049
+name: metatarsus
+xref: EMAPS:3294028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000050
+name: tarsus
+xref: EMAPS:1913328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000051
+name: lower leg
+xref: EMAPS:1749628
+is_a: MA:0002716 ! zeugopod
+relationship: part_of MA:0000047 ! leg
+id: MA:0000052
+name: upper leg
+xref: EMAPS:1749928
+is_a: MA:0002717 ! stylopod
+relationship: part_of MA:0000047 ! leg
+id: MA:0000053
+name: pericardial cavity
+xref: EMAPS:1613228
+is_a: MA:0002447 ! body cavity
+id: MA:0000054
+name: peritoneal cavity
+is_a: MA:0002447 ! body cavity
+id: MA:0000055
+name: pleural cavity
+xref: EMAPS:1677428
+is_a: MA:0002447 ! body cavity
+id: MA:0000057
+name: brown adipose tissue
+synonym: "brown fat" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1920928
+is_a: MA:0000009 ! adipose tissue
+id: MA:0000058
+name: white adipose tissue
+synonym: "white fat" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3592628
+is_a: MA:0000009 ! adipose tissue
+id: MA:0000059
+name: blood
+xref: EMAPS:1633228
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+relationship: part_of MA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002434 ! hematopoietic system
+id: MA:0000060
+name: blood vessel
+synonym: "vasculature" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3274328
+xref: EMAPS:3599328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002718 ! vascular system
+id: MA:0000061
+name: arterial blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3514428
+is_a: MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0002719 ! arterial system
+id: MA:0000062
+name: aorta
+xref: EMAPS:1860128
+is_a: MA:0000061 ! arterial blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0001902 ! thoracic cavity artery
+id: MA:0000063
+name: arteriole
+xref: EMAPS:3514628
+is_a: MA:0000061 ! arterial blood vessel
+id: MA:0000064
+name: artery
+xref: EMAPS:3514728
+is_a: MA:0000061 ! arterial blood vessel
+id: MA:0000065
+name: capillary
+xref: EMAPS:3519828
+is_a: MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+id: MA:0000066
+name: venous blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3593228
+is_a: MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0002720 ! venous system
+id: MA:0000067
+name: vein
+xref: EMAPS:3590628
+is_a: MA:0000066 ! venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0000068
+name: vena cava
+xref: EMAPS:1841528
+is_a: MA:0000066 ! venous blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0001903 ! thoracic cavity vein
+id: MA:0000069
+name: venous plexus
+is_a: MA:0000066 ! venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0000070
+name: venous sinus
+is_a: MA:0000066 ! venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0000071
+name: venule
+xref: EMAPS:3591728
+is_a: MA:0000066 ! venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0000072
+name: heart
+xref: EMAPS:1610528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002449 ! heart/pericardium
+id: MA:0000073
+name: heart atrium
+xref: EMAPS:1668828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000074
+name: heart left atrium
+xref: EMAPS:1731528
+is_a: MA:0000073 ! heart atrium
+id: MA:0000075
+name: heart right atrium
+xref: EMAPS:1732128
+is_a: MA:0000073 ! heart atrium
+id: MA:0000076
+name: heart endocardium
+xref: EMAPS:3268628
+is_a: MA:0000717 ! cardiovascular system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000077
+name: atrium endocardium
+xref: EMAPS:3274528
+is_a: MA:0000076 ! heart endocardium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000073 ! heart atrium
+id: MA:0000078
+name: endocardial cushion
+xref: EMAPS:1669628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000076 ! heart endocardium
+id: MA:0000079
+name: ventricle endocardium
+xref: EMAPS:3274728
+is_a: MA:0000076 ! heart endocardium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0000080
+name: myocardium layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+relationship: part_of MA:0000164 ! myocardium
+id: MA:0000081
+name: atrium myocardium
+xref: EMAPS:3274628
+is_a: MA:0000164 ! myocardium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000073 ! heart atrium
+id: MA:0000082
+name: ventricle myocardium
+xref: EMAPS:3274828
+is_a: MA:0000164 ! myocardium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0000083
+name: heart septum
+xref: EMAPS:3540028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000084
+name: interatrial septum
+synonym: "atrial septum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1701128
+is_a: MA:0000083 ! heart septum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000073 ! heart atrium
+id: MA:0000085
+name: heart interventricular septum
+synonym: "ventricular septum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1733328
+is_a: MA:0000083 ! heart septum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0000086
+name: heart valve
+xref: EMAPS:1786928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000087
+name: aortic valve
+xref: EMAPS:1787028
+is_a: MA:0002790 ! semilunar valve
+id: MA:0000088
+name: mitral valve
+synonym: "bicuspid valve" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1787128
+is_a: MA:0002789 ! atrioventricular valve
+id: MA:0000089
+name: pulmonary valve
+xref: EMAPS:1787228
+is_a: MA:0002790 ! semilunar valve
+id: MA:0000090
+name: tricuspid valve
+xref: EMAPS:1787328
+is_a: MA:0002789 ! atrioventricular valve
+id: MA:0000091
+name: heart ventricle
+xref: EMAPS:1733128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000092
+name: heart left ventricle
+synonym: "left ventricle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1733728
+is_a: MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0000093
+name: heart right ventricle
+synonym: "right ventricle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1734028
+is_a: MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0000094
+name: impulse conducting system
+xref: EMAPS:3542828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000095
+name: atrioventricular node
+synonym: "AV node" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3515328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000094 ! impulse conducting system
+id: MA:0000096
+name: purkinje fiber
+xref: EMAPS:3571828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000094 ! impulse conducting system
+id: MA:0000097
+name: sinoatrial node
+synonym: "SA node" RELATED []
+synonym: "sinuatrial node" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3577228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000094 ! impulse conducting system
+id: MA:0000098
+name: heart mesentery
+synonym: "mesocardium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1621228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000099
+name: pericardium
+xref: EMAPS:1613328
+is_a: MA:0002448 ! cavity lining
+relationship: part_of MA:0000053 ! pericardial cavity
+relationship: part_of MA:0002449 ! heart/pericardium
+id: MA:0000100
+name: outflow tract
+xref: EMAPS:1634628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000101
+name: outflow tract aortic component
+xref: EMAPS:1732928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000100 ! outflow tract
+id: MA:0000102
+name: outflow tract pulmonary component
+xref: EMAPS:1733028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000100 ! outflow tract
+id: MA:0000103
+name: truncus arteriosus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000100 ! outflow tract
+id: MA:0000104
+name: cartilage tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3273028
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+id: MA:0000105
+name: cellular cartilage
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+id: MA:0000106
+name: costal cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:3526228
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+id: MA:0000107
+name: elastic cartilage
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+id: MA:0000108
+name: fibrocartilage
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+id: MA:0000109
+name: hyaline cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:3541428
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+id: MA:0000110
+name: intervertebral disc
+alt_id: MA:0001515
+xref: EMAPS:3273928
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0001514 ! joint of vertebral body
+id: MA:0000111
+name: annulus fibrosus
+alt_id: MA:0001516
+xref: EMAPS:3267028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000110 ! intervertebral disc
+id: MA:0000112
+name: nucleus pulposus
+alt_id: MA:0001517
+xref: EMAPS:1800828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000110 ! intervertebral disc
+id: MA:0000113
+name: ligament
+xref: EMAPS:3549328
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+id: MA:0000114
+name: synovium
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+id: MA:0000115
+name: tendon
+xref: EMAPS:3585428
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+id: MA:0000116
+name: adrenal gland
+synonym: "suprarenal gland" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1842628
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+is_a: MA:0002563 ! endocrine gland
+id: MA:0000117
+name: adrenal gland capsule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000116 ! adrenal gland
+id: MA:0000118
+name: adrenal gland cortex
+xref: EMAPS:1842728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000116 ! adrenal gland
+id: MA:0000119
+name: adrenal gland medulla
+xref: EMAPS:1842828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000116 ! adrenal gland
+id: MA:0000120
+name: pancreas
+xref: EMAPS:1750328
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+id: MA:0000121
+name: pancreas body
+synonym: "pancreas corpus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1750428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000120 ! pancreas
+id: MA:0000122
+name: pancreas head
+xref: EMAPS:1750728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000120 ! pancreas
+id: MA:0000123
+name: pancreas tail
+xref: EMAPS:1751128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000120 ! pancreas
+id: MA:0000124
+name: pancreatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:3295228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002415 ! exocrine pancreas
+id: MA:0000125
+name: dorsal pancreatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:3295328
+is_a: MA:0000124 ! pancreatic duct
+id: MA:0000126
+name: ventral pancreatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:1751028
+is_a: MA:0000124 ! pancreatic duct
+id: MA:0000127
+name: pancreatic islet
+synonym: "islet of langerhans" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3292728
+relationship: part_of MA:0001582 ! endocrine pancreas
+id: MA:0000128
+name: parathyroid gland
+xref: EMAPS:3281228
+is_a: MA:0000589 ! neck organ
+is_a: MA:0002563 ! endocrine gland
+id: MA:0000129
+name: thyroid gland
+xref: EMAPS:1706828
+is_a: MA:0000589 ! neck organ
+is_a: MA:0002563 ! endocrine gland
+id: MA:0000130
+name: thyroglossal duct
+xref: EMAPS:1707028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000129 ! thyroid gland
+id: MA:0000131
+name: thyroid gland lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1819628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000129 ! thyroid gland
+id: MA:0000132
+name: thyroid gland medulla
+relationship: part_of MA:0000129 ! thyroid gland
+id: MA:0000133
+name: cerebral hemisphere
+synonym: "cerebrum" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000183 ! telencephalon
+id: MA:0000134
+name: bone marrow
+xref: EMAPS:3276028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001459 ! bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0002434 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002711 ! immune system
+id: MA:0000135
+name: bronchus associated lymphoid tissue
+synonym: "BALT" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000140 ! mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
+id: MA:0000136
+name: gut associated lymphoid tissue
+synonym: "GALT" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000140 ! mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
+id: MA:0000137
+name: peyer's patch
+xref: EMAPS:1902828
+is_a: MA:0000136 ! gut associated lymphoid tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000328 ! intestine
+id: MA:0000138
+name: lymphatic vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3553228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002961 ! lymphatic system
+id: MA:0000139
+name: lymph node
+xref: EMAPS:3552328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002435 ! lymphoid system
+id: MA:0000140
+name: mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
+synonym: "MALT" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002436 ! lymphoid tissue
+id: MA:0000141
+name: spleen
+xref: EMAPS:1876728
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+is_a: MA:0002962 ! hemolymphoid system gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0002434 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002711 ! immune system
+id: MA:0000142
+name: thymus
+xref: EMAPS:1876828
+is_a: MA:0000557 ! thoracic cavity organ
+is_a: MA:0002962 ! hemolymphoid system gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0002434 ! hematopoietic system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002711 ! immune system
+id: MA:0000143
+name: tonsil
+xref: EMAPS:3587128
+is_a: MA:0000752 ! oropharyngeal lymphoid tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000341 ! oral region
+id: MA:0000144
+name: integumental system gland
+xref: EMAPS:1775828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000014 ! integumental system
+id: MA:0000145
+name: mammary gland
+xref: EMAPS:1775928
+is_a: MA:0000144 ! integumental system gland
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+id: MA:0000146
+name: skin gland
+xref: EMAPS:3577428
+is_a: MA:0000144 ! integumental system gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000151 ! skin
+id: MA:0000147
+name: apocrine sweat gland
+is_a: MA:0000146 ! skin gland
+is_a: MA:0003040 ! apocrine gland
+id: MA:0000148
+name: skin mucous gland
+xref: EMAPS:3577528
+is_a: MA:0000146 ! skin gland
+id: MA:0000149
+name: pilosebaceous gland
+is_a: MA:0002565 ! sebaceous gland
+id: MA:0000150
+name: sweat gland
+xref: EMAPS:3584428
+is_a: MA:0000146 ! skin gland
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+id: MA:0000151
+name: skin
+xref: EMAPS:1752528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000014 ! integumental system
+id: MA:0000152
+name: dermis
+xref: EMAPS:1752728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000151 ! skin
+id: MA:0000153
+name: epidermis
+xref: EMAPS:1752828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000151 ! skin
+id: MA:0000154
+name: hair follicle
+xref: EMAPS:1877128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000014 ! integumental system
+id: MA:0000155
+name: coat hair
+xref: EMAPS:1876928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000014 ! integumental system
+id: MA:0000156
+name: hair cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3538728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000155 ! coat hair
+id: MA:0000157
+name: hair cuticle
+xref: EMAPS:3538828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000155 ! coat hair
+id: MA:0000158
+name: hair medulla
+xref: EMAPS:3538928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000155 ! coat hair
+id: MA:0000159
+name: hair shaft
+relationship: part_of MA:0000155 ! coat hair
+relationship: part_of MA:0000160 ! coat hair follicle
+id: MA:0000160
+name: coat hair follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3524628
+is_a: MA:0000154 ! hair follicle
+id: MA:0000161
+name: coat hair bulb
+xref: EMAPS:1877028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000160 ! coat hair follicle
+id: MA:0000162
+name: hair root sheath
+xref: EMAPS:1877228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000161 ! coat hair bulb
+id: MA:0000163
+name: vibrissa
+synonym: "whisker" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1752928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000014 ! integumental system
+id: MA:0000164
+name: myocardium
+synonym: "cardiac muscle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3268828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002888 ! muscular system
+id: MA:0000165
+name: set of skeletal muscles
+xref: EMAPS:3557828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002888 ! muscular system
+id: MA:0000166
+name: smooth muscle tissue
+alt_id: MA:0002440
+xref: EMAPS:3271728
+is_a: MA:0002437 ! muscle tissue
+id: MA:0000167
+name: central nervous system
+xref: EMAPS:1647028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000016 ! nervous system
+id: MA:0000168
+name: brain
+xref: EMAPS:1689428
+is_a: MA:0000581 ! head organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000167 ! central nervous system
+id: MA:0000169
+name: brainstem
+synonym: "brain stem" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3267828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000170
+name: forebrain
+synonym: "prosencephalon" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1689528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000171
+name: diencephalon
+xref: EMAPS:1689628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000170 ! forebrain
+id: MA:0000172
+name: epithalamus
+xref: EMAPS:1753228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000171 ! diencephalon
+id: MA:0000173
+name: hypothalamus
+xref: EMAPS:1753628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000171 ! diencephalon
+id: MA:0000174
+name: mammillary body
+xref: EMAPS:3554228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000171 ! diencephalon
+id: MA:0000175
+name: pineal gland
+synonym: "corpus pineale" RELATED []
+synonym: "epiphysis cerebri" RELATED []
+synonym: "pineal body" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1877828
+is_a: MA:0002943 ! secretory circumventricular organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000172 ! epithalamus
+id: MA:0000176
+name: pituitary gland
+synonym: "hypophysis cerebri" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3599828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000171 ! diencephalon
+id: MA:0000177
+name: adenohypophysis
+xref: EMAPS:1751428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000176 ! pituitary gland
+id: MA:0000178
+name: neurohypophysis
+xref: EMAPS:1751928
+is_a: MA:0002943 ! secretory circumventricular organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000176 ! pituitary gland
+id: MA:0000179
+name: thalamus
+xref: EMAPS:1754028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000171 ! diencephalon
+id: MA:0000180
+name: dorsal thalamus
+xref: EMAPS:3529528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000179 ! thalamus
+id: MA:0000181
+name: ventral thalamus
+synonym: "subthalamus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3591528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000179 ! thalamus
+id: MA:0000182
+name: 3rd ventricle
+synonym: "third ventricle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1690028
+is_a: MA:0000818 ! brain ventricle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000171 ! diencephalon
+id: MA:0000183
+name: telencephalon
+synonym: "cerebrum" RELATED []
+synonym: "telencephalic vesicle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1691028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000170 ! forebrain
+id: MA:0000184
+name: basal ganglia
+synonym: "basal nucleus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3267328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000183 ! telencephalon
+id: MA:0000185
+name: cerebral cortex
+xref: EMAPS:1754428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000133 ! cerebral hemisphere
+id: MA:0000186
+name: neocortex layer
+synonym: "cerebral cortex layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3558828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002754 ! neocortex
+id: MA:0000187
+name: neocortex region
+synonym: "cerebral cortex region" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3558928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002754 ! neocortex
+id: MA:0000188
+name: corpus callosum
+xref: EMAPS:3525328
+is_a: MA:0002721 ! intercerebral commissure
+id: MA:0000189
+name: hippocampal formation
+synonym: "archipallium" RELATED []
+synonym: "primal cortex" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3540528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000183 ! telencephalon
+id: MA:0000190
+name: dentate gyrus
+xref: EMAPS:1903728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000189 ! hippocampal formation
+id: MA:0000191
+name: hippocampus
+synonym: "ammon's horn" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3284528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000189 ! hippocampal formation
+id: MA:0000192
+name: lateral ventricle
+xref: EMAPS:1691428
+is_a: MA:0000818 ! brain ventricle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000183 ! telencephalon
+id: MA:0000193
+name: olfactory cortex
+synonym: "olfactory lobe" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1777928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002413 ! olfactory lobe
+id: MA:0000194
+name: main olfactory bulb
+synonym: "main olfactory bulb" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3280928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002413 ! olfactory lobe
+id: MA:0000195
+name: hindbrain
+synonym: "rhombencephalon" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1691628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000196
+name: 4th ventricle
+synonym: "fourth ventricle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1691728
+is_a: MA:0000818 ! brain ventricle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000195 ! hindbrain
+id: MA:0000197
+name: metencephalon
+xref: EMAPS:1707128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000195 ! hindbrain
+id: MA:0000198
+name: cerebellum
+xref: EMAPS:1778728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000197 ! metencephalon
+id: MA:0000199
+name: cerebellar cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3521128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000198 ! cerebellum
+id: MA:0000200
+name: cerebellum hemisphere
+xref: EMAPS:3521828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000199 ! cerebellar cortex
+id: MA:0000201
+name: cerebellar layer
+xref: EMAPS:3521228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000199 ! cerebellar cortex
+id: MA:0000202
+name: cerebellum vermis
+xref: EMAPS:3521428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000199 ! cerebellar cortex
+id: MA:0000203
+name: deep cerebellar nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3527228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000198 ! cerebellum
+id: MA:0000204
+name: pons
+xref: EMAPS:1756328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000169 ! brainstem
+relationship: part_of MA:0000197 ! metencephalon
+id: MA:0000205
+name: myelencephalon
+xref: EMAPS:1755028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000195 ! hindbrain
+id: MA:0000206
+name: medulla oblongata
+xref: EMAPS:1755028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000169 ! brainstem
+relationship: part_of MA:0000205 ! myelencephalon
+id: MA:0000207
+name: midbrain
+synonym: "mesencephalon" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1697428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+relationship: part_of MA:0000169 ! brainstem
+id: MA:0000208
+name: cerebral aqueduct
+xref: EMAPS:1779528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0000209
+name: midbrain periaqueductal grey
+synonym: "central grey" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3556928
+is_a: MA:0002895 ! periaqueductal grey
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0000210
+name: substantia nigra
+xref: EMAPS:3583528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0000211
+name: tectum
+xref: EMAPS:1905128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0000212
+name: tegmentum
+xref: EMAPS:1821528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0000213
+name: cranial ganglion/nerve
+is_a: MA:0000580 ! head nerve/ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000167 ! central nervous system
+id: MA:0000214
+name: cranial ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1665928
+is_a: MA:0002406 ! ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000213 ! cranial ganglion/nerve
+id: MA:0000215
+name: cranial nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1726428
+is_a: MA:0000217 ! nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000213 ! cranial ganglion/nerve
+id: MA:0000216
+name: spinal cord
+xref: EMAPS:1757728
+is_a: MA:0001901 ! back organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000167 ! central nervous system
+id: MA:0000217
+name: nerve
+xref: EMAPS:3280828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000016 ! nervous system
+id: MA:0000218
+name: peripheral nervous system
+xref: EMAPS:1666528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000016 ! nervous system
+id: MA:0000219
+name: autonomic nervous system
+xref: EMAPS:1698428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000218 ! peripheral nervous system
+id: MA:0000220
+name: autonomic ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1822128
+is_a: MA:0001161 ! peripheral nervous system ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000219 ! autonomic nervous system
+id: MA:0000221
+name: autonomic nerve plexus
+xref: EMAPS:1822428
+is_a: MA:0002407 ! nerve plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000219 ! autonomic nervous system
+id: MA:0000222
+name: enteric nervous system
+xref: EMAPS:2692228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000219 ! autonomic nervous system
+id: MA:0000223
+name: parasympathetic nervous system
+xref: EMAPS:1727028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000219 ! autonomic nervous system
+id: MA:0000224
+name: parasympathetic nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1727128
+is_a: MA:0000217 ! nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000223 ! parasympathetic nervous system
+id: MA:0000225
+name: sympathetic nervous system
+xref: EMAPS:1698528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000219 ! autonomic nervous system
+id: MA:0000226
+name: sympathetic ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1715728
+is_a: MA:0000220 ! autonomic ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000225 ! sympathetic nervous system
+id: MA:0000227
+name: sympathetic nerve trunk
+xref: EMAPS:3584528
+is_a: MA:0002408 ! nerve trunk
+relationship: part_of MA:0000225 ! sympathetic nervous system
+id: MA:0000228
+name: peripheral nerve
+xref: EMAPS:3281528
+is_a: MA:0000217 ! nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000218 ! peripheral nervous system
+id: MA:0000229
+name: peripheral nerve trunk
+xref: EMAPS:1698628
+is_a: MA:0002408 ! nerve trunk
+relationship: part_of MA:0000218 ! peripheral nervous system
+id: MA:0000230
+name: peripheral nervous system spinal component
+xref: EMAPS:1666628
+xref: EMAPS:3579628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000218 ! peripheral nervous system
+id: MA:0000231
+name: spinal ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1666728
+is_a: MA:0002566 ! sensory ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000230 ! peripheral nervous system spinal component
+id: MA:0000232
+name: dorsal root ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1666828
+is_a: MA:0000231 ! spinal ganglion
+id: MA:0000233
+name: spinal nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1698928
+is_a: MA:0000217 ! nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000230 ! peripheral nervous system spinal component
+id: MA:0000234
+name: segmental spinal nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1699028
+is_a: MA:0000233 ! spinal nerve
+id: MA:0000235
+name: spinal nerve plexus
+xref: EMAPS:1698728
+is_a: MA:0002407 ! nerve plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000230 ! peripheral nervous system spinal component
+id: MA:0000236
+name: ear
+synonym: "auditory/vestibular system" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1619328
+is_a: MA:0000017 ! sensory organ
+is_a: MA:0000581 ! head organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0002443 ! auditory system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002473 ! face
+id: MA:0000237
+name: inner ear
+synonym: "labyrinth" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1619428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000236 ! ear
+id: MA:0000238
+name: bony labyrinth
+synonym: "osseus labyrinth" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+relationship: part_of MA:0001477 ! temporal bone petrous part
+id: MA:0000239
+name: osseus cochlea
+xref: EMAPS:3562028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000238 ! bony labyrinth
+relationship: part_of MA:0000240 ! cochlea
+id: MA:0000240
+name: cochlea
+xref: EMAPS:1759728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+id: MA:0000241
+name: endolymphatic appendage
+xref: EMAPS:1699428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+id: MA:0000242
+name: membranous labyrinth
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+id: MA:0000243
+name: cochlear duct
+xref: EMAPS:1759828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002809 ! cochlear labyrinth
+id: MA:0000244
+name: ductus reuniens
+xref: EMAPS:1728728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000242 ! membranous labyrinth
+id: MA:0000245
+name: vestibular labyrinth
+synonym: "vestibular apparatus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1781528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000242 ! membranous labyrinth
+id: MA:0000246
+name: saccule
+xref: EMAPS:1729028
+is_a: MA:0002841 ! otolith organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000245 ! vestibular labyrinth
+id: MA:0000247
+name: utricle
+xref: EMAPS:1729328
+is_a: MA:0002841 ! otolith organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000245 ! vestibular labyrinth
+id: MA:0000248
+name: perilymphatic channel
+synonym: "perilymphatic space" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3567728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+id: MA:0000249
+name: semicircular canal
+xref: EMAPS:3283228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+id: MA:0000250
+name: osseus semicircular canal
+relationship: part_of MA:0000238 ! bony labyrinth
+relationship: part_of MA:0000249 ! semicircular canal
+id: MA:0000251
+name: semicircular duct
+synonym: "membranous semicircular canal" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3283028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000245 ! vestibular labyrinth
+relationship: part_of MA:0000249 ! semicircular canal
+id: MA:0000252
+name: otic capsule
+synonym: "periotic capsule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1759628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+id: MA:0000253
+name: middle ear
+synonym: "tympanic cavity" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1700028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000236 ! ear
+id: MA:0000254
+name: auditory bone
+synonym: "auditory ossicle" RELATED []
+synonym: "ear bone" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1782428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0000255
+name: auditory tube
+synonym: "eustachian tube" RELATED []
+synonym: "pharyngo-tympanic tube" RELATED []
+synonym: "pharyngotympanic tube" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1760128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0000256
+name: tympanic cavity muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0000257
+name: tympanic membrane
+xref: EMAPS:1906228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0000258
+name: outer ear
+synonym: "external ear" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1699128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000236 ! ear
+id: MA:0000259
+name: auricle
+synonym: "pinna" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1758928
+xref: EMAPS:3515728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000258 ! outer ear
+id: MA:0000260
+name: external acoustic meatus
+synonym: "external auditory meatus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1758828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000258 ! outer ear
+id: MA:0000261
+name: eye
+xref: EMAPS:1619828
+is_a: MA:0000017 ! sensory organ
+is_a: MA:0000581 ! head organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0002444 ! visual system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002473 ! face
+id: MA:0000262
+name: eye anterior chamber
+xref: EMAPS:1823128
+is_a: MA:0002459 ! eye chamber
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+id: MA:0000263
+name: choroid
+xref: EMAPS:1907728
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+id: MA:0000264
+name: ciliary body
+xref: EMAPS:1906528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+id: MA:0000265
+name: conjunctiva
+synonym: "conjunctival sac" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1823328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0002486 ! eye surface
+id: MA:0000266
+name: cornea
+synonym: "tunica cornea" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1716128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0002486 ! eye surface
+id: MA:0000267
+name: eye gland
+xref: EMAPS:3533428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0000268
+name: eyelid
+synonym: "palpebra" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1782928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002486 ! eye surface
+id: MA:0000269
+name: eyelid muscle
+is_a: MA:0000271 ! eye muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0000270
+name: eyelid tarsus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0000271
+name: eye muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3533528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0000272
+name: hyaloid cavity
+xref: EMAPS:1730228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0000273
+name: iris
+xref: EMAPS:1915428
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+id: MA:0000274
+name: lacrimal apparatus
+xref: EMAPS:3546228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002486 ! eye surface
+id: MA:0000275
+name: lens
+xref: EMAPS:1783828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+id: MA:0000276
+name: retina
+xref: EMAPS:1716828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0000277
+name: neural retinal epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1859028
+is_a: MA:0003173 ! retina epithelium
+id: MA:0000278
+name: optic disc
+xref: EMAPS:1823828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000276 ! retina
+id: MA:0000279
+name: pigmented retinal epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1717228
+is_a: MA:0003173 ! retina epithelium
+id: MA:0000280
+name: sclera
+xref: EMAPS:1902728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0000281
+name: nose
+xref: EMAPS:1654228
+is_a: MA:0000017 ! sensory organ
+is_a: MA:0000581 ! head organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+relationship: part_of MA:0001910 ! snout
+relationship: part_of MA:0002445 ! olfactory system
+id: MA:0000282
+name: naris
+xref: EMAPS:1784728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+id: MA:0000283
+name: nasal capsule
+xref: EMAPS:1785228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+id: MA:0000284
+name: nasal cavity
+xref: EMAPS:1760428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+relationship: part_of MA:0000442 ! upper respiratory tract
+id: MA:0000285
+name: nasal septum
+xref: EMAPS:1760828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+id: MA:0000286
+name: nasal turbinate
+xref: EMAPS:2509328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+id: MA:0000287
+name: olfactory gland
+synonym: "olfactory gland of bowman" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3561328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+id: MA:0000288
+name: olfactory receptor nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+id: MA:0000289
+name: vomeronasal organ
+synonym: "organ of jacobsen" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1761228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+id: MA:0000290
+name: appendicular skeleton
+xref: EMAPS:3272928
+relationship: part_of MA:0003006 ! skeleton
+id: MA:0000291
+name: girdle bone
+xref: EMAPS:3537928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000290 ! appendicular skeleton
+id: MA:0000292
+name: pectoral girdle bone
+xref: EMAPS:3566928
+is_a: MA:0000291 ! girdle bone
+is_a: MA:0000547 ! chest bone
+id: MA:0000293
+name: pelvic girdle bone
+xref: EMAPS:1802828
+is_a: MA:0000291 ! girdle bone
+is_a: MA:0000532 ! pelvis bone
+id: MA:0000295
+name: carpal/tarsal bone
+is_a: MA:0000688 ! limb bone
+id: MA:0000296
+name: carpal bone
+xref: EMAPS:2505628
+is_a: MA:0000295 ! carpal/tarsal bone
+is_a: MA:0000619 ! hand bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000040 ! carpus
+id: MA:0000297
+name: tarsal bone
+xref: EMAPS:2507228
+is_a: MA:0000295 ! carpal/tarsal bone
+is_a: MA:0000643 ! foot bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000050 ! tarsus
+id: MA:0000298
+name: limb long bone
+xref: EMAPS:3549528
+is_a: MA:0000688 ! limb bone
+is_a: MA:0002802 ! long bone
+id: MA:0000299
+name: forelimb long bone
+xref: EMAPS:3535028
+is_a: MA:0000298 ! limb long bone
+id: MA:0000300
+name: hindlimb long bone
+xref: EMAPS:3540328
+is_a: MA:0000298 ! limb long bone
+id: MA:0000301
+name: metacarpal/metatarsal bone
+is_a: MA:0000688 ! limb bone
+id: MA:0000302
+name: metacarpal bone
+is_a: MA:0000301 ! metacarpal/metatarsal bone
+is_a: MA:0000619 ! hand bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000042 ! metacarpus
+id: MA:0000303
+name: metatarsal bone
+is_a: MA:0000301 ! metacarpal/metatarsal bone
+is_a: MA:0000643 ! foot bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000049 ! metatarsus
+id: MA:0000304
+name: phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:3261428
+is_a: MA:0000688 ! limb bone
+id: MA:0000305
+name: foot phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:3294128
+is_a: MA:0000304 ! phalanx
+is_a: MA:0000646 ! foot digit bone
+id: MA:0000306
+name: hand phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:3265028
+is_a: MA:0000304 ! phalanx
+is_a: MA:0000622 ! hand digit bone
+id: MA:0000307
+name: other limb bone
+is_a: MA:0000688 ! limb bone
+id: MA:0000308
+name: axial skeleton
+xref: EMAPS:1721428
+relationship: part_of MA:0003006 ! skeleton
+id: MA:0000309
+name: vertebra
+xref: EMAPS:3274028
+relationship: part_of MA:0002416 ! vertebral column
+id: MA:0000310
+name: caudal vertebra
+synonym: "tail vertebra" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1837428
+is_a: MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+is_a: MA:0000532 ! pelvis bone
+is_a: MA:0000696 ! tail bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0003158 ! axial skeleton tail region
+id: MA:0000311
+name: cervical vertebra
+xref: EMAPS:1767428
+is_a: MA:0000584 ! neck bone
+is_a: MA:0002869 ! presacral vertebra
+relationship: part_of MA:0003154 ! axial skeleton cervical region
+id: MA:0000312
+name: lumbar vertebra
+xref: EMAPS:1800728
+is_a: MA:0000500 ! lower back bone
+is_a: MA:0002869 ! presacral vertebra
+relationship: part_of MA:0003156 ! axial skeleton lumbar region
+id: MA:0000313
+name: sacral vertebra
+synonym: "sacrum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1833628
+is_a: MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+is_a: MA:0000532 ! pelvis bone
+id: MA:0000314
+name: thoracic vertebra
+xref: EMAPS:1801128
+is_a: MA:0000506 ! upper back bone
+is_a: MA:0002869 ! presacral vertebra
+relationship: part_of MA:0003155 ! axial skeleton thoracic region
+id: MA:0000315
+name: rib
+xref: EMAPS:1801028
+is_a: MA:0000547 ! chest bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0002986 ! post-cranial axial skeleton
+id: MA:0000316
+name: cranium
+synonym: "cranial bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "skull" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1768028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000308 ! axial skeleton
+relationship: part_of MA:0000576 ! head bone
+id: MA:0000317
+name: chondrocranium
+synonym: "calvarium" RELATED []
+synonym: "neurocranium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1768128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000316 ! cranium
+id: MA:0000318
+name: viscerocranium
+synonym: "facial bone" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1802228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000316 ! cranium
+id: MA:0000319
+name: joint
+xref: EMAPS:3545628
+relationship: part_of MA:0003007 ! articular system
+id: MA:0000320
+name: cartilaginous joint
+is_a: MA:0000319 ! joint
+id: MA:0000321
+name: fibrous joint
+xref: EMAPS:3534428
+is_a: MA:0000319 ! joint
+id: MA:0000322
+name: synovial joint
+is_a: MA:0000319 ! joint
+id: MA:0000323
+name: alimentary system
+synonym: "alimentary tract" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1624628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002431 ! digestive system
+id: MA:0000324
+name: hepatobiliary system
+synonym: "liver/biliary system" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1684028
+relationship: part_of MA:0002431 ! digestive system
+id: MA:0000325
+name: urinary system
+synonym: "excretory system" RELATED []
+synonym: "urinary system" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1736628
+is_a: MA:0000019 ! visceral organ system
+id: MA:0000326
+name: reproductive system
+xref: EMAPS:1738128
+is_a: MA:0000019 ! visceral organ system
+id: MA:0000327
+name: respiratory system
+xref: EMAPS:1672728
+is_a: MA:0000019 ! visceral organ system
+id: MA:0000328
+name: intestine
+xref: EMAPS:3287428
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0000329
+name: anal region
+xref: EMAPS:1683128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000328 ! intestine
+id: MA:0000330
+name: anal canal
+xref: EMAPS:1825628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000329 ! anal region
+id: MA:0000331
+name: anus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000329 ! anal region
+id: MA:0000332
+name: ileocaecal junction
+synonym: "ileocecal junction" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000328 ! intestine
+id: MA:0000333
+name: large intestine
+xref: EMAPS:1925228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000328 ! intestine
+id: MA:0000334
+name: cecum
+synonym: "caecum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3519728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000333 ! large intestine
+id: MA:0000335
+name: colon
+xref: EMAPS:1893928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000333 ! large intestine
+id: MA:0000336
+name: rectum
+xref: EMAPS:1789628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000333 ! large intestine
+id: MA:0000337
+name: small intestine
+xref: EMAPS:3283428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000328 ! intestine
+id: MA:0000338
+name: duodenum
+xref: EMAPS:1885228
+is_a: MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0000339
+name: ileum
+xref: EMAPS:3276428
+is_a: MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0000340
+name: jejunum
+xref: EMAPS:1866628
+is_a: MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0000341
+name: oral region
+synonym: "mouth" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1626228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0000342
+name: gingiva
+synonym: "gum" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000341 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of MA:0002474 ! mouth
+id: MA:0000343
+name: lip
+xref: EMAPS:3283928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002474 ! mouth
+id: MA:0000344
+name: oral epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:2694228
+is_a: MA:0001520 ! gastrointestinal system epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000341 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of MA:0002794 ! oral mucosa
+id: MA:0000345
+name: oral region cartilage/bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000341 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of MA:0002474 ! mouth
+id: MA:0000346
+name: salivary gland
+xref: EMAPS:1775128
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000341 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of MA:0002474 ! mouth
+id: MA:0000347
+name: tongue
+xref: EMAPS:1718528
+is_a: MA:0000017 ! sensory organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000341 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of MA:0002446 ! gustatory system
+id: MA:0000348
+name: tooth
+xref: EMAPS:3290628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000341 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of MA:0001905 ! jaw
+relationship: part_of MA:0002474 ! mouth
+id: MA:0000349
+name: incisor
+xref: EMAPS:3288928
+is_a: MA:0000348 ! tooth
+id: MA:0000350
+name: molar
+xref: EMAPS:3289728
+is_a: MA:0000348 ! tooth
+id: MA:0000351
+name: oropharynx
+xref: EMAPS:2509428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+relationship: part_of MA:0000432 ! pharynx
+id: MA:0000352
+name: esophagus
+synonym: "oesophagus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1683328
+is_a: MA:0000557 ! thoracic cavity organ
+is_a: MA:0000589 ! neck organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0000353
+name: stomach
+xref: EMAPS:1702128
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0000354
+name: bile duct
+xref: EMAPS:3517128
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0001273 ! biliary tract
+id: MA:0000355
+name: cystic duct
+xref: EMAPS:1684128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002659 ! bile duct extrahepatic part
+id: MA:0000356
+name: gall bladder
+xref: EMAPS:1720228
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0001273 ! biliary tract
+id: MA:0000357
+name: hepatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:1684328
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0001273 ! biliary tract
+id: MA:0000358
+name: liver
+xref: EMAPS:1684628
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000324 ! hepatobiliary system
+id: MA:0000359
+name: liver bare area
+xref: EMAPS:1794528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000358 ! liver
+id: MA:0000360
+name: liver lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1830628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000358 ! liver
+id: MA:0000361
+name: liver left lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1830728
+is_a: MA:0000360 ! liver lobe
+id: MA:0000362
+name: liver middle lobe
+is_a: MA:0000360 ! liver lobe
+id: MA:0000363
+name: liver right lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1831128
+is_a: MA:0000360 ! liver lobe
+id: MA:0000364
+name: liver caudate lobe
+synonym: "liver caudate process" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1831328
+is_a: MA:0000363 ! liver right lobe
+id: MA:0000365
+name: liver quadrate lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1831828
+is_a: MA:0000363 ! liver right lobe
+id: MA:0000366
+name: liver parenchyma
+synonym: "hepatic parenchyma" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1720328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000358 ! liver
+id: MA:0000367
+name: liver sinusoid
+synonym: "hepatic sinusoid" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1736528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002494 ! liver lobule
+id: MA:0000368
+name: kidney
+xref: EMAPS:1737328
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000325 ! urinary system
+id: MA:0000369
+name: kidney calyx
+synonym: "renal calyx" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1867628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0000370
+name: kidney capsule
+synonym: "renal capsule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1867928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0000371
+name: kidney collecting duct
+synonym: "collecting tubule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2840728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0000372
+name: kidney cortex
+synonym: "renal cortex" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1795228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0000373
+name: kidney medulla
+synonym: "renal medulla" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1927928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0000374
+name: kidney pelvis
+synonym: "renal pelvis" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1794828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0000375
+name: nephron
+xref: EMAPS:3559228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0000376
+name: renal corpuscle
+alt_id: MA:0001656
+synonym: "cortical renal corpuscle" RELATED []
+synonym: "malphighian corpuscle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3572628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+relationship: part_of MA:0000375 ! nephron
+id: MA:0000377
+name: kidney tubule
+synonym: "renal tubule" RELATED []
+synonym: "uriniferous tubule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2778228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+relationship: part_of MA:0000375 ! nephron
+id: MA:0000378
+name: ureter
+xref: EMAPS:1795028
+is_a: MA:0000543 ! pelvis organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000325 ! urinary system
+id: MA:0000379
+name: urethra
+xref: EMAPS:3090128
+is_a: MA:0000543 ! pelvis organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0002636 ! lower urinary tract
+id: MA:0000380
+name: urinary bladder
+xref: EMAPS:1832128
+is_a: MA:0000543 ! pelvis organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0002636 ! lower urinary tract
+id: MA:0000381
+name: female reproductive system
+synonym: "female reproductive tract" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1795928
+is_a: MA:0000326 ! reproductive system
+id: MA:0000382
+name: clitoris
+xref: EMAPS:3081928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+relationship: part_of MA:0000395 ! vulva
+id: MA:0000383
+name: female reproductive gland
+is_a: MA:0001751 ! reproductive gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000544 ! female reproductive gland/organ
+id: MA:0000384
+name: ovary
+xref: EMAPS:1796228
+is_a: MA:0000544 ! female reproductive gland/organ
+is_a: MA:0002420 ! gonad
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000385
+name: oviduct
+synonym: "fallopian tube" RELATED []
+synonym: "uterine tube" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1898428
+is_a: MA:0000544 ! female reproductive gland/organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000386
+name: placenta
+xref: EMAPS:3568928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000387
+name: os clitoris
+xref: EMAPS:3082328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000388
+name: female germ cell
+synonym: "female gamete" RELATED []
+synonym: "oocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "oogonium" RELATED []
+synonym: "ootid" RELATED []
+synonym: "ovum" RELATED []
+synonym: "unfertilized egg" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1796528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000389
+name: uterus
+xref: EMAPS:2991528
+is_a: MA:0000544 ! female reproductive gland/organ
+is_a: MA:0001752 ! reproductive organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000390
+name: endometrium
+xref: EMAPS:2991728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000389 ! uterus
+id: MA:0000391
+name: myometrium
+synonym: "uterine smooth muscle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2992328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000389 ! uterus
+id: MA:0000392
+name: uterine cervix
+xref: EMAPS:2992728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000389 ! uterus
+id: MA:0000393
+name: uterine horn
+xref: EMAPS:1898528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000389 ! uterus
+id: MA:0000394
+name: vagina
+xref: EMAPS:1898628
+is_a: MA:0000544 ! female reproductive gland/organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000395
+name: vulva
+is_a: MA:0000544 ! female reproductive gland/organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000396
+name: male reproductive system
+synonym: "male reproductive tract" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1796828
+is_a: MA:0000326 ! reproductive system
+id: MA:0000397
+name: epididymis
+xref: EMAPS:1929028
+is_a: MA:0000545 ! male reproductive gland/organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000398
+name: efferent duct
+xref: EMAPS:1899328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000399
+name: male reproductive gland
+xref: EMAPS:1928528
+is_a: MA:0001751 ! reproductive gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000545 ! male reproductive gland/organ
+id: MA:0000400
+name: ampullary gland
+xref: EMAPS:3512328
+is_a: MA:0000399 ! male reproductive gland
+id: MA:0000401
+name: bulbourethral gland
+xref: EMAPS:1928628
+is_a: MA:0000399 ! male reproductive gland
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0002640 ! male urethra
+id: MA:0000402
+name: coagulating gland
+synonym: "prostate gland anterior lobe" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3524528
+is_a: MA:0000399 ! male reproductive gland
+id: MA:0000403
+name: preputial gland of male
+xref: EMAPS:3065928
+is_a: MA:0000399 ! male reproductive gland
+is_a: MA:0003044 ! clitoral/preputial gland
+id: MA:0000404
+name: prostate gland
+xref: EMAPS:1928728
+is_a: MA:0000399 ! male reproductive gland
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+id: MA:0000405
+name: vesicular gland
+xref: EMAPS:3592028
+is_a: MA:0000399 ! male reproductive gland
+id: MA:0000406
+name: os penis
+xref: EMAPS:2976928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000408 ! penis
+id: MA:0000407
+name: prepuce
+xref: EMAPS:1898928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000408
+name: penis
+xref: EMAPS:1868228
+is_a: MA:0000545 ! male reproductive gland/organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000409
+name: scrotum
+xref: EMAPS:1929628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000410
+name: seminal vesicle
+xref: EMAPS:1918028
+is_a: MA:0000545 ! male reproductive gland/organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000411
+name: testis
+xref: EMAPS:1797228
+is_a: MA:0000545 ! male reproductive gland/organ
+is_a: MA:0002420 ! gonad
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000412
+name: seminiferous tubule
+xref: EMAPS:1868528
+xref: EMAPS:3147628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0000413
+name: vas deferens
+synonym: "ductus deferens" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1868128
+is_a: MA:0000545 ! male reproductive gland/organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000414
+name: larynx
+xref: EMAPS:1833328
+is_a: MA:0000589 ! neck organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0000415
+name: lung
+xref: EMAPS:1672828
+is_a: MA:0000557 ! thoracic cavity organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0000416
+name: alveolar system
+xref: EMAPS:3269228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0000417
+name: alveolar duct
+xref: EMAPS:3269428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000416 ! alveolar system
+id: MA:0000418
+name: alveolar sac
