This lambda fetches estates from Immobilienscout24 or FlowFact and synchronises with Contentful.
As the runtime is most of the time more than 30 seconds, the invocation of the Lambda is asynchronous and the request returns immediately while letting the Lambda run the tasks.
Receive payload
{ "updates": { "created": ["5"], "deleted": ["1"], "updated": ["2", "4"] }, "config": { "domain": "", "portal": { "type": "immobilienscout24", "version": "v1" }, "contentful": { "estateContentTypeId": "estate", "environmentId": "master", "spaceId": "spaceId", } } }
(detailed) estates from portal -
Parse portal estates to Contentful estate
Import parsed estates to Contentful
- CiCd
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- E2E Tests
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- production deploy