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Kala Common Tutorial

Table of contents:

Why Kala Common

Kala Common's design draws on the experience of Scala standard library, Kotlin standard library, Vavr, FastUtil and other libraries, with the goal of becoming a more modern and easier-to-use Java core library.

Kala Common is also designed to take advantage of modern Java language features (such as pattern matching). However, for this reason, Kala Common will remain in preview for a few more years until Project Valhalla is officially delivered. By then, Kala Common will redesign some APIs to maximize the use of value classes and universal generics.

Use Kala Collection


Kala Collection provides the following common collection interfaces:

  • Traversable: An Iterable with more functionality.
    • Collection: Common interface implemented by collections.
      • Seq: An ordered collection of values that can be accessed by integer index.
      • Set: A collection that contains no duplicate elements.
        • SortedSet: A Set that further provides a total ordering on its elements.
  • Map: An object that maps keys to values.

These collections have immutable and mutable variants. For example, for Seq, it has the following important subinterfaces:

  • Seq
    • ImmutableSeq: An immutable seq. The user cannot modify it, but can generate another seq from an existing seq.
    • MutableSeq: A mutable seq. It is similar to an array in that the user can modify this seq, but it does not provide methods that would change the size of the seq.
      • MutableList: A mutable and resizable seq. It is a better alternative to java.util.List and provides more useful methods.

This is a diagram of the basic collection types:


graph TD;
    Sized --> Traversable;
    Sized --> Map;
    Traversable --> Collection;
    Collection --> Seq;
    Collection --> Set;
    Set --> SortedSet;

    Seq ---> ArraySeq;

    Map --> SortedMap;

    classDef impl fill: #90EE90, stroke: #fff, stroke-width: 4px;
    class ArraySeq impl;

Immutable Collections:

graph TD;
    Seq --> ImmutableSeq;
    ImmutableCollection --> ImmutableSeq;
    Set --> ImmutableSet;
    ImmutableCollection --> ImmutableSet;
    ImmutableSet --> ImmutableSortedSet;
    ImmutableSeq --> ImmutableArray;
    ImmutableSeq --> ImmutableVector;
    ImmutableSeq --> ImmutableLinkedSeq;
    ImmutableSeq --> ImmutableTreeSeq;
    ImmutableSortedSet ---> ImmutableSortedArraySet;
    ImmutableSortedSet ---> ImmutableTreeSet;
    ImmutableSet ----> ImmutableHashSet;
    ArraySeq --> ImmutableArray;

    classDef impl fill: #90EE90, stroke: #fff, stroke-width: 4px;
    class ArraySeq,ImmutableArray,ImmutableVector,ImmutableHashSet,ImmutableSortedArraySet,ImmutableLinkedSeq,ImmutableTreeSeq,ImmutableTreeSet impl;

Mutable Collections:

graph TD;
  Seq --> MutableSeq;
  MutableCollection --> MutableSeq;
  MutableSeq --> MutableList;
  Set --> MutableSet;
  MutableCollection --> MutableSet;
  MutableSet --> MutableSortedSet;
  MutableSeq ---> MutableArray;
  MutableList --> MutableArrayList;
  MutableList --> MutableArrayDeque;
  MutableList --> MutableSmartArrayList;
  MutableList --> MutableLinkedList;
  MutableList --> MutableSinglyLinkedList;
  ArraySeq --> MutableArray;
  MutableSet ---> MutableEnumSet;
  MutableSet ---> MutableHashSet;
  MutableSortedSet --> MutableTreeSet;
  classDef impl fill: #90EE90, stroke: #fff, stroke-width: 4px;
  class ArraySeq,MutableArray,MutableArrayList,MutableArrayDeque,MutableSmartArrayList,MutableLinkedList,MutableSinglyLinkedList,MutableEnumSet,MutableHashSet,MutableTreeSet impl;

Creating collections using factory methods

Most collection interfaces and implementation classes provide a series of convenient static factory methods for creating collections.

// Create a collection from values
Seq<Integer> _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3); // ==> [1, 2, 3]

// Create a collection from array
Seq<Integer> _ = Seq.from(new Integer[] {1, 2, 3});  // ==> [1, 2, 3]

// Create a collection from any iterable object
Seq<Integer> _ = Seq.from(java.util.List.of(1, 2, 3));  // ==> [1, 2, 3]

// Create a collection from an iterator
Seq<Integer> _ = Seq.from(java.util.List.of(1, 2, 3).iterator());  // ==> [1, 2, 3]

// Create a collection from a stream
Seq<Integer> _ = Seq.from(, 2, 3));  // ==> [1, 2, 3]

// Create a seq filled with N identical values
Seq<String> _ = Seq.fill(3, "value"); // ===> ["value", "value", "value"]

// Create a seq of N values, each of which is generated by a user-supplied function
Seq<Integer> _ = Seq.fill(3, i -> i + 10); // ===> [10, 11, 12]

// Wrap an existing java.util.List as a Seq (without copying)
Seq<Integer> _ = Seq.wrapJava(List.of(1, 2, 3)); // ===> [1, 2, 3]

In addition, each collection class/interface provides a static method factory() to get a CollectionFactory corresponding to a collection. The CollectionFactory instance also provides factory methods similar to the above and can be used as a

Seq<Integer> _ = Seq.<Integer>factory().of(1, 2, 3); // ===> [1, 2, 3]

// Use as Collector
Seq<Integer>  _ = Stream.of(1, 2, 3).collect(Seq.factory()); // ===> [1, 2, 3]

More usage of CollectionFactory will be introduced in later chapters.