+xref: EMAPS:3511928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000416 ! alveolar system
+id: MA:0000419
+name: alveolar atrium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000416 ! alveolar system
+id: MA:0000420
+name: lung alveolus
+synonym: "pulmonary alveolus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3268228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000416 ! alveolar system
+id: MA:0000421
+name: interalveolar septum
+xref: EMAPS:3543328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000416 ! alveolar system
+id: MA:0000422
+name: bronchiole
+xref: EMAPS:3269728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0000423
+name: respiratory bronchiole
+xref: EMAPS:3572928
+is_a: MA:0000422 ! bronchiole
+id: MA:0000424
+name: terminal bronchiole
+is_a: MA:0000422 ! bronchiole
+id: MA:0000425
+name: left lung
+xref: EMAPS:1765328
+is_a: MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0000426
+name: right lung
+xref: EMAPS:1766128
+is_a: MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0000427
+name: right lung accessory lobe
+synonym: "right lung postcaval lobe" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1798128
+is_a: MA:0001791 ! right lung lobe
+id: MA:0000428
+name: right lung caudal lobe
+synonym: "right lung inferior lobe" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1798628
+is_a: MA:0001791 ! right lung lobe
+id: MA:0000429
+name: right lung cranial lobe
+synonym: "right lung superior lobe" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1799128
+is_a: MA:0001791 ! right lung lobe
+id: MA:0000430
+name: right lung middle lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1799728
+is_a: MA:0001791 ! right lung lobe
+id: MA:0000431
+name: paranasal sinus
+xref: EMAPS:3566228
+is_a: MA:0000581 ! head organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0000432
+name: pharynx
+xref: EMAPS:1670628
+is_a: MA:0000581 ! head organ
+is_a: MA:0000589 ! neck organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0000433
+name: pleura
+xref: EMAPS:1677528
+is_a: MA:0002448 ! cavity lining
+relationship: part_of MA:0000055 ! pleural cavity
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0000434
+name: respiratory tract
+xref: EMAPS:1673728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0000435
+name: lower respiratory tract
+xref: EMAPS:1673828
+is_a: MA:0000434 ! respiratory tract
+id: MA:0000436
+name: bronchus
+xref: EMAPS:3268928
+is_a: MA:0000557 ! thoracic cavity organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000435 ! lower respiratory tract
+id: MA:0000437
+name: lobar bronchus
+xref: EMAPS:3269628
+is_a: MA:0000436 ! bronchus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0000438
+name: main bronchus
+xref: EMAPS:1684928
+is_a: MA:0000436 ! bronchus
+id: MA:0000439
+name: segmental bronchus
+is_a: MA:0000436 ! bronchus
+id: MA:0000440
+name: terminal bronchus
+is_a: MA:0000436 ! bronchus
+id: MA:0000441
+name: trachea
+xref: EMAPS:1685328
+is_a: MA:0000557 ! thoracic cavity organ
+is_a: MA:0000589 ! neck organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000435 ! lower respiratory tract
+id: MA:0000442
+name: upper respiratory tract
+xref: EMAPS:1766928
+is_a: MA:0000434 ! respiratory tract
+id: MA:0000443
+name: nasopharynx
+xref: EMAPS:1767028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000432 ! pharynx
+relationship: part_of MA:0000442 ! upper respiratory tract
+id: MA:0000444
+name: left hepatic recess
+relationship: part_of MA:0000054 ! peritoneal cavity
+id: MA:0000445
+name: omental bursa
+xref: EMAPS:1688928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000054 ! peritoneal cavity
+id: MA:0000446
+name: omental bursa inferior recess
+relationship: part_of MA:0000445 ! omental bursa
+id: MA:0000447
+name: omental bursa superior recess
+relationship: part_of MA:0000445 ! omental bursa
+id: MA:0000448
+name: peritoneal cavity greater sac
+xref: EMAPS:1688528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000054 ! peritoneal cavity
+id: MA:0000449
+name: peritoneum
+xref: EMAPS:1613928
+is_a: MA:0002448 ! cavity lining
+relationship: part_of MA:0000054 ! peritoneal cavity
+id: MA:0000450
+name: right hepatic recess
+relationship: part_of MA:0000054 ! peritoneal cavity
+id: MA:0000451
+name: elbow joint
+xref: EMAPS:1910228
+is_a: MA:0000614 ! forelimb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000036 ! elbow
+id: MA:0000452
+name: hand joint
+xref: EMAPS:3264128
+is_a: MA:0000614 ! forelimb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000453
+name: metacarpo-phalangeal joint
+xref: EMAPS:1930228
+is_a: MA:0000452 ! hand joint
+id: MA:0000454
+name: hand digit 1
+synonym: "thumb" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1742928
+is_a: MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000455
+name: hand digit 2
+xref: EMAPS:1743228
+is_a: MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000456
+name: hand digit 3
+xref: EMAPS:1743528
+is_a: MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000457
+name: hand digit 4
+xref: EMAPS:1743828
+is_a: MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000458
+name: hand digit 5
+xref: EMAPS:1744128
+is_a: MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000459
+name: shoulder joint
+xref: EMAPS:1910528
+is_a: MA:0000614 ! forelimb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000038 ! shoulder
+id: MA:0000460
+name: wrist joint
+is_a: MA:0000614 ! forelimb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000039 ! wrist
+id: MA:0000461
+name: radio-carpal joint
+xref: EMAPS:1920528
+is_a: MA:0000460 ! wrist joint
+id: MA:0000462
+name: distal radio-ulnar joint
+xref: EMAPS:1932628
+is_a: MA:0003145 ! radio-ulnar joint
+id: MA:0000463
+name: ankle joint
+xref: EMAPS:3512628
+is_a: MA:0000662 ! hindlimb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000043 ! ankle
+id: MA:0000464
+name: foot joint
+xref: EMAPS:3294928
+is_a: MA:0000662 ! hindlimb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000465
+name: foot digit 1
+xref: EMAPS:1746028
+is_a: MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000466
+name: foot digit 2
+xref: EMAPS:1746328
+is_a: MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000467
+name: foot digit 3
+xref: EMAPS:1746628
+is_a: MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000468
+name: foot digit 4
+xref: EMAPS:1746928
+is_a: MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000469
+name: foot digit 5
+xref: EMAPS:1747228
+is_a: MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000470
+name: hip joint
+xref: EMAPS:1913628
+is_a: MA:0000662 ! hindlimb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000045 ! hip
+id: MA:0000471
+name: knee joint
+xref: EMAPS:1913728
+is_a: MA:0000662 ! hindlimb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000046 ! knee
+id: MA:0000472
+name: abdominal fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0000473
+name: subcutaneous adipose tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3582928
+is_a: MA:0000009 ! adipose tissue
+id: MA:0000474
+name: abdominal aorta
+xref: EMAPS:1785628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002571 ! descending aorta
+id: MA:0000475
+name: arch of aorta
+synonym: "aortic arch" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1731328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002569 ! thoracic aorta
+id: MA:0000476
+name: dorsal aorta
+xref: EMAPS:1860628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000062 ! aorta
+id: MA:0000477
+name: common dorsal aorta
+relationship: part_of MA:0000476 ! dorsal aorta
+id: MA:0000478
+name: left dorsal aorta
+relationship: part_of MA:0000476 ! dorsal aorta
+id: MA:0000479
+name: right dorsal aorta
+relationship: part_of MA:0000476 ! dorsal aorta
+id: MA:0000480
+name: inferior vena cava
+xref: EMAPS:1841628
+is_a: MA:0000068 ! vena cava
+id: MA:0000481
+name: superior vena cava
+xref: EMAPS:1841728
+is_a: MA:0000068 ! vena cava
+id: MA:0000482
+name: dorsal mesocardium
+xref: EMAPS:1621328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000098 ! heart mesentery
+id: MA:0000483
+name: parietal serous pericardium
+xref: EMAPS:1903128
+is_a: MA:0002739 ! serous pericardium
+id: MA:0000484
+name: visceral serous pericardium
+synonym: "epicardium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1903228
+is_a: MA:0002739 ! serous pericardium
+id: MA:0000485
+name: yellow elastic cartilage
+is_a: MA:0000107 ! elastic cartilage
+id: MA:0000486
+name: white fibrocartilage
+is_a: MA:0000108 ! fibrocartilage
+id: MA:0000487
+name: articular cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:3514928
+is_a: MA:0000109 ! hyaline cartilage
+id: MA:0000488
+name: apex of heart
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0000489
+name: outflow tract myocardium
+xref: EMAPS:3562328
+is_a: MA:0000164 ! myocardium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000100 ! outflow tract
+id: MA:0000490
+name: outflow tract endothelium
+is_a: MA:0000717 ! cardiovascular system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000100 ! outflow tract
+id: MA:0000491
+name: outflow tract pericardium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000100 ! outflow tract
+id: MA:0000492
+name: outflow tract smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000100 ! outflow tract
+id: MA:0000493
+name: back blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000511 ! trunk blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000020 ! back of trunk
+id: MA:0000494
+name: back bone
+is_a: MA:0000512 ! trunk bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000020 ! back of trunk
+id: MA:0000495
+name: back connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000513 ! trunk connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000020 ! back of trunk
+id: MA:0000496
+name: back muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3516128
+is_a: MA:0000514 ! trunk muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000020 ! back of trunk
+id: MA:0000497
+name: back nerve
+is_a: MA:0000515 ! trunk nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000020 ! back of trunk
+id: MA:0000498
+name: back skin
+is_a: MA:0000517 ! trunk skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000020 ! back of trunk
+id: MA:0000499
+name: lower back blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000493 ! back blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000524 ! abdominal segment blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000027 ! lower back
+id: MA:0000500
+name: lower back bone
+is_a: MA:0000494 ! back bone
+is_a: MA:0000525 ! abdominal segment bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000027 ! lower back
+id: MA:0000501
+name: lower back connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000495 ! back connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000526 ! abdominal segment connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000027 ! lower back
+id: MA:0000502
+name: lower back muscle
+is_a: MA:0000496 ! back muscle
+is_a: MA:0000527 ! abdominal segment muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000027 ! lower back
+id: MA:0000503
+name: lower back nerve
+is_a: MA:0000497 ! back nerve
+is_a: MA:0000528 ! abdominal segment nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000027 ! lower back
+id: MA:0000504
+name: lower back skin
+is_a: MA:0000498 ! back skin
+is_a: MA:0000530 ! abdominal segment skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000027 ! lower back
+id: MA:0000505
+name: upper back blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000493 ! back blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000558 ! thoracic segment blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000028 ! upper back
+id: MA:0000506
+name: upper back bone
+is_a: MA:0000494 ! back bone
+is_a: MA:0000559 ! thoracic segment bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000028 ! upper back
+id: MA:0000507
+name: upper back connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000495 ! back connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000560 ! thoracic segment connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000028 ! upper back
+id: MA:0000508
+name: upper back muscle
+is_a: MA:0000496 ! back muscle
+is_a: MA:0000561 ! thoracic segment muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000028 ! upper back
+id: MA:0000509
+name: upper back nerve
+is_a: MA:0000497 ! back nerve
+is_a: MA:0000562 ! thoracic segment nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000028 ! upper back
+id: MA:0000510
+name: upper back skin
+is_a: MA:0000498 ! back skin
+is_a: MA:0000564 ! thorax skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000028 ! upper back
+id: MA:0000511
+name: trunk blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000512
+name: trunk bone
+is_a: MA:0001459 ! bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000513
+name: trunk connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000514
+name: trunk muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3588828
+is_a: MA:0000165 ! set of skeletal muscles
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000515
+name: trunk nerve
+is_a: MA:0000217 ! nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000516
+name: trunk organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000517
+name: trunk skin
+is_a: MA:0000151 ! skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000004 ! trunk
+id: MA:0000518
+name: abdomen blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000524 ! abdominal segment blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000029 ! abdomen
+id: MA:0000519
+name: abdomen connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000526 ! abdominal segment connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000029 ! abdomen
+id: MA:0000520
+name: abdomen muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3510328
+is_a: MA:0000527 ! abdominal segment muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000029 ! abdomen
+id: MA:0000521
+name: abdomen nerve
+is_a: MA:0000528 ! abdominal segment nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000029 ! abdomen
+id: MA:0000522
+name: abdomen organ
+is_a: MA:0000529 ! abdominal segment organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000029 ! abdomen
+id: MA:0000523
+name: abdomen skin
+is_a: MA:0000530 ! abdominal segment skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000029 ! abdomen
+id: MA:0000524
+name: abdominal segment blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000511 ! trunk blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000525
+name: abdominal segment bone
+is_a: MA:0000512 ! trunk bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000526
+name: abdominal segment connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000513 ! trunk connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000527
+name: abdominal segment muscle
+is_a: MA:0000514 ! trunk muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000528
+name: abdominal segment nerve
+is_a: MA:0000515 ! trunk nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000529
+name: abdominal segment organ
+is_a: MA:0000516 ! trunk organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000530
+name: abdominal segment skin
+is_a: MA:0000517 ! trunk skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000531
+name: pelvis blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000524 ! abdominal segment blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000030 ! pelvis
+id: MA:0000532
+name: pelvis bone
+is_a: MA:0000525 ! abdominal segment bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000030 ! pelvis
+id: MA:0000533
+name: pelvis connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000526 ! abdominal segment connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000030 ! pelvis
+id: MA:0000534
+name: pelvis muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1818428
+is_a: MA:0000527 ! abdominal segment muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000030 ! pelvis
+id: MA:0000535
+name: gluteal muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1818628
+is_a: MA:0000534 ! pelvis muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0000536
+name: iliac region muscle
+is_a: MA:0000534 ! pelvis muscle
+id: MA:0000537
+name: pelvic girdle muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1818528
+is_a: MA:0000534 ! pelvis muscle
+id: MA:0000538
+name: perineal muscle
+is_a: MA:0000534 ! pelvis muscle
+id: MA:0000539
+name: urogenital muscle
+is_a: MA:0000534 ! pelvis muscle
+id: MA:0000540
+name: female urogenital muscle
+is_a: MA:0000539 ! urogenital muscle
+id: MA:0000541
+name: male urogenital muscle
+is_a: MA:0000539 ! urogenital muscle
+id: MA:0000542
+name: pelvis nerve
+is_a: MA:0000528 ! abdominal segment nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000030 ! pelvis
+id: MA:0000543
+name: pelvis organ
+is_a: MA:0000529 ! abdominal segment organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000030 ! pelvis
+id: MA:0000544
+name: female reproductive gland/organ
+xref: EMAPS:2854028
+is_a: MA:0000543 ! pelvis organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0000545
+name: male reproductive gland/organ
+is_a: MA:0000543 ! pelvis organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0000546
+name: pelvis skin
+is_a: MA:0000530 ! abdominal segment skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000030 ! pelvis
+id: MA:0000547
+name: chest bone
+xref: EMAPS:1802528
+is_a: MA:0000559 ! thoracic segment bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000031 ! chest
+id: MA:0000548
+name: chest muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1774728
+xref: EMAPS:1774828
+is_a: MA:0000561 ! thoracic segment muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000031 ! chest
+id: MA:0000549
+name: chest blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000558 ! thoracic segment blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000031 ! chest
+id: MA:0000550
+name: chest connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000560 ! thoracic segment connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000031 ! chest
+id: MA:0000551
+name: chest nerve
+is_a: MA:0000562 ! thoracic segment nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000031 ! chest
+id: MA:0000552
+name: chest organ
+is_a: MA:0000563 ! thoracic segment organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000031 ! chest
+id: MA:0000553
+name: chest skin
+is_a: MA:0000564 ! thorax skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000031 ! chest
+id: MA:0000554
+name: thoracic cavity blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000558 ! thoracic segment blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000032 ! thoracic cavity
+id: MA:0000555
+name: thoracic cavity connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000560 ! thoracic segment connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000032 ! thoracic cavity
+id: MA:0000556
+name: thoracic cavity nerve
+is_a: MA:0000562 ! thoracic segment nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000032 ! thoracic cavity
+id: MA:0000557
+name: thoracic cavity organ
+is_a: MA:0000563 ! thoracic segment organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000032 ! thoracic cavity
+id: MA:0000558
+name: thoracic segment blood vessel
+synonym: "upper body blood vessel" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000511 ! trunk blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000559
+name: thoracic segment bone
+synonym: "upper body bone" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000512 ! trunk bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000560
+name: thoracic segment connective tissue
+synonym: "upper body connective tissue" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000513 ! trunk connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000561
+name: thoracic segment muscle
+synonym: "upper body muscle" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000514 ! trunk muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000562
+name: thoracic segment nerve
+synonym: "upper body nerve" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000515 ! trunk nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000563
+name: thoracic segment organ
+synonym: "upper body organ" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000516 ! trunk organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000564
+name: thorax skin
+synonym: "upper body skin" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000517 ! trunk skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0000565
+name: mesothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3285628
+is_a: MA:0000005 ! body cavity or lining
+id: MA:0000566
+name: parietal mesothelium
+is_a: MA:0000565 ! mesothelium
+id: MA:0000567
+name: visceral mesothelium
+is_a: MA:0000565 ! mesothelium
+id: MA:0000568
+name: head or neck blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000569
+name: head or neck bone
+is_a: MA:0001459 ! bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000570
+name: head or neck connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000571
+name: head or neck muscle
+is_a: MA:0000165 ! set of skeletal muscles
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000572
+name: head or neck nerve or ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000573
+name: head or neck organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000574
+name: head or neck skin
+is_a: MA:0000151 ! skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000006 ! head and neck
+id: MA:0000575
+name: head blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000568 ! head or neck blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0000576
+name: head bone
+xref: EMAPS:3599628
+is_a: MA:0000569 ! head or neck bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0000577
+name: head connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1609828
+is_a: MA:0000570 ! head or neck connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0000578
+name: head muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1817228
+is_a: MA:0000571 ! head or neck muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0000579
+name: cranial/facial muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3526528
+is_a: MA:0000578 ! head muscle
+id: MA:0000580
+name: head nerve/ganglion
+is_a: MA:0000572 ! head or neck nerve or ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0000581
+name: head organ
+is_a: MA:0000573 ! head or neck organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0000582
+name: head skin
+is_a: MA:0000574 ! head or neck skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0000583
+name: neck blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000568 ! head or neck blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000024 ! neck
+id: MA:0000584
+name: neck bone
+is_a: MA:0000569 ! head or neck bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000024 ! neck
+id: MA:0000585
+name: neck connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000570 ! head or neck connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000024 ! neck
+id: MA:0000586
+name: neck cartilage
+is_a: MA:0000585 ! neck connective tissue
+id: MA:0000587
+name: neck muscle
+is_a: MA:0000571 ! head or neck muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000024 ! neck
+id: MA:0000588
+name: neck nerve
+is_a: MA:0000572 ! head or neck nerve or ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000024 ! neck
+id: MA:0000589
+name: neck organ
+is_a: MA:0000573 ! head or neck organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000024 ! neck
+id: MA:0000590
+name: neck skin
+is_a: MA:0000574 ! head or neck skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000024 ! neck
+id: MA:0000591
+name: arm blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000611 ! forelimb blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000592
+name: arm bone
+is_a: MA:0000612 ! forelimb bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000593
+name: arm connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000613 ! forelimb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000594
+name: arm muscle
+is_a: MA:0000615 ! forelimb muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000595
+name: arm nerve
+is_a: MA:0000616 ! forelimb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000596
+name: arm skin
+is_a: MA:0000617 ! forelimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000033 ! arm
+id: MA:0000597
+name: lower arm blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000591 ! arm blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000034 ! lower arm
+id: MA:0000598
+name: lower arm bone
+xref: EMAPS:3534728
+is_a: MA:0000592 ! arm bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000034 ! lower arm
+id: MA:0000599
+name: lower arm connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000593 ! arm connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000034 ! lower arm
+id: MA:0000600
+name: lower arm muscle
+is_a: MA:0000594 ! arm muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000034 ! lower arm
+id: MA:0000601
+name: lower arm nerve
+is_a: MA:0000595 ! arm nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000034 ! lower arm
+id: MA:0000602
+name: lower arm skin
+is_a: MA:0000596 ! arm skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000034 ! lower arm
+id: MA:0000603
+name: upper arm blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000591 ! arm blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000035 ! upper arm
+id: MA:0000604
+name: upper arm bone
+xref: EMAPS:3589228
+is_a: MA:0000592 ! arm bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000035 ! upper arm
+id: MA:0000605
+name: upper arm connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1742628
+is_a: MA:0000593 ! arm connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000035 ! upper arm
+id: MA:0000606
+name: upper arm muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1910728
+is_a: MA:0000594 ! arm muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000035 ! upper arm
+id: MA:0000607
+name: upper arm nerve
+is_a: MA:0000595 ! arm nerve
+id: MA:0000608
+name: upper arm skin
+xref: EMAPS:1806228
+is_a: MA:0000596 ! arm skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000035 ! upper arm
+id: MA:0000609
+name: elbow connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1741628
+is_a: MA:0000593 ! arm connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000036 ! elbow
+id: MA:0000610
+name: elbow skin
+xref: EMAPS:1805128
+is_a: MA:0000596 ! arm skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000036 ! elbow
+id: MA:0000611
+name: forelimb blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000687 ! limb blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000612
+name: forelimb bone
+xref: EMAPS:3262328
+xref: EMAPS:3593328
+is_a: MA:0000688 ! limb bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000613
+name: forelimb connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3262828
+is_a: MA:0000689 ! limb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000614
+name: forelimb joint
+xref: EMAPS:1920428
+is_a: MA:0000691 ! limb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000615
+name: forelimb muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3262428
+is_a: MA:0000692 ! limb muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000616
+name: forelimb nerve
+is_a: MA:0000693 ! limb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+id: MA:0000617
+name: forelimb skin
+xref: EMAPS:3261228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000025 ! forelimb
+relationship: part_of MA:0000694 ! limb skin
+id: MA:0000618
+name: hand blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000611 ! forelimb blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000619
+name: hand bone
+xref: EMAPS:3264328
+xref: EMAPS:3539128
+is_a: MA:0000612 ! forelimb bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000620
+name: hand connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1745728
+xref: EMAPS:3539228
+is_a: MA:0000613 ! forelimb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000621
+name: hand digit blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000622
+name: hand digit bone
+is_a: MA:0000619 ! hand bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000623
+name: hand digit connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3264528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000624
+name: hand digit muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000625
+name: hand digit nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000626
+name: hand digit skin
+xref: EMAPS:3264828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000627
+name: hand interdigit region
+xref: EMAPS:3265128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000041 ! hand digit
+id: MA:0000628
+name: hand muscle
+is_a: MA:0000615 ! forelimb muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000629
+name: hand nerve
+is_a: MA:0000616 ! forelimb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000630
+name: hand skin
+xref: EMAPS:1848628
+is_a: MA:0000617 ! forelimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000037 ! hand
+id: MA:0000631
+name: shoulder bone
+is_a: MA:0000612 ! forelimb bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000038 ! shoulder
+id: MA:0000632
+name: shoulder connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1742328
+is_a: MA:0000613 ! forelimb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000038 ! shoulder
+id: MA:0000633
+name: shoulder muscle
+is_a: MA:0000615 ! forelimb muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000038 ! shoulder
+id: MA:0000634
+name: shoulder nerve
+is_a: MA:0000616 ! forelimb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000038 ! shoulder
+id: MA:0000635
+name: shoulder skin
+xref: EMAPS:1805928
+is_a: MA:0000617 ! forelimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000038 ! shoulder
+id: MA:0000636
+name: wrist connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000613 ! forelimb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000039 ! wrist
+id: MA:0000637
+name: wrist nerve
+is_a: MA:0000616 ! forelimb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000039 ! wrist
+id: MA:0000638
+name: wrist skin
+is_a: MA:0000617 ! forelimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000039 ! wrist
+id: MA:0000639
+name: ankle connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000661 ! hindlimb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000043 ! ankle
+id: MA:0000640
+name: ankle nerve
+is_a: MA:0000664 ! hindlimb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000043 ! ankle
+id: MA:0000641
+name: ankle skin
+is_a: MA:0000665 ! hindlimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000043 ! ankle
+id: MA:0000642
+name: foot blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000659 ! hindlimb blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000643
+name: foot bone
+xref: EMAPS:3535428
+is_a: MA:0000660 ! hindlimb bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000644
+name: foot connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1748828
+is_a: MA:0000661 ! hindlimb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000645
+name: foot digit blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000646
+name: foot digit bone
+is_a: MA:0000643 ! foot bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000647
+name: foot digit connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3294728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000648
+name: foot digit muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000649
+name: foot digit nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000650
+name: foot digit skin
+xref: EMAPS:3294228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000651
+name: foot interdigit region
+xref: EMAPS:3294528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000048 ! foot digit
+id: MA:0000652
+name: foot muscle
+is_a: MA:0000663 ! hindlimb muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000653
+name: foot nerve
+is_a: MA:0000664 ! hindlimb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000654
+name: foot skin
+xref: EMAPS:1850428
+is_a: MA:0000665 ! hindlimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000044 ! foot
+id: MA:0000655
+name: hip bone
+is_a: MA:0000660 ! hindlimb bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000045 ! hip
+id: MA:0000656
+name: hip connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1749228
+is_a: MA:0000661 ! hindlimb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000045 ! hip
+id: MA:0000657
+name: hip muscle
+is_a: MA:0000663 ! hindlimb muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000045 ! hip
+id: MA:0000658
+name: hip skin
+xref: EMAPS:1814828
+is_a: MA:0000665 ! hindlimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000045 ! hip
+id: MA:0000659
+name: hindlimb blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000687 ! limb blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000660
+name: hindlimb bone
+xref: EMAPS:3263328
+xref: EMAPS:3593428
+is_a: MA:0000688 ! limb bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000661
+name: hindlimb connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3263728
+is_a: MA:0000689 ! limb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000662
+name: hindlimb joint
+xref: EMAPS:3263528
+is_a: MA:0000691 ! limb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000663
+name: hindlimb muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3263428
+is_a: MA:0000692 ! limb muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000664
+name: hindlimb nerve
+is_a: MA:0000693 ! limb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+id: MA:0000665
+name: hindlimb skin
+xref: EMAPS:3262028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000026 ! hindlimb
+relationship: part_of MA:0000694 ! limb skin
+id: MA:0000666
+name: knee bone
+is_a: MA:0000670 ! leg bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000046 ! knee
+id: MA:0000667
+name: knee connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1749528
+is_a: MA:0000671 ! leg connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000046 ! knee
+id: MA:0000668
+name: knee skin
+xref: EMAPS:1815128
+is_a: MA:0000665 ! hindlimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000046 ! knee
+id: MA:0000669
+name: leg blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000659 ! hindlimb blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000047 ! leg
+id: MA:0000670
+name: leg bone
+is_a: MA:0000660 ! hindlimb bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000047 ! leg
+id: MA:0000671
+name: leg connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0000661 ! hindlimb connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000047 ! leg
+id: MA:0000672
+name: leg muscle
+is_a: MA:0000663 ! hindlimb muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000047 ! leg
+id: MA:0000673
+name: leg nerve
+is_a: MA:0000664 ! hindlimb nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000047 ! leg
+id: MA:0000674
+name: leg skin
+is_a: MA:0000665 ! hindlimb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000047 ! leg
+id: MA:0000675
+name: lower leg blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000669 ! leg blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000051 ! lower leg
+id: MA:0000676
+name: lower leg bone
+xref: EMAPS:3551928
+is_a: MA:0000670 ! leg bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000051 ! lower leg
+id: MA:0000677
+name: lower leg connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1749828
+is_a: MA:0000671 ! leg connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000051 ! lower leg
+id: MA:0000678
+name: lower leg muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1931828
+is_a: MA:0000672 ! leg muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000051 ! lower leg
+id: MA:0000679
+name: lower leg nerve
+is_a: MA:0000673 ! leg nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000051 ! lower leg
+id: MA:0000680
+name: lower leg skin
+xref: EMAPS:1815628
+is_a: MA:0000674 ! leg skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000051 ! lower leg
+id: MA:0000681
+name: upper leg blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000669 ! leg blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000052 ! upper leg
+id: MA:0000682
+name: upper leg bone
+xref: EMAPS:3589328
+is_a: MA:0000670 ! leg bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000052 ! upper leg
+id: MA:0000683
+name: upper leg connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1750128
+is_a: MA:0000671 ! leg connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000052 ! upper leg
+id: MA:0000684
+name: upper leg muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1914428
+is_a: MA:0000672 ! leg muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000052 ! upper leg
+id: MA:0000685
+name: upper leg nerve
+is_a: MA:0000673 ! leg nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000052 ! upper leg
+id: MA:0000686
+name: upper leg skin
+xref: EMAPS:1815928
+is_a: MA:0000674 ! leg skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000052 ! upper leg
+id: MA:0000687
+name: limb blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000688
+name: limb bone
+alt_id: MA:0000294
+xref: EMAPS:3270528
+xref: EMAPS:3549428
+is_a: MA:0001459 ! bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+relationship: part_of MA:0000290 ! appendicular skeleton
+id: MA:0000689
+name: limb connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3270528
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000690
+name: limb digit
+xref: EMAPS:3272528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000691
+name: limb joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000692
+name: limb muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3270028
+is_a: MA:0000165 ! set of skeletal muscles
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000693
+name: limb nerve
+is_a: MA:0000217 ! nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000694
+name: limb skin
+xref: EMAPS:3272628
+is_a: MA:0000151 ! skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0000695
+name: tail blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3584828
+is_a: MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000008 ! tail
+id: MA:0000696
+name: tail bone
+xref: EMAPS:1804228
+is_a: MA:0001459 ! bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000008 ! tail
+id: MA:0000697
+name: tail connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1674928
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000008 ! tail
+id: MA:0000698
+name: tail intervertebral disc
+xref: EMAPS:1959228
+is_a: MA:0000697 ! tail connective tissue
+id: MA:0000699
+name: tail muscle
+is_a: MA:0000165 ! set of skeletal muscles
+relationship: part_of MA:0000008 ! tail
+id: MA:0000700
+name: tail skin
+is_a: MA:0000151 ! skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000008 ! tail
+id: MA:0000701
+name: aorta endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3513428
+is_a: MA:0000703 ! arterial system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000062 ! aorta
+id: MA:0000702
+name: aorta smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3513528
+is_a: MA:0000704 ! arterial system smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000062 ! aorta
+id: MA:0000703
+name: arterial system endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3514528
+is_a: MA:0000709 ! blood vessel endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002719 ! arterial system
+id: MA:0000704
+name: arterial system smooth muscle
+is_a: MA:0000710 ! blood vessel smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002719 ! arterial system
+id: MA:0000705
+name: arteriole endothelium
+is_a: MA:0000703 ! arterial system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000063 ! arteriole
+id: MA:0000706
+name: arteriole smooth muscle
+is_a: MA:0000704 ! arterial system smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000063 ! arteriole
+id: MA:0000707
+name: artery endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3514828
+is_a: MA:0000703 ! arterial system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0000708
+name: artery smooth muscle
+is_a: MA:0000704 ! arterial system smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0000709
+name: blood vessel endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3517628
+is_a: MA:0000717 ! cardiovascular system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+id: MA:0000710
+name: blood vessel smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3517728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+id: MA:0000711
+name: capillary endothelium
+is_a: MA:0000709 ! blood vessel endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000065 ! capillary
+id: MA:0000712
+name: vein endothelium
+is_a: MA:0000714 ! venous system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0000713
+name: vena cava endothelium
+is_a: MA:0000714 ! venous system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000068 ! vena cava
+id: MA:0000714
+name: venous system endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3590728
+is_a: MA:0000709 ! blood vessel endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002720 ! venous system
+id: MA:0000715
+name: venous system smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000710 ! blood vessel smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002720 ! venous system
+id: MA:0000716
+name: venule endothelium
+is_a: MA:0000714 ! venous system endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000071 ! venule
+id: MA:0000717
+name: cardiovascular system endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3520128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+id: MA:0000718
+name: left adrenal gland
+is_a: MA:0000116 ! adrenal gland
+id: MA:0000719
+name: right adrenal gland
+is_a: MA:0000116 ! adrenal gland
+id: MA:0000720
+name: neuroendocrine gland
+is_a: MA:0002563 ! endocrine gland
+id: MA:0000721
+name: pancreas lobe
+relationship: part_of MA:0000120 ! pancreas
+id: MA:0000722
+name: pancreas left lobe
+is_a: MA:0000721 ! pancreas lobe
+id: MA:0000723
+name: pancreas right lobe
+is_a: MA:0000721 ! pancreas lobe
+id: MA:0000724
+name: pancreas parenchyma
+xref: EMAPS:3292528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000120 ! pancreas
+id: MA:0000725
+name: foramen caecum
+xref: EMAPS:1706928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000129 ! thyroid gland
+id: MA:0000726
+name: thyroid gland follicle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000129 ! thyroid gland
+id: MA:0000727
+name: thyroid gland isthmus
+xref: EMAPS:1819528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000129 ! thyroid gland
+id: MA:0000728
+name: thyroid gland left lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1819728
+is_a: MA:0000131 ! thyroid gland lobe
+id: MA:0000729
+name: thyroid gland right lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1819828
+is_a: MA:0000131 ! thyroid gland lobe
+id: MA:0000730
+name: thyroid gland parenchyma
+relationship: part_of MA:0000129 ! thyroid gland
+id: MA:0000731
+name: peyer's patch epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000137 ! peyer's patch
+id: MA:0000732
+name: peyer's patch follicle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000137 ! peyer's patch
+id: MA:0000733
+name: peyer's patch dome
+relationship: part_of MA:0000732 ! peyer's patch follicle
+id: MA:0000734
+name: peyer's patch germinal center
+xref: EMAPS:3568428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000137 ! peyer's patch
+id: MA:0000735
+name: axillary lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000736
+name: cervical lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000589 ! neck organ
+id: MA:0000737
+name: inguinal lymph node
+xref: EMAPS:3543128
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000738
+name: popliteal lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000739
+name: lymph node capsule
+xref: EMAPS:3552428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000740
+name: lymph node cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3552528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000741
+name: lymph node endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3552628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000742
+name: lymph node follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3552728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000743
+name: lymph node primary follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3553028
+is_a: MA:0000742 ! lymph node follicle
+id: MA:0000744
+name: lymph node secondary follicle
+synonym: "lymph node germinal center" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3553128
+is_a: MA:0000742 ! lymph node follicle
+id: MA:0000745
+name: lymph node medulla
+xref: EMAPS:3552928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000746
+name: lymph node trabeculum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0000747
+name: lymph organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0002435 ! lymphoid system
+id: MA:0000748
+name: afferent lymphatic vessel
+is_a: MA:0000138 ! lymphatic vessel
+id: MA:0000749
+name: efferent lymphatic vessel
+is_a: MA:0000138 ! lymphatic vessel
+id: MA:0000750
+name: lymphatic vessel endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3553328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000138 ! lymphatic vessel
+id: MA:0000751
+name: lymphatic vessel smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000138 ! lymphatic vessel
+id: MA:0000752
+name: oropharyngeal lymphoid tissue
+synonym: "waldeyer's ring" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000140 ! mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
+id: MA:0000753
+name: spleen capsule
+xref: EMAPS:3580228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000141 ! spleen
+id: MA:0000754
+name: spleen marginal sinus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000141 ! spleen
+id: MA:0000755
+name: spleen marginal zone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000141 ! spleen
+id: MA:0000756
+name: spleen red pulp
+xref: EMAPS:3580628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002487 ! spleen pulp
+id: MA:0000757
+name: spleen smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3580728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000141 ! spleen
+id: MA:0000758
+name: spleen trabeculum
+xref: EMAPS:3580828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000141 ! spleen
+id: MA:0000759
+name: spleen trabecular artery
+relationship: part_of MA:0000758 ! spleen trabeculum
+id: MA:0000760
+name: spleen trabecular vein
+relationship: part_of MA:0000758 ! spleen trabeculum
+id: MA:0000761
+name: spleen venous sinus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000756 ! spleen red pulp
+id: MA:0000762
+name: spleen white pulp
+xref: EMAPS:3580928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002487 ! spleen pulp
+id: MA:0000763
+name: spleen central arteriole
+relationship: part_of MA:0000762 ! spleen white pulp
+id: MA:0000764
+name: spleen germinal center
+xref: EMAPS:3580328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000762 ! spleen white pulp
+id: MA:0000765
+name: spleen periarteriolar lymphatic sheath
+synonym: "PALS" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000762 ! spleen white pulp
+id: MA:0000766
+name: thymus capsule
+xref: EMAPS:1930628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000142 ! thymus
+id: MA:0000767
+name: thymus cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3586328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000142 ! thymus
+id: MA:0000768
+name: thymus epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3586428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000142 ! thymus
+id: MA:0000769
+name: thymus subcapsular epithelium
+is_a: MA:0000768 ! thymus epithelium
+id: MA:0000770
+name: thymus lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000142 ! thymus
+id: MA:0000771
+name: thymus medulla
+xref: EMAPS:1930528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000142 ! thymus
+id: MA:0000772
+name: hassall's corpuscle
+xref: EMAPS:3539528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000771 ! thymus medulla
+id: MA:0000773
+name: lingual tonsillar tissue
+is_a: MA:0000143 ! tonsil
+id: MA:0000774
+name: nasopharyngeal tonsil
+is_a: MA:0000143 ! tonsil
+id: MA:0000775
+name: palatine tonsil
+xref: EMAPS:3564428
+is_a: MA:0000143 ! tonsil
+id: MA:0000776
+name: tonsil capsule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000143 ! tonsil
+id: MA:0000777
+name: tonsil crypt
+relationship: part_of MA:0000143 ! tonsil
+id: MA:0000778
+name: arrector pili smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:2677528
+is_a: MA:0002710 ! skin muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000160 ! coat hair follicle
+id: MA:0000779
+name: hair inner root sheath
+xref: EMAPS:3279228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000162 ! hair root sheath
+id: MA:0000780
+name: hair outer root sheath
+xref: EMAPS:3279328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000162 ! hair root sheath
+id: MA:0000781
+name: hair root sheath matrix
+xref: EMAPS:3539028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000162 ! hair root sheath
+id: MA:0000782
+name: vibrissa hair
+relationship: part_of MA:0000163 ! vibrissa
+id: MA:0000783
+name: vibrissa hair bulb
+xref: EMAPS:2671628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000163 ! vibrissa
+id: MA:0000784
+name: vibrissa root sheath
+xref: EMAPS:2672428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000783 ! vibrissa hair bulb
+id: MA:0000785
+name: vibrissa inner root sheath
+relationship: part_of MA:0000784 ! vibrissa root sheath
+id: MA:0000786
+name: vibrissa outer root sheath
+relationship: part_of MA:0000784 ! vibrissa root sheath
+id: MA:0000787
+name: abdominal mammary gland
+is_a: MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+is_a: MA:0000522 ! abdomen organ
+id: MA:0000788
+name: areola
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0000789
+name: cervical mammary gland
+is_a: MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+is_a: MA:0000589 ! neck organ
+id: MA:0000790
+name: inguinal mammary gland
+is_a: MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0000791
+name: mammary gland duct
+synonym: "lactiferous duct" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3553828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0000792
+name: mammary gland epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1776028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0000793
+name: mammary gland lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0000794
+name: mammary gland sebaceous gland
+is_a: MA:0002565 ! sebaceous gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0000795
+name: mammary gland smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0000796
+name: nipple
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0000797
+name: thoracic mammary gland
+is_a: MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+is_a: MA:0000552 ! chest organ
+id: MA:0000798
+name: dermis adipose tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000152 ! dermis
+id: MA:0000799
+name: dermis connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000152 ! dermis
+id: MA:0000800
+name: dermis papillary layer
+xref: EMAPS:3528228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000152 ! dermis
+id: MA:0000801
+name: dermis reticular layer
+xref: EMAPS:3528328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000152 ! dermis
+id: MA:0000802
+name: superficial dermis
+relationship: part_of MA:0000152 ! dermis
+id: MA:0000803
+name: epidermis stratum basale
+synonym: "epidermis basal layer" RELATED []
+synonym: "epidermis stratum germinativum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3277928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000153 ! epidermis
+id: MA:0000804
+name: epidermis stratum corneum
+xref: EMAPS:3278728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000153 ! epidermis
+id: MA:0000805
+name: epidermis stratum granulosum
+synonym: "epidermis granular layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3278628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000153 ! epidermis
+id: MA:0000806
+name: epidermis stratum lucidum
+xref: EMAPS:3531428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000153 ! epidermis
+id: MA:0000807
+name: epidermis stratum spinosum
+synonym: "epidermis prickle cell layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3278528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000153 ! epidermis
+id: MA:0000808
+name: epidermis suprabasal layer
+xref: EMAPS:3531528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000153 ! epidermis
+id: MA:0000809
+name: brain ependyma
+xref: EMAPS:3518328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+relationship: part_of MA:0000818 ! brain ventricle
+id: MA:0000810
+name: brain grey matter
+xref: EMAPS:3518428
+is_a: MA:0001112 ! grey matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000811
+name: brain nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3518528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000810 ! brain grey matter
+id: MA:0000812
+name: brain marginal zone
+xref: EMAPS:3268028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000813
+name: brain meninges
+xref: EMAPS:3266228
+is_a: MA:0001113 ! meninges
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000814
+name: brain arachnoid matter
+xref: EMAPS:3266128
+is_a: MA:0001114 ! arachnoid mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000813 ! brain meninges
+id: MA:0000815
+name: brain dura mater
+xref: EMAPS:3266828
+is_a: MA:0001115 ! dura mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000813 ! brain meninges
+id: MA:0000816
+name: brain pia mater
+xref: EMAPS:3266728
+is_a: MA:0001116 ! pia mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000813 ! brain meninges
+id: MA:0000817
+name: brain subventricular zone
+synonym: "SVZ" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3280428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000818
+name: brain ventricle
+xref: EMAPS:3267428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000819
+name: brain ventricular zone
+synonym: "VZ" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3267928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000820
+name: brain white matter
+xref: EMAPS:3518728
+is_a: MA:0001135 ! white matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0000821
+name: brainstem nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3279028
+is_a: MA:0000811 ! brain nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000169 ! brainstem
+id: MA:0000822
+name: brainstem periaqueductal grey
+is_a: MA:0002895 ! periaqueductal grey
+relationship: part_of MA:0000169 ! brainstem
+id: MA:0000823
+name: choroid plexus
+xref: EMAPS:3274128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+relationship: part_of MA:0000818 ! brain ventricle
+id: MA:0000824
+name: choroid plexus epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000823 ! choroid plexus
+id: MA:0000825
+name: choroid plexus stroma
+relationship: part_of MA:0000823 ! choroid plexus
+id: MA:0000826
+name: diencephalon meninges
