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+title: "HSF Steering Group Meeting, 19 November 2024"
+layout: plain_toc
+## Attending
+Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Paul Laycock, Benedikt Hegner, Eduardo Rodrigues
+Apologies: Stefan Roiser, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Torre Wenaus
+## News
+### Talks
+Graeme gave an HSF talk at DESY last week: [slides on Zenodo](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14186952).
+### Experiment Discussions
+Good discussion with Mike Kirby from DUNE about increasing their HSF involvement.
+### LHCC
+- Eduardo's presentation on behalf of the HSF and various projects was well received.
+- It was appreciated that the proposals made earlier in the year are now put into practice.
+- Interest in seeing more projects/libraries as affiliated.
+## Activity Areas
+| Activity | SG Responsible | Met? |
+| ------------------------------------ | --------------- | ------------ |
+| Data Analysis | Eduardo + Mark | Y (Graeme+Michel) |
+| Detector Simulation | Torre + Graeme | Y |
+| Physics Generators | Liz + Stefan | Y |
+| JuliaHEP | Pere | Y (implicit) |
+| PyHEP | Eduardo | Y (implicit) |
+| Reconstruction and Software Triggers | Michel + Paul | Y (Graeme+Michel) |
+| Tools and Packaging | Liz + 1? | Y |
+| Training | Graeme + Nicole | Y |
+Graeme and Michel had the chance to meet with Data Analysis and Reconstruction and Software Triggers conveners at CHEP. We discussed general activity strategy, HSF Seminars and EPPSU.
+### Coordinators 2025
+We are asking coordinators if they want to stay on for next year (needs pushed a bit!).
+Would anyone like to volunteer for the search committee? Currently this is Graeme, Liz, Michel, Benedikt and Claire, but we are open to rotation. Paul will join the team.
+## European Strategy Update 2025
+Things are in motion!
+Activity area mini-workshops are being organised:
+- **Detector Simulation** Community input on the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update, Friday 22 November, 15h-18h CET, (at CERN meeting in 2/R-030)
+- **Reconstruction and Software Triggers** Mini workshop: Input for European Strategy for Particle Physics 2025, Wednesday 27 November, 14-16h CET,
+Data Analysis and Physics Generators should announce their dates soon.
+In discussions with the experiments about them endorsing the final document - ALICE and LHCb are favourable.
+## Seminar Series
+Future dates:
+- 27 November - Event Generation on GPUs
+- 29 January - ?
+- 26 February - 4D Tracking
+[Indico](https://indico.cern.ch/category/18810/); Coordinators: Benedikt, Michel.
+We need an additional organiser here.
+## HSF Affiliated Projects
+First review, prmon, is done.
+*We are struggling to find people to do these reviews.* NNPDF asked more than a month ago to be included, but so far we have no reviewer.
+- Eduardo happy to do it *with someone else*. Ask our generator conveners?
+Also start to approach our previous projects.
+## Advisory Group
+The [Advisory Group mandate](https://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/organization/advisory-group.html) was published. Large HEP experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, Belle II, DUNE, CMS, LHCb), WLCG and the theory community (MCnet) were contacted and all responded positively.
+Intention would be to have a first AG meeting early next year.
+## AOB
+### Coordination Meetings
+As ever... [Chairing sign up document](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z1Z4payCpieOLiVFcC6y9j-KCj71u6xX232LHUgIHfI/edit). Slots are in for 2025.
+### Domain
+Torre made enquiries with BNL who seem to be willing to take over ownership of the domain. Any news?
+- Procedure is established, but this will take a bit of time (there is a prior knowledge on this from ).
+### Next Meeting
+We really did not find a good regular slot for this meeting. Should we return to the Monday 15h slot? Use alternate Thursday 15h slots? Or pick a non-HSF Seminar Wednesday 16h30 slot? Or just newdle on demand, given these are occasional meetings...?
+- Looks like Mondays 15h might be easier for LHCb people now
+If we need another meeting this year, w/b 9 December would be an option - but we can continue to track things via the usual Coordination meetings.