description |
Example configuration for the config.yml file |
# Guilds
# Creator: Glare
# Contributors:
# Issues:
# Spigot:
# Wiki:
# Discord:
# This is used for the Guild's Announcement System, which allow me (The Author) to communicate to you guys without updating.
# The way this works is very simple. If you have "console" set to "true", you will see the announcement when the server starts.
# If you have "in-game" set to "true", your OPed players will see it the first time they login to the server.
console: true
in-game: true
# Choosing your language for the plugin couldn't be easier! The default language is english.
# If you speak another language but don't see it here, feel free to submit it via one of the links above to have it added to the plugin.
# If you try and use a different language than any in the list above, the plugin will not function in a normal manner.
# As you can see this is currently en-US, and there is a en-US.yml file in the language folder.
# If I wanted to switch to french, I would use fr-FR as the language instead.
messagesLanguage: en-US
# Would you like to check for plugin updates on startup? It's highly suggested you keep this enabled!
update-check: true
# What would you like the command aliases for the plugin to be?
# You can have as many as your want, just separate each with | and NO SPACES.
plugin-aliases: guild|guilds|g
# Change this to whatever you change it to above, this will handle the changes within <>
# Keep in mind you should only set it to ONE thing. Such as guild, town, etc.
syntax-name: guild
# Would you like to run vault permission changes async? (Will be less stress on the main thread and prevent lag)
# Async is used by LuckPerms.
# Set this to false if you are using PEx.
# I do suggest you switch to LuckPerms so that you can keep it async, but ultimately the choice is yours.
run-vault-async: true
# What storage method should be used? (MySQL, MariaDB, JSON, SQLite)
storage-type: json
# How often (in minutes) do you want all Guild Data to save?
save-interval: 1
# Define the address for the database. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
host: localhost
# Define the port for the database. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
port: '3306'
# The name of the database to store data in.
# This must be already created! (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
database: guilds
# The prefix for all Guilds tables.
table-prefix: guilds_
# Define the credentials for the database. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
username: root
password: ''
# Sets whether or not to use SSL for the remote SQL database connection (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
enable-ssl: false
# These settings change the SQL connection pool.
# The default settings are optimized for the majority of users.
# Do NOT change these settings unless you know what you are doing!
# For those looking to migrate data:
# When migrating to MySQL, it will attempt to use the MySQL backend (grab the login information here) in order to connect to the database.
# We are not responsible for data loss if you are too lazy to read the warnings.
# Lastly, remember to change your storage-type to the type you're migrating to before you reboot.
# Sets the maximum size of the SQL connection pool.
# This value will determine the maximum number of connections maintained. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
maximum-pool-size: 10
# Sets the minimum number of idle connections that the pool will maintain.
# For maximum performance keep this value the same as 'maximum-pool-size' (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
minimum-idle: 10
# Sets the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool in milliseconds. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
maximum-lifetime: 1800000
# Sets the maximum number of milliseconds for a connection in the pool before timing out. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
connection-timeout: 5000
# Do we want to hook into Essentials-Chat format to handle guild placeholders?
essentials-chat: false
# Do we want to hook into WorldGuard to allow claiming land?
worldguard-claims: false
# Use the following website to get available materials:
# This can work across all MC versions and will attempt to use the proper material based on what version of MC you are using.
# What time format should we use in the GUIs?
# You can use this site to build it
time-format: MMM, d, yy hh:mm aaa
# What should the name of the inventory be?
gui-name: Guild List
# What should the name of the all the items be in the inventory?
# Currently supports {player} and {guild}.
item-name: '&f{player}''s Guild'
# How should the menu be sorted?
# LOADED: In the order that the Guilds were loaded on startup
# TIER: In order from highest tier to lowest tier
# MEMBERS: In order from most members to least members
# BALANCE: In order from most in bank to least
# WINS: In order from most arena wins to least
# NAME: In order by name
# AGE: In order from first created to last
sort: LOADED
# What item should players click to go to the next page?
next-page-item: EMPTY_MAP
# What should the name of this item be?
next-page-item-name: '&fNext Page'
# What item should players click to go to the previous page?
previous-page-item: EMPTY_MAP
# What should the name of this item be?
previous-page-item-name: '&fPrevious Page'
# What should be the default texture url for textures that fail to load in? Refer to the Guild Manage settings to see how to change the texture!
