BitBag Open Marketplace is created on the Sylius e-commerce platform.
In order to understand resource layer, see Sylius resource layer
Sylius customizing model guide
List of resources created by open marketplace app can be fetched using command
php bin/console sylius:debug:resource | grep open_marketplace
In order to display more details for give resource use command
php bin/console sylius:debug:resource open_marketplace.{resourceName}
Example details view for vendor
| name | vendor |
| application | open_marketplace |
| driver | doctrine/orm |
| classes.model | BitBag\OpenMarketplace\Component\Vendor\Entity\Vendor |
| classes.interface | BitBag\OpenMarketplace\Component\Vendor\Entity\VendorInterface |
| classes.controller | Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Controller\ResourceController |
| classes.repository | BitBag\OpenMarketplace\Component\Vendor\Repository\VendorRepository |
| classes.form | BitBag\OpenMarketplace\Component\Core\Admin\Form\Type\VendorType |
| classes.factory | Sylius\Component\Resource\Factory\Factory |
List of forms customized by open marketplace app can be fetched using command
php bin/console debug:container | grep open_marketplace.form
Sylius customizing repositories guide
List of repositories customized by open marketplace app can be fetched using command
php bin/console debug:container | grep open_marketplace.repository
Example of Sylius route configuration
path: /my-stores/{store}/products/new
methods: [GET, POST]
_controller: sylius.controller.product:createAction
form: app_user_product # Form type
template: AppStoreBundle:Product:create.html.twig # Use a custom template.
method: createForStore # Use a custom factory method to create a product.
arguments: [$store] # Pass the store name from the url.
route: app_product_index # Redirect the user to his products.
parameters: [$store]
A list of all routes used in application can be obtained with command
php bin/console debug:router
Routes added to sylius by BitBag OpenMarketplace can be displayed by
php bin/console debug:router | grep open_marketplace
To obtain detail view of specific route type
php bin/console debug:router {routeName}
In order to customize state machine read Sylius state machine guide
List of all states machines can be obtained
php bin/console debug:winzou:state-machine
Views added by BitBag OpenMarketplace located in templates directory can be overwritten directly, to customize Sylius views see Sylius customizing template guide