- Webserver like Apache2 or Nginx
- PHP 5 with pgsql module enabled
- PostgreSQL 9.1 with Postgis (any recent version will do)
- Clone this repo to your web server's directory
- Create a spatial database and run Geosoftdatenbank.sql to create the database structure
- Copy config.inc.sample.php to config.inc.php, add your Cosm api key and database credentials there
- The latitude and longitude values in the config file specify the center point for the automated egg search (see cronjobs)
- Email address is used for contact form
- If you don't have a Cosm API key you can get one for free from their website at cosm.com
Run inc/query_eggs.php once manually to add eggs to the database.
Use your database tool (pgAdmin or command line tool) to add Lanuv Stations to the database manually. For cosmid use anything above 1000000. Select a station from the Lanuv air quality station list. Example entry:
cosmid id geom active about link
1000001 81 ... TRUE Lanuv MSGE http://www.lanuv.nrw.de/luft/temes/heut/MSGE.htm
Afterwards, add the cosmid and unique identifier to the parser cron/lanuv_parser2.php
$lanuvstations = array(
1000001 => "MSGE"
Change your directories accordingly.
Set up cron jobs for Air Quality Egg data collection
*/3 * * * * (cd /var/www/eggtracker/cron && php fetch_historic_data.php) > /var/www/eggtracker/logs/log.txt
Set up cron jobs for Lanuv data collection
*/5 * * * * (cd /var/www/eggtracker/cron && php lanuv_parser2.php) > /var/www/eggtracker/logs/log.txt
Set up cron jobs for data validation
*/5 * * * * (cd /var/www/eggtracker/cron && php validate.php) > /var/www/eggtracker/logs/log.txt
Set up daily cron jobs for egg radius search
0 0 * * * (cd /var/www/eggtracker/cron && php query_eggs.php) > /var/www/eggtracker/logs/log.txt
Periodically it can happen that the parser is stuck and won't insert new data. This is the case when the Lanuv station or Air Quality Egg have a data hole, i.e. don't deliver data for a short window of time.