head-default-url: 7a2df315b43583b1896231b77bae1a507dbd7e43ad86c1cfbe3b2b8ef3430e9e
# Do we want to try to use skull textures or just ignore them and use the one provided?
use-default-texture: false
# You are free to design this to your liking
# This is just an example of all the available placeholders that you can use for the lore!
# Note: With v3.6.7 and on, you can now use {guild-tier-name} for the name of the tier.
# Also, from v3.6.7 and on, {guild-status} will now apply from what you set for the guild-info GUI for the status being public or private.
# In version, {guild-challenge-wins} and {guild-challenge-loses} have been added.
# In version, {creation} was added to display the creation date of the guild
- '&cName&8: &a{guild-name}'
- '&cPrefix&8: &a{guild-prefix}'
- '&cMaster&8: &a{guild-master}'
- '&cStatus&8: &a{guild-status}'
- '&cTier&8: &a{guild-tier}'
- '&cBalance&8: &a{guild-balance}'
- '&cMember Count&8: &a{guild-member-count}'
- '&cCreation Date&8: &a{creation}'
# Here you can control what the GUI looks like that allows players to choose which vault to open
# You can do things like set the name of the gui, the material to use, material name, and lore!
# What do you want the name of the gui to be?
# Currently supports {name} for the name of the guild.
name: '&8» &r{name}''s Vaults'
# How many rows would you like to display?
rows: 1
# What do you want the material of the vaults to be?
item-material: CHEST
# WHat do you want the name of the vault to be?
# I recommend keeping this blank so that we can put the vault number in the lore.
item-name: ' '
- '&8• &7Vault &9#{number}'
- '&8• &7Status: {status}'
- ''
# What do you want to show when a vault is unlocked?
unlocked: '&9Unlocked'
# What do you want to show when a vault is locked?
locked: '&c&mLocked&r'
# What do you want the name of the Vault to be?
# Note: This requires a restart to change the inventory names.
name: '&8» &rGuild Vault'
# What materials would you like to blacklist from being put into the vaults?
- ''
# What custom names of items would you like to blacklist from being put into the vaults?
- ''
# What custom lore do you want to blacklist from being put into the vaults?
# Please keep in mind this can be prove to false-positives so please let me know if you have issues.
# This will currently loop through your lore to check for any strings you have in the list to check.
# Improvements will be made over time. Thanks for your patience and suppport in advanced.
- ''
# Welcome to the Guild Info GUI section of the config.
# Here you can modify the configuration of what the Guild Info GUI looks like.
# This can be used by any member of a Guild and shows key information of the Guild.
# You can see things like the members, the balance, tier, etc.
# What would you like the name of the GUI to be?
# Currently supports {name} for the name of the guild and {prefix} for the prefix of the guild
name: '&8» &r{name}''s Info'
# What material do you want the tier button to be?
tier-material: DIAMOND
# What do you want the name of the tier button to be?
tier-name: '&3Guild Tier'
# What do you want the lore of the tier button to be?
- '&8• &7Level: &b{tier}'
# Would you like to display this button?
tier-display: true
# What material do you want the bank button to be?
bank-material: GOLD_INGOT
# What do you want the name of the bank button to be?
bank-name: '&6Guild Bank'
# What do you want the lore of the bank button to be?
- '&8• &7Balance: &e{current} &7/ &e{max}'
# Would you like to display this button?
bank-display: true
# What material do you want the members button to be?
members-material: IRON_HELMET
# What do you want the name of the members button to be?
members-name: '&5Guild Members'
# What do you want the lore of the members button to be?
- '&8• &7Members: &d{current} &7/ &d{max}'
- '&8• &7Online: &d{online} &7/ &d{current}'
- ''
- '&7Click to view members!'