+xref: EMAPS:1776428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000171 ! diencephalon
+id: MA:0000827
+name: diencephalon arachnoid mater
+xref: EMAPS:1776528
+is_a: MA:0000884 ! forebrain arachnoid mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000826 ! diencephalon meninges
+id: MA:0000828
+name: diencephalon dura mater
+xref: EMAPS:1776628
+is_a: MA:0000885 ! forebrain dura mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000826 ! diencephalon meninges
+id: MA:0000829
+name: diencephalon pia mater
+xref: EMAPS:1776728
+is_a: MA:0000886 ! forebrain pia mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000826 ! diencephalon meninges
+id: MA:0000830
+name: habenula
+synonym: "habenular nucleus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3538628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000172 ! epithalamus
+id: MA:0000831
+name: lateral habenular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3547928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000830 ! habenula
+id: MA:0000832
+name: medial habenular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3554728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000830 ! habenula
+id: MA:0000833
+name: hypothalamus lateral zone
+xref: EMAPS:3541828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000173 ! hypothalamus
+id: MA:0000834
+name: lateral hypothalamic area
+synonym: "lateral hypothalamic nucleus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3548028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000833 ! hypothalamus lateral zone
+id: MA:0000835
+name: lateral preoptic area
+xref: EMAPS:3548328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000833 ! hypothalamus lateral zone
+id: MA:0000836
+name: perifornical nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000833 ! hypothalamus lateral zone
+id: MA:0000837
+name: hypothalamus medial zone
+xref: EMAPS:3541928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000173 ! hypothalamus
+id: MA:0000838
+name: dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3529728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000837 ! hypothalamus medial zone
+id: MA:0000839
+name: medial preoptic region
+xref: EMAPS:3555028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000837 ! hypothalamus medial zone
+id: MA:0000840
+name: medial preoptic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3554928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000839 ! medial preoptic region
+id: MA:0000841
+name: retrochiasmatic area
+relationship: part_of MA:0000837 ! hypothalamus medial zone
+id: MA:0000842
+name: subparaventricular zone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000837 ! hypothalamus medial zone
+id: MA:0000843
+name: suprachiasmatic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3584128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000837 ! hypothalamus medial zone
+id: MA:0000844
+name: tuberal area
+synonym: "tuberal nucleus" RELATED []
+synonym: "tuberal region" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3542028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000837 ! hypothalamus medial zone
+id: MA:0000845
+name: ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3591628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000844 ! tuberal area
+id: MA:0000846
+name: hypothalamus periventricular zone
+xref: EMAPS:3542128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000173 ! hypothalamus
+id: MA:0000847
+name: arcuate nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3514228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000846 ! hypothalamus periventricular zone
+id: MA:0000848
+name: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3566528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000846 ! hypothalamus periventricular zone
+id: MA:0000849
+name: supraoptic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3584328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000846 ! hypothalamus periventricular zone
+id: MA:0000850
+name: lateral mammillary nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3548128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000174 ! mammillary body
+id: MA:0000851
+name: medial mammillary nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3554828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000174 ! mammillary body
+id: MA:0000852
+name: supramammillary nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3584228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000174 ! mammillary body
+id: MA:0000853
+name: tuberomammillary nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3588928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000174 ! mammillary body
+id: MA:0000854
+name: pars anterior
+synonym: "anterior lobe" RELATED []
+synonym: "pars distalis" RELATED []
+synonym: "pars glandularis" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1751528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000177 ! adenohypophysis
+id: MA:0000855
+name: pars intermedia
+xref: EMAPS:1751628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000177 ! adenohypophysis
+id: MA:0000856
+name: pars tuberalis
+xref: EMAPS:1751728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000177 ! adenohypophysis
+id: MA:0000857
+name: remnant of Rathke's pouch
+synonym: "hypophyseal cleft" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1751828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000177 ! adenohypophysis
+id: MA:0000858
+name: infundibulum
+xref: EMAPS:1752028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000178 ! neurohypophysis
+id: MA:0000859
+name: median eminence
+xref: EMAPS:1752128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000178 ! neurohypophysis
+id: MA:0000860
+name: pars posterior
+synonym: "neural lobe" RELATED []
+synonym: "pars nervosa" RELATED []
+synonym: "posterior lobe" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3559528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000178 ! neurohypophysis
+id: MA:0000861
+name: anterior thalamic group
+xref: EMAPS:3513228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000180 ! dorsal thalamus
+id: MA:0000862
+name: lateral thalamic group
+xref: EMAPS:3548728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000180 ! dorsal thalamus
+id: MA:0000863
+name: medial thalamic group
+xref: EMAPS:3529628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000180 ! dorsal thalamus
+id: MA:0000864
+name: midline thalamic group
+xref: EMAPS:3557328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000180 ! dorsal thalamus
+id: MA:0000865
+name: nucleus reuniens
+xref: EMAPS:3560228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000864 ! midline thalamic group
+id: MA:0000866
+name: paraventricular thalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3566628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000864 ! midline thalamic group
+id: MA:0000867
+name: ventral posterior thalamic group
+xref: EMAPS:3591228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000180 ! dorsal thalamus
+id: MA:0000868
+name: geniculate thalamic group
+xref: EMAPS:3537628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000180 ! dorsal thalamus
+id: MA:0000869
+name: lateral geniculate nucleus
+synonym: "lateral geniculate body" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3547828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000868 ! geniculate thalamic group
+id: MA:0000870
+name: medial geniculate nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3554628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000868 ! geniculate thalamic group
+id: MA:0000871
+name: intralaminar thalamic group
+xref: EMAPS:3544528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000180 ! dorsal thalamus
+id: MA:0000872
+name: central medial nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3520628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000871 ! intralaminar thalamic group
+id: MA:0000873
+name: paracentral nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3565828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000871 ! intralaminar thalamic group
+id: MA:0000874
+name: parafascicular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3565928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000871 ! intralaminar thalamic group
+id: MA:0000875
+name: peripeduncular nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000181 ! ventral thalamus
+id: MA:0000876
+name: reticular thalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3573728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000181 ! ventral thalamus
+id: MA:0000877
+name: subthalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3583928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000181 ! ventral thalamus
+id: MA:0000878
+name: zona incerta
+xref: EMAPS:3593028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000181 ! ventral thalamus
+id: MA:0000879
+name: 3rd ventricle choroid plexus
+synonym: "third ventricle choroid plexus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1854328
+is_a: MA:0000823 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000182 ! 3rd ventricle
+id: MA:0000880
+name: third ventricle choroid plexus epithelium
+is_a: MA:0000824 ! choroid plexus epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000879 ! 3rd ventricle choroid plexus
+id: MA:0000881
+name: third ventricle choroid plexus stroma
+is_a: MA:0000825 ! choroid plexus stroma
+relationship: part_of MA:0000879 ! 3rd ventricle choroid plexus
+id: MA:0000882
+name: 3rd ventricle ependyma
+synonym: "third ventricle ependyma" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3510028
+is_a: MA:0000809 ! brain ependyma
+relationship: part_of MA:0000182 ! 3rd ventricle
+id: MA:0000883
+name: forebrain meninges
+is_a: MA:0000813 ! brain meninges
+relationship: part_of MA:0000170 ! forebrain
+id: MA:0000884
+name: forebrain arachnoid mater
+is_a: MA:0000814 ! brain arachnoid matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000883 ! forebrain meninges
+id: MA:0000885
+name: forebrain dura mater
+is_a: MA:0000815 ! brain dura mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000883 ! forebrain meninges
+id: MA:0000886
+name: forebrain pia mater
+is_a: MA:0000816 ! brain pia mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000883 ! forebrain meninges
+id: MA:0000887
+name: amygdala
+synonym: "amygdaloid area" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3267228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000184 ! basal ganglia
+id: MA:0000888
+name: claustrum
+xref: EMAPS:3524428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000184 ! basal ganglia
+id: MA:0000889
+name: pallidum
+xref: EMAPS:3278028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000184 ! basal ganglia
+id: MA:0000890
+name: globus pallidus
+xref: EMAPS:3538028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000889 ! pallidum
+id: MA:0000891
+name: striatum
+synonym: "corpus striatum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1754928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000184 ! basal ganglia
+id: MA:0000892
+name: accumbens nucleus
+synonym: "nucleus accumbens" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3278928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002972 ! ventral striatum
+id: MA:0000893
+name: caudate-putamen
+synonym: "caudate putamen" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1909528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002971 ! dorsal striatum
+id: MA:0000894
+name: caudate nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:1820728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000893 ! caudate-putamen
+id: MA:0000895
+name: putamen
+xref: EMAPS:3571928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000893 ! caudate-putamen
+id: MA:0000896
+name: lentiform nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:1820828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002972 ! ventral striatum
+id: MA:0000897
+name: cortical layer I
+synonym: "molecular layer" RELATED []
+synonym: "plexiform layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3525528
+is_a: MA:0000186 ! neocortex layer
+id: MA:0000898
+name: cortical layer II
+synonym: "external granular layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3525628
+is_a: MA:0000186 ! neocortex layer
+id: MA:0000899
+name: cortical layer III
+synonym: "pyramidal layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3525728
+is_a: MA:0000186 ! neocortex layer
+id: MA:0000900
+name: cortical layer IV
+synonym: "internal granular layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3525828
+is_a: MA:0000186 ! neocortex layer
+id: MA:0000901
+name: cortical layer V
+synonym: "ganglionic layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3525928
+is_a: MA:0000186 ! neocortex layer
+id: MA:0000902
+name: cortical layer VI
+synonym: "multiform layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3526028
+is_a: MA:0000186 ! neocortex layer
+id: MA:0000903
+name: anterior medial cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3513028
+is_a: MA:0000187 ! neocortex region
+id: MA:0000904
+name: cingulate cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3524228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000903 ! anterior medial cortex
+id: MA:0000905
+name: frontal cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3535728
+is_a: MA:0000187 ! neocortex region
+id: MA:0000906
+name: frontal association cortex
+synonym: "prefrontal cortex" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3535628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000905 ! frontal cortex
+id: MA:0000907
+name: primary motor cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3570428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000905 ! frontal cortex
+relationship: part_of MA:0000916 ! parietal cortex
+id: MA:0000908
+name: primary somatosensory cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3570628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000905 ! frontal cortex
+relationship: part_of MA:0000916 ! parietal cortex
+id: MA:0000909
+name: insular cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3543228
+is_a: MA:0000187 ! neocortex region
+id: MA:0000910
+name: spinal cord white matter
+xref: EMAPS:3579528
+is_a: MA:0001135 ! white matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0000911
+name: lateral entorhinal cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3547728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000909 ! insular cortex
+relationship: part_of MA:0003117 ! entorhinal cortex
+id: MA:0000912
+name: perirhinal cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3568228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000909 ! insular cortex
+id: MA:0000913
+name: occipital cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3560428
+is_a: MA:0000187 ! neocortex region
+id: MA:0000914
+name: primary visual cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3570828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000913 ! occipital cortex
+id: MA:0000915
+name: secondary visual cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3575828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000913 ! occipital cortex
+id: MA:0000916
+name: parietal cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3566728
+is_a: MA:0000187 ! neocortex region
+id: MA:0000917
+name: gut
+xref: EMAPS:1624728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0000918
+name: secondary somatosensory cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3575628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000916 ! parietal cortex
+id: MA:0000919
+name: upper lip
+xref: EMAPS:1792528
+is_a: MA:0000343 ! lip
+id: MA:0000920
+name: retrohippocampal cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3574528
+is_a: MA:0000187 ! neocortex region
+id: MA:0000921
+name: lower lip
+xref: EMAPS:1790928
+is_a: MA:0000343 ! lip
+id: MA:0000922
+name: medial entorhinal cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3554528
+relationship: part_of MA:0003117 ! entorhinal cortex
+id: MA:0000923
+name: presubiculum
+xref: EMAPS:3570328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000920 ! retrohippocampal cortex
+id: MA:0000924
+name: septum of telencephalon
+synonym: "septal area" RELATED []
+synonym: "septum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3283728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000133 ! cerebral hemisphere
+id: MA:0000925
+name: bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+xref: EMAPS:3516928
+is_a: MA:0002978 ! septal nucleus
+id: MA:0000926
+name: anterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+relationship: part_of MA:0000925 ! bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+id: MA:0000927
+name: fusiform nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000926 ! anterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+id: MA:0000928
+name: magnocellular nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000926 ! anterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+id: MA:0000929
+name: oval nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000926 ! anterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+id: MA:0000930
+name: posterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+relationship: part_of MA:0000925 ! bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+id: MA:0000931
+name: principal nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000930 ! posterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+id: MA:0000932
+name: transverse nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000930 ! posterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
+id: MA:0000933
+name: lateral septal complex
+xref: EMAPS:3548528
+is_a: MA:0002978 ! septal nucleus
+id: MA:0000934
+name: medial septal complex
+xref: EMAPS:3555228
+is_a: MA:0002978 ! septal nucleus
+id: MA:0000935
+name: medial septal nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3555328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000934 ! medial septal complex
+id: MA:0000936
+name: nucleus of diagonal band
+xref: EMAPS:3559828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000934 ! medial septal complex
+id: MA:0000937
+name: posterior septal complex
+xref: EMAPS:3569628
+is_a: MA:0002978 ! septal nucleus
+id: MA:0000938
+name: septofimbrial nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3576728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000937 ! posterior septal complex
+id: MA:0000939
+name: septohippocampal nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3576828
+is_a: MA:0002978 ! septal nucleus
+id: MA:0000940
+name: subfornical organ
+xref: EMAPS:3583028
+is_a: MA:0002944 ! sensory circumventricular organ
+is_a: MA:0002978 ! septal nucleus
+id: MA:0000941
+name: temporal cortex
+synonym: "temporal lobe" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1879728
+is_a: MA:0000187 ! neocortex region
+id: MA:0000942
+name: auditory cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3515628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000941 ! temporal cortex
+id: MA:0000943
+name: temporal cortex association area
+xref: EMAPS:3585228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000941 ! temporal cortex
+id: MA:0000944
+name: cerebral grey matter
+is_a: MA:0000810 ! brain grey matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000183 ! telencephalon
+id: MA:0000945
+name: cerebral white matter
+xref: EMAPS:3523728
+is_a: MA:0000820 ! brain white matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000183 ! telencephalon
+id: MA:0000946
+name: dentate gyrus granule cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3527628
+is_a: MA:0002429 ! dentate gyrus layer
+id: MA:0000947
+name: dentate gyrus hilus
+xref: EMAPS:3527728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000190 ! dentate gyrus
+id: MA:0000948
+name: dentate gyrus pyramidal layer
+is_a: MA:0002429 ! dentate gyrus layer
+id: MA:0000949
+name: fimbria hippocampus
+xref: EMAPS:3534528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000191 ! hippocampus
+id: MA:0000950
+name: hippocampus CA1
+xref: EMAPS:3276828
+is_a: MA:0002428 ! hippocampus region
+id: MA:0000951
+name: hippocampus CA2
+xref: EMAPS:3276928
+is_a: MA:0002428 ! hippocampus region
+id: MA:0000952
+name: hippocampus CA3
+xref: EMAPS:3277028
+is_a: MA:0002428 ! hippocampus region
+id: MA:0000953
+name: hippocampus CA4
+xref: EMAPS:3277128
+is_a: MA:0002428 ! hippocampus region
+id: MA:0000954
+name: hippocampus granule cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3540628
+is_a: MA:0002427 ! hippocampus layer
+id: MA:0000955
+name: hippocampus molecular layer
+synonym: "hippocampus stratum moleculare" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3540828
+is_a: MA:0002427 ! hippocampus layer
+id: MA:0000956
+name: hippocampus pyramidal layer
+synonym: "hippocampus stratum pyramidale" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3540928
+is_a: MA:0002427 ! hippocampus layer
+id: MA:0000957
+name: hippocampus stratum lacunosum
+xref: EMAPS:3541028
+is_a: MA:0002427 ! hippocampus layer
+id: MA:0000958
+name: hippocampus stratum oriens
+xref: EMAPS:3541228
+is_a: MA:0002427 ! hippocampus layer
+id: MA:0000959
+name: hippocampus stratum radiatum
+xref: EMAPS:3541328
+is_a: MA:0002427 ! hippocampus layer
+id: MA:0000960
+name: subiculum
+xref: EMAPS:3583228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000189 ! hippocampal formation
+id: MA:0000961
+name: lateral ventricle choroid plexus
+xref: EMAPS:1776928
+is_a: MA:0000823 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000192 ! lateral ventricle
+id: MA:0000962
+name: lateral ventricle choroid plexus epithelium
+is_a: MA:0000824 ! choroid plexus epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000961 ! lateral ventricle choroid plexus
+id: MA:0000963
+name: lateral ventricle choroid plexus stroma
+is_a: MA:0000825 ! choroid plexus stroma
+relationship: part_of MA:0000961 ! lateral ventricle choroid plexus
+id: MA:0000964
+name: lateral ventricle ependyma
+xref: EMAPS:3548828
+is_a: MA:0000809 ! brain ependyma
+relationship: part_of MA:0000192 ! lateral ventricle
+id: MA:0000965
+name: lateral ventricle subependymal layer
+xref: EMAPS:3548928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000192 ! lateral ventricle
+id: MA:0000966
+name: accessory olfactory bulb
+synonym: "accessory olfactory formation" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3510628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002413 ! olfactory lobe
+id: MA:0000967
+name: accessory olfactory bulb glomerular layer
+xref: EMAPS:3510828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000966 ! accessory olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0000968
+name: anterior olfactory nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3513128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000193 ! olfactory cortex
+id: MA:0000969
+name: olfactory bulb external plexiform layer
+xref: EMAPS:3560728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000194 ! main olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0000970
+name: olfactory bulb glomerular layer
+xref: EMAPS:3560828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000194 ! main olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0000971
+name: olfactory bulb granule cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3560928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000194 ! main olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0000972
+name: olfactory bulb internal plexiform layer
+xref: EMAPS:3561028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000194 ! main olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0000973
+name: olfactory bulb mitral cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3561128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000194 ! main olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0000974
+name: olfactory bulb subependymal zone
+xref: EMAPS:3561228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000194 ! main olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0000975
+name: olfactory tract
+xref: EMAPS:3561528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000193 ! olfactory cortex
+id: MA:0000976
+name: olfactory tubercle
+xref: EMAPS:3561628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000193 ! olfactory cortex
+id: MA:0000977
+name: islands of Calleja
+xref: EMAPS:3545228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000976 ! olfactory tubercle
+id: MA:0000978
+name: piriform cortex
+synonym: "piriform area" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3276728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000193 ! olfactory cortex
+id: MA:0000979
+name: telencephalon meninges
+xref: EMAPS:1777428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000183 ! telencephalon
+id: MA:0000980
+name: telencephalon arachnoid matter
+xref: EMAPS:1777528
+is_a: MA:0000884 ! forebrain arachnoid mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000979 ! telencephalon meninges
+id: MA:0000981
+name: telencephalon dura mater
+xref: EMAPS:1777628
+is_a: MA:0000885 ! forebrain dura mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000979 ! telencephalon meninges
+id: MA:0000982
+name: telencephalon pia mater
+xref: EMAPS:1777728
+is_a: MA:0000886 ! forebrain pia mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000979 ! telencephalon meninges
+id: MA:0000983
+name: 4th ventricle choroid plexus
+synonym: "fourth ventricle choroid plexus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3274228
+is_a: MA:0000823 ! choroid plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000196 ! 4th ventricle
+id: MA:0000984
+name: 4th ventricle choroid plexus epithelium
+is_a: MA:0000824 ! choroid plexus epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000983 ! 4th ventricle choroid plexus
+id: MA:0000985
+name: 4th ventricle choroid plexus stroma
+is_a: MA:0000825 ! choroid plexus stroma
+relationship: part_of MA:0000983 ! 4th ventricle choroid plexus
+id: MA:0000986
+name: 4th ventricle ependyma
+synonym: "fourth ventricle ependyma" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3535528
+is_a: MA:0000809 ! brain ependyma
+relationship: part_of MA:0000196 ! 4th ventricle
+id: MA:0000987
+name: hindbrain meninges
+xref: EMAPS:1778328
+is_a: MA:0000813 ! brain meninges
+relationship: part_of MA:0000195 ! hindbrain
+id: MA:0000988
+name: hindbrain arachnoid mater
+xref: EMAPS:1778428
+is_a: MA:0000814 ! brain arachnoid matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000987 ! hindbrain meninges
+id: MA:0000989
+name: hindbrain dura mater
+xref: EMAPS:1778528
+is_a: MA:0000815 ! brain dura mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000987 ! hindbrain meninges
+id: MA:0000990
+name: hindbrain pia mater
+xref: EMAPS:1778628
+is_a: MA:0000816 ! brain pia mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0000987 ! hindbrain meninges
+id: MA:0000991
+name: cerebellum anterior lobe
+xref: EMAPS:3521528
+is_a: MA:0002963 ! cerebellum lobe
+id: MA:0000992
+name: flocculus
+xref: EMAPS:3534628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000200 ! cerebellum hemisphere
+id: MA:0000993
+name: cerebellum granule cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3521728
+is_a: MA:0000201 ! cerebellar layer
+id: MA:0000994
+name: cerebellum external granule cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3521628
+is_a: MA:0000993 ! cerebellum granule cell layer
+id: MA:0000995
+name: cerebellum internal granule cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3521928
+is_a: MA:0000993 ! cerebellum granule cell layer
+id: MA:0000996
+name: cerebellum molecular cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3522128
+is_a: MA:0000201 ! cerebellar layer
+id: MA:0000997
+name: cerebellum purkinje cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3522328
+is_a: MA:0000201 ! cerebellar layer
+id: MA:0000998
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule I
+synonym: "lingula" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3522528
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002969 ! anterior cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0000999
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule II
+synonym: "central lobule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3522628
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002969 ! anterior cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0001000
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule III
+synonym: "central lobule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3522728
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002969 ! anterior cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0001001
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule IV
+synonym: "culmen" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3522828
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002969 ! anterior cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0001002
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule V
+synonym: "culmen" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3523028
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002969 ! anterior cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0001003
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule VI
+synonym: "declive" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3523128
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002970 ! posterior cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0001004
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule VII
+synonym: "folium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3523228
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002970 ! posterior cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0001005
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule VIII
+synonym: "pyramus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3523328
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002970 ! posterior cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0001006
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule IX
+synonym: "uvula" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3522928
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+id: MA:0001007
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule X
+synonym: "nodulus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3523428
+is_a: MA:0002968 ! cerebellum vermis lobule
+id: MA:0001008
+name: lateral cerebellar nucleus
+synonym: "dentate nucleus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000203 ! deep cerebellar nucleus
+id: MA:0001009
+name: medial cerebellar nucleus
+synonym: "fastigial nucleus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000203 ! deep cerebellar nucleus
+id: MA:0001010
+name: abducens VI nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3510528
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001011
+name: barrington's nucleus
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001012
+name: cochlear VIII nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3524828
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001013
+name: dorsal tegmental nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3529428
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001014
+name: facial VII nucleus
+alt_id: MA:0001015
+synonym: "facial VII motor nucleus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3533828
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001016
+name: laterodorsal tegmental nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3549028
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001017
+name: locus coeruleus
+xref: EMAPS:3550228
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001018
+name: nucleus of trapezoid body
+xref: EMAPS:3560028
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001019
+name: parabrachial nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3565728
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001020
+name: peduncular pontine nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3567228
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001021
+name: pontine nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3569228
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001022
+name: pontine raphe nucleus
+synonym: "raphe pontis nucleus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001023
+name: prepositus hypoglossal nucleus
+synonym: "nucleus prepositus hypoglossus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001024
+name: raphe magnus nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3572028
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001025
+name: reticular tegmental nucleus
+synonym: "reticulotegmental nucleus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3573628
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001026
+name: superior olivary nucleus
+synonym: "superior olive" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3584028
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001027
+name: superior salivatory nucleus
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001028
+name: trigeminal V nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3588328
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001029
+name: trigeminal V motor nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3588228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001028 ! trigeminal V nucleus
+id: MA:0001030
+name: trigeminal V sensory nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3588428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001028 ! trigeminal V nucleus
+id: MA:0001031
+name: ventral tegmental nucleus
+synonym: "nucleus of gudden" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3591428
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001032
+name: vestibular VIII nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3592328
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000204 ! pons
+id: MA:0001033
+name: accessory XI nucleus
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001034
+name: area postrema
+xref: EMAPS:3514328
+is_a: MA:0002944 ! sensory circumventricular organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001035
+name: cuneate nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3526828
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001036
+name: dorsal motor nucleus of vagus X nerve
+xref: EMAPS:3529128
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001037
+name: gigantocellular reticular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3537828
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001038
+name: gracile nucleus
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001039
+name: hypoglossal XII nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3541628
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001040
+name: inferior olive
+xref: EMAPS:1924128
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001041
+name: inferior olive beta subnucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001040 ! inferior olive
+id: MA:0001042
+name: inferior olive dorsal accessory nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001040 ! inferior olive
+id: MA:0001043
+name: inferior olive inferior nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001040 ! inferior olive
+id: MA:0001044
+name: inferior olive medial accessory nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001040 ! inferior olive
+id: MA:0001045
+name: inferior olive medial nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001040 ! inferior olive
+id: MA:0001046
+name: inferior olive principal nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001040 ! inferior olive
+id: MA:0001047
+name: lateral reticular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3548428
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001048
+name: medial vestibular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3555428
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001049
+name: medullary reticular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3555628
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001050
+name: nucleus ambiguus
+xref: EMAPS:3559628
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001051
+name: raphe pallidus nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3572228
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001052
+name: solitary tract nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3578728
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001053
+name: trigeminal V spinal sensory nucleus
+synonym: "spinal trigeminal nucleus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3588528
+is_a: MA:0001030 ! trigeminal V sensory nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001054
+name: spinal vestibular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3579728
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0001055
+name: anterior tegmental nucleus
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0001056
+name: crura cerebri
+is_a: MA:0002741 ! brainstem white matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0001057
+name: trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3588128
+is_a: MA:0001030 ! trigeminal V sensory nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0001058
+name: midbrain meninges
+xref: EMAPS:1779128
+is_a: MA:0000813 ! brain meninges
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0001059
+name: midbrain arachnoid mater
+xref: EMAPS:1779228
+is_a: MA:0000814 ! brain arachnoid matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0001058 ! midbrain meninges
+id: MA:0001060
+name: midbrain dura mater
+xref: EMAPS:1779328
+is_a: MA:0000815 ! brain dura mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0001058 ! midbrain meninges
+id: MA:0001061
+name: midbrain pia mater
+xref: EMAPS:1779428
+is_a: MA:0000816 ! brain pia mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0001058 ! midbrain meninges
+id: MA:0001062
+name: pretectal region
+synonym: "pretectum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3277828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000207 ! midbrain
+id: MA:0001063
+name: red nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3572428
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0001064
+name: substantia nigra pars compacta
+xref: EMAPS:3583628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000210 ! substantia nigra
+id: MA:0001065
+name: substantia nigra pars lateralis
+xref: EMAPS:3583728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000210 ! substantia nigra
+id: MA:0001066
+name: substantia nigra pars reticulata
+xref: EMAPS:3583828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000210 ! substantia nigra
+id: MA:0001067
+name: inferior colliculus
+xref: EMAPS:3287028
+relationship: part_of MA:0002567 ! corpora quadrigemina
+id: MA:0001068
+name: superior colliculus
+xref: EMAPS:3286928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002567 ! corpora quadrigemina
+id: MA:0001069
+name: interpeduncular nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3543928
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0001070
+name: nucleus related to visual cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3560128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0001071
+name: edinger-westphal nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3530228
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0001072
+name: nucleus of darkschewitsch
+xref: EMAPS:3559728
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0001073
+name: oculomotor III nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3560528
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0001074
+name: parabigeminal nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3565628
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0001075
+name: trochlear IV nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3588628
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0001076
+name: facial VII ganglion
+synonym: "geniculate ganglion" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1756928
+is_a: MA:0000214 ! cranial ganglion
+id: MA:0001077
+name: glossopharyngeal IX ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1679528
+is_a: MA:0000214 ! cranial ganglion
+id: MA:0001078
+name: inferior glossopharyngeal IX ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1715328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001077 ! glossopharyngeal IX ganglion
+id: MA:0001079
+name: superior glossopharyngeal IX ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1715428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001077 ! glossopharyngeal IX ganglion
+id: MA:0001080
+name: trigeminal V ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1679728
+is_a: MA:0000214 ! cranial ganglion
+id: MA:0001081
+name: vagus X ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1679828
+is_a: MA:0000214 ! cranial ganglion
+id: MA:0001082
+name: inferior vagus X ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1715528
+relationship: part_of MA:0001081 ! vagus X ganglion
+id: MA:0001083
+name: superior vagus X ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1715628
+relationship: part_of MA:0001081 ! vagus X ganglion
+id: MA:0001084
+name: vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1757128
+is_a: MA:0000214 ! cranial ganglion
+id: MA:0001085
+name: vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component
+synonym: "spiral ganglion" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1757228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001084 ! vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion
+id: MA:0001086
+name: vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion vestibular component
+synonym: "scarpa's ganglion" RELATED []
+synonym: "vestibular ganglion" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1757328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001084 ! vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion
+id: MA:0001087
+name: abducens VI nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1821628
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001088
+name: accessory XI nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1726528
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001089
+name: accessory XI nerve cranial component
+xref: EMAPS:1726628
+relationship: part_of MA:0001088 ! accessory XI nerve
+id: MA:0001090
+name: accessory XI nerve spinal component
+xref: EMAPS:1726728
+is_a: MA:0000233 ! spinal nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0001088 ! accessory XI nerve
+id: MA:0001091
+name: facial VII nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1779628
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001092
+name: facial VII nerve chorda tympani branch
+xref: EMAPS:1821728
+relationship: part_of MA:0001091 ! facial VII nerve
+id: MA:0001093
+name: glossopharyngeal IX nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1726828
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001094
+name: hypoglossal XII nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1726928
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001095
+name: oculomotor III nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1757428
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001096
+name: olfactory I nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1779728
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001097
+name: optic II nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1757528
+xref: EMAPS:1784628
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0001098
+name: optic chiasm
+xref: EMAPS:1760328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001097 ! optic II nerve
+id: MA:0001099
+name: optic tract
+xref: EMAPS:1667828
+xref: EMAPS:3561728
+relationship: part_of MA:0001097 ! optic II nerve
+id: MA:0001100
+name: trigeminal V nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1757628
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001101
+name: trigeminal V nerve mandibular division
+xref: EMAPS:1779828
+relationship: part_of MA:0001100 ! trigeminal V nerve
+id: MA:0001102
+name: trigeminal V nerve lingual branch
+xref: EMAPS:1916828
+relationship: part_of MA:0001101 ! trigeminal V nerve mandibular division
+id: MA:0001103
+name: trigeminal V nerve maxillary division
+xref: EMAPS:1779928
+relationship: part_of MA:0001100 ! trigeminal V nerve
+id: MA:0001104
+name: trigeminal V nerve ophthalmic division
+xref: EMAPS:1780028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001100 ! trigeminal V nerve
+id: MA:0001105
+name: trochlear IV nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1821828
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001106
+name: vagus X nerve
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001107
+name: vagus X nerve left recurrent laryngeal branch
+xref: EMAPS:2535028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001106 ! vagus X nerve
+id: MA:0001108
+name: vagus X nerve right recurrent laryngeal branch
+xref: EMAPS:1727528
+relationship: part_of MA:0001106 ! vagus X nerve
+id: MA:0001109
+name: vestibulocochlear VIII nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1780128
+is_a: MA:0000215 ! cranial nerve
+id: MA:0001110
+name: vestibulocochlear VIII nerve cochlear component
+xref: EMAPS:1780228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001109 ! vestibulocochlear VIII nerve
+id: MA:0001111
+name: vestibulocochlear VIII nerve vestibular component
+xref: EMAPS:1780328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001109 ! vestibulocochlear VIII nerve
+id: MA:0001112
+name: grey matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000167 ! central nervous system
+id: MA:0001113
+name: meninges
+xref: EMAPS:3266028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000167 ! central nervous system
+id: MA:0001114
+name: arachnoid mater
+xref: EMAPS:3265928
+relationship: part_of MA:0001113 ! meninges
+id: MA:0001115
+name: dura mater
+xref: EMAPS:3266428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001113 ! meninges
+id: MA:0001116
+name: pia mater
+xref: EMAPS:3266328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001113 ! meninges
+id: MA:0001117
+name: spinal cord central canal
+xref: EMAPS:3578928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0001118
+name: spinal cord central grey
+relationship: part_of MA:0000002 ! spinal cord grey matter
+id: MA:0001119
+name: spinal cord dorsal horn
+xref: EMAPS:3579028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000002 ! spinal cord grey matter
+id: MA:0001120
+name: spinal cord basal nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001119 ! spinal cord dorsal horn
+id: MA:0001121
+name: spinal cord dorsal nucleus
+synonym: "clarke's nucleus" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001119 ! spinal cord dorsal horn
+id: MA:0001122
+name: spinal cord marginal zone
+xref: EMAPS:1758328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001119 ! spinal cord dorsal horn
+id: MA:0001123
+name: spinal cord reticular nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001119 ! spinal cord dorsal horn
+id: MA:0001124
+name: substantia gelatinosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0001119 ! spinal cord dorsal horn
+id: MA:0001125
+name: spinal cord ependymal layer
+synonym: "spinal cord ventricular layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3579128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0001126
+name: spinal cord intermediate grey
+xref: EMAPS:3569128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000002 ! spinal cord grey matter
+id: MA:0001127
+name: spinal cord central cervical nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001126 ! spinal cord intermediate grey
+id: MA:0001128
+name: spinal cord dorsal commissural nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001126 ! spinal cord intermediate grey
+id: MA:0001129
+name: spinal cord lateral motor column
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0001130
+name: spinal cord meninges
+xref: EMAPS:1780428
+is_a: MA:0001113 ! meninges
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0001131
+name: spinal cord arachnoid mater
+xref: EMAPS:1780528
+is_a: MA:0001114 ! arachnoid mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0001130 ! spinal cord meninges
+id: MA:0001132
+name: spinal cord dura mater
+xref: EMAPS:1780628
+is_a: MA:0001115 ! dura mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0001130 ! spinal cord meninges
+id: MA:0001133
+name: spinal cord pia mater
+xref: EMAPS:1780728
+is_a: MA:0001116 ! pia mater
+relationship: part_of MA:0001130 ! spinal cord meninges
+id: MA:0001134
+name: spinal cord ventral horn
+xref: EMAPS:3579428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000002 ! spinal cord grey matter
+id: MA:0001135
+name: white matter
+xref: EMAPS:3592728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000167 ! central nervous system
+id: MA:0001136
+name: ciliary ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1822228
+is_a: MA:0002469 ! parasympathetic ganglion
+id: MA:0001137
+name: organ of Zuckerkandl
+synonym: "para-aortic body" RELATED []
+synonym: "paraganglia of zuckerkandl" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1822328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000012 ! endocrine system
+id: MA:0001138
+name: cardiac nerve plexus
+is_a: MA:0000221 ! autonomic nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001139
+name: celiac nerve plexus
+synonym: "coeliac nerve plexus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000221 ! autonomic nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001140
+name: hypogastric nerve plexus
+is_a: MA:0000221 ! autonomic nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001141
+name: inferior hypogastric nerve plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001140 ! hypogastric nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001142
+name: superior hypogastric nerve plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001140 ! hypogastric nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001143
+name: pulmonary nerve plexus
+is_a: MA:0000221 ! autonomic nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001144
+name: enteric ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:3531228
+is_a: MA:0001161 ! peripheral nervous system ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000222 ! enteric nervous system
+id: MA:0001145
+name: enteric nerve
+is_a: MA:0000217 ! nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000222 ! enteric nervous system
+id: MA:0001146
+name: cholinergic enteric nerve
+is_a: MA:0001145 ! enteric nerve
+id: MA:0001147
+name: intrinsic nerve plexus
+xref: EMAPS:3544628
+is_a: MA:0002407 ! nerve plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000222 ! enteric nervous system
+id: MA:0001148
+name: myenteric nerve plexus
+synonym: "auerbach's plexus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3284728
+is_a: MA:0001147 ! intrinsic nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001149
+name: submucous nerve plexus
+synonym: "henle's plexus" RELATED []
+synonym: "meissner's plexus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3583428
+is_a: MA:0001147 ! intrinsic nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001150
+name: vagus X nerve trunk
+xref: EMAPS:1727228
+is_a: MA:0000224 ! parasympathetic nerve
+id: MA:0001151
+name: left vagus X nerve trunk
+synonym: "anterior vagus X nerve trunk" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001150 ! vagus X nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001152
+name: right vagus X nerve trunk
+synonym: "posterior vagus X nerve trunk" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001150 ! vagus X nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001153
+name: cervical ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1843828
+is_a: MA:0003100 ! paravertebral ganglion
+id: MA:0001154
+name: inferior cervical ganglion
+synonym: "stellate ganglion" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1843928
+is_a: MA:0001153 ! cervical ganglion
+id: MA:0001155
+name: middle cervical ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1844028
+is_a: MA:0001153 ! cervical ganglion
+id: MA:0001156
+name: superior cervical ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1844128
+is_a: MA:0001153 ! cervical ganglion
+id: MA:0001157
+name: cervicothoracic ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1822628
+is_a: MA:0003100 ! paravertebral ganglion
+id: MA:0001158
+name: celiac ganglion
+synonym: "coeliac ganglion" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1932128
+is_a: MA:0003101 ! prevertebral ganglion
+id: MA:0001159
+name: thoracic ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:1715828
+is_a: MA:0003100 ! paravertebral ganglion
+id: MA:0001160
+name: sympathetic nerve plexus
+is_a: MA:0002407 ! nerve plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000225 ! sympathetic nervous system
+id: MA:0001161
+name: peripheral nervous system ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:3281428
+is_a: MA:0002406 ! ganglion
+relationship: part_of MA:0000218 ! peripheral nervous system
+id: MA:0001162
+name: internal carotid nerve plexus
+is_a: MA:0001160 ! sympathetic nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001163
+name: lumbar sympathetic nerve trunk
+is_a: MA:0000227 ! sympathetic nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001164
+name: pelvic sympathetic nerve trunk
+is_a: MA:0000227 ! sympathetic nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001165
+name: thoracic sympathetic nerve trunk
+is_a: MA:0000227 ! sympathetic nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001166
+name: axillary nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1880228
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000595 ! arm nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0001180 ! brachial plexus
+id: MA:0001167
+name: femoral nerve
+xref: EMAPS:3534328
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000673 ! leg nerve
+id: MA:0001168
+name: median nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1727728
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000595 ! arm nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0001180 ! brachial plexus
+id: MA:0001169
+name: peroneal nerve
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000673 ! leg nerve
+id: MA:0001170
+name: phrenic nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1781328
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000556 ! thoracic cavity nerve
+id: MA:0001171
+name: radial nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1727828
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000595 ! arm nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0001180 ! brachial plexus
+id: MA:0001172
+name: sciatic nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1857728
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000673 ! leg nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0001181 ! lumbosacral plexus
+id: MA:0001173
+name: tibial nerve
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000673 ! leg nerve
+id: MA:0001174
+name: ulnar nerve
+xref: EMAPS:1727928
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000595 ! arm nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0001180 ! brachial plexus
+id: MA:0001175
+name: axillary nerve trunk
+synonym: "circumflex nerve trunk" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000229 ! peripheral nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001176