Size Info

Similar to java.util.Collection, Traversable provides some basic methods for getting its size information:

  • int size(): Returns the number of elements.
  • boolean isEmpty(): Returns true if it contains no elements.
  • boolean isNotEmpty(): Returns true if it contains elements.
  • int knownSize(): Returns the number of elements if it can be obtained in constant time, otherwise returns -1.
  • int sizeCompare(int otherSize): Compares the size of this Traversable to otherSize and returns the result.
  • int sizeCompare(Iterable<?> other): Compares the size of this Traversable to other and returns the result.

The methods knownSize and sizeCompare are useful for some lazy collections.

Stream Operations

Similar to java.util.Collection, Traversable provides some methods about Therefore, all collections in Kala Collection can work well with Java Stream.

  • Spliterator<T> spliterator()
  • Stream<T> stream()
  • Stream<T> parallelStream()

Mapping Operations

Kala provides a number of methods to map each element in a collection to one, zero, or more new elements.

The method map maps each element to a new element:

ImmutableSeq<Boolean> _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3).map(value -> value % 2 == 0); // ===> [false, true, false]

To apply a transformation that additionally uses the element index as an argument, use mapIndexed:

ImmutableSeq<Integer> _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3).mapIndexed((index, value) -> value + index); // ===> [1, 3, 5]

If you want to exclude null from the result, you can use the methods mapNotNull and mapIndexedNotNull to map each element to either zero or one:

ImmutableSeq<String> _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3).mapNotNull(value -> value == 2 ? null : String.valueOf(value)); // ===> ["1", "3"]
ImmutableSeq<String> _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3).mapIndexedNotNull(
        (index, value) -> index == 0 ? null : String.valueOf(value)); // ===> ["2", "3"]

If you want to map each element into any number of elements, you can use the method mapMulti or flatMap.

The method mapMulti accepts a mapper with two parameters, the first is the element, and the second one is a Consumer. The Consumer can be called zero or more times within the mapper, and each time the arguments passed to it become part of the result.

ImmutableSeq<String> _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3).mapMulti((Integer value, Consumer<String> consumer) -> {
    for (int i = 0; i < value; i++) {
}); // ===> ["1", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3"]

The method flatMap accepts a mapper that returns a collection, and all elements in the result become part of the result:

Seq<String> _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3).flatMap(
        value -> Seq.fill(value, String.valueOf(value))); // ===> ["1", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3"]

The above mapping operations all accept an optional CollectionFactory parameter to specify the target collection type:

SortedSet<Integer> _ = Seq.of("AAA", "BB", "CC").map(SortedSet.factory(), String::length); // ===> [2, 3]

And they all have variants with To as the name suffix that accept a mutable Kala/Java Collection to put the results of the mapping into an existing collection:

// The results of the mapping are appended to the `mutableList`.
// The return value of `mapTo` is the `mutableList` itself.
var mutableList = MutableList.of(0);
var _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3).mapTo(mutableList, value -> value * 3); // ===> [0, 3, 6, 9]

// This also works for Java Collection.
var javaList = new java.util.ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0));
var _ = Seq.of(1, 2, 3).mapTo(javaList, value -> value * 3);    // ===> [0, 3, 6, 9]

Exception handling for collection operations

Because of checked exceptions, users may be annoyed by the ugly try-catch blocks that may appear inside some lambdas passed to collection methods.

Kala Collection provides exception-friendly variants for collection operations to solve this problem.

void example( writer) {
    // The methods ending with `Checked` declare that they may throw the same type of exception as the lambda parameter.
    try {
        Seq.of('A', 'B', 'C').forEachChecked(value -> writer.write(value));
    } catch (IOException _){

    // The methods ending with `Unchecked` do not declare that they throw checked exceptions.
    // While convenient, this actually breaks the Java compiler's checks, so use it with caution.
    Seq.of('A', 'B', 'C').forEachUnchecked(value -> writer.write(value));

Here is a list of collection operations that have checked and unchecked variants:

  • filter
  • filterNot
  • map
  • mapIndexed
  • mapNotNull
  • mapIndexedNotNull
  • mapMulti
  • flatMap
  • zip
  • cross
  • forEach
  • forEachWith
  • forEachCross


Use reverse indexes in Kala Common

There are many APIs in Kala Common that accept integer indexes, such as Seq::get(int).


Currently all of these indexes are of type int, and we are planning to migrate them all to long. See #77 for more details.

Unlike most Java libraries, most of the Kala Common API accepts reverse indexes. These parameters are marked with @kala.index.Index.

When the API receives a negative index idx, it calculates the actual index like this:

int actualIdx = size() - ~idx;

Here are some examples using reverse indexes:

var seq = Seq.of(1, 2, 3);

// Get the last element
var _ = seq.get(~1); // ===> 3

// Get a slice of Seq except the first element
var _ = seq.slice(1, ~0); // ===> [2, 3]

// Get a slice of Seq except the last element
var _ = seq.slice(0, ~1); // ===> [1, 2]

It is worth noting that Kala Common differs slightly from Python's List in that it uses the ~ (Bitwise Complement Operator) to indicate reverse indexes. This option has two significant advantages:

  • We can use the ~0 to indicate the end of the seq;
  • Some methods (such as indexOf) return -1 for invalid indexes. If some APIs accepted -1 as a valid index, it might confuse users. But -1 is equal to ~0, so there is no such confusion in Kala Common. On the contrary, we can use this to simplify some code. For example:
    StringSlice getKey(StringSlice value) {
        return StringSlice.of(value, 0, value.indexOf('=')).trim();
    var _ = getKey("i"); // ===> "i"
    var _ = getPrefix("i = 10"); // ===> "i"