# Would you like to display this button?
members-display: true
# What material do you want the status button to be when a guild is public?
public: EMERALD
# What material do you want the status button to be when a guild is private?
private: REDSTONE
# What do you want the name of the status button to be?
status-name-item: '&2Guild Status'
# What do you want the status to say if it's public?
public: '&aPublic'
# What do you want the status to say if it's private?
private: '&cPrivate'
# What do you want the lore of the status button to be?
- '&8• &7Status: &r{status}'
# Would you like to display this button?
status-display: true
# What material do you want the home button to be?
home-material: BED
# What do you want the name of the home button to be?
home-name: '&cGuild Home'
# What do you want the lore of the home button to be?
- '&8• &7Home: &f{coords}'
# Would you like to display this button?
home-display: true
# What do you want it to say when a guild doesn't have a home set?
home-empty: '&fNot Set'
# Do you want players to be teleported to their guild home when they click this?
home-teleport: false
# What material do you want the vault button to be?
vault-material: CHEST
# What do you want the name of the home button to be?
vault-name: '&9Guild Vaults'
# What do you want the lore of the vault button to be?
- '&7Click here to open your guild vaults!'
# Would you like to display this button?
vault-display: true
# What material do you want the motd button to be?
motd-material: SIGN
# What do you want the name of the motd button to be?
motd-name: '&6Guild MOTD'
# What do you want the lore of the motd button to be?
- '{motd}'
# Would you like to display this button?
motd-display: true
# This part of the config controls what the members gui looks like.
# You can get to this in game by clicking on the members icon via the guild info gui.
# How should the menu be sorted?
# ROLE: In order from highest role to lowest
# NAME: In order by their username
# AGE: In order of length in guild
sort: ROLE
# What would you like the name of the GUI to be?
name: '&8» &rMembers of {name}'
# What material do you want to use to represent members?
material: EMPTY_MAP
# What do you want the name of the item to be?
name: ' '
# What do you want the lore of the item to be?
- '&8• &7Name: &a{name}'
- '&8• &7Role: &a{role}'
- '&8• &7Status: {status}'
- '&8• &7Join Date: &a{join}'
- '&8• &7Last Login: &a{login}'
# What do you want to be what shows when a member is online?
online: '&aOnline'
# What do you want to be what shows when a member is offline?
offline: '&cOffline'
# With the default RegEx currently set, the minimum length of the prefix is 1 and the maximum is 64.
# To change this, adjust the number and you can refer to the link below on how to modify RegEx.
# RegEx ( used to only allow certain characters (default only allows alphanumeric characters).
# To turn off the ability to use colors, remove the & from the RegEx.
# Trying to use symbols such as Chinese ones? Try this Regex: [\u4E00-\u9FA5_a-zA-Z0-9&_\一-龥]{1,6}
name: '[a-zA-Z0-9&]{1,64}'
# Similar to the name, just refer above.
prefix: '[a-zA-Z0-9&]{1,20}'
# Would you like to include color codes signs (&b &l, etc) in the length check?
include-color-codes: true
# Would you like to allow players to make a guild without a prefix?
disable-prefix: false
# Would you like player to respawn at their guild home (if they have one) when they die?
respawn-at-home: false
# Do we want to enable the blacklist?
enabled: true
# Do we want the blacklist to be case sensitive?
case-sensitive: true
# What words would you like to blacklist from being used?
- crap
- ass
- stupid
# This is the style used when a message sent in guild chat.
# As of 3.4.7, this now supports {display-name} to show the display name of a player.
chat: '&7&l[Guild Chat]&r &b[{role}&b]&r &b {player}: {message}'
# This is the style used when a message is sent to ally chat
ally-chat: '&7&l[Ally Chat]&r &b[{guild}&b]&r &b {player}: {message}'
# Similar to the one above, just for the admins spying.
spy: '&7&l[Guild Spy]&r &b[{guild}&b]&r &b[{role}&b]&r &b {player}: {message}'
# Would you like to log the guild chat to console?
log-guild-chat: false
# Would you like to log the ally chat to console?
log-ally-chat: false
# Used for {GUILD_FORMATTED} and %guilds_formatted%
# The left bracket in the placeholder
left-bracket: '['
# The content of the placeholder. Either will be {name} or {prefix}
content: '{name}'
# What to show instead of the placeholder if there's no guild
no-guild: ''
# The right bracket in the placeholder
right-bracket: ']'