+name: intercostal nerve trunk
+xref: EMAPS:1822728
+is_a: MA:0000229 ! peripheral nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001177
+name: phrenic nerve trunk
+is_a: MA:0000229 ! peripheral nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001178
+name: sciatic nerve trunk
+xref: EMAPS:1857728
+is_a: MA:0000229 ! peripheral nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001179
+name: segmental spinal nerve trunk
+is_a: MA:0000229 ! peripheral nerve trunk
+id: MA:0001180
+name: brachial plexus
+xref: EMAPS:1698828
+is_a: MA:0000235 ! spinal nerve plexus
+is_a: MA:0000616 ! forelimb nerve
+id: MA:0001181
+name: lumbosacral plexus
+xref: EMAPS:1758728
+is_a: MA:0000235 ! spinal nerve plexus
+id: MA:0001182
+name: modiolus
+xref: EMAPS:3557528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000239 ! osseus cochlea
+id: MA:0001183
+name: osseus cochlear canal
+xref: EMAPS:3562128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000239 ! osseus cochlea
+id: MA:0001184
+name: osseus spiral lamina
+xref: EMAPS:3562228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000239 ! osseus cochlea
+id: MA:0001185
+name: osseus labyrinth vestibule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000238 ! bony labyrinth
+id: MA:0001186
+name: vestibular aqueduct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001185 ! osseus labyrinth vestibule
+id: MA:0001187
+name: endolymphatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:1858028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000241 ! endolymphatic appendage
+id: MA:0001188
+name: endolymphatic sac
+xref: EMAPS:1759328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000241 ! endolymphatic appendage
+id: MA:0001189
+name: inner ear epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3288328
+is_a: MA:0003161 ! ear epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+id: MA:0001190
+name: basilar membrane
+xref: EMAPS:3516628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0001191
+name: limbus lamina spiralis
+xref: EMAPS:3549628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0001192
+name: spiral ligament
+xref: EMAPS:3579828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0001193
+name: spiral organ
+synonym: "organ of corti" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1915128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0001194
+name: reticular lamina
+synonym: "reticular membrane" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3573528
+relationship: part_of MA:0001193 ! spiral organ
+id: MA:0001195
+name: spiral sulcus
+xref: EMAPS:3580028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0001196
+name: external spiral sulcus
+xref: EMAPS:3533228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001195 ! spiral sulcus
+id: MA:0001197
+name: internal spiral sulcus
+xref: EMAPS:3543828
+relationship: part_of MA:0001195 ! spiral sulcus
+id: MA:0001198
+name: stria vascularis
+xref: EMAPS:3582728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0001199
+name: tectorial membrane
+xref: EMAPS:3585128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0001200
+name: vestibular membrane
+synonym: "reissner's membrane" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3592228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0001201
+name: macula of saccule
+synonym: "saccular maculs" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3553428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000246 ! saccule
+id: MA:0001202
+name: saccule epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1729228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000246 ! saccule
+id: MA:0001203
+name: macula of utricle
+synonym: "utricular macula" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3553528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000247 ! utricle
+id: MA:0001204
+name: utricle epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1729528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000247 ! utricle
+id: MA:0001205
+name: scala tympani
+xref: EMAPS:3575228
+is_a: MA:0000248 ! perilymphatic channel
+id: MA:0001206
+name: scala vestibuli
+xref: EMAPS:3575328
+is_a: MA:0000248 ! perilymphatic channel
+id: MA:0001207
+name: anterior semicircular canal
+is_a: MA:0000250 ! osseus semicircular canal
+id: MA:0001208
+name: lateral semicircular canal
+xref: EMAPS:1782128
+is_a: MA:0000250 ! osseus semicircular canal
+id: MA:0001209
+name: posterior semicircular canal
+xref: EMAPS:1729628
+is_a: MA:0000250 ! osseus semicircular canal
+id: MA:0001210
+name: crus commune
+alt_id: MA:0001212
+synonym: "crus commune" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1781828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000250 ! osseus semicircular canal
+relationship: part_of MA:0000251 ! semicircular duct
+id: MA:0001211
+name: anterior semicircular duct
+is_a: MA:0000251 ! semicircular duct
+id: MA:0001213
+name: lateral semicircular duct
+is_a: MA:0000251 ! semicircular duct
+id: MA:0001214
+name: posterior semicircular duct
+is_a: MA:0000251 ! semicircular duct
+id: MA:0001215
+name: incus
+xref: EMAPS:1858328
+is_a: MA:0000254 ! auditory bone
+id: MA:0001216
+name: malleus
+xref: EMAPS:1858428
+is_a: MA:0000254 ! auditory bone
+id: MA:0001217
+name: stapes
+xref: EMAPS:1858528
+is_a: MA:0000254 ! auditory bone
+id: MA:0001218
+name: tubotympanic recess
+xref: EMAPS:1700228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0001219
+name: tympanic cavity blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0001220
+name: stapedius
+xref: EMAPS:1858628
+is_a: MA:0000256 ! tympanic cavity muscle
+id: MA:0001221
+name: tensor tympani
+xref: EMAPS:1858728
+is_a: MA:0000256 ! tympanic cavity muscle
+id: MA:0001222
+name: tympanic cavity nerves
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0001223
+name: tympanic endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:1906328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000257 ! tympanic membrane
+id: MA:0001224
+name: tympanic epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1906428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000257 ! tympanic membrane
+id: MA:0001225
+name: tympanic ring
+xref: EMAPS:1919728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0001226
+name: auricular blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000259 ! auricle
+id: MA:0001227
+name: auricular cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:3515828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000259 ! auricle
+id: MA:0001228
+name: auricular ligament
+is_a: MA:0003005 ! skeletal ligament
+relationship: part_of MA:0000259 ! auricle
+id: MA:0001229
+name: auricular muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3515928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000259 ! auricle
+id: MA:0001230
+name: extrinsic auricular muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0001229 ! auricular muscle
+id: MA:0001231
+name: intrinsic auricular muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0001229 ! auricular muscle
+id: MA:0001232
+name: auricular nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000259 ! auricle
+id: MA:0001233
+name: ear skin
+xref: EMAPS:3530128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000259 ! auricle
+id: MA:0001234
+name: external acoustic meatus cartilaginous part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000260 ! external acoustic meatus
+id: MA:0001235
+name: external acoustic meatus osseus part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000260 ! external acoustic meatus
+id: MA:0001236
+name: aqueous humour
+xref: EMAPS:1823228
+is_a: MA:0001911 ! ocular refractive media
+relationship: part_of MA:0000262 ! eye anterior chamber
+id: MA:0001237
+name: choroidal blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:1782828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000263 ! choroid
+id: MA:0001238
+name: ciliary epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3523928
+is_a: MA:0003162 ! eye epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000264 ! ciliary body
+id: MA:0001239
+name: ciliary stroma
+xref: EMAPS:3524128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000264 ! ciliary body
+id: MA:0001240
+name: anterior limiting lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0000266 ! cornea
+id: MA:0001241
+name: corneal blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000266 ! cornea
+id: MA:0001242
+name: corneal endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3593528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000266 ! cornea
+id: MA:0001243
+name: corneal epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1716228
+is_a: MA:0003162 ! eye epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000266 ! cornea
+id: MA:0001244
+name: corneal nerves
+relationship: part_of MA:0000266 ! cornea
+id: MA:0001245
+name: corneal stroma
+synonym: "substantia propria" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1760228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000266 ! cornea
+id: MA:0001246
+name: posterior limiting lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0000266 ! cornea
+id: MA:0001247
+name: harderian gland
+xref: EMAPS:1915328
+is_a: MA:0000267 ! eye gland
+id: MA:0001248
+name: harderian gland epithelium
+is_a: MA:0003162 ! eye epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001247 ! harderian gland
+id: MA:0001249
+name: meibomian gland
+alt_id: MA:0001261
+synonym: "palpebral gland" RELATED []
+synonym: "tarsal gland" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002451 ! eye skin gland
+is_a: MA:0003043 ! modified sebaceous gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000270 ! eyelid tarsus
+id: MA:0001250
+name: eyelid blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001251
+name: eyelid connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3275928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001252
+name: eyelid subcutaneous connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0001251 ! eyelid connective tissue
+id: MA:0001253
+name: eyelid submuscular connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0001251 ! eyelid connective tissue
+id: MA:0001254
+name: orbicularis oculi
+alt_id: MA:0002350
+synonym: "orbicularis oculi" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3561928
+is_a: MA:0000269 ! eyelid muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0001255
+name: eyelid nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001256
+name: eyelid skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001257
+name: inferior eyelid tarsus
+is_a: MA:0000270 ! eyelid tarsus
+id: MA:0001258
+name: medial palpebral ligament
+is_a: MA:0003004 ! nonskeletal ligament
+relationship: part_of MA:0000270 ! eyelid tarsus
+id: MA:0001259
+name: orbital septum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000270 ! eyelid tarsus
+id: MA:0001260
+name: superior eyelid tarsus
+is_a: MA:0000270 ! eyelid tarsus
+id: MA:0001262
+name: inner canthus
+synonym: "medial canthus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1783028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001263
+name: lower eyelid
+xref: EMAPS:1783128
+is_a: MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001264
+name: outer canthus
+synonym: "lateral canthus" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001265
+name: palpebral conjunctiva
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001266
+name: palpebral fissure
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001267
+name: upper eyelid
+xref: EMAPS:1783428
+is_a: MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0001268
+name: ocular smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1880728
+is_a: MA:0000271 ! eye muscle
+id: MA:0001269
+name: ciliary muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3524028
+is_a: MA:0001268 ! ocular smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001270
+name: iris smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3545028
+is_a: MA:0001268 ! ocular smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0001287 ! iris muscle
+id: MA:0001271
+name: extraocular skeletal muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1823428
+is_a: MA:0000271 ! eye muscle
+id: MA:0001272
+name: levator palpebrae superioris
+is_a: MA:0000269 ! eyelid muscle
+id: MA:0001273
+name: biliary tract
+xref: EMAPS:3517228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000324 ! hepatobiliary system
+id: MA:0001274
+name: orbitalis muscle
+is_a: MA:0000269 ! eyelid muscle
+id: MA:0001275
+name: oblique extraocular muscle
+is_a: MA:0002432 ! oculomotor muscle
+id: MA:0001276
+name: inferior oblique extraocular muscle
+is_a: MA:0001275 ! oblique extraocular muscle
+id: MA:0001277
+name: superior oblique extraocular muscle
+is_a: MA:0001275 ! oblique extraocular muscle
+id: MA:0001278
+name: rectus extraocular muscle
+is_a: MA:0002432 ! oculomotor muscle
+id: MA:0001279
+name: inferior rectus extraocular muscle
+is_a: MA:0001278 ! rectus extraocular muscle
+id: MA:0001280
+name: lateral rectus extraocular muscle
+is_a: MA:0001278 ! rectus extraocular muscle
+id: MA:0001281
+name: medial rectus extraocular muscle
+is_a: MA:0001278 ! rectus extraocular muscle
+id: MA:0001282
+name: superior rectus extraocular muscle
+is_a: MA:0001278 ! rectus extraocular muscle
+id: MA:0001283
+name: hyaloid vascular plexus
+xref: EMAPS:1730328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000272 ! hyaloid cavity
+id: MA:0001284
+name: tunica vasculosa plexus
+xref: EMAPS:1823528
+is_a: MA:0001283 ! hyaloid vascular plexus
+id: MA:0001285
+name: vasa hyaloidea propria
+xref: EMAPS:1823628
+is_a: MA:0001283 ! hyaloid vascular plexus
+id: MA:0001286
+name: vitreous humor
+synonym: "vitreous humour" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1783728
+is_a: MA:0001911 ! ocular refractive media
+relationship: part_of MA:0000272 ! hyaloid cavity
+relationship: part_of MA:0002462 ! vitreous body
+id: MA:0001287
+name: iris muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3544828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000273 ! iris
+id: MA:0001288
+name: dilatator pupillae
+xref: EMAPS:3528628
+is_a: MA:0001287 ! iris muscle
+id: MA:0001289
+name: sphincter pupillae
+xref: EMAPS:3578828
+is_a: MA:0001287 ! iris muscle
+id: MA:0001290
+name: iris blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000273 ! iris
+id: MA:0001291
+name: iris nerve
+xref: EMAPS:3544928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000273 ! iris
+id: MA:0001292
+name: pupil
+relationship: part_of MA:0000273 ! iris
+id: MA:0001293
+name: pupillary membrane
+relationship: part_of MA:0001292 ! pupil
+id: MA:0001294
+name: lacrimal canaliculus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000274 ! lacrimal apparatus
+id: MA:0001295
+name: lacrimal duct
+synonym: "tear duct" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000274 ! lacrimal apparatus
+id: MA:0001296
+name: lacrimal gland
+xref: EMAPS:3546328
+is_a: MA:0000267 ! eye gland
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000274 ! lacrimal apparatus
+id: MA:0001297
+name: lacrimal gland epithelium
+is_a: MA:0003162 ! eye epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001296 ! lacrimal gland
+id: MA:0001298
+name: lacrimal sac
+relationship: part_of MA:0000274 ! lacrimal apparatus
+id: MA:0001299
+name: nasolacrimal duct
+xref: EMAPS:1785328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000274 ! lacrimal apparatus
+id: MA:0001300
+name: lens capsule
+xref: EMAPS:1823728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000275 ! lens
+id: MA:0001301
+name: lens epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3287128
+is_a: MA:0003162 ! eye epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000275 ! lens
+id: MA:0001302
+name: lens anterior epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1783928
+is_a: MA:0001301 ! lens epithelium
+id: MA:0001303
+name: lens equatorial epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1784028
+is_a: MA:0001301 ! lens epithelium
+id: MA:0001304
+name: lens fiber
+xref: EMAPS:1784128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000275 ! lens
+id: MA:0001305
+name: choroid fissure
+relationship: part_of MA:0000276 ! retina
+id: MA:0001306
+name: macula
+relationship: part_of MA:0000276 ! retina
+id: MA:0001307
+name: fovea
+relationship: part_of MA:0000276 ! retina
+id: MA:0001308
+name: retina photoreceptor layer
+synonym: "layer of rods and cones" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3568628
+is_a: MA:0001319 ! retina layer
+id: MA:0001309
+name: retina external limiting lamina
+is_a: MA:0001318 ! retina lamina
+id: MA:0001310
+name: retina ganglion cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3573928
+is_a: MA:0001319 ! retina layer
+id: MA:0001311
+name: retina inner nuclear layer
+xref: EMAPS:1915528
+is_a: MA:0001319 ! retina layer
+id: MA:0001312
+name: retina inner plexiform layer
+xref: EMAPS:3574128
+is_a: MA:0001319 ! retina layer
+id: MA:0001313
+name: retina internal limiting lamina
+is_a: MA:0001318 ! retina lamina
+id: MA:0001314
+name: retina nerve fiber layer
+xref: EMAPS:1859128
+is_a: MA:0001319 ! retina layer
+id: MA:0001315
+name: retina outer nuclear layer
+xref: EMAPS:1915728
+is_a: MA:0001319 ! retina layer
+id: MA:0001316
+name: retina outer plexiform layer
+xref: EMAPS:3574428
+is_a: MA:0001319 ! retina layer
+id: MA:0001317
+name: retina blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000276 ! retina
+id: MA:0001318
+name: retina lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0000276 ! retina
+id: MA:0001319
+name: retina layer
+xref: EMAPS:3574228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000276 ! retina
+id: MA:0001320
+name: external naris
+xref: EMAPS:1784828
+is_a: MA:0000282 ! naris
+id: MA:0001321
+name: external naris epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1859628
+relationship: part_of MA:0001320 ! external naris
+id: MA:0001322
+name: primary choana
+xref: EMAPS:1785128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001320 ! external naris
+id: MA:0001323
+name: internal naris
+is_a: MA:0000282 ! naris
+id: MA:0001324
+name: nasal cavity epithelium
+synonym: "nasal mucosa" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1760528
+is_a: MA:0001912 ! upper respiratory tract epithelium
+is_a: MA:0003171 ! nose epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000284 ! nasal cavity
+id: MA:0001325
+name: nasal cavity olfactory epithelium
+synonym: "olfactory mucosa" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1760628
+is_a: MA:0001324 ! nasal cavity epithelium
+id: MA:0001326
+name: nasal cavity respiratory epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1760728
+is_a: MA:0001324 ! nasal cavity epithelium
+id: MA:0001327
+name: septal olfactory organ
+xref: EMAPS:3576428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000285 ! nasal septum
+id: MA:0001328
+name: vomeronasal organ sensory epithelium
+is_a: MA:0003171 ! nose epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000289 ! vomeronasal organ
+id: MA:0001329
+name: clavicle
+xref: EMAPS:1872128
+is_a: MA:0000292 ! pectoral girdle bone
+is_a: MA:0000631 ! shoulder bone
+id: MA:0001330
+name: scapula
+xref: EMAPS:1872228
+is_a: MA:0000292 ! pectoral girdle bone
+is_a: MA:0000631 ! shoulder bone
+id: MA:0001331
+name: sternum
+xref: EMAPS:1834428
+is_a: MA:0000292 ! pectoral girdle bone
+id: MA:0001332
+name: sternal manubrium
+xref: EMAPS:1872328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001331 ! sternum
+id: MA:0001333
+name: sternebra
+xref: EMAPS:1872428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001331 ! sternum
+id: MA:0001334
+name: xiphisternum
+xref: EMAPS:1872528
+relationship: part_of MA:0001331 ! sternum
+id: MA:0001335
+name: acetabulum
+xref: EMAPS:1834628
+is_a: MA:0000293 ! pelvic girdle bone
+id: MA:0001336
+name: ilium
+xref: EMAPS:1872628
+is_a: MA:0000293 ! pelvic girdle bone
+is_a: MA:0000655 ! hip bone
+id: MA:0001337
+name: ischium
+xref: EMAPS:1872728
+is_a: MA:0000293 ! pelvic girdle bone
+is_a: MA:0000655 ! hip bone
+id: MA:0001338
+name: pubis
+xref: EMAPS:3571728
+is_a: MA:0000293 ! pelvic girdle bone
+is_a: MA:0000655 ! hip bone
+id: MA:0001339
+name: pisiform
+synonym: "accessory carpal bone" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002557 ! proximal carpal bone
+id: MA:0001340
+name: trapezium
+synonym: "greater multiangular" RELATED []
+synonym: "hand distal carpal bone 1" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002558 ! distal carpal bone
+id: MA:0001341
+name: trapezoid
+synonym: "hand distal carpal bone 2" RELATED []
+synonym: "lesser multiangular" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002558 ! distal carpal bone
+id: MA:0001342
+name: capitate
+synonym: "hand distal carpal bone 3" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002558 ! distal carpal bone
+id: MA:0001343
+name: hamate
+synonym: "hand distal carpal bone 4" RELATED []
+synonym: "unciform" RELATED []
+synonym: "uncinate" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002558 ! distal carpal bone
+id: MA:0001344
+name: central carpal bone
+synonym: "centrale" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000296 ! carpal bone
+id: MA:0001345
+name: falciform carpal bone
+is_a: MA:0000296 ! carpal bone
+id: MA:0001346
+name: scapholunate
+synonym: "intermedioradial carpal bone" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002557 ! proximal carpal bone
+id: MA:0001347
+name: triquetral
+synonym: "cuneiform of hand" RELATED []
+synonym: "triangular" RELATED []
+synonym: "triquetrum" RELATED []
+synonym: "ulnar carpal bone" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002557 ! proximal carpal bone
+id: MA:0001348
+name: calcaneum
+synonym: "calcaneus" RELATED []
+synonym: "fibulare" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1913428
+is_a: MA:0000297 ! tarsal bone
+id: MA:0001349
+name: navicular
+synonym: "central tarsal bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "centrale" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000297 ! tarsal bone
+id: MA:0001350
+name: medial tibial tarsal bone
+synonym: "tibiale" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000297 ! tarsal bone
+id: MA:0001351
+name: talus
+synonym: "astragalus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1913528
+is_a: MA:0000297 ! tarsal bone
+id: MA:0001352
+name: medial cuneiform
+synonym: "foot distal carpal bone 1" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000297 ! tarsal bone
+id: MA:0001353
+name: intermediate cuneiform
+synonym: "foot distal carpal bone 2" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000297 ! tarsal bone
+id: MA:0001354
+name: lateral cuneiform
+synonym: "foor distal carpal bone 3" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000297 ! tarsal bone
+id: MA:0001355
+name: cuboid
+synonym: "foot distal carpal bone 4 and 5" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000297 ! tarsal bone
+id: MA:0001356
+name: humerus
+xref: EMAPS:1910628
+is_a: MA:0000299 ! forelimb long bone
+is_a: MA:0000604 ! upper arm bone
+is_a: MA:0000631 ! shoulder bone
+id: MA:0001357
+name: radius
+xref: EMAPS:1910328
+is_a: MA:0000299 ! forelimb long bone
+is_a: MA:0000598 ! lower arm bone
+id: MA:0001358
+name: ulna
+xref: EMAPS:1910428
+is_a: MA:0000299 ! forelimb long bone
+is_a: MA:0000598 ! lower arm bone
+id: MA:0001359
+name: femur
+xref: EMAPS:1914328
+is_a: MA:0000300 ! hindlimb long bone
+is_a: MA:0000655 ! hip bone
+is_a: MA:0000682 ! upper leg bone
+id: MA:0001360
+name: fibula
+xref: EMAPS:1914128
+is_a: MA:0000300 ! hindlimb long bone
+is_a: MA:0000676 ! lower leg bone
+id: MA:0001361
+name: tibia
+xref: EMAPS:1914228
+is_a: MA:0000300 ! hindlimb long bone
+is_a: MA:0000676 ! lower leg bone
+id: MA:0001362
+name: long bone epiphysis
+xref: EMAPS:3550828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002802 ! long bone
+id: MA:0001363
+name: long bone metaphysis
+xref: EMAPS:3550928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000298 ! limb long bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0002802 ! long bone
+id: MA:0001364
+name: metacarpal bone digit 1
+xref: EMAPS:1911228
+is_a: MA:0000302 ! metacarpal bone
+id: MA:0001365
+name: metacarpal bone digit 2
+xref: EMAPS:1911428
+is_a: MA:0000302 ! metacarpal bone
+id: MA:0001366
+name: metacarpal bone digit 3
+xref: EMAPS:1911628
+is_a: MA:0000302 ! metacarpal bone
+id: MA:0001367
+name: metacarpal bone digit 4
+xref: EMAPS:1911828
+is_a: MA:0000302 ! metacarpal bone
+id: MA:0001368
+name: metacarpal bone digit 5
+xref: EMAPS:1912028
+is_a: MA:0000302 ! metacarpal bone
+id: MA:0001369
+name: metatarsal bone digit 1
+xref: EMAPS:1912328
+is_a: MA:0000303 ! metatarsal bone
+id: MA:0001370
+name: metatarsal bone digit 2
+xref: EMAPS:1912528
+is_a: MA:0000303 ! metatarsal bone
+id: MA:0001371
+name: metatarsal bone digit 3
+xref: EMAPS:1912728
+is_a: MA:0000303 ! metatarsal bone
+id: MA:0001372
+name: metatarsal bone digit 4
+xref: EMAPS:1912928
+is_a: MA:0000303 ! metatarsal bone
+id: MA:0001373
+name: metatarsal bone digit 5
+xref: EMAPS:1913128
+is_a: MA:0000303 ! metatarsal bone
+id: MA:0001374
+name: patella
+xref: EMAPS:3566828
+is_a: MA:0000666 ! knee bone
+is_a: MA:0001375 ! sesamoid bone
+id: MA:0001375
+name: sesamoid bone
+is_a: MA:0000307 ! other limb bone
+id: MA:0001376
+name: proximal sesamoid bone of foot
+is_a: MA:0000646 ! foot digit bone
+is_a: MA:0001375 ! sesamoid bone
+id: MA:0001377
+name: proximal sesamoid bone of hand
+is_a: MA:0000622 ! hand digit bone
+is_a: MA:0001375 ! sesamoid bone
+id: MA:0001378
+name: sesamoid bone of gastrocnemius
+synonym: "fabella" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3577128
+is_a: MA:0000676 ! lower leg bone
+is_a: MA:0001375 ! sesamoid bone
+id: MA:0001379
+name: ulnar sesamoid bone
+is_a: MA:0000598 ! lower arm bone
+is_a: MA:0001375 ! sesamoid bone
+id: MA:0001380
+name: foot distal phalanx
+is_a: MA:0000305 ! foot phalanx
+is_a: MA:0002914 ! distal phalanx
+id: MA:0001381
+name: foot digit 1 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1912428
+is_a: MA:0000305 ! foot phalanx
+id: MA:0001382
+name: foot digit 2 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1912628
+is_a: MA:0000305 ! foot phalanx
+id: MA:0001383
+name: foot digit 3 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1912828
+is_a: MA:0000305 ! foot phalanx
+id: MA:0001384
+name: foot digit 4 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1913028
+is_a: MA:0000305 ! foot phalanx
+id: MA:0001385
+name: foot digit 5 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1913228
+is_a: MA:0000305 ! foot phalanx
+id: MA:0001386
+name: foot middle phalanx
+is_a: MA:0000305 ! foot phalanx
+is_a: MA:0002915 ! middle phalanx
+id: MA:0001387
+name: foot proximal phalanx
+is_a: MA:0000305 ! foot phalanx
+is_a: MA:0002916 ! proximal phalanx
+id: MA:0001388
+name: hand distal phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:3539328
+is_a: MA:0000306 ! hand phalanx
+is_a: MA:0002914 ! distal phalanx
+id: MA:0001389
+name: hand digit 1 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1911328
+is_a: MA:0000306 ! hand phalanx
+id: MA:0001390
+name: hand digit 2 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1911528
+is_a: MA:0000306 ! hand phalanx
+id: MA:0001391
+name: hand digit 3 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1911728
+is_a: MA:0000306 ! hand phalanx
+id: MA:0001392
+name: hand digit 4 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1911928
+is_a: MA:0000306 ! hand phalanx
+id: MA:0001393
+name: hand digit 5 phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:1912128
+is_a: MA:0000306 ! hand phalanx
+id: MA:0001394
+name: hand middle phalanx
+is_a: MA:0000306 ! hand phalanx
+is_a: MA:0002915 ! middle phalanx
+id: MA:0001395
+name: hand proximal phalanx
+is_a: MA:0000306 ! hand phalanx
+is_a: MA:0002916 ! proximal phalanx
+id: MA:0001396
+name: costal arch
+relationship: part_of MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001397
+name: distal rib
+relationship: part_of MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001398
+name: false rib
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001399
+name: floating rib
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001400
+name: proximal rib
+relationship: part_of MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001401
+name: rib 1
+xref: EMAPS:1952928
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001402
+name: rib 2
+xref: EMAPS:1953028
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001403
+name: rib 3
+xref: EMAPS:1953128
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001404
+name: rib 4
+xref: EMAPS:1953228
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001405
+name: rib 5
+xref: EMAPS:1953328
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001406
+name: rib 6
+xref: EMAPS:1953428
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001407
+name: rib 7
+xref: EMAPS:1953528
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001408
+name: rib 8
+xref: EMAPS:1953628
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001409
+name: rib 9
+xref: EMAPS:1953728
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001410
+name: rib 10
+xref: EMAPS:1953828
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001411
+name: rib 11
+xref: EMAPS:1953928
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001412
+name: rib 12
+xref: EMAPS:1954028
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001413
+name: rib 13
+xref: EMAPS:1954128
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001414
+name: rib dorsal segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001415
+name: rib head
+relationship: part_of MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001416
+name: rib shaft
+relationship: part_of MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001417
+name: rib tubercle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001418
+name: rib ventral segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001419
+name: true rib
+is_a: MA:0000315 ! rib
+id: MA:0001420
+name: coccygeal vertebra
+synonym: "coccygea" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000310 ! caudal vertebra
+id: MA:0001421
+name: cervical vertebra 1
+synonym: "atlas" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1943128
+is_a: MA:0000311 ! cervical vertebra
+id: MA:0001422
+name: cervical vertebra 2
+synonym: "axis" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1943228
+is_a: MA:0000311 ! cervical vertebra
+id: MA:0001423
+name: cervical vertebra 3
+xref: EMAPS:1943328
+is_a: MA:0000311 ! cervical vertebra
+id: MA:0001424
+name: cervical vertebra 4
+xref: EMAPS:1943428
+is_a: MA:0000311 ! cervical vertebra
+id: MA:0001425
+name: cervical vertebra 5
+xref: EMAPS:1943528
+is_a: MA:0000311 ! cervical vertebra
+id: MA:0001426
+name: cervical vertebra 6
+xref: EMAPS:1946628
+is_a: MA:0000311 ! cervical vertebra
+id: MA:0001427
+name: cervical vertebra 7
+xref: EMAPS:1946728
+is_a: MA:0000311 ! cervical vertebra
+id: MA:0001428
+name: lumbar vertebra 1
+xref: EMAPS:1947228
+is_a: MA:0000312 ! lumbar vertebra
+id: MA:0001429
+name: lumbar vertebra 2
+xref: EMAPS:1957028
+is_a: MA:0000312 ! lumbar vertebra
+id: MA:0001430
+name: lumbar vertebra 3
+xref: EMAPS:1957128
+is_a: MA:0000312 ! lumbar vertebra
+id: MA:0001431
+name: lumbar vertebra 4
+xref: EMAPS:1957228
+is_a: MA:0000312 ! lumbar vertebra
+id: MA:0001432
+name: lumbar vertebra 5
+xref: EMAPS:1957328
+is_a: MA:0000312 ! lumbar vertebra
+id: MA:0001433
+name: lumbar vertebra 6
+xref: EMAPS:1957428
+is_a: MA:0000312 ! lumbar vertebra
+id: MA:0001434
+name: sacral vertebra 1
+xref: EMAPS:1958828
+is_a: MA:0000313 ! sacral vertebra
+id: MA:0001435
+name: sacral vertebra 2
+xref: EMAPS:1958928
+is_a: MA:0000313 ! sacral vertebra
+id: MA:0001436
+name: sacral vertebra 3
+xref: EMAPS:1959028
+is_a: MA:0000313 ! sacral vertebra
+id: MA:0001437
+name: sacral vertebra 4
+xref: EMAPS:1959128
+is_a: MA:0000313 ! sacral vertebra
+id: MA:0001438
+name: thoracic vertebra 1
+xref: EMAPS:1954228
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001439
+name: thoracic vertebra 2
+xref: EMAPS:1954328
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001440
+name: thoracic vertebra 3
+xref: EMAPS:1954428
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001441
+name: thoracic vertebra 4
+xref: EMAPS:1954528
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001442
+name: thoracic vertebra 5
+xref: EMAPS:1954628
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001443
+name: thoracic vertebra 6
+xref: EMAPS:1954728
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001444
+name: thoracic vertebra 7
+xref: EMAPS:1954828
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001445
+name: thoracic vertebra 8
+xref: EMAPS:1954928
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001446
+name: thoracic vertebra 9
+xref: EMAPS:1955028
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001447
+name: thoracic vertebra 10
+xref: EMAPS:1955128
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001448
+name: thoracic vertebra 11
+xref: EMAPS:1955228
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001449
+name: thoracic vertebra 12
+xref: EMAPS:1955328
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001450
+name: thoracic vertebra 13
+xref: EMAPS:1955428
+is_a: MA:0000314 ! thoracic vertebra
+id: MA:0001451
+name: vertebra caudal articular process
+synonym: "postzygapophysis" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3591828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0001452
+name: vertebra cranial articular process
+synonym: "prezygapophysis" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0001453
+name: vertebra arch
+synonym: "vertebra dorsal arch" RELATED []
+synonym: "vertebra neural arch" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0001454
+name: vertebra neural canal
+synonym: "vertebral foramen" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0001455
+name: vertebra spinous process
+synonym: "neural spine" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0001456
+name: vertebra transverse process
+relationship: part_of MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0001457
+name: vertebral body
+synonym: "vertebral centrum" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0001458
+name: vertebral pedicle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0001459
+name: bone
+synonym: "bone organ" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3278228
+relationship: part_of MA:0003006 ! skeleton
+id: MA:0001460
+name: ovary stratum granulosum
+xref: EMAPS:3563328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001707 ! ovary follicle
+id: MA:0001461
+name: compact bone
+synonym: "cortical bone" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3525028
+is_a: MA:0002780 ! bone tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0002781 ! lamellar bone
+id: MA:0001462
+name: basioccipital bone
+xref: EMAPS:1870528
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001463
+name: basisphenoid bone
+xref: EMAPS:1870628
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0001472 ! sphenoid bone
+id: MA:0001464
+name: exoccipital bone
+xref: EMAPS:1870828
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001465
+name: fontanel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000317 ! chondrocranium
+id: MA:0001466
+name: frontal bone
+xref: EMAPS:1901628
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001467
+name: interparietal bone
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001468
+name: occipital bone
+xref: EMAPS:2511228
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001469
+name: parietal bone
+xref: EMAPS:1871528
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001470
+name: presphenoid bone
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0001472 ! sphenoid bone
+id: MA:0001471
+name: pterygoid bone
+synonym: "inner plate of pterygoid process" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0002774 ! sphenoid bone pterygoid process
+id: MA:0001472
+name: sphenoid bone
+xref: EMAPS:1834028
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001473
+name: squamosal bone
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001474
+name: supraoccipital bone
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001475
+name: cranial suture
+xref: EMAPS:3526328
+is_a: MA:0000321 ! fibrous joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000317 ! chondrocranium
+id: MA:0001476
+name: temporal bone
+xref: EMAPS:1768228
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0001477
+name: temporal bone petrous part
+xref: EMAPS:1768328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001476 ! temporal bone
+id: MA:0001478
+name: chondrocranium bone
+xref: EMAPS:3523828
+is_a: MA:0001459 ! bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0000317 ! chondrocranium
+id: MA:0001480
+name: respiratory tract epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3282728
+is_a: MA:0001823 ! respiratory system epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000434 ! respiratory tract
+id: MA:0001481
+name: lower respiratory tract epithelium
+is_a: MA:0001480 ! respiratory tract epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000435 ! lower respiratory tract
+id: MA:0001482
+name: viscerocranium bone
+xref: EMAPS:3592428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000318 ! viscerocranium
+id: MA:0001483
+name: ethmoid bone
+xref: EMAPS:1901828
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+id: MA:0001484
+name: hyoid bone
+xref: EMAPS:1865028
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0003037 ! hyoid apparatus
+id: MA:0001486
+name: lacrimal bone
+synonym: "lacrymal bone" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+id: MA:0001487
+name: mandible
+xref: EMAPS:1829028
+is_a: MA:0000345 ! oral region cartilage/bone
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+is_a: MA:0003130 ! jaw bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0001906 ! lower jaw
+id: MA:0001488
+name: mandible petrous part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001487 ! mandible
+id: MA:0001489
+name: mandible squamous part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001487 ! mandible
+id: MA:0001490
+name: symphysis menti
+relationship: part_of MA:0001487 ! mandible
+id: MA:0001491
+name: maxilla
+xref: EMAPS:1763928
+is_a: MA:0000345 ! oral region cartilage/bone
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+is_a: MA:0003130 ! jaw bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0001908 ! upper jaw
+id: MA:0001492
+name: maxilla alveolar process
+relationship: part_of MA:0001491 ! maxilla
+id: MA:0001493
+name: premaxilla
+alt_id: MA:0001485
+synonym: "incisive bone" EXACT []
+xref: EMAPS:1764128
+is_a: MA:0000345 ! oral region cartilage/bone
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+id: MA:0001494
+name: nasal bone
+xref: EMAPS:1920228
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+id: MA:0001495
+name: palatine bone
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+id: MA:0001496
+name: vomer bone
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+id: MA:0001497
+name: zygomatic bone
+xref: EMAPS:2511128
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+id: MA:0001498
+name: cartilaginous joint suture
+relationship: part_of MA:0000320 ! cartilaginous joint
+id: MA:0001499
+name: gomphosis
+is_a: MA:0000320 ! cartilaginous joint
+id: MA:0001500
+name: syndesmosis
+is_a: MA:0000320 ! cartilaginous joint
+id: MA:0001501
+name: synchondrosis
+xref: EMAPS:3584628
+is_a: MA:0000321 ! fibrous joint
+id: MA:0001502
+name: cranial synchondrosis
+xref: EMAPS:3526428
+is_a: MA:0001501 ! synchondrosis
+id: MA:0001503
+name: postcranial synchondrosis
+is_a: MA:0001501 ! synchondrosis
+id: MA:0001504
+name: symphysis
+is_a: MA:0000321 ! fibrous joint
+id: MA:0001505
+name: joint of girdle
+is_a: MA:0000319 ! joint
+id: MA:0001506
+name: sacroiliac joint
+xref: EMAPS:1930028
+is_a: MA:0001505 ! joint of girdle
+id: MA:0001507
+name: sternoclavicular joint
+xref: EMAPS:1920328
+is_a: MA:0001505 ! joint of girdle
+id: MA:0001508
+name: joint of rib
+is_a: MA:0000319 ! joint
+id: MA:0001509
+name: costochondral joint
+is_a: MA:0001508 ! joint of rib
+id: MA:0001510
+name: costovertebral joint
+xref: EMAPS:1902028
+is_a: MA:0001508 ! joint of rib
+id: MA:0001511
+name: interchondral joint
+is_a: MA:0001508 ! joint of rib
+id: MA:0001512
+name: sternocostal joint
+is_a: MA:0001508 ! joint of rib
+id: MA:0001513
+name: joint of vertebral arch
+is_a: MA:0000319 ! joint
+id: MA:0001514
+name: joint of vertebral body
+is_a: MA:0000319 ! joint
+id: MA:0001518
+name: joint articular surface
+relationship: part_of MA:0000322 ! synovial joint
+id: MA:0001519
+name: joint fibrous capsule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000322 ! synovial joint
+id: MA:0001520
+name: gastrointestinal system epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3268328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0001521
+name: gastrointestinal system mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0001522
+name: gastrointestinal system serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0001523
+name: gastrointestinal system smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3511728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0001524
+name: bowel
+xref: EMAPS:3518028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0001525
+name: bowel wall
+xref: EMAPS:3518128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001524 ! bowel
+id: MA:0001526
+name: foregut
+xref: EMAPS:1654828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000917 ! gut
+id: MA:0001527
+name: hindgut
+xref: EMAPS:1671528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000917 ! gut
+id: MA:0001528
+name: anal canal caudal part
+xref: EMAPS:1826128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000330 ! anal canal
+id: MA:0001529
+name: anal canal rostral part
+xref: EMAPS:1825728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000330 ! anal canal
+id: MA:0001530
+name: anal region skeletal muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000329 ! anal region
+id: MA:0001531
+name: external anal sphincter
+alt_id: MA:0002379
+synonym: "sphincter ani externus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1826528
+is_a: MA:0001530 ! anal region skeletal muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0001532
+name: anal region smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000329 ! anal region
+id: MA:0001533
+name: anococcygeus
+is_a: MA:0001532 ! anal region smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001534
+name: internal anal sphincter
+xref: EMAPS:1826628
+is_a: MA:0001532 ! anal region smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001535
+name: crypt of lieberkuhn
+xref: EMAPS:3526628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000328 ! intestine
+id: MA:0001536
+name: intestine epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3287328
+is_a: MA:0001520 ! gastrointestinal system epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001537 ! intestine mucosa
+id: MA:0001537
+name: intestine mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3544028
+is_a: MA:0001521 ! gastrointestinal system mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002693 ! intestine wall
+id: MA:0001538
+name: intestine serosa
+is_a: MA:0001522 ! gastrointestinal system serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002693 ! intestine wall
+id: MA:0001539
+name: intestine smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3544128
+xref: EMAPS:3544328
+is_a: MA:0001523 ! gastrointestinal system smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002693 ! intestine wall
+id: MA:0001540
+name: appendix
+synonym: "apex of cecum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3514028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000334 ! cecum
+id: MA:0001541
+name: ascending colon
+xref: EMAPS:3515128
+is_a: MA:0000335 ! colon
+id: MA:0001542
+name: descending colon
+xref: EMAPS:3528528
+is_a: MA:0000335 ! colon
+id: MA:0001543
+name: transverse colon
+xref: EMAPS:3588028
+is_a: MA:0000335 ! colon
+id: MA:0001544
+name: large intestine crypt of lieberkuhn
+xref: EMAPS:3546528
+is_a: MA:0001535 ! crypt of lieberkuhn
+relationship: part_of MA:0000333 ! large intestine
+id: MA:0001545
+name: large intestine epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3546628
+is_a: MA:0001536 ! intestine epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002688 ! large intestine mucosa
+id: MA:0001546
+name: large intestine serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0001538 ! intestine serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002695 ! large intestine wall
+id: MA:0001547
+name: large intestine smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3546928
+relationship: part_of MA:0001539 ! intestine smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002695 ! large intestine wall
+id: MA:0001548
+name: large intestine smooth muscle circular layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0001547 ! large intestine smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001549
+name: large intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0001547 ! large intestine smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001550
+name: large intestine peyer's patch
+xref: EMAPS:3546828
+is_a: MA:0000137 ! peyer's patch
+relationship: part_of MA:0000333 ! large intestine
+id: MA:0001551
+name: brunner's gland
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0001552
+name: small intestine crypt of lieberkuhn
+xref: EMAPS:3577728
+is_a: MA:0001535 ! crypt of lieberkuhn
+relationship: part_of MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0001553
+name: small intestine epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3577828
+is_a: MA:0001536 ! intestine epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002686 ! small intestine mucosa
+id: MA:0001554
+name: small intestine lamina propria
+xref: EMAPS:3577928
+is_a: MA:0001899 ! gastrointestinal system lamina propria
+relationship: part_of MA:0002686 ! small intestine mucosa
+id: MA:0001555
+name: small intestine mesentery
+is_a: MA:0001900 ! gastrointestinal system mesentery
+relationship: part_of MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0001556
+name: mesoduodenum
+xref: EMAPS:1908228
+is_a: MA:0001555 ! small intestine mesentery
+id: MA:0001557
+name: small intestine peyer's patch
+xref: EMAPS:3578228
+is_a: MA:0000137 ! peyer's patch
+relationship: part_of MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0001558
+name: small intestine serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0001538 ! intestine serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002696 ! small intestine wall
+id: MA:0001559
+name: small intestine smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3578328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001539 ! intestine smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002696 ! small intestine wall
+id: MA:0001560
+name: small intestine smooth muscle circular layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0001559 ! small intestine smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001561
+name: small intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0001559 ! small intestine smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001562
+name: small intestine submucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002696 ! small intestine wall
+id: MA:0001563
+name: small intestine villus
+xref: EMAPS:3578428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0001564
+name: midgut
+xref: EMAPS:1625528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000917 ! gut
+id: MA:0001565
+name: esophagus epithelium
+synonym: "oesophagus epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1683528
+is_a: MA:0001520 ! gastrointestinal system epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002680 ! esophagus mucosa
+id: MA:0001566
+name: esophagus basal epithelium
+synonym: "basal oesophageal epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3532128
+is_a: MA:0001565 ! esophagus epithelium
+id: MA:0001567
+name: esophagus squamous epithelium
+synonym: "squamous oesophageal epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3532428
+is_a: MA:0001565 ! esophagus epithelium
+id: MA:0001568
+name: esophagus lamina propria
+synonym: "oesophagus lamina propria" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2698728
+is_a: MA:0001899 ! gastrointestinal system lamina propria
+relationship: part_of MA:0002680 ! esophagus mucosa
+id: MA:0001569
+name: esophagus mesentery
+synonym: "oesophagus mesentery" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1683628
+is_a: MA:0001900 ! gastrointestinal system mesentery
+relationship: part_of MA:0000352 ! esophagus
+id: MA:0001570
+name: dorsal meso-esophagus
+synonym: "dorsal meso-oesophagus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1670428
+is_a: MA:0001569 ! esophagus mesentery
+id: MA:0001571
+name: esophagus serosa
+synonym: "oesophagus serosa" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3532228
+is_a: MA:0001522 ! gastrointestinal system serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002691 ! esophagus wall
+id: MA:0001572
+name: esophagus skeletal muscle
+synonym: "oesophagus skeletal muscle" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0002682 ! esophagus muscle
+id: MA:0001573
+name: esophagus smooth muscle
+synonym: "oesophagus smooth muscle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3532328
+is_a: MA:0001523 ! gastrointestinal system smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002682 ! esophagus muscle
+id: MA:0001574
+name: esophagus smooth muscle circular layer
+synonym: "esophagus smooth muscle circular layer" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001573 ! esophagus smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001575
+name: esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer
+synonym: "esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001573 ! esophagus smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001576
+name: gingival epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000342 ! gingiva
+id: MA:0001577
+name: lip philtrum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000343 ! lip
+id: MA:0001578
+name: lip skeletal muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000343 ! lip
+id: MA:0001579
+name: lip skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000343 ! lip
+id: MA:0001580
+name: Meckel's cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:1762528
+is_a: MA:0000345 ! oral region cartilage/bone
+id: MA:0001581
+name: palatal shelf
+xref: EMAPS:1736228
+is_a: MA:0000345 ! oral region cartilage/bone
+id: MA:0001582
+name: endocrine pancreas
+xref: EMAPS:3530528
+is_a: MA:0002563 ! endocrine gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000120 ! pancreas
+id: MA:0001583
+name: primary palate
+xref: EMAPS:1764228
+is_a: MA:0000345 ! oral region cartilage/bone
+id: MA:0001584
+name: palatine gland
+xref: EMAPS:3564328
+is_a: MA:0002479 ! minor salivary gland
+id: MA:0001585
+name: parotid gland
+xref: EMAPS:1853728
+is_a: MA:0002478 ! major salivary gland
+id: MA:0001586
+name: salivary duct
+xref: EMAPS:3575028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000346 ! salivary gland
+id: MA:0001587
+name: salivary gland epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3281628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000346 ! salivary gland
+id: MA:0001588
+name: sublingual gland
+xref: EMAPS:1880928
+is_a: MA:0002478 ! major salivary gland
+id: MA:0001589
+name: submandibular gland
+synonym: "submaxillary gland" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1881228
+is_a: MA:0002478 ! major salivary gland
+id: MA:0001590
+name: intermolar eminence
+xref: EMAPS:1827328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000347 ! tongue
+id: MA:0001591
+name: taste bud
+xref: EMAPS:3585028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000347 ! tongue
+id: MA:0001592
+name: tongue epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1788128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000347 ! tongue
+id: MA:0001593
+name: tongue papilla
+xref: EMAPS:3277728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000347 ! tongue
+id: MA:0001594
+name: circumvallate papilla
+xref: EMAPS:1827128
+is_a: MA:0001593 ! tongue papilla
+id: MA:0001595
+name: fungiform papilla
+xref: EMAPS:1827228
+is_a: MA:0001593 ! tongue papilla
+id: MA:0001596
+name: tongue skeletal muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1788328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000347 ! tongue
+id: MA:0001597
+name: dental lamina
+xref: EMAPS:3290228
+relationship: part_of MA:0003151 ! tooth epithelium
+id: MA:0001598
+name: dental papilla
+xref: EMAPS:3289228
+relationship: part_of MA:0003152 ! tooth mesenchyme
+id: MA:0001599
+name: dental pulp
+xref: EMAPS:3527428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000348 ! tooth
+id: MA:0001600
+name: lower jaw incisor
+xref: EMAPS:1791828
+is_a: MA:0000349 ! incisor
+is_a: MA:0001907 ! lower jaw tooth
+id: MA:0001601
+name: upper jaw incisor
+xref: EMAPS:1793928
+is_a: MA:0000349 ! incisor
+is_a: MA:0001909 ! upper jaw tooth
+id: MA:0001602
+name: lower jaw molar
+xref: EMAPS:1792128
+is_a: MA:0000350 ! molar
+is_a: MA:0001907 ! lower jaw tooth
+id: MA:0001603
+name: upper jaw molar
+xref: EMAPS:1794228
+is_a: MA:0000350 ! molar
+is_a: MA:0001909 ! upper jaw tooth
+id: MA:0001604
+name: tooth enamel organ
+xref: EMAPS:3288828
+relationship: part_of MA:0003151 ! tooth epithelium
+id: MA:0001605
+name: oropharynx epithelium
+is_a: MA:0001520 ! gastrointestinal system epithelium
+is_a: MA:0002725 ! pharynx epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000351 ! oropharynx
+id: MA:0001606
+name: forestomach
+xref: EMAPS:3535128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000353 ! stomach
+id: MA:0001608
+name: stomach blind ventricular sac
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0001609
+name: stomach cardiac region
+xref: EMAPS:3581128
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0001610
+name: stomach epithelium
+synonym: "gastric epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1702328
+is_a: MA:0001520 ! gastrointestinal system epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002683 ! stomach mucosa
+id: MA:0001611
+name: stomach squamous epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3582428
+is_a: MA:0001610 ! stomach epithelium
+id: MA:0001612
+name: stomach fundus
+synonym: "gastric fundus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1788628
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0001613
+name: stomach glandular region
+xref: EMAPS:1762328
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0001614
+name: stomach glandular region mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2716728
+is_a: MA:0002683 ! stomach mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0001613 ! stomach glandular region
+id: MA:0001615
+name: stomach greater curvature
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0001616
+name: stomach lesser curvature
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0001617
+name: stomach mesentery
+synonym: "mesogastrium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1702428
+is_a: MA:0001900 ! gastrointestinal system mesentery
+relationship: part_of MA:0000353 ! stomach
+id: MA:0001618
+name: dorsal mesogastrium
+xref: EMAPS:1702528
+is_a: MA:0001617 ! stomach mesentery
