Date readme last updated: February 6th, 2023
This experimental tool checks DAGs in the Composer environment for various aspects that indicate compatibility with Composer 2. So far checks include:
- Checking for "affinity" in the KubernetesPodOperator
Future checks Leah hopes to incorporate
- Looking for usage of the K8s executor
- Looking for more incompatible attributes of the KubernetesPodOperator
- Wrapping Airflow 1 -> Airflow 2 checks
- Assumes Python 3.9 or greater is being used - versions below 3.9 are not tested
- Assumes authentication to gcloud
Install the package locally with
pip install .
Run python -m composer_migration --project <YOUR_PROJECT> --source_env <COMPOSER_ENVIRONMENT> --location <GCE_REGION>
Error message will occur if "affinity" is configured in a dag and will show which dag objects are the problem
- Dags used by tests are in the
Install pytest with pip install pytest
From the top level directory run
pip install .
to install the package locally
to run the tests
To run a lint check, install flake8 and flake8 import order
pip install flake8 flake8-import-order flake8-annotations
then run
flake8 src tests --show-source --builtin=gettext --max-complexity=29 --import-order-style=pep8 --ignore=E121,E123,E126,E203,E226,E24,E266,E501,E704,W503,W504,I202 --max-line-length=88
If you run into issues, please file them on GitHub!