# Do we want people in the same guild to be able to damage each other?
guild: false
# Do we want allies to be able to damage each other?
ally: false
# Would you like to send players their guild's motd on login?
motd-on-login: true
# How often (in minutes) can a guild be the defender in a war?
# This is to help prevent abuse from guilds fighting each other to farm rewards.
# This is defaulted to 1 day.
defend-cooldown: 1440
# Would you like to block commands while a player is in the war?
disable-commands: false
# How long does a defending guild have to accept a war challenge? (In seconds)
accept-time: 120
# What is the min number of players needed on each side for a war to start?
min-players: 3
# What is the max number of players allowed on each side for a war?
max-players: 8
# How long do players of both sides have to join the war? (In seconds)
join-time: 60
# How long should we wait to teleport the players and start the war after everyone joined?
ready-time: 60
# How would you like to notify the player about joining the war and the countdowns?
# Options: [actionbar, title, subtitle, none]
notify-type: actionbar
# Would you like to enable running commands after a challenge ends? (such as broadcasting)
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to run after a challenge ends??
# Supports the following placeholder:
# {challenger} - The name of the challenging Guild
# {defender} - The name of the defending Guild
# {winner} - The winner of the challenge
# {loser} - The loser of the challenge
- ''
# Would you like to give rewards to the winning guild?
enabled: false
# What rewards (commands) would you like to run for the winning Guild?
# Current supports {player}.
- ''
# How often (in seconds) can a player set their guild home?
sethome: 60
# How often (in seconds) can a player go to their guild home?
home: 60
# How often (in seconds) can a player request to join a guild?
request: 60
# How long should a user have to wait before joining a new guild after leaving one?
join: 120
# Do you want to enable making players stand still before teleporting?
enabled: false
# How long should a user have to stand still before teleporting?
time: 3
# How much should it cost to create a guild?
creation: 0.0
# How much should it cost to rename a guild? (Leave at 0.0 to disable)
rename: 0.0
# How much should it cost to set the cost of the guild home?
sethome: 0.0
# This section of the config will allow you to handle guild land claiming.
# Remember that the enable / disable for this is the WorldGuard Hook at the TOP of the config.
# There are multiple options when it comes to guild claims. For the time being, all guilds will only get one claim.
# This is the number of blocks around the player it will try to create the region.
# Keep in mind this is the RADIUS, it will go this many blocks in both directions.
# For example, if you take the default 15, it'll do 30 total as it will go 15 blocks in both directions.
# This is a CUBOID region, not SPHERE.
radius: 15
# Customize the entrance and exit message of joining claims.
# Supports {prefix} for guild prefix and {guild} for guild name.
# Also supports color codes!
enter-message: '&aNow entering &d{guild}''s &aclaim!'
exit-message: '&aNow leaving &d{guild}''s &aclaim!'
# Would you like to disable guild claiming in specific worlds?
- ''
# Would you like to enable claim signs?
# Format -
# First Line: [Guild Claim]
# Second Line: WorldGuard Region Name
# Third Line: Price
claim-signs: false
# The text to look for on a sign for the guild claims
claim-sign-text: '[Guild Claim]'
# Would you like to make it so that claims can only be aquired through the purchasing with signs?
# This will disable the regular claim commands.
force-claim-signs: false
# What do you want the name of the upgrade ticket to be?
name: '&bGuild Upgrade Ticket'
# What do you want the lore of the ticket to be?
- '&dRight click this ticket to upgrade your guild tier!'
# What do you want the material of the ticket to be?
material: PAPER
# How long do you want the default length of guild codes to be?
length: 7
# Do you want inactive codes (no uses left) to display on the /guild code list?
list-inactive-codes: true
# What is the max amount of active codes you would like to allow per guild?
amount: 10