+id: MA:0001619
+name: gastro-splenic ligament
+xref: EMAPS:1828528
+is_a: MA:0003004 ! nonskeletal ligament
+relationship: part_of MA:0001618 ! dorsal mesogastrium
+id: MA:0001620
+name: lieno-renal ligament
+xref: EMAPS:1828628
+is_a: MA:0003004 ! nonskeletal ligament
+relationship: part_of MA:0001618 ! dorsal mesogastrium
+id: MA:0001621
+name: ventral mesogastrium
+xref: EMAPS:1702628
+is_a: MA:0001617 ! stomach mesentery
+id: MA:0001622
+name: falciform ligament
+xref: EMAPS:1828828
+is_a: MA:0003004 ! nonskeletal ligament
+relationship: part_of MA:0001621 ! ventral mesogastrium
+id: MA:0001623
+name: lesser omentum
+xref: EMAPS:1789028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001621 ! ventral mesogastrium
+id: MA:0001624
+name: stomach pyloric antrum
+alt_id: MA:0001607
+synonym: "gastric antrum" RELATED []
+synonym: "stomach antrum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1789128
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0001625
+name: stomach proventricular region
+xref: EMAPS:1762728
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0001626
+name: stomach serosa
+synonym: "gastric serosa" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3582228
+is_a: MA:0001522 ! gastrointestinal system serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002692 ! stomach wall
+id: MA:0001627
+name: stomach smooth muscle
+synonym: "gastric smooth muscle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3582328
+is_a: MA:0001523 ! gastrointestinal system smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002692 ! stomach wall
+id: MA:0001628
+name: stomach smooth muscle circular layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0001627 ! stomach smooth muscle
+id: MA:0001629
+name: bile duct epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000354 ! bile duct
+id: MA:0001630
+name: bile duct intrahepatic part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000354 ! bile duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0000358 ! liver
+id: MA:0001631
+name: common bile duct
+xref: EMAPS:1720128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002659 ! bile duct extrahepatic part
+id: MA:0001632
+name: gall bladder epithelium
+synonym: "biliary epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3537028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000356 ! gall bladder
+id: MA:0001633
+name: gall bladder lamina propria
+synonym: "biliary lamina propria" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3537128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000356 ! gall bladder
+id: MA:0001634
+name: gall bladder serosa
+synonym: "biliary serosa" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3537228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000356 ! gall bladder
+id: MA:0001635
+name: gall bladder smooth muscle
+synonym: "biliary smooth muscle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3537328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000356 ! gall bladder
+id: MA:0001636
+name: hepatic duct extrahepatic part
+xref: EMAPS:1684428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000357 ! hepatic duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0002659 ! bile duct extrahepatic part
+id: MA:0001637
+name: hepatic duct intrahepatic part
+xref: EMAPS:1684528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000357 ! hepatic duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001630 ! bile duct intrahepatic part
+id: MA:0001638
+name: left hepatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:3279528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000357 ! hepatic duct
+id: MA:0001639
+name: right hepatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:3279728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000357 ! hepatic duct
+id: MA:0001640
+name: hepatic duct smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000357 ! hepatic duct
+id: MA:0001641
+name: liver left lateral lobe
+is_a: MA:0000361 ! liver left lobe
+id: MA:0001642
+name: liver left medial lobe
+is_a: MA:0000361 ! liver left lobe
+id: MA:0001643
+name: liver papillary process
+relationship: part_of MA:0000358 ! liver
+id: MA:0001644
+name: major calyx
+xref: EMAPS:1867728
+is_a: MA:0000369 ! kidney calyx
+id: MA:0001645
+name: minor calyx
+xref: EMAPS:1867828
+is_a: MA:0000369 ! kidney calyx
+id: MA:0001646
+name: papillary duct
+synonym: "duct of bellini" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3565528
+is_a: MA:0000371 ! kidney collecting duct
+id: MA:0001647
+name: area cribosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0001646 ! papillary duct
+id: MA:0001648
+name: juxtamedullary cortex
+is_a: MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+id: MA:0001649
+name: kidney outer cortex
+synonym: "outer renal cortex" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+id: MA:0001650
+name: cortical arch
+relationship: part_of MA:0001649 ! kidney outer cortex
+id: MA:0001651
+name: kidney column
+synonym: "renal column" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001649 ! kidney outer cortex
+id: MA:0001652
+name: kidney inner medulla
+xref: EMAPS:2834928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000373 ! kidney medulla
+id: MA:0001653
+name: kidney outer medulla
+xref: EMAPS:2831028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000373 ! kidney medulla
+id: MA:0001654
+name: kidney pyramid
+synonym: "renal pyramid" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000373 ! kidney medulla
+id: MA:0001655
+name: left kidney
+is_a: MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0001657
+name: glomerulus
+synonym: "glomerular tuft" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2832928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000376 ! renal corpuscle
+id: MA:0001658
+name: glomerular capillary endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002587 ! glomerular capillary
+id: MA:0001659
+name: glomerular capillary basement membrane
+xref: EMAPS:2825128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002587 ! glomerular capillary
+id: MA:0001660
+name: glomerular capsule
+synonym: "bowman's capsule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2825728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000376 ! renal corpuscle
+id: MA:0001661
+name: glomerular juxtacapillary capsular wall
+relationship: part_of MA:0001660 ! glomerular capsule
+id: MA:0001662
+name: glomerular outer capsular wall
+relationship: part_of MA:0001660 ! glomerular capsule
+id: MA:0001663
+name: juxtamedullary renal corpuscle
+is_a: MA:0000376 ! renal corpuscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0001648 ! juxtamedullary cortex
+id: MA:0001664
+name: urinary space
+synonym: "bowman's space" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2826328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000376 ! renal corpuscle
+id: MA:0001665
+name: kidney convoluted tubule
+xref: EMAPS:3572528
+is_a: MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+id: MA:0001666
+name: distal convoluted tubule
+synonym: "second convoluted tubule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2839328
+is_a: MA:0001665 ! kidney convoluted tubule
+is_a: MA:0002609 ! kidney cortex tubule
+is_a: MA:0002633 ! kidney distal tubule
+id: MA:0001667
+name: distal convoluted tubule convoluted part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001666 ! distal convoluted tubule
+id: MA:0001668
+name: distal convoluted tubule macula densa
+relationship: part_of MA:0001666 ! distal convoluted tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0002603 ! macula densa
+id: MA:0001669
+name: proximal convoluted tubule
+synonym: "first convoluted tubule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2828728
+is_a: MA:0001665 ! kidney convoluted tubule
+is_a: MA:0002609 ! kidney cortex tubule
+is_a: MA:0002611 ! kidney proximal tubule
+id: MA:0001670
+name: proximal convoluted tubule neck
+relationship: part_of MA:0001669 ! proximal convoluted tubule
+id: MA:0001671
+name: proximal convoluted tubule convoluted part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001669 ! proximal convoluted tubule
+id: MA:0001672
+name: proximal convoluted tubule straight part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001669 ! proximal convoluted tubule
+id: MA:0001673
+name: distal convoluted tubule straight part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001666 ! distal convoluted tubule
+id: MA:0001674
+name: junctional tubule
+synonym: "connecting tubule" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+id: MA:0001675
+name: loop of henle
+xref: EMAPS:1928028
+is_a: MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+id: MA:0001676
+name: loop of henle ascending limb
+xref: EMAPS:3551028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001675 ! loop of henle
+id: MA:0001677
+name: loop of henle ascending limb thick segment
+synonym: "distal straight tubule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2839628
+xref: EMAPS:3551228
+is_a: MA:0002633 ! kidney distal tubule
+is_a: MA:0002634 ! kidney straight tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0001676 ! loop of henle ascending limb
+id: MA:0001678
+name: loop of henle ascending limb thin segment
+xref: EMAPS:2836128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001676 ! loop of henle ascending limb
+relationship: part_of MA:0002623 ! kidney inner medulla loop of henle
+id: MA:0001679
+name: loop of henle descending limb
+xref: EMAPS:3551128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001675 ! loop of henle
+id: MA:0001680
+name: kidney tubule basement membrane
+relationship: part_of MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+id: MA:0001681
+name: kidney tubule epithelium
+is_a: MA:0002846 ! kidney epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+id: MA:0001682
+name: kidney blood vessel
+synonym: "renal blood vessel" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2845728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0001683
+name: right kidney
+is_a: MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0001684
+name: left ureter
+is_a: MA:0000378 ! ureter
+id: MA:0001685
+name: right ureter
+is_a: MA:0000378 ! ureter
+id: MA:0001686
+name: urethra epithelium
+synonym: "urethral epithelium" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000379 ! urethra
+id: MA:0001687
+name: urethra urothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3589628
+is_a: MA:0001686 ! urethra epithelium
+id: MA:0001688
+name: urethra gland
+synonym: "urethral gland" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000379 ! urethra
+id: MA:0001689
+name: urethra lamina propria
+synonym: "urethral lamina propria" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000379 ! urethra
+id: MA:0001690
+name: urethra skeletal muscle
+synonym: "urethral skeletal muscle" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0002649 ! urethra muscle
+id: MA:0001691
+name: urethra smooth muscle
+synonym: "urethral smooth muscle" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0002649 ! urethra muscle
+id: MA:0001692
+name: urinary bladder mucosa
+synonym: "urinary bladder mucosa" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3589728
+relationship: part_of MA:0002493 ! urinary bladder wall
+id: MA:0001693
+name: urinary bladder urothelium
+synonym: "transitional epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2860128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001692 ! urinary bladder mucosa
+id: MA:0001694
+name: urinary bladder fundus region
+xref: EMAPS:3517328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000380 ! urinary bladder
+id: MA:0001695
+name: urinary bladder lamina propria
+xref: EMAPS:3008828
+relationship: part_of MA:0001692 ! urinary bladder mucosa
+id: MA:0001696
+name: urinary bladder serosa
+xref: EMAPS:2866128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002493 ! urinary bladder wall
+id: MA:0001697
+name: urinary bladder muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002493 ! urinary bladder wall
+id: MA:0001698
+name: urinary bladder detrusor muscle
+xref: EMAPS:2863728
+is_a: MA:0001697 ! urinary bladder muscle
+id: MA:0001699
+name: urinary bladder neck muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3012328
+is_a: MA:0001697 ! urinary bladder muscle
+id: MA:0001700
+name: urinary bladder trigone muscle
+xref: EMAPS:2864928
+is_a: MA:0001697 ! urinary bladder muscle
+id: MA:0001701
+name: urachus
+xref: EMAPS:1832328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000380 ! urinary bladder
+id: MA:0001702
+name: clitoral gland
+alt_id: MA:0001703
+synonym: "female preputial gland" EXACT []
+synonym: "preputial gland of female" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000383 ! female reproductive gland
+is_a: MA:0003044 ! clitoral/preputial gland
+id: MA:0001704
+name: left ovary
+is_a: MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0001705
+name: right ovary
+is_a: MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0001706
+name: ovary capsule
+xref: EMAPS:3562628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0001707
+name: ovary follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3562728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0001708
+name: ovary growing follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3562828
+is_a: MA:0001707 ! ovary follicle
+id: MA:0001709
+name: ovary mature follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3562928
+is_a: MA:0001707 ! ovary follicle
+id: MA:0001710
+name: ovary primordial follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3075528
+is_a: MA:0001707 ! ovary follicle
+id: MA:0001711
+name: ovary germinal epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1796328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0001712
+name: ovary theca
+xref: EMAPS:3563628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0001713
+name: ovary theca externa
+is_a: MA:0001712 ! ovary theca
+id: MA:0001714
+name: ovary theca interna
+is_a: MA:0001712 ! ovary theca
+id: MA:0001715
+name: zona pellucida
+relationship: part_of MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0001716
+name: left oviduct
+is_a: MA:0000385 ! oviduct
+id: MA:0001717
+name: right oviduct
+is_a: MA:0000385 ! oviduct
+id: MA:0001718
+name: oviduct epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:2904328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000385 ! oviduct
+id: MA:0001719
+name: ciliated columnar oviduct epithelium
+is_a: MA:0001718 ! oviduct epithelium
+id: MA:0001720
+name: cuboidal oviduct epithelium
+is_a: MA:0001718 ! oviduct epithelium
+id: MA:0001721
+name: oviduct smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:2904628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000385 ! oviduct
+id: MA:0001722
+name: decidua
+synonym: "decidua basalis" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3526928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000386 ! placenta
+id: MA:0001723
+name: placenta metrial gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000386 ! placenta
+id: MA:0001724
+name: cervix epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:2992928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000392 ! uterine cervix
+id: MA:0001725
+name: cervix squamous epithelium
+is_a: MA:0001724 ! cervix epithelium
+id: MA:0001726
+name: uterine gland
+xref: EMAPS:2991928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000389 ! uterus
+id: MA:0001727
+name: left uterine horn
+is_a: MA:0000393 ! uterine horn
+id: MA:0001728
+name: right uterine horn
+is_a: MA:0000393 ! uterine horn
+id: MA:0001729
+name: uterus serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0000389 ! uterus
+id: MA:0001730
+name: vagina epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3099128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000394 ! vagina
+id: MA:0001731
+name: vagina squamous epithelium
+is_a: MA:0001730 ! vagina epithelium
+id: MA:0001732
+name: vagina sebaceous gland
+is_a: MA:0002565 ! sebaceous gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000394 ! vagina
+id: MA:0001733
+name: vagina smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3099728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000394 ! vagina
+id: MA:0001734
+name: efferent duct epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:2974728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000398 ! efferent duct
+id: MA:0001735
+name: epididymal duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0000397 ! epididymis
+id: MA:0001736
+name: epididymis smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3044728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000397 ! epididymis
+id: MA:0001737
+name: prostate gland epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3229028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000404 ! prostate gland
+id: MA:0001738
+name: prostate gland lobe
+xref: EMAPS:3571228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000404 ! prostate gland
+id: MA:0001739
+name: prostate gland dorsolateral lobe
+xref: EMAPS:3571028
+is_a: MA:0001738 ! prostate gland lobe
+id: MA:0001740
+name: prostate gland ventral lobe
+xref: EMAPS:2983628
+is_a: MA:0001738 ! prostate gland lobe
+id: MA:0001741
+name: prostate gland smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3571328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000404 ! prostate gland
+id: MA:0001742
+name: penis epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3567428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000408 ! penis
+id: MA:0001743
+name: penis erectile tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000408 ! penis
+id: MA:0001744
+name: penis foreskin
+relationship: part_of MA:0002727 ! penis skin
+id: MA:0001745
+name: seminal vesicle epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:2977128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000410 ! seminal vesicle
+id: MA:0001746
+name: left testis
+is_a: MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0001747
+name: right testis
+is_a: MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0001748
+name: seminiferous tubule epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3576128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000412 ! seminiferous tubule
+id: MA:0001749
+name: vas deferens epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000413 ! vas deferens
+id: MA:0001750
+name: vas deferens smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:2927028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000413 ! vas deferens
+id: MA:0001751
+name: reproductive gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000326 ! reproductive system
+id: MA:0001752
+name: reproductive organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000326 ! reproductive system
+id: MA:0001753
+name: prepuce epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000407 ! prepuce
+id: MA:0001754
+name: larynx connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3547128
+is_a: MA:0001814 ! respiratory system connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000414 ! larynx
+id: MA:0001755
+name: larynx ligament
+synonym: "laryngeal ligament" RELATED []
+synonym: "ligament of larynx" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0001754 ! larynx connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0003004 ! nonskeletal ligament
+id: MA:0001756
+name: laryngeal extrinsic ligament
+is_a: MA:0001755 ! larynx ligament
+id: MA:0001757
+name: laryngeal intrinsic ligament
+is_a: MA:0001755 ! larynx ligament
+id: MA:0001758
+name: larynx cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:1869728
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+is_a: MA:0000586 ! neck cartilage
+is_a: MA:0001754 ! larynx connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0001818 ! respiratory system cartilage
+id: MA:0001759
+name: arytenoid cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:1869528
+is_a: MA:0001758 ! larynx cartilage
+id: MA:0001760
+name: apex of arytenoid
+is_a: MA:0000485 ! yellow elastic cartilage
+relationship: part_of MA:0001759 ! arytenoid cartilage
+id: MA:0001761
+name: base of arytenoid
+is_a: MA:0000109 ! hyaline cartilage
+relationship: part_of MA:0001759 ! arytenoid cartilage
+id: MA:0001762
+name: cricoid cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:1869628
+is_a: MA:0001758 ! larynx cartilage
+id: MA:0001763
+name: epiglottic cartilage
+is_a: MA:0000485 ! yellow elastic cartilage
+is_a: MA:0001758 ! larynx cartilage
+id: MA:0001764
+name: thyroid cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:1869828
+is_a: MA:0001758 ! larynx cartilage
+id: MA:0001765
+name: larynx epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3547228
+is_a: MA:0001823 ! respiratory system epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000414 ! larynx
+id: MA:0001766
+name: larynx mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:1833428
+is_a: MA:0001827 ! respiratory system mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0000414 ! larynx
+id: MA:0001767
+name: larynx mucous gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0001766 ! larynx mucosa
+id: MA:0001768
+name: larynx muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3547328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000414 ! larynx
+id: MA:0001769
+name: laryngeal extrinsic muscle
+is_a: MA:0001768 ! larynx muscle
+id: MA:0001770
+name: laryngeal intrinsic muscle
+is_a: MA:0001768 ! larynx muscle
+id: MA:0001771
+name: alveolus epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3512128
+is_a: MA:0001783 ! lung epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002568 ! alveolar wall
+id: MA:0001772
+name: bronchiole epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3269328
+is_a: MA:0001783 ! lung epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000422 ! bronchiole
+id: MA:0001773
+name: respiratory bronchiole epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3573028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000423 ! respiratory bronchiole
+id: MA:0001774
+name: terminal bronchiole epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000424 ! terminal bronchiole
+id: MA:0001775
+name: left lung alveolar system
+xref: EMAPS:1900128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000425 ! left lung
+id: MA:0001776
+name: left lung alveolar duct
+xref: EMAPS:1918328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001775 ! left lung alveolar system
+id: MA:0001777
+name: left lung alveolus
+xref: EMAPS:1918228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001775 ! left lung alveolar system
+id: MA:0001778
+name: left lung bronchiole
+xref: EMAPS:1900028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000425 ! left lung
+id: MA:0001779
+name: left lung respiratory bronchiole
+is_a: MA:0001778 ! left lung bronchiole
+id: MA:0001780
+name: left lung terminal bronchiole
+is_a: MA:0001778 ! left lung bronchiole
+id: MA:0001781
+name: left lung hilus
+synonym: "left lung hilum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1798028
+is_a: MA:0003099 ! lung hilus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000425 ! left lung
+id: MA:0001782
+name: lung connective tissue
+synonym: "lung interstitial tissue" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3552128
+is_a: MA:0001814 ! respiratory system connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0001783
+name: lung epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3286028
+is_a: MA:0001823 ! respiratory system epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0001784
+name: right lung alveolar system
+xref: EMAPS:3571728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000426 ! right lung
+id: MA:0001785
+name: right lung alveolar duct
+xref: EMAPS:3581928
+relationship: part_of MA:0001784 ! right lung alveolar system
+id: MA:0001786
+name: right lung alveolus
+xref: EMAPS:3599728
+relationship: part_of MA:0001784 ! right lung alveolar system
+id: MA:0001787
+name: right lung bronchiole
+xref: EMAPS:3542528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000426 ! right lung
+id: MA:0001788
+name: right lung respiratory bronchiole
+is_a: MA:0001787 ! right lung bronchiole
+id: MA:0001789
+name: right lung terminal bronchiole
+is_a: MA:0001787 ! right lung bronchiole
+id: MA:0001790
+name: right lung hilus
+synonym: "right lung hilum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1799628
+is_a: MA:0003099 ! lung hilus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000426 ! right lung
+id: MA:0001791
+name: right lung lobe
+xref: EMAPS:3515528
+is_a: MA:0003098 ! lung lobe
+relationship: part_of MA:0000426 ! right lung
+id: MA:0001792
+name: ethmoid sinus
+is_a: MA:0000431 ! paranasal sinus
+id: MA:0001793
+name: frontal sinus
+is_a: MA:0000431 ! paranasal sinus
+id: MA:0001794
+name: maxillary sinus
+is_a: MA:0000431 ! paranasal sinus
+id: MA:0001795
+name: sphenoid sinus
+is_a: MA:0000431 ! paranasal sinus
+id: MA:0001796
+name: hypopharynx
+relationship: part_of MA:0000432 ! pharynx
+id: MA:0001797
+name: pharynx muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1896328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000432 ! pharynx
+id: MA:0001798
+name: pretracheal muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1926928
+is_a: MA:0001797 ! pharynx muscle
+id: MA:0001799
+name: respiratory system blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3573128
+xref: EMAPS:3599528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0001800
+name: respiratory system arterial blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0001799 ! respiratory system blood vessel
+id: MA:0001801
+name: respiratory system arterial endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001800 ! respiratory system arterial blood vessel
+id: MA:0001802
+name: respiratory system arterial smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0001800 ! respiratory system arterial blood vessel
+id: MA:0001803
+name: respiratory system arteriole
+is_a: MA:0001800 ! respiratory system arterial blood vessel
+id: MA:0001804
+name: respiratory system artery
+is_a: MA:0001800 ! respiratory system arterial blood vessel
+id: MA:0001805
+name: respiratory system blood vessel endothelium
+xref: EMAPS:3573228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001799 ! respiratory system blood vessel
+id: MA:0001806
+name: respiratory system blood vessel smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0001799 ! respiratory system blood vessel
+id: MA:0001807
+name: respiratory system capillary
+is_a: MA:0001799 ! respiratory system blood vessel
+id: MA:0001808
+name: respiratory system capillary endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001807 ! respiratory system capillary
+id: MA:0001809
+name: respiratory system venous blood vessel
+is_a: MA:0001799 ! respiratory system blood vessel
+id: MA:0001810
+name: respiratory system vein
+is_a: MA:0001809 ! respiratory system venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0001811
+name: respiratory system venous endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001809 ! respiratory system venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0001812
+name: respiratory system venous smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0001809 ! respiratory system venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0001813
+name: respiratory system venule
+is_a: MA:0001809 ! respiratory system venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0001814
+name: respiratory system connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3596828
+xref: EMAPS:3597728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0001815
+name: respiratory system basement membrane
+relationship: part_of MA:0001814 ! respiratory system connective tissue
+id: MA:0001816
+name: respiratory system basal lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0001815 ! respiratory system basement membrane
+id: MA:0001817
+name: respiratory system reticular lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0001815 ! respiratory system basement membrane
+id: MA:0001818
+name: respiratory system cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:1869428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001814 ! respiratory system connective tissue
+id: MA:0001819
+name: lower respiratory tract cartilage
+is_a: MA:0001818 ! respiratory system cartilage
+relationship: part_of MA:0002409 ! lower respiratory tract connective tissue
+id: MA:0001820
+name: respiratory system elastic tissue
+is_a: MA:0002853 ! elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0001822 ! respiratory system submucosa
+id: MA:0001821
+name: respiratory system lamina propria
+relationship: part_of MA:0001814 ! respiratory system connective tissue
+id: MA:0001822
+name: respiratory system submucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0001814 ! respiratory system connective tissue
+id: MA:0001823
+name: respiratory system epithelium
+synonym: "respiratory system mucosa" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3282628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0001824
+name: respiratory system lymphatic vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0001825
+name: respiratory system lymphatic vessel endothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001824 ! respiratory system lymphatic vessel
+id: MA:0001826
+name: respiratory system lymphatic vessel smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0001824 ! respiratory system lymphatic vessel
+id: MA:0001827
+name: respiratory system mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0001828
+name: respiratory system muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3573328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000327 ! respiratory system
+id: MA:0001829
+name: respiratory system skeletal muscle
+is_a: MA:0001828 ! respiratory system muscle
+id: MA:0001830
+name: respiratory system smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3573428
+is_a: MA:0001828 ! respiratory system muscle
+id: MA:0001831
+name: bronchus connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3269028
+xref: EMAPS:3519328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000436 ! bronchus
+relationship: part_of MA:0002409 ! lower respiratory tract connective tissue
+id: MA:0001832
+name: bronchus basement membrane
+is_a: MA:0001831 ! bronchus connective tissue
+id: MA:0001833
+name: bronchus basal lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0001832 ! bronchus basement membrane
+id: MA:0001834
+name: bronchus reticular lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0001832 ! bronchus basement membrane
+id: MA:0001835
+name: bronchus cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:3519228
+is_a: MA:0001819 ! lower respiratory tract cartilage
+is_a: MA:0001831 ! bronchus connective tissue
+id: MA:0001836
+name: bronchus lamina propria
+xref: EMAPS:3519428
+is_a: MA:0001831 ! bronchus connective tissue
+id: MA:0001837
+name: bronchus submucosa
+is_a: MA:0001831 ! bronchus connective tissue
+id: MA:0001838
+name: bronchus elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0001837 ! bronchus submucosa
+id: MA:0001839
+name: bronchus epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3269128
+is_a: MA:0001481 ! lower respiratory tract epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000436 ! bronchus
+id: MA:0001840
+name: bronchus smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3519528
+is_a: MA:0002410 ! lower respiratory tract smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000436 ! bronchus
+id: MA:0001841
+name: lobar bronchus connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3269828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000437 ! lobar bronchus
+id: MA:0001842
+name: lobar bronchus epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3269528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000437 ! lobar bronchus
+id: MA:0001843
+name: left main bronchus
+is_a: MA:0000438 ! main bronchus
+id: MA:0001844
+name: main bronchus blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:1685228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000438 ! main bronchus
+id: MA:0001845
+name: main bronchus connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1685028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000438 ! main bronchus
+id: MA:0001846
+name: main bronchus cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:1909228
+is_a: MA:0001835 ! bronchus cartilage
+is_a: MA:0001845 ! main bronchus connective tissue
+id: MA:0001847
+name: main bronchus epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1685128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000438 ! main bronchus
+id: MA:0001848
+name: main bronchus smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000438 ! main bronchus
+id: MA:0001849
+name: right main bronchus
+is_a: MA:0000438 ! main bronchus
+id: MA:0001850
+name: segmental bronchus epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000439 ! segmental bronchus
+id: MA:0001851
+name: terminal bronchus epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000440 ! terminal bronchus
+id: MA:0001852
+name: trachea blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3587428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000441 ! trachea
+id: MA:0001853
+name: trachea connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3587628
+is_a: MA:0001814 ! respiratory system connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000441 ! trachea
+relationship: part_of MA:0002409 ! lower respiratory tract connective tissue
+id: MA:0001854
+name: trachea basement membrane
+is_a: MA:0001859 ! trachea non-cartilage connective tissue
+id: MA:0001855
+name: trachea basal lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0001854 ! trachea basement membrane
+id: MA:0001856
+name: trachea reticular lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0001854 ! trachea basement membrane
+id: MA:0001857
+name: trachea cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:3587528
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+is_a: MA:0000586 ! neck cartilage
+is_a: MA:0001819 ! lower respiratory tract cartilage
+is_a: MA:0001853 ! trachea connective tissue
+id: MA:0001858
+name: trachea lamina propria
+xref: EMAPS:3587728
+is_a: MA:0001859 ! trachea non-cartilage connective tissue
+id: MA:0001859
+name: trachea non-cartilage connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3587828
+is_a: MA:0001853 ! trachea connective tissue
+id: MA:0001860
+name: trachea submucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3587928
+is_a: MA:0001859 ! trachea non-cartilage connective tissue
+id: MA:0001861
+name: trachea elastic tissue
+is_a: MA:0001820 ! respiratory system elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0001860 ! trachea submucosa
+id: MA:0001862
+name: trachea epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1685528
+is_a: MA:0001481 ! lower respiratory tract epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000441 ! trachea
+id: MA:0001863
+name: trachea smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1919228
+is_a: MA:0001830 ! respiratory system smooth muscle
+is_a: MA:0002410 ! lower respiratory tract smooth muscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000441 ! trachea
+id: MA:0001864
+name: nasopharynx connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0001814 ! respiratory system connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000443 ! nasopharynx
+id: MA:0001865
+name: nasopharynx epithelium
+is_a: MA:0001912 ! upper respiratory tract epithelium
+is_a: MA:0002725 ! pharynx epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000443 ! nasopharynx
+id: MA:0001866
+name: pampiniform plexus
+alt_id: MA:0002188
+is_a: MA:0000069 ! venous plexus
+id: MA:0001867
+name: superior sagittal sinus
+xref: EMAPS:1863628
+is_a: MA:0000070 ! venous sinus
+id: MA:0001868
+name: transverse sinus
+xref: EMAPS:1863728
+is_a: MA:0000070 ! venous sinus
+id: MA:0001869
+name: left atrium auricular region
+synonym: "left atrial appendage" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1731628
+is_a: MA:0002955 ! atrium auricular region
+relationship: part_of MA:0000074 ! heart left atrium
+id: MA:0001870
+name: right atrium auricular region
+synonym: "right atrial appendage" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1732228
+is_a: MA:0002955 ! atrium auricular region
+relationship: part_of MA:0000075 ! heart right atrium
+id: MA:0001871
+name: right atrium valve
+xref: EMAPS:1732728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000075 ! heart right atrium
+id: MA:0001872
+name: right atrium venous valve
+xref: EMAPS:1732828
+is_a: MA:0001871 ! right atrium valve
+id: MA:0001873
+name: foramen ovale
+xref: EMAPS:1824428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000084 ! interatrial septum
+id: MA:0001874
+name: left ventricle membranous part
+is_a: MA:0001878 ! heart ventricle membranous part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000092 ! heart left ventricle
+id: MA:0001875
+name: left ventricle muscular part
+is_a: MA:0001879 ! heart ventricle muscular part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000092 ! heart left ventricle
+id: MA:0001876
+name: right ventricle membranous part
+is_a: MA:0001878 ! heart ventricle membranous part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000093 ! heart right ventricle
+id: MA:0001877
+name: right ventricle muscular part
+is_a: MA:0001879 ! heart ventricle muscular part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000093 ! heart right ventricle
+id: MA:0001878
+name: heart ventricle membranous part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0001879
+name: heart ventricle muscular part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0001880
+name: transverse pericardial sinus
+xref: EMAPS:1621428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000482 ! dorsal mesocardium
+id: MA:0001881
+name: outflow tract pulmonary component distal part
+xref: EMAPS:3562428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000102 ! outflow tract pulmonary component
+id: MA:0001882
+name: outflow tract pulmonary component proximal part
+xref: EMAPS:1761928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000102 ! outflow tract pulmonary component
+id: MA:0001883
+name: nasal cartilage
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+id: MA:0001884
+name: xiphoid cartilage
+synonym: "xiphoid process" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000104 ! cartilage tissue
+id: MA:0001885
+name: corniculate cartilage
+is_a: MA:0000485 ! yellow elastic cartilage
+id: MA:0001886
+name: external ear cartilage
+is_a: MA:0000485 ! yellow elastic cartilage
+id: MA:0001887
+name: adrenal gland cortex zone
+xref: EMAPS:3511328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000118 ! adrenal gland cortex
+id: MA:0001888
+name: adrenal gland X zone
+synonym: "juvenile zone" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0001887 ! adrenal gland cortex zone
+id: MA:0001889
+name: adrenal gland brown degeneration zone
+is_a: MA:0001887 ! adrenal gland cortex zone
+id: MA:0001890
+name: adrenal gland zona fasciculata
+xref: EMAPS:3511428
+is_a: MA:0001887 ! adrenal gland cortex zone
+id: MA:0001891
+name: adrenal gland zona glomerulosa
+xref: EMAPS:3511528
+is_a: MA:0001887 ! adrenal gland cortex zone
+id: MA:0001892
+name: adrenal gland zona reticularis
+xref: EMAPS:3511628
+is_a: MA:0001887 ! adrenal gland cortex zone
+id: MA:0001893
+name: auchene hair
+is_a: MA:0001897 ! pelage hair
+id: MA:0001894
+name: awl hair
+is_a: MA:0001897 ! pelage hair
+id: MA:0001895
+name: duvet hair
+is_a: MA:0000155 ! coat hair
+id: MA:0001896
+name: guard hair
+is_a: MA:0001897 ! pelage hair
+id: MA:0001897
+name: pelage hair
+is_a: MA:0000155 ! coat hair
+id: MA:0001898
+name: zigzag hair
+is_a: MA:0001897 ! pelage hair
+id: MA:0001899
+name: gastrointestinal system lamina propria
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0001900
+name: gastrointestinal system mesentery
+relationship: part_of MA:0000323 ! alimentary system
+id: MA:0001901
+name: back organ
+is_a: MA:0000516 ! trunk organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000020 ! back of trunk
+id: MA:0001902
+name: thoracic cavity artery
+is_a: MA:0000554 ! thoracic cavity blood vessel
+id: MA:0001903
+name: thoracic cavity vein
+is_a: MA:0000554 ! thoracic cavity blood vessel
+id: MA:0001904
+name: diaphragm
+xref: EMAPS:1770128
+is_a: MA:0000005 ! body cavity or lining
+is_a: MA:0001829 ! respiratory system skeletal muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0001905
+name: jaw
+alt_id: MA:0001479
+synonym: "jaw" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3290528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000318 ! viscerocranium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001910 ! snout
+id: MA:0001906
+name: lower jaw
+xref: EMAPS:1790628
+relationship: part_of MA:0001905 ! jaw
+id: MA:0001907
+name: lower jaw tooth
+xref: EMAPS:1791728
+is_a: MA:0000348 ! tooth
+relationship: part_of MA:0001906 ! lower jaw
+id: MA:0001908
+name: upper jaw
+xref: EMAPS:1792428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001905 ! jaw
+id: MA:0001909
+name: upper jaw tooth
+xref: EMAPS:1793828
+is_a: MA:0000348 ! tooth
+relationship: part_of MA:0001908 ! upper jaw
+id: MA:0001910
+name: snout
+synonym: "muzzle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3280628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002473 ! face
+id: MA:0001911
+name: ocular refractive media
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0001912
+name: upper respiratory tract epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3589428
+is_a: MA:0001480 ! respiratory tract epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000442 ! upper respiratory tract
+id: MA:0001913
+name: alveolar artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001914
+name: suprarenal artery
+alt_id: MA:0002055
+synonym: "adrenal artery" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001915
+name: anterior cerebral artery
+xref: EMAPS:1785428
+is_a: MA:0002562 ! cerebral artery
+id: MA:0001916
+name: artery of lower lip
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001917
+name: artery of upper lip
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001918
+name: auricular artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001919
+name: maxillary artery
+alt_id: MA:0001995
+xref: EMAPS:1731128
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001920
+name: basilar artery
+xref: EMAPS:1730728
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001921
+name: brachial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001922
+name: brachiocephalic trunk
+alt_id: MA:0001980
+synonym: "innominate artery" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001923
+name: bronchial artery
+xref: EMAPS:1860828
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001924
+name: buccal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001925
+name: carotid artery
+xref: EMAPS:1860928
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001926
+name: common carotid artery
+xref: EMAPS:1785528
+is_a: MA:0001925 ! carotid artery
+id: MA:0001927
+name: left common carotid artery
+xref: EMAPS:3549128
+is_a: MA:0001926 ! common carotid artery
+id: MA:0001928
+name: right common carotid artery
+xref: EMAPS:3574928
+is_a: MA:0001926 ! common carotid artery
+id: MA:0001929
+name: external carotid artery
+xref: EMAPS:1861128
+is_a: MA:0001925 ! carotid artery
+id: MA:0001930
+name: internal carotid artery
+xref: EMAPS:1632828
+is_a: MA:0001925 ! carotid artery
+id: MA:0001931
+name: celiac artery
+synonym: "coeliac artery" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3520228
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001933
+name: cerebellar artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001934
+name: superior cerebellar artery
+xref: EMAPS:1930928
+is_a: MA:0001933 ! cerebellar artery
+id: MA:0001935
+name: middle cerebral artery
+xref: EMAPS:1823928
+is_a: MA:0002562 ! cerebral artery
+id: MA:0001936
+name: cervical artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001937
+name: cervical trunk
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001938
+name: communicating artery
+xref: EMAPS:1859828
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001939
+name: costo-cervical trunk
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001940
+name: deferent duct artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001941
+name: digital artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001942
+name: dorsal artery of foot
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001943
+name: dorsal intercostal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001944
+name: dorsal metacarpal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001945
+name: dorsal nasal artery
+xref: EMAPS:3529228
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001946
+name: dorsal penis artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001947
+name: ductus arteriosis
+xref: EMAPS:1785828
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001948
+name: epigastric artery
+xref: EMAPS:1875028
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001949
+name: ethmoidal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001950
+name: facial artery
+xref: EMAPS:1921328
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001951
+name: femoral artery
+xref: EMAPS:3534228
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001952
+name: medial femoral artery
+is_a: MA:0001951 ! femoral artery
+id: MA:0001953
+name: forelimb digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001954
+name: forelimb common dorsal digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0001953 ! forelimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001955
+name: median dorsal digital artery for digit 01
+is_a: MA:0001953 ! forelimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001956
+name: lateral dorsal digital artery for digit 05
+is_a: MA:0001953 ! forelimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001957
+name: common palmar digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0001953 ! forelimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001958
+name: forelimb proper dorsal digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0001953 ! forelimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001959
+name: proper palmar digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0001953 ! forelimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001960
+name: frontal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001961
+name: gastric artery
+xref: EMAPS:3537428
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001962
+name: gastroepiploic artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001963
+name: hepatic artery
+xref: EMAPS:1785928
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001964
+name: hindlimb digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001965
+name: hindlimb common dorsal digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0001964 ! hindlimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001966
+name: common plantar digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0001964 ! hindlimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001967
+name: hindlimb proper dorsal digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0001964 ! hindlimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001968
+name: proper plantar digital arteries
+is_a: MA:0001964 ! hindlimb digital arteries
+id: MA:0001969
+name: hyoid artery
+xref: EMAPS:1730828
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001970
+name: ileocolic artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001971
+name: iliac artery
+xref: EMAPS:1730928
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001972
+name: common iliac artery
+alt_id: MA:0001932
+xref: EMAPS:1731028
+is_a: MA:0001971 ! iliac artery
+id: MA:0001973
+name: external iliac artery
+xref: EMAPS:1761428
+is_a: MA:0001971 ! iliac artery
+id: MA:0001974
+name: internal iliac artery
+xref: EMAPS:1786028
+is_a: MA:0001971 ! iliac artery
+id: MA:0001975
+name: iliac circumflex artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001976
+name: ilio-lumbar artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001977
+name: infraorbital artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001978
+name: inferior epigastric artery
+xref: EMAPS:1875128
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001979
+name: inferior rectal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001981
+name: intercostal artery
+xref: EMAPS:1875328
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001982
+name: internal mammary artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001983
+name: internal spermatic artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001984
+name: internal thoracic artery
+xref: EMAPS:1861728
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001985
+name: intersegmental artery
+xref: EMAPS:1761628
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001986
+name: kidney subcortical arteries
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001987
+name: labial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001988
+name: lacrimal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001989
+name: lateral thoracic artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001990
+name: lieno-gastric artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001991
+name: lienal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001992
+name: lingual artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001993
+name: major palatine artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001994
+name: maternal placental artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001996
+name: medial femoral circumflex artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001997
+name: medial plantar artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001998
+name: medial tarsal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0001999
+name: median artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002000
+name: median artery palmar branch
+is_a: MA:0001999 ! median artery
+id: MA:0002001
+name: meningeal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002002
+name: mental artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002003
+name: mesenteric artery
+xref: EMAPS:1731228
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002004
+name: inferior mesenteric artery
+xref: EMAPS:1861828
+is_a: MA:0002003 ! mesenteric artery
+id: MA:0002005
+name: superior mesenteric artery
+xref: EMAPS:1861928
+is_a: MA:0002003 ! mesenteric artery
+id: MA:0002006
+name: middle caudal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002007
+name: middle colic artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002008
+name: obturator artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002009
+name: occipital artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002010
+name: ocular angle artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002011
+name: ophthalmic artery
+xref: EMAPS:1700728
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002012
+name: ovarian artery
+xref: EMAPS:1862028
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002013
+name: pancreatico-duodenal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002014
+name: inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery
+is_a: MA:0002013 ! pancreatico-duodenal artery
+id: MA:0002015
+name: superior pancreatico-duodenal artery
+is_a: MA:0002013 ! pancreatico-duodenal artery
+id: MA:0002016
+name: pericardiacoophrenic artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002017
+name: perineal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002018
+name: peroneal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002019
+name: phrenic artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002020
+name: pial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002021
+name: popliteal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002022
+name: posterior cerebral artery
+xref: EMAPS:1786128
+is_a: MA:0002562 ! cerebral artery
+id: MA:0002023
+name: posterior communicating artery
+xref: EMAPS:1860028
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002024
+name: principal artery to forelimb
+xref: EMAPS:1681128
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002025
+name: principal artery to hindlimb
+xref: EMAPS:1681228
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002026
+name: profunda brachii artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002027
+name: profunda femoris artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002028
+name: pudendal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002029
+name: superior external pudendal artery
+is_a: MA:0002028 ! pudendal artery
+id: MA:0002030
+name: pudic-epigastric trunk
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002031
+name: pulmonary artery
+xref: EMAPS:1700828
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002032
+name: left pulmonary artery
+is_a: MA:0002031 ! pulmonary artery
+id: MA:0002033
+name: pulmonary trunk
+xref: EMAPS:1824028
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002034
+name: radial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002035
+name: renal artery
+xref: EMAPS:1786228
+xref: EMAPS:2837328
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+is_a: MA:0002578 ! kidney arterial blood vessel
+id: MA:0002036
+name: left renal artery
+is_a: MA:0002035 ! renal artery
+id: MA:0002037
+name: right renal artery
+is_a: MA:0002035 ! renal artery
+id: MA:0002038
+name: retinal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002039
+name: saphenous artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002040
+name: spermatic artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002041
+name: left spermatic artery
+is_a: MA:0002040 ! spermatic artery
+id: MA:0002042
+name: right spermatic artery
+is_a: MA:0002040 ! spermatic artery
+id: MA:0002043
+name: spinal artery
+xref: EMAPS:1824128
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002044
+name: stapedial artery
+xref: EMAPS:1731328
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002045
+name: subclavian artery
+xref: EMAPS:1761728
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002046
+name: left subclavian artery
+is_a: MA:0002045 ! subclavian artery
+id: MA:0002047
+name: right subclavian artery
+is_a: MA:0002045 ! subclavian artery
+id: MA:0002048
+name: subcostal artery
+xref: EMAPS:1909728
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002049
+name: sublingual artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002050
+name: subscapular artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002051
+name: superficial antebrachial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002052
+name: superficial cervical artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002053
+name: superficial radial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002054
+name: superior gluteal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002056
+name: inferior suprarenal artery
+is_a: MA:0001914 ! suprarenal artery
+id: MA:0002057
+name: superior suprarenal artery
+is_a: MA:0001914 ! suprarenal artery
+id: MA:0002058
+name: sural artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002059
+name: external sural artery
+is_a: MA:0002058 ! sural artery
+id: MA:0002060
+name: superficial sural artery
+is_a: MA:0002058 ! sural artery
+id: MA:0002061
