Due Nov 4 12:00 EST Post to your Github repo for the final project (by Nov 20th) && upload a link to your 3-4 minute presentation to your readMe file
5% of your final grade (2.5% research + presentation; 2.5% participation re: others' presentations and ideas)
Develop 3 DIFFERENT ideas for a final project. For each idea, use the templates use the 1 one of the storyboard templates to illustrate:
What it would look like through various stages (interaction, time)
Show the various stages on a macro-scale (far away) and micro-scale (close up, zoomed in)
System design: What does your software interact with? Humans? Then show the interface AND the system design. Other software? Draw a software map showing when, how and under what conditions the pieces of software interact.
You must do this entire process 3 times - once for each idea
Similar artists, designers, projects, games, methods, visuals, audio
Links to processes involved or influences by (code, biology, weather patterns, the sky is the limit)
Contextual information about the concept, meaning, expression, goal
You must do this entire process 3 times - once for each idea
Prepare a 3 minute presentation on these 3 ideas. Practice this presentation, playing all of your media. Have your links ready to go, images scanned and slides ready. Be able to discuss your idea.
Create a Repo for this Final Project. Upload a folder called "RoundTable Presentation" to your repo with all of the above materials inside of it.
**Presentations in class **