diff --git a/organization/_posts/2024/2024-08-26-steering.md b/organization/_posts/2024/2024-08-26-steering.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1ebc9cd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/organization/_posts/2024/2024-08-26-steering.md @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +--- +title: "HSF Steering Group Meeting, 26 August 2024" +layout: plain_toc +--- + +Present/Contributing: Graeme, Benedikt, Pere, Nicole, Andrea, Paul, Michel, Stefan, Eduardo + +Apologies: Torre, Mark, Liz + +## Steering Group Matters + +### Next Workshop + +Michel and IJCLab have offered to organise the next WLCG/HSF meeting in Orsay next May 5-9. WLCG think this is a good idea. + +Do we agree that we join the workshop as the HSF again? + +- **Yes!** + +*We will need also an HSF organising team for this.* + +We should try to find common themes where both communities can discuss common topics, e.g., GPUs. (As well as the separate discussion topics per community; the HSF software sessions were very good.) + +### European Strategy Update 2025 + +Organisation of HSF inputs. + +Need to decide on the ambitions/scale of the updates. Involve the WGs is really important - the key ones are probably Generators, Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis. + +Present this idea in coordination group meeting. + +Overlap with JENA WGs? Not completely clear. HSF can cover more HEP specific details, where as the JENA topics also have to deal with nuclear and astroparticle. + +### HSF and SFT reporting to WLCG/LHCC + +Since about 3 years WLCG has appointed 2 software liaisons, who are currently: + +- Eduardo Rodrigues, representing the HSF +- Predrag Buncic, as the chair of the WLCG Architects Forum + +The AF chair reports on projects where CERN EP-SFT has a large stake (ROOT, Geant4, LCG releases). The HSF representative has dealt with projects mainly developed outside CERN. The motivation for this split is not technical, but organisational as SFT is a CERN support group that can be directed by the LHCC. + +There has been some recent discussion on "community vs. common software". We have argued that these things are not oppositional: common software = software used my more that one experiment; community software = projects that have a development community, not just a single person/team. Therefore almost everything we are concerned with the HSF fulfils both criteria. This is by-and-large accepted now. + +To help with the communication with non-SFT projects Eduardo, circulated an email with a list of important projects and developments. This list is not complete, but is a starting point. + +Ultimately the LHCC will care about the software that the experiments decide is critical to the LHC mission. + +For reporting to the LHCC, the plan is to propose more topical meetings that focus on a specific software area, rather than catch-all updates. e.g., Simulation, Generators, Analysis, I/O, etc. + +At the next LHCC points of contact between SFT and HSF will be presented. + +### Seminar Series + +We need to progress on organising the Seminar Series for the Autumn. Likely we could have 3 meetings this year at the start of October, November and December (for September it's rather late now). + +This will require perhaps 2 SG members to take on the seminar series as a task! + +- Benedikt, Michel, Andrea(?) + +N.B. The Software Trigger and Reco group had some ideas about 4-D reconstruction that would be an excellent first topic. + +This will be separate from the C&AF, which has an excellent focus on relevant non-HEP specific topics (vendor updates, languages). HSF-SS would be more domain specific topics. + +- Andrea: about the 'external' bit, I would also be interested in hearing more from other sciences where scientific software development is needed, rather than only vendors/languages and other 'technological' topics. + +### Working Group Discussions + +General topics: we want to still remove the distinction between WGs and Activities. + +- Suggest that "activities" is probably the most straight forward general description + +- Requires a bit of reorganising the presentation of things on the website + - [ ] Graeme will try this out + +#### Training + +Nicole and Graeme met with the Training WG coordinators before the summer break. Main conclusions where: + +- Training WG is working well, with regular events organised and a steady number of students paricipaing + - Mode is now very much as *online* events +- Getting people to help present or tutor is difficult + - Training WG conveners fill in these gaps, but the number of trainers isn't really growing +- Developing and maintaining material is difficult also + - Automated testing would be a help - some technology investment? +- Organising in-person events could help to address this + - Developing deeper connections between the current trainers and the students + - Help to identify talented students who could help as mentors in the next events + - However, reward and motivating factors are not so clear c.f. LHCb's Starter Kit, which has excellent recognition in the experiment + +### HSF Affiliated Projects + +Update of the [document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Un1V21LdehQNwkNGeUZOl_GBQ8IdjUpDp5bi9g2YvLg/edit?usp=sharing) thanks to Eduardo. + +Main change is to remove the distinction of affiliated / non-affiliated projects. + +- [ ] Circulate to the Forum list (Thursday; N.B. this document was not previously circulated) + - We shall also ask projects to express early interest in becoming affiliates +- [ ] Add the updated description of the HSF Affiliation to the website +- [ ] Start to discuss with the projects + - [ ] Rucio + - [ ] dCache + - [ ] ROOT + - [ ] Geant4 + - [ ] ACTS + - [ ] Scikit-HEP + - [ ] ... + +This will need some SG volunteering to discuss with the projects. + +Please also check the [document on Guidelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AiLcqyLA4c1y2Iq-YZyKP7DwN8m2AJb_J44cDuGGAXI/edit?usp=sharing), whose expanded version we need to finalise to then circulate to the HSF Forum. + +### Advisory Board + +No progress in the AB document (as far as I know). *There are quite a few points that need to be addressed.* + +## AOB + +### Coordination Meetings + +We have a [meeting this week](https://indico.cern.ch/event/1355755/), 29 August. + +No chair yet - who would like to volunteer? + +- Michel + +Please also sign up for later meetings this year. + +### Live Notes + +Currently moved to CERN's CodiMD - not accessible for non-CERN people :-( + +Comments: Andrea, maybe we can use md documents in cernbox instead? We should check the authorization model, but it is probably the same as . + +### Website + +- Eduardo fixed a text duplication spotted by Zach +- PR that replaces all mention of *Coordination Team* by *Steering Group* Merged +- The link checker is now fixed (and we no longer need to maintain our own container for the workflow) + +### Domain + +Torre is still the owner of the hepsoftwarefoundation.org domain. Graeme has been trying to get CERN to adopt this for several years, but the SNOW ticket still languishes unanswered. + +We can either try again at CERN or can some other lab or institute take this on? + +Maybe IJCLab - Michel will ask. + +### Next Meeting + +Next SG meeting in 2 weeks time, 9 September: .