+name: temporal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002062
+name: superficial temporal artery
+is_a: MA:0002061 ! temporal artery
+id: MA:0002063
+name: testicular artery
+xref: EMAPS:1862128
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002064
+name: thoraco-acromial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002065
+name: thoracodorsal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002066
+name: thyroid artery
+xref: EMAPS:1862228
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002067
+name: tibial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002068
+name: transverse facial artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002069
+name: ulnar artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002070
+name: ulnar artery palmar branch
+is_a: MA:0002069 ! ulnar artery
+id: MA:0002071
+name: ulnar collateral artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002072
+name: umbilical artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002073
+name: upper intercostal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002074
+name: ureteric artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002075
+name: ventral intercostal artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002076
+name: ventral nasal artery
+xref: EMAPS:3590928
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002077
+name: vertebral artery
+xref: EMAPS:1731428
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002078
+name: vesical artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002079
+name: inferior vesical artery
+is_a: MA:0002078 ! vesical artery
+id: MA:0002080
+name: superior vesical artery
+is_a: MA:0002078 ! vesical artery
+id: MA:0002081
+name: adrenal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002082
+name: anastomotic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002083
+name: anterior auricular vein
+is_a: MA:0003054 ! auricular vein
+id: MA:0002084
+name: axillary vein
+xref: EMAPS:1875828
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002085
+name: azygos vein
+xref: EMAPS:1825028
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002086
+name: basilic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002087
+name: brachial vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002088
+name: bronchial vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002089
+name: buccal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002090
+name: caudal auricular vein
+is_a: MA:0003054 ! auricular vein
+id: MA:0002091
+name: caudal humeral circumflex vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002092
+name: cephalic vein
+xref: EMAPS:2507528
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002093
+name: cerebellar vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002094
+name: inferior cerebellar vein
+is_a: MA:0002093 ! cerebellar vein
+id: MA:0002095
+name: superior cerebellar vein
+is_a: MA:0002093 ! cerebellar vein
+id: MA:0002096
+name: cerebral vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002097
+name: inferior cerebral vein
+is_a: MA:0002096 ! cerebral vein
+id: MA:0002098
+name: cutaneous vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002099
+name: deep iliac circumflex vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002100
+name: deferent duct vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002101
+name: digital vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002102
+name: dorsal cerebellar vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002103
+name: dorsal cerebral vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002104
+name: dorsal intercostal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002105
+name: dorsal metatarsal vein
+alt_id: MA:0002135
+is_a: MA:0002133 ! hindlimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002106
+name: dorsal nasal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002107
+name: dorsal penis vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002108
+name: dorsal spinal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002109
+name: dorsal vena of penis
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002110
+name: dorsal venous arch
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002111
+name: ductus venosus
+xref: EMAPS:1734328
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002112
+name: duodenal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002113
+name: dural vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002114
+name: epigastric vein
+xref: EMAPS:1875928
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002115
+name: facial vein
+xref: EMAPS:1922028
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002116
+name: anterior facial vein
+is_a: MA:0002115 ! facial vein
+id: MA:0002117
+name: posterior facial vein
+is_a: MA:0002115 ! facial vein
+id: MA:0002118
+name: femoral vein
+xref: EMAPS:1787628
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002119
+name: medial femoral vein
+alt_id: MA:0002170
+is_a: MA:0002118 ! femoral vein
+id: MA:0002120
+name: forelimb digital veins
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002121
+name: common palmar digital vein
+is_a: MA:0002120 ! forelimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002122
+name: digital torus vein
+is_a: MA:0002120 ! forelimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002123
+name: forelimb common dorsal digital vein
+is_a: MA:0002120 ! forelimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002124
+name: forelimb proper dorsal digital vein
+is_a: MA:0002120 ! forelimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002125
+name: lateral dorsal digital vein 05
+is_a: MA:0002120 ! forelimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002126
+name: proper palmar vein
+is_a: MA:0002120 ! forelimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002127
+name: superficial palmar arch
+is_a: MA:0002120 ! forelimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002128
+name: gastric vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002129
+name: gastroepiploic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002131
+name: great vein of heart
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002132
+name: hepatic portal vein
+is_a: MA:0002198 ! portal vein
+id: MA:0002133
+name: hindlimb digital veins
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002134
+name: common plantar vein
+is_a: MA:0002133 ! hindlimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002136
+name: hindlimb common dorsal digital vein
+is_a: MA:0002133 ! hindlimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002137
+name: hindlimb proper dorsal digital vein
+is_a: MA:0002133 ! hindlimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002138
+name: proper plantar vein
+is_a: MA:0002133 ! hindlimb digital veins
+id: MA:0002139
+name: hypogastric vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002140
+name: ileal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002141
+name: ileocolic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002142
+name: iliac vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002143
+name: common iliac vein
+xref: EMAPS:1787428
+is_a: MA:0002142 ! iliac vein
+id: MA:0002144
+name: external iliac vein
+is_a: MA:0002142 ! iliac vein
+id: MA:0002145
+name: internal iliac vein
+is_a: MA:0002142 ! iliac vein
+id: MA:0002146
+name: ilio-lumbar vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002147
+name: inferior palpebral vein
+synonym: "lower palpebral vein" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002148
+name: internal mammary vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002149
+name: internal spermatic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002150
+name: left internal spermatic vein
+is_a: MA:0002149 ! internal spermatic vein
+id: MA:0002151
+name: right internal spermatic vein
+is_a: MA:0002149 ! internal spermatic vein
+id: MA:0002152
+name: ischiatic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002153
+name: jejunal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002154
+name: jugular vein
+xref: EMAPS:1863828
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002155
+name: anterior jugular vein
+is_a: MA:0002154 ! jugular vein
+id: MA:0002156
+name: external jugular vein
+xref: EMAPS:1787528
+is_a: MA:0002154 ! jugular vein
+id: MA:0002157
+name: internal jugular vein
+xref: EMAPS:1762028
+is_a: MA:0002154 ! jugular vein
+id: MA:0002158
+name: kidney subcortical veins
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002159
+name: lateral caudal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002160
+name: lateral marginal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002161
+name: lateral saphenous vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002162
+name: lateral thoracic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002163
+name: left hepatico-cardiac vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002164
+name: lienal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002165
+name: lieno-pancreatic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002166
+name: linguofacial vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002167
+name: masseteric vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002168
+name: maternal placental vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002169
+name: maxillary vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002171
+name: medial marginal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002172
+name: medial plantar vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002173
+name: medial saphenous vein
+is_a: MA:0002215 ! saphenous vein
+id: MA:0002174
+name: medial tarsal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002175
+name: median vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002176
+name: median cubital vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002177
+name: mesenteric vein
+xref: EMAPS:1734828
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002178
+name: inferior mesenteric vein
+xref: EMAPS:1864228
+is_a: MA:0002177 ! mesenteric vein
+id: MA:0002179
+name: superior mesenteric vein
+xref: EMAPS:1864328
+is_a: MA:0002177 ! mesenteric vein
+id: MA:0002180
+name: middle caudal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002181
+name: middle colic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002182
+name: naso-frontal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002183
+name: obturator vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002184
+name: ocular angle vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002185
+name: ophthalmic plexus
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002186
+name: ovarian vein
+xref: EMAPS:1864428
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002187
+name: pericardiacophrenic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002189
+name: pancreatic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002190
+name: pancreatico-duodenal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002191
+name: inferior pancreatico-duodenal vein
+is_a: MA:0002190 ! pancreatico-duodenal vein
+id: MA:0002192
+name: superior pancreatico-duodenal vein
+is_a: MA:0002190 ! pancreatico-duodenal vein
+id: MA:0002193
+name: perineal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002194
+name: phrenic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002195
+name: inferior phrenic vein
+is_a: MA:0002194 ! phrenic vein
+id: MA:0002196
+name: pial vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002197
+name: popliteal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002198
+name: portal vein
+xref: EMAPS:1734928
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002199
+name: principal vein of forelimb
+xref: EMAPS:1701828
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002200
+name: principal vein of hindlimb
+xref: EMAPS:1701928
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002201
+name: proximal caudal femoral vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002202
+name: pudendal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002203
+name: inferior external pudendal vein
+is_a: MA:0002202 ! pudendal vein
+id: MA:0002204
+name: superior external pudendal vein
+is_a: MA:0002202 ! pudendal vein
+id: MA:0002205
+name: pudendoepigastric vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002206
+name: pulmonary vein
+xref: EMAPS:1864528
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002207
+name: left pulmonary vein
+is_a: MA:0002206 ! pulmonary vein
+id: MA:0002208
+name: right pulmonary vein
+is_a: MA:0002206 ! pulmonary vein
+id: MA:0002209
+name: right hepatico-cardiac vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002210
+name: renal vein
+xref: EMAPS:2837628
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+is_a: MA:0002591 ! kidney venous blood vessel
+id: MA:0002211
+name: left renal vein
+is_a: MA:0002210 ! renal vein
+id: MA:0002212
+name: right renal vein
+is_a: MA:0002210 ! renal vein
+id: MA:0002213
+name: retinal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002214
+name: rostral auricular vein
+is_a: MA:0003054 ! auricular vein
+id: MA:0002215
+name: saphenous vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002216
+name: great saphenous vein
+alt_id: MA:0002130
+is_a: MA:0002215 ! saphenous vein
+id: MA:0002217
+name: small saphenous vein
+is_a: MA:0002215 ! saphenous vein
+id: MA:0002218
+name: spermatic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002219
+name: left spermatic vein
+is_a: MA:0002218 ! spermatic vein
+id: MA:0002220
+name: right spermatic vein
+is_a: MA:0002218 ! spermatic vein
+id: MA:0002221
+name: subclavian vein
+xref: EMAPS:1762128
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002222
+name: subcostal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002223
+name: submental vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002224
+name: subscapular vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002225
+name: superficial cervical vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002226
+name: superior intercostal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002227
+name: superior vesical vein
+alt_id: MA:0002265
+xref: EMAPS:1864628
+is_a: MA:0002263 ! vesical vein
+id: MA:0002228
+name: supraorbital vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002229
+name: suprarenal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002230
+name: inferior suprarenal vein
+is_a: MA:0002229 ! suprarenal vein
+id: MA:0002231
+name: sural vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002232
+name: external sural vein
+is_a: MA:0002231 ! sural vein
+id: MA:0002233
+name: tail vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002234
+name: testicular vein
+xref: EMAPS:1864728
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002235
+name: thoracic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002236
+name: external thoracic vein
+is_a: MA:0002235 ! thoracic vein
+id: MA:0002237
+name: internal thoracic vein
+xref: EMAPS:1864128
+is_a: MA:0002235 ! thoracic vein
+id: MA:0002238
+name: thoracodorsal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002239
+name: temporal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002240
+name: deep temporal vein
+is_a: MA:0002239 ! temporal vein
+id: MA:0002241
+name: middle temporal vein
+is_a: MA:0002239 ! temporal vein
+id: MA:0002242
+name: superficial temporal vein
+xref: EMAPS:1931528
+is_a: MA:0002239 ! temporal vein
+id: MA:0002243
+name: tibial vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002244
+name: anterior tibial vein
+is_a: MA:0002243 ! tibial vein
+id: MA:0002245
+name: posterior tibial vein
+is_a: MA:0002243 ! tibial vein
+id: MA:0002246
+name: thymic vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002247
+name: transverse facial vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002248
+name: ulnar collateral vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002249
+name: umbilical vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002250
+name: ureteric vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002251
+name: vaginal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002252
+name: vein of clitoris
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002253
+name: vein of lower lip
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002254
+name: vein of trabecular bone
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002255
+name: vein of upper lip
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002256
+name: vein of vesicular gland
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002257
+name: venous vaginal plexus
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002258
+name: ventral auricular vein
+is_a: MA:0003054 ! auricular vein
+id: MA:0002259
+name: ventral intercostal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002260
+name: ventral labial vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002261
+name: ventral nasal vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002262
+name: vertebral vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002263
+name: vesical vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0002264
+name: inferior vesical vein
+is_a: MA:0002263 ! vesical vein
+id: MA:0002266
+name: abductor pollicis longus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002267
+name: adductor group (leg)
+xref: EMAPS:1916628
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002268
+name: anterior abdominal wall muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1774428
+xref: EMAPS:1774528
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002269
+name: biceps brachii
+xref: EMAPS:1910828
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002270
+name: biceps femoris
+xref: EMAPS:3517028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002271
+name: brachialis
+xref: EMAPS:1910928
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002272
+name: buccinator
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002273
+name: bulboglandular
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002274
+name: cleidobrachial
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002275
+name: cleidocephalic
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002276
+name: cleidooccipital
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002277
+name: coccygeus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002278
+name: constrictor muscle of pharynx
+xref: EMAPS:1896428
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002279
+name: constrictor muscle of pharynx inferior
+xref: EMAPS:1896528
+is_a: MA:0002278 ! constrictor muscle of pharynx
+id: MA:0002280
+name: constrictor muscle of pharynx superior
+xref: EMAPS:1896628
+is_a: MA:0002278 ! constrictor muscle of pharynx
+id: MA:0002281
+name: constrictor vulvae
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002282
+name: coracobrachial
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002283
+name: cricoarytenoid
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002284
+name: cricothyroid
+xref: EMAPS:1927028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002285
+name: cutaneous trunci
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002286
+name: deltoid
+xref: EMAPS:1817728
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002287
+name: depressor labii inferioris
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002288
+name: digastric
+xref: EMAPS:2513428
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002289
+name: erector spinae
+xref: EMAPS:1816828
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002290
+name: extensor carpi radialis brevis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002291
+name: extensor carpi radialis longus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002292
+name: extensor carpi ulnaris
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002293
+name: extensor digitorum communis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002294
+name: extensor digitorum lateralis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002295
+name: extensor digitorum longus
+xref: EMAPS:3533028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002296
+name: extrinsic tongue muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1888028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002297
+name: flexor carpi radialis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002298
+name: flexor carpi ulnaris
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002299
+name: flexor digitorum longus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002300
+name: flexor digitorum profundus
+xref: EMAPS:1931928
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002301
+name: flexor hallucis longus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002302
+name: foot interosseus muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002303
+name: dorsal foot interosseus muscle
+is_a: MA:0002302 ! foot interosseus muscle
+id: MA:0002304
+name: plantar foot interosseus muscle
+is_a: MA:0002302 ! foot interosseus muscle
+id: MA:0002305
+name: foot lumbrical muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002306
+name: gastrocnemius
+xref: EMAPS:3537528
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002307
+name: genioglossus
+xref: EMAPS:1827628
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002308
+name: geniohyoid
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002309
+name: gluteus maximus
+synonym: "gluteus superficialis" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1852728
+is_a: MA:0000535 ! gluteal muscle
+id: MA:0002310
+name: gluteus medius
+xref: EMAPS:1916328
+is_a: MA:0000535 ! gluteal muscle
+id: MA:0002311
+name: gracilis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002312
+name: hamstring muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1914528
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002313
+name: hand interosseous muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002314
+name: dorsal hand interosseus muscle
+is_a: MA:0002313 ! hand interosseous muscle
+id: MA:0002315
+name: palmar hand interosseus muscle
+is_a: MA:0002313 ! hand interosseous muscle
+id: MA:0002316
+name: hand lumbrical muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002317
+name: hyoglossus
+xref: EMAPS:1827728
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002318
+name: iliacus
+xref: EMAPS:1916428
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002319
+name: iliocostalis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002320
+name: iliocostalis thoracis
+is_a: MA:0002319 ! iliocostalis
+id: MA:0002321
+name: iliopsoas
+xref: EMAPS:1852028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002322
+name: iliothoracic
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002323
+name: infraspinatus
+xref: EMAPS:1852628
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002324
+name: intercostales
+synonym: "intercostal muscle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3543628
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002325
+name: intercostales externus
+synonym: "intercostal muscle external layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1852228
+is_a: MA:0002324 ! intercostales
+id: MA:0002326
+name: intercostales internus
+synonym: "intercostal muscle internal layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1852328
+is_a: MA:0002324 ! intercostales
+id: MA:0002327
+name: intrinsic tongue muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1888528
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002328
+name: intrinsic tongue muscle transverse component
+xref: EMAPS:1888628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002327 ! intrinsic tongue muscle
+id: MA:0002329
+name: intrinsic tongue muscle vertical component
+xref: EMAPS:1888728
+relationship: part_of MA:0002327 ! intrinsic tongue muscle
+id: MA:0002330
+name: ischiocavernosus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002331
+name: latissimus dorsi
+xref: EMAPS:1817828
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002332
+name: levator ani
+xref: EMAPS:1916528
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002333
+name: levator labii superioris
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002334
+name: levator nasolabialis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002335
+name: longissimus atlantis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002336
+name: longissimus capitis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002337
+name: longissimus cervicis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002338
+name: longissimus lumborum
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002339
+name: longissimus thoracis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002340
+name: longus capitis
+xref: EMAPS:2513128
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002341
+name: longus colli
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002342
+name: lumbosacrocaudalis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002343
+name: masseter
+xref: EMAPS:2513528
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002344
+name: mylohyoid
+xref: EMAPS:2513628
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002345
+name: obliquus externus abdominis
+xref: EMAPS:1816228
+is_a: MA:0003024 ! oblique abdominal muscle
+id: MA:0002346
+name: obliquus internus abdominis
+xref: EMAPS:1816328
+is_a: MA:0003024 ! oblique abdominal muscle
+id: MA:0002347
+name: obturator externus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002348
+name: omohyoid
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002349
+name: omotransverse
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002351
+name: palatoglossus
+xref: EMAPS:1827828
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002352
+name: parotidoauricular
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002353
+name: pectineus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002354
+name: pectoralis major
+xref: EMAPS:1817928
+is_a: MA:0002423 ! pectoralis muscle
+id: MA:0002355
+name: pectoralis minor
+xref: EMAPS:1818028
+is_a: MA:0002423 ! pectoralis muscle
+id: MA:0002356
+name: peroneus longus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002357
+name: pronator teres
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002358
+name: psoas major
+xref: EMAPS:1816928
+is_a: MA:0002553 ! psoas muscle
+id: MA:0002359
+name: psoas minor
+xref: EMAPS:1817028
+is_a: MA:0002553 ! psoas muscle
+id: MA:0002360
+name: pterygoid lateralis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002361
+name: pterygoid medialis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002362
+name: quadratus lumborum
+xref: EMAPS:1852428
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002363
+name: quadriceps
+synonym: "quadriceps femoris" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1914628
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002364
+name: rectus abdominis
+xref: EMAPS:1816428
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002365
+name: rectus femoris
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002366
+name: rectus thoracis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002367
+name: rhomboid
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002368
+name: sartorius
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002369
+name: scalenus dorsalis
+synonym: "scalenus posterior" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002370
+name: scalenus medius
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002371
+name: semimembranosus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002372
+name: semispinalis capitis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002373
+name: semispinalis cervicis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002374
+name: semispinalis thoracis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002375
+name: semitendinosus
+xref: EMAPS:3576228
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002376
+name: serratus dorsalis caudalis
+synonym: "serratus posterior inferior" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0003025 ! serratus muscle
+id: MA:0002377
+name: serratus dorsalis cranialis
+synonym: "serratus posterior superior" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0003025 ! serratus muscle
+id: MA:0002378
+name: serratus ventralis
+synonym: "serratus anterior" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0003025 ! serratus muscle
+id: MA:0002380
+name: sphincter colli superficialis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002381
+name: spinalis thoracis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002382
+name: splenius
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002383
+name: sternohyoid
+xref: EMAPS:1927228
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002384
+name: sternomastoid
+xref: EMAPS:2513728
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002385
+name: sternooccipital
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002386
+name: sternothyroid
+xref: EMAPS:1927228
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002387
+name: styloglossus
+xref: EMAPS:1827928
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002388
+name: subscapularis
+xref: EMAPS:1818128
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002389
+name: supraspinatus
+xref: EMAPS:1818228
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002390
+name: temporalis
+xref: EMAPS:2513828
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002391
+name: tensor fasciae lata
+xref: EMAPS:3585528
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002392
+name: teres major
+xref: EMAPS:1911028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002393
+name: thyrohyoid
+xref: EMAPS:1927328
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002394
+name: tibialis caudalis
+synonym: "tibialis posterior" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002425 ! tibialis muscle
+id: MA:0002395
+name: tibialis cranialis
+synonym: "tibialis anterior" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3586628
+is_a: MA:0002425 ! tibialis muscle
+id: MA:0002396
+name: transversus abdominis
+xref: EMAPS:1816528
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002397
+name: transversus thoracis
+xref: EMAPS:1926728
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002398
+name: trapezius
+xref: EMAPS:1818328
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002399
+name: triceps brachii
+xref: EMAPS:1911128
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002400
+name: triceps surae
+synonym: "sural triceps" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002401
+name: urethralis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002402
+name: vastus lateralis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002403
+name: vastus medialis
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002404
+name: zygomaticus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002405
+name: postnatal mouse
+synonym: "adult mouse" RELATED []
+synonym: "TS28 mouse" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2576528
+is_a: MA:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+id: MA:0002406
+name: ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:3284628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000016 ! nervous system
+id: MA:0002407
+name: nerve plexus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000016 ! nervous system
+id: MA:0002408
+name: nerve trunk
+relationship: part_of MA:0000016 ! nervous system
+id: MA:0002409
+name: lower respiratory tract connective tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000435 ! lower respiratory tract
+id: MA:0002410
+name: lower respiratory tract smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3552028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000435 ! lower respiratory tract
+id: MA:0002411
+name: exocrine system
+xref: EMAPS:3532928
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0002412
+name: soft palate
+xref: EMAPS:1894928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000341 ! oral region
+relationship: part_of MA:0002476 ! palate
+id: MA:0002413
+name: olfactory lobe
+xref: EMAPS:1777828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000183 ! telencephalon
+id: MA:0002414
+name: cumulus oophorus
+xref: EMAPS:3526728
+relationship: part_of MA:0001460 ! ovary stratum granulosum
+id: MA:0002415
+name: exocrine pancreas
+xref: EMAPS:3532828
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000120 ! pancreas
+id: MA:0002416
+name: vertebral column
+xref: EMAPS:3591928
+is_a: MA:0000494 ! back bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0002986 ! post-cranial axial skeleton
+id: MA:0002417
+name: pancreatic acinus
+xref: EMAPS:3565128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002415 ! exocrine pancreas
+id: MA:0002418
+name: musculoskeletal system
+xref: EMAPS:3271428
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0002419
+name: pancreatic islet core
+synonym: "beta cell islet" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3565328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000127 ! pancreatic islet
+id: MA:0002420
+name: gonad
+xref: EMAPS:1738328
+is_a: MA:0001752 ! reproductive organ
+id: MA:0002421
+name: pancreatic islet mantle
+xref: EMAPS:3565428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000127 ! pancreatic islet
+id: MA:0002422
+name: prostate gland anterior lobe
+xref: EMAPS:2979428
+is_a: MA:0001738 ! prostate gland lobe
+id: MA:0002423
+name: pectoralis muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3567028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002424
+name: soleus
+xref: EMAPS:3578628
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002425
+name: tibialis muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3586728
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002426
+name: hypothalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3541728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000173 ! hypothalamus
+id: MA:0002427
+name: hippocampus layer
+xref: EMAPS:3540728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000191 ! hippocampus
+id: MA:0002428
+name: hippocampus region
+xref: EMAPS:3277228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000191 ! hippocampus
+id: MA:0002429
+name: dentate gyrus layer
+xref: EMAPS:3527828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000190 ! dentate gyrus
+id: MA:0002430
+name: cerebellum white matter
+xref: EMAPS:3523528
+is_a: MA:0000820 ! brain white matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000198 ! cerebellum
+id: MA:0002431
+name: digestive system
+is_a: MA:0000019 ! visceral organ system
+id: MA:0002432
+name: oculomotor muscle
+is_a: MA:0001271 ! extraocular skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002433
+name: anatomic region
+is_a: MA:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: part_of MA:0002405 ! postnatal mouse
+id: MA:0002434
+name: hematopoietic system
+synonym: "haematopoietic system" RELATED []
+synonym: "hemopoietic system" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3540228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000013 ! hemolymphoid system
+id: MA:0002435
+name: lymphoid system
+relationship: part_of MA:0000013 ! hemolymphoid system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002711 ! immune system
+id: MA:0002436
+name: lymphoid tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0002435 ! lymphoid system
+id: MA:0002437
+name: muscle tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3271528
+is_a: MA:0003002 ! tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0002888 ! muscular system
+id: MA:0002438
+name: striated muscle tissue
+is_a: MA:0002437 ! muscle tissue
+id: MA:0002439
+name: skeletal muscle tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3271628
+is_a: MA:0002438 ! striated muscle tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002441
+name: cardiac muscle tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3268828
+is_a: MA:0002438 ! striated muscle tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000164 ! myocardium
+id: MA:0002442
+name: sensory organ system
+xref: EMAPS:1619228
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0002443
+name: auditory system
+is_a: MA:0002442 ! sensory organ system
+id: MA:0002444
+name: visual system
+is_a: MA:0002442 ! sensory organ system
+id: MA:0002445
+name: olfactory system
+is_a: MA:0002442 ! sensory organ system
+id: MA:0002446
+name: gustatory system
+is_a: MA:0002442 ! sensory organ system
+id: MA:0002447
+name: body cavity
+is_a: MA:0000005 ! body cavity or lining
+id: MA:0002448
+name: cavity lining
+is_a: MA:0000005 ! body cavity or lining
+id: MA:0002449
+name: heart/pericardium
+is_a: MA:0000557 ! thoracic cavity organ
+id: MA:0002450
+name: body fluid or substance
+xref: EMAPS:3517828
+is_a: MA:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: part_of MA:0002405 ! postnatal mouse
+id: MA:0002451
+name: eye skin gland
+is_a: MA:0000146 ! skin gland
+is_a: MA:0000267 ! eye gland
+id: MA:0002452
+name: sebaceous gland of eye
+is_a: MA:0002451 ! eye skin gland
+is_a: MA:0002565 ! sebaceous gland
+id: MA:0002453
+name: coronary artery
+xref: EMAPS:1916028
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+is_a: MA:0002483 ! heart blood vessel
+id: MA:0002454
+name: left coronary artery
+is_a: MA:0002453 ! coronary artery
+id: MA:0002455
+name: right coronary artery
+is_a: MA:0002453 ! coronary artery
+id: MA:0002456
+name: septal coronary artery
+is_a: MA:0002453 ! coronary artery
+id: MA:0002457
+name: lung blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3286728
+is_a: MA:0000554 ! thoracic cavity blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0002458
+name: scala media
+xref: EMAPS:3575128
+is_a: MA:0000248 ! perilymphatic channel
+id: MA:0002459
+name: eye chamber
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0002460
+name: eye posterior chamber
+is_a: MA:0002459 ! eye chamber
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+id: MA:0002461
+name: vitreous chamber
+is_a: MA:0002459 ! eye chamber
+relationship: part_of MA:0002485 ! eye posterior segment
+id: MA:0002462
+name: vitreous body
+relationship: part_of MA:0002461 ! vitreous chamber
+id: MA:0002463
+name: carotid body
+xref: EMAPS:1921128
+is_a: MA:0001925 ! carotid artery
+id: MA:0002464
+name: labium
+xref: EMAPS:3083728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000395 ! vulva
+id: MA:0002465
+name: vaginal hymen
+relationship: part_of MA:0000394 ! vagina
+id: MA:0002466
+name: perineum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0002467
+name: periodontal ligament
+synonym: "periodontal membrane" RELATED []
+synonym: "periodontium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3567928
+is_a: MA:0003005 ! skeletal ligament
+id: MA:0002468
+name: ear lobe
+synonym: "ear lobule" RELATED []
+synonym: "lobule of auricle" RELATED []
+synonym: "lobule of pinna" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000259 ! auricle
+id: MA:0002469
+name: parasympathetic ganglion
+xref: EMAPS:3281328
+is_a: MA:0000220 ! autonomic ganglion
+id: MA:0002470
+name: submandibular ganglion
+synonym: "lingual ganglion" RELATED []
+synonym: "maxillary ganglion" RELATED []
+synonym: "submaxillary ganglion" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002469 ! parasympathetic ganglion
+id: MA:0002471
+name: retina photoreceptor layer inner segment
+xref: EMAPS:3568728
+relationship: part_of MA:0001308 ! retina photoreceptor layer
+id: MA:0002472
+name: retina photoreceptor layer outer segment
+xref: EMAPS:3568828
+relationship: part_of MA:0001308 ! retina photoreceptor layer
+id: MA:0002473
+name: face
+xref: EMAPS:3276328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0002474
+name: mouth
+relationship: part_of MA:0001910 ! snout
+id: MA:0002475
+name: cheek
+relationship: part_of MA:0002473 ! face
+id: MA:0002476
+name: palate
+xref: EMAPS:1894828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002474 ! mouth
+id: MA:0002477
+name: hard palate
+xref: EMAPS:1895228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002476 ! palate
+id: MA:0002478
+name: major salivary gland
+is_a: MA:0000346 ! salivary gland
+id: MA:0002479
+name: minor salivary gland
+xref: EMAPS:3557428
+is_a: MA:0000346 ! salivary gland
+id: MA:0002480
+name: uvea
+xref: EMAPS:3590128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+id: MA:0002481
+name: fat pad
+xref: EMAPS:3534028
+is_a: MA:0000009 ! adipose tissue
+id: MA:0002482
+name: orbit
+relationship: part_of MA:0000316 ! cranium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002473 ! face
+id: MA:0002483
+name: heart blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3539728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0002484
+name: eye anterior segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0002485
+name: eye posterior segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0002486
+name: eye surface
+xref: EMAPS:3533628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0002487
+name: spleen pulp
+xref: EMAPS:3580528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000141 ! spleen
+id: MA:0002488
+name: parietal pleura
+xref: EMAPS:1677628
+is_a: MA:0000433 ! pleura
+id: MA:0002489
+name: visceral pleura
+xref: EMAPS:1677728
+is_a: MA:0000433 ! pleura
+id: MA:0002490
+name: urinary bladder muscularis mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2861928
+relationship: part_of MA:0001695 ! urinary bladder lamina propria
+id: MA:0002491
+name: urinary bladder neck
+relationship: part_of MA:0000380 ! urinary bladder
+id: MA:0002492
+name: urinary bladder trigone
+xref: EMAPS:3517428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000380 ! urinary bladder
+id: MA:0002493
+name: urinary bladder wall
+xref: EMAPS:3517528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000380 ! urinary bladder
+id: MA:0002494
+name: liver lobule
+xref: EMAPS:3549928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000366 ! liver parenchyma
+id: MA:0002495
+name: bile canaliculus
+relationship: part_of MA:0002494 ! liver lobule
+id: MA:0002496
+name: liver acinus
+xref: EMAPS:3549728
+relationship: part_of MA:0002494 ! liver lobule
+id: MA:0002497
+name: liver perisinusoidal space
+relationship: part_of MA:0002494 ! liver lobule
+id: MA:0002498
+name: portal lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000366 ! liver parenchyma
+id: MA:0002499
+name: portal triad
+relationship: part_of MA:0000366 ! liver parenchyma
+id: MA:0002500
+name: right pulmonary artery
+is_a: MA:0002031 ! pulmonary artery
+id: MA:0002501
+name: plasma
+xref: EMAPS:3569028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000059 ! blood
+id: MA:0002502
+name: serum
+xref: EMAPS:3577028
+relationship: part_of MA:0002501 ! plasma
+id: MA:0002503
+name: cerebrospinal fluid
+synonym: "CSF" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002504
+name: exocrine gland fluid/secretion
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002505
+name: mammary gland fluid/secretion
+is_a: MA:0002504 ! exocrine gland fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002506
+name: cerumen
+is_a: MA:0002504 ! exocrine gland fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002507
+name: saliva
+is_a: MA:0002504 ! exocrine gland fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002508
+name: tear
+is_a: MA:0002504 ! exocrine gland fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002509
+name: feces
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002510
+name: female reproductive system fluid/secretion
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002511
+name: ovary follicle fluid
+is_a: MA:0002510 ! female reproductive system fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002512
+name: digestive system fluid or secretion
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+relationship: part_of MA:0002431 ! digestive system
+id: MA:0002513
+name: bile
+is_a: MA:0002512 ! digestive system fluid or secretion
+id: MA:0002514
+name: esophagus secretion
+is_a: MA:0002512 ! digestive system fluid or secretion
+id: MA:0002515
+name: intestine secretion
+is_a: MA:0002512 ! digestive system fluid or secretion
+id: MA:0002516
+name: pancreas secretion
+is_a: MA:0002512 ! digestive system fluid or secretion
+id: MA:0002517
+name: endocrine pancreas secretion
+is_a: MA:0002516 ! pancreas secretion
+id: MA:0002518
+name: exocrine pancreas secretion
+is_a: MA:0002516 ! pancreas secretion
+id: MA:0002519
+name: stomach secretion
+synonym: "gastric juice" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002512 ! digestive system fluid or secretion
+id: MA:0002520
+name: lymph
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002521
+name: male reproductive system fluid/secretion
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002522
+name: semen
+is_a: MA:0002521 ! male reproductive system fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002523
+name: seminal fluid
+relationship: part_of MA:0002522 ! semen
+id: MA:0002524
+name: bulbourethral gland secretion
+relationship: part_of MA:0002523 ! seminal fluid
+id: MA:0002525
+name: prostate gland secretion
+relationship: part_of MA:0002523 ! seminal fluid
+id: MA:0002526
+name: seminal vesicle secretion
+relationship: part_of MA:0002523 ! seminal fluid
+id: MA:0002527
+name: otolymph
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002528
+name: endolymph
+is_a: MA:0002527 ! otolymph
+id: MA:0002529
+name: perilymph
+is_a: MA:0002527 ! otolymph
+id: MA:0002530
+name: pericardial fluid
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002531
+name: peritoneal fluid
+xref: EMAPS:3568328
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002532
+name: pleural fluid
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002533
+name: respiratory system fluid/secretion
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002534
+name: lung surfactant
+is_a: MA:0002533 ! respiratory system fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002535
+name: nasal mucus
+is_a: MA:0002533 ! respiratory system fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002536
+name: sputum
+is_a: MA:0002533 ! respiratory system fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002537
+name: skin fluid/secretion
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002538
+name: sebum
+is_a: MA:0002537 ! skin fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002539
+name: sweat
+is_a: MA:0002537 ! skin fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002540
+name: tooth substance
+xref: EMAPS:3587228
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+relationship: part_of MA:0000348 ! tooth
+id: MA:0002541
+name: cementum
+xref: EMAPS:3520328
+is_a: MA:0002540 ! tooth substance
+id: MA:0002542
+name: dentin
+xref: EMAPS:3528128
+is_a: MA:0002540 ! tooth substance
+id: MA:0002543
+name: enamel
+xref: EMAPS:3530328
+is_a: MA:0002540 ! tooth substance
+relationship: part_of MA:0001604 ! tooth enamel organ
+id: MA:0002544
+name: synovial fluid
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002545
+name: urine
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002546
+name: juxtaglomerular complex
+synonym: "juxtaglomerular apparatus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3044928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+id: MA:0002547
+name: gonadal fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0002548
+name: inguinal fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0002549
+name: retroperitoneal fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0002550
+name: epididymal fat pad
+xref: EMAPS:3531628
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0002551
+name: colostrum
+is_a: MA:0002505 ! mammary gland fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002552
+name: mammary gland milk
+is_a: MA:0002505 ! mammary gland fluid/secretion
+id: MA:0002553
+name: psoas muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002554
+name: popliteus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002555
+name: scaphoid
+synonym: "navicular of hand" RELATED []
+synonym: "radial carpal bone" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001346 ! scapholunate
+id: MA:0002556
+name: lunate
+synonym: "intermediate carpal bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "semilunar" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001346 ! scapholunate
+id: MA:0002557
+name: proximal carpal bone
+is_a: MA:0000296 ! carpal bone
+id: MA:0002558
+name: distal carpal bone
+is_a: MA:0000296 ! carpal bone
+id: MA:0002559
+name: stomach body
+synonym: "gastric corpus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3581028
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0002560
+name: stomach pyloric region
+synonym: "pylorus" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1763128
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+id: MA:0002561
+name: stomach region
+xref: EMAPS:3582128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000353 ! stomach
+id: MA:0002562
+name: cerebral artery
+xref: EMAPS:1861328
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002563
+name: endocrine gland
+xref: EMAPS:3599928
+is_a: MA:0003038 ! gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000012 ! endocrine system
+id: MA:0002564
+name: exocrine gland
+xref: EMAPS:3532728
+is_a: MA:0003038 ! gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0002411 ! exocrine system
+id: MA:0002565
+name: sebaceous gland
+xref: EMAPS:3575428
+is_a: MA:0000146 ! skin gland
+is_a: MA:0003042 ! holocrine gland
+id: MA:0002566
+name: sensory ganglion
+is_a: MA:0001161 ! peripheral nervous system ganglion
+id: MA:0002567
+name: corpora quadrigemina
+relationship: part_of MA:0000211 ! tectum
+id: MA:0002568
+name: alveolar wall
+xref: EMAPS:3512028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000420 ! lung alveolus
+id: MA:0002569
+name: thoracic aorta
+xref: EMAPS:1860328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000062 ! aorta
+id: MA:0002570
+name: ascending aorta
+xref: EMAPS:1701428
+relationship: part_of MA:0002569 ! thoracic aorta
+id: MA:0002571
+name: descending aorta
+xref: EMAPS:1860628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000062 ! aorta
+id: MA:0002572
+name: descending thoracic aorta
+xref: EMAPS:1860528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002569 ! thoracic aorta
+relationship: part_of MA:0002571 ! descending aorta
+id: MA:0002573
+name: axillary artery
+xref: EMAPS:1874928
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002574
+name: anterior tibial artery
+is_a: MA:0002067 ! tibial artery
+id: MA:0002575
+name: posterior tibial artery
+is_a: MA:0002067 ! tibial artery
+id: MA:0002576
+name: atrioventricular bundle
+synonym: "bundle of his" RELATED []
+synonym: "his bundle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3515228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000094 ! impulse conducting system
+id: MA:0002577
+name: pre-botzinger complex
+synonym: "pre-botzinger respiratory control center" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0002578
+name: kidney arterial blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3143628
+is_a: MA:0001682 ! kidney blood vessel
+id: MA:0002579
+name: afferent arteriole
+xref: EMAPS:2826628
+is_a: MA:0002578 ! kidney arterial blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000376 ! renal corpuscle
+id: MA:0002580
+name: part of afferent arteriole forming juxtaglomerular complex
+synonym: "renin-producing cells" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2826928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002546 ! juxtaglomerular complex
+relationship: part_of MA:0002579 ! afferent arteriole
+id: MA:0002581
+name: rest of afferent arteriole
+xref: EMAPS:2827228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002579 ! afferent arteriole
+id: MA:0002582
+name: kidney cortex artery
+synonym: "renal cortex arterial system" RELATED []
+synonym: "renal cortex artery" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2814728
+is_a: MA:0002578 ! kidney arterial blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+id: MA:0002583
+name: arcuate artery
+xref: EMAPS:2821528
+is_a: MA:0002582 ! kidney cortex artery
+id: MA:0002584
+name: interlobular artery
+xref: EMAPS:2821228
+is_a: MA:0002582 ! kidney cortex artery
+id: MA:0002585
+name: efferent arteriole
+xref: EMAPS:2827528
+is_a: MA:0002578 ! kidney arterial blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000376 ! renal corpuscle
+id: MA:0002586
+name: kidney capillary
+xref: EMAPS:3144328
+is_a: MA:0001682 ! kidney blood vessel
+id: MA:0002587
+name: glomerular capillary
+synonym: "glomerular capillary system" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2824528
+is_a: MA:0002586 ! kidney capillary
+relationship: part_of MA:0001657 ! glomerulus
+id: MA:0002588
+name: peritubular capillary
+is_a: MA:0002586 ! kidney capillary
+id: MA:0002589
+name: kidney outer medulla peritubular capillary
+xref: EMAPS:3546128
+is_a: MA:0002588 ! peritubular capillary
+relationship: part_of MA:0001653 ! kidney outer medulla
+id: MA:0002590
+name: kidney cortex peritubular capillary
+synonym: "renal cortex peritubular capillary" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002588 ! peritubular capillary
+relationship: part_of MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+id: MA:0002591
+name: kidney venous blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3145028
+is_a: MA:0001682 ! kidney blood vessel
+id: MA:0002592
+name: kidney cortex vein
+synonym: "renal cortex vein" RELATED []
+synonym: "renal cortex venous system" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2815228
+is_a: MA:0002591 ! kidney venous blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+id: MA:0002593
+name: arcuate vein
+xref: EMAPS:2822128
+is_a: MA:0002592 ! kidney cortex vein
+id: MA:0002594
+name: interlobular vein
+xref: EMAPS:2821828
+is_a: MA:0002592 ! kidney cortex vein
+id: MA:0002595
+name: renal medullary capillary
+synonym: "vasa recta" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3004328
+is_a: MA:0002586 ! kidney capillary
+id: MA:0002596
+name: inner renal medulla vasa recta
+is_a: MA:0002595 ! renal medullary capillary
+relationship: part_of MA:0001652 ! kidney inner medulla
+id: MA:0002597
+name: kidney outer medulla vasa recta
+is_a: MA:0002595 ! renal medullary capillary
+relationship: part_of MA:0001653 ! kidney outer medulla
+id: MA:0002598
+name: kidney inner medulla collecting duct
+synonym: "papillary collecting duct" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2837028
+is_a: MA:0002935 ! kidney medulla collecting duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001652 ! kidney inner medulla
+id: MA:0002599
+name: kidney outer medulla collecting duct
+xref: EMAPS:2834628
+is_a: MA:0002935 ! kidney medulla collecting duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001653 ! kidney outer medulla
+id: MA:0002600
+name: kidney cortex collecting duct
+synonym: "renal cortex collecting duct" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2813028
+is_a: MA:0000371 ! kidney collecting duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+id: MA:0002601
+name: ureteric tip
+xref: EMAPS:2774928
+is_a: MA:0000371 ! kidney collecting duct
+id: MA:0002602
+name: extraglomerular mesangium
+xref: EMAPS:2827828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000376 ! renal corpuscle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002546 ! juxtaglomerular complex
+relationship: part_of MA:0002617 ! mesangium
+id: MA:0002603
+name: macula densa
+xref: EMAPS:2839928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002546 ! juxtaglomerular complex
+id: MA:0002604
+name: distal straight tubule macula densa
+xref: EMAPS:2839928
+relationship: part_of MA:0001677 ! loop of henle ascending limb thick segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0002603 ! macula densa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002609 ! kidney cortex tubule
+id: MA:0002605
+name: glomerular parietal epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3596928
+is_a: MA:0002847 ! kidney glomerular epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001660 ! glomerular capsule
+id: MA:0002606
+name: glomerular mesangium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001657 ! glomerulus
+relationship: part_of MA:0002617 ! mesangium
+id: MA:0002607
+name: glomerular visceral epithelium
+synonym: "podocyte layer" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3597028
+is_a: MA:0002847 ! kidney glomerular epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001657 ! glomerulus
+id: MA:0002608
+name: kidney cortex interstitium
+synonym: "renal cortex interstitium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2813628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+relationship: part_of MA:0002616 ! kidney interstitium
+id: MA:0002609
+name: kidney cortex tubule
+synonym: "cortical tubule" RELATED []
+synonym: "renal cortex tubule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1897628
+is_a: MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000372 ! kidney cortex
+id: MA:0002610
+name: kidney connecting tubule
+xref: EMAPS:2801128
+is_a: MA:0002609 ! kidney cortex tubule
+id: MA:0002611
+name: kidney proximal tubule
+is_a: MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+id: MA:0002612
+name: proximal tubule segment 1
+xref: EMAPS:2965728
+is_a: MA:0002611 ! kidney proximal tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0001669 ! proximal convoluted tubule
+id: MA:0002613
+name: proximal tubule segment 2
+xref: EMAPS:2965928
+is_a: MA:0002611 ! kidney proximal tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0001669 ! proximal convoluted tubule
+id: MA:0002614
+name: proximal straight tubule
+synonym: "pars recta" RELATED []
+synonym: "proximal tubule segment 3" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2966928
+is_a: MA:0002611 ! kidney proximal tubule
+is_a: MA:0002634 ! kidney straight tubule
+is_a: MA:0002995 ! kidney medulla tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0001679 ! loop of henle descending limb
+relationship: part_of MA:0002630 ! outer medulla outer stripe loop of henle
+id: MA:0002615
+name: distal straight tubule postmacula segment
+xref: EMAPS:2840228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001677 ! loop of henle ascending limb thick segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0002609 ! kidney cortex tubule
+id: MA:0002616
+name: kidney interstitium
+xref: EMAPS:2851828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0002617
+name: mesangium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002616 ! kidney interstitium
+id: MA:0002618
+name: perihilar interstitium
+xref: EMAPS:2808328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000374 ! kidney pelvis
+relationship: part_of MA:0002616 ! kidney interstitium
+id: MA:0002619
+name: kidney medulla interstitium
+xref: EMAPS:1832628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002616 ! kidney interstitium
+id: MA:0002620
+name: kidney inner medulla interstitium
+xref: EMAPS:2836428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001652 ! kidney inner medulla
+relationship: part_of MA:0002619 ! kidney medulla interstitium
+id: MA:0002621
+name: kidney outer medulla interstitium
+xref: EMAPS:2833728
+relationship: part_of MA:0001653 ! kidney outer medulla
+relationship: part_of MA:0002619 ! kidney medulla interstitium
+id: MA:0002622
+name: kidney subcapsular mesenchyme
+relationship: part_of MA:0002616 ! kidney interstitium
+id: MA:0002623
+name: kidney inner medulla loop of henle
+xref: EMAPS:2835228
+is_a: MA:0002995 ! kidney medulla tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0001652 ! kidney inner medulla
+id: MA:0002624
+name: loop of henle bend
+xref: EMAPS:2835828
+relationship: part_of MA:0001675 ! loop of henle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002623 ! kidney inner medulla loop of henle
+id: MA:0002625
+name: loop of henle thin descending limb
+xref: EMAPS:2968128
+is_a: MA:0002995 ! kidney medulla tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0001679 ! loop of henle descending limb
+relationship: part_of MA:0002623 ! kidney inner medulla loop of henle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002627 ! outer medulla inner stripe loop of henle
+id: MA:0002626
+name: outer medulla inner stripe
+xref: EMAPS:2967528
+relationship: part_of MA:0001653 ! kidney outer medulla
+id: MA:0002627
+name: outer medulla inner stripe loop of henle
+xref: EMAPS:2967928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002626 ! outer medulla inner stripe
+id: MA:0002628
+name: distal straight tubule premacula segment
+xref: EMAPS:2967128
+is_a: MA:0002995 ! kidney medulla tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0001677 ! loop of henle ascending limb thick segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0002627 ! outer medulla inner stripe loop of henle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002630 ! outer medulla outer stripe loop of henle
+id: MA:0002629
+name: outer medulla outer stripe
+xref: EMAPS:2966328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001653 ! kidney outer medulla
+id: MA:0002630
+name: outer medulla outer stripe loop of henle
+xref: EMAPS:2966528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002629 ! outer medulla outer stripe
+id: MA:0002631
+name: kidney pelvis smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:2812028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000374 ! kidney pelvis
+id: MA:0002632
+name: kidney pelvis urothelium
+xref: EMAPS:2807728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000374 ! kidney pelvis
+id: MA:0002633
+name: kidney distal tubule
+xref: EMAPS:2838728
+is_a: MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+id: MA:0002634
+name: kidney straight tubule
+is_a: MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+id: MA:0002635
+name: renal nerve
+xref: EMAPS:2969128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0002636
+name: lower urinary tract
+relationship: part_of MA:0000325 ! urinary system
+id: MA:0002637
+name: female urethra
+xref: EMAPS:2874728
+is_a: MA:0000379 ! urethra
+id: MA:0002638
+name: female membranous urethra
+relationship: part_of MA:0002637 ! female urethra
+relationship: part_of MA:0002647 ! membranous urethra
+id: MA:0002639
+name: female urethral meatus
+relationship: part_of MA:0002637 ! female urethra
+id: MA:0002640
+name: male urethra
+xref: EMAPS:1869228
+is_a: MA:0000379 ! urethra
+id: MA:0002641
+name: male membranous urethra
+relationship: part_of MA:0002640 ! male urethra
+relationship: part_of MA:0002647 ! membranous urethra
+id: MA:0002642
+name: male urethra ostium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002640 ! male urethra
+id: MA:0002643
+name: penile urethra
+xref: EMAPS:3094428
+relationship: part_of MA:0002640 ! male urethra
+id: MA:0002644
+name: penile urethra cavernous portion
+relationship: part_of MA:0002643 ! penile urethra
+id: MA:0002645
+name: penile urethra fossa terminalis
+relationship: part_of MA:0002643 ! penile urethra
+id: MA:0002646
+name: prostatic urethra
+xref: EMAPS:3094228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002640 ! male urethra
+id: MA:0002647
+name: membranous urethra
+relationship: part_of MA:0000379 ! urethra
+id: MA:0002648
+name: urethra mesenchymal layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0000379 ! urethra
+id: MA:0002649
+name: urethra muscle
+synonym: "urethral muscle layer" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000379 ! urethra
+id: MA:0002650
+name: urethral sphincter
+relationship: part_of MA:0002636 ! lower urinary tract
+id: MA:0002651
+name: rest of ureter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000378 ! ureter
+id: MA:0002652
+name: ureter adventitia
+xref: EMAPS:2811428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000378 ! ureter
+id: MA:0002653
+name: ureter lamina propria
+xref: EMAPS:2884128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000378 ! ureter
+id: MA:0002654
+name: ureter muscle layer
+xref: EMAPS:2884428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000378 ! ureter
+id: MA:0002655
+name: ureter urothelium
+synonym: "ureter transitional epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2808928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000378 ! ureter
+id: MA:0002656
+name: ureter luminal urothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002655 ! ureter urothelium
+id: MA:0002657
+name: ureter subluminal urothelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002655 ! ureter urothelium
+id: MA:0002658
+name: ureteral valve
+relationship: part_of MA:0000378 ! ureter
+id: MA:0002659
+name: bile duct extrahepatic part
+relationship: part_of MA:0000354 ! bile duct
+id: MA:0002660
+name: common hepatic duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001636 ! hepatic duct extrahepatic part
+id: MA:0002661
+name: extrahepatic bile duct epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001629 ! bile duct epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002659 ! bile duct extrahepatic part
+id: MA:0002662
+name: intrahepatic bile duct epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001629 ! bile duct epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001630 ! bile duct intrahepatic part
+id: MA:0002663
+name: intrahepatic part of left hepatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:1830428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001637 ! hepatic duct intrahepatic part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001638 ! left hepatic duct
+id: MA:0002664
+name: intrahepatic part of right hepatic duct
+xref: EMAPS:1830528
+relationship: part_of MA:0001637 ! hepatic duct intrahepatic part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001639 ! right hepatic duct
+id: MA:0002665
+name: hilar part of hepatic duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001636 ! hepatic duct extrahepatic part
+id: MA:0002666
+name: hilar part of left hepatic duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001638 ! left hepatic duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0002665 ! hilar part of hepatic duct
+id: MA:0002667
+name: hilar part of right hepatic duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001639 ! right hepatic duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0002665 ! hilar part of hepatic duct
+id: MA:0002668
+name: interlobular bile duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001630 ! bile duct intrahepatic part
+relationship: part_of MA:0002499 ! portal triad
+id: MA:0002669
+name: intralobular bile duct
+synonym: "canal of hering" RELATED []
+synonym: "canal of herring" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001630 ! bile duct intrahepatic part
+relationship: part_of MA:0002494 ! liver lobule
+id: MA:0002670
+name: spleen hilum
+xref: EMAPS:1930328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000141 ! spleen
+id: MA:0002671
+name: splenic cord
+relationship: part_of MA:0000756 ! spleen red pulp
+id: MA:0002672
+name: spleen lymphoid follicle
+synonym: "spleen lymphoid nodule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3580428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000762 ! spleen white pulp
+id: MA:0002673
+name: thymus lymphoid tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000142 ! thymus
+id: MA:0002674
+name: thymus trabecula
+relationship: part_of MA:0000142 ! thymus
+id: MA:0002675
+name: thyroid gland capsule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000129 ! thyroid gland
+id: MA:0002676
+name: parathyroid gland capsule
+xref: EMAPS:3566328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000128 ! parathyroid gland
+id: MA:0002677
+name: parathyroid gland parenchyma
+xref: EMAPS:3566428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000128 ! parathyroid gland
+id: MA:0002678
+name: filiform papilla
+xref: EMAPS:1887328
+is_a: MA:0001593 ! tongue papilla
+id: MA:0002679
+name: foliate papilla
+xref: EMAPS:3278828
+is_a: MA:0001593 ! tongue papilla
+id: MA:0002680
+name: esophagus mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2698128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002691 ! esophagus wall
+id: MA:0002681
+name: esophagus muscularis mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2698928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002680 ! esophagus mucosa
+id: MA:0002682
+name: esophagus muscle
+xref: EMAPS:2698328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002691 ! esophagus wall
+id: MA:0002683
+name: stomach mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3581728
+is_a: MA:0001521 ! gastrointestinal system mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002692 ! stomach wall
+id: MA:0002684
+name: stomach muscularis mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3581828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002683 ! stomach mucosa
+id: MA:0002685
+name: stomach submucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3582528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002692 ! stomach wall
+id: MA:0002686
+name: small intestine mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3578028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001537 ! intestine mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002696 ! small intestine wall
+id: MA:0002687
+name: small intestine muscularis mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3578128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002686 ! small intestine mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002694 ! intestine muscularis mucosa
+id: MA:0002688
+name: large intestine mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3546728
+relationship: part_of MA:0001537 ! intestine mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002695 ! large intestine wall
+id: MA:0002689
+name: large intestine muscularis mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002688 ! large intestine mucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002694 ! intestine muscularis mucosa
+id: MA:0002690
+name: large intestine submucosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0002695 ! large intestine wall
+id: MA:0002691
+name: esophagus wall
+xref: EMAPS:3532628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000352 ! esophagus
+id: MA:0002692
+name: stomach wall
+xref: EMAPS:3582628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000353 ! stomach
+id: MA:0002693
+name: intestine wall
+xref: EMAPS:3544428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000328 ! intestine
+id: MA:0002694
+name: intestine muscularis mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3544228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001537 ! intestine mucosa
+id: MA:0002695
+name: large intestine wall
+xref: EMAPS:3547028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000333 ! large intestine
+relationship: part_of MA:0002693 ! intestine wall
+id: MA:0002696
+name: small intestine wall
+xref: EMAPS:3578528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000337 ! small intestine
+id: MA:0002697
+name: parotid duct
+is_a: MA:0001586 ! salivary duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001585 ! parotid gland
+id: MA:0002698
+name: submandibular duct
+xref: EMAPS:3583328
+is_a: MA:0001586 ! salivary duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001589 ! submandibular gland
+id: MA:0002699
+name: sublingual duct
+is_a: MA:0001586 ! salivary duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0001588 ! sublingual gland
+id: MA:0002700
+name: anterior buccal gland
+is_a: MA:0002479 ! minor salivary gland
+id: MA:0002701
+name: anterior lingual gland
+is_a: MA:0002479 ! minor salivary gland
+id: MA:0002702
+name: eyelash
+relationship: part_of MA:0000014 ! integumental system
+id: MA:0002703
+name: nail
+xref: EMAPS:3558028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000014 ! integumental system
+id: MA:0002704
+name: cuticle
+relationship: part_of MA:0002703 ! nail
+id: MA:0002705
+name: hyponychium
+relationship: part_of MA:0002703 ! nail
+id: MA:0002706
+name: nail bed
+xref: EMAPS:3558128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002703 ! nail
+id: MA:0002707
+name: nail matrix
+xref: EMAPS:3558228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002703 ! nail
+id: MA:0002708
+name: nail plate
+xref: EMAPS:3558328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002703 ! nail
+id: MA:0002709
+name: proximal nail bed
+relationship: part_of MA:0002703 ! nail
+id: MA:0002710
+name: skin muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3577628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000151 ! skin
+id: MA:0002711
+name: immune system
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0002712
+name: barrel cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3516328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000908 ! primary somatosensory cortex
+id: MA:0002713
+name: testis interstitial tissue
+xref: EMAPS:1868728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0002714
+name: autopod
+synonym: "paw" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3272228
+is_a: MA:0002889 ! limb segment
+id: MA:0002715
+name: autopod joint
+synonym: "paw joint" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3516028
+relationship: part_of MA:0002714 ! autopod
+id: MA:0002716
+name: zeugopod
+is_a: MA:0002889 ! limb segment
+id: MA:0002717
+name: stylopod
+is_a: MA:0002889 ! limb segment
+id: MA:0002718
+name: vascular system
+xref: EMAPS:3590528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+id: MA:0002719
+name: arterial system
+xref: EMAPS:1620128
+is_a: MA:0002718 ! vascular system
+id: MA:0002720
+name: venous system
+xref: EMAPS:1624028
+is_a: MA:0002718 ! vascular system
+id: MA:0002721
+name: intercerebral commissure
+synonym: "interhemispheric commissure" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3543528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000945 ! cerebral white matter
+id: MA:0002722
+name: anterior commissure
+xref: EMAPS:1903828
+is_a: MA:0002721 ! intercerebral commissure
+id: MA:0002723
+name: hippocampal commissure
+xref: EMAPS:3540428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000945 ! cerebral white matter
+id: MA:0002724
+name: esophagus submucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3532528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002691 ! esophagus wall
+id: MA:0002725
+name: pharynx epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1670828
+relationship: part_of MA:0003143 ! pharynx mucosa
+id: MA:0002726
+name: glans penis
+xref: EMAPS:1898828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000408 ! penis
+id: MA:0002727
+name: penis skin
+xref: EMAPS:3567528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000408 ! penis
+id: MA:0002728
+name: larynx submucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3547428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000414 ! larynx
+id: MA:0002729
+name: larynx submucosa gland
+xref: EMAPS:3547528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002728 ! larynx submucosa
+id: MA:0002730
+name: kidney papilla
+synonym: "renal papilla" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3572728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000374 ! kidney pelvis
+id: MA:0002731
+name: endometrium epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3530728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000390 ! endometrium
+id: MA:0002732
+name: endometrium glandular epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3530828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002731 ! endometrium epithelium
+id: MA:0002733
+name: endometrium luminal epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3530928
+relationship: part_of MA:0002731 ! endometrium epithelium
+id: MA:0002734
+name: endometrium stroma
+xref: EMAPS:3531028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000390 ! endometrium
+id: MA:0002735
+name: myometrium inner circular layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0000391 ! myometrium
+id: MA:0002736
+name: myometrium outer longitudinal layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0000391 ! myometrium
+id: MA:0002737
+name: vagina stroma
+xref: EMAPS:3590228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000394 ! vagina
+id: MA:0002738
+name: fibrous pericardium
+xref: EMAPS:1902928
+is_a: MA:0000099 ! pericardium
+id: MA:0002739
+name: serous pericardium
+xref: EMAPS:1903028
+is_a: MA:0000099 ! pericardium
+id: MA:0002740
+name: trigeminal V principal sensory nucleus
+synonym: "trigeminal V chief sensory nucleus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0001030 ! trigeminal V sensory nucleus
+id: MA:0002741
+name: brainstem white matter
+xref: EMAPS:3518928
+is_a: MA:0000820 ! brain white matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000169 ! brainstem
+id: MA:0002742
+name: cerebellar peduncle
+xref: EMAPS:3521328
+is_a: MA:0002430 ! cerebellum white matter
+is_a: MA:0002741 ! brainstem white matter
+id: MA:0002743
+name: posterior commissure
+xref: EMAPS:3569528
+is_a: MA:0002741 ! brainstem white matter
+id: MA:0002744
+name: inferior cerebellar peduncle
+is_a: MA:0002742 ! cerebellar peduncle
+id: MA:0002745
+name: middle cerebellar peduncle
+is_a: MA:0002742 ! cerebellar peduncle
+id: MA:0002746
+name: superior cerebellar peduncle
+is_a: MA:0002742 ! cerebellar peduncle
+id: MA:0002747
+name: fornix
+xref: EMAPS:3535228
+is_a: MA:0000945 ! cerebral white matter
+id: MA:0002748
+name: internal capsule
+xref: EMAPS:3543728
+is_a: MA:0000945 ! cerebral white matter
+id: MA:0002749
+name: spinal cord dorsal column
+relationship: part_of MA:0000910 ! spinal cord white matter
+id: MA:0002750
+name: spinal cord lateral column
+relationship: part_of MA:0000910 ! spinal cord white matter
+id: MA:0002751
+name: spinal cord ventral column
+relationship: part_of MA:0000910 ! spinal cord white matter
+id: MA:0002752
+name: nucleus approprius
+relationship: part_of MA:0001119 ! spinal cord dorsal horn
+id: MA:0002753
+name: spinal cord intermediolateral nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0001126 ! spinal cord intermediate grey
+id: MA:0002754
+name: neocortex
+synonym: "cerebral cortex" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3284228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000185 ! cerebral cortex
+id: MA:0002755
+name: lateral cervical nucleus
+is_a: MA:0001120 ! spinal cord basal nucleus
+id: MA:0002756
+name: lateral spinal nucleus
+is_a: MA:0001120 ! spinal cord basal nucleus
+id: MA:0002757
+name: periolivary nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3568028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001026 ! superior olivary nucleus
+id: MA:0002758
+name: levator auris longus
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002759
+name: alveolar smooth muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3512228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000416 ! alveolar system
+id: MA:0002760
+name: mammary gland alveolus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0000793 ! mammary gland lobule
+id: MA:0002761
+name: saphenous nerve
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+is_a: MA:0000673 ! leg nerve
+id: MA:0002762
+name: caput epididymis
+xref: EMAPS:1929128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000397 ! epididymis
+id: MA:0002763
+name: cauda epididymis
+xref: EMAPS:1929228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000397 ! epididymis
+id: MA:0002764
+name: corpus epididymis
+xref: EMAPS:1929328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000397 ! epididymis
+id: MA:0002765
+name: male germ cell
+synonym: "male gamete" RELATED []
+synonym: "sperm" RELATED []
+synonym: "spermatid" RELATED []
+synonym: "spermatocyte" RELATED []
+synonym: "spermatogonium" RELATED []
+synonym: "spermatozoa" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1868628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0002766
+name: accessory olfactory bulb mitral cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3511128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000966 ! accessory olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0002767
+name: lateral globus pallidus
+synonym: "globus pallidus external segment" RELATED []
+synonym: "globus pallidus lateral segment" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000890 ! globus pallidus
+id: MA:0002768
+name: medial globus pallidus
+synonym: "entopeduncular nucleus" RELATED []
+synonym: "globus pallidus inernal segment" RELATED []
+synonym: "globus pallidus medial segment" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000890 ! globus pallidus
+id: MA:0002769
+name: brain vasculature
+xref: EMAPS:3518228
+is_a: MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0002770
+name: semicircular duct ampulla
+xref: EMAPS:3283128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000251 ! semicircular duct
+id: MA:0002771
+name: crista ampullaris
+synonym: "ampullary crest" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3279128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002770 ! semicircular duct ampulla
+id: MA:0002772
+name: alisphenoid bone
+synonym: "greater wing of sphenoid bone" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0001472 ! sphenoid bone
+id: MA:0002773
+name: orbitosphenoid
+synonym: "lesser wing of sphenoid bone" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1871928
+is_a: MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0001472 ! sphenoid bone
+id: MA:0002774
+name: sphenoid bone pterygoid process
+synonym: "pterygoid process of sphenoid bone" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001472 ! sphenoid bone
+id: MA:0002775
+name: dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
+synonym: "dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3529028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000869 ! lateral geniculate nucleus
+id: MA:0002776
+name: ventral lateral geniculate nucleus
+synonym: "ventral nucleus of lateral geniculate body" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3590828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000869 ! lateral geniculate nucleus
+id: MA:0002777
+name: iris stroma
+synonym: "iridial stroma" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3545128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000273 ! iris
+id: MA:0002778
+name: vestibular ganglion superior part
+synonym: "pars superior vestibularis" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001086 ! vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion vestibular component
+id: MA:0002779
+name: vestibular ganglion inferior part
+relationship: part_of MA:0001086 ! vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion vestibular component
+id: MA:0002780
+name: bone tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3517928
+is_a: MA:0003047 ! skeletal tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0001459 ! bone
+id: MA:0002781
+name: lamellar bone
+is_a: MA:0002780 ! bone tissue
+id: MA:0002782
+name: trabecular bone
+synonym: "cancellous bone" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002780 ! bone tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0002781 ! lamellar bone
+id: MA:0002783
+name: bone marrow cavity
+relationship: part_of MA:0001461 ! compact bone
+id: MA:0002784
+name: stomach glandular epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1762528
+is_a: MA:0001610 ! stomach epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001614 ! stomach glandular region mucosa
+id: MA:0002785
+name: prostate duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0000404 ! prostate gland
+id: MA:0002786
+name: tongue squamous epithelium
+is_a: MA:0001592 ! tongue epithelium
+id: MA:0002787
+name: tongue keratinized epithelium
+is_a: MA:0002786 ! tongue squamous epithelium
+id: MA:0002788
+name: glottis
+relationship: part_of MA:0000414 ! larynx
+id: MA:0002789
+name: atrioventricular valve
+xref: EMAPS:3515428
+is_a: MA:0000086 ! heart valve
+id: MA:0002790
+name: semilunar valve
+xref: EMAPS:3576028
+is_a: MA:0000086 ! heart valve
+id: MA:0002791
+name: heart ventricle wall
+synonym: "wall of ventricle" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0002792
+name: tooth cavity
+synonym: "cavity of tooth" RELATED []
+synonym: "tooth pulp cavity" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000348 ! tooth
+id: MA:0002793
+name: helix
+relationship: part_of MA:0000259 ! auricle
+id: MA:0002794
+name: oral mucosa
+synonym: "mouth mucosa" RELATED []
+synonym: "mouth mucous membrane" RELATED []
+synonym: "mucosal lining of mouth" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2693728
+relationship: part_of MA:0002474 ! mouth
+id: MA:0002795
+name: coronal suture
+xref: EMAPS:1922528
+is_a: MA:0001475 ! cranial suture
+id: MA:0002796
+name: frontal suture
+synonym: "metopic suture" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3535828
+is_a: MA:0001475 ! cranial suture
+id: MA:0002797
+name: lambdoid suture
+synonym: "lambdoidal suture" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1922728
+is_a: MA:0001475 ! cranial suture
+id: MA:0002798
+name: sagittal suture
+xref: EMAPS:1922428
+is_a: MA:0001475 ! cranial suture
+id: MA:0002799
+name: uterine artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002800
+name: papillary muscle
+synonym: "papillary muscle of ventricle" RELATED []
+synonym: "ventricular papillary muscle" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0002801
+name: thoracic duct
+xref: EMAPS:1931028
+is_a: MA:0000138 ! lymphatic vessel
+id: MA:0002802
+name: long bone
+xref: EMAPS:3550328
+is_a: MA:0001459 ! bone
+id: MA:0002803
+name: long bone diaphysis
+synonym: "body of long bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "long bone diaphysis" RELATED []
+synonym: "shaft of long bone" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3550528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002802 ! long bone
+id: MA:0002804
+name: stapes base
+synonym: "base of stapes" RELATED []
+synonym: "stapes footplate" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001217 ! stapes
+id: MA:0002805
+name: acromion
+xref: EMAPS:2511928
+relationship: part_of MA:0001330 ! scapula
+id: MA:0002806
+name: scapula spine
+synonym: "scapular spine" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001330 ! scapula
+id: MA:0002807
+name: humerus diaphysis
+is_a: MA:0002803 ! long bone diaphysis
+relationship: part_of MA:0001356 ! humerus
+id: MA:0002808
+name: deltoid tuberosity
+xref: EMAPS:2505228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002807 ! humerus diaphysis
+id: MA:0002809
+name: cochlear labyrinth
+relationship: part_of MA:0000240 ! cochlea
+relationship: part_of MA:0000242 ! membranous labyrinth
+id: MA:0002810
+name: zygomatic arch
+relationship: part_of MA:0001478 ! chondrocranium bone
+id: MA:0002811
+name: temporal bone zygomatic process
+xref: EMAPS:1901528
+relationship: part_of MA:0001476 ! temporal bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0002810 ! zygomatic arch
+id: MA:0002812
+name: zygomatic bone temporal process
+relationship: part_of MA:0001497 ! zygomatic bone
+relationship: part_of MA:0002810 ! zygomatic arch
+id: MA:0002813
+name: oval window
+synonym: "vestibular window" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001477 ! temporal bone petrous part
+id: MA:0002814
+name: round window
+synonym: "cochlear window" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001477 ! temporal bone petrous part
+id: MA:0002815
+name: mandible ramus
+xref: EMAPS:2510028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001487 ! mandible
+id: MA:0002816
+name: mandible condylar process
+synonym: "mandibular condyloid process" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0002815 ! mandible ramus
+id: MA:0002817
+name: mandible head
+relationship: part_of MA:0002816 ! mandible condylar process
+id: MA:0002818
+name: mandible neck
+relationship: part_of MA:0002816 ! mandible condylar process
+id: MA:0002819
+name: mandible coronoid process
+synonym: "mandibular coronoid process" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0002815 ! mandible ramus
+id: MA:0002820
+name: mandible temporal crest
+relationship: part_of MA:0002815 ! mandible ramus
+id: MA:0002821
+name: trochanter
+relationship: part_of MA:0001359 ! femur
+id: MA:0002822
+name: greater trochanter
+is_a: MA:0002821 ! trochanter
+id: MA:0002823
+name: lesser trochanter
+is_a: MA:0002821 ! trochanter
+id: MA:0002824
+name: spiral modiolar artery
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0002825
+name: epididymis epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3044528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000397 ! epididymis
+id: MA:0002826
+name: iris epithelium
+synonym: "iris pigmented epithelium" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3544728
+is_a: MA:0003162 ! eye epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000273 ! iris
+id: MA:0002827
+name: abdominal lymph node
+xref: EMAPS:3599228
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002828
+name: celiac lymph node
+is_a: MA:0002827 ! abdominal lymph node
+id: MA:0002829
+name: mesenteric lymph node
+alt_id: MA:0002880
+xref: EMAPS:3556128
+is_a: MA:0002827 ! abdominal lymph node
+id: MA:0002830
+name: anterior fontanel
+xref: EMAPS:1919928
+is_a: MA:0001465 ! fontanel
+id: MA:0002831
+name: trabecula carnea
+alt_id: MA:0002832
+synonym: "ventricle trabecula carnea" EXACT []
+synonym: "ventricular trabecula" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1862628
+relationship: part_of MA:0001879 ! heart ventricle muscular part
+id: MA:0002833
+name: trabecula carnea cardiac muscle tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0002831 ! trabecula carnea
+id: MA:0002834
+name: corpus luteum
+xref: EMAPS:2988628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000012 ! endocrine system
+relationship: part_of MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0002835
+name: sulcus ampullaris
+relationship: part_of MA:0002770 ! semicircular duct ampulla
+id: MA:0002836
+name: endochondral bone
+xref: EMAPS:3530428
+is_a: MA:0002780 ! bone tissue
+id: MA:0002837
+name: intramembranous bone
+is_a: MA:0002780 ! bone tissue
+id: MA:0002838
+name: periosteum
+xref: EMAPS:3568128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001459 ! bone
+id: MA:0002839
+name: long bone epiphyseal plate
+synonym: "epiphyseal plate" RELATED []
+synonym: "growth plate" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3550528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002802 ! long bone
+id: MA:0002840
+name: basicranium
+synonym: "cranial base" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000316 ! cranium
+id: MA:0002841
+name: otolith organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000245 ! vestibular labyrinth
+id: MA:0002842
+name: otolithic membrane
+relationship: part_of MA:0000245 ! vestibular labyrinth
+id: MA:0002843
+name: submandibular lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002844
+name: labium majorum
+synonym: "labium majus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002464 ! labium
+id: MA:0002845
+name: labium minorum
+synonym: "labium minus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002464 ! labium
+id: MA:0002846
+name: kidney epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3545728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0002847
+name: kidney glomerular epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3545828
+is_a: MA:0002846 ! kidney epithelium
+id: MA:0002848
+name: tail tip
+synonym: "end of tail" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000008 ! tail
+id: MA:0002849
+name: hypertrophic cartilage zone
+xref: EMAPS:3541528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002836 ! endochondral bone
+id: MA:0002850
+name: somatic nervous system
+relationship: part_of MA:0000218 ! peripheral nervous system
+id: MA:0002851
+name: lymph node B cell domain
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002852
+name: lymph node T cell domain
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002853
+name: elastic tissue
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+id: MA:0002854
+name: blood vessel layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+id: MA:0002855
+name: tunica media
+is_a: MA:0002854 ! blood vessel layer
+id: MA:0002856
+name: blood vessel elastic tissue
+is_a: MA:0002857 ! cardiovascular system elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+id: MA:0002857
+name: cardiovascular system elastic tissue
+is_a: MA:0002853 ! elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000010 ! cardiovascular system
+id: MA:0002858
+name: heart elastic tissue
+is_a: MA:0002857 ! cardiovascular system elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000072 ! heart
+id: MA:0002859
+name: aorta elastic tissue
+is_a: MA:0002856 ! blood vessel elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000062 ! aorta
+id: MA:0002860
+name: lung elastic tissue
+is_a: MA:0001820 ! respiratory system elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0002861
+name: tunica intima
+is_a: MA:0002854 ! blood vessel layer
+id: MA:0002862
+name: external elastic membrane
+is_a: MA:0002856 ! blood vessel elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0002855 ! tunica media
+id: MA:0002863
+name: internal elastic membrane
+is_a: MA:0002856 ! blood vessel elastic tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0002861 ! tunica intima
+id: MA:0002864
+name: dentate gyrus polymorphic layer
+xref: EMAPS:3528028
+is_a: MA:0002429 ! dentate gyrus layer
+id: MA:0002865
+name: myocardium compact layer
+is_a: MA:0000080 ! myocardium layer
+id: MA:0002866
+name: myocardium trabecular layer
+is_a: MA:0000080 ! myocardium layer
+id: MA:0002867
+name: urethral opening
+relationship: part_of MA:0002636 ! lower urinary tract
+id: MA:0002868
+name: skeletal muscle connective tissue
+synonym: "skeletal muscle interstitial tissue" RELATED []
+synonym: "skeletal muscle interstitum" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0002869
+name: presacral vertebra
+is_a: MA:0000309 ! vertebra
+id: MA:0002870
+name: crista ampullaris neuroepithelium
+synonym: "ampullary crest neuroepithelium" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0002771 ! crista ampullaris
+id: MA:0002871
+name: cervical vertebra 1 ventral tubercle
+synonym: "atlas ventral tubercle" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001421 ! cervical vertebra 1
+id: MA:0002872
+name: cervical vertebra 2 odontoid process
+synonym: "axis odontoid process" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:2653528
+relationship: part_of MA:0001422 ! cervical vertebra 2
+id: MA:0002873
+name: mandible angular process
+synonym: "mandibular angle" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001487 ! mandible
+id: MA:0002874
+name: nasal bridge
+relationship: part_of MA:0001910 ! snout
+id: MA:0002875
+name: periorbital area
+relationship: part_of MA:0002473 ! face
+id: MA:0002876
+name: vertebra lamina
+synonym: "vertebral lamina" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001453 ! vertebra arch
+id: MA:0002877
+name: mediastinal lymph node
+xref: EMAPS:3555528
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002878
+name: brachial lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002879
+name: lumbar lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002881
+name: pancreatic lymph node
+synonym: "pyloric lymph node" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002882
+name: renal lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002883
+name: sacral lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002884
+name: sciatic lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0002885
+name: deep cervical lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000736 ! cervical lymph node
+id: MA:0002886
+name: superficial cervical lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000736 ! cervical lymph node
+id: MA:0002887
+name: set of connective tissues
+is_a: MA:0000003 ! organ system
+id: MA:0002888
+name: muscular system
+synonym: "set of muscles" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3557828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002418 ! musculoskeletal system
+id: MA:0002889
+name: limb segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0000007 ! limb
+id: MA:0002890
+name: septal organ of Masera
+xref: EMAPS:3576628
+is_a: MA:0001327 ! septal olfactory organ
+id: MA:0002891
+name: septal organ of Gruneberg
+synonym: "Gruneberg ganglion" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3576528
+is_a: MA:0001327 ! septal olfactory organ
+id: MA:0002892
+name: vestibular epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3592128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000245 ! vestibular labyrinth
+id: MA:0002893
+name: amniotic fluid
+is_a: MA:0002450 ! body fluid or substance
+id: MA:0002894
+name: ventral posterior lateral thalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3591028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000867 ! ventral posterior thalamic group
+id: MA:0002895
+name: periaqueductal grey
+xref: EMAPS:3278128
+is_a: MA:0000810 ! brain grey matter
+id: MA:0002896
+name: external capsule
+xref: EMAPS:3533128
+is_a: MA:0000945 ! cerebral white matter
+id: MA:0002897
+name: mammary gland connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3553728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0002898
+name: cribriform plate
+xref: EMAPS:1920128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001483 ! ethmoid bone
+id: MA:0002899
+name: temporomandibular joint
+synonym: "tempero-mandibular joint" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1919628
+is_a: MA:0000322 ! synovial joint
+id: MA:0002900
+name: zymbal gland
+synonym: "zymbal's gland" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0003043 ! modified sebaceous gland
+id: MA:0002901
+name: aorta wall
+xref: EMAPS:3513928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000062 ! aorta
+id: MA:0002902
+name: aorta tunica adventitia
+xref: EMAPS:3513628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002901 ! aorta wall
+id: MA:0002903
+name: aorta tunica media
+xref: EMAPS:3513828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002901 ! aorta wall
+id: MA:0002904
+name: aorta tunica intima
+xref: EMAPS:3513728
+relationship: part_of MA:0002901 ! aorta wall
+id: MA:0002905
+name: decidua basalis
+xref: EMAPS:3527028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001722 ! decidua
+id: MA:0002906
+name: decidua capsularis
+xref: EMAPS:3527128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001722 ! decidua
+id: MA:0002907
+name: ovary primary follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3563128
+is_a: MA:0001707 ! ovary follicle
+id: MA:0002908
+name: ovary secondary follicle
+xref: EMAPS:3563228
+is_a: MA:0001707 ! ovary follicle
+id: MA:0002909
+name: ovary antral follicle
+synonym: "Graafian follicle" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3076328
+xref: EMAPS:3077728
+xref: EMAPS:3562528
+is_a: MA:0001707 ! ovary follicle
+id: MA:0002910
+name: vibrissa follicle
+xref: EMAPS:2672028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000163 ! vibrissa
+id: MA:0002911
+name: mammary gland fat
+xref: EMAPS:3553928
+is_a: MA:0000009 ! adipose tissue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000145 ! mammary gland
+id: MA:0002912
+name: prostate gland stroma
+xref: EMAPS:3571428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000404 ! prostate gland
+id: MA:0002913
+name: seminal vesicle muscle layer
+xref: EMAPS:2977328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000410 ! seminal vesicle
+id: MA:0002914
+name: distal phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:3528728
+is_a: MA:0000304 ! phalanx
+id: MA:0002915
+name: middle phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:3557228
+is_a: MA:0000304 ! phalanx
+id: MA:0002916
+name: proximal phalanx
+xref: EMAPS:3571628
+is_a: MA:0000304 ! phalanx
+id: MA:0002917
+name: amygdalahippocampal area
+xref: EMAPS:3512428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002918
+name: amygdaloppiriform transition area
+xref: EMAPS:3512528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002919
+name: anterior amygdaloid area
+xref: EMAPS:3512728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002920
+name: anterior cortical amydaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3512828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002921
+name: basolateral amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3516728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002922
+name: basomedial amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3516828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002923
+name: central amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3520428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002924
+name: cortical amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3525428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002925
+name: intercalated amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3543428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002926
+name: lateral amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3547628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002927
+name: medial amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3554328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002928
+name: posterior amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3569428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002929
+name: posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3569928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002930
+name: posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3570028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000887 ! amygdala
+id: MA:0002931
+name: mesometrium
+xref: EMAPS:3556228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000389 ! uterus
+id: MA:0002932
+name: accessory olfactory bulb external plexiform layer
+xref: EMAPS:3510728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000966 ! accessory olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0002933
+name: accessory olfactory bulb granule cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3510928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000966 ! accessory olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0002934
+name: accessory olfactory bulb internal plexiform layer
+xref: EMAPS:3511028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000966 ! accessory olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0002935
+name: kidney medulla collecting duct
+xref: EMAPS:3545928
+is_a: MA:0000371 ! kidney collecting duct
+relationship: part_of MA:0000373 ! kidney medulla
+id: MA:0002936
+name: bartholin's gland
+synonym: "greater vestibular gland" RELATED []
+synonym: "major vestibular gland" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000383 ! female reproductive gland
+id: MA:0002937
+name: trachea gland
+relationship: part_of MA:0001860 ! trachea submucosa
+id: MA:0002938
+name: lingual gland duct
+is_a: MA:0001586 ! salivary duct
+id: MA:0002939
+name: interventricular septum membranous part
+synonym: "membranous interventricular septum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1824628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000085 ! heart interventricular septum
+id: MA:0002940
+name: interventricular septum muscular part
+synonym: "muscular interventricular septum" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1824728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000085 ! heart interventricular septum
+id: MA:0002941
+name: subcommissural organ
+xref: EMAPS:3582828
+is_a: MA:0002943 ! secretory circumventricular organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0000211 ! tectum
+id: MA:0002942
+name: circumventricular organ
+xref: EMAPS:3524328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000168 ! brain
+id: MA:0002943
+name: secretory circumventricular organ
+xref: EMAPS:3575928
+is_a: MA:0000720 ! neuroendocrine gland
+is_a: MA:0002942 ! circumventricular organ
+id: MA:0002944
+name: sensory circumventricular organ
+is_a: MA:0002942 ! circumventricular organ
+id: MA:0002945
+name: 4th ventricle aperture
+relationship: part_of MA:0000196 ! 4th ventricle
+id: MA:0002946
+name: 4th ventricle lateral aperture
+synonym: "foramen of Key-Retzius" RELATED []
+synonym: "foramen of Retzius" RELATED []
+synonym: "forament of Luschka" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002945 ! 4th ventricle aperture
+id: MA:0002947
+name: 4th ventricle median aperture
+synonym: "arachnoid foramen" RELATED []
+synonym: "foramen of Magendie" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002945 ! 4th ventricle aperture
+id: MA:0002948
+name: pelvis ligament
+synonym: "pelvic ligament" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000533 ! pelvis connective tissue
+id: MA:0002949
+name: left eye
+is_a: MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0002950
+name: right eye
+is_a: MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0002951
+name: gastroesophageal sphincter
+synonym: "cardiac sphincter" RELATED []
+synonym: "lower esophageal sphincter" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001609 ! stomach cardiac region
+id: MA:0002952
+name: pyloric sphincter
+relationship: part_of MA:0002560 ! stomach pyloric region
+id: MA:0002953
+name: parametrial fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0002954
+name: cervical vertebra 1 arcus anterior
+synonym: "anterior arch of atlas" RELATED []
+synonym: "arcus anterior atlantis" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001421 ! cervical vertebra 1
+id: MA:0002955
+name: atrium auricular region
+relationship: part_of MA:0000073 ! heart atrium
+id: MA:0002956
+name: omental fat pad
+is_a: MA:0000472 ! abdominal fat pad
+id: MA:0002957
+name: stylohyoid ligament
+synonym: "stylo-hyoid ligament" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0003005 ! skeletal ligament
+id: MA:0002958
+name: hyoid bone body
+synonym: "base of hyoid bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "basihyal bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "basihyoid bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "body of hyoid bone" RELATED []
+synonym: "hyoid bone base" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1865328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001484 ! hyoid bone
+id: MA:0002959
+name: hyoid bone greater horn
+synonym: "hyoid bone greater cornu" RELATED []
+synonym: "hyoid bone superior horn" RELATED []
+synonym: "hyoid bone upper horn" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1865128
+relationship: part_of MA:0001484 ! hyoid bone
+id: MA:0002960
+name: hyoid bone lesser horn
+synonym: "hyoid bone lesser cornu" RELATED []
+synonym: "hyoid bone lower horn" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:1865228
+relationship: part_of MA:0001484 ! hyoid bone
+id: MA:0002961
+name: lymphatic system
+xref: EMAPS:1824828
+relationship: part_of MA:0002435 ! lymphoid system
+relationship: part_of MA:0002718 ! vascular system
+id: MA:0002962
+name: hemolymphoid system gland
+xref: EMAPS:1876628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000013 ! hemolymphoid system
+id: MA:0002963
+name: cerebellum lobe
+xref: EMAPS:3522028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000199 ! cerebellar cortex
+id: MA:0002964
+name: cerebellum posterior lobe
+xref: EMAPS:3522228
+is_a: MA:0002963 ! cerebellum lobe
+id: MA:0002965
+name: cerebellum flocculonodular lobe
+is_a: MA:0002963 ! cerebellum lobe
+id: MA:0002966
+name: cerebellum lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000199 ! cerebellar cortex
+id: MA:0002967
+name: cerebellum hemisphere lobule
+is_a: MA:0002966 ! cerebellum lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000200 ! cerebellum hemisphere
+id: MA:0002968
+name: cerebellum vermis lobule
+xref: EMAPS:3522428
+is_a: MA:0002966 ! cerebellum lobule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000202 ! cerebellum vermis
+id: MA:0002969
+name: anterior cerebellum vermis
+relationship: part_of MA:0000202 ! cerebellum vermis
+relationship: part_of MA:0000991 ! cerebellum anterior lobe
+id: MA:0002970
+name: posterior cerebellum vermis
+relationship: part_of MA:0000202 ! cerebellum vermis
+relationship: part_of MA:0002964 ! cerebellum posterior lobe
+id: MA:0002971
+name: dorsal striatum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000891 ! striatum
+id: MA:0002972
+name: ventral striatum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000891 ! striatum
+id: MA:0002973
+name: frontonasal suture
+xref: EMAPS:3535928
+is_a: MA:0001475 ! cranial suture
+id: MA:0002974
+name: pararenal fat
+synonym: "paranephric fat" RELATED []
+synonym: "pararenal fascia" RELATED []
+synonym: "pararenal fat body" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000009 ! adipose tissue
+id: MA:0002975
+name: perirenal fat
+synonym: "adipose capsule of kidney" RELATED []
+synonym: "fatty capsule of kidney" RELATED []
+synonym: "perinephric fat" RELATED []
+synonym: "periphrenic fascia" RELATED []
+synonym: "perirenal fascia" RELATED []
+synonym: "perirenal fat capsule" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000009 ! adipose tissue
+id: MA:0002976
+name: long bone epiphyseal plate proliferative zone
+synonym: "zone of proliferation" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3550728
+relationship: part_of MA:0002839 ! long bone epiphyseal plate
+id: MA:0002977
+name: long bone epiphyseal plate hypertrophic zone
+synonym: "maturation zone" RELATED []
+synonym: "zone of hypertrophic chondrocytes" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3550628
+is_a: MA:0002849 ! hypertrophic cartilage zone
+relationship: part_of MA:0002839 ! long bone epiphyseal plate
+id: MA:0002978
+name: septal nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3576328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000924 ! septum of telencephalon
+id: MA:0002979
+name: septum pellucidum
+synonym: "septum lucidum" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000924 ! septum of telencephalon
+id: MA:0002980
+name: dorsal raphe nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3529328
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000212 ! tegmentum
+id: MA:0002981
+name: raphe obscurus nucleus
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0002982
+name: sublingual ganglion
+is_a: MA:0002469 ! parasympathetic ganglion
+id: MA:0002983
+name: left ventricle myocardium
+xref: EMAPS:1733928
+is_a: MA:0000082 ! ventricle myocardium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000092 ! heart left ventricle
+id: MA:0002984
+name: right ventricle myocardium
+xref: EMAPS:1734228
+is_a: MA:0000082 ! ventricle myocardium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000093 ! heart right ventricle
+id: MA:0002985
+name: manubrium mallei
+synonym: "handle of malleus" RELATED []
+synonym: "malleal manubrium" RELATED []
+synonym: "malleus handle" RELATED []
+synonym: "malleus manubrium" RELATED []
+synonym: "manubrium of malleus" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0001216 ! malleus
+id: MA:0002986
+name: post-cranial axial skeleton
+relationship: part_of MA:0000308 ! axial skeleton
+id: MA:0002987
+name: malleus head
+relationship: part_of MA:0001216 ! malleus
+id: MA:0002988
+name: malleus neck
+relationship: part_of MA:0001216 ! malleus
+id: MA:0002989
+name: lymph node germinal center
+xref: EMAPS:3552828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000744 ! lymph node secondary follicle
+id: MA:0002990
+name: lymph node follicular mantle
+relationship: part_of MA:0000744 ! lymph node secondary follicle
+id: MA:0002991
+name: ovary stroma
+xref: EMAPS:3563428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0002992
+name: thalamic nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3585928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000179 ! thalamus
+id: MA:0002993
+name: tendo calcaneus
+synonym: "Achilles tendon" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3585328
+is_a: MA:0000115 ! tendon
+id: MA:0002994
+name: malleus process brevis
+relationship: part_of MA:0001216 ! malleus
+id: MA:0002995
+name: kidney medulla tubule
+synonym: "medullary tubule" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3555728
+is_a: MA:0000377 ! kidney tubule
+relationship: part_of MA:0000373 ! kidney medulla
+id: MA:0002996
+name: nephrogenic zone
+xref: EMAPS:2772128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000368 ! kidney
+id: MA:0002997
+name: cap mesenchyme
+xref: EMAPS:2773528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002996 ! nephrogenic zone
+id: MA:0002998
+name: nephrogenic interstitium
+xref: EMAPS:1795328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002996 ! nephrogenic zone
+id: MA:0002999
+name: pretubular aggregate
+xref: EMAPS:2774228
+relationship: part_of MA:0002996 ! nephrogenic zone
+id: MA:0003000
+name: anatomical structure
+is_a: MA:0000001 ! mouse anatomical entity
+id: MA:0003001
+name: organ
+xref: EMAPS:3594928
+is_a: MA:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: part_of MA:0002405 ! postnatal mouse
+id: MA:0003002
+name: tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3586828
+is_a: MA:0003000 ! anatomical structure
+relationship: part_of MA:0002405 ! postnatal mouse
+id: MA:0003003
+name: spiral prominence
+xref: EMAPS:3579928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0003004
+name: nonskeletal ligament
+is_a: MA:0000113 ! ligament
+id: MA:0003005
+name: skeletal ligament
+is_a: MA:0000113 ! ligament
+id: MA:0003006
+name: skeleton
+xref: EMAPS:1721328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000018 ! skeletal system
+id: MA:0003007
+name: articular system
+xref: EMAPS:3515028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000018 ! skeletal system
+id: MA:0003008
+name: perichondrium
+xref: EMAPS:3567628
+is_a: MA:0000011 ! connective tissue
+id: MA:0003009
+name: baroreceptor
+relationship: part_of MA:0000060 ! blood vessel
+id: MA:0003010
+name: footpad
+relationship: part_of MA:0002714 ! autopod
+id: MA:0003011
+name: digit skin
+xref: EMAPS:3261528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000690 ! limb digit
+id: MA:0003012
+name: interdigital region
+xref: EMAPS:3261828
+is_a: MA:0002714 ! autopod
+id: MA:0003013
+name: rete testis
+xref: EMAPS:1833228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0003014
+name: limiting ridge of stomach
+synonym: "" RELATED []
+synonym: "margo plicatus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002561 ! stomach region
+relationship: part_of MA:0000353 ! stomach
+id: MA:0003015
+name: hepatic vein
+xref: EMAPS:1922128
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0003016
+name: hair follicle infundibulum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000154 ! hair follicle
+id: MA:0003017
+name: apex of heart ventricle
+synonym: "apex of cardiac ventricle" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000091 ! heart ventricle
+id: MA:0003018
+name: supraoptic crest
+synonym: "vascular organ of lamina terminalis" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002944 ! sensory circumventricular organ
+id: MA:0003019
+name: inferior olivary commissure
+synonym: "interolivary commissure" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002741 ! brainstem white matter
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0003020
+name: ureterovesical junction
+synonym: "vesico-ureteral junction" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000325 ! urinary system
+id: MA:0003021
+name: ureteropelvic junction
+relationship: part_of MA:0000325 ! urinary system
+id: MA:0003022
+name: retrotrapezoid nucleus
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000206 ! medulla oblongata
+id: MA:0003023
+name: limb digit 1
+is_a: MA:0000690 ! limb digit
+id: MA:0003024
+name: oblique abdominal muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3560328
+is_a: MA:0000520 ! abdomen muscle
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0003025
+name: serratus muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3576928
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0003026
+name: platysma
+xref: EMAPS:1819028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0003027
+name: lymph node subcortical sinus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003028
+name: subcutaneous lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+relationship: part_of MA:0000151 ! skin
+id: MA:0003029
+name: pancreatic fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0003030
+name: nasal associated lymphoid tissue
+is_a: MA:0000140 ! mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
+id: MA:0003031
+name: base of tongue
+relationship: part_of MA:0000347 ! tongue
+id: MA:0003032
+name: left hepatic vein
+is_a: MA:0003015 ! hepatic vein
+id: MA:0003033
+name: middle hepatic vein
+is_a: MA:0003015 ! hepatic vein
+id: MA:0003034
+name: right hepatic vein
+is_a: MA:0003015 ! hepatic vein
+id: MA:0003035
+name: accessory hepatic vein
+is_a: MA:0003015 ! hepatic vein
+id: MA:0003036
+name: ovarian bursa
+relationship: part_of MA:0000449 ! peritoneum
+id: MA:0003037
+name: hyoid apparatus
+is_a: MA:0000569 ! head or neck bone
+id: MA:0003038
+name: gland
+xref: EMAPS:1842528
+is_a: MA:0003001 ! organ
+id: MA:0003039
+name: eccrine sweat gland
+is_a: MA:0003041 ! merocrine gland
+id: MA:0003040
+name: apocrine gland
+xref: EMAPS:3514128
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+id: MA:0003041
+name: merocrine gland
+synonym: "eccrine gland" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+id: MA:0003042
+name: holocrine gland
+is_a: MA:0002564 ! exocrine gland
+id: MA:0003043
+name: modified sebaceous gland
+is_a: MA:0002565 ! sebaceous gland
+id: MA:0003044
+name: clitoral/preputial gland
+is_a: MA:0003043 ! modified sebaceous gland
+id: MA:0003045
+name: cauda equina
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0003046
+name: perianal skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000546 ! pelvis skin
+id: MA:0003047
+name: skeletal tissue
+is_a: MA:0003002 ! tissue
+id: MA:0003048
+name: posterior abdominal aorta
+relationship: part_of MA:0000474 ! abdominal aorta
+id: MA:0003049
+name: tibia diaphysis
+is_a: MA:0002803 ! long bone diaphysis
+relationship: part_of MA:0001361 ! tibia
+id: MA:0003050
+name: femur head
+relationship: part_of MA:0001359 ! femur
+id: MA:0003051
+name: aortic sinus
+relationship: part_of MA:0002570 ! ascending aorta
+id: MA:0003052
+name: femur metaphysis
+is_a: MA:0001363 ! long bone metaphysis
+relationship: part_of MA:0001359 ! femur
+id: MA:0003053
+name: iliac crest
+relationship: part_of MA:0001336 ! ilium
+id: MA:0003054
+name: auricular vein
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0003055
+name: femur diaphysis
+is_a: MA:0002803 ! long bone diaphysis
+relationship: part_of MA:0001359 ! femur
+id: MA:0003056
+name: femur epiphysis
+is_a: MA:0001362 ! long bone epiphysis
+relationship: part_of MA:0001359 ! femur
+id: MA:0003057
+name: abdominal cavity
+is_a: MA:0002447 ! body cavity
+relationship: part_of MA:0000021 ! abdominal segment of trunk
+id: MA:0003058
+name: anal sac
+relationship: part_of MA:0000329 ! anal region
+id: MA:0003059
+name: buccal pouch
+relationship: part_of MA:0002474 ! mouth
+id: MA:0003060
+name: epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3273828
+is_a: MA:0003002 ! tissue
+id: MA:0003061
+name: cranial cavity
+is_a: MA:0002447 ! body cavity
+relationship: part_of MA:0000023 ! head
+id: MA:0003062
+name: interscapular brown adipose tissue
+synonym: "IBAT" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000057 ! brown adipose tissue
+id: MA:0003063
+name: mediastinal fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0003064
+name: periovarian fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0003065
+name: ileocecocolic lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003066
+name: iliac lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003067
+name: mandibular lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003068
+name: tracheobronchial lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003069
+name: prescapular lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000736 ! cervical lymph node
+id: MA:0003070
+name: retropharyngeal lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000736 ! cervical lymph node
+id: MA:0003071
+name: gastric lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003072
+name: hepatic lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003073
+name: paraaortic lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003074
+name: splenic lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003075
+name: mediastinum
+relationship: part_of MA:0000022 ! thoracic segment of trunk
+id: MA:0003076
+name: mediastinum connective tissue
+is_a: MA:0003075 ! mediastinum
+id: MA:0003077
+name: mesenteric adipose tissue
+is_a: MA:0000009 ! adipose tissue
+id: MA:0003078
+name: bronchial lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003079
+name: snout skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000582 ! head skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0001910 ! snout
+id: MA:0003080
+name: spinal cord segment
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0003081
+name: spinal cord cervical segment
+is_a: MA:0003080 ! spinal cord segment
+id: MA:0003082
+name: spinal cord thoracic segment
+is_a: MA:0003080 ! spinal cord segment
+id: MA:0003083
+name: spinal cord lumbar segment>
+is_a: MA:0003080 ! spinal cord segment
+id: MA:0003084
+name: spinal cord coccygeal segment
+is_a: MA:0003080 ! spinal cord segment
+id: MA:0003085
+name: spinal cord sacral segment
+is_a: MA:0003080 ! spinal cord segment
+id: MA:0003086
+name: eye trabecular meshwork
+relationship: part_of MA:0002484 ! eye anterior segment
+id: MA:0003087
+name: axilla skin
+is_a: MA:0000596 ! arm skin
+id: MA:0003088
+name: parotid lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003089
+name: pelvic cavity
+is_a: MA:0002447 ! body cavity
+relationship: part_of MA:0000030 ! pelvis
+id: MA:0003090
+name: nose skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0003079 ! snout skin
+id: MA:0003091
+name: axillary fat pad
+is_a: MA:0002481 ! fat pad
+id: MA:0003092
+name: auricular lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003093
+name: scrotum skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000409 ! scrotum
+id: MA:0003094
+name: common hepatic artery
+is_a: MA:0001963 ! hepatic artery
+id: MA:0003095
+name: proper hepatic artery
+is_a: MA:0001963 ! hepatic artery
+id: MA:0003096
+name: left hepatic artery
+is_a: MA:0001963 ! hepatic artery
+id: MA:0003097
+name: right hepatic artery
+is_a: MA:0001963 ! hepatic artery
+id: MA:0003098
+name: lung lobe
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0003099
+name: lung hilus
+synonym: "lung hilum" RELATED []
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0003100
+name: paravertebral ganglion
+is_a: MA:0000226 ! sympathetic ganglion
+id: MA:0003101
+name: prevertebral ganglion
+synonym: "collateral ganglion" RELATED []
+synonym: "previsceral ganglion" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0000226 ! sympathetic ganglion
+id: MA:0003102
+name: superior mesenteric ganglion
+is_a: MA:0003101 ! prevertebral ganglion
+id: MA:0003103
+name: inferior mesenteric ganglion
+is_a: MA:0003101 ! prevertebral ganglion
+id: MA:0003104
+name: heel skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000654 ! foot skin
+id: MA:0003105
+name: foot pad skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0000654 ! foot skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0003010 ! footpad
+id: MA:0003106
+name: tibia metaphysis
+is_a: MA:0001363 ! long bone metaphysis
+relationship: part_of MA:0001361 ! tibia
+id: MA:0003107
+name: duodenal papilla
+xref: EMAPS:1866228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000338 ! duodenum
+id: MA:0003108
+name: choledochoduodenal junction
+relationship: part_of MA:0000338 ! duodenum
+id: MA:0003109
+name: intraorbital lacrimal gland
+is_a: MA:0001296 ! lacrimal gland
+id: MA:0003110
+name: exorbital lacrimal gland
+is_a: MA:0001296 ! lacrimal gland
+id: MA:0003111
+name: sural nerve
+is_a: MA:0000228 ! peripheral nerve
+relationship: part_of MA:0001173 ! tibial nerve
+id: MA:0003112
+name: tarsal joint
+is_a: MA:0000464 ! foot joint
+relationship: part_of MA:0000050 ! tarsus
+id: MA:0003113
+name: tibia epiphysis
+is_a: MA:0001362 ! long bone epiphysis
+relationship: part_of MA:0001361 ! tibia
+id: MA:0003114
+name: tracheal bifurcation
+relationship: part_of MA:0000441 ! trachea
+id: MA:0003115
+name: masticatory muscle
+is_a: MA:0000579 ! cranial/facial muscle
+id: MA:0003116
+name: bulbospongiosus
+synonym: "bulbocavernosus" RELATED []
+is_a: MA:0001743 ! penis erectile tissue
+id: MA:0003117
+name: entorhinal cortex
+xref: EMAPS:3531328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000920 ! retrohippocampal cortex
+id: MA:0003118
+name: thymic lymph node
+is_a: MA:0000139 ! lymph node
+id: MA:0003119
+name: alveolar process
+xref: EMAPS:3511828
+relationship: part_of MA:0001905 ! jaw
+id: MA:0003120
+name: autopod skin
+synonym: "paw skin" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3272328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000694 ! limb skin
+relationship: part_of MA:0002714 ! autopod
+id: MA:0003121
+name: dental follicle
+synonym: "dental sac" RELATED []
+xref: EMAPS:3527528
+relationship: part_of MA:0003152 ! tooth mesenchyme
+id: MA:0003122
+name: dentate gyrus molecular layer
+xref: EMAPS:3527928
+is_a: MA:0002429 ! dentate gyrus layer
+id: MA:0003123
+name: digit connective tissue
+xref: EMAPS:3271928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000690 ! limb digit
+id: MA:0003124
+name: prostate gland dorsal lobe
+xref: EMAPS:2980828
+is_a: MA:0001738 ! prostate gland lobe
+relationship: part_of MA:0001739 ! prostate gland dorsolateral lobe
+id: MA:0003125
+name: prostate gland lateral lobe
+xref: EMAPS:2982228
+is_a: MA:0001738 ! prostate gland lobe
+relationship: part_of MA:0001739 ! prostate gland dorsolateral lobe
+id: MA:0003126
+name: perpendicular plate
+xref: EMAPS:2511428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001483 ! ethmoid bone
+id: MA:0003127
+name: fasciola cinereum
+xref: EMAPS:3533928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000189 ! hippocampal formation
+id: MA:0003128
+name: greater omentum
+xref: EMAPS:1866028
+relationship: part_of MA:0001618 ! dorsal mesogastrium
+id: MA:0003129
+name: induseum griseum
+xref: EMAPS:3543028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000189 ! hippocampal formation
+id: MA:0003130
+name: jaw bone
+xref: EMAPS:3545328
+relationship: part_of MA:0001905 ! jaw
+id: MA:0003131
+name: left lung epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1765528
+is_a: MA:0001783 ! lung epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000425 ! left lung
+id: MA:0003132
+name: right lung epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1766328
+is_a: MA:0001783 ! lung epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000426 ! right lung
+id: MA:0003133
+name: left lung lobar bronchus
+xref: EMAPS:1765628
+is_a: MA:0000437 ! lobar bronchus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000425 ! left lung
+id: MA:0003134
+name: right lung lobar bronchus
+xref: EMAPS:1766428
+is_a: MA:0000437 ! lobar bronchus
+relationship: part_of MA:0000426 ! right lung
+id: MA:0003135
+name: left lung lobar bronchus epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1765828
+is_a: MA:0001842 ! lobar bronchus epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0003133 ! left lung lobar bronchus
+id: MA:0003136
+name: right lung lobar bronchus epitheium
+xref: EMAPS:1766628
+is_a: MA:0001842 ! lobar bronchus epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0003134 ! right lung lobar bronchus
+id: MA:0003137
+name: liver blood vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3549828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000358 ! liver
+id: MA:0003138
+name: nasal septum cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:2509128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000285 ! nasal septum
+id: MA:0003139
+name: integumental system muscle
+xref: EMAPS:18187228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000014 ! integumental system
+id: MA:0003140
+name: integumental system superficial muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1818828
+is_a: MA:0003139 ! integumental system muscle
+id: MA:0003141
+name: panniculus carnosus group
+xref: EMAPS:1818928
+is_a: MA:0003140 ! integumental system superficial muscle
+id: MA:0003142
+name: auditory tube epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3280128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000255 ! auditory tube
+id: MA:0003143
+name: pharynx mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2695728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000432 ! pharynx
+id: MA:0003144
+name: prevertebral muscle of neck
+xref: EMAPS:2513028
+is_a: MA:0003148 ! skeletal muscle
+id: MA:0003145
+name: radio-ulnar joint
+xref: EMAPS:1920628
+is_a: MA:0000460 ! wrist joint
+id: MA:0003146
+name: proximal radio-ulnar joint
+xref: EMAPS:1931728
+is_a: MA:0003145 ! radio-ulnar joint
+id: MA:0003147
+name: raphe nucleus
+xref: EMAPS:3572128
+is_a: MA:0000821 ! brainstem nucleus
+id: MA:0003148
+name: skeletal muscle
+xref: EMAPS:3598828
+is_a: MA:0000015 ! muscle organ
+id: MA:0003149
+name: dentate gyrus subgranular zone
+xref: EMAPS:3583128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000190 ! dentate gyrus
+id: MA:0003150
+name: taenia tecta
+xref: EMAPS:3584728
+is_a: MA:0000194 ! main olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0003151
+name: tooth epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3290328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000348 ! tooth
+id: MA:0003152
+name: tooth mesenchyme
+xref: EMAPS:3289128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000348 ! tooth
+id: MA:0003153
+name: axial muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1816728
+is_a: MA:0000165 ! set of skeletal muscles
+id: MA:0003154
+name: axial skeleton cervical region
+xref: EMAPS:1721528
+relationship: part_of MA:0002986 ! post-cranial axial skeleton
+id: MA:0003155
+name: axial skeleton thoracic region
+xref: EMAPS:1739628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002986 ! post-cranial axial skeleton
+id: MA:0003156
+name: axial skeleton lumbar region
+xref: EMAPS:1739328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002986 ! post-cranial axial skeleton
+id: MA:0003157
+name: axial skeleton sacral region
+xref: EMAPS:1767628
+relationship: part_of MA:0002986 ! post-cranial axial skeleton
+id: MA:0003158
+name: axial skeleton tail region
+xref: EMAPS:1804328
+relationship: part_of MA:0002986 ! post-cranial axial skeleton
+id: MA:0003159
+name: facial bone
+xref: EMAPS:1901928
+is_a: MA:0001482 ! viscerocranium bone
+id: MA:0003160
+name: facial muscle
+xref: EMAPS:2513328
+is_a: MA:0000579 ! cranial/facial muscle
+id: MA:0003161
+name: ear epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3280028
+is_a: MA:0003174 ! sensory organ epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000236 ! ear
+id: MA:0003162
+name: eye epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3595728
+is_a: MA:0003174 ! sensory organ epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000261 ! eye
+id: MA:0003163
+name: eyelid epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3275828
+is_a: MA:0003162 ! eye epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000268 ! eyelid
+id: MA:0003164
+name: inner ear vestibular component
+xref: EMAPS:1728628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000237 ! inner ear
+id: MA:0003165
+name: intercostal muscle
+xref: EMAPS:1852128
+is_a: MA:0003153 ! axial muscle
+id: MA:0003166
+name: intercostal vein
+xref: EMAPS:1876228
+is_a: MA:0000067 ! vein
+id: MA:0003167
+name: hepatobiliary system epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3595028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000324 ! hepatobiliary system
+id: MA:0003168
+name: lung parenchyma
+xref: EMAPS:3552228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000415 ! lung
+id: MA:0003169
+name: middle ear epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3567328
+is_a: MA:0003161 ! ear epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000253 ! middle ear
+id: MA:0003170
+name: outer ear epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3595628
+is_a: MA:0003161 ! ear epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000258 ! outer ear
+id: MA:0003171
+name: nose epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3595928
+is_a: MA:0003174 ! sensory organ epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000281 ! nose
+id: MA:0003172
+name: naris epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3595928
+is_a: MA:0003171 ! nose epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000282 ! naris
+id: MA:0003173
+name: retina epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3573828
+is_a: MA:0003162 ! eye epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000276 ! retina
+id: MA:0003174
+name: sensory organ epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3595228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000017 ! sensory organ
+id: MA:0003175
+name: sensory organ cartilage
+xref: EMAPS:3597828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000017 ! sensory organ
+id: MA:0003176
+name: spiral vessel
+xref: EMAPS:3580128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000243 ! cochlear duct
+id: MA:0003177
+name: splenic artery
+xref: EMAPS:1921628
+is_a: MA:0000064 ! artery
+id: MA:0003178
+name: tongue papilla epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3586928
+relationship: part_of MA:0001593 ! tongue papilla
+id: MA:0003179
+name: valve leaflet
+xref: EMAPS:3590328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000086 ! heart valve
+id: MA:0003180
+name: tricuspid valve leaflet
+xref: EMAPS:1863028
+is_a: MA:0003179 ! valve leaflet
+relationship: part_of MA:0000090 ! tricuspid valve
+id: MA:0003181
+name: testis vasculature
+xref: EMAPS:2960328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0003182
+name: testis coelomic vessel
+xref: EMAPS:2960528
+relationship: part_of MA:0003181 ! testis vasculature
+id: MA:0003183
+name: testis intersitial vessel
+xref: EMAPS:2960728
+relationship: part_of MA:0003181 ! testis vasculature
+id: MA:0003184
+name: brain venous system
+xref: EMAPS:1863128
+relationship: part_of MA:0002769 ! brain vasculature
+id: MA:0003185
+name: brainstem reticular formation
+xref: EMAPS:3518828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000169 ! brainstem
+id: MA:0003186
+name: CA1 pyramidal cell layer
+xref: EMAPS:3519628
+is_a: MA:0000956 ! hippocampus pyramidal layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0000950 ! hippocampus CA1
+id: MA:0003187
+name: cerebellum ventricular layer
+xref: EMAPS:1779028
+is_a: MA:0000201 ! cerebellar layer
+id: MA:0003188
+name: cerebral cortex subventricular zone
+xref: EMAPS:3270428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000185 ! cerebral cortex
+id: MA:0003189
+name: cerebral cortex ventricular zone
+xref: EMAPS:3270728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000185 ! cerebral cortex
+id: MA:0003190
+name: forebrain ventricular layer
+xref: EMAPS:3292128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000170 ! forebrain
+id: MA:0003191
+name: olfactory bulb olfactory nerve layer
+xref: EMAPS:3561428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000194 ! main olfactory bulb
+id: MA:0003192
+name: spinal cord lateral wall
+xref: EMAPS:1757928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000216 ! spinal cord
+id: MA:0003193
+name: ventricular layer
+relationship: part_of MA:0000167 ! central nervous system
+id: MA:0003194
+name: colon mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2737528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000335 ! colon
+id: MA:0003195
+name: colon epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1894128
+relationship: part_of MA:0003194 ! colon mucosa
+id: MA:0003196
+name: colon lamina propria
+xref: EMAPS:2739528
+relationship: part_of MA:0003194 ! colon mucosa
+id: MA:0003197
+name: colon muscularis mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2739928
+relationship: part_of MA:0003194 ! colon mucosa
+id: MA:0003198
+name: colon muscularis
+xref: EMAPS:2738328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000335 ! colon
+id: MA:0003199
+name: colon serosa
+relationship: part_of MA:0000335 ! colon
+id: MA:0003200
+name: colon submucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2737928
+relationship: part_of MA:0003198 ! colon muscularis
+id: MA:0003201
+name: gut epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3292828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000917 ! gut
+id: MA:0003202
+name: gut gland
+xref: EMAPS:1881528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000917 ! gut
+id: MA:0003203
+name: gut mesentery
+xref: EMAPS:3291128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000917 ! gut
+id: MA:0003204
+name: foregut epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3292228
+is_a: MA:0003201 ! gut epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001526 ! foregut
+id: MA:0003205
+name: midgut epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1656928
+is_a: MA:0003201 ! gut epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001564 ! midgut
+id: MA:0003206
+name: hindgut epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1671728
+is_a: MA:0003201 ! gut epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0001527 ! hindgut
+id: MA:0003207
+name: duodenum mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2723528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000338 ! duodenum
+id: MA:0003208
+name: duodenum epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1907828
+relationship: part_of MA:0003207 ! duodenum mucosa
+id: MA:0003209
+name: duodenum lamina propria
+xref: EMAPS:2725528
+relationship: part_of MA:0003207 ! duodenum mucosa
+id: MA:0003210
+name: duodenum muscularis mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2725928
+relationship: part_of MA:0003207 ! duodenum mucosa
+id: MA:0003211
+name: duodenum muscularis
+xref: EMAPS:2724328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000338 ! duodenum
+id: MA:0003212
+name: duodenum serosa
+xref: EMAPS:2724728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000338 ! duodenum
+id: MA:0003213
+name: duodenum submucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2723928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000338 ! duodenum
+id: MA:0003214
+name: jejunum mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2710928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000340 ! jejunum
+id: MA:0003215
+name: jejunum epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1866828
+relationship: part_of MA:0003214 ! jejunum mucosa
+id: MA:0003216
+name: ileum mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:3542428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000339 ! ileum
+id: MA:0003217
+name: ileum epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3542328
+relationship: part_of MA:0003216 ! ileum mucosa
+id: MA:0003218
+name: rectum mucosa
+xref: EMAPS:2708128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000336 ! rectum
+id: MA:0003219
+name: rectum epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:1789828
+relationship: part_of MA:0003218 ! rectum mucosa
+id: MA:0003220
+name: jaw epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3290428
+relationship: part_of MA:0001905 ! jaw
+id: MA:0003221
+name: incisor dental pulp
+xref: EMAPS:3542928
+is_a: MA:0001599 ! dental pulp
+relationship: part_of MA:0000349 ! incisor
+id: MA:0003222
+name: molar dental pulp
+xref: EMAPS:3557628
+is_a: MA:0001599 ! dental pulp
+relationship: part_of MA:0000350 ! molar
+id: MA:0003223
+name: incisor epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3289028
+is_a: MA:0003151 ! tooth epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000349 ! incisor
+id: MA:0003224
+name: molar epithelium
+xref: EMAPS:3287828
+is_a: MA:0003151 ! tooth epithelium
+relationship: part_of MA:0000350 ! molar
+id: MA:0003225
+name: incisor dental lamina
+xref: EMAPS:3289628
+is_a: MA:0001597 ! dental lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0003223 ! incisor epithelium
+id: MA:0003226
+name: molar dental lamina
+xref: EMAPS:3287928
+is_a: MA:0001597 ! dental lamina
+relationship: part_of MA:0003224 ! molar epithelium
+id: MA:0003227
+name: incisor enamel organ
+xref: EMAPS:3289528
+is_a: MA:0001604 ! tooth enamel organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0003223 ! incisor epithelium
+id: MA:0003228
+name: molar enamel organ
+xref: EMAPS:3288028
+is_a: MA:0001604 ! tooth enamel organ
+relationship: part_of MA:0003224 ! molar epithelium
+id: MA:0003229
+name: incisor mesenchyme
+xref: EMAPS:3289428
+is_a: MA:0003152 ! tooth mesenchyme
+relationship: part_of MA:0000349 ! incisor
+id: MA:0003230
+name: molar mesenchyme
+xref: EMAPS:3288128
+is_a: MA:0003152 ! tooth mesenchyme
+relationship: part_of MA:0000350 ! molar
+id: MA:0003231
+name: incisor dental papilla
+xref: EMAPS:3289328
+is_a: MA:0001598 ! dental papilla
+relationship: part_of MA:0003229 ! incisor mesenchyme
+id: MA:0003232
+name: molar dental papilla
+xref: EMAPS:3288228
+is_a: MA:0001598 ! dental papilla
+relationship: part_of MA:0003230 ! molar mesenchyme
+id: MA:0003233
+name: urinary system mesentery
+xref: EMAPS:1736728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000325 ! urinary system
+id: MA:0003234
+name: urogenital mesentery
+xref: EMAPS:1736828
+relationship: part_of MA:0003233 ! urinary system mesentery
+id: MA:0003235
+name: urorectal septum
+xref: EMAPS:1738028
+relationship: part_of MA:0000325 ! urinary system
+id: MA:0003236
+name: mesovarium
+xref: EMAPS:1796128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0003237
+name: rete ovarii of ovary
+xref: EMAPS:1796628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000384 ! ovary
+id: MA:0003238
+name: mesorchium
+xref: EMAPS:1797128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0003239
+name: Mullerian tubercle
+xref: EMAPS:1832828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0003240
+name: mediastinum testis
+xref: EMAPS:1833128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0003241
+name: female cystic vesicular appendage
+xref: EMAPS:1897828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0003242
+name: vagina upper part
+xref: EMAPS:1898728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000394 ! vagina
+id: MA:0003243
+name: vagina lower part
+xref: EMAPS:1899928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000394 ! vagina
+id: MA:0003244
+name: suspensory ligament of ovary
+xref: EMAPS:1908528
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0003245
+name: appendix epididymis
+xref: EMAPS:1908628
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0003246
+name: appendix testis
+xref: EMAPS:1908728
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0003247
+name: ejaculatory duct
+xref: EMAPS:1908828
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0003248
+name: gubernaculum
+xref: EMAPS:1908928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0003249
+name: female inguinal canal
+xref: EMAPS:1917128
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0003250
+name: female inguinal ring
+xref: EMAPS:1917228
+relationship: part_of MA:0000381 ! female reproductive system
+id: MA:0003251
+name: female internal inguinal ring
+xref: EMAPS:1917328
+is_a: MA:0003250 ! female inguinal ring
+id: MA:0003252
+name: female external inguinal ring
+xref: EMAPS:1917428
+is_a: MA:0003250 ! female inguinal ring
+id: MA:0003253
+name: tunica vaginalis testis
+xref: EMAPS:1917928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0003254
+name: tunica albuginea of testis
+xref: EMAPS:1928928
+relationship: part_of MA:0000411 ! testis
+id: MA:0003255
+name: crus penis
+xref: EMAPS:1929428
+relationship: part_of MA:0000408 ! penis
+id: MA:0003256
+name: male inguinal canal
+xref: EMAPS:2691328
+relationship: part_of MA:0000396 ! male reproductive system
+id: MA:0003257
+name: plantaris
+xref: EMAPS:3625428
+is_a: MA:0000678 ! lower leg muscle
+id: part_of
+name: part of
+is_transitive: true
diff --git a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
index 661a6e1e5..9d90a61e0 100644
--- a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 3,
+ "execution_count": 12,
"id": "4ff5af2d",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -52,9 +52,10 @@
"# NOTE: Make sure you have your unique biportal api-key in a txt file locally.\n",
"API_KEY_FILE = \"api-key.txt\"\n",
"limb_curie = \"UBERON:0002101\"\n",
+ "limb_curie_2 = \"MA:0000007\"\n",
"input_dir = \"input\"\n",
"xao_file = \"xao.obo\"\n",
- "zfa_file = \"zfa.obo\"\n"
+ "ma_file = \"ma.obo\""
@@ -67,25 +68,23 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
+ "execution_count": 8,
"id": "34554cd3",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "def render_sssom(rsrc:str):\n",
+ "def render_sssom(rsrc:str, curie:str):\n",
" writer = StreamingSssomWriter(sys.stdout)\n",
" resource = get_resource_from_shorthand(rsrc)\n",
" oi = resource.implementation_class()\n",
" \n",
" if rsrc == \"bioportal:\":\n",
" oi.load_bioportal_api_key(API_KEY_FILE)\n",
- " elif rsrc.endswith(\".obo\"):\n",
+ " else:\n",
" = input_dir\n",
" oi = resource.implementation_class(resource)\n",
- " else:\n",
- " print(f\"Unknown resource {rsrc}.\")\n",
" \n",
- " for m in oi.get_sssom_mappings_by_curie(limb_curie):\n",
+ " for m in oi.get_sssom_mappings_by_curie(curie):\n",
" writer.emit(m)\n",
" writer.close()"
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
+ "execution_count": 9,
"id": "dc24affd",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -688,7 +687,7 @@
"source": [
- "render_sssom(BIOPORTAL)"
+ "render_sssom(BIOPORTAL, limb_curie)"
@@ -701,7 +700,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
+ "execution_count": 10,
"id": "8b775938",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -733,16 +732,31 @@
"source": [
- "render_sssom(xao_file)"
+ "render_sssom(xao_file, limb_curie)"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "013f03bc",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "id": "ae968f6b",
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "# curie_map: {}\n",
+ "# license: UNSPECIFIED\n",
+ "# mapping_set_id: temp\n",
+ "subject_id\tpredicate_id\tobject_id\tmatch_type\n",
+ "MA:0000007\tskos:closeMatch\tEMAPS:1640528\tUnspecified\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "render_sssom(ma_file, limb_curie_2)"
+ ]
"cell_type": "markdown",
@@ -763,7 +777,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
- "id": "62b4d9a4",
+ "id": "7597879e",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
From 76a4708c25ecd3e0cd7804ffbf190450ae278931 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 18:25:29 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 13/16] Part finished
notebooks/mappings.ipynb | 33 +++++++++++----------------------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
index 9d90a61e0..4b58f0cf7 100644
--- a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
"import os\n",
"from oaklib.selector import get_resource_from_shorthand\n",
"from oaklib.utilities.mapping.sssom_utils import StreamingSssomWriter\n",
- "\n"
+ "import warnings\n",
+ "warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')\n"
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 12,
+ "execution_count": 3,
"id": "4ff5af2d",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
+ "execution_count": 4,
"id": "34554cd3",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 9,
+ "execution_count": 5,
"id": "dc24affd",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -700,7 +701,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 10,
+ "execution_count": 6,
"id": "8b775938",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -715,30 +716,17 @@
- },
- {
- "name": "stderr",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CARO part_of NCBITaxon:8353` macro\n",
- " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
- "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: CL part_of NCBITaxon:8353` macro\n",
- " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
- "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: GO part_of NCBITaxon:8353` macro\n",
- " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n",
- "/Users/HHegde/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-tgiw3j1K-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pronto/parsers/ NotImplementedWarning: cannot process `treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia: UBERON part_of NCBITaxon:8353` macro\n",
- " process_clause_header(clause, metadata, self.ont)\n"
- ]
"source": [
+ "# Xenopus Anatomy Ontology\n",
"render_sssom(xao_file, limb_curie)"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 13,
- "id": "ae968f6b",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "id": "a93a1c52",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -755,6 +743,7 @@
"source": [
+ "# Mouse adult gross anatomy\n",
"render_sssom(ma_file, limb_curie_2)"
@@ -777,7 +766,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
- "id": "7597879e",
+ "id": "51c4cb34",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
From 234e89f83fc92a0d15f25807c1c238b0c53768e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 18:53:30 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 14/16] uncommented line to address SyntaxError
src/oaklib/implementations/pronto/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/oaklib/implementations/pronto/ b/src/oaklib/implementations/pronto/
index 21746a843..555884b0f 100644
--- a/src/oaklib/implementations/pronto/
+++ b/src/oaklib/implementations/pronto/
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ def alias_map_by_curie(self, curie: CURIE) -> ALIAS_MAP:
return m
def get_simple_mappings_by_curie(self, curie: CURIE) -> Iterable[Tuple[PRED_CURIE, CURIE]]:
- #m = defaultdict(list)
+ m = defaultdict(list)
t = self._entity(curie)
if t is None:
return m
From dadd675c8ddb3cd9606282620c97c6dbb1f688c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 18:53:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 15/16] added lexmatch
notebooks/mappings.ipynb | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
index 4b58f0cf7..08114ef4a 100644
--- a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
+ "execution_count": 9,
"id": "c94eb15d",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
"import os\n",
"from oaklib.selector import get_resource_from_shorthand\n",
"from oaklib.utilities.mapping.sssom_utils import StreamingSssomWriter\n",
+ "from oaklib.cli import lexmatch\n",
+ "from oaklib.utilities.lexical.lexical_indexer import create_lexical_index, lexical_index_to_sssom\n",
"import warnings\n",
@@ -69,13 +71,12 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
+ "execution_count": 12,
"id": "34554cd3",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "def render_sssom(rsrc:str, curie:str):\n",
- " writer = StreamingSssomWriter(sys.stdout)\n",
+ "def get_implementation(rsrc:str):\n",
" resource = get_resource_from_shorthand(rsrc)\n",
" oi = resource.implementation_class()\n",
" \n",
@@ -85,10 +86,22 @@
" = input_dir\n",
" oi = resource.implementation_class(resource)\n",
" \n",
+ " return oi\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def render_sssom(rsrc:str, curie:str):\n",
+ " writer = StreamingSssomWriter(sys.stdout)\n",
+ " oi = get_implementation(rsrc)\n",
" for m in oi.get_sssom_mappings_by_curie(curie):\n",
" writer.emit(m)\n",
- " writer.close()"
+ " writer.close()\n",
+ " \n",
+ "def get_lexmatch(rsrc:str):\n",
+ " impl = get_implementation(rsrc)\n",
+ " ix = create_lexical_index(impl)\n",
+ " msdf = lexical_index_to_sssom(impl, ix)\n",
+ " msdf.df\n",
+ " "
@@ -726,7 +739,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
- "id": "a93a1c52",
+ "id": "a3553213",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -755,18 +768,28 @@
"# Part 2"
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "e171b8f9",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Get mappings using `lexmatch`"
+ ]
+ },
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "9c4aa77b",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "id": "f844af12",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
- "source": []
+ "source": [
+ "get_lexmatch(xao_file)\n"
+ ]
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
- "id": "51c4cb34",
+ "id": "a52f9e7b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
From c1b20744d229dd7573a8b10ae5cda3cc045f1ac5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harshad Hegde
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 18:56:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 16/16] updated paras
notebooks/mappings.ipynb | 531 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 523 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
index 08114ef4a..b211db386 100644
--- a/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/mappings.ipynb
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 12,
+ "execution_count": 14,
"id": "34554cd3",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
" impl = get_implementation(rsrc)\n",
" ix = create_lexical_index(impl)\n",
" msdf = lexical_index_to_sssom(impl, ix)\n",
- " msdf.df\n",
+ " return msdf.df\n",
" "
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
- "id": "a3553213",
+ "id": "21761e86",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@
"cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "e171b8f9",
+ "id": "08a24ba8",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Get mappings using `lexmatch`"
@@ -778,18 +778,533 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 13,
- "id": "f844af12",
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "id": "4baa4c83",
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " subject_id | \n",
+ " subject_label | \n",
+ " predicate_id | \n",
+ " object_id | \n",
+ " object_label | \n",
+ " match_type | \n",
+ " mapping_tool | \n",
+ " subject_match_field | \n",
+ " object_match_field | \n",
+ " match_string | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " XAO:0000006 | \n",
+ " otic vesicle | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0000189 | \n",
+ " auditory apparatus | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " ear | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " XAO:0000006 | \n",
+ " otic vesicle | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0000223 | \n",
+ " otic placode | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " ear | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " XAO:0000008 | \n",
+ " lens | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0005240 | \n",
+ " regenerating lens | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " lens | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " XAO:0000021 | \n",
+ " ventricular zone | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0004616 | \n",
+ " ventrolateral neural tube | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " ventricular zone | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " XAO:0000023 | \n",
+ " skin | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0000028 | \n",
+ " epidermis | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " skin | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 99 | \n",
+ " XAO:0004609 | \n",
+ " neural nucleus | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0005038 | \n",
+ " nucleus | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " nucleus | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 100 | \n",
+ " XAO:0005072 | \n",
+ " skin mucous gland | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0005073 | \n",
+ " mucous gland | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasBroadSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " mucous gland | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 101 | \n",
+ " XAO:0005084 | \n",
+ " blastomere D1 | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0005100 | \n",
+ " blastomere D2.1.1 | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " D1 | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 102 | \n",
+ " XAO:0005085 | \n",
+ " blastomere D2 | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:0005102 | \n",
+ " blastomere D2.2.1 | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " D2 | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 103 | \n",
+ " XAO:0005322 | \n",
+ " tadpole | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " XAO:1000008 | \n",
+ " tadpole stage | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " oio:hasExactSynonym | \n",
+ " tadpole | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 104 rows × 10 columns \n",
+ " "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " subject_id subject_label predicate_id object_id \\\n",
+ "0 XAO:0000006 otic vesicle skos:closeMatch XAO:0000189 \n",
+ "1 XAO:0000006 otic vesicle skos:closeMatch XAO:0000223 \n",
+ "2 XAO:0000008 lens skos:closeMatch XAO:0005240 \n",
+ "3 XAO:0000021 ventricular zone skos:closeMatch XAO:0004616 \n",
+ "4 XAO:0000023 skin skos:closeMatch XAO:0000028 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "99 XAO:0004609 neural nucleus skos:closeMatch XAO:0005038 \n",
+ "100 XAO:0005072 skin mucous gland skos:closeMatch XAO:0005073 \n",
+ "101 XAO:0005084 blastomere D1 skos:closeMatch XAO:0005100 \n",
+ "102 XAO:0005085 blastomere D2 skos:closeMatch XAO:0005102 \n",
+ "103 XAO:0005322 tadpole skos:closeMatch XAO:1000008 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " object_label match_type mapping_tool subject_match_field \\\n",
+ "0 auditory apparatus Lexical oaklib oio:hasBroadSynonym \n",
+ "1 otic placode Lexical oaklib oio:hasBroadSynonym \n",
+ "2 regenerating lens Lexical oaklib rdfs:label \n",
+ "3 ventrolateral neural tube Lexical oaklib rdfs:label \n",
+ "4 epidermis Lexical oaklib rdfs:label \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "99 nucleus Lexical oaklib oio:hasBroadSynonym \n",
+ "100 mucous gland Lexical oaklib oio:hasBroadSynonym \n",
+ "101 blastomere D2.1.1 Lexical oaklib oio:hasRelatedSynonym \n",
+ "102 blastomere D2.2.1 Lexical oaklib oio:hasRelatedSynonym \n",
+ "103 tadpole stage Lexical oaklib rdfs:label \n",
+ "\n",
+ " object_match_field match_string \n",
+ "0 oio:hasBroadSynonym ear \n",
+ "1 oio:hasBroadSynonym ear \n",
+ "2 oio:hasBroadSynonym lens \n",
+ "3 oio:hasBroadSynonym ventricular zone \n",
+ "4 oio:hasBroadSynonym skin \n",
+ ".. ... ... \n",
+ "99 rdfs:label nucleus \n",
+ "100 rdfs:label mucous gland \n",
+ "101 oio:hasRelatedSynonym D1 \n",
+ "102 oio:hasRelatedSynonym D2 \n",
+ "103 oio:hasExactSynonym tadpole \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[104 rows x 10 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "id": "25a8391f",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " subject_id | \n",
+ " subject_label | \n",
+ " predicate_id | \n",
+ " object_id | \n",
+ " object_label | \n",
+ " match_type | \n",
+ " mapping_tool | \n",
+ " subject_match_field | \n",
+ " object_match_field | \n",
+ " match_string | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " MA:0000004 | \n",
+ " trunk | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0000020 | \n",
+ " back of trunk | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " body | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " MA:0000133 | \n",
+ " cerebral hemisphere | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0000183 | \n",
+ " telencephalon | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " cerebrum | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " MA:0000185 | \n",
+ " cerebral cortex | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0002754 | \n",
+ " neocortex | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " cerebral cortex | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " MA:0000193 | \n",
+ " olfactory cortex | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0002413 | \n",
+ " olfactory lobe | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " olfactory lobe | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " MA:0000318 | \n",
+ " viscerocranium | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0003159 | \n",
+ " facial bone | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " facial bone | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " MA:0000341 | \n",
+ " oral region | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0002474 | \n",
+ " mouth | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " mouth | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " MA:0000402 | \n",
+ " coagulating gland | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0002422 | \n",
+ " prostate gland anterior lobe | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " prostate gland anterior lobe | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " MA:0000744 | \n",
+ " lymph node secondary follicle | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0002989 | \n",
+ " lymph node germinal center | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " lymph node germinal center | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " MA:0000999 | \n",
+ " cerebellum vermis lobule II | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0001000 | \n",
+ " cerebellum vermis lobule III | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " central lobule | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " MA:0001001 | \n",
+ " cerebellum vermis lobule IV | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0001002 | \n",
+ " cerebellum vermis lobule V | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " culmen | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " MA:0001344 | \n",
+ " central carpal bone | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0001349 | \n",
+ " navicular | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " centrale | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 11 | \n",
+ " MA:0001722 | \n",
+ " decidua | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0002905 | \n",
+ " decidua basalis | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " decidua basalis | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 12 | \n",
+ " MA:0001823 | \n",
+ " respiratory system epithelium | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0001827 | \n",
+ " respiratory system mucosa | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " respiratory system mucosa | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 13 | \n",
+ " MA:0002324 | \n",
+ " intercostales | \n",
+ " skos:closeMatch | \n",
+ " MA:0003165 | \n",
+ " intercostal muscle | \n",
+ " Lexical | \n",
+ " oaklib | \n",
+ " oio:hasRelatedSynonym | \n",
+ " rdfs:label | \n",
+ " intercostal muscle | \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " subject_id subject_label predicate_id object_id \\\n",
+ "0 MA:0000004 trunk skos:closeMatch MA:0000020 \n",
+ "1 MA:0000133 cerebral hemisphere skos:closeMatch MA:0000183 \n",
+ "2 MA:0000185 cerebral cortex skos:closeMatch MA:0002754 \n",
+ "3 MA:0000193 olfactory cortex skos:closeMatch MA:0002413 \n",
+ "4 MA:0000318 viscerocranium skos:closeMatch MA:0003159 \n",
+ "5 MA:0000341 oral region skos:closeMatch MA:0002474 \n",
+ "6 MA:0000402 coagulating gland skos:closeMatch MA:0002422 \n",
+ "7 MA:0000744 lymph node secondary follicle skos:closeMatch MA:0002989 \n",
+ "8 MA:0000999 cerebellum vermis lobule II skos:closeMatch MA:0001000 \n",
+ "9 MA:0001001 cerebellum vermis lobule IV skos:closeMatch MA:0001002 \n",
+ "10 MA:0001344 central carpal bone skos:closeMatch MA:0001349 \n",
+ "11 MA:0001722 decidua skos:closeMatch MA:0002905 \n",
+ "12 MA:0001823 respiratory system epithelium skos:closeMatch MA:0001827 \n",
+ "13 MA:0002324 intercostales skos:closeMatch MA:0003165 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " object_label match_type mapping_tool \\\n",
+ "0 back of trunk Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "1 telencephalon Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "2 neocortex Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "3 olfactory lobe Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "4 facial bone Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "5 mouth Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "6 prostate gland anterior lobe Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "7 lymph node germinal center Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "8 cerebellum vermis lobule III Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "9 cerebellum vermis lobule V Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "10 navicular Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "11 decidua basalis Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "12 respiratory system mucosa Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "13 intercostal muscle Lexical oaklib \n",
+ "\n",
+ " subject_match_field object_match_field match_string \n",
+ "0 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasRelatedSynonym body \n",
+ "1 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasRelatedSynonym cerebrum \n",
+ "2 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cerebral cortex \n",
+ "3 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label olfactory lobe \n",
+ "4 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label facial bone \n",
+ "5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label mouth \n",
+ "6 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label prostate gland anterior lobe \n",
+ "7 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label lymph node germinal center \n",
+ "8 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasRelatedSynonym central lobule \n",
+ "9 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasRelatedSynonym culmen \n",
+ "10 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasRelatedSynonym centrale \n",
+ "11 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label decidua basalis \n",
+ "12 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label respiratory system mucosa \n",
+ "13 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label intercostal muscle "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "get_lexmatch(ma_file)"
+ ]
+ },
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
- "id": "a52f9e7b",
+ "id": "a0a434e4",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
| | |